Anda di halaman 1dari 14

1. - Introduction f~rent instrument.

s [5, 6], thus the cavitation incep-

tIon was determmed also by means of different
methods. The simiIarity ,of the results of inves-
. Il is a :veH-l~n()wn fact that cavitation in hydrau- tigations, however, confirms the adaptabiIity of the
hc maclnnes 1S always associated with vibration test method in question.
and noise phenomena. Theil' charaeter and inten- The noise investigations at various cavitatino' con-
sity depends on the cavitation conditions. The ditions operating hydraulic machines was, d~lC to
observation of cavitathm in hydraulic machines was the complex character of the pI'Oblem, only scarcely
possible only ,:isuaHy S!() far (through a transpa- cmploycd owing, above aH, to the unccrtainties dis-
~'ent :vaH. or wm~ow, by using mosHy stroboscope
covered in the measurements techniques.
IllunnnatlOn), wInch was relatively easy to realize With the simple and readiIy reproducible noise
i~ ~ase of smaH-size machines or mode1s, if only to a
and vibration measurement method [7J elaborated
lmuted extent, but which presented difficulties or in course of the cavitation research work CJondueted
was .often entirely impossible \vhen larcse-size ma- by the Department of Hydraulic Machinery of the
chines. had to be tested. For this reas~l, particu- Budapest Technical University applied to models
lady 111 the lust decade, acoustic investio'ations located in closed circuit cavitation tunnel [8],
were thrust into prominence as the noise ~nd/or pumps [9,10], and a Francis turbine model [11],
vibration associated with cavitation seemed suita- the results of completed test procedures verified the
ble for the detection of cavitati,on phenomena en- adaptabiIity of this method. The foHowing para-
countered in places inaccessible for visual obser- graphs present the results obtained so far, and the
vation. conclusions arrived at therefrom.
Altho.ugh the hitherto investigations lead to the
conclusIOn that the incipient cavitation is most sen-
sitively indicated by the rapid increase of noise Il. - Description
[1-4], still no generaHy accepted method has been
of the measuring equipment
developed, as yet, for its measurement. The mea-
surements performed in this direction so far cover-
ecl various frequency ranges and made use of dif- The vibrations producecl by cavitation, and the
intensity of the noise emitted were measured bv
using a Brel and Kj aer condenser microphone ada]l-
Professor, Department of Hydrau.Jic Machinerv, Buda- table within the frequency range of 20 to 40 000 cps,
pest Technical University (Hungary).
an acceler!ll1eter for measurements within the fre-
Rcsearch Engineer, Department of Hydraulic Machinerv
ql~ency range of 2 to 25 000 cps, the necessary am-
Budapest Technical University (Hungary). ,
* ** Mech. Eng., Math., Department of Hydraulic Machinery,
phfiers,a frequency analyzer operating in the 20
Budapest Technical University, and Ganz-Mavag Co, Buda- to 20000 cps range, and an automatic level recorder
pest (Hungary). suitable for the registration of variable voltage le-

Article published by SHF and available at or


vel values (Fig. 1). The advantages of this method

are that no window is required on the housing of
op the machine tested, and the equipment is simple and
portable. It has the disadvantage of a limited fre-

quency range which is, nevertheless, sufIicient for

the larger bubble sizes [12J.
r E In the experiments, the accelerometer was mount-

ed OIltO the obj ect to be measured while the micro-
phone was located in the vicinity 'of the machine
or ,vorking section under test, possibly isolated
gP from aH external noises. The acoustic measure-
ments performed with the capacitor microphone
1/ Sehematic diagram of the instrumentation used for noise determined sound pressure level values whereas the
measurements. A : the objeet testcd; B : accelerometer; vibration measurements inf,ormed on acceleration
C: condenser microphone; D: pre-amplifier; E: fre- or, more precisely, acceleration level values.
quency analyser; F: level recordel'; g: aeeelerometer
cable; p : microphone cable.
The noise measurements associated with hydrau-
lic investigations were performed with the systems
Schma de principe des appareils employs pOllr les me-
Sllres' acollstiqlles. il: objet tlldi; 13: acclromtre; listed above. Thus various models placed perpen-
C: microphone li capacitance; J) .' pr-amplificatellr; E: dicular to the direction of the flow in the working
lInalysellr de frquence; F: enregistrellr de niveall; g: chamber ,of the closed circuit hydrodynamic tun-
ciible de l'acclromtre; Il : cble dll m !c)'op!Jone. nel [8J and those similarly in a closed type tur-
bine model test rig with resorbers where, in course
of turbine model studies, the cavitation was visually
observed and the various types were photographierl,
have been made use of [Il]. Experiments were con-
ducted, in open circuits furthermore, iOll a pump
with semi open impeHer (without front shroud) for
the visual observation of cavitation and, both in
closed and open systems, with pumps where no vi-
-50 I----'--H-+--,---I\----,-,-,- ---
suai observatin was feasible [9, 10J.
The various hydraulic investigations (in hydro-
dynamic tunnel, pumps, turbine) employed the ca-
vitation numbers corresponding to the given condi-
-70 tions. In turbine investigations, the cavitation
number was calculated with the static suction heac1
and net head taken into account, in pump tests the
Thoma cavitation number was accounted using the
total energy of the liquid upstream the impeller,
2/ .!jcceleration level no in the funetion of frequency f, and the reference delivery head was represented by
with different cavitation numhers (T, in case of a d = the value measured under non-cavitating condi-
48 mm diameter eI'cular cvlindel' model located in a tions, whereas the investigations 1,lJ1 models in a
test section of A = 48 X 200 "mm.
hydrodynamic tunnel employed the pressure and
Niveall d'acclration n. en fonction de la frqllence f
et de l'indice de cavitation (T pOllr le cas d'lin modle de velocity valucs prevailing at the place of the model
cylindre circulaire de diamtre 48 mm, dans une section producing cavitation, but in its absence, for the cal-
exprimentale A gale li 48x200 mm. culaon of the cavitation factors. These cavita-
tion numbers detennined in practice are appropriate
for ,characterizing the various cavitation conditions.
Hence the cavitation numbers will be unifonnly
indicated by sigma which, however, always repr~
sents the respective value of those listed above.

III. - Noise spedrum

Noise spectrum means the curve illustrating the

relationship of sound pressure level (in vibration
measurements: acceleration level) and frequency
number. These curves ofl'er useful information for
3/ Soune! preSSUl'e level SPL in function of frequeney, on studies of cavitational How. They make possible
the basis of experiments eonducted by Etkin et al. [liJj the determination of the correlation between the
with air, at a veloeity of lJ =
225 ft/sec. using a d =
Strouhal number ::s and the cavitation number
eylinder model in a 48"x 32" test section.
Niveall de pression sonore SPL en fonction de la j'r-
within a given system, and they represent the basis
qllence, Sllr la base d'expriences faites par Etkin et al. for the acoustic examination of hydraulic machines
i 18] avec de l'air. li la vitesse v = 225 pieds/s; modle operating under cavitating conditions.
cylindriqlle d =
1/2" dans llne section exprimentale de Figure 2 presents, in simplified outlines, the
noise spectrum curves plotted with difl'erent cavi-
tation numbers in the 20 ta 20 000 cps frequency

range, during measurements on a model located peak, referring to an a type noise generator, pro-
against the flow in the closed circuit hydraulic trudes under the given cavitation condition by about
tunnel. Suchcurves can be divided into tluee cha- 20 dB l'rom the noise level of the surrounding fre-
racteristic sections. The range indicated by A is quencies. Varga and Sebestyn [14, 15J has shown
characterized basically by the noise of the bearings the ciQITelation between Strouhal number and cavi-
and the auxiliary machines (pump, electromotor tation number using various methods, incl uding
and its feeding aggregate). In range B, the eITect noise test for determination, of the frequency of
of the cavitating f10w conditions is manifested to vortices shedding periodically l'rom circulaI' cylin-
different degrees depending on frequency. Finally, der mode!. Figure 5 presents the photograph of
in range C, the curves depend only on the cavita- cavitation bubble clusters separated frl1 wedge
tion number and run ahuost parallelly. model, exposed with a short illumination time.
This curve run-olT is due to the two fundamental Lecher [Hl] photographed periodic vortex separa-
noise generators existing in cavitation flow: tion l'rom a turbine blades under cavitating condi-
a) Noise emitted at a discrete frequency determined tion.
by the flow conditions, as the result of the pc rio-
dic separation of cavitation vortices; 2. Noise level.
b) Sound radiation produced by bubble collapse at The sections of the noise spectra in the C-range
a wide frequency spectrum ex tend cd inbo the (G 000 ... 20 000 cps) presented in Figure 2 run
supersonic range. approximately parallel, that is, the average distance
there-between is practically constant. This indica-
1. The Slmuhal number. tes that, within this range, the relative values are
independent of frequency. This nature of the
On the basis of the firs t noise source, the fre- noise spectra is closely connected to the energy
quency of the \vakes shedding l'rom the model can emitted over a wide band when the cavitation
be determined l'rom the noise spectrum, that is, bubbles collapse (b-type noise generator).
frolll the frequency number pertaining to its peak Pokrovsky and Yudin [17] obtained identical
value. This test method proved to he successful results in e~urse fOl' their noise investigations con-
in wind tunnel experiments as weil, as attested hy ducted on a pump. One of their noise spectrum
the diagram of Figure 3, published originally by curves is shown in Figure G. During his pump
Etkin, Kmbacher and Keefe [1:3 J. The slo\vly and turbine cavitation noise tests, Pearsall [12J
suhsiding ClIrVe of the noise spectrum ha s, at measured the sound pressure level values at select-
around the frequency number of 1 000 cps, a stee- cd frequencies. Of his characteristic curves, those
ply protruding peak associated with periodic vortex ploUed at the frequencies of 20000 and 12 500 cps,
separation, which corresponds to the separation respectively, are approximately par"allel which sup-
frequency of vortices forming a Karman \~ortex ports our previous conclusils (Fig. 7).
street. On grounds of the above peculiar characteristics
The perioclic vortex separation can be verified of the noise spectra, the results of our ear"lier in-
and the separation frequency determined, by means vestigations [8, Il J revealed unequivocally, as con-
of the noise spectrum, under cavitational flow con- firmed by the papers eited too, that investigati<ons
ditions as weIl. Along the curves ploUed in Fi- on the cavitation flO\v phenomena do not require
gure 2, between GO < l < 200 cps is the range where the determination of the total noise spectrum but
the determinatil of the separation period from the it is sufIicient to select one or, in order DO ensure
noise level peak points possible. The frequency higheraccuracy, two frequencies vvithin the spe-
curve detail presented in Figure 4 reveaIs that this cified range (behveen G 000 and 20000 cps), and

Noise spectrum eurve
detai! (sound pl"essure
level in the fUl~ction
of frequeney), p!olted
for circular cylindel"
model of d = 48 mm
diameter, !ocated in
,the 48 X 2()()' ml11 'test
section of a c!osed ca-
vitation tunnel. R =
5.29.10', cr= 1.93.
70 80 90 100 Dtail de la courbe dll
120 1'tO 160 200
spectre acoustique (ni-
veall de pression so-
nore en fonction de la
frquence), correspondant il llll lllodle de cylindre circu- 5/ Photograph of a cavitation vortex separated from the
laire de diamtre = 48 mm, install dans la section expri- =
model. Illumination period ,; 10"" sec.
mentale de 48 X200 mlll d'un tunnel de cavitation ferm. Photographie d'un tourbillon de cavitation s'tant dcoll
gj, = 5,29.10'; cr 1,93. du modle. Dure d'clairage,; = 10- 5 S.


1-----;--:0-----,-------,-------,------, np, d~
18OH----H'------t-----t-- ---+-----159

...--- --j--.--:-=--=-=--l---
1+0 I---\----++--t-+---j--------+ f' f5(J(J(Jcp+-- 55
Bi ~80'! _

---\------f----,---f-.-.. ---T - ~ ~- Ir i---

---- 010 100 1--++---'--1--~1 ......-I----'-r'---'-----l---------1 51

ng - 0--. .1,. ,--~ !CI

d~ ~
, 60

/JO .- I~
. ", \ .- -

.--- r" . --.- .

.f , ....J-'
70 ._--- ,--. --
i /' --
1 / p!!. "..0- 8/ Variation of the sound pressure level n p and the cavita-
-=1 ;.,
,. Jt..

'~--f) A.- ~r\-

tions zone length 1" in functioll of the cavitation num-
ber 0, in a 30 wedge model, at a measurement frequency
"J :1 J '\

, !/~.-~ of 15000 cps. A : appearance of cavitation vortex fila-
ments behind the mode!, and the development of a ShOl't
_____ ,
! ffi, JP
~ \~
0) &


cavitation whisker; B: beginning of the separation of
cavitation vortices; 'C : culmination point; .D: exhaus-
tion range.
30 rariation du niveau de pression sonore n p et de la lon-
20 3 .... 6 IJ 10' 2 3 6810' 2 3 "'6 8 ~ 21tJ+
f. cp gueur de la zone de cavitation l, en fonction du cr d"
cavitation.' cas d'un modle de coin 30, frquence de
mesure 15000 Hz. A .' apparition de filaments de tourbil-
6/ Vibration (lower curves) and noise spectre (upper curves) lon de cavitation l'aval du modle et formation d'une
of a centrifugal pump, in the function of frequency, courte traine de cavitation; B.' dbut du dcollement
according to the experiments condueted by l'okrovsky and des tourbillons de cavitation; C.' point culminant dll
Yudin (17], under different (A,B,C) cavitation conditions, phnomne; D .' dom.aine d'puisement du phnomne.
Vibrations (courbes infrieures) et spectre acoustique
(courbes suprieures) d'une pompe centrifuge, en fonction
dc la frquence, selon les expriences de et
Yudin [17] dans des conditions de cavitation Iwriables
(A,B,C). perform the measurements thereat, whereby the
measuring work will be greatly redueed.
During the measurements, it was advantageous
that the determinrution of -the absoIute leveI values
was not neeessary but it was suffieient to study the

:'~ l
differences from the noise level (sound pressure '
acceIeration) determined under non-eavitating con-
v' 0.96 ,----;------1''+-------+---+---
j----+__ --- - .--- dition. Measurement accuracy was increased by
0.97 4 , using the mean values determined by the graphicaI
40 ~----!:--r--"-------1--- --+-----i------+--- +---+-----1----1 integration of the noise Ievel values recorded in the
30 f-- ~ ;g:~,Cl~" '1+\1.'-0'1---+--+--+'----+----+----+----+,----1
function of time.
Illustration of the noise IeveI in fueti'll of the
: ~::f: ,
201- 250C/'-t------+--t-------t . . ----+------- -j'-'-" ....- t -- -i- - . -..
cavitation number 0' or relative cavitation zone
Iength will be hence called noise level CUl'ue.
10f----l-- -----}--J~~1~.'80--;,~_;-o-~-t-~-o-~- ~-~-~-+~~;-~-;-t;-;--;.;. -.. - - The two illustration methods (in fuetion of 0' or )
are essentially equivaIent because cavity Iength is
or--+--+--~--- ,;-..:~ '---:4'-- ~-l---- 1
a unique function ,of cavitati,on number [15, 18].

Q2. 0,' o." 0.5 QG 0.7 0,6 Q9 (0 U 1.2 IJ

IV. - The character of noise

7/ Relative efficiency 11' and sound pressure level n 1, in level curves
funetion of the cavitation number 0, accol'ding to the ex-
periments conducted by l'earsall [12] with a Kaplan
turbine (curve A illustrates the entire sound pressure
level). In hydraulic machines, cavitation may OCClU at
Rendement relatif 1]' et niveal/ de pression sonore n,,, val'ious places during their operation (blade cavi-
en fonction dll cr de cavitation, selon les expriences de tation, tip c1earence cavHation, suclion pipe vortex
Pearsall [12J faites Slll' I/ne tl/l'bine Kaplan; la cOl/rbe il cavitation, etc.). These cavitation phenomena
reprsente l'ensemble dl/ nilJearl de pression sonore. appearing at different points may be encountered
simultaneousIy. The noise thus produced is the
composition of the noise phenomena of the diffe-

-30 1

Anp 20
18 j---------"-I-/ "--- -------- -\+-~- ---c
l j-~"3XJmm
v .. ff,85m{s
Y"1Q76 mlJ

IG -+0





-" L+..JL ~l-----:t1::-----1,-----""i

10/ Variation of the acceleration level nu in function of
9/ Sound pressure level !ln p and acceleration level !ln. dif- the cavitation number (J, for a cylinder mode! in a
ferences in function of the relative <cavity ilength /.. = hydrodynamic tunnel :
l,Id, ofa circulaI' cylinder model test performed in a a : measurements at the perspex sidewall;
hydrodynamic tunnel. b : measurements at the stcel sidewall.
Diffrences dlI niveall de pression sonore !ln. et dlI ni- Variation dlI niveall d'acclration n g en fonction dl1 (J
veall d'acclration !ln" en fonetion de la longlIelIr de de cavitation, dans le cas d'lIn modle de cylindre cir-
cavit relative /, = l,Id, correspondant ri lm essai effec- ciliaire dans lIn tunnel hydrodynamique:
tu allec un modle de culindre circlIlaire en tlInnel hy- a : meSlIres ri la paroi latrale en plexiglass;
drodynamiqlIe. Il : meSlIres ri la paroi latrale en acier.

rent type cavitation phenomena produced at the increasing with decreasing cavitation number.
different places. In order to arrive at conclusions \Vhere, on the other hand, the noise IeveI is de-
from these complex noise phenomena, it is neces- creasing, the intensity of cavitation will similarly
sary to be familial' with the test results of the indi- decrease. In the cavitation number range of the
vidual oavitation phenomena. Such individuaUy diagram marked by A, along the lower and upper
produced, isolated cavitation phenomenon is, for side of the model, respectiveIy, the diminution of
example, that prodnced behind a model located in the cavitation number leads Lo the development of
a hydrodynamic tunnel. a gradually increasing cavitation cloud indicated
by the increased noise level as weIl. Separation
of the vortices begins in point B whence the noise
1. Noise level curves of isolated cavitation.
level is steeply increasing up to point C where cavi-
Noise level curves of wedge-shape and cylindrical tation is of a maximum intensirly, and the intensity
modeIs located against the flow in closed hydro- of the emitted sound has similarly a maximum
dynamic tunnel were plotted by using condenser value. This is foHowed (in zone marked by D) by
microphone placed next to the test sections, and the development of a pulsating cavitation zone of
accelerometers mounted onto the sidewalls thereof. mnch Iess intensity with, finally, the intensHy com-
T,o facilitate the visual observation tluee sidewaUs pletely lost, that is, exhausted.
of the test section were made of transparent mate- The results of investigation with circulaI' cylin-
rial (perspex), while the fourth one of steel. Acce- der models are presented in Figures 9, la and Il,
leration level was measured by accelerometers whereas Figure 12 illustra,tes the results of sound
mounted on both the persplex and steel walls. The pressure and acceleration level measurements per-
measurements rendered identioal results. formed on a pump, in order to verify that the cha-
In case of an isosceles wedge modeI of a 30 apex l'acter of the noise level curves is independent,
angle, the relationship between cavitation number, within the suitably selected frequency range, of
sound pressure level, and cavity length respecti- the f'requency number and the method of (noise
vely, is i11ustrated by Figure 8, where the noise or acceleration leveI measurement) observation.
Ievel of a complete cavitation proccss (inception, Further peculim' characteristics of the noise level
development, and graduaI exhaustion of cavitation), curves presented in this Figure ,vill be dealt With by
as measured at 15 000 cps frequency, is recorded. Section IV. 3 in detail.
Cavitation development ischaracterized by the ca- Figure 13 displays noise leveI curves pl!otted for
vitation number range wherein the noise level is an wedgemodel at various flow velocities, which

lead to the conclusion that the difIerent stress con- the results of hydraulic machine tests described
ditions of the test section ,valls, produced by the be1ow.
difIerent pressures, and the Heynolds number exerl
only a negligihle influence with respect to the noise
level curves. 2. Noise level curves of model turbine.
Figure 14 was plotted by making use of the data
(Fig. 18,2;3,24 and :30) ofIered by a publication [HlJ The acustic method described above was em-
reporting on the extensive noise investigations con- ployed for the cavitation noise test of a Francis
ducted by Numachi on blade profiles. This Figure turbine model of n s = 100 metric specific speed.
presents the noise level CllI'VeS of the a = 0 inci- The noise spectrum measurements \vere performed
dence angle Clark prof!le, pertaining ta difIerent with the condenser microphone located on the wall
frequency values, and the relative cavity lengths in of the dran tube. These measurements confirmed
function of the cavitation index (using author's the em'lier findings and, therefll'e, the subsequent
symbols). The character of these noise level cur- noise level measurements involved the same fre-
ves is identical to that of the curves presented quency (t = 15 000 cps). Figure 15 presents a
above. The cavilation index ka = 1.12 represents, noise level curve plotted for an operating condition
according l the author, the condition immediately near Ioo ,the best efficiency point at full opening.
preceding cavitation inception. It is conspicuous that not only the noise level
Summarizing the diagrams presented, it may be curve presented but aIl noise level curves
stated that the character of the noise level Cluves measured under .other operational conditions have
(that is, the variation I()f the ascending and descen- similarly two peak values. The correlation bet-
ding sections, and the location of peaks) is govern- ween the cavitation developed in the turbine and the
ed to a decisive extent by the cavitating conditions noise level Cluve can be readilyanalyzed on the
and their variations. \Vith other words, the noise basis of this Figure.
level curves are afTected only to an insignificant On grounds of visually observed c<nitation forms,
degree by the va'lue of the frequency loptionally lheir photographs, the results of ,output characte-
selected from the frequency range sui table for the ristic measuremen ts, and their comparison to the
test, by the relative position of the sensing device, noise level curve data, the following statements
the material of the walls limiting the flow, and by may be made:
the sensing method (sound pressure or acceleration In the measurements discussed, the first symp-
measurement). All these were confirmed also by tom of cavitation npon the graduaI reduction of the
cavitation number could be observed along the cen-
tre Hne of the runner (at (J = 0,54 value). Howe-
ver, the noise level curve started to ascend as early
-30 r ---,---,----":---------_+_ as at the value of (J = 0,6 which refers to an em'lier
X-48x200mm inception of the cavitation but impossible to observe
ng d-48 mm visually, as yet. HammiLt [4] reported from si-
dB V /0,76 mis
milar observatilll. \Vith the cavitation thus start-
ed, the further reduction of the cavitation number
led to the development of a funnel shape vortex ca-
"':"""'1 vitation along the centre line of the turbine, and
to the simultaneous increase of the noise level. \'Tith
further reduced cavitation numbers, the cavitation
funnel grew longer and thicker (Fig. 16) penetrat-

ing, finally, into the suction bend whereby the cavi-
tation condition became to resemble that caUed
blocking in cavitation tunnels, characterized theo-
retically by an "infinite" cavitation wake. Above
the value of (J = 0,25 no blade cavitation symptoms
could he observed, thus the development of the
noise level curve was influenced by the cavitation
funnel alone. In this section, the course of the
noise level Cluve is similar to that obtained nnder
isolated cavitation test conditions, inc1uding the
development and exhaustion stages.
The first symptoms of blade cavitation were
observed at a Cf = 0,13 values. The noise level
curve will, however, ascend as soon as at Cf = 0,20
which l'efers to the actnal inception of the blade
cavitation, indicated by the slight modification of
2 3 5 water discharge and speed as well. At such cavi-
tation numbers, the cavitation noise 1S produced by
the super-imposition of the blade cavitation and vor-
11/ Variation of the aeceieralion ieyelnu in function of the
tex cavibltion noises. The sudden rise of noise
relative cayity leugth 1.. for a cylindrical model, at
different frequencies. level may he attributed to the efI.ect of blade cavi-
1'ariation du niveau d'acclration n g en fonction de la tation. and with the output characteristic changes
longueur de cavit relative 1" dans le cas d'Un modle t.akes mto account, the inception !of blade cavitation
cylindrique et avec des frquences variables. may be assumed at the Cf.; = 0,28 value. The noise
p1'lodnced by the vortex cavHation may be neglect-

1,2 t-l="""""t-Tl '--ir\~-I"'ot:=~~s,., (2

cm' 1,0 1.0
.0 f-16000Hz 0.8

0.6 0,6

0.2 > 0.2

0,5 0.6 1,2

12/ 14/


n p, A -~8x200
dB / - 15000cps
55 'V-12,55mls
~V- 9,6'~m/s


f-15000cps .

43 L.-----,------;;-2---(5---:---'-----'~4_-----:5


12/ Variation of the aeeeleration n y and sound pressure n"

level in funclion of the cavitation number cr, when tes-
ting a douhle-suction pump, at two different frequen-
Yariation des nilJealix d'acclration n g et de pression
sonore n,,, en fonction dll cr de calJitation, correspondant
des essais faits sur une pompe double aspiration et
pour deua: frquences diffrentes.

13/ Sound pressure level nI' in funetion of the cavitation

numbcr cr, for a wedge mode], at different fIow veloci-
tics IJ.
NilJeau de pression sonore n p en fonction du cr de calJi-
tation : modle de coin et vitesse d'coulement v varia-

14/ Sound pressure Ph (mg/cm") and the relative lengths

characteristic-s of the cavitation conditions /,/1, /,,11, in 15/
function of the cavitation index k",according to Numa-
chi [19J.
Pression sonore Ph (mu/cm') et lonUlieurs relatives ca-
ractristiques du rgime de cavitation ).11, ),011, en fonc-
tion de l'indice de cavitation k", d'aprs NumacZ,i [19].

15/ Variation of the sound 'Pressure level nl' and output

charaeteristies Q, n, NI, 11, in the function of the cavi-
tation number cr, for a Francis turbine mode!.
Yariation du niveau de pression sonore n" et des carac-
tristiques de sortie Q, n, M, 11, en fonction du cr de ca-
vitation, dans le cas d'lin modle de turbine Francis.

16/ Photograph of a cavitation fUIlIlel vortex (cr = 0.165).

Yue d'un tourbillon de cavitation entonnoir (cr =
0,165). 16/


0.4 f - - - - - - - - , - - - -


-'tO 0)


0.100 0;00 Q ~. Q.lOO

17/ Variation of the noise levc1 n,,, n in the function of

19/ Critical cavitation numbers a",t. determined l'rom deli-
frequency f, as measured at different points A, B, C, in verv head measurement results, in function of the
]lump tests, with constant cavitation numbers. pm;1p delivery Q. The points indicated represent the
Variation du niveau sonore Il,,, n., en fonction de la sigma values 0* pertaining to the second noise level
frquence 1', mesure ri divers endroits (points A, B, C) peak, as selected from the noise level n" measurement
au cours d'essais sur des pompes (a constant). results.
Sigma de cavitation critique, (J",/., dtermin ri parfir
de rsultats de mesure de la !lauteur de refoulement,
H en fonction du dbit Q de la pompe. Les points indi-
III qus reprsentent les valeurs de (J* correspondant li ta
5D deuxime valeur maximale du niveau sonore, tire des
rsultats des mesures du niveau sonore n g

".------------.-15 ~



25~ .
1 1
20/----+:--=-+++----t'-!+--"...f-l a9
15 Q7
., . as
~ Q4

o Dl Q Ils

18/ Pump delivery head H in functioll of the pump deli- 20/ Noise level surface; acceleration level n g in function
very Q, with different cavitation numbers o. of thc cavitation number (J and the ]lump delivery Q.
Hauteur de refoulem.ent Il d'une pompe en fonction du Surface du niveau sonore: n!zJeazl d'acclration 11. en
dbit Q, avec un (J de cavitation IJariable. fonction du (J de cavitation et du dbit Q de la pompe.


ed from around 0" = 0,1 on, as compared to the the noise level curves plotted along the different
blade cavitation noise and, therefore, the lower curves wiU depend on the measurement method
sectj'on of the CllTVe reflects the development and employed, but the noise level surface will be inde-
exhaustion of the blade 'cavitation. Ii could be pendent thereof. The character of the noise level
estahlished, furthermore, that the cavitation num- surface revea'ls, furthermore, that the nature of the
ber pertaining to the peak value attrihuted to blade noise level curves (the location of peaks) plotted
cavit,ation is very close to the point pertaining to along the differen t lines is identical.
the efficiency decrease. The development of two
noise levei curve peak values may be explained, the-
refore, by the development of cavitation at two
difIerent points in the turbine, where the peak V. - Noise level, noise intensity,
value measured at a higher cavitation number is and cavitation erosion
due to the cavitation funnel, and the one at the
lower index is brought about by blade cavitation.
The test results described above show that, re-
gardless of where the cavitation was produced, its
3. Noise level curves of pumps. noise level ref1.ect a uniform character. The noise
The pump noise level measurements involved level curves make possible the determination of cha-
semi open impeller (without front shroud) [9], clos- l'acteristic cavihtion points for practical purposes
ed impe<l.1er machines, and double suction pump \vith an acceptable safety, and theyofIer informa-
[10]. First the efIect of the various pick-up head tion on the cavitation of maximum intensity as weIl.
locations was studied. The accelerometer was 10-
cated first <011 the spiral casing, then at the suction 1. Noise level and cavitation erosion.
pipe flange of the pump, and finally on the suction
pipe proper,comparatively far away from the im- Previous investigations carried out with the cavi-
peller. \\Then tested under identical operating con- tation tunnel oonfirmed [7] that the cavitation num-
ditions, the noise spectra exhibited fuH agreement bers pertaining to the noise level peaks or the re-
with the previous findings (Fig. 17). I<ative cavity Iengths were identical in both noise
The most detailed investigations involved a dou- and cavitation eI~osion tests, ,that is, the maximum
ble entry pump featuring acharacteristic speecl of intensity of the cavitation erosion would appear at
TI" = 35. The measurements were perfrmed in a the point of maximum noise level (Fig. 9, 21 and
c10sed type test l'ig, at a constant speed, \Vith a 22).
single measurement series under constant valve In the course of cavitation erosion investigations,
adjustment conditions, by graduaUy decreasing the ftll'thermore, it was ascertained that, under identi-
internaI pressure consequenUy along the curves cal cavitatiil1 conditions, the relationship:
marked I to VIon Figure 18. There were no pos-
sibiIity for the visual observation of cavitation, but
the noise level measurements ,aimed exactly at ob- holds good fOI' the cavitation erosion intensity (rate
taining information on the various cavitation con- of erosion) and the ve10city of the flow. This is
ditions without visual observation. The noise level in full agreement with the acousUc test results dis-
curves pertaining '10 one of the operating condi- cussed below.
ti'ns are presented in Figure 12 referred to above.
The two peak values of the noise level curves lead
to the conclusion that two difIerent cavitation types 2. Noise level and noise intensity.
wereproduced in the pump whereof one was deve- The noise 'ievei curves presented in Figure 13
lopedat a higher,and the other at a Io\ver cavita- are appI~oxinultely paraIlel, relatively located depen-
tion number. The O"l'rit value defined by a 2 % ding from the flow velocity, and it is easy '10 realize
reduction, {)f the head, representing the sudden de- that, in case of a given cavitation number, the noise
creasing of delivery head, exhibits good agreement leve'l would increase in conformity with the in-
with the cavitation number belonging to the second crease of the flow velocity. Using the data of this
peak. Figure 19 HI ustrates the 0" l'rit values measur- Figure, Figure 23 presents the noise Ievel values
ed for difIerent deliveries of the pump that coincid- perbaining to one of the cavitation conditions, in
ed in each case with the cavitation number corres- function of the logarithm of the flow velocity. On
ponding to the second peak ,of the noise level curve this Figure noise levei values pertaining besides
plotted. This reveals that the noise levelmeasure- Iwo different cavitation conditions are sho'w11 as
ments are suitable for the determination of the weIl of resuI<ts obtained with cylindricai model.
O"l'rit value, with good approximation in case of this
Since, between intensity and sound pressure, the
pump at IeasL well-known equation I = p2/ pc is existing, the
Figure 20 iIIustrates the noise level surface plo tt- exponent in the relationship of the intensity of the
ed in function of the volumetric flow Q and cavi- noise el11'itted and flow velocity:
tation number 0". Such a presentation of noise
level measurement results makes possible the uni-
form sUl'vey of the cavitation behaviour of the
pump. The cavitation measurements on the pump may be determined from the straight lines on the
can be performed along the difIerent curves of the Figure. Our test resuHs show 111 = 5 as the proba-
Q-H field (f<Or example along the parabolae, if cons- ble v e\l 0 city exponent value which confl()J'ms to the
tant valve setting is used, or along the Q = Cte lines relation obtained for the intensity of the cavitation
under the same conditions, etc.) and, accordingly, erosion. Ii seems to he confirmed hy this, that in




aBmm [dB]
f:mj 1
1 1

100 1 10 62

1 d8 60

1 58




O}5 !.O f.05

21/ Erosion intensity ~ V and noise level 22/ Helative intensity of the cavitation 23/ Noise level nI' in function of the
~np in function of the extent of damage ~V/~Vmnx., in funetion of logarithm of flow velocity log v, for
the cavitation conditions, according the relative extent of the cavitation ciI'cular cylinder and wedge model.
to model tests; a : tie1mess conditions ).1),,,,,., according to ero- Parameters : the length l, and rela-
of the lead specimen. sion tests performed. with cylinder tive cavity length )"
Diffrences d'intensit d'rosion ~ V models. NiVeflll sonore nI' en fonction du lo-
et de niveau sonore ~n", en fonction Intensit relative du pouvoir des- yarithme de la vitesse d'coulement
de t'tendue des conditions de cavi- tructif de la cavitation ~ V 1~ V""u., log v, correspondant des' modles
tation, d'aprs des essais sur mod- en fonction de l'tendue relative des de cylindre circulaire et de coin.
les cylindriques; a: paisseur de conditions de cavitation ).1)"",., ParamNres : longueur l, et longueur
l'chantillon en plomb. d'aprs des essais d'rosion effectzls de cavit relative J,.
sllr modles cylindriques.

1" - - - - , - - - ,
<lnp , - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - , - - - - - - _ 24/ Noise level differences converted to
dB the v = 12 ml sec. velocity ~np *, in
function of the cavitation numher (J,
in case of a wedge mod.el. 12 j----'-eL
",1,1 fD/$ Diffrences du niveau sonore, ~np *,
12t--------tl~_+------'-- 012,65""" ramenes la vitesse v = 12 ml s
~ tf,S5m{.1
en fonction du (J de cavitation, dans la t-----.t-----._\_
9,6~ mil
le cas d'un modle cylindrique.
11 _
8 _._.p-_.---,-_.......\

25/ Corrected noise level differences 41- . j'... " o v- 10,76m{s

12,0 mis
~n 1,* in fnnclion of the extent of
e V - 9,68mls
the cavitation condition )" in case of
2 - '- a cylinder model. 2

Diffrences corriyes du niveau so-

nore ~nl,*' en fonction de l'tendue
2 de la condition de cavitation )" dans
2 J. 3
le cas d'un modle cylindrique.

case of a given obj ect there is a proporti>nalHy presented in Figure 13 to the li = 12 mis flow velo-
between the intensity of cavitation erosion and the city (Fig. 24). Converting the noise level curves
intensity of noise cmiUed at a given cavitation 1111l11- plotted for a cylindrical model, again to the
ber which is independent of the flow velocity. li = 12 mis flow velocity, rendered similar results
The velocity exponent value for air-flows is accor- (Fig. 25). Conversion made use of the formula
ding to Gerrard [20 J 111 = 4, accO'1'ding to St()\vel1
and Deming [21 J m = 5,5, and Blokhintzev [22J, Lln])1 * = Lln])1 - 10 19 ( ~~) "
CurIe [23J, as weIl as Etkin and al. [13J estimate
it as m = 6. Borner [24J found an exponent of whcre Lln p1 is lhe noise level measured under given
111 = 4 for noises produced in turbulent flows, while cavitation conditions perlaining to velocity !JI' as
the pump test resuHs pub!lished by Pokrovsky and cnmpared lo a reference level, and Lln pl * is the noise
Yudin [17J point tn a probable exponent of m = (j level converted to veloci ty li2 rela'ted to the same
tn 7. These results are in conformity with the reference level.
exponent In = 5 suggested. The above equalirDIl \Vas usecl for the conversion
The value of the veIocity exponent (m = 5) may of the noise level measurement results of the pump
be applied general1y for the results of the research. lest il1ustrated by Figure 17. ln course of the mea-
Thisexponent value was used to convert the noise surements, the pump speed varied between 500 and
level curves pIotted with the varions flow veI'cities 1 450 l'pm. Considaring the peripheral vclocity of

the impeller as that characteristic for calculation can be optionally selected, within certain reasonable
according to the formula given above it was con- limitations, on the obj ect tested.
verted (with an exponent of In = 5), to the speed The noise (acceleration) level curves make possi-
of 1 000 l'pm. The results of the conversion are ble to conclude approximately frrom noise int'ensity
presented in Figure 26. The examinations made to ficrw ve10city which is quite important with re5-
possible the visuaI observation of cavitation and, peet to the evaluaLion of the expected cavitation da-
accordingly, clearance cavitation inception began mage, since the extent of erosion varies with the
at (Ji = 1,25; with the c1ifferences between visual JUth power of the veJ,ocity.
observation and noise measurements taken into The intensity of cavitation erosion is in close
consideration,the numbers found were in good correlation with the intensity of the noise and, con-
agreement with the results read ofT the converted seqllently, it is possible to conclude from noise
curve. The Figure verifies that the noise level curve intensity to that of the cavitation damages.
pertaining Lo the constant speed can be determined The cavitation noise of hydraulic machines is
with acceptable approximative accuracy l'rom the produced, generally, by the superposition of the iso-
noise level values measured at a variable speed, if lated cavi talions brrought abou t at different points.
the oorrectionemployed is m.ade use of. 1t con- The noise level surface determined in funetion of
firms, furthermore, the previous statement that the the characteris Lic data exhibited by the hydrauIic
effect of Reynolds number variations is insigni- machines will comprehensively refiect the cavitation
ficant in the sc tests, and justifies the velocity expo- behaviour of the machine tested.
nent value adopted for the conversion. Vnder given cavitation conditions, noise inten-
In addition to emphasizing the close correlatil sity is proportion al to the fifth power of velocity.
hetween the cavitationconc1itions and the associat- On the basis of this faet, a noise level measuredat
ednoise level as 'Nell as the cavitation erosion, a given veloeity may be converted to other veloci-
then between the output characteristics of the tics as weIl which, in tu l'n, makes possible the con-
hydraulic machines, thcir cavitation conditions, and version of the noise leve! measurement results ob-
the noise level, respective:ly, the test results des- tained at various hyc1raulic machines speeds to a
crihed above lead to the conclusion that noise level constant speed value.
measurements represent such a method wherehy
the cavitation behaviour of hydraulic machines can
be determined indirectly.

VI. - Conclusions a the thickness of specimens used in erosion

c sound velo city ;
The experiences collected through the multilateral C.; average fiow velocity before the runner;
application of the noise measurement techniques d: characleristie model dimension (diameter ,(lf
lead to the following cond usions: the circulaI' eylinder model);
Caviltional fiow refiects two major noise gene- l: frequency;
rators, namely the noise of the periodic vrortex se- g: gravity acceleration;
l)aration, emitted at a c1iscrete frequency determined g * : aeeeleration of the measured vibrations;
hy the fiow conditions proper, and the noise radiat- lz: visually observed length of the cavitation
ed at a wide frequency spectrum produced by the zone hehind the model;
collapse of the cavitation bubbles. From noise test
aspects, the latter is 'of the more significant impor-
The noise spectra determined under various ca- r.:l1lQmm .Y7:1QJ!rrlln._~
vitation conditions depend, above a certain fre- 1200 ~I)I)O
'300 .145Q
quency limit, basically on the cavitation conditions fJpQ
which, in Lurn, provides for information on the
state of 'cavitatiron l'rom the noise level measurement
results, with these measurements performed aL any
frequency within a predetermined interval. The
appropriate frequency interval is that \vhere the
spectrum curves do not intersect one another, and
where the measuremenL frequency seleeted is sufli-
ciently far away from the frequency number of the NO \ ',800
noise of periodic vortex separation (Generally this 1100 850 ",50

interval is 6 000 ... 20 OOOcps).

The noise leve! curve of is'olated cavitation ofTers
a basis for the determination of the inception deve-
J'--__\l_'~0_50 \_~5_0 ____:_-----_:
!opment, and exhaustion of the cavitation proper,
in an indirect manner. 26/ Noisc lcvcl convcl'tcd 10 a spccd of 1000 l'pm n g *, in
Due tO their simplicity, acceleration level measu- function of thc cavitation numbcr Cf, in casc of a pump.
rem'ents seem to be much more advantageous as Nivcall sonore 11,,* ramen ri la vitesse de 1000 tr/mn,
compared to slound pressure level measurements, en fonction dll ; de cavitatioll, dans le cas d'une pompe.
particularly because the location of acce!erometers

ID flow velocity exponent; References

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Rg : accelemtion level, n g = 10 19 (g* /g)2;
R g* oorrected acceleration level;
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Rp : sound pressure Ievel, n p = 10 19 (p/Po)2; Cavitation. Trans. ASME JOllrn. of Basic Eng., 83
Rp* : correoted sound pressure (noise) level; (1961), 385.
RB : specific speed of the turbine; [2J WILLIAMS (E. E.) and McNuLTY (p.). - Sorne Factors
Rq : specific speed of Ithe pump; AfTecting the Inception of Cavitation. Proc. Syrnp. on
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flR p : sound pressure level difTerence; (1955), Papcr No. 2.
flR g : acceleraNon leveI difTerence; [ilJ LEHMANN (A. F.) and YOUNG (J. O.). - Experimental
p: sound pressure; Invcstigations of Incipicnt and Desinerif Cavitation.
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La dtection des phnomnes de cavitation l'aide de mthodes acoustiques

et de mesure des vibrations

par J. J. Varga *, G. Sebestyen ** et A. Fay ***

Les auteurs prsentent une mthode de mesure acoustique permettant la dtection, sous une forme simple et aisment
reproductible, du caractre et de l'intensit des phnomnes de cavitation engendrs dans les machines hydrauliques,
il des endroits normalement inaccessibles il l'observation visuelle. Le prsent rapport runit dans un cadre uniforme
quelques rsultats d'tudes antrieures, en les compltant avec les toutes dernires conclusions exprimentales. Les
auteurs explicitent les rsultats exprimentaux fondamentaux obtenus avec des modles en tunnel de cavitation, et d-
crivent l'emploi de la mthode mise au point sur cette base pour le cas des modles de turbine et de pompe. On
constate que ,le spectre acoustique de la cavitation est indpendant des diffrents dispositifs de mesure, et de la nature
des phnomnes de cavitation proprement dits, et prsentant des caractristiques uniformes. L'analyse de celles-ci fournit
des donnes de base adquates pour la mesure des niveaux sonores et pour la dtermination des courbes correspondantes,
en fonction de frquences constantes d',une valeur bien dtermine. Le caractre des courbes dfinissant les niveaux
sonores dpend avant tout de la variation des conditions de cavitation, ainsi qu'il a t vrifi au cours d'un nombre
d'expriences diffrentes. Ces courbes des niveaux sonores permettent la dtermination, il la fois des coefficients carac-
tristiques du seuil de cavitation,et des sections de dveloppment ou d'puisement des phnomnes de cavitation, ainsi
que l'estimation du coefficient de cavitation caractristique de la baisse de rendement. Les auteurs mettent en vidence
l'troite corrlation existant entre le niveau sonore de la cavitation et l'rosion, et -confirment l'hypothse suivant la-
quelle les conditions les plus dangereuses au point de vue de la cavitation seraient lies au coefficient de cavitation
correspondant il une valeur maximale de la courbe des niveaux sonores. Enfin, on examine la transposition de ces courbes
en fonction de diffrentes vitesses d'coulement, ou de rotation, de la pompe il l'aide de la corrlat,ion existant entre le
niveau sonore et les vitesses d'coulement.

Profe~sor. Department of Hydraulic Maehinery, Budapest Te chnieal University (Hungary).

Research Engineer, Department of Hydraulic Machinery, Budapest Technical University (Hungary).
Mech. Eng., Math., Department of Hydraulic Machinery, Budapest Technical University, and Ganz-Mavag Co, Budapest (Hungary).
. -... ----_._ .. _., .... -
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Gravure extraite de Architectura curiosa nova par G. A. BOCKLERN

Nuremberg (1664)


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