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Archetype Test

Which God/dess are you ruled by?

Based on the writings of Jennifer and Roger Woolger

The sections are broken into masculine and feminine aspects. Read the six statements in each section.
Next rate how much or how little each statement applies to you and check the appropriate number OR
read and assess how much or how little the six statements apply to the partner or type of partner you
are most drawn to and check the appropriate number. After you have completed the questions you can
determine your archetypes by filling out the rating sheets.
3 = strongly applies 2 = moderately applies 1 = mildly applies -1 = not true at all

ONE Appearance
3 2 1 -1

A. Since I don't go out a lot, clothes and makeup arent that important to me.
B. I prefer to be dressed in jeans and comfortable shirts
C. My appearance is rather unconventional.
D. I like to be well, but conservatively dressed and use makeup sparingly.
E. I love to make myself up and be attractive.
F. Being well dressed and made up gives me confidence to go out into the world.
3 2 1 -1

A. Clothes should look sharp and be easy to move in.

B. Except for protection and warmth, cloths are unnecessary.
C. When I think about cloths at all they are a reflection of my mood.
D. I like to look sharp, but I also want to blend in with the people I am with.
E. I dont really care how I look, as long as Im able to work.
F. The clothes make the man.

TWO My Body: How I feel about it.

3 2 1 -1

A. I tend not to think about my body.

B. My body feels best when I'm fit and active.
C. I like my body to be touched a lot by those I love.
D. I'm often not in my body at all.
E. I find it embarrassing to talk about my body.
F. I love being pregnant/I look forward to being pregnant.
3 2 1 -1

A. I like being healthy and stay fit by being outdoors.

B. I dont really think about my body Im too busy thinking about important things.
C. People have more respect for a man who looks fit and stands tall.
D. I tend to ignore my body, except when Im hungry.
E. Ive always had a lot of nervous energy. Im flexible and wiry.
F. I work out frequently, strength and stamina are important.

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THREE House and Home: What matters to me
3 2 1 -1

A. My home should be elegant and impressive.

B. I prefer the city; an apartment is fine.
C. My home must be warm and have room for everyone.
D. I need privacy and space for the things I like to do.
E. Wherever I live must be comfortable and beautiful.
F. I prefer to live in the country or close to parks and open spaces.
3 2 1 -1

A. A mans home is his castle and should reflect his status.

B. I like to collect things, but my home is private I prefer to meet people out.
C. My home is cluttered and comfortable; I dont really care about housekeeping.
D. The animals and plants need to be comfortable, and I like lots of air and light.
E. A place for everything, and everything in its place.
F. I need room for all my projects and I need to know where my tools are.

FOUR Eating & Food: Its importance to me

3 2 1 -1

A. I eat carefully to keep my body healthy.

B. I love dining somewhere romantic where I can eat good food and be served.
C. I like to eat out a lot and be able to talk.
D. I really enjoy cooking for others.
E. Mealtimes are important family occasions.
F. Eating isn't terribly important to me.
3 2 1 -1

A. I enjoy good food, but Im careful not to put on unwanted weight.

B. Food is fuel, but can really pack it away when Im hungry.
C. I watch what I eat, but I dont want to seem like Im dieting.
D. I love good food and drink, but I forget to eat when Im thinking.
E. I really prefer organic and natural foods especially if I grow then myself.
F. Im often too busy to bother with food.

FIVE Childhood: How I used to be

3 2 1 -1

A. I had lots of secret games and imaginary worlds.

B. I always ran all of the games with my friends.
C. I loved to play with dolls.
D. I always had my nose in a book as I got older.
E. I loved to be outdoors and with animals.
F. I loved changing clothes and playing dress-up.
3 2 1 -1

A. I was always taking things apart to see how they worked.

B. I got into trouble a lot, even when it wasnt my fault. I usually talk my way out of it.
C. I played sports and wanted to win.
D. The other kids didnt understand me, books and my inner life were more important.
E. I always tried to be the head of whatever team or club I joined.
F. I preferred to be outdoors with the animals competition didnt interest me.

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SIX Intimate Partner: How I feel about them and what I look for
3 2 1 -1

A. I want a partner who will always excite me sexually.

B. I want a partner who will protect and spoil me.
C. I like a partner who is independent and gives a lot of space.
D. I need a partner who will challenge me mentally.
E. I need a partner to understand my inner world.
F. I want a partner whose position in the world I can be proud of.
3 2 1 -1

A. I need a partner who is creative, mystical and respects my need to be by myself.

B. I need a partner who shares my goals and successes.
C. I want a partner who understands that duty and honor come first.
D. I prefer to be alone but I could be with someone who loves nature and gives me a
lot of space.
E. I need a partner who loves wild adventure and who has a great sense of humor.
F. I dont really understand this partner/relationship thing.

SEVEN Love & Marriage: What love and marriage means to me

3 2 1 -1

A. Marriage only works when there is a higher spiritual connection.

B. Marriage is the foundation of society.
C. Love is all-important; without it my marriage is empty.
D. Love and marriage are fine, so long as I have plenty of freedom.
E. Marriage safeguards my children; love alone is not enough.
F. My marriage sometimes has to be sacrificed for the sake of my work.
3 2 1 -1

A. Marriage, to the right partner, is necessary to get anywhere in the upper levels of
B. I believe in love, but my partner had better be loyal.
C. Marriage is OK as long as you have plenty of freedom.
D. Marriage is not really for me unless I can have multiple partners.
E. Marriage only works when there is a spiritual/intellectual connection and deep love.
F. Love isnt as important as having a friend whom encourages you.

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EIGHT Sexuality: How I am in bed
3 2 1 -1

A. It's sometimes hard to let myself go fully during sex.

B. The right person turns me on very easily.
C. It sometimes takes me a while to get into my body.
D. I love to give sexually as much as to receive.
E. I'm a bit shy, but I can be very wild.
F. Sex can be ecstatic and almost mystical for me.
3 2 1 -1

A. I like warm, comfortable sex with an understanding partner.

B. I like primal wild sex with a partner who can keep up with me.
C. A man has needs that must be taken care of from time to time.
D. Sex is an ecstatic union between souls.
E. Good sex with the right person is one of the things worth fighting for.
F. I like adventurous sex with lots of variety.

NINE Children: Their role in my life/How I view children

3 2 1 -1

A. Im happiest when doing things outdoors with my kids.

B. Children are the greatest fulfillment of life.
C. I expect my children to be a great credit to me.
D. I choose not to have children so that I can pursue my career.
E. I love children, but my love life is equally important.
F. I love children and always want to know what they are feeling and thinking.
3 2 1 -1

A. Children should be obedient and follow the rules.

B. I read to them and encourage their activities.
C. I like to play with children and show them how much fun life can be.
D. I like doing things outdoors with kids.
E. Children should work hard and make their parents proud of them.
F. I enjoy teaching my children how to work with their hands and fix things.

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TEN Passtimes: Types of things I like to do
3 2 1 -1

A. Metaphysics, tarot reading, astrology, dream journal, personal art and rituals.
B. Collecting jewelry, art objects, beautiful clothes; fashion, music, theater.
C. Sports, athletics, jogging, camping, fishing, sailing, horseback riding.
D. Community involvement, social clubs, volunteer groups, local religious
E. Political campaigning, minority group support, museums, lecture series, reading.
F. Cooking, baking, gardening, tending plants, needlework, weaving.
3 2 1 -1

A. Camping, hiking, herbalism, gardening, working with animals, environmental

B. Political campaigning, golf, community involvement, business seminars.
C. Working out, athletics hunting, gun/weapons collecting, martial arts, physical
D. Working with my hands, creating beautiful things, fixing things
E. Writing, reading, studying, dancing, music, theater, the arts, ecstatic states.
F. Practical jokes, collecting, adventures, cutting edge, thrill seeking, avant-garde.

ELEVEN Parties: How I am at them

3 2 1 -1

A. I usually get into political or intellectual discussions.

B. I'll often be drawn to people with problems.
C. I prefer to be the hostess and throw my own parties.
D. I can't help sizing up the sexiest people in the room.
E. I like to make sure that people have a good time.
F. Parties make me restless so I don't go to too many.
3 2 1 -1

A. I can't help sizing up the sexiest people in the room.

B. I usually get into political or intellectual discussions.
C. I dont like parties and if I can avoid it dont go.
D. I love going to parties and throwing them, especially if they are something
E. I prefer small, spiritual gatherings of close friends and on occasion a wild party.
F. Im uncomfortable at parties unless theres somebody there whos into talking

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TWELVE Friends: Their place in my life
3 2 1 -1

A. Most of my friends have children the same age as mine.

B. I choose my friends carefully and they are very important to me.
C. I enjoy my latest ideas and projects.
D. I tend to have magical friends.
E. My friends are mostly the wives/partners of...
F. My male friends are generally more than just friends.
3 2 1 -1

A. I have loads of friends, am very popular, and we get into a lot of trouble.
B. I dont confide in anyone, but people can be useful allies.
C. I have buddies whom I trust to watch my back, but we dont really talk about
personal things.
D. I have a small group of close friends.
E. My friends are vital spiritual and intellectual partners whom I love and confide in.
F. Friends are nice, but I dont really confide in them anything personal.

THIRTEEN Books: What I have around

3 2 1 -1

A. Cookbooks, crafts, childcare.

B. Serious non-fiction, biographies, travel, history.
C. New age, psychology, metaphysics, alternative religions
D. Sports, fitness, yoga, animal/wildlife, How-to.
E. Art, popular biographies, novels, romances, poetry.
F. Politics, sociology, recent intellectual books, avant-garde literature.
3 2 1 -1

A. New Age, metaphysical, poetry, music, literature, history, art, philosophy, science
fiction, fantasy.
B. Wildlife, animals, gardening, herbs, holistic healing, Shamanic, yoga,
C. Craft, do-it-yourself, how-to, computer, science, math, light fiction.
D. Avant-garde, psychology, sociology, communications, risqu, adventures,
E. Politics, serious non-fiction, best sellers, biographies, travel.
F. Military, mysteries, historical non-fiction, strategy, sports.

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FOURTEEN The Larger World: My attitude towards it
3 2 1 -1

A. I always try to stay informed about what's going on in the world.

B. Politics only interest me for the intrigues behind the scenes.
C. I know about the present by studying the past and through my dreams and visions.
D. I rarely take interest in whats going on politically or globally.
E. It's mostly a man's world, so I leave them to it.
F. It's important for me to play an active role in the community.
3 2 1 -1

A. I stay informed about what's going on in the world.

B. I know about the present by studying the past and through my dreams and visions.
C. Im more interested in specific issues that affect me.
D. Except for environmental issues, I rarely take interest in politicas.
E. The behind the scene intrique of politics interests me, but its not a topic of
F. As long as I know which side I am on, let someone else worry about it.

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Most developed
(Highest score)


(Lowest score)

Archetypes are universal and manifest in many different pantheons and systems. They allow us insight
into our own nature and allow us distance. They express both paths that behavior may take; showing us
the positives and negatives that come with all actions and emotions. Archetypes can help us see into our
actions and know ourselves better. They can help us identify our strengths and develop them. They aid
rediscovering areas we have denied within ourselves. They do not excuse our actions but give us insight
into our patterns.

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How To Determine Your Goddess/Feminine Archetype
Using the score sheet on this page, go through each question--one through fourteen--and list each score (a-
f) under the appropriate Goddess. Enter the score next to the letter.
Total the score for each Goddess column. This will give you a quotient for each Goddess. Strong
Goddesses in you will be high scores. Underdeveloped or disowned Goddesses will have low scores.
Copy your six Goddesses onto the Goddess Wheel. Now you have a graphic representation of the
Goddesses within you. This is your Goddess/Feminine profile.

Athena Aphrodite Persephone Artemis Demeter Hera

1. F___ E____ C____ B____ A____ D____

2. A____ C____ D____ B____ F____ E____
3. B____ E____ D____ F____ C____ A____
4. C____ B____ F____ A____ D____ E____
5. D____ F____ A____ E____ C____ B____
6. D____ A____ E____ C____ B____ F____
7. F____ C____ A____ D____ E____ B____
8. C____ B____ F____ E____ D____ A____
9. D____ E____ F____ A____ B____ C____
10. E____ B____ A____ C____ F____ D____
11. A____ D____ B____ F____ E____ C____
12. C____ F____ D____ B____ A____ E____
13. F____ E____ C____ D____ A____ B____
14. A____ B____ C____ D____ E____ F____

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

____Aphrodite ____Athena ____Artemis

____Hera ____Persephone ____Demeter

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How to Determine Your God/Masculine Archetype
Using the score sheet on this page, go through each question--one through fourteen--and list each score (a-
f) under the appropriate God. Enter the score next to the letter. You will find the six letters arranged under
the names of the archetypes to which they belong.
Total the score for each God column. This will give you a quotient for each God. Strong archetypes will
have high scores, while the shadow self will have low scores.
Copy your six Gods onto the God Wheel. Now you have a graphic representation of the Gods within you.
This is your God profile.

Zeus Dionysus Hephastus Pan Hermes Ares

1. F____ C____ E___ B____ D____ A____
2. C____ B____ D____ A____ E____ F____
3. A____ C____ F____ D____ B____ E____
4. C____ D____ B____ E____ F____ A____
5. E____ D____ A____ F____ B____ C____
6. B____ A____ F____ D____ E____ C____
7. A____ E____ F____ C____ D____ B____
8. C____ D____ A____ B____ F____ E____
9. E____ B____ F____ D____ C____ A____
10. B____ E____ D____ A____ F____ C____s
11. B____ E____ F____ C____ D____ A____
12. B____ E____ F____ D____ A____ C____
13. E____ A____ C____ B____ D____ F____
14. A____ B____ C____ D____ E____ F____

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

____Zeus ____Hephastus ____Ares

____Pan ____Hermes ____Dionysus

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The God/dess Dyad
The God/dess Dyad represents the pairs of God/desses, in other words the complementary God/desses. If
one has strong elements of one part of the Dyad, it is relatively easy to develop the other, to bring them
into balance, except for Hera and Persephone, who are polar opposites in ego strength.

Aphrodite/Muse Ares/Warrior
Relationships Body
(love) (independence)

Hera/Queen Demeter/Mother Zeus/King Pan/Wildman

Power Body Power Nature
(power) (love) (power) (independence)

Athena/Scholar Persephone/Maiden Hermes/Trister Hephastus/Craftsman

Mind Spirit Communication Objects
(power) (love) (independence)

Artemis/Warrior Dionysus/Poet
Nature Mind

Food for thought

How do you feel about the God/dess that you most identify with?
Do you feel the archetype accurately reflects your interaction or view of the world?
If the archetype does not seem to fit you, why might this be? Are you answering as your true self
or with a mask you wear?
Can you see the strengths and weakness of this archetype?
What mythos or traits do you know about them?
How can you use this information to better your self?
How can you bring in aspects of other archetypes?
How can you use this information to beter understand those around you?
What is your response to your lowest scoring archetype?
What male and female archetypes do you most surround yourself with?
What archetype do you see as most wounded? Which do you see as strongest? Where are they in
your wheel?

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Suggested Reading
Archetypes & the Collective Unconscious; Carl Jung
Heroines Journey; Maureen Marduck
Song of Eve; Manuela Mascetti
Toward a Psychology of Being; Maslow
King, Warrior, Magician; Moore
The God in Everyman; Jean Bolen
The Goddess in Every Woman; Jean Bolen
Awakening The Hero Within; Carol Pearson
Dancing with Goddesses; Annis Pratt
The Goddess Within; Jennifer & Roger Woolger

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