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10 Things to Know About Covariate


1 What is covariate adjustment?
2 Controlling for covariates at the design stage (blocking)
3 How to do it in a regression
4 Why to do it
5 When will it help?
6 Control for prognostic covariates regardless of whether they show imbalances
7 When not to do it
8 Concerns about small-sample bias
9 How to make your covariate adjustment decisions transparent
10 Covariates can help you investigate the integrity of the random assignment
For further reading

This guide1 will help you think through when it makes sense to try to control for other things when
estimating treatment effects using experimental data. We focus on the big ideas and provide
examples in R.

1 What is covariate adjustment?

Covariates are baseline characteristics of your experimental subjects. When you run an
experiment, you are primarily interested in collecting data on outcome variables that your
intervention may affect, e.g. expenditure decisions, attitudes toward democracy, or contributions for
a public good in a lab experiment. But its also a good idea to collect data on baseline characteristics
of subjects before treatment assignment occurs, e.g. gender, level of education, or ethnic group. If
you do this you can explore how treatment effects vary with these characteristics (see 10 Things to
Know About Heterogeneous Treatment Effects). But doing this also lets you perform covariate
Covariate adjustment is another name for controlling for baseline variables when estimating
treatment effects. Often this is done to improve precision. Subjects outcomes are likely to have
some correlation with variables that can be measured before random assignment. Accounting for
variables like gender will allow you to set aside the variation in outcomes that is predicted by these
baseline variables, so that you can isolate the effect of treatment on outcomes with greater precision
and power.
Covariate adjustment can be a cheaper route to improved precision than increasing the number of
subjects in the experiment. Partly for that reason, researchers often collect extensive data on
covariates before random assignment. Pre-tests (measures that are analogous to the outcome
variable but are restricted to time periods before random assignment) may be especially valuable for
predicting outcomes, and baseline surveys can ask subjects about other background characteristics.

2 Controlling for covariates at the design

stage (blocking)
The best way to control for covariates is to use block randomization to do it at the design stage even
before you start your experiment. Block randomization enables you to create treatment and control
groups that are balanced on certain covariates. For example, you might expect that gender and
income help predict the outcome variable. Block randomization can ensure that the treatment and
control groups have equal proportions of female/high-income, female/low-income, male/high-income,
and male/low-income populations. When the blocking variables help predict outcomes, blocking
improves precision by preventing chance correlations between treatment assignment and baseline
For more information on blocking and how to implement it in R, see 10 Things You Need to Know
About Randomization. The precision gains from blocking (relative to covariate adjustment without
blocking) tend to be greatest when sample sizes are small.2
When blocking is done to improve precision, estimated standard errors should take the blocking into
account. (Otherwise, the SEs will tend to be conservative because they wont give you credit for the
precision improvement that blocking achieved.) One simple and commonly used method is to
regress the outcome on the treatment assignment dummy variable as well as block dummies. When
the probability of assignment to treatment is constant across blocks, including the block dummies in
the regression doesnt change the estimated treatment effect, but tends to give a more accurate
estimate of the SE.3
If the probability of assignment to treatment varies by block, then you need to control for these
unequal probabilities in order to get unbiased estimates of average treatment effects. 10 Things You
Need to Know About Randomization discusses ways to do this.

3 How to do it in a regression
Sometimes you do not have the opportunity to implement a blocked experimental design (for
example, if you join a project after random assignment occurs) or you would prefer to simplify your
randomization scheme to reduce opportunities for administrative error. You can still adjust for
covariates on the back end by using multiple regression. Remember that in a bivariate regression
when you regress your outcome on just your treatment indicatorthe coefficient on treatment is just
a difference-in-means. This simple method gives an unbiased estimate of the average treatment
effect (ATE). When we add baseline covariates that are correlated with outcomes to the model, the
coefficient on treatment is an approximately unbiased estimate of the ATE that tends to be more
precise than bivariate regression.
To adjust for covariates through multiple regression, use the model:

where YiYi is the outcome variable, ZiZi is the treatment indicator, and XiXi is a vector of one or
more covariates. The remainder ii is your disturbance termthe leftover unexplained noise.
When the treatment and control groups are of unequal size, the precision gains from covariate
adjustment may be greater if you include interactions between treatment and the covariates (see this
blog post for more discussion). For ease of interpretation, recenter the covariates to have zero

where Wi=XiXWi=XiX and XX is the mean value of XiXi for the entire sample.
If subjects receive different probabilities of assignment to treatment based on their covariates, then
our estimation method needs to account for this (again, see 10 Things You Need to Know About
Randomization for details).

4 Why to do it
It isnt absolutely necessary to control for covariates when estimating the average treatment effect in
an RCT that assigns every subject the same probability of receiving the treatment. The unadjusted
treatmentcontrol difference in mean outcomes is an unbiased estimator of the ATE. However,
covariate adjustment tends to improve precision if the covariates are good predictors of the
In large samples, random assignment tends to produce treatment and control groups with similar
baseline characteristics. Still, by the luck of the draw, one group may be slightly more educated, or
one group may have slightly higher voting rates in previous elections, or one group may be slightly
older on average. For this reason, the estimated ATE is subject to sampling variability, meaning
youll get estimates of the ATE that were produced by an unbiased method but happened to miss the
mark.5 A high sampling variability contributes to noise (imprecision), not bias.
Controlling for these covariates tends to improve precision if the covariates are predictive of potential
outcomes. Take a look at the following example, which is loosely based on the Gin and Mansuri
experiment on female voting behavior in Pakistan.6 In this experiment, the authors randomized an
information campaign to women in Pakistan to study its effects on their turnout behavior, the
independence of their candidate choice, and their political knowledge. They carried out a baseline
survey which provided them with several covariates.
The following code imitates this experiment by creating fake data for four of the covariates they
collect: whether the woman owns an identification card, whether the woman has formal schooling,
the womans age, and whether the woman has access to TV. It also creates two potential
outcomes (the outcomes that would occur if she were assigned to treatment and if not) for a
measure of the extent to which a womans choice of candidate was independent of the opinions of
the men in her family. The potential outcomes are correlated with all four covariates, and the built-in
true treatment effect on the independence measure here is 1. To figure out whether our estimator
is biased or not, we simulate 10,000 replications of our experiment. On each replication, we
randomly assign treatment and then regress the observed outcome YY on the treatment
indicator ZZ, with and without controlling for covariates. Thus, we are simulating two methods
(unadjusted and covariate-adjusted) for estimating the ATE. To estimate the bias of each method,
we take the difference between the average of the 10,000 simulated estimates and the true
treatment effect.

N = 2000
N.treated = 1000
Replications = 10000

true.treatment.effect = 1

# Create pre-treatment covariates = rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = .18)
has.formal.schooling = rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = .6)
age = round(rnorm(n = N, mean = 37, sd = 16))
age[age<18] = 18
age[age>65] = 65
TV.access = rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = .7)
epsilon = rnorm(n = N, mean = 0, sd = 2)

# Create potential outcomes correlated with pre-treatment covariates

Y0 = round( + 2*has.formal.schooling + 3*TV.access + log(age) + e
Y1 = Y0 + true.treatment.effect

# Assign treatment repeatedly

Z.mat = replicate(Replications, ifelse(1:N %in% sample(1:N, N.treated), 1, 0)

# Generate observed outcomes

Y.mat = Y1 * Z.mat + Y0 * (1 - Z.mat) = function(Y, Z) {
coef(lm(Y ~ Z))[2]

ols.adjust = function(Y, Z) {
coef(lm(Y ~ Z + + has.formal.schooling + age + TV.access))[2]

unadjusted.estimates = rep(NA, Replications)

adjusted.estimates = rep(NA, Replications)

for (i in 1:Replications) {
unadjusted.estimates[i] =[,i], Z.mat[,i])
adjusted.estimates[i] = ols.adjust(Y.mat[,i], Z.mat[,i])

# Estimated variability (standard deviation) of each estimator

sd.of.unadj = sd(unadjusted.estimates)
sd.of.adj = sd(adjusted.estimates)

# Estimated bias of each estimator

mean(unadjusted.estimates) - true.treatment.effect
mean(adjusted.estimates) - true.treatment.effect

# Margin of error (at 95% confidence level) for each estimated bias
1.96 * sd.of.unadj / sqrt(Replications)
1.96 * sd.of.adj / sqrt(Replications)

Both methodswith and without covariatesyield the true treatment effect of 1 on average. When
we ran the regression without covariates, our estimated ATE averaged 1.0008 across the 10,000
replications, and with covariates, it averaged 1.0003. Notice that the regression-adjusted estimate is
essentially unbiased even though our regression model is misspecifiedwe control for age linearly
when the true data generating process involves the log of age.7
The real gains come in the precision of our estimates. The standard error (the standard deviation of
the sampling distribution) of our estimated ATE when we ignore covariates is 0.121. When we
include covariates in the model, our estimate becomes a bit tighter: the standard error is 0.093.
Because our covariates were prognostic of our outcome, including them in the regression explained
some noise in our data so that we could tighten our estimate of ATE.

5 When will it help?

When is adjusting for covariates most likely to improve precision?
Covariate adjustment will be most helpful when your covariates are strongly predictive (or
prognostic) of your outcomes. Covariate adjustment essentially enables you to make use of
information about relationships between baseline characteristics and your outcome so that you can
better identify the relationship between treatment and the outcome. But if the baseline characteristics
are only weakly correlated with the outcome, covariate adjustment wont do you much good. The
covariates you will want to adjust for are the ones that are strongly correlated with outcomes.
The following graph demonstrates the relationship between how prognostic your covariate is and the
gains you get from adjusting for it. On the x-axis is the sample size, and on the y-axis is the root
mean squared error (RMSE), the square root of the average squared difference between the
estimator and the true ATE. We want our RMSE to be small, and covariate adjustment should help
us reduce it.

library(MASS) # for mvrnorm()
num.reps = 10000

# True treatment effect is 0 for every unit

adj.est = function(n, cov.matrix, treated) {

Y.and.X = mvrnorm(n, mu = c(0, 0), Sigma = cov.matrix)
Y = Y.and.X[, 1]
X = Y.and.X[, 2]
coef(lm(Y ~ treated + X))[2]

unadj.est = function(n, treated) {

Y = rnorm(n)
coef(lm(Y ~ treated))[2]

rmse = function(half.n, rho = 0, control = TRUE) {

treated = rep(c(0, 1), half.n)
n = 2 * half.n

if (control) {
cov.matrix = matrix(c(1, rho, rho, 1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
return( sqrt(mean(replicate(num.reps, adj.est(n, cov.matrix, treated)
) ^ 2)) )
else {
return( sqrt(mean(replicate(num.reps, unadj.est(n, treated)) ^ 2)) )

half.n = c(5, 7, 11, 19, 35, 67, 131)

n = 2 * half.n
E = sapply(half.n, rmse, control = FALSE)
E0 = sapply(half.n, rmse, rho = 0)
E1 = sapply(half.n, rmse, rho = 0.5)
E2 = sapply(half.n, rmse, rho = 0.9)

plot(n, E, type = "l", ylab = "RMSE", xlim = c(min(n),max(n)), ylim = c(0,.75

lines(n, E0, col = "yellow")
lines(n, E1, col = "orange")
lines(n, E2, col = "red")
legend(x = 'topright',
c("No controls",
expression(paste(rho, "=0")), expression(paste(rho, "=0.5")),
expression(paste(rho, "=0.9"))),
col=c("black", "yellow","orange", "red"), lty = 1, lwd=2)

The black line shows the RMSE when we dont adjust for a covariate. The red line shows the RMSE
when we adjust for a highly prognostic covariate (the correlation between the covariate and the
outcome is 0.9). You can see that the red line is always below the black line, which is to say that the
RMSE is lower when you adjust for a prognostic covariate. The orange line represents the RMSE
when we adjust for a moderately prognostic covariate (the correlation between the covariate and the
outcome is 0.5). We still are getting gains in precision relative to the black line, but not nearly as
much as we did with the red line. Finally, the yellow line shows what happens if you control for a
covariate that is not at all predictive of the outcome. The yellow line is almost identical to the black
line. You received no improvement in precision by controlling for a non-prognostic covariate; in fact,
you paid a slight penalty because you wasted a degree of freedom, which is especially costly when
the sample size is small. This exercise demonstrates that youll get the most gains in precision by
controlling for covariates that strongly predict outcomes.
How can you know which covariates are likely to be prognostic before launching your experiment?
Prior experiments or even observational studies can offer guidance about which baseline
characteristics best predict outcomes.
6 Control for prognostic covariates regardless
of whether they show imbalances
Covariates should generally be chosen on the basis of their expected ability to help predict
outcomes, regardless of whether they show imbalances (i.e., regardless of whether there are any
noteworthy differences between the treatment group and control group in average values or other
aspects of covariate distributions). There are two reasons for this recommendation:
1. Frequentist statistical inference (standard errors, confidence intervals, p-values, etc.)
assumes that the analysis follows a pre-specified strategy. Choosing covariates on the basis
of observed imbalances makes it more difficult to obtain inferences that reflect your actual
strategy. For example, suppose you choose not to control for gender because the treatment
and control groups have similar gender composition, but you would have controlled for
gender if thered been a noticeable imbalance. Typical methods for estimating standard
errors will incorrectly assume that youd never control for gender no matter how much
imbalance you saw.
2. Adjusting for a highly prognostic covariate tends to improve precision, as we explained
above. To receive due credit for this precision improvement, you should adjust for the
covariate even if theres no imbalance. For example, suppose gender is highly correlated
with your outcome, but it happens that the treatment group and control group have exactly
the same gender composition. In this case, the unadjusted estimate of the ATE will be
exactly the same as the adjusted estimate from a regression of the outcome on treatment
and gender, but their standard errors will differ. The SE of the unadjusted estimate tends to
be larger because it assumes that even if the treatment and control groups had very different
gender compositions, youd still use the unadjusted treatmentcontrol difference in mean
outcomes (which would likely be far from the true ATE in that case). If you pre-specify that
youll adjust for gender regardless of how much or how little imbalance you see, youll tend to
get smaller SEs, tighter confidence intervals, and more powerful significance tests.
Assuming that random assignment was implemented correctly, should examination of imbalances
play any role in choosing which covariates to adjust for? Heres a sampling of views:
Mutz, Pemantle, and Pham (2016) argue that, unless there is differential attrition, the
practice of selecting covariates on the basis of observed imbalances is not only
unnecessary but not even helpful and may in fact be damaging, because it invalidates
confidence intervals, worsens precision (relative to pre-specified adjustment for prognostic
covariates), and opens the door to fishing.8
Permutt (1990), using theory and simulations to study specific scenarios, finds that when a
balance test is used to decide whether to adjust for a covariate, the significance test for the
treatment effect is conservative (i.e., it has a true Type I error probability below its nominal
level). He writes, Greater power can be achieved by always adjusting for a covariate that is
highly correlated with the response regardless of its distribution between groups. However,
he doesnt completely rule out considering observed imbalances: Choosing covariates on
the basis of the difference between the means in the treatment and control groups is not
irrational. After all, some type I errors may be more serious than others. Reporting a
significant difference in outcome which can be explained away as the effect of a covariate
may be a more embarrassing error than reporting one that happens to go away on
replication but without an easy explanation. Similar considerations may apply to type II
errors. A positive result that depends on adjustment for a covariate may be seen as less
convincing than a positive two-sample test anyway, so that the error of failing to draw such a
positive conclusion may be less serious. These justifications, however, come from outside
the formal theory of testing hypotheses.9
Altman (2005) writes, It seems far preferable to choose which variables to adjust for without
regard to the actual data set to hand. He recommends controlling for highly prognostic
covariates, as well as any that were used in blocking. However, he also discusses a
dilemma: In practice, imbalance may arise when the possible need for adjustment has not
been anticipated. What should the researchers do? They might choose to ignore the
imbalance; as noted, this would be entirely proper. The difficulty then is one of credibility.
Readers of their paper (including reviewers and editors) may question whether the observed
finding has been influenced by the unequal distribution of one or more baseline covariates. It
is still possible, and arguably advisable, to carry out an adjusted analysis, but now with the
explicit acknowledgment that this is an exploratory rather than definitive analysis, and that
the unadjusted analysis should be taken as the primary one. Obviously, if the simple and
adjusted analyses yield substantially the same result, then there is no difficulty of
interpretation. This will usually be the case. However, if the results of the two analyses differ,
then there is a real problem. The existence of such a discrepancy must cast some doubt on
the veracity of the overall (unadjusted) result. The situation is similar to the difficulties of
interpretation that arise with unplanned subgroup comparisons. One suggestion in such
circumstances is to try to mimic what would have been done if the problem had been
anticipated, namely to adjust not for variables that are observed to be unbalanced, but for all
variables that would have been identified in advance as prognostic. An independent source
could be used to identify such variables. Alternatively, the trial data could be used to
determine which variables are prognostic. This strategy too could be prespecified in the
study protocol. Because this analysis would be performed conditionally on the observed
imbalance, it does not remove bias and thus cannot be considered fully satisfactory.10
Tukey (1991) notes that observed imbalances may justify adjustment as a robustness check:
Although most statisticians would accept an analysis of a randomized clinical trial that
doesnt adjust for covariates, Some clinicians, and some statisticians it would seem, would
like to be more sceptical, (perhaps as a supplemental analysis) asking for an analysis that
takes account of observed imbalances in these recorded covariates. Feeling more secure
about the results of such an analysis is indeed appropriate, since the degree of protection
against either the consequences of inadequate randomization or the (random) occurrence of
an unusual randomization is considerably increased by adjustment. Greater security, rather
than increased precision will often be the basic reason for covariance adjustment in a
randomized trial. The main purpose of allowing [adjusting] for covariates in
a randomized trial is defensive: to make it clear that analysis has met its scientific
Some statisticians argue that our inferences should be conditional on a measure of covariate
imbalancein other words, when assessing the bias, variance, and mean squared error of a
point estimate or the coverage probability of a confidence interval, instead of considering all
possible randomizations, it may be more relevant to consider only those randomizations that
would yield a covariate imbalance similar to the one we observe. From this perspective,
observed imbalances may be relevant to the choice of estimator.12
Lin, Green, and Coppock (2016) write: Covariates should generally be chosen on the basis
of their expected ability to help predict outcomes, regardless of whether they appear well-
balanced or imbalanced across treatment arms. But there may be occasions when the
covariate list specified in the PAP [pre-analysis plan] omitted a potentially important covariate
(due to either an oversight or the need to keep the list short when N is small) with a nontrivial
imbalance. Protection against ex post bias (conditional on the observed imbalance) is then a
legitimate concern. However, they recommend that if observed imbalances are allowed to
influence the choice of covariates, the balance checks and decisions about adjustment
should be finalized before we see unblinded outcome data, the direction of the observed
imbalance (e.g., whether the treatment group or the control group appears more advantaged
at baseline) should not be allowed to influence decisions about adjustment, and the
originally pre-specified estimator should always be reported and labeled as such, even if
alternative estimates are also reported.13

7 When not to do it
It is a bad idea to adjust for covariates when you think those covariates could have been influenced
by your treatment. This is one of the reasons that many covariates are collected from baseline
surveys; sometimes covariates that are collected from surveys after intervention could reflect the
effects of the treatment rather than underlying characteristics of the subject. Adjusting for covariates
that are affected by the treatmentpost-treatment covariatescan cause bias.
Suppose, for example, that Gin and Mansuri had collected data on how many political rallies a
woman attended after receiving the treatment. In estimating the treatment effect on independence of
political choice, you may be tempted to include this variable as a covariate in your regression. But
including this variable, even if it strongly predicts the outcome, may distort the estimated effect of the
Lets create this fake variable, which is correlated (like the outcome measure) with baseline
covariates and also with treatment. Here, by construction, the treatment effect on number of political
rallies attended is 2. When we included the rallies variable as a covariate, the estimated average
treatment effect on independence of candidate choice averaged 0.54 across the 10,000 replications.
Recall that the true treatment effect on this outcome is 1. This is severe bias, all because we
controlled for a post-treatment covariate! 14 This bias results from the fact that the covariate is
correlated with treatment.

# Create post-treatment covariate that's correlated with pre-treatment covari

rallies0 = round(.5* + has.formal.schooling + 1.5*TV.access + log
rallies1 = rallies0 + 2
rallies.mat = rallies1 * Z.mat + rallies0 * (1-Z.mat)

# Estimate ATE with new model that includes the post-treatment covariate = function(Y, Z, X) {
coef(lm(Y ~ Z + X + + has.formal.schooling + age + TV.access))

post.adjusted.estimates = rep(NA, Replications)

for (i in 1:Replications) {
post.adjusted.estimates[i] =[,i], Z.mat[,i], rallie

# Estimated bias of the new estimator

mean(post.adjusted.estimates) - true.treatment.effect

# Margin of error (at 95% confidence level) for the estimated bias
1.96 * sd(post.adjusted.estimates) / sqrt(Replications)

Just because you should not adjust for post-treatment covariates does not mean you cannot collect
covariate data post-treatment, but you must exercise caution. Some measures could be collected
post-treatment but are unlikely to be affected by treatment (e.g., age and gender). Be careful about
measures that may be subject to evaluation-driven effects, though: for example, treated women may
be more acutely aware of the expectation of political participation and may retrospectively report that
they were more politically active than they actually were several years prior.

8 Concerns about small-sample bias

In small samples, regression adjustment may produce a biased estimate of the average treatment
effect.15 Some simulations have suggested that this bias tends to be negligible when the number of
randomly assigned units is greater than twenty.16 If youre working with a small sample, you may
want to use an unbiased covariate adjustment method such as post-stratification (splitting the
sample into subgroups based on the values of one or more baseline covariates, computing the
treatmentcontrol difference in mean outcomes for each subgroup, and taking a weighted average of
these subgroup-specific treatment effect estimates, with weights proportional to sample size).17

9 How to make your covariate adjustment

decisions transparent
In the interests of transparency, if you adjust for covariates, pre-specify your models and report both
unadjusted and covariate-adjusted estimates.
The simulations above have demonstrated that results may change slightly or not-so-slightly
depending on which covariates you choose to include in your model. Weve highlighted some rules
of thumb here: include only pre-treatment covariates that are predictive of outcomes. Deciding which
covariates to include, though, is often a subjective rather than an objective enterprise, so another
rule of thumb is to be totally transparent about your covariate decisions. Always include the simplest
modelthe simple regression of outcome on treatment without controlling for covariatesin your
paper or appendix to supplement the findings of your model including covariates.
Another way to minimize your readers concern that you went fishing for the particular combination of
covariates that gave results favorable to your hypotheses is to pre-specify your models in a pre-
analysis plan.18 This gives you the opportunity to explain before you see the findings which pre-
treatment covariates you expect to be predictive of the outcome. You can even write these
regressions out in R using fake data, as done here, so that when your results from the field arrive, all
you need to do is run your code on the real data. These efforts are a useful way of binding your own
hands as a researcher and improving your credibility.

10 Covariates can help you investigate the

integrity of the random assignment
Sometimes it is unclear whether random assignment actually occurred (or whether it occurred using
the procedure that the researcher envisions). For example, when scholars analyze naturally
occurring random assignments (e.g., those conducted by a government agency), it is useful to
assess statistically whether the degree of imbalance between the treatment and control groups is
within the expected margin of error. One statistical test is to regress treatment assignment on all of
the covariates and calculate the F-statistic. The significance of this statistic can be assessed by
simulating a large number of random assignments and for each one calculating the F-statistic; the
resulting distribution can be used to calculate the p-value of the observed F-statistic. For example, if
10,000 simulations are conducted, and just 30 simulations generate an F-statistic larger than what
one actually obtained from the data, the p-value is 0.003, which suggests that the observed level of
imbalance is highly unusual. In such cases, one may wish to investigate the randomization
procedure more closely.

For further reading

Athey, Susan, and Guido W. Imbens (2017). The Econometrics of Randomized Experiments.
In Handbook of Economic Field Experiments, vol. 1 (E. Duflo and A. Banerjee, eds.). arXiv DOI
Gerber, Alan S., and Donald P. Green (2012). Field Experiments: Design, Analysis, and
Interpretation, chapter 4.
Hennessy, Jonathan, Tirthankar Dasgupta, Luke Miratrix, Cassandra Pattanayak, and Pradipta
Sarkar (2016). A Conditional Randomization Test to Account for Covariate Imbalance in
Randomized Experiments. Journal of Causal Inference 4: 6180.
Judkins, David R., and Kristin E. Porter (2016). Robustness of Ordinary Least Squares in
Randomized Clinical Trials. Statistics in Medicine 35: 17631773.
Lin, Winston (2012). Regression Adjustment in Randomized Experiments: Is the Cure Really Worse
than the Disease? Development Impact blog post, part I and part II.
Raudenbush, Stephen W. (1997). Statistical Analysis and Optimal Design for Cluster Randomized
Trials. Psychological Methods 2: 173185.
Wager, Stefan, Wenfei Du, Jonathan Taylor, and Robert Tibshirani (2016). High-Dimensional
Regression Adjustments in Randomized Experiments. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences 113: 1267312678. arXiv DOI

1. Originating author: Lindsay Dolan. Revisions: Don Green and Winston Lin, 1 Nov 2016. The
guide is a live document and subject to updating by EGAP members at any time; contributors
listed are not responsible for subsequent edits. Thanks to Macartan Humphreys and Diana
Mutz for helpful discussions.
2. Miratrix, Luke W., Jasjeet S. Sekhon, and Bin Yu (2013). Adjusting Treatment Effect
Estimates by Post-Stratification in Randomized Experiments. Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society, Series B 75: 369396.
3. See, e.g., pages 217219 of Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie (2009), In Pursuit of
Balance: Randomization in Practice in Development Field Experiments, American Economic
Journal: Applied Economics 1 (4): 200232.
4. A brief review of bias and precision: Imagine replicating the experiment many times (without
changing the experimental sample and conditions, but re-doing random assignment each
time). An unbiased estimator may overestimate or underestimate the ATE on any given
replication, but its expected value (the average over all possible replications) will equal the
true ATE. We usually prefer unbiased or approximately unbiased estimators, but we also
value precision (which is formally defined as the inverse of the variance). Imagine youre
throwing a dart at a dartboard. If you hit the center of the dartboard on average but your
shots are often far from the mark, you have an unbiased but imprecise estimator. If you hit
close to the center every time, your estimator is more precise. A researcher may choose to
accept a small bias in return for a large improvement in precision. One possible criterion for
evaluating estimators is the mean squared error, which equals the variance plus the square
of the bias. See, e.g., Sharon Lohr (2010), Sampling: Design and Analysis, 2nd ed., pp. 31
5. Sampling variability refers to the spread of estimates that will be produced just because of
the different random assignments that could have been drawn. When the luck of the draw of
random assignment produces a treatment group with more As and a control group with more
Bs, it is more difficult to separate background characteristics (A and B) from treatment
assignment as the predictor of the observed outcomes.
6. Gin, Xavier, and Ghazala Mansuri (2012). Together We Will: Experimental Evidence on
Female Voting Behavior in Pakistan.
7. The estimated bias is 0.0003 with a margin of error (at the 95% confidence level) of
8. Diana C. Mutz, Robin Pemantle, and Philip Pham (2016), Model Choice in Experimental
Design: Messy Analyses of Clean Data.
9. Thomas Permutt (1990), Testing for Imbalance of Covariates in Controlled
Experiments, Statistics in Medicine 9: 14551462.
10. Douglas G. Altman (2005), Covariate Imbalance, Adjustment for, in Encyclopedia of
11. John W. Tukey (1991), Use of Many Covariates in Clinical Trials, International Statistical
Review 59: 123137. Italics in the original.
12. See, e.g.: D. R. Cox and N. Reid (2000), The Theory of the Design of Experiments, pp. 29
32; D. Holt and T. M. F. Smith (1979), Post Stratification, Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society, Series A (General) 142: 3346; Richard M. Royall (1976), Current Advances in
Sampling Theory: Implications for Human Observational Studies, American Journal of
Epidemiology104: 463474. For an introduction to philosophical disagreements about
statistical inference, see Bradley Efron (1978), Controversies in the Foundations of
Statistics, American Mathematical Monthly 85: 231246.
13. Winston Lin, Donald P. Green, and Alexander Coppock (2016), Standard Operating
Procedures for Don Greens Lab at Columbia, version 1.05, June 7. Italics in the original.
14. The estimated bias is 0.459 with a margin of error (at the 95% confidence level) of
15. David A. Freedman (2008), On Regression Adjustments in Experiments with Several
Treatments, Annals of Applied Statistics 2: 176196. See also Winston Lins blog posts (part
I and part II) discussing his response to Freedman.
16. Green, Donald P. and Aronow, Peter M., Analyzing Experimental Data Using Regression:
When Is Bias a Practical Concern? (March 7, 2011). Working
17. Miratrix, Sekhon, and Yu (2013), cited above.
18. For more discussion of pre-analysis plans, see, e.g., Benjamin A. Olken (2015), Promises
and Perils of Pre-Analysis Plans,Journal of Economic Perspectives 29 (3): 6180.

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