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I wouldnt say the class is doing that well.

More people are failing than are passing,

which is worrying. Furthermore, only two students have an A. With a class average of 67%, the
teacher definitely needs to cover these topics again.
Juan and Cody are both doing very well. Both have As, and Juan actually has a 100%
average. Cody scored 100% on the divison and subtraction questions. He only missed one
question about addition. Hugh, Jack, and Jamal are all doing decently. All three have an 80%
average. Hugh and Jamal both need help in division, but are doing well elsewhere. Jack missed
one question on each topic.
Some of the other students are not doing as well. Luke by far needs the most help. He has
an average of 40%, and needs help in all three topics. Nathan also needs a lot of help. He has a
47% average. That being said, he needs the most help in division, where he only got one question
correct. Patrick, Sarah, Molly, and Claire also need some help. They all have an average of
53%.Patrick needs help in division and subtraction. Sarah needs a lot of help in division, and
Molly needs a lot of help in subtraction. Claire could use a boost in all three, but she needs the
most help in subtraction. All of this being said, I believe the entire class, with the exceptions of
Juan and Cody, could benefit from some help.

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