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Lee SI VANGUARD Lesson Observation Protocol (LOP) UNIVERSITY TPE Level of Poiceny Teacher Condidote ©assle Durkoo ste NOvEMbeF 7.2017 Sybjec) Language Arts Observation of lesson (Select one] Master Teacher Formative Evaluation at icont een Adequate | eideced evidence of evidence of | ey Pe | ee pacts, | petomence | pelos z z Formative Evaluation Directions: Please place a check mark in one of the performance levels for the TPE’s observed in this lesson and include evidence of he selected focus TPE’s (You do net have to evaluate all TPE’s in one observation). 1 ripled evidence oligned to the TPE’s = Today, we are going to add iwodigit numbers. Why is it important to know how to add wo numbers? Pairshare with your neighbor. toys, we know how much we owe, SI ~ Because when we go lo the store and wont to buy 2 Yeah. You can add it in your head and know how much money you need. [IPE 1.3~- Connect subject matter io reablile contexts and provide active learning experiences to ‘engage student interest, sypport student motivation, and allow students to extend their learning) = What is your answer for #5? What is 66+23? $-89 T- Good job! {TPE 5.3 You can extend the student’ reflective thinking by having him explain how he arrived ot the answer) SSS LU Sy VANGUARD Lesson Observation Protocol (LOP) » UNIVERSITY TPE Level of Proficiency Teaching Performance Expectations (IPé) nce thot reflects ony ofthe above olen T - Today we are going to close read the story about the ant and the grasshopper. ‘T- Reviewed reading with expression and assigned parts ofthe story to read 'S- Actively engaged and enthusiastically participated in reading the roles of the story 3 Promo stderis ciical ond crealve frnking ond analysis Fvough acini Tal proad Cepporunites for inquiry, problem sohing, responding to and framing questions, and ce Tha eos ony of he above elamens T - Asked students to predict and respond to the story using critical and creative thinking skills | land understanding of key plot points. 'S- Analyzed and responded appropriately to the prompt i} TaN Tearing ond oda aly engaged in learning, pina] Evdence that weleck ony OF he above elements -T- Following each section of text analysis, reviewed student responses to ensure and assess understanding land continued lesson engagement. on wile aching wo Hol wens canine EE | @O OOO NJ VANGUARD Lesson Observation Protocol (LOP) UNIVERSITY el ficienc Sree Me NEM sa eS reae learning environments that promote producive student learing, encourag @0000 is, react diversty and maliple pers and cre cultrally |T--Continues to implement classroom management strategies to gain student attention and maintain lesson focus T-"1 am stil waiting for three hands.” upper fo he fl range of sude ‘Sudent ond studentloteacherineractos by communicaing classaom routines, proceds, ond pons o sudens ond families. 2.6 Exoblah and mainiomn clear expecoions for pasive cassoam behavior and aaa]? 000 ral Evidence ior roeck ony 6 55 foe rie Coa Mea.CA 9226 + vanguard. ‘GRADUATE EDUCATION An OY vancuarp Lesson Observation Protocol (LOP) SIE ces 12 adopted Calfomia Stole Sendors TO OOOO ipional Evidence Fa any ole above cle pedagogy in the content areas) of instutions, ond de discipline leaning sequences, including integrin applicable to the discipline I (Optional Evidence thar rellecs any of he above elements ization, ond plonning 16 5p 3.5 Adapt ejecta cuTieum, 6 use of acodemic language within leaning activities promote the subject mate all sudents, including the hull ange of English learners, Stondord English lamers, students with dlsabiliis, and sudents with ober learning needs inte least restive envionment _ [Optional Evidence tha vellcts any of fhe above elemen's 55 Drv Ca Mes, CA 92626 + vagus ROY vancuarp Lesson Observation Protocol (LOP) UNIVERSITY providing occess Evidence that reflects ony of the above RSF vancuarn Lesson Observation Protocol (LOP) UNIVERSITY 5 cppreptict 00000 Teel ord onalyze ostecamenl Gaia fom muliph ond sources plan ond Judens' leaning dence that reflects ony of rodfy instuction and doce Sy VANGUARD Lesson Observation Protocol (LOP) UNIVERSITY TPE Led of Profseny an! and raflecion oo th learning goal yes ond TO © O OO} ocTs ond make progiesso improve Ma unicaion ond inquiry wi chee by oG000 fecis ony of the above elements Ln ™ VANGUARD Lesson Observation Protocol (Lop) UNIVERSITY oe000 108 09 pracy, heal, ands ae : conduc! hemeehes wih itegtly and model ahical conduct PostObservation Comments _ | 3 with Teacher Candidate {aligned to the TPt ‘Ask students to selfreflect and think about why their answer is correct or incorrect. Ask them to explain how they artved at their ans ‘election on their learning goals and progress and provide studenis wilh opportunites 10 revise 0 reframe their work based on assessment feedback] Insert PostObservation Comments here: (TPES.3 - Involve all students in selfassessment an | | 55 eDune,Cna Mes, CA 2606 + vamp (GRADUATE EDUCATION AA a22007-8

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