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KD Level 3
Veronica P. Atin veronica/wk 3/sept


Week 3

veronica/wk 3/sept 2013

Add the circumfix koan to the following

words.Whats the meaning of the resulting nouns?
Root Word Noun
1. Simban (change) 1. (Answers on slide 5)
2. Porinta (govern)
3. Kanggau (worry)
4. Labus (out)
5. Uhup (help)
6. Lansan (hope)
7. Imbulai (appear/muncul)
8. Purimon (feel)
9. Talib (pass/pass by)
10. Silou (yellow)

veronica/wk 3/sept 2013

Now what is the root word of each

of these nouns?
Nouns Root Word
1. Kosiwatan (chance)
2. Koilaan (source of knowledge) (Answers on slide 6)
3. Kasarahan (thought)
4. Kotonudan (reason of following)
5. Kootusan (result of something)
6. Kagampatan (reason for
7. Kowotuan (rocky area)
8. Kawatasan (areas)
9. Katagadan (anger)
10. Kabaalan (skill/knowledge)

Change these root words to the correct

veronica/wk 3/sept 2013

forms of noun by adding Give

the meaning of each of the nouns.
Root Noun/Meaning
surat (write) (Answer on side 7)
irikau (sit)
ribau (shallow)
tulid (honest)
hondom (remember)
basug (stupid/foolish)
paragat (activity)
lopot (wrap)
solimbau (broadcast)
bontol (encounter)

veronica/wk 3/sept 2013

Add the circumfix koan to the following

words.Whats the meaning of the resulting nouns?
Root Word Noun
1. Simban (change) 1. Kosimbanan (perubahan)
2. Porinta (govern) 2. Koporintaan (kerajaan)
3. Kanggau (worry) 3. Kakanggahan (kerisauan)
4. Labus (out) 4. Kolobusan (pengeluaran)
5. Uhup (help) 5. Kouhupan (pertolongan)
6. Lansan (hope) 6. Kalansanan (harapan)
7. Imbulai (appear/muncul) 7. Koimbulaian (kemunculan)
8. Purimon (feel) 8. Kopurimanan (perasaan)
9. Talib (pass/pass by) 9. Kotoliban (sesuatu yg sudah
10. Silou (yellow) berlalu)
10. Kosilahan (kekuningan)

veronica/wk 3/sept 2013

Now what is the root word of each

of these nouns?
Nouns Root Word
1. Kosiwatan (chance) 1. Siwat (chance)
2. Koilaan (source of knowledge) 2. Ilo (know)
3. Kasarahan (thought) 3. Sorou (think)
4. Kotonudan (reason of following) 4. Tanud (follow)
5. Kootusan (result of something) 5. Otus (to result stg)
6. Kagampatan (reason for 6. Gampot (achieve)
achievement) 7. Watu (rock)
7. Kowotuan (rocky area) 8. Watas (area)
8. Kawatasan (areas) 9. Togod
9. Katagadan (anger) (angry/anger)
10. Kabaalan (skill/knowledge) 10. Baal (skill)

veronica/wk 3/sept 2013

Answer for page 4

Root Noun/Meaning
surat (write) Kosuratan (reason for writing)
irikau (sit) Koirikahan (reason for sitting)
ribau (shallow) Koribahan (shallowness)
tulid (honest) Kotulidan (honesty)
hondom (remember) Kahandaman (rememberance)
basug (stupid/foolish) Kobosugan (stupidity)
paragat (activity) Kaparagatan (activity)
lopot (wrap) Kalapatan (reason for wrapping)
solimba (broadcast) Kosolimbaan (a broadcast)
bontol (encounter) Kabantalan (reason for

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