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BBA VII Semester Database Management System Assignment# 2

Due Date: 17th November, 2016 at start of class Total Marks:100

Assignment should be handwritten and properly documented.




7369 SALMAN CLERK 7902 17-DEC-2000 8000 20

7499 ALIA SALESMAN 7698 20-FEB-2001 16000 3000 30
7521 WAHEED SALESMAN 7698 22-FEB-2001 12500 5000 30
7566 JAMIL MANAGER 7839 02-APR-2001 29750 20
7654 MEHVISH SALESMAN 7698 28-SEP-2001 12000 12500 30
7698 BILAL MANAGER 7839 01-MAY-2001 28500 30
7782 QASIM MANAGER 7839 09-JUN-2001 24500 10
7788 SHAMS ANALYST 7566 09-DEC-2002 30000 20
7839 KAMRAN PRESIDENT 17-NOV-2001 50000
7844 TANVEER SALESMAN 7698 08-SEP-2001 15000 0 30
7876 AFTAB CLERK 7788 12-JAN-2003 11000 20
7900 JAVERIA CLERK 7698 03-DEC-2001 9500 30
7902 FOZIA ANALYST 7566 03-DEC-2001 30000 20
7934 MURAD CLERK 7782 23-JAN-2002 13000 10






1 7000 12000
2 12010 14000
3 14010 20000
4 20010 30000
5 30010 99990

Kamran Shaukat Dar

Lecturer IT
BBA VII Semester Database Management System Assignment# 2

The SELECT statement

SELECT Specification of desired

columns FROM Specification of table or tables
WHERE Selection criteria for rows
ORDER BY Sorting sequence of rows of result table

Kamran Shaukat Dar

Lecturer IT
BBA VII Semester Database Management System Assignment# 2


A1 Display the contents of the DEPT, EMP and SALGRADE tables.

[Check your results against the tables listed.]

Select * from Emp

To produce an answer to the request "Give a list of all employees showing their
employee number, name & department number." We will require the following SQL

Select EmpNo, Ename, DeptNo from Emp

A2 Display the name and commission of all the employees.

A3 Display the name and commission of all the employees together with another column
that shows their commission increased by 10%.

A4 Display the job title of all the employees.

To remove duplicates within the result table, use:

SELECT DISTINCT column1, column2, etc FROM table-name;

A5 Display all the different job titles which currently exist in the company.

SELECT from a single table using the WHERE condition

WHERE =, <>, >, >=, <, <=, (!= means not equal) comparison operators
NOT, AND, OR logical operators
WHERE column BETWEEN field value AND field value
WHERE column IN (field value, field value, ..., ...)
WHERE column LIKE '%charstring%'
(% means skip 0 or any no of characters; use _ for exactly one character)

(All these operators can be negated by using NOT)

A6 Display the employee number, name and current job of all those who work in Department

A7 Display the names of all the clerks, showing their employee number and that of
their manager.

A8 Display details of all clerks, analysts and salesmen.

A9 Display details of employees who are not clerks, analysts or salesmen.

A10 Display details of all employees whose commission is greater than salary.

A11 Display employee name, job and department number for employees whose names begin with
Kamran Shaukat Dar
Lecturer IT
BBA VII Semester Database Management System Assignment# 2


A12 Display details of employees whose salaries are not between 12,000 and 14,000.

A13 Display details of salesmen and managers in dept 30, whose salary is greater than or
equal to 15,000.
(Note: with logical operators - AND precedes OR)
Using the ORDER BY statement to control the display order of selected records
ORDER BY column1, column2, etc ASC/DESC; or
ORDER BY n; (being the nth column)

Note: The default ordering is ascending.

Null values are always displayed first regardless of sort sequence.

A14 Display the employee number, current job and salary of all those who work in Department
30, with the output in ascending salary order.

A15 Display the employee name and current job of all those who work in Department 30, with
the output in descending salary order.

A16 Display the employee name and current job of all those who work in Department 30, with
the output in descending salary order within each job.

A17 Display employee details for departments 10 and 30, in name order, within each department

NULL Values

If a column has no value for any particular row, it is referred to as a NULL value. This is not the
same as a zero in a numeric column, or a space in a character column.

In MS-SQL Server, the IsNull function can be used to convert a null into a specified value
e.g. IsNull(COMM, 0) will return the actual value of COMM if it has a value, or a zero if COMM is
null. This is often necessary when performing calculations, or formatting for output since null
values will be totally ignored by many functions and operations.

Oracle has a function called NVL which allows you do a similar thing. It actually returns the
first non-null value in a list, but used as below enables a null to be treated as a specific

Select ename NVL(comm,0) from emp;

A column can be tested using IS NULL or IS NOT NULL e.g.

SELECT ...FROM... WHERE column_name IS NOT NULL;

A18 What are the highest and lowest incomes (i.e. to include commission) in the
Sales Department?

A19 Write statements

a) Show all the records from table EMPLOYEE
b) Show all the employees whos job is CLERK
c) Display the no of employees who are earning commission more then 1000.
d) Display name and HIREDATE of the employees whos name starts with a and has
e as second last character.
e) Display Gross Salary of each employee along with employees name (hint: gross salary =
sal + comm).
Kamran Shaukat Dar
Lecturer IT
BBA VII Semester Database Management System Assignment# 2

f) Display all the different job titles, which currently exist in the company.
g) Display the department and number of employees in departments with fewer
than 6 employees.
h) How many people are there in each type of job in each department?
i) Find the employee name and its salary who is earning maximum salary in
department j) Display the no of employees in each department

Kamran Shaukat Dar

Lecturer IT

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