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Book- If I Stay

Theme- out of body experiences; what causes them and why do they happen? What is their
purpose relating to the individuals who experience them?

Possible Sources:
08 - Explains three different theories of out of body experiences and the psychological effects.
Mias experience could be aligned with the second theory.

08 - Talks about reliving past through memories due to extreme stress and the release of
opiates which cause the onset of these memories. Relatable to Mias experience. - Refers to other

cultures views on near-death and out of body experiences. Case studies of a woman who
experienced her own.

I. Introduction
A. Introduce topic
1. Definition
2. Open with questions relating to OBE such as what causes them and what
is the purpose of one.
3. There have been many pop culture references regarding out of body
B. Thesis
1. Out of body experiences can be caused due to the hormones in ones
brain to shift into overdrive after a life-threatening or traumatic event and
cause a person to relive his or her life memories in an effort to preserve
the brains sanity.
2. There are many theories surrounding what causes an out of body
experience and the three most popular are.
II. First Theory (Blackmore Model)
A. Dissuades an actual OBE
a. No OBE actually occurs
b. Brains projection
c. Relatable to a dream or the REM stage of the sleep cycle
B. Natural Opiates are the cause(source 2)
1. Endorphins cause seizures which activate the memory and cause one to
relive their life through memories
2. Introduce If I Stay and how Mias condition reflects this idea.
III. Second Theory (Model of Palmer)
A. Reestablishing Psychological Identity
a. Preserving the victims sanity
b. Changes in the bodys concept produces this form of OBE
c. Lucid dreaming and hallucinations
d. Used mostly in literature but isnt actually tested.
IV. Third Theory (Irwin Model)
A. Total absorption into ones mental state
a. Complete dissociation
b. Fantasy proneness
c. Certain personality traits could be amplified
V. Conclusion
A. Although there is no definitive proof of why or how these experiences happen,
these theories could all intertwine to help understand the experience itself and to
propose ideas as to what is happening in the brain during an out of body
B. By combining the neurological perspectives and the ideas that the consciousness
could astrally project itself, the concept of a legitimate projection of oneself
outside of the mind is very plausible and helpful towards keeping the mind from
collapsing after a traumatic experience.

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