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Toward The Extended Use of Basic Science for Enhancing

Health, Environment, Energy, and Biotechnology

The First IBSC 2016 Abstract Template

First author1, Second author2
Affiliation of Authors including Department, Institution Name, and Country
Affiliation of Authors including Department, Institution Name, and Country

ABSTRACT. Abstracts for the 1st IBSC should follow this template and the instructions
below. Abstract length is limited to two pages (max). Printed abstract booklets will be
distributed at registration. Abstract should provide a concise summary of the work, including
introduction or background, aim or objective, method, key findings and conclusions.
Introduction of the work should be described in one or two sentences. The objective of the
work should be described clearly. Method used in the work should be provided in details.
Result of the work and Conclusions should correlate with objective of the work. Submission
should be in docx or pdf format, with a maximum size of 3 MB. Your filename should include
the first authors surname, the word abstract, and the first 3 words abstract title. For this
example, a good filename would be Surname-Abstract-The first IBSC template.pdf. Paper
size is A4, with 2 cm top, 1.5 cm bottom margins, 3 cm left, and 2 cm right side of margins.
The font is Times New Roman single spaced, with font sizes as follows this example.
References should be in numerical order [1,2]. do not include page numbers because these
will be added later by the organizers.

Keywords: List the keywords covered in your paper up to 5 words arranged in alphabetical order.


You may write your extended abstract here. Equations should be formatted and
numbered as in this example
E = m c2 , (1)
where E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light. Variables should be in italics. Any
figures and tables should be captioned and mentioned in order in the text.

[1]. A.A. Student, B.B. Student, C.C. Student, F.F. Faculty, Full title of paper, FMIPA UNEJ. 111
(2016) 90-99.
[2]. D.D. Author, An introduction to Natural Science, Wiley, 1990.

Abstract, the 1st International Basic Science Conference (IBSC), 2016. The University of Jember

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