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Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Wizard's Spell Compendium


Design: It is impossible ro list all 1becreators oflhe spells cataloged in these volumes,
but credit goes to everyone who creuted a spell in a module, boxed set, accessory, hardbound
book or magazine article published in the last 20 years.
ComplJatloo: Mark Middleton
DeveJopment and Editing: Jon Pickens
Additional Development: Richard Baker Ill
Creative Director: Steve Winter
Interior lllustntlon s: Glen Michael Angus, Toren Atkinson,
Ken Frank. John Snyder, and Arnie Swekel
Graphic Design: Eileen Mecha
Typesetting: Nancy J. Kerkstra
Art Dlrcctor: S. Daniele
Acknowledgements: L. Richard Baker m, Brad Bolas, Ed Greenwood,
Bruce Heard, Miranda Homer, Julia Martin, Mark Middleton, Roger E. Moore,
John Ratcliff, Terry O'Nea l, Steven E. Schend, slade, Kei1h Strohm. Skip Williams.
And of course, James M. Ward, who smiles a lot.

Eagle Form to Mnemonic Enhancer, Ra ry's


Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 290

How 10 Use This Bool<....................................................................................................................... 29 I
Spell Frequency .............................'....................................................................................................293
Jcons ................................................................................................ ...................................................295
F .........................................................................................................................................................337
G ......................... .........................................................
H ........................................................................................................................................................42 1
I ......................................................._.................................................................................................443
J ........................................................................
K ....................................................................................................................................................... 479
L .........................................................................................................................................................491
M to Mn .................................................................................................... .........................................529


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ISBN: 0-7869--0664
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Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Introduction race and magica l specialty) the most important
principle of organization used in the series as a
The seco nd volume of the Wizard Spell whole is alphabetical.
Compendium continues the work of the first . This The material in these books is presented in the
volume provides an alphabetical reference to wiz- most current game format, that of the 2nd Editjon
ard spells of the AD&D" game system, covering rules. Some spell descriptions have been updated
the letters .Ethrough Mn. The entire series of Wiz- or combined with similar spell effects to eliminate
ard Compendium books covers wizard spells cre- duplication; some have been modified for better
ated for the game from 1975 to 1995. play, and a very few have been dropped entirely.
For the uninitiated, this is not a book of "real" Variantmagical systems, such as the rune magic
magical spells. In a fantasy game world there are systemdetailed in our Vikingsettingreferencebook;
characters like Merlin the Magician, who create the kingdom-levelmagic of the B1R nfRIOHT"' setting;
marvelou s magi ca l effects with a wave of the the psionic Dragon-Kingmagics of the DAAKSUN"
hand. This is a book of marvelous effects that can setting;and the very rare, pure-enCTgy "spellfire" of
be used by the good guys (and the bad guys) in the the F'OROOTTRN REALMs setting are beyond the
course of a game session. The key to the game is, basic scope of this book. The emphasis here is on
as always, the decisions made by the players those magicaleffects that any magic-usingcharacter
(heroic or otherwise), and the impact those deci- might find useful in the courseof an adventun:.
sions have on the plot of the game. New spells are
fun, but it's even more runfiguring out unusual About This Book
ways to use them.
Up to thjs time, lists of spell effects have been The spells listed in this book are given alphabet-
keyed to spell level; that is, relative spell power. 1n ically. Spell names that include a wizard's name
other words, if all a gamer or Dungeon Master are given a primary listing under that name; for
knew was a spell name, each level's list of spells example, for Tenser sfloating disk, tb.e primary
had to be checked. Although the final volume of entry is under "T." Another reference to the main
this series will include level lists (as well as lists by entry will be found at the second word of the spell

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
name; in this case tile entry would read: "Floating known as a shade. Where two spells have the same
Disk.Tenser's." name, the most general version is given first, while
Be aware that many spell names are irregular variantscast by other races or found in specialized
compound words, and that standard alphabetical campaign settings are given Later.
order follows complete words. Thus,fire shield
will appear before fireball. If you can't find a School: Each school governs a type of magic,
spel~ try loo.king for it as a compound form. according to the type of energy its spells employ
Some spells will have multiple names; or the and the special practices and methods used by its
name of a spell might have been changed, either to wizards. The basic schools arc:
avoid confusion with a better known spell with a
si.milar name or to better match the spell effect. For Sc HOOLSOF PHILOSOPHY
eJCa mplc, Intensify, which makes natural phenom- Abjuratio n : Protective, warding, or banishing
ena such as storms and earthquakes more severe, magics.
wasrenamedintensify nature to distinguish it from Alterat ion: Magicthat changes physical proper-
effects that might be intensified by other spells, ties of an object, creature, or condition.
such as intensify summoning. Renamedspells have Conjuration/S ummoning: Callsor brings objects
a short reference under the original name. or creatures from elsewhere.
Spells associated with specific campaign worlds Divination : Uncovers what is lost or hidden in
are marked with a special symbol so they can be the past, p~nt, or future .
easily recognized. Sec page 7 for a summary of Eni:hantment/Charm: Bestows magical proper-
these symbols.Also, spells that an: associated with ties on objects or influences creatures magically.
a specific monster or nonhuman race (such as 11/us ion/P hantas m : lllusion s create and alter
dragons, e.lves, and so on) will be noted; the race appearances; phantasms affect the mind.
name separated from the spell name by a dash. Inv ocat ion/Evoc ation : Channels and shapes
Generally, spell names and secondary game magical energy 10 create aneffect or object.
effects will be ltal{cized. For example, the emotion Necromancy : Magics working upon life energy,
spell has a secondary effect called hope. including the negative energy of the undead.

How To Use Thi s Book Optional Sc hools: These include two groups of
schools beyond the original eight.
Each spell in this book is organized along the
same general lines. Each is Listed by its name, THESCHOO.LS OF Emcr
schoo~and a numberof statistics that governits use Dimension : Magics that affect dimensions, or
such as Level (of power), Range,CastingTime, and access extradimensional areas.
so on. The game powersof each spell are described, Elemental Magi c: Subdivided into Air, Earth,
along with any special rules that govern its use, how Fire, and Water specialists. Arabian and oriental
the spell target can avoid or counter its effects, any cultures have similar divisions.
limitations on how the spell can be used, and any Force: Magics dealing with fields of pure cohe-
special preparations or materials tha1needed for a sive magicalenergies.
successfulcasting. The details of any reversedform S haduw : Magi cs that deal with shadow and
the spell might have are given next. Finally,a sec- darkness, including the sbadowstuff of the Demi -
tion called Notu has been appended to each speH; plane of Shadow.
this deals with the spell's recommendedrarity in the
campaign, and any special restrictionson who (or SCHOOLSOF THAUMAnJROY
what) can use it. Alchemy : Uses powders and strange reagents to
Having covered the field briefly, a more detailed achieve effects.
look is in order: Artifice: U:sesitems and devices to focus spell
Name: This is the name by which the spell is gen- Geome.try: Uses diagrams , symbols and com-
erally known. Although we have tried to plex patterns to channel magical energy.
unique names, this has 001 always been possible. Wild Magic : Shapes dangerously uncontrolled
For example, create shade , a useful shelter from raw energies; subject to unprcdlctablcsurges.
the sun in the arabian deserts of the AL-QA DIM
setting, is very different fromcreate shade, the evil {)NIVER,SALSCHOOLOf MAGIC
spell that turns someone into a dangerous shadow A special list of spells 10 whlch any wizard has
monste r from the Plane of Shadows, a monster access.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Reversed Form: An entry of "Reversible" means DuratJon: This is how long the magical energy of
the spell can be cast with the opposite effect. Por the spell lasts. An instantaneous durationmeansthe
example, theflesh to stone spell,a petrifyingattack, spell energy comes and goes the instant the spell is
can be reversedas stone toflesh , providinga way to cast, though the effects might be long-lasting. A
recovera character otherwise lost to a petrification duration of permanent means the spell energy
attack. Usually,a wizard must memorize the exact remains as long as the effect does; thismeans that
fonn of the reversiblespell he wantsavailable. the spell is vulne.rable to a dispel magic spell. Tl,is is
an altered usage . Many spells listed In earlier
Level: This is the relative power level of the spell, sources as having a "pennanent" duration (such as
ranging from I st level (weakest)to 9th level (most c11relight wounds), will be altered in this series and
powerful). A king's wizard whocan create potions, in futurepublicationsto "instantaneous."
magical scrolls, a.nd magical items with expend- Spells with a set duration (such as I round per
able charges will generally have access to a 6th- level) must be kept track ofby the player; those
levelspell, a few 5th-levelspells, and an increasing with a variable duration are secretly rolled by the
numberof 4th- through Ist-levelspells each day. DM.
Some spells can be ended by the caster at will;
Range: The distance from the caster at which the the easier must be in range of the center of ihe
magical effect occurs. A rangeof"O" means the spell's effect and must usually (though not always)
effect is centered on the caster's person or his loca- spea.lcwords of dismissal.
tion; in the latter case the effect is usually immo-
bile. "Touch " means the effect can be used on A re a of Effect : This entry lists the creatures,
another creature or object. Unless otherwise speci- dimensions, volume, weight and so on, that the
fied, spells are centered on a point visible to the spell can affect. Some spells have areas that can be
caster and withfo the spell's range; this oao be a shaped by the caster; of these, no dimensioncan be
specific creature or object if desired. Most ranges less than IO feet unless the spell specifically
are measured in yards; some are measured in feet. allows it. Many areas are given as cubes to make it
easy to figure olll areas of effect when using map
Components: These are the types of components gridded into I 0-foot or 5-foot squares. Three-
that the spell requires; if the componenis are not dimensional volumes are most often needed to
present, the casting fails. "V" is verbal; that is, a resolveaerial or underwatereffects.
spoke n incantation the wiza rd is assumed to Unless specificallyotherwise in the description,
deliver while casting. "S" is somatic: that is, mea- areas of effect conformto their physicalsurround-
sured and precise gestures with the hands, which ings; for example, a light speU with a 60-foot
the wizard is assumed to make while casting. "M" radius centered in a closed room that is a 20-foot
is for material ; that is, physical substances or cube will light the room. It wiU not penetrate a
objects that are annihalatedby the spell energies in solid wall to light a room beyond.
the casting process. This abbreviation sometimes Many areas are given as geometricshapes.
signifies afocus, or device that is reusable; some- Radius : This might yield n circle, hemisphere,
times this is a temporary focus whose premature or sphere, depending on the situation.
destructionwill end thespell. Cloud. Usually given as a block of cubes for
Often the components are merely suggestive or convenience,although it's actually amorphous and
colorful, at other times they will be a significant billowy.
restrictionon how often a spell can be cast. Unless Cone : This projects outward from the castec,
a cost for a component is given in the description with the smtillest end toward the caster and the
(which means the component is intended as a largest diameter farthest from the caster.
limit) the cost is negligible and can be assumed as Path: This is usually a IO-footwide line starting
part of daily or monthly general expenses. at the caster and projecting away in a straight line
to a specified length.
Casting Ti me: This is relative time required to Spells that affect the caster's friends or enemies
cast a spell. Unless rounds, turns, or a longer cast- are based on the current perceptionsof the caster.
ing time is specified, the casting will be completed
in the same round it is started. A casting time less Sav ing Throw: This entry lists whether a spell
than one round is a modifier to the initiative roll, allows a saving throw,and often the effect of a suc-
and is essentiallythe same as II weapon speed fac- cessful saving throw: "Neg." means the spell is
tor. A spell that ta.Icesa round to cast comes into negatedand has no effect; "" means that the spell
effect at the end of that round. inflicts damage and that a successfulsaving throw


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

halves the damage taken; "None" means no saving MoMt er Detail s: Some of the spe lls summon
throw is allowed to an unwilling subject. The result or create monsters. The standa rd abbreviations
ofa saving throw for a reversed spell is given in used for monste r details given later. Not all mon-
the paragraph that details the reversed foan . sters will use all abbreviations.
Tbe saving throw itself is a roll on a twenty- AC: Acmor Class
sided die; high numbers aregenerally good. MV: Movement- Fl: fly
Wisdom allows adjustments to saving throws (MC) = Maneuverability Class
against enchantment/chann spells. Dexterity may RD : Hit Dice
provide adjustments aga inst spells that affect a #AT: Number of Attacks
largearea. THA.CO : To Hit Armor Class 0
Solid physical barriers may give saving throw Dmg: Damage
modifiers and reduce damage. Cover and conceal- SA:Special Attacks
ment may also affect saving throws. SD: Special Defenses
A creature that successfully saves against a spell SW: Special Weaknesses
without obvious physical effects often feels a hos- MR: Magic Resistance
tile force or t ingle , but the exac t nature of the SZ: Size
attack cannot be deduced. ML: Morale
Unless the spell specifies otherwise, if a charac- Al : Alignment
ter makes a saving throw, all items carried and
worn are assumed to survive the attack. lfthe char- Spell Frequenc y
acter fails the saving throw, exposed items must
make saving throws against the attack form. An
item exposed by the destruc tion ofa covering (a
parchment scroll protected by a bone scroll case,
for example) must also save against the
Unless specifically forbidden, charac ters can
volunta ri ly forego a saving throw and willi ngly
accept the spell result. Even a character with a spe-
cial resis tance to magic (for example, an elf's
resistance to a charm spell ) can voluntarily sup- C o mmon S pe ll : The details and effects of a
press this ifhe wants. common spell are generally known, even by w.iz..
ards who may not have the spell in their books .
Spell Desc ription : This contains the details of All spells in the Player:, Handbook are common
what the spell does and how it works. Spells with spells. Spells l1s1edfor the basic wizard class in
multiple funcrions usually allow the caster to pick world-specific material (such as the DARKSUN
the desired function at the time of casting (for campaign set) are common for wizards of that
example, the emor/011 spell can create fear, world. but might be rarer or even unknown else-
courage . hope . despair, joy . and seve ral olher where .
effects). Player characters can take common first level
Spells that give bonuses or penalties to attack spells a.s starting spells (see Starting Spellbooks
rolls, damage rolls , saving throws, and so on, are in the Wizard Spell Compendium Vol. I) . Any
usually not cumulative; only the strongest magic is limitation on i,pell se lection - such as Lhose for
effective . However, duration may be a factor, and school, class, or kit-apply lo all spells, even
spell effects might overlap in different ways at dif- common ones. Nore also tha t DMs may have
ferent times. their own campaign guidelines. For example, the
OM might require every PC mage lo have a men-
Notes : This new section deals with the spell 's tor wizard, restricting any "free" spe ll s (those
recommended rarity on the following scale: com- not found or directly researched) to spells in the
mon, uncommon , rare , very rare. and unique . books of lhe me ntor. A DM might rule that
These are discussed in detail in lbe Definitions of named spells (such as Tenser:rfloati11g disk) are
Spell Frequency. Spells of any rarity also may be uncommon spe lls, as well.
restricted 10 certain races or specialty casters.
Any unusual notes on a spell's source , such as a
game world of origin, or a specific magazine are diemity ola ,pell if
given here. lherWl


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Uncommon Spell: Wizard spells found in the Very Rare SpeU: Spells that appear only in maga-
Tome of Magic fall into this category.These spells zine articles, or are otherwise variant sho'uld be
are less well known, but not restricted to a race or classified as very rare. The DM should closely
special group like, for example, witches, dragons, control very rare spells. For example, they might
or the Red Wizards of Thay. A kit, school, or other be available only in a single special book or tome
specialty might allow some uncommon spells to be in which they were reco rded . Many very rare
treated as common spells. Generalist mages can spells will also be restricted (see Restricted Spell).
re sea rch uncommon spells using the normal A DM who allows the spell to be researched at
research rules . all rolls for the success of the research secretly and
A player character cannot start with an uncom- announces the result to tho player. At the DM's
mon spell or learn it in the course of normal level option, the standard "Chance to Learn" might be
advancement (unless, perhaps, a wizardly mentor reduced by up to 50% and the research success
knows it). Such spells enter play when found on a chances halved, or evenquartered.
magical scroll or in a spelJbook, or when devel- Classifying a spell as very rare is one way for a
oped as a result of research. lo the averageAD&D DM lo handle an experimental spell that is too
ca.mpaign, finding a new common or uncommon powerful or one that encroaches too much on the
spell is a Httle more common than a fighter class class abilities of nonwizards. It is also possible,
character finding a + I magical sword . Some over time, for a spell devised by a player character
uncommonspells may be restricted (see Restricted to become rare,uncommon, or even common.
Ualque Spell: This spell is lcnownonly to its orig-
Rare SpelJt Rarespells are specialized or bidden inal creator and is int.rinsic to the creators cam-
magic, such as those introduced in module s or paign function. Some spells of this type might be
accessories. ln addition to spells that are just less availableonly to a characte.r holding a certain posi-
well known, two special types of rare spells exisc tion or office. Most unique spells arc of the 6th
I) Spells known by a specific nonhuman race (like spell level or higher; the creator is nearly alwaysof
elven spells from the Complete Booleof Elves); and 12th level or higher. Such spells are marked with a
2) Spells ofa specialty or campaign-specific group double dagger (tt).
that is not given in the Player 's Handbook (like the If a unique spell can be learned at all, it can be
spells of the Red Wizards of Thay, the spells from learned only from its creator (or in very rare cir-
the Complete Necromancer's Handbook. or spells cumstances, from the creator's writings). Merely
of an wizard who specializes In Elemental Fire having a spellbook or scroll is not suffic ient,
magic). Rare spells are likely to be restricted (see though these might count as part of the creators
Restricted Spell). "writings." The Simbul 's spell trigger is a unique
As noted in the Players Handbook, a specialist spell.
has bonuses to the "Chance to Learn" and spell The acquisition of a unique spell or the creation
research rolls within that speciaJty. The specialist of one by a player character is a major campaign
treats the spells of the specialty as common, unless event, similar in campaign impact to the comple-
other factors apply (an enchantment/charm spell tion of an epic high-level quest, the opening of a
lcnownonly to dragons is still considered rare for a fixed interplanar gate, the founding of a barony,
wiz.ardspecializing in enchantment/charmmagic.) the destruction of an artifact. and so on.
Player charac ters have access to rare magics
only as a result of campaign-specific conditions. Other Definitions
Generalist mage research of rare magics bas a base
- 15% penalty to tho "Chance to Learn" and Lost Spell: Rarely, a spell is mentio ned for
research success rolls, unless the character bas which no 2nd Edition detail exists (including a
access to some son of knowledge or resource that few spells deliberately withdrawn from the sys-
would offset this. tem) . No detail s are given for these other than
Certain campaign-specific or storyline condi- the spell name . They are "lost knowledge ,"
tions might allow rare spell research at common included only to confi rm their one-tim e exis-
spell chances. For example, if a human wizard's tence for the curious.
reward for an adventureon behalf of th.e elves is an
elven spell, the DM may choose to waive some or
au of the "Chance to Learn" roll, the research cost,
and/or the research success roll (time requirements
should not be waived under any circumstances).


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Restricte d Spell : A restricted spell is barred to normaJ magics; scions of evil bloodline s are
generalists{thatis, the mage class), and to all other called awnshegli-en,and those of heroic bloodlines
wizards except those specific ally allowed in the are called ensheg/ien. In the SPl!LUAMM E1t set
spell description or by the OM. Optiona.lly, an ting, flying ships are propelled by spellcastcrs
independently researched spell that matches the using magical power sources called major and
effects of a restricted spell might be possible, but minor helms. In the swashbuckling Reo STEL'
at no less than two levels above the listed level. selling , latent magical abilities called legacies
result in baneful mutations (the Red C"rse) unless
Magic lo the Worlds controlled by exposure to the rare ore clnnabryl.
Elemental magic in the traditional FORGOTTEN The depletion of this ore is cause for concern. In
REALMS, W ORLD OF ORYHAWK , DRA0ONLANCS the RAvENLO.,,.. setting, the Demiplane of Dread,
and M YSTARA settings is based on air; earth,fire, gotltic horror io form of dark lords, each a godlike
and water.This varies in other settings: In the ori- power trapped in a private domain, keeps adven-
ental setting, air, earrh,fire, and water are joined turers on the run, looking for a way out and mak
by a fifth element, wood , and wizards are called ing special/ear, horror, and RA YENLOFT powers
wi , jen . In the ALQADIM setting. the four basic checks.The PLANESCAP s sctting presents new set-
element s are traditional, but are called the tings froms the inner Elemental Planes to the
Provinces of Flame, Sand. Sea, 8Jld Wl.nd.Also, a Outer Planes, where the gods live. Casting magic
special type of wizard here, the shal 'Ir, receives here requires special spell keys, and the dcoizcns
spells on demand from small elemental genies are divided into/actionsalong alignment lines .
known as gen . ln the Maztica setting, special
cr\aft magics exist, called pl"ma {feather) and Abbreviatio ns referr ing to Source Material
hislrna (animal) magic. In the sword-and-sandal PHB = A0VAN CEU DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
DARK. SUN setting, spe\lcasters are preservers or Player's Handbook
defilers, depending on whether or not their magic DMG = ADVANCED OUN0E0NS & DRA GONS
drains the living energy of that world. Here , DUNGEONMASTER- Guide
psionics are as important as magic . lo the PO:SM =PLAYER's Omo~ : Spells & Magic
B tRTIIRJGHT setting, bloodline abilities augment WoG - WORLDOF GREYHAWK.setting

A Guide to Spell Icons

t I B fRntRI0~
Setting of Kings
_. DARKSuN4'
Arabian Setting Psionic World Setting

Kara-Tur/The Horde
A ~
Maztica PLANt!SCAP~
Epic Romance Oriental Setting Aztec/New Other Planes'

, __,,
WorldSetting Setting

Gothic Fantasy Setting "'RaoSTEEL
fantasy Setting
Savage Lands' Setting
Fantasy Spa.ce Setting
'Althouah there i.&no 'J)Ccificaenina ror uvaae 1pcllc:ute:rs,many worlda have arcaffrom which
mark.Ispelt, panicularlysuited10 an outland"'Uvagc"w!zasdor witch-<loc1or .
,h_might come.Thi Icon


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Eagle Form -
Level: S

Level: 2
Ebony Band

Range: 0 Range:0
Components: S Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 3 Casting Time: 2
Duration: Special Duration: 1 rd.llevel
Area of Effect: The caster Area of Effect:The caster
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: None

The caster can polymorph into the body of an This spell enhances the caster 's ability to
eagle. Although he retains his own mentality, hit deliver touch attack spells . The cas te r's hand
points, and Hit Dice, the caster cannot speak, cast shimmers with an evil-looking black aura. The
spells , or do anything else that is beyond the dweomer dec reases the opponent's effective
bounds of bis avian form. However, he can fly, Armor Class against touch-delivered spells by 2.
and his vision is exceedingly keen- perhaps 10 The ebony hand is useless without spells allow-
times the a.cuity of his human eyes. ing a touch atta ck . The wizard can channel as
Notes: Common for Mazticanp/11ma masters many touch attack spells through the ebony hand
and Eagle Knights; unknownby others. as its duration and the casler's available spells
allow. This spell can be used in combination with
the spectral hand spell.
The material componen t is five black lotus
Notes: Restricted to necromancers; rare.
Eagle Vision (Updated from POLYHEDROJJ-Newszine.)
Level: 3 (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range:Touch (Song)
Components: V, S
Casting Time: I rd. Level: 2
Duration: 8 hrs. Range: 30 yds. + 10 yds./level
Area of Effect: Creature touched Components: V, S, M
Saving Throw: None Casting Time: 3
Duration: 2 rds./level
This 3rd-level wizard spell confers the ability Area of Effect: I creature
to see as if the recipient was wearing eyes of the Saving Throw:
eagle. This gives vision I 00 times greater than
normal at distances of I foot or more. The crea- This spell causes every sound within the crea-
ture can see objects at 2,000 feet as clearly as it ture's hearing to reverberate loudly in its mind, as
could normally see them at 20 feet. if in an echo chamber. It becomes very difficult
Notes: Uncommon for Air mages; otherwise for the creature to understand speech, to pick out
rare. one sound from another, and the like. The recipent
often tries to tiptoe in an exaggerated fashion,
Earth Elemental Guide trying to reduce the noise level that only he hears.
See elemental guide. Sometimes the creature merely collapses in a
moaning heap. No coordinaled action with other
Earthen Grasp, Maximilian's creatures is possible for the victim, who often
See Maximilian's earthen grasp. out at anyone attempting to contact him
closely. Anack rolls, saving throws, and Armor
Class have a - 2 penalty. If a saving throw vs. spell
is successfu~ the penalties are reduced to - I.
The victim's auditory nerves receive a great
hammering. Creatures with keen hearing (such as
cats, bats, predators in general , rabbits, and so


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""'::BffulgcnlEpurntion, Elminsters
on) flee and hide in order lo find quiet, or siml)ly the verbal command "Load," and fites upon the
crouch in a co rner. A s ile11c e or deafness spell command "Fire ." Each act ion takes one round,
c an mutuall y ca nce l th e ec h oes spell if cast for a firing rate of l/2. Flight arrows arc created
directly for this purpose. for short and Jong bows, a nd the approp r iate
The material component is a little tin gong or quarrel appears for crossbows .
cymbal , which is struck as the spell is cast. The missiles of lightning ar e magical bolts
No tes: Ve ry rare Sl)ell. Kn own LObe in Lhe with a +I bonus to hit and damage . 1'hey inflict
Cyclopedia Phantas lica Vol. lll . (Updated from ba s e damage according to their typ e, pl us an
D RAGON" Magazin e.) additional point o f damage for every rwo levels
of the caster above 20th (+ I at 22nd, +2 al 24th,
Effulgent Epuration , Elmin ster's etc.) to a maximumof +5 at 30Lhlevel.
See Elminster 's effuJgeot cpuration . However, only the special missiles of lightning
created by the spell can be shot from the bow. If
Electric Arc, Mordenbioen 's another missile of any sort is placed or cocked
See Mordenkainen' s electri c arc. into the weapon, then the bow disappears and the
spell is lost.
Electric Bow The material com ponent for this spell is a trio
(Evocation) of fine tail feathers handpicked from a quail, tied
together with the bowstring of the bow used to
Level: 7 bring the bird down . The bowma n who shot the
Range : 0 bird mw,1 have been at least 8th level at the time
Componen ts: V,S, M of the kill.
Casting Time : 7 Notes : Uncommon for Weather mages; other-
Duration: Special wise very rare . Known to be in the Blue Book of
Arca of Effect: Creat es I bow Du 'Morde , Vol. 111. (Updated from DRAGON
Saving Throw : None Magazine .)

Wh e n ca s t , thi s spell creates a light-blue, Electrical Screen, Otiluke's

gl owing bow in th e c aste r 's hands (or on the See Otiluke 's electrical screen.
ground at his feet, at Lhe caster 's option ). The bow
can take any one o f many forms , depending on Electrical Wards
the level of the caster. (Alteration)
The cas ter can choose any type of bow allowed (Artifice)
at his leve l or less. The electric bow created is as
a normal bow (range s, firing rate , etc .), and its Level: 4
missiles can strike any creature vulnerable to +3 Range : Touch
weapon s o r less. Th e bow can be us ed by tbe Components: V, S, M
easter as if he has pr ofi ciency with the weapon , Casting Time: 4
or by anyone of the caster 's choosing who does .Duration: Special
have pr ofi ciency in the weapon . The bow give s Area of Effect: 1 object
no bonu s for ex ceptiona l Strength . The bow Saving Throw: None
exists until dispelled or it has fired all its arrows ;
it has one mi ss ile for every two levels of the This varia tion of sho cking grasp can be casL
caster. upon any metallic object. Items guarded by elec-
trical wards glow with a very faint blue light and
Caster's radiate an unnatural aura of cold. The blue glow
Level Bow Created can be spotte d only 25% of the time in daylight.
14th hand crossbow or short bow 80% of the time in sha dow or torchlight, but is
16th lighl crossbow or composite short bow noticed all of the time in complete darkness .
I 8l11 heavy crossbow or long bow Any creature touchi n g the object without
20th compo site long bow speaking a special word of release (designated by
22th ballista the wizard at the time of casting) is struck for
2d 10 points of electrical damage . A saving throw
The bow automatically loads itself when drawn vs. spell for half damage is aJJowed.
or cocked, a missile of lightning appearing in the When the spell is cast , the wizard also desig -
weapon . The ballista coc ks and loads itself upon nates a word of setting thaLrearms the spell. The


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

ElementalBum r
spell can be armed or disarmed by the words of FIRE
release and setting any number of times without immunity to nonnal and magical fire
affecting spell duration; the electrical wards last total protection from physical attacks by crea-
until the spell has discharged twice or has been tures of the elemental plane of fire
successfully dispelJed. Over the long term, about ability to breathe and move at full movement
a 3 to 5 month span, the ward begins to fade and rate within the element of fire
must be renewed. Like most wards, this spell can- total protection from hostile environmental
not be cast in combination with itself or other effects while traveling the plane of Fire
warding magics. ability to cast wall offire once
The material component is a short length of
copper wire. WATER
Note1: Uncommon for transmuters and anifi- immunity to water and cold-based attacks
cers; otherwise very rare. totaJ protection from physical attacks by crea-
tures of the plane of Water
ElementalAura ability to breathe and move at full movement
(Abjuration, Evocation) rate within the element of water
(Air, Earth, Fire, Wattr) abilJty to cast wall of ice once

Level: 9
Range: 0
Components: V
Casting Tune: I rd.
Duration: \ br./\evel
Arca of Effect:The caster
SavingThrow: None

This spell has four very different effects

depending on the type of elemental aura cast (air,
earth, fire, water). The aura cannot be conferred The auras do not restrict the caster in any way.
uponanothercreature.It is notpossible to benefit The casteris freeto moveand act normallywhile
from more than one aura at one time. Elemental under the influence of an aura.
magcs are restricted to the auras of their own ele- Notes: Common for all Elemental mages; oth-
ment. e.rwiseuncommon (ToM).
Each aura is three inches thfok and covers the
caster's entire body. An aura of air is hazy white Elemental Burst
in color, an aura of earth is dull gray, an aura of (Conjuration)
fi re is flickering red, and an aura of waler is (Air, Fire, Stone, Water,Wood)
shimmering blue. The auras have these effects.
Level: I
AJR Range: 60 yds.
immunity to gas and air-based attacks Components: V.S
total protection from physical attacks by crea- Casting Time: 3
tures of the elemental plane of Air Duration: Instantaneous
ability to castfly and protection from normal Area of Effect: 10-ft. diameter
missiles , once each. Saving Throw:

EARTH Upo n unering a twisted ph rase of great

immunity to attacks from nonmagical weapons potency , the wu jen indica tes the tuget point
made of stone or metal within the range of the spell . The target point
immunity to physical attacks by creatures of the must be an item composed of one of the five ele-
elemental plane of Earth ments wood, fire, water , stone, or air. The ele-
ability to breathe and move at full movement ment th.en releases the magical energy within it in
rate within the element of earth a sudden burst. In no case does the spell notice,.
ability to cast wall of stone once ably affect the structure of the targeted item.
Air: An air burst creates a concussive wave,
stunning all in the area of effect for I to 2 roun.ds


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""\ ElementalControl ,
unless a successful saving throw vs. spell is made. This spell aJlows the wizard to seize control of
Fire:A fire shoots off glowingsparks, causing an elemental summoned by someone else. This is
ld 4 points of damage and a succes sful saving determined by the outcome of a special control
throw vs. spell results in no damage. The sparks check, described later.
have a 5% chance of igniting flammable objects The wizard can make only one attempt per ele-
in the area of effect. mental; iftbe wizard does not seize control, no
S101,e and Wood: Stone and wooden items future efforts by the wizard to control that ele-
throw off sharp slivers in all directions out to th.e mental will succeed until the wizard gains an
radius of the spell. All within the area of effect experience level. Lf the effort is successful, the
must make a successful saving throw vs. spell or elementaJ obeys the wizard for the remainder of
suffer ld8 point s of damage . The damage is its stay on the physical plane.
halved if the saving throw is made. Control Che ck: The wizard rolls I d20 and
Water: Water pushes out in a strong wave, adds bis Wisdom bonus . Add +I per five levels
kno ckin g down all who fail to make a saving the wizard has more than the elemental's Hit Dice
throw vs. spell. Boats and vessels are unaffected (drop fractions). The DM rolls ld20 and adds the
by the wave. Wisdom bonus of the elementaJ's summoner. He
Notes: Common in oriental settings; uncom- adds + I for every five Hit Dice the elementaJhas
mon for Elemental mages; otheiwise very rare. more than the wizard's level (drop fractions).
lf the wizard has a higher total, then he has
Elemental Control seized control. If the rolls are tied, the wizard can
(Abjuration ) wrestle for control (taking no other action the next
(Air, Earth , Fire , Water) round) or abandon the control attempt. lf he wres-
tles for control, then the elemental loses all actions
Level: 5 except melee attacks and the tie is rerolled at the
Range: IOyds. + I yd./level end of the next round. If the summoner has the
Components: V, S higher total, then the control elemental spell fails.
Casting Time: 1 rd. Notes: Uncommon for abjurers and Elemental
Duration: SpeciaJ mages; otherwise rare. (Updated from DRA GON
Area of Effect: 1 elementaJor elemental-kin Magazine.)
Saving Throw: Special
(Provi nce: Flam e. Sand, Sea, Wind)

Level: 4 ~
Range: Touch ~
Components: V.S, M
Casting Time: 4
Duration: I turn + I turn/level
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Neg.

Trus spell bas four forms, one for each eJe-

ment. The caster must choose which form will be
assumed when memorizing the spell: air, earth,
fire, or water. In each form , the recipient can
move and act without hindrance in a specific ele-
mental environment at a rate of 12. The creature
retains its hit points, THACO,and any spellcast-
ing abiUty. It aJso gains a minimum base Armor
Class of 4 and an element -based hand-to- hand
attack for 1d8 points of damage. MagicaJ weap-
ons are required to hit the creature. UnwiUing
creatures are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell.
A small vial of the essence of the appropriate
type of elemental is required to cast the spell; this


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


must either be resea rched and dis tilled as a of \ 6 Hit Dice of the appropriatetype appears. Toe
potion or bargained for with the genies. caster then statesthe service be wishes completed.
Note s: Common in arabian settings; very rare The service must be one that is within the powers
elsewhere, but most likely in the bands of Ele- of the elemental, canbecompletedin one day/level
mental mages. of experienceof the wu jen or less, and can be done
within the naturalelement of the elemental.Water
Elemental Guide elementals do not perform services that take them
(Conjuratlon/S ummonlng) to land, and fire elementals must remain in their
(Province: Flame, Sand, Sea, Wind) fiery realms,for example.
ff the creature makes a successful saving
Level: 2 throw vs. spell it disappears instantly, returning
Range: 2 yds. to its own plane. l'fthe saving throw is fa1led,the
Components: V, S, M elemental attempts to fulfill the mission. The
Casting Time: 2 wu jen need not supervise the actions of the ele-
Duration: I tum/level menta l, agreeing to meet ii at some predeter-
Arca of Effect: 30-ft. radius mined place when the mission is completed.
Saving Throw: None 1ypical services include fire elementals forging
a blade in the heat of a volcano, water elemen-
Each elemental form of this spell is distinct , tals recovering items from the bottom of the
and must be learned and memorized separately. ocean, earth elementals producing rare ores
This spell is much like an elemental form of from the ocntet of the earth , or air elementals
the spell unseen serva nt. Jt conjures a tiny fire carrying the wu Jen to some location. When the
sprite, dust devil, pet rock, or a friendly puddle, mission is completed and the meeting kept, the
which serves the caster exactly as an unseen ser- elemental instantly returns to its own plane. Ele-
vant does . The caster must conjure the gulde mentals resent being summoned and forced to
from a small amount of the element : a candle perform services and may attempt to exact
flame, a handful of dust, a vial of water, etc. It revenge at some later date.
can serve as a native guide to its own elemental The material component for this spell is a large
plane, allowing the caster to move while on the quantity of the appropriate element and a written
plane without gelling lost. document stating the exact nature of the service
The guide is destroyed if dispelled, sent more to be done.
than 30 feet from the caster, or if it takes more Notes: Common in oriental settings; very rare
than 6 points of damage from a breath weapon, elsewhere.
area effect spell, or similar attack.
The spell require s a golden bell and mallet, Elemental Transmogrification
which are not consumed in the casting. (Alteration)
Not es: Common in arabian settings; uncom- (Province: Flame, Sand, Sl!ll,Wind)
mon for Elemental mages; rare for others.
Level: 8
Elemental Servant Range: 20 yds.
(Conj uration/ Summon ing, Components: V, S
Enchantment/Charm) Casting Time: 2 rds.
(Air, Fire, Stone, Water) Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: IO ft.+ 5 ft./level diam. circle
Level: 7 Saving Throw: Neg.
Range: 0
Components: V.S, M This powerful spell covers an area 10 feet in
Casting Time: I turn diameter, with 5 feet being added to the circle's
Duration: Special diameter for every level of the caster.
Area of Effect: I elemental This spe ll affects those items that are com-
Saving Throw: Neg. posed of an elemental material. Elemental mate-
rials are those with strong ties to one of the four
This spell allows the wujen to summon any one elements. Metals, gems, and glass all have ties to
of the four types of elementals--air, fire, stone, or the element of sand and would be affected. How-
water-and compel it to perform a service for the ever, such things as cloth, living creatures , and
wu jen. Midway through the casting, an elemental paper have no reaJ ties to an elemental province


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

and would be unaffected. Any item in the area of menials, a puff of breath for earth elementals, and
effect com posed of an elemental material is a drop of water for fire elementals.
allowed a saving throw vs. spell . Notes: Common in oriental settings; uncom-
lf an item that could be affected fails its saving mon for Elementa l mages elsewhere; otherwise
throw, it is immediately transformed into another very rare.
elemental type. The type of element into which
items are "transmogrified" is determined at the Elevate1 - Pluma
tjme of the casting . EJementalists and sorcerers (Alteration)
must choose to transfonn items into an elemental
province to which they are related.
The transmogrification is permanent and irre-
versible. The effects of transformation into most
Level: I
Range: IOyds.llevel
Components: V, S
elements is obvious, but fire needs a bit further CastingT110e : I rd.
explanantion. Duration: I tum/level
When items are converted Into fire, they Area of Effect: I item
become elemental fire . They burn very brightly Saving Throw : None
but briefly for only one round. This flame is hot
but affects nothing it touches; flesh doesn't bum The elevate spell allows the caster to cause an
nor do flammable objects ignite. object of pluma to Cloat into the air. This, the
Any object affected by this spell turns into the most basic, will cause a work offeatherweaving
appropriate element , remains in place for one to float upward at I foot per round. It can lift an
round, and then is transported to its associated object of up to 1 pound/level of the caster in
elemental plane. weight. The caster can move it toward or away
Notes: Uncommon in arabian setti ngs; very from him,or cause gentle side to side movement,
rare elsewhere. at no more than l 0 feet per round of movement
Notes: Restricted to Maztican pluma mages
ElementalTurning and those trained by them; common.
Elevate Il - Pluma
Level: 4 (Altera_tion)
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 5
Duration: 4 + I d4 rds.
Area of Effect: 60-ft. radius
Level: 3
Range: 10 yds./level
Components: V, S
CastingTime: I rd.
Saving Throw: Neg. Duration: I hr./level
Area of Effect: I item
This spell allows the wu jen to drive off'elemen- Saving Throw: None
tals by uttering a fearsome spell that is their bane.
Before casting the spell. the wu jcn must determine This is a mo re powerfu l elevate spell. lt is
the type of elemental that is affected. When the capable of lifting a litter of feathers into the air,
spell is cast, all elementalsof that type within the and a considerable amount of weight with it The
area of effect must make a savingthrowvs. spell. If item to be elevated must be a blanket of feather-
the save is successful, the creature can ignore the weaving. (See "p lumalitter" under create talis-
spell effect If the saving throw is failed, the crea- man ofpluma) .
ture flees the area of effect and does not enter it The caster can lift an amount of weight on the
again for the duration of the spell. featherweaving equal to his leve l times 20
The spell centers about the wu jen and moves pounds; a I 5th-leve l cle ric could elevate 300
with him. If the elemental creature is forced into pounds on the floating Utter.
a position where it cannot escape the area of the The item can be raise d at up lo IO feet per
spell, it disappears to its own plane instead of round, and can move horizontally at 120 feet per
remaining. The speU does not break the concen- round. It can move into the face of mode rate
tration of any creature controlling the elemental. winds, but a truly severe storm will easily over-
The material com ponent for this spe ll is a come it.
pinch of the element opposed lo the type being Notes: Restricted to Maztican p/uma mage s
turned, fire for water elementals, earth for air ele- and those tramed by them; common.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Elminster's Effulgent Epuration F
(Abjurati on)
Level: 9
Range: 10 ft./level
Components: V.S
Casting Time: I
Duration: 1 tum/level
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

Thls powerful spell calls into being a number

of floating, silver spheres, up to as many spheres
as the caster has levels. Each of these spheres has
the ability to absorb a single spell, spell-like abil-
ity, or magical effect of any offensive type. After
absorbing the spell the sphere fades out, taking
the spell energy with it.
Offensive spells can be generally considered
those that inflict damage on target or place
the target under a baneful or harmful influence.
Passive spells (such as walls) can sometimes be
used in situations with harmful intent. Intent and
situation are as important as spell effect for deter-
mining whether a spell is offensive or not for pur-
poses of the epuration working . Various walls,
spheres, some of Bigby's spells, and most abjura-
tions will not affect the epuralion spell. Those
spells that have area effects in which a silver
sphere exists (such as a.fireball) wilJ simply not
function-the magical energy will be sucked into
the sphere before the damage is inflicted.
Spells that are already in effect when the silver
spheres enter them are not affected by this spell,
but they are automatically negated if cast within
IOfeet of a silver sphere. Items with charges of
offensive spells (such as wands) can be negated if
the the sphere is placed on or in front of the
wand. Otherwise, the spheres do not affect magi-
cal items or weapons, or potentially lethal items
that are not activated,such as symbols.
The caster can direct the spheres to drift at a
maximum movementrate of 60 feet per round, up
to the limit of the spell range. The spheres created
from a single epuration must move as a group, the
caster cannot move them individuaJJyor split them
up. The wizardcreating them can cast other spells,
but cannot move the spheres in the same round.
The caster can move and fight and move the
spheres at the same time. If the caster leaves the
area without lhe spheres, they remain until they
absorb an offensive spell. Similarly, if the caster
is slain, the silver spheres remain in the area, not
moving, but not inflicting any damage .
The silvery spheres of epuration cannot be
physicaJJymoved or atta.cked. They have no solid
physical presence and can pass through magical


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

and physical barriers alike without hann. 6. Upon his utterance of the word "Thaele:
Neither the caster nor anyone else can harness Supposedly Safehold contains enough contin-
the spell energy dissipated by the spheres . Even gencies, spells, and magical items to effect a safe
the spe ll-like abilities of powers and creatur es rescue of the sage of Shadowdalc, should it be
from other planes can be affected by the silvery necessary.
spheres of an epuration, though the beings them- Notes: Rare or ve ry rare spell from the
selves may not be. FORGOTTENRIW..Mssetting.
Notes: Very rare spell; known to Elminster.
Elminster 's Multiple Mouths
Elminster's Evasion (Evocatio n)
Level: 3
Level: 9 Range: Special
Range: O Components: V, S
Components: V, S. M Casting Time: 1 rd.
Casting Time: I turn + total casting times Duration: I rd.nevel
Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: Special
Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates one magic mouth per level of
A customized version of the contingency spell the caster. These arc akin to those created by the
slanted toward the preservation of the caster, this 2nd-level wizard spe ll of the same name. The
spell will cause, under certain specific conditions, mouths can appear on specific items or float in
the caste r's body, mind, and spirit to travel to midair j ust above the head of a chosen recipient.
another location . The transfer is automati c and A recip ient must be personally known to the
transfersonly the body and those items physically caster or met and clearly seen at least once; how-
attached to it, but leaving behind any attached ever, the being's current location need not be
items weighingmore than 50 lbs. individually.The known. The multiple mouths even can be made to
spell brings together body,spirit, and mind, even if appear in a chorus in the same locale, usuaJly in a
in different locations. When casting this spell, the ring around a specific point.
wiz.ardmust detail six specific conditions that the The mouths can speak any message uttered by
evasion will function under. When any of these sit- the caster during casting , dupli cating tone of
uations occurs, the caster's fonn is whiskedaway to voice, hesitations, volume, and the like, and can
the location. This locationcan be on the same plane pass on magical words of a.ctivation and instruc-
or on any other known plane of existence or demi- tions. An actual spell incanta tion uttered by a
plane that the wizardhas visited. Also when casting mu/Jiple m outh would not function, nor can its
the spell, the wizard indicatestwo other speJls(cast utterances trigger magical items. Someone who
immediately after the evasion by the wizard) that heard the mouth and repeated its words could
will be cast once the wizard arrives at the location. activate a magical item, however.
The materialcomponents of this spellarea pint of This spell ha s often been used to sp read a
the caster's blood and a gem worth at least 5,000 gp. warning-of an attack or fire, for example-in
Both are consumed in the casting of the spell. The multiple locations throughout a castl.e or to share
wizard also immediatelyloses 1--4hit points, which informa tion between widely scattered beings
remain lost until the evasionspell is triggered, at (s uch as all of the Seven Sisters at once). The
which point they areimmediatelyrecovered. multiple mouth s ca n appear anywher e on the
Thi s spell was deve loped by Elminstcr of same plane of existence, regardless of magical
Shadowdale, with the intention of taking his form barrier$ or distance.
to a dimensional location he calls "Safehold" for A caster of this spell who possesses l O or more
cures and resurrection (if needed). As an exam- experiencelevels can, by increasingthe castingtime
ple, lhe six clauses he says he uses are: of ilie spell by one round per message, cause the
multiple mouths to each speak different messages.
I. Upon his own death; In doing so, the caster can also vary their speaking
2. Upon loss of his mental faculties; times so that those mouths that appear in the same
3. Upon loss of his physical faculties; place can be made to speak one after another in a
4. Upon destrucrion of both upper limbs; particular sequence. A caster of this spell who is
5. Upon destruction of total body volume; 10thlevelor greatercanalternativelyelect to create


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Eludi113lhe Dealh Blow F
only a single mouth, but have it repeat the same
messageonce per round until the spell expires.
The duration of the spell determines how long
the mouths remain visible if the caster wants
them to wait before triggering their speech (each
mouth vanishes aft.erit has spoken once).
This spell is named for its creator, the famous
Old Mage of Shadowda le. It is used by some
senior Harpers and by the Seven Siste rs, who
usually change its manifestation from bearded
mouths with Elminster's dry voice to ruby-red
female lips accompanied by a husky voice.
Notes : Restricted to the Elmioster, the Seven
Sisters, Khe lben , and those train ed by them;

Elonia's Bane
Reversedform, see Elonia's glamer.

Elonia's Glamer

Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 3 Components: V, S
Duration: 1hr. + 2 tums/Jevel Casting Time: I
Area of Effect: Creature touched Duration: I ird
Saving Throw: Neg. Area of Effect: 20-fl . radius
Saving Throw: None
With this spell, the caster enhances the recipi-
ent's personal beauty. The recipient's eyes become The wizard can select any melee strikes in the
brighter , the hair and skin become more richly area of effect and make them miss. Both weap-
colored and lustrous, teeth become whiter, etc. ons and natu ral att ac ks (c laws, teeth , etc .),
The recipient is surrounded by a subtle glow in including touch-delive red spells, appear to be
dim Ught and is covered with minute sparkles in knocked as ide by an unseen force . The spell
bright light. These effects raise the recipient 's takes effect either in the round of casting, or in
Charisma (or Appearance/Comeliness) score by the following round, as the caster decides at the
two points (l 9 maximum ). The effect is com- instant of casting.
pletely illusory and can be disbelieved. The mate- The caster can affect one creature per level.
rial component is a pinch of ruby dusr. The spell has no effect on any creature with more
The reverse ofthi s spell, Elo11iasbane, casts a Hit Dice or Jevels than the caster has experience
lackluster pall over the recipient that reduces levels. Creatures immune to most magic, such as
Charisma by two points (minimum 2). The mater- goler11s, and those of demigod status or better are
ial component for this version is a pinch of chalk. not affected . All oftbese count against the wiz-
Notes : Rare or very rare spell. (Updated from ard's limit if targeted.
DRAGON Magazine.) The reverse of this spell, doomstrike, has the
same range, area of effec t, and limitati ons as
Elude Blow elude blow. 'but all melee strikes selected in the
(Abj urati on) area receive a +4 bonus to attack rolls.
(Force) Notes: Uncommon for abju rers and Foree
Reversible mages; otherwise rare.

Level: 4 Eluding the Death Blow

Range: lO ydsJlevel setting spell, a/Jelude blow.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""', Embalm
embalm spell does not facilitate subsequent res-
urrection of a corpse.
The material componen_t is a salve of rare
unguents wonh l 00 gp.
Notes: Restrictedto necromancers ; uncommon.

See Algarth 's embattlement.


Level: 4
Range: IOyds./leve l
Components: V.S
Casting Time: 4
Duration : Special
Area of Effect: 20-ft. cube
Saving Throw : Neg .

When spell is cast , the wizard can create a

sing.le emotional reaction in the subjec t creatures.
The folJowing are typical :
I . Courage: This emotion causes the creatures
affe cted to become berserk , fighting with a + I
Embalm bonus to the attack dice , causing +3 points of
(Necromancy) damage, and temporarily gaining 5 hit points.
The recipien1s fight without shield and regard -
Level : 2 less of life, never checking morale . This spell
Range : Touch couaters (and is countered by)/ear.
Components: V.S, M 2. Fear: The affected creatures flee in panic for
Casting Time : 2 rds. 2d4 rounds . It counters (and is countered by)
Duration: Cnstantaneous co11rage .
Area of Effect I corpse 3. Friendship: The affected creatures react more
Saving Throw : None positively (fo r example, tolerance become s
goodwill). It counters (and is countered by)
An embalm spell enables the caster to protect a fzate.
corpse (or a part thereof) against the natura l 4. Happines s: This effect creates joy and a feel-
forces of decay and dissolution, until some later ing of complacent well-bemg , adding +4 to all
time when it is needed for a s pell. (f the reaction rolls and making attack un l ikely
embalmed cadaver is later animated as a zombie, unless the creatures are subject to extreme
golem , or other form of animated undead, the provocation . It couaters (and is countered by)
creature gains +2 bit points per Hit Di.e (8 hp per sadness .
Hit Die maxjmum) because of the greater 5. Hare:The affected creatures react more nega-
strength and resiliency imparted by the spell to tive ly (fo r example, tolerance becomes nega-
the dead tissue . The spell has no beneficial effect tive neutrality ). It counters (and is co untered
if cast on skeletal remains or on previously ani- by)friendship .
mated undead . 6 Hope: The effect o f hope is to raise morale ,
Thus preserved, a co rpse permanently retains saving throw rolls, attack roll s, and damage
the same odor and appearance it had at the time caused by +2. lt coun ters (and is countered
of casting . The embalm spell does not reverse the by) hopelessness.
effects of putrefaction , but it does prevent any 7. Hopelessness : The affected creatures submit
funher decay of an individual's physica l remafos. to the demands of any opponent : surrender,
Unlike more powerful spells (such as Nulathoe s get out, etc . Otherwise , the creatures are 25%
ninemen or the priest spell spirit bind), the likely to do nothing in a round, and 25% likely


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

to turn back or retreaL. IL counters (and is age other than empathic shock. Note that the caster
countered by) hope. cansend the controlled creature beyond the initial
8. Sadness: Thjs creates unhappiness and a ten- casting range, as long as it remainsin sighL
dency toward maudlin introspection. Tltis Notes: Common for mentalis ts; uncommoo
emotion penalizes surprise rolls by - l and for necromancers or enchanters; otherwise rare.
adds + I to initiative rolls. It counters (and is (Updated from PoLYHEDRONNewsri nc.)
countered by) happiness.
All crean1resin the area at the instant the spell Empathic Link
is cast are affected unless successfu l saving {End1antment/Charm)
throws vs. spell are made, adjusted for Wisdom. (Mental ism)
The spell lasts as long as the wizard continues lo
concentrate on projec ting the chosen emotion. Level: 3
Those who fai.l the saving throw against/ear Range: IOyds./level
musLroll a new saving throw if they recurn to the Components: V. S
affected area. Casting Time: 3
Notes: Common spell (PHB). Duration: 5 rds./level
Area of Effect: I creature
Empath Saving Throw: Special
Aka empathic wound tranSfer.
This spell allows the caster to make empathic
Empathic Control contact with a creature and use its sensory abili-
(Enchantment/Charm) ties by concentrating on them. The caster can use
(Men ta/is m) this spell to see through another's eyes, hear
through his ears, and so on. No saving throw is
Level: 2 allowed for creatures of animal intelligence, but
Range: 60 yds. unwilling creatures of semi-in telligence or
Components: V.S greater receive a saving throw vs. spell. Nonintel-
Casting Time: 2 ligent and unratable creatures are immune, as are
Duration: Special creatures warded by protection from evil ( or its
Area of Effect: I creature reverse, protection from good) . Blves and other
Saving Throw: Neg. creatures with immunity to charm spells are
affected by this spell normally.
Once per round, the caster can try, if desired. to
A more powerful version of the empathi c
comrol the actions of a linked subject by concen-
seizure spell, empathic control allows the wizard U'alingupon the link to the exclusion of all other
to seize the mind and control the body of a single activities. The subject receives a saving throw vs.
creature within the spell's range . Creatures of spell to fight offlhe caster's influence. Failure
more than 6 Hit Dice or levels, undead, nonintel- means that the caster can command the subject to
1i gent or mindless creatures, and creatures perform a specific, short action. lfthe subject suc-
warded by protection from evil arc immune to ceeds, the empathic link remains in effect, but the
empathic contnJl. The subject is eotitled to a sav- desired action is not carried out. A third failure to
ing throw vs. spell to resist the wizard's control. forcecontrol in this way breaks the entire spell.
The creatureremains awarewhile under the wiz- A who establishes control can direct the
ard"scommand. It cannot be forced to act against subject within certain limits. The subject cannot
its oature or perform obviously self-destructive be ordered to act against its natureor to engage in
acts. For example, an ore could be compelled to self-destruction; any such orders are ignored, and
Oeeor surrender, bu1it couldnotbe ordered10 let the creature immediately gains a new saving
an enemy cut its throat or to fall on its sword. If throw to break the entire spell with a +4 bonus.
such an order is given, the victim immediately Tile link lasts as five rounds per level of the
gains a new saving lhrow with a +4 bonus to break easier, although the caster can end it earlier if
free of Lhewizard's influence. The caster suffers desired. Once established. the link ltas unlimited
damage equal to 25% of the damage taken by the range. The caste r cannot cast spells or attack
controlled creature while under bis influenc-e,due while the link existS.
to empathic shock (round fractionsdown). The empathiclink is somewhatdangerous,as the
The spell ends when the caster losessight of the wizard takes 25% of any damage suffered by the
controlled crearurc for any reason, ceases to con- subject creature due 10 empathic shock (round
centrate on maintaining his control, or takes dam- down). A caster who is using the subject's sensory


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

~ paihlc Peroeption, llary's
abilities can be affected by special visual, auditory,
or olfactory attacks against the subject, such as a
basilisk'sgaze, a banshee'swail,or ghast stench.
Notes: Common for mentalists; uncommon
for enchanters and necromancers; otherwise very
rare. (Updated from POLYHEDRONNewszine.)

Empathic Perception,Rary's
See Rary's empalhlc perception.

Empathic Seizure
(Enchantment/C harm)

Level: I
Range: 30 yds.
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: I creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell enables the caster to seize the mind

of a single creature and bold its body rigid. Crea-
tures of more than 6 Hit Dice or levels, mindless
or sightless crearures, and those under the influ-
ence of a protectionfrom evil spell (or its reverse)
are Immune lo the effects of the spell. Elves and Area of Effect: Creature touched
other creatures with immunity to charm spells are Saving Throw: None
affected by this spell nonnally.
To establish the effect, the caster mustmeet the By casting this spell, a necromancer transfers
victim's gaze. A victim who fails a saving throw some of the wounds of another creature to him-
vs . spell is held immobile until the caster takes self, thereby partiaJly curing the recipient. Up to
damage (other than empathic shock) or ceases to 2 hit points per level of the caster can be trans-
conce ntrate on maintaining the spell. If the ferred; an 8th-level necromancer could cure an
immobilized creature is injured while in the ally of 16 points of damage (but takes 16points
caster's power, the caster suffers empathic shock of damage himself).
damage equal to 25% of the damage inflicted Thi s spell cannot resto re amputated limbs ,
upon the subjec t (round fractions down), and drained life levels, or lost life. 1t cannot undo any
must make a successful saving throw vs. death continuously acting poison or disease. The spelJ
magic to maintain the seizure. only temporarily reverses such harm, wh.ichwilJ
Notes : Common for mentalists ; uncommon then continue to affect the victim.
for enchanters and necromancers; otherwise rare. The caster cannot drain his or her own life.
(Updated from POLYHEDRONNewszine.) NonnaJly, a wizard can transfer only his current
hit points. However, if the DM uses the "hovering
Empathic Shield on death's door" rules, then a caster might volun-
Reversedform, see empathy. tarily drain himself to the brink of death (-9 hit
points). The caster immediately loses conscious-
EmpathicWoundTransfer ness in this case (as noted in the DMG), but his
(Necromancy) condition docs not deteriorate unless he is further
wounded by another agent. At the DM's discre-
Level: 4 tion, this spell enables the caster to immediately
Range: Touch restore an incapacitated and dying victim.
Components: V, S, M Hit points lost by the wizard can be regained
Casting Time: I rd. by nonnal healing or magic.
Duration: lnSUU1taneou
s After the transfer is complete, the wizard tern-


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

E!nchantan Item r
porariJy loses 4 points of Constitution to extreme Components:V, S, M
exhaustion; each point is recovered by one hour Casting Time: Special
of complete rest. rr the caster's Constitution Duration: Special
drops below 3, unconsciousness results, and full Area of Effect: l item
Constitution is not regained for 24 hours. Saving Throw: Neg.
The materialcomponentsare hair and bloodfrom
both the recipientand the caster,two newt eyes, and This is a spell that must be used by a wizard
two wolfteeth(each froma differentanimal).These planning to create a magical item. The enchant
componentsareconsumedin the casting. an item spell prepares the objec t to accept the
Notes: Restricted to necromancers;rare. magic. The item must meet the following tests: I )
it must be in sound and undamaged condition; 2)
Empathy the item must be the finest possible, considering
(Divination , Enchantment ) its nature, i.e., crafted of the highest quality
(Mento/ism) material and with the finest workmanship;and 3)
Reversible its cos! or value must reflect the second test, and
in most cases the item must have a raw-materials
Level: I cost in excess of I 00 gp. With respect to require-
Range: IOyds./level ment 3, 11is not possible to apply this test to
Components: V, S items such asropes, leather goods, cloth, and pot-
Casting Time: I tery not normaily embroidered,bejeweled,tooled,
Duration: I turn carved, or engraved. If such work or materials
Area of Effect: I creature/rd. can be added to an item without weakening or
Saving Throw: None harming its normal functions, however, these are
required for the item to be enchanted.
By meansof this spell, the caster can sense the The wizard must have access to a workshop or
basic needs, drives, and emotions of one or more laboratory, properly equipped and from which
creatures of animal intelligenceor higher. Hunger, contaminating magic can be screened. Any magi-
thirst, fear, fatigue, pain, uncertainty, rage, hatred, cal item not related to the fabrication process
curiosity, hostility, friendliness, love, and other (such as most protective devices) and within 30
emotionalstates all can be detected by thls spell. feet of the materials is a source of contaminating
The caster can probe one mind per round, but magic and will spoil the process.
the spell yields no results for creatures protected The item to be piepared must be touched by
against such detectio n, psionic creatures who the spellcaste r. This touching must be constant
know at least one defense mode, and emotionless and continual during the casting time, which is a
or mindless creatures such as undead, golems, base 16 hours plus an additional 8d8 hours (as
and oozes. slime s, and jellies . l f employed the wizard cannot work more than eight hours
against a psionic creature, empathy permits the per day, and haste or any other spells will not
caster to form an impression of whether the crea- alter the time required in any way, this effec-
ture is a weak, moderate , or strong psionicist tively means that casti ng time for this spell is
even if no emotions are revealed. two days + Jd8 days). All work must be uninter-
The reverse of this spell , empathi c sl,ie/d , rupted, and during rest periods the item being
masks the emotions of any one creature within enchanted must never be more than I foot dis-
range against any mag.ical or psionic probes for tant from the spellcaster; if it is, the whole spell
one full tum . is spoiled and must be begun again. (Note that
Notes: Common for diviners and mentalists ; during rest periods absolutely no other form of
otherwise rare. magic can be performed, and the wizard must
remain quiet and in isolation or the enchantment
Empradweomer is ruined.)
Reversedform, see maladweomer. At lhe end of the spell, the caster will know
that the item is ready for the final test. He will
Enchant an Item then pronounce the final magical syllable, and if
(Enchantm ent, Invocation) the item makes a saving throw (which is exactly
(Universal) the same as that of tlte wizard) vs. spe ll, the
spell is completed . The spellcaster's saving
Level: 6 throw bonuses also apply to the item, up to +3.
Range: Touch A result of 1 on the ld 20 rolJ always results in

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
EnchantedBlade r
failure , regardless of modifications. Once th e Enchanted Blade
spell is finished, the wizard can begin to pla ce (Evocation)
the desired spell upon the item. The spell be
plans to place mu st be cast within 24 hours or Level : 2
thepreparatory spell fades, and the item must be Range : Touch
enchanted again . Components : V.S, M
Eac!b spell subsequently cast upon an object Casting l tum
bearing an enchant an item spe ll requires 2d4 Duration : Special
hours per spell level of the magi c being cast . Area of Effect: Creature touched
Again, during casti ng the item must be touc hed Saving Throw: None
by the wiz.ard, and during the rest periods it must
be always within I foot of his person. This proce- When cast, this spe ll causes a sword blade of
dure holds true for any additional spe lls placed crackling electrical energy to appear in the recip-
upon the item, and each successive spell must be ient's bands. It is the size of a normal long sword,
begun wi thin 24 hours of the last, even if the but is virtually weightless .
prior spe ll failed. Electrical sparks flash up and down the length
No magic placed on an item is permanent of the glowing blade . The enchanted blade can be
unless a permanency spell is used as a finishing used In two ways- in normal melee comba t, or to
touch . This always runs a 5% risk of draining I fire a bolt of crackling energy from its tip up to a
point of Co nstitut ion from the wiza rd casting range of 30 feet. An attock roll must be made in
the spell . Also, while it is possible to tell when either case . Eithe r method can be used at any
the basic spell (enchant an item) succeeds, it is point coa combat (the wielder decides) .
not possible to teJI if successive castings actu- The spell has an absolute duration of l tum.
ally work, for each must make the sam e so rt of However , it ca n disappear earlier. The sword
savi ng throw as tl1eitem itself made . Naturally, ca n infli ct damage up to the caste r 's level in
an item th at is charged - a rod, s taff , wand, s ix- s ided dice to a max imu m of I 0d6 before
Javelin of lightning, ring of wishes, etc.-cannot disappearing.
be made permanent . Magica l devices cannot be Before rolling the attack, the wiel der states
used to enchant an item or cast magic upon an how many dJce will be used. If the hit is suc-
object so prepared, but scrolls can be used for cessful , that amount of damage is infli cted, and
this purpose . that many dice are subtracted from the swo rd 's
The materials needed for this spell vary remaining potential. However, the defender , if
according to both the nature of the item being hit, is allowed a saving throw vs . death. If this
enchanted and the magic to be cas t upon it. For save is successful, the damage is reduced by
example , a cloak of displacement might require half . If a 7th-level wu jen cas ts the spe ll , one
the hide s of one or more displacer beasts, a attack can be made doing 7d6 of damage or sev -
sword meant to slay dragons coul d require the eral attacks can be made whose total damage
blood and some ot her part of type(s ) of equals 7d6.
dragon(s) it wiU be effective against, and a ring The enchanted blade is magical energy and
of shooting stars might requfre pieces of mete- thus can be used to bit creatures that can be bit
orites and the horn ofk.i-rin. These specifics , as only by magical weapons . However, the magi-
well as othe r information pertaining to thi s cal b onus to hit suc h c reature s is only + I for
spell, are decided by the DM and must be dis- every 4 levels of the caste r 's experience (+I at
covered or researched in play. levels 1-4 , +2 at levels 5-8, and so on) . This
Notes: Common spe ll (PHB). bonus is only used to determine if the creature
can be st ru ck by the weapon ; it does not
Enchanted Armame nts improve the chance to bit or the damage caused
Athastan Dragon King magi c; ~ by a successfu l hit
psioni c component renders the The material components for the spe ll are a
by wizards.
spell 1111casrab/e small wooden sword and a siJver rod.
Notes: Common in orien tal settings ; virtually
unknown elsewhere.

3 11

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

~ chan1ed Mimm - Paramander
Enchanted Mirrors - Paramander Detect Invisibility : The path starts with the
(Alteration) mirrors and extends along the line-of-sight. The
paramander is mentally alerted if any hidden or
Level: 5 invisible creature enters the path; a caster looking
Range: Special at the path can see any hidden or invisible crea-
Components: ~ S, M ture in it. The spell duration makes this effec-
Casting Time: I turn tively continuous.
Duration: Permanent Flaming Sphere: The sphere materializes next
Area of Effect: Two mirrors co the mirrors and rolls straight along the line--Of-
Saving Throw: None sight.
Gust of Wind: The path starts with the mirrors
This spell requires two specially prepared mir- and blows down the line-of-sight.
rors. These set up a resonating field that multi- Confusion: The area of effect can be set any-
plies the effect of the paramander's magic. As the where along the line-of-sight and within range;
paramander casts the spell, the mirrors begin to the area's location cannot be changed.
emjt a frunt glow. They hover 3 feet apart above DimensionDoor: The destination is fixed with
the ground, facing each other, directly in front of the initial casting. A single creature standing in
the caster, and at bis eye level, so that his line of the mirror line-of-sight and within 2 feet of the
sight passes between them. mirrors at the appropriate instant is transported.
In the last round of the casting time, the mir- Fear: The cone originates at the mirrors and
rors will be in place, and the paramander extends along the lihe-of-&ght.
emplaces one of a Hmited number of spells into Guards and Wards: The spell is centered on the
the area between the mirrors. If this is not done mirrors. As long as they are undisturbed,the spell
on the final round of casting , the entire spell remains in place.
complex fajJs and is wasted. The first spell effect In addition, a light spell can be cast on either
from the enchanted mirrorsappears at the end of of the mirrors at any time without affecting its
the turn in which the spell complex is completed. operation.
Thereafter, the effects of the emplaced spell arc If anything disturbs or comes between the mir-
recast every third round. rors, both the enchanted mirrors spell and the
The effects of the emplaced spell areat half the repeating spell are canceled, and the mkrors fall
ability level of the caster (5th-level ability at 9th to the ground.
and I 0th level, 6th-level ability at 11th and 12th The cas ter can try to change the repeating
level, etc,, to 10th-levelability maximum at 20th spell . The origi nal spell is dispe lled by the
level). caster's dispel magic spell. This is 75% likely to
Only the spells listed here can be emplaced in remove the repeating spell; otherwise, the enr.ire
the enchantedmirrors; others will have no effect. enchanted mirrorsspell is dispelled and ceases to
If a spell is not released in a random direction or function . A successfu l dispel magic spell from
centered on the mirrors, then it will be projected another caster ends both the enchanred mirrors
in a straight line-of-sight, parallel to the mirr or spell and the emplaced spell.
surfaces, along what was the caster's line of sight The material components of this spell arc two
when the mkrors were enchanted. Specific magi- small, matched mirrors of fine silver worth not
cal spell effects are: less than 100gp each.
Flare: This shoots a small ball of light. like a Notes: Restricted to paramanders (a rare form
signal light, our in a random direction. The caster ofpaEadin/mage); common.
sets the range and either a color or sequence of
colors, which will be repeated.
Fog Cloud: Either etfect can be specified at the
Enchanted Torch
time of casting. The stationary effect is centered (Alteradon)
(Alch emy, Fire)
on the mirrors; the mobile effect moves at a con-
stant LOfeet per round along the line-of-sight.
Message: The direction is random and the con- Level: 3
tent of the message is fixed; subsequent recast- Range: Toucb
ings repeat the original message. Components: V, S, M
Audible Glamer: The exact sound or sequence CastiragTime: .I rd.
of sounds is set, and repeat.s. Duration: Permanent
Scare: The effect is projected along the line- Area of Effect: I torch
of-sight to a set range and standard area of effect; Saving Throw: None
the range cannot be changed.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


This dweomer creates an everbuming torch. The

torch illuminates a 40-foot radius. The enchanted
torch cannot be extinguishedby wind, or even by a
gust ofwi11dspell; nor will it go out if the torch is
dropped. ( t can be extinguished by submersion in
water, lack of oxygen, or dispelling magic. The
enchantment of this spell is not transferable;that is,
another torch, a campfire, ,or a pool of oil ignited
by an enchantedrorc,hwill burn, bul could be put
out just as could an ordinary fire.
The material components of this spell are an
ordinary torch and a pinch of phosphorus. When
the spell is cast. the phosphorus is sprinkled over
the torch, which ignites with a flame that burns
Notes : Uncommon fo r Fire mages and
alchemists, rare for lransmuters; otherwise very
rare. Known to be in the Fire-Eye Scrolls .
(Updated from DRAGON Magazine.)

Enchanted Weapon
(Alchemy, Artlflce)

Level: 4
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: I tum
Duration: 5 rds./level Encompassing Vision,
Area of Effect: Weapon(s) touched Mordenkainen 's
Saving Throw: None See Mordenkainens encompassing vision.

This spell turns an ordinary weapon into a Encrypt

magical one. The weapon is the equivalent of a (J]Juslon/Phantasm)
+I weapon, with +l to at.rack and damage rolls.
Thus, arrows, axes, bolts. bows, daggers, ham- Level: 4
mers, maces, spears, swords , etc., can be made Range: lO fl + IO ft./level
into temporarily enchanted weapons. l'wo small Components: V.S, M
weapons (arrows, bolts, dagge rs, etc.) or one Casting Time: 4
large weapon (axe, bow,hammer, mace, etc.) can Duration: Permanent
be affected by the spell. The spell functions on Area of Effect: Special
exis ting magical weapons as long as the total Saving Throw: None
combined bonus is +3 or less.
Missile weapons enchanted in this way lose By means of this spell the wizard causes a
their enchantme nt when tlhey successfully hit a message of no more than 66 characters or letters
target, but otherwise the spell lasts its full dura- in length to be made unreadable by anyone save
tion. This spell is often used in combination with the spell caster, one other specific individual
the encha11tan item andpermaner, cy spells to named by the spellcaster , and lhose entities
create magical weapons, with this spell being cast referred to specifically by name in that message.
once per desired plus of the bonus. To all others, the message appears as an illegible,
The material components of this spell arc pow- smudged scrawl.
dered lime and carbon. The magic of the spell defeats spells such as
Notes: Common spell (PHB). comprehend languages and read magic, but not
true seeing. The message can be on any medium
Enchanting Gourmet, Quimb y's (paper, stone, wood, or even soot or snow), but if
See Quimby's enchanring gourmet. the medium is destroyed,the encrypted message is


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

~ ndless Slumber
destroyed as well. Otherwise, the encrypted mes- affect this enchantment, but a full wish spell can
sage canbe fully desc.royedonly by a dispel magic cance l it. 0Lherwise, the only means of waki ng
or erasespell or by the will of the original caster. the subject of an endless slumber spelJ is a single
The encrypted region radiates an aura of magic strict conditio n chosen by the caster upon com-
but otherw ise does not call attention to its pres- pleting the spell. The mo st famous co ndHioo s
ence.Magical spellscannot be encrypted but any incJude the sleeper's return to the place of his
nonmagical language can be. (ndividuals men- birth, a solar eclipse, the death of an immortal
tioned in the encrypted message see the message dragon, the kiss of a prince or princess, or even
normally . If unable to unde rstand the writing, the faJl of a great empire.
they still do not know what it says. The material components of this spe ll are one
Within the limitations of the spell, encrypt can entire, perfect, blue lotus flower and a pure chunk
be used to conceal the messages of the caster or of amber.
of othe rs. Longer messages can be encrypted by Notes: Uncommon for e nchanters and Dream
multiple castings of the spell . mages; otherwise rare . (Updated from DRAGON
The material components of this spell are a Magazine.)
pinch of dust or fluff and a feather.
Notes: Rare spell from the FoRGOITENR EALMS Energy Drain
setting . Known to be in O,jalun :rArbarel. (Evocation, Necromancy)
Endless Slumber
(E ochaotm ent/Charm) Level: 9
(Alchemy) Range : Touch
Components : V, S, M
Level : 8 Casting Time: 3
Range: Touch or special Dura tion: Instantaneous
Components: V, S, M Area of Effect: I creature
Casting Time: 8 Saving Throw: None
Duration: Pennanent
Area of Effect : I creature or object By casting this spell, the wizard opeTIS a
Saving Throw: Nooe channel between the plane he is in and the Neg-
a tivc Energy plane, becoming the conductor
This powerful enchantmen t places its subj ect between the rwo planes. As soon as be touches
creature in a pennanent, unbreakable sleep. While (equal to a bit ifmelee is involved) any living
sleeping, the creature remains in a state of sus- creature, the victim loses two levels (as if struck
pended animation, requiring no air, food, or water. by a spec tr e). A monster loses 2 Hit Dice per-
Subjects of this spell do not age, but they always manently, both for bit points and attack ability.
dream. Even creatures normally resistant or A character loses level s, Dice, bit points,
immune to sleep effects are affected by thisspell. and abilities permanently (until regained
The endless slumber spell must be cast either through adventuring, if applicable ).
directly on the creature by touch, or else be cast The material compon ent of this spell is essence
on an object that delivers U,e spell to its target . If of specLre or vampire dust. Preparati on requires
cast on an unwilling, mobile subject, the caste r mere moments; the material component is then
must make a successful attack roll. Failure means cast forth, and, upon touching the victim, the wiz-
the spell is lost. ard speaks u,e triggering word, causing the spe ll
If the spell is cast on an object, the subject to take e !feet ins tao tly.
must eat the object (suob as a fruit), bo wounded The spell remains effective for only a single
by it (a dagger or arrow), or wear it (as a medal- round. Humans or human oids brought below zero
lion or r ing). Each method of delivering the energy levels by this spell can beanimated as juju
spell has its own limitations . If cast on food, the zombies under lhc control oftbe caster.
spell dissipates if the object is not eaten within The caster always has a 5% ( I in 20) chance to
one day of the enchantment. If cast on a weapon, be affecte d by the dust, losing one point of Con-
the enchantment fails if the first attack fails. If stitution at the same time as the victim is drained.
cast on a decorative object, the enchantment is When the number of Cons t itution points lost
broken when the token is removed from the equals the caster's original Cons tituti on abili ty
sleepe r. score , the cas ter dies and becomes a shade.
Dispel magic and limited wish spe lls do not Notes: Common spell (PH.B).


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Enfeeble - Old mpirc r
Energy Transformation are consumed in the casting), three drops of the
(AJteration) caster's blood, the eye of any living creature, and a
powdereddiamond of not less than 5,000gp value.
Level: 6 Notes: Very rare spell from the FORGOTTEN
Range: O Rlw.MS setting; known to Halaster.
Components: V.S, M
Casting Time: 4 rds. Enervation
Duration: Special (Necromancy)
Area of Effect 40-ft. radius (Shadow)
Saving Throw: None
Level: 4
This complex spell creates a perman.ent, unde- Range : l Oyds./level
tectable magicaJ field. It absorbs magical dis- Components: V, S
charges, such as spell effects and rtem functions, Casting Time: 4
and uses them to power (that is, to extend the Duration: ld4 hrs.+ I hr./level
duration of) an existing magical spell or protec- Area of Effect: I creature
tion , with which the energy transformatioo is Saving Throw: Neg.
linked . The casting of the transformation must
name this existing magic it is powering, and must This spell temporarily suppresses the subject's
also outline aoy desired limits on the absorption life force. The necromancer points his finger and
area of the transformatfon. within the limits of utters the incantation , releasing a black bolt of
the "area of effect" given above. The spell field crackJing energy. The subject must roll a saving
does not affect any magical items or weapons throw vs. spell, adjusted for Dexterity, to avoid
unless they are using a spelUikeeffect when they the bolt. Success means the spell has no effect.
cootact the field; in such cases, the energy trans- Failure means the subject is treated exactly as if
formation field absorbs the spell effect but has no he had been drained of energy levels by a wight,
further effect on the item or weapon. one level for every four levels of the caster. Hit
The field absorbs spells cast through its area of Dice, spells, and other character details depen-
effect. It absorbs spells of autypes that come in dent on level are lost or reduced. Those drained
contact with the field save abjuration and conju- to O level must make a system shock check to
ratioo/summooing spells . Any external magical survive and are helpless until the spell expires.
effects on weapons or items will be slightly ham- The spell effect eventually wears off, either after
pered by the field; for example, glowing weapons I d4 hours plus one hour per caster level, or after
or a continual light spell cast on a torch wiU visi- six hours of complete and undisturbed resl Level
bly dim and flicker while passing through an abilities are regai ned, but lost spells must be
energy transformation field. rememorized. Undead are immune to this spelJ.
In the Undermountain complex in the Notes: Common spell (PHB).
FoRGO'ITEN RIW.Mssetting, a wizard trying to use
passwall , teleport, dimension door. or a similar Enfeeble - Old Empire
spell will encounter endless. overlapping fields of (Necromancy)
multiple energy transformation spells. The wizard
simply telepo:rtsor moves slightly toward the goal Level: 6
and the spell vanishes on contact with an energy Range: Touch
transformation fie ld. Many of the wizard Components: V, S, M
HaJaster's energy transformation spells silently Casting Tune: 6
drinkthe spell energy, using it to further U\emagi- Duration: Special
cal field that cloaks Undermountain's passages Area of Effect: I creature
and prevents scrying and 1eleportation magics of Saving Throw: None
all types. Other uses m.igbtinclude a field around
an icon, using spell energy to recharge a magical This spell enables a wizard to weaken lhe physi-
item within the icon itself. Only Mordenkainen ~ cal abilities of his target, making him weaker and
disjunction, limited wish. or a wish spell will less agile. The wizard must touch the victim within
destroy a single such field-a dispel magic will be three rounds of casting the spelI. If he connects, the
absorbed by it without effect. victim loses l point eacll of Strength and Dexterity,
The materialcomponentsof this spell include no permanently.Characterswith exceptionalStrengths
less thao three "permanent" magical items (which have their Strengths reduced to a base of 18.One


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

point of lost Strength or Dexterity can be restored This spell is 30% likely to backfire when cast.
by a restoration,limited wish, or wish spell. Char- This is modified by - 1% for each level of the
acters who have either characteristic reduced to 0 caster . A I 6th-level wizard, for example , has a
become shadows. 14% chance ofa backfire (30-16:=l4). When the
Creatures without ability scores lose I HD of spell backfires, the wizard loses I d4 points in the
attacking ability (but not hit points) and take a I - ability score named.
point AC penalty (to a worst AC of I0). Creatures Although many high-level wizards know the
reduced to O Hit Dice or less cannot attack and enhance spell, it is one they rarely use. It is pow-
must make a saving throw vs. death magic or per- erfu 1, dangerous , an d ex hausti ng, so it is
ish (that is. a roll of 16 or better). employed onJy in the most dire circumstances, or
The caster ages one year each time a subject is to reward deeds truJy worthy of heroic status.
successfully drained. The casting of this spell is The material component of the enhance spell
an evil act depends upon the ability score modified.
The material component for this spell is
essence of shadow. Strength The horn of a black bull
Notes: Uncommon in the Old Empire; other- Dexterity The whiskers of a cat
wise very rare. As a F ORGOTTE N REA LMS Old ConstitutionThe claws of a bear
Empire spell, initiaJ exposure requires a mentor intelligenceThe tusks ofa boar
or a read Southernmagic spell. Wisdom Two wing feathers from an owl
Charisma A lock of hair from a woman
Enhance with a Charisma of 16or more
(Altention ) Notes: Uncommon spell.

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M Level: 3
Enh ance Blood Ability
(Alteration, Evocation) I I
Casting Time: I hr. Range: Touch
Duration: Special Components: V, S, M
Area of Effect: I person Casting Time: 2
Saving Throw: None Duration: 3 rds. + I rd./level
Area of Effect: Creature touched
By means of an enhance spell, the wizard can Saving Throw: Nooe
permanently increase one ability score of his
choice . The caster cannot cas t this spell upon Thisspell enables a creatureto tap the essenceof
himself, and casting it upon another individual is its bloodline directly to temporarily increase the
so fatiguing that he must rest in bed for a full powerof one blood ability. The caster must know
week (or lose one point of Strength permanently). th.c bloodline derivation, blood ability, and ability
On those rare occasions when a wizard does power (minor or major) to be affected. When the
cast this spell, he names the abibty score to be spellis cast, the chosen blood ability imp.rovesone
modified (S trength, Dexterity, Cons titution, power-mino r to major-for the duration of the
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). He adds one spell. Blood abilities of maximum Levelgain no
point to the desired ability score. The subject benefit from the spell and blood abilities that have
gains all of lbe appropriate bonuses and special only one level of power cannot be enhanced.
abilities associated wiLhthe new score. At the end of the spell 's duration, the blood
Following I.hecasting of this spell, however,the ability returns to normal. The recipient then may
wizard loses Id4 Constitutionpoints. Thus,if a wiz. not use the previously enhanced blood ability for
ard uses this spell and rolls a 3. the wizard himself one tum (he has stretched i.tbeyond its limits}.
loses 3 Constitutionpoints. This loss is permanent The mate ri al components are two simila r
No abiliiy score can be increased above 22 by objects--one large and one small-re presenting
this spell . If a warrior's Strength is modified to the bloodline derivation of the targeL (See the
18, then percentile dice are rolled to determine animal affini ty blood abil ity description in the
excep1ionalStrength. BJ:RntRlGHT ruleboo k for a list of totems .) The
No ability score can be increased above 22 by wizard breaks the smaller of the two totems dur-
this spell. If a warrior 's Strength is modified to ing the casting of the spell.
18, then percentile dice are rolled to determi ne Notes : Common in the BIRTHRIGHT setting ;
exceptional Strength. virrually unknown elsewhere.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

EnhancePlant r
Enhance Flre Creature Enhance ManeuverabilJty
(Alte.ration) ~ (Alteration) ~
(Province: Flame) Reversible ~
Level: 5
Level: 4 Range : IOyds .
Range : IOyds J level Components: V, S, M
ComponenlS: V.S, M Casting Time: 5
Casting Time : 4 Duration : I d4 rds. + I rd../level
Duration : I d6 rds. + I rd./lcvel Area of Effect: 1 ship, IO tons/level maximum
Area of Effect: I creature Saving Throw : None or Neg.
Saving Throw : Neg .
This spell can be cas t on any spelljamming
This spell makes a creature of a fiery nature ship to increase its maneuverability class (MC) .
look and act tougher . (Recipients often waive The maneuverability class can be increased only
their saving throws.) The spell can enhance crea- one clas s by using this spell, for example, from
tures that dwell in fire or have the natural ability MC C to MC 8. No ship can have its maneuver-
to manipulate fire , as well as creatures from the ability increased more than one class above its
Elemental Plane of Fire . Examples include red initial rating, regardless of the number of 111crease
dragons, hell hounds, efreet , fire ele mentals, ma11euvero.bility spells cast upon it.
flame monoliths, fire newts, and salamande rs. The mate.rial componen t for this spell is a vial
Enhance fire creature does nothing to creatures of wind from an air-bnsed world.
who merely cas t fi re-based spells, such as th e The reverse of this spell, decrease ma11euver-
seven Mages of the True Flame . Nor does it ability. acts similarly , but worsens the maneuver-
affect individuals with fire-based magical items. ability of the ship.
such asjlametong11eswords. Notes: Comm on for spellcasters from a spell-
A recipien t of this speU looks bigger and more jamming culture; otherwise rare.
vigorous than before. Us flames are charged with
scintillating ye ll ow and purple streaks. More Enhance Plant
imponantly, the recipient gains a + I bonus to its (Enchantment, Invocadon )
attack rolls and damage . If a c reature inflicts
damage ex'presscd as a number of dice (such as a Level: 5
red dragon's breath weapon), then the bonus is +I Range : Special
point for each die of damage before any other Components: V, S, M
modification is made. Finally, a creature native to Casting Time: I day + 1-6 days
the Elemental Plan e ofFire gains a + I bonus to Duration: Special
each Hit Die. Damage is sub tracte d from the Area of Effect : I plant
bonus hit points first. Saving Throw : Neg.
Th e material component of enhancefire crea-
ture is a rag steeped in pitch. This spell enhances a living plant. Any natural
The reverse of this spell, quencltfire crea- plant (excluding molds , shambling mounds ,
ture, has the opposite result. The reci pient looks hangman's trees, and the like) can be enhanced in
less vigorous, and its flames are duller and red- one respect. A grapevine could be made to grow
der than usual. It suffers a - 1 penalty to attack faster, have broader leaves , bear sweete r fruit ,
rolls and to each die of damage innicted. A and so on. Only a single quality is enhanced, and
creature from the Elemental Plan e of Fire su f- only if the plant normally has that quality . The
fers a - I loss from each Hit Die immediately. A plant must be n ormal and non-motile (incapable
successful saving throw negates the effects of of independent movement) . Once cast , the
this spell. enhancement lasts as long as the plan t lives ; it
The material compo nent of que11chflrecrea- canno t be reversed by a dispel magic spell , for
ture is a piece of damp cloth . examp le. Enhancements by means of this spell
Notes: Common in arabian settings ; very rare alone are not passed on to the plant 's offspring.
elsewhere . Notes: Common for hedge wizards and spe-
cialis ts in nature magic; otherwise very rare. This
is the second version of the spell hedge encltant -
ment. (Updated from DRAGON Magnzine.)


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

' EnhanceRaring
Enhance Rating This spell improves the effect of empathic
(Alteration ) spells of 3rd level or less, inc luding empathy,

Level: 3
~ empathicseizure.empatl,iccontrol,and empathic
llr1k. While this spell is in effect, saving throws
against any of the caster's empathic spells suffer a
Range: IO yds. -4 penalty. In addition, the caster is completely
Components: V, S, M protected against empathic shock damage.The
Casting Time: 3 enhanced empathy spell also allows the caster to
Duration: I d4 rds. + I rd./level engagein other activities such as combat or spell-
Area of Effect: I spelljammer helmsman casting while maintaining his empathlc spells.
Saving Throw: None Notes: Common for mentalists; uncommon
for enchanters and necromancers; otherwise rare.
This spell can be cast only upon an individual (Updated from POLYHEDRONNewszine.)
using a major or minorspelljamminghelm, This
spell will raise the ship rating (SR, a measure of Enhanced Olfacdon
speed) of the spelljamming ship by 1- 2 points for (Alteration)
the duration of the spell. Only one enhancerating (Alchemy)
spell can be used at a time. A helmsman cannot
cast it on himself. The spellcaster must be able to Level: 2
see the helmsman upon whom the spell is to be Range:0
cast. The spellnot work if thehelmsmanis hidden. Components: V, S, M
The material component of this spell is a small Casting Time: 2
ivory arrow, which is pointed upward as the spell Duration; S rds./level
is cast. Area of Effect: The caster
The reverse of this spell, decrease ra1fng, Saving Throw: None
reduces the SR of the spelljamming helm and its
user by J- 2 points for the duration of the spell. This spell dramatically i.ncreases the caster's
The helmsman is allowed a saving throwvs. spell sensitivity to odors, giving him a sense of smell
to avoid the effect equal to that of the keenest bloodho und. This
The material component is the same , but the gives the caster a +2 bonus on surprise checks. In
ivory arrow is broken as the spell is completed. addition, while the spell is in effect the caster can
Notes: Common for spellcasters from a spell- track by scent (adjudicated by the OM).
jamming culture; otherwise rare.

Enhanced Empathy

Level: 7
Range:10 yds./level
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 7
Duration: 5 rdsl level
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: Special


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


However, the caster's sensitivity gives him a - 2

penalty to any saving throw against an olfactory
attack, such as the stench of a ghast, a troglodyte,
a giant skunk, a stinking doud spell, and so on.
The material component is a piece of dried
skunk cabbage.
Notes: Rare spell. (Updated from POLYHEDRON

(Alterati on)

Level: 1
Range: 5 ydsJlevel
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time; 1
Duration: 5 rds./lcvel
Area of Effect: 1 creature or object

This spell causes insiant growth of a creature

or object, increasing both size and weight. lt can
be cast only upon a single creature (or a symbi-
otic or community entity) or upon a single object
that does not c:JtceedIO cubic feet in volume per
caster level. The object or creature must be seen
to be affected. h grows by up to I0% per level of
experience of the wizard, increasing this amount
in height, width, and weight.
AJI equipment worn or carried by a creature is
enlarged by the spell. Unwilling victims are enti-
tled to a saving throw vs. spell.A successful saving
throw means the spell fails. lf insufficient room is
available for the desired growth, the creature or
object attains the maximum possible size, burs1ing
weak enclosures in the process , but it is constrained
without harm by stronger materials- the spelJ can-
not be used to crush a creatureby growth.
Magical properties are not increased by this
spell-a huge sword +1 is still only +l , a staff-
sized wand is still only capable of its normal
functions, a giant-sized potion merely requires a
greater fluid intake to make its magical effeclS
operate , etc . Weight , mass, and strength are
affected, though . Thus, a table blocking a door
would be heavier and more effective, a hurled
stone would have more mass (and cause more
damage) , chains would be more massive, doors
thicker , a thin line turned to a sizeable, longer
rope, and so on. A creature's hit points , Armor
Class, and attack rolls do not change, but damage
rollsincrease proportionately with size.
For example , a fighter at 160% normal size
hits with his long sword and rolls a 6 for damage.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

The adjusted damage roll is IO (that is, 6 x 1.6 = grow to a size chosen by the caster, with a max-
9.6, rounded up). Bonuses due to Strength, class, imum I0% grow th per level of the cas ter. Thus,
and magic are not altered . a 10th-level wizard can bring about 100%
The reverse spell, reduce, negates the growth (doubling size), whlle a 20th-level wiz-
enlarge spell or makes crea ture s or objects ard can effect 200% growth (tripling the target
smaller. The creature or object loses I 0% of its c reature 's origi nal size). These are absolute
origina l s ize for every level of the caster, to a maximu m s; neither the caster nor anothe r wiz-
minimum of I 0% of the original size. Ther e- ard can cast multiple enlarge spells on any
after, the size shrinks by I-foot increments to given creature. If someone tries, the spe ll cast
less than I foot , by I -i nch increments to I first is effective, but all other enlarge spells are
inch, and by o-inch increment s to a minimum lost. An ornery wizard might hope to harm the
of oof an inch-the recipient cannot dwindle target by increasing its size beyond that of its
away to no1hingness . immediate surro undings . That can't happen.
For example, a 16-foot-tall giant reduced by a When the target meets a resisting foroe (eve n a
15th-level wizard ( 15 steps) would be reduced to tent cei l ing), growt h stops befo re damage is
1.6 feet (in nine steps), then to oof a foot or 7.2 incurred. The OM's besr judgme nt applies.
inches (in one step). and finally to 2.2 inches (in An enlarged creature can reach farthe r and
the last five steps) . A shrinki ng object may dam- move faste r. (The latter is particularly useful for
age weaker materials affixed to it, but an objec t a mount, provi ded the rider can remain seated .)
will shrink only as long as the object itself is not lts new size never hampers its normal activities,
damaged. Unwilling creatu res are allowed a sav- including flight or climbing. As noted, its dam-
ing throw vs . spell . age and movemen t increase to the numbers
The material compone nt of this spell is a pinch appropriate to its new size, with all fractions
of powdered iron. dropped. However , the fo llowing statistics do
Notes: Common spell (PHH). not change: its Dexterity, number of attacks, Hit
Dice , hit points, and saving throws. (For exam-
Enlarge Desert Creature ple, n scorpion could be inc reased to the size of
(Alterad on) ~ a dog, but its poisonous stinge r would be no
(Province: Sa11d
) ""1111111"" more effect ive .)
Reversible Every target of enlarge desert creature is
allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid its
Level: 2 effects. The save begins with a -6 penalty, but the
Range: IO yds J level penalty is adjusted by +I for every point of Intel-
Compone nts : V, S, M ligence above 12. Finally, if the target is not
Casting Time: 2 native to the desert, it gains another+! bonus.
Duration: ld6 rds. + I rd./level The reverse, diminish desert creature, aJJows
Area of EfTecr: I creature the caster to shrink a creature by I 0% for each
Saving Throw : Neg. level of the caster, to a minimum of 10% of its
origi n al size. Thus a I 0th-level wizard ca n
Thls spell allows the caster to increase the size shrink a beefy 6-foot-tall warrior to just half a
of a creature (including an intelligent one such as foot. The diminished individual retains all Hit
himselt) in height, width, volume, strength, and Dice and hlr points , but attacks and movement
weigbr . Thi s increase also boosts the damage rates arc reduced accordingly, with all fractions
inflicted by the creature's physical attacks pro- dropped. Otherwise, the reverse works Just as
porti onately. The wizard has no more and no less enlarge.
co ntrol over the enlarged creature after casting The materia l co mponent of both versions of
than he had before. this, spell is a small stick of mahogany or teak.
The spell works best on desert creatures, but Notes: Common in arabian settings; very rare
it can be cast on others, 100 . "Desert creatures" elsewhere.
refers to animals and monsters that are nor-
mally found in desert terrain, as weU as individ- Enslave Elemental
uals whose origins and backgrounds are in the Athasian Dragon King magr'c; ~
desert (such as a desert nomad or tentdweller ). psionic component renders the
Anything carried or worn by the target oflhe spell uncastableby Wizards.
spell increases along with him except a rider ,
sho uld the target be a mount. The target ca n


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

6nsnarcmcm r
Ensnareme nt
(Conjurati on/Summonin g)

Level: 6
Range: IO yds.
Components: V, S, M
Casting T'une: I tum
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.

Casting this spell attempts a dangerous act: to

lure a powerfuJ creature from another plane to a
specifically prepared trap, where it will be held
until it agrees to perform one service in return for
freedom fromLheensnarementspell. The type of
creature to be ensnared must be known and stated,
and if it bas a specific, proper, or given name,this
must beused in casting the e11s11arement spell. The
spellcauses an awareness of a gatelike opening on
lbe plane of lbe creature to be ensnared. A speciaJ
saving throw is then made to detennine if the crea-
ture detects the nature of the planar opening as a
trap or believes it to be a gate. To save, the creature
must roll equal to ot less than its lntelligencescore
on Id20. The score is modified by the difference
betweenthe crearurc's Intelligenceand thatof the The chancecan be furtherreducedby careful
spel\caster. If the creature bas a bighe1 score, the preparation of the circle. If the hand-made circle
differenceis subtracted from its dice roll to save.If is drawn over a longer period of time, using spe-
the spelJcasterhas a higher score, the difference is cially prepared pigments (1,000gp value per tum
added to the dice roll. spent drawing). the chance of breaking free is
rf the saving throw succeed s, the creature reduced by I% for every tum spent in prepara-
ignores the spelJ-created opening, and the spell tion. This can bring the base chance to 0%.
fails. If the saving throw fails, the creature steps Similar ly, an inlaid or carved design can be
into the opening and is ensnared. brought to a 0% chance of the creature breaking
When so trapped, the otherplanar creature can free by inJayingwith various metaJs, mineraJs, etc.
freely attack the ensnaring wiza rd. unless i.he This cost will require a minimum of one full
caster has created a warding circle. Such circles month of time and add not less than 50,000 gp to
may be temporary (drawn by hand) or permanent the basic cost of having the circle inlaid or carved
(inlaid or carved). .Even with such protection, lhe into stone. Any break in the circle spoils the effi-
entrapped c.reature may break free and wreak its cacyof lbe spell and enables the creature to break
vengeance upon the spellcaster. free automatically. Even a straw dropped across
A hand-drawn circle has a base failure chance the line of a magic circle destroys its power. Fortu-
of 20%, while one inlaid or ca.rved has a base of nately,the creature withincannot so much as place
I 0% (and that is for the first time it is used, to a straw upon any portion of the inscribed wdtd, fur
determine whether or not the job wasdone prop- the magic of the barrier absolutelyprevents it.
erly). The base chance is modified by the differ- Once safely ensnared,the creaturecan be kept for
ence between the wizard's combined lntelligence as long as the spellcasrer dares . (Remember the
and experience level and the lntelJigence and the danger of something breaking the ward!) The crea-
experience level or Hit Dice of the creature ture cannot leave the circle, nor can any of its
ensnared. lfthe spellcaster has a higher total, that attacks or powers penetrate lhe barrier. Tbe caster
difference in percentage points is subtracted from can offer bribes, use promises, or make threats in
the chance for tbe creature to break free. If the order to exacl one service from the captivecreature.
creature has a higher totaJ , that differe nce is The OM will then assign a value to what the
added to its chance to break free. wizard has sald to the ens.oared creature, rating it


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

from 0 to 6 (with 6 being the most persuasive). dreamer recognizes the caster as an intrud er, or
This raHng is then subts:acted from the Intel Ii unless the caster announces that he is a wizard
gence score of the creature. lf tile creature rolls a invading the dream, the dreamer perceives the
successful Intelligence check against its adjusted message as a genuine dream .
lntelligence , it refu ses se rvi ce . New offers , Alternately, the caster can remain passive and
bribes , etc. , can be made, or the old ones re simply observes the dream, watching as the
offered 24 hours later, when the creature's Intelli- dreamer's unconscious mind reveals itself. While
gence has dropped by I point due to confinement. not as discree t as an .ESP spell, enter dream can
Thi s can be repeated until the creatu re promises reveal information that the sleeper may not even
to se rve, until it breaks free, or until the caster realize when awake . For instance, a man ques-
decide s to get cid ofi t by means of some riddance tioned about his long-lost brother may truthfully
spell . lmpossible demands or unreasonable com- answer that the boy ran away from home when
mands are never agreed to. very you ng . The man's dreams, however, may
Once the single service is completed, the crea- reveal that the man saw his father murder his
ture need only so inform the spellcas ter to be brother, yet the memory lies buried in the sub-
instantly sent from whence it came . The creature conscious mind, revealed onJy in dreams .
might later seek revenge . The material compo nent of this spell is a one-
Notes: Commo n spell (PHB). once strip of dreamwillow bark, which the caster
must steep in hot water and imbibe .
Enter Dream Notes: Common fo r Dream mage s; uncom-
(Enchantment/Charm) mon for enchanters ; very rare for others.

Level: 2 Entomb
Range:10ydsllevel (Alteratio n)
Components : V, S, M (Province: Sand)
CasHngTime : l turn
Duration : I tum/level Level: 3
Area of Effect: I sleeping creature Range: 30 yds .
SavingThrow:Special Components: V, M
Casting Time : 3
This speU send s the caste r into a deep slee p, Duration: 1 turn + I rd.nevel
but it also allows the caster's own mind to enter Area of Effect: 30-ft. cube
the dream of another. The caster can observe the Saving Throw: Neg.
dreams of the speU's target, much as an audience
obse rves a play. The spellcaster remains unde- This spell captu re s creature s in irs area of
tected by the dreamer unless a saving throw vs . effect by raising a block of solid stone out of the
spell is successful (Wisdom modifie rs apply) . earth to engulf them . The block must be raised
The cas ter can , however, purposefully reveal from natural earth, sand,rock or similar material,
himself to converse with the dreamer or intera ct though it can burst through natural vegetation .
with the other elements of the dream . ln case, Each target creature must make a successful sav-
the dreamer perceives the spelJcaster as a part of ing throw vs . ~ell or be swallowed by the rock.
the dream, again unless he makes a successful Ca ptur ed creatures can sti ll breathe and speak,
saving throw. The spe llcaster has no contro l over but , they canno t break free or move unless they
any aspect of the dream except his own actions . can pass through solid stone . Creatures that make
When he detects the intrusion , the dreamer can their saving throws are not enfolded by the rising
attempt to eject the spellcaster from the dream. stone and a re instead flung out of the area of
The contest is a matter of wi 11, and the spe llcaster effect.
must roll a saving throw vs . spell . As long as the This spell is popular among dao slavetakers .
spe llcaster succeeds , he can remain in the dream ; B ecause it requires no soma tic component , it can
if he fails, he awakes and cannot return to the be used to preserve the secrecy of a slaving mis-
dream without casting another enter dream spe ll. sion.
The dreamer can try to force the speJlcaster out The material co mponent is a cube of stone
of the dream once each round. scored with lines on each side .
The enter dream spell has two main uses. Like Notes: Commo n in arabian setti ngs; very rare
the 5th-level dream spell , it allows the spellcaster elsewhere.
to deliver a message to the dreamer. Unless the


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

EtdluEu r

Enveloping Darkne11,Nystul's The spell was developed by elf mages (Pre-

See Nystul's enveloping darlcness
. servers) who belonged to nomad tribes, and it bas
since been adopted by all Atbasian magic-using
Erase races who are both humanoid and do not already
(Alt.entlon) have clawed hands.
(<koflfmy) The material component is a single erdlu claw.
Notes: Common in the DARK Sut-1
setting; very
Level: I rare elsewhere.
Range: 30 yds.
Components: V.S
Casting Time: I
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: I scroUor 2 pages
Saving Throw :

The ~rose spell removes writings of either

magical or mundane nature from a scroll or
from one to two pages of paper, parchment, or
similar surfaces . It removes explosive runes,
glyphs of warding , sepia snake slgils, and wiz-
ard marks , but it does not remove illusory script
or symbols (see those spells). Nonmagical writ-
ings are automatically erased if the caste r is
touching them ; otherwi se, the chance for suc -
cess is 90%. Magical writings must be touched,
and are only 30% likely to be erased, plus 5%
per caster level , to a maximum of 90% (fo r
example, 35% for a I st-level caster, 40% for a
2nd-level caster, etc.). ErdJuEgg
Nota: Common spell (PHB). (Enchantment)

Reversed fomr, see memory.
Level: S
Components: V, S, M
ErdJuClaw Casting Time: 2 turns
Duration: I day
(Altention )
Area of Effect: I egg
Level: I Saving Throw : None
Range: Touch
Components: V.S, M Thi! spell causes an old erdlu egg filled with
castingTime: 1 sand to become a fresh erdlu egg, with contents
Duration: 5 rds./level fit to eat. On any other world, the duration would
Area of Effect: I creature be too short to do any practi cal good, but on
Saving Throw : Non.e Athas, the disappearance oftbe egg's water will
not come about until after it has already been
When this spell is cast on a humanoid being, sweated out of the recipient's body. Elf nomads
its fmgernaHs grow into talons, precisely like the developed this spell as a means of creating an
claws of the erdJu bird. Once in this state, they do emergency food supply. Oncethe created food is
damage as Atbasian hand razors(SIM: I d6+ I; L: eaten , the shell disappears , so a new shell is
Id4+ I). The claws do no damage 10 ~atures that required for each casting . Thus, possession of
can be struck only by magical weapons. ln gen- this spell doubles the number of erdlu eggs any
eral , th is spell is memorized by a wizard as a tribe bas.
weapon of last rcson, if an enemy actually closes The material component is the old erdlu egg.
for mclee. There arc unconfirmed rumors that the Notea: Uncommon In the DARK SUN setting ;
spell is us ed in the process of enchanting real virtually unknownelsewhere.
hand razors.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

, ErdluHidc
Erdlu ffide In the third round, another saving throw vs .
(Alteradon) spell is required . Success ends the damage ; fail-
ure means another round of identical damage is
Level : 3 taken . At th e end of the third round, all of the
Range : Touch quills vanish.
Components: V.S, M The enchantment is especially effective aga inst
Cas ting Time: I rd. spellcas ters , who cannot cas t spells while suffer-
Duration: Special ing damage from quills. A s lrield spell requires
Area of Effect : I creature the caster to make one attack roll for the burst of
Saving Throw : None quills aimed at the protected individual A miss
means the shield spel l s topped all of lbe quills
The wizards of elf nomad tribes of Athas aimed at that ind ividual.
developed this spell to provide an unarmored The ma terial componen t is a porcupine quill.
wizard with effective armor when he needs it the Notes: Uncommon or rare spell in Ceri lia , the
most. This spell causes the recipient 's skin to BIRTHRIOHTsetting ; virtually unknown elsewhere .
become as tough as the scaly bide of an e rdlu ,
giving the eq uivalen t of scale mail (AC 6). This ESP
armor adds no weight or encumbrance to the (Divination )
wea rer, lasting until successfully dispelled or (Mentalism)
until the wearer sustains cumulative damage
greater than 8 hir points, plus I hit point per level Level: 2
of the ca .s ter. A protected wizard can still cast Range : O
spells. The erd/11hide spell is cumula tive with Compo nen ts: V, S, M
Dexterity and shield bonuses, but not with any Cas tin g Time : 2
other protective spell , such as giantfur or armor. Duration : I rdJ level
The material components for this spell are a Arca of Effect : 5 yds ./lcvel (90 yds . maximum )
pair of scales from an erdlu. Sav ing Throw: None
Notes : Uncommon in a DARK SUN setting ; vir-
tually unknown elsewhere . When an ESPspell is used, the caster is able to
detect the surface thoughts of any creatures in
Erik's Qtdlls range--except for those of undead and creatures
without minds (as we know them) . The ESP is

Level : 3
I stopped by 2 feet of rock, 2 inches of any metal
other than lead, or a thin sheet oflead foil.
Range : 5 yds./leveJ The wizard employing the speJIis able to probe
Components: V, S, M the surface thoughts of one creature per round, get-
Casting Time : 3 ting simpl e instinctual thoughts from lower order
Duration : I to 3 rds . creatures . Probes can continue on the same crea-
Area of Effect: I or 2 creatures within 20 ft. ture from round to round or can move on to other
Saving Throw: Special creatures. The caster can use the spell to help deter-
mine if a creaturelurks behind a door, for example ,
This enchantment allows the caster to cause a but the ESP does not always reveal what sort of
number of magical quills (resembling porcupine creature it is. If used as part of a program of inter-
quills) to fly from bis hands and unerringly strike rogation , an intelligent and wary subject receives
a chosen target. The quills rea ch their target eve n an initial saving throw. Wisdom modifiers always
in a melee, and they seek chinks in armor and apply, with a poss.ible additionaJ bonus up to +4 al
gaps in clothing when they strike. the DM 's option . lf successful , the crea ture suc-
A wizard can conju re 2d4 quills, plus I quill cessfully resists and the spell reveals no additional
for every two levels above Stb ; thus a 7th- level information. If the savingthrow is failed, the caster
caster can create 2d4 + I quills . The quills can be can leam additional infonnation, according to the
directed at no more than two opponents, who DM's ruling . The creature's Wisdom adjustment
must be within 20 feet of each other. applies, as may additional bonuses up to +4, based
Each quill inllicts I point of damage on the initial on the sensitivity of the infonnation sought.
round . In the second round, a saving throw vs. spelJ The material component of this spe ll is a cop-
is alJowed. Success ends the damage; failure means per piece .
damage equal lo that of the first round is taken. Notes: Common spell (PHB) .


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Ethcn:al Banishment

ESP - Witch's pocket allows creatures to e n ter or exit the

(Divination) pocket, but prevents the elements from entering
the pocket
Level: 2 Inside tl,e pocket, the land is surrounded by alr
Range : Touch of a temperature matching that of the Prime
Components: V.S, M Material plane at t he moment the land was
Casting l'ime : 2 moved . ln addition, a so urce of water is created
Duration : I rd./level within the pocket.
Area of Effect: I creature /rd. Before the spell is cast, the area to be moved
Saving Throw : None must be surro unded by solid markers of materiaJ
from the des t ination plane . Thus , if a w iza rd
This version of ESP requires the caster to wants to move his castle to the Elementa l Plane
touch the subject and remain in physical contact a of Fire , he must first surround the area with solid
full round in order to probe his though.ts. Thus, it blocks of matter from the plane, such as hardened
ca nnot be used again s t an unwilling su bject magma or magically crystallized fire. The blocks
unless the target is physically restrained or held must be spaced no more than five feet apart and
in place . However, a clever caster could disguise can be placed above ground or under the surface
her intent by approaching the subject in a social (at a depth of no more than three feet).
si tuation and trying to make the contact look Tbe wizard must be within the area to be
incidental; for example, she cou ld take lhe sub- moved when the spell is cast. When the land
ject's arm wltile strolling together , or hold his moves, a hemispherical crater is lei\ behind in the
band while dancing, or so me other innocuous Prime Marerial Plane. Inside its pocket on the
activity. destinatio n plane, the land continues its existence
While the spe ll is in effect, the caster can as if nothing changed, with the exception of occa-
probe the surface thoughts of one creature per sional visitS from planar creatures.
rowid, or maintain contact with the same creature Any land that is moved in this maruler cannot
for several round s to make a more exhaustive be moved again with this spell.
search . The mate rial component {in addition lo the
The material compone nt is a pinch of pow- markers) is the appropriate magi cal device to
dered nightshade . control elementals of the desired plane (bow l
Notes: Witches are restricted to this version of commanding water elementals, brazier com-
BSP and cannoi learn the s tandard spell. A manding fire elementals, censer controlling air
diviner or gypsy might (rarely) choose this ver- elementals, or stone controlling eart/, elemen-
sio n instead of the standard version if the DM tals). The item must be permanently placed at the
aJlows. (Updated from DRAGONMagazine .) heart of the area of effect and cannot be used for
any other purpose , If the device is disturbed in
Estate Transference any way, the spell immediate ly fails, allowing the
(Alteration) energies of the elementaJ plane to flood into the
(Dimension) protected area.
Notes: Uncommon (7bM) .
level : 9
Range : O Ethereal Banishment-Old Empire
Compo nents: V, S, M (Alteration )
Casting Time : IOturns (Dime11slon)
Duracion: Permanent
Area of Effect: 2 Level : 5
Saving Throw : None Range : IOyds./level
Components: V
Thi s powerfuJ spell aJlows a caster to transfer a Casting Time: I
large area of land in the Prime Material plane to Duration: l turn/level
any o f che elemental planes . All buildings, Area of Effect: I creature
people , and wildJi fe within the area of effecL are Saving Throw : Neg .
aJso transponed . The land fonns a pocket of the
Prime Material plane within the elemental plane. This spell temporarily se nds one creature into
The pocket is a sphere with a diameter equal to the Ethereal plane. The subject is trapped in the
the diameter of the land . The su rfa ce of rhe EthereaJ plane for the duration of the spell unless


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

released by the caster; any other attempt to return By means of this spell, the wizard and up to six
to the Prime Material plane will fail, except by the other creatures joi ned by linked hands become
intervention of Powersor a wish spelJ. At the end ethereal (a long with their equipment) . While
of the spell, the creature is returned to the plane it ethereal, the group need not stay together. The
was banished from.An unwillingcreature receives group's presence can be detected only by detect
a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. phase . true seeing. or similar spells and effects.
The materialcomponent for this spell is a one- No physical. or magical attack can affect them,
e.ighth of a vial of oil of etherealness, or oil from unless the assailant is ethereal as well (although
a creature native to the Ethereal plane. some monsters, such as the basilisk, have gaze
Notes: Uncommon in the Old Empire; other- weapons whose power extends into the Ethereal
wise very rare . As a FORG OTTEN REALMS Old Plane) . The spell recipie nts arc actually in the
Empire spell, initial exposure requires a mentor Border Ethereal and can still perceive their physi-
or a read Southern magic spelL cal surroundi ngs, but the world appears gray,
misty, and indistinct to them. Note that as ethe
Etherealness real creatu res here can perceive the physical
Aka ethereal banishment (Old Empire spell). world, an individual could scout out his surround-
ings or make good an escape from the safety of
theBorder Ethereal.
The wizard and bis companions can remain in
the Border Ethereal for up to one hour per level;
when the spell expires, they ret ur n to nor mal
existence, althoug h the wizard can choose to
end the spell before its full duration. The wizard
also has the option of movi ng himse lf or the
group from the Border Ethereal into the Deep
Ethereal, in which case they remain ethe real
when the spell ends. He will have to use this
spelJ againor find another way back in order to
return to the home plane.
The wizard can use etherealness to banish an
unwilli ng subjec t. He must makea successful
attack roll in order to touch him. and the subject
receives a saving throw vs. spell to negate the
effect. An unwi ll ing subject automatica lly
remains in the Border Ethereal for an amount of
time specified by the wizard at the time of the
casting, but no more than one hour per caster
level. When used like this, etherealness docs not
affect the caster, only the subject.
Notes: Uncommon for dimensionists ; other-
wise very rare (PO:SM).

Evaporate Fluid - Witch

(Alr, Alchnt y)
(Alteration) Level: 6
(Dimension) Range: 10 yds./lcvel
Components:V.S, M
Level: 6 Casting Time: 6
Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V.S Arca of Effect: 50-ft. cube
Casting Time: I Saving Throw: Special
Duration: 1 hrllevel
Area of Effect: Creature(s) touched This spell causes any mass of exposed liquid
Saving Throw: Neg. designated by the caster- within the spcll's vol-


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


ume limit - to su bl imate into the atmosphere . Evard's Black Tentacles

Water, acid, blood, oi l, chemical solutions, poi- (Conjuration/Summoning)
son, potions , or even molten rock or metal can be (Shadow)
transformed into harmless steam or vapor. Even
if the substance would normally remain danger- Level : 4
ous as a vapor or gas, the evaporate fluid spell Range : 30 yds .
render s it inert and co mpletely safe; dangerous Components : V, S, M
temperatures or toxic propertie s are dissipated . Casting Time : I rd.
The caster can affect a vo lume up to a 50-foot Duration : I hr./level
cube or its equivalent. Area of Effect: 30 sq . ft /level
The fluid evaporates from the entire surface , Saving Throw : None
lowering the level of the entire body of water at
once. This spell does not allow the caster to cre- This spell creates many rubbery , black tenta -
ate a passa ge or select ively reveal a submerged cles in the area of effect . These waving members
object. ln large bodies of wate r, the wizard's seem to spring forth from the earth, floor , or
efforts may produce neg ligible or unnoti ceable whatever surface is underfoot-including water.
results. Each tentacle is IO feet long , AC 4, and requi res
The evaporate fluid sp ell can be focused to as many points of damage to destroy as the level
attack a singlecreature with an aqueous or liquid of wizard who cast the spell . There are I d4
body, such as a water weird, a slime, an ooze , and such tentacles, plus one per experience level of
similar monsters. The creature is allowed a saving the spellcaster.
throw vs. spell to ignore the effects , but if it falls Any creature within range of the writhing ten-
it suffers 10d6 points of damage . Such creatures tacles is subject to attack as de :ermioed by the
are likely to flee. DM . The target of a tentacle atta ck must roll a
The material component is a bit of salt. saving throw vs . spe ll. If this succee ds, the sub-
Notes: Common for witches ; rare for others. ject suffe rs ld4 points of damag e from co nta ct
with the tentacle ; the tentacle is then destroyed .
Failure to save indicates that the damage inflicted
is 2d4 points, the ebo n memb er is wrapped


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""\ Evaaion,ElminslCr's
around its subject , and damage wilJ be 3d4 points order for I.heitem to be carried safely, some insu-
on the second and all succeeding rounds . Since lation should be used . A Daltlm :Sproof
these tentacles have no intelligence to guide fire spelJ (desc ribed elsewhere) is a good way to
them, there is the po ssibility that they entwine make it possible to carry the "everbuming torch ."
any object-a tree , post , pillar , even the wizard The material components for this spell are a bit
himself - or continue to squeeze a dead oppo- of wood soaked in lamp oil ; the material is con-
nent . A grasping bold established by a tentacl e sumed duringcasting.
remain s until the tentacle is destroyed by some Notes: Rare spell. Known to be in Daltim s
form of attack or until it disappears at the end of Tome of Fire.
the spell 's duration .
The component for this spell iBa piece of ten- Everpresent Record
tacle from a giant octopus or giant squid. (Conj 11ration/
Notes: Common spell (PHB).
Level : 4
Evasion, Elmioster's Range:15 ft.
See Elminster's evasion . Componenm : S, M
Casting Time: 5
Everftre Duration : I day/level
lost spell Supposedly from DUNGEON"'Magazine, Area of Effect: I creature
no trace of this spell was found while this book Saving Throw : None
was being prepared. A reasonable substit11tionis
the firebrand spell.) The everpresent record spell resembles the I st-
level wiza rd spell sorcerous scribe, except that
Everlasting Fire the wizard can cast it on another ; a magical quill
(Evocation) pen appears beside the caste r and begins writing
(Fire) all the subject says. Once th e spell is cast, the
subject can travel any distance away from the
Level: 4 quill and it will continue to transcribe . Only a
Range:5 yds. successfu l dispel magic. limited wish. or wish
Component s: V, S, M spell will hall the writing.
Casting Time : 4 Vain wizards use this spell on themselves to
Duration : Permanent record all their words for posterity. A more useful
Area ofEffect : I object or construct application , however , is to cast it covertly on an
Saving Throw: None enemy to learn secret information . The enchant-
ment makes ordinary ink on the record perma-
This spell creates a very small gate to the Ele- nent and the parchment extremely resistant to
mental Plane of Fire, calling through flame about damage (+8 bonus to all saving throws) .
equal to that on a torch. Th e flame is completely This spell can be costly. The wizard must pro-
normal in all ways , excep t that since it comes vide l 00 sheets of parchment and a bott le of ink
from the Elemental Plane of Fire , It needs no fuel for each day the spell will last .
and continues ro burn under any circumstance-- Notes : Uncommon for conjurers ; rare for
without air, underwater, when covered with sand, others.
etc. Th e flame lights any flammables that touch
it, and it never goes out unless a dispel mqgic
spell (or a stronger spell , like limired wish) is
used to extinguish it.
The everlasting fire spell can be cas t on a
mobile or stationary object, but it bums anything
flammable . The spell can not be placed on any
type of creature except a magical construct . Most
castersplace everlasting fire on an object made
of stone or sturdy metal
This spell can be used to a magical item
in the same mann er as continual light can be
placed on a rod . Such an "evcrburoing torch"
must be made of some nonflammable material. In


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


EverwatchingSkuJJ ard can potentially create an entire race of servant

(Abjuration,UlusJon/Pbantasm) creatures.
The creature to be affected must be a normal,
Level: 2 nonmagical animal. Small creatures are usually
Range: 20 yds. the target of the spell, but a nonnal animal of any
Components: V,S, M size can be used . While mammals are \he best
Casting Time: I rd. subjec1s,the spell can be successfully performed
Duration: 1 tum/level on all sorts of creatures, including such diverse
Area of Effect: I creature animals as reptiles and insects. The spell does not
Saving Throw: Special work on plants. The animal receives a normal
saving throw based on its Hit Dice to avoid the
This spell, also known as the curse of the grin- effects of the spell; the saving throw is adjusted
rtingskull, creates the illusory image of a grin- according to the creature's life order, as summa-
ning human skull with twinkling eyes ; it is rized on the table.
visible to all. It floats at the shoulder of the vic-
tim, looking at him and seeming to react to his Life Order Adjustment
actions . It moves to always gaze into his eyes, Mammal 0
respo nding to head and eye movements . From Bird +I
time to time, it moves its jawbone in a soundless, Reptile +2
laughing motion. Amphibian +3
This image is nothing more than a nuisance. It Fish +4
can serve to scare off a knownthief,mark a beingso Arthropod +S
that he can easily be followed through crowds, or Other +6
angera wizard into wastingdestructivespellson it.
A grinning sJ,ull reflects all dispel magic spells If the animal makes its saving throw, nothing
back upon the caster. It is not affected by attacks happens , but nothing prevents the wizard from
or spells that deal physical damage. An anrimagic trying agaln. If the creature fails its saving throw,
shell or any related spell of 4th level or higher the animaJ begins to change; the exact change is
(such as a minor globe of inwlnerability) will left largely to the DM to determine , with the
destroy it. input of the player of the spellcaster.
When the spell is cast, the target creature and First, the creature grows or shrinks, approach-
the caster each roll Id20 and add their level to the ing man-size.
result. If the caster's total is higher , the skull Second, the creature approaches a human
appears- but if the victim's total is greater, the appearance. An animal with four limbs becomes
spell is lost, and a distorted skull appears only one with two arms and rwo legs; one with a dif-
momentarily, flickers, and is gone. ferent number oflimbs might have more arms, or
The spell's material components are a piece of in certain cases, more legs. A legless animaJ sub-
bone and a spark or flame. jected to the spelJ might grow Hmbs, but instead
Notes: Very rare spell. (Updated from DRAGON might simply acquire a more upright appearance.
Magazine.) lf the resulting creature has hands, these are basi-
cally human in appearance; the creature's face
Evolve might also approach a human countenance, to
(Necromancy) some extenl A creature without hands develops
some way to manipulate objects.
Level: 8 Third. the creature acquires an average Intelli-
Range:Touch gence (8- l 0) and the ability 10 generate lan-
Components: v;S, M guage . The being does not necessarily know
Casting Time: I rd. anything, but hns the ability to learn (some have
Duration: Special the ability to commu nicate in the language of
Area of Effect: I animal their creator; this seems to happen rsndomly).
Saving Throw: Neg. Fo~ the creature becomes a being with IdJ
Hit Dice (depending mostly on its size and dispo-
With this spell, a wizard can cause a normal sition). As with the change in size, the creature
animal to evolve and change into an intelligenl, approaches human norm: a creature less than I
basically humanoid lifeform. By using evolveon HD becomes a I HD creature, while one wilh
multiple specimens and exerting patience, a wiz- more than I HD is reduced to 2 or 3 HD. A crea-


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


ture that starts with l HD might remain at that

level, or might increase to 2 HD.
The creatu re 's other sta ti st ics-such as
Armor Class. movement rate, number of
attacks , and damage - are dependent on the
exact type of creature in question , its final size,
and any other factors the OM includes. lo gen-
eral, these statistics gravitate toward human
norm s, though natural attacks should ca rry
through . For example , a spide r subjected to the
evolve spell might have a poisonous bite attack
and the ability to make and move through webs:
a dog used for the spell might have a bite attack
and highly developed se nses of hearing and
smell; an evolved frog could hop , but must stay
moist .
The evolved creature should not have magical
abilities of any kind, nor should it typically
advance in any character classes . As a general
guideline, refer to the numerous humanoid or
near -humanoid monster s found in the
M ONSTROUS MA NUAL'" accessory (see: aarakocra,
bullywug , crabman , ettercap, gnoll , grippli.
kenku , kuo-toa , lizard man , locathah , manscor-
pion, sahuagin, tabaxi, tako, and thri-kreen ). An
evolved creature might develop unusual powers
or abilities. but the OM should adjudicate the
situations carefully.
The evolution of the subject talcesplace over a
fuJI day, beginning when the wizard is done cast-
ing the spell. During this time, it is wise to keep
the creature in a secluded place, where it cannot
harm itself, and where it can be observed, or pos-
sibly even comforted as it goes through such
great changes.
The creature's overall personality is affected
greatly by Lhisformative period, and while there
are no guarantees as to its disposition , it is more
likely to appreciate or admire an individual who
at least appears to be caring and nurturing.
When the day of evolution is over, the creature
is fully functional , able to survive and learn. An
evolved creature can likely breed with others of
its kind, allowing the new species to proliferate.
The change cannot be reversed once completed
by any magic short of aji,/1 wish.
Besides the subject animal, certain materiaJ
components are needed : a bit of organic material
from the caste r (such as hair or blood ), a pea.rt
worth at least 500 gp, and a miniature tool of any
kind. The animal changes radicaJLyand the com-
ponents are consumed during casting.
Notes: Rare speU,


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

ExpeditiousRetreat r
Exalted Eye This spell is similar to the empatMc wound
(Alteradon ) tranfer spell, except that it allows the caster to
(Mentallsm) transfer a hit point disability (of up to 1 bit points
per level of the caste r) between any two crea-
Level: 7 tures, excluding the caster. The wizard must be
Range:Special able to the grasp both the creature with the dis-
Components: V.S, M ability and the creature about to receive it with.out
Casting Tune: 3 having to make attack rolls, so lhe two beings
Duration: I rd./level involved must either be willing to undergo the
Arca of Effect: Special spell or else be sleeping or unconscious.
Saving Throw: None The recipient of the disability is entitled to a
saving throw vs. spell if unwilling. If the saving
This is a much more powerfulfoan of the wiz- throw succeeds , the exchange is negated and
ard eye spell. By casting this spell, the wizard nothing further happens.
can view anywhere within a IO square mile area If the recipient fails the saving throw, the dis-
per level of the caster. For example, a 10th-level ability passes through the wizard. inflicting him
wizard can view withfo a I 00 square mile area. for an instant. If such a wound would normally
The exalted eye moves one mile per round, half place the wizard below zero hit points, it immedi-
that if it is searching for something, and every- ately does so, and the spell ceases; the wounded
thing in view of the eye is subject to the spell's creature is healed and the second (recipient) is
automatic clairaudience and clairvoyance abili- unharmed.
ties . Further, the caster need not concentrate to The material components for the spell are hair
use the exalted eye; he can perform other duties, and blood from both creatures , two newt eyes,
rest, or cast other spells. two wo\fteeth (each from a different animal), and
The exalted eye cannot be seen by others, but a for a ruby (wonh at least 5,000 gp), which is
detect magic spell will show its location. A suc- shattered as the disability passes through the
cessful dispel magic will end the spell. caster.
The eye can move in any direction and, unlike Notes: Restricted to necromancers; rare.
a wizard eye, it can pass through solid objects,
including living creatures . The eye also can be Excruciating Screen, Otiluke's
used i:nconjunction with a crystal ball, giving the See Otiluke's excruciating screen.
caster a much greater range. The caster uses the
crystal ball to observe an an:a, and then casts the ExpeditiousFire Extinguisher, Nystul's
eye through the ball to whatever range the caster's See Nystul's expeditious fire extinguisher.
level allows the eye to wander.
The exalted eye is in some respects an exten- Expeditious Retreat
sion of the caster's mind. Therefore, if the caster (Alteration)
bas the ability to communicate telepathically, he
can do so through the eye. Level: I
The material component is an eyelash from the Range:0
caster. Components: V, S
Notes : Very rare spell Casting Tune: I
Duration: 3 rds. + I rd./level
Exchange Area of Effect: The caster
Aleaellchangc wounds. Saving Throw: None

Exchange Wounds When cast, the expeditious retreat spell pro-

(Necroman cy) vides the wizard with an amazing fleetness of
foot, enabling him to run in great leap s and
Level: 8 bounds. The caster's movement rate is tripled for
Range: Touch the duration of the spell , so a wizard with a
Components: V, S, M movement of 12 would be able to run at a rate of
Casting Time: 5 rds. 36 while the spell was in effect. In addition, the
Duration: Special wizard can jump up to 5 feet in the air or make a
Area of Effect: 2 creatures 15-foot horizontal leap with ease.
Saving Throw: Neg. The wizard does not have to move while the


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

spell is In effect, but ifhe moves al all, his unnat- Extend Fear
ural speed and bounds prevent him from taking Reversed form. see focus fear.
any other actions except for running -i n other
words, he can't takea hatf-move and throw a mis- Exte nsion I
sile, or charge, cast a spell , or do anything e lse (Alteration)
except move.
The wizard cannot increase his movement fur- Level : 4
ther by any mean s, including add itional move- Range: 0
ment-affecting magical spells or items . Components : V
Kerith, the spell 's creator, was a wizard noted Casting Time : 2
for his astounding lack of co urage in the face of Duration : Special
even the most insig nificant danger s. He devel- Area of Effect: Special
oped this spell early in his caree r to assist in his Saving Throw : None
frequenl and precipitous withdrawal s from com-
bai. Kerith was noted for his cynic al observation By use of an e:xtensio11I spell , the wizard pro-
to a companion ; " I don 't have to outrun the troll. longs the duration ofa previouslycast lst-, 2nd-,
I just have to outrun yo u." or 3rd-level spe ll by 50%. Thus , a levitation spell
Notes: Uncommon spell (PO:SM) can be made to function 15 minute s/level, a hold
person spell made to work for threerounds/level,
Explo sive Runes etc. Naturally, the spell affectsonly spells that have
(Alteration) durations. This spell must be cast immediately
(Arrifice, Geometry) after the spell to be extended, either by the original
cas ter or anothe r wizard . rr a complete round or
Level: 3 more elapses, the extension fails and is wasted.
Range: Touch Notes: Common spell (PHB).
Components : V.S
Casting Time: 3 Exte nsion 11
Duration : Special (Alte.ration)
Area of Effect: 10-ft. radius
Saving Throw : None or Level: 5
By tracing these mystic runes upon a book. Components: V
map , sc roll , or si milar objec t bear ing written Casting Ttme:4
inf ormation , the wizard prevents unauthorized Duration : Special
perso ns from reading his material. The explosive Area of Effect: Special
runes are difficult to detect: 5% chance per level Saving Throw: None
of ma gic-use of the reade r; thiev es have only a
5% c han ce. Trap det ectio n by spell or magical This spell is the same as the exte nsion I spell,
device always finds these nm es. except it extends the duration of 1st-through 4th-
When read, the explosive runes deto nate , level spells by 50%.
delivering 6d4+6 points of damage to the reader, Notes: Common spell (PHB).
who gets no savi ng throw. A like amount, or half
that if saving throws are made , is su ffered by Ex tension m
each creature within the blast radius. The wizard (Alt eration)
who cast the spell, as well as any he instru cts, can
read the prot ected writing without triggering the Level: 6
runes . Likewise, the wizard can remove the runes Range :0
whenever desired. Others can remove them only Components: V
with a succe ssf uJ dispel magi c or eras e spel I. Casti ng Time : 6
Expl osive runes otherwise last until the spell is Duration: Special
trigge red. TJ1e item upon which the rune s are Area of Effect: Special
placed is de stroyed when the explosion tak es Saving Throw : None
place. unless it is not normally subject 10 destruc-
tion by magical fire (see lhe item saving throws Thi s spe ll is the same as 1he extension f spell,
in Chapter 6 of the DUNGEONMASTER Guide). except tha1 it will extend !st- thr ough 3rd-level
Note: Common spe ll (PHB). spells to double duration and will extend the


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Eye of Mystn1

duration of 4th- or 5th-levelspells by 50%.

Notes: Common spell (PHB).


Level: I
Range: 5 yds.
Components: V, S, M
CastingTime: I
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: I cu. ft./level
SavingThrow: Nooe

This spell instantaneously snuffs out the life

forces of small rodents and vermin in the area of
effect ( l cubic foot per level},includingsuch nor-
mal pests as flies.mice, beetles, rats, spiders, and
the like. Only creatures with up to 3 bit points per
level of the caster (9 bit points maximum) and
animal intelligenceor less can be affected.
More powerfulwizards can affect bigger pests,
including large spiders, stirges, poisonoussnakes,
and giant or huge centipedes. If the targeted crea-
tures are extremely small ( I hit point or less), an
area up to I cubic foot per levelcan be cleansedof
pests, to a maximumof 10 cubic feet. One larger
creature per level can be killed.up to 10 creatures
maximum. Familiarsare immuneto this spell.
This spell is well suited to indoor or outdoor
appli ca tions and is a favorite among necro-
mancers who live among pestilence. Cruel wiz-
ards have been known to exterminate benign
animals (and sometimes others' pets) with the
spell. The somatic gesture is a pointed finge r,
while the caster verbalizesa low zzzt sound.
The material componentsare a pinch oflaven-
der and dried garlic.
Notes: Restrictedto necromancers; common.

Eye in the Sky, Darsson 's

See Darsson's eye in the sky.

Eye of Artifice
See seven-eyes.

Eye of Mystra
(AJteratfon, Invocation)

Level: 9
Range: IOft.Jlevel
Casting Time: 9
Duration: l rd
Area of Effect: I being or item
SavingThrow: None


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

"'Eye of Power
This spell can be used only by true servants of the usual way, but el.eel to have them emitted
Mystra. All others who cast it only see a floating, silently from the eye, as if the eye wasone of the
feminine eye appear. The eye winks mockingly at caster's hands. Saving throws against these mag-
them and then vanishes. ics are permitted ifthe spells normally allow sav-
An eye of Mystra appears as an all-knowing, ing throws.
beautiful human orb about the size of the caster's The easter need not concentrate on the eye to
head. lts pupil is a very dark blue, and its lashes maintain its existence, but must do so to move it.
are long and black. It bends its gaze on a single Only one spell per round can be cast through the
being or item chosen by the caster, and a visible eye, and the eye halts during the casting . Only
ray of cold blue light as large as the eye, and as spells of 7th level or less can be cast through an
long as is necessary, leaps out from it. eye of power. More powerful spells fail, simulta-
The ray never misses, and when it falls on the neously causing the eye to collapse . No
chosen item or being, all magic is removed from other than the creator of an eye of power can cast
that target-including memorized spells and spells through it.
enchannnents that have not taken effect yet or are lf the eye is destroyed by damage, the spell
long term, Magical aging and longevity are both ends early.
reversed, and any magical disguis es or Notes : Restricted to the Seven Sisters, their
shapechanges are stripped away. Healing, neu- apprentices, and select Harpers; very rare.
tralize poison magic, and the like that occurred in
the past are unaffect ed. Psionic s are also unaf-
fected by this spell, as are other items or beings
the ray may pass over or touch on. Only the cho-
sentarget is "disenchanted."
Thi s spell does not remove spellcasting ability Eye of Stone
from any creature, though its draining effect on Seeseven-eyes.
magical items is permanent. Magical artifacts are
immune, or partially immune, to the effects of the Eye of the Eagle, Tenser's
eye. See Tenser's eye of the eagle.
An eye of Mystra fails when used against a
being who is one of the Chosen of Mystra. If the Eye of the Mage
caste r of an eye of Mys tra is forced to use the Eye of the Mind
spell under compul sion, its effect is only the Eye of the Soul.
mocking wink. Eye of the Sword
Notes: Restricted to true servants of Mystra See seven-eyes.
(the FORGOTTEN R EAL MS se tting godde ss of
magic}-the Seven Sisters, Elminste r, and a few Eye of the Tiger,Tenser's
others; very rare. See Tenser's eye of the tiger.

. Eye of Power EyeofVenom

(Alteration, Evocation) See seven-eyes.

Level: 9 Eye-Shield - Dragon Knight

Range: l O fl./level {Invocation/Evocation ) ~
Components: V,S
Casting Time: I tum Level: 3
Duration: I rd./Jevel Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Special Components: V, S, M
Saving Throw: Special Casting Time: 3
Duration: I hr./level
This spell enables the caster to create a wizard Area of Effect: Creature touched
eye that is akin in all respects to the effect of the Saving Throw: none
4th-level wizard spell of the same name, except
that it can appear anywhere, at any distance from Thi s spell causes the subject's eyes to be pro-
the caster in the spell range. It is a visible, flying tected from all dazzling conditions and targeted
eyeball, and spelJs can be cast through it. magical effects that impair vision, although there
ln other words, the caster can work spells in is no tangible barrier before the creature's eyes.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


An individual protected by this spell suffers no with ability scores function at half effectiveness;
penalties to vision or atta c k rolls due to glare others inflict on ly one-half damagewith physical
from the sun or from spells such as bli11dness or a anacks. Movement is at ooe-half normal rate. The
darkness spell cast to blind. It does not allow nor- subject remains stricken for one Cl,ICllper level of
mal vision in areas of magical darkness nor docs the caster, after which all abilities retum at the
it counter 1he effects of dim lighting or natural rate of one point per tum of complete rest or one
darkness. point per hour of moderate activ ity. The effects
Notes : Restricted to Dragon Knights of Krynn cannot be negated by a cure disease or heal speJl,
(in the DRAOONl-AN CE setting) and those trained but a remove curse or successful dispel magic
by them ; common. spell is effective. Creatu res other than humans ,
demihumans , and humanoids save with +2
Eyebite bonuses versus this attack.
(Enchantm ent/Charm, Illusion/Phantasm) Sleep: The wizard can cause any individ ual
(Menlo/ism) to fall into a comatose s lumber by means of a
gaze and a si ng le word, unless the subject suc-
Level: 6 cessf ull y rolls its saving throw vs. spell. Crea-
Range: 20 yds. tures n ormally subject to a 1st-level sleep spell
Components: V, S save with a - 2 penalty . An affected creature
Casting Tune : 6 mu st be shaken or otherwise sh ocke d back to
Duration : I rd)3 levels consciousness.
Area ofEffeet: l creature ln all cases, the gaze attack has a speed factor
Saving Throw : Special of 1. T his spell does not affect undead of any
type. or el(lend beyond the plane occupied by 1he
An eyebite spell enables the caster to merely cas ter. Note that the caster is subjec t to the effects
meet the gaze of a creature and speak a single of his reflected gaze and is allowed any applica-
word to cause an effect. This gaze attack is in ble saving throw. rn the case of a reflected cham1
addition to any other attacks allowed to the wiz- gaze, the caster is paralyzed until it wears off or
ard. The wizard selects one of four possible gaze is countered.
attacks at the time the spell is c.-ist.and this attack Notes: Commo n spell (PHB).
cannot be changed . For example, a I 2th- level
caster who chose/ear would have four opponuni- Eyefire
ties to make gaze attacks causing fear , one for (Evoca tion)
each round of the spell's duration . Any gaze
attack is negated by a successful saving throw vs. Level: 5
spell, with Wisdom adjustments . The four effects Range:O
of the spell are as follows: Components: V, S
Charm: The wizard can charm a single person Casting Time: 5
or monster by gaze and by uttering a single word. Duration : I rd./3 levels
Tbe effect is to make the charmed subject Area of Effect: I crearure/round witbfo
absolutely loyal and docile to the caster, even to 20 fi. + 5 f\Jlevel
the point of personal danger . It is otherwise the Saving 'Throw:
same as a charm monster spell. All creatures
other than humans, demihumans, and humanoids This dram atic spell causes the caster's eyes to
save with +2 bonuses . glow a fearsome, br ight eme rald green. The
Fear: The wizard can cause fear by gaze and round of casting, the caster's entire cou ntenance
by speaking a sing le word . The subject Oees in takes on such a frightening a spec t thal every
blind terror for I d4 round s. After this, the crea- creature with less than 4 Hit Dice or levels must
ture refu ses to face rhe caster and cowers or pass an immediate morale check or run away in
bolls for the nearest cover if subsequently con- terror.
fronted by the caster (50% chance of eithe r). The next round , the wizard can discharge
The latter effect lasts one tum per caster level. twin bolts of crackling green energy al an oppo-
This attack can be negated by spells that counte r nent, who must be within th e a.rea of effect (65
fear. feet at 9th level , 70 feet at 10th, etc.). The attack
Sicken: This power enables the caster to merely causes ld8 poin ts of damage per lev e l of th e
gaze, speak, a word, and cause sudden pain and caster (save vs. spell for half damage), to a max-
fever to sweep over the subject's body, Creatures imum of 15d8. In subsequent round s, the caster


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

y ycs oflhe Undead
forged between the necromancer and the cadaver,
allowing him to see and hear anything that the
corpse can . Only an unwilling undead creature
receives a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the
dweomer . lf the undead creature is a willing ser-
vant of the necromancer , no saving throw is nec-
essary, and a dead body receives no saving throw.
Since a dead body is not able to direct its eyes,
it is unlfkely to see much of use unJess prepared,
although it can be an effective listener. An undead
creature, able to move around, and is a better sub-
ject for the spell
The necromance r cannot co ntrol the undead
creature through this spell, but must rely upon the
creature's orders or instincts to provide the appro-
priate views . The more self-willed and intelligent
the undead , the better th e c han ce of seeing or
bearing something usefuJ.
Although the corpse must be within 30 yards
of the necr oma ncer when the spell is cast , the
cas ter can be up to one mi le away and still see
and hear through the undead crea ture . In the
RAVENtOFTsetting, the spell ceases to work if the
caster and undead are In different domains and
the borders of either domain (or any intervening
domain) are closed.
The mate riaJ components for this spe ll are an
eye and an ear of a dead man. Casting this spell is
cause for a RAvENLOPTpowers check.
Notes:Restricted to necromancers and undead
can change targets and attack within a 90 field spe llcasters; uncomm .on .
of vision.
Spell duration is one round per three levels of Eyesore, Drenal's
the caster, to a maximum of five rounds , so a 9th- See Drenal's eyesore .
level caste r can attack with eye.lire twice, a 12th-
level caster thri ce, and so on . Ex-posed magicaJ
item s carried by those who fail their savi ng
1hrows vs. spell must save vs. magical fire or be
rendered nonmagicaJ . Normal items are unaf-
fected .
Notes: Very rare spell , orig inall y from the

Eyes of the Undead
Level: 4
Range: 30 yds.
Co mponents: V.S, M
Cas ting Time: 4
Dura tion: 1 hr./level
Area of Effect: I undead creature
Saving Throw : Neg.

Th is spe ll is casr upon any dead or undead

body of Small size (S) or less. Once cast, a link is


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Fabricate cast, the wu Jen decides what particular
(AJleration, Enchantment) thing is increased- social level, title, or
(Alchemy,Artifi ce) office . Upon completion of the spell, the
appropriate status is increased by ld4 ranks. The
Level: 5 spell surrounds the wu Jen with the appropriateair
Range: 5 ydsJlevel of confidence, aura of power,mannerisms.speeGh,
Components: V, S, M and etiquette appropriateto therank.
Casting Time: Special Upon those unfamiliar with the rank assumed
Duration: Permanent the spel l has a greater than normal effect. They
Area of Effect: I cu. yd./level give lhe wu jen an inordinate amount of respect,
Saving Throw: None their encounter reaction rolls are I0% greater
than that dictated by lhe assumed rank {or - 2 on
By meansoflhis spell, the wizard is able to con- the encounter reactions, Table 59, in the DMG).
vert materialof one sort into a product that is of the They unhesitatingly believe the wu Jen really is a
same material. Thus, the spellcaster can fabricatea member of the assumed posit ion and is quite
wooden bridge froma clump ofu-ecs, a rope from a fearsome and powerful. The confidence he radi-
patch of hemp, clothes from flax.or wool, and so ates imp resses those affected greatly . Those
forth. Magical or living things cannot be createdor familiar with the rank assumed arc allowed a sav-
altered by afabri cate spell. The quality of items ing throw vs. spell lf failed, they treat the wu Jen
made by this spell is commen.sura.te with the qual- as if he were of the assumed rank. If successful,
ity of material used as lhe basis for the new fabrica- they begin to notice slight flaws in the behavior
tion. lf the caster workswith a mineral, the area of of the wu Jen. After one turn they become suspi-
effect is reduced by a factor of27 ( I cubic foot per cious of the wu Jen and after two turns they rcaJ-
level instead of I cubic yard) . ize he is an impostor. Whether they communicate
Articles requiring a high degree of craftsman- this to others and what actions they take depend
ship Gcwelry, swords, glass, crystal, etc.) cannot on the situation. Those of higher status are also
be fabricated unless the wizard otherwise has allowed a saving throw vs. spell with the same
great skill in lhe appropriate craft. results !for success or failure . Of course, they
Casting requires one full round per cubic yard never treat the wu jen as an equal. The material
(or foot) of material to be affected by the spell component for this spell is a drop of honey.
Noles: Common spell (PHH). The reverse of this spell, lose fa ce. causes the
victim to become socia lly graceless . The victim
Fabricate - Wu Jen must be touched (nonnal attack roll) but no saving
This 3rd-level spell is the same as the ~ throw is allowed. The victim and those with him
5th-level version , except for a casting are not immediatelyaware of any change, but when
time of 3. It is restri c ted to those social graces are important lhc victim somehow
trained in oriental magic: common. manages to do the wrong thing to the obvious
notic e of those around him . The eitact effec t of
Fabulous Fireball, Fallion 's such blunders are adjudicated by the DM, depend-
See Fallion's fabulous fireball. ing on the situationand NPCs involved.
The material com ponent for los e face is a
Face small piece of charcoal.
(EocbaJJtmeJJt/Cbann, Notes: Common in oriental settings; very rare
Ulusioo/Phaotasm) elsewhere.

Level: 3 Face~Blur - Ninja

Range: Touch (lllWIIOn)
Components: V,S, M
Casting Time: I tum Level: I
Duration: 2 turns/level Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Creature touched Components: S
Saving Throw: Spec.ial Casting Tune : 4 rds.
Duration: 1 hr./level
By means of this spell, lhe wujen is able to cre- Area of Effect Creature touched
ate the illusion that he is of a higher social level, Saving Throw: None
title, office, or positjoa than he actually is. Wlten


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


Th e ninja casts lhis spell on him se lf or on or piece of jewe lry worth more than 25,000 gp
another. willing subject. The spell alters the sub- cannot be enchanted by the/acer spell.
jec t 's features slightly, making them unremark - The spell was developed by a Khinasi wizard-
able- neither handsome nor ugly. The gaze of merchant ofCe rilia (of the BIRTHRJ.mrr sening).
any witness slides right off the features of a crea- The material component is a jeweler's polish-
ture affected by this spell. ing cloth, which must be rubbed across the gem
Someone who is keenly and alertly looking at or jewelry to be enchanted.
the faces of everyone he sees, such as a dedicated Not es : Common in the BtRTHRlGHT sett ing;
guard scanning a crowd to find someone who has otherwise virtually unknown.
just disappeared into it.,gets a saving throw vs.
spell to avoid its effects. If the observer makes his Faerie Sword - Elf
saving throw,be seesthe actual features instead of (Invocation/Evoc ation)
the nondescriptface. Immunity to the spell lasts the
length of the spell duration, but the spell itself is Level: 7
not dispelledand will work on people who have not Range: 0
made their saving throws. The person who success- Components: V.S, M
fully saves against this spell has no idea lhat a spell Casting Time: 6
is in effect; be does not see the false features fade Duration: I rd./2 levels
away and feels no hint of magic. Area oFEffect: Special
This spell's success depends on the creature's Saving Throw: None
main taining a menta l attitude of dullness and
boredom. When a crea ture deliber at ely does This spell crearcsa slender,shimmeringsword in
something interesting while wearing this spell- the caster's hands. The sword gives a single-class
if he attacks someone, saves a life, or robs a mer- mage a +4 to hit, and can hit crearures that can be
chant- the spell ends and every witness can see hit only by magicalweapons. The sword inflicts4d4
bis true features. This spell can be canceled by a points of damage against man-sized or smaller
dispelmagicspell opponents,and Sd4 pointsagainst largercreatures.
Notes: Restricted to ninja and those trained by A caster who successfully attacks can elect to
them; common. inflict either damage or a random magical effect
upon the target. If the caster elects 10 inflict a magical effect, roll d l00, add the caster's level,

Level: S
I I and refer to the table.

Die RoU Effect

Range : Touch 01- 25 No effect; victim takes no damage
Components: V.M 26-S0 Target suffers 8d4 points of damage
Casting Time: I tum S1- 7S Target suffers I0d4 points of damage
Duration: Instantaneous 76-8S Target imprisoned inforcecage
Area of Effect: l gem or piece of jewelry 86-90 Target randomly polymorphed
Saving Throw: Special 91- 9S Target must successfully save vs, pet-
rification or be turned to stone
The facet spell increases the value of a gem or 96-97 Targetrandomly teleportedd I00 yards
piece of jewelry by removing flaws and improving 98-99 Targetrandomly telepOrtedd I00 miles
the quality of the gem When a wizard successfully 100+ Target dies; saving throw vs. death
casts/acerupon a gem or item of jewelry set with magic negates this effect
gems, the value oflhe piece doubles.Thus a ,viz.ard The material component of this spell is a tiny
successfuJly casting/aceron an emerald valued at gold or crystal sword (worth at least 250 gp), which
S00 gp increases the gem's value to 1,000gp. The disappears immediatelyafter the spell is cast
gem or piece to be enchanted must succeed in an Notes: Restricted to elves; rare.
item saving throw vs. crushing blow.
lftb e wizard has the gem cutting or appraising Faithful Bound, MordenkaJoen's
nonweapon proficiency. the saving throw is at a See Mordenkainen's faithful hound.
+2 bonus . lf this spell is cast on the same item
more than once, the saving throw receives a - 1 Faithful Phantom Defenders,
penalty for each successive casting (thus the third Mordenkainen's
casting would receive a - 2 penalty, etc.). A gem See Mordenkainen's faithfuJphantom defenders.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Fali;cFace r
Faithful Phantom Guardian, Magazine .) The damaging effects of this wall
Mordenkaineo 's have been reduced from earlier versions.
See Mordenkaiaen's faithful phantom guardian.
Faithful Phantom Shield-Maidens, (Evocation )
Mordenkaioeo 's (Fire)
See Mordenkainen' s faithfu l phant om shield -
maidens. Level: 5
Range: 100 yds. + 10yds.llevel
FallingWaU Components: V, S, M
(Evocation) Casting Ttme: 5
Duration: lnstantaneous
Level: 2 Area of Effcct: 5-ft. to 20-ft. radius sphere
Range: 0 Saving Throw:
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 2 The wizard Fallion devised this variation oftbe
Duration, 2 rds. 3rd-level wizard spell fireball for use in close
Area of Effect: 20 x 20 ft. by 4 in. thick quarters or in twisting dungeon passages. It dif-
SavingThrow: None fecsfrom the original fireball in two respects:
First, the area of effect is variable, ranging
This spell enables the caster to create a tempo- from 5 to 20 ft. radiu s sphere . Thi s allows lhe
rary wall of armor plate, which "falls" into place caster to use it in cramped areas without fear of
from above. The wall is s1ationaryonce it strikes being engulfed in his own spell. The exact area of
an immobile surface (floo r or ground) and effect is determined at the instant of casting.
remains unmoving, regardless of force directed Second, Fallionsfabulous fireball can maneu-
against it, until Lhespell expires (whereupon it ver around comers. The fireball can tum 45 for
melts away). Ltcan withstand anything short of a every level the spellcaster has attained. The wiz~
dispel magtc or disintegratespell, or contact with ard specifies the path at the instant of casting.
prismatic magic of any sort (including lhe color The wizard might sta te that the fireba ll is to
spray spell). Fireballs that strike it will rebound, travel 50 feet, turn 90 degrees to the right, travel
flaming spJ,eresand the like are halted, and so on. 20 feet, tum 45 degrees to the left, travel 30 feet
Magic missiles dodge around it unless it com- more, then detonate.
pletely seals an opening, such as a doorway If thefabulousf veba/1contacts an object before
(which is the most common use of the spell). completing its path, it detonate s lhere . Living
A /ailing wall is it is very beingscaught in the path must individuallysave vs.
rare for one to hit a creature or moving object, if spell to avoid the spell's detonation. saving a sec-
this occurs the waJI strikes for 2d4+12 points of ond time against its effects if the first saving throw
damage. More often, the wall slams down in the is failed. The spell duration is instantaneous no
face of an onrushing missile or charging being; matter how complex the path is. The maximum
creatures that strike a falling waU will be stopped range is I 00 yards plus IO yards per caster level.
by it, typicallytaking I d6 to 4d6 points of stunning In all other respects, including damage, mater-
damage, depending on how fast they are moving ial components, and saving throws, this spell is
and how large they are (faster increases damage, identical to the 3rd-levelfireba/1 spell.
larger body size decreasesit). A running warrior in Notes: Very rare . Known to be in the Fire-Eye
plate mail usually suffers 2d6 points of damage. Scrolls. (Updated from DRAGONMagazine.)
Only 25% ofstunnjog damage is permanent, the
rest is temporary, noolethaJdamage. FalBeFace
Onoe afalling wall is created, the caster is free (A lteration, Necromancy)
to cast another spell, flee, read a scroll, or per-
form any other activity. A caster cannot wiJI his Level: 3
own wall to vanjsh; it must be destroyed as noted Range: 10 yds./level
above or expire. Components: V.S. M
The material component of this spell is a piece Casting Time: 3
of metnl that is, or was once, part of armor worn Duration; I tum/level
into battle. Area of .l!ffect: Caster
Notes: Very rare spell. (Updated from DRAGON Saving Throw: None


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

This spell enables a necromancer to copy the of Lhatanimal for the quarry to follow
face of another human, demi human, or human- Note s : Restric ted to ninja spellcasters and
oid, either living or dead . h has no effect on those trained by them; common.
undcad. The wizard gains the facial features of
the chosen individual of either sex, providing the False Vision
subject lies within range and the caster can (Divination)
clearly sec the face he is trying to emulate.
The caster does not gain any sensory abilities(or level : 5
disabilities)associatedwith the new face. For exam- Range: O
ple, if the caster copiesa blindman's face, the wizard Components: V.S, M
still retainshis or her normal sight.The casterretains Casting Time: 5
his or her nonnal voice,too,aswell as height,bodily Duration: ld4 rds. + I rd./level
appearance,spells and spell-likeabilities. Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius
The false face serves as an effective disguise, Saving Throw: None
though h radiates a magical aura of necromancy.
Spells that detect or banish illusions have no When this spell is cast, the wizard is able to
effect on this disgujsc; the false face is not illu- confound any attempt to scry (by means of either
sionary. It can be reversed with dispel magic. a spell or a magical device) any point within the
The material components are a small ball of area of effect of the spel I. To use the spell. he
natural rubber and a small mirror, both of which must be aware of the scrying attempt, although
are consumed in the casting. knowledge of d1escryer or the scryer's location is
Notes: Restrictedto necromancers:uncommon. not oecessory. Upon casting the spell, the caster
and all he desire s within the radius of the spell
False Tracks become undetectable to the scrying . Further-
(Illusion ) more, the caster is able to send whatever message
he desires, including vision and sound, according
Level: I lo the medium of the scrying method. To do this,
Range: 0 the caster must concentrate on the message he is
Components: S sending. Once concentration is broken, no funher
CastingTime: I rd. images can be sent, although the caster remains
Duration: I turn/level undetectable for the duration of the spell.
Area of Effect: The caster The material component for this spell is the
Saving Throw: None ground dust of an emerald worth at least 500 gp,
which is sprinkledinto the air when the spell is cast.
For the duration of this spell, the ninja leaves Notes: Common spell (PHB).
tracks appropriate to a common normal animal
(herd beast, deer, fox, etc.). The ninja chooses the Fammar Enhancer
specieswhen the spell is cast. His footprintswill be (Alteration, E nchantm ent)
those of an animal, moving at whatever pace the
ninja maintains. (If the ninja is running, he leaves Level: Special
bchlnd the running footprintsof the animal.) If bits Range: IOft.
of the ninja's clothing become snagged on under- Components: V,S, M
brush, they will appear to be bits of animal hide. Casting Time: 72 hrs.
However, if the ninja drops an item of equipmentor Duration: Instantaneous
a garment,this spell will nol conceal its nature. Area of Effect: The caster's familiar
No saving throw is allowed. However,the spell Saving Throw : None
can be removed by casting a dispel magic spell. lf This series of related enchantmen ts are nol
such a spell is casr on any part of the trail lhe true spells . Instead, they are special processe s
ninja has left behind, the entire spell is canceled developed by the wizard and keyed to a type of
and all tracks revert to normal. familiar (, toad, weasel, etc.).
The effects of this spelJ a.reentirely illusory. The wizard must research the process to
When the spell duration ends, all affected foot- enhance his type of familiar: each enhancement,
prints revert to normal. from l to VTII, is researched as a spell of the next
Ninja use this spell to elude pursuers . When higher level (familiar enhan cer I is researched as
someone a ninja wishes to ambush is hunting a a 2nd- level spell, etc .) according to the DMG
specific type of animal, the ninja will leave tracks rules for spell research. No enhancer level can be


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


skipped : A familia r cannot rece ive fa miliar FM 11LIAR E NHANCER ffi

enhancer Ill until it has received/a mi/iar The familiar 's inte llect improves to the Very
enhancer n. and so on. Special familiars (imp, Inte lligent range ( 10 + ld2). The familiar can
quasit, etc.) cannot be enhanced. For the purpose now be llltored 10 read languages as well as com
of the special powers, the spellcasting level of the municate with them through the empathic link
familiar is equal to the level of its wizard. with its wizard.
As the enhancement of a familiarcontinues, the The familiar acquires another special power as
familiar should develop a personality that seems decided by dice roll.
almost human,displaying specific traits, likes, dis-
likes, opinions, habits, and !foibles(DMGTable 70 lcUO Special Power
may prove useful). Its animal qualitiesalso develop 1-6 One from Table l
as its personality matures . A black cat might 7-0 One from Table Il
developdiscriminatingand expensivetastes in food
and creaturecomfon:s;a crowmight become a col- FAMILIAR ENHANCER IV
lectorof gaudy gemstonesand jewelry; and an otter From this point forward,the intelligence of the
might developa frolicsome personality combining familiar will not improve. One or more specia l
a short attention span for serious matters with a powe rs are obta ined with each additiona l
love for playful pranks. enhancer, as noted.
The familiar takes on some of the alignment
view and attitudes of its wizard. though a leaning ldl O Enhancer JV S pecial Power
toward the neutral alignment, a holdover from its 1- 3 One from Table I
simple animal origin, will always remain. The 4-8 One from Table U
familiar may tend to become more of an indepen 9-0 One from Table l1J
dent NPC as it is enhanced. The OM should care-
fully consider if relaxing lhc dependency of the FAMTUARENHANCER V
familiar on the wizard will improve the campaign
play. ldl O EnhaocerV Special Power
Notes: Rare. (Updated from DRAGONMagazine.) 1- 2 Two from Table I
3-4 Two from Table ll
FAMILIARENli.ANCER I 5-8 One from Table III
The familiar 's lntellect improves, rising into 9-0 One from Table IV
the Low Intelligence range (4 + ld3). The famil-
iar can now think in the wizard 's native tongue FAMILIAR ENHANCER VI
and communicate in words and simple sentences
with its wizard through their empathic link. l.dl O Enbn cerV l Special Power
The famil iar gains one specia l power from 1- 2 TulOfrom Table ll
Table I. Unless otherwise noted (or obvious), 3- 5 One from Table JU
familiarspell abilities affect only the familiaL 5-8 One from Table rv
9-0 One from Table V
The familiars intellect rises into the Average FM1lLIAR ENHANCER VU
Intelligence range (7 + ld3) . The famil iar can ,
with patient tutoring by the wizard, Learnto com- ldl O Enhancer VD Special Power
municate in other languages, up to the maximum 1- 3 One from Table m
number of languages permitted by its Intelli- 4- 7 One from Table rv
gence. The acquisition of certain special powers 8--0 One from Table V
may enable a familiar to learn languages from
someone other than its wizard. FAi\trUA.R EN HANCER VID
The familiar gains another specia l power. as
determi ned by a di ce roll. Note that st ronger ldJ O EnhancerVW SpeclaJ Power
powers will replace weaker powers of the same 1- 2 TulOfrom Table ill
general type. 3-5 One from Table IV
6--0 One from Table V
ld l O Special Power
1-8 One from Table I
9--0 One from Table II

34 1

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

" amiharEnhancer
'hlllel 86--00 Blad~ TOH. 90% IUCCOU
dlN Spedal,._. chance. can't mimic anolber
01-03 Daltdltg spbere (I only).
nric:cper , 2 roundaper level

day for 2
of lbe wizard.
06-20 o.c, Magictwice,per day.Tbe TableW
flmilllr CID 'ud&e inleuity, but dlN
21- 25
a achool.
twice per day.
01-10 Cu.aimaJ
ID form of
26-30 Jump (1juq,). dao 1imu per day. 11-20 Qorni """""1. 1 HD per 2 1eve1a.
31--40 Paa wldroui'"'"- C111CO per day, 5 oncopcrweet. Mustbeofame
roandaperlevtl family (black c:at/f\iline)
. Charm
41-60 Pmtecllmlt,o,,, nil. onceper day, luta I tum/leYel.
2 roundspor level~tlolt 21-25 ~ onceperday.Plmililrlpft)ID

.......... --r.
from ,ood lfthe wmn1 Is ovil).
61-75 .\pml'Mllt tlldlrfol(owagmml

day. 'lbispvesno

wmp. lwnllmallmyablo10 fly
26-40 ~...mce~day.or
oitber. day (
(e.s,.1210 ~
41-50 Mlm-bt, .

81-95 u,,.. .,.,,.,,.,. onceper day for 51~ .t,eakwltA"""""" aay nomnag-
3 tunia + 1 lUtD per level lcaJlyfe). dne tiat perday.
96-00 Familiarcan decectone type of Tbit pea DO apecialinftueace .
metal.mineral. wpllbte or odw 66-70 ._,."""""'1,g. oaoepor'Mlek.
aubl$ancewitbin 30 feet.tbroo 71-80 &.,yddectJo,, ( wand) 30-bJI
times per day, for I tun per UN . mdiaa. oncepordlyfbr I tum.
At DM'soption. familiar SD1Y clu,, 81-85 tnlp6 (as wand)twiceper
play anobsossiveiaterat iDthe day f'or I tam. ualib wad. cu't
IIUbllw:o. md mayaeckand col- find ICICl'ddoors.
leer it at inopportunetimes. ~ 1a1cw,cnc:e railed to High
'lllbleO 96-00 Familiarpim a normal voiceand
dlOO Special...., canapeataay llll8UIPit blows.
01-10 Blur, twiceper day.
11- 20 onceper day.Mustllill 'IWIIIIV
be~...,.., tnimal loiln, but
body ....... (blldtClltoliameee
01- 10 apeU.
Jl-20 """'Ollblol.lHDperllevela;
21- 25
or IDIDX).at a (*25%).

requires pace oft 0.

onceper week.Musibe or....
biolop:a1 clua (black catlmlm-
mal). Clam lalll 2 tunllllew,L
21-25 /Jnwlf. onceper day. Notethat a
lAlI ml. onceper day (dNct
if wimd ii ovil).
tl!CI ~ aaceperday, 5 1111u1...
anodier . eouldcoac.lita
roundaper levelof die familiar. 26-35 """'"""""' (oflllDC family),
46-50 ~ 5 ><5 ft., oaceperday. onceporday.
51-60 P1otc#oltfioa
t:illllrlp,, oncoper 36-45 ha,. onceper week.AftectaID
76-80 =--(ownbiolop:al
day; chalioa 24 houri.
for-.,&e.. blackCit c:ould
object DO&iDIbo p11m11.ion
another;the dweomerIsdilpellod
talkto aay manmaJ),twiceper day. filmiliar touda it.
. 46-55 Prritectlo,efoollt"""""" llfl#lla,
81-85 &Jue of dincdon : 90% accunue oaceporwaek.
to.._ true DOl1b, meat will. If 56-65 s.a..c,,. tlllbaal.r(ol'f'amiliar'I
wroaa.roll fiv direcliaaidentif'aed
as north: 1,2easr. 3.4 taUlb.5,6
west. 0nce die familiarii wroaa 66-70
~), -::---
mal per 2 lcve will :w:
lbnpa, onceper day. animal

it will call Ibo Maag direction does not baYeipeacb. moll.

"north" for the nmof tbe day.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

71-80 Wraitlrfonn,onceper week.
Fang FiSI- Alhoon r

81-85 Glibna.f(upolion),oocepcr
WIiek. for I roundper leYel.lf ani-
malcm not mve ap,ecb. reroll.
86-95 lnlcltipnce railed to Bxcep-
lioall (14 + ld2).
~ Poly,norpltto a specific human
or demilwmaaform.oncoper
day for up to 2 tunll/lcM,I. DM
decidesCIUCI detailsof appear-
anc,c. Hit points amtJntelliaenoc
ll'O retained, but OUblrform ii
typical of race; enbancedanimal
.... arclost in this form<
will be wiard'I IUl'prile boaua).
dlN Speclll ........
01- 10 CJuu,,i aabnal, l HD par 2 lev-
els.onceper week. Can be any
animal of any Cius.
Charm luts 2 tuma/lcvcL
11- 20Dlmen.rlondoor.oaceperweek.
Up to 200 lbs. in the familiar\
grasporjawscanbetaun. Fang Fist -AJhoon
21- 35 HoldOIUlffOI (of ane biolopeal (Alteration, Necromancy)
class), once perday.
36-45 onceper day. ,
,,,,,,,,,.,_ l1rri.flbiJlly. Level: 2
4<>-SS $1011akin. oaccper month. Range : O
S~70 ~ a1U111t1U (ofume fam. Components : V, S
ily),onceperWNk;limitedto ld6
IDimlls of3 HD orlelaeecb(a CastingTime: 2
oatcouklPfflffllQII cbc,,abs, but Duration: I rd./level
notd&en). Area of Effect The caster 's arm
7l-7S ~ ODCepsday; CID mtWe Saving Throw : None
maniplo:w:n,aya,ecc.Can'I This spe ll temporarily tran sforms one of the
apoadallpowerin oneJOUDd. caster's arms , from e lbow to fingertips, into a
Pemuuioll (a potion).onceper snakelike , flexible body ending in a fanged, bit-
day for l round per loYcl.Oivee
ing mouth . It is retractable, from a minimum of 1
+srtllCtionroll (bue Clmisma
1I) aadonenggatto,t . If animal foot in length to a maximum of 15 feet, and can
does ao1 blVCspeecb,reron . lash out wi th lightning speed, to surprise foes
81-90 Intelligenceniled to Genius (16 who think they're out of reach.
+ ld2); allOpa a +2 bonus vs. This "snake-arm" strikes with a bonus of + I to
mindadlcb. all attack rolls, and bites for ld8+4 points of dam-
91--00 Poly,,to,plttoapecificanimalof age. lt can't be combined with poison effects, and
tamily(e.a,,cat to leopard),once the caste r can use only verba l-component spells
perweekforupto 1 tum perIIMl. while it's in existence . Th e arm is AC 4, and will
ReceiwsnewAC.moYe, and
turn back to the caster's real arm if dealt more than
-- routine. RecaiDs bitpoiml. 12 points of damage in a single round (the caster
--rolls. IIIYCl,aadmealal
abililiel.FarmCIIIIIOt ~ 10 taJc:esall damage suffered by the ann in the normal
timaabuic animalweiabt- way).The caster can also return the arm to normal
at will; however, this endsthe spell.
The snake-arm 's jaws can grip and hold items
such as wandsand ropes. By curling its lips over
Fang,AJustrial's the teeth, it can grasp quite firmly withou t sin.k-
See Alustrial's fang. ing its teeth into fragile objec ts. The snake -arm
has thesame strength as the caste r's real arm .
Notes: Restricted to Alhoon ; common.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Fantastic Fencers , Bigby's Area of Effect: Affects next spell cast
See Bigby's fantasnc fencers. Saving Throw: None

Far Reaching 1 This spell operates exactly like the 3rd-level

(Alteration ) far reaching I spell except that the range of any
pell of levels 1-3 is increased by I so,; the
Level. 3 range of any 4th- or 5th-level spell is increased
Range: 0 by 50%. The spell to be affected must be cast on
ComponenlS. V the round unrned1atelyfollowing thefar reaching
Casting Time: 2 II/ spell or the latter is wasted. A wizard can use
Duration: Special this spell only to affec t his own dweomers . It
Arca of Effect Affects next spell cast docs not affect spells with range Oor 1ouch
Saving Throw None Notes : Uncommon pell (ToM).

This i.i,ellallows the wmu-dto extend the range Farscry

of any one I t- or 2nd-level speU by 50-e or any (Alteradon , Olvloation)
one 3rd-levelspeUby 25. The spell to be affected (M~n"'1ist)
must be cast on the round 1mmcd1ate ly followmg
the far reaching I spell. If a comple te round or Level: S
more elapses, lhe/ar reachingI is wasted. Range: Touch
Far reaching I affects only a spell cast by the Components: V.S, M
same wizard . It does not affect spells that have Casting Time: 5
range of Oor touch. Duration: 12 rds. + 2 rds.llcvel
Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM). Arca of Effect. Creature touched
Saving Throw None
Far Re.aching U
(Alteration) The ~ter confers upon the recipient the abiJ1ty
to hear, sec,speak. and even touch distant beings
Level: 4 and objects on the same plane. The spell recipi-
Range: O ent's normal \'tsion and hearing can be used
Componcnis. V through up to three focal obJccts(though only one
Ca.stingTime: 4 focal point can be used at a lime). The rec1p1ent
Duration: Special cantransfer his sensesto another focus for the next
Arca of Effect: Affects next pell cast round,at will. The spell requires from one to three
Saving Throw None focal pomts through which the affected being can
f ancry. thcllCmust be sohd.morgarucobJectswuh
This spell ' function 1s identical to the 3rd- a smaller surface area than the spell rec1p1ent's
levclfar r<!aching I spell, except that a peUof 1st head. The objeclS must be touched dunng casting;
or 2nd level has its range doubled and a spell of they are not altered by the spell. The focal points
3rd level ha its range Increased by 50% Any radiate a magical dwcomer.
spell of 4th level has its range extended by 25/4. By meansofthefarscry spell, the recipient sees
The spell to be affected must be cast on the round and hears things as ifhe wen: standing where the
1mmcd111tely following thefar reachingfl spell or focal points are, but he cannot "tum" or move a
the latter is wasted. A wizard can use this spell focal point to change its view. The spell 1s not
only to affect bis own dweomers . It does not impaired if the focal point Is moved by another
affect spell with range Oor touch. being or by other causes. The rec1p1cnt can peak
otes: Uncommon spell (ToM) normally through a focal point and touch what the
focal point touches-in fact, anything that heats or
Far Reaching UJ ot herwise harms a focal point harms the spell
(A Iterati on) rccipu:nt(though he can end the spell at will).
The tra.n fer of the recipient's sense of touch
Le\el. 5 through the spell also allows him to activate magi-
Range: 0 cal items by touchingthem with the focal point and
Components: V speaking through it. Touch spells can be delivered
Casting Time: 5 through the focal point, and words of activation
Duration'. Special spoken through IL This spell is often used with an


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

fascuuw: r
accomplice who holds and directs an item triggered less than 50 gp. The device is not consumed in
by a wizard wbo has cast this spell on himself. the casting.
While the recipient's speech is emitted from a Notes: Common for artificers; otherwise very
focal point. other sounds around Lherecipient are rare. (Updated from PoLYHl?DRONNewszine.)
nol transmitted.Unlike objects enchanted with the
magic mowh spell, the focal point does not change Farspeaker
its appearanceor exhibit other spell manifestations. (Attention )
The spell requires a gloss, crystal, or amber (Artifice)
ring (which must be transparent, not 'frosted') of
any shape or size, that bears the engraved symbol Level: 3
of a human eye. Range: Touch
Notes: Uncommon for diviners; otherwise Components: V.S, M
very rare . Originally from th e fOR OOTIEN Casting Time: 3/box
R EALMS setting. Duration: I hrJlevel
Area of Effect: I box/level, to 12
Saving Tltrow: None

This spell enchants two or more specially con-

structedbo.'<esso that wordsspoken into one will be
heard from all the others. The boxes must remain
within one-half mile per level of the caster, to a
maximumof 5 miles.Boxestaken out of range will
become functionalwhen brought back into range
The boxes mus1 be constru cted of a sturdy
ceramic material and filled wilJla fine silver wire:
the cosr is about I 00 gp each. They are roughly 8
inches square and weigh about two pounds each.
The boxes are reusable . The wizard must touch
each box in the course of casting the spell.
The material component is heart's blood from
a hydra with at least as many heads as the number
of boxes to be activated.
Notes: Common for artificers; otherwise very
rate. (Updated from PO t.YHEDRON Newszine.)

(Illusio n/Phanta sm)
Level: 2
Range: 30 yds.
Components: V.S
(Artifice) Casting Time: 2
Duration: Special
Level: I Area of Effect: 1 creature
.Range:Special Saving Throw: Neg.
Components: V, S, M
By means of this spell the illusionistattempts to
Casting Time: I
captivate the subject creature's attention and gain
Duration: 4 rds. + l rdJlevel
its love, friendship, and/or obedience. The spell
Area of Effect: Field of vision
creates an illusionaround the spc1Jcaste r so that he
Saving Throw: None the eyes of the subject. a trusted and/or
This spell enobles the wizard to see anything in desiredcompanion. Unless a saving throw vs. spell
plain view as if ii were closer. The range of tltis is successful, the subject will follow the illusionist
spell is limitedonly by the caster's line of sight, and whereverhe goes, if possiblewithout undue risk to
the subject is seen as if roughly IOtimes closer. life and safety. Creaturesof animal intelligencecan
The spell requires is a miniature tube of Iron be affected, but non-intelligent creatures are not
set with two quartz crystals. the whole worth not subject to afascina1espell.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

~ atiguc- Elf
Lfthe illusionistis able to conversewith the fasci- When a fear spell is cast. the wizard sends forth
nated creature, the subject will obey requests from an invisible cone of terror that causes creature s
thespeUcasteras long as a roll of 3d6 per request within its areaof effect to tum away from the caster
does not exceed the Appearance(or Comeliness)of and flee in panic. Affected creatures are likely to
the illusionist. If these sub-ability scores are not drop whatever they are holding when struck by the
used, the Charismascore can be used . spell; the base chance of this is 60% at 1st Level(or
Requests that are obviously against the better at I Hit Die). and each level (or Hit Die) above this
interests of the creature add +1 to the dice roll, and reduces the probability by 5%. Thus, at 10th level
the more haz ardous and unreasonable of these there is only a 15% chance, and at 13th level no
requests will add from +2 to +6. The spell is shat- chance, of dropping items. Creatures affected by
tered whenever the fascination check is failed, and f ear flee at their fastest rate for a number ofmelee
the subject will Likelybe filled with rage and hate. rounds equal lo the level of experience of the spell-
Creatures of norma l sort with animal Intelli- caster. Undead and creatures that successfully roll
gence will remain fascinated for only a short time their saving throws vs. spell are not affected.
( 1-4 days), but if the illusionist has been careful to The materia l component of this spell is either
treat the subject well, attend to its needs, and feed the heart of a hen or a white feather.
it, there is a 2% chance per point of Appearance Notes: Common spell (PHB).
(or Comeliness) that the subject will will ingly
befriend and follow him or her. Otherwi se, the Fear Aura
creature will attack (if it was not cared for) or (A bjuration)
leave (if it wascared for) when the spell wearsoff.
Level: 5
Notes: Restricted 10 illusionists; uncommon.
Range: 0
Fatigue - Elf mponents: V.S, M
(Enchantment/Charm) Casting Tun e: 5
Duration: 2 rdsJlevel
Level: 4 Area of Effect 60-ft. radius
Range: 0 Saving Throw: Special
Components: V,S, M
Casting Tune: 5 While this spell is in effect, the mere sight of
Duration: Instantaneous the caster causes all creatures of tw0 Hit Dice or
Area of Effect: 60-fl. cone, 30-ft. diameter at less within the area of effect to flee in terror.
base, 5-ft. at caster's end Creatures with more than two Hit Dice but less
Saving Throw: Neg. than the caster's level must save vs. spell al - 2 or be
i mmob ilized, unable to move or act. Creatures
This spell causes all creatures withi n its cone Immobilized by terror can try to ward off blows,
to feel weary and tired. For I round per level of :suffering a - 1 penalty to Armor Class; they cannot
the caster, those affected move at half rate, fight :attack. Each round,an immobiliz.edcreature can try
at - 2 to hit and damag e, and suffer - 2 to the ir :anew saving throw without penalty to shake off the
morale . Elves and oth er creatures resistant to spell 's effect and regain its freedom of action.
sleep are likewise resistant to this spell. Crea tures whose levels or Hit Dice equal or
The material component is a small stone. exceed the casters are unaffected, as arc mindless
Note s: Uncommon for elves, who jealo usly creatures or creatures immune to fear.
guard it; otherwise very rare. The material compo nent is a scrap of cloth
from a lich 's shroud.
Fear Notes: Very rare spe ll. (Updated from
(Ill us ion/P hantasm) PO LYHEDRON Newszine.)
(Shado w)
Level: 4 Fear Ward
Range: O (A bjuration, Necromancy)
Components: V,s. M (Geometry)
Casting Time: 4
Duration: Instantaneous Level: 8
Area of Effect: 60-ft. cone, 30-ft. diameter at Range: O
end, 5-ft. at base Components: V.S, M
Saving Throw: Neg. Casting Time: I rd.
Duration: I turn/level


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


Area of Effect: 5-ft. radius Feather Fall

Saving Throw: None (Alteradon)
Fear ward crea tes a mobile aura around the
caster, making him and allies in the area of effect Level: I
immune to all forms of fear. It also blocks special Range: IOyds./level
area attacks of the undead: aging, stench, wails, Components: V
spoilage, etc. It has no effect on other attacks, Casting Time: I
including special undead attacks delivered by Duration: I rd.flevel
touch. The spell ends if the caster is slain. Area of Effect: Special
The material components for this spell are spi- Saving Throw: None
der fangs and a hair from the head of a ghoul.
Notes: Restricted to necromancers and abjur- When thi s spe ll is cast, the creature(s) or
ers; uncommon. (This version replaces the one in object(s) affected immediately assumes the mass
the Complete Wizards Handbook). of a piece of down. The rate of falling is instantly
changed to a mere 2 feet per second ( 120 Feetper
Fearfire round), and no damage is incurred upon landing
(Enchantment/Cbann, Illusion) while the spell is in effect . However, when the
(Fire) spell durationceases, a normal rate offal! occurs.
The spell can be cast upon the wizard or some
Level: 3 other creature or object up to the maximum range
Range: 0 and lasts for one round for each level of the wiz-
Components: V.S, M ard. The feather fall affects one or more objects
Casting Time: 4 or creatures in a I 0-foot cube, as long as the max-
Duration: 4 rds. + I rd./level imum weight of the creatures or objects does not
Area of Effect: 30-ft radius exceed a combined total of 200 pounds plus 200
Saving Throw: Neg. pounds per level of the spellcaster.
For example, a 2nd-level wizard has a range of
This spell allows a wizard to temporarilycharm 20 yards, a duration of two rounds, and a weight
a group of creatures. To cast the spell. the wizard limit of 600 pounds when casting this spell. The
must break a piece of wood of any size; once bro- spell works only upon free-falling, flying, or pro-
ken. a 30-foot radius area around the wizard erupts pelled objects (such as missile s). It doc s not
in magical flamesand energy that simulatesthe ret- affect a sword blow or a charging creature. Note
ributive strike of a staff of lhe magi. that the spell can be effec tively combined with
Up to one creature per two lcvets of the caster gust of wind and similar spells.
within the area of effect (rounded up, with.a mui- Notes: Common spell (PHB).
mum of 5 creatures at I0th level) must make suc-
cessfulsaving throws vs. spell to resist the effects; Feather Float
those who fail arein awe of the caster and will obey (Alteration)
the caster's suggestions out of sheer terror of the (Water)
wizard's power. Affected creatures treat the wizard
as their all-powerful master, but effects other than Level: I
duration duplicatethose of a charm spell. Range: l Oyds./level
This charm effect can affect elves and creatures Components: V, S, M
normally immune to charm spells; subtract 20% Casting Time: I
from such creatures' normal resistances to charm Duration: 3 rds. + I rd./level
when gauging the effects of this spell. Blind crea- Arca of Effect: 10-ft.cube
turesare immune to this particular spell. Saving Throw: Special
This spell i.s one of the flashiest illusions created
within the history of the WatchfulOrderof Magists This spell prevents objects or creatures within
and ProtectorsofWaterdcep. It wasgrantedto them the area of effect from sinking into water or other
by Alcedor Kolat the Enchanter in exchange for liquids. The caster can affect a total weight of up
some rare materialcomponentsand minor spells. to 200 pounds, plus I00 pounds per level, divided
Notes: Common for the WatcbfoJ Order and between as many objects or creatures as he
Alcedor Kolat in the FORGOTTEN REALMSSetting; chooses to include in the spell. Affected objects
otherwise very rare. and creatures bob to the surface and remain


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

anoat for the duration of the spell, regardless of Duration: SpeciaJ
subsequent drifting. Area of Effect: Special
Anything affected by this speU resists being Saving Throw: None
pulled under with a buoyant force equa l to Its
normal weight. If cast on an unwilling creature- Thefea therweavingspell is a harmonio\16exer-
for example, a merman trying to escape the wiz,.. cise, strong ly Ma2tforu1in character. The caster
ard by diving- a success ful savi ng throw vs . must sil quietly, in peaceful surroundings. He
spe ll nega tes the effect , though the crea tur e works bits of down into a fine mesh of cotton or
counts toward the spell limit. maguey fiber, and slowly creates a tapestry of bril-
The material component is a duck's feather. liant fcatherwork.The weaving can be workedinto
Notes: Common for Sea mages; uncommon an abstract design, a symbolizedimage (a Mayan
for Water mages: otherwise rare. (Updated from or lncan design is common), or a realistic image.
P OI.YHeORONNewsz.ine.) The weaving is a relaxing, mentally healthful
activity.For every hour that the caster spends con-
Featherfoot - Ninja centrating on the spell, he can recover I poinl of
(Alt erati on) damage. He also weavesapproximatelyone square
Reversible inch of his ultimate creation during an hour.
The weav ing must be complcled before the
Level: 2 caster advances to the next level of ability. A first-
Range: Touch level caster must weave a piece 1 square foot in
Components: S size; at second level, 2 sq. n, and so on. A fifth-
Casting Time: 5 rds./level level pattern weavercan create an item 5 feet by 5
Duration: I tum feet or larger; a truly large weaving can become a
Area ofE!ffoct: I person fearherlifler(see create talismanof plw11a).
Saving Throw: None The material components of the spell arc the
feathers and mesh needed to make the piece.
The person affected by this spell gains the magi- Notes: Restric ted to prac titioners of plumo
caI ability to move quietly and weightlessly at a magic {the Maztica setting); common.
normal walking pace or slower. lfh e tries to go any
faster, the spell is broken and lost. The person Feathery Flyer, Murdock's
affected by this spelt does not leave footprints,nor See Murdock's feathery flyer.
doeshe set off weight-or pressure-basedtraps.
While the spell is in effect , the person gains Feeblemiod
+30% torus move silently roU. (ff without this (Enchantment/Charm)
skill , the person has a 30% chance LO move (Mentalism)
silently, as a thief, for the duration of the spell.}
Level: 5
The reverse of this spell, leodfoor, affects one
Range: 10 yds./level
creature.The victimis aJloweda savingthrowto Components: V,$, M
avoid being affected by the spell. The victim of a
Casting Time: 5
leadfoor spell moves loudly and heavily. Silent
Duration: Permanent
movement and hiding in shadows is impossible-;
Arca of Effect: 1 creature
the creature also automatically sets off any pres-
Saving Throw: Neg.
sure-based traps il steps on (no roll is necessary).
A leodfoored crea tur e inside the area of a This spell is used solely against people or crea-
silence spell moves normally; be can be heard if tur es who use magic spe lls. T befeeble mind
he fails lo make a move silently roll. causes the subject's intellect to degenerate to that
Notes: Restric ted lo ninja spellcas ters and of a moronic chil d. The subject remains in this
those trained by them. state until a heal or wish spell is used to cancel

the effects. Magic-using beings are very vulnera-
Featherweaving - Pluma ble to tbjs spell ; thu s, tlieir saving throws are
(Alteration) made with the followingadjustments:
Saving Throw
Level: I Spell Use ofTarget Adjustm ent
Rangc:O Priest +I
Components: S, M Wiza.rd (human) -4
Casting Time: Special Combination or nonhuman -2


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


Wisdom adjustments apply to the saving throw.

The material component ofthjs spell is a hand-
ful of clay, crystal , glass , or mineral spheres,
which disappears when the spell is cast.
Notes: Common spell (PHB) .

Feeling Fingers , Blgby's

See Bigby's feeling fingers.

Feign Death
(Necromanc y)

Level: 3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Casting Time: I
Duration: I hr. + I tum/level
Area of Effect Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the caster (or any other

creature whose levels of experience or Hit Dice
do not exceed the wizard's own level) can be put
into a cataleptic state that is impossible to distin-
guish from death. Although the person or crea-
ture affected by the feign death spell can smell,
bear, and know wb_atis going on, no feeling or
sight of any sort is possible. Thus, any wounding
or mistreatmen t of the body is not felt and no
reaction occurs; damage is only half normal. In
addition , paralysis , poison, and energy-leve l
drain cannot affect an individual under the influ-
ence of this spell. Poison injected or otherwise
introduced into the body takes effect when the
speJI recipient is no longer under the influence of
this spell, although a saving throw is permitted.
Note that only a wi lling individual can be
affected by a feign death spell. The spellcaster
can end the spell effects at any time desired, as
will a successful dispel , but a full round is
required for bodily functions to begin again.
Notes: Common spell (PHB).

Feign Destruction
(Alteration, lllusl on/Pbantiu m)

Level: 4
Components: V.S, M
Casting Time: I
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect:The caster
Saving Throw: None

This unusual spell allows the caster to feign bis

own death or destruction while actually making


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

~ cign Undead
good his escape. In order to prepare the spell, the The person's body lookes just like an animated
wizard must create a replica of his own body. A corpst>- the skin color changes, and flesh shrinks
lich can use a pile of dust and bones, but a living to show the bones. His joints become stiff and his
wizard may find that a preserved corpse or dead movements jerky. When he attacks, it is as a nor-
clone is necessary to supply a believablebody. The mal zombie, striking las1in the melee round. The
caster canalso choose to add duplicates of his own person's attire does not change; the iTidividual
clothing and gear in order to dress the body prop- must attend to the state of his clot hes himself.
erly, but the only metal that can be used in prcpar- Spells that oonnaUy affect undead have no influ-
ing the body is unenchanted iron- if the caster ence over him, which rrugbt reveal bis true nature.
wants a copy of his golden amulet with the body, Most creatures seeing the person will assume
he'll have to settle for a replica made from iron. the indjvidual is a zombie. Actual undead won't
After Lhe fake body has been prepared, the attack the person unless ordered to do so. If the
wizard can castfeign destruction to switch places inruvidual does something out of character for a
with the body. The caster must be within 1,000 zombie, then the chances that an intelligent crea-
yards per level of the prepared body at the time ture deduces thaL he is not what be seems
the spell is cast, and the body must be in the exact increases . On the Demi plane of Dread, casti ng
place and position it was left by the wizard. If the this spell requires a RAVENLOFT powers check.
duplicate has beenundisturbed, thefeign destroc- The material component for this spell is a bit
lfon spell instantly teleports the wizard to the of bone and dirt from a grave.
body's location while bringi ng the body to the Notes: Uncommon in the R AVENLOFT setting;
spot of the casting . A brief illusion of the wiz- otherwise very rare.
ard's "death" covers the moment of the exchange.
A licb using thjs spell also gains a special rrusdi- FeHblade
rection effect that causes detection magics to indi- (Abjuration, Evocation,Necromancy)
cate that the lichs spirithas returnedto its phylactery.
This effect lingersfor I hour per caster level Level: 6
While thefeign destn, ction spell creates a very Range:0
plausible death scene, especialJyif the wizard was Components: V.S, M
badly wounded at the time, it is not infallible . Casting Time: I rd.
Careful opponents may be able to discern the truth Duration: I tum/level
with a thoroughexamination of the "remains." Area of Effect: Creates I blade
The material component is dirt from a vam- Saving Throw: None
pire's grave, sprinkled over the duplicate body.
Notes: Uncommon for liches ; very rare for The casting of thi s spe ll bring s into being a
living characLers. smoky gray,blade-shapedbar of force (up to 4 feet
in length) i.n th.e caster's grip. A/el/blade passes
Feign Undead into noth ingness in an instant if it leaves the
(Necromancy) ~ caster's hand. (It cannot be given away or sheathed
,e to be wiel.dedlater.) lts use precludes spellcasting
of any type . lt vanishes instantly if the caster dies,
Level: 5 ---
Range: Touch becomes unconscious, or isfeebleminded . Other-
Components: V, S, M wise the blade can be wielded for one strike per
Casting Time: S round (normal attack rolJrequired).
Duration: I turo + l rd./level Thefellblade's strike can have one of three fell
Area of Effect: Person touched effects, sel.ected by the caster prior to each attack.
Saving Throw: None Damage . The blade can inflict 2d4 points of
damage, functioning as a weapon able to bit all
This spell can make the casteror any willing per- creatures at normal chances.
son appear to be a zombie. The target looks like a Drain. The blade can drain from any creature it
zombie, ceases to breathe , and feels no pain or hits the exact hit points necessary to heal all cur-
emotion. He becomes immune to paralysis,poison, rent damage to the sword-wielder, up to the maxi-
or attacks that drain Stn!ngthor energy levels. Poi- mumpossessed by the target. Each time hit points
son attacks require a saving throw vs. poison only are actually drained, the dura 1ion of Lhe spell
when the spell expires.The immunity to pain does shortens three full
not prolect the person from damage, but does block Curse. The blade can inflict I point of physical
penaltiesdue to excessivepain . damage and bestow curse (the reversed form of


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Fiery Eyes,-

the 4th-level wizard spell remove cur se) . Thjs The caster also gains the vulnerabilitie s of the
powercan be used only thriceperday by any speU- form, as detennmed by the type of fiend rolled.
caster,evenif more than onefellb/ade spell is cast After the spell expires, the caster returns to his
The magics used evoking this blade are potent or her original form. Any damage suffered while
and extremely evil. Spellcasters of good or neu- infiendform remains when the caster takes his
tral alignment are at risk if they employ this spell. original form. A caster slam in fiend. form must
The materia l components of this spell are a save vs. death magic or be slain in normal form
drop of the caster's blood, a piece (any size) of as well. In that event , the caster reform s as a
cold-wrought iron, and a drop of unholy water. manes in the Abyss and is not restornble by any
Notes: Very rare, usually found in the hands of means. Even if the saving throw is successful, the
eviJ wizards. Known to be in The Glandar's Gr/- caster immediately reverts to normal form with 0
moire. hit points and ties in a coma for 3d IO hours.
The material component ofthefi e11dform spell
Fieodform is a crystal statuette of a fiend (of any type) worth
(Alteration) at least 3,000 gp. The statuette shatters when the
spell ends; it is left behind when the spell is cast
Level: 5 to focus energy required for the spell. (fit is pre-
Range: 0 maturely shattered the spell ends immediately.
Components: V, S, M Notes: Rare; usually found in the hands of evil
Casting Time: I rd. NPC spellcaste:rs.
Duration: ld4 + I tw-os/2levels
Area of Effect: The caster Fiery Backla sh, Gamelon's
Saving Throw: None See Gamelon's fiery backlash.

Only wizards of evil alignment can learn this Fiery Constrictor , Forest's
spell, which grants its caster the form and abili- See Forest's fiery constrictor.
ties of a randomly selected creature from the
Lower Planes . When cast, roll dl00 on the Fiery Cube, Darsson 's
following table to determine the form that the See Darsson's fiery cube.
wizard takes. (If the OM does not have access to
Appendix I, roll randomly for a fiend listed in the (AJteration)

Die Roll Fiend Level: I

01- 15 Tanar'ri, alu-fiend Range: 0
16-30 Tanar'ri, bar-lgura Components: V, S
'.H-40 Tanar'ri, cambion Casting Time: 5
41-4 5 Tanar'ri, succubus Duration: 3 rds./level
46-50 Tanar'ri, cbasme Area of Effect: The caster
51- 55 Tanar'ri, Saving Throw: None
56-60 Tanar'ri, balor
61-65 Tanar'ri, vrock This spell causes the wu jen 's eyes to glow
66-75 Yugoloth, dergholoth with an unnatural fire. So lit, they proje ct beams
76-85 Yugoloth,mezzoloth of bright light to a range of3 feet, clearly illumi-
86-90 Yugoloth, yagnoloth nating the area as if lit by a lantern. Further, by
91- 95 Yugoloth, an:analoth fixing bis sight on one spot for 3 rounds, the wu
96-00 Yugoloth, nycalotb jen can cause combustible materials to burst into
small, flickering flames if desired.
Unlike polymorph or similar spells,fiendf orm Any creature looking at the wu jen must make a
grants its caster many abBities oftbe creature saving throw vs. spell. lfthe saving throw is faiJed,
rolled, including special attacks and defenses , the creature hesitates for an instant, fascinated by
immunities, Armor Class, and hlt points. Fiend ~ the unearthly light. Creaturesso affectedautomati-
form does not grant abilities based on lntclli- cally lose the irutlativeon the next combat round.
gence., innate magical abilities, magic resistance, ff cast in conjunction with a hypnosis , hypn otic
or the ability to gate in other cxtraplanar entities. patt ern, or mass suggestion spell, the victims suf-


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

fer a - 1 penalty to their saving throws if they are of any kind, includingthose createdby spells of 4th
lookmg at the spellcaster. The wu jen can control levelor less(such as stinking cloud).The exceptions
the color of the light emitted from his eyes, rang- are poisonousvapors created by a creatureof8 Hit
ing from a reddish glow to brilliant yellow. Dice or more, and dragons' breath weapons(suchas
Notes: Common in oriental settings; otherwise the chlorine gas of a green dragon); in these cases.
very rare. the creature protected byfliler suffers half damage
and makesa saving throw for quarter damage.
Fiery Fists The material components for this spell are a
(Alteratio-n) strand of spider web and a scrap of cotton cloth
(Provin ce: F lame) approximately one inch square.
No tes: Uncommon spell.
Level: 3
Range:O Filth 's Bane
Components: V. S, M (Alteration)
Casting Time: 2 rds.
Duration: 2 rds. + I rd./level Level: l
Area of Effect: The caster Range: Touch
Saving Throw: None Casting Time: I rd.
Components: V.S
Whenthis spellis cast thecaster's handsbooome Duration;Instantaneous
enshrouded with blazing blue fire, making them Area of Effect Creature touched
deadJyweapons. lf the caster touches an opponent Saving Throw: None
(a hit on AC 10, adjusted for the victim's Dexterity
and magical protection), the magicaJ fire leaps up Castingfi/th s bane completely elearu;the body
in a smoky explosion.The fjrecauses2- 7 points of of one creature of up to huge size. clothing, and
name damage ( I d6+ 1), and the noxious smoke any equipment held. The target creature smells
forces the creature struck to make a saving throw freshand clean afterward-as does its breath. lt:s
vs. poison or stand helplessly coughjng and chok- clothing, if any, appears soft, fresh. and pressed;
ing for ld4+ I rounds thereafter (the smoke affects however, the spell doesnot remove old, ground-in
onJy the creature struck). Although the caster bas stains, nor repair rips and holes.
two fiery fists, the spell allows onJy one effective Notes: Uncommon spell; originally from the
attack per round,so roll only once to rut. MYSTAAAsetting.
The material component is a lump of coaJ held
in the caster's hand. Find Direction - Ninja
Notes: Uncommon in arabian settings; other- (Divinati on)
wise very rare.
Level: I
Fiery Pr otector, Oaltim's Range:O
See Daltim's fiery protector. Components: S
Casting Time: I rd.
Filter Duration; lnstantaneous
(Abj uration) Area of Effect: The caster
(Air,A lchemy) Saving Throw: None

Level: 2 By performing kuji-k.iri finger exercises, the

Range:Touch ninja obtains a momentary understanding of hi!,
Components: Y, M current direction. This can be very helpful when
Casting Ttme: 2 he has become lost.
Duration: I turn/level The ninja understands the actual direction in
Area of Effect: 10-ft. radius sphere relation to true north, south, east, and west; the
Saving Throw: None presence of lodestones will not affect the spell.
The spell works underground, in darkness, when
This spell creates an invisible globe of protection the ninja is upside down, and in any sort of dis.-
that filters out aJInoxious elements from poisonous orienting circumstance.
vapors;therefore,a creature protectedbyfilter takes Notes: Restricted to ninja spellcasters and
no damageand suffersno penaltiesfrom poison gas those trained by lhem.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

FindFamiliar- Dragon r
Find Familiar be attempted but once per year. When the wizard
(Conjuration/Summoning) decides to ftnd a familiar,he must load a brdSSbra-
(Song) zier with charcoal. When this is burning well, he
adds 1,000 gp worth of incense and herbs . The
Level: I
spell incantation is then begun and must be contin-
Range: I miJlevel
ued until the familiar comes or the casting time is
Components: V.S, M
finished. The DM secretly detennines all results.
Casting Time: 2d 12hrs.
Note that most familiarsare not inherentlymagical,
Duration: Special
nor doesa dispel magicspeUsend themaway.
Area of Effect: I familiar
Deliberatemistreatment,failure to feed and care
Saving Throw: Special
for the familiar, or continuous unreasonable
This spell enables the caster to attempt to sum- demands have adverseeffects on the farniliar'srela-
mon a familiar to act as his aide and companion. tionship with its master. Purposely arranging the
Familiarsare typicallysmallcreatures,such as cats, death of one's own familiar incurs great disfavor
frogs, ferrets, crows. hawks, snakes, owls, ravens, from certain powerfulentities, with dire results.
toads, weasels,or even mice. A creatureacting as a
familiarcanbenefit a wiz.ard,conveyingits sensory d20 Familiar * SensoryPowen
powers to its master, conversing with him, and 1-5 Cat, black Excellentnightvision&
serving as a guard/scout/spyas well. A wizard can superiorhearing
haveonly one familiar at a time, however,and he 6-7 Crow Excellentvision
has no control over what sort of creature answers 8--9 Hawk Verysuperiordisiancevision
the swnmoning, if any atoll comes. 10-1J Owl Nightvisionequalshuman
The creature is always more intelligent than daylightvision,superior
others of its type (typically by 2 or 3 lntelligenoe hearing
points), and its bond with the wizard confers 12- 13 Toad Wide-anglevision
upon it an exceptionally long life. The wizard 14-15 Weasel Superiorhearing& very
receives the heightened senses of his familiar, superiorolfactorypower
which grants the wizard a +I bonus to all surprise 16-20 No familiaravailablewithin
die rolls . Normal familiars have 2-4 hit points spellrange
plus 1 hit point per caste r level, and an Armor The DM cansubstituteothersmall animals suitable 10
Class of7 (due to size, speed, etc.). the area.
The wizard has an empathic link with th e
familiar and can issue it mental commands at a Notes: Common spell (PH.B).
distance of up to I mile. Note that empathic
responses from the familiar are generally fairly Find Familiar- Dragon
basic - while able to communicate sim ple (Conjuration/Summonlng)
thoughts, these are often overwhelmed by instinc-
tual responses. Thus, a ferret familiar spying on a level : 3
band of ores in the woods might lose its train of Range: I mi./level
thought upon sighting a mouse. Certainly its Components: V
communications to its master would be tinged Casting Time: I d20 hrs.
with fear of the "big ones" it was spying on! The Duratl.on:Special
Area of Effect: I familiar
caster cannot see through the familiar's eyes.
If separated from the caster, the familiar LosesJ Saving Throw: Special
hit point each day, and dies if reduced to Ohit This spell is similar to the wizard spell fi nd
points. When the familiar is in physical contact familiar; except that the familiar summoned by
with its wizard, it gains the wizard's saving lhrows this spell is a humanoid. Only races of the gobli-
against special attacks. If a special attack would noid class are eligible to become familiars (i.e.,
normolly cause damage, the familiar suffers no kobolds, goblins, ores, and hobgoblins).
damage if the saving throw is successful and half The humanoid so attracted is unshakably loyal
damage if the saving th.row is failed.lfthe familiar to the dragon caster (morale 20), willingly giving
dies, the wizard must successfullyroll an immedi- its life for il:smaster. The dragon and humanoid
ate system shock check or die. Even ifhe survives share the ability to communicate telepathically at
this check, the wizard loses 1 point from his Con- a range of up to five mUes. The dragon gains no
stitution when the familiardies. sensory bonuses, and it suffers no damage should
The power of the conjuration is such that it can the humanoid familiar die.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

FlndPcr:,on r
The casting talcesconsiderabletime. The dragon Casting Time: 2d6 hrs.
must be in a cahn, relaxedstate, wellaway from any Duration: SpeciaJ
distractions,and must continuouslyrepeata monot- Area of Effect: 1 familiar
onous, hypnoticchant until the famjJfarappears. It's Saving Throw: Spec.ial
impossiblefor the dragon to maintain the chant for
longer than 20 hours, so ifat the end of this period Except for the types offamiliars, the timing of
no familiarhas arrived,the spell fails. A dragon can the casting (must be under a fulJmoon), and the
cast this spell no more than once per year; it can cost for the ingredients (which is doubled to
have no more thanone familiarat one time. 2,000 gp), this is much the same as the wizard's
When the familiar arrives, it is totaJly loyal to find familiar spell. The necromancer uses a spe-
its master. The spell is actually a form of charm, cial table to dete rmine what , if any, familiar
however; it grants its victim a simiJar opportunity arrives.
to throw off its effec ts. On a regular basis, the Imps and quasits will not serve a master of less
fammar can roll a saving throw vs. spell, this roll than 4th level. If one arrives at the call ofa necro-
suffering a penalty of - I for each three age cate- mance r of 1st to 3rd level , the creature will
gories of the casting dragon. The frequency of the instead of serving agree to return when the necro-
saving throw depends on the race oftbe familiar. mancer is more powerful. In the meantime , the
A successfulsavingthrow means that the fumiliar nec romancer must find ano ther familiar , for
has thrownoff the effects of the spell and is totalJy when the imp or quasit returns, it will kill and eat
frec~willed again.(Its first reactionwill probablybe its predecessor to seal the bargain . The necro-
to escape.) If the dragon is within five miles of the mancer suffers the usual penalties for the death of
familiarand awakewhen it shakesoff the influence, the first familiar. a system shock survival roll is
it will senseLheterminationof the telepathic bond, required and a point ofConstituUon lost
and thus know that its familiar is free. The dragon's
responsedepends on its abgnmentand mood. ldlO Fam.llin Sensory Powers
The DM can select an appropria te humanoid 1- 3 black cat Excellent night vision
candidate depending on where the dragon is cast- & superior hearing
ing the spell, or be can use the table provided. 4-5 giant rat Superior olfactory power
6 frog Wide~anglevision
dlO Frequency 7 g.cenlipede Very sensitive touch
Roll FamlUar of save 8 large spider Wide-angle vision
1-o Kobold Every 2 years 9 bat Very superior bearing
7- 11 Goblin Every year 10 raven Excellent vision
12-14 Ore Every 9 months 11 imp M ONSTROUS MANUAL
15- 16 Hobgoblin Every 6 months 12 quasit MONSTROU S MANUAL
17- 20 No humanoid available; spell fails. 13- 20 No familiar, cannot try again until nelCl
Killing a familiar while it is still bound by the
spell is not acceptable behavior, and will proba- An imp or quasit receives no bonus hit points
bly bring down upon the dragon retribution from based on rhe caster's level, nor docs it waste away
various celestial powers. (Killing the thing once it if separated from the necroman.cer. lf it is killed,
has shaken the spell is just fine, however.) the necromancer suffers the standard penalties
Knowledge of the draco nic spell is useless for loss of familiar.
toward developing a human , demihuman, or Notes: Restricted to necromancers, who use
humanoid version. The spell is too closely aligned this instead of the standardfind familiar spell.
to the mental architecture and innate magica l
abilities of dragons to be translated into any form Find Person
usable by nondracoforms. (Dlvload on)
Notes: Restricted to dragons; uncommon.
Level: 4
Find Familiar - Nec romancer Range: Infinite
(Summ oning) Casting Time: I rd.
Components: V, S, M
Level: 2 Duration: l tum/level
Range: I mi./level Arca of Effect: l person
Components: V, S, M Saving Throw: None


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

~ ind 1hePath
This spell reveaJsa person's location as a com- when the destination is reached or when one tum
pass direction (as well as "up" and "down") and per caster level has elapsed.
most basic life readings: alive or dead. It reveals The spell frees the caster, and any with him,
less informationin two cases: from a maze spell in a single round, and will con-
If the person is on another plane of existence, the tinue to do so as long as the spell lasts.
spellonly reveals that the person is "outside." Note that this divinatfon is keyed to the caster,
If the person is imprisoned the spell reveals not his companions, and that, like thefind traps
only lhat the person is "confined.'' spell, it does not predict or allow for the actions
ln botb of these two special cases no direction of creatures.
or life reading is possible. The spell is never more The material component is a torch or lantern
accurate than this. whose flame will alwayspoint in the correct direc-
The caster must know the name of the person tion. If the flame is extinguished,the spell ends.
sought or have personally seen the individual at The reverse spell, lose the path, makes a crea-
least once in order for the spell to function. ture touched totally lost and unable to find its
Typical readings include: way for the duration of the spell, although it can
I. South-southwest, dead. 4. North, alive. be led, of course . The material component is a
2. Outside. 5. Confined. torch or lantern flame, which is extinguished as
3. East.down, dead. 6. Up, alive. the spell is cast.
Notes: Restricted to diviners; uncommon.
The components of the spell are a rod or staff
with a continual light spell cast upon it, and a Find Traps - Red Wizard
garment of the person searched for or a personaJ (Divination)
article of sentimental value.
Notes: Uncommon for diviners ; otherwise Level: 3
very ra re. Known to be in Prlsma/ s Pocket Range: 30 yds.
library, Vol. IV. Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 tum
Find the Path Duration: I turn
(Divination) Area ofEffect : 10-ft. path
Reversible Saving Throw: None

Level: 7 When a diviner casts a/ind traps spell , all

Range:O traps- concea led normally or magica lly- of
Components: V, S, M magical or mechanical nature become apparenl to
casting Time: I rd. him . This spell is directionaJ, and the caster must
Duration; I tum/level face the desired direction in o.rder to determine if
Area of Effect: The caster a trap is laid in that particular direction.
SavingThrow: None A trap is any device or magica l ward that
meets thiee criteria: It can inflict a sudden or
The caster can find the shortes t, most direct unexpected resuh, the spellcaster would view the
physical route sought, be it the way into or out of result as undesirable or harmful, and the harmful
a locale. The locale can be outdoor s or under- or undesirableresuJl was specifically intended as
ground, a trap, or even a maze spell. Note that the such by the creator. Thus traps include alarms.
spell works with respect to locales, not objects or glyphs, and similar spells or devices.
creatures within a locale. Thus, the spell couJd The caster learns the general nature of the trap
not find the way to "a fores t where a green (magical or mechanical) but not itS exact effect,
dragon lives" or to the location of"a hoard of nor how .to disarm it. Close examinatio n will
platinum pieces ." The location must be in tbe enable the caster to sense what intended actions
same plane as the caster. might trigger it. Note 1hat the caster's divination
The spell enables the subject to sense the cor- is limited to his knowledge of what might be
rect direction that will eventually lead him to his unexpected and harmfuJ.
destination, indicating at the appropriate times This spell cannot predict actions of creatures
the exact path to follow (or physical actions to (hence a concealed murder hole or ambush is not
take-for example, with concentration the spell a trap), nor are natural hazards considered traps
enab les the subject to sense trip wire s or the (a cavern that floodsduring rain, a wall weakened
proper word to bypass a glyph) . The spell ends by age, a nacuraJlypoisonous plant). If the DM is


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Find Water r
using specific glyphs or sigils to identify magical caster can scan one I 0-foot wide path to the limit
wards (see the glyph of warding spell), Lhisspell of his effective range each round, so by standing
shows the form of the glyph or mark. The spell still and turning in a slow circle over several
does nor detect traps that have been disarmed or rounds he can discover if there is any treasure
are otherwise inactive. within the spell's range.
The spell 's material compone nt is a sma ll The spell ignores all obstacles between the
string noose that must be broken. caster and treasure, even solid stone or iron, but
Notes: Restricted Lodiviners: uncommon. In the divination can be blocked by a thin coating of
the f' OROOTIEN R EALM S setting this spell is also lead or by any magical ward effective against div-
available 10 the Red Wizards ofThay. ination spells.
The material component is threehairs from a
Find Treasure hunting hound.
(Divination) Notes: Restricted to diviners; uncommon.

Level: 4 Find Water

Range: 60 yds. + IO yds./level (Divination )
Components: V.S. M
Casting Time: 4 Leve.I: 3
Duration: 2 rds./level Range: Touch
Area of Effect: I0-ft. wide path Components: V.S, M
SavingThrow: None Casting Time: I rd.
Duration: ldl2 turns+ I tum/level
This spell dctennines the direction of the near- Area of Effect: 20 mi. +ld8 mi./level
est large mass of treasure (al least 5,000 coins or Saving Throw: None
50 gems) within range, but not its distance or its
exact composition. Only valuable metals, gems, This involved incantation imbues one creature
and jewelry are located; worthless metals and with a remarkable "nose" for water. The individ-
those magical items with no precious metals or ual can smell (or otherwise sense) the presence of
gems in their construction ore not detected. The water within 20 plus ld8 miles per level of the
caster. The recipient can identify the direction in
which the water lies, as well as the approximate
distance. Re knows whether the water is within
IO feet of the surface, or located deeper. How-
evcr,jind waterdocs not tell the recipient whether
the water is pure or readily accessible.
The spell only recognizeswatersources contain-
ing IO gallons or more. (A nearby waterslcin,for
example, won't count.) If the recipient is above
ground, only water lying 100 or fewer feet below
the surface can be found. lf the recipient is below
ground himself, the spell can help him locate water
lyingup to I00 feet aboveor belowbis depth.
The recipient's cb.aoce of finding water equals
the spell's effective range in miles (roll percentile
dice) . Permanent water sources - wells, oases,
cities, lakes, and seas- are always detected first.
A second cast ing of this spell within the same
area reveals other sources, if any exist. For each
additional casting of the spell per day. the chance
of rmding water within range drops IOpercent. lf
the spell does not locate water, that simply means
the magic failed; I.hearea may or may not be dry.
The material component of this spell is a dro_p
of the caster's sweat, spittle, or tears.
Notes: Common in arabian settings; otherwise
very rare.

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

' inding ihe Ccnlcr
Finding the Center incantation. points his index finger at the creature
(Altenation, Invocation) to be slain, and unless the victim succeeds in a
saving throw vs. spell, death occurs. A creature
Level: 8 successfully saving still receives 2d8+ I points of
Range: 0 damage. If the subject dies of damage, no inter-
Components: S nal change s occu r and the victim can then be
Casting Time: I revived nonnaUy.
Duration: l tum Notes: Common spell (PHB).
Arca of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None Fire - Hishna
This spell is a more powerful version of aiming
at the target. Like 1hat spell,finding the center
can be cast after a spell that requires concentra-
tion. The casting is a series of breathing exercises
that releases the power of the spell. Oncefinding
Level: 4
Range: IOyds./level
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: I rd.
the center is cast, the wu jen no longer need con- Duration: ld6 + I rds.
centrate on the first spell for it to have effect. His Area of Effect: 3 x 3 ft. square or I creature/level
unconscious mind maintains the concentration Saving Throw: Special
required for the spell. The wu jen is free to take
other actions-movement , combat, casting other This spell allows the caster to ignite virtually
spells, or any activity be couJd normally under- any object, for the duration of the s_pell . If the
talre. The concentration required by the fi:rst spell object is flammable, it will remain burning after
cannot be brok.eo unless the wu jen is slain, his the spell expires. The fire is non-magical.
mind enfeebled. confused , or controlled, or the A creature within the areaof effectsuffers 2d6
spell's duration ends. points of damageper round.The spell will bum off
Notes:Restricted to oriental wizards and those hair and burnable clothing du.ringthe three rounds
trained by them; common. of its effectiveness. A successful saving throw vs.
spell reduces damage by half; a target creature
Finery, Flaon >s repeats the saving throw each round until it makes
Finery and Freshn.ess a successful roll, or the spell's duration expires.
A MYSTARA setting spell, a/ai Fiann's finery. Notes: Restricte d to practiti oners of hlslma
magic (the Maztica setting); common.
Finger of Death
(Necromancy) Fire, At' ar's
See sunfire.
Level: 7
Range: 60 yds. Fire and Ice , Otiluke>s
Components: V, S SeeOtiluke's fire and ice.
Casting Time: 5
Duration: Permanent Fire Arrows
Area of Effect: I creature (Alteradon)
Saving Throw: Neg . (Province: Flame)

Thefinger of death spell snuffs out the victim's Level: 2

life force. lf successful, the victim can be neither Range: 5 yds./Jevel
raised nor resurrected. In addjtion, in human sub- Components: V, S, M
jects the spell initiates changes to the body such Casting Time: 2
that after three days the caster can, by means of a Duration: Instantaneous
special ceremony costing not less than 1,000 gp Area ofEffect: Special
plus 500 gp per body, animate the corpse as a juju Saving Throw: Special
zombie under the control of the cas ter. The
changes can be reversed before anima1ion by a This magic causes a campfire to release fiery
limited wish or similar spell cast direcUyupon the arrows on the castec's behalf. The fire source must
body,and a full wish restores the subject to llfe. be within range but need not be seen by the caster.
The caster utters the finger of dea1Ji spell "When fire arrows is cast, the lire extinguishesitself


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Fire Breath

instantly, exploding into fiery missiles. The spell Fire Breath

crea 1es one fire arrow per level of the cas ter (Evocation)
(regardless of I.hesize of the original fire source).
These short-lived streamers of flame leap from \he Level: 5
fire source in a ctirectiondetermined by lhe caster. Rangc: O
lf lhe caster does not choose a course, th.earrows Components: V.S, M
fly oulward in randomdirections.A fire arrow trav- Casting Time: I rd.
els up to 30 feet from its source,and can set fire to Duration: Instantaneous
any combustibles ii touches (a saving throw vs. Area of Effect: Cone, 30 ft., IS fl. at base
magical foe is required). Saving Throw:
A being endangered by afire arrowmust make
two saving throws vs. paralysis. If both are suc- This spell allows the wu jen to breathe a cone
cessful, the being avoids all harm. Jf one check of magical flame into the area of effect . All
succeeds, the victim suffers ld4 poinls of fiery within the cone suffer Id6 points of damage for
damage. If both checks fail, the being talces 2d4 every level of the wu jen unless they make a suc-
points of flame damage. Multiple arrows force cessfu I saving throw vs. breath weapon (which
multiple checks. reduces the damage to half), The maximum pos-
In addition to a fire source. this spell requ.ires a sible damage is l5d6 . Combustible objectS (other
handful of sand, into which a drop of the caster's than the clothing and gear of creatures in the
spittle or tears has been placed. The castor blows cone) arc ignited automatically. This may cause
the mixture off bis palm. additional damage to those willbfa the area. The
Notes: Common in arabian settings; otherwise OMmust rule on these situations.
very rare. The material component for this spell is a
piece of red hot charcoal clenched in the teeth of
Fire Aura the caster.This charcoal does no damage to the
(Abjurati on) caster.
(Fi re) Notes: Common in oriental settings ; very rare
Level: 4
Range: O
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 4
Duration: 2 rds./level
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: Special

By meansof this spell, the caster surroundshis

body with an aura of magical green fire. The fire
aura extends I foot from lhe caster's body and pro-
vides illuminationin a l 0-foot radius. The fire aura
provides complete immunity to all forms of fire.
both natural and magical; the flames can be extin-
guished only by dLvpe/magic or a similar spell.
A creature touched by the wizard suffers 2d4
points of damage; also a victim who fails to make
a saving throw vs. death magic is set afire with
green flames.
The flames persist for 2d4 rounds and can be
extinguished by dispel magic or a similar spell.
Each round, the victim burns for an additiona l
l d6 points of damage; the victim's attack rolls are
made with a - 2 penalty during this time.
The material components for this spell are a
scrap of singed paper and a piece of flint.
Notes: Restricted to abjurers and Fire mages;


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

"tire Burst
Fire Burst although bonuses may also be allowed to the sav-
(Alteration, Evocation) ing throws. Note that the veil of flame is not a
(Alchemy, Fire) magical fire, and passing through it incurs th e
same damage as would be sustained from possing
Level: J through its original fire source.
Range: 5 yds./level The material compone nt for this spe ll is a
Components: V, S small piece of multi colored sil k of exceptional
Ca.stingTime : I thinn ess that the spe llcas ter must throw into the
Duration: Instantaneous fire source .
Area of Effect: 10-ft.radius Notes : Common spell (PHB).
Saving Throw : Neg.
Fire Elemental Guide
When this spell is cas t upon a nonmagical See elemental guide.
fire (such as a campfire, lantern, or cand le), it
causes the fire to nash and shoot arrows o f Fire Enchantment
flame . All creatures wit h in IO feet of the fire (Enchantment, Charm)
source suffer I d3 + I point of damage per level (Fire)
of the caster (maximum of IO points) . Those
wbo roll a successful saving throw vs. spell suf- Level: 4
fer no damage . Range: 240 yds.
Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM). ComponentS: V.S, M
Casting Time: I rd.
Fire Charm Duration: Instantaneous
(Enchantment/Charm) Area of Effect: 10-ft. radius
(Alchemy) Saving Throw: Neg.
Level: 4
By means of this spell, the wu jen is ab le ro
Range: IOyds.
enchan1 a fire within range of the spel l. Through
Compo nents : V, S, M
Casting Time : 4 this enchantment , the wu jen can deliver a s ug-
Duration : 2 rds./level
gestion spell coming from the dancing flames of
the fire. A ll within the area of effect must make a
Area of Effect: 15-fl:. radius
successfu l saving throw vs . spell to avoid the
Saving Throw: Neg.
effect of the suggestion. Those who fail to make
By means of this spell the wizard causes a t he sav in g thr ow have lo oke d at 1he fire and
normal fire source, such as a brazier, flambeau, fallen under the spell's effec t. All the normal
or bonfire, to serve as a magical agent, for from rules concern ing the duration and type of sugges-
this source he causes a gossamer veil of multi- tion apply to fire enchantment.
hued flame to encircle the fire at a d istance of 5 Th e material co mp onen ts for this spell are a
feet. Any creatu res observ in g the fir e o r the mirror and a lighted candle .
dancing circle of flame around it must success- Notes: Common in oriental setti ngs; very rare
fully roll a saving throw vs. spell or be charmed elsewhere.
int o rema ining motionless and gazing, tra ns-
fixed, al the flames . While so cha rmed, crea- Fire Eyes
tures ar e subject to s11 ggestio11 s of 12 or fewer {Alteration)
wo r ds, sav in g vs . spe ll w i th a - 3 pen a lt y, (Fire)
adjuste d for Wisdom . The caster can give one
such suggestion to each creature, and the sug- Level: 6
gestions need not be the same. The maxi mum Range : I foot/level
duration for such a suggestion is one hour, Compo nents : V, S
regard less of the caster's level. Casting Time : 6
The fire charm is broken if the charmed cre a- Duration : I rd./level
ture is physically attacked, if a solid. object comes Area of Effect: Special
between the creature and the veil of flames so as Saving Thr ow:
to obstruct vision, or when the duration of the
spe ll expires . Th ose expose d to the fire charm This spell causes the caster's eyes to emit twin
again may be affected at the DM's option, rays of fire. These are concentrated beam s that


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Fire PbnntomF
are hot enough to bum holes in plate armor in finds another way out or is rescued.
one round and in most stone walls in two rounds. This spell has made its way out of the savage
The eye-beams cause 4d8 points of damage per and brutal lands of the Red Wi7,ardsof Thay. rt is
round to any creature they touch except the caster recommendedthat the spellcaster have some form
(including items worn or carried). of protection against lire beforeattempting it.
ln normal conditions , the caster can train his Notes: Common for the Red Wizards of Thay;
eye beams on a maximum of two creatures per uncommon for Fire magcs; otherwise very rare.
round. Sometimes, such as when be is loo)cjng Known to be in Daltim s Tome of Fire.
along a corridor at an approaching file of crea-
tures or when muhiple beings look in a win- Fire Lance - Red Wizard
dow or doorway and meet his gaze , one after (Evocation)
another, the caster might be able to affect more (Fire)
creatures .
While the caster's eyes are emitting fire, he can Level: 3
see normally but cannot cast or wield any other Range: I 00 yds.
magic. The caster can end the spell at will before Components:V, S, M
it would expire normally. Emitting the beams can Casting Time: 3
be interrupted temporarily,also, so that the caster Duration: Instantaneous
can look at creatures and things without burning Area of Effect I creature
them. Saving Throw:
Contact with an eye beam instantly ignites
flammables such as paper and cloth and forces all This spell creates a bumlng lance of flame that
other items to make a saving throw vs. magical leaps from its caster's hand, hitting automatically
fire. Wizards employing this spell can easily- and inflicting I d6 points of damage per level of
and some times inadver tently -c ause fires . A the caster, to a maximum of 10d6. Unlike many
wizard under afire eyes spell is protected against other fire spells,flre Janee does not damage
all direct flame and heat effects, from any fire clothing or equipment.
(including dragon breath) and any hot substance The material component is a lit torch in the
(such as hot lava). He is not protected against caster's band or one fire source of at least torch
fire-related damage. such as falling timbers in a sizewithin 30 feet of the caster. Casting this spell
burning building. extinguishes a torch-sized fire source but only
Notes: Rare in the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting; slightly diminishes a larger source.
vinuaJly unknown elsewhere. Note s: Common for Red Wiza rds of Thay;
uncommon for Fire magcs: otherwise very rare.
Fire Gate - Red Wizard
(Alterat ion) Fire Phan tom
(Co nj uration/S um mo1tlng)
Level: 4 (Fire)
Range: 0
Components: V, M Level: 3
Casting Time: 4 Range: 30 yds.
Duration: lnstantaneous Components: V, S, M
Area of Effect: The caster Casting Time: I rd.
Saving Throw: None Duration: 3 rds./level
Area of Effect: Special
Upon casting this spell the caster can step into Saving Throw: None
a large fire (with at least a 2-foot radius) and
immediately reappear in another, simi lar-sized This is a spell used to summon a weaker fire
fire up to 50 yards per level away.lfno such fires elementat
exist within that range, the spell does not func- The physical appearance ofa fire phantom is
tion and the caster remains in the initial fire. lf a fiery outline of a vaguely humanoid form, 7
multiple large fires are available, the caster can feet tall. The phantom must remain within 30
choose from them. feet of the caster; if it moves beyond this range
ff there is a large, solid object blocking thefire the spell expires. Normal fires set by the fire
gate, then the caster is mired in the Elemental phantom continue to bum after the phantom is
Plane of Fire and will remain so until he either gone.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

The fire phantom (being oflow intelligence) thing, but they do not form on water or a wet
follows all commands given by its summoner as surface.
long as the caster concentrates on controlling it. Th e flaming inscriptio ns lasl for one tum per
If the caster 's concentra tion is broken , the phan- level of the caster from when the spell was cast,
tom immediate ly attacks its summoner. Other- not when they were actually written. They need
wise , 1he fi r e phantom remains until it is not all be written in the same place, on the same
destroyed or until the spell's duration expires, surf.ace, or adjacent. For example, the caster can
whereupon it vanishes . draw an arrow here, another arrow with a word or
Any more powerful creature from the Elemen- two of instructions in the next room, another cou-
tal Plane of Fire can dismiss the fire phantom at ple of arrows down a passage, and an inscription
will , or even tum it upon its summoner, rega.rd- in the room at its end.
less of other circum stances. lf the ca.ster lries to use the fire quilJ to draw
The material component of this spell is a pint magical glyphs or symbo ls, they do not form . The
of oil, which mUs1be poured out and ignited dur- magic only works when lhe caster's hand is guid-
ing the casting of the spell. ing the quill. No ink is necessary.
Noles: Rare for Fire mages; otherwise very The feather is the material com pone nt of the
rare . Known to be in the Fire -Eye Scrolls . spell.
(Updated from DRAGON Magazine.) Notes: Rarein the FORGOiTENREALMSsetting;
virtually unknown elsewhere.
: AC S; MV 12; HD 2+2;
Fire Plia11tom Fire Rain
#AT I; Omaldl; SA lp.itea combuatiblea. (Evocation)
Thofire phutom can be hit by ordiury
weapoos. Level : 3
Range : 240 yds.
Components: V, S, M
Fire Quench Casting Time: 5
Reversedfom,, see fire stonn . Not to be conjiJSed Duration: Instantaneous
with Fistandaotilus 's fircquench or quenchtoucb. Area of Effect: 30-ft. cube
Saving Throw:
Fire Quill
(Alteration , Evocatio n) This spell causes threads of magical flame to
(Fire, Geom etry) stream from th e sky over the target area. The
spe ll is only effective outdoors and creatures in
Level: I a buildi n g or under solid cover are pr otec ted .
Range:0 The building or protection may be set on fire,
Components : V, S, M however.
Casting Time : 4 All exposed crea ture s in the a rea of effect
Duration : I tum/level (exce pt those immune to fire) must make a sav-
Area of Effect: Special ing throw vs. spell . Those who fail suffer the full
Saving Throw : Special damage of the spell, while those who make the
save suffer ha l f damage . The spe ll causes I d8
This spell transforms a feather of any size and point s of damage for every two level s of the
type into a quill pen that writes letters of iUusory caster (fractions rounded down) , to a maximum
flame . The pen can be used for up to one tum of 5d8. 1n addition, there is a 50% chance that
after the spell is cast to write IO letters , charac- combustib le materiaJs in the area of effect are
ters, or symbols per level of the caster. These let- ignited, starting a sma ll fire (although this may
ters appear to be made ofleaping flame, and are quickly spread).
bright enough to read by anyone within 7 feet . Tbe material components for this spe ll are a
They can be written in the air, on a stone wall, or small blowpipe through which the caster must
even on a person . blow a mouthful oflamp oil.
Creatures unwilling to be written on receive Notes: Common in oriental settings; otherwise
a savi ng throw vs. speU: if the saving throw is very rare .
successful, lhe letters fade as they are written .
The pen comes to life only as the caster wills .
The flames are not real , and cannot ignite any-


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Fin: Shurlkcn

with a +2 bonus: either half normal damage or no

damage is sustamed. There is no bonus against
fire-based attacks, but if the wizardfails ro make
the required saving throw (if any) against them,
he sustains double normal damage.
The material component for this variation is a
bit of phosphorous.
B) Chill sh ield . The flames are cool to the
touch. Any fire-based attacks are saved against
with a +2 bonus; either half normal damage or no
damage is sustained. There is no bonus against
cold-based attacks, but if the wizard fails to make
the required saving throw (if any) against them,
be sustains double normal damage.
The material component for this variation ls a
live firefly or glow worm or the tail portions of
four dead ones.
Any creature strikjng the spellcaster with its
body or hand-held weapons inflictS normal dam-
age upon the wizard, but the attacker suffers the
same amount of damage. An attacker's magical
resistan .ce, if any, ls tested when the creuure
actually strikes the wizard. Successful resistance
shatters the spell. Failure means the creature's
magic resistance does not affect that casting of
the spell.
Note s: Common spell (PHB).
Fire Shield
(Alteration, Evocatio n) Fire Shurlken
Level: 4
Range: 0 Level: 2
Components: V, S, M Range: 60 yds.
Cisting Time: 4 Components: V,S, M
Duration: 2 rds. + I rd.nevel Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: The caster Duration: ln.stantaneous
Saving Throw: None Area of Effect: One or more creatures
Saving Throw: None
This spell can be cast in one of two forms: a
warm shield that prote cts against cold-based This spell allows the wu jen to create razor-
attacks, or a chill shield that protects against fire- sharp pinwheels of fire. When cast, the wujen
based attacks. Both return damage to creatures makes a flicking gesture with his hand, firing out
making phys'ical attacks against lhe wizard. The one or more shuriken-shaped wheels of magical
wizard must choose which variation be memo- fire. These fly at the desired target, throwing off
rizes when the spell is selected. fiery sparks as they travel. An attack roll must be
When casting this spell, the wizard appears to made, using the combat table for warriors of the
immolate bjmself , but the names are thin and same level a.s the wujen. A successful hit causes
wispy, sheddfog no heat, and giving light equal Lo 2d8 points of damage from the flames and the
only half the illumination of a normal torch. The sharp edges . Creatures resistant to fire suffer
color of lbe flames is determined randomly (50% only I d4 points of damage.
chance of either color}-blue or green if the chf// Upon striking the targe t (or any other solid
shield is cast, violet or blue if the warm shield is object on a missed throw), the fire shurlken dis-
employed. The special powers of each sWeld are appears in a burst of multi-colored smoke. This
as follows: smoke is particularly thick, temporarily obscur-
A) Warm shield . The flames are warm to the ing the vision of the targe t and causing a - 2
touch, Any cold-based attacks are saved against penalty on lhe creature's next attack. The wu jen


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

"""\ rreStones- Red Wizard
Each ball bursts upon striking any hard surface,
causing 2d8 points of damage and igniting any
combustible materials within a 5-foot radius of
the point of impact. Jfa successful saving throw
vs. spell is made, a creature within the burst
area receives only half damage, but a creature
struck directly suffers fulJ damage (no saving
Fire StoneJncendlaries: This casting turns up to
four small amber stones into special incendi-
aries. The stones are most often placed, but can
be thrown like any stone. They burst into flame
if the caster is within 40 feet and speaks a word
of command. The stones instantly ignite, caus-
ing I d8 points of damage to any creature and
igniting any combustible within a 5-foot diame-
ter burst area . Creatures within the area that
successfully save vs. spell suffer half damage. stones lose their power after a duration
equal to one turn per experience level of the
caster-for example, the stones of a I 2th-level
caster remain potent for a maximum of 12 turns
after their creation.
The material co mponent s are sma ll amber
stones, of about half gem-value quality (50 gp
Notes: Common for the Red Wiza.rds ofThay;
can cast one fl.reshurike11at 1st-6t h level, two at uncommonfor Fire mages;otherwisevery rare.
7th-12th level, and three at 13th level or nigher.
The material component for Lhisspell is a tiny Fire Storm - Red Wiza rd
shuriken coated with pine sap and sulphur. (Evocation)
Notes: Common in oriental settings; very rare Reversible
Level: 8
Fire Stones - Red Wizard Range: 60 yds. + 5 yds./level
(Conj uration) Components: V,S, M
(Fire) Casting Time: 8
Duration: 1rd.
Level:5 Area of Effect: One 10-ft cube/level
Range: 40 yds. Saving Throw:
Componcnls: V, S, M
Casting Time: I rd./stone (4 maximum) When afire storm spell is case,the whole area
Duration: Special of effect is shot through with sheets of roaring
Area of Effect: Special flame. Creatures within the area of fire and I 0
SavingThrow: feet or less from the edge of the affected area
receive 2d6 points of damage plus I additional stones spell creates special missiles or point per level of the caster. Creatures that roll
timed incendiaries that bum with great heat. The successful saving throws vs. spell suffer only half
spell can be cast to create either fl,e stone mis- damage. The damage is infl.Jctedeach round the
.vi/es or stone incendiaries, as chosen when creature stays in the area of effect. The area of
the spell is cast. effect is a volume equal to one I0-foot cube per
Fire Stor,e Miss iles: This casting turns up to level of the caste r; for example, a I 6th- level
four small amber stones into special grenade- caster can cast afire storm measuring 40 x 40 x
like missiles Lhatcan be hurled up to 40 yards. IO feet. The height of the storm must be IO or 20
An attack roll is required to slrike the intended feer; the balan ce of its effect is in length and
target, and proficiency penalties are considered. width.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

FircTrap r
The reverse spell,fire quench, smothers twice motion by strong btee2es, blowing sand, and
the area of effect of afire storm with respect to heavy rain. If Lhe pursued individual takes to the
normaJ fires, and the normal area of effect with air or teleports, the fire trock circles in place until
respect to magical fires . Fire-based creatures its time expires . Mere climbing, leaping, or
suc h as elementals, salamanders,etc., of lel>-sthan jumping (even across a chasm) cannot foil the
demigod status have a 5% chance per experien ce fire track. however. and it always pursues in the
level of the caster (up to 95% total) of being correct direction .
extinguished . The material componen ts of this spell are a
The material compone nt for this form of the hai r or drop let of blood from a saJuqui (a desen
spell is charcoal from the cremation of a dead greyhound) , wrapped in wax. The wa.x is melted
wizard. to castthe spell .
Notes: Common for the Red Wizards of Thay; Notes: Common in arabiao settings; otherwise
uncommon for Firemages ; otherwise very rare. very rare.
Fire Trap
Fire Track (Abju r ation , Evocation)
(Evocation) (Alchemy, Fire, Geometry)
(Province: Flame)
Level : 4
Level : 5 Range : Touch
Range : 0 Components: V, S, M
Compone nts: V,S, M Casting Time : I turn
Casting Time: 5 Duration : Until discharged
Duration: I rd./level Area of Effect: Objec t touched
Area of Effect: Radius of IO ydsJ level Saving Throw:
Saving Throw:None
Any c loseable item (boo k, box, bottle, chest,
Afire track spell creates a fiery spark that fol- coffer , coffin, door, drawer , and so forth) can be
lows the path of a, given indMdual as doggedly as warded by afire trap spel l. The spell is centered
a desert hound follows a scent. The caster identi- on a point selected by the spellcaster . The item so
fies the target when casting the spell, eitber by trapped cannot have a second closure or warding
name or by physical description (e.g., ''the man spell placed upon it (if suc h is allempted , th e
who stole the emir's purse today," or "the woman chance is 25% tl1at lhe first spell fails, 25% that
l saw wearing the gray eye patch"). A spark of the second spell fails , or 50% that both spells
flame appears harmlessly at the caster's finger- fail) . A knock sp ell does not affect afire trap in
tip-the faithful "bound" ready for lhe hunt. any way- as soon as the offending party enters
lf the targe t has not been within the area of or touches the item, the trap discharges . Thieves
effect during the last 24 hours, then the flame and othe rs have only half their normal chance to
leaps off the caster's finger , lands on the ground detect afire trap (by noticing the characteristic
nearby, and extinguishes itself. l fthe target has markings required to cast the spell). They have
been within range. lhe flame leaps off the caster's only hatf their normal chance to remove Lhe r.rap
fingerrip and flies toward the target's trail, strik- (failure detonates the trap immediately). An
ing the ground as soon as it "picks up the scent." unsuccessful dispel does not detona te the spell .
The lire track is like a brilliant flame traveling The caster can use the I.rapped objec t without dis-
along a fuse. In its wake is a faint line of scorched charging it, as can any individual to whom the
eanb and dust , marking the path of its prey. (The spell was specifically attuned when cast (the
scorch marks are easily swept clean .) The flame exact method usually involves a keyword) . When
moves at a rate of0 to 8 for the spell's duration, the trap is discharged, there is an explosion of 5-
as chose n by the caste r. The fire track burns with foot radiu s from the spell 's center; all creatures
the strength and brightness of a torch . lt inflicts within this area must roll saving throws vs. spell.
Id6 poin ts of damage upon those who get in its Damage is ld4 points plus 1 point per level of the
way, and sets combustible materials aflame. (A caster , or half this (rou nd up) for creatures suc-
wise wizard does not use thls spell to investigate cessfully savil'\g, (Under water, this ward inflicts
burglaries in a cotton warehouse.) half damage and creat es a large cloud of steam.)
Theflre track can be foiled in a number of The item I.rapped is not harmed by 1his explosion .
ways. lt cannot cross water, and is extinguished To pl ace lhis spell, the cas ter must trace the
in the attempt. It can be snuffed ou t while in outline of the closure with a bit of sulphur or salt-


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


peter and touch the center of the effec t. Artune- through holy men (usually moralists) . The wiz-
ment to another individua l requjres a hair or sim- ard can make the candle bimsel fin a week,
ilar object from that person. after investi ng I 00 gp LOthe raw matedals, if
Notes: Common spell (PHB) . available .
Notes: Common in arabian settings; unknown
Fire Tt utb elsewhere .
{Divinati on)
(Province: Flame) Fire Wake
(Abjuration, Evocation)
Level: l (Fire)
Range : 5 yds.
Compone nts : V, S, M Level: 4
Casting Time : I turn Range : IO yds ./level
Duration : l0 rds . Components : V.M
Area of Effect: I creature Casting Time : 4
Saving Throw : None Duration: ln.stantaneous
Area of Effect: I creature
By mean s of thi s spell , the cas.ter and those Saving Throw: Neg.
accompanying him can determine whether some-
one speaks the truth or knowingly lies. A special This enchantment creates superheated air
candle serves as the material component of this directly behind the target creature . The heated
spell (see below). Its flame is fed by the veracity ar ea is the height and width of the ta rget and
of the target individual's words-whether they're causes the target's nonmetal and nonmagical pos-
spoken aloud or given in sign language. sessions to make a saving throw vs. magical fire
When casting the spell, the wizard lights the or burst into flames . The effect causes the target
candle in the presen ce of lhe target (no farther to suffer Id6 points of damage, plus an additional
than 5 yards away) . The wizard himself must point of damage for every level of the caster. For
questio n the target. The candle remains lit as long ex.ample, an 8th-level wizard would inflict ld6 +8
the target answers truthfully . An intentional half- points of damage with this spell The damage is
truth or slight deception causes the flame to gut- halved iflhe target makes a successfu l saving
ter. An outright lie extinguishes the flame, ending throw VS. spell .
the spell. No te s: Rare for Fire mages ; otherwi se very
Otherwise the spell lasts IO rounds , or for 10 rare. (Upda.ted from POLYHEDRONNewszine .)
questions, whichever comes first . At the end of
that period, the flame narcs brightly , then goes Fire Wings - Wu Jen
out. Truth is subjective to the target. Lfthe target (Alterati on) ~
truly believes something, then the candle regis- (Fire)
te r s it as truth . " I don ' t know" or a si m ila r
response has no effect on the candle if the target Level: 3
is truly ignorant . Range : 0
Theflre truth spell allows no saving throw, but Components : V, S, M
it can be rendered useless by other magics , such Casting Time: 1 rd.
as a philter of glibness or the spell undetectable Duratioo : I turn
lie ( reve rse of the priest spell dete ct lie ) or its Area of Effect: The caster
equivalent. Saving Throw: None
The fire tmth spell is used most often in busi-
ness and matters of state, wh ere veracity is This spe ll transforms the wu je n 's anns into
important , and the target creature is (supposedly) phoeoix 1ike wings of brilliant fire. The caster

wllling and interested in telling the truth . When and all he carries suffe r no damage from thi s
signing a contrac t, for example , that targe t is flame, but all within 3 feet suffer 1- 2 points of
often asked to verbally attest to his honesty. ("Do damage each round unless immune to fire .
you swear that the infonnation here is true ? Do Since the caster's arms are transformed, he can-
you plan to uphold this contract ?" ) not bold items in his hands or ca st spe lls while
The candle required for this spell is made of using thefle,y wings. Rings and bracers can still
a rare form of desert bee 's wax . Jt costs 300 gp be worn , fitting around the pinions of feathery
ready -made , and is usually available only flames. The wings give the caster the ability to fly


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


at a rate of24 (MC: B). They cast ilJurninationas a their saving throws each suffer fuUdamage from
light spe ll to a radius of 60 feet. Although the the blast. Those who roll s'Uccessful saving
wings are ill-suited to combat, the wu jen can use throws manage to dodge, fall flat, or roll aside.
them to batter opponent$. However, he docs so each receiving half damage (the OM rolls the
using his nonproficiency penalty when determin- damage and each affected creature suffers either
ing if he hits . A success ful attack infli cts 2d6 full damage or half damage [round fractions
points of damage (no saving throwallowed). down), depending on whether the creature saved
The wings can be snuffed out if the wu jen is or not).
hit by a large quantity of water, freezing cold, or a The material component of this spell is a liny
wind of hurricane or greater force. ball of bat guano and sulphur.
The mater ial componen t is the feather of a Notes: Common speJJ(PHB).
bird. which must be burned upon casting. The
spell also requires a golden amulet shaped like a Fireball, Fallion's Fabulous
phoenix (value of at leasi 50 gp) , whic h is See Fallion's fabulous fireball.
Notes: Common in oriental settings; otherwise Firebrand
very rare. (Evocation)
Fireball Reversib le
(Evocatio n)
{Fire) Level: 4
Level: 3 Components: V, S, M
Range: \ 0 yds. + IO ydsJlevel Casting Time: 4
Components: V.S, M Duration: 2 rds. + I rdJ leveJ
Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect Special
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 20-ft. radius
Saving Throw : By means of this spell, which involves a pinch
of sulphur aod a spark of normal flame, lhe caster
A fireball is an explosive burst of fiame which creates an everburningjlame that blazes until the
detonates with a low roar and delivers damage spell dura tion expi res without consuming Lhe
proportional to the level of the wizard who cast object or location it is cast upon. tnsread, the con-
it- I d6 points of damage for each level of expe- flagration sucks air into itSelfa11dsomehow feeds
rience of the spcllcaster (up to a maximum of upon the ether and spell energy for its burning.
I Od6). The burst of the fireball creates little pres- The spelJ must be cast on an object or particu-
sure and generally conforms to the shape of the lar physical spot and cannot be subsequently
area in which it occurs. The firebaJJ fills an area transfem:d to anolher. ll can be ended at any time
equal to its normal sphe rical volume (rough ly by the deliberate will of the caster, but does not
33,000 cubic feet, that is, thirty-three 10 x JO x require continued concentration on the caster 's
JO-foot cubes). Besides causing damage to crea- part for its existence . The maximum spread of
tures, the fireball ignites aU combustible materi- Oames created by meansof a firebrand spelJis a
als within its burst radius , and the heat of the volume the size of the ca ster' s fist times the
fireball melts soft metals such as gold, copper, caster's level
silver, etc. Exposed items require saving throws This spell is usually used to make a sword into
vs. magical fire to determine if they are affected, a flaming-bladed weapon. The spell adds ld4+ 1
but items in the possession of a creature that roils points of fiery damage to lhat of the weapon and
a successful saving throw are unaffected by the chances of causing further combustion, but does
fireball. not make any weapon aflometongue or give it
The wizard points his finger and speaks the any magical pluses. When cast upon a stick or
range (distance and height) at which the fireball pole, it can also be used to create a torch that
is to burst. A streak flashes from che poin ting remains alight underwater and despite gust of
digit and,unless it impacts upon a material body wind spells and the like.
or solid barrier prior to attaining the prescribed The spell cao also give a caster or fellow crea-
range, blossoms into the fireball (an early impact ture touched by the caster a nonpainfuJ, noainju-
results in an early detonation). Creatures failing ri ous fl ameha nd or limb equal in effect to a


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

normal torch or lamp. This torch is able to readjly
bum hair, paper, cobwebs, cloth, and other flam-
mables and to deal to others nol protected I d6+ I
points of damage per e1uended contact ( I d4+ I
for a blow, ld 4+3 for a firm grip upon an unar-
mored area).
Note that although this latter application of the
spell can be visually impressive, care must be
taken or damage results due to thejlamehand
touching its owner's own hair, clothing, or flam-
mable oil. Ltems on the caster's person ignited by
thej1a111eha11d cause him or her normal burn
More than one hand or foot can be affected by
a single firebrand spell if the caster is of high
enough level. When the spell is cast upon them, a
surface area of 6 square inches per level can be
affected if the appendages an: placed togethe r
(for example, clasped hands).
Nonliving matter used as a spell focus and then
separated into smaller pieces {for instance. a
naming slick broken or a flaming blade shat-
tered) does not become many smaller fires: only
one fragment retains the magical effect, and the
others do not. Note also that the bearer of such
everlas 1ingj1a111eis in no way immune to the
effects (beat, flame, smoke) of other fires.
The reverse, quenchtouch. requires a drop of
water as an additional material component and is
cast upon a limb or object in an identical manner
to firebrand, having identical duration and area
of effect. The effect created is a painless, shim-
mering black flame 1hatgives off no heal nor cold
and does no damage . Whenever it co mes into
coniact with flame of any sor t, however, ihat
flame is instan1ly and utterly quenched. Any heal
in excess of the surrounding ambient temperature
is drained ns well.
Normal fires can be extinguished in this way.
Permanent or longlasting magical (j1a111eto11g 11
e trap, wall of fire) or natl.lral(campfire,
tlaming oil) sources of fire arc instantly quenched
and prevented from reigniting or being set off for
I d4 rounds, determined randomly for each
instance. Fires of great extent are quenched in a
40-foot-radius globe per touch of black 0wne and
real flame . Fiery explosions within 40 feet of
quencl1to11cl, dark flames neutralize and destroy
the dark names , but the mse lves dwindle into
nothingnes s in a scaucring of sparks. inflicting
only Id4 points of damage on crea1ureswithin 40
feet ofthom (successful saving throws against the
explosions, such asfire.ball. halve damage).
Notes : Very rare spell from the FoR OOT'rEN
REAL MS selling . Known to be in Shandarl/ '.<,


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


Fireflow* one type of objec t can be protected, and that type

(AJteratlon) must be named when the spell is cast: masts , for
(W'tld) instance, or sails. lfthe spel\caster seeks to pro-
tect two types of objects at the same tim e. two
Level: 3 separate fireproof spells must be ca.~.
Range: 30 yds. The spell prevents igni tion by normal fires .
Components : V.S, M Against magicaJ fires it bestows either the item
CastingTime: 3 saving throw vs. magical fire at a + 1 bonus or the
Duration : I rd./\evel caster's saving throw vs. spell, whichever is more
Area of Effect: I fire source advantageous. If the saving throw is successfu l,
Saving Titrow: None the objec t Is not set afire . The OM may decide
the degree of dama ge based on the circ um -
This speJI allows a wizard to control natural stances; for example, burning sails may need to
fires by manipulating rand omness and adjusting be c ut away, while a mast can be save d fairly
probabilities to cause Lhem to spread and take intact if immediate coun termea sures successfu lly
shape in any direction he desires . Once cast, the quench the flames .
wizardpoints at any fire within range. I-lecan then The material component is powdered lime.
cause that fire to move in any direction desired Notes: Com mon for Sea mag es; otherwise
within spell range, as long as the flames contact a very rare. (Updated from DRAGON Magazine.)
solid surface (the fire cannot be raised in the air).
The caster mustmaintainconcentrationor the Firequench, Fistandantilus's
spell fails. The flames can be spread a1 the rate of See Fistandaodlus 's firequench.
50 square feet per turn. Thus, if a caster affects a
campfire, he cou ld create a flaming line I foot Firestaff
wide and 50 feel long or fill a 5-foot by JO-foot (Evocatio n)
squarein a single round . (Fire)
The flames are not limited by a lack of burn-
able materiaJ and can be directed to spread over Level: 2
water , snow, ice, and other nonflammable sur- Range: 0
faces. The surface is not harmed, but objects and Compone nts : V, S, M
creatures caught in the flames suffer damage as if Casting Time: 2
they had stepped into the or iginal fire source . Duration : I rd./level
Thus, a creature caugh t in flames crea1ed from a Area of Effect: l staff
candle win suffer only minor damage , while one Saving Throw: None
caugh1 in a blaze that originated from a huge bon-
fire will be severely burned. Thjs spell causes a ball of bJue flame to appear
The material compo nent s are a small paint- at each end of a nonmagicalstaff, pole, log, club,
brush and a pot of pi1ch. or rrce limb . The object must be of wood and
Notes: Restricted 10 wild mages; uncommon have two discernible en ds. The wizard cannot
(ToM). choose to light on ly one end of the staff, nor can
Fireform, Zikalan the staff be extinguished at will.
See Zikalan firefonn , Thefirestajfis a melee weapon that infl icts
I d6 points of damage plus 2d4 points o f flame
Fireproof damag e per succcssfuJ attack. Th e staff is not a
(Abjura tion) magical weapon for determining wbat creatures it
can hit. The staff can be wielded by so me one
Level: 2 other than the caster and can ignite flammable
Range : 5 yds.llevel materials as well as being used as a weapon .
Components : V, S, M The materiaJ com ponen ts of this spe ll are a
Casti ng Time : 2 piece of phosphorous or a flame of any sort and a
Durotion : I turn + 1 tum/ level pinch of iron filings . Th e wooden object used is
Area of Effect : 30 ft.+ 10 ft./level radius not consumed or altered by the spell or its flames.
Saving Throw : None Notes: Rare for Fire mages: otherwise very
rare. Known to be in Ga/adascer'sO,-izo11 .
This spell is cas t on objects within the spe ll
radius to protect them from ordinary fires. Only


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Firetrall - Dragon Firewater
(lnvocatlon/Evoc.ado11) (Alteration )
Level: 4
Range: Any Level: I
Components: V Range: Touch
Casting Time : 3 Components : V.S, M
Duration : Special Casting Time : I
Area of Effect: Special Duration: l rd.
Saving Throw : None Area of Effect: Specia l
Saving Throw: None
The ftre trail spell wasdeveloped by an ancient,
and long-dead, red dragon named ThennaJ for a By means of this spell, the wizard changes a
specifi c purpose : setting fire to towns and other volUille of wa ter to a volatile, flammable s ub-
settle ment s that the creature wanted to attack. stance similar to alcohol and likewise lighter than
This is a very rare spell. and on ly a few evil water. lf this substance is exposed to flame, fire,
dragons are aware of it. or even a spark, it will burst into flames and bum
The spell mus t be cas t by a dragon while in with a hot fire. Each crearure subjec t tofirewater
flight . As its name implie s, it creates a trail of flame suffers 2d6 points of damage .
liny, fiery droplets in the air behind the dragon. The caste r can tum I pin t of water pe r leve l
These droplets fall to the ground at a rate of 30 int o firewater. to a maximu m of l O pin ts. l f
feet per round . When they touch the ground or poured on a non-porous surface, such as a stone
any solid object, they bur st into flame , each floor , a Line I foo t across and J foot wide per
burning for only a few seconds bu t with the castec level can be created. If ignited, it bums for
same amount of heat as a burning torch. Th is an entire round.
fire has an 80% chance of igniting anything The fl rewater created w ill evaporate and be
flammable(usualmodifiersapplyfor wet mate- useless within I round,evenif it is securelycon-
rial, etc .). Th e length of the trail is 40 fee t pe r tained and sealed,so it must be utiliz.ed(ignited)
effective level of the eastin g drago n . Thus a red the round after its creat ion.
wyrm (effective leve l 20) cou ld create afire - The material co mp onent s of this spell arc a
trail 800 feet long . few grains of sugar and a raisin .
Whil e the trail is still falling, it can be dis- Notes: Uncommon spell.
rupted by spell s lik e gust of wind or by natural
winds . These effects won' t prevent the droplets of First Strike
the trail from reaching the ground, however; they (Alteration)
just spread it out, possibly enhanc ing its effects.
(The DM must care fully adjudicate this depend - Level: 2
ing on circumstances.) Range:0
Although the spe ll 's main purpose is to fire a Components: V,S, M
town.firetrall can also cause serious per son a l Casting Time:4
damage. Anyone under the firet rail when it Duration: I d4 rds. + I rd./level
reaches U1eground is struck by ld20 droplet s, Area of Effect : 30-fl. radius, l creature/leve l
each of which inflicts I d2 points of damage (a Saving Throw : None
saving throw vs. spell for half damage is allowed).
Any creatur e foolish eno ugh to fly th rough a Th is spell causes a numbe r of creatures within
descendingfiretrai/ is struck by 3d l Odroplets, 30 feet of the caster to automatica lly gain initia-
each infli cting l d2 points of damage (save for tive in the ensuing combat rounds . The dweomer
half damage). does not hasten the casting time of spe lls.
Notes : Restric ted to drag ons; known only to Individual s under the influence of a first strike
a few evil dragons . (Up dated from DRAGON spell must remain within 30 feet of the caster; if
Magazine.) th ey ven tur e ou tside this area, they lose t he
effect. Re-enterin g the spell area does not rein-
state the effect on those individ uals.
If both si des in a battle are affected by first
strike spells or an individual is usi ng a weapon
suc h as a sl1ort sword of quic/rness, iniriative is


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Fist of the ,'\ddcr r
rolled nonnally. Unlike a haste spell, this Cllchant-
ment does not age the affected individuals.
The material component of this spell is a hand-
ful of purified sand,which the caster runs through
his fingers.
No tes: Common in Cerilia (the BIRTHRJOHT
setting); uncastable elsewhere.

Fisher's Lock - Pluma


Level: 2
Range: 0
Components: V.S, M
Casting Time: 3 turns
Duration: Special
A.reaofEffect: iOOyds./levc\
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the caster attracts all

fish within the area. Whlle the fish do not exactly
fling themselves onto shore, netters or spearmen
can take a continuous catch. Fish must be present
for the spell to work, and those with more than
2+ I Hit Dice receive a saving throw vs. spell to
avoid the dweomer. The spell lasts as long as the
caster concentrates, to a maximum of one day.
The material components are bits of fish While the spell is in effect, the wizard cannot cast
scales. spells requiring somatic components.
Notes: Restricted to practitioners of pluma Notes: Uncommonspell (ToM).
magic (the Maztica setting); common.
Fist of the Adder
Fist, Ongeldyn's (Alteration)
See Ongeldyn's fist.
Level: 2
Fist or Sand Range:O
See desen fist. Components: S, M
Casting Time: 2
Fist of Stone Duration: t attack
(Alteration) Area ofE.ffect: The caster's arm
(Eart h) Saving Throw: None

Level: J Thejist of the adder is a dreaded spell

Range: 0 practiced most often by members of the Red Eyes
Components: V, S sorcerous society. Tbe fist causes the caster's arm
Casting Time: I to elongate into a serpentine tentacle, Lipped by
Duration: I rd./level an adder's bead.
Area of Effect: The caster's hand The arm streaks outward up to 5 feet per caster
Saving Throw: None level, whipping about wildly and striking with
deadly accuracy. The caster attacks with the ann
Upon completion of this spell, one of the as a fighter of the same level; and thejist of the
caster's hands (his choice) turns to stone. rt is adder can strike creatures only affected by magi-
flexible and can be used to punch , smash, or cal weapons. The attack inflicts I d4 damage per
crush objects and opponents as if the wizard bad level of the easier, to a maximumof I Od4.
a Strength of 18/00. Combat bonuses for Strength lf the caster is 5th level or more, a successful
apply only if the caster uses his fist as a weapon. strike also injects a Type f poison (save or die).


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

, israndantih.u'tFJrcquench
Al I 0th level, this becomes a Type E poison (save
for 20 points of damage or die). A saving throw
vs. poison is allowed against the poison.
The material component of this spell is a shed
skin of a poisonous snake, washed in tears.
No tes: CQmmon for members of the Red Eye
sorcerous society; otherwise very rare. Virtually
unknown outside arabian settings.

FistandantiluJ's Firequench
(Abjuration , Alteration)

Level: 4
Range: JOyds./level
Components: V, S, M
Cas1jngTime: 2
Duration: 4 rds.
Area ofEtfect: 40-ft. radius sphere
Saving Throw: Special

This spell extinguishes fire and prevents com

bustible materials from igniting . Normal fires
such as blazing arrows, campfires, even burning
trees or thatched roofs simply go out when the
firequench is cast.
Fire-ba sed spells receive a saving throw to
resjst being extinguished; this is a Id20 roll equal
10 or less than the spell level (a wall of fire spell
survives on a roll of I through 4).
Magical items that cause nre-based effects
save as 12th-le vel wizard s, unless the item Flame Arrow
description specifically states otherwise (for (Co njuration/S ummonin g)
example, a wand of fire saves as a 6th-level wiz- (Alchemy, Artifi ce, Fire)
ard). Failure means the fire-causing functions are
negated for the spcll's duration. Fire-based crea- Level: 3
tures, such as those from the Elemental Plane of Range: 30 yds. + IOyds./level
Fire, receive a normal saving throw vs. spell; fail- Components: V,S, M
ure means tlhecreat\lre loses the ability to cause Casting Time: 3
fires for lhe duration of the spell. (Note that sec- Duration: I rd.
on dary fire s caused by the ignition of com- Arca of Effect Special
bustib le material s by fire-based attacks are Saving Throw: None
normal, not magical fires.)
This spell can be cast on an area to prevent fiery This spell has two effects, First, the wizard can
attacks fro.m taking effect. Normal fires are cause normal arrows or crossbow bolts lo become
blocked; magical spells are negated unless they m.agicalflarningmissiles for one round. The mis-
make the special savingthrow(spell levelor lesson siles must be nocked and drawn (or cocked) at
Id20).The area of effect is immobileonce the spell lhe completion of the spell. lfthey are not loosed
is cast; it can't be moved or travel with the caster. within one round, they are consumed by the
This casting is the only way this spell oan defend magic . For every five leve ls the caste r has
against fire-based spells of instantaneousduration. achieved, up to IOarrows or bolts can be affected.
The material component of Fistandamilus s The arrows inflict normal damage, plus I point of
fireque ncJ, can be a piece of ice, a cupped hand- fire damage to any target struck. They may also
ful of water , a pinch of sand, or a drop of the ca use incendiary damage . This version of the
caster's spittle. spell is used most oftea in large battles.
Not es: Restricted to Fistandantilu s and those The second version of this spell enables the
trained by him. (Updated fromDRAGONMqgazine.) caste r to hurlfl ery bolts at opponents within


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

FlameDnggct- Red Wizard r
range . Each bolt infllcr s I d6 points of piercing or is dispelled, or until the creature crosses a
damage , plus 4d6 point s of fire damage. Only surface where the path cannot follow . Non-tar-
half the fire dama ge is infli cted if the c reature . geted creatures caught in the flame 's way are
sLru ck success fully saves vs . spell. Th e cas ter burned for Id6 points of damage (save for half
receives one bolt for every five experience levels damag e) .
(two bolts at I0lh level, lhree at 15th level , etc .). Flame Column: When a path catches its target,
Bolts must be used on creatures within 20 yards the creat ure is engulfed in aflame column and
of each other and in front oflhc wizard . takes 3d6 point s of fire damage immediately ,
The material compo nents for thi s spell arc a plus I d6 points of damage per round for the
drop of oil and a small piece of flint remaining du.ration of the spell. The flame col-
Notes: Common spell (PHJJ). umn stays with the creature until it bums out or is
dispelled . Items engulfed in the co lumn mu st
Flame Chase save vs. magical fire or be destroyed .
(Evocation, Fire) Flame Blast: Those outdistancing the pursu-
(Fire) ing name s or who evade Lheflame column by
crossing a wet surfaces face one more danger . lf
Level: 7 a targ et creatur e is within 10 feet of Lhe end-
Range : 30 yds. + IOyds ./level point of the flame pat It after the flame s have
Components : V, S, M moved for 1he round, and if the flames are
Cas ting Time : 3 unable to close the distance due to the c rea -
Duration : 2 rds. + I rd.neve l ture's speed or an obstruction , ihen the flames
Area of Effect: Special leap to the creature instead. This flame blast
Saving Throw: causes double the normalflam e column damage
(6d6 points) in a burst , expending the path 's
Upon casting this spell, the wizard causes scv- remaining power immediately . Creatures and
eral flame paths to form on the ground, which items caught by the flame blast save vs. spell at
then pursue targel c reatures chosen by the wiz- a - 2 penalt y.
ard. Those caught will be engulfed either in a Optionally , separate initiative rolls can be
flame column or aflam e burst, as described later. made for each flame path to determine when it
This spell is likely to cause many small incidental moves during the round . Aflame blast alway s
fires . The se are normal, nonmagical fires that can occurs at the end of a round, after all at:lacks and
be extmgui shed by normal means or allowed 'lo movements have been made.
burn out. Cropland s, dry forest , grasslands, and The material components for this spell are a
similar areasmight bum uncontrollably . small pouch filled equally with su lphur and coaJ
Flame Path: Tbe spell creates onejlame dust , a live caterp illar, and a live firefly. All are
for every two levels of the cas ter, 10 a maximum expended in the casting .
of six pnths at I 2th level. The 3-foot-wide paths Noles: Uncommon for Fire mages , otherwi se
begin 3 feel from th e caster and eac h travels very rare. (Update d from DR.AaoN Magazin e.)
straight toward one target creature. To target a
creature, the wizard must be aware of it, it must Flame Dagger - Red Wizard
be in rang e, and it must be in contact with the (Evocation)
ground when the spell is cast. Aflame path can-
not be sent against an object. Level: 2
Each flame path travel s at a rate of 24. The fire Range : Touch
doe s not require combustible material such as Components: V, S, M
wood, grass , or weeds; it can travel over bare ou t- Casllllg Time: 3
door or indoor surfaces . lt can travel across any Duration : l rdJlevel
surfa ce except water , snow, ice, and oth er wet Area of Effect: Creates I flame dagger
surfaces. Aflame path is able to climb a vertic.aJ Saving Throw : Nooe
surface ofl ess than 45, as long as the surface is
wide enough (3 feet ; a rope , for example , is not This spell causes a blazing ray of red-hot fire,
wide enough) . I-foot long, to spring from the caster 's hand. This
Co mbu stibl e items in the name's path mu st bladelike ray is wielded as if it were a dagger . If
save vs. magi ca l fire or be se t ablaze. Th e the caster successfully hits with the flame dagger
flam e pa1II co ntinue s to follow the target crea- in melee, the creature struck suffers ld4 + 1 points
tur e until the creature is caught, the spell ends of damage , with a damage bonus of + l if the


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

"" Flame of Justice
creature is undead or is especially vulnerable to believe everything said only for the purpo se of
fire . If the creature is protected from fire, the inflicting damage .
damage inflicted is reduced to ld4 . Fire dwellers The spell is limited to l O questions or l 0
and those using fire as an innate attack form suf- rounds , whichever comes first. An attack on the
fer no damage from the spell. cas ter breaks the spe ll , p rovided the attack
The flame blade can ignite combustib le mate- inflicts damage . The flame of justice may aid a
rials such as parchment, straw, dry sticks, cloth, local ruler in trying someone accused of a serious
etc. However, it is not a magical weapon in the crime, although in gentJe, civilized lands,fire
normal sense of the term, so creatures (other than tn1th is preferred . Mages of the True Flame (wiz-
undead) struck only by magicaJ weapons are not ards who follow only the province of flame and
harmed by it. This spell does not function under- perse cu te wizards of all others) often use the
water. flame of justice to extract confessions.
The material component is a pinch of iron The material component of this spell is the
mixed with a pinch of sulphur. same as that for fire truth-a candle made of a
Notes: Restricted to the Red Wizards ofThay rare form of desert bee's wax . It costs 300 gp
and those trained by them. ready-made, and is available onJy through holy
men (usually of the moralist faction). The wizard
F lame of Justice can make the candle himse l f in a week, after
(Necromancy) ~ investing I00 gp in the raw materials, if these are
(Provi11ce: F lame) ....._,.., available.
Notes : Common for the Mage s of the True
Level: 6 Flame; rare for others. Virtually unknown outside
Range: IOyds. an arabian setting.
Components : V, S, M
Casting Time: l rum Flam e Ray
Duration: IO rds. (AlteratJon)
Area of Effect: I target (Fire)
Saving Throw: SpeciaJ
Level! 2
The flame ofjustics is a more powerfuJ (and in Range: 0
some minds , more twisted) version of the 1st- Components: V, S
levelfire truth spelJ. It is cast in much the same Casting Time: 6
way, using a lit candle to determine truth or faJse- Duration : 2 rds.
bood . However , th e spell ba s two important Area of Effect: 20-ft. long x 5-fl. diam . cone
changes. Saving Throw:
First, this speJI causes part of the target's body
to burst into flame for each untruth spoken . The This spell is a stronger variation of the burn-
first untruth inflicts ld4 points of damage , and ing hands spe ll. The co ne of searing name is
each additional untruth inllicts ld6. There is oo proje cted from the caster's forefinger. It inflicts
saving throw against the casting of the spell, but I dJ points of damage , plus 2 points of damage
for each untruth told, the recipient is aJlowed a per caster level in the first round, to a max imum
saving throw vs. spell to halve the damage. Dam- of I d3 plus 20 points of fire damage. ln the sec-
age still increases with each untruth; the result is ond round. the ray inflicts half damage (rounded
divided by two. up). A successfuJ saving throw vs. spell baJves
Second, the ideaJ of "truth" is subjective to the the damage in either round. The flame ray cone
caster, not the target. If the caste r believes some- extends 20 feet, to a 5-foot diameler at its
thing to be true, even if it is incorrect, the target widest end. Its relatively Jong cas ting time is
suffers the effects of telling the (unappeal ing) unusuaJ.
truth . Telling the questioner what he wants to Notes: Very rare spell . Kn own to be in the
hear is an excellent method of surviving the spell. Book of the Silver Talon.
Ignorance or silence is not a defense if the caster
believes the target is hiding something. Half- Flame Shroud
truths and outright lies can spare the target, pro- Aka shroud of flame.
vided that the caster believes in them. The OM
must adjudicate in such situations , but only the
evil and black-hearted rogue would choose to dis-


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)



Level: 6
Range: Touch
Components: V.S, M
Casting Time: 6
Duration: I tum/level
Area of Effect: I object or creature
Saving Throw: None

When cast upon an item,flameproofrenders

that item immune to all flame, wllether magical
or natural in origin, for lhe duration of lhe spell.
The item (and anything it contains) will remain at
nonnal temperature and cool to the touch despite
immersion in lava or exposure to a red dragon's
breath weapon.
When cast upon a creature, the recipient gains
full immunity to normal fires. Ordinary flam ~
even such exce pti onally hot fires as molten
lava-cannot harm him. Fire-breathing creatures
(such as hell hounds or red dragon s) and those
made of flame (such as fire elementals) that
attack the recipient suffer a - I penalty to each die
of damage inflicted.
The recipient also gains a +2 bonus on any sav-
ing tnrow against magical fire, including spells
such as fireb all. When cast upon a creature from
the Elemental Plane of Fire, the speUhas no effect. and-alon e of all beings--<:an move it about. The
Flameproof cannot be combine d with other caster can throw it, bowl it, tow it along, or thrust
spe lls or magical items that provide protection it at a foe like a bludgeoning weapon. A caster
against flame. (Contrast this with the magical using it as a weapon strikes once per round (at hjs
item ring of fire resistance .) THACO), instead of casting a spell that round.
The material component of this spell is a bit of The caster need not concentrate to maintain the
candle wax. jlamespin .
Notes: Uncommon spell. Known to be in Dal- Circumstances may increase the caster 's
tim s Tome of Fire. chances of striking a target. Hurling the pinwheel
through a hatchway or down a narrow passage or
Flamespin shaft, for examp le, might merit a bonus for the
(Evocation) caster's attack roll. A stationary flamespin cannot
(Fire) be moved by any means except the caster's hand,
so beings who lack a dispel magi c and cannot
Level: I wait for the spell to expire must take damage if
Range: lO feet/level lhcy have to touch the flames. Falling through a
Components: V, S, M flamespin in a sllaft, for example, results in fire
Casting Time: I damage to the falling being.
Duration: 3 rds. Ajlamespin causes ld6+3 points of damage to
Arca of Effect: Special any creature touched by it, unless the creature is
Saving Throw: None protected against magical fire. Ajlamespin also
forces all items that come into contact with it to
This spell creates a 2-foot-dia meter vertical make saving throw s vs. magical fire (except
pinwhee l of flame in midair, anywhere in spell those worn or carried by the caster). If aflame-
range. It remains stationary unless touched by the spin remains in contact' with a creature, it causes
caster, who can touch it without taking any harm damage and forces exposed items to make saving


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

~ lamcstnlce, l'lamsterd's

throws each round. Flamsterd 's Flamestrike

The material component of this spell is a bit of (Evocation)
phosphorous or saltpeter. (Fire)
Notes: Rare in lhe FOROOITENRi!ALMSsetting;
virtually unknown elsewhere. Level: 4
Range: 10 yds./level
Flamestrik e, Flamsterd 's Components: V, S, M
See Flamstercl'sflamestrike. Casting Time: I rd.
Duration: Special
Flaming Blade , Tenser's Area of Effect: I creature
See Tenser's flaming blade. Saving Throw:

Flaming Fist, Daldm 's This specialized fire spell can be used both as
See Daltims flaming list an attack and as a guardian trap. In either case, it
affects one creature only, its flames appearing in
Flaming Sphere a roaring spiral around the victim for one round.
(Evocation) Tbejlamesrrike inflicts ldl2 points of damage,
(Fire) plus I point per level of lhe caster, and is a men-
ace to clothing, carried items, and other exposed
Level: 2 flammable materials near to the victim (item sav-
Range: 10 yds. ing throws vs. magical fire required).
Components: V.S. M When used as a trap, Flamsterd'sflamestrike
Casting Time: 2 must be cast on a smallpiece of metal (typically a
Duration: I rd./level coin), and a series of specific triggering condi-
Arca of Effect: Sphere, 3-ft. radius tions (equivalent to those of a magic mouth spell)
Saving Throw: Neg. uttered. The trap is then "set" to activate when the
conditions are met. lt can be magically detected
A flaming sphere spelJ creates a burning globe as a trap only if the detector is specifically con-
of fire within IO yards of the caster. This sphere sidering an action that would trigger it.
rolls in whichever direction the wizard points, at The conditions involve disturbing tile coin or
a rate of 30 feet per round. It rolls over barriers piece of metal, and the dweomer can wait indefi-
less than 4 feet tall, such as furniture, low walls, nitely until the conditions are fulfilled. Condi-
etc. Flammable substances are set afire by con- tions that do not involve disturbing the coin are
tact with the sphere. Creatures in contact with the not valid and cause the spell to fail.
globe must successfully save vs. spell or suffer ff a dispel magic is cast on the coin before the
2d4 points of fire damage. Those within 5 feet of trap is trigge red, the spell is immediately dis-
the sphere's surface must also save or suffer ld4 persed without taking effect. rf several creatures
points of heat damage. A successful saving throw fuJfilJ the trap conditions, only the first to do so
means no damage is suffe red. The OM may is affected; if several do so at once, determine the
adjust the saving throws if there is I ittle or no affected creature randomly.
room to dodge the sphere. The material components are a pinch of salt-
The sphere moves as long as the spellcaste r peter, filings or a sma ll piece of any metal, a
actively directs it: otherwise , il merely stays at piece of phosphorous, and a pinch or ashes.
rest and burns. It can be extinguished by the same Notes: Rare or very rare spelJ; originally from
means as any normal fire of its size. The surface the FOROOTIEN REALMS setting.
of the sphere has a spongy, yielding consistency
and so does not cause damage except by its Flann's Finery
flame. It cannot push unwilling creatures aside or (Abjurati on)
batter down large obstacles.
The material components are a bit of tallow, a Level: 2
pinch of sulphur, and a dusting of powdered iron. Range: Touch
Notes: Common spell (PHB). Components: V,S
Casting Time: I rd.
FlamingWeapon, Avissar 's Duration: 1 day/Level
SeeAvissar's flaming weapon. Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Creature touched


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Flash, Ny1rul's

Using Fiann finery , a wizard ( or other spel I Flash
recipient) can resis t din, !blood, sweat, and other (AJteratlon)
undesirable substances that otherwise would soil
their persons or cloLhing. Although this spell in Level: 2
no way protects an individua l from damage due Range: 0
to acid. disease , etc., it keeps him looking good. Casting Time: I
IL preserves metal items from rust and tarnish and Components: V.S
keeps clothing from tearing or wearing thin. The Duration: Special. maximum 2 rds./level
somewhat fussy wizard F]ann developed Fiann s Area of Effect: Thin beams, 90 feet long
finery 10 keep an appearance of nobility even Saving Throw: Special
while fighting or traveling. Fiann always included
this as a mandatory part of a student's spellbook By mean s of this spell, the caster can release a
to maintain standards of decorum. series of flashing, multi-colo red beams of light
Notes : Uncommon orr rare spell; originally from his fingerti ps in a dazzling disp lay.
from the MVSTARA setting. The caster generates two light beams for each
leve l of experience. These can be released as
Flare rapidly as three per round or as slowly as one per
(Evocation) round. The beams can be of any color; they are
90 feet long. They are stopped by physical
Level: l objects, vis ual illusions, and any magical force
Range: Special spel I of 4th level or greate r, such as minor globe
Components : V,S of in111tlnerobi/ity, wall of force, and similar
Casting Time: I spells.
Duration: lns1antaneous A creature is struck by a ray and dazzled
Area of Effect: Special unless the caste r deliberately avoids the eyes, or
Saving Throw: None unless the creature makes a successfu l saving
throw vs. paralyzation. Dazzled creatures receive
This spell is typical ly used for long-range sig- a penalty of - I to aHack rolls made during the
naling outdoors. It produces a streak of intense oeitt round. Only one creature can be dazzled by
light, of a colo r chosen by the caster , that shoots a sing le ray. The dazzling effec t is not cumulative
straight up into the air several hundred feet from for m ultiple beams (multiple saving throws can
the caster's index finger and remains visible for be forced), but can be exten ded by hits in later
about six seconds. IL is equal ly visible in daylight rounds. Blind or eyelesscreatures cannot be daz-
or darkness, and can be seen from as far away as zled. Multiple creatures can be dazzled, provided
12miles. they are within IO feet of each other.
A flare can be used to indicate the position of The caster can takeactions other than spe ll-
the wizard and his party, or it can be used to casting during the rouod io addition to the daz-
transmit simple messages . Since the flare :rcolor :zling effect., and can end this spell at will.
is controlled by the caster, a simple code can be Notes: Rare spell. Known to be in Myrl's Text.
devised for signaling belween an army and its
scouling parties. For instance, a red flare might Flash - Red Wizard
indicate that an enemy is near, a yellow one Red Wizardspell, see flashbursL
migh t mean that the enemy is retrea ting, a green
one "all clear," and so on. Flas h, Nystul' s
The flare is otherwise harmless and has no See Nystul's flash.
effect on creatures or objects . hs vertical ascent
is stopped by any physical barrier.
Notes: Very rare. Known to be in the Fire-Eyes
Scrolls. (Updated from DRAGON Magazine .)


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

, lashbunn - Red W'wrd
Flashburst- Red Wizard
Level: 3
Range: 10yds ./level
Compone ntS: V,S, M
Casting Time: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 20-ft. radius sphere
Saving Throw : Special
This spell creates a blinding Oash of light. All
sighted creatures caug ht in its area or looking at
the effect when it goes off are blinded for the next
round . Fu rthe r, they roust make a saving throw
vs . spell; failure blin ds a creat ur e for 2d 10
rounds . Blinded creatures have a -4 penalty to
attack rolls. Th ief skills requiring sight are at
- 20% ; nonweapon proficiencies may be affected
at the DM's option.
Forewarned creatu res can avoid the effects
merely by closing their eyes if in the area or
averting their eyes if not in the area.
Not es: Common for Red Wizards of Thay;
otherwise very rare.


Level: I
Rangc: O
Componenrs: V, S, M
Casting Time : I
Duration : 3 turns/level
Area of Effect: Beam, 30 ft. + IO ft./level
Saving Throw: None

This spell ge nerates a beam of Ugh.ta few

inches in diameter. An opa que object can block
the beam. The wizard can turn the beam off and
on, instantly, at will.
Tile beam is not eq_ual to sunJight, but it can
disorie nt a ligh t-sens itive creature (drow, derto,
duegar, svirfncblin, mind flayer, etc .) if playe d
across the creature's face. One creature ~r roW!d
can be so affected and must save vs. spell Failure
meansthe creaturesuffers its standard penalty for
light for 1d6 rounds. A thief bidi ng in shadows
who might be caught by the beam must rcroll for
hiding and is detected if the roJJ fails.
Any magica l darkness cast against the wizard
for the purpose of exti nguishing the flashlight
wiU do so and is expende d.
The ma terial com ponent for the spell is a
dozen dried fireflies.
Note s: Ve r y ra re spell. (Updated from


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Flcnsing- Red Wizard r
Flasbpuff - Geisya The reverse of this spell, stoneJeer, makes lhe
(AJteratio n) affected individual's legs feel as heavy as rock,
slowing bis movement to half. A saving throw
Level: 2 negates this effect. The individual's balance is
Range: 40 yds. unaffected.
Components: S, M The material comp onent for the reverse is a
Casting Time: 2 piece of mckillol hide .
Duration: I rd.llevel Notes: Common on Athas (the DARKSUNset-
Area of Effect: Cloud, 2 x 2 X 2 ft. ting); virtually unknown elsewhere.
Saving Throw: None
Fleeting Journey, Bowgentle's
The wu jc n throws a pinch of white powder See Bowgentle's fleetingjoumey .
into a burning fire {such as a brazier), which
causes a brilliant flash and a cloud of smoke. If a Flensing - Re.dWizard
blinding effect is desired by the wu jen, onlook- (AJteration)
ers are blinded for 2- 5 rounds if a save vs. wands
is failed; the wu jen is unaffected by the flash. Level: 8
The cloud of smoke can be any color the wu Range:Touch
jen desires, and lasts for the full duration of the Components: V, S, M
spell. This smoke can be used to form any sim- Casting Time: 8
ple, two-dimensional imagethe wu je n concen- Duration: Special
trates on. The painting proficiency allows the wu Area of Effect: Creature touched
jen to create instant artwork that dissipates at the Saving Throw: Special
end of the spell.
Notes: Common for geiysa; uncommon for wu This horrifying spell actually strips the flesh
jen; virtually unknown elsewhere. from its victim. Developed by the Red Wizards
for torture and interroga tion, it can be learned
Fleet Feet only by speltcasters of evil alignment.
(AJreradon) Flensing takesfour full rounds to be effective.
RevenJblc 1st Ro11n d: The vicLimsuffers great pain and a
disfig 11ring tearing or his or her tlcsh but no
Level: 3 actual damage.
Range: Touch 2nd Ro11nd: The victim su ffers 2d6 points of
Components: V.S, M damage (saving throw vs. spell is allowed for
Casting Time: 3 half damage).
Duration: J day/5 levels 3rd Round : Th e victi m takes 2d IO points of
Area of Effect: 1 individual damage (save for half damage).
Saving Throw: Neg. 4th Round : The victim must save vs. death
magic or die instantly as the very flesh is torn
This spell allows an individual to move more from his or her bones.
quickly. The one affectedcantake very large strides, Victims of this spell often give in during the
as if his feet and legs weighed far less then they first round of casti ng and tell the Red Wizards
actually do. For purposes of cross country move- what they want to know. On occasion, the wiz-
ment, an affected individual can double his normal ards let the spell complete its work even after
movement rate (and can force march beyond that, they have gotten the information.
thoughstill subject to the forcedmarcheffects).The Flensing causes extensive disfigurement.
individual'smovementrate is doubled in combat sit- depending on whe.n the spell is stopped. The vic-
uations as well. but his balance and inertia make it tim's Charisma cannot be reduced below 1 in this
difficult to maneuver. If moving greater than his manner . Charisma point s can be restored by a
normal movementrate and attemptinglO turn in any regeneration effect.
way, such as to round a comer or to avoid an obstn J s t Round: The vict im must save vs. breath
cle, the individual must makea successful Dexterity weapon or lose 1- 3 points of Charisma perma-
check to avoid falling (failure ends his movement nently.
for the round and makes him prone). 2nd- 3rd Round : The vic tim must save vs .
The material compone nt for this spe ll is a breath weapon or lose 2d4 points of Charisma
feather from a flightless bird, such as an erdlu. permanently.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

"', FleshMirage
4th Round : A victim who survives tb.e fourth
round must save vs. breath weapon to avoid the
permanent loss of2d6 points of Charisma.
The material component of/lensing is an
onion from a field plowed by rothe (see the
MONSTROUS MANUALTome under " Mammal") '
which is peeled,one layer per round of the spell.
Notes: Restricted to the Red Wizards ofThay
or those trafoedby them.

Flesh Mirage

Level: 5
Range: Touch
Components:V.S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: l rd.llevel
Area of Effect: The caster and 1 creature
Saving Throw : Neg.

This spell enables a wizard to "switch faces"

with another creature, living or dead. lt has no
effect on the undead. The castergains the touched
individual's facial features, while the target gafos
the caster's. The caster must be able to see the
features he intends to assume.
The caster does not gain any sensory abilities
(or disabilities) associated with his new face. For
example, ifhe copjes a medusa's face, be gains
none of the creature's gaze attacks. Likewise, if
he copies a blind man's face, he still retains his
normal sight. The reverse is also tru.o--tha t is, the
blind man remai ns sightless despite his "new
eyes ." Both individuals retain their normal
voices , as well as height , bodily appearance,
knowledge, spells, an.dspell-like abilities.
Flesh mirage compensares for any unusual
restrict ion that a new visage might othe rwis e
cause. For instance, even if the caster's new face
has no apparcnr breathing holes, he can still
breathe normally. And even if his new face has no
apparent eyes, he can still see as he did before.
The flesh mirage serves as an effective dis-
guise . II does radiate magic, however, which Is
identifiable as part of the Necromancy school.
Magics that. detect or remove spells of the illu-
sion school- such as banish dazzle, dispel illu-
sion, or di.spel miroge do not affect this disguise;
flesh mirage is not illusionary. Dispel magic or
des1roymagic can reverse the effects of this spell,
returning each face to its origin.
An unwilling creature touched by the caster is
allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the
transference. As usual, a willing target can sim-
ply forgo the saving throw.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


The materiaJ components of this spell are a bit Duration: lnstantaneous

of plaster and glue, and a mirror, all of which are Area of Effect: l being
consumed by the casting. Saving Throw: Special
Notes: Common in arabian settings; otherwise
very rare. This spell afflicts any single creature of large
size or sma ller the caster can see within range.
Flesh to Air The creature is automatically stunned (reeling ,
(Nec romancy) unable to thinlcor act coherently) for the follow-
Reversible ing round , and must make five Constitution
checks (save vs. death magic for monsters with-
Level: 4 out a Constitution score). For each one failed. a
Range: 10yds. limb is broken, with an accompanying ld6+2
Components: V.S points of damage and loss of mobility.for human,
Casting Time: Special demihuman, and humanoid. the checks are for
Duration: Pennanent left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, and neck; if
Area of Effect: I living creature the last one fails, a system shock survival roll is
Saving Throw: Neg. required 10 avoid death. (DMs must rule on a
reduction in movement rate appropriate for the
With this spell. a wizard can vnpome I.heflesh creature if one or more limbs that provide move-
of any one Jiving creature , leaving it a special ment are broken; a reduction by hatf for a bipedal
animated ske leton unless a successfu l saving creature, for example).
throw vs. spell is made. These living skeletons A wizardof 18thlevel canaffect huge crearures;
can magically seeand bear but cannot talk or cast one of 25th can affect gargantuancreatures.
spells . The creature can be controlled as if The material componen t for this spell is a
undead, but since it is not truly undead it cannot bone, which is broken during the spellcasting.
be turned or blasted out of existence by a priest's Chicken bones are often used.
turnfog ability. The effects of this spell can be Notes: Restricted to the Seven Sisters, their
negated by its reverse, or by casting first a apprentices, and select Harpers;rare.
removecurse spell ond then a dispel magic spell.
No system shock roll is required . Restorati on Float
requires 5 rounds per original Hit Die of the crea- A spell of this ,,amefrom the DRACONUNCE se1-
t\lre restored. /111ghas been combined with the spell feather
This spell has alignment repercussions as float and appef.ll'sthere.
decided by the OM.
The reverse , air to flesh, clothes in flesh (a Float
term including muscles, inner organs, bcafo tis- (Alteration )
sue, etc .) any one being turned into a "livi ng
skeleton" by thejlesll to air spell, restoring !he Level: I
body lo its original appearance and abilities Range: Touch
(slain special ske letons simply turn into dead Components: V, S, M
bodies). Casting Time: I
Notes: Restricted to necromancers; rare. Duration: l tum/level
Area of Effect: I creature or object
F lesh to .Rocky Saving Throw: Neg.
Seestatue form.
A recipient of this spell becomes more buoy-
Flesh to Stone ant in water. The creature floats straight
Reversedform, see stone to flesh. the surface like a cork, at a rate of IO feet per
level of the caster per round, carryi ng up to IO
Fles h shiver pounds of"baggage" per level of the caster. Air-
(Nec romancy) breathing creatures benefiting from this spell
are safe from drowning unless they are pre-
Level: S venced from rising to the surface. Al roughly 50
Range: IOft.!level feet per round, the ascent is swift, but the crea-
Components: V, S. M ture stops if it enc01rnters some obstacle. A
Casting Time: 2 floating creature can move around as it normally


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

"""tloaringDi,c, Tenscr's
would; the spell does not interfere with normal Flyfield
ewimming or movement , t"ven if the recipien t is (Alteration
diving or swimming downward . However , an
individual who stops swimming floats toward Level: 5
the surface. There are no ill effects of this rapid Range: Touch
rise, regardless of the original depth. 'fhc float Components: V, S, M
spell does not imbue the creature with the swim- Casting Time: Special
ming proficiency , but it keeps an air-breathing Duration: Special
creature on the surface, where breathing is pos- Area of Effect: Creature touched
sible, at least until the spell wears off. Saving Throw: Special
A caster touching an object instead of a crea-
ture can successfully float a weight of up to I0 This spelljammer's spell allows the caster (oT
pounds per experience level. (This is harder than another designated by the caster who activates the
lifting a creature, who in theory is already some- spell by speaking final words of power)to causea
what buoyant.) For example, an experienced wiz- powerless,drifting spelljamrningship, up to 5 tons
ard might usefloaJ to raise a treasure chest from per caster level, to suddenly lunge in a desired
the sea floor. direction and distance , up to 30 yards plus 10
The material compo nen t of float is a bit of yards per caster level. It is commonly used to foil
cork. The wizard biles down hard on it when cast- rammingattemptsor avoid collisions,escape mis-
ing the spell. siles in combat, or to dart through crystal sphere
Notes: Common in arabian settings; very rare portals . While the basic spell requires an entire
elsewhere. round to cast. save for the final command, speak-
ing the final command has a casting time of I. The
Floating Disc, Tenser's spell activator need not have any spelJcastingabil-
See Tenser's floating disc. ity. The spell activator has total control over the
shlpt d~tion and distance. If no direction is cho-
Fly sen, choose one at random, using the rules govern-
(Alteration) ing grenadelikemissiles.
For the spellcaster to designate another as the
Level: 3 spell activator, the two must touch each other as
Range: Touch the spell is cast. The activator must then be taught
Components: V, S, M the final words of power while holding the crys
Casting Time: 3 taJ sphere (see material components, below). Jf
Duration: 1 rum/level + ld6 turns the activator speaks the key words within one day
Area of Effect Creature touched per level oftbe caster, the spell instantly takes
Saving Throw: None effect {or is wasted;see below).
If the activator is killed or feebleminded
This spell enables the wizard to bestow the between casting and the end of the effectiveness
power of magical flight. The creature affected is period, the spell is lost (normal sleep or uncon-
able to move vertically and horizontally at a rate sciousness do not affect the spell).
of 18{half that if ascending, twice that if descend- If the activator is in physical contact with two
ing in a dive). The maneuverability class of the ships when he activates the spell, the spell fails.
creature is 8 (180 degrees or less of turning in a Tbeflyfle ld 's magic can be centered only on a
round). Usingthefly spellrequiresas muchcon- single ship.
centration as walking, so most spells can be cast This spell will not work with any ship cur-
while hovering or moving slowly (movement of rently under power (by a spelljamming helm, a
3). Possible combat penalties while flying are furnace, or other power source) but wiU work in
known to the OM (found in the "Aerial Combat" wildspace, phlogiston, and atmospheres alike. ft
section of Chapter 9 of the DMG). The exact cannot affect a ship whose total tonnage (atmos-
duration of the spell is always unknown to the phere excluded) exceeds the caster's capability-
spellcaster, as the variable addition is determined if tried, the spell is lost.
secretly by the DM. The material components are two small lode-
The material compone nt of the fly spell is a stones and a small sphere of crystal, which dissi-
wing feather of any bird. pate as the spell is cast.
Notes:Common spell (PHB). Notes: Common for spellcasters from a spell-
jamming culture; otherwise rare.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Flying Fist r
Flying Fea~ Drawmij's The fist can perform any one of three tasks:
See Drawmij's flying feat. It can grab sma ll falling or tloating objects
weighing no more than I lb. and carry such
Flying Fist objects for up to two rounds. The fist does not
,(Evocation) have the strength or the dexterity lo remove
(Force, Mento/ism) items that are tethered, secured, or sheathed, or
to talceitems from a creature's grasp.
Level: 2 The fist can push or slap an opponent, causing 11
Range: 10 yds./level -I penalty to the creature's next attack.
Components: V.S The fist can physically attack an opponent, with
Casting Time: 2 the caster's THA CO and a +2 bonus, causing 1-2
Duration: I rdJlevel points of damage . (It is not considered a mis-
Area of Effect: Creates I fist sile, magical or otherwise).
Saving Throw: None The fist cannot penetrate solid objects or pass
through walls of force or antimagic barriers. It
This speUcreates a small, utilitarian hand, nor- can be destroyed physically by 5 points of dam-
mally in the shape of a gloved fist of magica l age. Its AC is 3 if invisible, 7 if Lheattacker can
force, which is visible only to the caster (though see it. Destroying the fist does not affect the
derect invisibility or similar spe lls wlll all ow caster.
others to see it). The flying fist is recorded in more ancient
The hand bas a movement rate of 12, but it tomes as Alcimer'sflyingfist . Aloimer was
must remain within IO yards per level of the extremely proud of Lhespell and disseminated its
caster. It can hover,swoop, and dive at the mental secret widely. Soon. so many mages were using it
command of the cas ter . No con_centrationls that they dropped AJcjmer's name from the title.
required to maintain the fist; it can follow a wiz- Notes: Uncommon spell from the FORCiOTTI!N
ard as he moves and fights. lf the wizard casts REALMS setting; known to be in Det/10s Librom.
another spell or is knocked unconscious, the fist
dissipates immediately.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""" Flying Jamb1ya
Flying Jambi ya Focus Fear - Dragon
(Alteratio n ) (Alteration)
{Province: Wi11d) ~ Reversible

Level : 2 Level : 4
Range : 10 ydsJlevel Range : 0
Components: V.S, M Components : V
Casting Time : 2 Casting Time: 4
Duration : 3 rds . -+ I rdllevel Duration : I rd./level
Area of Effect I item Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw : None Saving Throw : Special

This specialized magic enables a wizard to send Similar in function to the aurriof terror spell.
a blade after a target like a hawk afler a desert rot. focus fear increases the potency of the dragon 's
OnJysmall weapons with metal blades work, such panic and fear auras . 1t is usefuJ for all dragons of
as the jambiya, knife, dirk, dagger, and the blade adult age or older, and it can be used in conjunc-
crea ted by a sa11djambiyu spe ll. Otherwise, the tion with an auro of terror.
weapon can be of any type. If the caster is not By means of this spe ll , the dragon reduces the
familiar or proficient with it, attacks arc made radius of its fear aura, focusing the power of tbar
with the ~ual TiiAC0 penalty (- 5 for wizards). fear . For every 5 yards the dragon reduces its
To cast the spell, a wizard whispers an incan ta- aura, t he saving throw modifier against the
tion , holds the chosen weapon in hand, blows on dragon fear gains an additional - 1. However, a
it, then thro ws or releases it. The caster directs dragon cannol reduce its fear aura to a radi us of
t11eenchanted weapon against a specific individ- less than 15 yards in any case. An adult dragon ,
ual. Tbe weapon flies about to attack that oppo- with a normal fear radius of 20 yards and a sav-
nen t at a distance . The caster can change the ing throw modifier of +2, can reduce its fear
target as long as the spell is maintained. ln any radius to 15 yards and change the modifier to + I.
case. he must be able to see bis target ; the weapon Likewise, a great wyrm could condense its fear
cannot ny without benefit of his sight. radius to 15 yards from 50 yards, changing its
The caster can move the weapon 60 feet per usual --4 save modifier 10 - 11. A natural 20 saves
round. The weapon strikes once per round with regardless of the modifiers.
the caster's normal THAC0 (and nonp roficiency The reverse of this spe ll , extend fear. allows
penally , if applicab le). It boasts a +2 bonus to the dragon to enlarge its fear radius 10 a maxi-
attack rolls and is considered a +2 magical mum of 50 ya rds. An extended aura is weaker,
weapo n for purposes of what it can strike. (lf lhe with saving throw modifier s changing in llJl
blade wns magical before this spell wascast,add opposi Le manner from that of focus fear. The
these benefits to lts usual bonuses.) reverse can be used by dragons as young as
Damage , however, is at - 1, to a minimum of I . "young adults" (if they possess the required
While animated, lhe weapon has an Armor Class spellcasting ability ) but is useless to a great
of Oand is considered to have 12 b.itpoints . if it's wyrm.
reduced to O or fewer hit points, the spell ends, Both versions of this spell allow the dragon
but the weapon itself is nor actually damaged. such fine control of th.c fear radiu s tha t it can
The caster mustconcentrate on thejlyiflgjumbiya alter the dimensions of its fear radius on a rouod -
continuously to keep it animated. The spell e nds by-round basis. Of course, the aura can be altered
instantly if the caster dies, begins any other speU- only within the parameters of th e version
casting, fallsunconscious,or goes out of range. employed (that is, aoy rad ius betwee n tho
While the wizard is casting aflyi11gjambiya, dragon's normal radius and the limits of the
any injury to him ruins the spell. However, if the appropriate version of the spell) . To change the
weapon is already anima ted, injury alone doesn't radius while the spell is in effect, the dragon must
end co ntr ol over the weapon . If control is ever stop what it Is doing and concentrate; ii cannot
lost, tho spel l ends and the weapon simply falls to engage in other activities in lha1round. Other-
the ground . wise, lhe dragon is free to cast spells, fight , fly,
In addition to a suitable blade , this spell use its breath weapon, and so on, as the spell
requires a teardrop from the caster. requires no coocenuation . The dragon oan cancel
Notes: Ccmmon in arabian se tting s; olherwise the spe ll al any time. A dispel magic has no offecl
very rare . on eithe r version of this speU, though spells such


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Fogbolt- Phacrlmm r
of ghastly, yeUowish-grecnvapors, measuring 40
feet x 20 feet x 20 feet. This moves away from
the caster at IO feet per round. The vapors are
heavier than air and sink to the lowest level. even
pouring down sinkholes and den openings. Very
thick vegetation breaks up the fog after it has
moved 20 feet into the vegetation.
The only effect of either version is to obscure
vision. A strong breeze will disperse either effect
in one round, while a moderate breeze will
reduce the spell duration by 50%. The spell can-
not be cast under water.
Notes: Common spelJ (PHB).

Fogbolt - Phaerimm

Level: l
Range: IOyds.
Components: V.S, M
Casting Time: I
Duration: 2d4 rds.
Area ofEffect I creature
Saving Throw: Special

This spell creates a flying teardrop of foglike

v-.iporand hurls it at any one being chosen by the
as wish , //mired wish, and the like can end lhe caster. Tiletarge1creature is enveloped in an aura
dweomer immediately. of thick. smokelike fog, and temporarily shrouded
Both versions of this spell are fairly common (- 3 to atrnck rolls , AC worsened by 2, saving
among dragons capable of casting a spell of this throws reduced by 3 if based on dodging; thaLis,
level. the "Starlight" penalties from the DMG Table
Notes: Restricted to dragons; uncommon. 72). All phaerimm are immune to this spell; its
(Updated from DRAGON Magazlnc.) fog will not cling to them.
Any fiery ligbt sources (torches, candle lamps,
Fog Cloud and open ! carried by or in contact with
(Alceradon) the target get a saving throw vs. magical fire. If
(Air) this fails, the flames are instantly extinguished
and can' t be reignited by any means (their fuel
Level: 2 won't burn) for2d4 rounds.
Range: IOyds. Tbe target creature is allowed a saving th.row
Components: V, S vs. spell. If successful, the cloud dissipates on the
Casting Time: 2 round after striking; if not, it clings to the target,
Duration: 4 rds. + I rdJlevel foiling vision-related spells, missile aiming, spy-
Area of Effect: SpeciaJ ing attempts on surro undings , and the like, by
Saving Throw: None reducing the range of effective vision to less than
I fool.
Thefog cloud spell can be cast in one of two The fog lasts for 2d4 rounds. t fan affected
ways, at the caster's option: as a large, stationary creature touches another creature within 4 rounds
bank of normal fog, or as a harmless fog that of being enveloped, the second creature must
resembles the 5th-level wizard spell cloudkill. save vs. spell. Failure means the spell effects are
As a fog bank, this spell creates a fog of any transferred to the second creature, regardless of
size and shape up to a maximum 20-foot cube per the intent of the creature already affected. This
caster level. The fog obscures all sight, normal holds true even if only an item held, carrried, or
and infravision, beyond 2 feet. wom touches the second creature.
As a cloudkill-likc fog, this is a billowing mass ln hot, daytime desert conditions, the fog lasts


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

only ld6 rounds (ld4 if strong winds are present,
including gt1stof wind).
The material component of this spell is a large
drop of water or spittle, or a drop of sweat.,let fall
into smoke of any sort.
Notes: Restricted to phaerimm; common.

Fool's Speech*

Level: 3
Range: Touch
Components:V, S, M
Casting Time: I turn
Duration: I ht.nevel
Area of Effect: Caster + I creature/level
Saving Throw: None

With this spell, the wizard empowers himself

and 01hers of his choosing with the ability to
speak a secret language incompr ehensible to
others. Creatures designated to speak the lan-
guage must be touching each other when the spell
is cast.
Once cast, the characters can choose co speak
normally or in thei r secret tongue . They ca n
speak and understand this mysterious language
fluently. area of effect is IO cubic inches perlevel- i.e., a
Fools speech is not recognizable as any known I-inch x I-inch x I 0-inch volume or equivalent.
language , nor does it remotely sound. like any equalto about 150gold coins.Any creature view-
language . A comprehend languages or to11gues ing the "gold" is entitled to a saving throw vs.
spell will not translate it. It can be understood by spell, which can be modified by the creature's
an individual wearing a helm of comprehending Wisdom; for every level of tbe wizard,the crea-
languages and reading magic, although the nor- ture must subtract I from his dice roll. Thus, it is
mal percen1agechances appty. unlikely that fools' gold wlll be detected if cre-
The material compo nent is a small whistle ated by a high-level caster. lf the "gold" is struck
made of bone. bard by an object of cold-wrought iron, there is a
Notes: Restricted to wild mages; uncommon slight chance it will revert to its natural state,
(ToM). depending on the material componem used to
create the "gold.'' If a 25-gp citrine is powdered
Fools' GoJd and sprinkled over the metal as this spell is cast,
(AJteradon, llluslon) the chance that cold iron will return it to its true
(Alchemy, Eart h) nature is 30%; if a 50-gp amber stone is pow-
dered and used, the chance drops to 25%; ifa
Level: 2 250-gp topaz is powdered and used, the chance
Range: IOyds. drops to 10%; and if a 500-gp oriental (corun-
Compone.nts: V, S, M dum} topaz is powdered and used, there is only a
Casting Time: I rd. I% chance that the cold iron will reveal that it is
Du.ration: I htJlevel fools' gold.
Area of Effect: IOcu. in.nevel Notes: Common spell (PHB) .
Saving Throw: Special

Copper coins can temporarily be changed to

gold pieces, or brass items turned ro solid gold,
for the spell duration by means of this magic. The


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Foothold - Old Empire knows or believes to be shapechangers . The
(Alteration) spell affects one creature per level in the area of
(Earth) effect. If the creatures are indeed shapechang-
ers, they must make a successful saving throw
Level: 3 vs. spell or immediately revert to their true form
Range: IOyds./level and suffe r 3d IO points of damage from the
Components: V.S, M wracking pain caused by the forced change. The
CastingTime: 3 change takes a full round, during which time a
Duration: l tum/level victim can take no other actions . If the saving
Area ofEffect: 900 sq. ft. throw was successf u l, the victim does not
SavingThrow: Neg. change form. but still suffers half damage.
The material components for this spell are a
A footh old spell causes stony hands to appear hair from the hide of any lycanthrope and a live
from the ground. These try to grab the legs of all butterfly, released when the verbal component is
creatures in a 30-foot by 30-foot area or a 90-foot uttered.
by 10-foot area (depending on the desire of the Notes: Very rarespell.
caster). Creatures successfully held by this spell
cannot move, but they can attack normally and ForceUmbrella, Otiluke's
cast spells. Those trapped by this spell are con- See Otiluke's force umbrella.
sidered to have an effectiveDexterity of I.
The foothold spell cannot affect airborne or Forcebuckler, Zala's
invisible creatures. A successful saving throw See Zala's forcebuckler.
negates th.e effect of this spell on a target, but a
new saving throw must be rolled every round the Forcecage
target is in the area of effect. (Evocation)
The material component for this spell is a vul- (Force)
ture's claw. Level: 7
Notes: Rarespell. As a FORGO'IT!iN REALMSOld Range: IOyds./2 levels
Empire spell, initial exposure requires a mentor
Components: V.S, special
or a read Southem magic spell. Casting Time : 3-4
Duration: 6 turns + 1/level
Footprints,Ruornil's Area of Effect: 20-ft. cube
Reversed/om, , see Ruomil's tracks.
Saving Throw:None
Force Missiles,Mordenkainen's This powerful spell enables the caster to bring
See Mordenkainen'sforce missiles. into being a cube of force, but it is unlike the
magical item of that name in one impo rtan t
Force Sculpture,Bigby's respect : Instead of solid walls of force the
See Bigby's force sculpture. forcecage hasalternating bands of force with -
inch gaps between. Thus, it is truly a cage, rather
Force Sbapecbange than an enclosed space with solid walls. Crea-
(Necromancy) tures within the area of effect of the spell are
caught and contained unless they are able to pass
Level: 5 through the openings- and, of course, auspells
Range: 10 yds./level and breath weapons can pass through the gaps in
Components:V, S, M the bars of force of the forcecage.
CastingTime: I A creature with magic resistance has a single
Duration: Instantaneous attempt to pass through the walls of the cage. If
Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius the resistance check is successful, the creature
SavingThrow: Special escapes. If it fails, the creature is caged. Note that
a successful check docs not destroy the cage, nor
With this spell , the caste r can force any does it enable other creatures (save familiars) to
shapechanger or magic-wielder using any form flee with the escaping creature. Theforc ecage is
of a sbapechanging spell to instantly revert to also unlike the solid-walled protective device,
his true form (or his most common form) . To cube of force , in that it can be gotten rid of only
use the spell, the caster points at creatures be by means of a dispel magic spelJ or by Lheexpire,


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

tion of the spell. DM may require a Dexterity check to see if a
By means of speciaJ preparation at the time of convulsing targe t drops items . Fragile items
memorization, aforcecage spell can be altered to dropped on bard surfaces might requke their own
aforcec11bespell. The cube created is IO feet on a saving throws vs. crushing blow.
side. and the spell th.en resembles that of a cube The lash wielder has the option to lceep a vic-
offorce in all respects save that of the clitferences tim immobilized with the lash instead of striking
between a cast spell and the magio of a device, witb it; the whip and the arm wielding it cannor
including the methods of defeating its power. be used for other actions. An individual who tries
Although the actual casting of either applica- to free an immobilized creature by seizing the
tion of the spell requires no material component, lash immediately takes 3d4 points of damage, but
the study required to commit it to memory does the immobilized victim is instantly freed . This
demand that the wizard powder a diamond of at does not end the spell; the wielder is free to use
least 1,000 gp value, using the diamond dust to the lash against any target on the next round.
trace the outlines of tne cage or cube he desires to Notes: Restricted to phaerimm; common.
create via spelJcasting at some later time. Thus.
in memorization, the diamond dust is employed Forcewave
and expended, for upon completion of study, the (Abju.ra.tioo, Evocation)
wizard must then toss tne dusc into the air and ii (Force)
will disappear. Level: 2
No tes: Common spell (PHB).
Range: IOyds./level
Components:V.S, M
Forcecube Casting Time: 2
See forcccage. Duration: I rd.
Area of Effect: I crearure
Forcefu1Band , Bigby's Saving Throw: Special
See Bigby's forceful hand.
This spell hampers a single creature for one
ForceJash- Pbaerimm round. A wave of translucent , silent , colorless
(Evocation) force, visually resembling an ocean wave break-
ing on a beach, comes into being in fronr of the
Level: 4 caster. The caster must point to, name, or concen-
Range: 0 trate upon lhe creature during the casting. The
Components: V, S wave rushes toward the creature a rate of:30 yards
Casting Time: 4 per round. It affects only lhe intended target.
Duration: 4 rds. Jf the target creature is within range , the
Area of Effect: I forcelash, 80 ft. long forcewave strikes it. The target receives a saving
SavingThrow: Special throw vs. spell to determine theforcewave 's
This spell creates a whip or shimmering force, effect. If successfu l, the crea ture suffers one
projecting from the caster's ann (or another limb point of impact damage and is thrown off-bal-
or protrusion of the caster's clloice) to the limits ance; a running or charging creature, or one on a
of the lash 's length . Controlled by the caster's narrow bridge or high place, must make a Dex-
will, this crackling band of force strikes at one terity check on ld20 to avoid falling . A falled
being per round. Ltpenetrates shield spells and saving throw means the creature suffers ld4+ 1
other magical barriers of 3rd level or less and points of impact damage , is repulse d (forced
always hits, inflicting 6d4 points of damage. away from the caster) 10 feet, and has any ongo-
A struck being must make two saving throws ing spellcasting ruined. Only missile attacks are
vs. spell. The first, if successfu l, redu ces lhe permitted on the round during which it is struck.
damage by half; the second governs the target's A Dexterity check must be made to avoid falling
mobility. lf successful, the victim can move and (at - I if the target creature is small. weak. sur-
acl normally; if it fails, the victim is rooted to the prised, or precariously situated).
spot, body convulsed with the energy discharge Noocorporeal beings cannot be affected by a
of the force/ash . This lessens Armor Class by 2 forcewuve,but a being employing a displacement
points , denies Dexterity Armor Class adjust- or blhlk effect, or that shifts rapidly from one
ments , and prevents the victim from moving , plane to another, can be affected by this spell.
lawiching attacks, aiming or readying items, and The material components of rhis spell are a
ruins any attempted spellcasting that round. The small piece of rope or string and a drop of water,


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


spittle.,or a rear. This spell causes a tentacle of magical flame to

Note.s:R are spell. Known to be in Laerol's snake forth from any ex.islingsource of natural or
Libram. magical fire. The flaming tendril is IO feet long,
Foresight basAC 7, can be hit only by magical weapons of
(Divination) +2 or be tter enc hantment, and has hit points
equal to double the caster's level (24 hlt points for
Level: 9 a I 2th-level caster).
Range: 0 Any creature within 20 feet of the tentacle is
Components: V,S, M subject to attack as directed by the caster . Tbe
Casting lime : I rd. victim must attempt a saving throw vs . spell. lf
Duration: 2d4 rds. + I rd./level successful, the subject only suffers ld6 points of
Area of Effect; Special fire damage from contact with the tendril. Jft be
Saving Throw: None saving throw is failed, the victim is enrangled and
This spell grants the caster a powerfu l sixth suffe rs 3d6 points of fire damage each round
sense in relation to himself or another. Although until the tendril is destroyed or the spell expires.
cast upon himself, I.hewizard can specify that he or l f the fi re source from which the tentacle
another is the beneficiary of the spell. Once the emanates is extinguished, the remaining time that
spell is cast, the wizard receives Instantaneous the fiery constrictor can exist is cut in ha lf .
warnings of impending danger or harm 10 the The materia l componen t is a red dragon's
objectof the spelI. Thus, if he were the objectof the scale.
spell, the wizard would be warned in advance if a Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM).
thief about to attempt LObackstab him.or If a
creature were about ro leap out from an unexpected Forget
direction, or if an attacker werespecifically target- (Enchantment/Charm)
ing him with a spell or missile weapon. When the (Men talism, Song)
warningsare about him personally,the wizard can-
not be surprised and always knows the direction Level: 2
from which any attack on him is made. ln addition, Range: 30 yds.
the spell gives the wizard a general idea of what Components: V.S
action he might take to best protect himself-duck, Casting Time: 2
jump right, close his eyes, etc.- and gives him a Duration; Special
defensivebonusof2 to his Annor Class. Area ofEffect: 1-4 creatures in a 20-ft. cube
When another person is the object of the spell, Saving Throw: Neg.
the wizard receives warnings about that person. He
must still communicate this to the other person to By means of spell, the speUcaster causes
negate any surprise. Shouting a warning, yanking creat ures with in the area of effect to forget the
the person back, and even telepathicallycommuni- events of the previous round (the one minute of
cating through a crystal ball can all be acco m- time previous to the utterance of the spell). For
plished before the trap is sprung, if the wizard doe.~ every three levels of eitpedence of the spellcaster,
not hesitate. However, the object of the spell does another minute of past time is forgotten . This
not gain the defensive bonus to his Armor Class. does not negate charm, suggestion, geas, quest,
The material component for this spe ll is a or similar spells, but it is possible that the being
hummingbird's feather. who placed such magic upon the recipient could
Notes: Common spell (PHB). be forgotten. From one to four creatures can be
affected, at ihe discretion of the caste r. lf only
Forest's Fiery Constrictor one is to be affected, the recipient saves vs. spell
(Conjuradon/Summonlng) with a -2 penalty; if two, they save with - I penal-
(Fire) ties; if three or four are to be affected, they save
nonnally. All saving throws are adjusted by Wis-
Level: 6 dom. A priest's heal or restoration spell, if spe-
Range : IO yds./level cially cast for thls purpose , will restore the lost
Components: V,S, M memories, as will a limited wish or wish, but no
Casting Time: 6 other means will do so.
Duration: I rd./level Notes: Common spell (PHB).
Area of Effect: I fire source
Saving Throw: Special


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Fortunes of War, Tenser's This is essentially a cold form of the burning
See Tenser's fortunesof war. hands spell. When cast, it causes free:zing cold
and shards of ice to blast from the caster's fin-
Freedom gerti ps to a distance of 3 feet in a 120-degree
Reversedform, see imprisonment. arc in front of the caster. Any creature in this
area suffe rs I d3 points of damage, plus 2
Freezing Sphere, Otiluke's points for every level of the spellcas ter , to a
See Otiluke's freezing sphere. maximum of ld3 + 20 points of cold damage .
Those who make a successful saving throw vs.
Friends spell receive half damage. Liquids engulfed by
(Enchantm ent/Charm) the cold will freeze unless an item saving
(Song) throw vs. cold is made.
Notes: Common for Frost magcs and Savage
Level: l mages of the North; otherwise very rare. Known
Range: 0 to be in 11,eCodicil of White.
Components: V,S, M
Casting Time: I Frost Shroud
Duration: ld4 rds. + I rdJlcvel (AJteratlon)
Area of Effect: 60-ft. radius
SavingThrow: Special
Afriends spell causes the wizard to temporar- Range: Touch
ily gain 2d4 points of Charisma. lnielligent crea- Components:V.S, M
tures within the area of effect at the time the spell Casting Time: I
is cast must make immediate reaction checks Duration: Special
based on the individual's new Charisma. Those Area of Effect: I 0-ft. square/leve.l
with favorable reactions tend to be very Saving Throw: None
impressedwith the spellcaster and make an effort
to be his friend and help him, as appropriate to This spell enables a wizard to cover a surface
the situation. Officious bureaucrats might decide of lbe designated size with a thick coa ting of
to become helpful; sur ly gate guards might wax frost. Any type of surface can be affected, but the
informative; attacking ores might spare the spell is used to best advantage if the frost blends
caster's life, talcinghim captive instead. Whenthe in with surrounding ice or snow, lhus obscuring
spell wears off, the creatures realize that they the covered surface.
have been influenced, and their reactions are The surface to be affectedmust be cold enough
detennined by the OM. to enable water to freeze. The spell remains in
The components for this spell are chalk (or effect until temperatures warm sufficiently to
white flour), lampblack (or soot), and vermilion melt surrounding ice or snow. ln an arctic cli-
applied to the face before casting the spell. mate, the spell could last permanently. Warming
Notes: Commonspell (PHB). the affected surface melts the frost temporaril y,
but if temperatures are cold enough , the frost
Frightful Joining, Bloodstone's fonns again after one round.
See Bloodstone's frightful joining. Similar spells have been known to ex_ist,creat-
ing shrouds of moss, mold, grass, etc.
Frightful Joining, Strahd's The material component for the spell is a pinch
See Strahd's frightfuljoining. of powdered glass mixed with several drops of
Frost Fingers Notes: Common for Frost mages and Savage
(E\locatJon) mages of the North; otherwise very rare.

Level: I
Range: 0
Casting T'une: I
Duration: lnstantaneous
Area of Effect: The caster


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Fundamenca!B~kdown, AJamir~ F

Frostftre Frozen Moment, Storm's

(Alteration) See Storm's fro7.e0moment.

Level: 2 Fumble
Range: IOyds./level (Encba ntment/Cbrm )
Components:V.S, M
Casting Time: 2 Level: 4
Duration: I turn/level Range: IO yds./level
Area of Effect: I fire source Components: V.S, M
Saving Throw: Special Casting Time: 4
Duration: I rd./level
Through the use of thefrosrf,re spell, the wiz- Area ofEffect: 30-ft. cube
ard is able to change the nonnally hot radiance of Saving Throw: Special
fires to a cold radiance . Affected flames arc
ringed with blue for the duration of the spelt. Wbcn a fumble spelJ is cast, the wizard creates
Flame magic that burns for less than one round an area in which all creatures suddenly become
cannot be affected by this spelt . The dweomer clumsy and awkward. Running creatures trip and
produces one of thcee effects, as chosen by 1he fall, those reaching for an item drop it, those
caster at the instant of casting: emp loying weapons likewise awkwardly drop
Cool Flame: This creates a total absence of beat them, etc. Recovery from a fall or picking up a
radiation: the flame will continue to bum, con- fumbled object typically requires a successful
sume fuel, and give off light, but it will produce saving throw and takes one round. Note that
no heat. breakable i tems mignt suffe r damage when
Cold Flame ; This effect causes flames to bum dropped . A subject succeedi ng with his saving
cold; they will inflict frost damage on creatures throw can act freely that round, but if he is in the
that come into contact with them. For ex.ample, area at the beginning oftbe next round, another
a torch normally causes I d3 points of heat dam- saving throw is required. Alternatively, the spell
age . lf tbe cold flame effect is cast upon the can be cast at an individual creature. Failure to
torch. it will now inflict I d3 points of cold dam- save means the creature is affected for the spcll's
age to anyone struck by the torch. enti re duration ; success means the creature is
Chtll Fire-User; This spell can be cast upon a slowed (see the 3rd-level spell).
single fire-dwelling or fire-using creatute such The matedal component of this spell is a dab
as an efreet , fire elcme n1al, etc. The being is of solidified milk fat.
allowed a saving throw vs. spell. Success means Notes: Common spell (PHB).
the spell has no effect, but a failure inflicts 2d4
points of damage. Fumble-Fingen
As a rule ; the wiza.rdcan affect flame equal to Reversed form, see prestidigitation.
one torch or four candles per experience level.
For this purpose , a small campfire is equal to Fundamental Breakdown,Alamir's
three torches, a bonfire., six, and a wail of fire, See Alamir's fundamental breakdown.
eight. If fire under the effect of a frostfire spell
goes out, the effects of the spell cease immedi-
ately. While an affec ted fire bums, it cannot
ignite flammable maleriaJs.
The material components for this spell are a
piece of ivory and a pinch of soot if the cool
flame or chill fire -user version is cast. The cold
flame version requires a piece of ice and a clear
crystal of at least IO gp value.
Notes: Uncommon for Frost mages; otherwise
very rare. Known to be in The Book of Naz.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


Galatbar's Gnostic Chain and a horseshoe nail. All are consumed in

(Enchantment/C harm, Evocadon) the spell's casrlng.
(Geometry) Notes: Restricted to the Seven Sisters,
their appren tices, select Harpers, and an Occa-
Level: 4 sional geometer; rare or very rare.
Range: IO ft./level
Components: V.S, M Galkyn's Bolt
Casting Time: 4 (Alteration)
Dumtion; Special
Area of Effect: 1 speUcaster Level: 4
Saving Throw: Special Range: 20 It/level
Components: V, S
Golathar's gnostic chain is effective only Casting Tlme: I
against spellcasting beings . rr cast on a being Duration: Instantaneous
using psionics, natural spell-like powers, or mag- Area of Effect: I creature
ical items, the speU is wasted. Saving Throw: None
The chain appears as a glowing, snakelike spi-
ral of light in the air above the chosen target, and This spell is sometimes used by Harper mages
settles down around the individual.The chain can who are expecting trouble but have a need to
form even if the target is invisible or surrounded carr y .mostly nonbattle spells . Named for its
by magical barriers . There is no known way to long-dead creator, it "drink s" any spell of 3th
escape a gnostic chain as it fonns. If the chosen level or less that is currently memorized in the
target is not a spellcaster, the chain falls past the caster's mind. converting it into a magical bolt.
individual to the ground and vanishes in a harm- This raw energy pulse leaps at a being of the
less chaos of winking lights. caster's choice, striking at a +4 bonus to hit and
On the round after the gnostic chain is cast, it using the caster's THAC0. The caster can will the
affects the chosen target. The victim is forced to pulse to Oystraight or Loarc around or over barri-
cast only spells of the same level as the last spell
cast before the chain formed; he can choose
which spell (if more than one remains) and when
to cast, but any spell cast must be of that spell
level. If all memorized spells of that level have
been exhausted, the individual has to engage in
stud y before being able to cast spells again.
Scrolls and magical items can be used nonnally.
A gnostic chain cannot be dispelled. It can be
escaped only by a successful saving throw vs.
spalt The first saving throw aJlowed 10 the victim
is two rounds after being affected, and it is made
at a penalty of -6 . The second saving throw, two
rounds later, is at - 5, the Lbirdis at -4, and so on.
Th e penalty decreases to zero (0) and then
becomes a bonus of + I added every other round
until a maximum +6 bonus is reached, where-
upon the modifiers reduce by I again until -6 is
reached, and the cycle begins anew. When a sav-
ing throw is successful, the spell is broken. The
death oftbe victim also ends the spell; once res-
urrected or raised, the individual is free of lt
Galatbar was an elf mage who won many spell
duels during his long adventuring caree r by
means of th is spell , until the Simbul defeated
The material components are least three joined
links of any sort and size of chain. a lock that has
been used to confine any living being in the past,


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

ers. A boll lhal misses simply fades away and the Duration: l tum/level
magic is wasted. A hit infticts 5d4 points of dam- Area of Effect: Creature touc11ed
age. Undead and other beings linked to the Nega- Saving Throw: None
tive Material Plane suffer Sd6 points of damage
instead. When cast, the wujen has no control over what
Notes: Restricted lo the Seven Sisters. lheir form this spell takes. He must abide by the winds
apprentices and certain Harpers; uncommon or of fate . There is a 60% chance the outcome is
rare. good and a 40% chance the outconne is bad . A
good outcome improvesall djc rolls made for the
Gamalon's Fiery Backlash character by l (or 10% for percentile rolls) for
(Enchantment/Charm, Evocation) the duration of the spell. A bad outcome does not
affect the die rolls of the characte r but afflicts
Level: 3 him with a gambling mania for the duration of
Range: 120 yds. + IOydsJ level the spell.
Components: V, S The individual automatically acceptsany game
Casting Time: I of chance or wager offered him. The game or
Duration: I turn + I rd./2 levels wager must inclu de some element of chance;
Area of Effect: I to 4 creatures or objects in a thus, a dare does not fajJ into this category. Like-
30-ft. radius wise, the spell does not force the individual to
Saving Throw : Neg. accept suicidal wagets (the individual does not
agree to kill himself or let another kill bim) on
When cast. the.fiery backJashspell establishes the basis of a coin toss . He would, however ,
invisible dweomcrs around the targets chosen by accept a bet that offered freedom or surrender on
the caster. Whenever the target (whether n living the basis of a roll of the die. The individual con-
being or a magical item) casts a fire-based spell 1inues to play at any game until unable to pay,
(fireball, burning ha11ds, etc.), the spell is imme- although he attemp ts to borrow from others to
diately redirected onto the casting being or object remain in a game.
with all normal effects . For example , a wizard The material compo nent for th is spell is a
under the effect of a baaklash can cast afireball, small statuette of the god of luck.
but finds himself at the center of it, subject to all Notes: Common in oriental settings; otherwise
the damage (a saving throw for half damage is ve,:yrare.
allowed). An item, such as a wand of fire , must
make a successful saving throw vs. magical fire Gaseous Form
or be destroyed. (Alteration)
Originally designed in Llorbauth by a starfar- (
ing mage, its primary use was lo defend againsL
long-distance lire attacl(s, a favored attack form Level: 4
in Wildspace. This spell returned and spread R.ange:Touch
through the Realms by sources who maintain its Components: V,S
original creator's name. Khelben Arunsun gra- Casting Time: 4
ciously provided the spell knowledge to the Duration: 2 rd ./level
Watch-Wizard Corps and the Watchful Order of Area of Effect: Creature touched
Magists & Protectors ofWaterdeep, as well as the Saving Throw: None
Notes: Uncommon or rare for the Harpers, This spell allows the recipient, plus any gear
Watchful Order of Magists & Protectors of carried or worn, to asswne gaseous form for the
Waterdeep, and the Watch-Wizard corps; other- duration of the spell. ln gaseous form, an Indi-
wise rare or very rare. vidual is both transparent and insubstantial (and
th.ereforevery difficult to spot, altbougll an alert
Gambler 's Luck observer may notice small dislurbances and dis.-
(Enchantment/Charm, Invocation) tort ions in the air that give away the gaseous
form's 1ooatlon). This spelJ a!Jows tlowing
Level: 6 moveme.nt at a rate of 3 per round but not unas-
Range: Touch sisted levitation or night. A gust o,Jwlnd spell,
Components: V, S, M or even normal strong air currents, will blow the
Casting Time: I gaseous form at air speed. While gaseous , the


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Oa~Ward r
form can enter any space that is not airtight. For remain to talce action. Casting this spell ages the
example, it could pass through a tiny crack or wizard five years.
hole in a wall. Notes : Common spell (PHB).
Magical fire or lightning can harm the gaseous
form normaJJy. Whirlwinds and sinuJar magicaJ Gate Seal
tempests or cyclones inflict double damage on (Abjuradon )
the individua l. but all other attack fol'IDJIcannot Reversible
harm the insubstantial individual. The creature
can will itself back into solid form at any time, Level : 3
ending the spell. Range : 0 or special
Notes: Very rare . (Updated from POLYHEDRON Components : V, S, M
Newszine.) Casting Time : 4
Duration : l tum/level
Gate Area of Effect I gate or battlefield
(Co njurati on/Summonin g) Saving Throw : None
( Dimension, Geometry) The gate seal spell is a more powerful version
of gate ward. Tt temporarily shuts down any one
.Level: 9 gate between the cubes of Acheron . If the spell is
Range : 30 yds . cast just as a creature enters a gate, lhe creature
Compone nts: V, S vanishes into the gate and immediately reappears
Casting Time : 9 out of it, effectively goingnowhere . A sealed gate
Dura tion: Until the summoned being leaves display s the seal oftbe wizard who cast the spell .
Area o f Effect : Create s I gate The gate se al of a wizard who has no personal
Saving Throw: None sigil displays the face of the caste r. The gate seal
lasts for I tum per caster level, and when cast on
Th e casting of a ga1e spe ll bas two effec ts . a banlefield, all cubehopper spells fail within the
Fi rst, it ca uses an interdimensionaJ co nne ction area of the ongoing battle .
between the plane of existence the wizard is on The mate rial compone nt of the spell is a bar of
and the plane on which dwe lls a specific being steel.
,of great power; thus , the being is able to merely The reversed fonn, unseal gare, only negate s
:Step through the gate or portaJ from its plane to the gale se al and gale ward spell s. Its material
II.hatof the caste r. Second, the utterance of the compone nt is a twig, whi c h is s napped as the
!Spell attracts the attenti on of the sough t-after spell ls completed .
dweller on the other plane . Whe n cas ting lhe Notes: Uncommon in the PLANESCAPEsetting;
s pell , the wizard must name the entity be desires otherwise, very rare (and usefu l primarily on
to use the gate and come to the wizard's aid . Achero n).
There is a 100% certainty that something ste ps
t hroug h the gate . Unless the DM has some facts Gate Ward
prepared regard ing the minions se rving the (Abjuration )
being calle d forth by the gate spell, the being ReversJble
i tse lf comes .
If lhe matter is trifling , the being might leave , Level : 2
i nfli ct an app ropriate penalty on the wizard, or R.ange: 0
attack the wizard. lf the matter is of m iddling Compone nts: V, S, M
importance. the being ca n take some positive Casting Time: 3
action to set matters right, then demand appropri - Duration : I rdJ level
ate repayment . If the matt er is urgent , the being Area of Effect: I gate
can act accordingly and ask whatever is its wont Saving Throw: None
thereafter , if appropriate. The actions oftbe being
that co me s thro ugh depends on many factors, The gale ward spell temporarily shuts down
inc luding the alignments of the wizard and the any one ga te between the cubes of Acheron . lf
d eity, the nature of his companion s, and who or tb.e spell is cas t just as a creature enters a gate,
what opposes or threatens lbe wizard . Being s of the crearure vanishes into the gateand imm cdi-
dei ty statu s generally avo id dire ct co nfli ct with ate ly reappe a rs o ut of it, effective ly going
th eir eq ual s o r bette rs. The being gated in will nowhere . A warded gate displays the sea l of the
e ither return immediatel y (very unlikely ) or caste r. The gate ward of a wizard who has no


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

" Oa1cway r
personal sigi l displays the face of the caste r.
Anonymous versions of the spell arc sai d to
exist, though no confirmed example of this has
been verified .
The m:ncrial component of the pell 1sa bar of
steel engraved with the wizard 's seal and bent
into a circle.
The reversed fonn. removegate ward,counters
a gate ward (but will not counte r a gate seal,
which is a more powerful spell). The material
component is a small. flat piece of iron with a
jagged edge.
Notes: Uncommon in the PLANESCAPE setting;
otherwise very rare.

(D imtnsfon)

Level: 8
Range: IOyds,
Components: V.S, M
Casting Time: 8
Duration: I rd. + I rd./level
Area of Effect: I 0-ft. diameter disk
Saving Throw: None

By means of thi s spell, the caster create s a

magical portal 10 anolher location on the same
plane that the wizard bas previously visited. The
wizard and other individuals can cross freely
between one side of the portal and the other for
the duration of the spell.
The gateway appears as a venical disk IO feet
in diameter. Through the portal on one side, the
terrain beyond can he clearly seen. Theother side
of the disk is a smooth gray surface. The portal
cannot be called mto being anthe same space as
another object but can be placed against a wall or
other na1surface.
Crca1ures can pass through freely from one
side of the portal to the other, but nonliving mare-
rial cannot unle ss brought by living creatures.
Each side of the gateway maint.ainsits own envi-
ronment, so thal opening a portal into a live vol-
cano or at the bottom of 1he ocean poses no
danger 10 someone on the 0U1cr side unless be
chooses to cross into such a deadly area.
The gateway can be cast only into areas that
the wizard has himself visited. In addition, there
is a success rate dependent on distance from the

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

GllUlllletorTcelh r
DJstance Success regardless of what methods arc used. ln other
Within l 00 miles of thearea 100% words, a sp ider climb-usi ng mage could not ,
Within 500 miles of area 50% and neither could a viscid glob, gibbering
On different planet 10% mouther secret ion, stirge barb, mimic pseudo-
In different solar system 5% pod, or web spell. The glove does not grasp or
strike M<h any force beyond tbe caster'snormaJ
Failure indicates lhat no such portal can he strength.
opened. Gateway porcals cannot open into other A spell caster cannot cast any spell with
planes of existence or be cast while on any plane somatic components while the gauntlet is in
other than the Prime Material. place. ll can be banished instantly by the caster's
A gateway can be dispelled by the caste r at silent will, ending the spell.
will, by a successfuJ dispel magic, or by the spell The material component of this spell is a lump
duration elapsing. Any Jiving thing caught in the of clear glass or rock crystal large enough to fill
portal as it collapses must make a Dexterity the caster's palm.
check or be sliced between two different loca- Notes: Uncommon in the FORGOTTENRfALMS
tions, presumably killed instantly. setting; virtually unknown elsewhere.
The material component of this spell is a hand-
ful of earth or the equiva lent fTomthe caster's Gauntlet of Teeth
location. (Evocation)
N()te s: Uncommon spell. Known to be in (Force)
Elmimter s Traveling Spell book.
Level: 6
Gauntlet Range: IO ft /level
(Alteration, Evocation) Components: V, S, M
(Force) Casting Time: 5
Duration: 6 rds.
Level: l Area of Effect: Special
Range: 0 Saving Throw:
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: l This spell creates a whirling oval of disembod-
Duration: 9 rds. ied teeth in midair. The countless teeth all face
Area of Effect; One of the caster'shands one way, and they spin around each other in ran-
Saving Throw: None dom arcs within an oval area 8 feet long or tall
and 4 feel across at its widest extent. The caster
This spell creates a translucent, silent, noncon- can, in any round in which he does no other spell-
ductive glove of magical force around one of the casting, mentally direct the gauntlet to t1yabout
caster's hands. This glove cannot be crushed, so at MV Fl 9 (MC: A), tilting it as desired. (Its ori-
the caster can use it to wedge doors open, keep entation is verticaJwhen it first appears.) If other
even the great weight of a falling porrcullis from speUcastingis undertaken by the caster, the teeth
slamming down, and so on. The caster can remove of the gauntlet whirl about in a stationary loca-
llis hand from the gaunrlel if ii is so wedged, but tion until control is resumed . The gauntlet can
cannot it put back in. The wedge remains in effect form about a target creature, and it compresses lo
unm lhc spell expfres or a dispel magic spe ll fit through any opening at least as large as the
causes lhe gauntlet to vanish. caster's head.
Tlbe gauntlet can be used to strike for 2d4 The teeth are constructs of force and can pene-
points of damage per blow, with the caster's trate any nonmagical armor.They cause any crea-
normal THACO.It it gains no attack or damage cure 6d4 points of damage on contact (or per
bonuses but is considered a +4 magical weapon round of con<inued contact wirh Immobile crett-
for purposes of what it can hit. It can touch or tures). They do no damageto objects. lfa gaunt-
handle heat, acid and other flesh-corrosive sub let of teeth can pass through a target
stance s, and boiling liquids or vapors without crearure--that is, move up to, envelop, and con-
suffering harm.Diseasescannot be transmi1ted tinue onward beyond it-damage is increased by
by it or cling to it. so molds and mummy rot can an additional 2d4 points. If circumstances permjt
be freely handled and not passed on to another (for example, a gau ntlet of teeth moving down a
being who later touches the gauntlet. No sub- narrow passage occupied by a file of beings), the
stance or creatu re can adhere to the gauntlet , dweornercan hann up to 12 beings per round, but


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

it deals tbe specified damage to each only once. or course of activity, as desired by tloespellcaster.
(Io most cases , only one or two victims are The creature must be intelligent , conscious ,
affected in a round.) under its own volition, and abJe to understand the
Magi cal armor of any so rt (not bracers or caster. While a geas cannot compel a creature to
rings) provides some protection from the gaunt- kill itself or perform acts that are likely to result
let. Its damage is reduced by 2 points for each in certai n death, it can cause almost any other
magical plus of the armor worn (leath er armor course of action. The geased creature must follow
+2 would reduce the damage by 4 points) . The the given instructions until the geas is completed.
minimum damage caused by the gauntlet is 2 Failure to do so wjll cause the creature to grow
points. sick and die within td4 weeks. Deviation from or
The materiaJ components of this spell are at twisting of the instructions causes a correspond-
least seven teeth. They are consumed by lhe spell. ing loss of Strength points until lhe deviation
Notes: Rarein the FOROO'lTENREALMSsetting; ceases. A geas can be done away with by a wish
virtually unknown elsewhere. spell, but a dispel magic or remove c11rsespell
will not negate it. Your OM will decide any addi-
Gaze Reflection tional details of a geas, for its casting and fulfill-
(Alteration) ment are tricky, and an improperly cast geas is
(Dimensio n) ignored.
Notes: Common spell (PHB) .
Level: I
Range: 0 Geirdom 's Grappling G rasp
Components: V, S (Evocation)
Casting Time: J (Force)
Duration: 2 rds. + I rd./level
Area of Effect: Special Level: 4
Saving Throw: None Range:IOydsJlevel
Components:V, S, M
The gaze reflection spell creates a shimmering, Casting Time: 4
mirrorlike area of air before the wizard that Duration: 2 rds./level
moves with the caster . Any gaze attack that Area of Effect: Creates 1 hand
requires eye contact, such as that of a basilisk , Saving Throw : None
eyes of charming, a vampire's gaze, the 6th-level
eyebire spell, and so on, is reflected back upon This magic brings into being a hand-shaped.
the gazer, the spellcaster suffers no effects from force, invisible to all but the caster, which can be
the gaze attack. Creatures whose gaze anacks are used to grapple objects and even certain spell
reflected receive a saving throw against their own effects.
gaze effect. This spell is only effective against Only the caster can direct the band, which is
attacks in which the attacker's gaze must be met. twice the size of the caster 's own left hand .
The spelldoes not affect vision or lighting. Directing Gelrdoni :Sgrappling grasp precludes
No tes: Common spell (PHB) . spell casting; if such is undercaken, the hand
merely hangsmotionless until concentrated upon
Geas again. Control can beassumed and neglected sev-
(Enc hantment/Charm) eral times within lhe spell's duration, if desired.
(Mentalism) The hand can move through the airas rapidly
as the caster nonnally moves. It ca:ngrip but not
Level: 6 strike: The hand cannot touch living matter, but it
Range: IOyds. can grasp parapets, locks, keys, levers, weapons,
Components: V etc. with the sam.estrength as the caster.Small
Casting Time: 4 objects can be carried about, to a maximum of I 0
Duration: Special pounds.
Area of Effect: I creature The hand cannot manipulate things with any
Saving Throw: None delicacy, but it can slow or prevent their move-
ment for one round. Weapons cannot be wielded
A geas spell places a magical command upon a by the spe ll force, but the hand can hfoder the
creature (usually human or humanoid) to carry weapon of any nonliving enemy so as to cause a
out some service, or co refrain from some action - 2 atta_ckroll penaJ1y.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


A primary use of this spell is to combat the Area of Bffect: One object or creature
various Bigby hand spells. This spefl can lessen Saving Throw: None
the damage dealt by the Bigby 's hand spells by
I d4+ I bit points. If a Bigby s hand spell causes When cast, this spell summons an ice-blue boll
no damage, Geirdorn s gmppling grasp keeps the that streak s to its intended target like a magic
former from taking effect for one round. missile . lt inflicts t d4 points of damage on one
The material component of this spell is a glove opponent (2d4 to fire-based or fire-using foes)
or a finger bone. and causes a I-foot-thi ck patch of ice to form
Notes: Very rare spell from the FOltOOTTl!N over a 3-foot radius at its impact poiol, The spell
R EALMS setting; known to be in Galadaster's is designed to bit foes in their eyes (blinding
Orizan . them for one round) or their hands (disrupting
spellc asti ng for one round) . The target area is
Geisya Cantrip named at the time of casting. The ice dissolves
This is the oriental for m of the cantrip ~ into mist after one round.
spell, see cantrip. ..,,. This variant of the S11illoc'ssnowball spell was
created by Gemidan, Khelben~ youngest appren-
tice. Like its parent spell, it has the benefits of
Gemidan 's Icicle greater range at higher levels and can be used
(Evocation) against objecrs (triggeringtraps or placing ice on
torches to extinguish lights, etc.).
Level: l The material co mponen t for this spell is a
Range: 20 ydsJlevel piece of ivory or a smal I chunk of ice.
Components: V,S, M Notes: Known by Gemidan, Khelben, Laeral,
Casting Time: I and those trained by them; very rare.
Duration: I rd.
Gemidan 's Paralytic Missile

Level: 2
Range: 40 yds. + LOydsJlevel
Components: V, S
Casting Time: I
Duration: I rd./level
Area of Effect: I creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell generates a missile of green magical

energy that lances out of the caster's fingertip and
always hits its target creature or pecson; the rarget
must be at least partially visible for the spell to
work. A creatures struck by a parolytlc missile is
immobilized for I round per level of the caster. A
successful saving throw vs. paralysis negates the
Originally a mi scast magi c missile spell,
Gemidan and K.helbenboth found it 10 be a use-
fu I applica tion as a defense for lower level
mages. K.heJbenpromptly gave the spell's panic-
ulars to Mage Civilar Thyriellentba Snome, the
senior watch-wi7Md.
Notes: Known by Gemidan, Khelben, Laeral,
the Watchful Order of Magists & Protectors of
Waterdeep, and the Watch-Wizard Corps; uncom-
mon or rare. The effect of the saving throw has
changed from previous versions of the spell


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Gemjump with a roguestone will be aware of its de!itruction.
(Abj uration) The roguestone savesas rockcrystal.
(A rtiflce) Notes: Uncommon spell . Known 10 be in
Elminster TravelingSpellbook.
Level: 7
Range: O Genie Contract
Componems: V, S, M (Eoch.antment/Cbarm )
Casting Time: 2 rds.
Duration: Instantaneous Level: 4
Area of Effect: The caster Raoge: 0
Saving Throw: None Components: V
Casting Time: I turn
This spell allows the caster to immediate ly Duration: Special
teleporl without error to the location of a spe- Area of Effect: 2 creatures
cially enchanted gem. The telcport will always be Saving Throw: None
on target (never high or low). If the area the gem
is in is too confined, the caster will appear in the This solemn spell binds two parties in a per-
nearest sufficicnlly large space. This transport is manent contract, the terms to which they must
one-way, and the spellcaster cannot jump back to both agree . Both pa,rties must swear to honor
his initial location by useof this spell. those terms; failure to do so results in a penalty lo
This spell is initially cast upon a special gem one or the other. Genies commonly use this spell
known as a rog11estone . The rogues tone is not to set conditions for mortal lovers, to bind them-
destroyed in the initial casting or subsequent selves to a sha' ir's service, to hoodwink mortals
activation of the spe ll. At any time after lhe when making bets, or simply to oulline the :rms
slone is encha nt ed, by ut tering a comm and of an obligation or a favor. Neither removecurse
word. the caster can immediately teleport to the nor dispel magic affects a genie contrnct.
location of the gem . The caster can use the This speU is an absolute prerequisite if a genie
roguestone to gemjump any time after the ini- and ins (the genie name for nongenies) intend LO
tial casting. bear offspring.
There is no time limjt, and the caster can be Notes : Uncommon in arabian settings; other-
slain. res11rre cted. rei11carn,ued, shapechanged, wise very rare.
or become undea d and stil l he able to use the
roguestone to gemjump. Gemjumping requires Gentle Remind er, Nybor 's
only the uttering of a word, whctl1erthe caster is See Nybor's genUc rerrunder.
in chains or otherwise bound, or within a magical
entrapment such as aforce cage. The caster can Gesture, Laeral's
be on a differen t plane or planet than the stone See Laeral's gesture.
and still have it function. The caster cannot use
the command word iffeebleminded , asleep , Gbast Creation
unconscious, petrified. paralyzed, or insane, nor (Nec:roma11
wi II lhe gemj ump operat e if lhe cas ler or the
roguestone is withln an alllimagic shell. Only the Level: 5
caster and his normal clo th ing will be trans- Range:O
ported ; any chains , equipment, or allies will be Components: V, S, M
left behind. Casting Time: I tum
The roguestone itse lf raruates no dete ctable Duration: Instantaneous
magic al energy unless it is in the process of Area of Effect: I ghoul
gemjumping. Mul!iple gcmjumps can be case on Saving Throw: None
a single roguestone by separate wizards. These
additional spells do not negale the previous The gl,ast creation can be cast only on a prop-
gemjumps on the roguestone. A limited wish will erly prepared ghoul: the spell creates one ghast.
reveal the number (though not the identily ) of The ghoul must make a successful saving throw
gemjumps cast on a roguestone. Only a full wish vs. death magic or be uuerly destroyed by the
will dispel those magics on a roguestone. Physi- process.
cal destruction ofthe roguestone will also destroy The resultin g ghast is normal for its type io
the magic , though spellcasters who have lin ks every way (sec the M ONSTROUS MANUAL Tome).


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

GhostArmor r
When first created, the gbast is subservient to the not be unleashed until contact is made .
caster. This may change if the creature js not well If a touch is not made within one turn of cast,
treated or its needs are not supplie d. ing, the spell is lost . Tile spell drains 2d8 + I
The ghoul's body must be infused with a spe- points from the victim unless a successful saving
cial liquid that costs 400 gp to produce. The infu- throw vs. spell is made . One of th e drained hit
sion process takes a full bour . The casting of the points is always lost i.n the transfer, but the caster
ghost creation spell m ust be preceded by a gains the remainder as healing energy . Any exist-
b.estowcurse and followed by an enchant 011 item ing damage to the caste r can be healed instantly
spell. Creating aghast is an evil act. by the influx of energy . Any excess hit points that
Notes: Restricted 10 necromancers; very rare . are left after all damage is cured are retained for
(Updated from DRAGON Magazine .) I tum. Any damage to the caster during that turn
is first taken from these excess hit poinLS. After
Ghastly Hands the tum ends, the excess hit points are lost.
(Necromancy) A ta rget c reature that successfully saves
against Ghelkyn '.S'wounding lose s only I hit
Level: 3 point, which is not gained by the caster. The tar-
Range: O get is then stunned (unable ro talceany action dur-
Components: V, S ing the round and acts last in Lbe following
Casting Time: 3 round}.
Duration : 2 rds./level. s
The caster of a Ohelkyn woundi11gspelJ can
Area of Effect:The caste r also choose to give vital energy to a target. If the
Saving Throw: None target is willing or unconscious, no saving throw
is necessary . An undead creature is harmed by
When this spe ll is cas t, the flesh of the w iz- such a gifi of energy : The caste r gives up the hit
ard 's ha nds changes to resemble the flesh of a points, and the undead creature suffers the same
ghast. Those within IO feet of the wizard will amount of damage if it fai ls a saving throw vs.
smell a sickeni n g stench ; if they have met ghasts spoil. ff a target successfu lly saves, it is stunned
before , they will recogruze the ste nch as being (unable to take any action) during the remafoder
similar to the nausea ting odor given off by those of the round and acts last on the round following.
beast s, though it has no other adverseeffect. In tbe case of creatures able to alter their state or
Any human or demihuman (inclu ding elves) locatio n (phase, teleport.. gaseous form, etc.), any
touched by the wizard mus t make a successful su ch change is prevented unt il ihe end of the
saving throw vs. paralyzation or be paraly_zedfor round following the caster's touch .
4 + Jd6 rounds. Only one creature can be touched Notes: Very rare ; virtua lly unknown outside
per round, and the wizard must make a successful the FORGOITENRi:AJ..MSsetting.
attack roll. The wizard can end the spell at wil l
(but not the paralyzation, which runs its course) . Ghost Armor
Notes: Restric ted to savage mages and necro- (Conjuration)
mancers; very rare. (Updated from DRAGON Mag-
azine .) Level: 3
Range: Touch
Ghelkyn 's Woundin g Compone nts: V.S, M
(Necromancy) Casting Time : I
Duration : I rd./level
Level: 4 Area of Effect: I creature , size H or smaller
Range: Touch Saving Throw: No ne
Components: V, S
C asting Time : 4 An improved versio n of the armor speU, ghosr
Duration: Special ( I turn max.) armor provides lhe recipient w ith a suit of
Area of Effect : Creature touched ghostly , trans lucent plate armor. The plate armor
Saving Throw : Neg . provides an Armor Class of 3 to the user, which
can combine with Dexterity and othe r magical
This spell enables tbe caster to steal vitaJ bonuses . If the recipient is already AC 3 or better ,
energy (bit points) from a foe that the caster the spe ll bas no effect . Magical bonuses from
touche s . A successful attack ro ll is required to existing armor (leather armor +2, for example)
touch hostile or wary targets, but the spe ll need are not added to the ghost armor.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Ghost o.rmor bas oo weight and does not With this spell , the wujen summon s a ghostly
restrict the wearer io normal movement, spell- gree n radiance anywhere within the range of
casting, or thieving. The armor is magical force, the spell . The light can be used to illuminate
not metal , and so is not wlnerable to attack from so me object or ca n be s haped in any form
rust monste~ or the heal me1alspell. within the limits of the area of effect . Further-
The material compone nt of this spell is a frag- more , the caster can cont rol the movement of
ment of real armor that has been worn In battle . 1be Light.The ghost light could be formed in the
Notes : Uncommon spe ll. Known to be in 77,e sha pe of a man and then commanded to walk or
Co/Jee1edWisdomof Snilloc. fly, for example .
The spell lasts as long as lhe caster co ntinue s
Ghost Blade to concentrate o n iL Co mmon supers tit ion
(Alte ration) hold s that various evil spirit s radiate a light
similar to that produced by the ghost light spell.
Level: 2 Intelligent creat ure s with a low rating or tho se
Range : 0 le ss l Hit Die mu st make a sa ving throw
Components : V, S, M vs. spell upon se eing the ghost light . I f the sav-
Casting Time: 2 ing throw is successful , the creature stands its
Duration : 2 rds . + 2d4 rds . ground, albeit nervou s ly. Those who fail pani c,
Area of Effect: l wooden item running at their full movement rate away from
Saving Throw: None the light for l round. If they are unabl e 10 flee.
they cower and attempt to bide . 1f forced to
Thi s spe ll temporarily trans forms any wooden fight under the se conditio n s, the y s uffer a
object that is longer in one direction than i.n peoaJty of - 2 on attack rolls .
another and of less than 35 lbs . or so (an average T he material com p onent for this s pell is a
man-sized being must be able to lift it in one piece ofpbospltorus.
hand} into a sword. The sword can be of any one- Notes: Common in oriental settings; otherwise
banded type, frQm a short sword to a long sword, very rare.
and is considered a magicalweapon for purposes
of what it can hit Jt inflicts the normal dam&3eof Ghost Pipes
the weapon type selected (gaining neither dam- (Alt eradon)
age nor attack bonuses from t.he magic), and can (Song)
be wielded by any being asif she wereproficient
with it. Tbe caster can cause the mag ic to end Level: 2
instantly before the spell duration ex pires . The Range: Touch
wooden item - usually a staff, cudgel , furniture Components: V, S
leg, or tree limb-is not consumed by the spell Casting Time : I rd.
and reappears whole ar the end of the spell dura- Duration : Until touched by a living creature
tion even if the ghost blade was broken or bent Area of Effect: I instrument
during use . Saving Throw: None
The spell's material components are a handful
of iron filing s and a drop of water from any pool When thi s spell is cast, the wizard can cau se
or body of water once struck by lightning . any one nonmagical musical in s trument t o
Notes: Known to the Seven Sisters and some play itself . The instrument must be whole and
o ther wizards; rare. in playing co ndition . It need not be an in stru-
ment the wizard him se lf can play , but he
Ghost Light must be able to sof tly whi s t le or hum the
(Co njuration ) desired tune . Thi s tune can be no more than
one minute Jong.
Level: I Upon releasing the instrument , it glows as if
Range: 120 yds . limned withfaeriefire and levitates at the level it
Components : V, S, M was released. The various parts of the instrument
Casting Time: 5 (keys, valves, strings , etc.) move under lhe con-
Duration; Concentration trol of the magic. Upon reachjng the end of the
Area of Effect IO linear feet song , th e instrument repeats the tone over and
Saving Throw: None over until stopped.
The ghost pipes stop playingwhen any living


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Ghostgrail F
creature touche s the instrument . The radiance appearing and disappearing as the wind catches
fades and Lhc instrument slowly settles 10 the the ghostly fabric.
ground. The material components ofthis spell arc a bit
This spell was originally created by Vanger- of canvas and string. When the spell is cast, the
dahast of Suzail, curre ntly royal magician to components e,cpand and change to become the
King Azoun rv.It was made avoilable through ghostly rigging.
the Council of Mages. Royal scuttlebutt claims Notes: Common in arabian settings; otherwise
firmly that the august and puissant V:angerda- very rare.
bast is deeplyembarrassedby this early attempt
at speU research and would have banned It Ghostfire
completely except Lhat l:lis Majesty enjoys the Lost spell, referencedin the novel Prism Pentad.
spell as a novelty . The throne room is ofte n
filled with an orchestra of levitating . glowing Ghostgrail
instruments. (Abjuratlon,Alteratton, Necromancy)
Notes: Uncommon spell. Known to be in The
llbram o/Latlrintel.(Note that this speU'slevel is Level: 6
2nd, not 3rd, as has been given in some sources.) Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Ghost Production Cas ting Time: 6
Lost spell. It is believed rhat, even if sriccessful, Duration: I rdJlevel
the ghost wa.rnot under the casters control. Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Ghost Rigging
(Conjuration/Summoning This spell affects the caster or a single crcatw1:
(Provi nce: Wind) ~ touched during spellcasting. lt makes the recipi-
ent immune to all undcad special powers(level or
Level: 4 Strength draining, fear, mummy rot, and the like),
Range: 120yds. so that the protected being suffers only physical
Components: V, S, M damage from undead attacks. A wizard under the
Casting Time: 4 effects of a ghostgraildoes not age when encoun-
Duration: l hr./Jevel tering a ghost and need not make a saving throw
Arca of Bffcct: I vessel when bearing a banshee wail.
Saving Throw: None Moreover, the spelJ allows the protected being
to see, bit , and damage undead with normal
Used primarily at sea, this magic creates a weapons (shadows arc always seen, vampires can
"ghostly" rigging on a ship or oilier vessel, which be struck when gaseous, and so on). This tem-
functions just as normal rigging does. Sorcerers porari ly overrides undead immunities , but also
typically usethe spell to replace damaged sails or negates any special bonuses the recipient rec-cives
masts that have snapped-especially when the against undead (for example, a mace of disn1p-
crew is no longer sufficient to rig the ship by tfon wielded by the recipient would not blast
other means. undead out of ex:istance).A ghosrgrailspell docs
The rigging always matches the vessel's needs. not negate spe ll-Like undead powers , such as
Thus , an unmasted galleon gains three masts, phasing or flying, and does not provide any pro-
each with a billowing set of sails. A raft or barge tection against spells cast by undead, such as a
acquires a single sail, suffic ient to help it on its spell cast by a lich.
way. The vessel moves normally for its type. The material component of theghostgrailspell
The conjured rigging performs as normal rig- is the dust from a coff'"tnor burial slab.
ging in aU ways-even in combat. It is vulnerable Notes: Rare in the FOROO'TTEN REALMSsetting;
to damage just as normal rigging would be. Fur- virtually unknown elsewhere.
ther, a successfu l dispel magic or similar spell
candestroy it.
The rigging is translucent and glows dimly ;
salts provide a soft radiance even at night . The
caster can place a personal symbol on the sails to
advertise his presence. For instance, one sorcerer-
pirate creates sails that resemble screaming faces,


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Ohou'ILalll~ r
Ghostharp MONSTROUS MANUAL Torne for detai!s). The
(Evocation) transformation process usually begins at lhe limb
(Song) or extremity (usually the hand or arm) closes to
the location touched by tbe easier at the onset of
Level: I the spell. The victim suffers I d2 points of dam-
Range: 0 age each round while the body slowly dies and
Components: S, M transforms iuto a ghoul's cold, undying flesh.
Casting Time: I The victim is entitled to an initial saving lhrow
Duration: l rdJ\evel 10 resist this deadly transformation. If failed, only
Area of Effect: Special a limited wish, wish, or restoration spell will end
Saving Throw: None the condition. A dispel magi c or remove curse is
effective only if cast within three rounds of the
This spell enables a caster to silently and unob- touch . During the early stages of the spell, the
trusively make harp music performed much ear- original afflicted extremity might also be severed
lier- performed or heard by himself- be heard and burned to terminate the spell.
again . The volume and apparent origin of the lfthe extremity affected by the ghoul gauntlet
music are under the caster's control. Sung or spo- is amputated while the victim has lost less than
ken words cannot be conveyed by means of this 20% of total hit points, then onJy a hand or foot
spell,but messages, recognition motifs, and even may need to be severed (inflicting ld4+ 1 points
magical triggers can all be carried by the right of damage, requiring a system shock roll to
rune perfonned in 1heproper manner. remain conscious, and resulting in the loss of the
The spell can be used to play several tunes, in limb's mobility and functions). Aller the victim
any order and sounding as if they come from var- has lost 20% - 50% of total bit points , however,
ious directions and distances, so long as all of an entire limb must be cut off, with the loss of
this music was audible while the spell was mem- Id 12+4 hit points and a required system shook
orized and the spell duration is not exceeded. roll. Initially, the transformed flesh or the victim
Silences can be placed between tunes or between bas no paralytic powers or a.nyof the special abiJ-
repetitions of the same tune by UtespeUcaster. ities of ghouls. As the spell unfolds, the advanc-
The casting of lhis spell requires only that the ing front of dying flesh inexorably traverses the
caster's flesh directly 10ucha tiny model ofa harp entire body, and the victim dies once the ghoul
(which can be inside a pocket or under clothing}, gauntlet reaches the bean or brain {lhat is, upon
as the will is bent on unleashing the music. The reaching Ohit points due to the spell). HeaHng
model harp vanishes as the spell takes effect . spells, potions, or magical items have no power to
This spell is usually used to distract foes or cap- cure or reverse this affiiclion.
tors, 10 impress folk with the caster's powers, or One full day after the victim has died, unless
to trick people into thinking the caster is a harpist the remains arc burned, tl1esubject awakensas a
or thar a harpist is somewhere close by. full-1ledged ghoul. The new undead is now a
Notes: ReslTicted to the Seven Sisters, their fawning slave, utterly under the control of the
apprentfoes, and select Harpers; uncommon. necromancer who cast the nefarious spell.
Optionally available to bards and song mages; The material components include a fingernail
uncommon. of a oorpsc and a pinch of purple mandmke root.
Both of these are consumed by the casting of the
Ghoul Gauntlet spell.
(Alteration, Necromancy) Notes: Restricted to undead spellcasters; rare.

Level: 6 Ghoul Lattice

Range: Touch (Necromancy)
Components: V.S, M
Casting Tune: 6 Level: 8
Duration: Special Range: 0
Area of Effect: I human Components:v.S, M
Saving Throw: Neg. Casting 1ime: l rd.
Duration: Tnstantaneous
This rare and horrible curse causes the victim Area of Effect: I00 yds./level
to be slowly transformed into a ravening, llesh- Saving Throw: None
eating ghoul (see the description of ghouls in the


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

"': Ghoul Touch
Stealing co rp ses from graveyards for raw This spel l causes the recipient 's body hair to
materials can be a time-consuming task without grow thickly in a matter of seconds, covering him
the use of thi s spell. Casting it creates a small wilh a layer of matted hair that provides armor
runnel that extends ohao ti ca l ly from the point protection equivalenL to that of padded armor
where the spell was cast and then divides into a (AC 8). Any member of a mammalian race, intel-
series of shafts, connecting with any numb er of ligent or not, can benefit from this spell, even if
graves or other subterranean pockets within the he keeps bis hair shaved off. Thri-k.rcen and other
area of effect. nonmammaJian beings are not affected by thi s
The tunJJels are 4 feet in diameter, circular, and spell. Successive castings on an individu al have
an average of 6 feet below the surface . The tun- no effect as long as a previous casting is in effect.
nels intersect in a maze-like fashion, but the on ly The armor does not hinder movement or prohibit
place they emerge at the surface is at the point spe llcasting - it's tile recipient's own body hai r,
where the caster stands. (lf cast underg .round, the after all-and the hair shrinks back into the body
tuMels never reach lhe surface.) The spell creates at the spell's end . The spell lasts until success-
a random latticework of tunnel s through which fully dispelled or until the wearer takes cumuJa-
new undead minions can be summoned or necro- tive damage totaling greater than 8 hit pointS plus
mantic spell components harvested . I hit point per level of the caster. This spell 's pro-
The material compone nts for this spell are a tection is cum ulative with normal shield and
long fmgemail and a pinch of dirt from a grave. Dexterity bonuses but not wilh protective spells
Notes: Restricted to necromancers and undead likeam,ar.
spellcasters; uncommon. The material component for this spell is a
strand of giant hair.
GhoulT ouc:h Notes: Available on Athas;very rare. (Updated
(Necroma ncy) from DRAGON Magazine .)

Level: 2 Giant Size

Range: 0 (Alteration)
Componen ts: V, S, M Reven lble
Casting Time : 2
Duration : Maximum l rdJ level Level: 8
Area of Effect: 1 person Range:O
Saving Throw: Special Compon ents : V.S, M
Casting Time : I tum
When this spell is in effect, the caster 's touch Duration: 2~8 rds.
causes any single human , dwarf, gnome, half-elf, Area of Effect: Th e caster
a halfling , to become rigid for 3-8 (l d 6+2) Saving Throw : None
rounds unless the victim makes a successfu l sav-
ing throw vs. paralyzation . This spell allows the wu jen to assume truly
Th e mate r ia l component for this spell is a gigantic proportions. As soon as the spell is
smaJIscrap of cloth taken from the clothing of a cast , the wu je n must make a system shock roll .
ghoul or a pinch of earth from .a ghoul's lair. If the roll is failed, the indivi dual permanently
Notes: Restricted to nec ro man cers; un co m- loses I point of Const itu tion. The spell causes
mon. the wu jen to instantly grow, adding a height of
3 feet for every level of experience . An 18th-
Giant Fur level wu jcn would be abou1 60 feet rail and a
(Alteratio n) 29th- leve l wu jen would stand a colossal 93 feet
tall. The Strength of the wu jcn increases pro-
Level: I portiona(ely - J point of Strength for every
Range: Touch three levels of expe rience , to a maximum of 25 .
Components: V, S, M However, the gian t form is awkward and
Casting Time: I rd. c lum sy, so the wu jen docs not receive any hit
Duration : fnstantaneous bonuses for his increased Strength (altho ugh he
Area of Effect: Creature touched docs receive damage bonuses) . The percentile
Saving Throw : None sco re s for an 18 Streng th arc ignored, going
directly from 18 to 19 in Strength. Damage
bonuses for Strengths above 18 are equal to +6,


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

OiveWoundJ r
plus I point for every point of Strength greater swallowed by the caster.
th an I 8 . The Armor C la ss of the wu jen is Notes: Common in oriental settings; otherwise
imp r oved by I fo r every 12 feet of height very rare.
gained . The hit points of the wu jen remain
unchanged. The movement rate also remains Giant Strength, TenseT's
unchanged, because of the slow and lumb ering See Tenser's giant strength .
body oflhe caste r.
While in giant form, the wu jen cannot cast Gift of Life - Elf
spells of any type . rtems carried by the wu jen (Elven High Magic)
do not Increase in size, except for normal cloth-
ing. Obviously , because of this, the wu jen can- Level: 9
not us e normal weapons . H owever , he can Range: I yd.nevel
uproot trees to use as clubs (2d IO points of dam- Components: V,S, M
age, plus Strength) if a successful bend bars/lift Casting Time: 8
gates roll is made. Boulders can be burled, again Duration: Instantaneous
if a successful bend bars/lift gates roll is made . Area of Effect: 1 undead creature
Each boulde r thrown causes 3d6 points of dam- Saving Throw : Neg.
age. Other acts of rampage and destruction must
be adjudica ted by the DM, using the general This powerful high magic spell bas an effect
guidelines of Strength and the bend bars/lift unlike any other. It restores undead creatures to
gates roll. Also, si nce the spell causes a sudden life. Undead creatures are allowed a saving throw
spurt of growth , the cas ter should take care in vs. death magic, but they can only make such a
picking the place the spell is used. If cast under- ro ll at a level equal to half their Hit Dice. An
ground or in an area smaller than the full size 18th-level lich, for example, would make a sav-
attained by the caster , the caster will talce dam- ing throw vs. death magic as if it were actually a
age, possibly even dying because of the squeez.. 9th-level wraard.
iog and crushing that occurs . 1f the undead creature fails its saving throw, it
The material component for thi s spell is the is immediately restored to life as it was just
s cale of a dragon or hairs from the bead of a before its death, if it died by unnatural causes . lt
giant. is restored to life as it was 10 years before its
The reverse of this spell is minute form. death if it died of old age or similar causes . The
When cast , the size of the caster reduces by restored creature is stunned and incapable of any
three inches per level. An I 8th- le vel caster actio n for ld4 turns as it s lowly realizes what
reduces by 54 inches . Wben the caster shrinks happened.
to one inch in height only l-'th of an inch is lost The restored creature returns to life at an
per level thereafter . The maximum reduction appropriat e experience and Hit Die level, and
allowed is I th inch tall. The Armor Class of with its original alignment and abiL.ities. lt will,
th e caster remains unchanged. However, the however, be wearing the same clothes, and carry-
individual must be seen to be hit! The move- ing whatever equipment (if any) that it did as an
ment rate is reduced by 1 per foot of height lost. undead creature .
Upon reaching the last foot of height, the move- Thi s spell does not necessarily change the
ment rate is reduced by I for every further 3- alignment of a creature who wasoriginally eviJ,
inch reduction in height . The movement rate but the elves recount legends of wicked liches
canno t be less than 1 per round. or vampires who were restored through thi s
Upon reaching one foot in height, the creature spell , repented their old lives, and changed
suffers only half normal damage from falls . At alignment , dedicating themselves to the defense
one inch or less of height, no damage is suffered of elves .
from falls . However, the creature is highly sus- The material component of this spell is a gold
ceptib le to winds and breezes and can be blown medallion in the form of the sun (worth at least
about easily by gust of wind, ivind brea-rh, and 500 gp).
simi lar spells. Although all items shrink when Notes: Restricted to elves able to cast High
this spell is cast , most are rendered unusable or Magic, such as those ofEvermeet
negligible in lheir effect. The ranges and effects
of magical items and spells are adjusted propor- Give Wounds
tionately to their size. See cause light wounds.
The material componen1 for this spell is a flea,


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

, atamcr,Elonia's
Glamer, Elonia 's Glassremove , Oublark's
See Elonia's glamer. Glasstrike, Duhlark's
See Duhlark's glasstrike.
(Alteration) Glitterdust
(Alchemy,Ar tiji ce, Earth) (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 6
Range: Touch Level: 2
Components: V, S, M Range: 10 ydsJ level
Casting Time: I rd. Components: V,S, M
Duration: 1 rd./lcvel CastingTime: 2
Arca of Effect: Special Duration; Special
Saving Throw: None Area of Effect: 20-ft. cube
SavingThrow: Special
By means of this spell, the wizard is able to
make a section of metal, stone, or wood as trans- This spell creates a cloud of glittering golden
parent as glass to gaze, or even make it into particles within the area of effect. Those in the
transparent material as explained hereafter. Nor- area must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell
mally, the glassee spell can make up to 4 inches or be blinded (-4 penalties to attack rolls, saving
of metal, 6 inches of stone, and 20 inch es of throws, and Armor Class) for I d4+ I rounds. ln
wood cransparent. The spell wiJI not work on addition , all within the area are covered by the
lead, gold, or platinum . The wizard can opt to dust, which cannot be removed and continues to
make the glassee work for himself for the sparkle until it fades. Note that this reveals invis-
duration of the spell, or he can a.ctually makea ible creatures. The dust fades in ld4 rounds plus
transparent area, a one-way window, in the mater- one round per caster level. Thus , glitrerdust cab1
ial affected . Either case gives a viewing area 3 by a 3rd -level wizard last s for four to seven
feet wide by 2 feet high. Ifa window is created, it rounds.
has the strength of the original material. The material component is ground mica.
The material component of the spell is a small Notes: Common spell (PHB).
pieoe of crystal or glass.
Notes: Common spell (PHB).

(,4/chemy,Artif ace, Earth)

Level: 8
Range: Touch
Components: V.S, M
Casting Tune: 8
Duration: lnstantaneous
Area of Effect: Object touched
SavingThrow: None

The glassteel spell turns normal, nonmagical

crystal or glass into a transparent subs1ancethat
has the Lensllc strength and unbreakability of
actual steel. Only a relatively small volume of
material can be affected (a maximum weight of
IO pounds per level of experience of the spell-
caster), and it must form one whole object. The
Armor Class of the substance is I.
The material components of this spell are a
small piece of glass and a small piece of steel.
Notes:Common spell (PHB) .


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

GloriousTnmsmuw1ion r
Globe of Invulnerability are halved in effect; for example, a sunburst from
(Abjuration ) a wand of Illumination is reduced from 6d6 to
(Geome.try) Jd6 damage against undead.
The material component is a special incense
Level: 6 prepared by the caster.
Range: 0 Notes: Rare spell. (Updllted from PolYIIEDRON
Components: V,S, M Newszine.)
Casting Time: 1 rd.
Duration: I rd./level Glorious Transmutation
Area of Effect: 5-ft. radius (Alteration )
Saving Throw: None (Alchemy)

This spell creates an immobile, faintly shim, Level: 9

mering , magical sphere around the caster that Range:Touch
prevents any 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd-, or 4th-level spell Components: V.S, M
effects from penetrating. Thus, the area of effect CastingTime: I turn
of any such speUdoes not include the area of the Duration: lnstantaneous
globe of invulnerabil11y. Tltis includes innate Area of Effect: 50-S00 lbs. iron or
spell-like abilities and effects from devices. How- 0-100 lbs. lead
ever, any type of spell can becast out of the mag- Saving Throw: None
ical sphere; spe l Is pass from the caste r of the
globe to the subject without effect on the globe. This spell turns iron into silver or lead into
Fifth and higher level spells are not affected by gold al the caster's option. The pnmc ingredicnl
the globe. The globe can be brought down by a for this spell is a magical item called the
succcssfttl dispel magic spell. philosopher's stone, which must be touched by
The material component of t:bespell is a glass the wizard and alchemicolly combined with the
or crystal bead that shatters at tbe expiration of metal during casting. The formula fot mixing
the spell. lhe stone and the metal must be known by the
Notes: Common spell (PHB) . caster; the speU is useless without it. (The exact
ingredients and formula ate decided by the DM
Gloom and must be discovered by the wiza rd in 1hc
(Alteration) course of adventuring.)
(Shadow) Philosopher's stones vary in quality so much
that each is capable of transmuting either Id IO x
Level: 4 50 pounds of iron into an cquaJ quantity of silver
Range; 60 yds. + 10 yds./Jevel or Jdl0 x 10 pounds of lead into the same amount
Component.'!:V, S, M of gold. ll is not possible ro know bow much
Casting Ttme: 4 rnetal can betransmuted until the proce!.Sis com-
Duration; l rumllevel plete. Tfthe caster has more iron or lead prepared
Area of Effect: 120-f\:.radius than the spell is capable of changing, any excess
Saving Throw: None is unchanged
The entire transmutation must be maue at one
This spell weakens light sources of any kind in time. Only one stone can be used per casti11 g of
the area of effect. Light equial to daylight in rhe spell. The entire philosopher's stone is con-
brightness or intensity (including continual light) sumed in the process.
is reduced lo a deep twilighl gloom. Torches and Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM).
magical weapons illominatc only a 5-foot radius.
and lamps, lanterns, and otb er magical light
sources illuminate only a I 0-foot radius . The
spell covers a 120-foot radius. and can be made
mobile if cast on an objeel.
Light-based combat penalties for creatures of
darkness are negated within the area of effect,
and monsters that cannot abide the touch of day-
light (vampires, for instance) are fully capable of
acting underthe veil of gloom. Light-based spells


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

appendage must take the place of a lost limb--
that is, the caster cannot place the arm of another
creature onto a body that had no such limb
before, nor add an extra arm in the middle of its
chest. Additionally , the limb to be grafted must
also perform roughly the same function as the
old one; consequently, a wizard cannot attach a
foot to an arm stump.
The appendage can be of any size, but the
recipient be able to manjpulate it with his
current Strength . lfthe limb is overly cumber-
some or excepHonally different from the original,
it may inhibit movement or limit spellcasling
ability. The appendage to be replaced can be any-
where on the body : arms, legs , feet, hands , or
parts thereof; but it cannot be th e bead . The
replacement can be of any fonn, so a gargoyle's
claw. a bear's forepaw , or a human hand could
take the place of a lost hand, claw, or paw.
The appendage t.o be graft'ed must have been
alive within ll1e hour before the spell is cast or
the graft will not take . The member to be grafted
can be successful ly joined provided that the
recipient of the limb makes a successful system
shock roll upon completion of the casting. A
fruled roll indicates that the graft does not take,
and the limb withers and dies in one day. If the
graft does take, then tbe new member will
remain in place and function normally.
The recipient might receive Strength or Dex-
Glowing Globe, Nchaser's terity bonuses or penalties based on the grafted
See Ncbaser's gJowlng globe. limb . The gra .ftcd appendage has its origina l
immunities and weaknesses , including Armor
Gnostic Chain, Galathar's Class and damage ability , so long as such
See Galathar's gnostic chain bonu ses and penalties were physical in nature
and did not ros11ltfrom special characteristics of
Golden Revelation , Nystul 's the limb 's original body. (Th\ls, innate spcllcast-
See Nystul 's golden revelation. ing abili ties, psionic abili ty, magic resistance,
and Strength bonuses other than for grasping do
Gong of fsolation, Otto 's not apply.) For example, if a wizard grafted on
See Otto's gong ofisolaLion. the hand of an arcanalotb, his new hand would
be AC - 2, would tak e only half damage from
Graft co ld, and wolllld inflict ld4 point s of clawing
(Alteration, Necromancy) damage. The hand would no longer be magic
resistant (as is: an arcanalotb's hand ). A wizard
Level: 6 grafting on the forefoot of a lizard might have
Range:Touch an improved Armor Class for that band , but
Components: V, S. M probably would not be able to cast spells due to
Casting Time: I tum the low potential dexterity ofa lizard 's claw. The
Duration: Instantaneous hand of an ogre (the larges-t-size humanoid
Area of Effect: I creature whose limbs can be so used) would allow for a
Saving Throw: Special grasping Streng th of J8; however , the wizard
could not lift weights as an ogre.
A spellcaster invoking a graft spell can attach The spell requires the appendage to be grafted
an appendage of another crea ture to tho recipi- nnd a prepared mixture made up of the blood of
ent's body in place of a missing limb . The the being to which the member origina lly


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Grall Flesh- Liah'l r
be lon ged, a potion of polymorphing (self or
othe r), a po1ion of extra- healing. and at least
I 0,000 gp worth of powdered moonstone. The
prepared mixture is consume d when the spell is
Notes: Very rare spell . Known to be in Laeyn-
dar s Book of Metamorphoses. (Updated from
DRAGON Magazine .)

Graft Flesh
(Alteration, Necromancy)

Level: 5
Range: 0
Components: V.S, M
Casting Time: S
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: l person
Saving Throw: None

With this spell, a wizard can graft any freshly

taken flesh to the body of the reci p ient, either
replacing a lost limb or serving as a disguise.
Th e spell only fun ctions on living human,
demihuman, or humanoid subjects of up to ogre
size . Grafted tissue must be of the same species
as the host. Tho graft flesh spe ll cannot be com-
bined with other enchantments (such as embalm
or spirit bind) that are used to preserve a
The duration is limited onl y by tb_ecompati-
bility of the grafted flesh to the host's body. necromancy, however) . The recip ient has com-
Flesh taken from the recipient (such as a sev- plete control over the flesh as if it were natural.
ered limb) can be permanently reattache d with Al the co n clusion of the spell, however, the
this spell . If the grafted limb was taken from a grafted fle sh slow ly deade ns and ultimately
fresh corpse, however, the max imum duration drops away. A successful di.spel magic ends the
of the spell is J day/level of the caste r. Only spell prematurely .
m usculo-skele tal tissues are affected by this The material component is the host's own
spell: it cannot be used Lograft organs or attach seve red limb or else a suitable replacement
additional appendages (such as an extra arm) to from a fresh corpse (dead for no longer than 1
the recipient day per level of the easter). By the conclusion
The graft flesh spe ll can also disguise the of th e spell, all grafted flesh bas decayed past
subject (who may be the easier) with flesh from all uti liry and cannot be used in a subsequent
a cadaver. While the subject gains the facial and casting.
bodily appearance of the de ceased individual, Notes: Restricted to necromancers; common.
the transformation is only "skin deep ." The
reci pient retains his normal voice, knowledge, Graft Flesh - Lich's
spells, and other abilities . Furthermore, the See graft limb.
subject does not gain any physical or sensory
abilities associated with his new appearance
(for example, the spell ca nnot replac e lost eye-
sight) . This application lasts 1 day/level of the
For the duration of the spell , grafted flesh lit-
erally beco mes an extension of the host's own
body (affec ted tissue radiates a faint aura of


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Graft Item Grappling Grasp, Geirdorn 's
See Geirdom 's grappling grasp .
(Artifice) ,e #
a., Grasp the Magic Since Used
Level: 8 A MYSTARA sellingspell, aka reverse teleport.
Components: V, S Grasping Hand, Bigby's
CastingTime : J rd. SeeBigby's grasping hand.
Duration: Instantaneous
Areaof Effect:The caster Graymantle, Grimwald 's
Saving Throw: Neg. See Grimwald's graymantlc.

This spell is similar to the graft limb spell, Grease

but allows the caster to graft any item, magica l (Conjuration)
or otherwise, to its flesh in order to replace a (Alchemy)
lost limb. The attachment is instantaneous and
permanent, and the item functions no r mally. Level: l
There is no way to remove the object short of Range: 10 yds.
cutting it off. Components: V,S, M
At the DM's discretion , the caster might be Casting Time : l
able to graftadditiona l items to its body and use Duration: 3 rds. + I rd./level
them-obviously, its abilities will have to be AreaofEffeot : JOx 10ft.
spe cifically adjudicated. In the RAVENLOFTset- SavingThrow : Special
ting, the sight of such a modified creature will
certainly evoke a horror check. A grease spell covers a material surface w ith
Notes: Restricted to undead spcllcasters; rare. a sli ppery layer of a fatt y, greasy natu re . Any
creature entering the area or caught in ic when
Graft Limb the spell is cas t must save vs. spell or slip, skid,

Level: 8
tO I
and f11U. Those who successfully save can reach
the nearest nongreasedsurface by the end of the
round. Those who remain in the areaare allowed
Range : O a saving throw each round until they escape the
Components : V, S area. The OM should adjust savi ng throws by
Casting Time: I rd. circumstance ; for example, a creature charging
Duration : Instantaneous down an incline thar is suddenly greased bas
Area of Effect: The caster little chance to avoid the effect, but its ability 10
Saving Throw: Neg . exit the affected area is almost assured! The
spell can also be used to create a greasy coating
Should an undead spe llcaster, such as a 1ich, on an item- a rope, ladder rung , weapon han-
fall victim 10 a vorpal weapon or otherwise lose a dle, etc. Material objects not in use arc always
limb , ii can cast this spell and graft part s from affected by this spell, while cre ature s wielding
dead bodies on to its own; the grafted limb will or employing item s receive a saving throw vs .
function normally. At the DM 's discretion, a lich spell to avoid the effec t. f f the initial saving
can even graft additional appendages to its body throw is failed, the creature immediately drops
and use them-obviously, its abilities will have to the item. A saving throw must be made each
be specifica lly adjudicated. Jn the RAv ENLOFT round the creature attempts to use the greased
setting, the sight of such a creature will certAinly item. The caster can end the effec t with a single
evoke a horror chec k. utterance ; otherwise, it lasts for three round s
Notes : Restric ted to u nd ead spellcasters; plus one round per level .
uncomm.on. The material component of lbe spell is a bit of
pork riod or butter.
Grappling Hand, Halaster 's Notes: Common spell (PHB).
See 1-lalaster's grappling hand.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Great bout r
grea ed item mu t make a uccessful aving
throw vs. spelJ at a - 3 penalty to grasp any ne
object . Once a aving throw i made for an
object, it canbe handled n nnally .
The material compon nt of this spell i a pinch
of lard .
ote : Very rare pell .

Great bout

Range :0
omponents: V.M
Casting Tim : l
Duration: In tantaneous
Area of Effect: ne 90 ft. I ng x 20 fl. wide
aving Thro : Special

Upon uttering the gr at shout, the aster

release a tunning force, akin to a horn of bla t-
ing, from bi mouth in 90-foot by 20-foot cone,
with dditional damage infl icted along narrow
path in the center of the cone 1 fo t wide by 8
feet Long.
All creature within the general area of effect
mu t ve vs. spell. Tho e which do not ave are
stunned for two rounds, deafened for fi ur rounds,
and uffer ldl0 poin of damage. Those who do
save are tunned for only a ingle round and deaf-
Grea Uck ened fi r two round .
(Alteration) Damage i mu h greater along the narro path
(Alchemy) at the heart of the great. hout. Boulder can b
plit , cottage leveled, and powerful gates
Level : 3 breached by thi part of the hout . lt inflict
Range: IO yds . structural damage a if the great hou, ere a
mponent : S. M mi ile flung by a I rge cata pult ec ' iege
Casting Time : 3 Damage" in the DMG) with a - 2 modffier to the
Duration : 2 rd ./level ving throw. AU item magical and n nmagical
Area orEffect: 1S x I ft. area within the narrow path of the hour muse make a
avingThrow : pecial a ing throw vs. crushing blow or be de troyed .
rcature ithio then rr w p th tak e 2d20
Thi variation of the grease pell allow a wiz- point of damage i they f: ii their sa iog throw
ard t create a pray of grea e that erupt from and 1d10 point of damage if they m kc their
his finger6ps and can extend up to IO yards way saving throw . Deafne and tunning effect
fr m hi body. The grease c ats aJJobject within apply as d cribed ab ve.
a I 5-foot by 15-foot area. The great hout is extremely taxing and danger-
Objec coated by the grca e become lippery. ou to the user . The shout drain 2d4 hir point
limy, and ubj ct to th etli ct of II grease peU fr m the c ter, nd in addirion the caster must
ave v . spell or faU). urth r, Individual in the make a y tern b ck roll or die from the e erti n.
area of effect who are arrying weapons and The materi 1 component of lhi pell i any
otb r obje t mu t, for each obje t, make a uo- item th.atradiat e a magical aura, including th e
ce sfu l avlng throw v . pell at a - 2 penalty . temporarily inve t d with Ny h1I' magic aura as
Failure mean the object lips from the inclivid- well magical items . Powerful item ucb a
ua I' gr sp. Individual attempting to pick up artifact and uniqu weapons cann t be u ed to


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

power the great shout. The item is destroyed in Greater Distraction- Ninja
the process. (TDuslon
.Notes: Rare spell from the FORCO'J'TEN .REALMS
setting; known to be in The Spell Book of Daimos. Level: 3
Range: 20 yds.
GreatThump - Geisya Components: S
n) ~ Casting Tune: 3
Duration: I turn/level
Level: 4 Area of Effect: I creature
Range: Touch SavingThrow: Neg.
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: I With thls spell, the ninja causes the victim to
Duration: 1 tum/level become di stracted by a sen sation . The caster
Area of Effect: Creature touched decides what the sensation will be before he casts
Saving Throw: Neg. the spell. Typical sensations include itching, the
feeling that one's hands are grubby, or the need to
When a great thump is cast, th.e wu jen thumps answer nature's call.
the attacker with an ornamental fan and berates If the victim falls a saving throw vs. spell ,
the offender. Unless a saving throw is successful, the sensation wJII not stop distracting him until
the attacker suddenly loses all interest in attack- he deals with it (by scratching the itch, washing
ing anything. Cfthe creature is attacked, the spell his hands, etc.) or until the spell duration ends.
is broken. This spell affects only those creatures Once either of these cond itions is met, the dis-
that can be affected by th11mp . tracting sen sation ends . A victi m who makes
Notes: Common to indiv iduals with geisya the save feels the sensation momentarily, but it
training; otherwise rare in oriental settings; virtu- goes away almost immediately . The victim is
ally unknown elsewhere. (Updated !tom DRAGON never aware that a spell was cast, whether he
Magazine.) saves or not.
This is another spell used by intruding ninja to
Greater Detet'tUndead maneuver guards or intended targets out of posj-
(Divlnation, Necromancy) tion.

Level: 2
a. Notes: Res tricted lo ninja spellcasters and
those trained by them; common.
Range: 0
Components: V.S, M Greater Mallson
Casting Time: I rd. (Enchantment/Charm)
Duration: 3 turns
Arca of Effect: I mi./point oflntelligence Level: 4
Saving Throw: None Range: 60 ft.
Components: V
With this spell, the caster can detect all undead Casting Time: 4
within range. Range is equal to the caster's Intelli- Duration: 2 rds./level
gence score in miles. The detection is omnidirec- Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius sphere
tional. The caster need not remain stationary. The Saving Throw: None
spell indicates direction but not specific location,
distance, or the type of undead-for instance, the This spell operates exact ly like the 3rd-level
casre r might sense a small numbe r of u.ndead minor malison spell; it all ows a wiza rd to
about ten miles north, a single undead creature adversely affect all the savingthrows of his ene-
about 100 feet to his left, and so on. The undead mies. The wizard places a - 2 penalty on the sav-
receive no saving throw against this detection, nor ingthrows of all hostile creatures within the area
is the spell hindered by obstacles of any kind, save of effect. OptionaJJy,the wizard can impose a - 3
magical warding Ii.kc nondetection. penalty to saving throws against spells from one
The material component for this spell is a bit school of magic. This penalty is not cumulative
of earth from a grave. with the specialist wizard saving throw penalty;
NotH: Restricte d to undead spellcasters of the penalty is not increased to -4 .
l lth level or higher; uncommon . This speJI can Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM).
be researched only in the RAVENLOFTsetting.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Greater Spelldrcwn r
Greater Sign of Sealing powdered diamond worth at least 1,000 gold
(Abjuration ) pieces.
(Geometry) Notes: Uncommon spell (PO:SM).

Level: 6 Greater SpeUdream

Range: O (l nvocatlon, lllusion/Pbantum)
Components: S, M
Casting Time: I rum Level: 6
Duration: Permanent Range: IOyds./level
Area of Effect: Special Components: V.S
Saving Throw: Special Casting Time: 6
Duration: I turn/level
A more potent form of the lesser sign of seal- Area of Effect: I creature
ing, this spell allows the caster to guard an item Saving Throw: Special
or portal and prevent all other creatures from
opening or pas,ing through the sealed item or Like the 4th-level lesser spelldream, but more
surface. The greater sign has several effects. powerful, the greater spelldream spell allows the
First, it affects a doorway or item that opens (a caster to remove spells of 6th level or less from a
chest, for instance) as a wizard Ioelespell. If slumbering creature, who must be visible to the
placed in an open corridor or archway to prevent caster or specifically named during spellcasting.
passage, the greater sign creates a magical bar- When the spell is cast, the recipient is allowed
rier that repels all who try to pass. a save vs. spells with a - 5 penalty. If the save suc-
Seco nd, the greater sign greatly strengthens ceeds, the spell is lost, and the intended recipient
the physica l structu re of any door or item it is instantly awakens.
placed upon, grantin g a +6 bonus to any item This occurs during an enforced slumber, which
saving throws and allowing che item or door to can be broken by any physical auack on the
ig.more I point of damage per caster level from recipient (such an event will jolt the recipient into
any attack. For example, a greater sign cast by a insta nt a ler tness) . The en forced slumber is
I 2th- level wizard would reduce the damage of accompa nied by dreams, and the caster of this
any blow or spell by 12 points, so a fighter armed spell can choose one image per level to feature in
with a broad sword (maxi mum damage of 8 these dr eams (typically , the caster shapes a
points) could never back through a door pro- sequence of images showing the recipient how he
tected by the sign. came to be cmspelled,or why the caster has cho-
Th ird, if the protected doorway or item is sen to remove those spells).
forced open or destroyed by any means, the sign The spell effects are unraveled slowly, wjthout
itself is not only destroyed, but also releases a doing bann to the caster of the spelldreamor the
spell upon the offending creature. The spell held recipient, and without triggering any spell traps
by !luesign is cast into the ward when the greater or defensive effects . Note spells that hove
sign is created, and any spell the caster has mem- been made pennanent cannot be unmvelcdin this
orized can be used in this way, from a fireball or way. SpeUs not subject to dispel mag,c cannot be
shocki ng grasp to a very nasty wish or poly- unraveled unless the caster makes at saving throw
morph. The range of the sign's retributive spell is vs. spell at a - 5 penalty. Failure means the spell is
IO yards per caste r level, so it is possible to transferred to the caster.
destroy the warding from a safe distance . While a spelldream is unfolding, the recipi-
The sign js djsplayed in plain sight, and most ent's mind cannot be contacted or influenced by
wizards will recognizeit for what it is. The caster any other being. Thus, a wizard can pass infor-
cannot specify particular creatures or conditions mation to a creature who is under magical thought
for the sign :1operation; it functions against any su rveillance without risk of the in format ion
creature that attempts to pass it, although the wiz- being detected.
ard can freely pass through his own sign wjtbout Notes: Common for Dream mages; otherwise
activating it. The greater sign can be removed by rare.
the caster , thus ending the spell , or it ca n be
defeated by a limited wish or wish spell cast by a
wizard of equal or higher level than the original
caster; it cannot be dispelled.
The material component for a greater sign is a

41 5

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Grimwald's Graymantl e ing. Spells that return lost hit points (cure light
(Nec romancy) wounds, heaf) will not work on that individual.
Other necromantic spells will function nor -
Level: 5 mally, including those that cure other afflictions
Range: 5 yds./ level (disease, blindness) . Those that remove lut
Componen ts: V.S, M points (cause light wounds) are unaffected by
CasringTime: 5 the spell .
Dural.ion: I rd./leveJ Should the gray~wrapped skull or bone miss
A.Teaof Effect: I creature the target, or should the target make a saving
Saving Throw: Neg. throw vs. spell (at - 2 for those administered by
touch), the graymanrle fades and the spell ltas ao
On the round of casting, a sma ll skull or bone effect.
is imbued with a silvery-g ray radiance. The skull Upon the expiration of the spe ll , automatic
or bone can then (in the next round ) be touched to healing abilities and items such as the ring of
an opponent or thrown to the Jimil of the spelJ's regenerationor Lhe troll's regenerative ability are
range against a target . In cases of touching the restored and regenerate hit points normally . Any
skull to an opponent, the attack is +2 to hit. Oth- healing attempted during the spell's duration is
erwise the chances of hitting are normal, accord- losL
ing to the mage's normal THACO. The material component of this spell is the
If the skull or bone bit s th e target , the gray skull or bone used.
radiance is transferred from the skull to the Notes: Uncommon or rare spell. Known to be
creature , covering it enti rely. For the duration of in The Tomeof Jhe Covenant
lhe spell, the crea ture cannot regain hit points by
any means.Natural regeneration (such as that of Ground Flame
trolls) is stoppe d as arc the effects of a ring of lost spell, referenced in the navel. Prism Pentad.
regeneration, potion of healing, or staff of cur-

, - --

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

OuardinnMan1lc r
Ground Fog Duration: 3 hrs./lcvel
()nvocation) __,,,//f1"'Area of Effect: Up 10 30-ftJ\cvel radius
(Air, IYatu) ; Q q Saving Throw: None

Level: 3 A guardianspell will alert the caster ifa living

Range: 0 creature above a certain size (specified al the
Components: V.S time of the casting) approaches within a certain
Casting Time: IO rds. dista.nce of the ca.ster. The spell will awake the
Duration: I hr./level individual from a sound sleep.
Area of Effect: One 50 x 50-ft. square/level Any size creature can be indicated-including
Saving Throw: None the tiniest - but the caster will be constantly
alerted to tbe app roach of insects, mice, etc .
This spell creates a ground fog or mist that Since the spell gives no indication of the size of
rises only Jeneehigh on a normal human (about the approaching being, this may be somewhat
two feet). The mist fills an area defined by the unsettling.
spellcaster, laid oul as 50-foot x 50-foot squares. The material component of the spell is the ear
The first square must be centered on the caster. ofa bat.
The others can be laid out in any pattern so long Notes: Restricted to practitioners of pluma
as every square share s a complete border with magic (tJ1eMaztica setting); common.
another square. indoors , the fog fills only the
level or floor where the caster stands. lt cascades GuardJan,Serrel's
down stairs and into pits but evaporates after a The 3rd-level guardian spell, see Serret 's
few feet. guardian.
The fog is full of moving swirls and eddies .
An invisible individual moving thr ough the Guardian Mantle
fog does not create enough of a stir to reveal (Abjuration , Invocation )
his presence more readily than normal. The
ground is generally not visible beneath the Level: 7
fog. It is quite possible for a corpse to be lying Range: 0
on the tloor and be complete ly covered by the Components: V,S, M
fog. A detect magic spell will reveal an aura of Casting Time: 7
invocation. Duration: I tum + I rdJlevel
This spell may seem innocuous, but to a vam- Area of Effect The caster
pire spellcaster it is a deviously simple trap. The Saving Throw: None
gaseous form of the vampire is easily concealed
by the fog. ln effect, he can rise up out of the fog The guardian mantle spell creates a blanket of
anywhere and attack with surprise. Alternatively, translucent bluish energy that encases the caster's
the spellcaster or undead minions can lie down body as proteetion from melee and missile attacks.
under the fog cover , then leap up to attack or Those attempting to attack lho caster must roll a
strfke at passing legs. successful saving throw vs.spell at a --4 penalty or
The material component of the spell is a pinch find the attack foiled by the mantle . Attackers
oflamb's fleece. using magical weapons can add the weapon
Notes: Common for undead speUcasters; bonuses to the savi ng throw. Maintaining this
uncommon for mages of Air, Water, Frost, and defensive enchantment requires no concenttntion
Weather; very rare for others. on the pan of the caster, who can cast spells or
choose to ignore attackers. The maade does not
Grue Conjuration, Nystul's protect against spells or spell-like powersand can-
See Nystul's grue conjuration. not be made permanent. While the mantle is in
effect, it suppresses all of the caster's other protec-
Guardian - Pluma tive magics for its duration. For example, neither a
(Conjuration/S ummoning) globe of i1tv1.1lnerobi/itynor an amulet of life pro-

Level: 2
Range: 0
Components: V.S, M
Casting Time: I tum
A tection,neither a ring of regenerationnor br-acers
of defense,will operate while this spell is in effect.
The ma1erial componems are a piece of blue
velvet and a gem ofat least 500 gp value.
Notes: Very rare spell.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Guards and Wards Notes: Common spell (PHB).
(AJterat1on, Enchantment/Charm, Evocation)
(Geometry) Guess, Bornung 's
See Homung's guess.
Level: 6
Range:0 Guise of the Yak-Man
Components: V.S, M (lllusion )
Casting Time: 3 turns
Duration: 1 hrJlevel Level: 5
Area of Effect Special Range:Touch
Saving Th.row: None Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: I rd.
This specia l and powerful spell is primarily Duration: I tum/level
used to d.efend the wizard's stronghold. The ward Area of tTect:Crearurc touched
prote cts a one-s1ory stronghold, with a ba se Saving Throw: Neg.
dimension of 400 feet x 400 feet. The wit.ard can
ward a multistory area by reducing lhe base area This spell makes the target look, feel, smell,
proportionately. The following I.alee place in the and sound like one of the hideous yak-men. ft is
warded area upon casting the spell: an extreme ly powerful illus ion that ca nnot be
detected through normal or magical means, short
I. All co rridor s become misty; visibility is of true seei ng, an d ca nnot be dispelled save
reduced lo l O feet. through lhe use of a 111islt. Even creatures that are
2. All doors are wizard locked. normally unaffected by illusions or phantasms
3. Stairs are filled with webs from top to bot- are affected by this spell.
tom . These act as the 2nd-level web spe ll, The guise of the yak. man spell has two po s-
except that they regrow within one turn if sible uses. The first is beneficial. Because of an
destroyed. ancient pact between yak-men and geniekind, dao
4. Where there are choices in direction-such will never harm or interfere with a yak-man. The
as a cross or side passage- a minor conji,- targetof this speU wiU not be harassed or banned
sion-type spell funct ions so as to make it by dao, though that individual has no other spe-
50% probable that intruders believe they are cial powers over the genie races.
going in the exact opposite wrection. The second use comp rises a mean s for the
5. The whole area rawates magic. The normal caster to do away with someone without dirtying
use of the de1ec1magic speJJbecomesimpos- his own bands . Everyo ne hates yak-men, and
sible for those of less than rbe caster's level most denizen s of c ivilized areas will attack
and difficult for others. these creatu res on sight. By castin g this spell
6. One door per level of experience of the wiz- upon someone, the wizard virtually guarantees
ard is covered by an illusion to appear as if it that bjs victim will avoid cities or be killed upon
werea plain wall. entering one.
7. The wizard can place one of the following Th e mater ial component of this spell is hair
additional magical effects: from a yak-man, which is not at all easy to
A. Dancing /ig/,rs in four corridors. obtain . A successfu l saving I.brow vs . spell
B. A magic mourlt in two places. negates this spell 's effect.
C. A stinking cloud in twO places. Notes: Uncommon in arabian lands; unknown
D. A grtSt of wind in one corridor or room. elswhere.
E. A sugge.srion in one place.

Note that items 6 and 7 function only when the

wizard is totally fami liar will1 the area of the
spe ll 's effect. Dispel magi c can remove one
effect, at random, per casting. A remove curse
speJJwill not work.
The 1D11terial components of lbe spell are burn-
ing incense, a small measure of sulphur and oil, a
knotted string , a small amount of umber bulk
blood, and a small silver rod.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

GustofWind r
GuUship- Elf subtracti ng the die roll from the caster's level, any
(Alteratio n) result of zero or a negative numbe:r indicates that
the victim loses no spells.
Level : 7 Spe lls are dra ined from the wizard 's memo-
Range: IO yds. rized spells, beginning with I st-level spells and
Components: V. S, M working up to high er level spe lls. Spells drained
Casting Time: l tum from a given level are determined randomly .
Duration : I br.Jlevel Notes: Uncommon or rare spell (ToM).
Area of Effect: I vessel
Saving Throw: None Gust of Wind
When cast. this spell allows a single nonnafly (Air)
water-borne vessel to fly. The vessel can be no
longer than IO feet per level of the caster, and it Level : 3
must still rely on the winds to move (MC E). The Range : O
easier can control the vessel's altitude up to 100 Com ponents : V.S, M
feet per level. A vessel raised with this spell will Cas ting Tune : 3
lower itself gently to sea level as the spell ends; it Durati on: I rd.
wilJnot come crashing down. The caster need not Area of Effect: IOft. wide x lOyds./le vel long
maintain concentration, except when changing Saving Throw: None
altitude .
The material co mp onent s of this spell are a When this spell is cast, a strong puff of air
small model boat and the feather of a seagul I. origi nates from the wizard and move s in th e
Notes: Common for elves , who jealously direction he is facing . The force of this gust of
guard it; otherwise very rare. wind (about 30 m.p.h.) is suffic ient to extinguish
candles, torches , and similar unprotected flames.
Gunther's KaleidoscopicStrike Jt causes protected flames -s uch as tho se of
(Invocation/Evocation ) Lanterns- to dance wildJy and has a 5% chance
(Geometry) per level of experience of the spellcaster to extin-
guish even such lights . It also fans large fires out-
Level : 8 ward I d6 feet in the directio n of th e wind 's
Range : S yds l level movement. lt forces back small flying creatures
Components:V, S I d6 x IO yard s and causes man-sized beings to
Casting Time : 8 be held motionJess if attempting to move against
Duration: instantaneous its fo rce. It slow s larger-than-m an-sized flying
Area ofEtfect I spcllcaster creatures by 50 for one round , lt blows over
Saving Throw: Neg. light objects, disperse s most vapors, and forces
away gaseous or unsecured levitating creatures.
When this spell is casl, a thin beam of shim- lts path is a constant IO feet wide , by IO ya rds
mering , kaleidoscopic light shoots from the wiz- long per level of experience of the caster ( for
ard's fingertips toward a target spe llcaster. That exam ple , an 8th-level wizard causes a gust of
individual is allowed a saving throw to resist the wind that travels 80 yards) .
beam . The mate r ial co mp onent of the spell is a
Thi s spell has no effect on non-spellcasters , legume seed.
causing rhem no harm whatsoever . Creatures Notes : Common spell (PHB).
with innate speJI- Jike abilities are a lso unaf-
fected . Against th ose using memorized spell s,
thi s dweomer can be devastating. It "s hort-cir-
cuits" the arcane energy stored in a spe llca.ster 's
mind , wiping away memorized spells. Lost
spells are dissipated without effect and must be
The number of spells drained is equal to the
caster's level minus ld20 . Thus. a 16th-level wiz..
ard drain s a max_imum of 15 spells but might
drain no spells, depending on the die roll . Aller


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


Haelyn's Bow area of effec1.

(Enchantment ) The material component for this
Reversible ... , ..... __ _ spell is a piece of jade worth at least I ch' ien
(Artifice) (5 gp), which is thrown at the desired target.
Notes: Common in oriental settings; other-
Level: 3 wise very rare.
Range: 10 yds.
Components: V, S, M Oailcone
Duration: Special ( I rd./level) (Evocation)
Casting Time: 3 (Air)
Area of Effect: I bow/level
Saving Throw: None Level: 4
Range: 10 yds./level
When a wizard casts this spell upon a short Components: V.S, M
bow, long bow, or crossbow, the bow gains a + I CastingTime: 4
bonus to attack and damage rolls for a number Duration: I rd.
of rOlmds equal to 1he wizard's level. The Arca of Efl'ecc: JO-ft. diameter cone
bonus conferred by this spell adds to any magi- Saving Throw: None
cal bonus the bow already carries.
The spell rakes effect when the first shot is The spellcasler causes large hailstones (2
fired and then lasts for the full duration, which inches across and greater) to rain down in a con-
is one round per caster level. The first shot ical area, from a point 30 feet above a surface or
must be fired within 8 hours of the casting or target downward in a cone that opens to a 30-
lhe enchantment is lost. Multiple spells can be foot base diameter. Creatures within this area of
cas1upon the bow, with cumulative bonuses. effect suffer 3d IO points of damage, and any
The reverse of this spell, cursed bow, confers exposed items must make a successful saving
a -I penalty to attack and damage rolls for a throw vs. crushing blow to avoid damage.
number of rounds equal to the caster's level. lf the spell is cast in midair, there is a danger
The material component is a stone arrow- zone up lo 30 feet below the broad base of the
head. cone; crearures in this area take ld 10 points of
Notes: Common in the BtRTHRIOHT setting; damage and items that arc fragHe and exposed
very rare elsewhere. must save vs. crushing blow. Creatures beneath
the danger zone might be struck by odd hall-
HaiJof Stone stones and thus become aware of the spell's
(Conjuration/S ummoni ng) effect, bui these hailstones will have no appre-
(Ea rth) ciable force and wiU innict no damage.
The material components of the hailcone are
Level: I a pinch of dost and a few drops of water
Range: 120 yds. Notes: Very rare spell from the PORGOTTEN
Components: V, S, M RBAl.MS setcing. Known to be in Aubayreer's
Casting Time: I rd. Workbook.
Dliration: lnstantaneous
Area of Effect: 5-fl. sq./level Hai r
Saving Throw: None (Alteration, Invocation/ Evocati on)

Upon casting this spell, the wu jen summons Level: 1

a rain of stones iu che area of effect , causing Range: Touch
damage to creatures and objects within 1his Components: V.S
area. An attack roll is made against every crea- Casting Time: I
ture io the area of effect, at 1be caster's chance Duration: Instantaneous
to hit. A hit means the creature has been bit by Area of Effect: I creature
one or more stones falling from the sky. The Saving Throw: Neg.
damage caused is ld3 points per level of the
caster ( IOd.3maximum). Any number of crea- This useful spell aJlows the caster to perfonn
tures can be struck by these stones if within the one or more of the listed functions on his own


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

="',;Halastcr'$GrapplingHand r
or another person's hair (lhe artistic ability or has the s am e hit points as the caster in full
barbering nonweapon proficiencies arc a plus). heallh, and bas the caster's saving th.rowagainst
The functions are: specia l attack forms . MngicaJ weapons can
Trim or cut the hair damage the band, inflfoting one point of dam-
Style the hair age for every combat bonus of the weapon . For
Wash,cleanse, and dry the hair ex_ample , a dagger +2 inflicts two points of
Lightly dye or bleach the hair damage upon the hand . Individuals or monsters
The change lasts until the person's hair without magical weapons. items, or armor pass
grows out naturally or becomes dirty again . An freely through the hand .
unwilling subject receives a saving throw vs . Th e caster should make a Dexterity check to
spell to avoid the caster's attentions . see if the hand successfully intercepts a magic-
Notes: Rare spell . Known to be in Prismal's based attack. lf it does, all damage is suffe red
Pocket Library, Vol. I. by the hand (if the hand is destroyed, any dam-
age it did not stop affects the caster ). Dispel
Balaster's Grappling Hand magic, negation, or cancellation effec ts and
(Evocation) spells destroy the band instantly . Once a grap -
(Force) pling hand has been created, it cannot be ended
by wilJ of the cas ter or anyone else before its
Level: 5 durst .ion runs out; to remove It, a dispel magic
Range : 10 n. must be used .
Components : V, S The groppling hand does not stop and is not
Gasting Time : 5 affected by normal missiles or any nonmagical
Duration: 4 rds. + l rd ./level thrown item . Most creatures cannot harm a
Area of Effect : Creates I hand hand by attacking it, unless using enchanted
Saving Throw : None weapons (which inflict only their magical
bonuses as damage to the band) .
This spell creates a translucent , 5-foot tall Notes: Known to H a laster, archmage of the
magical left hand of force. Silent and noncorpo- FoROOTtBN REALMS setting .
real , the hand appears within ten feet of the spell-
caster and moves with him . 11can pass through Hallucinatory Terrain
nonmagical, unliving matter easily; door frames, (IllusJon/Pbantasm)
missiles, and so on do it no harm . It lasts without
concentration while the caster engages in other Level : 4
activities, including spellcasting . Range : 20 yds ./Level
The hand acts only when a attack, Compone nts : V, S, M
such as a magic missile or lightning bolt , is Casting Time : 1 turn
dincted at the caster, or when a hostile crea- Duration : I br./level
ture armed with magic attempts to attack the Area of Effect : 10 ydsJlevel cube
caster. The spell intercepts any magic targeted Saving Throw : None
directly on the cHter. The hand doe s not stop
wide area effects that incidently include the By means of this spell, the wizard causes an
caster,such as afireball . illusion that hides the actual terrain within the
The hand moves to block any creatures area of effect. Thus, open fields or a road can
armed with magic that try to approach the be made to look like a swamp , hill, crevasse , or
caster. stop p ing them as if it were a so lid bar- so me other difficult or impassable terr ain . A
rier . Innatel y magical creatures (such as most pond can be made to look like a grassy
constructs) are gene rally blocked, though their meadow, a precipice like a gentle slope , or a
natural attacks inflict full damage . Special rock-strewn gully like a wide and smooth road_
creatures with virtual immunity to most spe lls The hallucinatory terrain persists unt il a dispel
are unaffected (for exa mple , a true golem magic spe ll is cas t upon the area or until the
would walk right through the hand unless it duration expires. Individual creatures may see
was actually carrying a magical weapon) . through the illusion, but the illusion persists.
Tbe hand is lightning-qulck, and can defend affecting others who observe lhe scene .
again st several magical attacks or one crearure If the illusion involves only a subtle change,
in a round . lt tries to intercept all such attacks, such as causing an open wood to appear thick
taking their damage Itself . The hand is AC 0, and dark, or increasing the slope of a hill , the


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Hed - Drqonr

offecr may be unnoticed even by those in the opponents on all sides of him, providing they arc
midst of it. If the change is extreme (for exam- not invisible; and mereforecannot be struck from
ple, a grassy plain covering a seething field of behind or suffer a penalty for a back attack.
volcani c mudpots), the illusion will no doubt Under normal conditions, the caster cannot be
be noticed the instant one person falls prey to surprised. Attacks cannot be directed against me
it. Each level of experience expands the dimen- magical eyes, but their vision is obscured by
sfons of tJ1ecubic area affected by IO yards; for bllndness and other magical and natural effects
example, a I 2th-level caster affects an area 120 that would hinder the wizard's normal sight.
yards x 120yards x 120yards. The material components for this spell arc
The material components of this spell are a the feather of an eagle and an eyelash from the
stone, a twig, and a bit of green plant- a leaf corpse of any creature.
or grass blade. Notes: Uncommon spell.
Notes: Common spell (PHB) .
Hand - Dragon
Halo of Eyes (Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 2
Level: 4 Range: 5 ydsJlevel
Rangc: 0 Components: V, S
Components: V, M CastingTime: 2
Casting Time: 4 Duration: 2 rds./level
Duration: I tum/level Area of Effect: Special
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None
The spell brings into being a faintly glowing
Halo of e)'es creates a halo of functional eye- area of force simi lar in size and shape to a
balls that sits atop the caster's bead, enabling the human hand. It bas four fingers and an oppos-
caster 10 sec in all directions at the same time. able thumb. The fingers of the hand are much
Additionally, these magical eyes all have infravi- more pre cise in their movements than, for
s/011to a distance of 60 feet. The caster can see example, an unseen serva nt . The Dexterity
ability score oflhe fingers is equal to the cast-
ing dragon's Intelligence, plus Id.3-1.
The hand is very weak when compared to
typical dragon strengt h. It can lift objects
weighing up to 60 pounds and can apply an
equivalent amount of force. Thus it can crush
only the mosr fragile of objects. The hand can-
not wield a weapon or throw an object.
The hand can deliver a single slapping attack
per round; its THA CO is the same as the
dragon's . The slap causes no damage, but a
successful hit will break a spelkastcr 's concen-
tration and ruin a spell
The dragon must have a direct line of sight
to the hand. As soon as the dragon's view of the
hand is blocked. the spelJ ends.
Hand is one of the few draconic spells that
might possibly be learned by a nondragon.
For dragons unable to polymorph or
shapechange into human or dcmihuman form,
the lack of small manipulating digitS is a real
problem . They can 't write , they ca n 't open
small jewelry boxes, and so on. The hand spell
solves this problem.
Notes: Common for dragons; otherwise very
rare. Knownto be in the Draconomicon.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""', Rand of Darkness- Drow
Hand of Darkness - Drow single other extremity, though the fangs appear
(Alteration) o nl y on b are flesh. not beneath footwear or
cloU1ing .
Level: 3 The fangs are sharp enough to saw through
Range: 10 yds ./level bindin gs, tea r clot h, or slas h oppone nts (for
Com ponents : V. S, M I d2 points d amage ) , but th ey have a more
Casti ng Time: 3 potent attack: the fi rst time band fangs touc h
Duration : I rum + 1 rd./leve l anot her 's living flesh, they inject a virulent poi-
Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius sp here son that slows a victim for Jd4 rounds (no sav-
SavingThrow : None ing throw) a nd instantly in11icts I point of
da ma ge pe r level of the caste r. The poison's
Th is spell cloa ks light sou rces qui ,ckly and effects ca n be removed by a neulra/Jzepoison
with great precision . On the ro und after cas t- s p e ll, but slow poison is ineffective . Thi s
ing , the radia n ces caused by glowi ng mag ical nerve-numbing a ttack funct ions only once per
items , light and continua l light spell s, torches, casting , not once for each fanged hand .
fi res , an d othe r so ur ces within th e 30-foot- The material component is a flake or ch ip of
radius area of effect are negated. The sources bone from any source , and the somatic compo-
themse lves are not extinguis hed (an unseen nent is a sub tle, almost unnoticeable gesture .
fire st ill burn s fuel and beings comi ng into Notes: Known by Shaaan (Shay-an) lhe Ser-
cont act with ii). they si mpl y give off no light pent Queen, of the FORGOTTENREALMSseni ng .
whi l e in th e affecte d area. Those in the area (Updated from DRAGO N Magazine .)
cannot see light from outside, and ligh t sources
brought into th e area a re negated . Crea tures Harm
requiring light for vision suffer standar d penal- (Necromancy)
ties for ope rating in total darkness . Th e spell
has no effecr on infra vision . Level : 7
Th e spe ll area of effec t is targ eted as if the Ran ge: Touch
caster were attacking (an atta ck roll using the Compo nents: V, S
caste r 's T HAC0 is required) . A m isse d attack Casting Time : 7
causes the spell center to be othe r than where it Duration : Instantaneous
was in tended; use the g re nade -like mi ssile Area of E ffect : Crea ture touched
scatter diagram from the DMG. Savmg Throw : None
The hand of darkness cannot be dispelled by
subsequen t cas ting of light or continual light The harm spe ll corrupts the vic tim' s life
spells. The effect co nti nues until the hand of energies , causing th e lo ss of all but I d4 hit
darkness spell itself expires or is di spelled . poi nts . Noncorporeal, nonliving, and extrapla-
The material compone nts of this spell are a nar creatures are not affected by the spell. A
piece of coal or handful of ash, a sm1.dl spher e successfu l touch attack is required , and th e
o f black glass or sto ne , and a scrap of black cas ter ha s a +4 bonus to the altack roll. The
cloth. fur, or hide . damage must be healed naturally or cured wilh
Notes : Restricted to drow; common . magic . Unlike the 6th-leve l priest spell, heal,
this spell is not reversible. Cas ting harm Is an
Handfang s evil act
(Alteration, Necroma:ncy) Notes : Restri cted to evil necromancers, evi l
witches, and those trained by them; uncommon.
LeveJ: 4
Range : 0
Com ponen ts: S, M
Casting Time : 4
Duration : 1 rd./level
Area of Effect ; Caster's hands
Saving Throw : None

This spell conju res bony fangs or hooked

teeth that protrude from lhe back and/or knuck-
les of one or both of lhe cas ter 's ha n ds, o r a


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Ha1chrl1cStone rrom
the Eggr
Hand y Mirror, PrismaP s throw vs. spe ll is failed. the c reature ages by
See Prismal 's handy mirror. o ne month instead of o ne week , undergoing
any physical changes associated with the nor-
Hand y Timepiece , Drawmij 's mal passa ge of time . Cas ting thi s spell more
See Drawmmij' s handy timepiece . than once per week on th e same animal may
afflict it with magic-ind uced changes, a degen
Harp, Melisander 's erative disease, syste m shock, genetic damage.
See Melisander's harp. or other penalti es at the DM's option . The spell
is mos t ofte n used to accelerate marnrotion
Haste during breeding experiments.
(Alteration) Th e material components are : a pioch of
sp inach and a spoonf ul of cod liver oil.
Level: 3 Notes: Very rare s p e ll. (Up dat e d fr om
Range : 60 yds. Imagine Magazine.)
Component s: V, S, M
Casting Time: 3 Batch the Stone from the Egg
Duration : 3 rds. + I rd./leve l {Alt eration , Enchantm e nt, Evocation)
Area of Effect: 40-ft. cube. I creature/level (Alchemy, Earth)
Saving Throw: None
Level: 7
When thj s spe ll is cas t, each affected crea - Range:To uch
ture functions at double its normal movement Casting Time : I d4 + 4 hrs.
and a ttack rate s. A hasted crearure gains a - 2 Component s: V, S, M
initiati ve bonus. Thu s, a creature moving at 6 Duration : Special
and a11ack1ngonce per round would move at 12 Area of Effecr: One alchemical mixture
and attack twice per round. Spellcasting and Saving Throw : None
spell effects are 110, sped up . The number of
creature s that ca n be affected is equal to the When a wizard wishes to crea te tho magical
caster's experience level; those creatures c los- item known ns the philosophers stone, he mus1
est lo Lhecenter of effect are affected first. All fir sL di scove r its alchemical formula, which
affe c ted by haste mus t be i n the designated tells bim the nece ssary ingredi e nts and the
area of elTect. Note that thi s spell negates the method or preparing them. This information is
effects of a slow spell. Additi onally, this spell not provided by this spell, and this spell is use-
ages the rec ipient by one year, because of sped- less without the formu la. (The exact ingredi-
up metabolic processes (like all magical aging, ents and formula are deci ded by the Dunge on
this require s a system shock roll). The spell is Master and must be discove red by rhe wizard
not cu mulative with itself o r with si milar though adventuring.)
magic ( inc luding boots of speed and potion of When the formula has been discovered and
speed). the ingreclients prepared , the w izard enchants
It s material com pon e nt is a s having of the alchemical mixture with the ench an t an
licorice root. item spell. Hatch the sto11 efrom the egg is then
Notes: Common spelt (PHB). cast upon the mixture . Th is spell slowly trans-
mute s t he mixture into its final form as 1hi:
Basten Growth p/Jilosopl,er's sro11e . The proce ss is completed
(Alteration ) with a permanency spell.
The spell requi res the magi ca l item known
Level: S as the philosopher~ egg. Thi s is an enchanted
Range : Touch reton (a long-necked piece of glassware) used
Compo nents : V, S, M to distill an alchemi ca l mixture. The egg is not
Casti ng Time : 2 hrs. destroyed upoa completion or the spell and can
Duration : lnstantaneous be used again (XP value: J.000; the other prop-
Area of Effect: Animal to uched er ty o f the egg is to redu ce by half th e time
Saving Throw : Neg. req uired to pr o duce any fluid by mean s of
This can be cast once per week upo n any Notes: Uncommon spell (Jo M) .
animal, including a g iant variety . If a saving

42 5

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""': llaunicd Sleep.Tasirln'II
Haunted Sleep, Tasirin's In addition, the phaerimm temporarily gains
See Tasirin 's haunted sleep. I point of Strength, with the applicable bonuses
{a phaerimm possessing I8 Strength attains 19
Heal Self - Phaerimm Strength, regardles s of any percentile normally
(Necromancy) possessed). Thi s augmentation lasts for I turn,
plus 1 round per leve l. The healing elTects of
Level: 6 the s pe ll cannot be di spelle d, alrbough new
Range: 0 damage can be taken.
Components : V, S, M Thi s healing spell requ ires as its mat erial
Casting Time: 6 co mponent s two drop s of wat er , a drop of
Duration: Special blood, and a ge msto ne of no1 less 1han I 00 gp
Area of Effect: The caster value . The pbaerimm bolds these in one tenta-
Saving Throw : Special cle, claps that tentac le to its body, and intones
the spell.
This healing s p ell is u sa bl e only by the Notes: Restricted to phaerimm ; common .
phaerimm. When it is cast. a saving th.row vs.
spell is required. If the throw fails, LhecasLing Beating Dream
phaerimm is healed of only 4d8 points of dam- (Enchantment /C harm )
age (to the limit of damage previously taken) .
Blindness , poison, weakness, or nausea, how- Level : 3
ever caused, are ban ished from the phaerimm' s Range: Touch
body. Component s: V, S, M
Cfthe throw succeeds, all damage is healed, Casting Time: 3
includin g the restoration of full use to br oken Duration: 8 hrs.+ 2 brs./level
limb s and damaged o rgan s . All afflictions Area of Effect: I s leeping creature
(including rot grub and other parasit ic infesta- Saving Throw : Neg.
tio ns, diseases such as mumm y rot, and eve n
lycanthropy) are ended . Casting tbjs spell induces a deep, unbreak-
able sleep in which the subject dreams peace-
fully of the most comfort ing image s or events
h is mind imagine s. During the dream , the
sleeper cannot be awakened oonnally , not even
by wounding. However, during each hour after
the first eight, the dreamer heals wounds at an
astoni s hing rat e, re coveri ng 2 hit points per
lf this enchantment is magically co untered,
or if the sleeper is affected by a true nightmare
or sleepwa lkitt g spe ll , th e healing effect is
sto pped . Likew ise , a su ccess ful dispel magic
spell not only wakes the sleeper, but also stops
the hea ling.
The material components for this speU are a
bear 's claw, a strip of dreamwillow bark , and
the dried, cru shed petal of a blue lotus flower.
Notes: Rest ric ted to Dreamma ster mages ,
non-evil witches, and tho se of gypsy blood.
(Updated from DRAGON Magazin e.)


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Heart of Stoner

Healing Touch From any slashing or piercing attack (type S

(Alteration, Necromancy) or P), the wizard suffe rs only l point of dam-
oge, plus any magical adjus tment for the
Lcvel:3 weapon . Por examp le , a wizard struck by a
Range:0 long sword + I suffers only 2 points of damage.
Components : V, S Strength and speciolization bonuses are
Casting Time : 3 ignored. Note that while the caster may not reel
Duration : One louch a sword in his rib cage , any damage sustained
Area of Effect : I living interrupts spellcasting . A wizard who js djs-
Saving Throw : None membcred suffers no additional damage other
than tbe inconvenience of having his limbs
When the caster touches o living being, life removed, and a severed limb reattaches if held
energy is transferred from the caster to the sub- in place for one fuJIturn .
ject being. If the being is unwilling , a success- The heart of stone is also partially effective
ful auack roll is required. against bludgeoning at tacks (type B) since it
The caster rolls ld6, and this is lhe number prevents bruising, swell ing, and crus hed blood
of temporary bit points bestowed upon the sub- vessels. Against bludgeoning weapons , the
ject and subtracted from the caste r 's total. The wizard onJy suffers half normal damage. Co11se
caster must then make a successful saving wou11dspells always inflict minimum damage
throw vs. spell or be paralyzed for I d4 rounds. against a wizard prQtected by this speU.
Any transferred hil points over the target's nor- Jn addition to resisting injury , the /reart of
mal totaJ are lost. The temporary bit points are sto11ealso renders the character immune to
the first lost to any subsequent dama ge, and fatigue and exhaustion, whether normal or
any remaining after one hour per caster leve l magical. The caster also gains a +4 bonus to
are lost. saving throws vs. petrification attacks .
When cast upon an undead creat ure , this While the heart of stone is quite powerful, it
spell inflicts damage equal 'to the number of hit ha s limitations . First , determined physical
points lost by the caster. attacks can eventually destroy the wizard
This spell was developed by Sl'Jlvros of the despite his unnatural resistance to injury - a
Skulls to fulfill an order of the Lords ofWa tcr- mob of angry peasants with hatchets and spears
deep. It is essentially a reversed version of the can finish off the wizard one point at a time if
vampiric touch spell. that's what il rakes. Seco nd, the heart confers
Notes: Known by the mage Stavros; uncom- no protection agains t ocher attack fonns , such
mon for the Watch-Wizards' Guild of Water- as fire, elecuicily, cold, acid, and so on. Most
deep ; virtually unknown outside the importantly, the caster loses the ability lo natu-
FOROOTl'EN REALMS setting. rally recover from injury and no longer regains
lost hit points with the passage of time . Heal-
Heart of Stone ing spells, potions and items are reduced to
(Necromancy) their minimum effect, so a cure serious wounds
(2d8+ 1 hit points restored) would only return 3
Level: 8 hit points to a wizard protected by hetlrt of
Range:0 sto11e. However, limited w1'sl1or wish can be
Components : V, S, M used lo restore I hit point per level of caster or
Casting Time: I day all but ld4 hit points, respectively.
Duration: 1 year In addition to these disadvantages, lrearf of
Area ofEITect: The caster stone also renders the wiuird vulnerable in one
Saving Throw : None other way: bis own real lleart can be destroyed,
instantly s lay ing hlm. Naturally, the wizard
Th is potent spell ex.changes the wizard's will take steps to hide and protect his true heart
own living heart for a fin ely crafted heart of to prevent this from happening . The living
perfect , unblemished stone that allers the very hean continues to beat for the duration of the
nature of the wizard's body. As long as the spell but requires no special receptacle or facil-
heart of stone remains in effect, the caster need ities LO protect it- the caster could leave it
not fear attacks that pier ce, slash, or cut him; lying on the floor, If he wished .
tie does not bleed and can Egnore the most hor- The heart of sto11ecannot be dispelled,
rible injuries of this kind. although a more powerful negation magic such


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

as Mordenkalnen disju11ction can bring the Heartsense - Hishna
spell to an end. Stone to fle sh also undoes lhe (Divination)
magic of the lteart of stone. No matter how lhe
spell is ended, the wizard's own living heart
instantly returns to its prope r place, and the
stone heart appears wherever the living heart
was kept . At this time, any injuries the wizard
Level : 2
Range : 0
Components: V
Cast ing Time: l rd .
currently bas are m ulti p lied by 1d6 as the Duration : I tum/level
wounds begin to bleed again. For exam ple, a Area of Effect: 30 yds ./level
wizard who currently has 6 points of damage Saving Throw : None
suffe rs 6d6 points of damage when the spe ll
ends . Th is spe ll allows the caster to sense lhe beat-
The material componen t for this spell is the ing of any warm-bJooded hearts within range -
stone heart itself . Thjs must be a carved stone that is, mammals and birds, including humans
of quali ty (jade , obsidian, or gold-ve ined mar- and humanoid creatures. The area moves with
ble would be appro priate) wor th not less than lhe caster for the du .ration of the spell. In addi-
5,000 gp . lt must be prepared by use of rhe tion to the location of the target, the caste r can
enchant an item spe ll. The stone is not con- make an estimate as to the being's approximate
sumed at the spelrs end and can be used again size .
if it is undamaged . NotCJ1 : Res tricted to practitioners or hisJma
Notes: Uncommon (PO:SM) magic (the Maztica setting) ; common.

HeartcaU Heat Mirage

(D ivination) (llJusion)

Level : 3 Level: 5
Range : Special Range: IOyds./level
Components : V, S, M Components : V, S
Casting Time: 3 turns Casting Time : 1
Duration : I tum Duration : I rd) level
Area of Effect: I creature Area of Effect : Cube, S !\./level per side
Saving Throw : None Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell indicates approximate direction The hear mirage is a sim p le illusion spell
and distance of the subject's true love, if such a that is used to augment the desert's natural ilJu-
one exists . Some1imesthe spell glves no result, sory prope rties . When cast upon an area that is
indicating that either the subject has no true already affected by a natu r al mirage, it
love or that the time is not right for them to enhances that image and produces auditory and
meet . Jfthis tTUelove is on a different plane of olfac tory illusions as well. Anyone who fails a
existence , some indication of the plane is aU saving throw vs. spell will believe that lhe iUu-
the information that can be garnered by this sion is an actual oasis .
method (Outer plane, Astral plane , demiplane , This spell is often used to lure unwary trav-
etc .). elers to an area so that they may be ambushed.
The material components are a spool of red Because the illusion isn't dispelled until some-
thread and a glass disk . one tries to drink from the "oasis,'' bandits can
While adventuring in far-offKozakura , the bide within the affec ted area and spring upon
hedge-sorceress Maji n ltime discovered the their unwitting victims .
bet ief that an invisible thread of Fate connected Good wizards use this spell to lure foolish
those destined to marry . The theory led to the travelers away from dangerous areas or crea-
creation of this spell . tures . While not exactly the most poli te method,
No te s : Uncommon for diviners, good those wiza rds va l.uing thei r privacy find that
witches, and gyp s ie s; otherwise very rare . the heal mirage works much better than an
(Updated from DRAGON Magazine .) open meeting.
Notes: Uncommon in arabian settings; oth-
erwise very rare.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

_. Heroit m- Elf F

Hedge Enchantm ent

(E nchantm ent, invocatio n)

Level : 5
Range: Special
Components : V, S, M
CastingTime: I day+ 1-6 days
Duration: Specia l
Area of Effect : I item
Saving Throw: Neg.

Similar in many respects to the 6th- level

spell enchant an Item, this spell is much more
limited . lt is used, typically, to make a minor
magical effect, s uch as cantrlp, a part of an
objec t. Such e ncllantments have little or no
combat use and are usually restricted to com-
fort or everyday use item s such as skillets and
blankets. Tile more pronounced the effect , the
more days the wizard must spend working over
the item, to a maxim um of one week (at the
OM 's disc retion) .
Notes: Restricted to hedge wizards ; com-
mon. These are minor NPC wizards of 9th level
or less (and optionally the kit in The Complete
Book of Humanoids). The second, plant -affec t-
i ng version of the original s p e ll h as been
rena m ed enhan ce plant. (Updated from Warrior 's D ice for
DRAGON Magazine.) Level Bestowed Bonu s hp
0 4 4dl0
Hellfire Lst to 3rd 3 3dt0 + 1
SeeAvissar's bane. 4th to 6th 2 2dl0 +2
7th 10 9th I ldto+3
Helm, Dolent 's
See Dolc nt's helm. Tile warrior gains the THACO,number of
attacks pe r round, a nd saving th rows of the
Heroism - Elf new, temporary leve l. In addition, a numbe r of
(Alteration ) bonus llit Dice (shown above) arc added to the
warrio r's current hit point score . Any damage
Level: 4 lhe warr ior sustains while under the influence
Range:Touch of the heroism spell is taken from these bonus
Compone nts: V, S, M hit poin ts first . The bonus hit points vanish at
Casting Time : 4 the end of lhe spell, and the warrior returns to
Duration : I rdJ level his own true level. If the warrior is struck by an
Area o f Effect : I warrior e nergy draining attack while the spell is in
Saving Throw : None effec t , bes t owed levels and their bonus hi t
poi nts are negated first. Only classes from the
Developed by grey elf mages, this spell con- war r ior g r oup ca n be affected , although a
fers a temporary increase in life energy leve l multi-class or dual -class charac ter wllo is a
upon any warrior c haracte r of 9th leve l or warrior can benefit from this spell.
lower , including 0- level m e n -at-a r ms or The mate r ial co m po nent is a leaf from a n
h irelings . The amoun t of the inc rease varies oak tree.
with the subject's base level, as shown below: Notes : Very rare spell. While not rest ricted
to elves alone , the spell is jealously gua rded by
its c rea tors. (Updated from Pot.YH E DRON


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Hidd en Lodge, Leomund 's The material componen ts for the spell arc a
See Leomund's bidden lodge . silken pill ow, on which Lhe heart is laid, and a
glass or crys tal cover for 11.
Hid e Heart When a wizard uses thi s spell, the heart is
(Necrom ancy) usually placed in some unu sua l pla ce, not cas-
i ly found, and very wcll -pr otcetcd . The wise
Level : 8 wizard chooses non-carnivorous creat ures to
Rangc : 0 guard the heart .
Components: V.S, M If the heart is discovered and damaged, the
Casti ng Time: I tum caster feels it immed iate ly (though othe r magi-
Duration : I mon th ca I war n ings may h ave al r eady ca use d an
Arca of Effect : The cas ter alert). While separa ted from the body , the heart
Saving Throw : None ca n suffer I point of damage per level of the
caster before the caste r dies.
This macabre spell allows the wizard to pull Not es: Uncommon in arabian land s: virtu-
his bea ting heart from his chest and place it in ally unkn own elsewhere .
some better protected place While this causes
no physical damage 10 Lhe caste r, ii ruis several Hide Normal Metal
other e ffec ts. Reversedform, see smelli ng .
First, the spell protects the caster from dam-
age . The caste r suffers only half damage from Hiding Plac e
any norm al physical attack; magical weapon s (Abjuration)
inflict half damage plus any magical bonuses .
Magical atta cks are treated norm ally. In addi- Level: 4
tion, any shot specifically aimed to pier ce the Range : 0
caster's chest (an d pre s umably bis heart , if it Componen ts : V, M
were sti ll there}, cause s no damage . Casting Time : I hr.
Duration : I day/level
Area of Effect : I room, 5-ft. cube/leve l
Saving Throw: None

The sma ll room on which this spell 1s to be

cast must first be co mpl etely sea led; doors
locked and win dows boa rded over, all cracks
filled with rags , and so on . The spell is then
cast . For o ne day per level of the caster there-
after , the room is com pletely undetectable save
by divinations of at least 5th level cast by
diviner specia lists (inclu ding sages, see rs, and
ce rtain mystic priest s). Those within are pro-
tected agains t detection and location j ust as if
wearing the amulet of that power. Also , anyone
ou tside the room will forge t its location. if
known, for the spe ll' s dur a tion . The area
a fTected is not lar ge; even a I 2th- level cas ter
can hide a room of only IO feet by 15 feet.
The spe ll requires previously prepared magi-
cal sc rolls (worth a minimum of 1,000 gp) with
pictograms of eyes, ears, and brains . These are
burned as words of com mand are s poken to
magically sea l the room .
Notes: Very rare spell ; most likely known 10
multi-class m age/ th icves. (U pdated from
Imagine Magazine.)


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

- Dragon r
m ssing Sand must be released by the dragon within I round
(Evocation) following the spell's casting , or the magic is
(Province: Sand) wasted . The dragon breathes this energy (which
conform s to the dimension s of the dragon 's
Level : 3 usual breath weapon ) over its hoard, attempting
Range: 10 yds./level to encompass as much of the hoard as possible
Components: V, S, M within the area of effect.
Casting Time : 3 Th is energy bond s whatever parts of the
Duration : 3 rds. hoard it touches into a solid mass . The spell
Area of Effect : Surface area IOft. X 10 fl/level does not harm the hoard in any way, nor does it
Saving Throw: None alter its appearan c e or position ; the item s
within the hoard remain loose and separate .
This spell causes sand or loose earth to flow In s tead , the hoardguard magic fill s in the
10 feet per round in a general direction cllosen space s between the indiv idual coin s, gems,
by the caster. Tllis spell moves only natural weapons , chests , ingots , and so forth , a n d
sand or loose soi l (the latter includes mud. holds them together as a solid mound of wealth.
dusl , gravel, or topsoil wi1h virtually no plant This invi sible bond prevent s the hoa rd from
cover). Cultivated soil cannot be affected. being sorted, separated for 1ranspon , scattered,
The sand hisses softly as it drifts. Tl can ' t or otherwise moved or manipulated as separate
bury large objects or creature s, nor creatures items . Because it has essentially become one
that can move to evade it. The sand can cover singJe mass , lifting the hoard as a whole is
small objects and corpses of man-size or less, impo s sible by any s ingle c reature, except
and can obliterate track s or markings . through powerful mngic.
lf used on slopes or dune slip faces , the spell The hoard so protected cannot be harmed by
can start sands Iides . ln this case, a creature at physical or magical aua cks without first
the bottom may be buried, just as it would by a removing the lloardguard sp e ll. lt is thus
normal sandslide . Sand running down a cliff impossible for intruders 10 break off piece s or
face forces creatures clinging or climbing there sections of the board and carry them away.
10 make a succes s ful Strength check each Dispel magf c has no effecr on a board pro-
round . Failure means they lose their holds and tected by the spell, and an a11tfmagfc shell frees
fall (tbe moving sand provides no cushion only as much treasure as fits within its area o f
again st normal falling damage ). effect. (If freed treasure is not removed from
When casting hissing sand, the wizard must the hoard , the hoardguard magic reassert s
pour out roughly a cup of any liquid, which it self as soon as the shell expire s o r move s
disappears . away.) A limited wish negates a hoardguard for
Notes: Common in arabian set tings; other - one hour (and if the treasure is not separated in
wise very rare . that time , the lroardg11ardwill return as above).
A full wish destroy s the spell permanently .
Boardguard - Dragon Trea sure added to a hoard already protected
(Abjuration , Evocation) by this spell does not gajn the spell' s benefits .
New treasure require s a hoardguard of its own,
Level: 4 though the dragon may inc lude the new trea-
Range: 0 s ure after the f irs t lroardguard 's duralion
Components : V expires and a new s pell is cast .
Casting Time : I rd. This spell only affect s the dragon 's hoard. It
Duration : I hr.Jlevel does not fun ction upon creature s or the items
Area of Effect: As breath weapon they po ssess , unless the dragon acquires the
Saving Throw : None items and adds them lo it s hoard. This spell
typically protects the dragon's treasur e while it
By mean s of this spell , a dragon can prote ct is out hunting for food or seeking trea sure .
its hoard in such a way as to make tbell virtu - Some dragons arrange their hoard s so , that the
ally impossible . entire am ount can be warded with a s ingle
When the spell is cast , rhe dragon 's breath spell. Other s make several smaller piles, to use
weapon temporarily changes . In s tead of the up an invade r 's magical powers in repeatedly
usual fire , lightning , acid, and so on, the breath negating lhe spell , and thus minimfaing the
weapon becomes pure magi cal ene rgy, whic h overall treasure loss.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

, Hold Giant
Many dragons cannot use I.his spell due to its golem attack (even magic or a breath weapon)
Level, but all dragons who know ofit seek mag- in midair, so only creatures venturing into the
ical items that can duplicate its effects . Non- attack's area are affected . A lreld golem cannot
dragons who somehow cas! hoardguard (or a use any special attack form it posse sses until it
derivative thereof) instantly contract a form of is released.
insanity that combines paranoia with intense Th e golem can be touched, climbed,
greed, for which there is no known cure, shorl attacked, and even dismantled without break-
of exceptio nally powerful magic . ing the spell. The only way to free the golem
Note s: Rare for dragons ; o therwise very before lhe spe ll expires is to slay the caster. A
rare . Known to be in the Draconomicon . dispel magic cast on the caster or the golem
does not affect the hold go/em spell. Once lhe
Hold Giant spell takes elTect, even the caster cannot end ir
(Enchantment/Charm) before its duration runs out.
Notes: Rare for artificers; otherwise very
Level: 4 rare in the FoROOTTEN REALMS setting and vir-
Range : 120yds . tually unknown elsewhere.
Components : V
Casting Time : 4 Hold Monster
Duration: 2 rds./level (Enchantment /Charm)
Area of Effec t: I to 4 giants in a 40-fl. cube (Song)
Saving Throw : Neg .
Level : 5
This spell immobilizes from one to four true Range : 5 yds ./leve l
giants or gian t-kin within spell range and In Com ponents : V.S, M
sigbt of the spellcaster . The caster can opt to Casting Tim e: 5
hold one, two. three , or fo1.1rgiants. If three or Duration : I rd.llevel
four are attacked, each saving throw is normal ; Area of Effect: I to 4 creatures in a 40-ft. cube
if two are attacked, each savi ng rhrow suffers a Saving Throw : Neg.
- 1 penalty ; if on ly one is attacked, the saving
throw suffers a - 3 penalty. This spell immobilizes from one to four
Notes: This spe ll is known by the wizard creature s of any type within spell range and in
D elsenora . (U pdat ed from PoLYIIEDRON sight of the spell caster. ~e can opt to hold one,
Newszine.) two, three. or four creatures . lfthree or four are
attacked, each saving throw is normal; if two
Hold Got.em are attacked , each saving throw suffers a - I
(Abju ration, Enchantm ent/Charm) penally; if only one is attacked, the saving
(Artifi ce) lhrow suffers a - 3 penalty .
The material com pon ent for this spell is one
Level: 7 hard metal bar or rod for each monster to be
Range : IOfi./level held . Th e bar or rod can be as small as a three-
Components : V.S penny nail.
Cas ting Time : 3 Notes: Commo n spell (PHB).
Duration : I rd .llevel
Area ofEffect: I golem
Saving Throw : None

This spe ll allows lhe cas ter to halt a single

go lem of any type within spelJ range . The loca-
tions of all golems in range and not magically
warded are revealed to the caster-even if they
are disguised. hidden behind cover, or inac-
tive- and the caster chooses which golem to
The chosen golem becomes immobile even
if ii is under the direct control of another being.
Moreover , a hold go/ em freezes any existing


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Hold PorualOpen,

Hold Person Area of Effect: 20 sq . ft./Jevcl

(Enclumtm ent/C harm) Saving Throw : None
This speU magically bar s a door, gate, or
Level : 3 valve of wood , metal , or stone . The magical
Range : 120yds . closure holds tbe portal fast , just as if it were
Components : V,S, M securely c losed and Jocked , Any extraplana r
Casting Time : 3 creature (djinn, elemental , etc .) with 4 or more
Duration : 2 rds./level Hit Dice can shatter the spell and burst open
Arca of Effect : I to 4 persons, 20-f\ . cube the por taJ. A wizard of 4 or more experience
SavingThrow : Neg. levels highe r than the spellcaster can open the
held porta l at will. A knock spell or a success-
This spell holds from one to four humans, ful dispel magic spell can negate the ltold por
deroihumans, o r humanoid creatures rigidly ta/. He ld portals can be broken or physically
immobile for five or more rounds . battered down.
The ltold person spell affects any bipedal Notes: Common spell (PHB).
human , demibuman or humanoid of man-si1:e
or smaller , including brownies, dryads, Hold Portal Open
dwarves. elves, gnolls, gnomes, goblins, half. (Alteration)
elves, halflings , half-ores, hobgoblins , humans , Reversible
kobolds, lizard men , nixies , ores, pixies ,
sprites, troglodytes , and others. Level: 2
The spell is centered on a point selected by Range: 10 ft./level
the caster; it affects persons selected by the Components: V, S
caster within the area of effect. If the spell is Casting Time : 2
cast at three or four people, each gets an Duration : Maximum 1 rd.llevel
unmodified saving throw. lf only two people Area of Effect: I open door, gate , or valve
are being e nspelled, each makes his saving Saving Thr ow: None
throw with a - 1 penalty . I f the spell is cast at The purpose of this spell is to keep a door ,
only one pe rson, the saving throw suffers a - 3 gate , or valve of wood, metal , or stone from
penalty . Saving throws are adjusted for Wis- being shut. The spell only work s on a portal
dom . Those succeeding on their saving throws that is already open and i.nrange.
are unaffected by the spell . Undead creatures Wben the spell is cast, the door freezesin its
cannot be held. open posi tion . The spell can be shauered, and
Held beings cannot move or speak, but they the doo r shut , by an ex tra planar creatu re of 4
remain aware of events around th em and can Hit Dice or more. Creatures of huge size (size
use abilities no t requiring mo t ion or speech . H) or larger can fo rce the door closed if they
Being held does not prevent the worseni ng of have strength and bulk comparab le wi th their
the subjects' condition due to wounds , disease, size (gfants, dragons). though this is likely to
or poison . The caster can end the spell with a break the door from its hinges unless it is spe-
single utterance at any time; otherwise, tbe cially reinfo rced .
duration is IO rounds at 5th level, 12 rounds at The reverse of this spell, slam portal , imme-
6th level, 14 rounds al 7th level, etc . diately shuts an ope n door, gate, or valve in
The spellcaster needs a small, straight piece ra nge . The slammed door can be opened nor-
of iron as the material component of this spell . mally. A slam portal spell cast directly against
Notes: Common spell (PHB) . a hold portal open spell will negate it, and will
close the portal if the caster is of higher level
Bold Portal th an wizard who cas t t he hold portal open
(Alteration) spell .
(Uni,ersal) Not es: Very rare spell. (Updated from
DRAGONMagazine .)
Level : I
Range: 20 yds ./level
Components : V
Casting Time : 1
Duration : I rd./level


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""', Hold Undcnd
Hold Undead Hold Undead
(Necro mancy) An early 5th-level version of this spell was
incorporated into tire 2nd Ed. r11les at 3rd
Level: 3 level.
Range: 60 yds.
Components : V.S, M Hold Vapor
Casting Time : 5 (Abjurat io n)
Duration; ld4 rds. + I rd./leve l (Air, A lchemy)
Area of Bffcct: ld3 undead
Saving Throw : Neg. Level: 3
Range: IOyds./level
When cast, this spell renders immobile ld3 Components: V, S, M
undcad creatures whose total Hi t Dice are Casting Time : 3
equal to or less than tbe caster's level. No mo re Duracion : Special (maximum l hr.)
than three undead can be affected by a single Area of Effect: 20 ft.+ 10 fl./leve l radius
spell. To cast, the wizard aims the spell at a Saving Throw : Special
point within range and the threeundead closest
co this are considered to be in thearea of effect ., This spell allows a wizard to halt and pre-
provided all are within the field of vision and vent the further movemen t of any visible cloud
spell range of the caste r. Undead of less than or va-por within the spell's range and area of
three Hit Dice are automatically affected . effect. Such c louds include gaseous breath
Other undead are allowed a saving throw vs. weapons.fog cloud, cloud/di/ , and incendiary
spell to negate the effect. lftbc spell is success- cloud as well as the smoky effects of pyrotech-
ful , it renders the undead immobile for the nics . Other objects and creatures can pass
duration of the spell . freely through this barrier , moving imto and out
The material componen t for this spell is a of lhe gas-filled area. A vola tile gas could be
pinch of sulphur and powdered garlic . containe d by the spell and safely inoi-nerated by
Notes: Common spell (PHB) . tossing a torch tltrough the barrie r.
The lrold vapor spell will restrain gas clouds
eve n against magica l and natural winds. A
creature in gaseous or air like form (air elemen-
tal djinns, and vamp ires, for example) can be
containe d by this spell. In these cases , the crea-
ture being contained is pe rm itted a saving
throw vs. spell eac h round to break through the
barrier. Gaseous creatures cannot transform
from their gaseous stale when being conta ined
by this spell.
The spell lasts for as long as the wizard con -
tinues chanting, to a maximum of one hou r, at
which time the spell fades and the cloud (ifit is
still there) settles or drifts naturally. The wizard
can move normally during this period, though
if si lenced or inter rupted from chanting for a
fu ll round, the spell will fade and the held
vapors will be freed .
This spell does not control a cloud of gas, it
only contains ii and halts its movement.
The material component of the spell is a
small balloon or bladde r.
Note s: Uncom m on spell from the
FOROOTT BN ReALMS selling . Known to be in
Tire Book of Bats.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Homung'aBanorulDeflector r
Hold Vapor his mental energy.
An early 5th-level version of this spell has been The material component is a rruniature
incorporated into the 3rd-level version. scu lpted bust of the spell caster .
Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM).
Homunculus Shield
(Necro mancy) HonorMark
Level : 8
Range:0 Level : l
Components: V, S, M Range : IO ft./level
Casting Time : 3 Components: V
Duration: 1 rdJ level Cas ting Time : I rd .
Area of Effect: The caster Duration : Permanent (special)
Saving Throw : None Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None (special)
By creating a homunculus shield, the wizard
separates a portion of his life force in the form Thi s spell is used to mark those whom the
of a magical homunculus . This creature is wizard has seen performing a dishonorable
invi sib le to all but the caster and appears as a action. The honor mark is generally a striking
miniature version of the caster perched atop black line that cuts across the eyes or slashes
the wizard's head. down the face along th e nose . The mark is
The wizard can move and acl normally instantly re cog nizable to all who see it , and
while this s p ell is in effect . The magi ca l they will treat the character so marked as if bis
homunculus operates as an independent spcll- station were two full levels lower than it actu-
caster. H can cast only teleport, cont ingency. ally is.
and protective spells of 4th level and lower. It The onJy way to remove the mark is to atone
casts spells only from lhe wizard's memorized for the misdeed . Once this has been done , the
store of spe ll s, but any s pelJ cast by the mark d isa ppear s and th e cha ra cter canno t be
homunculus has a casting time of ,I. The wiz- marked for that action again .
ard selects which spe ll s are cast by the Whil e there is no a saving throw allowed for
homunculus ; after they are cast, they are those subjec ted to this spell , the wizard must
wiped from the caster's memory . have actually seen the individual performing a
The homunculus has 1 hit point per two lev- dishonorable act . A wizard attempting to mark
els of the cas ter. These points are "borrowed" a character whom he hasn't witnessed perform-
from the caster ; while the homunculus is pre- ing a mfadeed receives the mark instead . Th e
sent. the wi2ard's hit points are reduced by this mark remain s unti l the wizard apologizes to the
amount. character for attempting to malign his name .
The homunculus cannot be stru .ck by melee The wizard must also perform a task of atone-
or missile weapons separately from the wizard . ment named by the offende d pa.rty.
It can be damaged separately from the wizard Notes: Uncommon in arabian settings; 01b-
(for example , by a magic misstle targeted at the erwise very rare .
homun cu lu s or by area effect spe lls ). The
homun c ulu s bas th e attributes and saving Hornung's Baneful Deflector *
throws of the wizard. (Evoc:ation)
At the end of the s pell 's duration , lhe (Wild)
ltomunculus disappears and any hit points it
had are restored to the wizard . Hit points lost Level: 2
by the homunculus can be regained only by Range : Touch
magical healing . Components: V, S, M
ff the wizard's bit points are reduced to zero Casting Time: 2
at any time during lhe spell, the wizard is dead Duration : 2 rds ./level
( or dying ) even if the h omunculus has hit Area of Effect: Crea ture touched
point s remaining . Saving Throw : None
A wizard wilh an active homun culus shield
suffers a -4 saving throw pena .lty against magic This spell create .s a shimmering, hemispheri-
j ar spe lls cast upon him due to the division of cal field of force . The field is transparen t and


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""': Homung's Guess
mo ves with the recipient , forming abour one A reversed form of lliis speU was developed
foot away from his body. The fo rce serves as a much later, called Strahd's baneful attractor.
shield spell against all forms of individua lly Thi s spell has its own listing.
targeted missile attack s (inc luding magic mis- Notes: Restricted to wild mage s; uncommon
siles and other s pell s) . The caster de sign ate s (ToM).
the po sition of the she ll (protecting the front ,
rear , left side, right side, or top of the recipi - Hornung 's Guess*
ent) . The spell does not protect against area (Divination )
effect spe lls or other attacks that stri ke several (Wild)
creatures at once .
Whene ver an individual missile attack is Level: I
dire cted at a protect ed creature, the baneful Range: 300 yds.
deflector activates . Instead of striking the tar- Components : V
get creature , the missile 's target is determined Casting Time : 2
randomly among all creatures within a 15-foot Duration : Instantaneou s
radius of the protected creature, including the Area of Effect Special
protected creature . The missile then c hange s Saving Throw : Nooe
co ur se toward its new target with normal
chan ces to hit. If the new target ls beyond the The spell provides a wizard with an instant
range of the missile, no target is nit. If the pro- and high ly accurate estimate of the number of
tected creatur e is struck, the spell immediately persons or objects in a group.
fails . If several people in a group are each pro- The spell 's area of effect is one group of a
tected by baneful deflec tor, a mis si le may general class of objects . All objects of the
change course several times before rcachlng its grou p mus t be withln spell range and the group
target. as a whole must be visible to the caster . The
The material co mp onent is a s mall prism wizard need not see every indiv idual in the
that shatters wllen tile spell is cast. group, merely the generaJ limits of the group's
size a nd area . For example, a wizard on a bill
could look down on a forest and estimate the
number of trees in all or part of it. He couJd not
get an estimate of the number of goblins williin
the forest, however, s ince the group as a whole
(the goblins) is concealed from sight.
The estimate generated is accurate to the
largest facto r often (rounded up), For example ,
if Hornung guesswere cast on a group of 439
horsemen , the estimate would be 400 . If there
were 2,670 horsemen, the spelJ would estimate
3,000. lfthere were 37 horsemen , the answe r
would be 40 . Clearly , using the spell on small
groups (especially tho se with fewer than 10
members) is pointless .
Hornung guess can be used to quickly esti-
ma te the size of treasure hoards and army
units. ft is pan:icularly popular with moneylen -
ders and general s. Hornung , one of the leading
wizards in the fie ld of wild magic (before bis
untime ly di sappearanc e while experimenting
with wildwind), developed this spell to improve
the accuracy of bis estimates.
Notes: Restri cted to wild mag es; co mmon


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Hornung 's Random Dispatch er* .....
Homung'sSurge Sclcc1or

,,,,,,.,, .. 1a111e
(Abjuration )
Level: 8 RoD Plue
01-06 Alterute Prime MaterialPlme
Range: 30 yds .
or campaignsetting
Components: V
Casting Time: 2 07- 12 PrimeMatorialPlane
'Duration: Instantaneous 13- 17 B$crea1Plaac
Area of Effect: I creature 19--21 Demiplane(Dread.
Saving Throw: Neg. Shadows)
PJw (Air.Earth,fn.
22- 25 l!lemenfal
With the utterance of a few words, this spell Water )
can hurl a creature to a random plane of exis- 26-28 Para-ElemcntalPlane(Smob,
tence and leave him there . The creatu re, if Magma.Ooze.or lco)
unwilling, is allowed a saving throw. lf success- 29-31 fQeitive Quui-Plue (LigldniQI,
ful, the spell fails. lf unsuccessful, the creature RadianM. MinaraJ1.
or Stelm)
and all items it carries are sent to a random 32-34 NeptiYCQuui-PlaM (~
plane. To determine the plane, roll on the table. Alb, Dalt.or Salt)
The caster has no control over the destina- 3S-l7 Politiw Ma1lriaJ
tion of the target creature. The conditions at the 38-40 Nepcive MaterialPline
destination migh1 kill the creature {for exam- 41-47 AtCNIPlane
ple, arriving in the Elemental Plane of Fire) or 48-52 The OUdands(Silil)
merely make life difficuh . This determinatio n 53-55 MecbaDm
is left to the OM. 56-58 Amidi&
Not es: Restricted to wild mages; common .59-61 MountQlesde
( ToM) . The original table provided with this
62-64 Bytapia
spell has bee n updated to incorporate the
65-67 Blylium
PLANSCAP6 setting.
68-70 Belltlandl
Hornung's Surge Selector* 71- 73 Alborea
(Alt erati on) 74-76 Y1prd
(W ild) 77- 79 Limbo
80-82 PMdomollhua
Level: 7 83-85 Abya
Range:0 86-88 Canieri
Components: V, S, M 89-91 GrayWMta
Casting Time: I rd. 92-94 Oebaml
Duration: Special (maximum 12 hrs.) 95-97 8Mtar
Area of Bffect : The caster 9M)O Acberon
Saving Throw: None Cllancte,a _ , IO Ille Prilu Mallrial p(IM .. telo-
......... lallll- -14.
By casting this spe ll, the wild mage gains
greater control over wild surges. When the
caster's spell creates a wild surge, two separate
results are determined from Table 2. The caster The great Hornung, having been blasted more
can then choose which of the two results will than once by his own wild surges, devised tltis
talce effect. This spell can be used in conjunc~ method of improving the results of wild magic
tion with N(Jha/:rreckless dweomer. and, not incidentally , his own chances of sur-
The spell's duration is a fixed number of surges vival. The result was Hornungs surge selector.
or 12 hours, whichever comes first. The wild The spell requires a brass spinner, which is
mageis able to shapeone wild surgeper five lev- reusable.
els of bis experience; thus, a I 5th-level caster Notes : Restricted to wild mages ; common
could shape three wild surges within a 12-bour (ToM).
period. At the end of 12 hours, the spell expires,
regardlessof the nwnber of surges remaining.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

, Homd Wilting,Abi-DaJ~m's
Horrid Wilting, Abi-Dalzim's
SeeAbi-Dalzim 's horrid wilting .

Level : 3
Range: 10 yds .nevel
Components : V, S
Casting Time : 3
Duration : Special (4 rds . JlllW.lnum)
Area ofEffect: l creature
Saving Throw : Special

By means of this spell, a mage can instantly

arrest the movement of a falling, jumping, or Hovering Skull
flying creature with in spell range (inc luding (Necromancy)
the caster) , sto pping its aerial movement and
fixJng its posit ion for a short, variab le time . Level : 3
The creature chosen by the caster is affected Range: Special
for one round . An aerial creature of Huge size Components : V, S
or larger is affected for that one round only, Casting Time : 4
any other creature is affected for one round and Duration: 2 rds ./level
receives a saving th row vs . spell each roun d Area of Effect : Special
thereafter . An aerial creature that su cceeds can Saving Throw: None
fly at half normal speed in the following (sec-
ond) round; a jumping or falling crea ture This speU creates a glowing hum an skull
descends at feather fall rate (2 feet per seco nd, with sharp fangs . The skull hovers about a foot
120 feet per round) . ln the next (third ) round above the caster 's s houlder ; a s the caster
all movement is normal. moves , the skull hovers along with him . A
l f the saving throw fails, creatu re might caste r who stops moving and concentrates can
hover for up to four rounds . The creature mentally command the hovering skull to move
makes a saving throw at the beginning of each in any di.rection within a 30-foot radius.
round to see if the effect cods - whether this is Tbe caster can see through the sku.11's eyes as
desirable not - with a success as described if they were his own; for instance , the hovering
above . If the spell hasn't ended by the fourth skull could be ordered to investigate a dark
round, it does so at the beginning of the fifth. cave or peek over a high wall. Additionally , the
This spell cannot be dispelled, nor can the caster can order the hovering sku ll to attack
hovering creature move aerially. A creature other creatures with its razor-sharp teeth. lf the
able to plane shift or become astra l or ethereal caster's conce ntration is interrupted while con-
can escapethe spell in this way.A ring of free trolling the skuJI, the skull immediately drops
action provides complete immunity. to the ground. It takes no damage, and a caster
A hovering creature can launch missile who resumes c oncentration, can continue to
weapons, cast spells , read scrolls , open locks, command the skull .
shout instruclions, catch ropes or thrown items, The hovering skull has the same attack rolls
tum around, and the like as if standing on firm and saving throws as the caster ; the skull bas 3
and solid earth . hit point s and inflicts ld6 points of damage
Notes: Very rare spell from the FoR OOTT EN with its bite . Most attacks directed at the skull
REALMS setting . Known to be in The Librom of do not harm the caster , nor does damage taken
l.athintel . by the caster affect the skull. Gaze attacks
against the skull do affect th.e caster.
The material compone nt for this spell is the
tooth from a human s.kull .
Notes: Uncommon for necromancers ; othe r-
wise very rare.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Howlof Pandemonium r
Howl of Pandemonium The spell negates all sound-based attacks,
(C onjuration/Summoning) ,. even drowning oat a banshee 's waiJ or an
(Dimension) androsphinx's roar. All creatures in the areaof
effect are deafened and disoriented by the
Level : 6 spell . Communication of any kind is impossi-
Range : 0 ble, and those affected saffer a - 2 penalty to
Components: V.S, M attack rolls and saving throws . Any crearure
Casting Time: 6 trying to approach. the ca ster must save vs.
Duration : Special spell to be able to get closer. Nonmagical mis-
Area of Effect: 30-fl:.radius or sile fire is deflected by the force of the bowl.
60 x 20-ft. cone Creatures o f 2 Hit Dice or less who fail a sav-
Saving Throw : Special ing throw vs . spell are driven into a catatonic
state that lasts for 2d6 hours .
This spell channels the screaming winds of ln addition to the above effects, creatures
Pandemonium throu gh the caster's body, emit- whose Hit Dice or levels are greater than 2 but
ting a numbing bowl that incapacitates anyone less than the caster's must save vs . spell or
nearby . The spell can last as long as one round become confused. Roll ad LOfor those who fajl
per level of the caster , but ceases if the howl is their save and refer to the results given.
not maintained for that Lengthof time-the how l
must be maintained for at least on.e full round to ldlO
be effective at all. The effects linger after the Roll Result
spell ends, lasting as long as the howl was main- I Wander away for duration of effect .
tained. The wizard can take no other action than 2-6 Stand confused for one round, then
standing still and howling to maintain the spelL roll again.
A wizard casting howl of Pandemonium can 7- 9 Attack nearest creature for one round,
either affect all creatures within 30 feet or chan- then roll again.
nel the spell into a cone-shaped area, 60 feet long IO Act normalJy for one round, then roll
and 20 in diameter at the far encl Those native to again .
Pandemonium are unaffectedby this spell.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""' HowlingChain r
The material component is a pebble from Aside from waiting for its disappearance at
Pandemonium , whfoh must be consumed by the expiration of the spell, the chain can be
the caster. gotten rid of by dispel magic, by destroying it,
Notes: Common for members of the Bleak or by the death of the chained creature. If the
Cabal in the PLAN BSCAPE setting; otherwise first creature dies and the spell bas not expired,
very rare. the caster can direct the chain to move to
another creature , coi l ing and writhing at a
Howling Chain movement rate of 9. To enchain the subsequent
(Evocado n) crearure requires a successful attack roll at the
caster 's THAC0, and directing the chain to a
Level: 6 new victim consumes the spellcaster's action
Range: IO yds./2 levels for that round. This is the only way a howling
Components : V, S, M chain can change victims . If the chain is not
Casting Time : 6 directed to a new victim in the round following
Duration: I rdJ level the first victim's death , it dissipates .
Area of Effect : I creature To destroy a howling chain, it must be dealt
Saving Throw : None 33 points of damage . It is only AC 8 , but the
nature of the magic causes equal damage to be
This spell brings into being a shimmering, inflicted upon the enchained victim. Thus, a vic-
blood-red chain of force (akin to that created tim must suffer 33 points of damage to be free
by the 5th-level spell , sighing chain) that coils of a howling chain that is destroyed by damage .
snakelike around a single chosen target crea- The material component of this speU is a
ture. This spell is named for the howling chant length of at least three joined links of chai.n of
emitted by the chain as it loops and writhes the finest steel or of any pure metal
around the target creature . The chain's move- Notes: Very rare in the FORGOTTEN REALM S
ments do not require the caster 's continued setting ; unknown elsewhere .
attention ; once it is cast, the caster is free to
work other magic or even leave the scene. Howling Horrort t
The victim within a howling chain is not held (Evocatio n, Necromancy)
fast, nor prevented from moving, but the chain
imposes a - 2 penalty on all of the creatu re's Level: 7
attack and damage rolls; adversely affects abil- Range : 0
ity checks, saving throws, and movement rate by Components : V, S, M
2; and increases the casting time of a spell cast Casting Time: 7
by the chained creature by 2. Duration : 1 rd ./level
A howling chain flails at the chained crea- Area of Effect: Attacks I creature
ture constantly , attacking twice per round with Saving Throw: None
a THAC0 of 7, and dealfog 3d4 points of crush-
ing and bludgeoning damage per successful This spell causes a wraithlike flying form to
strike . Jn any round in which both chain attacks be emitted from the caste r. Moaning eerily , it
hit a spellcasting victim , the spe ll is ruined; flies at a target being within line of sight
otherwise, an enchained spellcasting creatur e bas been mentally selected by the caster . A
can successfully cast spells with a casting time bowling horror cannot fonn underwater.
of 5 or less. lf an enchained creature devotes its A howling horror is a faceless, translucent
attention exclusively to blocking and avoiding gray, wispy being that swi rls and drifts in
chain attacks, and does not otherwise move or response to weapon blows and moving objects.
attempt any other actions not directly related to It is not fooled by feign death spells or similar
defense (readying a shield jg permissible), one conditions. The caster need not concentrate on
chain attack per round automatically misses , the horror to maintain its existence . Once a tar-
and the other is made at THAC0 12. get creature is selected, the howling horror
Creatures trying to puU at the chain suffe r cannot be redirected against any other being.
2d4 points of bludgeoning damage per tug, and The howling horror is a magicaJ force, not
such attempts are always futile. Foes of th e an undead creature, and thus cannot be turned.
chai ned creature trying to strike at it past or It lasts for I round per level of the caster, or
through the chain suffer a - 2 penalty on attack until the target creature perishes . The horror is
rolls, but are otherwise unaffected by the chain. destroyed by suffering more than 22 points of


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Hypnosis- Hishna ,

damage or if the caster wills it to vanish. Hunting Hawk, Tenser 's

Only physfoal attacks that pass through the See Tenser's b.unting hawk.
volume of air the horror occupies harm it. The
horror itself hits every it attacks for 2d4 Huntsman's Call - Hishna
points of damage. For every point of damage the (Summon1~g)
howling horror inflictS, a hit point is gained by
its caster. If t he caster has been hurt , th ese
points heal damage. When the caster is at full hit
points, these points become bonus hit poinis that
Level: J
Components: V, S, M
remain with the caster for l turn . Any damage Casting Time: I turn
suffered by the caster is taken from the bonus hit Duration: Concentration
points first. Area of Effect: I ,000 yds./level
Spells that affect an area have no effect on a Saving Tltrow: None
bowling horror . Spells directed specifically
against a horror do it nob.arm ; these spell This spell allows the caster to caB game
effects are instead transmitted to its caste r. The from a wi de area, bringing it-albeit cau-
caster suffers no harm from them and can emit tiously-tow ard the caste r as long as he retains
them at any chosen target (not necessarily the bis concentration. Mammals and birds are
ltorror's target ). This retran smi ssion occurs in summoned by the spell, and will move in the
addition to the caster's oilier activities and does general direction of the caster. However, their
not disrupt or replace the caster's own spellcast- natural alertness remains, and they will flee at
ing. The emission is immediate and involuntary; the first sign of a threat.
if the caster does not direct the emission, then The material com ponent for the spell is a
the distance and direction of the spell effect is whfatle made from the claw ofajaguar.
dete.rmined randomly. Notes: Restricted to practitioners of hishna
Spells targeted on the caster wltile the horror magic (the Maztica setting); common.
is active are likewise transmitted through the
magical link to the horro r, to be emitted by the Hypnosis - Hishna
horror at targets selected by the caster. The pri- (Enchantment/Charm)

mary target of the horror need not be among
them. Spells affecting an area are also immedi- Level: 2
ately altered and usurped by the caste r in t his Range: 10 fl.
manner if the caster is in the area of effect at all Compone nts: V, S, M
(any other creatures in the area escape the Casting Time : J-6 rds .
effects of the usurped spell). Again, this occurs Duration: Special
in addition to any spellcasting on the part of the Area of Effect: 1 being
horror -caster, and it does no harm to either the Saving Tltrow: Neg.
horror or its creator.
If the caster is unconscious, spells are emit- This sp ell allows the caster to beguile
ted from the caster (or horror, respectively) in anothe r individual, creating much the same
random dire ctions. A retransmitted speU that effect as a charm person spe ll. However, the
affects an area is focused at a random distance casting of hypnosis requires the caster and sub-
and direction. ject to pay attention to each other for a period
The material component of this spelJ is a of several rounds . Th.e casting time required is
small cone made of bone is consumed in determined (by the DM) at the time the spe ll
the casting. begins.
Notes: Unique spell; known only to Semem- The target being is allowed a saving throw
mon, one of the Zhentarim triumvirate. Casting vs. spell to avoid the effect. However, one who
this spell is an evil act. successfully resists will not be aware that the
attempt to bypnotiz.e him bas been made unless
posses sing go dlike Intelligence (21 +). The
Howli11gHorror: MV Fl IS (A); AC S; spell can affect any creature of semi-intelli-
#AT 2; THACOalwaysbits; Oma2d4; SD gence (2) or higher.
damageinflictedheals cuter; immuneto Notes: Restricted to practitioner s of hishna
spells; spell lialc/nlballlmiuiOIL magic (the Maztica setting); common.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""": Hypnotic Pali.em
Hypnotic Pattern Hypnotism
(D)usio n/P baotum ) (Enchantm ent/Charm)
(Geometry) (Mentalism)

Level : 2 Level: I
Range: 30 yds. Range : 5 yds.
Components : S, M Compone nts: V.S
Casting Time : 2 Casting Time : l
Duration: Special Duration: I rd.+ I rd./level
Area of Effect : 30-ft. cube Area of Effect 30 ft. cube, ld6 creatures
Saving Throw: Neg. Saving Throw : Neg.

When this speJI is cast, the wizard creates a The gestures of the wizard, along with his
weaving, twisting pattern of subtle colors in droning incantation, cause 1d6 creatures within
the air. Thi s pattern causes any crearure look- the area to become susceptible to a sugges-
ing at it to become fascinated and stand gazing tion- a brief and reasonab le-sounding request
at it as long as the spellcaster maintains the dis- (see the 3rd-level wizard speU, suggestion).
play, plus two rounds 1hereafter. The speJI can The request must be given after the hypnotism
captivate a maximum of 24 levels, or Hit Dice, spell is cast. Until that time, the success of the
of creatu res (for example , 24 creature s with 1 spell is unknown. Note that the subsequen t
Hit Die ea ch, I 2 with 2 Hit Dice , etc .) . All suggestio n is not a spell, but simply a vocal -
creatures affec ted must be within the area of ized urging- the castermust speak a language
effect, and each is entitled to a saving throw vs. the creature understands for this spell to work.
spell. A damage-inflicting attack on an affected Creatures that successfu ll y rolJ their saving
creature frees it from the spell immediately. throws are not under hypnotic influence. Those
Th e wizard need not otter a sound, but he that are exceptionally wary or hostile save with
must ge sture appropriately while holding a + I to +3 bonuses. If the spell is cast at an indi-
glowing stick of incens e or a crys tal rod filled vidual creature that meets the caster 's gaze, the
with phosphore scent material. saving throw is made with a penalty of - 2. A
No tes: Common spell (PHB). creat ure that fails its saving throw does not
remember that the caster enspelled it.
Notes : Common spell (PHB) .


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Ice Blight

Ice Blight mu st have immediate bed rest ( the

(Evocation, Summoning) caster is at the center of the a rea of
Rever1lble effect) . Each day the wu jen regains l point to
each ab ility score. Only when all his abilities
Level: 7 have returned to 50% or mo re of normal can
Range : 0 the wu jeo begin to recover his lost hit points
Components: V, S, M (although once this occurs , curing spells can be
Casting Time : I tum cast to speed recovery) . Likewise, no spells can
Duration : I day/level be memorized until all scores are returned to
Area of Effect: mi. diameter /level normal .
Saving Throw : None T he material component for ice blight is a
piece of ice.
This powerful spelJ allows the wu jen to The reverse of the spell, drought, cancels the
summon fearsome freezing w inds, ice, and effects of ice blight. Drought has the opposite
snow in the a rea of effect. Once cast, gray effect. raising the temperature and drying the
scudding clouds gather and rain begins to driz- land instead of cove r ing it with snow. When
zle down . The temperature begi n s to faU cast, the sky q uickly clears of clouds and
abruptly-40 F in a single day. Winds begin to remains so for the duration of the spoil. No rain
blow, gently at first, but s low ly gaining falls for the duration of the spell. The tempera-
strength. Each day the weather co nditions ture soars upward 20F per day to a maximum
worsen. The clouds thicken. the rain falls heav- of 120F during the day and a cool of 100F at
ier, the air gets colder, and the wi n ds blow n ight. Fields become hard and cracked afte r
mo re fiercely . The te mpe rature can dro p no four days, small streams dry up after six days,
colder than -20 F. all but the deepest wells go dry afte r IO days ,
ln arctic and winter conditions, the sn owfaJJ small rivers are red uced to a trickle in l 4 days
begins after 6 hours . In temperate climes, snow and go dry after 20 days . Large rivers drop
begins to fal l by the end of th e first 24 hour noticeably in IO days and become little more
period . In desert lands the snow starts 36 hours than streams after 20 days. On the 25th day of
after the casting of the spell, while tro pical droug ht, only extremely deep wells still have
areasexperience snow by the end of the second water-all e lse having evaporated or soaked
day. Thereafter, the snow continues to fall at away.
the rate of I inch per hour to a maximum depth Plants suffer according to their size and nor-
of 48 inches. The winds whip the snow into mal habitat. Desert plants hardly notice the
huge drifts (5 feet to 12 feet or more) and the drought while those of tropical jungles die and
wind chill is extreme . During the snowfa ll, vis- wither rapidly. No rmal creatures flee the area
ibi l ity is limited to 200 feet an d movement of the drought, returning only when normal
rates are noanal . conditions have been restored and the land
Creatu res exposed to the weather without recovered . Creatu res exposed to the full light
adequate warm clothing, fire, and shelte r suffer of the sun for an entire day suffer 2d6 points of
I d8 points of damage each tu-m. Control damage a day if without adequate shade and
weather spells cannot cancel tl1e effects of tile water. Characters in bulky and metallic armoT
ice blight, but can be used to lessen the severity suffer I d3 points of damage a turn from the
by raising the temperature, slowing the snow- blistering heat and exhaustion. As with ice
faJJ, and breaking the cloud cover. blight, the effects of the spell can be lessened
Casting ice blight is an ext remely difficult by a control weather spell and can be cancelled
process for the wu jen, as he seeks to control by the castin g of an ice blight . The caster suf-
magical energies powerful enough to affect a fers aU t he effects of casting the ice blight
huge area . Upon uttering the final word of the when casting drought. The material component
spell , a tremendous blast of mystical energy for drought is a handful of desert sand.
leaps through the wu jen, ravaging his body Notes: Common in oriental lands; uncom-
and spirit The wujen instantly forgets all other mon in some savage northern lands ; otherwise
spells memorized the moment this spell is cast. very rare.
His Strength and stamina are b roke n, causing
him to lose al l but I bjt poi nt . All bis ability
scores are temporarily reduced to 3 and he


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""', lceKnife
Ice Knife Ice Storm
(Evocation) (Evocati on)
(Artifi ce, Water) (Water)

Level: 2 Level: 4
Range : Special Range: IO yds ./level
Components: V.S, M Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: l rd. Casting Time: 4
Duration: Instantaneous Duration : Special
Area of Effect: Special Area of Effect: 20 ft. radius (hail) or 40 fl
Saving Throw : Neg. radius (sleet)
Saving Throw : None
The wu jen casting this spell fires a dagger
of ice at the target. The caster makes a normal This spell can have one of two effects, at the
attack roll as if auacking with a missile caster's option: Either great hail stones pound
weapon, adjusting for the r ange from the down for one round in a 20-foot-radius area
attacker to 1he target (the knife has a long and inflict 3d IO points of damage to any crea-
range of30 yards, a medium range of20 yards, tures within the area of effect, or driving sleet
and a short range of LOyards). A successful hit falls in an 40-foor- radius area for one roun d
causes 2d4 points of damage . lf the ice knife per caster level.
misses its target., consult the rules for grenade- The sleet blinds creatures within its area for
like missiles in the DMG to determine where it the duration of the spell and causes the ground
lands. in the area t o be icy, slowing movement by
When an ice knife strikes a solid object or a 50% and making it 50% probable that a crea-
creature, the knife shatters, releasing a wave of ture trying to move in tile area slips and falls.
numbing cold. All creatures withi n a 5-foot The sleet also extinguishes torches and small
radius must make a successful saving throw vs. fires. Note that th is spell will negate a heat
paralyzation or suffer Id4 points of cold dam- metal spell.
age and become numb for I d3 rounds . Proxim- The material components fo r this speU arc a
ity to a major source of beat, such as a roaring pinch of dust and a few drops of water.
bonfire, improves a creature's saving throw by Notes : Common spell (PHB).
+2. Numbed creatures have their movement
rates reduced by half and their attack rolls suf- lcejacket, Zala 's
fer a -2 penalty. See Zala's icejacket.
An ice knife that misses or is lost cannot be
picked up by tile caste r (or anyone else) and lcelance
thrown agarn. If the knife is touched. it instantly (Alt eration)
shatters, releasing its numbing cold . If a lost (Water)
knife is not touched, it melts away in a pool of
water I round after it was originally created; Level: 3
this melting occurs regard less of the environ- Range : 10 yds./level
mental temperature. Components: V, S, M
The material components for this speU are a Casting Time : 3
drop of water from melted snow and a tiny sil- Duration: lnstantaneous
ver dagger . Area of Effect: Creates I lance
Note s: Common in orientaJ lands ; uncom- Saving Throw: Special
mon for Frost or Water mages ; otherwise rare.
This spell will function only if there is suffi-
cient ice present-usually no less than IO lbs.
though tlte remnants of an ice storm spell will
suffice. The spe ll causes the shards of ice to
reform into a long magical lance of ice that then
spirits off in lhe direction dictate d by the caster
against a particular target of the caster's choice.
The lance strikes with the caster's THACO
and a +4 bonus; it inflicts 5d6 points of dam-


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

ldentify r
identifie d. The eight hours imrnedfately pre-
ceding the casting of the spell must be spent
purifying the items and removing influences
that would corrupt and blur their magical
auras. If this period is interrupted, it must be
begun again. When the spell is cast, each item
must be handled in turn by the wizard . Any
consequences of this handling fall fully upon
the wizard and may end the spell, although the
wizard is allowed any applicable saving throw.
The chance of learning a piece of informa-
tion about an item is equal to 10% per level of
the caster, to a maximum of 90%, rolled by the
OM. Any roll of 96-00 indicates a false read-
ing (91- 95 reveals nothing). Only one function
of a multifunction item is discovere d per han
dliog (that is, a 5th-level wizard could attempt
to determine the nature of five different items,
five different functions of a single item, OT any
combination of the rwo). If any attempt at read-
ing fails, the caster cannot learn_ any more
about that item until be advances a level. Note
that some items, such as spec ial magical tomes,
cannot be identified with this spell.
The item never revea ls its exact attack OT
damag_ebonuses, although the fact that it has
few or many bonuses can be determined. If it
age and the target creature must save vs. spell has charges, only a general indication of the
or be stunned for Ld4 rounds. number of charges remaining is learned : pow-
The Jcelance travels in a straight line. It erful (81%- 100% of the total possible charges),
crumbles to its component shards if it misses stro ng (6 l %-80%), moderate (41 %-60%),
the target creature or if it strike s some other weak (6% - 40 %), or faint (five charges or
target before hitting the intended one. The spell less ). The faint result takes precedence, so a
creates only a single lance. fully charged ring of three wishes always
Notes: Common for Frost or Water mages , appears to be only faintly charged.
otherwise uncommon. Originally from the After casting the spell and determining what
FORGOTTEN REALMS setting. Known to be in can be learned from it, the wizard loses 8 points
the Tome of Rathdaen. of Constitution. He must rest for one hour to
recover each point of Constitution. lf the 8-point
Icicle, Gemidan's loss drops the speUcaster below a Constitution
See Gemidan's icicle. of l, he falls unconscious. Consciousness is n_ot
regained untiJ full Co nstitu tion is restored,
Identify wttlch takes 24 hours (one point per three hours
(Dlvlnadon) for an unconscious character).
(Universal) The material compone nts of this spell are a
pearl (of at least I 00 gp value) and an owl
Level: l feather steeped in wine; the infusion must be
Range: 0 drunk prior to spellcas ting . If a /ucksrone is
Components: V, S, M powdered and added to the infusion, the div-
Casting Time: Special ination becomes much more potent : Exac t
Duration: I rd./level bonuses or charges can be determined, and the
Area of Effect: I itetn/level functions of a multifunctional item can be
Saving Throw: None learned from a siogle reading . At tlte DM's
option, certain properties of an artifact or relic
When an Identify spell is cast, magical items mjght also be learned.
subsequently touched by the wizard ca n be Notes : Common spell (PHB) .


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""":: ldentifyRace-Ncogi
Identify Race - Neogi tion must be known to the caster. If the spell
(Divination) works , the name of the creature's species
immediately comes to the caster's mind.
Level: 4 This spell is usefu l when dealing with crea-
Range : Touch tures in disguise, beings deformed by the
Components: V.S effects of the red curse of cinnabryl , or uniden-
Casting Time : 4 tified monsters. The spell sees through magical
Duration: 1 rd) level or normal disguises and deformations . includ-
Area of Effect: Creature touched ing such spells as polymorph other.
Saving Throw: None There is one excep tion. Since the aranea spi-
derfolk created this spell , it detects the true
This unusual spell is used by lhe neogi to race of aranea only when they are in giant spi-
identify the capabilities ofa newly encountered der form. lfused upon an aranea in another
race. The spell provides for lhe caster the name form (such as one affected by polym orph self
of the race (as it is known to the creature or shape change, or otherwise altered in form ),
itself), its general combat abilities , a brief the aranea is dete cted as a c r eature of the
knowledge of the creature's customs, and what apparent species. Nobody else knows enough
the creature needs to survive. The spelJ ca n about the aranea to create a ve.rsion of the spell
identify only one piece of information (fo r that can successfu lly identify aranea in another
example, the usual methods of attack) per form.
round. The OM must decide if the information The spell's material com pon ent is two
being sought is available. The spell will only strands of animal hair twisted tightly together.
identify with that particular creature's life, not The hairs are pul led apart during casting , and
lhe race as a whole , so various reading s are are consumed when completely separate d.
possible . For example, the lifestyle and abili- Notes: Com mon for aranea spider-folk or
ti es of a human wizard of Thay from the wizards from the REDSTEELsetting ; otherwise
FOROO'ITEN REALMssetting will differ greatly virtually unknown.
from tho se of a human Knight of Solamnia
from Krynn of the DRAOONLANCEsetting. Identif y Tigbmaevril
This spe ll is used by the neogi to determine
the abilities and needs of a potential slave with-
(Divination) ,..,.. ,1-----
out serious risk to the slave's life. Although this Level: 4
spell may seem somewhat trivial to other races, Range : 100 yds.
it bas been witnessed that ships bearing neogi Components: S, M
wizards ca pable of casting this spell have far Duration: I rd./level
more powerful slaves than those that do not. Casting Time: 4
Notes: Restri cted to neogi; common. Area of Effect : I cu. yd.
Saving Throw : None
Identify Species
(Divination) ~ Identify tighmaevril allows the caster to dis-
tinguish the bloodline-draining "bloodsilver "
Level: 3 from other metals . Because of the spell' s rela-
Range: l O ft/ level tively sh ort duration and limited area of effect,
Components : V.M it is most useful for co nfirming whether a
Casting Time: 3 found object is indeed forged of tigbmaevril.
Duration: l rd./level The spell causes all tighmaevril within the
Area of Effect; 1 creature/round chosen area of effect to glow a bright burgundy
Saving Throw : Neg . color and to pulse in a manne r visible only to
the caster . If , for some reason , the caster can-
By using this spell, the caster can determine not se e the tighmaevril affected by the spell
the ra.ce and species of a creature. One creature (beca use of magical darkness or interposing
can be exami ned per round while the s pell walls) , he will sense the metal 's location, but
remain s in effect . A savi ng throw vs. spell is not its shape or size.
allowed only for creatures that realize a spell is The material compo nent, wh.ich melts during
being cast at them and actively resist. For tb.e the casting, is a band of co pper wire wrapped
spell to be effective , the subject creature 's loca- around a rod of steel.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Illusory Wall ,-

Notes: Common in Cerilia, the BlllTHRIOHT cessful save means the creature can look away
setting; otherwise rare . This spell is castable with only a mild sense of disorie ntation. Fail-
outside the Cerilian setting. ure means the creature is subject to a sugges-
tion implanted in the script by the caster at the
Ignit e Flam e - Old E mpir e time the illusionary script spell was cast. The
(Evocation) sugge stio n cannot require more than three
(Fire) turns to carry out. The suggestion could be to
c lose the book and leave, or to forget the eitis-
Level : I tence of the book , for example. A successful
Range: 10 yds . dispel magic spell will remove the illusio11ary
Components: V, S script, but an unsuccessful attempt erases all of
Casting Time : I the writing. The hidden writings can be read by
Duration : 3 rds . or less a combination of the tru e seeing spell and
Area of Effect: Special either the read magic o r comprehend lan-
Saving Throw : Neg . guages spell, as applicable .
The material com ponent is a lead-based ink
With this spell , a wizard can create a small that requires special manufacture by an alche-
area of hot flame, typically a three-inch-square mist , at a cost of not less than 300 gp per
area. If cast on exposed flesh, this causes 1d3 usage .
points of damage per round . The victim can put No tes: Common spell (PHB).
out the flames by spending one round smother-
ing them, receivillg damage for that round but mu siona ry Wall
automatically putting out the flames . The (lll wi on/Phantum)
flames go out by themselves after three rounds.
If this spell is cast on flammable material, it Level: 4
grows into a sma ll fire , destroyillg flammable Range: 30 yds .
materials such as paper, causing exposed flasks Components: V, S, M
of oil to explode, or creating a bonfire . Affected Casting Time: 4
materials still receive saving throws vs. normal Duration: Permanent
fire; flame produ ced by the igniteflame spell is Area of Effect: Ix 10 x IO ft.
normal, not magical , rue . Saving Throw: None
Notes: Common spell. As a FORGOTTEN
REALMS Old Em pire spell , initial exposure Trus spell creates the illusion of a wall,
requires a mentor or a read Southern magi c floor , ceiling, or similar surface, which is per-
spell . manent until dispelled. It appears absolutely
real when viewed (even magically , as with the
Illus ion ary Scrip t priest spe ll true see ing or its equivalent) , but
(Illusion/Phantasm) physical objects pas s through it with out diffi-
culty. When the spell is used to hide pits, traps ,
Level : 3 or normal doors, normal dem ihuman and magi-
Range : Touch cal detection abilities work normally , and touch
Components: V, S, M or probing sea rches reveal the true nature of
Casting Tim e: Special the surface, though they do not cause the illu-
Duration : 1 day/level sion to disappear.
Area of Effect: Scri pt reader The material component is a rare dust that
Saving Throw: Special costs at least 400 gp and require s four days to
prepare .
This spell enables the wizard to write Notes: Common spell (PHB) .
instructions or other information on parch -
ment , paper , etc. The illusionary script appears lli usory Wall
to be some form of foreign or magical writing. Aka illusionary wall .
Only the person (or people) who the wizard
desires to read the writing can do so. An illu-
sionist recognizes it for illusionary script.
An unauthorized creature glancing at the
script must roll a saving throw vs. spell. A sue-


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

"'\ llyylcm'sMantle
llyykur 's Mantle guard with a dimension door to the location of
(Abjurati on) its master's throne room .
Once this spell has been given to an undead
Level: 4 creature, it remains with that creature . The wiz-
Range: 0 ard who imbues the spell loses the use of one
Components: V. S, M spell of that panicular level-until the creature
Casting Time: 4 discharges the spell or is destroyed . For exam-
Duration: J rd ./level ple , if wizard imbues a skeleton with afireball
Area of Effect: The caster spell , the wizard has one less 3rd-level spell
Saving Th row : None available . A wizard can imbue as many djffer-
ent undead as he has imbue spells or spells to
When llyykur's mantle is called into being, give away . No spell above 5th level can be
the caster is surrounded by a luminous aura imbued, nor can an un dead creature receive
that completely covers him, conforming to the more than one spell at a time.
contours of his body. This mantle does not Once discharged, the imbued spell takes effect
affec t any physical or magical abiJities of the as if it were cast by the wiza rd for purposes of
caster , but does affect spells that are cast range, duration, area of effect, and damage. No
against him. The effects are : material, vernal, or somatic materials arerequired
+ 3 on all saving throws against all enchant - at the time of the undead 's casting (any materials
ment/charm spells that allow a saving throw. are expendedat the time of i:mbuement), and the
The mantJe does not grant a saving throw casting time of the released spell is I.
against spells that do not normally allow one; The material components of imbue undead
+ I on all other saving throws vs. spell, again with spell ability are a small scroll of paper
provided that one is allowed under the spell upon which is wri tten the name of the imbued
description ; spell in squi d ink and any materia l components
All damage from electrical attacks , including required by the imbued spel l.
shocking grasp and lightning boil, is lialved Notes: Uncommon for necromancers ; other-
(saving throws can negate or halve the damage wise very rare. From the F0R00TTEN REALMS
again). setting, itis known to be in the lich Kyristan's
The mantle protects only the caste r and the tome, Studies in Death.
caster's familiar, provided that the creature is
relatively small (size S) and remains in physi- Immediate Animation
cal contact with the caster. Athasian Dragon-King magic; "'-tl~..,
The mate r ia l component of this spell is a psio nic component renders the ~
natural (not cut or finished) gem. spell uncastable by wizards.
Not e s : Rare or very rare spell from the
FORGOTTENREALMS setting. Known to be in Immunity
the Tome of the Covenant. See immunity to poison and disease .

Imbue Undead with Spell Ability Immunity to Adherence - Drow

(Necroman cy) (Abjuration , Aiteradon )

Level: 6 LeveJ: 1
Range : Touch Range : Touch
Components: V, S, M Components: v;S, M
Casting Time: I turn Casting Time: 3
Duration : Special Duration : I rd ./level
Area of Effect: l undead Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw : None Saving Throw: None

The wizard using this spell grants an undead This spell co nfers upon the drow or another
creature one use of a particular spell the wizard being temporary immunity to magical and nat-
has memorized . Any sort of speU can be trans- ural webs, viscid globs (such as those produced
ferred, and will take effect when released as if by a wand of viscid globs), the sticky secretions
cast by the wizard . For exam ple, a ghoul can be and natural glue-like properties of roper strands ,
invested with a lightning bolt , or a skeleton mimfo pseudopods, cave fisher filame n ts, and


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Immunity to Spider Venom- Drowr
similar impediments. These perils do not h am- This speJI confers upon the caster or another
per or cling to the spell recipient, who can move touched creature ( who, even if wi Wng, receives
and act normally. a saving throw; if successful , it breaks the
The material components for this spel I are a spell) absolute immunity to aJI effects of the
milkweed seed or other windborne seed "key" venom, internal fluids , digestive juices or
or "puff " and a drop of water, alcohol, tears, or secretions, or spilled gore of any arachnid (that
spittle. is , corrosive as well as poison effects are
Notes: Restricted to drow; uncommon. Note negated). Fresh-spun webs will not adhere to
that the material compo nent is difficult for the protecte d being, and the speU recipient is
subterranean drow to acquire. even immuneto any blinding effects that would
normally result from being sprayed in the face
Immunity to by such fluids.
Magkal/Normal Weapons The spell also confers upon the protected
See invulnerability to magicaVnormal weapons being a +2 savrng throw bonus against aU other
and protection from magical/normal weapons. acids, venoms, and poisons (ingested, contact,
or insinuative).
Immunity to Poison and Disease The materia l component of this spell is a
(Abjuration ) whole poisonous spider of any size, alive or
dried, which is crushed during spellcasting.
Level: 5 Note s: Restricted to drow; uncommon.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 5
Duration: 24 hrs.
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

This spell renders the recjpient immune to dis-

ease, parasiticinfestation,poison, and naturalven-
oms. Even magical or cursed diseases such as
lycanthropy and mummy rot cannot take bold in
the subject while the spell is in effect. The spell
repels the attacksof such vermin such as rot grubs
and ear seekers, and preventsdamage from yellow
mold sporesand similarinfestations.
Immunity to poison and disease only affects
the recipient's subsequent exposure-it has no
effect on diseases, parasites, or poisons already
afflicting the recipient when the spell is cast.
The material component is a ground bay leat:
Notes: Restrictedto witches(common)and
abjurers (very rare); the latter must be trained
by a witch-part of this training imp lants a
falal curse that is triggered against the abjurer
and student if the knowledge is passed on.

Immuni ty to Spider Venom - Drow

(Abjuration )

Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 2
Duration: 2 rds. + 1 rd./level
Area ofEffec r: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Neg.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Immunityto Undeath
Immuni ty to Uodeath lmm11rk's Di straction
(Abjuratio n, Necromancy) (Enc hantmen t/Charm)
Level: 2
Level : 9 .Range: Touch
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M
Components: V,S, M Casting Time: I turn
Casting Time: 1 rd. Duration: Special (maximum 24 hrs.)
Duration: I rdJlevel Area of Effect: 50-ft. radius from item touched
Area of Effect: 40-ft. radius Saving Throw: Special
Saving Throw : None
When this spell is cast on a concealed item ,
This spell creates a globe that moves with it clouds the mind of anyone seeking the item
and is centered on the caster. The perimeter of and withi n 50 feet of it , so that they will not
thls protected area glows with a very faint find the hidden item . The caster can exclude
blue-white radiance , visible only in gloomy or specific individuals from the effect (these must
dark surroundings. AU c reatures can freely be specified at the time of casting); all other
pass into and out of the globe. searchers must make a successful saving throw
Within the globe, all beings a re rendered vs. spell or fail to f"mdthe item. For example, if
immune to undead energy draining attacks, the item is concealed under a blanket , it simply
Strength draining attacks, mental control , and will not occur to an affected individual to look
all undead powers that cause fear, paralyzation, under that blanket .
aging, or death (such as a banshee wail) . The An individual who successfully saves does
undead can be turned as usual. not necessarily fi nd the item . The character
A creature leaving the globe becomes nor- only avoids the spell's misdirection; unles s the
mally vulnerable to undead attacks while it is right place is successfully searched, the item
outside the area . A being on the perimeter is remains hidden.
protected as long as any part of its body is in An item in plain sight is not protected. Simi-
contact with the globe . larly, an individual who is not looking for the
Within the globe, physical attacks by undead affected item is not affected by the spell , and
creatures inflict normal physical damage. may thus stumble across the item accidentally .
Undead cannot voluntarily change form (for Once the item is touched by someone {other
examp le, a vampire cannot tu.m from gaseous than by one specified to be immune ) , the
to solid form or vice versa), nor can undead dweomer is canceled.
creatures such as zombies be anima ted. Shad- An affected individual specifically directed
ows and ot her ha rd-to-d iscern undead are to look in the right location (for example, by
clearly outlined at all times while within the someone outside the area of effect ) will do so,
globe and are vulnerable to au weapons . but wrnfail to find the item. Thus, if digging
The caster cannot end the spell 's effects for a buried chest based on paced-off direc-
before the spell expires. A successful dispel tions. an affected individual makes just enough
magic spell destroys the globe. Spellcasting mistakes to dig in the wrong place.
may be freely 11ndertaken within the globe by The caster chants and gestures while casting
any caster. the spell, scattering a mixture of sand and dia-
The material components of this spell are a mond dust (from a diamond of at least 500 gp
drop of the caster's blood, a seed from any value) over the protected item.
plant , and a drop of holy water. lmmurk's distraction is said to have been
Notes: Very rare spell from the FoROOTTEN researched for lm:murk by Selzen, a mage of
REALMS setting; virtually unknown elsewhere. Procampur .
Known to be in The Glandar's Grimoire. No tes: Rare or very rare spell from the
FORGOTTEN REALMS setting ; uncommon or rare
in the inner Sea region.

Impenetrable Lock, Ode en's

See Odeen 's impenetrable Jock.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Imper sonati on reveal tile fact that a creature is imprisoned.
(Illusion) Th e imprisonment spe ll functions only if the
subject creature's name and background are
Level: 6 known .
Range : Touch T he reve rse spell.freedom , cast upon the
Components : V.S, M spot at which a creature was entombed and
Casting Time: I rd. sunk into the earth, causes it to reappear at that
Duration: I turn/level spot. If the caster does not perfectly intone the
Area of Effect: Person touched name and background of the creatu re to be
Saving Throw : Special freed, there is a I 0% chance that I to I00 crea-
tures will be freed from imprisonment at the
This spell must be cast upon a willing sub- sametime.
ject, who immediately assumes the appearance Note : T he exact detai ls of any creatures
of a person of his choice. The subject becomes freed are up to the DM. A random method of
the same height, seit, and race of the target per- determining this is to roll percentile dice twice
son selected, even speaking with the same (once for imprisoned creature density and once
voice, and gesturing with the same manner- for a base number of creatures at maltimu.m
isms-the impersonator is indistinguishable density) . The rolls are multiplied and rounded
from the original in all outward appearances. to the nearest whole number. Each released
However, the impersonator does not acquire creature has a 10% chance to be in the area of
the original's memories or abilities, and cannot the spellcaster. If monsters are being generated
automatically speak the original's language . randomJy, roll I d20 for level, with roJJs of 9+
Furthermore, if the impersonator does anything conside red 9, and the exact monsters deter-
that is out of character for the original, any- mined by the random encounter tables.
body present who knows the original is allowed For example, if the initia l rolls were 22 and
a saving throw vs . spell. Those making a suc- 60, the number of monste rs released is .22 x
cessful save see through the illusion and real- .60 = .1320 = 13 monsters. Since only I0% of
izes that an impostor bas taken the original's these will be in the immediate vicinity of the
place. caster, the wizard may encounter only one or
The material component is a drop of blood, two of them.
lock of hair, or cherished possession belonging Notes: Common spell (PRB) .
to the original individual .
Notes: Uncommon for illus ionists; other- Improved Armor
wise rare (L&L).
(Conjurati on) ~,--1
Impris onment Level: 4
(Abjuration) Range : Touch
Reversible Components: V, S, M
Duratio n: Special
Level : 9 Casting Time: 4
Range: Touch Area ofEffect: I creature
Components : V, S Saving Throw : None
Casting Time : 9
Duration : Permanent Like the I st-level armor spell, this enchant-
Area of Effect: I creature ment creates a faintly glowing magical field of
Saving Throw: None energy around a target individual that serves as
if it were field plate (AC 2).
When an imprisonment spell is cast and the The spell has no effect on a person already
victim is touched, the recipient is entombe d in armored or a creature with Armor Class 2 or
a state of suspended anjmation (see the 9th- better , but it is cumulative with Deitterity
level wizard spell temporal stasis) in a small bonuses. Improved armor does not affect a
sphere far beneath the surface of the earth. The creature's movement or binder spellcasting,
creature remains there unless a reverse of the and it bas no weight .
spell, with the creature's name and background, Improved armor remains about the individ-
is cast. Magical search by a crystal ball, a ual until dispelled or until the individual suf-
locate object spell, or similar means will not fers damage equal to l O points plus twice the


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

"', ImprovedBlink
caster 's level. For example, if an 8th-leve l wiz- offensive fellow. The fighter rolls a modified 6
ard cast this spell upon himself, t he armor for initiative, so the wizard waits until 6, the n
would remain intact until he suffered 26 points blinks , making the fighter miss. At that time ,
of damage . The armor does not preven t the he starts his lightning bolt , which has a casting
spell recipien t from suffering the damage; time of3-the spell will go off on 9.
damage both affects the p rotecte d individual Because the wizard can pick the location he
and reduces the duration of the spell. is blinking to, he must blink to an area clear of
Th e material component is a cube of pol- obstructions or obstacles. A caster blinking
ished steel. into a movable objec t is displaced to a random
Not es : Common on Cerilia, the 8 rRTHIUGBT location (use the b/i,rk speU rules in the PHB to
setti ng; unknown elsewhere. This spell fu nc- determine where he ends up).
tions only in the Cerilian setting. Notes : Uncommon spell (PO:SM) .

Improved Blink
(Alterati on) In thePUrEll'S OPTI ON: Co,,.bat & Tac-
(Dimension) tic8 initiative system, the wizard must ,
couat I, l. or 3 pbasetfromthe time of bia
Level: 5 blink for fut. average, or slow actions. If
Range:O tbe fighter attacks in lhe average phase,
Com ponents: V, S the wizard blinks durins the fishter' s
Casting Time: I anack, andbis llgluning bolt (a fut spell)
Duration : I rd J level would go off l phaselater.with any other
Area of Effect: The caster slowactions.
Saving Throw: Nooe

This spell is a variation of the 3rd-level wiz- Imp roved Burning Hands
ard spell blink. allowing the wizard to shift his See flame ray.
body to any point within J5 feet of bis current
location. Unlike the lower-level spell. improved lmproved Chill Touch
blink allows the wizard to choose the exact (Nec romancy) ~
time of the blink. the exact destination, and the (Shad ow) ;Q
orientation or facing of his choosing. For
example , a wizard confronted by an enemy Level : 2
fighter could blink just before t he fighter Range : O
attacked, reappearing directly behind his foe Components : V, S
for a back attack. lf the wizard blinks away Casting Time: 2
from an attack , his enemy automatica ll y Duration: I rd ./level
misses-but creatu res with m u ltiple anacks Area of Effect : The caster
may be able to r eposition themselves for Saving Throw: Neg.
another swing if the wizard blinks to a location
within reach. Resembling the !st-level spell chill to11cl1,
A wizard intending to take any action-such this speU conjures a magical aura of negative,
as attacking , casting a spell, or using a magical blue energy that surrounds the caster's hand.
item - must decide before the round begins if The energy drains the life force of any creature
be will do so before or after he blinks. If be touched by the wizard with a successful anack
acts before he blinks , he may be struck by an roll. Lfthe creature touched fails to make a iruc-
attack before he finishes ; he can choose to pro- cessful saving throw vs . spell , it suffers ldlO
ceed with h is action, hoping that be won't be points of damage and becomes paralyzed from
h it, or be can abor t his action by taking his the extrao rdinary cold and pain.
blink for the round . On the other hand, if the The paralysis lasts one hour per point of
wizard begins his action after his blink, the ini- damage !nilicted. In addition , the creatu re
tiative modifie r of his attack or sp ell is added loses 2 poi nts of Str ength and Constitution,
to the time of his blink to determine when he both of which return at the rate of I point pe r
attacks . For example , a blinking wizard who is day. Any undead c reatu re of less Lhan 3 Hit
dueling a figh ter decides to blink first~ when Dice touched by the caster must save vs , spell
the fighter attacks-and then lighming bolt the or be destroyed .


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

[mprovcd Haster
No tes: Restricted to undead spellcasters; weightless ly at a normal walking pace or
common. Can be researched only in t he slower. If he tries to go any faster , the spell is
RAV ENLOFT setting and triggers a RAVENl.OFT broken and lost. The person affected by thls
powers check on completion of the auempt . spell does nol leave normal footprints, nor set
off weight- or pressure-based traps .
Improved Double Wizardry , Jonstal 's While the spell is in effect, the person gains
See Joostal 's improved double wizardry . +30% to his move silently roll. (lf without this
skill , the person has a 30% chance to move
Impro ved Featherfoot - Ninja silently, as a thief, for tile duration of the spell .)
(Alteration) Unlike thefeatherfoor spell, this spell has no
Level: 4 Notes: Restricted to ninja spellcasters and
Range : Touch those trained by them ; common.
Com:ponentS: S
Casting Time: I rd . Improved Haste
Duration: I tum/level
Area of Effect: Person touched
(Alteration) ~ ll ~~

Saving Throw : None Levcl:6 ~

Range: Touch
This spell improves on the 2 nd-level ninja Components: V.S, M
spellfeatherfoot by addjtionally allowing the Casting Time: l rd.
ninja to walk across still or gently moving Duration: I rd./level
wate r surfaces (the wate r of a pond or a slow Arca of Effect: Creature touched
river, for example). Such travel leaves the bot- Saving Throw: None
toms of the recipient's feet wet, so he must take
care to leave no trail after leaving the water. This spell lets the wizard bestow tremeodous
Otherwise , the person affected by this spelJ speed on any one creature. The quickened crea-
gains the magical ability to move quietly and ture functions at double its normal movement
and attack rates, moving and attacking twice in
the round. The quickened creature rolls initia-
tive for eac h round nor mally; the first basic
act ion always happens at initiative "O" in the
round, and goes again on h is rolled initiative
number. The creature also receives a +4 bonus
to its Dexterity score (to a ma,timwn of25) for
the duration of the spell, wruch can affect reac-
tion adjustment, missile attack adjustment, and
defensive adjustment.
Casting the spell takes one entire round, dur-
ing which both the recipient and the caster can
do nothlng else. The spell lasts for a number of
rounds equal to the caster's level.
Unlike the normal haste spell, this spell bas
no effec t on the recipien t 's age. This spell
negates the effects of a slow or improved slow
spell. It is not cumula tive with itself or with
other sjmilar magic.
The material components for thls spell are a
lump o f grease and a spark of flint and steel.
Note s: Common in the DARK SUN setting;
this spell requires a mentor who basbeen there
or spell research in thar setting.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

' Improved Invisibility
Improved Invisibility Improved Magic Missile
(lllu sloo/Phant um) (Invocation/Evoca tion)
Level : 4
Range: Touch Level: 3
Components : V. S Components : V, S
Casting Time: 4 Range: 60 yds. + 10 yds./Jevel
Duration: 4 rds. + l rd./level Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Creature touched Duration : Instantaneous
Saving Throw : None Area of Effect: I or more creatures in
a 10-ft. cube
This spell is similar to the invisibility spell, SavingThrow : None
but the recipient is able to attack, either by mis-
sile discharge, melee combat , or spell casting, The improved magic missile conjures deadly
and remain unseen . Note , however, that telltale bolts of magical force that unerringly strike
traces (such as a shimmering effect) sometimes their targets , inflicting I d4+ l points of damage
allow an observant opponent to attack the invis- each . However, improved magic missile can
ible spell recipient These traces are only notice- generate up to 10 missiles . The caster gains one
able when specifically looked for (after the missile at !st level , and then one additional
invisible character has made his presence missile for every two experience levels past 1st
known) . Attacks against the invisible character level (two at 3rd, three at 5th. and so on). Note
suffer -4 penalties to the attack rolls , and the that this spell is identical to the I st level magic
invisible character's saving throws are made missile spell for wizards of less than 11th level.
with a +4 bonus. Beings with high Hit Dice that Any protective magics that stop magic missile
might normally notice invisible opponents will also stop this spell.
notice a creature under this spell as if they had 2 Notes: Common in the MYSTARA setting;
fewer Hit Dice (they roll saving throws vs. spell; otherwise very rare .
success indicates they spot the character).
Notes: Common spell (PHB). Improved Magic Mouth - Bard

Level: 3
Range: 10 yds.
Components : V, S, M
Casting Time: 3
Duration: Special
Area of Effect I object
Saving Throw: None

This spe ll works in all ways like the 2nd-

level wizard spell magic mouth, except as fol-
low s. When th is spe ll is cast, the m outh is
endowed with the ba rd 's current knowledge ,
Intelligence, and personality. When the prede-
termined event occurs that activates the mouth,
it converses as if the bard were actually there .
For example, the mouth might say, "Who goes
the re?" and wait for a reply . If the visitors
announce tneir names , it could go on to say,
"Tam ak , please proceed to the music room ,
while the rest wait in the sitting room. " The
mouth lasts untiJ the conversat ion is over.
Although the mouth can be set to activate due
to a visual stimulus (that is, activate if anyone
wearing a green feather approaches the castle
gate), once triggered, it reacts only to sounds


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

ImprovedPhantasmal Force
and speech . Also note that the mouth and the Not es : Rest r icted to alhooo (undead
bard are not linked in any way. Once cast , the illithids) ; common.
mouth's lcnowledge is set and will not change.
Thu s, if a bard is extremely angry at Tamak lmproved Mirror Image - Ninja
when he casts an improved magic mouth, the {Illusion/P hantasm) ~
mouth will remain in a state of anger, even if the
bard and Tamak have reconciled. Level: 4
Notes: Common for bards ; otherwise rare. Range: 0
Components : S
Improved Mantle, Alustriel's Casting Time: 2 rds.
See AJustriel's improved mantle . Duration : 3 rds.nevel
Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius
Improved Mind Mantle - Alhoon Saving Throw : None
This ninja spell works much like the 2nd-
Level: 3 level wizard spe ll mirror image , with some
Range : Touch important differences .
Components : V, S The mirror images appea r in the vicinity of
Casting Time : 3 the caste r, but can move up to 30 feet away.
Duration; I turn/level Although the images must face the same target
Area of Effect : Creature touched or enemy (whichever one the spellcaster is fac-
Saving Throw : None ing) , they do not have to perform exactly the
same actions . They can draw different weapons
This spell creates a cloaking web of random or appear to choose different tactics in combat.
mental impulses that screens the mind of a sin- When struck in combat, these imagescollapse
gle protected being against all mind reading as if injured or killed, feeling solid to the person
and influencing spells of 5th level or less (wiz- attacking them. Only at the start of the next com-
ard school of enchantmenVchann magics and bat round do ''injured" images disappear.
priest spells of the charm sphere). The creatu re Like the images created by a mirror image
is also immune to magical item effects that spell, these visions can inflict no actual dam-
duplicate the aforementioned spells, and to all age. If they attaak an enemy in combat, all their
psionfo telepathic devotions. attacks seem to m.iss until they are struck or the
Psioni c telepathic scien ces (such as the five spell duration ends .
commonly-known psionic attack forms) can To determine how many images appear , the
affect a being protected by an improved mind DM rolls ld4 and adds l for every three levels
mantle. but their contact cost is doub led. Also, of the nlnja 's spelJcasting experience .
if the protected being is psionic and uses ejec- Notes: Restricted to ninja spellcaster s and
t ion (a telepathi c science) to force away a those trained by them ; common . At the DM's
psion.ic attacker , no side effects are suffered. disc retion, this spell might be researched nor-
The mantle-wearer is also protected against mally by an illusionist .
all telepathic attack modes (ego whip , id
ins inuation, mind thrust , psionic blast, and Improved Phantasmal Force
psychic crush ) as follows : no "power score" (Illusion/Phan tasm)
effects are possible again st the mantle-wearer,
and the initial co sts of these attacks are dou- Level: 2
bled when used again .st the mantle -wearer . ln Range: 60 yds. + LOyds./level
other words , unless the psionic attacker lcnows Components : V, S, M
of the protection and doubles the psionic Casting Time: 2
strength points (PSP s) used in the attack , the Duration : Special
initial attack fa.ils. Area of Effect : 200 sq. fl + 50 sq. ft /level
An improved mind mantle is invisible, an.d is Saving Throw : Special
unaffected by sub sequent spellcasting on the
part of a protected being (which also won't Like the 1st-level phantasmal f orce spell,
affe ct it) . The caster can end it instantly by this spell creates the illusion of any obje ct ,
silent act of will , and a dispel magic spell will creature, or force, as long as it is within the
also destroy it. spell 's area of effect. The spellcaster can main-


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

"": ImprovedSkull Watch
tain the illusion with minimal concentration; wise very rare.In the F OROOTIEN REALMS set-
thus, he can move at half normal speed (but not ting, it is known to be in the book Tidings of
cast o ther spells) . So me minor so unds ar e Conflict and Woe.
included in lhe effects of the speU , but not
understandable speech. Al so , the improved Improved Slow
phanta s m continues for two rounds after the (Alteration)
wizard ceases to conce ntrate upon it.
The material component is a bit of fleece . Level: 6
Notes: Common spe ll (PHB) . Range : 90 yds. + 10 yds ./level
Components: V.S, M
I mproved Skull Watch Casting Time: 6
(Nec romancy) Duration : 1 rd./level
Area of Effect: Thirty 10-ft. cubes .
Level: 5 Saving Throw: Neg.
Range: Touch
Components : V, S, M This spelJ causes the aff ected creatures to
Casting Time : 5 move and attack at 1/9 their normal rate . rn
Duration; Until activated co mbat , affected creatures only attack every
Acea of Effect : 20-ft. wide x 90-ft. long path ninth round, and they cannot cause damage
Saving Throw : Non.e from normal melee attacks. However , they do
attack with a - 8 penalty for nonstandard melee
This spell is an improved version of skull attacks, such as touch energy drain and paraly-
watch, use d by necromancers with large per- sis-s uch attacks , if s uccessfu l, have the i r
manent bases . Like skull watch, the improved stated effect without penalty . Creatures under
speU sets an enchanted skull either on a surface this spell have a +8 penalty to their AC as well
or banging in midair . Living intelligent crea- The caster can vary the area of effect as desired,
tures entering the area 20 feet wide by 90 feet arranging the thirty 10-foot cubes (30 ,000
long in front of the skull will activate it. cubic feet total) in any conti nuous shape, pro-
The activated s kull screams; this can be vided no section extends beyond the range of
beard up to a quarter-mile away . The skuU the spell. All creatures entirely within the area
mentally communicates the presence of intelli- of effect may be slowed, but each is entitled to
gent living creatures to the caster , if the caster a saving throw vs. spell to negate the spell.
is on the same plane as the skull. The s kull This spell negates the effects of a haste or
communfoa te s both its location and general improved has te spell.
visible data about those who activated it (race , T he material component for this spell is a
appearance, visible weapons, and so forth, but tiny golde n statue (minimum 10 gp value).
not alignmen t, level, or magical abilitie s). Notes : Co mmon in the DARKSUN setti ng ;
The wizard can creat e as many watch skulls this spell requires a mentor who has been there
as he ha s level s. Each one sounds alike in its or spell research in that setting.
scream. Once activated the floating skull sinks
slowly to the ground and can be reused later. Improved Spider Climb - Drow
Should the caster die before a skull is activated, (Alterati on)
it will continue to ope rate until triggered or
deactivated . Level: 2
Ooce the skull is in place it cannot be moved. Range : Touch
It is not undead and thus not subject to turning . Components: V, S, M
A dispel magic spell will deactivate the skull, Casting Time: 2
as will destroying the skull itself. The skull has Duration: 3 rds. + I rd./level
AC 5 and 2 hit p oi n ts for eve ry level of the Area of Effect: Creature touched
caster. Destroying or dispelling the skull makes Saving Throw : Neg.
the caster aware of its destruction , but does not
reveal the attacker 's nature. This spell is an improved versio n of the
The spell requ i:rc s the complete skull of a lcvel wiza rd spell spider climb. The recipient
humanoid , intelligent creatur e . lts cnaterial can climb on vertical surfaces and hang upside
component is a bit of earwax. down from ceilings, moving at a rate of 8 (4 if
Not es: Uncommon for necromancers; other- at all encumbered); bare hands and feei are not


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

ImprovedVampiric Touch

required, and smaJI objects do not stick to the Strength Equivalent RockHurUng
recipient's body: a recipient can easily cast Score GiantType R ange Damage
spells while sticking to a wall with feet and/or 19 HiU giant 80 yds. ld6
back. The caster can end the effect with a word 20 Stone giant 100 yds. ld8
(if this causes a fall, normal damage ap plies). 21 Frost giant 100 yds. ld8
Suff icient fo rce or impact can also tear the 22 Fire giant 120 yds. ld8
recipient free; the DM must assig n a saving 23 Cloud giant 140 yds. ldl0
throw based on the circumstances. 24 Storm giant 160 yds. ldl2
The mate rial components of this spell are a 25 Titan 200 yds. l d20
drop of bitumen (pitch) or tree gum, and a live
spide r, bo t h of which mus t be ea ten by the When the spell ends, the recipient is struck
recipienl. Unwilling reci p ients must be by intense exhaustion, and can do
touched, mus t eat the compone nts, and mus t except rest for I d3 fuJ I tu rns. The materia l
also fail a saving throw vs. spell, to be affected. component is a strand of hair from a giant.
Notes : Restricted to drow; uncommon. Notes : Uncommon (PO:SM).

Impr oved Strength Improved Vampiric Touch

{Alteratio n) (Necromancy )
Level: 4 Level : 4 ~
Rang e: Touch Range : Touch
Components: V.S, M Components: V, S
Casting Time : 4 Casting Time : 4
Duration: I. rd./JeveJ Dur ation: I day
Area offfect : Creature touched Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw : None

By casting this spell, the wizard can empower A more dan ge rous version of the 3rd-level
a creature with superhuman strength. Unlike the sp ell , vampiric touch, this spell inflicts I d6
2nd- level strength spell, improved strength points of da mage pe r two cas te r leve ls , to a
allows the recipient of the spell to ignore race or maximum of 9d6 at 18th level. The caste r must
class res tr ictions on his maximu m Str eng t h touch h is oppone nt with a s uccess fuJ meJee
score, poss ibly reaching scores as b.igh as 25. attack ; the sp ell lasts un til d ischarge d by a
The exact amount of strength gained varies by touch o r u n til one tur n passes. H it poi nt s
the recipi ent's class group (see table). d rained fro m the oppo nent are added to the
caster's own total, with any hit points above the
Class Strength Gain* caster's norma l maxi.mum treated as temporary
Warrior ld8+4 (max 25) bonu s bjt poi nts. Damage is subt racted fr om
Priest ld6+4 (max 23) th e bonus hit points first, an d any remaining
Rogue ld6+4 (max 23) after one day dissipate.
Wizard I d4+4 (max 21) The victim of this spe ll ca n recove r lost hit
Count caeh percenti le bracket of ei<ceptio nal strength as one points throu g h nor mal or magical healing;
point; the Strcogth gain proceeds as 18, 18/0l, 18/51, 18176. undead creatures are completely unaffected by
l819l.18/00. l9.a nd soon . the spell .
Notes: Restricted to necromancers ; uncom-
Eve n if the rec ipient is not a wa rrior , he mon. Can be researched only in the RAVENLOFT
gains all the benefit s of an except ional Strength setting and triggers a RAVENLOFTpowers check
category; for example , if a thief with a Strength o n completio n of the attemp t . Some sources
of 1.4 ga ined 7 points , he would p ossess a refer to this spell as lich touch.
Strength of 18/76 for the duration o f the spell.
In ad d iti on to the attack and da mage bonus,
increased cha nce to open doors or bend bars,
and increased carrying capacity, the sp e ll
recipient may te mporarily gain the ability to
throw bouJders as a giant of equivalent Strength
(see table).


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Improved Whispering Wind
(Alteration, Phantasm)
(Air, Song) ~
.a except that its minimum dimensions are a
c loud 10 feet tall , 20 feet wide, and 20 feet
long. This dense vapor cloud billows forth and
on th e third round of its existence begins to
Level: 3 flame, causing I d2 points of damag e per level
Range: I mi ./level of the spellcaster. On the fourth round, it
Components : V, S inflicts ld4 points of damage per level of the
Casting Time: 1 caster, and on the fifth round this drops back. to
Duration : Special ld2 points of damage per level as its flames
Area of Effect : 5 ft . radius burn out. ln any successive rou nd s of exis-
Saving Throw : None tence , the cloud is simply harmless smoke that
obscures vision within its confines. Creatures
This variation oftbe 2nd-level whispering within the cloud need to make on ly one saving
wind spell functions like that spell, except that throw vs. spell if it is successful, but if they fail
once the wind arrives, the caste r can converse the first saving throw, they roll again on the
with the subject freely (thoug h in a whisper) fourth and fifth rounds (if necessary) to attempt
for as many rounds as the wizard has levels of to reduce the damage sustained by one-half.
experience . In order to cast this spell, the wizard must
The wizard is able to either send a message have an available fire sou rce Gust as with a
or create some desired sound effect, excluding pyrotechnics spell) , scrapings from beneath a
sound-based special attacks . The wind ca n dung pile, and a pinch of dust.
travel as many miles above ground as the spell Notes : Common spe ll (PHB).
caster has levels of experience , to a specific
location within range that is familia r to the Incendiary Entrapment
wizard. The wind is as gentle and unnoticed as (Alteration)
a zephyr until it reaches the locatio .n . The spell (Alchemy, Fire)
operates regardless of whether anyone is pre
sent to hear it, then the wind dissipates. Level: 7
The wizard can cause the wind to move as Range : Touch
slowl y as a mile per hour or as quickly as a Components: V, S, M
mile every turn . When the spell r eaches its Casting Time: l rd.
object ive, it swi rl s and rema ins for the spell Duration : Special
duration . As with the magic mouth spell , no Area of Effect: 100 sq. ft. or more
spell can be cast via the whispering wind. Saving Throw:
The spell was developed by the wizard Sha-
zogrox. This spell allows a wizard to creat e a magi-
Notes: Uncommon for Air mages; otherwise cal. trap upon a floor , stairway, door, or other
rare . surface. The area affected is 100 square feet at
14th level , with an additional 50 square feet
Inaccuracy per level affected thereafter (thus , a 20th-level
Reversedfo rm, see accuracy . wizard can affect a 20 x 20 foot area).
When a creatu re touches the surface, the
Incendiary Cloud area explodes into flames after a del.ay of20 to
(Alteration, Evocatio n) 60 seconds, caus ing combustibles to ignite and
(Air, Fire,A.lchemy) other substances to melt, vaporize, o r char ,
unless the item male.esa saving throw vs . magi-
Level: 8 cal fire . The caste r can specify the delay when
Range: 30 yds . completing the spell, but the de lay cannot be
Components : V, S, M changed thereafter. The flames inflict ld4
Casting Time : 2 points of damage per leve l of the caste r upon
Duration: 4 rds. + I d6 rds. all creatures within the area of effect. A suc-
Area of Effect : Special cess ful saving throw vs. spell reduces the dam-
Saving Throw: age by half. The incendiary entrapment spell
lasts until a creature contacts the surface and
An incendiary cloud spell exactly resembles triggers the explosion.
the smoke effects of a pyrotechnics spell, To complete this spell, the caster must sprin-


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

": Induce Lyc.anthropy
kJe a mixture of fineJy powdered magnesium The material co mpon e nt of tltis sp ell is
and sa ltpeter upon the surface to be enchanted. e ither a pinch of dried carro t or an agate.
Notes: Uncommon for Fire mages; other- Notes: Common spell (PHB) .
wise , very ra re . (Up dat ed from POLYHEDRON
Newszine .) Ingenious Recollection , Sathrath 's
See Sathrath s ingeniou s recolJection.
Induce Lycanthropy
Reversedform , see suppr ess lycantbrop y. Insatiabl e Thirst
(Enchantment/C harm)
Infallible Identification, Sbayn's (Water)
See Shayn's infallibl e identification.
Level: 2
lnfratorch Range : 5 yds ./leve l
(Alte ration) Components: V.S
(Artifi ce) Cast ing Time : 2
Duration: 1 rd./lcve l
Leve l: 2 Area of Effect: I creatur e
Range : Touch Saving Throw : Neg.
Component s : V.M
Casting Time: 2 Thi s spell insti lls in the subject an unc on-
Duration : I turn/level trollable desire to drink . The creature is allowed
Area of Effect : Speci al a saving throw to avoid the effect . If the rolJ is
Saving Throw: None failed, the creat ure must co nsume any potable
liquids it can find (i.ncluding magical pot ions,
A wizard casting this spell creates a special which mig ht result in strang e effects if potions
torch that allows all those within a 15-foot are mixed ). Although poi sons are not co nsid-
radius to see as if Lhey had infrav ision . The ered potable , a creature might not realize that a
infravision extends 60 feet from the torch. liqujd is poisonous. The creature will not con-
The torch does not give off light or heat , and swne a liquid known to be poisonou s.
looks like nothing more than a burnt-out torch No matter how much the creature drinks, its
or piece of wood . Infra torch can be cast only magical thirst is not quenched untiJ the spell
on wooden obj ec t s, suc h as stav es , torches , ends. During this time, th e c reature can d o
sticks, etc. nothing but drink or look for liquids to drink .
The spe ll requires a p iece of wood at least Vict ims of this spell believe they are dying of
two feet long, which is not consume d. thir st and (de pending upon their nature) may
No tes: Rar e s pell , origin ally from the be willing to kill for drinkable fluids .
FOROOITEN REALMSsetting . Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM).

Infravision Inscrib e
(AJteradon ) This is reported ly a 6th level spell fro m the
FORGOTTEN REALMS se tting able to transc ribe
Leve l: 3 writings more effe ctively than lower level
Range : Touch spells such as copy, d ictate , sorcerous scribe ,
Com ponents : V, S, M write, and so 011. /1 is believed lost s.ince the
Casting Time : I rd . 7ime of Troubles, although /minster may have
Durati on: 2 hrs . + 1 brllevel access to it.
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Thr ow: None

By means of this speH, the wizard enables the

recipient to see in norma l darknes s up to 60 feet
without light. Note that strong sources of light
(fire. lantern s, torches, etc.) tend to blind this
vision, so infravision does not function efficiently
in the presen ce of such tight sources . invisible
creatures are not detectable by infravision.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

',._ __________________
_. Instant Audience~ Bani ,-

The reverse of this spell , tunnel vis ion,

reduces the field of vision to a mere IOdegrees .
The subject gains a +2 bonus to saving throw s
against gaze attacks , but suffers a - 2 penalty to
surprise chec ks. Flank attacks against the crea-
ture are considered rear attacks while the spell
is in effect. The creature is allowed a saving
throw vs. spell to avoid the effect . The material
components are nightflower sap and an earth-
Notes : Very rare spell. Known to be in Pris-
mal Pocket Library, Vol. lY.

Insta nt Audience - Bard

(Conj u.ration)

Level: 3
Range: 30 yds.
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 2
Duration: Up to 4 hrs .
Area of Effect: l room or area range
Saving Throw : None

When this spell is cast, audience members

are magically conjured. Each round I d4 people
en ter the room or area in a normal manner .
{They actually appear just outside the room
Insect Sight when no one is looking.) This continues for a
(Alteration ) number of rounds equal to lhe caster's leveJ.
R evers ible The audience contains a combination of
races , genders , and social classes appropriate
Level: 5 to the occasion, Instant audience members act
Range : Toucb in every way like any other members of the
Componencs : V, S, M audience . They walk around during intermi s-
Casting Time: 2 rds . sion, talk, eat snacks , and so on. However, they
Duration: 5 turns + I tum/level always evade questions about their past, their
Area of Effect: Creature touched history , or current events , as they have no past,
Saving Throw: Neg. no history , and have no idea as to what is going
on in the world outside of the room.
With spell, the caster confers a fantastic Instant audien ce members are strictly non-
range of vision on Lbe creature touched . The combative and never at t ack or cast spells
recipient gain s the ability to see above and (although they can be bullies or braggarls if
behind him , with a field of vision of nearly 360 that is appropriate). If one suffers even a single
degrees . The creature will seldom be surprised, point of damage , he instantly vanishes along
as it receive s a +2 (or + 20%) bonus to any roll with all of his items (including items no longer
that determines whelher it has been surprised. on his body, such as clothes that he hung in the
1n addiLion, back attacks against the creature linen closet ) . Once the pe r formance ends ,
are considered flank attacks , and flank attacks instant audi ence members leave in an appro-
are considered frontal attacks . However , the pr iate manner and vanish as soon as they are
spell gi ves a - 2 penalty to any saving throw out of view.
against a gaze auack . An unwilling creature lf the audience is treated in an inappropriate
receives a s aving throw vs . spell to avoid way (as determined by the DM), the spell
receiv ing the insect sight spell. instantly ends . For example, an audien ce could
The spell compon e nts are su,nblossom oil be summoned to watch a combat , bu t if the
and the dried remains of ten flies. audience is used as a human shield, it vanishes .


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Instant Exit, Orawmij's

The material component s are a small collec- effects. The recipient gains a +2 bonus to sav-
tion of the items carried by the appropriate ing throws against such attack forms, and all
audience (a gold coi n, a piece of fine fabric, a damage sustained is reduced by half (to a mini-
snuffbox , etc .). These are tossed -into a bag that mum of l point). Jftbe saving throw is su.ccess-
contains at least one live mouse. The mouse is ful, only one-quarter damage is sustained.
not destroyed, but vanishes during the spell to The material component of this spell is a !-
reappear somewhere in the room after the spell inch-square piece of rubber . Thi s must be
ends. p laced between the recipient's foot (shod or
Notes: Restricted to bards; common. unshod) and the ground . It must be touched by
the recipient and the ground at all time s or the
Instant Exit, Drawmij's spell is ineffective (in other words , this protec-
See Drawmij's instant exit. tion effectively immobilizes the protected crea-
ture). If conditions are wet, that is, the recipient
Instant Regeneration is standing in water-or in a thun derstorm-
(Necromancy) ~ the sa.ving throw bonus is reduced to + l, but
the resistance to damage is unchanged .
Level: 9 Notes: Very rare in the Shining South of the
Range : Touch FOR GOTTEN REALMSsetting; otherwise it is
Components: V, S, M unknown.
Casting Time : I rd .
Duration: Instantaneous Intensify
Area of Effect : Crea ture touched See intensify nature .
Saving Throw: None
Intensify Nature
Upon its casting , this spell allows a wu je n (Alteration )
to instantly restore a lost Limb, causing it to
regrow right before one's eyes . The spell can Level: 8
only res tore a lost limb. lt cannot cause a new Range: 0
limb to appear where none was before. The Components: V, S, M
spell causes no harm to the recipient and Casting Time : 9
restores any bit point s that may be missing Duration: I turn
because of the loss of the limb . The caster per- Area of Effect: I sq. mi.
manently loses I point of Constitution when Saving Throw: Nooe
this spell is cast. This speJl drastically multipli es the power of
The material co mponent for the spe ll is a one currently existing naturaJ phenomenon or
charm of yellow paper inked with mystical red conditio n. A light breeze can be transformed
characters. into a hurricane-strength wind, the sound of
Notes: Restricted to wu jen and like oriental ru stling leaves or running water becomes a
wizards; common . deafening rumult, a light sprinkle of rain would
turn into an unbearable downpour, and so on. If
Instant Summons, Drawmij 's the conditions are already marginal, intensify
See Drawmij's instant summons. can escalate them into damaging attacks
against aU creatures and structures within the
Insulation area of effect. For example, a thund erstorm
(Abj uradon, Alteration) could be intensified into raging sheets oflight-
ning equal to a call lightning spell, or a bliz-
Level : I zard couJd be enhanced to an ice storm over the
Range: Touch entire area. Some possibilities are shown on
Components: V, S, M the list.
Casting Time: I
Dw-ation: 2 rds ./level
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

This spell provides the recipient with a tem-

porary resistance to all electrical spells or


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


Condjtion Intensified Effect Internal Fire

Light Rain Downpour (Evocation)
Heavy Rain Downpour with flash
flooding Level: 9
Thunderstorm Dangerous lightning Range: 60 yds.
Light Snow Blizzard Components: V, S, M
HeavySnow White-out blizzard Casting Time: I rd.
Heat Wave Unbearable heat Duration: lnst.antaneous
Cold Snap Unbearable cold Area of Effect: I HD/level in I0-ft. radius
Fog Complete obscurement Saving Throw: None
Light Breeze Hurricane-force winds
Strong Breeze Tornado-force winds This speU allows the wu jen to create a
deadly raging beat within the bodies of t!Jevic-
The exact effects of any given condition are tims, causing them to be consumed by name
left to the DM to decide. Downpours, bliz- from inside. Death occurs instantly . There is no
zards , and white-outs generally reduce vision saving throw against thi s spe ll. lf more Hit
to a few feet and serious ly penalize movement Di ce or levels of creatures are in the area of
and combat in the entire area . Dangerous effect than can be affected by the caster, those
winds or lightning can destroy structures and with the fewest Hit Dice or levels die first . Par-
cause damage to aU creatures that do not find tial totals are unaffected by the spell (if a 20th-
cover . Intensified sounds or sme ll s could level caster bas already affected 15 Hit Dice or
deafen or gag all creatures in the area . intensify levels of creatures, a creature with 7 Hit Dice
nature cannot be dispelled except by means of or levels would be unaffected since only 5 Hit
dispel enchantment or a wish spell. Dice of power remain).
The material component is a small , curved Although there is no saving throw against
horn carved with special runes, worth at least this spell, a magical item that confers protec-
100 gp. tion from fire and fire-based attacks malccs the
Notes: Restricted to witches and, optionally, wearer immune to the effects of this spell .
Weather mages; uncommon. Creatu res immune to fi re-based attacks are
Intensif y Summoning The material compo n ent for this spell is an
(Conjuration/Summoning) iron brazier filled with red-hot charcoal. The
charcoal is extinguishe d as the spell is cast
Level : 7 Notes: Common in oriental settings; very
Range: Special rare elsewhere (known mostly by Fire mages).
Components : V, S, M
Casting Time: 7 Interposing Band, Bigby 's
Duration : Special ( I turn maximum)
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This spell enhances the strength of creatures

summoned by the caster via I st- through 6th-
level conjuration / summoning spe ll s . Only
See Bigby's interposing hand.

Interruptable Light
(Alteration, Enchantment)

Level: 3
Range : Touch
spells that bring summoned creatu res to the Components: V. S, M
wizard are affected. Casting Time: I rd.
The first two conjuration/summoning spells Duration: Permanent
cast by the wizard within one turn following Area of Effect: Special (4-inch diameter spor)
the intensify summoning spell are affected. The Saving Throw: None
summoned creatures ace more powerful, having
an additional 2 hit points per Hit Die. This spell creates a round spot that radiates a
The material components are a small leather beam of bright light. The spell must be cast on
pouch and a miniature silve.r candelabra . a person or item. T he beam created is about
Note: Uncommon speU (ToM). A necroman- four inches in diameter and illuminates an a rea
tic variant exists, restricted to necromancers and in a direct line from the place it originates, to a
affecting only summoned undead . range of 60 feet. Of course , tbe light can be


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""" Invisibility r
sceo by others for a much greate r distance . If the spell is somehow made permanent,
The light is as bright as full daylight and this effectively grants innate invisibility at will:
lasts until negated by magical darkness or a the caster still becomes visible when attacking,
dispel magic. Creatures that suffer penalties in but can return to a state of invisibility the next
bright light suffer them if the beam is directed round if no action other than moveme n t is
at their eyes. Creatures that try to avoid looking taken .
at the light are allowed a saving throw vs. para- The materia l components of the invisibility
lyzation, with success indicating that they are spell are an eyelash and a bit of gum arabic, the
not dazzled . former encased in the latter.
The caster-or othe r person named at the Notes : Common spell (PHB).
time of casting - has mental control over the
light, and can order it to turn off or on at will. Invisibility , 10 ' Radius
Notes : Common in the RED STEEL sett ing; (TIJusion!Phanta sm)
virtually unknown elsewhere.
Level: 3
I Invisibility Range: Touch
(Illu sion/Phantasm ) Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 3
Level: 2 Duration : Special
Range:Touch Area of Effect: 10-ft. radius
Components: V.S, M Saving Throw: None
Casting Time: 2
Duration: Special This spell confers invisibility upon all crea-
Area of Effect: Creature touched tures within IO feet of the recipient. Gear car-
Saving Throw: Special ried and light sources are included, bu t any
light emitted is still v isible . The center of the
This spell causes the creature to uched to effect is mobile wit h t he recipient. Those
vanish from sight and be undetectable by nor- affected by this spe ll cannot see each other.
mal vision or even in.fravision. Of cou rse , the Any affected creature moving out of the area
invisible creature is not magically silenced, and becomes visible, but creatures moving into the
certain other conditions can render the creature area after the spell is cast do not become invis-
detectable. Even allies cannot see the invisible ible. Affected creatu res (other tha.n the recipi-
creature or his gear, unless these allies can nor- ent) that attack negate the invisibility onJy for
mally see invisib le things or emp loy magic to themselves. 1f the spell recipie nt attacks, tile
do so. Items dropped or put down by the invis- invisibility, JO' radius spell is broken for all.
ible creature become visible; items picked up The material components are the same as for
disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches the invisibility spell.
worn by the creature. Note, however, that light Notes: Common spelJ (PHB) .
never becomes invisible , although a source of
Jight can become so {thus, the effect is that of a
light with no visible source) .
The spell remai ns in effect until it is magi-
cally broken or dispelled , until the wizard or
recipient cancels it, until the recipient attacks
any creature, or until 24 hours have passed.
Thus , the invisible being can open doors, talk,
eat, climb st airs, etc ., but ifhe attacks, h e
immediately becomes visible , although the
invisibility enables him to attack first. Note
that the priest spells bless, chant, and prayer
are not attacks for this purpose. All highly
lntelligen1 (Intelligence 13 or more) creatures
with 10 or more Hit Dice or levels of experi-
ence have a chance to detec t invisible objects
(they roll saving throws vs. spell ; success
means they noticed the invisible object).


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


Invisibility, Mind-Control The material component is a small fragment

See mind-control invisibility. of plate mail.
Notes : Uncommon spell.
InvisibHJty, Physical
See physical invisibility . Invisible Stalker
(Co njuration /S ummoning )
Invisibility to Undead
Level: 6
Aka cloak from undead. See that entry for
Range : IO yds.
details .
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 rd.
invisible Blade , Laeral's
Duration: Special
See Laeral's invisible blade .
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Invisible Mail
(Abjuration, Evocation) This spell swnmons an invisible stalker from
(Force) the Elemental Plane of Air. This 8 Hit Die
monster obeys and serves the spellcaster in
Level: 3 performing whatever tasks are set before it. It
Range : 0 is a faullless lracker within one day of the
Components: V, S, M quarry 's passing . The invisible stalker follows
Casting Time : 3 instructions eve n if they send it hundreds or
Dura tion : Special thousands of miles away and, once given an
Area of Effect: The caster order, follows through unceasing ly until the
Saving Thr ow: None task is accomplished. However, the creature is
bound to serve ; it does not do so from loyalty
A variation of the armor spell, thi s spell or desire . Therefore , it resents prolonged mis-
enables tnc caster to cover body with an sions or complex tasks, and it attempts 10 per-
invisib le suit of plate mail, temporarily raising vert instructions accordingly. Invisible staJkets
his Armor Class to 3. Its effects are not cumu- understand common speech but speak no lan-
lative with other armor or magical protection (a guage save their own .
character with these caunol improve his AC to The material components of thi s spell are
better than 3 through use of this spell), bu t burning incense and a piece of horn carved
Dexterity bonuses still apply. into a crescent shape.
For each level of the caster, the invisible mail Notes: Commo n spell (PHB).
absorbs I bit point of damage that would nor-
mally hit AC 3; however, the spell offers oo Involuntary Wizardr y,
protection against magical weapons or attacks . Mordenkainen 's
When the invisible mail has absorbed as many See Mordenkainen's involuntary wizardry .
points of normal damage as the wiz..ardhas lev-
els of cxperien .ce , the mail disappears . The Invulnerability to Magical Weapons
invisible mail does not hinder movement, nor (A bjuration }
does it add weight or encumbrance . It does not (Geometry)
interfere with spellcasting.
For example, a wizard with AC IO has Level: 6
shiel ded himself with rhe invisible mail spell. Range:0
The first opponent attacks with a normal dag- Components : V.M
ger; making the attack against AC 3. The attack Casting Tune: 3
hjts, causing 2 points of damage , which is Durati on: I rd./level
absorbed by the invisible mail spell , leaving the Area of Effect: S-tl. radius
wizard unharmed. A second attack is made Saving Throw : None
with a sword +1. The invisible armor offers no
protection against this magical weapon, so the This spell creates an immobile, faintly shim-
attack is made against the wizard's normal AC mering magical sphere around the caster that
of 10. Th e attack tlits, inflicting 4 point s of cannot be penetrated by magical blunt, edged,
damage on the wizard (which are not coun ted o r missile weapons ; all such_ weapons are
against the invisible mail) . harmlessly deflected (missile weapons strike


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""':, Invulnerabilityto Noanal Weapons
the sphere , the n immed iately fall to the lron Body
ground) . However, the sphere offers no protec- (Alteration )
tion against magically created creatures (such (Earth)
as golems) or from special attacks (such as the
gaze of a medusa) . The sphere offers no protec- Level: 8
tion against spells such as magicmi.s.sile,
or Range: O
spells that simulate the effects of weapons. Components : V, S, M
The caster can use magical weapons from Casting Time: 8
inside the sphere to attack opponents normally. Duration : I rd./Jevel
Spells can aJso be cast through the sphere. The Area of Effect: The caster
sphere can be negated by dispel magic . Saving Throw: None
Any effort to combine this spell with magics
that grant immunity to normal weapons cause Tbjs spell transforms the caster's body into
this spell to fail immediately. living iron, which grants him several powerful
The material comp onent for this spell is a resistances and abilities. While the spell is in
piece of a broken magical weapon. effect , the caster can be injured only by blunt
Notes : Uncommon spell, typically known by weapons of +3 or better value, or monsters of
abjurers. (Originally from The Comp/ere Wiz- 8+3 Hit Dice or more . Slashing weapons,
ard's Handbook.) falling, crushing, and constriction attacks of aU
types are completely unable to hann the caster,
Invulnerability to NormaJ Weapons although an attack may knock him off-balance
(Abjuration ) or pin beneath tons of deb ris. Spells or
(Geometry) attacks that affect the subject's physiology or
respiration - for example, cloudkill, poison,
Level: 5 enfeeblement, contagion , or pain touch - fail
Range: O complete ly, since the caster has no physiology
Components: V.M or respiration while the spell is in effect. Also,
Casting Time: 2 spells that have weight limits should be applied
Ouratio.n: 1 rd./level to the wizard as if he weighed over 3,000
Area of Effect: 5-fl radius pounds . The wizard ignores electrical attacks
Saving Throw: None and saves at +4 against fire attacks. lfbe saves,
he takes quarter damage; if not, he takes half
This spell creates an immobile, faintly shim- damage . lf hit with a rod of smiting, he takes
mering magical sphere around the caster that 2d8 +6 points of dama ge unless the attacker
cannot be penet rated by nonmagical blunt rolJs a natural 20. If this occurs , then the dam-
weapons , edged weapons, or missile weapons . age is doubled .
The caster can use these weapons from inside 1n addition to the natural immunities of an
the sphere to attack opponents normally. Spells iron body, th.e wizard enjoys powerful offensive
can also be cast through the sphere . The sphere abilities . Bis Strength score is raised to 20 (+3
can be negated by dispel magic. to attack rolls, +8 damage) for the duration of
Any effort to combine this spell with magics the spell, and he can punch or bludgeon his
that grant immunity to magical weapons cause enemies twice per round for I d4 points of
this spell to fail immediately. damage per blow, plu s his Strength bonus .
The material components for this spell are a Unfortunate ly, his movement becomes slow
piece of a broken nonmagical weapon and a and awkward, so he is reduced to a move of 3
scale from a dragon . and suffers a -2 penalty to his initiative rolls (a
Notes: Uncommon spell; typically known by reduction of his base phase by one step , in
abjurers . (Originally from The Complete PLAYER 'S OPTION : Combat&: TacJics). Most
Wizards Handbook .) importantly, the wizard's clumsiness and lack
of breath prevent him from casting any spells
while the iron body is in effect.
Iron body may create additional hazards for
the wizard as the DM deems appropriate. For
example, rust monsters are extremely danger-
ous to a wizard using this spell . Heat metal
spells inflict double damage to the caster. And,


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Iron Maidco

naturally , the wizard sinks like a stone in

water- although he could survive the crushing
pressure and lack of air at the bottom of the
ocean-at least until t.he spell expired . Some
magical items, such as potions or winded
instruments, may be temporarily unusable as
The material component for this spe ll is a
small piece of iron that once belo nged to an
iron golem.
Notes: Uncommon spell (PO:SM) .

Iron Kimo no
(Altera d on)

Level: 3
Range: 0
Compone n ts: V, S
Casting Time: l rd .
Duration: 2 rds./level
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

This is a protective spell for geisya. and other

orien tal ~1>ellcasters.By casting this spell, the
geisya temporarily enchants her kimono, obi,
and tabi to a higher Armor Class. T hough the
clothing appears the same, it actually pro tects
lbe geisya as armor of AC 5. At the end of the commanded to '' Block that doorway , and let
spell's duration. the Armor Class returns to its nothing through!" or "Snatch up th.e wand that
normal rating. Dexterity bonuses a11plyto the the mage in black let fall, and bring it quickly
caster; lbe iron kif11()nodoes not hamper m ove- to me!" The caster is free to work other magic
ment in any way. as the helmed horror fights.
Notes: Uncommon in oriental settings ; very The iron maiden is a "battle horror ," the
rare elsewhere. most powerful type of helmed horror. When
destroyed, the iron maiden shatters and fal ls
Iron Maiden into dust and shards of rust . If it sti U exists
(Evocation ) when the spell expires, it meets the same fate,
dropping on the spot and unharmed any items
Level: 4 the caster bas directed it to carry (in other
Range : IOft./level words , a fragile flask would settle undamaged
Components : V, S, M to the ground when the iron maiden carrying it
Casting Time : 4 collapsed, not fall and shatter) . A battle horror
Duration : I rd./ level created by means of this spell ca n communi-
Area of Effect: Creates I battle horror cate only with its caster.
Saving Throw : None Only one iron maiden spell can be memo-
rized by a wizard at once . Such is the stress of
This spell temporarily brings into being a th is spell that it cannot be memo r ized again
"helmed horror " that fights for the caster with until at least a full day (24 hours ) has elapsed
absolute loyalty until destroyed. T he iron since it was last cast.
maiden takes the form of an empty, anima ted T he material component of tltis spell is a
suit of aTmor, armed with_a long swoTd and a piece of metal plate that has been part of a suit
footman 's mace . lt acts as tne caster d irects. of armor worn into battle ai least once.
The caste r mentally chooses its foe , and it Notes: Restricted to the Seven Sisters , their
fights that foe until directed to pe rform some apprentices , an d se lect Harpers in tb.e
other specific action . For example, it can be FORGOTTENRllALMS setting .


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

"""\ rronMind
metal, includ ing normal metal weapons. Such
lroa Maldea: AC 2; MV 12. Fl 12 (A), weapo.ns pass harmlessly through the individ-
6 if carrying lhe cuter; HD 4 + l lip/Ollllr ual as if he were a phantasm, not solid flesh.
level; THACO12; #AT I; J>ma lcll (1oaa T he indiv id ual can pass through iron bars,
sword), ld6+l (footmu.'a ... ), or icM gates, and other metallic objects. Nonme tallic
(flat); SA DlNluiolt ... (110 ft.. 1/cllly); objects still affect the individual and can harm
blillkupto I tam (114a)'),..... ,,.,_,,. ~ him . l ronguard affects only the ind ividual 's
miAileaffY'*- Ids., nap 70 )'di.); body, not an ything that he is carry in g or is
SD hula1et-t,hr fdll, ..._. to*9e attached to him.
apolla(-,le 1J118dle;,tu,.I Mia , and The ironguarded individual is still subject to
,,,,,,,._boll);SZM (6' llll); ML Feldell other attacks, such as heat , cold, and poison ,
(20), lat Hip (14): AL LN; XP 4,000. If even if these are delivered by weapon s that
die ironaw4en~bll'*"& lt CIIIIIOt would normally pass through him. The individ-
art ... widdlrdl6apelraclrntiGL ual retains his Armor C lass. Magical weapo ns
can strike him, inflicting damage equal to their
m agical bonus (a long swo rd + 2 inflicts 2
Iron Mind points of damage per strike ). Enchanted metal
(Abjuration ) is an impassible barrier to an ironguarded indi-
(Mentalis m) vidual. Spells using metal in their effects (such
as blade barrier ) affect the individual nor-
Level: 3 mally.
Range: Touch T he iro11guarded individual can attack
Components: S, M armored opponents as if they were unarmored,
Casting Time: 3 but only with bareh an ded or natural weapons.
Duratio n: I hr. Such oppone nts would be AC 10 if they were
Area of Effect: l creature wearing all-metal armor, modified by any Dex-
Saving Throw : None terity adjustments.
An irongua rded individual who occupies the
The person or creature affected by iron mind same place as metal when the spell duration
is immune to all charm and hold spe lls for a elapses is immediately killed (colla psing while
full hour. Additionally , the recip ient automati- passing through an iron gate, for example).
cally disbe lieves all illusions cast by 3rd-level Notes: Rare spell fro m t h e FORGOTT E N
wizards (or their equivaJent) or lower. REALMSsetting. Known to be in The Shadow-
The material component for this spell is a tome. Previously barre d to abjurers and trans-
small chunk of iron ore or any small item made muters, this restriction is now removed.
of solid iron, such as a nail.
Notes : Common for abjurers and mentalists; Ironwood
otherw ise uncommon. (O ri ginally from The (Alteration)
Complete Wizards Handbook.)
Level: 5
Iron Sack, Drawmij ,s Range : Touch
See Orawmij 's iron sack. Components : V, S, M
Casting Time: I rd.
lrooguard Duration : Permanent
(Abjuration , Alteration ) Arca of Effect I cu. ft./leveJ
S!lving Throw: None
Level: 5
Range: Touch This spell allows th e wu jen to change the
Componen ts: V, S, M tensi le stre n.gth of wood to tha t of the finest
Casting Time : 5 stee l. It only affects the hardness of the wood.
Dura tion : l rd./ levcl Colo rat ion, texture , and weight are un affected .
Area of Effect: I creature If cast on normal living plants , the spell has a
Saving Throw: None 50% chance of working. lf successful, it does
not interfe re with the normal growth of the
By means of this spe ll , the caster confe rs plant but gives all parts of the plant, including
upon himself or another creature immunity to leaves, flowers, and fruit the hardness of stee l.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

IsolateTcmplar r
If cast on a plant-like monster, a saving throw one creature, the saving throw has a-3 penalty;
vs. spell must be made by the creature. If suc- if cast at two creatures, the saving throw has a
cessful, the spell has no effect. Failure means - l penalty; and if cast at three or four crea-
the creature becomes rigid and paralyzed. The tures, the saving throw is normal .
Armor Class of the creature becomes O and a Rash. When a rash is cast, the subject notices
hit roll must be made when striking it, since the nothing for Id4 rounds, but thereafter its entire
hardness is imbued throughout the body of the skin breaks out in red welts that itch. The rash
creature. pe rsists until eithe r a cure disease or dispel
The material compo nent for this spell is a magic spell is cast upon it. rt Jowers Chari sma
pi.nch of metal filings mixed with the sap of a by I point per day for each of four days (i.e.,
willow tree. maximum Charisma Joss is 4 points). After one
Notes: Common in oriental settings; very week, Dexterity is lowered by 1 p oint also.
rare elsewhere . Symptoms va njsh immediately upon the
removal of the rash , and all statistics return to
Ironwood , Nautical normal. This can be cast at one creature only,
See nautical ironwood. with a saving throw penalty of - 2.
The material component for this spell is a
Irresjstible Dance , Otto 's leaf from poison ivy, oak, or sumac.
SeeOtto's irresistible dance. Notes: Common spell (PHB).

lrresistibJe Scent, Ivy 's Isolate Templar

See Ivy's irresistible scent. (Abjuration) '-U ~ ~
Irritating Odor, Ivy 's Level :6 ~
Reversedform , see Ivy's irresistible scent. Range: I 00 yds.
Components: V, S, M
Irritation Casting Time: I
(AJteration) Duration : l tum/level
Area of Effect: 1 templar
Level: 2 Saving Throw: None
Range: IOyds./level
Componenis: V, S, M Thi s is a spe cial ized, offensive version of
Casting Time: 2 antimagic shell, designed in the DARK SUNset-
Duration: Special ting to affect one humanoid creature. When
Arca of Effect: I to 4 creatures this invisible field surrounds a ternplar, that
in a 15-ft. radius templar is automatically cu t off from bis sor-
Saving Throw: Neg . cerer-king in regard to acquiring priestly spells.
If the templar is maintaining a spell, such as
An i"ilari on spellaffects the epidermis of the wall of fire. then that spell automaticaJly ends
subject creatures. Creatures with very thick or as the sup porting magical energies are cut off.
insensitive skins (such as buffalo, elephants, The teroplar is thrown back on his own
scaled creatures, etc .} are basically unaffected. re sources, including magical items, normal
There are two versions of the spell, either of weaponry, and whatever psionic powers he has.
which can be cast from the standard preparation: Th e templar still retains those spells granted
Itching. Wben cast, this causes each subject but not yet cast.
to feel an instant itching sensation on some Unless the sorcere r-k ing is watching the
portion of its body. lf one round is not immedi- individual templar or a messenger telts him
ately spent scratching the irritated area, the what's happening , the sorcerer-king will not
creature is so affected that the next three realize that this spell is in operation. Only a
rounds are spent squirming and twisting, effec- sorcerer-king can cast a dispel magic spell
tively worsening its Armor Class by 4 and its powerful enough to get rid of an isolate tem-
attack rolls by 2 during this time. Spell prepa- plar speU. The spell cannot be successfu lly cast
rations are ruined in the first round this spell is on a sorcerer-king to cul off all his templars
in effect, but not in the following three rounds. from spell s.
Doing nothing but scra tching the itch for a full The material component of th is spell is a
round prevents the rest of the effect If cast at gemstone of at Least 1,000 gp value .


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""\ holde'sAnswer
Notes: Very rare for a spellcaster from the Item Supercharger
DARK SUN setting; virtua lly unknown e lse- (Chronomancy)
Level: 8
Isolde 's Answer Range: Touch
(Divination) Components: V, S, M
CastingTime : 8
Level: 3 Duration : Permanent
Range: Touch Area of Effect: I item
Components: V, S, M Saving Throw : None
Casti ng Time : 3
Duration: 2 rds.Jleve1. By meaos of this spell , a ch r onoma n cer
Area of Effect: I mi./level attempts to alter the salient abilities of a magi-
Saving Throw: None cal item. This attempt can be made only once
per item, and has a significan t chance of ruin-
This spell temporarily enhances a magical ing the item forever. Use the table to figure the
mirror, crystal ball, or othe r scrying device . chance for success.
The speUcas ter lhen asks the scrying device a
question , and the scrying device answers that Item Supercharging Success Chances
question by showing an appropriate scene if it
is within the area of effect. Typical questions Item Freqllency Duration
include: "Where did I put that book on magical Potion 25%
apparatus?" "Who is the most beautiful . in the Ring 60% 65%
land?" and ''Where are the fish biting today ?" Rod 60% 80%
Note that a scrying device must be in operation Staff 90% 65%
at the time the spell is cast The spell requires a Wand 85% 90%
scrying device, which is not cons umed by the Misc. 50% 65%
Notes: Rare or very rare spell. (Updated Frequency is the number of times per day the
from DRA GON Magazin e.) item can be used, or the recharge time required
between uses. When thi s abi l ity is changed,
Item uses per day are doubled or the recharge time
(Alteration) halv ed. For example , the re charge time of a
(Artifi ce) ring of blinking goes from six turns to three.
Duration is bow long the effect ope rates .
Level: 3 Altering th is doubles the duration . For exam-
Range: Touch ple , wings of flying could be used for 16 turns
Componen ts: V, S, M at speed 12, instead of eight turns .
Casting Time : 3 The material component is an ounce of mer-
Duration : 4 hrs./leve l cury.
Arca ofEffect : I object, up to 2 cu. ftJ level Notes : Restricted to cb.ronomance rs; com-
Saving Throw : Special mon .

By means of this spe ll, the wizard is able to

shrink one nonmagical item (if it is within the
size limit) to ,of its normal size. Optionally,
th e caster can also change jts now- shrunken
compositio n to a clothlike one . An object in the
possessio n of another creature is aUowed a sav-
ing throw vs. spe ll. Objects change d by an item
spell can be returned to normal compositio n
and size merely by tossing them onto any solid
surfa ce o r by a word of comman d from the
original spellcaster. Even a burning fire and its
fuel can be sh.runkby thls spell.
Notes: Common spell (PHB).


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Ivy's Irritating Odor

ltembane The material components ace a drop of ani-

(Alteration) mal musk and a drop of rose oil.
The reverse of th is spell, Ivy s irritating
Level: 6 odor. causes a crea.ture or object to emit 11rank
Range: 100 ft. and noxious odor, though living creatures have
Componen ts : V, S a saving throw vs. spell to negate the effect .
Casting Time: 6 The stenc h drives away creatures of animal
Duration : Permanent Intelligence or less. Those with greater than
Area of Effect I magical item and its owner animal Intelligence are reluctant to approach.
Saving Throw : Neg . the source.
The material components are a drop of
A muc.h more powerful version of wa11dbane , skunk oil and a clove of crushed garli c.
the itembane spell affects a magical item and its Notes: Rare speU. (Updated from POLYBEDRON
owner, fo rever preventing the item from func- Newszine.)
tioning for that character. The item must be in
the owner's possession at the time of casting. If Ivy's Irritating Odor
the owner fails a saving throw vs. spell, the item Reversedform, see Ivy's irresistible scent.
ceases to function for that particular user. A
warrior could not wield a magical sword, wands
no longer cast spells, rings become inert. In fact,
these items are physically repelled by their own-
ers. f or example, an affected wand will fly from
a character 's grip.
This effect can be removed by the casting of
a sepa rate , successfuJ dispel magic spell on
each of the item and the owner . Artifacts are
not subjec t to this speU (and certain other cam-
paign-specific items may not be as decided by
Notes: Rare spell from the MvsTARAsetting.

Ivy's Irresistible Sce nt

(Alteratio n)
Reven ible

Level: 4
Range: 10 yds.
Componen ts : V, S, M
Casting Time: 4
Duration : ld4 rds.
Area of Effect: 1 creature or object
Saving Throw : Neg.

By mean s of this spell , the caster causes an

irresistible scen t to adhere t o a creature ot
object , though living creatures receive a saving
throw vs. spell to negate the effect. The scent is
extremely appealing to all creatures of animaJ
Intelligence or less within IO yards. Those
within IO yards, and who are above animal
Intelligence , will notice a plea .sant smell and
can identify where it is coming from. Any crea-
ture with a keen sense of smell trying to track a
creature or object with this spell cast on it does
so automatically .


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Jaguar Fonn- Hishna

Jackal Ward The material componcot is a piece

(Abjuration ) of chalk tbe wizard uses to inscribe a
small magical symbol on the affected
Level: 4 object. The marking immediately dis-
Range : Touch appears , visible ooly via true sight, a gem of
Componen ts: V, S, M seei11g,or similar magic .
Casting Time: 1 tum Notes: Very rare, originallyfrom the MYSTARA
Duration: I day (special) setting.
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None Jaguar Form - Hisbna

In areas where wizards are known to
operate, it is wise for an arabian wizard to pro Level: 5
tect himself from spell thievery. This spell Range : O
serves this purpose admirably. Compone nts: S
After the spell is cast, the wizard si mply Casting Time: 3
places a small coin (the spell's mate.rial compo Duratioru Special
nent) in his turban or other headgear. If a jackal Area of Effect: The caster
wizard attempts to lift a spe ll from the pro Saving Throw: None
tected wizard, the coin grows warm , warning
the wizard. The caster can polymorph his body into the
The first attempt to steal a spell from a wiz. body of a jaguar , although he retains his own
ard protected by the jackal ward will alway s mental capacity. He cannot speak, cast spells,
fail. The second and subsequent attempts have or otherwise exceed the limitation s of the
a 50% chanceof being foiled. feline body. He retains his original hit points
No te s: Common for spe ll casre r s from an and Hit Dice, however.
arabian setting ; otherwise very rare. The caster can move through the tree s of a
dense forest as easily as he can move along the
Jaggar 's Strengt hened Bastion ground . He gains infravision to 90 feet, and the
(Abjuration , Enc hantm ent/C harm ) ability to meld into shadows and foliage as if
(Geometry) concealed by an ambush spell.
Notes: Restricted to practi tioners of hisl111a
Level: 5 magic (the Maztica setting); common.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time : I rd . JaguarFormAnribules: AC.4; MV IS;
Durati on: 1 br./ level HD as caster; THACOas caster;#AT 3;
Area of Effect: I00 cu. fl./level 0mg 1d8/ld8/ldl0 (c:law/claw/ bitc)
Saving Throw: None ld6/ld6 (rue). Thejaguarcandouble ita
movement tide to 30 for onerouadif trav-
Prin ce Jaggar designed his stre11gthe11ed eling on the ground.LeapsareJ)Oll8ible to
bastion spe ll to fortify castle in wartime. It 30 feet horizontally and IS feet straight
makes one or more inanimate objects resi stant up. Fallsof SOfeet inflict no dunago ; falls
to magic, giving them a saving throw against farther than this inflict damage only for
spells that nonnally allow none. This spell also the pomonin exceu of SOfeet.
proves effec t ive when cast on portions of a
wall, a door, or similar area. For example, Jag-
gars stre ngth ened bastion allows a saving
throw vs . knock, dig, avoida11ce,distance dis-
tortion. passwa/1, transmute rock to mud ,
glassee , move earth, stone to flesh, va11ish,
glass reel, crysta lbriu/ e, and other spells that
affect objec ts. The objects make a saving throw
vs. spell at the level of the caster of the fortify.
ing spe ll This spell can be combined with the
permanency spell .


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

"': Jalartan's Miraculum
Jalartan 's Miracuhtm Javelin - OJdEmpire
(Alteration) (Evocation)

Level: 3 Level : 6
Range: 0 Range : 80 yds. + IO yds .llevel
Components : S Components : V, S, M
Casting Time: l Casting Time : 6
Duration: Special Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 1 memorized spell Area of Effect: I javelin
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw :

This spell modifies one other spell that the This spell causes a jave lin to become fille d
caster has currently memorized. It allows the with deadly energy . The caster may hurl this
latter speU to be cast without one of its normal bolt at any creature within range of this spell.
components (verbal , somatic, o r material). The javelin strikes without error and inflicts
Spells that normally have only one component Id IOpoints of damage for every two levels of
can be cast by silent act of will alone if aJalar- expe r ience of the caster , to a maximum of
tan miraculum is used first. IOdlO. The target creature is allowed a saving
A specific component of a part icular spell throw vs. spell with a - 3 penalty; success indi-
must be chosen to be omitted when this spell is cates half damage is suffered .
cast. There is no time limir between the casting The material component of this spell is a
of the miraculum and the unleashing of the jave lin .
modified spell. However , the caste r mus t not Not es: Uncommon spell. As a FORGOTTEN
have been slain in the intervening period or the R.EALMS Old Empire spell, initial ex.posure
modified spell does not work. requires a mentor or a read Southern magi c
Notes: Very rare in lhe FOROO'TTENREALMS spell .
setting: unknown elsewhere . Optionally specific
to this setting aJone.

Janga 's Jewel

(Divinati on, Conjuration )
(Artifi cer)

Level : 7
Range: 0
Component .s : V, S, M
Casting Time : 7
Duration : 24 hrs.
Area of Effect: 1 gem
Saving Throw : None

By casting this spell upon a gem worth at

least 400 gp, a wizard im b ues the jewel with
several properties , each usable once during a
24-hour period . The enchanted gem can know
alignment , operate as an arrow of direction ,
dete ct lie (as the 4th-level priest spell) and
accurately make one prediction of an event that
will happen during the next IO minutes (one
turo) if no action is taken on the foreknowledge
the gem provide s. The gem is destroyed when
all of the spell- like fun c tions are used up or
when 24 hours pass .
Notes: Rare or very rare spell . (Updated
from POLYHEDRON Newszine.)


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


Jest Jewel, Janga's

(Enchantment, Evocation) See Janga 's jewel.
Jbanifer 's Deliq_uescence
Level: 4 (AJte.ratlon )
Range : 0
Components : V Level: 5
Casting Time: 4 Range: Touch
Duration: Special Componen ts: V, S, M
Area of Effect : 30-ft. radius Casting Time: I rd.
Saving Throw : Neg . Durati on: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 10 cu. ft./level
Jest acts as the 2nd- level wizard spell.fas ci- Saving Throw : Special
nate , upon all nearing it. All creatures within
ilie area that fail a saving ilirow vs . spell stop This spell enables a wizard to instantly melt
their activities and listen for the time required ice, frozen liquids, and other subs tan ces that
to comple te the casting. An attack on a creature freeze within l O degrees of water's freezing
during thi s time negates the spell's effects on point (32F). Such melting does not involve
that creature . beat, steam, or the consumption of fuel. A wall
Upon completion of the spell, stopped crea- of ice , for instance , could be turned into water
tures receive another sav ing ilirow vs . spell. A that falls to the ground, a frozen lock or sleigh
successful saving throw means the crea ture runner could be freed.
merely walks away confused for ldl0 rounds Repeated applications of this spell can turn
unle ss attacked (which immediately negates the so lid s into liquid form, and l O deliquesce nee
spell effect) . Failure means that the creature is spells equal the effects of a transmute rock to
racked with laughter and unable to do anything mud speU. (The detail s of this use of the spell
but laugh for the next Id IO rounds; also if no are Little known and poo rly understood . The
attack is made on a crearuresduring the periodof OM should sharp ly limit the combat effective-
helpless laughter, it views ilie caster as naving ness of dissolvi ng soli ds , although a wizard
both a Charisma and Appearance/Comeliness of might use the spell repeatedly to make digging
20 for the duration of one full day. a tunnel easier .)
Notes: Com mon in oriental settings for Animated or enchanted creatures of stone
geisya (entertainer s), rare for others; virtually rece ive a saving throw vs. spell based on their
unkn .own elsewhere, excep t perhaps for bards Hit Dice and a stone golem pra ctically shrugs
or jesters . off the effects. Othe r objects have a saving
tltrow equal to the saving throw (at the time) of
Jester's Jest the being who encnanted them . Success negates
(AJteratlon) the spell. Living creatures , even if stony, are
unaffected by Jhanifer deliquesce,,ce.
Level: 2 Tile material components of this spell are a
Range: IOyds. tiny piece of amber and a piece of ice.
Components: V, S, M Notes: Rare or very rare spel I from the
Casting T!Dle: 2 FORGOTTEN REALMS setting. Known to be in
Duration: 1 tum + l rd./level Loera/ s Libram.
Area of Effect l creature
Saving Tnrow : Neg .

A target creature that does not make a suc-

cessful saving throw vs. spell becomes instantly
serious, and everything it says will be sorrow-
ful and sad, depressing those around it. Reac-
tion checks to the creature suffer a -4 penalty .
This spell was create d by Lendolin the
LaughJess, jester to King Azoun I.
Notes: Very rare spell. ( Updated from


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""'\ Jo051a.l'sDouble Wizardry
JonstaJ's Double Wizardry round on the caster (or both on a recipient
(Alteration ) being), and function normally, except that their
durations become l round per level of lhe
Level: 5 caste r. The caster m ust have memorized the
Range : 0 two spells beforehand. They are not lost from
Components: V memory until the improved double wizardry is
Casting Time: I employed. If either magic is cast by itself, the
Duration: I rd./ level improved double wizardry vanishes with it.
Area of Effect: I creature Material components for the two spell s are
Saving Throw: None consumed when this spell is uttered, and must
be on the caste r 's person (but need not be
This powerful spell enables a caster to revealed or handled by the cas t er) or the
unleash two speci fie spells at once, with the improved double wizardry will not take effect.
utterance of a single word. Both spells take Only the caster can unleash the spell. Toe only
effect in the same round, upon the caster (or two spells that can be paired by use of a Jon-
both on a recipient being). and function nor- s ta l's improved double wizardry are fly and
mally, except th.cir durations become 1 11onde1ectiot1.Despite years of research, the
round per level of the caster . The two spells archmage Jonstal has managed to master only
must have been memorized beforehand by the one o ther pair of "combination" spells (see
caster. They are not lost from memory untiJ the Jonsta/'s double wizardry). No known being
double wizardry is emplayed: if either is used short of the Faer0nian lesse r divine power
by itself, the double wizardry vanishes with it. Azutb can freely cast any two spells in the
Any material compone nts for the two spells same round.
are consumed wbe:n the double wizardry spell Notes : Very rare in the FORGOTTEN REALMS
is uttered, and must be on the caster's person setting (confirmed users are the Seven Sisters,
(but need nor be revealed or handled by the the Chosen , and Jon staJ); virtually unknown
caster) . OnJy the caster can unleash the double elsewhere.
The only two spells that can be paired by use
of a Jonsral :vdouble wizardry are invislbiliry
and levi1a1e; despite years of re searc h , the
archmagc Jon.stal has managed to maste r only
one other pair of "combina tion" spells (see
Jonstal's impr<JVed double wizardry). No
known being short of the Faer0n ian lesser
divine power Azu t h can free ly cas t any two
spells in the same round.
Notes: Very rare,in the FORGOTTEN RALMS
setting (confi rmed users are the Seven Sisters,
the Chosen, and JonstaJ); virtually unknown

Jonstal' s Improv ed Double Wizardry

(Alte ration)

Level: 6
Range : O
Compo nents: V
Casting Time : I
Duration : I rd./level
Area of Effect : I creature
Saving Throw : None

T his powerful magic enables a caster to

unleash two specific spells at once by uttering
one word. Both spell s take effect in the same


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


Joyful Voyage, Nybor 's normal falling damage of I d6 points per 10

See Nybor 's joyful voyage. feet fallen. A being th.rown by a jugge rnaut suf-
fers double falling damage on impact and
Juggernaut receives no saving throw {unless the thrown
(Evocation) being can fly or use magic to slow his flight}. A
(Artifice) juggernaut cannot wield magic , even devices
or worn items such as magical rings. The caster
Level: 9 cannot cast spelJs through its body.
Range: lO ft.nevel When the spell expires or the juggernaut is
Components: V, S, M destroyed by accrued damage , it simply fades
Casting Time: 9 away.
Duration: l rd./level The material components ofthis spell are a
Area of 8ffect: Special ball of clay that fills the caster 's palm ; a bit of
Saving Throw: None string, wire , or natural fiber; and a gem of any
type worth at least 500 gp.
This spell calls into being a large , mobile Not es: Very rare in the FORGOTTEN REALMS
bumanoid form similar to a featureless, gen- setting ; virtually unknown elsewhere.
derless, naked human . The form seems to rise
up out of the ground in front of the caster, fac-
ing away from its creator. Des pite the spell Juggernaut: AC- 2; MV 6; hp99; #AT2;
name, ii is not the same as a juggernaut golem. THACOCaster+2; Oms8d&l8d8 ; SA Orab
A jugg ernaut looks like a bald human with (6d8), conatrict(Sd8}, throw (2x falling
no recognizable features except a mouth. It damage, noSIM); SD Absorbs magic;AL as
stands up to I 00 feet tall, with a reach of up to caster; SZ O (100'); ML 20.
80 feet. It seems to be made of the same sub-
stance as the ground it appears from, although
it is in actuality purely a spell manifestation. II Juggle
can roar out , as often as desi red, a word or a (E vocatio n)
phrase of up to six words; these are whispered
by the caster during the spell's ca sting . The Level: 4
words cannot be a spelJ incantation , and they Range: 0
do not issue forth if they are command words Components : V. S
that trigger or activate any magic . Casting Time: 5
A juggernaut within 60 feet of its caster Duration : Special
draws into itself all magical attack s specifi - Area of Effect: The caster
cally meant for the caster , such as magic mis- Saving Throw: None
siles. feeblemind spells , and so on. The spell
effects are then visited on the juggernaut , not This spell requires a proficiency in juggling.
the caster . Spells that normally rebound from The geisya creates harmless balls of fire that
solid forms or burst, such as fireball and light- can be juggled safely . With further work ,
ning bolt, are drawn into the juggernaut's body spheres of ice, water, colored light, or glowing
so that they do no harm to the surroundings . white daggers can be substituted--one such
The juggernaut attack s with its fists foes substitution is gained with every three levels of
chosen by the silent will of the caster. ll can experience the geisya has attained.
strike once with each fist in a round , with a The items disappearon contact with something
THACO two better than its creator (that is, if besides the juggler's hands or when the geisya
the caster has a THACO of 14, the juggernaut ceases her concentration . Each item can be
strikes at THACO 12). Its blows deal 8d8 points thrown , up to two per round at a target. This
of damage each if successful. It can grab and requires both an attack roll to strike the target and
carry items , including foes . It can inflict 6d8 a juggling proficiency roll to keep the other items
points of damage with its grab , plus constrict- juggling). Each missile, regardless of form, does
ing damage of 5d8 points per round thereafter I d4 damage plus I hit point per level of the
until the foe makes successful Dexterity, Con- geisya. A water ball inflicts no damage , but
stitution , and Strength ability checks all in the causes the creature struck to lose ics next initia-
same round (check all three each round), tive roll.
A fall from a juggernaut's hand results in


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

, Jump
Notes: Used by geisya (common) and wujen the duration of the spe ll. Leaps can be up to 30
(rare) in oriental settings; otherwise very rare. feet forward or straigh t upward or 10 feet back-
ward. Horizontal leaps forward or backward
Jump have only a slight arc.--about 2 feet per IO feet
(Alt erad on) of dis tance tr aveled . The jump spell does not
ensure safety in landing or grasping at tbe end
Level : I of the leap .
Range : Touch The material component of this spelJ is a
Components : V.S, M grasshopper's hind leg, to be broken by the
Casting Time: I caster when the spell is cast.
Duration: ld3 rds. + l rd./level Notes: Common spell (PHB).
Area of Elfe.ct Creature touched
Saving Throw : None Ju st Sovereign
Athasian Dragon-King magic ; ""U~,.,
The individual touched when this spell is psionic component renders the ~
cast is empowered to leap once per round for spell uncastable by wizards.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

K.bazid's Procurement

Kaleido scope, Lysander's of the caster. It has no effective weight

See Lysander's kaleidoscope . or encumbrance , and does not affect
speUcasting . It cannot be added to other
KJtleidoscopic Strike, spells , such as giant fur, but is cumulative with
Gunther's shield and Dexterity bonuses .
See Gunther's kaleidoscopic strike.


Level : 5
Range : Touch
Kank Shell
_._ The materia l component for th is spell is a
fist-sized shard ofkank shell .
Notes: Common in th e DARK S UN setting ;
otherwise unknown.

Kbazid's Procurement
(Divination, Summoning )
Components : V.S, M (Geometry)
Casting Time : l rd.
Level : 5
Duration: Special Range: Special
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Components: V, S, M
Saving Throw: None Cas ting Time: I turn
Duration: I rd./level
This is a defensive spell developed by mages Area of Effect : Creates J gate
of the elven kank-herding tribes , enablfog the
Saving Throw : No ne
recipient to go without armor in the terrific
heat of Athas until be actually needs it. When Thls spell allows the caster to more easily
the spell is cast. tile beneficiary 's body or torso access rare or dangerous spell components .
is transformed into the chitinous carapace of a The wizard casts this spell upon a silver mirror
kank, givi ng him the protection of plate mail whi le concentrating on a mental image of the
(AC 3) . This armor lasts until successful ly dis- material be desires. The base chan ce of success
pelled or the wearer talces cumulative damage is 50%, modified by the following factors:
totalling over 8 hlt points, plus I point per level + I% per level of the caster
+ 10% if the cas ter has seen the same type of
subs tance or object before; this bonus is not
cumulative with the following bonus
+20% if the caster has a sample of the mater-
ial or tile same type of object in his posses-
sion ; this bonus is not cumu lative with the
bonus above
+30% if the wizard knows the location of the
desired object
- 50% if the caster has never seen the same
type of material or item before .

If the percentile roll indfoates failure , the

caster is unable to locate the desired ingredient
and the spell ends . If the rol\ indicates success ,
the wizard has located the object or substance
and the mirror becomesa magicalgate through
whlch the caster can see the desired compo-
nent. The size of the ga te is determined by the
size of the mirror , to a maximum.size of 3 feet
by 2 feet.
The gate always appears within arm's length
of the target component, allowing the wizard to
reach thr ough the mirror , grasp the object of
hls desire , and draw it back throug h the gate.
Tbe wizard must risk his own safety - the gate
does not allow the use of probes , long-handled
ladles , tongs , or other equipment to gather the


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""'\ Kbclbcn's Blackstalf
materiaJ. Th e caster cannot move completely Black.ftaff MentaJ Damage
through the gate. ld l0 0 Effect
The gate vanislles when the spell 's duration 01-45 Target unaffected
exp ires or when the compone nt or the wiz ard 46-65 Target confused (as the 4th -level wiz-
moves more lhan IO feet away from it. ard speU confus io11) for ld4 rds.
The gate is visible from both sides, and other 66-75 Target strmn ed (as the 9th level sym-
creatures can reach through the gate. Brea th bol spell) for Id3 rds.
weapo ns, gaze attacks , missiles, spell s, and 76-85 Target affe cte d by fear (as the 4th
si miJar attacks can not pass through the gate. level wizard spell ) for ld2 rds.
Because creatures can pass their limbs through 86-95 Target affecte d by repulsion
the gale , physical attacks and touch spells can 96-00 Target affected by feeblem{nd
be used.
The onJy limit 10 the ran ge of this s pell is Its touch drains l bit point automatically (the
that the caster and the desired component must target ge ts a saving thr ow vs. death magic to
be on the same plane of existence . Elemental avoid having this loss being perman ent, unre-
forces (not creatures) will not pass through the coverable except by use of a wish), plus l d8
gate . Th us, the wizard does not risk flooding points of normal d ama ge, regardless of the
his laboratory by opening a ga te beneath the weapon's size and shape.
sea. for example . However, the spel1 does not Its touch acts as a dispel magic spe ll (a t the
provide any sort of protection against a hostile caster 's level) on all magi cal barriers , weapons,
environment into whlch the caster may reach. or effects, at ail times; the wielder cannot tum
The speJJ requires an exquisite sil ver mirror this power 011 and off.
of no less than I 0,000 gp value and a black Its touch causes mental damage (see table).
opal worth at least 1,000 gp that must be pow- Its touch causes any spellcasting being to for-
dered and sprinkled on the mirror. The mirror get one memoriz ed spell or be unable to use
is not lost af\er casting and c an be used again , one natural spell-like power for two rounds (if
but the powdered opal is consumed in the cast- a choice exists, determine which spe.11or a biJ-
ing. ity at random; save vs . -paralyzation to avoid
Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM). thls effect entirely).
It s touch ca uses beings possessing psio ni c
Khelben's Blackstafftt skills or wild talents to be psionic aUy "sc ram-
(Alteratio n, Evocad on) bled " (unable t o use any powers except
defenses) for ld4 rounds.
Level: 8 It absorbs magic cast upon it, without conse-
Range: 0 quence, and is apparentl y unaffected by any
Componen ts: V.S, M magic except a wish, which can negate it.
Casting Time: I rd . The blackst.aff can be wielded by any creature
Duration : I rd./level able to use a pole arm who can withstand (or is
Area of Effect: Sp ecial immune to) its effects . A weapon e nc hanted
Saving Throw: Special with Khelben 's blackstajf will prevent speJl -
casting by any being who is contact with it dur-
This is the unique speU that gave its creator, ing a given round . h can therefore be used to
the archmage Khelben Arunsun Waterdeep, his ruin enemy spe ll cas ting w it h a successful
nickname . The magic causes any nonmagical attack. ( It c annot be easily thrown and resists
staff, club, piece of wood, or pole arm held by teleki nes is and simiJa r movements as it does
the caster 10 shimmer with a black . crawling almo st all other magic.) At the spell's expira-
radiance. tion , the material co mponen t (t he sta ff) is
A weapon enchanted with Khelben '.sblaclc- instantly and completely consumed.
staffhas the following propert ies: Not es: Unique to Khelben "Bla c kstaff"
ll can never harm th e caste r or any ot h e r Arunsun, premi er wizard of lbe city of Wate r-
beings touching the staff during the casting of deep in the F ORGOTTENREALMS setting . A vari-
the spell. at io n available to other charac ters is li ste d
It st rikes as a +4 magical weapon to hit (no elsewhere as blackstaff.
damage bonus).


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

l<Mlben'sSuspendedSilence F
Khelben 's Dweomerdoom his shape change spell ( drained of his most
(Abjuration , Evocation) powerful spell automatically). Khelben's main
target , Nenex, loses 27 metnorized spell levels
Level: 9 from his most powerful remaining spells (one
Range: Touch 9th, two 8th, and one 2nd): time stop, monster
Components: V, S, M summoning VI.sink, and invisibility.
Casting Time: 2 Khelben developed this spell to deal with the
Duration: Special increasing na:mber of powerful mages disrupt-
Area of Effect : 40-ft. radius ing Waterdeep's peace (or so ne says; Elminster
Saving Throw : None hints it might involve the many wizards about
the Realms and the planes who challenge Khel-
This powerful magic allows arclunages to ben to spell duels).
drain magic directly from other spellcasters by The speU's focus is a signature for the cast-
eliminating the memory of certain spells. ing mage , allowing draine d foes to unde rstand
When the spell is cast, a spell focus (such as just who brought this down upon them; Khel-
a gem or staff) is charged with the magical ben uses his staff, while Alusttie l uses a moon-
energy; the item remains charged for up to the stone pendant with her symbol and Elminster's
caster's level in rounds before dissipating. The focus is, of course, his pipe. Most wizards stop
dweomerdoom activates when the charged and listen to the spellcaster , which was Khel-
focus item is thrown against a bard surface . ben 's alleged intent: "Do you know how diffi-
When it strikes , a green pulse of energy flashes cult it is to get the attention of a Red Wizard in
out 40 feet in all directions from the item (bar- the throes of a temper tantrum ? I think thls
riers of less than one-foot-thick solid stone or solves that problem ..."
six inches of solid me tal are pierced) . Orre This spell is cast through an object-a magi-
spellcaster within the radius of effect, chosen cal staff, a diamond, a golden crown, etc.-that
by the caster, bears the brunt of this spell. is made the center of the spe ll effect. This
When the green energy pulse contacts the cho- focus is not consumed or harmed in any way by
sen spellcaster, muJtiple arcs of energy leap to the spell.
the focus item, draining the spe llcaster of as No tes: Known to certain arcbmages of the
many memorized spell levels as the caster of FORGOTTEN REALMS sett ing, including Alus-
the dweomerdoom. High level spells are elimi- triel, Elminster, Khelben , Laeral, and the Sirn-
nated first , with any remainjng spell levels bul.
reducing the lower level spells until the spell
levels are gone (for example, draining 18 levels Kbelben 's Suspended Silence
causes the loss of two 9th-level spe lls or one (Alteration)
8th-level, one 7th-level, and one 3rd-level) .
When the energy pulse meets any other Level: 3
spellcasters (wizard, priest, or other) within the Range : Touch
area of effect, a green energy arc leaps to the Components : V.S, M
focus item and drains the memory of one spell Casting Time: 3
up to 9th level (OM 's choice, highest level Duration : Special
spells first). There is no limjt to the number of Area of Effect: 20-ft. raclius
spcllcaste rs the dweomerdoom affects in this Saving Tb.row: None
lesser way, provided they are at least partially
in tlte area of effect (the caster of the spell is This spell, devised by the famous arcbmage
unmune to this effect) . Khelben "Blackstaff '' Arunsun ofWaterdeep,
Lost spells can replaced by the usual means: brings into being a magical field of silence on
memorization for wizards and meditati on and any nonliving object of smaller size than the
prayer for priests. caster (for example, a stone, weapon, or corpse
Example: Kbelben (W27) flies over a spell of a being smaller t.han the wizard). Once cast,
battle within Waterdeep between Tbarchion the spell is inactive until the command word is
Buulgast of Thay (W20) and Nenex the Aged spo ken . Tllis spe ll field can be detected as a
( W22) that bas ruined two homes. He casts faint aura until the spell is triggered, and can be
Khelbe11 s dweomerdoom on his staff and dispelled with a dispel magic spell .
throws it between the two mages, spearing it When the focal object is touched and a com-
into the groun d. Buulgast loses the memory of mand or trigger word ( chosen and uttered dur-


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


9 .

- ~--
_ '"=--<:;~~

- --
... .:- .. ~ - -_. -- -

c::, ..


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


ing casting) is spoken, the spell takes effect , destroyed per attack.
expanding into a 20-foot spherical field Grasping Hand-80% chance destroyed per
centered on the midpoint of the focal object . attack, with a 40% chance of the whip being
Within this field, absolute magical silence destroyed per attack.
reigns for six rounds. The field moves with the Clenched Fist - 70% chance destroyed per
object (for example, a thrown stone), and its attack, with a 50% chance of the whip being
effects can be avoided on ly by c reature s destroyed per attack.
employing dispel magic (to end the spell Crush ing Hand - 65% chance of being
effects), vocalize, or a similar spell . destroyed per attack, with a 60% chance of the
The material components for this spell are a whip being destroyed per attack.
feather and a handful of dust, which mu st be Lesser Bigby spe lls (strangling grip, barrer-
held in the cupped palm of the caster, while the ing gauntlet, fantastic fencers , etc .) are
caster's other hand touches the focal objec t . destroyed upon contact with the whip, as would
The focal object is in no way harmed or altered be a shield spell.
by the spell.
Notes: Known to Khelben of the FORGOtTEN The whip bas no effect on nonm oving magi-
REALMS setting and a few of his apprentices. cal barriers such as a wall of force or a pris-
matic sphere.
Khe lbeo 's Warding Whip The whip has no effect on spells that do not
(Abjuration) use magical force as a solid entity - holds,
slow. reverse gravity, and so forth.
Level : 7 Th e whip cannot harm living objects , and so
Range: 10 yds . cannot be used as a weapon.
Components: S, M The whip has no effect on s pells that take
Casting Time: 7 effect instantaneously.
Duration: I rd ./level The whip can be used to parry physical
Area of Effect: Creates l force lash attacks, including those from magical weap-
Saving Throw : None ons and weapons of magical force (decastave,
spiritual hammer. etc.) This parrying has a
This specialized and rare spell creates a base 60% chance of success plus 2% per level
whiplike lash of mystical force controlled by of the whip's caster . An attack parried this
the caster . This magical whip is particularly way does no damage, but the wizard using the
effective against those speHs that take the form whip musl have initiative over bis attacker in
of pushing, striking, or crushing forces, in par- order to parry .
ticular the popular spell s created by Bigby . As noted, this spell was developed by Khel-
The wizard need not concentrate to maintain ben Arunsun, the Bla ckstaff ofWaterdeep, as a
the warding whip, but while using it cannot cast specific counter to the various Bigby spells
other spells or wield other weapons. The whip that have appeared in the Realms. Whether the
strikes or parries automatically while under the mythical Bigby of Greyhawk visited the
direction of its wielder. The whip can be used Realms or Khelben or some other ReaJmsmag e
only agains t I.hose within 30 feet of lhe wizard . visited Oerth to bring these spells from one
The effects of the whip are asfollows: world to another is not known . The Black staff
ha s apparently met the greal Bigby at some
The whip confers to the user immunity to the time in the past, though the meeting wasappar-
push spell . ently not on the best of terms. As the wizard of
The whip will immediately dissipate a shield Waterdeep once noted to his apprentice fllistar,
spell without effect to itself . "The old goat comes up with one good gim-
The whip has a 40% chance of destroying a mick, and beats it to death with a rock." Bigby's
Tenser floating disk per attack. T he wb.ip is response, if any, basnever been recorded .
not affected . The material component of this spell is a
The whip affects any of the Bigby s hand piece of wire and a pinch of powdered elec-
spells as follows: trum .
Interposing Hand - Destroyed, with a 20% Notes: Known to Khelben of the FoROOTIEN
chance of the whip being destroyed as well. REALMS setting.
Forceful Hafld-9 0% chance destroyed per
attack, with a 30% chance of the whip being


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

"":, KhinasiTradeTongue
Khinasi Trade Tongue weapons or spells can be used while under cbe
(Divi nation ) tltlall---- s
kiss influence; to do so negates the spell. The
kiss works on ly for one pa ssage through the
Level: l grove.
Range: Touch Notes: Unique to Master o f the Tower of
Components: V.M High Sorcery in I.heDRA GONLANCE setting.
Duration: 5 rds./level
CastingTime: I Knock
Area of Effect: I individual (Alteration )
Saving Throw: None (Universal)
Revers ible
Favored by Khinasi and Brecht wizards
because of their countries ' reliance on trade , Level: 2
this limited form of ESP aids in dealing effi- Range : 60 yds.
ciently with merchants and peddlers . The Components : V
recipient of this spell can sense the amount of Casting Time : I
money that an individual is willing to accept or Duration : Special
pay for a particular item - regardl ess of the Area of Effect: 10sq. ft./level
pcice verbally quoted by lhe individual-to Saving Throw : None
within ld6 coins appropriate to th e transaction.
The recipient of the spell can determine prices The knock spell opens stuck, barred, locked,
for multiple items (one at a time) untlI the spell held, or wizar d locked doors . It opens secre t
expires . doors, as well as locked or trick-opening boxes
When cast by a Kbinasi or Brecht wizard, or che sts . It also loosens welds, shac kles, or
this divination is even more precise, determin- chains . lf used to open a wizard locked door ,
ing within Jd4 appropriate coins the amount of the spell does not remove the former spell, but
money a trader will accept or pay. simp ly suspends its functioning for one tum. In
The material com ponent of this spell is a all other cases, it permanently opeo.s locks or
vial of snake oil. welds - although the former could be closed
Notes: Common on Cerilia, the BIRTITRJGEIT and locked again later. It does not raise barred
setting; unknown elsewhere . gates or simila r impediments (s u ch as a
portcullis) , nor does it affect ropes, vines , and
Kiss of Night's Guardian t t the like . Note that the effec t is limited by the
(Evocation ) ~ area; a 3rd-level wizard can cast a knock spell
on a door of 30 square feet or less ( for exam-
Level: 9 ple , a standard 4-foot x 7-foot door ). Each
Range: Touch spell can undo up to two means of preventing
Components: V, S egress th.rough a portal. Thus if a door is
Casting Time: l locked, barred, and held, or triple locked, open-
Duration: J passage ing it requires two knock spells. Jn all cases, the
Area of Effect: I person location of the door or item must be known-
Saving Throw: None the spell cannot be used against a waUin hopes
of discovering a secret door.
The Master of the Tower of High Sorcery at The reverse spell , lock, closes and locks a
Palanthus has the power to grant protect ion to do o r or similar c lo sure , provided there is a
anyone entering the Shoikan Grove. The Master physica l mechanism . lt does not create a weld,
confers this protection by means of a kiss upon but it locks physically operated toe.king mecha-
the subject 's forehead. To those of good or neu- nisms , se t bars, and so oo, up to two functions .
tral alignment, the kiss seems to bum into their It cannot affect a portcullis .
flesh . To those of evil alignment , the kiss will Notes: Common spell (PHB).
confer a pleasant , warm sensation. It leaves a
scar that is visible only to the undead of the
Shoikan Grove. The kiss alleviates fear in the
grove (eliminating the -10 savi ng throw
penalty ) and also prevents all undead in the
grove from attacking the protected person. No


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Know Bloodline Derivation

Know Alignment
(Divination )

Level: 1.
Range : IOyds.
Components: V, S
Casting Time : l rel
Duration: I rd./level
Area ofEffect: I creature or object per 2 rds .
Saving Throw : Neg.

A know alignment spell enables the wizard

to read the aura of a creat11re or an aligned
object (un aligned objects reveal nothing) . The
caster must remain stationary and concentrate
on the subject for two full roun ds. A creature is
allowed a saving throw vs. spell and, if success-
ful, the caster learns nothing about that particu-
lar creatu1e from the casting. lf the caster
concentrates on a creature or object for only
one round, be can learn its alignment only with
respect to law a n d chaos. Certain magica l
devices negate the know alignment spell.
The reverse , undetectable alignment, con-

ceals the alignment of an object or creawre for
24 hours--even from a know alignment spell.
KnosUra's Crypt Notes: Common spell (PHB).
(Necromancy) ,I'
Know Blood.lineDerivation
Level: 5
Range: 30 yds.
(Divination ) -'4lt..l
.. ----
Com ponents: V, S Level: I
Casting Time: 8 Range : 30 yds.
Duration: 1- 10 days Components: S, M
Area of Effect: 50-ft . radius Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw : Nooe Casting Time: 2
Area of Effec t: 1 individual
This spell causes any inhabited structure to Saving Throw : Neg .
become sealed as a crypt ln effect , all ex.its are
wizard locked . Then the interior begins to The caster of this spell can determine the
darken over a period of five round s. No light , bloodline derivatio n of an individual. The tar-
even magical , can function in the darkness , nor get individual is aUowed a saving throw vs.
can infravision . When the struct ure is dark, a spell with the following modifiers to the die
horrible musty smell of death permeates the roll (becausestrongerbloodlinesare easier to
area. lf the RAvENLOFT setting ru les are not de tect): tainted , +2; minor, +0; major , -2;
used, a saving throw vs . paralysis can be used great, -4 . Tllere is a base 50% chance (minus
to see if the effects of a fear spe ll are avoided. 5% for every level of the caster) that a tainted
Otherwise, the conditions prompt fear and hor- bloodline passes unnotice d, even if the individ-
ror checks (the DM may optiona lly call for ual fails the saving throw. 'This spell does not
madness checks as detailed in the spell, descent work on inanimate objects.
into madness). The material compo nent of this spell is a
Notes: Very rare ; usually found in the hands collectio n of trinkets representing the diffe rent
of necromancer s or undead spellcasters . It can bloodlines (Basaiii is represented by the hawk,
be success fully researche d only on the Demi- so a hawk feather or claw would be appropri-
plane of Dread. ate; scions of Reynir are anuned to the wilder -


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""':, Know BloodlineStmigth
ness , making a pine cone or Live twig sujtable , area of Cer ilia from which the s ubject or igi-
and so on) . The component that represents the nated (or whether the subject comes from out-
target' s bloodline rusintegrates upon comple- side Ceril ia). This spell can identify the origin
tion of the s pell. If the spell is cast on an of a Cerilian item or person to within 25 miles ,
unblooded character , none of the totems are with a general or specif ic result - that is , a
destroyed. warrior born 20 miles ou tside of the City of
Notes: Common on Cecilia , the B tRTHR.lGHT Anui:re might be ident ified as hail ing from that
setting; unknown elsewhere. city; a. weapon forged in the city of Hien mjght
simply be identified as originating in the
Know Bloodline Strength province ofilien.
(Divination ) 4llllllall----- The caster may specify whether he wishes to
learn the actual or igin of the subject or the
Level : 1 place in which it has spent the most time . Tilus,
Range : 30 yds . he may learn the birthplace of an individual or
Components: S, M the place in which she bas spent most of her
Duration ; Instantaneous life ; he ma y learn the place whe re a weapon
Casting Time : 2 was forged or the site at which it lay Jost for
Area of Effect: I being decades. The origins of Cerilian items predat-
Saving Throw: Neg. ing the Mount D eis m aar cataclysm ( when
magic changed) cannot be determined .
This spell affects only blooded characters . lf In the case of ce nturie s-o ld items , Ibis spell
the in<lividual fails a saving throw vs. spell , the might be cast a number of times to determine
caste r learns the relative stre ngth of Ills blood- the rustory of an object, Such castings will first
line- tainted, minor, major, or great. Because reveal the place where the item spent the most
stronger bloodline strengths are easier to iden- time , with subsequent cas tin gs revealing pro-
tify, the being makes bis saving throw with the gressively shorter habitats .
following modifiers to the die roll : tainted, +2; When trusspell is caston an inruvidual , a sav-
minor , +0 ; major , - 2; great,-4 . ing throw vs. spell is allowed; on a magical ite~
There is a base 50 % chance (m inus 5% for a saving throw vs. crushing blow applies . In
every level of the caster) that a tainted blood- either case, a successful saving throw means the
line' s strength cannot be determined, even if caster cannot determine the subject 's origin .
the being fails the saving throw. The spell gives information (othe r than a
The material component is a small vase or reading of "outside" ) based on the subject 's
jar made of malleable metal (brass, gold, tin , history in Cerilia . Even su bjects from as close
etc.). The component collapses , as if crushed in as the continents ofThaele and Adurla aie
a strong hand, when the spell is cast. The caster "outside " as revealed by this spell .
mea sures the extent of the crumpling to deter- Notes: Common on Cerilia, the BIRTHRIGHT
mine the relative bloodline strength. If the spell setting ; unknown elsewhere .
is cast on an unblooded cllaracter , the vase
remains uncrushed . Know Factio n
Notes : Common on Cerilia , the BIRTHRJOHT (Divination)
setting;unknown elsewhere .
Level : I
Know Cerillan Origin Range : 20 yds.
(Divination ) ,..,.. ,, ____ _ Components: V, S
Casting TIIlle : 1
Level : I Duration : I rd./level
Range : IO yds. Area of Effect: Special
Components : V, S Saving Throw : Neg .
Duration : Instantaneous
Casting Time : I This spell enables a wizard to determine the
Area of Effect: 1 creature or object faction of a character or creature s imply by
Saving Throw : Neg. lookfog at him . Most fac tion members don' t
bother to rude theiraffiliation , but on occasfon
When a wizard directs thjs spell at a cre a- factols will order covert missions or infiltra -
ture, individual , or object, he can determine the tions of other group s. The spell lasts one round


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Know Pathof Magic ,-

per level of the caster, and the caster can deter- Know Intent - Savant
mine the faction of one creature within range (Divination)
every round. A crearnre trying to conceal its
faction is allowed a saving throw vs. speU to Level: 2
foil the wizard 's effons . Range: 0
On occasion , creatures with deep-rooted Components : V, S
philo sophical beliefs will be revealed by this Casting Time: 2
speU . For example , a high-level priest who Duration: I rd.
worships a power of death may be mistaken for Area of Effect: 10 ftJ level path,, 10 ft. wide
a Dustman . Saving Throw : None
Notes: Common in the PLANES CAPE setting ;
otherwi se very rare . When this spell is cast, the savant becomes
aware of the general intent of an encountered
Know History indi vidual or group. lnformation revealed is
(Divination) al ong th e lines of the following one-word
descriptions: friendly, neutral , hostile , wary,
Level: I and so on.
Range : 120 yds. Notes : R estricted to diviners , sages, and
Components : V, S, M savants ; common.
Casting Time : l rd.
Duration : Instantaneous Know Path of Magic
Area of Effec t: I creature or object (Dlvlo.ation)
Saving Throw : Special
Level: 4
This spell reveals to the wu jen the common Range: 5 yds .llevel
name , background, lineage , and deeds of any Components : V.S
item , creature , or place, should such possess Casting Time : I rd.
any notable hi story at all . It does not reveal Duration: I rd./2 levels
secret identities, presence of magic, magical Area ofEffect: l wizard
abilities, character alignment , etc . If cast on a Saving Throw : Neg.
character, it would tell of his parents, what
family he belongs to, and any famous deeds of By casting this spell , the wizard might learn
bis ancestors. When cast on an object, it reveals if the subject has organized his magical studies
the specific name of the item (if it bas one), by the ''path system " or not. The subjec t 's sav-
any notable deeds it was used in, and the name ing throw is reduced by 1 per three levels of the
of its maker . For example , a katana mig ht be caster (a natural "20" always succeeds) . lfthe
revealed as the "Cloud-Cutti n g Sword used by subje c t makes a succe ssful saving throw vs .
the great hero Akicha Tanokura at the Battle of spell, the divination fails completely .
the Fallen Bridges , having been made for him If the saving throw is failed, for each round
by the master swordsmith Lei Yung." of concentratio n, the caster has a 5% per level
When used to reveal a creature that is dis- chance to learn anothe r piece of information,
guised or polymorphed, the subject is allO',VC da for example : the number of paths studied, the
saving throw vs. spell. If this is failed the spell name of a spec ific path studied, the h ighest
operates normally . The spell has no effect on spell level completed on that path , the name of
disgui sed or polymorphed item s or places . a specific spell on the path that the caster
When used on a creature , the caste r must be knows (these will be revealed in order of level,
able to see the creature in question. When used lowest to highest, starti ng with spe lls that the
on an object , the caster must handle the item . caster doesn't know the subject bas) .
When used on a place , the caste r m ust be This spell is defeated by any device or pro-
standing within the grounds of the site. tective item that wards against scrying. The
The material component of this spell is a spell also ends if the su bject moves out of
pair of carved bones. range or if the caster 's concentratio n is broken .
Notes : Common in oriental settings ; othe r- Notes: Rare; known mostly by those follow-
wise very rare. ing lhe Path of Paths (see Appendix) .


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

, KnowSchool
Know School sure at an effec tive Intelligence of 15.
(Divinatio n) The material compo nent of the spell is part
of the material appraised, equal to 1% of the
Level: 1 total value, rounded up to one whole item as
Range: 120 yds. necessary . This disappears from the area exam-
Components : V, S, M ined. Thus, a pile of20,000 sp jg reduced by
Casting Time: I 200 sp when this spell is cast upon it.
Duration: I rd. Notes: Uncommon spell. (Updated from the
Area of Effect : l specialist wizard Complete Wizard's Handbook .)
Saving Throw: Nooe
Know Weig ht
By means of this speJJ the caster can deter- (Divination)
mine the school of another spellcaste r. This
spell only functions on other wiza rd s who are Level: I
specialist mages; it produces no results on Range : 0
pries t s, spe ll cas ters without schools, or crea- Components: V.S
tures without spell ability. Casting Time: L
The subject is not necessarily aware of this Duration: I rd./ level
divination, bu t as with all such divination Area of Effect: Special
spells, probably wou Id take umbrage if he Saving Throw: None
found out. Let the caster beware.
The material component of this sp ell is a When the know weight spell is cast, the wiz-
small tube of paper or vellum. ard use it to read weight for one individual or
Notes: Uncommon spell from the object or campare weight for two, determining
FORGOTTEN REALMS set1ing. Known to be in if one is strong enough to carry or support the
Darrson Notes . other. The caster use either spell function as he
desires , deciding which function to use on a
KnowValue round-by-round basis.
(OM.nation) Read Weight: By touching the subject and
concentrating for a round, the caster knows the
Level: 5 we ig ht of an object or creature. The Ieading
Range : 10 yds . gives the total weight, including the weight of
Components : V, S, M all items carried or supported. A different indi-
Casti ng Time: 1 rd. vidual OT object can be examined each round .
Duration: Instantaneous The maxim um weight that can be read at 1st
Area of Effect: 10-ft. cube level is one-half ton (1,000 lbs .) and the amount
Saving Throw: None doubles each level thereafter , to a total of256
tons at 10th level. If the weight of a creature or
Know value enables the caster lo determine object exceeds the cas ter's capac ity, only that
the raw monetary value of all coins, gems, and fact can be determined
jewelry within the area of effect, within the Compare Weight: Alternately , the wizard can
limit s that follow. test the weight of creatures or objects against
The items must be laid out so they are clearly each other. Re grasps one with bis right hand
visible. They cannot be concealed on a perso n, and another with his left and hold s them for a
hidden in a chest, or buried in the ground. The round. This readin g detennines if the left-hand
items must also be contained within an areano subject can bea r the weight of the right-hand
larger than a IO-foot cube, and this area can be subject. The answer is give n as a short reply
no farther than IO yards from the caster. The (see table).
spell appraises the basic r-c1.wmaterial vaJue of For th is use, success is the cha nce that a
precious metals and gemstones exam in ed, weight- stressed object will hold without break -
regard less of magical enchantment, workman - ing as decided by the OM. Movementgives the
ship, or collectib le value. Fools' gold is effect of carrying a burden on the individual
instantly detected . who will bear it (a "physically dangerous" bur-
Optionally , the DM might allow this spell to den runs the risk of a disabling a character or
duplicate the appraisal nonweapoo proficiency possible de ath by exhaustion for mounts and
with respect to the raw monetary value of trea- pack animals-the nature and chance of injury


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

is up to the OM) . Reading is what the caste r gets a yes answer and tells the fighter it is safe
learns. This use of the spell does not reveal the to cross. Then be Jets go of the bridge and con-
actual weight of either subject. centrates on the fighter, then on a hallling and
on an elf who are with the party. From this be
Success Movement Readlng learn s the hal1ling and elf have a com bined
(Object) (Creature) (Caster) weight of less than the fighter 's, and can thus
100% Normalmovement Yes safely cross together.
75%-99% Encumberedmovement Probably
yes Notes: Uncommon fo r diviners ; otherwise
40%-74% Heavy encumbrance Possiblyyes rare.
01-39% Burdendangerous Probablyno
0% Cannotbe lifted No Know Weight
A spell of /st level that once appeared In the
For example , Redolent the wizard grasps a POLYHEDRON Newszlne. it was ranged, affected
heavily armored fighter with bis left hand and many indiv iduals in a large area, and had an
a rotted bridge with his right hand. His answer undefined material component . It is now lost
is no. Then he realizes the fig hter obviously knowledge.
can't lift the bridg e and sw itches hand s. He


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Laeral'sAqueous Colwnn

Ladder - Old Empire

(Alteration )

Level: l
Range: 20 yds.
Components: V, S, M
Casting Tune: I
Duration : l turn
Area of Effect: Creates 1 ladder
Saving Throw : None

By means of this spell, the caster creates a

firmly anchored laddet of force, one foot wide,
and ten feet long, plus ten feet per level of the
cas ter, to a maximum length of 60 feet . This
ladder is easy to climb (no Dexterity check is
required ). This ladder can be used to climb
walls and pits, or can be laid horizontally and
used to cross chasms.
The material component for this spell is a
knot of wood.
Notes: Uncommon spell. As a foROOTTEN
REALMS Old Empire spell , initial expos ure
require s a mentor or a read Southern magi c

LaeraJ's Aqueous Column

(Alte ration, Evocati.on) Beings and objects can pass freely into and out
of the water without disturbing the stability of the
Level: 4 column. (In words, the passage of a creature
Range : IO fl /level or item does not cause the column to leak, spray,
Components: v; S, M or spill.) Though items and beings become wet in
Casting Tune: 2 rds. the column, all excess moisture is gone when
Duration : l turn/level they eme rge. Creatures not able to breathe in
Area of Effect: 10-ft.-diam. cylinder, length up water arenot empoweredto do so by this spell.
to JO ft./level An aqueous column js often used to main-
Saving Throw : None tain marine creatures in a dry environment for
purposes of confe rences, imprisonment , or
By means of this spell, a mage can tr ans- tran sport atio n. Tbe created cylinders are usu-
mute the air in a particular area into wate r. A aUy vertical (hence the spell's name) and may
cylindrical volume of pure wate r IO feet in be connected with othe r bodies of water, such
diameter is created, expandable to a length of as sewers beneath buildi ngs or the sea under a
10 fee t per level of the caster. T he caster ship. When the spell expire s, the water simply
decidesif the water is fresh or salt during cast- vanishes; mari ne creatures can easi ly be
ing. The spell confines the water in a 10-foot- stranded. The magic equaliz es varying water
diameter cylinder , allowing it to ci rculat e pre ssures so as to harm neither creatures nor
freely and draw oxygen into itself as necessary tbe spell 's surroundings. (A column connected
to support marine life. Multiple aqueous col- to the sea in a cellar does not cause the sea to
umn spells can be cast by the same caster or flood the cellar.)
several wizards to create a contin uous column The material compon ents of this spelJ are a
longer than the powers of a single caster could hair from any creature and a drop of liquid.
bring into being. The column can run verti- Notes: Com mon or uncommon among the
cally, horizontally , al an angle, and make tum .s Seven Sisters and Harp ers in the FORGOTTEN
as desired and set during casting. Once estab- REALMS setting; otherw ise uncommo n or rare.
lished, the location of a column cannot change . Known to be in Laeral 's Libram.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

, Laeral'sCrowningTouch
Laeral 's Crowning Toucht t this way is destroyed utterly , along with its
(AJteration, Co njuration} phylactery.
This spe ll was developed for use only against
Level: 9 those who mis use in the worst way the sort of
Range:0 magic Mystra has dominion over . If the sub-
Components : V.S ject s are intelligent or knowledgeable enough ,
Casting Time: 7 they realize what has occurred whe n the sym-
Duration : 366 days bols of Mystra manifest and go into seclusion
Area of Effect : I person while they pray to Mystra for forgive ness.
Saving Throw : None Effectively , this sends spcllcasteTS into forced
retire ment for a year and a day. The goddess
By ca s ting this spell , the wizard effects a has been lcnown to shorten th e effects of the
debilitating curse on a target being . To be touch for the truly repentant .
affected, a target must be a speJl -using entity Only the Chosen by Mystra can wield this
who employs magic governed by Mystra (such spell; an unscrupulous apprentice of the Sim-
as all priests of Azuth and Mystra) . bul 's tried the spell on a man who spurned her,
The spell is initially unnoticeable save to the only to have it visited on herself!
subject ; Mystra s symbol appears drawn in sil- Notes: A unique FOROOTTEN RBALMS spell,
ver on each.palm (or on chest and forehead of restric ted by Mystra to Mystra's Chosen (Alus-
beings lacking palms ) as a glowing brand . The triel , Laeral , and the Simbul use it most fre -
brands can be seen by others employing detec1 quently) .
magi c or reveal magi c. Even after the spell
expires, one mark remains forever. Laeral's Cutting Hand
For a year and a day, the subject knows he (Alteratio n)
has been cursed. A recipient who casts a spell
loses one full level of experience per level of Level: 2
any spell cas t (reducing Hit Dice, class Range : 0
bonuses, spell abilities , etc . accordingly ) . For Com ponents: V, S
examp le, a 14th-level wizard who casts a 6th Casting Time: 2
level spell immediately drops to 8th level, los- Duration: I rd/level
ing 6d4 hit points and all powers an abilities Area of Effect: The caster's hand
beyond those of an 8th level wizard). M emo- Saving Throw : None
rized spells are not lost, but if t heir level is
beyond the cursed wizard's ability , they cannot This spell affects one of the caster's bands.
be replaced once cast. The spell does not change the hand' s :appear-
Streaks of silver ap pear in th e hair of the ance , but irs lightest touch seve rs nonmagical
curse d spcllcaste r. With each spell use , more ropes, sacks , and the like . Its stri ke deals
silver appears . When the transgressor's hair is ld4 +2 points of damage . The spell dweomer
all silver, it falls out. ln addition , the trans- can be made visible as a/aerie fire-like glow of
gressor 's hand s become gnarled , and sores any hue, if the caster desires .
form on the vocal cords, making il harder to While the spell la sts , the caster's 'hand is
vocalize spells as well . (These are physical considered a +2 weapon for purposes off what it
man ifestations of the changes wrough t by the can hit. Th e cas ter gains a + 2 bonus to attack
spell , not added penalties.) After the s pell rolls made both barehanded and with all non-
expires , these side-effects vanis h , and normal mi ss i le wea pon s wielded by the hand (lhe
spell use returns . However, lost levels are gone caste r 's base THAC0 is unchanged). The magic
and must be regained through the accumula- does not preven t the band from moving, grasp-
tion of e.x.pecience. ing, and otherwise functioning normally.
lf this spell is cast upon a lich, I.he undead No spell involving a somatic component can
spellcaster is allowed a saving throw vs. spell be cast while the cutting hand is maintained. rr
at a -2 penalty . ff successful , th e spelJ is can be ended in an instant at the caster's will.
negated. If failed, the Lichloses ld8 hit points Notes: Restricted to the Seven Sis ters , their
per spell it casts (draining itself slow ly of appren t ices, and select Harpers in the
unlife), but the ca st spell functions normally FOROOTl'EN R EALMS setting .
otherwise . There is no known way to avoid this
damage , and a lich reduced to 0 bit points in


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Laeral's Dancing Dweomerr
LaeraJ's Dancing Dweomer cannot tell the source or nature of what is con-
(Uluslon/ Phantasm) fusing the detection . ff the saving throw suc-
ceeds , rhe being is able to discern stronger ,
Level: 3 fixed auras about the truly magical items , and
Range : 20 yds. + IO yds ./level to see the movements of the dancing dweomer .
Components : V, S, M The caster of the dancing dweome,; if stiJI pre-
Casting Time : 3 sent at the scene , also seems to be illuminated
Duration : l tum/level by a smaller duplicate of the dancing dweomer.
Area ofEffect: 40-ft . diam . sphere The cas ter of a dancing dweomer need not
Saving Throw: Neg. concentrate on the effect or refrain from othe r
spellcas ting to maintain it. The material com-
This spell is used to confuse spells and abili- ponent of this spell is a pin ch of dust tossed
Lies that detect magic by creating a score of into the air.
false images that flit from one item to another Notes: Uncommon or rare spell o f the
w ithjn the area of effect, alternately creating FORGOTTEN R EALMS setting. Known to be in
and masking magical auras on aJI items therein . The Wizards Workbook.
A detect magic spe.11used within the area of
the dancing dweomer consequently reveals
n othing useful , as a.11items in the area flicke r Optional: The savingthrowcan be mod-
with magical rad iance. The flickeri"ng is not ified as follows: Subtracta penaltyfrom
visibl e to the naked eye, but is see n only by the roll equal to the level of the caster of
beings actively detecting for magic. the dan~ing dweom~r.and add a bonus to
All beings emp loyin g any such means of the roll equal to the level of the detecting
detection are allowed a saving throw vs. spell being (use Hit Dice if either ia not classed ).
1f the saving throw fails , the being cannot telJ
what items-if any-truly bear a dweomer, and


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""', Laeral'sDancingWhip
LaeraJ's Dan cing Whip LaeraJ's Di srobement
(Evocation) (Alteration}
Level: 5
Level: I
Range: 0
Range:O Componen ts: V, S. M
Components: V.S, M
Casting Time : 5
Casting Time: I
Duration: I day/level
Duration: I rd.nevel
Area of Effect: Special
Area of Effect: JO fl../level
Saving Throw : None
Saving Throw: Spec:ial
Thls spell sto re s a seco nd spell for a time
This spell animate s a whip or any piece of based on caster level, or until a specific event
wood small enoug'h to be carried one-handed occurs. The dweomer is cast upon a nonmetallic
by the caster into a weapon. The caste r tosses item that is worn just before the second (stored)
the item into the air and speaks the incantation, spell, which can be of any level , is casl . The
and this material becomes a 5-foot-long line of item can be as large as a gown or as smallas a
translucent white light floating in the air. ring or earring , but cannot be something already
On the next round. the dancing whip strikes bearing an enchantment For example . although
twice with a THACO of IO at any target being a metal dagger could not be made the focus of a
chosen by the caster that is in the area of effect. disrobement, its sheath could.
It inflicts I d3+ I points of damage with each The spell to be sto red is cast in the normal
successful strike. It conti nues Lo attack twice way, but the caster-who need not be the caster
per round until the spell expires, the target of the disrobement - touches the item bearing
being moves out of the area, or tbe being is the disrobement dweomer durin g casting, and
slain or destroyed. It the being moves out of the the spell enters the item ralber than taking
area , the wbjp hangs in midair waiting for the effect. Teleport, death spell, and meteor swarm
being to move back. into range . The spell area is are favorite spells used io conjunction with
stationary at the caster's location when the laeral's disrobement.
whip was creat ed; it does not move with the
A dan ci ng whip cannot change. its target
being, but it can sense invis-ible or shape
changed beings , and it is not fooled by illu-
sions (for example , it ignores mirror images to
strike at the true body of the target). Each time
th.e whip successfully strikes the being , the
being's effectjve Armor Class against the whip
only (not other creatures or attacks) worsens by
I point. The being is allowed a saving throw vs.
spell against every whip attack, h.owever. A
successfuJ saving throw means only I point of
damage is suffered .
A dancing whip takes no damage from phys-
ical attac ks, but is MV Fl 15(A), AC 4, and bas
22 hit points for purposes of other types of
attacks. A dispel magic destroys a dancing
whip instantly. The caster of the whip need not
concentrate on it or refrain from other spell-
casting to maintain its existence . The dancing
whip magic oonsumes the original whip.
Notes: Restricted to the Seven Sisters, their
apprentices, and selec t Harpers in the


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Laeral's Invisible Blade

The stored spell takes effect when the hem is This spell allows its user to cast any cur-
removed from or tom away from an unwilling rently memorized speU of 3rd level or less in a
wearer, or when the item is destroyed or sub- casting time of I without ve rb al or material
stantially damaged (tearing a sleeve from a compone nt s, by means of a spec ifi c complex
sbfrt , for example , or slashing a tunic with a gesture . The spell to be affected is chosen , the
sword) . gesture is cast, the caster cast s the modified
hem-wearers are instantly made aware of spell, and then she di rects the effect s of the
erupting spells. These spells are under their chosen spell normally .
control eve.a if they have no spellcasting ability s
Only one Laeral gesture can be memorized
or are of another class than the caster of either by any being at a time. There is no known way
the disrobement or the spell it has sto red .. The to mak e this magic govern spells of greater
item-wearer can decide what form the spell than 3rd level.
takes (if any), its duration or in tensity (if Laeral is (correctly) said to have devised this
applicable) , and its destination or target. This spell after being attacked while bathing - and
control is by silent act of will. Even bound and necessarily parted from most all spell compo-
gagged item-wearers can direct eruptin g spells . nents-once too often .
Even if item-weare rs makefoolish decisions Notes: Known co Laeral an d some other
about spell effects , rhey cannot be directly wizards in the FORGOTTENREALMS setting .
harmed by an unleashed spell. If the item-
wearer made a fireball detonate with herself at Lae ral's Invisi ble Blade
the center, she and all worn , carried , and (Evocation)
touched items and companio ns would be com-
pletely protected by the disrobement , bm the Level : 8
fireball 's blast would have normal effects on Range: IO ydsJleve l
everything else it reached . Components : V, S, M
If the disrobement duration expires before Casting Tim e: 7
the item is rem oved or banned, the stored spell Duration; I rd ./level
is lost without taking effec t. Area of Effect: Special
Sylune once used a disrobement when cap- Saving Throw: None
tured by slave rs. They tore her gown to brand
her on one shoulder , and the resulting meteor This spell is the result ofLaeral modifying a
swarm destroyed them and their log-built spell created by one of her sisters , Alustriel 's
stronghold . As a resu lt , Laeral disrobem enr sword of stars . Laeral 's spe ll crea tes an invi s-
was ca lle d Sylune displeasure for a time by ible , silent, long-sword-shaped co nstruct of
sages who had oot learned its true nature. The force that forms at the end of the round of cast-
name may still be found in some old writings . ing and attacks a chosen target creature .
The casting of Laeral 's disrobe ment con- During casting , th e cas te r decide s if the
sumes a handful of diamond dust (crushed dia- blade will strike with her own THAC0 , inflict-
monds worth 3d4+ I x 1,000 gp) , but the ilem it ing 2d4 points of damage plus l point for each
is cast on is not harmed or con sumed by this level the caster cw:rently possesses , or if the
magic . blade will strike at THAC0 7, inflicting only
Notes: Restricted to the Seven Siste rs, their 2d4 points of damage per hjt The version cho-
appren t ices , an d select Harpers in the sen cannot be change d after the spell is cast .
FORGOTTENREALMS setting . For purposes of determining what the invisible
blade can hit, it is considered a +5 magical
Laera l 's Gesture weapon , though it does not have any at tack or
(Alteration ) damage bonus.
Ao invisible blade cannot be see n unles s or
Level: 4 until it is blooded or marked with some other
Range : O substance . Onlooker s see only a creature fight-
Components : V, S ing apparently emp ty air . Co n tact with any
Casting Time: 4 detection spell, regardless of its normal func-
Duration : Special tion , causes an in11isible blade to become
Area of Effect : I spell of3rd level or less clearly visible .
Saving Throw : None The bla de 's first blow is always made at
THAC0 5, regardless of whic h ve rsion of the


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""""\Laeral\ Raging Griffon
blade bas been chosen . The blade strikes twice it), or command it to fight the caster's foes.
per round until the speU expires or the caster Beings othe r than the caster can ride the
chooses a new target creature. Because a crea- griffon - and even drop onto its back from
ture concentrating on detecting (and parrying) above, against the caster 's wishes - but the
the blade can see disturbances in the air as the caster can make the griffon vanish instantly at
edges of the force move, the creature suffers no will. The griffon disappears if destroyed
Armor Class penalty for not being able to see by cumulative damage. 11can fight a creature
the blade. Only those within IO feet of the of the caster's choice until it or the creature is
blade can see the disturbances . destroyed, or the caster changes its targeL The
However, if the blade is fought in complete caster can change the griffon 's target in any
(or magical) darkness , the standa rd Armor round that she does not cast another spell. The
Clas s penalties apply and the blade itse lf griffon can move any distance from the caster
strikes at a THACO of 5. without contact-o r control - being lost. The
An invisible blade flies at MV 21 (A), has spell range is how far away from the caster the
AC - 2, and has 22 hil poin ts . It van ishes if griffon can be made to appear when the spell is
destroyed by physical attacks . Magical attacks casr. A real griffon does not recognize a raging
have no effect on it al aJJ, save that a successful griffon as a griffon or a living crea tur e, nor
dispel magic or a properly worded limited wish views it as a threat unless attacked by it.
or wish can make it vanish. The material component of this spell is a
The magical blade fights by itself, and does griffon feather or a tuft of hair from a griffon's
not require the caster's attention once created, tail.
except when the caste r desires the sword to Notes : Restricted to the Seven Sisters , their
switch targets. Every time a new creature is cho- apprentices , and select Harpers in tile
sen, the caster cannot cast spells on the round in fORGOTIEN REALMS setting.
which that choice is made. The round must be
spent concentrating on the blade and the new
creature , which must be within spell range of Raglllg Griffon:AC3. MV 12, Fl 30 (C,
and visible to the caster at the time the choice is D with rider), HD 7; THACO13; #AT 3;
made. An invisible blade can follow a being any- 0mg lcMlld4/2dl;AL N; SZ L.
where on the same plane, though long distance
teleportation causes the magic to expire before
the pursuing sword reaches its target. Lamentable Belaborment,
The material components of thjs spe JI are Leomund's
any metal-bladed weapon , which is consumed See Leomund's lamentable belaborment.
in the casting, and a clear rock crystal.
Notes: Restricted to the Seven Sisters, their Lance of Disruption
app ren tices, and select Harpers in the (Invocation/Evocation)
FoROaITEN REALMssetting. (Air, Force)

Laeral's Raging Griffon Level: 3

(Evocation) Range: 0
Components : V.S
Level: 3 Casting Time: 3
Range: IO ft.llevel Duration: Instantaneous
Components : V, S, M Area of Effect: 5 ft. x 60 ft ,
Casting Time: 3 Saving Throw:
Duration : 9 rds.
Area of Effect : Special This spell creates a beam of concussive , dis-
Saving Throw: None rupting force that lashes out from the wizard's
hand in a path 5 feet wide and 60 feet long. Asly
Thi s spell calls into being a translucent , creatures caught in the beam's path suffer 5d4
utterly silent, obviously magical construct that is points of damage, plus 2 points of damage per
an extension of the caster's will and acts with caster level , to a maximum of Sd4 +20 ; for
precise loyalty to the caster's desires. The caster example , a 6th-level wizard would inflict
can ride it if desired, see through its eyes when- 5d4+ 12 damage with the la11ceof disruption .
ever desired (though not to cast speUs through Victims are allowed a saving throw vs. spell for


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Lapse r
half damage . The lance's energy delivers a pow- The spellcas ter does not have to create lapis
erful blow against inanimate objects and can bonds around something; when a creature suc-
easily blast light furniture, thln wooden walls, or cessfully avoids a ring, the bond still appears.
fragile stonework ro tlinders. Even sturdy iron- Their immobility makes the bonds useful for
bound doors or heavy stonework can be seri- anchoring ropes or aiding in climbin g.
ously damaged by the lance of dismptio11. The material component is one silve r ring
Creatures with amorphous or nonsolid bod- worth at least IO gp for every ring ro be created.
ies, suc h as fire or air elementals and some Notes: Rare spell, originally from the MYSTARA
oozes and slimes, are resistant to the lance's campaign setting.
eCfecls . These sustain only half damage, or
one-quarter dama ge with a successful savihg Lapse
throw. (Enchantment/Charm)
Notes: Uncommon spell (PO:SM). (Artifice)

Landsca pe of Spell Lore Level: 4

A MrsTAJUsetting spell, aka spell sense. Range:0
Componen ts : V.S, M
L apis Bonds Casting Time: 4
(Invocatio n/Evocatio n) Duration: Until triggered, then Jd4+ I rds.
(Force) Area of Effect: I creatu re
Saving Throw: SpeciaJ
Level: 5
Range : IO yds. This insidious spell that affects memorized
Components : V, S, M s pell s is not cast directly up on its subject .
Casting Time: 5 Rather , a small object receives the dweomer ,
Duration: I tum + I rd.!Ievel then delivers its magical cha rge 10 the first
Area of Effect: 10-ft. radius creature that touches it. Typical triggers are a
Saving Throw: Neg. comb, a wine cup, a ring, a paving stone-any
solid object of relatively small size . The first
With lapis bonds , a wizard conjures blue creature that touches the trigger is affected,
rings of magical energy that encircle creatures with no saving throw allowed al that time . The
or objects . A caster can create one ring for subject js unaware of the efTect, though subse-
every five experience levels. While the wizard quent spells such as detect charm will discover
dictates the size of these magical rings upon something is amiss .
casting the spell, they cannot exceed a radius Once triggered, the spell causes a lapse in
of I foot per caster level. Crea ture s the caster the victim's memorizati on of spells, to occur at
wishes to bind in the rings are aJlowed sav:ing some future time (an inconvenient time, the
throws vs. spell , modified by the defensive caster hopes, but there are no guarantees).
adjustment from the character's Dexterity score Whenever the recipient attempts to cast a
lo avoid them . Target creatures must be together memorized spell (as opposed to a spell read
within a 10-foot radius sphere . from a scroll or cast from a magical item), lhe
Once created, these azure rings stay fixed in lap se comes into effect. Any spellcaste,.
space. They remain immune to au forces, including wizards, priests, rangers, paladins,
including gravity. Nothing short of a wish can bards, etc., can be affected, and even monsters
cause them to change size or pos ition, although that keep spellbooks and cast memorized spells
they can be dispelled . A ring Utat tightly encir- (as opposed to innate spell-like abllities)-that
cles even one leg or arm pins the character to is, certain dragons, liches, titans, etc .-are sub-
the spot (though target creatures can move the ject to this spe ll. Natural flight abilities , breath
rest of their bodies normally). The caster can wea_pons, and other special abilities are not
tcy to place lhe rings so thal they completely affected.
bind a crealUre's legs or a rms, but creatu res An affected creature preparing to cast a spell
then receive a + I bonus to thefr saving throws. must make a saving throw vs. spell. Failure
Note, however, that a wizard creating multiple indicates a malfunction of memory lasting 2-5
rings ca n cast them all on a single creature , rounds, during which time the spellcaster can
requiring that creature to make multiple saving not think of any spells at all. These are not lost,
throws. however. Once the lapse passes, the spellcaste r


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

"':, Last Resort.Myconti1'5
can then cast spells normally. This spell increases the amount of time a
A successful saving throw does no1 negate character can hold his breath . As described in
the lapse spel l. The crea ture must try a saving the Players Handbook , a character can ho ld
throw each time a spell is attempted, until a his breath for a number of rounds equal to one-
failure occurs. A successful dispel magic or third his Constitution score. The effect of this
remove curse negates this dweomer. spell is added to that figure.
Notes: Very rare spell. Known to be in the The duration of the spell is always unknown
Cyclopedia Phantastica Vol.lJJ. (Updated from to the recipient ; the DM secretly rolls ld4 to
DRA GON Magazine .) determine the exact duration. At the end of this
time, the character must make a successful
Last Resort, Mycontll 's Constitution check or be forced to talce a breath
SeeMycontil 's last resort . as per the rules.
Notes: Uncommo n spell (ToM).
Lasting Breath
(Alteration) Leadfoot
(A ir, Water) Reversed form, see featherfoot .

Level: l Legend Lore

Range: S yds J level (Divination )
Components: V, S
Casting Time: I Level: 6
Duration: ld4 rds. + I rd./level Range: 0
Area of Effect: I creature/level Components : V, S, M
Saving Throw: None Casting Time: Special
Duration : Special
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

The legend lore spell is used to dete rmine

legendary information regarding a known per-
son, place , or thing. lf the person or thing is at
hand, or if the wizard is in the place in ques-
tion, the likelihood of the spell producing
results is far greater and the casting time is
only ld4 turns . If only detailed information on
the person , place, or thing is known , casting
time is I di O days . If only rumors are known,
casting time is 2d6 weeks.
During the casting, the wizard cannot engage
in activities other than the routine : eating,
sleeping , etc. When comp leted, the divination
reveals if legendary material is available . It
often reveals where this material is-by place
name, rhyme, or riddle. It sometimes gives cer-
tain infoanat ion regarding the person , place, or
thing (when the objec t of the legend lore is at
band) , but this data is always in some cryptic
form (rhyme, riddle, anagram, ciphe r, sign ,
etc .) . Naturally , a leg en d lore spell reveals
information only if the person. place, or thing
is noteworthy or legendary .
For example, suppose Delsenora came across
an extremely well-made sword . I1 radiates
magic, but when she used an identify spell, she
could not learn any information. Even giving it
to a trusted fighter dido 't work, as the sword


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Leomund'sLamentableBclabonncnt r
did not reveal any special powers . Finally, she per hour, impervious to normal missiles , and
casts a legend lore spell, hoping to gain more the doors , windows, and chimney are wizard
information . Since the sword is at band, she locked and guarded by an alarm spell. Simple
completes the spell in three turns . 1n her mind furnishings include up to ten bunks , a small
comes the message , "Once this was the sword writing desk, a trestle table and benches , and
of he who waits till A lbion's time of greatest an unseen servant to wait on the wizard. If any
peril. when unto his band it shall fly again. Fair of the optional secondary spells are added, the
was the band that gave me and fair was the casting time goes up by one hour.
hand that reclaimed me ." Clearly, Oelse nora The material components are a square chip
realizes, this must be a very powerful item, of stone, crushed lime , a few grains of sand, a
since her spell gave only a cryptic answer. But sprinkle of water, and a splinter of wood, plus a
who is he who waits? And wb_ereis Albion? For crushed diamond worth at least I 00 gp. lf the
more information, Delsenora is going to have secondary spells are to be included, their mate-
to cast more spells. But now the process will rial components are required also.
take much longer, since she has only the Notes: Uncomm .on or rare spell (PO:SM).
vaguest of clues to follow.
The legend lore spell is cast with incense Leomund 's Lamentable
and strips of ivory fonned into a rectangle, but Belaborment
some item of value to the caster must be sacri- (Enchantment, Evocation)
ficed in addition-a potion, mag ical scro ll , (Song)
magical item, etc.
Notes: Common spell (PHB). Level : 5
Range: IOyds.
Leomund's Hidden Lodge Components : V
(AJteratton,Enchantment/Charm) Casting Time: 5
Duration : Special
Level: 5 Area of Effect: 10-fl radius
Range: 20 yds. Saving Throw : Special
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time : I turn This devious spell distracts the subject crea-
Duration : ld4 hrs. + I hr.llevel tures by drawing them into an absorbing dis-
Area of Effect: 30 sq. f\./level cussion on topics of interest to them. A chain
Saving Throw : None of responses occurs during the next 1 l rounds,
with additional saving throws as described
Similar in most regards to the 4th-level spell later. These responses are conversation(rounds
Leomund's secure shelter. this spell offers one 1-3) , possible co nfusion (rounds 4-6) , and
significant improvement: the shelter is perfectly then rage or lamentation (rounds 7-11 ).
camouflaged to blend in with whatever terrain or All saving throws are affected by the creatures'
surroundings are appropriate. It may appear as a Intelligences, as noted later. The subject crea-
house-sized boulder in rocky or mountainous tures must be able to understand the language
areas , a sand dune, a deadfall, a small grassy in which the speUcaster speaks.
knoll, or even a mighty tree. The spell also con- Upon casti ng the spell, the wizard begins
ceals all telltale signs of habitation , including discussion of some topic germane to the crea-
smoke, light , or sound from within the lodge . ture or creatures to be affected. Those making a
Creatures or characters who are exceptionally successful saving throw vs. spell are unaf-
well-tuned to their surroundings (elves, druids , fected . Affected creatures immediately begin to
rangers, and various sylvan monsters) may be converse with the spellcaster, agre eing or dis-
allowed a saving throw vs. spell to spot the hid- agreeing, all most politely. As long as the spell-
den lodge if they pass within 30 feet; all other caster chooses, he can maint ain the spell by
creatures cannot find the wizard's refuge without conversing with the subject(s) . If the caste r is
the aid of true seeing or similarmagic. attacked or otherwise distracted, the su bj ect
In all other respects , the Jiidde11lodge resem- creatures do not notice.
bles Leomrmd s secure shelter. The interior is
level, c lean, and dry , and the wliole thing is
sturdily constructed from timber, stone, or sod.
It is sec ure against winds of up to 100 miles


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""', Lcomund~ Seoret Chest
ing all other subjects of the spell with intent to
kill. This rab,elasts for ld4+ 1 rounds. Those who
successful ly save against the rage effec t realize
that they have been deceived and collapse to the
ground, lamenting their foolishne ss, for I d4
rounds unless attacked or otherwise disturbed.
Notes: Common or uncommon spell (PHB) .

Leomund's Secret Chest

(Alteration, Conjura tion/Summoning )
Level :.5
Range : Special
Components: V.S, M
Casting Time : I turn
Duration : 60 days
Area of Effect: One chest , about 2 x 2 x 3 ft.
Saving Throw : None
This spell enables a speciall y constructed
che st to be hidden deep within the Ethe real
Plane , to be summoned using a small model of
the chest. The large chest must be exception-
ally well-crafted and expensive, constructed for
the caster by master craftsmen. lf made princi-
pally of wood, it must be ebony , rosewood, san-
dalwood, teak , or the like, and all of its corner
fittings , nails , and hardware must be platinum.
Int elligen ce Saving Throw Modifier If constructed of ivory, the metal fittings of the
2 or less Spell has no effect chest must be gold. Tf the ches t is fashioned
3-7 -I from bronze , copper , or silver, its fillings
8-10 0 be electrum or silver . The cost of such a chest
11- 14 +l is never les s than 5 ,000 gp . Once it is con-
15+ +2 structed, the wizard must have a tiny rep lica (of
the same materials and perfect in every detail )
The wizard can leave at any time afte r the made , so that the miniature of the chest appears
casting and the subject(s ) continue on as if the to be a perfect copy. One wizard can have but
caster were still present. As long as they are not one pair of these ches ts at any given t ime -
attacked, the creatures ignore all else goingon even wish spells do not allow exce ptions! The
around them , spending their time talking and chests themselves are nonmagical , and can be
arguing to the exclusion of ot her activities . fitted with locks , wards , and so on, just as any
However , when the caster leaves, eacb subject normal chest.
comp letes onJy the stage of th e spell that it i.s While toucMng the c hest and holding the
cur rently in, and then the spell is broke n. tiny replica , the ca ster chants the spell. This
If the caster maintains the spell for more causes the large ches l 10 vanish into the Ethe-
than three rounds , eac h affected creature can real Plane . Th e chest can contain I cubic foot
roU anothe r saving throw vs. spe ll. Those fail- of material per level of the wizard no matter
ing to save wander o-ffin confusion for Id l 0+2 wha t its apparent size . Living matte r makes it
rounds , staying away from the spe l.lcaster . 75% likely that the spe ll fails , so the chest is
Those who make this saving throw continue to typically used for securi ng valuab le spell
talk and roll saving throws for each roun d that books , magical items , gems , etc. As long as the
the caster continues the spell , up thr ough the spellcaster has the small duplicate of the magi-
sixth round, to avoid the confi1Sion effect. ca l chest, he can recall the large one from the
If the spe ll is maintained for more than six Ethereal Plane whenever the chest is desired. ff
rounds, each subject must roll a successful saving the miniature of the chest is lost or destroyed,
throw vs. spell to avoid going into a rage, attack- there is no way, not even with a wish spell , that


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Leomuod'sTinyHut r
the large chest can return, although an ex:pedi- While the lodging is secure against winds of
tion might be mounted to find it. up to 70 miles per ho-ur, it has no heating or
While the chest is in the Ethereal Plane , cooling source (other than natural insulation
there is a cumulative I% chance per week that q-ualities). Therefore, it must be heated as a
some being finds it. This chance is reset to I% norm al dwe lling , and extreme heat adversely
whenever the chest is recalled and the spell affects it and its occupants. Toe dwelling does ,
recast to return it to the Ethe real Plane. lfthe however, provide considerable securi ty other-
chest is found, the DM must work out the wise , as it is as strong as a normal stone build-
encounter and decide bow the being reacts to ing, regardless of its material composition. The
the che st (for example, it might ignore the dwelling resists flames and fire as if it were
chest, fully or partially empty it, or even stone, and is impervious to normal missiles
exc hange or add to the items present!). (but not the sort cast by siege machinery or
Whenever the secret chest is brought back to giants) .
the Prime Material Plane , an ethereal window The door, shutters, and even chimney are
is opened for a variable amount of time (usu- secure against intrusion , the forme r two being
ally about one turn) ; the window slowly dimin- Wizardlocked and the latter being secured by a
ishes in size. When this bole opens between the top grate of iron and a narrow flue . 1naddition,
planes , check for an ethereal encounter to see if these th ree areas are protec ted by an alarm
a monster is drawn through . spell. Lastly , an unsee11servant is conjured to
If the large chest is not retrieved before the provide service to the spellcaster .
spell duration lapses , there is a cumulative The inside of the shelter contains rude fur-
chance of 5% per day that the chest is lost. nishings as desired by the spellcaster-up to
Notes: Common or uncommon spell (PHB). eight bunks , a trestle table and benches, as
many as four chairs or eight stools, and a writ-
Leomund's Secure Shelter ing desk.
(Alt eration , E nchantm ent ) The material components of lhis spell are a
square chip of stone, c r ushed lime , a few
Level: 4 grai ns of sand,a sprinkling of water , and sev-
Range : 20 yds. eral splinters of wood. These must be aug-
Components: V, S, M mented by the components of the alarm and
Casting Time: 4 turns unseen servant spe lls if these benefits are to be
Duration: I d4+ I hrs. + I hr./level incl uded (string and silver wire and a small
Area of Effect: 30 sq. ft./level bell).
Saving Throw : None Note s: Common or uncommon spell (PHB).

Thi s spell enables the wizard to magically Leomund 's Tiny Hut
call into being a sturdy cottage or lodge , made (Alteration )
of material that is common in the area where
the spell is cast-stone, timbe r, or (at worst) Level: 3
sod. The floor area of the lodging is 30 square Range: 0
feet per level of the spellcaster, and the surface Components: V, S, M
is level, clean, and dry. In all respects the lodg- Casting Time : 3
ing resembles a normal cottage, with a sturdy Duration: 4 hrs. + 1 hr./level
door, two or more shutlered windows , and a Area ofEffect: 15-ft. diameter sphere
small fireplace . Saving Throw : None

When this spell is cast, the wizard creates an

unmoving, opaque spllere of force of any
desired color around bis person. Hatf of the
sphere projects above lhe ground, and the lower
hemis ph ere passes through tbe ground. Up to
seven other man-sized creatures can fit into the
.field with its creator; they can freely pass into
and out of the hut without harming it. However,
if the spellcaster removes himsel f from the hut,
the spell dissipates.

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
"""' Leomund's Trap r
The temperature inside the hut is 70 F, if the Lessen Gravity
exterior temperature is between 0 and 100 F. (Alteration)
An exterior temperature below 0 or above (Alchemy)
l 00 lowers or raises , respectively , the interior
temperature on a I 0 -for- I O basis. The tiny hut Level: 3
also provides protection against the elements, Range: 0
such as rain , dust , sandstorms, and the like . Components: V, S, M
The hut can withstand any wind of less than Casting Time: 1 rd.
hurricane force without being harmed, but Duration: 3 hrs.JleveJ
wind force greater than that destroys it. Area of Effect: Special
The interior of the hut is a hemisphere ; the Saving Throw: None
spellcaster can illuminate it dimly upon com-
mand, or extingu ish the light as de sired. Note 13y use of this spell, the caster can reduce
that although the force field is opaque from the gravity to one quarter of its normal pull in a
outside , it is transparent from within. Missiles, given area. A 3rd level caster can affect a IO x
weapons , and most spell effects can pass I0-foot area; an additional 10 x IOsq uare can
through the but without affecting it, although be affected for each two levels of the caster
the occupants cannot be seen from outside the above third (two squares at 5th level , three at
hut. The hut can be dispelled. 7th level, etc.) . A zone of reduced gravity 60
The material component for this spell is a feet high is created . This spell is useful primar-
small crystal bead that shatters when the spell ily in arcane researches, where a reduction of
duration expires or the hut is dispelled. gravity might enhance ce rt ain alchemical
Notes: Common or uncommon spell (PHB). processes or reagents.
Birds and other flying creatures may have
Leomund's'Irap trouble compensating for the effects of .the
(Illusion/Phantasm) spell because their wings will push them higher
(Artifice) than normal. Those using such spells as fly or
levitate cannot move faster in the area , though
Level: 2 they can carry more weight. Missiles fired
Range: Touch through the area are unaffected ; their inenia
Components : V, S, M maintains their normal speed and height. A
Casting Time: 3 rds. missile fired or thrown within the area, how-
Duration : Permanent ever, can travel much higher . Lessen gravity
Area of Effect : Object touched does not lend itself to permanency .
Saving Throw : None Consec utive castings of the spell are cumu-
lative in effect. Beings unused to lower gravity
This false trap is designed to fool a thief or are so mewhat disoriented in the spell's area of
other characte r attempting to pilfer the spe ll- effect, suffering a penalty of +2 to initiative
caste r 's goods . The wizard places the spell and -1 to attack rolls in combat. In an area
upon any small mechanism or device, such as a under the cumulative effects of two lessen
lock, binge , hasp, screw-on cap , ratchet, etc . gravity spells, penalties are +4 to initiative and
Any characte r able to detect traps, or who uses - 1 to attack ro IIs.
any spell or device enabling trap detection, is An area affected by three or more such
I 00% certain a real trap exists . Of course , the spells is basically a weightless environment
spell is ii.Iusory and nothing happens if the trap (1.5% normal gravity) , and penalties are +6 to
is sprung; its primary purpose is to frighten initiative and :...
2 to attack rolls for those unused
away thieves or make them waste precious to this effect.
time . NoTE: Further optional information on
The material component of the spell is a weightle ssness can be found on page 14 of the
piece of iron pyrite touched to the object to be Concordance of Arcane Space , in the
trapped while the object is sprinkled with a SPELLJAMMER campaign set.
special dust requiring 200 gp to prepa re. If Notes: Very rare spell from the FORGOTTEN
anotherLeomunds trap is within 50 feet when REALMS setting. Known to be in Dars s on :S
the spell is cast, the casting fails. Notes .
Notes: Common or uncommon spell (PHB).

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Lesser Distraction - Ninja Lesser Geas
(Illugon) ~ (Mentalism, Song)
Level: l
Range: 5 ft/level Level: 4
Components: S Range: IOyds.
Casting Time: 1 rd. Compo nents : V
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4
Area ofEffect: l creature Duration : Special
Saving Throw: Neg . Area of Effect: l creature
Saving Throw : Neg.
With this speU , the ninja causes the subject
to bear a faint noise or see something indistjnct By means of this spell, the wizard places a
out of the comer of his eye. The caster must magical command upon a creature of 7 Bit
decide if the ilJusion will be auditory or visual Dice or less to carry out some service, under-
but cannot choose to further define the distrac - take a ta sk, or refrain from some action or
tion. rt will be a sound, but not a footstep or a course of activity. The caster specifies the con-
low moan. Or it will be a glimpse of some- ditions of tile lesser geas when he casts the
thing , but not of a person. spell; the subject creature must be intelligent ,
The subject must make a successful saving conscious, able to understand the caster, and
throw vs . spell at a penalty of -4 or believe the not under the influence of any spells or effects
sight or sound to originate from a direction of that affect or control its mind.
the spe llcaster 's choice. The spellcaster cannot The lesser geas cannot compel a creature to
choose distance. The subject can be made to kill itself orperform acts that will result in cer-
believe that he heard a sound behind him, but tain death, although the wizard can use the
not tlhat it was something moving 30 feet spell to coerce the subject into almost any non-
behind him. He can be made to think that he de structive course of action. The subject is
saw motion off to llis right, but not that it was entitled to a saving throw vs. spell to avoid a
so mething moving at the top of a wall 50 feet lesser geas , but suffers a - 2 penalty on its sav-
from him. ing throw if the wiz.ard is of high er level or Hit
The su bject is f ree to act as he chooses on Di ce, or a-4 penalty if the wizard is more than
the illusion. He may ignore ir or may be moved twice th.e creature's level or Hit Dice .
by duty or curiosity to investigate. The wizard must be careful in the wording
Because the illusion is qui c k and not of his lesser geas since the casting and fulfill-
detailed, the subject has a -4 penalty to his sav- ment are tricky. The subject should be given a
ing throw . If he fails the saving th r ow, he tangible , acruevable goal, with clear courses of
believes the sight or sound to be real but does action available to him. "C limb that moun-
not know what made it. If be makesthe saving tain!" or "Tear that mountain down rock by
throw, be assumes that he was "seeing things" rock!" are legitimate geases, but a geas such as
or "hearing things" and does not act on the dis- " B ecome a mountain!" is jus t not specific
traction. Even if he makeshis saving throw, he enough. to work.
does not know that he was the target of a spell. Similar to the 6th-level spell geas, the lesser
This speU is used by ninja attempting an geas compel s the subject to obey the wizard's
escape or infiltratio n. It is designed to encour- command . If the geased creature fails to follow
age a guard to leave his post for a momenl the wizard's instructions , it will grow sick -
Notes: Restricted to ninja spellcasters and each week that pas ses, the creature loses one
those trained by them; common. point from each ability score , l hit point per
Hit Die, and suffers a cumulative - I penalty to
attack rolls and saving throws . These penalties
cannot reduce an abBity score to less than 3,
reduce a creature to less than 1 hit point per Hit
Die , or reduce its attacks and saving thr ows
more than 4 point s. The lesser geas can be
countered by a remove curse spell, a limited
wish, or a wish.
Notes : Uncommon spe ll (PO:SM).

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
LethalHatchling- Neogir
Lesser Sign of Sealing Lesser Spelldream
(Abjuration } (Invocation , Illusion/Phanta sm)
Level: 4
Level: 2 Range: Touch
Range:0 Components: V, S
Components: S, M Casting Time: I tum
Casiing Time: I tum Duration: I tum/level
Duration: Special Area ofEffeot: l creature
Area of Effect: I portal Saving Throw: Special
Saving Throw:
This spell is only effective upon sleeping
By using this spell, the caster creates a mag- beings. lt allows the caster to remove any spells
ical ward that bas two major effects. First, it of 4 th level or less already in effect on the
affects a doorway or itern that opens (a chest, recipient (such as charm person or change
for instance) as if it were a hold po rtal speJI, self). The spell effects are unraveled slowly,
keeping it securely locked and closed. Second, without doing harm to the caster of the spell-
if the protected doorway is forced open by any dream or the recipient, and without triggering
means, magical or physical. the sign is not only any spelltraps or defensive effects. This occurs
destroyed, but also strikes the offending crea- during an enforced slumber, which can be bro-
ture for Ld8points of damage+ I point of dam- ken by any physical attack on the recipient
age per level of the caster. The duration of this (such an event will jolt the recipienl into
spell is either one day per level of the caster or instant alertness). This enforced slumber is
until discharged, whichever happens first. The accompanied by dreams , and the caster of this
exact form of energy is chosen by the caster spell can choose one image per level to feature
upon creating- the lesser sign; acid, cold, fire, in these dreams (typically, the caster shapes a
electricity, or sonic disruption are popular sequence of images showing the recipient how
choices. they came to be enspelled, or why the caster
The sign is not hidden or concealed in any has chosen to remove those spells).
way and is usually quite prominent on the item While a spelldream is unfolding in the recip-
or portal it protects . The caster cannot specify ient 's mind, the target creature cannot be con-
particular creatures or conditions for the lesser tacted or influenced by any other being. Thus, a
signs operation; it functions against any crea- wizard can pass information to a recipient who
ture that attempts to pass it (except for extra- is under magical thought surveillance without
planar creatures of 6 HD or more and wizards risk of the jnformation being detected.
of rugher level than the caster-they can When the spell is cast, the recipient is
merely ignore it as if it was not there). allowed a saving throw vs. spell with a -4
The lesser sign of sealing cannot be dis- penalty. A successful saving throw negates the
pelled by spelJs of lower spell levels such as spell, and the in tended recipient instantly
knock, but the caster can remove it any time he awakens.
chooses, thus ending the spell, or it can be N otes: Common for Dream mages; otherwise
defeated by an erase spell cast by a wizard of very rare. (Updated from DJUGONMagazine. )
equal or higher level than the original caster.
The material component for a lesser sign of Lethal Hatchling - Neogi
sealing can be a pinch of either powdered dia- (Ne croman cy)
mond (cold), ruby (fire), emerald (acid), pearl
(sonic disruption}, or sapphi re (electricity), Level: 5
depending on the type of energy the wizard Range: l O yds.
wishes the sign to employ. The value of the Components: V,S
gemstone powder must be at least 100 gold Casting Time: l rd.
pieces. Duration: Special
Notes: Uncommon spell (PO:SM). Area of Effect: l creature
Saving Throw: Neg .

Upon utterance of thjs spell, the cas ter con-

jures up a small egg, I inch in diameter, which

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
""":: Leviathan- Elf
fires outward from the caster toward a target Levitate
creature. The creatu re is allowe d a saving (Alterati on)
throw vs. death magic. A successf ul saving (Force)
throw negates the spell. Failure indicates a Level: 2
most gruesome fate : The egg ente r s the crea-
Range : 20 yds ./level
ture's body and begins to grow . Fo r the nex_t
Components : V, S, M
four rounds, the creature is allowed ano th er
Casting Time: 2
saving throw vs . death magic each round at a
Duration : I tum/level
- 2 cumulative penalty (that is, - 2 for the first
Area of Effect: l creature or object
save after the egg en te rs the body, -4 for the
Saving Throw: Neg.
second, etc.) . Each faile d saving lhrow cause
the loss of 25% of the creatu r e's original hit When a levitate spell is cast, the wizard can
point total. If the creature makes a successful place it upo n his person, an object, or a single
saving throw during t hi s time, t h e s p ell is creature , subject to a maximumweight limit of
halted, the egg's growth stops, and th en it dete- l 00 pounds per level of experience (for example,
riorates . If the creature dies, a newborn n eogi a 3rd-level wizatdcan levitate a maximumof300
erupts out of its body. pounds). lfthe spell is cast upon the wizard, he
Some neogi wizards have been known to can m ove vertical ly up or down at a movement
cast this spell to replace neogi lost in ear li er rate of 2 pe r round. If cast upon an object or
combats. This is a rare occurrence , however ; another creature, the wizard can levitate it at the
more commonly a slave is sacrificed instead . same speed, according to his command. This
Notes: Restricte d to neogi; uncommo n. spell does not empower horiwntal movement, but
the recipient could push along the face of a cliff,
Leviathan - EH for example, to move laterally. The spellcaster
(E lven :Wgb Magic) can cance l the speU as desired. If the subject of
the spell is unwilling, or the object is in the pos-
Level: 8 session of a creature, a saving throw vs. spell is
Range : IOyds./level allowed to determine iftb.e levitate spell affects it.
Components: V, S, M Once cast, the spell requires no concentra-
Casting Time: l turn tion, except when changing height A levitating
Duration: Special creature attempting to use a missile weapon
Area of Effect: I creature finds himself increasingly unstable ; the first
Saving Throw: None attack has an attack roll pena lty of -1 , the sec-
ond -2, the third -3, etc., up to a maximum of
This spell summons gigantic sea creatures to - 5. A full round spent stabi lizing allows the
aid elven ships and fleets at sea. Whe n c ast, creature to begin again at - t. Lack of leverage
roll I di Oand refer to the chart to determine the makes it impossible to cock a heavy crossbow.
type and numbe r of creatures that arrive. The The material component of this spell is
creatures will arrive in 1- 10 turns and fight for either a small leather loop or a piece of golden
as long as needed, even to the death . wire bent into a cup shape with a long shank on
one end.
Die Roll Ty pe Notes: Common spell (PHB).
1- 5 l d8 Commo n Whales
6-8 ld2 Giant Whales
9-0 I Leviathan (Necromancy)
Lich Armor

The material components of this spell are a Level: 4
small carving of a whale and a gold ring. Range:0
Notes: Restricted to elves able to cast elven Components: V, S
High Magic . Used for the defense of the elven Casting Time: 4
homeland (for example, Evermeet Island). Duration: 2 rds ./level
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

A development of the spirit armor spell, this

spell surrounds the wizard with a portion of his

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537) 506


own Life essence , which appears as a black everyone touched, its effects cannot be volun -
shroud of shadow that mystically flows around tarily suppressed.
his body. It guards the caster against both mag- The material component s of this spell are a
ical and nonmagical weapons and attacks , scrap of rotting meat or fish.
without hindering move ment or interfering Notes: This standard form of tbe spell origi-
with spellcasting . The spell protects the caste r nated in the FOROOTIEN REALMS setting . It is
as well as plate armor (base AC 3), with a +3 uncommon for necromancers; otherwise very
bonus to saving throws against magical attacks, rare . It is known to be in the I icb Kyristan 's
and is cumulative with spells and protective tome, Studies in Death.
devices that add to a base AC.
Al the end of the spell , lhe caster mus t Lichdom
attempt a saving throw vs. spell or temporarily Lost knowledge . This achieving this state
lose a portion of the life energy used to create requires a long, involv ed, highly dangerou s,
the Lich armor. Failure inflicts 2d6 poi nts of and evil series of magical experiments. No one
damage . Hit points lost in this fashion can be spell creates this state. See appendix section
restored only through magical healing. for more information.
Not es: Uncommon fo r nec roma ncers and
undead spellcasters ; otherwise very rare. Origi- Life Bolt
nally from the RAVENLOFTsetting . (Alteration, Necromancy)

Lich Touch Level: 4

At least six different spells have had this name Range: 10 yds ./level
or effe ct. Close versions have been combined Components : V,S
into single spells; see also improved chill Casting Time: 6
touch and improved vampiric touch, which are Duration : Permanent
from the RAVBNLOFT setting. Area of Effect : 1 'UDdeadcreature
Saving Throw :
Lich Touch
(NecTomancy) This spell uses the energy of the caster's own
life force offensively against undead. The spell
Level: 6 has no effect on living creatures . By holding an
Range: Touch open palm toward the undead creature and utter-
Components : V, S, M ing the incantation. the caster sends a pulse of
Casting Time: 6 living energy toward the undead ( color of the
Duration : 1 rd ./level energy depends on the caster's general align-
Area of Effect : Tile caster ment; lawful is white , chaotic is red, and neutral
Saving Throw : Special is blue) . The caster sacrifices ld4 rut points to
cast lbis spell; for each bit point lost, the caster
By means of this spell the wizard gains both causes ld6 points or damage to the undead tar-
th.e chming touch attack of a lich and invulner- get. The undead creature is allowed a saving
ability to seve ral special attack forms. The throw vs. spell against this attack, with success-
caster is immune to all types of paralysis and ful saving throws limiting the damageto half.
fear for the duration of the spell. When the lich Stavros of the :Skulls created this spell years
touch is in operation, tile bands of the caster ago afte r nearly iosing his life to zombie s that
glow with an unearthly greenish brilliance . broke free of his control. He gave this spell to
The caster can touch individuals and affect the Watchful Ordler of Magists & Protectors as
tllem as a Lieb wou Id, inflicting both l d 10 part of bis penance for damages to Waterdeep.
points of damage and paralyzing the individual Devotees of Mystra , especially priests and
unle ss a successful saving throw vs . paralysis mages affiliated with the House of Wonder, are
is made . The touch damage is always taken, eager to learn this spell, as Melegbost Starseer ,
even by undead and creatures immune to paral- the Magister of Mystra , holds this up as an
ysis . Those paralyzed by thls spelJ remain so example of how ''M ystra grants us the power to
for 2d4 .hours or unti1 tbe paralysis is countered protect life through our own sacriffoe s!"
by a dispel magic, remove paralysis, or similar Notes: Known to Stavros of the Skulls and
magic . The lich touch spell cannot be ended the Watch-Wizards and Guild of Waterdeep in
before its duration expires. The caste r affects the FOROOTIEN REALM S setting .

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
"': Life Extension
Life Extension Life Force Exchange
Athasian Dragon-King magic; ,._ tl j,,, (Necro mancy)
psionic component renders the ~ Reversible
spell uncastable by wizards.
Level: 9
Life Field Range: 60 yds.
(Alteration, Necromancy) Components: V, S
Reversible Casting Time: 9
Duration: Special
Level: 5 Area of Effect: 2 creatures
Range: O Saving Throw: Neg.
Components: V.S
Casting Time: 2 This spell permanently switches the life
Duration : 1 rdJ 3 levels forces of rwo creatu re s (one of which may be
Area ofEJfect: The caster the caster). Both subjects must be within range
Saving Throw: None at the spell is completed, or it fails automati-
cally. When employed correcdy , both creatures
Stavros of the Sku lls' final spell created for are surrounded by a radiant green au ra and
the Lords ofWaterde ;ep is his most potent cre- must save vs. spell at -6 to avoid the effects
ation. By marshaling their own life forces , wiz- (obvio usly, wi11ing subjects may forego the
ards can surround their bodies and bandhe ld saving throw to consciously accept the effect).
items or weapons with a shining blue radiance The spell functions properly onJy if both
known as a life field . Once summoned , the subjects fai l their saving throws . ff only one
spell remains in effect without concentration. fails the save, then the one who made the sav-
allowing Lhe mage to attack or cast further ing throw is automatically stunned (reeling and
spells . If the caster attacks uudead with a unable to take action) for I round. Meanwhile ,
weapon covered in a lifefie ld, weapon damage the ot her (the one who failed the save) is
is doubled in addition to the caster 's level in stunned for ld4 rounds.
points of dam age (that is , a 7th-level mage's 1nthe event of a successful transfer, both life
quarterstaff wrapped in a life field deals 2d6+7 forces retain all of their original mental abili-
points of damage to undead) . Missile weapo ns ties and behavioral patterns , although their
act normally since they move beyond the field's ph ysica l abilities are limited (or possibly
range. If undead simply come into contact with enhance d) by their new forms. For instance , a
a lifefield (that is, not one used joi ntly with an decrepit nec romancer uses this spe U t o
attack , or a band-to-hand attack against some- exchange bodies with a hale young warrior in
one with an active life field), they mUS1make a the prime of his health. While the wizard gains
saving tluow or take damage equa l to the a young and vigorous body (and all of the ben-
caster's level due to living energy counte ract- efits that go with it) , the unfortunate youth
ing their undead state. finds himself trapped in the withering shell of
While this spell does not affect living crea- a dyin g old man . Creatures unaccustomed to
tures (damage dealt is normal) , further research being shifted in this way are stunned for a min-
has uncovered the reverse of this spell, death imum of l round after the transfer.
field, which is now in use by a numbe r of evil The effects of this spell are permanent and
mages including Stavros. All the effects visited can be reversed only by a full wish or by the
upon undead are now usable on living targets; reverse of the spell lf one of the bodies is slain
the deaihfleld is a shimmering, dark purpl e before reve rsa l can take place , the life force
field of energy. The Watch-Wizards of Water- inhabiting that body depans . That spirit and its
deep have been instructed to arrest anyone seen new body are dead, just as if the spir it was in
using this version of the spell. the body that actually belonged to it in the first
Notes: Known to Stavros of the Skulls and place. The life force originally belonging to the
the Watch-Wizards and Guild of Waterdeep in slain body is now irreversibly trapped in its
the FoROa:rnl"N REALMS setting; uncommon. new form. Short of expending two wishes (one
to re sto re the slain body , and the second to
tran sfe r the life force), the only way to now
restore the subject to bis or her rightful body is
by cloni ng the original body and cas ting the

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537) 508

Life ForceTransfer

reversed form of this spell. 7 days. Unless the subject 's Life force is
T he reversed fo rm, revoke life force reunited with the body during that time , the
exchange.undoes the effect of the spell. body dies , and the life force is permanently
Not es: Uncommon for necromancers; other- trapped within the physical object or new body.
wise very rare. While in the physicaJ receptacle . the crea-
ture can perform any action permitted by the
L ife Force Transfer new form. 1n an item such as a ring or a sword,
(Nec.romanc y) the subject can communicate with the user
(Artificer) when the receptacle is held or worn properly .
Reversibl e The extent of communication depends on the
subject's Intelligence (see table).
Level: 8
Range: l O ft. Int Co mmunica tion
Components: V, S, M 3-1 l None
Casting Time: Special (8 rds .) 12-13 Semi-Empathy
Duration: Special 14- 16 Empathy
Area of Effect: I creature 17+ Telepathy
Saving Throw: Neg.
Individuals of low or average Intelligence
Upon comple tion of this long and highly- cannot communicate, and those of above-aver-
versatile incantation, the caster permanently age InteHigence can communicate using a
transfers a creature's life force (even his or her primitive form of empathy (usually limited to a
own) into a specially fabricated item, a magical throb or tingle ofvaryiog intensity). At I.bedis-
receptacle , or the body of another individual. cretion of the DM, the life force might animate
Once the ttansfer bas been completed, the sub- a specially prepared statue or golem , perhaps
ject's body falJs into a cataleptic sta te, and eve n enabling the recipient to em ploy any
remains in a death-like trance or coma for 2 to memorized spells.

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
"": LifeForoeTransfer- Necromancer

Life force transfer is sometimes the fma1step rare inks and either an expertly-crafted item or
in the manufacture of a powerful magical item a living human, demihuman, or humanoid
or minor artifact (usual ly a sword). ln this (preferably young and healthy) to house the
process, a creature's life force is transferred into subjec t 's Ufe force . The exact nature of any
a magical item (an unwilling subject is allowed physical receptacle should be decided by the
a saving throw vs. death magic at -4), which is DM, but it must be of quality suitable for
finally sealed with a permanency spell. enchantm ent . The garnet is co nsumed in the
1n such an enchantment , the subject's body casting. This spell cannot be dispelled nor-
is frequently destroyed afterward by the caster, mally (even in i ts " pending" state). rf the
forever trapping the life force in the item receptacle was not sealed with a permanency,
(unless the permanency is frrst reversed and a then the subject's life force can be driven out
new body prepared using a clone or wish spell, with dispel evil or similar exorcising magic (io
or by similar means). If the item is destroyed the event of a permanent magical receptacle,
while the subject's life force is in it, the crea- the item's permanency must be first overcome
ture can regain its body by making a system with dispel magic).
shock roll if it lies within 1 mile per level of ln rare cases, to be adjudicated by the DM,
the caster; otherwise , the subject's life force the Ii fe force of the victim does not depart from
dissipates , and the creature dies. the body, but coexists in his or her body with
Sometimes, a wizard may employ this spell that of the intruder. Such a life force may be
as a final measure to protect his or her own able to take control of the su r vivor-use the
life. In this version , the entire incantation and control rules for the magic jar spell to deter-
receptacle are prepared and cast beforehand, mine this . As before, the intrud ing life force
but only the final syllable of the spell is left can be ejected onJy by casting dispel evil or
unfinished. The wizard can pronounce this similar exorcising magics (or afa/1 wish). Oth-
short (casting time I) syllable at any later time, erwise, at the discretion of the DM , the life
casting his or her life force into the recepta- force of the intruder might merge with that of
cle-providing that it lies within range. Obvi- the victim. diluting the recipient's personality ,
ously, this strategy only works if the receptacle alignment, and possibly sanity, as well.
is kept close to the wizard at all times . Further- The reverse of this spell , revoke life force
more, the wizard usually must leave behind transfer, requires the original scroll (the one
clues or encrypted instructions so that allies used in the life force transfer spell to be
may later reverse the spell and restore the wiz- revoked), the construct, and the body of the
ard to his or her n.ormal state . While the spell is recipient. Providing that the spell is cast before
in its unfinished state , the wizard cannot learn the body physically dies (within 2- 7 days of
a new 8th-level spell to replace it. Aside from the original separation) , the reversal process
this limitation, howeve r, the caster remain s requires a system shock roll in order to be suc-
unaffected by the pending spell. cessful. lf failed (or if the body bas al ready
Less scrupulous wizards may use this spell to perished), the newly released life force dissi-
permanent ly transfer a creature 's life force pates, and the subject dies.
(often their own) into th e body of.a younger Notes: Uncommon for necromancers and
individual , thereby extending their own exis- artificers; otherwise very rare .
tence . The victim is entitled to a saving throw
vs. death magic with a -4 penalty to resist the Life Force Transfer - Necromancer
effects. ff failed, the victim's life force departs, (Nec romancy)
and the transferred life force takes permanent
possession of the victim 's body. If the saving Level : 4
throw is successful , the spell fails without any ill Range : Touch
effects to either the victim or creature (though it Components: V, S, M
may be recast at a later date) . Thus , an ancient Casting Time: 4
necromancer may transfer his or her life force Duration: lnstantaneous
into the body of a vigorous younger person, Area of Effect Creature touched
thereby gaining all of the victim's physical Saving Throw: None
attributes, manual skills, and extended life span.
The material component is a massive, blood This spell a llows the caster to transfer some
red garnet (worth 5,000 gp or more) . The spell of his life-force to another creature. When cast,
aJso requires a scroll inscribed with special the spell transfers l hit point per level of the

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537) 510


caster to the target creatur e, plus an additional not permitted, b11t physica l contact must be
ld4 hit points. The hit points are ad ded to the maintained throughout the casting (the subject
creature's curren t hi t po int total an d deducted bas to be wiJling or unable to struggle away).
from the speUcaster's . Thus, a 7th-level necro- The material component necessary for a life
mancer can transfe r 8 to 11 hi t poin ts from sounding is an unblemished silver weight on a
himself to another creature. 1-foot length of silver chain. The weight must
The caster can tr ansfer only as many hit be rep laced with a fresh silver weight after
points as he currently bas; if he transfers more, every casting.
his curre nt hit point tot al plus 1d4 hit points Note s: Restricted to cbronomancers; com-
are transferred to the target, while that amount mon.
is subtracted from the caster's total (and the
caster begins to die) . The creature cannot gain Life Steal - Savant
more hi t points than its ful l norma l total; extra (Nec romancy)
hit points are mere ly lost. The necromancer's
hit point losses can be regained by norma l Level: S
healing ormagic. Range;Touch
After the transfer , is complete, the necro- Components : V
mancer loses four points of Constitution tem- Casting Time: I
porarily ; each point can be recove red by six Duration: Special
turn s of rest. lf the caster's Constitution drops Area of Effect : I CJreature
below 3, unconscious n ess results and full Con- Saving Throw: Neg.
stitution is no t regained for 24 hours. The
material component of this spell is a glass tube This spell allows the savant to leech up to I
filled with the caster's blood, whic h disap pears hit point per level from a living (that is, not a
when the speJI is cast. construc t or undead ) human or humanoid and
Notes : Restricted to necromancers; uncom- bestow it upon himself or another within a time
mon . limit of three rounds. The leeched hit points
can inc re ase the recipient's hit points beyond
Life Sounding his normal maximum, and last up to one hour .
(Chronomancy) Any dam age suffered is first subtracted from
these additional hit points.
Level : 2 Notes: Restricted to savants; common.
Componen ts: V, S, M Life Tether
Casti ng Time: 2 (Chronomancy)
Duration : Instantaneous
Area. of Effect: Creature touched Leve l: 3
Saving Throw: None Range: Spec ial
Components : S, M
When life sounding is cas t , the chrono- Casting Time: 3
mancer establishes a temporary link to the sub- Duration: 5 rds./level
ject's lifeline. A magica l pulse is sent along the Area of Effect : I creature
line in both directions , reflec t ing back when - Saving Throw: Neg .
ever it reaches the points of the recipient's birth
and death . When this spell is cast on an intelligent crea-
Using the echo princip le, the cbronomancer ture, it fastens a magical tether to the creature's
acquires a general idea of the length of the life- Lifeline.The creature must be close enough for
line in each d irect ion. lf the subject's age is the cbro nomancer to recognize it by sight, and
known or can be guessed, it is th en a si mp le it can save vs. spell to avoid the effect. This
matter of calculating the ratios to discover with sets the range at 60 yards . Items such as eyes of
fair accuracy bow much Life the person has left. the eagle wo u ld extend rhis range, but the
After 6th level, the chronomancer acquires psionic power clairvoyance or any type of scry-
an innate feeling for the spell 's mystical echo ing device would not.
and can instantly know the su bject's age, as l fthe chronomancer slips to the Demiplane
well as how muc h li [e iLbas left, without hav- of Time , he appears next to the creature's life-
ing to make any calculations . A saving throw is line. The tethe r is seen as a thin white cord

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

51 1
link_ing the two. As with timeslip, a large nen t of this spell-even a liquid devjsed by
amount of turbulence may displace the caster, magica l means. Leftover serum reverts to its
but he remains tethered to that lifeline. original condition with the next setting of the
(f life tether is cast directly on a Lifeline, no sun.
saving throw is permitted . Slipping back to Notes: Restricted to casters from arabian
reality places the caster within ldl00 x 10 setti ngs or those trained by them . OM might
yards of the creature . A detect temporal anom- allow re searc h by alc hemists or ( optional)
aly spell leads the chronomancer right to the Healer mages. DM might also allow training
tethered creature. This application is useful in by a suitable mentor , particularly characters
discovering to whom a particula r lifeline native to the Anauroch regjon of the
belongs . ~ FOROOTTEN REALMS setting .
The material component is a 1-foot length of
cord braided with strands of silve r.
Notes: Restricted to chronomance rs; com- Optional: ThoOMmay restrictlbecut-
mon . in&of'this spellto onceperweek.
Life Water
(Alteration, Necromancy ) LifebJend
(Alchemy, Pro vi11ce: Sea) (Necromancy)

Level: 9 Level : 9
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M Components: V.S, M
Casting Time: 9 Casting Time: I tum
Duration: Special Duratfon : Permanent
Area of Effect: Up to 1 gallon Area of Effec t: 2d4 creatures
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: Neg.

Th is spell transforms any liquid into a Using this macabre spell, a wizard can cause
sweet-smelling serum that heals wounds and two (or more) Lifeforms to join together to form
cures blindness, disease, poisoning , rotting a new one. The subjects can be of any type,
(inc luding "mwnmy rot"), magical feeblemind- plant or animal, but must be alive. After casting
edness, and fungal growth (suc h as the trans- this spell, a wizard can cast no other spells for
formation of flesh into g reen slime). Even 24 hours.
life-threatening wounds are healed; lost limbs The subjects are placed in cages made with
and organs regenerate instantly when the precious metals, each cage worth no less than
miracufous life water is applied. A seve red 2,500 gp. To cast the spell, lbe cas te r must
head cannot be restored, however. touch each subject through the casting time of
As wondrous as the serum is, it cannot bring the spell. If two creatu res are involved, they
a slain creature back to life, nor it can it restore can be touched with the hands ; ifa third or
a magically transformed creature to its original even fourth creature is involved, touching them
form. with the feet is possible. No more than four
One gallon of the serum ent irely cures one creatures can be affected by a single applica-
man-sized being of all t he ailments listed tion of this spell. During casting, the wizard
above, restori n g a ll lost ltit points in the must concentra te on the desired final form of
process. An typical water skin filled with life the combination creature (if the caster doesnot
water ca n cure one condition, or restore 3d8 have a specific form in mind, the spell fails).
points of physical dam age. Immersing even a At the end of the casting, each subject
partial body in life water can restore the com- involved makes a saving throw vs. spell; if any
plete form , provi ded the body is not dead. (Any is successful, the spell fai Is. If the spell fails ,
leftover body parts are worthless .) the caster must make a successful saving throw
The serum is a topical treatmen t . As it is vs. spell, or suffer a magical backlash, taking
used, it is absorbed by the recipie nt and disap - on characteristics of the subjects for the next
pears . A pool created by this spell can be com - 2d4 days. The exact nature of the change is left
pletely absorbed by several heatings. to Lhe OM but should not be beneficial to the
Any liquid can serve as the material compo- caster.

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Lifedrain- Pbammm r
RoU Lifeblend Result ponents for this spell include one candle for
01- 50 Success : The resulting creature eac h componen t creature; these are placed
looks like the caster. wants it to together and lit at the beginning of the casting,
look, and has more-or-less the abil- so their waxes can blend together as they melt.
ities desired . A ruby worth at least 5,000 gp must be placed
51-60 Bonding : Toe target creatures are between the candles , so the blended wax can
not melded together , but are bonded cover it; it represents the heart of the composite
at some point on their bodies (for beast. The ruby, candles , and cages are aUcon-
example, a dog and a cat bonded sumed during casting.
might appear to be a dog and a cat Notes: Very rare spell. Known to be in the
that share one set oflegs) . tome Kyristan s Mysteries .
61- 70 Imperfect Melding : The creatures
are melded together , but not i:n the Lifedrain - Phaerimm
desired fashion; they might be (Alteration)
melded in a centaur-Like fashion, or
in any othe.r way. Level: 8
71-80 Pseudo-Lycanthropy: The creatures Range:0
are blended together, but only one Components : V, S, M
is dominant at any given time . Peri- Casting Time : l rd.
odically, the creature changes com- Duration: Special
pletely from the form of one Area of Effect: 70-ft . radius sphere
subject creature to the form of Saving Throw: None
another .
81- 90 Dominance : One creature is clearly Use of this migh ty spell is thought to have
dominant in the mix, but has a few created much of the lifelessness at the heart of
characteristics of the other crea- the vast desert of Anaaroch . This spelJ affects
ture(s) involved in the spell. only water in geographical form (lakes, rivers ,
91-95 Death : The creature looks exactly oceans), or in meteorologi c al form (rain ,
as desired, but has something snow). It does not affect water contained in liv-
wrong internally and cannot l ive. ing things .
96-99 Vengeful: The creature is exactly as A lifedrain spell destroys wate r within its
desired, but has a hatred for iIs area of effect- and prevents water from exist-
creator. ing there as well. Water cannot fall into , form
00 Disaster! At the last moment , one with in, condense within, or flow into the spher-
of the subjects pulled away, and the icaJ area of effect of this spell . (Daring wizards
caster is pulled into the spell sometimes use this spell to lay bare the bottom
instead, becoming a part of the of a lake or pond, to recover a lost item, or to
composite creature (no saving reach a sunken chest or trapdoor .)
throw). Roll again on this table to Living creatures find conditions within the
find the results . area of effect to be very, very dry uncomfort-
ably so; for each tum that one spends perform-
If all subjects fail their saving throws, the ing any sort of activity except simple rest, that
spell is at least partially successful. Roll per- creature loses l hit point due to dehydration .
centile dice and consult the table for the result. (Tales are told of Phaerimm drying off wet
1f the spell succeeds in any way except slaves and items by conveying them from a
death , the OM creates a new monster , with bath throu gh a lifedrain sphere. ) Plants cannot
input from the player of the spellcaster who grow with in a lifedrain field and desert-like
performed the lifeblend spell. Guidelines for conditions soon occur.
monsters are in the MO NSTROUS MA NUAL acces- A lifedrain spell cannot be affected by dispel
sory. In general terms, the monster should have magic or water magics : only a limited wish or
a mixture of characteristics of it s component more powerful spelJcart destroy it. Otherwise, it
beings. Possible examples of this spelJ inc lude lasts for J year per level of the caster (but if the
owlbears , bulettes, pecytons, and manticores. caster should die, even on another plane or world,
The creature c rea t ed has a 25% cha n ce of it ends earlie r, at the moment of the caste r 's
being infertile. death). Casting a lifedrain permanently drains I
Besides the cages needed, the material com- hit point from the total possessed by the caster.

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Lifeforce Gwudian, Zala 's
The material components of this speU are a assaults (such as the death spell). He's also vul-
piece of bone and a fire of any sort and size. nerable to poison . He still can be polymorphed.
The bone is placed in the flames during cast- If a part of his body is severed, it still functions
ing, and both are consumed in a flash by the independently (as long as the spell is in effect),
spell. The spell 's area of effect forms centered allowing the recipient to reattach it. (This is
on the caster. similar to a troll's ability.)
Notes:Known to pbaerimm (common) and a The vessel or crystal holding the "sha dow of
few wizards of the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting the heart" must be within sight of the wizard as
(very rare). he's casting the spell. Thereafter, the vessel can
be any distance from the recipient 's body, with-
Lif eforce Guardian, Zala's out harm to the recipient. The crystal or glass
See Zala's lifeforce guardian. is never more than 10 nit point s in Strength,
and considered AC LO(for it to be otherwise
Lifeproof would violate the energies of the spell and
(Nec romancy) therefore void it). Destroying the contai ner
Reversible kills the recipient. Only a full wish or similar
enchantment can raise him from this grisly
Level: 7 death.
Range : Touch The reverse: of this spell , revoke lifeproof,
Components: V, S, M brings a body and its "shadow of the heart "
Casting Time : 3 turns back together again. Other than a limited wish
Duration : Special or wish, this jg the only way to do so. The
Area of Effect: I creature recipient must make a system shock roll, and if
Saving Throw : Neg . this fails , he dlies. If the recipient 's bit points
total O or fewer when revoke lifeproof is cast,
This powerful incantation enables the caster the recipient dies a noanal death.
to safely remove an intangible but vital part of Wizards often cast lifeproof on themselves
the recipient's life, transporting it through solid as protection against an attack. Some cast it on
objects ifneed be. The caster places that part - others, ensuring that a recipient returns from a
called the "s hadow of the heart"-in a closed quest or mission to reclaim that part of his life
glass container or a crystal. Once inside, the that the wizardlholds.
"shadow" becomes clearly visible as a translu- The spell 's material component, a glass con-
ce.nt imageof the recipient's heart. No apparent tainer or crystal, must be transparent.It also
change occun in the recipient himself, must be at least l foot in diameter to contain
although detect magic reveals a strong necro- the "shadow of the heart."
mantic spell in operation , centering on bis N ot es: Common for spellcasters from an
actual, still-beating heart. arabian setting; otherwise very rare.
As long as the "shadow of the heart' ' remains
safely within the container, the recipient's body Life surge - Gbul
can endure any amount of physical damage. (Necroman cy) ~
When reduced to Oor fewer hit points, the
character doesn't fall unconscious or die; he Level:4 ~
just keeps on going. Saving throws, attacks, Range:T ouch.
and Hit Dice remain the same. "Negative " bit Components: V, S
points are healed normaUy, as if the character Casting Time: 2 rds.
has an endless supply. Duration : 1 rd./level
For every 10 points of damage below 0, th.e Area of Effect: lndividual touched
recipient of this spell suffers a - I penalty to Saving Throw : None
Charisma. With sufficient loss, the character
looks as horrid as the undead, but is otherwise Ghul lords are more than ready to lend a
unaffected . Charisma returns to its normal helping hand to their comrades, but often the
value when the character is healed to a positive band becomes a monkey's paw. Gbul lord
level points (that is, 1 or more). spe lls can have adverse effects on a subject
Although the recipient is effectively immune despite their beneficial intentions .
to magical and natural attacks that cause dam- Lifesurge is one such spell, though a ghuJ
age, h.e's still vulnerable to other types of lord can cast thi s spell only upoo a willing

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537) 514

individual . When cast, the spell creates a nega-
tive energy field within the subject's body. This
field forces the life force within the individual
to surge up in defiance, affording the individ -
ual enhanced physical abilities for the duration
of the spell .
For the duration of the spell, the subject is
treated as if two levels higher for all purposes .
Wizards do not automatically gain new spells,
but they cast memorized spells as if two levels
above their own. Hit points are increased, and
THAC0, savi ng throws, and all other level
related abilitie s and bonuses are appropriately
When the effects of the lifesurge wear off,
the individual suffers damage . A successful
saving throw vs. death magic reduces this dam-
age by l:talf. The damage is equal to twice the
maximum value of the Hit Die used for their
class. Thus , a fighter , who uses a dl0 fo r hit
points , suffers 20 points of damage when the
spell wears off, IO points if the saving throw is
Notes: Restricted to ghul lords (most com-
mon in an arabian setting).


Level: 1
Range: 60 yds.
Components : V, M
Casting Time: I
Duration: 1 tum/level
Area of Effect: 20-ft. radius globe
Saving Throw: Spedal

This spell creates a luminous glow, equal to

torchlight, within a fixed radius of the spell 's
cente r. Objects in darkness beyond this sphere
can be seen, at best , as vague and shadowy
shapes. The spell is centered on a point selected
by the caster, and he must have a line of sight
and unobstructed path for the spell when it is
cast. Light can spring from air, rock, metal ,
wood, or almost any similar substance.
The effect is immobile unless it is specifi-
cally centered on a moveable object or mobile
creature. If this spell is cast upon a creature,
the applicable magic resistance and saving
throw rolls must be made. Successful resis-
tance negate s the spel.l, wbiJe a successful sav-
ing throw indicates that the spell is centered
immediately behind the creature, rather than
upon the creature itself . Light taken into an
area of magical darkness does not function , but

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""':, Light - Pluma
if cast directly against magica l darkness can breach J inch of wood or half an inch of
negates it (but only for the duration of the light stone per caster level, up to a maximum of I
spell, if the darkness effect is continual). footofwood or half a foot of stone.
Light centered on the visual organs of a crea- The lightning bolt's area of effect is chosen
ture blinds it, reducing its attack rolls and saving by the spellcaster: eithe r a forked bolt 10 feet
throws by 4 and worsening its Armor Class by 4. wide and 40 feet long or a single bolt 5 feet
The caster can end the spell at any time by utter- wide and 80 feet long. If a bolt cannot reach its
ing a single word. Note that, unlike the !st-level full length, because of an uny ielding barrier
priest spell, this spell is not reversible. (such as a sto n e wa ll ) , th e lightning bolt
The ma terial compo ne n t is a firefly or a re b ounds from tile barrier loward its caster,
piece of phosphorescent moss. ending only when it reaches its full length. : Common spell (PH.B). Fo r examp le: An 80-foot-long stroke is
begun at a range of 40 feet, but it hits a stone
Light - Pluma wall at 50 feel The bolt travels IOfeet, hits the
wall, and rebounds for 70 feet back toward its

This spell is identical to the
common light spell, except creator (who is only 50 feet from the wall, and
that it is 2nd level. so is caught in hls own lightning bolt!) .
The DM migltt allow reflecting bolts. Whe n
Light Step, Drawmij's this type of lightning bolt strikes a solid sur-
See D rawmij's light step. face, the bolt reflects from the surface at an
angle equal to the angle of incidence (like light
Lightburst, Nystul 's off a mirro r). A creature c rossed more than
See Nystul's lightburst. once by the bolt must roll a saving throw for
every time it is crossed, but it still suffers either
Lightning Bolt full damage (if one saving tltrow is missed) or
(Evoca tion) half damage (if all saving throws are made).
The material components of the spell are a
Level: 3 bit of fur and an amber, crystal, or glass rod.
Range: 40 yds. + l O yds ./level Notes: Common spell (PH.B).
Casting Time : 3
Components: V,S, M Lightning Bug
Duration : Instantaneo us {Al teration , E vocation}
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Level: I
Range: 15 yds. + IO yds./level
Upon casting this spell, the wizard releases a Components: V, S
powerful stroke of electrical energy that inflicts Casting Time: I
1d6 points of damage per level of the spellcaster Dura tion: Instantaneous
(maximum damage per level of 1Od6) to each Area of Effect: 1 creature or target
cr eature within its area of effect. A successful Saving Throw: None
saving throw vs. spell reduces this damage to
half (round fractions down). The bolt begins at a Anothe r of Gemidan's spell variants that
range and height decided by the caster an d merges magic missile with shocking grasp, this
streaks outward in a direct line from the casting spell al lows a spellcaster to generate a missile
wizar d (fo r exam ple, if a 40-foot bolt was of electrical ene rgy and cast it unerringly at a
started at 180 feet from the wizard, tbe far end targe t. Wben it hits the target (or an elect rical
of the bolt would reach 220 feet (180 + 40). The con ductor that touches an oppone nt's body),
lightning bolt may set _fire to combustibles, sun- the lightning bug discharges I d6 points of
der wooden doors, splinte r up to a ltalf-foot damage, plus 1 point per level of the wizard, to
thickness of stone , and melt metals with a low a maximum of ld6 + JO (for example, an 11th-
melting point (lead, gold, copper, silver, bronze). level mage would generate an electrical missile
Saving tltrows must be rolled for objects that o f ld6 + 10 points of damage) .
withstand the full force of a stroke (see the fire- N otes : Known to the Watch-Wiza rds and
ball spell). If the damage caused to an interpos- Guild of Waterdeep and a few wizards (Gemi-
ing barrier shatters or breaks through it (i.e., the dan, Khelben, Laeral) in the FORGOTTEN
saving throw fails), the bolt continues . A boll REALMS setting; common.

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537) 516

Lightning Lash
Lightning Curtain Lightnin g Lash
(Evocatio n) (Evocation)

Level: 5 Level: 5
Range: 60 yds. Range : 60 yds. + 10 yds./level
Components: V.S, M Compo nents : V, S, M
Casting Time: 5 Casting Time: 5
Duration: Special Duration : Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 20 sq. f\./level Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special Saving Throw:

This spell creates a cracklin.g, shimme ring , A wizard casting this spell unleashes a dis-
vertical plane of electrical force. The lightning cha rge of electrical energy that inflicts I d6
curtai11reacts to nearby metal objects; anyone points of damage per level of the caste r (to a
wearing or car rying such an item will be maximum of 6d6). A successful saving throw
"s parked" by the wall if she approaches to vs. spell reduces this damage to half (round
within 5 feet of the curtain. A "spark" inflicts fractions down). The discharge appears in a
I d8 points of damage. shape or arc whose precise location and direc-
Those passing through the l(gluniltg curtain tion is as visualized by the caster (it is instanta-
suffer 2d8 points of damage, plus 1 point per neous, so the caster can't move or "redirect" it
experience level of the caster. For those wear- to strike a moving or unforeseen_foe). If solid
ing metal armor or carrying at least 4 pounds barriers, such as stone walls, prevent the lash
of conductive objects (swords, iron spikes, from fully forming as desired. it rebounds
etc.), the damage is 3d8 points, plus I point per "within itselr ' {hence its name), affecting only
level of the caster. the area in which it was directed to form (crea-
No saving throw is allowed for creatures tures in this area must save twice; to suffer only
passing through the curtain. Touching the light- half damage, both throws must succeed) .
ning curtain with a metal object bas the same The lash can set co mbu stib le materials
effect as walking through it The wizard who aflame, sunder wooden door s (blasting away
creates the lightning curtain is immune to its one inch of thickness per level of the caster, to
effects. a maximum of one foot), splinter stone up to
The lightning curtain is fairly transparent, six inches thick (a half inch per caste.r level ),
allowing persons on opposjte sides of it to see and melt metals with low melting points (such
each other. Its glow is sufficient to illuminate as bronze , copper, gold, lead, and silver). Item
the area on either side of it up to a distance of sav ing throws must be made to determine if
LOfeet. Spells and missiles can. be cast through stone shatters , metal melts, or other objects
the curtain, but missiles must successfully save struck by the are affected. If a barrier shat-
vs. electricity or be destroyed. The lightning ters (its saving throw fails), the lash can con-
curtain does not hinder any spells except for tinue into the area beyond the barrier withfull
electrical attacks, which it absorbs. effects-if it was cast to do so.
The lightning curtain will persist for as long This spell is often used to melt locks , ruin
as the wizard conc entrate s upon it , or for 2 armor, or seal metal doors shut without harm-
rounds plus I round per level iif concentration ing nearby valuables . Such precision in casting
is not maintained. requires practice.
The material components a piece of amber, a Notes : Very rare spell, originally from the
bit of fur, and a square of fine velvet. FORGOITBN REALMS setting. (Up dated from
Notes : Very rare spell. Known to be in The POLYHEDRON Newszine.)
Book of Naz. (Updated from DRIIGON Magazine.)

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537) 517

Lightning Reflection Lightning Ring
(Abjuration , Alteration ) (Evocati on)

Level: 5 Level: 8
Range: 0 Range: IO ft./level
Components: V, S, M Components : V.S, M
Casting Time: 5 Casting Time: 8
Duration: 1 turn Duration : 8 rds. (or I rd.)
Area of Effect: I being Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw : None Saving Throw :

This spell protects the caster or a touched This spell surrounds the caster with a bright
recipient, and all worn or carried material , white , crackling, chest-high ring of lightning .
against all effects of energy discharges. All The ring moves with the caster, who can cast
such attacks are reflected straigh t back at their other spells without harming the ring's function-
sources for full normal effect. Magical or nat- ing afte r the round in which the ring is estab-
ural lightning and other raw energy discharges lished. While encircled by the ring, the caster is
are protected against. Magic missiles are also immune to damage from all lightning attacks.
reflected . Fire is not protected against. Twice per round, the ring can emit a lightning
The material com ponents of the spell are a bolt that streaks straight outward in a directio n
drop of quicksilver and a shard of metal of any chosen by the caster. (The bolt rebounds at an
size. angle chosen by the DM if it strikes something
Notes : Known to the Seven Sisters and some so lid and nonliving. ) Such bolts cause 8d6
other wizards in the FORGOTTEN REALMS set- points of damage to all creatures in their path .
ting, rare ; virtually unknown elsewhere. Creatures wllo are struck are allowed a saving
throw vs. spell for baJf damage .

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537) 518

Lightning Shield

Alternatively, this spell can be cast to dis- Lightnh1g Rod

charge all at once. The ring forms in one round, (Abjuration)
spinning about the caster (w ho is protected
against all lightning damage for that round), Level: 6
then rises straight up and fires eight lightning Range: Special
bolts at once at up to eight different targets Components: V, S, M
cltosen by the caster. In doing so, the s pell Casting Time: 6
exhausts itself. The bolts inflict 8d6 points of Duration : I tum/level
damage each (save for half damage). Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius
The material components of this spell are a Saving Throw: None
ring of any size, fashioned of glass, and a bit of
fur from any animal. This spell require s a pole at least 6 feet long,
Notes: Known to the Seven Sisters and a few made entirely of metal. As the spell is com-
othe r wizards in the FOROOTTRN REALMS set- pleted, the rod implants itself firmly into the
ting, very rare; virtually unknown elsewhere. ground or stone floor. Any bolt of lightning-
natural, magically invoked, druidically sum-
Lightning Rod moned, blue or bronze dragon breath,
(Alterati on) etc.-coming within 30 feet of the rod is
diverted through the rod and into the ground.
Level: 3 Unless the intended targets are in the area of
Range: Touch effect of the electrical attack and between the
Components: V, S, M source and the rod, the electricity misses them.
Casting Time: 7 Short dfatance discharges (shocking grasp.
Duration: Special will'o-wisp attack, etc.) are not affected. Once
Area of Effect: 1 metal object planted, the rod cannot bemoved without break-
Saving Throw: None ing it until the magic expires or is dispelled. The
spell can bemade permanent or be used in con-
This spell forces magical lightning to a spe- junction with the enchant an item spell, also.
cific spot determined by the caster. When cast. The material component is a piece of copper
the wizard chooses a metal object to become the wire. The rod itself is not destroyed by the spell.
lightning rod (a sword, a lamppost, or a gold Notes: Very rare spell. (Updated from
piece) . The focal point of the spell cannot be POLYHEDRON Newszine.)
alive or heavier than 100 pounds. When any
ranged electrical attack occurs within 50 yards Lightning Shield
of a lightning rod, the energy is redirected and (Alteration , Evocation)
absorbed into it, negating the attack and destroy-
ing the object (if someone is in contact with the Level: 4
rod, that person receives the full damage of the Range:0
attack). If the object is not struck by a magical Components: V, S, M
electricity within 48 hours, the spell ends. Casting Time: 4
This spell was developed by a watch-wizard to Duration : 2 rds. + 1 rd./level
minimize random property damage when the Area of Effect: The caster
watch (or anyone) battled a mage in the streets. Saving Throw: None
This spell was ref med to limit lightning bolts and
similar energies, as they are a standard attack This spell much like the 4th-level spell fire
spell. Many wat ch-wizards cast this spell on shield , except that it protects against electricity
metal rods, tossing them clear when anticipating (chill) or acid (warm) attacks. The caster must
spell battles. One unscrupulous former mage was memorize the version be wants available. Tile
sentenced to Undennountain for casting this spell spell creates sparks around the caster's body. The
on a ring and selling the "magica l Lightning- color of the sparks is determined randomly (50%
enhancer ring" to a fellow guild member (when for either)-blue or wrutc if chill, blue or black if
the wearer cast rus lightning bolt, it centered on warm. Tile sparks produce a dim illumination
the ring, killing the mage with his own spell). equal to half that of a torch. They are harmless if
Notes: Known to the Watch-Wizards and touched, but will return certain attacks made
Guild ofWaterdeep in the F ORGOTIBN REALMs upon the caster. The shield powers are:
setting; common. A.) Chill Shield: The sparks are cooL Light-

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537) 519

"" LightningStorm r
ning-based attacks are saved agains t at a + 2 The caster is unharmed by the spell, even if Ile
bonus, with either one-half or no damage stands in the center of the storm, by this or any
taken . Acid-based attacks are normal , but if oilier electrical attacks or effects during the speU's
successful inflict double damage. duration. The material component include a shard
Tile materialcomponentfor this version is a of glas.5,a scrapof fur,a pieceof silver,anda flint.
small rubber ball. Notes : Uncommon for Weather or Storm
B.) Warm Shield : The sparks a:re warm. mages; otherwise very rare. Believed to origi-
Acid-based attacks are saved against at a + 2 nate from the WORLD OF GRYH.AWK se tting
bonus , with either one-half or no damage being (Updated from DRAGON Magazine ).
taken . Electricity-based attacks are normal, but
if successful inflict double damage . Lightning Strike
The material component is a scale from a (Evocation )
black dragon or a small piece of marble.
Any creature striking the spe llcaster with its Level: 2
body or a hand-lleld weapon inflicts normal dam- Range: 10 yds . + l yd./level
age, but the attack suffers the same amount. The Componen ts: V.S, M
attacker's magic resistance, if any is tested upon Casting Time: 2
the first successful lliL Successful resistance shat- Duration ; Instant.
ters the shield; failure means the magic resistance Area of Effect : l or 2 creatures
does not affect that casting of the spell Saving Tllrow :
Tllis spell does not work with afire shield. lf
both are placed on the same caster , they cancel This spell causes a small bolt of lightning I
each other in a brilliant flash , leaving the caster inch wide to shoot forth from the caster's out-
stunne d for l d3 rounds. stretched fingertip , striking the indicated target
Notes: Very rare. Known to be in the B lue for I d6 points of damage for every two levels of
Book of Du 'Morde, Vol. JI. (Updated from the caster (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, etc ., to a maxi-
DRAGON Magazine.) mum of 5d6 at 9th level ), with the target crea-
ture receiving a saving throw vs. spell for half
Lightning Storm damage. The bolt can be forked, striking two
(Evocation) creatures within IOfeet of each other for the fuJJ
effect. T he lightning strike is not powerful
Level : 8 enoug h to cause structural damage to a building
Range: 40 yds . + IO yds./level or wooden craft.
Components: V, S, M The spell is otherwise the same as the third
Casting Time: 8 level spell lightning bolt, except that the strike
Duration : I rd. will not rebound off solid materials such as
Area of Effect : 70 ft. diameter sphere stone walls.
Saving Tllrow : Notes : Very rare speJI. Known to be in the
Blue Book of Du 'Morde, Vol.I. (Updated from
This spell creates electrical discharges within DRAGON Magazine. )
a spherical area . Bolts oflig htning leap repeat-
edly about within this area , regardless of the Ligbtningcloak
presence or location of metal , wate r, or other (Alteration , Evocation )
conductors. All beings within thi s area take
6dl2 points of damage (unless immune to elec- Level: 6
trical damage), and all items must make a saving Range:0
throw vs. electricity . The magic prevents Light- Com ponents: V, S, M
ning from traveling along conductive paths out Casting Time : 6
of spelJ range; a man in full armor and a bather Duration: Maximum l turn + I rd./level
in a moat , both just outside the speJJ 's area of Area of Effect: The caster
effec t, will be unhar med . The 3rd -level light- Saving Tllrow: Spec ial
ning rod spell is negated by the large number of
bolts the storm generates. Tile 6th-level light- The lightning clo ak spelJ surrounds Ute
ning rod spell creates a 30-foot safe zo ne if the caster with a shimmering aura of lightning. Its
meta l po le survives an item saving throw vs . crackling sound is audible at a distance of 5
Liglltning (otherwise it is negated) . feet , and in dark. areas the caster is outlined as

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Liquid Earth r
ifby a faerie fire spell. Duration: Special
The cloak contains damaging electrical poten- Area of Effect: Special
tial of ld6 per level of the caster. The caster can Saving Throw: Special
discharge bolts oflighmiog at the rate of one bolt
per round, up to the po tential of the lightning- The limited wish is a very potent but difficult
cloak For example , a 12th- level wizardcancast spell.It will fulfill literally, but only partially or for
two 6--dice bolts, four 3-dice bolts, a 9-dice bolt a limited duration, the utterance of the spellcaster.
and three 1-die bolts , or any combination that Thus, the actuality of the past , present , or future
adds to 12 dice. The bolts crackl e outward to a might be altered (but possibly only for the wizard
distanceof 40 feet, and each will strike one crea- unless the wording of the spell is most carefully
ture. A saving throw vs. spell is allowed against stated) in some limited manner. The use of a lim-
each bolt for half damage . Bolts of 3d6 or more ited wishwill not substantially change major reali-
require saving throws for exposed items if the tar- or experience merely
ties, nor will it bring ,;a,'elllth
get creature fails its saving throw. The maximum by asking.The spellcan, for example, restore some
potential for the cloak is 18d6. hit points (or all hit points for a limited duration)
Anyone who touches a liglrtningcloakedwiz- lost by th.e wi2ard. It can reduce opponent hit prob-
ard is shocked fo r 1d6 points of damage; if a abilities or damage, increase duration of some
metal object (such as a metal weapon) is the magicaleffect, causea creatureto be fuvorably dis-
touching agent, a full 6 points of damage is sus- posed to the spellcaster, mimic a spell of 7th level
tained. No saving throws are allowed against or less, and so on (see also the 9th-level wislt
these shocks, but each d.ischarges Ld6 of the spell). Gree dy desires usually end in disaster for
cloak 's potential . the wisher. Casting time is based on the time spent
The lighmingcloak protects the wizard from preparing the wording for the spell (clever players
the effects of electrical attacks . These attacks, decide wha t they want to say before using the
after any magic resistance and saving throws spell). Normally, the casting time is one round
have been resolved, are absorbe d without harm (moStofit being takenup by deciding what to say).
to the wizard, up to a maximum of 2 points per Casting this spell ages the caster one year per I00
level (for example , 24 points for a 12th level years of regular life span (human- 1 year, half-
mage ). If the lightningc/oak absorbs m ore than linglhalf-elf- 2, dwartJgnome-4 , elf-5) .
its capacity of electrical damage, it discharges Notes: Common spell (PHB).
aU of its remaining bolt capac ity directly into
the caster (no saving throw). The caster must Liquid Earth
make a successful system shock check or lose (Alteration)
consciousness for 1d4 rounds.
The spell ends when all its bolts have bee n
used or if it absorbs mo re than its m ax.imum
(Provinu : Sand)

Level: 5
capacity of electrical damage . Otherwise, cloak Range:O
lasts one mm plus one roun d for each level of Com ponents: V.M
the wizard. Casting Time: 5
The material components for spell Duration: l hr. + I hr./level
include powdered ambe r and rose quartz {l 00 Area of Effect: 15-foot radius hemisphere
gp total value), and a bit of phosphorous . Also, Saving Throw: None
a finely woven cloak of no less than 500 gp
value must be worn; this can be re-used for Th is spell creates a hemisphere of airy earth.
subsequent castings of the spe ll. in which normal stone is magically tr ans -
Notes: Very rare spell. Know n to be in The form ed into a thickfog. Within this bubble ,
Book of Naz. (Updated from DRAOONMagazine.) crea tur es not native to the plane of elemental
Ea r th can move through its eanh, stone, and
L imited Wish clay as if passing through water. The spell also
(Conjuration/Summoning , Invocation/ enables those within its area to brea the nor-
Evocation) mally. The spell provides no light, however .
T he material compone n t is a bent tube of
Level : 7 nickel costing LOO gp.
Range : Unlimited Notes : Common fo r spellcasters from an
Components: V arabian setting; otherwise very rare .
Casting Time : Special

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537) 521

""", Liquid Orb
Li quid Orb points damage per gaJlon (eight pints) to any
(Conjuration/Summoning) fire-based creatures (fire elementals, salaman-
(Water) ders , etc.). The caster cannot makea called
shot (DMG, Chapter 9) with the sphere, and its
Level: 1 liquids cannot be used to blind opponents.
Range : O This spe ll can be used to supply the caste r
Components: V, S with small amounts of fresh drinking water, ink
Casting Time: 2 (nonmagical ), clothin .g dye, fruit juice, cider,
Duration: I tum + I rd./level soup, or any other known nonflammable liquid
Area of Effect: I pint/level that causes no damage to normal creatures
Saving Throw : None (thus excluding acids and poisons) ; the DM
and player may be fairly creative here . The
Wben the spell is cast, an orb of nonflamma- spell has an absolute limit of four gallons-a
ble liquid comes into existence in Ute caster's sphere the size of a small beach ball . A liquid
palm and is held by ilie mage through a magi- orb of one gallon or more must be thrown with
cal increase in the sphere 's surface tension. The both bands.
liquid maintains its spherica l shape untiJ Notes: Uncommo n for Water mages; other-
released by the caster or until the end of the wise very rare.
spell 's duration.
The temperature of the sphere is always that Little Bird
of ilie surrounding air (tempe ratures must be (Alteration)
above freezing and below boiling) and cannot (Mentalism)
be altered except through normal means . The
sphere can be thrown, but its accuracy is very Level: 1
poor (30-foot range , - 2 to hit) and it does no Range : 10 yds.
damage to nonfiery creatures. The sphere can Components: V, S
be used to put out fires covering up to four Casting Time: 1
square feet per pint. The orb also inflicts 1d4 Duration: I turn + 1/level
Area of Effect: I object
Saving Throw : None

By casting this spell, the caster can direct

one object to fly through the air under bis con-
trol. Although slow-moving (movement rate 6),
ilie object can turn and stop at will (maneuver-
ability class A) responding instantly to the
caster's mental commands. The affected object
can weigh no more llian J lb. per level of the
The little bird spell is gene.rally employed as
a laborsaving device, because its uses in com-
bat are limited. A caster attempting to wrest an
object from an enemy, for example , must over-
come the enemy's Strength (The enemy can
hold onto the object by making a successfu l
Strength check, with a - 2 bonus to the die roll) .
Alternatively , picking up a loose object and
hurling it at an enemy requires a successfuJ
attack roll and inflicts no more than ld.3 points
of damage. Some wizards, however, have bee.n
known to use this spell as a diversion (for
instance, ringing a gong next to an enemy's
Notes: Uncommon for mentalists and appor-
tation specialists; otherwise very rare.

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Living Link Locate Creature
(Divlnation , Necro mancy) (Divination )

Level: l Level : 4
Range: 90 yds. + 10 yds./level Range : 0
Components: V.S Com ponent s: V, S, M
Casting Time: 2 Casting Time : 4
Duration: l rd./level Duration : 1 tum/level
Area of Effect: 1 creatur e Area of Effect: 50 yds./level
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw : None

With this spell, a necromancer estab lishes a This spell is similar to the 2nd-level locate
sensory like between himself and any living object spell. Instead of finding an inanimat e
creature within range. 1f the caster knows a object, however , it allows the wizard to find a
specific creature or person within range, then creature. The wizard casts the spell, slowly turns,
the spell oan taJceeffecton that specificcrea- and is abJeto sensethe directionof thepersonor
ture. Otherwise, the Jiving link will be estab- creature , provided the subject is within the area .
lished with any sapient creature within range , The wizard learns how far away the cre ature is
determined randomly . and in what direction it is moving(if at all) .
Like the Ist-level spe ll corpse link. the liv- Th is spell can locate a ge nera l species of
ing link spell allows the caster to gather sen- creature (a hor se or umbe r hulk, for instance)
sory information from the vicinity of th.e target or c an be used to find a spec ifi c individual.
creature (s ight , sound, smell, tas te, or touch). The wizard must have physically seen the indi-
For every four levels of experience past the 1st, vidual or the type of creature at least once from
the n.ecromancer can co llect informatio n fro m :a distance of no more than IO yards.
an additional sense (up to two senses at 5th Unlike locate object, this spell is not block ed
level, three at 9th , four at 13th, and all five at by lead . It is blocked, however, by running
17th level). water (such as a river or stream ). Objects can-
The creature linked by this spell experiences not be found with this spell.
nothing to indicate that its senses have teen The material component is a bit of a blood-
tapped, and it remains in control of its o wn hound 's fur.
actions, entirely unaware of the magical co n- Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM).
nection to the necromancer. In other words, the
caste r cannot force the subject to look at some- Locate Object
thing (listen at a keyhole , taste a glass of wine, (Divination )
pick up an object, and so on). This spell merely Reve.rslbl e
enables the caster to directly experience the
wo rld through another creature's perceptions. Level: 2
For instance, looking through another crea- Range :0
ture's eyes gives the wizard a ll of its visual Components: V.S, M
capab ilitie s, such as infravision if the creature Casting Time: 2
has that ability . Duration : I rd./ level
While the spell is in effect , the living link Area ofEffect: 20 yds ./lcvel
overrides the wizard's own sensory percep- Saving Throw: None
tions. Thus, a wizard seei ng th roug h another
creature's eyes is unable to see through his This speUaids in locating a known or famiJfar
own. The spell can be ended at will with no object. The wizard casts the spell , slowly turns,
risk to the caste r. and senses when he is facing in the direction of
Notes: Uncommon for necroman ce rs and the object to be located, provided th e object is
diviners ; otherwise very rare . within range (that is, 60 yards for 3rd-level wiz-
ards, 80 yards for 4th, 100 yard s for 5th, etc .).
The spell can locate such objects as apparel ,
jewelry, furniture , tools , weapons, or even a lad-
der or stairway . Note that attempting to find a
sp ecific item , s uch as jewelry or a crown,
requires an accurate mental image; if the image

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537) 523

""\ LocatePortal
is not close enough to the actual , the spell does ence of unburied corpses or corporeal undead
not work. Des ired but unique objects canno t be (such as skeletons, zombies, or ghasts) , but
located by this spell unless they are known by will not reveaJ noncorporeal undead (such as
the caster . The spe ll is blocked by lead. Crea - ghosts or spec tres). The area of effect exten ds
tures cannot be found by this spell. in a 10-foot wide path, facing in the caster's
The material component is a forked twig . current direction. Scanning fo a direction
The reversal , obscure object, bides an object requires o n e round, during wh.ich time th e
from location by spell, ccysta l baJI, or similar caster remains motionless in conce ntration .
means for eight hours . Creatures can not be Locate remains is mostly unaffected by
affected by this spelJ. The material com p onent walls or obstacles , though the area of effect is
is a chameleon skin. decreased (to IO feet plus I foot/level) by more
Notes: Common spe ll (PHB). than three feet of soli d sto ne, ten feet of wood
or pa cked earth, or one inch of metal.
Locate Portal In the most general applications, the spell

(Divination) precise ly locates any and all physical remains
of individual s in the area o f effect, regardless
Level: 2 of sex, species , and undead status . This spell
Range : Special does not impart any knowledge regar d ing the
Compo nent s: V, S, M identity (or undead nature ) of the remains; only
Casting Time: I turn the current locations of corpses within the area
Duration : 1 rd. of effect are learned.
Area of Effect: Special If a per sona l item or small fragment of the
Saving Throw: None deceased individual is available at th e time of
casting, the spell can be used to locate the remains
This spell can be cast only within J00 yards of of that specific individual. In that case, the spell
the surface of a crystal shell. The caster of a locate does not register the presence of any remains
portal spell can find the nearest portal ithrough the except those of the desired individual.
ccystal shell either into or out of the Flow {phlo- Both the general and specific versions of the
giston). The spell indicates direction and distance spell have no effect if cast on a Living creature
(either in miles or in travel time, should th.e wizard of any type.
know the particulars of his own ship). The material component for this spell is
In general, from any point on a crystal shell, either a small piece of bone from a human
a portal suitable for a normal-sized ship can be cadave r (for the general version) or else an arti-
fou nd within 2- 20 days travel. At the DM 's cle of clothing, personal possession , or strand
option, there ma y be more portals available, of hair (for the spe cific versfon). This spell is
fewer, or none at all. popular in regions with strict burial customs.
The material component of thi s spell is a Notes: Common for necro man cers, witch-
conch shell. doctors, and Savage rnages; otherwise very rare.
Notes: Common for spellcasters from a
spelljamrning culture; otherwise ve.ry rare . Lock
Reversedform, see knock_
Locate Remains
(Divi nation, Nec.romancy) Long Reach, Doblark 's
See Duhlark's long reach.
Level: I
Range:O Lorloveim 's Creeping Shadow
Components : V, S, M (Illusion)
Casting Time: 1 rd. (Shadow)
Duration: l tum + 5 rds./level
Area of Effect: path, 10 ft. wide x Level: 3
30 ft. + 5 ft./level long Range: 0
Saving Throw: None Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 7
This spell attunes the caster to th.e physical Duration: I rd ./level
remains of dead beings in the area of effect. Area of Effect: The caster 's shadow
Locate remains will thus easily detect the pres- Saving Throw: None

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537) 524

Lose the Path,-

This spell causes tl1e wizard's sha dow to

elongate, stretching away from his body at a
rate of 15 yards per round. It can elonga te a
maximum distance of 10 yards per level of the
The shadow moves as an ordinary shadow,
along floo r s and up wa lls. Tbe caster can
maneuver in any manne r feasi ble to place the
shadow whe re he desi res. For exam ple , the
caster might positio n his sh adow over a high
window in a tower in order to spy on the tower 's
occupants. The shadow makes no sound and is
90% unde tectable in all bu.t the most brightly
lit surro undings .
While the spe ll lasts, the illusionist can see,
bear , and speak t hrough his sha dow. T he
shadow cannot physically touch, pick up, or
attack creatu res or objects . It can be struck
only by spells, magical weapons of+ 1 or bet-
ter, or other special attacks (suc h as a dragon's
breath) . The shadow has the same Armor Class
as the caster. Hit points lost by the shadow are
suffered by the caster.
To cast the spell, a light source ofa t least the
brightness of a candJe must be present. The
caster must also have a smal l statuette of the
caste r sculpted from a piece of obsidian worth
at least 1,000 gp. become insubs tantia l. The creature can pass
Notes: Uncommon or rare spell (ToM). through small holes , narrow openings , and the
smallest cracks . The creature canno t fly with -
L orloveim's Shadowy out additional magic.
Transformation No form of attack is possible when in
(Illusion) shadow form except against creatures that exist
(Shadow) on the Ethereal plane . In this case , all attacks
are normal; however, the shadowy creature can
Level: 6 be harmed only by magical weapons of+ I or
Range : Touch greater or by cre-atu res able to affect tnose
Components: V.S struck on ly by magical weapons . Spells and
Casting Time: 6 specia l attacks have normal effects .
Duration : 1d4 rds. + l rd./level Most und.ead creatures will ignore a creature
Area of Effect: Special i.nshadow form, believing it to be a wraith or
Saving Throw: Neg. spectre ; however, liches and powerful undead
may save vs. spell with a~ penalty to recog-
Wnen this spell is cast, the illusionist trans- nize the spell. A successful dispel magic spell
forms one creature or a specified volu me of forces the creature in shadow form back to nor-
nonliving mate r ial into shadow, making i t mal form .
insubstantial. Thus , a door could be turned to Notes: Uncommon or rare spell (ToM).
shadow and entered. The maximum amount of
inanima te material that can be transformed is Lose Face
one cubic foot per level of the caster. Reversed form, see face.
Unwilling creatures are allowed a saving
throw vs. spell to resist the shadowy transfor - Lose the Pat h
mation. Magical items and the spell effects Reversed form, see find the path.
(such as Bigby s forceful h and or a wall of
stone) cannot be affected.
A transformed creature and all its gear

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537) 525

' Love-Witch
Love - Witch someone not present, the spelJ's effects are felt
(Enchantment/Charm) only when the subject first sees that person.
Second, to the normal effects of a charm per-
Level: 7 son (trust and friendship) are coup led a strong
Range : Touch desire for romance.
Components: V, S The caster must have in her possession
Casting Time : 7 something belonging to both the subject and
Duration: Special the spell's object in order to cast this spell.
Area of Effect 1 male human, demihuman , or Notes: Restricted to those of gypsy blood,
hwnanoid witches of good or neutra.l alignm.ent, or a spe-
Saving Throw: Neg. cialist in this type of magic. Those who have
access to this spell do not have access to the
With a simple touch of her hand, the caster charm person spell and vice versa; uncommon.
can create in the creature to uched an undying
devotion and infatuation toward her. The sub- Lower Resistance
ject is allowed a sav ing throw vs.. spell to (Abjuratlon,Alteratlon)
negate the effect.
A male subject failing the saving throw is Level: 5
affected as if he bad imbibed a philter of love Range : 60 yds.
(see Appendix 3 of the DMG) . He is charme d Components: V, S, M
and regards the caster as his one true be loved, Casting Time: 5
willingly fo ll owing her least suggestion and Duration : 1 tum + 1 rd./level
defending her from all harm . Area of Effect I creature
The love spell is one of the most _powerful Saving Throw:None
charms known, and the recipien t can never free
himself unless the witch releases him, or a lim- Using this spell , a wizard can attempt to
ited wish or wish spell is used to break the reduce the magic .resistance of a target crea-
spell. Even the caster's most hostile and objec- ture. The magic resistance of the subject works
tionable orders or actions - including direct against the lower resistance spell itself , but at
attacks against the charme d character or suici- only half its normal value. No saving throw is
da 1 commands - will do no more than tem- permitted in addition to magic resistance. This
porarily drive the subject from her presence for spell has no effect on creatures that have no
a period of 1 to 12 hours, after whic h the sub- magjc resistance.
jec t cautiously returns , hoping that the love of A target creaturetbat does not resist the effects
his life may have forgiven him. of the spell bas its magic resistancereduced by a
Notes: Restric ted to witches of good or neu- base 16% plus 1% per level of the caster (that is,
tral alignment ; un.common. a base 25% reduction at 9th level).
The material component is a broken iron
Love Charm Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM) . Note that
(Enchantment/CbaTIII) the base is substantially reduced from the orig-
(Song) inally published form.

Level: 3 Lower Water

Range : 120 yds. (Alteration )
Components: V, S, M (Water)
Casting Time: 1 Reversible
Duration: Special
Area of Effect : I person Level: 6
Saving Throw : Neg. Range: 80 yds.
Components: V.S, M
This spell is identical to charm person in all Casting Time: l tum
respects but two. First, the caster specifies that Duration : 5 rds./level
the subject become enthralled with a person of Area of Effect: I 0-ft./level square
the opposite sex. This may be herself or anyone Saving Throw : None
else whose name the caste r knows . If it is

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

' .
The wizard casting a lower water spell Lubricit y
causes water or similar fluid in the area of (Alteration)
effect to sink away. The water can be lowered (Alchemy)
up to 2 feet for every experience level of the
wizard, to a minimum depth of I inch. The Level: 3
water is lowered within a square area whose Range: 30 yds.
sides are 10 feet long per caster level. Thus, a Components: V, S, M
12th-level wizard affects a volume of 24 feet x Casting Time: 3
120 feet x 120 feet, a 13th-level caster a vol- Duration: I rd./level
ume of26 feet x 130 feet x 130 feet, and so on. Area of Effect: Special
In extremely large and deep bodies o(water, Saving Throw: Special
such as deep ocean, the spell creates a
whirlpool that sweeps ships and similar craft This spell has three basic applications: it can
downward, putting them at risk and rendering be cast on an individual creature, on a single
them unable to leave by normal movement for object of 12 cubic feet volume or less, or on a
the duration of the spell. When cast on water 20-foot square patch of floor.
elementals and other water-based creatures, In its personal application, lubricity acts as oil
this spell acts as a slow spell: The creature of slipperiness. It does not hinder the recipient's
moves at half speed and makes half the number ability to move, but it renders him immune to any
of attacks each round. It has no effect on other kind of grappling, grasping, or constriction attack
creatures. and allows him to instantly free himself from any
The material component of this spell is a kind of entangling ropes, bonds, or webs.
small vial of dust. When applied to an object, the item becomes
Its reverse, raise water, causes water or simi- impossible to pick up, carry, or handle. If cast on
lar fluids to return to their highest natural level: an object held by a creature, the creature is allowed
spring flood, high tide, etc. This can make a saving throw vs. spell to negate the effect.
fords impassable, float grounded ships, and If cast on a floor or similar surface, lubricity
may even sweep away bridges, at the DM 's makes a 20-foot square extremely slick. Any crea-
option. It negates lower water and vice versa. ture standing in or moving into the area has a 95%
The material component of the raise water chance to slip and fall. A fallen creature can
spell is a small vial of water. regain its footing with a successful saving throw
Notes: Common spell (PHB). vs. spell, or it can choose to crawl or roll out of the
area at the rate of 10 feet per round. Note that
Loyalty - Paramand er creatures on the ground may suffer defensive
(Enchantment/Charm) penalties (see Combat in thePHB or DMG).
The material component is a pinch of pow-
Level: 4 dered graphite.
Range: 40 yds. Notes: Rare spell. (Updated from POLYHEDRON
Components: V, S Newszine).
Casting Time: 1 rd.
Duration: 1 rd./level Lucubration , Mordenkainen 's
Area of Effect: 10 ft./level radius See Mordenkainen 's lucubration.
Saving Throw: None
All creatures of I Hit Die or less , or below (Enchantment/Charm)
1st level, within the area of effect of this spell (Song)
become immediately loyal to the paramander Reversible
for the duration of the spell. They obey com-
mands (if understood) and will fight to the Level: 7
death alongside the paramander. Creatures of Range:0
more than I Hit Die or above 0 level remain Components: V, M
unaffected by the spell. Extension, dilation, Components: V (singing), M
permanency, and similar effects have no effect Casting Time: 1, speoial
on the spell. Duration: Special
Notes: Restricted to paramanders (rare pal- Area of Effect: 120-ft. radius
adins that use wizard spells); common. Saving Throw: Special

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
""':, Lysander's Bladestorm

Lullaby is a special spell-like tune that is damage , but there's no general protection
effective only when played on an instrument by against the beheading effect other than a pro-
a character proficient in both singing and the tection from normal missiles spell or a brooch
instrument used. It immediately puts all living of shielding, both of which deflect shards
humanoids within the area of effect to sleep ; di rected at the protected creature. The shards
elves go into a state of reverie instead. Crea- attack once per round until they hit a target,
tures with 6 or more Hit Dice or levels are enti- then shatter, leaving only bits of murky water
tled to a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the behind.
enchantment entirely. The DM should select an Notes: Very rare spell, useful primarily on the
appropriate tune for the spell (Brahm s Lullaby, plane of Acheron in the PLANESCAPE setting.
for example) . The effect occurs as soon as the
tune is started, although if the caster is inter- Lysander 's Kaleidoscope
rupted before 5 rounds have passed, those (Alteration )
affected will awaken in I d4 rounds.
The spell lasts until countered , although Level: 3
affected creatures do not age or need special Range: 20 yds.
attention. Of course , they can be slain automat- C.omponents: V, S, M
ically , but loud noise , slapping, and even Casting Time: 3
wounds will not waken them . The only known Duration: 1 tum/level
way to bring a creature out of this spell's effect Area of Effect: I creature
is through a limited wish, wish. or arise spell Saving Throw: Neg.
(the reverse of the lullaby spell).
This spell can be cast but once per month ; This spell transforms the target creature 's
otherwise the caster will suffer some mis- eyes into bulbous, prismlike compound ones ,
chance or physical ill. like those of insects or rust dragons. Anywhere
The reverse of the spell , aris e, is also cast but on the layer of Acheron called Ocanthus ,
through the playing of a musical instrument , this fractures the creature's vision into a thou -
although it requires a full turn to take effect. sand overlapping images and prismat ic light ,
The DM should select an appropriate rousing causing dizziness and nausea. The creature suf-
tune for this spell (such as the final movements fers a -4 penalty to all melee attack rolls, can-
ofTchaikovsky's 1812 Overture ). The arise not make missile or long-range spell attacks,
spell will counter lullaby, sleep, slumber. and and loses 5 points of Dexterity for the duration
similar spells of 6th level or less. of the spell. Cure blindness spells have no
No te s: Very rare spell. (Updated from effect on the condition. Dispel magic works
P OL YHEDRON Newszine .) The spell was origi- normally , though a system shock roll is
nally introduced as a 5th level spell in a sce- required for the transformation to avoid bleed-
nario built around an NPC' s use of the effect. ing from the eyes. If the system shock roll
fails, the subject suffers Id 10 points of damage
Lysander's Bladestorm and suffers permanent blindness , curable only
(Conj uration/ Summoning) through a cure blindness or regeneration spell.
On Ocanthus , the strange oily black eyes
Level: 7 allow the affected creature to see and avoid
Components : V, S each and every razor shard nearby. Otherwise,
Range: 10 yds ./level the creature's vision is normal.
Casting Time: 7 Notes: Very rare spell , useful primarily in
Duration: 1 rd ./level Ocanthus on the plane of Acheron in the
Area of Effect: 10 yd./level radius PLANESCAPE setting.
Saving Throw:

When cast on any layer of Acheron , the

b/adestorm spell summons I d6 shards of the
razor-ice of Ocanthus. Each shard strikes with
a THAC0 of I 1 and inflicts 1d8 points of dam-
age per level of the ca ster , plus severing the
target's head on a roll of 20. A target creature
making a saving throw vs. spell takes only half

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Mace, Belsham 's Material Plan e, with flotsam from a

See Belsham 's mace . wreck . Characte rs from the same ship
may be cast up as a group or scatte red far apart
Maelstrom (DM's option). Those who fail the second sav-
(Conjuration/ Summonin g) ing throw are dragged fully into the Plane of
(Water) Elemental Water . Unless these individuals can
somehow breathe underwater, or have friends
Level : 9 among the marids near such an area , their
Range: 120 yds . + 10 yds ./level prospects are grim ; I f they don 't drown, they'll
Components: V.S, M probably be enslaved by the marids.
Casting Time : 9 The material component of this spell is a
Duration : 1d 10 rds. diamond worth at least l 0,000 gp . The gem is
Area of Effect: l50-yd. radius crushed when the spe ll is cast.
Saving Throw : Special Not es: Common for Sea mages or th ose
from an arabian setting; otherwise very rare .
When cast upon the sea (or large lake) , the
ma-elstrom spell punches a hole right through Mage Tunnelt t
the Prime Material Plane into the Elemental {Alteration )
Plane of Water. A huge whirlpool appears for (Dimension)
1d10 rounds, sucking everything close to it
into the Elemental Plane of Water. At the end Level: 9
of that time, the rift between the planes seals Rang e : Special
and the sea returns to normal. Componen ts: V, S, M
The whirlpool has a dark center like a bulls- Casting Time : 9
eye , su.rrounded by a ring of switling water. Duration: Special
The center has a 50-yard ra.cliu.s.The surround- Area of Effect: Special
ing ring is another l 00 yards wide (giving the Saving Throw: Special
entire whirlpool a 150-yard radiu.s). All vessels
within the whirlpool's center must make a sea- When cas t, mage tunnel opens up a magical
worthiness check with a - 20% modifier each passageway between rhe caster and an area
round . Failure indicates that they are sucked known to the caster no more than 1,000 miles
into the Elemental P lane of Water . Success away, through which the caster can freely
means they simply hold their ground; they have travel. The only restriction on the spell is that
no choice but to hang on until the spell elapses the destination must be out-of-doors and in a
or until they are sucked through. location with which the caster is familiar.
Vessels within the I00-yard border around The tunnel can be used to kidnap other s. ln
the cente r must also make a seaworthiness this case, the tunnel is cast to appear next to the
check each round . Success indjcates that they victim. Anyone within 5 feet of either opening
can sail under "adverse' ' condi tions . Creatures then make a success fu.lsu.rprise roll or be
and spells that affect water also may help them immediately drawn into the tunnel , sucked
move from the area. Failure means the y are thr ough it, and expelled at the oth er end. Fur-
dragged 20 yards toward the center . thermore, the victim at the oppos ite end of the
An individual in the border area who is not mage tunnel must roll for sur prise wit h a -2
aboard a ship is dragged 50 yards per round penalty, since the appearance of this spe ll is usu-
toward the cente r. ally totally unexpected . The caster himself is not
Allies who control water or use magic may affected, need not roll to resist the suction, and
help; mere swimming bas no effect. An indi- may enter the tunnel or not at his discretion.
vidual in the center of the maelstrom who is Szass Tam developed this high-level transporta-
not aboa rd a vessel must make a saving throw tion i.-pell,then cliscovered its use in kidnapping
vs . death magic each round to avoid being or in sending away unwanted visitors.
sucked through the whirlpool. Success indi- The mage tunnels material component is a
cates the character holds his ground. Failure I-in ch length of cop per tubing engraved with
calls for another saving throw. If a second save silvered runes.
vs . death ma gic succeeds, the indiv idu a l is Notes: Unique; known to SzassTam ofThay
merely cas t up somewhere else in the Prime in the FORGOITEN REALMS setting.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

- --
.. -

--- ~. -
- -~
- ..


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

MegicDrain r
Magic Aura, Nystul's Magic Ear
See Nystul 's magic aura . (Alteration)

Magic Boomerang Level : 2

Aka magi c disk . Range : 40 yds . + IO yds ./level
Components: V, S, M
Magic Cloud, Odeen 's Casting Time : 2
See Odeen 's magic cloud . Duration : 4 rds. + 1 rd ./level
Area of Effect : 3-ft. radius circle
Magic Defiance Undone Saving Throw : None
A M rSTAJU se tting spell , aka pierce magic
resistance . This spell amplifies all sound within the
area of effect , so any normal sound can be
Magic Disk-Witch heard clearly through as much as 1,000 feet of
(Invocation/Evocation) air , IO feet of wood, or I foot of stone . The
(Force) smaJI circle from which sound is amplified can
be moved within range as long as the spell
Level : I lasts. Very loud sounds (the roar of a lion or
Range : 20 yds . dragon) and sounds that are already magically
Comp onen ts: V, S, M amplified {the roar of an androsphinx or drag -
Casting Time : 1 onne , a shout spell , etc .) overload and cancel
Duration : I turn the spell , leaving the recipient stunned for ld4
Area of Effect: 1 creature per rd. rounds unless he makes a successful saving
Saving Throw : Non e throw vs. petrification . Like the 3rd-level clair
voyance and si milar spells , an invisible magi-
This spell conjure s a glowing disk of magi- cal sensor is created at the spell 's center .
cal energy about a foot in diameter . The witch A silence cast directly againstthe magic ear
can throw the di s k at opponents once per spell negates it . An amulet of proof aga inst
round. The device confers a +3 bonus to attack detectionand location or other magical protec -
roll s and can affe ct creatures struck only by tion against detection might defeat the spell , at
magical weapons . The disc can be hurled at an the DM 's option .
opponent fleeing around a comer and it will The material component is a feather from a
follow, but this reduc es the attack bonus to +1. giant owl's head.
A hit inflicts l point of damage upon the target Notes: Very rare spell. ( Updated from
creature . After each throw , the disk returns to POLYHEDRON New szine) .
the wit ch 's hand, ready for the next mund.
instead of throwin g the disk multiple times , Magic Drain
the witch may instead choose to expend all the (Evocation)
di sk 's energy in a single hit. In this event, the
magi c disk infli cts ld6 points of damage, plus Level : 8
I po int per level to a maximum o f 1d6 + I 0 . Range : 60 yds.
Th e witch can specify normal or subdual dam- Components : V, S, M
age (the latter is 25% real and 75% temporary) . Duration: Instantaneous
If the witch misses , the disk: return s and can be Casting Time: 4
thrown ea ch round, until a hit is scored or the Area of Effect : I weapon
durat ion runs out. Saving Throw : SpeciaJ
Th e material component is a silver piece .
Notes: Restri cted to witches (and optionally This spell permanently drains the enchant -
force mages ); common . An earlier version of ment from one magical weapon . The casting
thi s spell , differing only in the s hape of the wizard must be within 60 yards of the weapon
force , was magic boomerang (which might be and have a clear view of it.
aJlowed to Savage mage s). If the caster holds the weapon , no saving
throw is necce ssary . If the weapon is in the
possession of another individual or creature,
the weapon is allowed a saving throw vs. disin -
tegration modified by the level of the wield er.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""':, Magic Fist
For example, a sword would normally require a Magic Jar
saving throw of 17 or bener 10 resist the effect; (Nec roman cy)
in the hands of a 6th-level fighter , it would (Mentalism>
need an I J or better.
The spell's effect is limited to one type of Level: 5
magic of no greater than a +5 bonus . Against a Range : IOyds./level
swo rd + 1. +3 vs. lycanthropes. for example, Components: V, S, M
this spell could negate ei ther the + l bonus or Casting Time: I rd.
the +3 bonus. A second spell would be required Duration: Special
to negate both bonuses . Area of Effect: I creature
The material component is a vial that once Saving Throw: Special
held a magical potion .
Note s: Common on Cerilia, the BIR1"HR1GHT The magi c jar spell enables the cas ter to
setting; unknown elsewhere. This spell func- shift his lifeforce into a special receplacle (a
tions only when cast in the Cerilian setting. gem or large crystal). From there the caster can
force an exchange of lifeforce s between the
MagJc Fist receptacle and another creatu re, thus enabling
(Conjur ation/S umm onfog) the wizard to take over and control the body of
(Mentalism) another creature, while the Jifeforce of the host
is confined in the recepracle. The special life-
Level: l force receptacle must be within spell range of
Range: 5 yds./level the wizard's body at the time of spellcasting.
Components: V, S The wizard's lifeforce shifts into the receptacle
Casting Time: J in the round in which the casting is completed,
Duration : 3 rds. + I rd./level allowing no other actions .
Area of Effect: Creates I fist While in the.magic jar, the caster can sense
Saving Throw : Neg . and attack any lifeforce within a 10-foot-per-
level radius (on the same plane); however, the
This spell conjures a glowing fis1 of noncor- exact creature types and reu1tive physical l)OSi -
poreal energy that can be used to telekineti- tions cannot be determined. 1na group of lifc-
cally pummel the caster's foes . forces. the caster can sense a difference of four
The caster can attack any creature within the or more Jevels / Hil Dice and can determine
spell range , requiring a successful attack roll to whether a lifeforce is positive or nega1ive
bit. A hit inflicts I d4-1 points of damage per energy.
caster level (minim um 1 point of damage per For example , if two I 0th-level fighters are
die) to a maximum of 10d4-10 at JOth level. attacking a liliU giant and four ogres, the caster
Any creature reduced to Ohit points is knocked cou.ld determine that there are 1hree stronger
out for 2d6 rounds , but only 25% of the dam- and four weaker lifeforces within range , all
age is actual. with positive Life energy. The caster could try
The magi c fist delivers a solid blow that to take over ,either a stronger or a weaker crea-
might also prove useful for triggering traps , ture , but be lhas no control over exactly which
moving small objects, or performing othe r creature is attacked.
unsubtle manipulations wit h in the spell's An attempt to take over a host body requires
range. a full round. It is blocked by a protection from
The fist is an emanation of the caster's men- evil spell or similar ward. h is successful only
tal power. lt does not take da.mage. and physi- if the subject fails a saving throw vs. spell with
cal objects pass through it. While the caster is a special modifier (see following ). The saving
manipulating the fist, no action is possible throw is modified by subtracting the combin .ed
ex.cept for movement at no more than half the Intelligence and Wisdom scores of the target
caster's normal movement rate. creature from those of the wizard (Intelligence
Notes: Very rare spell. Known to be in Pris- and Hit Dice in nonhuman or nonbumanoid
mal's Pocket Librory. Vol. I. creatures). This modifier is added to (or sub-
tracted from) the die roll.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

D iffer ence Die Adju stment A successful dispel magic spell cast on the
- 9' or less +4 host can drive the caster of the magic ja r spell
-8 to-6 +3 back into the receptacle and prevent him from
-5 10 - J +2 making any attacks for I d4 r ounds plus 1
-2 toO +I round per level of the caster of the dispel. The
+1 to +4 0 base su ccess chance is 50%, plus or minus 5%
+5 to +8 - 1 per level difference between the casters. A suc-
+9 to +12 -2 cessful dispel magic cast against the receptacle
+ 13 or more -3 forces the occupant back into bis own body. lf
the wizard who cast the magic Jar is forced
A negative score indicates that the wizard back into his own body, the spell ends .
has a lower total than the target creature; lhus, If the host body is slain, the caster returns to
lhe host has a saving throw bonus . Failure to the receptacle, if within range, and the lifeforce
take over the host leaves the wizard's lifeforce of the hosl departs (i.e., it is dead) . If the host
in the magic jar . body is slain beyond the range of th e spe ll .
Jf successful, the caster's lifeforce occupies both !he host and the caster die.
the host body and the host's lifeforce is con- Any lifeforce with nowhere to go is treated
fined in the magic jar receplacle . The caster as slain unless recaUed by a raise dead , res11r-
can call upon rudimentary or instinctive knowl- rectio11.or similar spell
edge of tl1e subject creature, but not upon its If the body of the caster is slain, his lifeforce
real or acquired knowledge (i.e ., the wizard survives if it is in either the receptacle or th e
does not automatically know th e language or host. If Lhe receptacle is destroyed while the
spe lls of the creature). The caster retains llis caster's lifeforce occupies it, the caster is irrev-
own attack rolls. class knowledge and training, ocably slain.
and any adjustmentS due to his Intelligence or Notes: Common spell (PHB ).
Wisdom. If the host body is human or human-
oid, and the necessary spell compone nts are Magic Manager
available, the wizard can even use his memo- (Chronomancy)
rized spells. The host body retains its own hit
points and physical abilities and properties. Level: 6
The DM decides if any additional modifica- Range: 0
tions are ne cessa ry ; for example, perhaps Components: V, S, M
c lumsin ess or inefficiency occurs if the caster Casting Time: 6
must become used to the new form. The align- Duration: 1 rd./2 levels
ment of the hos t or re ce ptacle is that of the Area of Effect : The caster
occupying lifeforce . Saving Throw: Neg. 1
The caster can shift freely from the host to
the receptacle if within the 10-foot-pe r-leve l This spell dela ys the time normally spent
range. Each attempt to shift requires one each round recovering from the effects of spell-
round . The spell ends when Lbe wizard shifts casring. This allows for multiple spellc,
from the jar to his own body. but 2 rounds of rest are requ ired after the
magi c manager's duration ends , during which
the caster ca n perform no casting or co mbat
actions (dri nking potions and moving are
allowed) .
The round after this spell is cast, the cas ter
rolls initiative and adds the casting time of
whatever spell Ile wishes to cast. At that spell's
conclusion, the ch ronomanc er roll s another
Id IO (to assess the situation and choose a new
spell) and adds the next casting time. When the
total reaches 30 or a multiple of 30 , a new
round bas begun .
This method is used for tile duration of the
spell or until the chronomancer stops casting
spells. ff the chronomancer performs an action


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

"""\ MagicMirror
other than casting speUs at any time, the action
talces place in the following round, and then the
count starts over again the round after that.
For exam ple, assume a chronomancer casts 3
spe lls in a row,with casting times of 5, 4, and 6,
and roHs initiatives of 9, I, and 7. Two spells are
cast in the first round (totals of 14, then 19), and
the third spell is cast in the second round with
an in itiat ive of 2 (32 total 30). T he c hr ono-
mancer th en decides to drink a potion . Tbe
potion is imbibed in round 3, and tbe cbrono-
mancer can start castingspeUs again in round 4.
Only spells of 4th level or lower can be cas1
while using the magic manager, and no spel'I
can be cast more than once while the spell is
niU running . Doing so ends th e magic man-
ager's effect
The materia l com pon en ts a re a humming-
bird's tongue and some poppy seeds.
Notes: Restricted to chronomancc rs; co m-

Magic Mirror
(Dfvlnatfo n, Enchantme nt)

Level: 4
Range : Touch
Components: V.S, M Magic Missile
Casting Time: I hr. (Evocatio n)
Duration : I rd./level (Force)
Area of Effec1: Special
Saving Throw: None Level : I
Range: 60 yds. + I Oyds./level
By means of this spell, the wizard changes a Components: V, S
normal mirr or into a scrying device simi lar to a Casting Time : 1
crystal ball. The details of the use of such a Duration : Instantaneous
sc r ying device are found in t he DM G (in Arca of Effect: 1-5 targets i.n a 10-ft. cube
Appendix 3: Magical Item Descriptions, under Saving Throw : None
the description for the crystal ball).
The following spells can be cast through a Use of the magic missile spell creates up to
magic mirror : comprehend languages, read five missi les of magical energy that dart forth
magic, tongues. and infravision . The following from t he w izard's finge rtip and unerr ingl y
spell s have a 5% chance per level of the caste r strike their target . This in cludes enemy crea-
of oper ating c orrectly : detect magic, detec t tures in a melee . The target creature must be
good or evil, and message. The base chan ces seen or otherw ise detected to be hit, however,
for the subjec t to detect any crystal ball-l ike so near -total concealment, such as that offered
sp ell are listed in the DMG (again, under tbe by arrow slits, can ren der the speU ineffective .
description for the crystal ball). Likewise, the caster must be able to identify
The mirro r used must be of finely wrought the targe t. He cannot direct a magic missile to
and highly polishe d silver and cost not less than " Strike the commander of the legion," unless
J ,000 gp. This mirror is not harmed by cas ting he can single out the commander from the rest
the spell , but the other material components - of the sol diers. Specific parts ofa creature can-
the eye of a hawk, an eagle, or even a roe , and not be sing led out. Inan ima te objects (locks ,
nHric acid, copper, and zinc-are used up. etc.) ca nnot be damaged by the spell, and any
Notes: Common spell (PHB). attemp t to d o so wa stes the mi ssi les to no


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


effect Against creatures. each missile inflicts Magic Mo uth

Id4 + I points of damage . (Alteration)
For every two extra levels of experience , the
wizard gains an additional missile-be has two Level : 2
at 3rd level, three at 5th level , four at 7th level, Range : 10 yds.
etc. , up to a total of five missiles at 9th level. If Components : V, S, M
the wizard has multiple missile ca pability. he Casting Time : 2
can have them strike a single target creature or Duration : Special
several c reatures within a 10-foot cube as Area of Effect: I object
desired . Saving Throw : None
Notes: Common speU (PHB).
When th is spell is cast, the wizard imbues
Magic Missile Re flectio n the chosen object with an enchante d mouth that
(Abjuration , Alteratio n) suddenly appears and speaksits message when
a specified event occurs . The message, which
Level: 2 must be of 25 words or Less,can be in any Lan-
Range : Touch guage known by the spe ll ca ster , and can be
Components : V, S, M delivered over a period of one tum. The mouth
Casting Time : 2 cannot speak magical spell s or use comman d
Duration : 2 rds. + 1 rd./ level words . It does, however , move to the word s
Area of Effect: Ct'C8ture touched arti c ulated - if it is placed upon a sta tu e, the
Saving Throw: None mouth of th e statue would actually move and
appear to speak . Of course, the magic mouth
Tru s dweome r weaves an invisible field can be placed up on a tree, rock , door , or any
ar ound the body of the recipient that refle cts other object, exc ludin g intelligent members of
magic missiles entirely back at their source, so the animal or vegetable kingdoms .
that the prote cted creature takes no harm. The The spell functions when specifi c conditions
mi ssiles are reflected for ful l damage unless are fulfil led, according to the command of the
the source is protected against them . spellcaste r. Some examples are to speak "to the
The spell can be trans ferred by the prote c ted first creature that touches you," or "to the first
being to another creature by willing the magic creature that passes within 30 feet.~ Com-
to move and speak ing the one-word initial mands can be as gene ral or as deta il ed as
incantation as the new recipient is touched. The desired, although only visua l and audible trig-
incantation is made initially by the caster as gers can be used, such as the fotuowing: "Speak
s he tou c hes a s pell recipient , who probably only when a venerable female human carryi ng
hea .r s it well enough to repeat it. A being so a sack of groat cluste rs sits crosslcgged within
bestowing the spell need not be a speilcastcr. I foot." Such visual triggers can react to a char -
These transfers can be done as often as desired, acte r using the disguise abil it y. Co m mand
but only once per round, and only one creature range is 5 yards per level of th e wizard, so a
is prote cted at any given time . The spell dura- 6th - level wizard ca n co mmand t he magic
tion is not extended or shortened by transfers . mouth to speak at a maximum encounter range
Thi s spe ll was once known as Shala ntha s of 30 yards (" Speak when a winged creature
kiss because that long-ago sorceress of Myth comes within 30 yard s.") . The spell lasts until
Drannor bestowed its protection on co mpan- the speak command can be fuJfilled; thus, the
ions in the adventuring band she led by means spell duration is variab le. A magic mouth can-
of a kiss . not distinguish invisible creatures , alignments,
The mater ial compo nent of tbe speU is a level , Hit Di ce , or class, except by externa l
drop oflhe caster 's saliva . garb . If desired, the effect can be keyed to a
Notes: Rar e or very rare in. the rORGOTi l! N specific noise or spoken word.
Rut.M s setting ; virtually unknown elsewhere . Th e m aterial component of th is spell is a
small bil of honeycomb.
Notes: Common spell (PHB).


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

"': MagicResistance - Pluma
Magic Resistanc e - Pluma
(Abjuration )

Level: 4
A Spell s remain in the staff unt il cast or di s-
pelled, or up to I hour per level of the cas ter.
After this time, al l stored spell s away .
(Note that on low magic worlds , M4 or less, the
Range: O staff will not function , though it will function
Components : V, S, M normally if taken to a higher magic world
CastingTim: I rd. before the duration expires .)
Duration : I turn Only wizards who know the magic staff spell
Area of Effect: 5 ft./ level radius can cast spells from anothe r wizard 's magic
Saving Throw : None staff This applies to wiza rds who have never
learned or could not norma lly cast the spell s
Tbis potent spell combines the effects of a stored in the staff . It is common for the s taff 's
minor globe of invulnerabilit y with some owner to impl ant a command word that mus t
unique features of its own . The spell cance ls be used by anyone wishing to employ the sta ff.
out all magic effects within the area of effect, The material component for this spell is a
includi ng spells directed at the caster , the use staff cut from an ash tree . For each spell level
or effects of magical items, and abilities. the wizard intends to imbue into the staff, it
The magic resistance spe ll can be broken by must be inlaid with rubies worth at least 1,000
a successful dispel magic, but it is treated as gp.
16th level for purposes of dispelling . Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM).
The material component fo r the spe ll is a
small , clay image of Qotal , which is crumbled Magic Tailor,Ode en's
as the spell is cast. See Odeen's magic tailor.
Notes: Restricted to practitio ners of pluma
magic (the Maztica setting); common. Magical Doom , XuJt's
See Xult 'smagic al doom.
Magic Resistance Undone
A MY ST ARA s ett ing sp ell, aka pierce magic
resistance .

Magic Staff
(Enchantm ent/Charm)
(Artifi ce)

Level: 5
Range : Touch
Components: V.S, M
Casting Time: Special
Duration : Special
Area of Effect: The wizard 's staff
Saving Throw : Nooe

This spell allows a wizard's staff to store one

spell level for every three levels of the caster.
Thus , a 9th- Ievel wizar d can sto re three spell
levels (three [st-leve l spells , one 1st and one
2nd, or one 3rd-level spell).
Spells that are to be stored in the staff must
be memorized normally by th e wizard . The
spells are lhen cast as normal w hen charging
the s taff ; cas t ing requi res the spell 's normal
casting time plus one round . The spell is wiped
from memory and material com ponents are
consumed. AJl spells to be stored must be cast
into th e staff within l turn . All sto red spells
have a casting time of3 .


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


Magical Minions do/o Category

Arl,as ian Dragon-King magi c; '-U ~ j 01-20 Paralyzation/poison/death magi c
Rod/staff /wand
psionic component renders the~ 21-40
spell uncastab/e by wizards. 41-60 Petrification/polymorph
61- 70 Breath weapon
Magi cal Plague 71- 00 Spell
A thasia11Dragon-King magic; ~
psi onic component renders the Magnetism
spell uncastab/e by wizards. (Alteration)

Magical Susceptibili ty Level : 3

(Alteratio n) Range: 60 yds.
Component s: V, S, M
Level: 6 Casting Time: 3
Range : Touch Duration : 3 rds ./level
Components : V, S Area of Effect: 30-ft . radiu s
Casting Time: I Saving Throw : Neg.
Duration: Special
Area of Effect : Creature touched This spell can be used in two ways, depend-
Saving Throw : Neg. ing on cbe desires of the wu jen at the moment
of casting . lf cast upon himself , the spell gives
Thi s spell give s the creature a - I penalty to the wu jen the ability to draw iron and steel
saving throws against one type of special attack items co his hand upon command.
(paralyzation / poison/death magic , rod/wand/ The item must be in the area of effe ct. Only
staff, breath weapon, etc.). lf the creature fails a one item can be called per round . If the item is
saving throw vs. spell , roll percentile dice and held by another , that character is allowed a sav-
consult the table to find which type of saving ing throw vs. spell to resist the effec t. Repeated
lhrow is affected . The caster can change the per- attempts can be made upon the sam e item, pr o-
centile roll by 1% per experience level, exert- vided each attempt is made in a different
ing some c-0ntrol over the category affected. round .
The penalty is permanent , although it can be A wu jen could anempt to snatch weapon s
negated by means of a limited wish or wish. A from the grasp of others or change the flight of
remove curse cast by a spellcaster of equal or arrows . Lfthe item summoned has great e r mass
higher level is also effective . The crearure 's ini- than the wu jen , the effect is opposite--the wu
tial saving throw again s t this spell is not jen is drawn to the item. Attempting to magne-
affected by any penalty the spell might inflict. tize a man in metal armor normally result s in
Multiple castings of thi s spell can affect a the wu jen being dragged 10 the item, not
single saving throw up to - 1 per five levels of aJways a desi rable result . The spell is powerful
the caster (- 2 at 12th level , - 3 at 15th , -4 at enough to pull the wujen through the air; it can
20th , and so on). be an effective method of crossing cha sms pro-
Notes: Very rare spell. Known to be in vided there is a sufficient mass of iron on the
Prismal s Pocket Library. Vol. IX. other side .
I f cast upon another , that ind ividual is
allowed a saving throw vs . spell to avoid the
effect. Thereafter , all iron and steel items
within 30 feet of the individual are drawn to
tha t point. Items in the possession of creatures
allow the creature a saving throw as explain ed
above . Again, if the mass of any item is greater
than that of the target point, the direction of
movement is reversed . lo either use , weapon s
drawn by this spel I cause no damage since they
are not wielded or controlled by a consciou s
The material component for this spell is a
piece of lodestone.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

, MagnificentMansion, Mordenkaincn's
The reverse of this spell, demagnetize, can- fully disbelieved, any ability or magic that
ce ls the effects of magnetism. The material counters illusions (such as rrue see ing) allows
component is a small wooden rod . its user to ignore the effects of this spell.
Notes: Common in oriental settings; other- The material component of this spell is a
wise very rare. smal l fragment of real armor : plate or metal
Magnificent Mansion, Notes: Rare spell i:n the FORGOTTENREALMS
Mordenkainen 's setting; virtually 110knownelsewhere . Known
See Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion . to be in a rare tome, Se/vars Ineffable Qmjura-
lions, Magic, and Phantasms.
Mahloro' s Mental Exchange
See life force exchange. Maintain
(Abjuradon, Necromancy)
Mahlorn's Mental Transfer
See life force transfer. Level: 6
Range : Touch
Mailed Might Compo nents: V.S, M
(Illusion/Phantasm) Casting Time: 1 turn
(Shad ow) Duration : I day/level
Area of Effect: l creature
Level: 3 Saving Throw : None
Range: Touch
Components : V, S, M This spell is used on the Savage Coast in the
Casting Time: 3 RED STEEL setting. The affected creature is
Duration: I rd./level maintained at his or her current stage of Red
Area of Effect: 1 creature Curse effect for the duration of the spell. A
Saving Throw: None recipient in the Time of Grace remains there
(except for suffering the loss of a single ability
By means of this spell , a wizard protects point); a recipient in the Time of Loss or the
himself or herself or another touched creature Time of Change stays at exactly the same point
with temporary, illusory armor. The armor bas as when th e spell is cast. The use of a Lega cy
no weight , nor does it encumbe r its wearer or ability by a recipient of maintain immediately
in any way affect movement or spellcasting. To dispels the maintain spell.
the wearer , it is invisi ble and undetectable, As mentioned, this spell does not prevent the
making no metallic so11nds when struck or loss of the initial point fr om the appropriate
moving , and so on . To others, it appears as ability score, nor does it eliminate or heal any
translucent , ghostly armor , visible in outline detrimental effects. It does not work on Inheri-
but nonrcflective and so110dless. tors . If the recipient affected by a success fill
It protects the wearer as if it were chain mail deplete spell (for which the caster need make
(AC 5) . Minor illusory displacement makes only a normal attack roll, without the -4
enemy melee attacks less effective, reducing the penalty ), the maintatn spell is immediately
acrual damage from each melee attack striking eliminated, and the foll tim e called for by the
the caster by 3 points. The phantom armor also deplete spell is instan taneously applied to the
confers a+ I saving throw bonus against all Time of Loss and Change.
attacks protected against by magicalarmor. Since cinnabryl is difficuh to find in some
Furthermore , the armored creature looks as places , priests developed a spell to counteract
if it were shadowed by far larger, more power- some of the effects of the Red Curse . After
ful armored creatures who stand behind it and some work, wizards were able to duplicate the
move with it. Creatures of semj- or low Intelli- spell 's effects .
gence (2 to 7) who observe this effect may flee This spell is used throughout the Savage
in fear of the strange and powerful armored Coast , but most commonly in Robrenn, Eus-
creatur e they face. More intellige nt creatures dria, Renardy, Bellayne , and Berath . In sevel"lll
are often disconcerted and may re spe ct the small towns, the village priest or wizard makes
potential powers of the protected being more rounds, casting the spell on all who need it.
than they otherwise would. Th is bolds off detrimental effects , and also
While the armor itself cannot be success- keeps most of the common folk in those small


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)


towns from using Legacies . Like the minor creation spell, the major cre-
The speJI requires at least a week's worth of ation spe U enab les the wizard to pull wisps of
undepleted cinnabryL This must be touched to materiaJ from the Demip lane of Shadow to cre-
the recipient's head at the end of casting, but is ate an item of nonliving, vegetable nature--
not consumed in the casting. The caster touches soft goods, rope, wood, etc. The wizard ca n
the target creature while reciting the spe ll 's also create mineral o bjects -s tone, crys tal ,
verbal component to activate the spell. metal, etc . The item created cannot exceed 1
Notes : found in the R..EoSTEEL setting, com- cub ic foot per level of th e spellcas ter in vol-
mon; otherwise virtually unknown. ume. The duration of the created item varies
with its relative hardness and rarity :
Major Cloak
(Illusion/Phantasm ) Vegetable matter 2 hrs./level
Stone or crystal I hrJlevel
Level: 9 Precious metals 2 turns/level
Range: 0 Gems I tum/level
Components: V, S, M Mithral 2 rds./level
Casting Time: I Adamantite I rd./level
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: I land mass, 5,000 sq. mi. tncludcssimilar rare metals.
Saving Throw: None
Attempting to use any of these as mat erial
This spell was used by the Lrda to cloak the com ponents in a spell. causes the speU to fail.
island Anaiatha. It causes a land mass that is The spe llcaste r must have at least a tiny pie ce
surro unded by water to become invisible to all of metter of the same type as the item he plans
except the species that normally inhabit it. The to create-a bit of twisted hemp to create rope,
island cannot be detected by sight or by scry- a chip of stone to create a boulder, and so on.
ing . Furthe rmore, tile illusio n affects al l who Notes: Common spell (PHB).
come within one mile of its coastline, causing
them to take a route around the island while Major Delousing , Nimodes' them believe t hat t hey are taking a See Nimodes' major delousing.
direct route through the "waters " where the
island is actoalJy located. Major Domination
There is one drawback to this spell; it does (Ench1Ultment/Cbarm)
not p revent the cloak fro m radiating inten se (Mentalism)
magic, and those who scry the seas for magi c
maybe able to detect it. Because wizards of the Level: 7
Mischta cannot reach 18th level, they have not Range : IO yds./level
been able to use this spell to hid.e Selasia. Components: V, S
The required materia l componen ts have not Casting Time: 7
been recorded, and the lrda have not revealed Duration : Special
them, but it is certain that there are one or more Area of Effect : I creature
exotic components required. Saving Throw : Neg.
Notes: Known in the DRAOONLANCE setting;
very rare. This spell resemb les the 5th-level spell dom-
ination, bul the telepathic link between caster
Major Creation and subject is even strongCL When this spell is
(Illuslon/Phanusm ) cast, the subject receives a savi ng th row vs.
(Sh aduw) speU at a -2 penalty . Wisdom adjus t ments
app ly, but natural resis tance to charm spe lls
Level: 5 doesn't A creature making its saving throw is
Range: IO yds. slowed for Ld4 rounds.
Components: V.S, M The caster ca n try to dominate a different
Casting Tune : l turn creature each round subject to two limitations:
Duration: Special The wizard can control only one creature at a
Area of Effect : Special time, and the wizard can try to dominate a spe-
Saving Throw: None cific creature only once in a sing le casting of


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

this spell . A protectionfrom evil effect prevents
the caster from exercising active control over a
creature , but it does not prevent control from
being established .
The wizard forges a strong te lepathic link
with the subject . Language and intelligence are
no barrier: As long as lhe subject is not mind-
3 or lea
llf/lasdlaa 2
2nd/up to 3+2
3rd/upto 4+4
3 montba
2 maatbl
1 moatb
IOIO 12 41b/up106 3web
less , the caster can force the creature to do as 13 to 14 5th/upto 7+2 2weeb
he wishes . While the spell must be cast initially 15to 16 6cb/upto8+4 1 week
on a creature within range , the wizard can 17 71WuptoJO 3 days
command the creature from any distance, as 18 ltlwpto 12 2da)'I
long as both are on the sameplane . 19ormore ~ tbln 12 I day
ff a creature strongly resists , the wizard may
have 10 concentrate (doing nothing else that
round) to enforce hls control. Extreme acts and Major Paradox
those of self-destruction allow an immediare (Chronoman cy)
gains a new saving throw with no penalty and a
Level: 9
possible + I to +4 bonus , depending on the cir-
cumstances . Jn any event, the creature a lso
Components : V, S
receive s periodic saving throws in order to
Casting Time : I d4 hrs .
break free of the spell. These vary with the
Duration : Instantaneous
Intelligence score , level, or Hit Dice o f the
Arca of Effec t: The caster
individual , whichever is most favorable .
Saving Throw: None
Note s: Uncommon for mentalists ; otherwise
very rare. (Updated from Pot.YREOROHNewszine.) This spell changes an important event in the
caster's past . This is jus t like paradox, but the
Major Enchantment , Serrel's event can be up to one year past. Such an event
See Serre l's major enchantmenL could be changing from a Historian to a Seer,
Major Missile, Snilloc 's acquiring a proficie ncy In prophecy rather than
See Snilloc's major missi le. alchemy, or deciding to researcha newspellrather
than create a new magical item. The event must be
one the chronomancer had control of at the time,
and something should alwaysbe given up.
The change should always be evideac but not
necessarily work the way the cas ter hopes for.
The DM should a lso feel free to remove a ny
items or rela tionships he feels would not have
been found as a result of the caste r 's meddling.
After a ll . rhe t hi ngs that a re changed like ly
were impo r tant to th e cbronomancer at one
time. Also , the turbulence has a 50% chance of
attracting a time dime nsional or a Guard ian
from the Demi plane of Time.
Notes: Restricted to chronomancers; common.

(Alterati on)

Level: 3
Range: IO yds .
Casting Time : 3
Components: V,S, M
Duration : I rd.lleve l
Arca of Effcc c: I creature
Saving Throw : Neg .


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Malraz's DramalicDeath F
By means of this spell, an wizard causes any An opponent touched by the wizard (an
and all spells and spell-like powers cast or attack roll is required) must attempt a saving
wielded by a target creatu re, including items th.rowvs. spell . If successful. the touched crea-
used, to be at the nadir of their effectiveness; ture suffers I d4+2 points of fire damage and
that is, any damage caused by offensive magics the flame remains on the caster's band (be can
will be the minimum possible, saving throws make further attacks with it until the spell
against such magics are enhanced . by a +4 duration expires). If the saving throw is failed,
bonus, and spells that are extant (such as magi- the flame leaves the caster's hand to surround
cal charms) and ongoing at the time !he malad- the creature's body in an aura of searing fire .
weomer takes effect are reduced in efficacy . The superheated aura bums for I round, inflict-
For instance , a charmed individual who had ing I d4 points of damage per level of the
previously failed to save against the spell might caster.
immediate ly be allowed another saving throw, Instead of attacking a creature, the caste r
with the +4 bonus. may choose to touch any single object, which
The material component of this spell is a is automatically surrounded by the searing aura
small, clear glass or crysta l prism, which is for I round and must make a successful item
smashed (wit h a weapon -blow, or against a saving throw vs. magical fire or be destroyed.
wall, rock, or floor) in the spellcasting. The aura can surround an object up to 5 cubic
The reverse, dweomerboost (also called feet in volume per level of the caster.
empradweomer) permits all magic cast or Notes: U ncommon spell (ToM).
wielded by the recipient creature to be of maxi-
mum efficacy (maximum damage and effects) Malefic Me ld, Strahd 's
for one round. If the caster makes a saving See Strahd's malefic meld.
lhrow vs. spell at the end of the first round, the
dweomerboost lasts a second round. Malraz 's Dramatic Death
While the material component is the same as (ruusion/Phaotasm)
for maladweomer, the crystal need not be
smashed ; rather, it vanishes when spellcasting Level: 7
is complete . Range: 0
Both forms of the spell can be cast upon the Components : V.S
wizard, so that maladweomer would enable an Casting Time: 1
wizard to lessen bis powers when compelled to Duration : 3 rds./level
work magic against bis wishes. Areaof Effect:Special
Notes: Very rare in !he FORGOTTBN REALMS Saving Throw: None
setting (mostly by a specia l wizard type , the
incantatrix) ; otherwise virtually unknown . This spell creates a programmed illusion of
(Updated from DRAGON Magazine.) the caster dying a horrible death, while the true
caster is cloaked by improved invisibility, as the
MaJec-Keth's F lame Fist 4th-level wizard spell. The intent is to get the
(Evocation) wizard 's enemy o:ffhis trail, giving him time to
(Fire) either es-cape or launch a counterattack . A
series of different demise s are available to the
Level: 7 caster, depending on the command word whis-
Range: 0 pered. The words are:
Components : V, S Air: The wizard appears to gasp for breath ,
Casting Time: I dying of suffocatio.n.
Duration: I rd./level Earth: The wizard appears to turn to stone.
Area of Effect: I creature or object Fire : The wizard appears to burst into
Saving Throw : Special flames , screaming and dying horribly.
Water: The wizard seems to flail about in a
When this spell is completed, one of the pool of liquid and drown.
caster's hands (bis choice) bursts into light and Blade : Wounds appear on the wizard, as if
is surrounded by an aura of flame. The caster from a melee weapon.
suffers no damage from this effect, and the
illumination is equal to that of a torch.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""": Manor's Mind Vision
Bow: The wizard appears to be k:iJJedfrom a
missile weapon. such as an arrow through the
Seizure: A shocked expression appears on
the wizard's face, then he keels over.
Shock: Sparlcs fly about as the wizard seems
to be electrocuted.
After the death scene ends , a convincing
looking illusionary corpse is left behind for the
duration of the spell. Viewers attempting to
disbelieve must spend one round examiningthe
scene 10 have a chance at success. Tbe speU
also can be cast upon a projec ted image (see
the 6th level speJJproject image) to truly mys-
tify opponents.
The somatic component of the spell requires
the caster to clutch at his cllest while whisper-
ing the command word.
Notes : Rare or very rare spell. (Updated
from POLYHEDRONNewszine.)

Manor's Mind Vision

(Mentalis m)

Level: 7
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Cssting Time: I rd. The basic parameters of the spell follow:
Duration: 2 rd./level E ve.rything in the area of effect is perceived
Area of Effect: 90 ft. radius simultaneously; the wizard need not look up
Saving Throw: None or down to see objects out of his normal field
of vision wllile concentrating.
Man ors mind vision is essentially a more Using the ability granted by the spell in orde.r
powerful version of Manors mindsight. It is lo see outside the caster's normal fie ld of
subject to the same restrictions and bonuses in vision requi res concent ration. A caster con-
terms of movement, combat, and concentra- centrating on "seeing" cannot move, cast
tion, as the mindsight spell, and bas the same spells, or engage in any stTenuous activities
area. Jt has three main differences: while doing so. lf the caster's concentration is
The mind vision spell allows the wizard to broken, the spell is not ruined and the caster
view any area as if it was brightly lit. can resume viewing after the interruption is
Divinations of 4th level or less can be cast to resolved.
combine with mind vision at any time. No actual sensory organs are needed for the
Any illusions created by 4th level spells or mind vision spell- the caster being blinded or
less will be apparent as such, and the true blindfolded does not hinder its use. Tbe mind
form of any item or objec t polymorpbed or vision spell can be used in conjunction with
altered by a 4th level spell or less (or an darksense, infravision, 11/travision,and other
equivalent , such as a potion of polymorph sight-enhancing speJJs of 4th level or less; the
self. or a wand of illusion) can be easily deter- enhanced perceptions have the area of effect
mined. Invisible objects and creatures can be of the mind vision spell.
seen. The mind vision spell can be combined with
Tile caster' s enhanced perceptions operate in other divinations of 4th level or less: detect
his normal field of vision without concentra- invisible, detect evil, detect magic. etc. Tbe
tion to a distance of90 feet. area of effect of the enhanced perceptions is
the area of the mind vision spell .


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Manshoon'!IXom TalonsF
The material component of the speU is two ible, detect evil, detect magic, etc. The area of
eyes from a being originating on a plane other effect of the enhanced perceptions is the area
than the Prime MateTial plane , immersed in a of the mindsight spell.
mixture of a potion of ESP and a potion of The spell requires the preserved eye of a
gaseous form . These are destroyed as the spell blink dog, which is reusable.
is cast. Notes: Uncommon for diviners ; otherw ise
Notes: Uncommon for diviners; otherwise rare or very rare. Known to be in Manor's Man-
rare or very rare. Known to be in Manor'sMan- ual o/Sight . {Updated from DRAGON Magazine.)
ual of Sight. (Updated from DRAGONMagazine.)
Manshoon 's Xom Talons
Manor 's Mindsight (Coojuradon/ Summonlng)
(Alteration) (Earlh)
Level: 5
Level: 5 Range: 1O ft. to 70 ft.
Range : 0 Components : V, S, M
Components : V, S, M Casting Time: 5
Casting Time: 6 Duration: I turn + l rd./level
Duration: 5 rds./level Area ofEffect: Special
Area of Effect: 20 ft. + 5 f\./level Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None
This spell , also known as stony hands, cre-
By means of this spell , a wizard gains the ates an invisible half-moon arc in. front of the
ability to concentrate and "see" everything in caster, set from 10 feet to 70 feet distant . The
the spell 's area of effect. This happe.ns regard- arc is 12 feet broad at its center, and the tips of
less of intervening objects, but is subject to its curving "horns" are 20 feet apart. To func-
existing lighting . Everything in the area of tion at all, the spell roust be cast on a solid,
effect is perceived simultaneous ly; the wizard level surface, such as a floor. lawn, clearing, or
need not look up or down to see objects out of flat roof (the surface can be covered by water
his no.rmal field of vision while concentrating . no more than a foot deep) . If solid, nonJiving,
Us ing the ability granted by the spell objects (such as walls, furniture , or stalag-
requires concentration . A caster concentrating mites) are in the area of casting, or if the space
on "seeing" cannot move, cast spells, or engage is too small to permit the half-moon to fully
in any strenuou s activities while doing so . If form, the spelJ does not take effect and is
the caster's concentration is broken, the spell is wasted.
not ruined and tbe caster can resume viewing Any living being excep t the caster who
afterthe interruptionis resolved. entersany part of the crescent-shapedarea of
No actual sensory organs are needed for the effect is instantly attacked by 2d4 stony taloned
mindsight spell - the caster being blinded or arms . These nonliving , unintelligent magicaJ
blindfolded does not its use. The mind- constructs resemble the upper limbs of living
sight spell can be u.sed in conjunction with xom. They erupt from the ground and grasp at
darksense, infravision , ultravision , and other any targets for I d2 points of crushing damage
sight-enhancing spells of 4th level or less; the each (THAC0 6); a successful bi t means the
enhanced perceptions have the area of effect of clawed arm holds its victim fast, inflicting no
the mindsight spell. further damage on it. (The talons rise only
The spell has limitations . It allows no spe- where an intruder steps, not all across tbe balf-
cial benefit with respect to illusions, nor distin- moon , so the area of effect can be determined
guishes between magical and nonmag ical only by trial and error.)
items, nor allows discovery of alignment . The Once they've grabbed victims, the arms sim-
caster cannot see traps , tricks , pits, magical ply bold on until the spell expi res . Trapped
symbol s, or othe r invisible or magically con- individuals cannot move beyond tlhe stretch of
cealed items or objects unless able to detect tbei.r limbs . They suffer -2 penalties to all
such items normally. attack , damage , and saving throw rolls , and
However, the mindsight spell can be com- lose all Dexterity-related Armor Class bonuses.
bined with other divinations of 4th leve l or The talons do no more damage, but a trapped
less, provided these are cast first : detect invis- individual can try to tear free of all of them


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

, Mantle. Alustriel's

once per round . A single successful open doors hang stationary or, if already attacking a crea-
roll is required ; each failed attempt inflicts l ture , continue until the caster resumes control
point of damage upon rhe victim . Once free of over them.
the talons , the individual can leave the area The jaws are constructs of force and can
unhindered . penetrate any nonmagical armor . The jaws
The talon s are AC 0, and each must be dealt automatically hit their target each round . Bac.h
55 points damage to shatter it. Spells that affect jaw bites for Ld4 points of damage pe r round.
stone can be used against the talons (stone to Magical armor of any sort (not bracers or
fl esh and rock to mud both affect the talons for rings) provides some protection from the jaw s.
l d4+ 2 rounds , lowering theiT effective AC to 7, Their damage is reduced by I point per jaw for
and making them suffer double damage from each magical pllls of the armor worn (leather
all attack s), and a pa ss wa/1 spell destroys aJI armor +2 reduces the damage by 2 points pe_r
talon s in a pathway equal in extent to its usual jaw ). A target creature that makes a successfol
area of effect (even talons that have not mani- saving tnrow vs . ~'J)elltakes half damage from
fosted) . Spell s sucn as move eanh, which phys- each jaw , with a minimum of I point of dam-
icall y affect terrain , do not work against tne age being inflicted per jaw .
talons . Dispel magic spell s shorten the duration The material component of this speU is at
of talons by one round per spell , but have no least two teeth. The teeth can be of any size,
apparent immediate effect - they do not cause can be from any sort of creatures, and are con-
talon s to open , pause, or fade away. A dispel sumed by the spell.
magic cast in an area does not prevent this spell Notes: Very rare in the FORGOTTEN REALM S
from functioning if no talons have yet mani- setting ; virtually unknown elsewhere .
fested, but doe s shorten the spell duration as
noted. Map , Muirara 's
The material component of this spell is a See Muirara 's map .
piece of xom flesh, bone, talon, or hide .
N ot es: Known to Manshoon , a powerful March
wizard in the F ORGOTTEN R EALMS setting . (AJteration)

Mantle, Alustriel's Level : 1

See Alustriel 's mantle. Range : Touch
Casting Time : l
Ma11tle, ll yy kur 's Components: V, S, M
See llyykur 's mantle . Duration: I hr./level
Area of Effect: Special
Maoyjaws Saving Throw : Nono
(Foru) CastiQg this spell allows an encumbered per-
son to walk at his normal unencumbered move-
Level : 3 ment rate. Because the movement is powered
Range: 10 ft./level by the spell , the person suffers no more physi-
Components : V, S, M cal fatigue than he would sitting in a chair for
Casting Time: 3 the same length of time . This spell must be cast
Duration: 6 rds. on a subject able to walk; a subject must be
Arca of Effect: Special able to lift his burden in the first place. The
Saving Throw: spell is dissipated when the subject stops walk-
ing for more tnan one round or picks up more
This spell brings into being one pair of than bis maximum encumbrance . More than
c lashlng jaws per level of the caster , up to a one person can be affected ; the duration is
total of IO jaws , floating in midair . These are divided evenly among those touched when the
actually strings of disembodied teeth , without spell is cast.
gums , lips. or guJlets. These jaws attack one The material component of this spell is a
creature per round, and fly about at a move- pin ch of pepper .
ment rate of 15 ( MC: A) in acco rdance with the Notes: Common for apportation specialists,
caster 's silent act of will . Cfother spellcasting uncommon for transmuters ; otherwise rare .
is undertaken by the caster , the jaws either (Updated from DRAGON Magazine ).


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Masque Mask- Drow r
Marvelous Shield , Drawmij's throw vs. sp ell even ii he wants the spell to
See Drawmij's marvelous shield. work. The bloodli ne's strength.adds a modifier
to the roll as follows: tai:nted, - 2; minor, --0;
Mask major, +2; great, +4.
Reversed form, see aura. lf the subject fails the saving throw , the
bloodlin e is completely masked; nothing short
Mask of Death of a limited wish wiU reveal its derivation or
(Necromancy) strength for the duration.o f the spell. Lfthe sub-
ject's saving throw succee ds, obvious charac-
Level: 4 teristics of the bloodline (such as a bloodmark
Range : Touch or other secondary charac teristic) are masked,
Components : V, S, M but a know bloodline derivation or know blood-
Casting Time: I rd. line strength spell will succeed normally.
Duration : l br.nevel The subject of the spell cancels the effect if
Area of Effect : 1 creature he uses any blood ability duri ng the spell's
Saving Throw: None duration. This means that some characters will
be forced to operate at below their normal abil-
By casting this spell, a wizard can change a ities for the duratio n of the spell if they want to
corpse's features to make it appear to be some- keep their bloodlines secret (such as characters
one else. The caster must possess an accurate with heigh tened ability).
portrait of the individual to be dup licated, or Ers hegh and awnshegb characters are diffi-
must have a clear mental image of tbe person cult to affec t with this spell, since they almost
based on personal experience. always bear unco ncealable marks of their
If animate dead is cast on the body, it can be bloodlines. The DM may wish to increase the
animated t o beco me a zombie that looks modifier to their saving throws or disallow the
exac tly like the copied person . The double is a use of the spell altogethe r unless it is cast in
mindless automaton , howeve r, having all the conjunctio n with another powerfu l illusion or
characteristics of a normal zomb ie. polymorph spell.
This spell can be cast on a creature that has Note s: Common on Cerilia, the B1RT11RIOHT
already become a zombie . A wiza rd who does setting; unknown elsewhere.
nor control the zombie must successful ly touch
the zombie in combat (a successful attac k roll Masque Mask - Drow
is required). (Dlosion/Pbantum)
The mater ial component of this spell is a
drop of doppleganger's blood. Level: I
Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM). Range:0
Components : V.S
Mask , Ottar's Casting Time: I
See Ottar's mask. Duratio n: 2 or 3 rds.
Area of Effect: The caster's face
Mask Bloodline Saving Throw : None
(Illusi on)

Level: 2
I This spell is used by drow wizards who wish
to conceal their identities for a short encounter
Range : Touch or momentary sighting. It works only on living
Components: V, S flesh, and only on a caster with a faoe (although
Duration: 2 turns/level all faces, if the caste r has more than one , are
Casting Time : 4 affected) .
Area of Effect: l creature The masque mask tr ansforms th e surface
Saving Throw: Neg. appearance of the caster 's facial features into a
shift ing blur, studded with eyes . The cas ter 's
This spell is cast on blooded characte rs to ow n eyes-however many currently have
hide the derivation and strength of their blood sight-will appear in their customary locations
lines from others. Bloodlines, of their and with their usual appearance (that is, a mage
divine nature, are somewhat resista nt to being blind in one eye will only disp lay the "good"
hidden ; the subject therefore must roll a saving eye; and one with more than two eyes will


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""'\ Masquerade
show them all, even if trying to conceal the fact the feather of a hummingbird and a bit of the
with eyepatches or shutting eyes during this toenail of an elephant.
spell). This effect cannot foil true seeing or any No tes : Common in oriental settings ; other -
magic that penetrates illusions, and in any case wise very rare.
lasts only for 2 or 3 rounds (even roll = 2
rounds, odd = 3 rounds; the caster has no con - Mass Blindn ess
tro l over duration) . The spell does not conceal (ll lusloo/Pbanta s m)
hair hue or cut , general skin coloration, ea r (Shadow)
shapes, and so on, and is therefore seldom able
to conceal the race of the caster. .Level: 9
The spell's name comes from its use at rev- Range : 5 yds J level
els, to conceal the caster's identity when Components : V.S
unmasked-but ii is more often used when Casting Time: 9
fleeing a crime scene, or while perpetrating a Duration : 3 turns
crime. Area of Effect: 20 x 40 x 40-ft.
Notes: Restricted to drow; uncommon . Saving Throw: Special

Masquerade This spell strikes blind or deaf, or both, aJI

Athasian Dragon-King magic: "- U ,I., creatures up to 4 Hit Dice with no saving throw.
psionic component renders the ~ Those of greater level or EJit Dice, but less than
spell uncastable by wizards. the caster save vs. spell at--4 to avoid the effect.
Creatures whose levels or Hit Dice are equal to
Mass or greater than the caster 's are receive a normal
(Alteration ) savingthrow. The caster can designate one spe-
cific g roup to be excluded from the circle 's
Level: 5 power; for example, the speU could blind all but
Range : 60 yds. humans, all but wizards , ail but royal guards-
Components : V.S, M men , and so . The circle itself remains in place
Casting Time : l rd. for 3 full turns, and creatures who enter the area
Duration : 5 rds. + I rdJlevel of effect during this time are also struck by the
Area of Effect: One item, l cubic ft./Jevel spell's effecrs . Magical items that enhance sight
within a IO ft. cubic area or hearing are rendered inert.
Saving Throw : Neg . Affected creatures and magical items remain
affected until the spell ends or they blunder out
By means of this spell, the wu jen is able to of the area of effect . The effect cannot be
control the weight of an item if it is within the ended by a dispel magic spell , but dispel
size range of the area of effect. Re can render the enchantment, limited wish, or wish can end the
object so heavy as to be immovable or as light as spell, and an antimagi c shell suppresses its
a feather. Throughout the duration of the spell he effects (remember that spells cast while deaf-
can alter the weight of the item at will increasing ened are 20% likely to fail). The caster can end
it one round and decreasing it the next. The mass the effect at wilJ.
of the item can be increased or decreased up to Not es: Uncommon for illusionists , necro-
5% per level. At 10th level, the wu jen could mancers , and shadow mages ; very rare for
change the mass of an item by 50% . The change others .
in mass has no adverse effect on the properties of
the item affected beyond the change in weight Mass Charm
Furthermore, multiple jtems can be affected if all (Encbaotm eo t/Cbarm)
are withln the same IO-foot square area. Missiles (Song)
can be increased up to double their mass (causing
double the normaJ damage) and still fired Level : 8
although their ranges are halved. Heavy items can Range : 5 yds ./level
be carried with ease , although the bulk of the Components: V
item may prevent it from being carried readiJy. Casting Time : 8
Thus, a huge boulder rendered extremely light Duration : Special
would stilJbe difficult to carry because of its size. Area of Effect: 30-ft. cube
The material components for this spell are Saving Throw: Neg.

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
"': MassContagion
A mass charm spell affects either persons or Mass Domination
monsters just as a charm person or charm mon- (Enc hantment/Charm)
ster spell. The mass charm spell , however , (Mentalism)
affects a number of creatures whose combined
levels of experience or Hit Dice does oot Level: 9
exceed twice the level of ex peri ence of the Range : 60 yds.
spellcaster. All affected creatures must be Components: V.S
within the spell range aod within a 30-foot Casting Time: 9
cube . Note that the creatures' saving throws are Duration: Special
unaffected by the number of recipients (see the Area of Effect: 30-ft. cube
charm person and charm monster spells), but Saving Throw : Special
all target creatures are subje ct to a penalty of
- 2 on their saving lhrows because of the effi- This powerful dominorio11spell affects any
ciency and power of this spell. The Wisdom nonmindless creature. The spell controls up to
bonus against charm spells does apply. 2 Hit Dice or levels of creature per caster level.
Notes: Common spell (PHB). The creatures arc allowed a savi ng throw vs .
spell, but at a -4 penalty. Language or species
Mass Contagion is no barrier to the caster's control.
,# The caster can, at will, exercise an empa;hic
link (as the 3rd-level spell, but without empathic
Level: 5 --. shock damage) or dominatiorr (as the 5th-level
Range: 30 yds. spell) over any creature that is in thrall to Lhis
C<>mponents:V, S spell , provided both of them are on the same
Casting Time: 5 plane . The caster can.not perform other actions
Duration: Specia l while exercising one of these effects.
Area ofEtfect: 10-ft. radius Except wben exercising an empathic link or
Saving Throw: Neg. the 5th-level domination, the caster retains bis
full movement, combat, and spellcasting capa-
This spe ll wracks the subjects with disease bilities . As with the major domination spell,
and weakness . Up to one creature per caste r the dominated creatures gain periodic saving
level can be affected, but all must be within a throws based on the most favorable of Intelli-
10-foot radius. Creatu res affiicted with mass gence , Hit Dice, or level to shake off the spelJ's
contagion must make a successful saving throw effects . ln addition, extremely distasteful or
vs. spell or be immediately st r .icken with se lf-de structive orders immediately grant a
painful symptoms, including boils, blotches , new saving throw at a+ l to +4 bonus to break
lesions , and shak ing fits. Strength, Dexterity , the caster's control.
and Charisma are reduced by 2 points, and all Once establishe d, the link remains in place
attack rolls have a - 2 penalty. no matter how far apart the caster and subject
The effect persists until the afflicted creature are, but orders cannot be tTansmitted to sub-
receives a cure disea se spell or spends Id3 jects on a different plane . The caster can
weeks of complete bed rest to recover from tbe release individual creatures from mass domina-
cQntagion. Those ignoring the -condition for tion with a single command.
more than a day or two may be subject to worse Domjoating many creatu res at once can be
atl.lictions (and possibly death) at the DM's dis- fatiguing to the caster. For every 4 Hit Dice (or
cretio n. levels) per caster level dominated through mul-
Notes : Uncommon in tbe RAVENLOFT set- tiple castings of this speU, the caster's Constitu-
ting; otherwise very rare. tion score is temporarily reduced by I point. For
example, an I 8th-level caster dominating 75 Hit
Dice of creatures suffers a 5-point reduction to
his Constitution score (75 + 18= 4. 16; rounded
up to 5). The spell ends when the caster is
destroyed, the creatures free themselves, or the
caster voluntarily releases them.
Notes: Uncommon for mentalists; otherwise
very rare. (Upda ted from POLYHEDRON


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Mass Mountsr
Time Between or IO feet backward. Horiz ontal leaps forward
lntemgence Levels/HD Checks or backwa .rd have only a slight arc about two
3 or Jess 1st/Jess than 2 3 months feet per LOfeet of distance traveled. The mass
4 to 6 2nd/up to 3+2 2 months jump spell does not ensure safety in landing or
7 to 9 3rd/up to 4+4 I month grasping at the end of the leap.
10 to 12 4th/up to 6 3 weeks The mass Jump spell is used as part of a
13 to 14 5th/up to 7+ 2 2 weeks boarding action. For example , it allows several
15 10 16 6th/up co 8+4 I week pirates to arrive on the deck of an attacked ship
17 7th/up to 10 3 days before the two s hips are fully grappled, thus
18 8th/up to 12 2 days offering some chance of surprise. On the loner
19 or more 9th/more I.ban 12 I day Sea on ToriJ. this tactic is co mm on enough to
not be total ly surprising to experienced sailors.
Mass Fanaticism The material component of this spell is a
Athasian Dragon-King magic : ""tl~ J grasshopper's bind leg , to be broken by the
psioni c component renders the ~ caste r when the spell is cast .
spell uncastable by wizards. Note s: Unco mmon for the pirates of the
Inn er Sea in the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting;
Mass Invisibility otherwise very rare.
(l]Josion/Phanta sm)
Mass Mounts
Level: 7
Range : 10 yds ./level
(C onjuration ) 4llll
.. ll----
Components: V, S, M Level : 5
Casting Time : 7 Range : IO yds./level
Duration: Special Com ponentS: V,S, M
Area of Effect: 60 x 60 yds . Duration : I hr./level
Saving Throw : None Castin g Time : I tum
Area of Effect : Creates l mount/level
Tbis is a more extensive adaptation of the Saving Throw: None
invisibility spell for battlefield use. It can bide
creatures in a 60-yard x 60-yard area: up to 400 Thjs enchantment, similar to the !st-level
man-sized creatures, 30 to 40 giants, or six to wizard spe ll mount, allows the caster to con-
eight large dragons. The effect is mobile with the jure a number of mounts. The mounts obey the
unit and is broken when the unit attacks. lndivid- wizard (or riders designated by him) willingly
uals leaving the unit become visible . The wizard and to the best of their abilities . When the spell
can end this spell upon command. expires , however, the mounts disappear, possj-
The material components of the mass invisi- bly pitching any riders and equ ipment to the
bility spell are an eyelash and a bit of gum ara- ground.
bic, the former encased in the latter. One mount is conjured for each level of the
Notes: Common spell (PHB). caster's experience ; for example, a 13th-leve l
wizard can cal L 13 horses to serve fo r I 3 hours.
Mass J11mp The caster can elect to conjure fewer animals
(Alteration ) than his limit. All the mounts created by a sin-
gle spell must be the same type of animal and
Level: 2 wHJ be of varying natural colors unles s the
Range:0 wi:za.rdotherwise specifies a colo r (such as je t-
Components: V.S, M black riding hor ses for rught trav el). The con-
Casting Time : 2 jured mounts do not come with gear.
Duration : I d3 rds. + l rd./level The wizard can specify the type of mo unt s
Area of Effect: I 0-ft. radius gained by this spell (su bje ct to regional avail-
Saving Throw: None ability), choosing from the !fat below . Non-
CeriHan mount statistics are in the M ONSTROUS
This spell confers the abiJjty to leap once per MANOAL tome .
round for the duration of the spell on all crea- The material components, regardlessof what
tures that are within the area of effect. Leaps type of mount the wizard wants to conjure, are
can be up to 30 feet forward or straight upward a horseshoe and a tuft of fur.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

' Mass Polymorph
Notes: Common on Cerilia, the 8RTlfRIGHT tures: up to 4 large indiv iduals, 12 man-sized
setting ; unknown elsewhere . individuals, or 24 small creatures ca n be
affected lf they are in the area of effect Huge
Conjured FuJI Speed and gargantuan creatures cannot be affected . A
Mount Carryi ng Capacity mixed group can be affected; for eitample, a
Worg (WolJ) 100 lbs. caste r could affect one ogre (counts as three
Pony l60 lbs. men), four hobgoblins (one man each), and six
Light War Horse L70 Lbs. kobolds (two count ing as one man) with a sin-
Riding Horse 180 lbs. gle casting of the spell.
Hippocampus 200 lbs . Creatures that fail their saving throws are
Medium War Ho~e 220 lbs . affected just as if struck by a polymorph other
Varsk (Cerilian Lizard } 240 lbs. spell. The creatures receive a system shock roll
MuJe 250 lbs. in order to survive the transformation (80%
Draft Horse 260 lbs. plus I % per HD if no Constitution score is
available). The polymorphed creatures gain the
Mass Polymorph form and physical abiljties {physical attacks,
(AJterat1on) Armor Class, and movement but not special
attacks or magical abilities) of their new shape .
Level : 8 The subjects must make a special Intelligence
Range : 120 yds. check to see if they retain their own minds and
Components : V.S, M personas; see polymorph other for details.
Casting Time: 8 The caster can transfo rm the creatures into
Duration : Permanent one of no more than three different forms when
Area of Effect: 60-ft . cube the spell is cast . In other words, while the
Saving Throw : Neg. caster might affect creatures of a dozen differ-
ent types , all the creatures must be transformed
This mig)uy spell allows the caster to simul- into individuals of one , two, or three species .
taneously polymorph a large number of crea- 1n the example given above, the caster could


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

tum the ogre into a fat piglet , most of the hob- Mass Teleport
goblins into rats, and one hobgoblin and the (Alteration )
kobolds into chickens with a single casting of (Dimens ion)
the spell.
The material component is the caterpillar Level: 7
cocoon of a rare butterfly or moth. Range: Touch
Notes: Uncommon for witches and trans- Components: V, S
muters ; otherwise rare. Casting Time: l rd.
Duration: Instantaneous
Mass Suggestion Area of Effect: Up to 12 people
(Enchantment/Charm) Saving Throw: None
(Mentalism, Song)
By casti ng this spell, the cas te r instantly
Level: 6 transports himself and up to 11 companions to
Range : 30 yds. another location. Distance is not a factor, but
Components: V, M ioterplanar transport is not possib le. Accuracy
Casting Time: 6 depends on the caster's familiarity with the tar-
Duration: 4 turns + 4 turns/level get location (see table). Only one roll is made
Area of Effect: 1 crearure/leve l fo r the e n tire group being teleported, with
Saving Throw: Neg . "familiarity" being that oftbe casteL
While cast ing this spell, the caster stands m
The mass suggesJion spell enables the wiz- the center of a circle formed by bis compan-
ard to intluence the actions of one or more cho- ions, who must hold bands for the entire round.
sen creatures in the same way as the suggestion Breaking this circle before the end of the round
spell . Up to one creature per experience level disrupts the spell.
of the caster can be influenced, provided that Notes : Uncommon for apportation special-
all subject creatures are within the 30-yard ists; otherwise very rare.
range. Un.dead are not subject to this spell The
suggestion must be reasonably worded and Probability ofTel eporting :
understood by the creatures, and must be the On
same for all bearing it. Creatures successfully Destlnatio .o is: Blg,b Target Low
saving vs. spell are unaffected. Saving throws Very famHiar 0 1-02 03-99 00
against the spell suffer a penalty of -1, and if a Studied carefully 0 1-04 05-98 99--00
single creature is to be affected, its saving Seen casually 0 1-08 09-96 97-00
throw suffers a -4 penalty. Note that a very rea- Vfowed once 0 1-16 17-92 93-00
sonable mass suggestion can cause the saving Neverseeo 01-32 33-84 85-00
throw to be made with an additional penalty
(such as - 1, - 2, etc.), at the discretion of your Mass Teleport Without Error
OM. A mass suggestion can continue in effect (Alteration )
for a considerable duration, at the DM's discre- (Dimensio n)
tion. Condjtions that will trigger a special
action can also be specified; if the condition is Level: 8
not met before the spell expires, the action will Range : Touch
not be performed. Components: V, S
The material components of this spell are a Casting Time: I turn
snake's tongue and either a bit of honeycomb Duration: Instantaneous
or a drop of sweet oil. Area of Effect: Up to 12 people
Notes: Common spell (PHB) . Saving Throw: None

This spell is similar to the mass teleport

spell. The caster transports himself and up to
11 companions to any known location in his
home plane with no chance of error.
Like teleport without error, travel to other
planes is possible, but only to locations that the
caster has previously studied carefully. No mat-


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

ter how careful tbjs perusal was, there is a Master of Arms, Tenser's
chance for mishap when traveling to another See Tenser's master of arms .
plane. Accord ingly , the caster must roll for
accuracy. Again . breaking the circle before the Master Undead
end of the turn disrupts the spell. (Necro man cy)
Notes: Uncommon for apportation special-
ists; otherwi se very rare . Level: 9
Range : LOyds J level
Probability ofTeleporting: Components : V, S, M
On Casting Time: 9
Destination is : High Target Low Duration: 5 rds J level
Very familiar 01-02 03- 99 00 Area ofEffect: 50-ft. cube
Sturued carefully OH)4 05- 98 99-00 Saving Throw : Neg .
Seen casually 01-08 09-96 97-00
Viewed once OI- L6 l7- 92 93-00 This powerful spe ll allows the caster to con-
Never seen 01- 32 33-84 85-00 trol the actions of any type of undead creatures
as if they were intelligent creatures u nder the
Massmorph effect of a charm person spell. Undead so con-
(Alteration) trolled can perform precise tasks for the caster.
The caster can affect one undead within the
Level : 4 area of effect per level. In case s of mixed
Range : LOyds ./level undead , the weakest are affected first , then
Components : V, S, M those with more Hit Dice . AU undead affected
Casti ng Time : 4 must be within a cubic area 50 feet on a side.
Duration: Special Undead with more than 3 Hit Dice are permit-
Area of Effect : JOft. cube/ level ted a saving throw -vs. spell to avoid the spell.
Saving Throw : None Liches and undead with IO or more Hit Dice
have a bonus of +4 to this saving throw.
When this spell is cast upon willing crea- Undea d c reatures controlled by this spe ll
tures of man-size or smaller , up to 10 such are mastered for the spell duration , then arc
creatures per level of the caste r can be magi- restored to their own (often nominal ) control.
cally altered to appear as trees of any sor t. The caster does not need to know any common
Thus , a co mpan y of creatures can be made to language with the undead to effect the control.
appear as a copse, grove, or orchard. Further- The undead beings can be ordered to perform
more, the se massmorpbed creature s can be self-destructive actio ns-and the caster can
passed through and even touched by other crea- even attack them - without the spell being
tures without revealing their true nature . Note , broken .
however , that blows to the creature-trees cause The mater ial component of spell is a
damage , and blood can be seen. crushed ruamond worth at least 500 gp, which
Creatures to be massmorpbed must be within is cons umed in casting.
the spell's area of effect; unwilling creatures Notes: Very rare spell, or iginating in the
are not affected. Affected creatures remain F ORGOTTEN R EALMS setti ng . Known to be in
unmoving but aware , subject to normal sleep the Book of Daimos.
requirements , and able to see , hear, and feeJ for
as long as the spell is io effec t. The speU per-
sists until the caster commands it to cease or
until a dispel magic spell is cast upon the crea-
tures . Creatures left in this state for extended
periods are subject to insects , weather , rusease ,
fire , and other natural hazards.
The mater ial compone nt of th_is spell is a
handful of bark chips from the type of tree the
creatu res are to become .
Notes: Common spell (PHB).

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Mawof Chaos,F

Material feebleminded as by the 5th-level wizard spell.

(Conjuration) Missile weapons and all magical and psionic
attacks have no effect on a maw of chaos.
Level: 3 At the end of the round after casting, the
Range : IO yds. mouth opens and emits a ray of roiling, purple-
Components: V, S red radiance . Thi ray is a cylinder 10 feet in
Casting Time : 1 rd . djameter and 90 feet long . This stationary shaft
Duration: Instantaneous of cbao remains in existence for two round
Area of Effect: 1 cu. ft./level before it suddenly varushe . All items and crea-
Saving Throw: one tures touching any part of the ray during its
existence are subject to the following effects:
A material spell allows the wizard to actu-
ally bring into being certain common sub- , All magical items are surrounded by a
stances . Raw, unworked materials such as crawling web of raw pell energy that pre-
stone, earth (soil), or wood of average quality vents their functioning while they are in the
are easily gained by means ofthi pell. Simi- ray and for ld4 + 1 rounds after the shaft
larly, other inorganic or nonliving materials vanishes. No known means short of a wish
such as water, air, dung, straw, etc., can be con- spell bani he this effect before it fades .
jured. All spellca ters are prevented from spell-
Living matter cannot be created by means of ca ting and all psionic beings cannot u e
this spell. In no event can worked, refined. or p ionics while in contact with th ray
fabricated items be brought into being by a because of the concentration-de troying
material spell, nor can rough gems or precious chaos. Thereafter, uch beings must make a
metals. Basic materials of bjgher than average successful saving throw vs. spell in order to
quality can be attempted; the wizard has a 1% regain their wits enough to work magic or
chance per level to bring such materials into use psionic . Such saving throw are made
exi tence . The spell essentially enable the at a - 6 penalty oo the fir t round after
wizard to create common sub tances of a ba ic escaping the haft, a - 5 penalty on the sec-
nature . ond, -4 on the third, and so on, up to + l on
Notes: Uncommon spell. (Updated from the eighth round. The first successful saving
Unearthed Arcana .) throw means the pellcaster or psionic indi-
vidual is free oftbi effect.
Maw of Chaos a All magical barriers and continuing magical
(Evocation) effect (from simple wizard locks and stone-
skin pells to illusions and even prismatic
Level: 9 spheres) are in tantly destroyed.
Range: 30 yds . All beings except the caster and undead
Components: V, S, M creatures suffer l point of damage per level
Casting Time: 9 of the caster. A ucce sful aving throw vs.
Duration: Special spell reduces damage taken by half. The
Area of Effect: Beam 10-ft. diam, 90-ft. long caster never suffers any damage from his or
Saving Throw: Special her own maw of chaos . Undead creatures
suffer double damage and receive no saving
This spell instantly calls into being a pec- throw.
tral mouth, 6 feet across and many-toothed . The material component of a maw of chaos
The mouth has no tangible existence and floats i a jawbone from any creature, with at least
in the air, moving under the caster's mental two teeth attached.
direction, at MV Fl 6 (MC: A) . otes: Known to the SimbuJ and a few other
The mouth does nothing except move into wizards of the FORGOITE REALM etting.
position to aim where the caster desires until
the end of the round after the spell is cast. If it
is struck by a weapon directly wielded by a
being during this time, it i destroyed. The
being who destroyed the mouth suffers 9d 12
points of damage (no saving throw). A spell-
caster destroying the mouth is automatically

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
""'\ Muimilian's Earthen Grasp
Maximilian 's Earthen Grasp MaximiUian 's Stony Grasp
(Alteration) (Alteration)
(Earth) (Earth)

Level: 2 Level: 3
Range: IO yds. + JO yds./Jevel Range: 20 yds. + IO yds./level
Components: V, S, M Components: V.S, M
Casting Time: 2 Casting Time: 3
Duration: 3 rds. + 1 rd./level Duration: 5 rds. + 1 rd./Jevel
Area of Effect: I creature Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special Saving Throw: Special

This spell causes an arm made of compacted This spe ll must be cast on stony ground,
soil to rise from the ground. The spell must be such as a manmade stone floor, a natural cav-
cast on open turf, such as a grassy field or a ern floor, or a boulde r-strewn field. It is not
dirt floor. possible to cast the spell on a stone wall or
The earthen arm and hand (which are about ceiling. The spell causes an arm made of stone
the same size as a normal human limb) arise (about the same size as a normal human limb)
from the ground beneath one creature targeted to rise from the gro und beneath any cre ature
by the caster. The hand attem pts to grasp the targe ted by the caster. The stony hand attempts
creature's leg. The creature must attempt a sav- to grasp the leg of the target creature, which is
ing throw vs. spell; if successful, the hand .allowed a saving throw to avoid the effect; if
sinks into the ground. Each round thereafter the save is successful, the hand disappears.
(until the spell ends or the creature moves out Each rou nd there after, the hand has a 5%
of spell range), the hand has a 5% chance per chance per level of the caster of reappearing
level of the caster of reappearing beneath the and attacking.
target creature, at which time another saving Creatures gras p ed by the hand suffer a
throw is required. movement rate of 0, AC penalty of - 2, an d
If a saving throw is missed, the earthen limb attack penalty of - 2. Grasped characters lose
firmly grasps and holds the creature in place. A any Dexteri ty bonuses. The hand causes no
creature held by the hand suffers a movement damage to the creature grasped.
rate of 0, Armor Class penalty of -2, and attack The stony limb has AC 2 and hit points equal
penalty of -2. All Dexte rity combat bonuses to triple the caster's maximum hit points. The
are negated. The hand causes no physical dam- maximum number of hit po ints a stony hand
age to the victim. Creatures of great size and can have is 60.
strength may be able to pull free at the discre- The material component is a miniature hand
tion of the DM. sculpted from stone, which crumbles to dust
The arm can be attacked by any creature, when the conjured hand is destroyed or the
including the one seized by the arm. The arm spell expires.
has AC 5 and hit poin ts equal to double the Notes : Uncommon spell (ToM).
caster's maxi mum hit points. For example , a
caster who normally has 15 hit points can cre- Maximum Damage - Elf
ate an earthen hand with 30 hit points. The (En chantment/Charm)
maximum number of hit points that an earthen
hand can have is 40. When the arm's hit points Level: 5
are reduced to zero or when the spell duration Range: 0
ends, the hand crumbles. Components: V, S, M
The material component is a miniature hand Casting Time: 3
sculpted from clay, which crumbles to dust Duration: I rd.
when the spell is cast. Area of Effect: Special
Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM). Saving Throw: None

This spell causes nonmagical weapons to

inflict maximum damage for one round after it
is cast. The caster can enchant a numbe r of
weapons equal to his level. Weapons so

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Melf's Acid Arrow r
enc hanted infl ict max imum d amage on their tion of the Red Curse. The amount of time comes
next round of use only. Magical weapons are to the caster's mind as if suddenly remembered.
unaffected by this spell. Notes: Common in the REDSTEELsetting;
The spell requires a silver rod worth at least virtually unknown elsewhere.
I 00 gp, which must be touched to the weapons
in order for the spell to be effective. Mechanical Disruption
Notes : Restricted to elves; uncommon. (Alteration ) ~
(Artific e) ~
(Conjuration /Summoning) Level: 4
(Dimensi on, Geometry, Shadow) Range: S yds./level
Components: V, S
Level: 8 Casting Time: 4
Range: 5 yds./level Duration: 1 rd./level above 5th+ ld4 rds.
Components: V, S Area of Effect: I mechanical
Casting Time: 3 Saving Throw: Neg.
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 1 creature When this spell is cast upon a mechanical
Saving Throw: None creatio n, the creation will be unable to perform
any action and will remain immobile for the
An extradimensio naJ space is brought into duratio n of the spell (at 7th level, 3 to 6
being upon the utterance of a maze spell. The rounds). There is no known way to reduce the
subject vanishes into the shifting labyrinth of duration of this spell, and clockwork mages
force planes for a period of time that is depen- aren't at all amused to discover someone who
dent upon its Inte lli gence. (No te: Minotaurs knows how to cast it. Mechanicians have been
are not affected by this spell.) known to pay handsomely for any knowledge
of this spell in order to unravel its secrets.
lntelligenc e or Time Trapped In no case should this spell be installed into
Mazed Creature In Maze a mechanical. When placed in the vessel of a
under 3 2d4 turns mechanical, this spell will always cause the
3-5 ld4 turns mechanical to cease working, and 20% of the
6-8 Sd4 rounds time it will also cause the mechanical to col-
9- 11 4d4 rounds lapse into a useless pile of broken parts.
12-14 3d4 rounds Mechanical or clockwork monsters receive a
15-17 2d4 rounds saving throw vs. death magic to avoid the
18+ ld4 rounds effects of this spell.
Notes: Uncommon for spellcasters from an
Note that te/eport and dimension door spells arabian setting; otherwise very rare.
will not help a character escape a maze spell,
although a plane shift spell will. Melee Manager, Articus 's
Notes: Common spell (PHB). See Articus 's melee manager.

Measure Cinnabryl
(Divination ) .._ ~ _ _

Level:2 ~
Range: l 0 ft.
Compone nts: V, S, M
Casting Time: 2
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: l item of cinnabryl
Saving Throw: None

With this spell, the caster can measure the

amount of time for which a single, visible item of
cinnabryl will remain useful in holding off aftlic-


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

"""" Melf's Acid Arrow
Melf 's Acid Arrow A) The wizard discharges five meteors every
(Conjuration ) round (see the "Multiple Attacks and Initia-
(Alche my) tive" section in Chapter 9: Combat). Note that
this carries over into at least the follow ing
Level: 2 round.
Range: I 80 yds. B) The wizard discharges only one meteor
Components: V, S, M per round. In addition to releasing the missile,
Casting Time: 2 the caster can perform other actions in the
Duration: Special round, including spellcasting, melee, or device
Area of Effect: I target use. Spells requiring concentration force the
Saving Throw: Special wizard to forgo the rest of the missiles to main-
tain concentration. Also, if the wizard fails to
By means of this spell, the wizard creates a maintain an exact mental count of the number
magical arrow that speeds to its target as if fired of missiles he bas remaining, he has involun-
from the bow of a fighter of the same level as tarily lost the remaining portion of the spell.
the wizard. No modifiers for range, nonprofi- The spell ends when the caster has fired off
ciency, or specialization are used. The arrow has as many meteors as he bas experie nce levels,
no attack or damage bonus, but it inflicts 2d4 when he forgoes casting any still remaining, or
points of acid damage (with saving throws for when a successful dispel magic spell is thrown
items on the target); there is no splash damage. upon the caster.
For every three levels that the caster has The components necessary for the casting of
achieved, the acid, unless somehow neutralized, this spell are nitre and sulphur formed into a
lasts for another round, inflicting another 2d4 bead by the addition of pine tar. The caste r
points of damage each round. So at 3rd- 5th must also have a small hollow tube of minute
level, the acid lasts two rounds; at 6th-8th level, proportion, fashioned from gold. Th e tube
the acid lasts for three rounds, etc. costs no less than 1,000 gp to construct, so fine
The material components of the spell are a is its workmanship and magical engraving, and
dart, powdered rhubarb leaf, and an adder's it can be reused.
stomach. Notes: Common spell (PHB).
No tes: Common or uncommon spell (PHB).
Melisander's Harp
Melf 's Minute Meteor s (Alteration )
(Alte ration, Evocation) (Song)
(Alch emy, Artifi ce, Fire)
Level: 5
Level: 3 Range: 10 ft./level
Range: 70 yds. + 10 yds./level Components: V, S, M
Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 5
Casting Time: 3 Duration: 1 rd./level
Duration: Special Area of Effect: Special (60 ft. maximum)
Area of Effect: I target/meteor Saving Throw: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell brings into be ing the spectral,
This speJ.Ienables the wizard to cast small shadowy illusion of a harp that plays by itself,
globes of fire (one for each experience level floating in midair. The caster bas near total
he bas attained) , each of which bursts into a control over the initial position, movement, and
I-foot-diameter sphere upon impact , inflict- playing of the harp. However, the powers of the
ing ld4 points of damage on the creature harp cannot pass through magical barriers
struck. It can also ignite combustible materi- (such as a wall of force), and the spell caster
als (even solid planks) . The meteors are cannot cause the harp to come into being
treated as missiles hurled by the wizard with a beyond or to move through such a barrier.
+2 bonus to the attack rolls and with no This aside, the harp can appear anywhere the
penalty for range . Misses are treated as caster desires, up to IO feet per level distant. If
grenadelike missiles that inflict 1 point of the caster is wit hin l O feet per level of the
damage to creatures within 3 feet. harp, he can move it up to 10 feet per round as
The spell can be cast in either of two ways: he wills. The harp's playing can be turned on


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

and off instantly and repeatedly by the ilent which the spell is cast , so a creature must be
will of the caster , and thi does not affect spell tanding directly in front of it to be affected .
duration . While the harp is playing , it ha the The victim struck by the cone of fire emitted
following effects : by afire mouth takes 3d6 points of damage ,
plus l point per level of the ca ter, to a maxi-
All normal sound i hushed (but not negated ) mum of 3d6 + IO points of damage .
and available light , even magical light, dims . This spell normally functions but once , then
All creatures and objects within 60 feet of the expires, but it can be u ed in conjunction with
harp are affected as if by a feather fall spell the 8th-level spell permanency.
with no saving throw (rendering most mis- The fire mage Mellix Kabiryn devi ed this
siles useless). variatfon on the 2nd-level wizard spell magic
All creature of 4+4 HD or less within 40 feet mouth.
must make a saving throw vs . pell or be The material components are a drop of oil , a
affected as ifby a sleep spell. pinch of sulphur , and one tooth or scale from a
All creatures within 20 feet of the harp are red dragon .
slowed (no saving throw) . otes: Uncommon for Fire mages ; other-
Melisander s harp is unaffected by dispel wise very rare . Known to be in the Fire-Eye
magic or silence spells, nor can it be damaged Scrolls. (Updated from DRAGO N Magazine .)
by physical or magical attacks . A limited wish
or stronger spell i required to dispel it. Melt
The material components of this spell are a (Alteration)
silver harpstring and at least three tear . The
spell is named for its creator, the elven mage Level: l
and Harper hero known to Realm lore as "The Range: 30 yds.
Last Lonely Harpist." Casting Time : I
Notes: Known to the Seven Sister , their Components : V, S, M
apprentices, and some senior harpers in the Duration : t rd./level
FORGOTT EN REALMS setting; rare or very rare. Area of Effect: l cu. yd . of ice or 2 cu . yds . of
Known to be in The Glandar 's Grimoire. snow/level
Saving Throw : Special
Mellix's Fire Mouth
(AJteration, Evocation) When a melt pell is cast , the wizard effec-
(Fire) tively raises the temperature in the area of
effect . Thi sudden increa e in warmth will
Level: 3 melt ice in l round, so that a I t level wizard
Range : Touch can melt a cube of solid ice, 7 yard on a side in
Component : V, S, M l round after the spell is cast , so that the ice
Casting Time : 3 becomes water. Twice this volume of snow can
Duration: Permanent until triggered be affected, so that the spell will melt J cubic
Area of Effect: Cone , 10 ft , di.a. x 15 ft. long yard of snow in one-half round, or will turn 2
Saving Throw : None cubic yards (1 yd. x I yd . x 2 yd .) of snow to
water in l round. Against such monsters as
When this pell is cast, an object is empowered white dragons, winter wolves , yeti, woolly rhi-
with an enchanted mouth that suddenly appears nos , tho e compo ed of para-elemental ice, and
and breathes fire when a specific condition is the like , a melt spell will inflict 2 points of
met. The spell is activated when a specific type of damage per level the spellca ter, or l point per
creature (named beforehand by the caster) passes level if the subject creature makes its saving
djrectly in front of the enchanted object , which throw vs. spell . The melt spell is generally inef
could be a statue, chest , wall, door, or whatever. fective against types of creatures other than
Alternately , if no specific creature is named tho e listed above.
beforehand, the spell activates the first time any The material component for a melt spell are
creature steps in front of it. a few crystals or rock salt and a pinch of oat.
The cone of fire emitted by a fire mouth is Notes: Common in oriental and arctic set-
I 5 feet long , and measures l foot at the source tings ; otherwise very rare .
and IO feet at the far end . The cone is alway s
emitted perpendicular to the surfa c e upon

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Melt Metal
Melt Metal gives the wu je n limited knowledge of memo -
(Evocation) ries already possessed by the subject, but only
(Fire) for the purpose of fitting the new memory into
the flow of events so that it seems to fit logi-
Level: 4 cally in the subject's mind. The new memory
Range: Touch can be used to supplant a memory already in
Components: V, S, M the mind of the subject ( chang ing the outcome
Casting Time: I rd. of an encounter or th e orders the subject may
Duration: 1 rd./level have received) or can be wedged into "blank
Area of Effect: I cubic inch/level space" (describing an encounter during a jour-
Saving Throw: None ney that was otherwise forgettable).
The memory has no magical properties (it is
Using this spell, the wu jen can gently touch not a suggestion spell), but can be used to pro-
a normal metal item, causing a charge of fiery mote friendliness, hostility, or change the sub-
magical energy to pass from his fingertip to the ject's mission. Obviously, the wujen must take
metal. This creates suc h heat that the metal pains to create logical memories-occurrences
begins to melt and flow at the rate of one cubic must mesh with the personality of the subject
inch per round. Bars and locks can be easily or be logically explained. Telling an intelligent
cut free with this spell. During the spell, the wu evil monster he likes a traditional foe of his
jen must concentrate on focusing the energy race simply because the foe was nice is not suf-
and can take no other action. The spell affects ficient. Telling him he likes the character
only normal metallic items. because the character spared his life is much
The material component for this spell is a more acceptable. If the DM rules the implanted
gem worth at least 20 ch'ien (100 gp). memory is out of cha ra cter, the s ubje ct is
Notes: Common in oriental settings; other- allowed a secon d saving throw at the end of the
wise very rare. spell, with a +4 bonus to the die roll.
The reverse of this spell, erasement, allows
Memory the wu jen to remove any memo ry from the
(Enchantment/Charm) mind of the subject. The limitations on th e
(Mentalism) amount of memory remove d are identical to
Reversible that given above. The time of the erased mem-
ory is a blank to the subject; he has no idea of
Level: 3 what transpired. Dispel magic, remember, or a
Range : l Oyds. similar spell removes an implanted memory or
Components: V, S, M restores a memory that has been erased.
Casting Time : Special The material components for this spell are a
Duration: Permanent sheet o f white paper, a brush, and a pot of ink.
Area of Effect: l creature Notes : Common in oriental settings; other-
Saving Throw: Neg. wise very rare.

This spell allows the wu jen to plant a ficti- Memory Alteration, Rary's
tious memory in the mind of another. The spell See Rary's memory alteration.
can be cast on any intelligent creature able to
understand the speech of the wu jen. The crea-
ture is allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid
the effect. However , if the subjec t is uncon-
scious or asleep, the savin g throw is made at a
- 2 penalty. Upon casting the spell (which takes
only a few moments), the wu jen continues the
casting by describing the memory implanted.
Memories of events up to I turn in length
per level of the caster can be implanted. Thus a
12th-level wu jen could construct the memo-
ries of an event that lasted two hours. The exact
casting time of the spell is the time required by
the wu jen to describe the memory. The spell


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

MentalTransfer, Mahlom's r
Mempter's Barrier tt wineskin is completely healed over by a mend -
(Evocation) ing spell. This spell does not, by itself , repair
(Force) magical items of any type . One turn after the
spell is cast, the magic of the joining fades, and
Level : 6 the effect cannot be magically dispelled . The
Range: 60 yds . maximum volume of material the caster can
Components : V, S, M mend is l cubic foot per level.
Casting Time: 6 The material components of this spell arc
Duration : 2 turns + 2 rds.ncvel two small magnets of any type (lodestone in all
Area of Effect: up to IO ft. square/level likelihood) or two burrs.
Saving Throw : None Notes : Common spell (PHB).

This spell is similar to the 5th-level spell, wall Mental Block

of force , except a barrier is one-way, preventing (Encbantment \Cbarm}
things from coming in, but not from going out. (Mentalism)
It allows those protected behind or inside the
barrier to attack those beyond, yet still prevents Level: 3
the outsiders' attacks from coming in. The bar- Range: Touch
rier is invisible, immobile, and totally unaffected Components: V, S, M
by most spells , including dispel magic. Blows, Casting Time: 3 turns
missiles , cold, heat, electric ity, spells , breath Duration: Special
weapons, etc. cannot affect or pass in through it, Area of Effect: Creature touched
although dimension door, teleport, and similar Saving Throw : None
effects can bypass it. A disintegrate spell , a rod
of cancellation or a sphere of annihilation will This spell can be cast only on a willing and
immediately destroy the barrier. living creature. The mental block affects a par-
The wizard can , if desired, form the barrier ticular message , causing it to be blocked from
into a spherical shape with a radius up to one recall or mental examination until such time as
foot per level or to an open hemispherical shape a predetermined trigger is met. The trigger can
of 1.5-foot radius per level. The barrier must be be as simple as "when you are in the presence
continuous and unbroken when formed; other- of King Azoun of Cormyr" to "three days
wise, the speJI fails. The caster canend the spell hence, when the cock crows" or any reasonable
on command. similar condition. Torture , spells that probe the
The material component is 5,000 gp worth mind, dispel magic , or other attempts to learn
of powdered diamond and a mirrored lens. the message cause the permanent loss of the
Notes: Unique to Mcmptcr , so far as is message instead. This spell is commonly used
known. (Updated from P OLYHEDRONNewszinc .) by kings wishing to send secret information by
courier; the information is sto red in the
Mending courie r 's mind until the preset conditions are
(Alte ration} met.
(Artifice) The material component is a chip of granite .
Notes: Rare spell. (Updated from DRAGON
Level: l Magazine .)
Range: 30 yds .
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time : 1
Duration : Permanent
Area of Effect: I object
Saving Throw : None

This spell repairs small breaks or tears in

objects . It will weld a broken ring, chain link, Mental Exchange, Mablorn's
medallion, or slender dagger , providing but one Aka life force exchange).
break exists. Ceramic or wooden objects with
multiple break s can be invisibly rejoined to be Mental Transfer, Mahlom 's
as strong as new. A hole i n a leather sack or Aka life force transfer) .

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
""', MentalTransport
Mental Transport Merald's Murderous Mist
(Alteration) (Evocation)
(Menta l ism) (Alchemy)

Level: 3 Level: 4
Range: 10 yds./level Range: 0
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 3 Casting Time: 4
Duration: I rd./level Duration: 2 rds.
Area of Effect: l or more objects Area of Effect: 20-ft. radius
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell imparts a limited form of tele- A billowing cloud of misty vapors is created
kinesis. By focusing his mental energies, the by th e use of this spell. It radiates outward
caster can levitate and move one or several from the caster to fill a 20-foot radius spherical
small objects within the area of effect. The area above and below the caster's ground level,
total weight of the objects cannot exceed more penetrating all obstructions that are not air-
than 5 pounds plus I pound per level (a 5th- tight. At the end of the round of casting, the
level caster can move 10 pounds of material). magic takes effect, and the mist changes in hue
The caster can move the objects up to 20 feet from blue-gray to green, becoming poisonous.
per round; too slowly to inflict damage. All All breathing creatures within the area of effect
items transported together must remain within not possessing a (magica l) separa te air sup-
5 feet of each other. If the caster' concentration ply-except the caster, who is immune to the
is broken, the items fall, but the spell itself effects of his or her own murderous mist-
lasts for the given duration. must immediately save vs. spell. Those who
The mental tronsport spell is too weak to wrest successfully save are unharmed. Those who do
anitem from an actively resisting creature. not suffer 2d4 points of damage from the
Notes: Uncommon for mentalists; otherwise vapor, which is corrosive to flesh but does not
rare. (Updated from POLYHEDRONNewszine.) affect clothing or items. Creatures that can't
move out of the area of effect within the round
take a further 1d4 points of damage on the fol-
lowing round as the vapors begin to combine
with the air and disappear. Tiny creatures, such
as those making up an insect swarm or creep-
ing doom are killed by the mist on contact.
The globe of murderous mist is a magically
bound, stationary, precise area unaffected by
natural or magical winds. Dispel magic or part
water will cause it to disappear before expira-
tion of the spell, and various magic or items
(such as rope trick or a portable hole) will pro-
tect an individual by providing escape from the
mist, but it is otherwise unaffected by natural
or magical forces.
Not es : Uncommon or rare spell from the
FORGOTTEN R EALMS setting. Known to be in
Sabirine :S-Specular.

Merciful Metamorphosis, Drawmij 's

See Drawmij 's merciful metamorphosis.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Metal to Rustr

Message The material component for this spell is a

(Alteration) small piece of rhinoceros hide swallowed by
Level: l the caster.
Range:0 Notes : Common in oriental settings or for
Components: V, S, M alchemists; otherwise very rare.
Casting Time: l
Duration: 5 rds ./level Metal to Rust
Area of Effect: Special (Alteration )
Saving Throw: None (Alchemy)
When this spell is cast, the wizard can whis-
per messages and receive replies with little Level: 6
chance of being overheard. When the spell is Range: Touch
cast, the wizard secretly or openly points his Components: V, S, M
finger at each creature to be included in the Casting Time: 1 rd.
spell effect. Up to one creature per level can be Duration: Instantaneous
included. When the wizard whispers, the whis- Area of Effect: cubic ft./level
pered message travels in a straight line and is Saving Throw: Special
audible to all of the involved creatures within
30 feet, plus IO feet per level of the caster. The T his spell allows the wu jen to reduce fer-
creatures who receive the message can whisper rous metal to a crumbled pile of rust with a sin-
a reply that is beard by the spellcaster. Note gle touch . Upon casting the spell, the wu jen
that there must be an unobstructed path touches the item (rolling a hit if necessary),
between the spellcaster and the recipients of causing it to fall away in large flakes of rust.
the spell. The message must be in a language Normal metallic items do not receive a saving
the caster speaks; this spell does not by itself throw-the effect is automa tic. Magical meta ls
confer understanding upon the recipients. This make a saving throw vs. disintegration (17 for
spell is most often used to conduct quick and hard metal , 19 for soft metal and jewelry),
private conferences when the caster does not receiving the app ropriate bonus to the saving
wish to be overheard. throw for the strength of the magic. Magical
The material component of the spell is a items of ferrous content that do not have a spe-
short piece of copper wire. cific plus va lue (an i ron amulet of ESP for
Notes : Common spell (PHB). example) should be assigned a bonus by the
OM based on their magic (usually +0 to +5).
Metal Skin Ferro us cr eatures must be touched with an
(Alteration) attack ro ll . If no other result is specified, the
(Alchemy) creature takes I d6 points of damage per caster
level with no saving throw.
Level: 5 The material component for th is spe ll is a
Range: Touch flask of seawater.
Components: V, S, M The reverse of this spell, rust to metal,
Casting Time: 5 restores a rusted item to its original condition
Duration: 2d4 rds. if at leas t 90% of the original material is pre-
Area of Effect: Creature touched sent.
Saving Throw: None Notes: Common in oriental settings; other-
wise very rare.
This spell transforms the skin of any creature
touched into a gleaming steel-hard surface. The
spell recipient's Armor Class becomes 2 for the
duration of the spell, but the characte r becomes
slow and stiff. The character moves at half his
normal movement rate and always acts last in
combat. The character's skin is considered fer-
rous metal for the purpose of spells with mag-
netic effects. Rusting attacks reduce the Armor
Class of the affected area to 10.

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Mimic BloodAbility F
Metamorpho se Liquid s of I-foot diameter spring from the outstretched
(Alteration) hand of the wizard and streak in a straight line
(Alchemy, Water) to the distance demanded by the spellcaster, up
to the maximum range. Any creat ure in the
Level: I straight-line path of these miss iles rece ives the
Range:Touch full effect, without benefit of a saving throw.
Components: V, S, M The meteor missiles leave a fiery trail of
Casting Time: 1 rd. sparks, and each bursts as a fireball.
Duration: Instantaneous The large spheres (2-foot diameter) inflict
Area of Effect: cube/level I 0d4 points of damage, bursting in a diamond
Saving Throw: Special or box. pattern. Each has a 30-foot diame ter
area of effect, and each sphere is 20 feet apart
This spell transmutes one type of liquid into along the sides of the pattern , creating overlap-
an equal amount of a different, nonmagical ping areas of effect and exposing the center to
fluid (water, wine , blood, oil, apple cider, etc.). all four blasts.
The caster must touch the fluid itself (not sim- The smaller spheres ()-foot diameter) each
ply its container) for the spell to take effect. have a 15-foot diameter area of effect, and each
Magical liquids (such as potions) receive a inflicts 5d4 points of damage. They burst in a
saving throw vs. disintegration with a +3 bonus pattern of a box within a diamond or vice
to avoid the spell's effect. Fluids can be trans- versa, with each of the outer sides 20 feet long.
muted only into nonmagical liquids; it is not Note that the center has four areas of overlap-
' possible to change a magical liquid into another ping effect, and there are numerous peripheral
type of magical liquid. Poisons can be rendered areas that have two overlapping areas of effect.
harmless through use of this spell, but the spell A saving throw for each area of effect will indi-
has no effect on poisons already consumed. cate whethe r full damage or half damage is
Living creatures are unaffected by the spell, sustained by creatures within each area, except
ex.eluding those from the Elemental Plane of as already stated with regard to the missil es
Water. Such creatures are allowed a saving impacting.
throw vs. spell. Failure results in ld4 points of Notes: Common spell (PHB).
damage per level of the caster, while success
indicates half damage. Only one creature can Mien, Sidhelien
be affected by a single casting of this spell, See Sidhelien mien.
regardless of the creature's size.
The material component is a drop of the liq- Mild Admonishment, Nybor 's
uid that the caster intends to create, which must See Nybor's mild admonishment.
be placed on the wizard's tongue and con-
sumed. Creating poisons through use of this Mimic Blood Ability
spell is especially dangerous.
Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM).
(Enchantment ) ~--l----
Level: 4
Meteor Swarm Range: 20 yds.
(Evocatio n) Components: V.S
(Fire) Duration: I rd./level
Casting Time: 6
Level: 9 Area of Effect: l creature
Range: 40 yds. + IO yds./level Saving Throw: None
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 9 This powerful spell allows the caster or other
Duration : Instantaneous blooded characte r to mimic a scion's blood
Area of Effect: Special ability. The caster must have witnessed the use
Saving Throw: of the chosen blood abil ity within one day per
level of experience or have personal knowledge
A meteor swarm is a very powerful and of the blood ability (for ex.ample, has seen it
spectacular spell that is similar to the fireball used several times in recent months, has a per-
spell in many aspects. When it is cast , either sonal friend or colleague with the ability, etc.).
four spheres of2-foot diameter or eight spheres The recipient of the spell must be a blooded


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""::: Mimic Mortal
scion in order to imitate the ability (it does not
affect unblooded individua ls) but the deriva-
tion and bloodline strength need not match that
required for the mimicked ability. Thus, a char-
acter with a bloodline other than Azrai's could
Level: 4
Range: Touch
Mi mic Morta l

Components: V, S
.~ tJ
mimic the fear ability; a character with a Casting Time: 2
bloodline strength of only 8 could imitate an Duration: I turn + 4 rds./level
ability of a great bloodline. Area of Effect: l undead creature
Both the recipient of the spell and a posses- Saving Throw: Neg.
sor of the blood ability to be imitated must be
within 20 yards of the wiza rd at the time of This is a powerful spell in the hands of a
casting. As part of the spell, the caster states vampire wizard. The caster can cause an
the name and power (minor, major, or great) of undead creature to lose some of its vulnerabili-
the blood ability in a loud, clear voice . ties in exchange for losing some of its powers.
The recipient gains the use of the blood abil- In effect, the creature simulates a mortal for a
ity for the duration of the spell. The character short time.
whose ability was mimicked retains full use of The caster chooses how many vulnerabilities
the ability; the character is unaffected by the and powers to cancel, but not which ones. He
spell. can choose a maximum of one vulnerability
When the spell ends, the recipient com- per two levels of experience.
pletely loses the blood ability , but any effects The vulnerabilities and powers are ta ken
caused by the characte r 's use of the ability from the given list, in order. If a particular type
remain. For example, if the recipient mimicked ofundead creature does not have the listed vul-
the regeneration ability and healed several nerability or power, slcip to the next entry. In all
points of damage , those points would remain cases, one vulnerability is sacrificed for one
healed. However , if a character mimicked powe r. The least valuable vulnerabilities are
divine aura to influence an unblooded charac- sacrificed first, but the most valuable powers
ter , the influence on that character would end go with them. In general, and undead creature
when the spell duration expired. Note that desiring to masque rade as human will try to
spells such as enhance blood ability and blood exchange as many vulnerabilities and powers
drain can affect the mimicked ability for the as possible .
duration of this spell. Notes : Restricted to undead spellcasters;
Notes: Common on Cerilia , the BmTHRJGHT uncommon. Originally from the R AVENL0FT
setting; unknown elsewhere . setting .

\l'lllaerabmtyMubd ...... Sacrfflce4

Deathlypallor Energy/abilitydraming
Allergcnr Specialweaponto bit
No reftoction,etc. Gaze attacb
Warding' Shapechanging
Barrierr Immunity'
Holywaterll)'Jllbol Summoning'
Sunligbt Abilities'
'l\lrniaa MovementPowers'

I.~ ptlllor:Tlaismew. ..... likea lie* of bodybeat, pale u, 111d l1ICh.

2. ........, tllillp dill GID be IINdIDlap CMaeatme at bay,like prlic: ar wolfibml.
: 1'1111111'8
3. """""-= Tllil ___, _.... ...,..,...i plllhibitiaaalike a vmnpire'Iinability10-- a homowitbout
4. lltlnun:n............ dll lDlllncamiotCl'llll, likenmDUIIwater.
s. i-..u,,: 1'1111lncWla an,_..._.., cblrm. 11e1p,llld like-,e11s.
6 ~ TlliaCllllpry ofpc,wenincladlaall abilicia10call fordtDIIIUralor aupemalUnlaealUrel .
7. A"""-: 1"ldlret'erlto allAhiHtySoareadiet an pater than17. Ally IIUCh ICOl'I falls at once to IS.
8. MOMIWlll ,-,.r. Tbll iDcllldellpiclercllmbina. t1yia,. paam,tlnup wa1J1, andOIiierapel1-like abilitiel.


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Mind Fog

Mimicry trate the spell 's barrier.

(Illusion/Phantasm ) Notes: Common spell (PHH).
Mind-Control Invisibility
Level: 2 (Enchantment /Charm)
Range : 60 yds . + IO yds ./level (Mentalism)
Components : V, S
Casting Time: 2 Level: 5
Duration: 2 rds./level Range : 0
Area of Effect: Special Components: V, S
Saving Throw: Special Casting Time: 5
Duration: 2 rds./level
When a wizard casts this spell, he gains the Area of Effect: 40-ft . radius
ability to perfectly mimic the sounds made by Saving Throw: Neg .
any animal or monster he knows , or the spe-
cific vocal inflection and accent of any person This spell affe.cts the minds of one character
known to him . He can not duplicate special or creature per level of the caster (all of which
sound-based attacks such as an androsphinx 's are chosen by the caster) within a 40-foot
roar or a harpy's song , but almost any other radius of his location. It causes the caster (and
kind of call , roar, or sound can be duplicated. only him) to become visually undetectable by
The area of effect includes all characters the affected creatures. No matter what means
within hearing range. Characters who actively ar e used to locate him, the minds of the crea-
disbelieve in the sound are allowed a saving tures will not believe the caster is there . Note
throw vs. spell; if successful , they hear the wiz- that only creatures within 40 feet of the caste r
ard 's own, unaltered voice . are so affected ; the mind control is broken if
Notes : Uncommon for illusionists ; other- movement takes the caster and viewer mo re
wise very rare . (Updated from POL YHEDRON than 40 feet away from each other . The caster
Newszine.) can attack a character or creature affected by
the spell , and the defende r can only attempt a
Mind Blank futile defense ; shield and Dexterity adjust-
(Abjuration ) ments are not counted on any blow. Affected
(Menta lism) creatures may believe some arcane spirit or
other aberration is attacking them .
Level: 8 All whom the caster intends to affect by the
Range : 30 yds. spell are allowed a saving throw vs. spell at -2
Components: V, S (plus any Wisdom bonus or penalty) to escape
Casting Time: I the mind control attempt. A successful dispel
Duration: I day magic will end the spell , while detect charm
Area of Effect: l creature will reveal individuals under this spell 's effects.
Saving Throw: None Notes : Rare spell. (Updated from DRAGON
When the very powerful mind blank spell is
cast , the crea tu re is totally protected from all Mind Fog
devices and spells that detect, influence , or (Enchantment /Charm)
read emotions or thoughts. This protects
against augury, charm, command, confusion , Level: 5
divination, empathy (all forms ), ESP,fear, fee- Range: 80 yds .
blemind, mass suggestion, phantasmal killer, Components: V, S
posses sion, ru/ership, soul trapping, sugges- Casting Time: 3
tion, and telepathy . Cloaking protection also Duration: Special
extends to the prevention of discovery or infor- Area of Effect: 20-ft. cube
mation gathering by crystal balls or other scry- Saving Throw: Neg.
i ng devices , clairaudien ce, c/airvoyan c;e,
communing, contacting other planes, or wish- Mind fog is a physic al block of fog that
related methods (wish or limited wish ). Of enables the wizard to weaken the mental resis-
course , exceedingly powerful deities can pene- tance of his victims , who are allowed a saving

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
"": Mind Mantle-Alboon
throw at a -2 penalty to avoid the effects.
A creature who fails the saving throw suffers
a -2 penalty to any saving throw vs. spell for
these categories of magic: spells of 1st through
5th level that affect the mind directly, and all
spells of the illusion/phantasm and enchant-
ment / charm schools that affect the mind
directly. For example, phantasmal force is a
mind-affecting spell; phantom steed is not.
The saving throw penalty is cumulative with
penalties of other types. Affected creatures suf-
fer the penalty as long as they remain in the fog
and for 2d6 rounds thereafter. The fog itself
remains for 3 full turns after it has been cast.
If optional schools or specialties are used,
this spell affects the school of mentalism and
any other specialties as decided by the OM.
Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM).

Mind Mantle - Alhooo


Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 2
Duration: 1 tum/level
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

This spell creates a cloaking web of random

mental impulses that screens the mind of a sin-
gle protected being against all mind reading
and influencing spells of 5th level or less (both
wizard ly enchantment/charm school magics
and all priests' spells of the charm sphere). The
being is also immune to the effects of magical
items that duplicate the aforementioned spells,
and to all psionic telepathic devotions.
Psionic telepathic sciences (such as the five
commonly-known psionic attack forms) can
affect a being protected by a mind mantle. but
their contact cost is increased by half (e.g.
from "I" to "1.5"), rounding upwards. Also, if
the protected being is psionic and uses ejection
to force away a psionic attacker, no side effects
are suffered.
A mind mantle is invisible and unaffected by
subsequent spellcasting on the part of a pro-
tected being. The caster can end it instantly by
silent act of will, and a successful dispel magic
will also destroy it.
Notes: Restricted to Alhoon (undead
illithids); common.

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

Mind Scan, Rary's dream are experienced as the dreamer moves over
See Rary 's mind scan . physical terrain. The terrain moves along at a rate
of one mile per hour, with a maximum range that
Mind Shield, Rary's depends on the level of the dream and tbe subjects
See Rary 's min d shield . Intelligence . The first level maximum is 20 miles
times the character's Intelligence. The second level
Mind Vision, Manor's maximum is one mile times the subject's Intelli-
See Mano r's mind vision . gence. The third level extends to a maximwn of 20
feet times the ubject'sIntelligence. The dreamer is
Mindsight, Manor's always a central figure of the dream; all of the
See Manor 's mindsigbt. effects of each level of the dream disappear if the
dreamer is awakened . Dreamwraiths and
Mindspin dreamshadows are common in all levels of the
(IUusion/Phantasm) dream; the subject is constantly faced with deter-
mining what is reality and what is illusion.
Level: 7 First Level : The first level of the dream
Ran ge: Special alters a character 's perceptions of space, time,
Components : V, S and the reality of the immediate area . What is
Casting Time : 3 hrs. seen as a lush forest may in reality be a barren
Dur ation : Special field . A character may actually travel many
Area of E ffect: I individual miles , yet only perceive himself as having
Saving Throw : Neg. moved a short distance. Time is equally dis-
torted . Travel s~eming to last only for a few
The mindsp in pell i olates the innermost minutes may actually have taken several days .
nightmare s, fears , and anxieties of the subject Second Level : The second level of the dream
and from them creates startJingly viv id iUu- distort a character 's perception of reality even
ions. The spell require both the caster and the further, for he can no longer distinguish which of
subje ct to rem ain undi sturbed for three hours his companionsare real and which are illusions.
while the caster sifts through the subject 's mind Third Level : The third level is the core of the
to create tbe illusions. Any di turbance negates dream , as a character's perceptions of himself
the proc ess. If the subject make s a successful become distorted. In addition to the effects of
aving thr ow vs. pell , the spell is broken (but a the prev ious two levels , a character uses the
charmed subject receive no saving throw ). For attack and saving throw tables of another class :
the purpo ses of dispelling , the mindspin speJI Priest use rogue tables
is treated as if cast by a 2 l st-level wizard. Warriors use wizard tables
The individual within the dreamexperiences it Wizards use warrior tables
as three separate level of reality.Parts of the Rogues use priest tables .

Milultlpb,:Print' TanlJIIUlldead
Typeof Lewi
Skeleton or l HD
l 2 3 4 5
' 7
M3 14+
Ghoul or2 HD 20 19
Shadowor 3-4 HD - 20 19 13
Wight 20 19 16 10
Gbastor S HD 20 19 16 13 7
Wraith or 6 HD 20 19 16 13 10 4
Mummyor7HD 20 19 16 13 10 7 T
Spectre or 8 HD 20 19 16 13 10 7 4 T
Vampire or 9 HD 20 19 16 13 10 7 4 T T
Ghost or IO HD 20 19 16 13 10 7 4 T T D
Lich or 11+ HD 19 16 13 10 7 T T T D D
Special 16 13 10 7 T T T D D D


Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

""':: Minor Creation
Additionally, because of the disorienting Minor Glassteel
effects of the dream area, certain classes make Lost spell. Reputed to be a lower level version of
the following adjustments: the gJassteel spell developed by an ancient race
Priest : Subtract Wisdom from 20 use the of wizards.
result as the priest's Wisdom for determining
spell failure. Use the special Turning Undead Minor Globe of Invulnerability
table given here. (Abjuration)
Rogue: For thieving skill rolls , all successes (Geometry)
fail and all failures succeed. Otherwise , adjust
the rolls normally . Level : 4
Wizard : Wizards cast spells at one level Range:0
higher than normal. If this enables a wizard to Components: V, S, M
cast a spell higher than those he currently Casting Time: 4
knows, he can choose any one spell from the Duration : I rd./level
higher level. The mindspin spell automaticaJly Area -ofEffect: 5-ft . radius
gives the wizard the illusion that be knows this Saving Throw: None
new spell ; unlike other spells the wizard casts
during the dream , this new spell has only illu- This spell creates an immobile , faintly shim-
sionary effects. mering magical sphere around the caster that pre-
Notes: Uncommon spell found in the vents any 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-leve l spell effects
DRAG0NLANCB setting or known by Dream from penetrating (i.e., the area of effect of any
mages ; otherwise very rare . such spells does not include the area of the minor
globe of invulnerabili ty). This includes innate
Minor Creation abilities and effects from devices. However, any
(Illusion/Phantasm) type of spell can be cast out of the magical globe,
(Shadow) and these pass from the caster of the globe to
their subject without affecting the globe . Fourth
Level : 4 and higher level spells are not affected by the
Range : Touch globe. The globe can be brought down by a suc-
Components: V, S, M cessful dispel magic spell. Th e caster can leave
Casting Time: I tum and return to the globe without penalty. Note that
Duration: I hr.llevel spell effects are not actually disrupted by the
Area of Effect: l cubic ft./level globe unless cast directly through or into it: The
Saving Throw: None caster would still see a mirror image created by a
wizard outside the globe. If that wizard then
This spell enables the wizard to create an item entered the globe, the images would wink out, to
of nonliving , vegetable nature -s oft goods, reappear when the wizard exited the globe. Like-
rope, wood, etc. The caster actually pulls wisps wise , a wizard standing in the area of a light spell
of material of the plane of Shadow from the air would still receive sufficient light for vision, even
and weaves them into the desired item. The vol- though that part of the light spell volume in the
ume of the item created cannot exceed 1 cubic globe would not be luminous.
foot per level of the spellcaster. The item The material component of the spell is a glass
remains in existence for only as long as the or crystal bead that sha tters at the expiration of
spell's duration. the spell.
The spellcaster must have at least a tiny piece Notes: Common spell (PHB).
of matter of the same type of item he plans to
create by means of the minor creation spell- a Minor Malison
bit of twisted hemp to create rope, a splinter of (Enchantment/Charm)
wood to create a door, and so forth.
Notes: Common spell (PHB). Level : 3
Range: 60 ft.
Minor Enchantment, Serrel's Components : V
See SerreJ's minor enchantment. Casting Time : 3
Duration : 2 rds./level
Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius sphere
Saving Throw: Neg.

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Minor SpeUTurning r
This spell allows a wizard to adversely affect This spell compels up to 12 levels or Hit Dice
all the saving throws of his enemies. Opponents of demihuman or humanoid creatures (or up to 6
under the influence of this spell (the caster's levels or Hit Dice of monstrous creatures) ,
known enemies in the area of effect at the within the area of effect to embark on some
instant the spell is cast) make all subsequent errand or mission specified by the caster. The
saving throws at a penalty of -1. lowest-level creatures in the area of effect are
Alternatively, the wizard can select any one affected first. The caster must be able to ver-
school of magic and cause his enemies to make bally communicate with the creatures for the
all saving throws against magic from that school spell to work .
at -2. This penalty is not cumulative with a sav- This spell cannot compel creatures to under-
ing throw penalty for specialists; that is, the take nonsensical or foolhardy missions on the
penalty is not increased to - 3. caster's behalf, so the caster must be careful to
Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM). A specialist phrase the minor quest in such a way that the
wizard barred from enchantment/charm spells subjects believe they are acting in their own
can research a version of this spell that affects behalf. For example , she might suggest that they
his own school, according to the general rules return to town for supplies, break out their
for spell research. rations and enjoy a long, leisurely lunch, or head
off on the trail of an enemy who "jus t passed
Minor Paradox this way." The intended subjects receive a saving
(Chronomancy) throw vs. spell to resist the spell; this is automat-
ically successful if the caster's mission poses a
Level: 3 direct threat to their safety or well-being.
Range: 0 The minor quest spell lasts 6 hours or until the
Components: V, S affected creatures complete their task. There is a
Casting Time: 1 rd. 20% chance, plus 1% per level of caster, that the
Duration: Instantaneous quested being or beings forget their encounter
Area of Effect: The caster with the caster after the spell has ended .
Saving Throw: None The material component is a small tin cup.
Notes: Restricted to witches; common.
When this spell is cast, the chronomancer can
take back an action performed within the last five Minor Shadow Summoning
rounds or insert an additional action if timing Lost spell, reputed equivalent to summon
permits. The caster could take back something shadow but cast at a lower level.
said or decide not to kiss the king's daughter . He
could not insert another attack into a combat Minor Spell Turning
round, but could insert one into the round before (Abj uration)
combat. The number of rounds back that the
caster can affect is equal to twice his level. lf an Level: 4
action is taken back that would have prevented Range: 0
combat (insulting the goblin king) or another Components: V, S, M
major event, the caster and Dungeon Master must Casting Time: 4
work out a reasonable course of events that would Duration : 3 rds ./level
make up for the lost time. Area of Effect: The caster
Notes : Restricted to chronoma ncers ; com- Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to the 7th-level spell turn-
Minor Que st - Witch ing, which causes spells cast against the wizard to
(Enchantment/Charm) rebound upon the original caster. This includes
spells cast from scrolls and innate spell-like abili-
Level: I ties, but excludes the following: area effects that
Range: 20 yds. are not centered directly upon the protected wiz-
Components: V, S, M ard, spell effects delivered by touch, and spell
Casting Time: I effects from devices such as wands, staves, and so
Duration: Maximum 6 hrs. forth. Thus, a light spell cast to blind the protected
Area of Effect: 50-ft. sphere wizard could be turned back upon and possibly
Saving Throw: Neg. blind the caster, while the same spell would be

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
""::: Minute Form
unaffected if cast to light an area in which the pro- The sp ell enables the caster to make an ar ea
tected wizard werestanding. appear to be something other than it is-a setting
One to four (ld4) spell levels can be turned. he has personally seen. The spell remains as long
The exact number is secretly rolle d by the DM as the caster maintains a minimal conce ntration
the player never knows how effective the spell upon it. Even after this, the spell persists for a total
is. Unlike the 7th-level version of this spell, of one hour plus one addit iona l turn for each
minor spell turning is not capable of partially experience level of the caste r. (Note: Minimal
turning a spell. For example, if a wizard has concentration can be main tained during normal
three levels of spell turning, he can turn three conversation but not while spellcasting, in melee,
1st-level spells, one I st and one 2nd, or one 3rd- or if harmed by an attack.) If the caster actually
level spell. He can in no way turn spells of 4t h uses a small bit of anyt hing connected with the
level or above. If the caster is the target of a place to create this spell, it takes on a quasi reality.
higher level spell than he is capable of turning, ln its basic form, forceful contact is necessary
the minor spell h1rning is n egated and the caster to have any hope of discovering the magic, short
receives the full brunt of the attack. of a detection device or spell. ln its more com-
lf the protected wizard and a spell casting plex form, where a material com ponent is used,
attacker both have spell turning effects operat- detection is possible only by some magical
ing, a resonating field is created means, whether device, item, or spell. Either
form of mirage arcana is subject to the dispel
Resonating Field Table magic spell.
dlOO As with all powerful illusions, the mind of the
Roll Effect believer urges appropriate effects upon the
01-70 Spell drains away without effect viewer's body. Under the influence of the spell,
71-80 Spell affects both equally at full the viewer could possibly walk across a bed of
damage hot coals thinking it was a shallow stream of
81-97 Both turning effects are rendered water that was cooling his feet (and thus suffer
nonfunctional for ld4 turns no damage), di ne upon im a ginary food and
98-00 Both casters are sucked through a actually be satisfied, or rest comfortably upon a
rift into the Positive Material plane bed of sharp stones, thinking it a featherbed.
Gravity is not affected by the spell, however, so
The material component of this spell is a an envisioned br idge spanni ng a deep chasm
smoothly polished silver coin. does not support the believer. Those who wit-
Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM). ness the event see it as a sudden disappearance
of the individual. They do not connect it with an
Minute Form illusion unless they are otherwise aware of some
Reversed form, see giant size. magic at work.
Notes : Common spell (PHB).
Minute Meteors, Melf's
See Melf's minute meteors. Mirage Arcane
Aka mirage arcana.
Miraculum, Jalartan's
See Jalartan's miraculum. Mirage Wall
(Illusion/Phanta sm) ~
Mirage Arcana (Province: Wind) ~
(Illusion/Phanta sm, Alteration)
Level: 4
Level: 6 Range: 20 yds./level
Components: V, S (M optional) Components: V,S, M
Range: 10 yds./level Casting Time: 4
Casting Time: Special Duration: 1 tum/level
Duration: Special Area of Effect: 2-ft. thick wall, LOft. x 10
Area of Effect: 10 ft./level radius ft./level
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: None

The magic of this spell is similar to that of the This spell creates a stationary illusion m uch
vacancy spell, only more powerful and elaborate. like a backdrop or scenery curtain for a theatri-

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Misdirection r
cal play. The mirage wall need not be vertical or
evenregularin its confines.It blanketsthe true
scene and conceals it with another. For example,
a cavern entrance might look like the adjacent
cliff face, or a lush oasis migh t appear to be
sandy dunes. Or a party of warriors lying in
ambush might appear not to "be" at all.
The wi7.ardmust see the location that he intends
to disguise before casting this spell. When the
mirage is in place, the caster does not haveto con-
centrate to maintain it. The mirage disappears if
the caster wills it, or when the duration of the spell
has ended. Dispel illusion and dispel mirage also
can destroy the mirage wall (see those spells for
details ). ln addition, the mirage ends if a living
creatureor spell passes through it (Poking a hand
through it is enough.) Physical objects, suc h as
missile weapons, don't destroy it, although they
may provide a visual clue when sailing through it.
A mirage wall does not block odors and sounds,
either. (Hence , an ambush party must remain
silent and, preferably, downwind.)
The material components of this spell are an
eyelash, a pinch of sand, and so me sweat from
any source.
Notes : Common for spellcasters from an ara-
bian setting; otherwise very rare.
imum of eight images. At the end of the spell
Mirror Image duration, all surviving images wink out.
(Illusion/Phantasm) Notes: Common spell (PHB).

Level: 2 Misdirection
Range:O (lllusion/Pbantasm)
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 2 Level: 2
Duration : 3 rds./level Range: 30 yds.
Area of Effect: 6-ft. radius Components: V, S
Saving Throw: None Casting Time : 2
Duration: 8 hrs .
When a mirror image spell is invoked, the Area of Effect: l creature or object
spellcaster causes from two to eight exact dupli- Saving Throw: Neg.
cates of himself to come into being around him.
These images do exactly what the wizard does. By means of this spell, the wizard misdirects
Since the spell causes a blurring and slight dis- the information from a detection spell (detect
tortion when it is cast, it is impossible for oppo- charm, detect evil, detect invisibility, detect lie.
nents to be certain which are the illusions and detect magic, detect snares and pits, etc.). While
which is the actual wizard. When an image is the detection spell functions, it indicates the
struck by a melee or missile attack, magical or wrong area, creature, or the opposite of the truth
otherwise, it disappears, but any other existing with respect to detect evil or detect lie. The wiz..
images remain intact until struck. The limages ard directs the spell effect upon the object of the
seem to shift from round to round, so that if the detection spell. If the caster of the detection
actual wizard is struck during one round, he can- spell fails his saving throw vs. spell , tlte misdi-
not be picked out from among his images the rection takes place. Note that this spell does not
next. To determine the number of images that affect other types of divination (know align-
appear, roll ld4 and add l for every three levels ment, augury, ESP, clairvoyance, etc.).
of experience the wizard has achieve(\ to a max- Notes: Common spell (PHB).

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
, Misfortune
Misfortune seeing will reveal the illusion for what it is. A
detect invisibility or true seeing spell or items

Level: 2
' I such as a gem of seeing or robe of eyes can
detect the invisible wizard (see the 5th-level
Range: IO yds. wizard spell shadow door).
Components: V, S Notes: Common spell (PHB).
Duration: I wk ./level
Casting Time: 2 Missile Mastery
Area of Effect: I creature (Alte ration )
Saving Throw: Special
Level: 4
When a wizard successfully casts a misfor- Range: 10 yds./level
tune spell upon another individual or creature, Components: V, S
the subject's proficiency checks suffer a I-point Casting Time: 4
penalty for the spell's duration. Multipl e misfor- Duration: 4 rds.
tune spells can be cast upon a subject, with Area of Effect: I missile
cumulative results. Saving Throw: Special
The subject of a misfortune enchantment is
allowed a saving throw vs. spell with a - 1 While this spell is in effect, the wizard can
penalty to the die roll for every three full levels alter the flight of a single missile that passes
of the caster. Thus, if a I 0th-level wizard cast within the range of the spell, stopping it or caus-
misfortune, the subject suffers a - 3 penalty to ing it to be hurled back toward its original sender.
his saving throw. Missiles returned to send er stri ke with the
The misfortune spell{s) can be negated by a sender's THACO with a +4 to hit and inflict nor-
single remove curse or similar spell. mal damage. The wizard can affect only a single
An elderly Rjurik wizard is said to have cre- missile per round. The missile can weigh no more
ated this spell to bring ill luck to his enemies. than the wizard's experience level in pounds.
He intended his foes to suffer misfortune when Enchanted items (such as an arrow + 1) receive a
hunting, fishing, or trapping - activities essen- saving throw vs. spell to overcome the missile
tial to the livelihood of the Rjurik people. Th e mastery. The saving throw for these items is the
spell has since been used to bring ill-luck to same as the individual who launched them, plus
people of all races. any bonuses of the weapon(+!, +2, etc.).
Notes: Common on Cerilia, the BIRTHRIGHT Magic missiles and similar spells of 3rd level
setting, uncommon for Savage rnages; unknown or less are negated entirely (magic disk, Me/f 's
elsewhere. acid arrow and minute meteors, Sni/loc 's snow-
ball and snowball swarm , etc.). Regardless of
Mislead how the missiles of a spread are targetted, the
(IIJusion/P hanta sm) entire spell effect is considered a single missile
for purposes of negation.
Level: 6 The wizard does not need to concentrate to
Range: IO yds. maintain the spell, being able to move and fight
Components: S while it is in operation. Casting any spell negates all
Casting Time: 1 remaining duration left on a missile mastery spell.
Duration: I rd./level Notes: Rare in the FORGOTTEN REALMS set-
Area of Effect: Special ting. Known to be in The Shadowtome.
Saving Throw: None
Misspell Mantle - Phaerimm
When a mislead spell is cast by the wizard, he (Alteration)
actually creates an illusory double at the same
time that he is cloaked by improved invisibility Level: 5
magic (see the 4th-level spell). The wizard is Range: 30 yds.
then free to go elsewhere while his double seem- Components: V
ingly moves away. The spell enables the illusion Casting Time: 5
of the wizard to speak and gesture as if it were Duration: 12 hrs.
real, and there are full olfactory and touch com- Area of Effect: l creature
ponents as well. A true seeing spell or a gem of Saving Throw: Neg.

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Mnemonic Enhancer,Rary's F
This spell enables the caster to create an No te s: Uncommon for Water , Air, and
invisible aura around any single creature. The Weather mages; otherwise rare. Originally from
creature will not feel anything, and the spell will the FoRGOJTEN REALMSsetting.
not take effect until the being uses a magical
item or casts a spell. Misty Summons
At that time, instead of the intended effect, a (Alteration, Invocation ) ~
random, "wil d" magical effect, similar to the :$
discharges ofa wand of wonder (and possibly
harmful to the target creature) will occur instead.
Level: 7
Range:I mi./level ---
The wild magic Wild Surge Results table in the Components: V, S
Tome of Magic can be used if the DM desires. Casting Time: 7 rds.
The magical item charge (if any) or spell is Duration: 10 rds./level
expended, regardless of the result. Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius
A successful dispel magic will remove this Saving Throw: None
unseen mantle . An affected creature will radiate
magic strongly. This spell requires a special portal to be built
Notes: Restricted to phaerimm ; common. prior to the casting-a doorway or archway of
Duration is changed from the original. stone. It must be at least three feet wide, but no
more than thirty. The materials to build it cost
Mist Magic 3,000 gp and the labor takes six months. All the
(Evocation) labor must be performed by the caster. Once
(Water,Air) built, it looks like any normal doorway or arch,
although it may be as plain or ornate as the
Level: 2 caster desires.
Range: 70 yds. When casting the spell, the wizard visualizes
Components: V, S, M a place he knows well, which must be within the
Casting Time: 2 range of the spell and in the same domain as the
Duration: ld4 turns+ 1 rd./level caster. The wizard must also be within 30 feet of
Area of Effect: 20 ft. + 10 ft./level radius the portal. Over the next 7 rounds, a misty fog
Saving Throw: None coalesces at that distant place and within the
portal. Once the fog has been created, the caster
This spell create s concealing mists , akin to no longer needs to concentrate on it. He can dis-
the !st-level wizard spell wall of fog. Unlike that pel it at any time, but cannot change its position.
simpler spell, mist magic can, as chosen by the The fog is magical, with an aura of alteration
caster, either move at a maximum rate of20 feet and invocation, but is otherwise indistinguish-
per round, stay motionless despite winds for 1 able from normal fog.
round per level of the caster, or move with the Any creature stepping into the mist walks out
caster (being left behind at the caster's last loca- of it through the portal; anyone seeing the mist
tion if the caster uses such spells as blink , forming can choose to not step into it. If the mist
dimension door, or teleport). The movement is created over characters, they have 7 rounds to
cannot be changed once chosen. The duration of escape. If they are sleeping or otherwise immo-
the mists is halved by strong winds. bile, the characters are transported through the
The mist created is thick and concealing , misty portal.
obscuring even infravision beyond a 2-foot dis- Count Von Zarovich has built a misty portal
tance. The mist is also extremely wet, dousing somewhere in his castle, but its exact location is
normal campfires or smaller flames and extin- unknown. Those whom he summons to his
guishing larger normal fires in 2- 5 rounds (thls castle rarely return ...
also destroys the mist). Many wizards use this Notes: Common spell in the RAVENLOFTset-
spell to put out house and forest fires. ting; otherwise very rare. Can be researched
All fire-based attacks entering, passing only on the Demiplane of Dread.
through, or cast within the mists lose 2 points
from each die of damage. Item s in the mist Mnemonic Enhancer, Rary 's
requiring saving throws against fire-based See Rary's mnemonic enhancer.
attacks receive a +3 saving throw bonus. The
mists can be affected by hold vapor and
destroyed by dispel magic.

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
""'\ Widely Known Spells
Most Widely Known Spells
Common, Uncommon, and Rare Spells Found in thls Volum e
While more complete listsare given in the final volume of this series, this list can be used as a quick guide
to the most common spells in this volume, suitable for nonspecializedPCs. Humanoid, monster, chrono-
mancer, and Maztican spells are not listed here. Common/uncommonspells are in bold. Spells in italic
are very rare or otherwise restricted;see individualspell entries for details. Drow, necromancer, ninja, and
Athasiaospecialty lists are given separately.

Level I locate remains luatiable tlllnt

t-lt!mentalburst magicdislc iDvislbillty
empath k selz 11re maelc ra,t Invisibility to u ndtad
empath y mal,llc mbslle Irritation
enlarge march Jester 's Jest
erase melt knock
(aneer mending know allanment
teather ran messag'I! Lat!ral:Scullinglumd
feather n oat meumorphose liquids Leomund 's tnp
fiery eyt!S minorqut!St lesser sip of seallna
ruth 's bane levitate
find fammar life sowrding
fiffbant Level 2 //glunillgstri/re
fire qoill echoes locate object
fire truth elemental guidt! locate portal
firewater Elon la's glamer magic tar
Ost or stone empathic control magic missile reflection
nam espl n enchallled blade magic m outh
Oare enhanced olfactlon mask bloodline
Oasbllght enlargt!dest-Hcreature massjump
float ent er dream Muimlliu 's tartben ara
friends ESP measun ciMDbryJ
frost fingen ewrwatchlna skllll Melf's acid arrow
frost shroud falling wall admkry
p1111tk1 familiar enhancer I mJrror lmaae
aue reOectlon fascinate misdfrec:tlon
Gt!m1da11 'sicicle filter misfor1t1ne
ghost light Fla nn 's finery mJst magic
gliostharp fin a""'"'
grease fvt shurl/ren
hail of stone rtttpl"OOf Level 3
hair flrestaff eaaJevisio n
hold portal firststrilct! Elmimter:Smulflplt mouths
honor mart fut oflhe adder empathic1111.k
Hornung:Sguess flaming sphere enchantedtorch
hyp11otlsm flash enhance blood ability
Identif y flashpuff entomb
igniteflame Oylna Ost Erik's quills
insulation jlyingjambiya aploslw ru nes
Jump foi:c loud fact
Khinasi trade tongue fools ' gold familiarenhancer ll
know bloodline derivation fon,ewave far reachfoa I
know bloodline strength forge1 fanpeaker
know Ctri/ian origin frostflre feaifire
knowfaction eate ward fdpdtatb
know history Gemidan'.I-paralytic missile fle,yflsts
know school ghost blade find tmuare
know weight ahostplpet flndwo1er
laddt!r glitterdust nre phutom
Laeral's dancing whip Hon111ng
:Sbaneful deflector fire rain
lu ting brea th hold portal ope n fire wings
llfht hypnotic pattern fireball
lightning bug Ice lali fe flrejlow
liquid orb Im murk 's distraction Oamearrow
little bird Imp roved phantasmal foree fly
UvlngUolc infntorch fool :rspelt

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Widely Known Spells,-

foothold far reaching D

Gamalon'.sfiery /Jack/ash fatigue
gore seal fear SpedalUIIII
ghost armor feign destruction
grease slick find person DNwSplll
gro und fog find treasure ,_,,,..,. 9MCl(I)
gust of wind
fire aura
f"aecbann ,__,..,,,,,..,__(.1)

fire enchantment .,,,,,.,,,...,. .. fJ)
haste fire shield
healing dream fire trap
hissing sand fire woke
hold pe.rson firebrand
hold undead Flamst erd's name strlke
hold vapor fumble
hover Ga/other'sgnostic chain
hoveri ng skull Oalkyns bolt
icelance gaseousform
Geirdom '.sgrappling grasp
illusionary script genie contract
impr oved magic missile Ghe/kyn:Swounding
Improved magic mouth ghost rigging
Improved whispering wind gloom
infravislon great thump
instant audience greater mallson
interruptablelight hat/cone
Invisibility, 10' radius hallucinatory terrain
invisible mall halo of eyes
iron kimono heroism
Iron mJnd hiding place
Ice storm
Isolde 's answer Identifytlgbmaevril
item Illusionary wall
Khelben:Ssuspended silence Dyykur'smantle
Laeral's dancing dweomer improvedarmor
lance of disruption Improvedlnvlslbillty
Leomund 's tiny hut Improved strength
lessengravity iron maiden
lightning bolt Ivy's Irresistible scent
lightning rod jackal ward
Lorloveim 's creeping sh adow jest
know path of magic
l;ysanders kaleidoscope
Laeral's aqueous column
magnetism Loera/'.sgesture
mailed mlght lapse
ma/adweomer Leomund's secure shelter
manyjaws lesser spelldream
m ateria l lesser geas
Maximilian 's stony grasp life bolt
Melf 's minute meteors lifesurge
Mellix 's fire mouth lightningshield
memory locate creature
magic mirror
mental block
mask of death
men tal transport massmorph
min or mallson mechanical disruption
melt metal
Merald's murderousmist
Level4 mimic blood ability
electrical wards minor creation
elementalform minor globe of lnvulner1bWty
elemental turning minor spell t11rnlng
elude blow mirage wall
emotion missile mastery
enchanted weapon
enervation Level S
enhancefire creature elemental control
Evard'sblack tentacles enhance maneuverability
everlasting f"ae ethereal banishment
everpresen t record extension n
extension 1 eyefire
famiJJar e nhancer m fabricate

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
""": Widely Known Spells

r '
facet gauntlet of teeth Level 8
Fallion'sfabulous fireball geas elemental transmogrification
false vision ghostgrail endless slumber
familiar enhancer JV glassee enhance
far reaching m globe of invulnerability evolve
farscry graft familiar enhancer VII
fear aura greater sign of sealing fear ward
feeblemind greater spelldream findi ng the center
feign undead guards and wards gateway
fiendform howl of Pandemonium giant size
fire breath impenonation gia ssteel
fire track invisible stalker great shout
flesh mirage invulnerability to magical weapons Gunther 's kaleidoscopic strike
jleshshiver itemban e hide heart
flyfield javelin heart ofstone
force shapechange Jonsta/ 's improveddouble wizardry homunculus shield
Grimwald 's graymantle legend lore Hornung's random dispatcher
guise of the yak-man lightning rod incendiary cloud
hasten growth lightningcloak intensify nature
heat mirage Lorloveim 's shadowy transforma- iron body
hold monster tion laera l s invisibleblade
immunity to poison and disease lower water lifeforce transfer
improved blink magical susceptibility lightning ring
improvedskull watch maintain lightning storm
insect sight mass suggestion magic drain
invulnerability to normal weapons metal 10 rust mass charm
lronguard mirage arcana mass polymorph
ironwood mislead mass teleport without error
Jaggar'sstrengthenedbastion maze
Jhanifer sdeliquescence mind blank
Jonstal 's double wizardry Level 7
Khazid 's procurement electric bow
Knoslira's crypt elemental servant Level 9
know value enhan ced empathy elementa l aura
laeral's disrobement exalted eye Elminster 's effulgent epuration
lapls bonds faerie sword Elminster 's evasion
Leomund 's hidden lodge find the path energy drain
Leomund's lamentable belaborment familiar enhancer VI estate tran sference
Leomund 's secret chest finger of death eye of Mystra
lifefield flame chase eye of power
lightning curtain forcecage familiar enhancer VJJI
lightning lash gemjump foresight
liquid earth guardian mantle gate
lower resistance gullship gloriou s tran smutation
magic jar hatch the stone from the egg immunity to undeath
magic staff hold go/em Imprisonment
major creation Hornung'ssurge selector instant regeneration
Manor 's mindslght ice blight internalfire
mass incendiaryentrapment juggernaut
mass contagion intensify summoning Khelben:Sdweomerdoom
mass mounts Janga'sjewel lifeforce exchange
maximum damage lifeproof life water
Melisander'sharp limited wish lifeblend
metal skin love maelstrom
mind~ ontrol invisibility lullaby major cloak
mind fog lysander 's bladestorm mass blindness
mlnd~ontrol invisibility major domination mass domination
Malec-Ketb 's flame fist master undead
Malraz 's dramatic death maw of chaos
Level 6 Manor's mind vision meteor swarm
enchant an Item mass invisibility
energy transformation mass telepon
enfeeble mindspin
ensnarem ent misty summons
etherealnes s
evaporate fluids
extension IU
familiar enhanc er V
fire eyes
flame ofj ustice
Forest's fiery constrictor
gambler's luck

Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)
Dungeons&Dragons 1i


The Ultimate Collection!
The Wizard 's Spell Compendium ts a four-volume
series descrtb\ng every wlzard spell for the AD&D
game. Spells have been collected from rule books ,
campaign setttngs, supplements, adventure s, and
magazlnes dating back to 1975. Early entries have
been updated to be lmmedlatety usable , making
thls the player' s and OM' s deftn\ttve source for
wtzard spells.


Vl1lt our website at http://www .tlrlnc .com
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Richard Wehner (Order #13135537)

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