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Rudolph's Gift Emporium Ad Results

Age Gender Reach Frequency Impressions Result Rate Result Indicator Event Responses
1304 1.723926 2248 0.756228 actions:rsvp 17
45-54 female 131 1.427481 187
18-24 female 262 1.770992 464 0.862069 actions:rsvp 4
25-34 female 437 1.814645 793 0.75662 actions:rsvp 6
65+ female 34 1.323529 45
35-44 female 355 1.825352 648 0.925926 actions:rsvp 6
55-64 female 84 1.321429 111 0.900901 actions:rsvp 1

This is the outline of the paramaters we used to

target our market for Rudolph's Gift Exchange.
The only noteable detail is that we chose to
share your event only with women as we felt
that this event would be most appealing and
get the most traction with women, we still
believe based on the data that this was the best
choice. On future events, we can improve this
market seletion with the knowledge we've
obtained from running this ad.
Conclusions from the Data

Ages that the Ad appealed to most

25-34 437 Reached Lowest Result Rate
35-44 355 Highest Result Rate
18-24 262 3rd Highest Result Rate
From the results of the ad you can observe our ideal age group for this market is 18-44
having the highest correlation between reach, price, and results. For future ads it
would be wise to limit us to this age range to make the most out of the money spent
on advertising.

Ages the Ad Appealed to least

65+ 45 0 Responses
45-54 131 0 Responses
55-64 84
From these results we can conclude that our ad did not appeal to these age groups.
This could be for a couple of reasons. First, people in this age range are less likely to
use social media in general let alone know how to use it's function to find and schedule
interesting events. So even if they are interested in this event your are less likely to get
a response and waste your money. The other factor may be that these events in
particular do not appeal to these age group maybe due to limited mobility ect.

Age Group 18-24 Cost us the least amount of money to advertise to.
This is because ages 18-24 had the best reach/results ratio. This could be because this
generation is more connected to Facebook Functions and is more likely to respond and
follow through with an event. Either way this is an important group to target as they
Here is a sample of the
might not be our ideal they will bring traction and attention to the event.
advertisement that we
ran. Age Group 55-64 Cost us the most money to advertise to.
Because this group viewed our ad more with only a single response they wound up
being the most expensive age group. I would suggest editing future age groups to
exclude 55-65+. These two groups were the most costly and had very little response. I
believe this is because people in this age group are not looking for advertisements
through FB and it is not cost effective to advertise to them for this product.

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