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History of Photography

Timeline Assignment
By Eliza Liebner
Earliest Known Photograph - 1826/1827
The earliest known, or surviving, photograph was taken back in 1826/1827 at
les Gras in France. Joseph Nicphore Nipce took the photo depicting a view from
an upstairs window from Nipces estate.
Origins Of The Term Photography - 1839
The word Photography comes from the greek words photos, which
means light, and graphein, which means to draw. Sir John Herschel is
usually connected to the term and is given the credit for the word photography.
Daguerreotype - 1839
It was the first successful type of photography, which produced a permanent image
by coating a copper plate with silver iodine and exposing it to light, with a few other
steps Nicphore Nipce and Louis-Jacques-Mand Daguerre which the procedure
was named after.
Calotype - 1840
Developed by William Henry Fox, Calotype, or talbotype, was performed by coating
a sheet of paper with silver chloride and exposing it to light. This shortened the
exposure time from one hour to one minute.
Wet Collodion Process - 1851
Frederick Scott Archer invented the wet collodion process in 1851 which was well
praised for its ability to create a clear image and detail that it produced. However,
the photo needed to be developed and fixed quickly before it dried and became
Color Photography - 1861
Color Photography was introduced by James Clerk Maxwell who made the first
color picture by taking three separate photos of a ribbon through red, yellow, and
blue filters and meshing the images.
Dry Plate Photography - 1871
Richard Leach Maddox invented the dry plate in 1871 which is a glass plate coated
with a jelly. It could be stored and, after exposed, could be brought to development
without rush. This was a much better alternative than the wet collodion process so
most photographers converted to dry plate photography.
Kodak Roll Film Camera - 1888
The Kodak camera was made by George Eastman and unlike the previous
inventions which used a glass or brass plate, on this camera you could just simply
press a button. After you pressed the button the camera would take the photo and
after you had used up the 100 picture film strip you would send the roll to a factory
and have prints made.
Kodachrome Film - 1935
Leopold Godowsky Jr. and Leopold Mannes were two scientists working at a
Kodak research facility where they developed the Kodachrome dye which they
used to color the photos. Yet still, the color would eventually fade but a color
picture could be stored up to a hundred years with the right conditions.
Polaroid Instant Photography - 1948
Edwin H. Land created instant photography which basically let people eliminate the
dark room and made it possible to create a finished photo in a matter of seconds.
First Digital Camera -1975
Steven Sasson, a young engineer who worked for Kodak, invented digital
photography and the first digital camera. This caused a bit of backlash from
professional photographers saying that Mr. Sasson ruined their career and normal
stuff like that.
Most Modern Camera - 2017
The most modern camera uses the optical system and lenses with a diaphragm to
help focus light. These cameras produce single frame images that can be shown on
a screen and stored in digital memory. Due note, this device is electronic rather
than chemical (no more radioactive poisoning! yay!).
I give this project 5/5 for effert

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