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Noam Chomsky is Institute Professor (retired) at MIT, where he has been on the faculty since 1955.

He has written and

spoken widely on linguistics, philosophy, cognitive science, international affairs, and social-political issues.

Terrorism, American Style

Noam Chomsky

I read Roberto Toscanos article with inter- ismthe plague of the modern age, the
est. Well-intentioned Im sure, but I dont return to barbarism in our time, etc.
agree that its a vexed linguistic matter. Its would be a main focus of their foreign poli-
vexed, but not for reasons of lack of clarity cy. And I continue to use them after Bush II
of language. re-declared the war on terror after 9/11.
There are perfectly good definitions of Use of these definitions elicits great
terrorism: A succinct definition in a U.S. anger, and for good reasons. If we use them,
Army Manual defined terrorism as the it follows at once that the United States has
calculated use of violence or threat of vio- been a leading agent of terror, dramatically
lence to attain goals that are political, reli- so in the Reagan years, but later too. And
gious, or ideological in nature...through in- that is an unacceptable conclusion. There-
timidation, coercion, or instilling fear. fore, there has been exactly what Toscano
Theres a more elaborate definition along the describes: elaborate attempts to define
same lines in the U.S. Code, which states: terror, abandoning the effort as too
an act of terrorism means an activity that difficult, etc.
(A) involves a violent act or an act danger- Thats understandable too. Its hard to
ous to human life that is a violation of the craft a definition of terror that applies solely
criminal laws of the United States or any to the terror that they carry out against us
State, or that would be a criminal violation and our clients, but excludes the terror (of-
if committed within the jurisdiction of the ten far worse) that we and our clients carry
United States or of any State; and (B) ap- out against them. The same problem arises
pears to be intended (i) to intimidate or co- with aggression. The official definitions
erce a civilian population; (ii) to influence are unusable because they yield the wrong
the policy of a government by intimidation conclusions.
or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a Take one case that should be uncon-
government by assassination or kidnapping.1 troversial: President Reagans war against
The British governments definition is Nicaragua. The International Court of
similar: Terrorism is the use, or threat, of Justice condemned it as an unlawful use of
action which is violent, damaging or dis- force, supported by two Security Council
rupting, and is intended to influence the resolutions that were vetoed by the United
government or intimidate the public and is States. The court does not have an official
for the purpose of advancing a political, reli- definition of terrorism, but the judgment
gious, or ideological cause. clearly falls under the official U.S. and U.K.
Ive been quoting and using these defi- definitions.
nitions in books and articles ever since I The Nicaragua case is quite interesting.
started writing on terrorism in 1981, as The lead counsel for Nicaragua was Harvard
soon as the Reagan administration came in- law professor Abram Chayes. The case he
to office declaring that a war on terror, par- presented was quite broad, but the court
ticularly state-directed international terror- barred almost all of it, because in agreeing

44 2007 Noam Chomsky

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to International Court of Justice jurisdiction gustalways with firm U.S. support, as in
in 1946, the United States had exempted it- earlier years, when the slaughter would have
self from all multilateral treaties, including surely been called genocidal if an enemy
the UN and Organization of American were responsible, not ourselves. Concern and
States (OAS) charters (of course, the Reagan reporting were slight.
administration withdrew from all court ju- To terminate these crimes would have
risdiction when the case was filed, but the been very easy. There was no need for bomb-
court continued anyway). The court had to ing, or sanctions. All that was needed was
rely on a bilateral U.S.-Nicaragua treaty, withdrawal of support. That was pretty ob-
and customary international law. I suppose vious all along, and was clearly demonstrat-
one could debate whether mining counts as ed on September 11, 1999, when, under
aggression (wed certainly consider the min- enormous international and domestic pres-
ing of a harbor an act of war, no need to sure, President Clinton finally signaled to
mention the consequences). But the contra the Indonesian military that the game was
war fits unambiguously under aggression, as over. They instantly withdrew, leaving the
defined by Justice Jackson at Nuremberg, land in ruins after 25 years of U.S.-backed
later confirmed by General Assembly resolu- atrocities, with Britain joining in as atroci-
tions.2 ties peaked in 1978, and participating ac-
Underlying conventional discussion of tively until the end.
terrorism and aggression is the consistent By any rational criterion, what hap-
rejection of one of the most elementary of pened prior to 1999 in East Timor was in-
moral principles: that we apply to ourselves comparably worse than anything that took
the same standards we do to others, if not place in the Balkan wars. But the same
more stringent ones. Acceptable definitions problem arose: wrong agent. Therefore, si-
of the terms do, therefore, become a difficult lence or denial. Not because the facts were
matter. obscure; rather, because they were very clear,
Sometimes the rejection of the principle and clearly taught the wrong lesson.3
is dramatic. One striking example occurred In brief, the problem of finding a suit-
in 1999. Great outrage was focused on able definition of terrorism reflects a
Serbian crimes in Kosovo, with passionate much deeper problem, which arises
laments about toleration of such crimes throughout discussions of international af-
right near the borders of NATO. There was, fairs and should, I think, be of no slight
however, virtual silence about crimes right
within NATO, in southeastern Turkey, that
were vastly greater in scaleobviously so Notes
before the NATO bombing, which, as antici- 1. United States Code Congressional and Ad-
pated, sharply intensified Serbian crimes. ministrative News, 98th Congress, Second Session, ,
The differential reaction is natural. The Oct. 19, 1984, vol. 2; par. 3077, 98 STAT. 2707.
United States was providing the bulk of the 2. See Howard Friel and Richard Falk, The
arms for Turkeys violent repression of Record of the Paper (New York: Verso, 2004).
Kurds, joined by other NATO powers. The 3. On what was known in the early years of the
radical imbalance in concern and coverage massacres, see Chomsky and E. S. Herman, Political
follows the normal pattern. Economy of Human Rights vol. I (1979), Chomsky, To-
To underscore the conclusion even more wards a New Cold War (1982). On the whole period,
dramatically, in early 1999, Indonesian see Joseph Nevins, A Not-so-distant Horror (2005).
crimes in East Timor were again escalating. On the events of 1999, see Chomsky, New Military
The scale was well above Kosovo at the Humanism (1999) and A New Generation Draws the
time, reaching a cataclysmic level in Au- Line (2000).

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