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Title: Computational Thinking

Alisha Hochstetler, Taylor Miller, and Alex Eads

Grade: 9th grade - Algebra I

Overall Goal:
The objective for the lesson is for students to be able to solve multiple step equations.
The overall goal is to have the students solve many different types of problems in order to review
them as a whole. While solving these equations, they will also be incorporating coding the Bee-
Bots as an introduction to computational thinking.
The idea is to have students review over the material they have been learning throughout
the year, while also incorporating the coding of the Bee-Bots. For the beginning of the lesson, the
students will be given an opportunity to orient themselves with the coding of the Bee-Bots.
During this time, the students will watch the instructional video on how to used the Bee-Bots
(linked below). Ten minutes will be given to give them time to use the Bee-Bots. During this time,
the teacher will be facilitating and answering any questions that may arise.
After the ten minutes the teacher will briefly lecture over the material that problems that
will be present during the activity. The students will then be split into groups of two to three and
will go to one of the set up stations around the room. The teacher will then hand out the
worksheets (See Resources) and will go over the instructions (See Main). Once the teacher has
explained the activity, the students will then start the worksheet and the coding process.
Once each group has finished, every member of the group will turn in their worksheets in
order to be assessed (See Rubric). If there is time left after each group has finished, there will be
a debrief where students will share their experiences about how the activity went and their
thoughts about the coding process.

Standards Learning Objective Assessment

AI.L.1: Understand that the Objective 1: Students will be able to See Rubric Below
steps taken when solving linear solve linear equations.
equations create new equations
that have the same solution as
the original. Solve fluently
linear equations and
inequalities in one variable with
integers, fractions, and
decimals as coefficients.
Explain and justify each step in
solving an equation, starting
from the assumption that the
original equation has a solution.
Justify the choice of a solution

AI.L.11: Solve equations and Objective 2: Students will be able to See Rubric Below
formulas for a specified variable, calculate linear equations for a
including equations with specified variable.
coefficients represented by

AI.QE.4: Solve quadratic equations Objective 3: Students will be able to See Rubric Below
in one variable by inspection (e.g., solve quadratic equations using
for x^2 = 49), finding square roots, factoring.
using the quadratic formula, and
factoring, as appropriate to the
initial form of the equation.

AI.RNE.6: Factor common terms Objective 4: Students will be able to See Rubric Below
from polynomials and factor solve polynomials using
polynomials completely. Factor factorization.
the difference of two squares,
perfect square trinomials, and
other quadratic expressions.

6-8.DI.5 Demonstrate Objective 5: Students will be able to See Rubric Below

interdisciplinary applications of perform simple coding using the
computational thinking and Bee-Bots.
interact with content-specific
models and simulations to support
learning and research.

Key Terms & Definitions:

Linear Equations- an equation that can be written in the from linear polynomial = linear
polynomial (2x-3=5)
Equation- mathematical sentence built from expressions using one or more equal signs
Variable- a quantity that can change or that may take on different values
Fractional Equation- an equation which has a rational expression on one or both sides of
the equal sign
Inequality- a mathematical sentence built from expressions using one or more of the
symbols <,>, etc.
Proportion: a part, share, or number considered in comparative relation to a whole
Rational Expression: a fraction in which the numerator and/ or the denominator are
Factors: a number or quantity that when multiplied with another produces a given number
or expression.
Slope: be inclined from a horizontal or vertical line, slant up or down.
Multiply: increase or cause to increase greatly in number or quantity

Lesson Introduction (Hook, Grabber):

When the students walk in there will be stations set up with Bee-Bots. Students will split into
groups of 2-3 for each station. The teacher will then explain how the robots work through a video
(attached below). For example, the video will show that up makes them go forward and left and
right makes it turn, but will not move. The students will just be trying to understand how the Bee-
Bots work, so the teacher will give the students plenty of space to understand how the robots are
coded. If there are any questions the teacher will be there to help.

Lesson Main:

Activities During Main Lesson

1 Class Period
90 Minutes

0 - 10 min Lesson intro: The students will be shown an instructional video and will be given
time to acquaint themselves with Bee-Bots. (see above)

10 - 25 min The teacher will give a brief lecture review over solving and factoring quadratic
and linear equations.

25 - 30 min Teacher hands out the worksheet to all the students, and then explain the
directions of the activity. All instructions are on the student hand out sheet that
all groups will have access to (link below).
A) There will be a starting location for the Bee-Bot. Then, students will solve
the 1st problem/equation and the correct answer will have a
corresponding code at the bottom of the worksheet to move the Bee-
B) The Bee-Bot will then land on a letter that the students then use to fill in
the blanks at the bottom of the worksheet.
C) Where the Bee-Bot last finished is the new starting position. The students
will then solve problem/equation number 2. The answer to this will have
another, different code to move the Bee-Bot from the new starting
position. It will land on another spot with a letter to fill in the next blank
on the worksheet.
D) After going through this until all blanks are filled in, it should spell the
correct statement on the worksheet if the equations were done correctly.

30 - 80 min Students will be working on the worksheet: solving equations, figuring out the
letters, and completing the statement. Teacher will be walking around to answer
any questions.

80 - 90 min Lesson ending: clean up, students will turn in worksheets and ask any finalizing
questions. (see below)

Lesson Ending:
Students will turn their worksheets in for assessment (rubric below), put their Bee-Bots up, and
clean up their supplies. Their worksheet will be an exit slip so the students will not be able to
leave until their worksheet is turned in. The teacher can then ask the students that have
completed it how they felt and discuss how it went.

At the beginning of next class, the class can discuss the worksheet and talk about the pros and
cons of the activity.

Assessment Rubric:

Great-5 Average-3 Poor-1 Total

Completion All parts of the problems Some parts of Student did not
are completed neatly and the problems are complete
correctly completed problems

Timeliness Homework was received Homework was Homework was

on the due date received 1 day received 2 or
late more days late

Accuracy Each step of the Several steps of Entire problems

problems were the problem were incorrect
completed and correct contained errors

Work Shown All steps for solving Some steps for Student did not
problems are clearly solving problems show any work
shown are shown
Participation Student willingly Student slightly Students did
participated during the participated not participate
game and were not during the game during the
disruptive to other and was game and was
students. Student actively somewhat very distracting
participates in group distracting to towards other
activity. students. students.
Student Student does
somewhat not participate
participates in in group
group activity. activity.

Resources / Artifacts:

Worksheet- Taylor

Video- Taylor (explaining how to use beebot)

Video- Meize (how to play the game)


1. Differentiation for ability levels

High ability learners, low ability learners
Separate groups based on ability

2. Differentiation for demographics

Gender, race, culture, and/or sexual identity
Not applicable

3. Differentiation for languages

Each question has a corresponding equation. Students learning English can
reference to the key with just equations on them

4. Differentiation for access & resources

Computers, Internet connection, and/or Wifi access
Handouts can be given out for those without computers

Anticipated Difficulties:

Students may not understand directions to the activity. If the students do not understand
how the worksheet corresponds to the bee bot board, they can ask questions to the teacher,
other instructor or peers. In addition, they can reference the direction sheet that all groups will
have access to.
Students may not solve the riddle correctly. If they run into that trouble then they will
need to go back and recheck their math work and figure out where things did not go right. If they
cannot figure it out on their own they will need to ask another group of students for help and if
that does not help, then they may ask the teacher at that point.
Groups may not be even. If the groups are not even then that will not be that big of a deal.
There will be allowed a group with an odd number. All students will still be expected to
participate in the group activity and complete all individual work on their own. If there is lack of
participation, points will be deducted from their final grade.
Students may be at different learning abilities. Groups will be divided into learning
abilities. The higher level learners will work with those of higher abilities. Lower level learners will
work with lower level abilities. That way, students will be able to work with each other and learn
together. If they run into trouble, students will be expected to ask another group for help before
reaching out to the teacher or instructor.


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