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"Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)." Our Documents - Alien and Sedition Acts (1798).
Accessed November 20, 2017.
This is the Alien and sedition acts. The acts were designed by Federalists to limit

the power of the opposition Republican Party. They feared that aliens living in the

United States would sympathize with the French during a war. This has a picture of the

documents that were created due to the french. It shows another short term effect of the


"About this Collection - Documents from the Continental Congress and the
Constitutional Convention, 1774-1789." The Library of Congress. Accessed October 28,
Contains 277 documents relating to the work of Congress and the drafting and

ratification of the Constitution. Items include extracts of the journals of Congress,

resolutions, proclamations, committee reports, and treaties. That includes the Treaty of

alliance, and the Jay treaty that cause problems during the Quasi war.

"Digital Collections for the Classroom." United States of America Compiled from the
Latest & Best Authorities: Digital Collections for the Classroom. Accessed November
20, 2017.
This is a map made by John Melish. John Melishs map of the United States

vividly illustrates the countrys development after the Quasi war. It also shows the

Louisiana Purchase of 1803.

Hamilton, Alexander. "Alexander Hamilton Papers: Speeches and Writings File,
1778-1804; 1795; [July 9-11] , "Remarks on the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and
Navigation lately made between the United States and Great Britain"." The Library of
Congress. Accessed October 10, 2017.
These are a bunch of documents written by Alexander Hamilton. These

documents talk about the treaty of amity and commerce. The treaty started a trading

relationship between the US and Great Britain. This can help me talk about why the

french took over two american ships.

"H105, American History I." Naturalization laws 1790-1795. Accessed November 20,
These are the Naturalization laws. They were a result of the war but didn't last

long. They were america's first laws on citizenship. They have all the rules that affected

how people became citizens even if they weren't french.

"John Adams, 1788." John Adams, 1788 | Boston Athenum. Accessed October 28,
This is a painting of John Adams the president of the United States during the

Quasi war. He made most of the decisions that impacted the outcome of the war. This

gives an image when talking about the people that were involved in the semi war.

Madison, James, and Unknown. "James Madison Unknown, August 23, 1795. Draft of
letter to unknown correspondent containing the first draft of a petition to the General
Assembly of Virginia protesting the Jay Treaty with Great Britain." The Library of
Congress. Accessed October 10, 2017.
This is a draft of letters made by James Madison to protest the Jay treaty. This

shows the impact of the treaty in the government and that it later on created a split

between Federalists and Democratic-Republicans.

"Naval Preparations in 1800 Prior to Quasi-War." In American History, ABC-CLIO, 2017.

Image. Accessed November 18, 2017.
This painting, Preparation for War to Defend Commerce, shows the building of
the frigate Philadelphia in 1800. During the post-revolutionary years, American
commerce ships were often the target of French and British attacks, who were at war in
Europe and attempting to stop American trade with each other. Americans saw this as
an attack on its national honor and responded by waging the Quasi-War against French
privateers from 1798 to 1800. Further harassment of merchant and navy ships by the
British eventually led to the War of 1812.

"Prise de la Bastille." File:Anonymous - Prise de la Bastille.jpg - Wikimedia Commons.

Accessed November 20, 2017.
The French Revolution (17891799) initiated a crisis in the European world and

proved a challenge for early American foreign policy. This painting depicts The Storming

of the Bastille in July 1789, which is widely regarded as the most iconic event of the

Revolution. The Americas were on their side showing the treaty of Alliance in effect.

"Quasi-War." In American History, ABC-CLIO, 2017. Image. Accessed November 18,

USS Constellation battles the French frigate l'Insurgente in the waters of the

West Indies, during the French-American Quasi-War on February 9, 1799. This shows

how the naval wars between the US and France were like. Also shows the ships of the

first U.S navy.

"Quicksearch." Naval documents related to the quasi-war between the United States
and France. Naval operations ... February 1797-December 1801 - YUL Quicksearch.
Accessed October 28, 2017.
The documents from the Naval offices talk about the naval operations that took

place during the Quasi war. These talk about how and why the navy was created. A lot

of descriptions of the naval wars.

Treaty of Alliance with France (1778)." Our Documents - Treaty of Alliance with France
(1778). Accessed October 29, 2017.
This is an image of the treaty of alliance with France. It was a military pact that

they would support each other against Great Britain. The America signed a trade deal

with Great Britain so the French got mad and seized their ships. This shows the motive

behind the French capturing American ships.

"Treaties and other international acts of the United States of America /edited by Hunter
Miller." Avalon Project - Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy. Accessed
November 18, 2017.
This is the treaty of Mortefontaine of the convention of 1800. It is a peace treaty

between France and the US. It ended the Quasi war and brought them back together as

allies. This Shows that France then became America's oldest ally.

"Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions." Bill of Rights Institute. Accessed November 20,
This page by the Bill of Right Institution gives the whole Resolution written by

Thomas jefferson and James Maddison. The lines in the writing give information on

problems they thought there were in the government. Also shows the split between

Federalism and Democratic-Republicans.

"Xyz Affair Political Cartoon." In American History, ABC-CLIO, 2017. Image. Accessed
November 18, 2017.
This is a political cartoon that was made during the XYZ Affair. The "French

Argument" makes sure that the National Sack is filled, collecting Diplomatic Perquisites

in the process. Perquisites are fees collected by officials attached to offices or positions.

It was published June 1, 1798. This image depicts the citizens views on the war.

Zarzeczny, Matthew. "The Quasi War with France." The Quasi War with France.
Accessed November 18, 2017.
This article talks about the Quasi war but includes quotes from various people. It

Talks about the different points of views on the laws and executive orders that have

been taken. These are useful when talking about the different views on federalist and



Boundless. "Foreign and Domestic Crises." Foreign and Domestic Crises | Boundless
US History. Accessed October 29, 2017.
This talks about the time before the Quasi war. That means when they were

allies and they fought the revolutionary war together. It is important because it shows

how their relationship changed.Also talks about the Jacobins The most radical and

ruthless of the political groups formed in the wake of the French Revolution.
Costly, Andrew. "The Alien and Sedition Acts: Defining American Freedom." The Alien
and Sedition Acts - Constitutional Rights Foundation. Accessed November 20, 2017.
This explains all the acts that were approved. A Vermont Republican

congressman, Matthew Lyon, became the first person to be put on trial under the

Sedition Act. Like most Republicans, Lyon opposed going to war against France and

objected to the land tax to pay for war preparations. It Shows a result of the short term

effect of the war.

Emmons, James. "Xyz Affair." In American History, ABC-CLIO, 2017. Accessed

October 29, 2017.
This article gives a deep look into the XYZ Affair and how it impacted America. It

talks about how the XYZ Affair impacted the government by deepening the rivalry

between the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans. It is a short term effect of the


"French Alliance, French Assistance, and European Diplomacy during the American
Revolution, 17781782." U.S. Department of State. Accessed October 29, 2017.
This is a summary of the alliance that the US and france had. It gives an insight

on how their relationship was like before they broke out into war. It talks about the

american revolution and how the French help the Americans.

Heidler, David S. and Jeanne T. Heidler. "War of 1812." In American History,

ABC-CLIO, 2017. Accessed October 29, 2017.
This article talks about the War of 1812. The Quasi war brought tension between

Britain and America. It resulted in a war because there was interference by the britains

in U.S trading and expansion. It shows the short term effect after the Quasi war.
Hickman, Kennedy. "Do You Know About This Undeclared War Between the US and
France?" ThoughtCo. Accessed November 18, 2017.
This is an article about the naval war between America and France. It gives info

on how it started, when it happened, and who was involved. This also gives info on the

XYZ Affair that happened in the middle of the semi war. Staff. "Alien and Sedition Acts." 2009. Accessed November
20, 2017.
This article talks about the Alien and Sedition Act. It talks about the background

before the act was approved. It also talks about why and how the act was approved. Staff. "Louisiana Purchase." 2009. Accessed November 20,

This explains the Louisiana Purchase and its impact in America. The peace

between America and France after the war led to the doubling of the size of Republic. It

was an important long term effect of the war.

Mary McCleary | September 23, 2015, 6:14 EST. "The Quasi War decision that saved
the nation." NewBostonPost. Accessed November 20, 2017.
President John Adams responded to French naval aggression by boldly stating,

America is not scared. During the Quasi-War with France, Adams fortified the nations

scant defenses and ordered a muscular retaliation against French hostilities. This

shows the American government stood up to France. It also talks about how the peace

between the countries led to the famous Louisiana Purchase.

"United States History." Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. Accessed November 19,
This page gives a summary of the Virginia and Kentucky Resolution. It gives

information on what cause the Resolution. It also shows what affect the Quasi war gave.

U.S. Department of State. Accessed October j10, 2017.
This website talks about the XYZ Affair. It has the people that were involved and
their government plans. It also talks about the views of different people and how they
wanted to act because of the split between the Federalists and the

O'Brien, Steven G. "John Adams." In American History, ABC-CLIO, 2017. Accessed

October 29, 2017.
This bibliography about John Adams explains all the disputes between him, the

French government, and Alexander Hamilton. It also talks about what decisions he

made and who he made them with that impacted the outcome of the Quasi war.

"Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions." Bill of Rights Institute. Accessed November 19,
The Bill of Rights Institution writes about the Virginia and Kentucky resolution that

happened in result to the Alien and Sedition act. This is another effect of the war

because it shows there was a tiny bit of tension between states because they disagreed

on things. It also shows that people were focusing on doing what the constitution says.

Zarzeczny, Matthew. "The Quasi War with France." The Quasi War with France.
Accessed November 18, 2017.
Other than quotes from people, it has information on the French government.

The information can be used to see what changed when Napoleon rose. It also can

show how the war impacted France.

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