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Bubbles in the Fuente and Goblets

Often times when filling the Spiritual Fuente and goblets with clean fresh water, and
placing them on the Tableau altar or Mesa Blanca shrine "Boveda" one will notice
that at first the Fuentes will be sparkling clear and fresh. Then after a few hours
sometimes even shorter, on expecting the altar or shrine again one will notice air
bubbles within the water of the Fuentes. This can mean a few things and really
depends on the purpose for the Fuente. First of all water used for the Saints is used
as a portal in which the saints come down from the Spiritual realm, while the water
used for ones dead and ancestors is used to give clarity, to quench their thirst, re
freshen and clean themselves.

Air bubbles within the Fuentes represent los Fluidos Espirituales, or the Spiritual
Fluids of the Saints or Dead. It represent that the Spirits are near and content with
the individual. If an offering was given such as fruits, tobacco, incense and candles,
then the spirits are content and happy with the individual, they have accepted the
offering, and have partaken of its energy, their presence is near and felt, just listen,
all is at peace. Many times the bubbles also represent that you have kept your side of
a bargain with the Spirits and that they wish to show their blessings upon you for the
services you have done for them.

If the water was placed on the altar and is fresh with bubbles many individuals pour
this water into another glass and take a sip or prepare an herbal bath with it to
receive the blessings of the spirits. Many say that when you do not see bubbles within
the fuente, one should worry because it indicates that one needs to concentrate on a
spiritual obligation or a promise made to a Saint or a Spirit that has yet to be

On the other hand it can also represent that it is picking up unwanted negative
energies, water picks up unwanted energy and negativity, Just as it does the physical
body, it also does the same for spirit and energy. A Sancistas, and Espiritista always
places new talismans, amulets and necklaces into the water to cleanse it, if one sees a
lot of bubbles within the Fuente that is cleansing a talisman, it indicates that it has
picked up unwanted vibrations. The water is thrown away, the talisman is usually
fumigated with tobacco smoke and replaced into a fuente with clean fresh water.

During a misa espiritual or a sesion where "Causas" are lifted, if the fuentes have a
lot of bubbles, this indicates that much negative energy has been lifted, and the water
is removed away from the house.

When one purchases a new statue, we always purify it and cleanse it with Holy Water,
Florida Water and Tobacco smoke, before placing it on an altar. Also a Sancista and
Espiritista always baptizes the statute in the name of the Saint or Spirit it represents.
Then it is placed on the altar with a brand new Fuente with fresh water. If the Fuente
fills with bubbles it can indicate one of two things. One that the Spirit is happy,
present and is bringing blessings. Or it can represent that the statute was not
properly prepared or cleansed. Usually the Sancista will listen to his / her gut
instincts. If it feels like something is wrong, they listen to the inner voice and they
follow it. Or they often perform divination to get an answer.

During the act of private prayer, bubbles in the fuente depends on the emotional state
of the person. If the person is in a good mood, the Spirits are present, but if the
person has inner worries or a heavy heart the Spirits are listening and cleansing.

Where the bubbles are located also has a lot of significance. On the bottom or base of
the Fuente can indicate that ones dead or ancestors want an offering. Or if the
Fuente is on a Tableau Espiritual this indicates that an offering of Food, or flowers is

If the bubbles are on the rim of the Fuente this indicates that the Centinela wants an
offering of prayers. If it is on the Tableau Espiritual as in the mesa blanca, then
candles, incense or tobacco smoke is being asked for. A ring of bubbles in the center
of a fuente indicates a sesion espiritual or a velada is being asked for.

If the Mesa is in the patterns of Reposo, Ataque and defensa this also has to be
considered. When in Reposo all is well, the Saints and Spirits are near and are
showing the blessings. When in Ataque this is a sign that negative energies are
around. Remove the water from the home, cleanse the fuentes and refill them with
fresh water. Remember when inReposo the Saints or Spirits are on your side, they
are protecting you and the opposite is to be said when in Ataque. When in ataque the
water is cleaning the home, of unwanted vibration, it is picking up psychic dirt and




The other day I was watching one of my favorite witchy movies, Practical Magic, and
there was a scene when Sally, (Sandra Bullock) the aunts and a group of "witches" had to
exorcise the evil spirit of a dead lover from Gillian, (Nicole Kidman). In one scene after a
successful but quick exorcism, one of the witches says out loud, to the newly formed
Coven of witches. "Lets clean house!' At this point, and although almost at the final act of
the film, I lost my complete attention on the movie, my thoughts went racing, and all I
could think of was, getting off my lazy culo, and darle una limpia espiritual, a esta casa.
(Give the house a spiritual cleansing.)

I began to gather the necessary items needed for a thorough house cleansing. As I gathered
my stuff from the cabinets and under the kitchen since, I put on my ipod and played
Spanish Espiritismo and Santeria music, folkloric music of Cuba and Puerto Rico, sung to
the Spirits and Saints with traditional Caribbean beats: not to be confused with Afro Cuban
ritual Lukumi music, which is set to drum beats with African words. As the music played I
felt, el toque espiritual surge through my veins as an overpowering rush of spiritual energy
took over me, which usually happens when I have a spiritual undertaking. I remember
thinking to myself. "O Cara! This will make a great post for my blogs.

I give my home a spiritual cleaning once a week (usually Sundays or Thursdays) and a
quick nightly pick up every night. In Puerto Rico it is believed that a dirty house shows
signs of bad character. If you want to know a person's spiritual character or their character
in general, visit their home. My abuela (grandmother) would often say one of her wise
Spanish Proverbs. (Cool future blog, Abuelas words of wisdom, Spanish Proverbs)
Anyways My abuela would often say. "El Porque vives en la suciedad no significa que
tienes que ser sucio." (Just because you live in dirt, don't mean you have to act dirty). What
she literally meant by this statement was, that just because one lives in poverty did not
mean one had to act uneducated; but she always said this whenever she cleaned her small
Puerto Rican one room wooden shack on the islands of enchantment

A constant dirty house full of clutter is the home of a person who is weak, lazy, and
surrounded by negative vibrations within their life in all its shapes and forms, (IT SHOWS
WEAK CHARACTER) An over messy and unkempt house shows something is deeply
bothering a person, their mentality is weak and frail. Think of it this way, as we get into
our golden years, we often become to sick, frail, or weak to clean our own homes,
sometimes these elderly have members of the family who come and help them with their
house chores, or hire a cleaner. This by no means signifies that an elderly person has
negative vibrations, although in some cases it does. It simply means that they are either to
old or weak to keep up with their chores. This concept of frailty and weakness can also
apply to the mentally and spiritually disturbed. This also applies to the younger crowd, If
you ever enter into the home of a person who is in depression, or has a troubled mind their
homes are usually messy and unkempt. Also look at a teenagers room, usually their rooms
are cluttered and messy. Their every thoughts are full of growing pains, pear pressure, lost
loves, school projects or exams, getting their licenses, acceptance, laziness and other issues
that their minds are so boggled up with these thoughts that they fail to keep clean the
single most sacred of all man made sanctuaries, a bed room.

Turn on your television and look up the t.v. program: Hoarders, these poor individuals
lives are so full of turmoil, mental warfare, and spiritual negative baggage without an
outlet to unleash these emotions that they often turn to collecting and keeping material
junk and garbage as a means of feeling that they have some self control over their lives.

As is tradition with Creollos and Creollas, Puerto Rican Creoles of the island, I always
start my cleaning in the bathroom, which is believed to be the filthiest of rooms. Then I
clean my bedrooms, followed by the hallways, then I go to the living room, pick up within
each and every corner and closet, then the Kitchen, placing all the dirt, dust and debris into
the center of the floor and finally out the back door. (PA FUERA!). If its warm out, I open
all the windows. During the time I am cleaning the house, I also make sure to change the
fuentes on my altars, cleanse my statues, remove old candles, and light new ones, change
dried flowers, wipe up asses from the incense burner, and discard the water of my
Siempreviva (Resurrection Plant) and add fresh new water.

It is important for a Puerto Rican to clean with music. You will often see young maidens
cleaning a house to baladas and boleros, and crying while cleaning, and reminiscing of a
lost love, or fantasizing of a future lover. (Crying is a form of cleansing the soul.) Or you
will see older stronger women cleaning to Salsa or Bachata music. I always clean with
music, it helps me to untangle the thoughts that need untangling, it grounds me and helps
me to focus in the matter at hand. Not only do I clean to spiritual music, but depending on
my mood that particular day I also spiritually clean to bolero, salsa or a bachata, or if I am
in a really good mood a techno club song is always put into the mix, but most of the time
when I am spiritually cleaning I put on my religious and spiritual music. Also I love Deva
Premal and Loreena McKennitt, but I never use this type of music for cleaning the house, I
use it more for, grounding and meditation or a spiritual bath after the house is nice and

As is tradition I always clean using Puerto Rican products such as Fabuloso, Mistolin,
"mistolin hace feliz a su nariz." or other Latino products such as Money Drawing Powerful
Indian, La Madama or Chango Macho aerosol sprays, "a little luck with games of chance
won't hurt." I use incense sticks, resins alcojolado, (bay rum) household salt and florida
water filled with bay leaves and basil. These products help to remove unwanted vibrations
in the home, and psychic dirt that accumulates quickly. But I also use bleach, Windex,
fabreze and Lysol, lets face it, "cuz it is what it is" I don't only have to remove undesirable
vibrations from my home, I have to get rid of them pesky germs and dirt that help in
making one ill and weak in the first place.

There is no dogma or doctrines when spiritually cleaning a house. One thing that is for
sure, before giving the house a spiritual cleaning, one has to give the home a physical
cleaning. dirt buildup within the home attracts negative and unwanted vibrations.

During the winter and spring seasons, my floors get filthy dirty, this has to do in part from
all the slush, dirt or mud brought in from the shoes of guests, friends, family members, and
clients. Dirt is of the earth and has a natural absorbing energy that by nature pulls peoples
emotions, feelings and aura vibrations. Once these people enter your home, they leave a bit
of their energy in your home, brought in from the absorbing dirt outside, and not just their
vibrations, but the countless vibrations of others who had recently walked those same
paths. Outdoors in nature this energy within time is purified, cleansed, and dissipates into
the earth and universe. But indoors, especially in times when we are closed in during the
winter months, this energy has no where to go, and it stays stuck within the confinement of
your walls. This negative energy Is similar to faint fowl odors that stay within the home or
germs that survive through locked up homes during the winter seasons, as germs strive in
dry air.

Also emotional vibrations stay in the house, that can cause a home to feel heavy, and
lifeless. Strong emotions such as anger, fear, frustration, confusion, and other emotions
linger within the crevices of the walls in the home. Emotions such as joy, love, and
happiness also can stay in the home, if the home is clean, but these putative emotions do
not seam to linger as long within the house as the negative emotions.
Other negative emotions that seam to linger in the home, are the feelings of others. Envy,
spite, jealousy, and disdain brought in by others stay within the home, and these negative
vibrations need to be removed from the home, in order for the person or family to live
within the house to feel comfortable, contempt and happy.

I always highly recommend that when you move into a new apartment or home, a spiritual
cleansing should be done. Usually the vibrations of the prior residents linger within the
home, one never knows their character, and if these individuals where negative it is more
than likely that their vibrations are in the home and will cause you, some stress.

The following ritual and prayers are for cleansing the home of unwanted vibrations. But
understand, these rituals are not by no means rituals to remove evil spirits, poltergeists,
demons, haunting or ghosts or ghosts from a home. If you feel your home is haunted I
highly recommend you do not go at it alone, and seek the help of a trained professional
who has done various successful exorcism before. I must state that I have noticed and seen
with my eyes many well respected Mediums, espiritistas, and Brujos confuse negative
vibrations within a home to that of a haunting. Let me state, that although in many cases
this could be true, it is not always the case. Yes I agree that negative emotions,vibrations
and a dirty house often attract confused earth bound spirits.; Think of the Law of
Attraction, Like Attracts Like; but one has to be completely sure without a doubt that this
is the case. If you are Seeing apparitions, hearing voices, objects moving alone, or a full on
Poltergeist, I will include prayers in a future blog, but never go at it alone. More than likely
an inexperienced person can aggravate the situation and make it worse.


The items below are the items one can use to spiritually cleanse a home, by no means does
it signify you need all these items. Use what ever 3 items you can get your hands on.

6. INCENSE STICKS (Nag Champa my favorite)
11. A MOP

I always start my house cleaning in the farthest room from the back door, my bathroom. I
begin by sprinkling every corner with sea salt, (every corner of every room gets sprinkled
with the sea salt) I always usually previously pray over and empower the salt for the task at
hand, but salt naturally absorbs. Then I go back into every room and sweep up all the salt
into the center of my kitchen floor which is by the back door. I then return to the bathroom
and sprinkle Holy water mixed with an herbal infusion all over the floors and windows,
behind every door, and corner of the house. I then proceed to mop it up. I take a dry clean
cloth and I wipe down all the windows and doors. I do the same procedure in every room
until I get to the kitchen floor. Then I sprinkle three drops of the holy water herbal solution
over the pile of salt. Making the sign of the cross as I do this. I gather the salt and place it
in a brown paper bag with three coins. And place this aside. Then again for the third time
(3 being a sacred and holy number) I go back to the bathroom. Sometimes I light a cigar,
other times a sage wand, or a charcoal filled with incense or sage, rue and rosemary. Use
which ever you feel the most comfortable with. I begin to purify the air with the smoke as I
simultaneously sprinkle or spray the air with a light mist of Florida water.Make sure to
keep the florida water away from the sparks of the cigar or flames as it is flammable. Use
precaution. As I do this I recite one of the prayers below, or a psalm (look up psalms in my
blog) or sing my spiritual songs, again use the players and songs that are more comfortable
to you. What's the point of spiritually cleaning a house if you don't agree or believe in a
what you are saying. I fumigate every room with the smoke until again I am at the kitchen.
Then I fumigate my self with the smoke, and extinguish the cigar or incense cone or
charcoal with the holy water solution. And place it into the bag. I pass the brown paper bag
through my body, as I recite the Our Father and Hail Mary. This helps to clean your aura. I
toss the liquid out the back door, and the brown bag I place into a dumpster outside or
away from my home. I go in, light a white 7 day candle, and enjoy an herbal tea with a
nice cleansing bath.

There are times when I want to perform a quick house cleansing, this I do by purchasing a
coconut, covering completely with white cascarilla powder that I purchase at a Botanica
and with a broom I pass it through every room. Until I get to the back door and through it
on the pavement the broken coconut I pick up and place into a brown bag and clean my
aura. Also I often sprinkle the front door and back door with salt and holy water as this in
itself creates a small barrier in keeping unwanted vibrations from entering into the home.
Camphor cubes also help in removing negative vibrations. I put a cube under the corners of
my couches or under my bed. Or in a glass goblet of water, be careful with young children
or pets getting into your camphor and thinking its an eatable treat, its not.


General House Cleansing and Blessing Prayers.


"God lives within me, so that I may bless and purify this home with Peace, Patience, and
Love. God is present everywhere, and his unconditional love will conquer the shadows that
bring fear. This Home is blessed and purified with the mystic white light. Its walls, floors,
corridors, ceilings, Windows and doors shall be filled with Harmony, Peace, and Faith.
Because God lives, and within me he shall bless this home. So be it, Amen."


Yo (n.n.) purifico a este hogar. Y por todas partes que yo vaye con este humo sagrado
(agua bendita) Yo libero el ambiente de todos los Corrientes y Fluidos Malignos, visible e
Y por la gracia de Dios Todopoderoso, (n.n.) sera libre de todo peligro; visto y sin ser
En el Sagrado Nombre de Dios Padre, Dios Hijo, y Dios Espiritu Santo. Asi sea, Amen.

"I (n.n.) purify this sacred home. And where ever I go with this sacred smoke, (Holy Water)
I will free this environment of all malignant currents and fluids, seen and unseen.
And by the Grace of God, (name of person or family) shall be free of all danger, visible
and invisible.
In the Holy Name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. So Be It.


One of the most important and widely used decks within the Hispanic community for
divination and fortune telling is La Baraja Espaola. This deck is the one used by
Curanderos, Hechizeros, Espiritistas, Brujos, Gitana, Santiguadores, Santeras and
Sancistas, from Mexico all the way through Argentina, the Caribbean and Spain. If
you have ever received a Consulta in a Botanica you will notice that this is the deck
used by Latinos for videncia 99% of the time. Although in recent years with the
popularoty el Gran Tarot Esoterico and other Spanish titled decks, el Tarot are
becoming more fashionable.

Like the Tarot deck each naipe "card" has a traditional meaning or a singular key
word that is used to represent the meaning of el naipe "the card". Usually a novice is
given a deck of the Baraja with a key single word written with ink until the novice
learns the meanings by heart and receives a new baraja "deck" without the written

Traditionally the deck is not purchased by the reader, but given as a gift from an
elder, a Padrino / Madrina or someone in the family, or inherited from one's
grandmother or godparents. The old inherited decks are not used for consultas but
placed on the altar within a wooden box as a ritual item believed to hold much
psychic energies; and link to its previous owner or as a vehicle in which one connects
with ones Pitonisa. It is also said that traditionally Spanish gypsies and brujas stole
the deck, as one who personally purchases the deck takes away from its prophetic
abilities. (This is also true with Holy Water, one never purchases it.) I by no means
am I condoning thievery, but if you purchase your own deck, then use them as an
offering to your Madama or Gitano Spirits or to play the Brisca card game, as these
cards should be received as a gift from an elder, family member or client. Or you can
put them on your wish list for your next birthday or Christmas gift.

When using the Baraja Espaola the whole deck is used, usually in piles of 6 across
and 8 piles down or 8 across with 6 piles going down. Each naipe is interpreted left to
right, and if additional questions are asked after the Spiritual Consultation, then
from top to bottom. Hispanics generally do not use any popular spreads associated
with Tarot cards such as the Celtic Cross or Gypsy spread, or none of the New Age
spreads that are associated with the Tarot. All the cards within the baraja are
interpreted and the Consultation can last anywhere from 30 minutes, to an hour. But
one can use a three card spred, the celtic cross or any spred one chooses.

You will notice in a Botanica setting that the Consultant usually will have an empty
chair near the Consultation room which often faces towards the entrance of the
consultation room, with a glass of water, a lit cigar or even a cigarette. The empty
chair is usually reserved for one of the Consultant's Spirit Guide that presides over
the consulta "reading" and the tobacco smoke is used as an offering to the spirits as a
way of having the words of the reading reach the Spirits, or make a connection with
one's spirit to help with Videncias. (Clairvoyance) The water is there to help with
Spiritual fluids. Some also use the cigar TOBACOMANCY in cohesion with the
deck, meaning they interpret the ashes formed on the rim of the cigar as well as the
formation and direction of the smoke.

The deck is often kept in a wooden box which guards and.protects the cards when not
in use, this wooden box is called a caja de muertos, cofre, or atad.

The various suits in a Baraja Espaola are known as Palos, and each Palo goes from
strongest to weakest. The strongest Palo is the Espadas "Swords" then Oros "Coins'
followed by Copas, "Cups" and finally Bastos "Clubs". They represent social classes
and economical statutes. Espadas the Warriors or the military. Oro, the Well to Do,
the merchants. Copas, family, religion and spirituality and Bastos, the workers of the
land, or peasants. Also each represents an element, a division of spirits and a sexual

Espadas. Swords, Air Male, White Division, The Rada. The Orisha, the Nago, the
Ogun Division. The Belcanes.

Oro. Coins, Earth Female. Earth Division. Las Comisiones, Las Cortes Espirituales,
Las Metresas. The Gypsies

Copas. Cups, Water Female, Indian Division, Division Agua Dulce, Native American
Spirits. The Zemis, the Cemi. Las Metresas. Female Loa and Orisha.

Bastones. Clubs, Fire Male, Preto Division, Black Division. The Guedeh. The Legbas.
The Candelos.

Looking at the deck you will notice that only two of the Palos as a whole can be
completely reversible, this being the feminine Oros and the Copas, while the
masculine Bastos and Espadas only a few are reversible. Also traditionally it is
known that Copas and Bastones are palos that are of a beneficial posative nature,
while Oro and Espadas are of a detrimental and negative nature. This does not
mean that Oros or Espadas are evil, they are opposing forces of nature that bring
upon balance; they are like Ying and Yang, night and day. Oros and Copas represent
the influencers of the feminine Moon, or things of a nocturnal nature while Bastones
and Espadas represent the Masculine Sun and Diurnal influencers.
The Copas and Oros represent human qualities and types that are usually fair
skinned individuals with blond or brown hair. While the Bastos and Espadas can
represent tan or individuals of darker skin complexion with darker hair, brown,
black or red.

The Espadas refer to matters of physical, spiritual and mental health. Usually of a
negative matter, dislikes, trials and tribulations. Accidents, battles, health matters
and strife fall under this suite. Geminis, Libra and Aquarius fall under this palo with
its respected dates. Commission Spirits, and Saints Gemini Papa Legba, Luis Guede,
Eleguita, Nio de Atocha. Cosmos and Damian. Los Jemelos.

Libra Obatala, Ecce Homo, Belie Belkan

Aquarius, Los Indios la Metresili, La Dolerosa, The Ogun, Marta la Dominadora

The Oros refer to economy and martial possessions, liabilities, inheritance,

investments, and capitol expenditures. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn and its
respected dates fall under this palo. Commission Spirits, and Saints

Taurus, Orisha Oko, Gran Torolisa, los Congos

Virgo, Yemaya, Las Madamas, La Sirena, La Ballena,

Capricorn, Aganyu Sola, Agueh, Papa Sobo

The Copas refer to matters of love, feelings, sentiments, emotions, matters with
couples, lovers, children, family, and personal relationships. Cancer, Piecis and
Scorpion with its respected dates fall under this palo. Commission Spirits, and

Cancer Cachita, Anaisa Pye, Atabeira. Erzulie Dantor, Obba,

Scorpio, Centinela, Kriminel, Santa Marta Dominadora, La Baronesa.

Pisise Los Piratas Pirata Confresi, los Marineros, La Sirena,

The Bastos refer to matters of labor, work, movement, travel, energies, and actions
are also represented and Sagittarius, Leo and Aries and its respected dates fall under
this palo. Commissions, Spirits and Saints.

Aries, Ogun Belanjdo. Los Congos. Ogun Batalla, Papa Legba.

Leo, Chango Macho, San Santiago, Los Negros.

Sagittarius. Viejo Lazaro, Jose Gregorio, Pa Viejo, Legba Carefaur, Papa Sobo.

On inspecting the deck one will notice, El Rey, el Caballo and la Sota and quickly
think that the female gender is not represented, this is far from the truth, as I have
already stated that the Oros and Copas have feminine qualities and that the Aces of
each palo is of a feminine nature, or if not feminine, influenced by it. Although at first
glance one would assume that the Aces of Batones and the Espadas are male, which to
some extent they are, but deeper wisdom into the mysteries of these Aces one will see
its female influences. Also la Sota "the Jack" of each Palo is of a feminine nature and
is often called La Dama. Many people remove the Jester in the deck, this card is
known as el Loco and some keep it and use it to represent el Tonto, el Loco or the
Fool of the Tarot Deck.

( Important Note, the interpertation of any given card can be enhanced or degraded,
or diminished, by the surounding cards. )


Ace of Swords: Legal Matters

This card talks of court cases, lawsuits and all legal matters. It speaks of being
careful in signing papers or contracts, it advices to read all documents carefully.
Reversed means scams, fraudulent scheme, especially for making a quick profit;
swindle or trickery. Others are trying to.cheat, defraud, hoax or trick you into doing
something, be careful.
Two of Swords: Surprise

This card speaks of unexpected surprises, and the surprise depends greatly depends
on the surrounding cards. The surprise can be good or bad, expected or unexpected.
To strike or occur to with a sudden feeling of wonder or astonishment, as through
unexpectedness,. to come upon or discover suddenly and unexpectedly. An
unexpected assault from a friend or an enemy. Or it can be as simple as a surprise
birthday party, a surprise message, or surprise information. Negative cards around it
speak of back stabbing, two faced individual or revenge. The image of two swords
can warn us of a fight wearing the mind causing intense pain and many tears.

Three of Swords: Long Term Events

This card alone or the first card to comes up can be negative, a third party interfering
in your life or relationships, an ex wife, ex lover or mother in law. An individual that
will be around for the long run. It can represent arguments and not being able to
make an agreement. Great demands placed on a person, which predict major
conflicts and rifts. The card can also predict break ups or separation caused by
outside influences.

Four of Swords: Obstacles and Poor health

This card is often compared with the Death card of the Tarot, it speaks of a period of
deception, difficulties and scams. Health issues arise and diseases which could lead to
isolation, loneliness and withdrawal. It speaks of a forced exile, either by an illness, a
substance abuse, or a controlling partner that will lead to illnesses, weakness, fatigue,
abuse or even physical death. This is enforced with other sword cards next to it.
Positive cards surrounding it mean overcoming a difficult situation, strength, bravery
in taking charge over your life. Going through a hardship that will bring inner
strength, along with peace of mind and clarity of thoughts to get ahead and face the
future bravely, changes for the better.

Five of Swords: Karma

This card is the card of Karma, action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable
results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation. Karma the cosmic
principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation
according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation. It speaks of one's fate or
destiny. In this world nothing happens to a person that he does not for some reason
or other deserve. it is the result of our own past actions and our own present doings.
We ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and misery. We create our own
Heaven. We create our own Hell. We are the architects of our own fate. This card
speaks of the Sins of the Father will be paid by his children, You reap what you sow,
whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall also reap. For what we do "for good or for ill,
shall be returned to us threefold, loath to cause any harm, lest it be returned to you in

Six of Swords: Weakness and Pains

This card represents inner conflicts, inner demons, skeletons within the closet, secret
or hidden agenda, malicious motives. the possibility of hurting others, as well as
being hurt. The mental aspect of this card speaks of weakness and it is
recommended to be very careful. This card also speaks of setbacks, and potholes in
the persons path. It can also represent a dependent person, who needs to depend on
others in order to survive, sometimes over dependent. The card also speaks of
patience or impatience.

Seven of Swords: Short Term Events

All things of short term, such as a small vacation, a short love affair, a job that won't
last. A short trip not long distance, or a message, letter or information one has been
waiting for will come soon. It could represent minor health issues, or moving into a
place that will not be for long or even an argument or a problem that will find its
solution soon. Better times are coming and one should save money for those days
whenthere is none. As with all cards this one will be affected by its surrounding

Eight of Swords: Evidence

Evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true, or to produce belief in its truth,

anything serving as such evidence: The act of testing or making trial of anything;
test; trial: to put a thing to the proof. The card can also speak of overcoming
problems calmly and with perseverance. There is a period of crisis that is coming to
an end, where you can take criticism, slander and some bad news which generated
into confusion and intense desire to get away from it all. Can predicts an unexpected
trip or getaway.

Nine of Swords: Events for the worse

This is a negative card in all respects and it predicts suffering caused by jealousy,
slander or deceits. Despair, conflicts confusion and fear. Insecurity, imminent
dangers, contracting some kind of illness, addiction or some other health issues.
Operations, complications, accidents, theft, and even hospital stay. The evil eye and
envy is also represented within this card, as is black magic, curses, and hexes or one
paying back for ones wrong doings.

Jack of Spades: Lady of Thoughts

A woman with dark hair, brunette, who could be of a darker completion, may it be a
tan or natural skin tone, usually young, and often arrogant. Aggressive and
determined character is for told within this card, Spiteful, deceitful, back stabber,
two faced and canyving, always plotting and revengeful. The card can represent an
enemy. Reversed the card is an older woman with the same qualities but not as
intense. Very knowledgeable in the things she does or says, an individual who always
gets what they want at any cost. If it is an older woman, she could be a widow or
divorced or not currently with a mate. The card can also represent a male with these

Knight of Swords: Knight of Conflicts

This knight deals with a young man of courage and endurance, it could also represent
a person of a destructive nature with an ill temper. Could be a moody individual,
quick to anger, treacherous, with much conflicts, disputes and aggression. Reversed
would represent an individual who takes risks, and charge of situations and matters.
Could represent a victim of injustice who turned his/her life around for the better.
Once this person was in turmoil or despair and has literally turned their life around

King of Swords, Lord of the initiative

Older man, with dark brown hair, dark eyes, dark complexion. Also grey hair is
represented within this card. Strong character, intelligent,

May be an executive or someone in a high position of importance. Readiness and

ability in initiating action; enterprise:, one's personal, responsible decision: to act on
one's own initiative. Reversed loneliness, illness or separation who has known
happiness and is going through a period in decline. lack initiative, can represent legal
matters or problems with the law.

Ace of Cups: The Home

This card speaks of matters of the home, moving to a new home or apartment. This
card talks about moving in with a partner, starting a new relationship in which you
will move in together. Purchasing a new home, or renting a new apartment. If the
card is reversed, problems in the home, separation, break up, moving, on from a

Two of Cups: Fertility

This card speaks of all things of growth and fertility. Abundance, new children,
pregnancies, birth, and child related issues. Can also speak of children expenses and
child support. Reversed miscarry, unable to conceive, abortion, not receiving
financial assistance from child's parent.

Three of Cups: News

This card speaks of messages, letters, unexpected news, information,, and

conversations. The information, may be good or bad depends on the surrounding

Gold, information about finances, depts, and money expenses, with other cups
information about family or friends. With clubs may speak about work, promotions
or loosing a job, while with swords it may speak of health issues. Reversed, malicious
gossip and slander.

Four of Cups: Instincts

This card speaks of human instincts such as maternal instincts and the "survival
instinct, and to a lesser extent sexual instincts. If the card is of a negative or positive
nature it depends on its surrounding cards, remember, some women do not want their
children, some commit suicide, and are sexually ambivalent, and this would be
apparent if this card was reversed". This card can also speak about intense human
emotions such as anger or lust.

Five of Cups: Celebration

This card speaks of celebrations, gatherings, parties, and reunions. A period of joy,
celebration and optimism. If the card is next to a a page, it has to do with a female, a
caballero speaks of a man, while a King speaks of the consultant. Next to Cups
speaks of celebration of a birth, wedding, or family reunion. With Clubs, speaks of
employment, Coins speaks of income, while Swords tells of a successful operation,
healing from an illness, or a successful court case. Reversed, Divorce, Breakups or
Separations, loneliness, feeling of abandonment.

Six of Cups: Melancholy

This card speaks of a state of sadness caused by a traumatic experience from the
past. Memories from the past that bring upon a state of melancholy, fears or other
emotional problems,negative thoughts, bad dreams or nightmares. Reversed health
issues arise because of ones depressions, mental issues or psychological disorders.

Seven of Cups: Satisfactions

Periods of great satisfactions where our deepest desires will be full filed. Time to pick
the fruits of our labors. Rewards the person feels full of health and vitality.
Reversed, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, not being for filled, empty heart, void.

Eight of Cups: Influences

This card is the card of Influences, and as its name implies the card will be influenced
for good or for bad with its surrounding cards. A person can be influenced in both
positive and negative ways. Ones actions and thoughts are being influenced, and if
negative cards surround it, the person is being manipulated into doing things they
would not normally do.

The person could be influenced by a parent, a friend, a lover, a coworker, a teacher, a

boss, a doctor, a witch or a godparent. If the cards around it are good its a positive
influence, if the cards are negative, a negative influence bordering on manipulation.
If the cards around it are of health issues, ones doctor is trying to influence us into
taking better care of ones health. Reversed, Manipulation, physical or mental abuse.

Nine of Cups: Giving

This card speaks of a giving individual, a selfless person who gives to others without
self-interest. This person gives to a cause without economic motivation and is always
there to help those in need.

Reversed, a selfish individual, disconnecting or detaching; separation. The state of

being separate or detached. Indifference to or remoteness from the concerns or needs
of others; aloofness. Often a greedy individual.

Page of Cups: Lady of Romance

This card speaks of a pale woman of blond, light brown hair, or reddish haired
woman often of the signs of Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio. Motherly instincts, a mother
figure, big sister, a close friend. The character of this person is a hopeless romantic,
very sensitive, often dreamy, loving, creative and would do anything to for fill a
lifelong dream. If these charactetics portray a male figure it can represent a man.
Reversed, could represent a male or female who is unstable in relationships, unstable
in the home, or unstable with the family, rebellious, and angry.

Knight of Cups: Errant Knight

This card depicts a man with fair skin, brown eyes and hair. He often strays from his
proper course or standards. He is a wanderer, a vagrant such as a stray dog. He is a
lover of women but not one to commit to one single partner for to long or be faithful
in the long run. Reversed would represent a female of the same qualities. Signs of
Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio.

King of Cups: Lord of Dreams

This King represents an older man, often in midlife as is with all kings who is a
dreamer, This person is more a dreamer than a person who will do it. Often he
reminisces of times long past and compares his life to how things, usto be. The card
can also speak of unattainable dreams, or a person who lies so much they often
believe the very lies they say. Reversed would represent a female, or a person who
has lives in illusions, and unfocused..


Ace of Wands: Remoteness

This Card speaks of things yet to come, or events that may happen within a long
term, future plans. A Journey or travel within the future. One must work hard to
make these events come into being as they will prove to be beneficial to the person. A
holiday or a needed vacation, a getaway. The individual needs to get away, and enjoy
some needed relaxation and rest. This card can also indicate plans that the person
has yet to for fill and hard in making it happen. A delayed project,
dream, or carrier. If the card is reversed, the person has no motivation, plans do not
come into being. Delayed movement, issues and problems with individuals from the

Two of Wands: Distance

This card tells us of things to come in the not so distant future. Such as a weekend
getaway, a short trip, to visit friends or family members. It talks about ones
relationship with partners, neighbors, friends or siblings. It talks about those little
joys in life that gives us strength and inner joy. Conversations, communications, with
those around us. It speaks of searching for those simple joys that surround us instead
of looking far away in a distant place. Enjoy and appreciating what you have. New
relationships are coming, new bonds, new friends. Can speak of flirtation or a
relationship that one has will change. This card speaks of hope in the not so distant

Three of Wands Fraternity

This card speaks of brotherhoods, bonds, relationships, fraternities. Deep
relationships, love, mutual respect, growth and strength in numbers. Clans, family,

Four of Wands: Strength

This card speaks of strength, endurance, power, stability, it can also speak of
intelligence and physical force. Emotional stability in.conquering obstacles and
setbacks. Strong and stable relationships, inner strength during hardship, especially
the strength needed from the problems caused by loved ones. Healthy and stable

Five of Wands: Wisdom

This card refers to knowledge and the inner wisdom that we have acquired through
studies and life experiences.. Academic training, initiations, or learning a new trade.
The act of learning, study, concentration and analyzing.

Six of Wands:Depression

The card is referred to as one of the most negative cards within the deck. Depression,
sadness, despair, weakness, fatigue, lack of desire to move forward. Very hard to
move forward because the person feels paralyzed. The cause can be from outside
influences such as an abusive partner, or black magic. The person can only change by
changing their outlook on life, and how they view situations and treat others. The
mood of the client is very melancholy and they feel as if there is no coming out of it, it
is reflected on themselves and how they treat others and any given situation. As with
every card, it is greatly enfluenced by its surrounding cards.
With Coins, finances in the home, family problems, with clubs, professional failures,
or failures in home and relationship. Sword around it for tell of failures in life caused
by outside influences such as envy and witchcraft, while cups problems with
relationship or children.

Seven of Wands: Work

This card speaks of work or professions in general, obligations and earnings.

Opportunities for promotion, job advisement, labor, achievements, goals.
Eight of Wands: Dependencies

This card refers to some form of dependency. It can be a dependency on a partner,

family member, or other.loved ones. It can be substance abuse such as alcohol or
narcotics. This card speaks of unhealthy relationships, especially when it comes to
one controlling or dominating the other.

If surrounded by swords it speaks of dependencies towards alcohol or drugs, or other

bad habits. With Coins it speaks of gambling habits and the need to steel others
belongings to support their habits. With clubs it speaks of weak minded individual
who likes to dominate and control others, while with cups it speaks of loosing control
of anger towards loved ones because of their dependencies.

Nine of Wands: Satisfactions

This card speaks of personal satisfactions, may these satisfactions be beneficial or

departmental towards the individual, and as always the surrounding cards enhance
or deteriorates its meanings.

Page of Wands: Lady of the Passion

This card symbolizes a woman with brown hair and eyes with dark skin Energetic
personality, passionate, impulsive, charismatic, creative self-confident and often
temperamental. Zodiac signs are Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. Reversed would be
sluggishness, slowness, indifference, intolerance.

Knight of Wands: Charismatic Knight

A man of dark complexion, dark hair and brown eyes. Very athletic active and
energetic, with high ideals, standards and a bit proud. Leadership qualities and very
determined. If the card is speaking of a woman then the same is true as above.
Zodiac signs are Leo, Aries or Sagittarius. Reversed, competition, rivalries.

King of Wands: Lord of Experience

A strong older man or woman. Hard worker, experienced, energetic and

charismatic. A boss, a leader. Zodiac signs are Leo, Aries or Sagittarius. Reversed,
addictions, dependencies, down ward spiral.


Ace of Pentacles: Triumphs

The card of success, triumph, prosperity and happiness. Although at first the card
speaks of financial stability, with other cards it can represent overcoming advisories
and obstacles in one life.

With cups, love, relationships and the home. With clubs, work, profession job
related and health. With swords overcoming rivals and setbacks.
If the card is reversed, represents over indulgence, over spending, greed and gluttony.

Two of Pentacles: Rivalries

This card represents rivalries, envy, jealousy or competition often of material

belongings, work positions or finances gain. Resentment against a rival, a person
enjoying success or advantage., or against another's belongings. Feeling resentment
against someone because of that person's success, or advantages. a marriage ruined
by infidelity, rivalry and jealousy, Reversed, Bode moments of intense emotion
accompanied by lack of clarity and agitation. An amount owed to a person or
organization for funds borrowed. Debts can be represented by a loan note, bond,
mortgage or other form stating repayment terms and, if applicable, interest
requirements. These different forms all imply a lack of intent to pay back an amount
owed by a specific date. Two roads are present and one does not know the correct
path to take, a feeling of being overwhelmed.

Three of Pentacles: Fortune

Fertility, fortune prosperity, success, and abundance, starting a successful venture, a

potential pregnancy. In business, ability in being responsible, power, recognition and
generosity. Reversed symbolizes levity, mediocrity and lack of maturity. Depending
on accompanying cards could indicate unexpected concerns in ones personal

Four of Pentacles: Welfare

Health, happiness, and good fortune; well-being, prosperity. The condition of being
contented, healthy, or successful. Reversed. Dangers ahead, problems, ill being, bad
health, disorders, trouble with the law that may culminate in an arrest and

Five of Pentacles: Resolutions

This card speaks of resolutions, finding answers to a problem, joining with others to
communicate and finding answers or a solution to a problem. Reversed, Rifts or
separations within a relationships, such as a friendship or a partnership. Lack of
communication, debauchery, and economic loss.

Six of Pentacles: Difficulties

While this card represents difficulties, it is through these difficult times that we learn,
we grow and learn to tolerate those things from others that may make us upset.
Things will resolve themselves with patience. Being able to overcome obstacles.
Reversed, trials and tribulations, greed, a run of bad luck, envy and jealousy that can
disturb smooth roads that could have lied ahead.

Seven of Pentacles: Gratifications

Being grateful, Appreciative of benefits received; thankful. Expressing gratitude.

This card can also speak of recognition, awards, prizes, good news. Reversed,
ungratefulness, selfish, not feeling or exhibiting gratitude, thanks, or appreciation.
Speaks of an unpleasant or repellent individual. As well as Impatience and

Eight of Pentacles: Reflection

This card is related to ones surroundings, and periods of disagreements, instabilities

or even a hostile environment that requires maximum inner reflection of the person to
get back on track for healing, moving forward and on with their life. The person
must restore balance and harmony within their life, to make up for lost time.

Reversed, the person is suffering from soul loss, or a traumatic experience from their
past that does not allow them to move forward. Insecurities, mental and or emotional
abuse. A traumatic experience that does not allow the person to heal or move

Nine of Pentacles: Instability

This card speaks of an unstable person, it could be the person getting the reading or it
could represent a person within their life. The quality or state of being unstable; lack
of stability or firmness, the tendency to behave in an unpredictable, changeable, or
erratic manner: emotional instability, anger, rage, fury. Being taken advantage, loss
of money, being robbed. Reversed announces deceit, deception infidelity, lies, loss of a
friendship, unpleasant surprises and broken promises.

Page of Pentacles: Lady of Materialism

This card can be a younger white woman, of blond or light brown hair. She is in a
very good financial position but has an uncontrolled spending money habit. She can
be generous, passionate, loyal, and wants to live the fairy tale life. She is a good
friend to those she has but can be a snob who imitates, cultivates, or slavishly admires
social superiors and is condescending or overbearing to others. It represents a person
who believes himself or herself an expert or superior connoisseur in any given field
and is condescending toward or disdainful of those who hold other opinions, are in
lower ranks or have different tastes regarding her field. Materialistic. Reversed,
means great news or announcements, and also charity, a person who gives freely of
themselves to those in need. A charity or a cause.
Knight of Pentacles: Knight of the Order

This card represents a man of middle age, or graying blond hair, friendly
temperament, smart, rebellious and curious. Portrays a mature young man with
ambition and success orientated. It can speak of economic success and wealth that is
gained from ones strong will, efforts, maturity and responsibilities. Can also
announces the arrival of an old friend who is disposed in assisting in overcoming
obstacles. Foreshadows a possible trip, favorable news and good prospects. Reversed
predicts laziness, resistant to work or exertion; disposed to idleness, slow-moving;
sluggish. Conducive to idleness or indolence. Greed,, hard headed, arrogant and

King of Diamonds Lord of the Game

As all cards the Kings can represent a male or female with masculine qualities who is
older, often mid life. This king is often white in complexion with gray hair or a light
colored hair. He enjoys a solid financial position, with a huge capacity and ability to
follow several businesses at once, embodies the experience, intelligence and aptitude
typical of a banker, a broker or a millionaire. The card speaks of collaborations,
working together, and partnerships. It speaks of a good harvest, growth, wisdom,
knowledge and kindness. Reversed speaks of a corrupted individual, who will scam,
lie and cheat to get what he desires, an individual of unspeakable



Madre Sabiduria, Sophia, Wisdom

Fe, Faith = Cross

Esperanza, Hope = Anchor

Caridad, Charity = Heart

The Universe is a living, breathing Essence. Sanse, Santerismo, Espiritismo and

Brujeria is a method of interacting and communicating with this living energy of
the Universe. The Energy has many names, Prana, Mana, Chi, Espiritu Santo,
and Ach. This universal energy is transmitted to humans through the personal
interaction of Spirits, Souls, the Ancestors, ones dead the Mysteries and Angelic
Forces. Its Origin is of Papa Dios, (God)

We practice what would be termed as Folk Magic by attuning ourselves to the
living energy.

This living energy can seize a practitioner of Sanse, Santerismo, and Brujeria at
anytime or through, prayer, mediation, communicating with Spirits or Spiritual

A Santerista, or Brujo, enters their spiritual path through a personal encounter

with the Living Energy.

Once a Brujo (a), always a Brujo (a). It is part of your genetic makeup.

Those who practice Sanse or Santerismo are baptized or initiated into Sanse or
Santerismo. but a Brujo, psychic, clairvoyant, or medium is born one, even if an
individual comes to realize their gift or place in their Spiritual growth, later on in
life. As you are born one, so shall you die one.

We practice la obra de la Luz, Fe, Esperaza y la Caridad. (Light, Faith, Hope and
Charity) Although some perform malicious practices. We must assume complete
responsibilities for our actions and be willing to submit to the consequences.

A dis incarnate malicious spirits can be as dangerous and as powerful as a
incarnate malicious spirit.

Sanse, Santerismo and Brujeria respects the rights, sexual preference, race, color
of skin, gender, economic status, and religious beliefs of others.

Those who practice Sanse, Santerismo and Brujeria work with Ancestral
veneration, Spirit Communication, spiritual healing, Spiritual counseling,
divination, spiritual teaching, prayer, meditation, herbalism, and all forms of
Saint, Angelic, and folk magic,

Those who follow Sanse, Santerismo and Brujeria are people of the people and
work for the community. We are all Brothers and Sisters, and children of God,
and we pledge to assist our fellow man and woman wherever and whenever

Sanse, Santerismo / Espiritismo and Brujeria are not religions, they are spiritual
paths, and will enhances ones personal (if any) religious beliefs.

An apprentice of Sanse, Brujeria and Santerismo learns the greatest of wisdom

from an elder, family member, a spiritual teacher, and family traditions, but most
wisdom comes from the Living Energy and the Spirits. Ones Teacher Within.

Blood is the most Sacred of Essences. It is a sacred gift from God, But it is of God
and for God only to take; and God does not need blood offerings or animal
sacrifices, neither do the saints, angels or commissions.

Practice always the act of Chivalry, for it has not passed with the knights of old.
Have compassion, bravery, courage, courtesy, honor, gallantry, honour, justice,
integrity and a readiness to help the weak.
It must be acknowledged that thoughts and intents shown on this Earth will
return to you in this life or in future reincarnations and into the realm of spirit. So
we must exercise discipline because "as you sow, so shall you reap." Whatever you
give out to others, will eventually be given back to you. If you sow corn, (corn oil)
you will not reap olives. (Olive oil)

In all you do, prepare your soul and mind in being like divine. Our main goal of
existence is that our Spirit becomes an enlightened one.

Your word must have the validity of a signed and witnessed oath. So give out your
solemn word, rarely and when you do stick to it with the strength of iron.

When giving a consultation through divination or through Spirit, remember that
what is said to a client must stay under complete confidentiality.

Beware of speaking ill of others, or judging a person because of the view of
another, one will never know all the truths behind the matter.

He who has a house of glass, should not throw stones.

Do not take advantage of the weak, poor, or fellow man.

Be mindful and careful of what you say and how you say it, because one day you
will swallow your own bitter words.

Do not consent in unverified words about another, rumors are often based on lies.

Be honest and humble with others and let others know that honesty and
humbleness is also what is expected of them. Do not tolerate disrespect or

Fury in the moment plays tricks on the truth, Do not act under fury, step back
and calm yourself before reacting

Always consider the consequences of your actions on others.

You have the God given power to protect and defend yourself. Not to protect
yourself or defend yourself is being as much accountable for the act as the one
who commits the offense.

Know when to fight and when to walk away,

Dignity, gentle manners and good humor always provoke admiration.

As a Medium of God and Spirit you have the power bestowed upon you by God,
and your power will grow greatly with age. The wisdom will be bestowed upon
you by the Spirits and the Mysteries of God. Use the Gift with Prudence and

Courage and Honor endure forever. Their echoes remain when empires and
mountains have crumbled to dust.

The Mysteries of God are as immense as the Universe, and can never be fully
learned nor comprehended by any human. No person who lives, will live or has
lived, has ever been or ever will be: a living Adept.

Life is a process of learning daily and everlasting growth. Every waking day, learn
something new.

Swear an oath of friendship and loyalty to those who deserve it. Stay clear from
those who do not.

Those who follow the mysteries should be above reproach in the eyes of the world.

The laws of the nation must be obeyed whenever possible and that they are

Seek perfection in body and mind.

How can you honor, respect or love others unless you first learn to honor, respect
and love yourself.

Your physical body must be treated as the greatest temple of God and your head
should be the light from the brightest candle on the altar.

Those who follow the Mysteries are the chosen of God, to help in leading
humanity to the highest of thrones, and beyond the stars.

Above all. Be true and kind towards yourself.


Further Reading

This is a small collection of books that every Brujo, Espiritista and Curandero should
have in their personal library, or those interested in Puerto Rican Espiritismo and
Latino Folk magic studies. Many are translations from Spanish Books, others are
historical and educational. I am not here to give full reviews just a quick cap on each
book, and yes each one is a part of my personal library. Sorry no books with John
Edwards or, Sylvia Browne within this list.

1. Sea el Santisimo

Sea el Samtisimo is a book written by Mario Dos Ventos and is a basic Manuel on
Creole Spiritism in Cuba and Puerto Rico. Has many prayers to various popular
Saints. How to construct a Boveda. The book is 75% prayers which is an important
part of Espiritismo, Sance and Santerismo.

2. Helping yourself with Selected Prayers

Volumes 1 & 2
If you ever visit any Puerto Rican Brujos, Espiritistas or Sancistas home, on the altar
you will often come across a paper back prayer book titled. La Fe en La Oracion.
The book has prayers to many Saints, Folk Saints, Spirits and some Orishas. These
two volumes are the English translations of that particular book.

3. Collection of Selected Prayers

by Candita Gual / Allen Kardec
Every Boveda, Altar, Tableau or Mesa Blanca has the infamous little Orange Book
with the image of Jesus Christ on it. In Spanish it is title Oraciones Escojidas, by
Allen Kardec. This is the best english translation of the book, and covers prayers for
a Sesion Espiritual and other important prayers for communications with the Spirits.
Most of the book as the original is prayers, a must have book for ones altar.

4. The Spiritista. Chris Ochun

This is a basic book for beginners on Espiritismo as practiced by Puerto Ricans, with
prayers for conducting a Spiritual Mass.

5. Earth and Spirit

Medicinal plants and healing lore
from Puerto Rico by Maria Benedetti

An important book about the healing practices lore and magical practices of Puerto
Rican Brujos, Espiritistas and Curanderos. Various short stories, essays traditional
Puerto Rican remedies and Spanish to English names of many herbs used. An
important book that every brujo and curandero from Puerto Rico and the world
should have in their private library. The Spanish title of this book is Sembrando y
Sanando en Puerto Rico.

6. Witchcraft and Welfare in Puerto Rico.

By Raquel Romberg
The history of Brujeria "Witchcraft" in Puerto Rico. From Taino Indian, African
practices and Spanish traditions. Also short essays on the late, numero Uno Bruja de
Loiza, Hadie.

7. Healing Dramas:
Divination and Modern Magic in Puerto Rico.
Raquel Romberg

From the author who wrote the book Witchcraft and Welfare in Puerto Rico, History
and practice of Puerto Rican witch healers.

8. Rx Spiritists As Needed
Rare out of print. A study of mental disorders, and health issues amongst Puerto
Ricans and how they search to heal mind, body and soul through Espiritismo,
Brujeria and Santeria.

9. Governing Spirits,
Religion, Miracle and Spectacle of Cuba and Puerto Rico

A study on Cuban Espiritismo Cruzado and Puerto Rican Mesa Blanca, and the
study of the various spirits.

10. The Magical Powers of the Saints

by Ray T. Malbrough

Although I personally am not a big fan of Llewelyn Publications, this book is a good
book for beginners in Hispanic Brujeria and American Hoodoo.

11. Spiritual Cleansing:

A Handbook of Psychic Protection
by Draja Mickaharic

How to cleanse and protect one self with items found in the home, traditional
spiritual work used in Brujeria, Curanderia and Espiritismo.
13. A Century of Spells
by Draja Mickaharic

Spells traditionally used by Brujos and Brujas through out Latin America, as with all
books by this author, a must have in ones library.

14. A Spiritual Workers Handbook

by Draja Mickaharic

Traditional spells used by Espiritistas and Brujos in the Caribbean and New York.
Great little book and to the point for all Espiritistas.

15. Speaking With the Dead

Among Puerto Ricans in the United States
by Andres Isiodoro Perez

A study of Spiriitist Centers in New York in the late 1970s early 1980s. The function
of a Spiritist Center, its members and interviews with its congregation.

16. Candle Burning Magic with the Psalms

by William Oribello

17. The Psalm Workbook

by Robert Laremy
Every Brujo and Spiritual worker should have a basic understanding on how to use
both candles and psalms in their spiritual work. Both these books are a must have

18. Spiritual Cleansing and Psychic Defense.

By Robert Leremy.

Simple spells and prayers to various Saints and Spirits such as La Madama, El Congo
and Santa Marta Dominadora are within the pages of this book, good little book for

19. Devotion to the Saints

by Ann Riva
One of Anna Riva's best books includes many saints respected and venerated within
Brujeria, Hoodoo, Espiritismo and Curanderismo.

20. The Spirits Book

by Allen Kardec

A monumental and historic work that brought Spiritism to the forefront of today's
culture. Important work and the belief systems behind Espiritismo.

21. The Mediums Book

by Allen Kardec
An important work on Membership by the founder of Spiritism.

22. The Line of the Sun

by Judith Ortiz Cofer

A novel about a Puerto Rican family and their struggles first in Puerto Rico then in
New York. Espiritismo, Brujeria and Santeria play a major role in this novel. A
beautiful story that leads you through three generations and the Puerto Rican
struggles, how spiritual beliefs and religious ideas change through each generation.
Every Puerto Rican should have a copy of this book within their library.

23. The Santeria Experience

by Migene Gonzales Wippler.
As a young girl in Puerto Rico, Migene in introduced to Santeria by her nanny Maria,
which takes her on a lifelong journey through Espiritismo and Santeria.

24. Creole Religions of the Caribbean

from Vodou, Santeria, Obea and Espiritismo

Everything is covered in this book, Santeria, Brujeria, Espiritismo, Obea to name a

few, interesting reading.


by Carlos Antonio Montenegro

Book on the Dominican Voodoo Religion of 21 Division, similar to Puerto Rican

Sance, Sanse Reliogion. Small little book only around 80 pages, but a quick and
simple introduction

These are just a few, educate, learn and grow.

Sancista Brujo Luis


Mis Emisarios de la Alta Luz, derme Salud, Prosperidad, Desarollo y

Desenvolvimiento. Que ustedes siempre vayan por delante que yo siempre les sigiras
por detras.

My Emissaries of the Highest Light, bless me with Health, Prosperity, Development

and Unfolding. May you always go before me and I will humbly follow from behind.

We are all born into this world in the company of a Principle Spirit Guide and a
Guardian Angel assigned to us by Papa Buen Dios to lead us into the path of living a
well rounded and stable life. As time passes and one grows older and wiser, we
accumulate more protective spirits that become a part of one's Cuadro Espiritual.
These Spirits aid us in learning, progressing and help us in healing.

Ones Principle Guide and other protective Spirits are often ancestral spirits or
familiar spirits from this or past lives that are connected to one through blood. As
our physical body grows older and we come closer to the physical death of the body,
little by little the Spirits who have completed their mission become elevated, some are
reborn into the physical world and others gravitate to their next mission. The only
spirit from our Cuadro Espiritual who accompanies you through the physical death
of the body is your Principle Guide and or Angel de la Guarda, which are with you
from the time of birth until the moment of death. Often times as we pass through the
veil between both realms, one is either guided by the Principle Guide or passes
through the tunnel of light, seeing the Spirits that made up your Cuadro Espiritual,
your ancestors and those who departed while you where alive, often times if the Guia
Principal is not there to guide your spirit through the tunnel it will be at the other end
of it, waiting for you with comforting open arms.

A major problem I have been noticing lately, and a trend that is growing big because
of the Internet and lack of knowledge and common sense is, people revealing the
names of the Spirits of their Cuadro to the public, this to all Hispanics who are a part
of a Centro or Templo Espiritual know that this must never be done. (If you notice in
my Blog the only names if any that I reveal are that of my Angel de la Guarda and my
Patron Saint which are Spirits that are so highly elevated that they can not be easily
persuaded to leave my side. This information can be used against you in so many
negative ways. This is one way of so many, to tell if one has been initiated, baptized
or received any Puntos or ceremonies within Sance, Vudu, 21 Divisiones or
Espiritismo. A responsible Godparent will instruct you in many ways on how to
protect your Cuadro, and strictly warn you on revealing the names of your Spirits to
the world, which would be as dangerous as revealing the names of your loved ones to
a hired hit man.

Por Cada Angel, hay un Demonio.

(For every Angel there is a Demon)

Besides ones Cuadro Espiritual we are all accompanied by an army of Dark Spirits,
which are also known as our inner demons. These spirits are earth bound entities
that attach themselves to an individual, either by outside influence such as black
magic and sorcery, or can be unconsciously picked up through a traumatic experience
known as "un Susto or una Trauma" . If not taken cared of in its early stages of
development these dark spirits can perturb the person and seriously affect his or her
spiritual development. causing depression, anxieties, anger and frustration.
Long term suffering from dark spirits can cause road blocks, obstacles, alcohol and
substance abuse, violent and suicidal tendencies, and many even resort to committing

The beginning stages of this affliction is what is termed in Puerto Rican Sanse and
Espiritismo Criolla as "una Causa" hence why we say "tienes una causa." A
malignant spirit that causes problems and often begins with an individual suffering
headaches, nervousness and uneasiness which in tern brings in the feeling as if the
individual has a heavy weight on their chest and shoulders "un bajon" which in tern
brings upon a radical change in behavior. It is in the beginning stages that ones
Cuadro Espiritual is working over time to help the individual as much as possibly
allowed. But if the individual does not seek spiritual, medical and or psychological
help, as he/she succumbs to the dark spirits so will the link and bond to the Cuadro
Espiritual suffer. Often times the bond becomes so weak that within time the
spiritual link between the individual and the Spirits that make up the Cuadro begins
to wane and suffer, until finally leaving the individual weak, disorientated and prone
to spiritual illnesses that can cause mental, emotional and physical problems.

People often ask me. If we are highly spiritual, what is the purpose for these inner
demons. My answer is simple. One, to test our faith, strength and endurance; and
two, one can not know good or understand goodness without experiencing, bad,
wickedness or evil.

A well trained Sancistas and Espiritistas try to help the individual who suffers from
bad spirits and inner demons by first trying to remove dark spirits, through ritual
ceremonies such as rompimiento, desprendimiento and recogimiento. But the
individual is also advised to seak mental and physical help. Espiritistas and Sancistas
understand that the only way a person can truly be healthy, is through healing
spiritually, mentally and physically. In many cases the individual fails to ignore the
importance of the healing process and the dark spirits returns and reattaches
themselves to the person and perturbs them all over again.

Also there exists many individuals who wish to have the spiritual abilities that your
Cuadro gives you. Some of the major reasons is that an individual such as a
Nigromante, Diablero or Muertero likes the way your Spirits work for you within
Misas and Sesiones. If the Spirits in your Cuadro are well cared for and attended,
this process can be difficult but not impossible. This is the reason one should not
mount Spirits unattended or accompanied by a trusted godparent or spiritual family
member, someone who will guard the physical and spiritual body, and why one never
mounts Spirits in a room full of strangers, another Sociedad, Templo or Centro. A
Spirit from one's Cuadro Espiritual can also choose to leave of their own free will,
one reason being is because the person who they guard does not attend his Spirits
correctly, often ignoring them. Those Spirits searching for light and elevation will
then seek gravitate or cling to, those individuals who attend their Spirits in a correct

It is impossible for an individual to know the names of all the Spirits within their
Cuadro, and often time this is not important, what is important is that we recognize
their presence, give them respect, light and clarity.

Each Spirit has an important function, some are healers, others messengers, while
others open the doors for opportunities and close the doors to misfortunes. They all
work in unison in taking great care of the temple, the vessel which is your body that
houses the Soul and Spirit. Like the organs and cells within our body that work in
unison to help the body grow, heal and live a long sound life, so it is the same with the
Cuadro Espiritual. To loose one Spirit from your Cuadro is to loose one's spiritual
equilibrium, allowing for malignant forces to take over. It is during moments of great
sadness, suffering or depression that our spiritual body tells us that our Cuadro is
week, or something is spiritually wrong, similar to that of a sneeze or a cough which is
the way our bodies tell us that a cold or a fever is brewing within the body and our
immune system is weak. We must be strong, pray and pay homage to our Spirits,
because it is at these moments when we are being tested spiritually, and many times
we fail to understand that our Cuadro is working hard for us. Many individuals
turn to narcotics, prescription drugs or alcohol to ease the pain. But these things fuel
ones weakness, which in turn strengthens our inner demons.

A traumatic experience in life can be the cause as well, loosing a loved one, being
physically or sexually assaulted, loosing a limb during an accident. This can cause a
Trauma which wrips through the very layers of our aura and within time and without
proper healing can reach the core of the aura which in tern allows for those spirits
that protect us and guide us to wane and allowing the strength of our inner demons to
increase and take hold. Once an individual looses one spirit from one's cuadro it is
not impossible to have it return or replaced by another spirit that will take its place.
But in a society where we turn to drugs and alcohol as a solution, instead of prayer,
hope and faith, this is easier said than done.

The Cuadro teaches that strength, and endurance can only come through conquering
and mastering our fears. They teach through suffering only the strong will survive.
Every spiritual leader from the Buddha "Siddhrtha Gautama" to the Christ "Jesus
of Nazareth" suffered and over came, and became stronger. They teach through
inner acceptance and true inner love of one self. The love of one self that brings that
inner joy that none can take away.
The Spirits teach us to dance, to sing, to make love, and even to enjoy a glass or two
of an alcohol beverage, but never let the Demons Greed and Sloth take over your
body. On another note, unlike your Cuadro that's names should not be revealed, the
opposite is true about your inner demons. Mine are a part of the Nation of Pride and
Frustration. I battle these two inner demons like no other on a daily basis. "I am a
proud person to the point sometimes I can come of as being a bit to proud, and I get
frustrated very easily, especially when confronted or pushed. These two together join
forces and give birth to the inner demon Rage within me, and everyday I keep that
inner demon in check and under control. But all who know me, know that on a daily
basis I battle them as Saint Michael battles Lucifer. True acceptance of one's faults
and weaknesses is the greatest of virtues.

The Cuadro Espiritual wants nothing more than for you to truly love yourself, truly
know yourself, and except those things you must except and change those things that
must be changed.


While ones Angel de la Guarda are protectors and guardians that's mane function is
to save our Spirit our very souls and protect us from evil both in the material and
spiritual plane, our Guias Espirituales are responsible for our spiritual growth and
development. Also one needs to understand their origin. Angel de la Guarda are
highly elevated spirits that have never lived within human form, many cultures view
them as gods or demi gods, and a capitol G as in for God is never used, and some call
them the purest of Saints, or by other names such as Irunmole Archangels, Orisha, or
Zemi. They are celestial forces of the Cosmos, and each one is assigned by God to
rule over an element or plane of existence within the Cosmos. They are like our
Spiritual mother or Spiritual father, and many of their attributes and qualities are
often inherited into the person they guard.
While the Angel de la Guarda are cosmic forces of pure light, the Spirit Guides are
our dead, they are the Ancestral Souls of our blood line within this life or previous
incarnations. They have lived within the realm of the living in physical form at least
once " often times they have lived multiple times", and some have reached a higher
level of concioisness, while.others not so. Some will be reborn into future earthly
incarnations as they still must pass earthly tests of trials and tribulations, while
others will elevate into another form of being. They know and understand from first
hand experience our weaknesses, our temptations, our sorrows, our fears, our desires,
they know like no other our needs and wants. They know the trials we must face on
the earthly world, and are ever present if we have faith in them, believe in them and
call on them. They are responsible for helping us in our spiritual growth, and speak
to us through our inner voice and thoughts. Their messages come to us through
dreams or omens within nature, if we are knowledgeable enough to listen and
understand what messages they are trying to convey. They help us in the knowledge
we seek in understanding those things that help us evolve spiritually. Within the
Sanse Tradition and Espiritismo Criolla(o) (folclorica) our dead are not far away in a
remote place, they are near us, present when we call on them even through a single
thought of them, they come.

Our Spirit Guides are like a strong frame that protects the fragile photograph from
the elements. The stronger the frame, the stronger the protection granted, the more
the photograph is protected from the harsh elements. We are the fragile photograph,
and they are the wood, the glass, the backing and the nails that surround and protect
us. The Photograph can only be as strong as its frame.

They are the mentors, the wise sages, the Counselors, that have learned through their
past life incarnations the lessons needed for spiritual elevation and now are present
with the goal of bestowing upon us these lessons.

They come from many walks of life, so it is important within both Sanse and
Espiritismo not to be a prejudice individual. To be prejudice towards a race or a
people is to be ignorant. This ignorance can be very dangerous and departmental to
our spiritual growth. To offend a race, or a people is to spit on the names of your
Spirit Guides, because they in life could have been an Indian Chief, an African slave,
an Arabian Popper, an Egyptian stone mason, a Catholic Nun, a Pagan priestess or a
poor fisherman. Which brings the importance of Religious tolerance. I was in Salem
Witch Village with a Godson when a well known Wiccan priestess was telling a client
that Jesus is Dead. This frame of mentality that many Neo Pagans hold against
Christianity and vise a versa, does not exist in Santeria, Umbanda, Sanse, Vodou, or
any non Neo Pagan tradition. (No we are not Neo or New Age anything, our ways
are as old as time) We respect all religions because we don't know if the very spirits
that protect us may in life have been a Pagan Priestess or a Catholic Nun, and hear
they are in Spirit form holding hands in unison to protect and guide us. To offend a
race, a belief or religious view is like one offending our very own loved ones or
insulting that foundation that grounds the temple.

"Many Neo Pagans hold to the thought, that Christians persecuted them for
thousands of years. Believe it or not, there was a time when Christianity was
persecuted by the Pagans. If we do not put a stop to this mentality, we are doomed to
repeat history, It is time we put this very ignorant (frame) of mind to rest and have
respect and tolerance for the personal beliefs of all your neighbors.'

Some Spirit Guides can be the souls of departed family members or close friends, or
as I have stated we may not have known them within this lifetime, but we have a
spiritual link that connects us even though it was from previous life times. They
could be a wife, a mother or a teacher as much as they could have been a neighbor, a
family doctor, a parish priest, a close friend or a tribal shaman.

We are all born with a custodial Guardian Angel who accompanies us through out
our entire life. With the exception of one's principle guide, many of the Spirits
within our Cuadro Espiritual will come and go, some stay with us until their mission
has been completed, others move away from the lack of faith we have in their
guidance. Some are replaced by others, while others are not. Some will gravitate to
another individual because of the lack of respect or interest you show to them.

The Spirits that make up your Cuadro Espiritual are our closest allies to Papa Buen
Dios, they are the link that links us to the realm of Spirits. They are dear and close
friends to us, often closer or much closer than your living friends or family members ,
because they know the true intentions of your heart, soul and mind better than any
living person could. There is a Spanish saying. "Caras vemos, corazones, no
savemos." (Faces we see, hearts "intentions", we do not know.). Our Cuadro can not
be fooled in this way. They know us inside out.

Our Cuadro are affectionate, attentive, concerned about our spiritual, mental and
physical growth, and always want what is best for us.

They do not judge us harshly, even during those days when we make mistakes, or do
not follow their sound advice. They like no other understand that it is essential for us
to make mistakes, so that we may learn valuable lessons. They know that through
true suffering, the Spirit is tested and the Soul flourishes.


EL CENTINELA: At the forefront of one's Cuadro is the Centinela which is that
Spirit that is closest to you in terms of Spiritual protection. The Centinelas function
is to protect you from psychic warefare, psychic attacks, black magic, crossed
conditions, hexes, curses, the evil eye and to make sure you develop within this life.
The Centinela is your spiritual shield, safeguard and life guard. The Centinela has no
physical representation, although we in Sanse use a photo or an image of Saint
Sebastian, Saint Pancracio or Faith, Hope and Charity to represent our Centinela.
The Centinela is with you from the first moment an evil eye is placed on you, and is
with you until you reach old age or death. The Centinela rarely if ever mounts a
mediums body in a crowded room, its function is to safeguard your physical and
spiritual body. But if they do, it is for observance, of the physical mediums body. A
Centinela identity as with many spirits of your Cuadro Espiritual should never be
revealed to the public and the name of ones Centinela can only be given through an
Investigation. When the Centinela mounts, it mounts as a wise and benevolent
Spirit, and although it rarely mounts in public it does posses the body with messages
of hope, wisdom, prudence and with divine intervention. The Centinela is that Spirit
that is the ground keeper, the overseer. They rarely mount in Sesiones or Misas, they
come speaking through times of quiet meditation, contemplation and prayer, they are
the voice of ones Higher Self. The only people who know your Centinelas identity is
yourself and the Espiritista or Sancista who preformed the investigation and whispers
quietly into your ear, the Centinela's name. Many people say the name or identity
comes to them through dreams, which is rare, often impossible and is often confused
with ones Guardian Angel, Patron Saint or Principle Guide. The Centinela does not,
and if so rarely represent an earthly culture or religion, the Centinela is not a part of
a group of Spirits such as are the Madamas, the Gitanas, the Congos the Piratas or
Indios although in life it could have been one but they are a part of Division of Spirits
known as Los Centinelas. The Centinela is beyond earthly physical representations,
and are above the Comiciones and Sanses but a bit below the Misterios.

GUIA PRINCIPAL: Of all your Spirits in the Cuadro Espiritual, your Guia
Principal is the one that is with you from the moment of birth until the moment of
death. While many spirits from ones Cuadro Espiritual have a certain mission to
complete and once completed they move on or become attached to another incarnate
spirit, your Guia Principal is always with you. Your Guia Principal is the Jefe of
your Cuadro, asigning missions and over seeing other spirits within your Cuadro.

ANGEL DE LA GUARDA: The Guardian Angel is that Celestial Being that protects
you through out your lifespan. They are primordial beings of pure light, and have
never lived in human form. They guard and protect you from evil forces, demonic
forces and inner demons. Unlike a Misterio that's aspect can change as one grows or
does not grow in life, the Angel de la Guarda is the same during life. The Angel de la
Guarda is like a Spiritual parental figure, and has never walked or lived in human
form. They are the most ancient of beings and although there are many levels of
Angels some being further from human affairs than others, the Angel de la Guarda is
the closest of the Pure Energy Spirits of Light that watch over human affairs.
Although they can be seen through human eyes as male or female, and can be seen to
represent catecoristics of human qualities, it is we as humans that give them earthly
representations, for they are far beyond human comprehension.

PATRONALES: The Patron Saint, can be male or female. It can be a Saint from
any religion, Catholic, Hinduism, or Buddism to name a few. Traditionally the Patron
Saint was determined through the day an individual was born. In Sanse we have a
male and or a female. Male "Patron" Female "Matrona". Like the Angel de la
Guarda they are parental figures who guard and protect us, the names of these
Patronales are determined through an oracle or through the investigacion or
alinacion de cuadro. Also an individual can inherit a loved ones Patron Saints. When
my grandfather passed I inherited his Patron Saint, Martin De Porres, a beautiful
chalk ware plaster statue that has been in the family since the mid 1960s, while a
client of mine inherited her mothers Santa Barbara when her mother passed. This is
not uncommon in Puerto Rican beliefs and practices as the Atributos of Saints and
Spirits can be left to a trusted family member at time of death.

SANSES: The Sanse also known in Espiritismo as Los Emisarios, Embajadores, En

Corrientes, or los Sanses, are the Spirits of people who in life where Servidores
"Servitors" of the Loases, Orishas, Zemi, or Nsambis. They where paleros,
espiritistas, brujos, santiguadores, curanderos, yerberos or santeros, who often
mimick the Misterio they represent with their own unique earthly qualities. Often
time they will come baring the name of the Misterio they represent and are viewed as
the Messengers of the Misterios.

ANTEPASADOS: The Antepasados are the spirits of ones ancestors. One never
truly knows where ones blood lineage is from and the Ancestors can come from
various cultures. They are very protective and carry us upon their shoulders and we
walk the paths they once walked and breath the air they once breathed.

DIFUNTOS: The Difuntos or ones Muertos are those spirits of loved ones that a
person knew in life, such as grandparents, godparents, aunts, uncles, close friends
and other relatives. If the Spirit died a natural death they are often prayed to on
ancestral shrines. The Spirits of those who committed suicide, where murderers or
rapists are never venerated on the shrine but prayed to so that they may receive
forgiveness and light.

MISTERIOS: The Misterios are the highly elevated Spirits that within the Sanse
tradition can be Loases, Orishas, Angels, Archangels Zemi, Saints, deities.and other
Spirits. They often represent or govern an element here on earth, such as Fire, Water,
Earth, Metal, Wood, and Air. While the Angeles are guardians and the keepers of the
Cosmic Heavens. Often times one is born protected and governed by a certain
Misterio and latter in life another Misterio can take over the head or infuse with the
Misterio that governs the head becoming as one. This may sound confusing, hence
why they are Misterios. Unlike the Angel de la Guarda that has never walked in
human form, most Misterios have lived in human form and are the ancient ancestors
that are on their way to becoming Puro Misterios, Beings of Pure Light. Many
Demonic Forces com

COMISIONES: The Comisiones are those spirits that share a spiritual bond and link
to the person they protect. They come from all walk of life and spiritual or religious
beliefs. They can have a spiritual link through blood lineage or past life
incarnations. They are healers, doctors, messengers, counselors, to name a few of
their functions. They represent a cultural group of people or race, and often enjoy
the foods, music and traditions they enjoyed in life.


La Mesa Blanca is the name for the Ancestral and Spiritual Guides shrine in Puerto Rico as
well as one of the most popular traditions of espiritismo practiced on the island; Mesa
Blanca Espiritismo. (White Table Spiritism). While many outside of Puerto Rico call this
ancestral shrine a Boveda, which translates to mean vault or tomb, one must understand
that there are some minor differences between both of them.

The Mesa Blanca refers to both the table altars used in veladas and misa espiritules and the
private personal shrine in homes of espiritistas and brujos. The private shrine consists of a
simple table usually facing towards an Eastern wall, where the sun rises or a Western wall
where the sun sets, most prefer to place the Mesa Blanca towards the west. The shrine is
usually a small table, or an end table, draped with a white table cloth, white being the color
of purity and of the dead. In the center of la Mesa Blanca sits a large goblet filled with
fresh clean water, or Holy Water, this is called a Fuente Espiritual. (Spiritual Fountain)
Traditionally the Mesa Blanca had only one large Fuente called, El Santisimo, but recently
some have also included 3, 7 or 9; always with the larger of the Fuentes in the center, each
Fuente has a mystery, thelargerbeing El Santisimo, while the others represent, ones
Centinella, ones Santo, ones Protector, ones Ancestors, and the remainder for the other
spirits of the 21 Corts of Spirits.Also on the Mesa Blanca you will often find a book of
prayers candles, one or two vases full of fresh carnations, an altar bell, and an incense or
oil burner. This set up consists of the basic and traditional Puerto Rican Mesa Blanca.
Some include photos of dead relatives, on the altar itself or hang them in frames on the
wall above the Mesa Blanca. Important! No photos of any one currently alive is kept on or
near the altar. Some also include tarot cards, or la baraja Espaola, a bottle of holy water,
alcoholado 70 Superior, (Bay Rum) and a bottle of Florida water. These are used for
cleansing, purifying and blessing oneself and for sprinkling on the shrine.
The main Fuente, the larger and central piece of the altar usually has an aluminum or
copper metal cross or crucifix within the fuente, this has a lot of spiritual symbolics and
mysteries as well. The metal cross acts as an electrical conductor of spiritual energy and
currents, that attracts ones spirits and ancestors to the Mesa Blanca. The cross can have or
not have the image of a crucified Christ, this is left to the preference of the individual
constructing the altar, but what is important to understand that this cross by no means,
signifies Christianity. (although in most cases it does, as all spiritists believe in the
powerful mystical powers of Christ). The cross or crucifix within the fuente represents the
four cardinal virtues which are prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance, as well as the
four cardinal points, north, east, south and west.

The foot of the cross touching the water represents the mysteries of the substance of life,
that which humans can not breath, but is of great importance for sustaining life. The cross
represents touching and having contract with the realm of spirit, that come from all

The fuentes must be kept clean and fresh with cool clean water also known as los fluidos
espiritual. (spiritual fluids). The Fluidos represent cleanliness, purification, clarity, and
substances, and lastly life within the unseen. The best way I can explain this is for you to
stand before a vast ocean, you will feel the wind, see the waves crashing, see the sun set or
rise in the horizon, and see the seagulls fly over head. Now look at the ocean, in those
waters exists life. Not seen to the human eye, unless you are lucky and catch a glimpse of
an occasional fish or dolphin. Now take a trip on a large boat and go deep into the coasts
and if you are blessed you will see a whale. These vast, majestic and beautiful creatures of
God share our world, but are not seen unless one looks for them. On your next trip to the
Caribbean or Hawaiian islands go deep sea divining, and see the millions of creatures, and
coral life that are unseen to the human eye, again unless we look for them.
Water represents this symbol, that life exists although it may not be clearly seen by the
naked eye unless one ventures and finds it. Also never use purified water with no
contaminants, Purified water, with no contaminants at all, does not conduct enough
spiritual currents to an appreciable degree especially when working with spirits. Cold tap
water from the kitchen works best.

The Mesa Blanca is a direct physical and material portal or doorway from this plain of
existence and the realm of the Dead; and an espiritista uses this altar for prayer, meditation,
keeping in contact and communicating with one's deceased relatives and Ancestors. As
well as searching for answers from premonitions and prophetic dreams, or for searching
for answers in ones daily life. But it is not just that, mainly it is to give reverence and
respect for those who lived before us, because it is on their shoulders that we stand, and for
this alone, they deserve the most highest of respect and reverence.

The Seres are never feed directly on la Mesa Blanca. It is widely believed in Puerto Rico
that this will attract unwanted greedy and gluttonous spirits. The offerings for ones spirits
are usually placed on the dining table or on another table. The offering to ones ancestors or
dead relatives is never placed on the floor, because the symbolic of keeping the offering
elevated from the floor is a symbol of keeping one's dead elevated in the spiritual realm.
The offerings usually consist of black coffee, fruits, cakes, sweets candies, liquor and
tobacco. If ones dead relatives smoked tobacco in life, a cigar or cigarette is always placed,
but if they did not, then obviously the tobacco is not offered. This offering is left out the
whole day, and thrown away at the end of the night, with the exception of liquids and
tobacco which can be kept much longer. Fruits can be kept much longer, and afterwards
can be used to make spiritual baths.
Smaller portions of the offerings are also given to the gluttonous and greedy spirits, that I
mentioned earlier, these offerings are placed on the floor in a corner near the altar, and
again at the end of the night these offerings are thrown out. These offerings usually consist
of coffee and tobacco. A protective circle is made with salt or cascarilla to keep these
spirits from venturing anywhere but that area.

Some individuals do place the tobacco and liquid offerings such as liquor or coffee on the
altar, these are not removed daily but kept on the altar until the spirits drink of It's energy,
you might be amazed to come the next day and see a liquid offering half empty.

The Mesa Blanca must always be kept clean and white at all times, the Fuentes must be
cleaned and refilled with fresh water once a week, or if and when they begin to turn
cloudy, remember good spirits and ancestors thrive on clarity, cleanliness and order. The
flowers like the fruits should be discarded as soon as they show signs of withering, or after
seven days, and are used to make a spiritual bath.

There are three steps one must take when approaching the Mesa Blanca, the first is one
must always make the sign of the cross with the right hand, when approaching the altar,
next with both hands using the knuckles of the middle and index fingers, knock on the altar
three times, and then ring the bell and salute your dead. On the altar is kept the book of
prayers and you can open the book and recite a prayer, or say the Our Fathers and Hail

Tarot cards or a baraja Espaola can also be kept on the altar because, they are a sacred
tool in Santerismo and Brujeria for communicating with ones spirits. The deck becomes a
vessel in which ones spirits communicate with the living. A Ouija board is often found
upon and is never used in Caribbean spiritism, it is believed to attract unwanted intranquil,
disturbed and perturbed spirits.


The boveda is a beautiful ancestral altar from the Afro Cuban Espiritismo Cruzado and
Santeria tradition. Similar to the Puerto Rican Mesa Blanca in that it is draped in a white
table cloth. But the Boveda often has one pictures or statue of Saint and various statues or
photos of the principle guide and other Protectores (protecting spirits) from the 21
commissions of spirits, such as indians, gypsies, congos or madamas on the altar. The mesa
blanca and the boveda are not altars to the Saints, but the reason why status or photos of
these saints and Guias are placed on the boveda is because the Saints and the Guia make
up an individuals Familia de Cuadro Espiritual "spiritual Family Frame" Another
difference is that although the Boveda is drapped in a white cloth, hanging from the edges
of the boveda are 9 various colored paos, (cloths) 9 being the sacred number associated
with the dead. (Las Novenas) the various colors of the cloths represents the various
cultures and races that can make up a person family lineage, if one looks back as far as
they can.

(Example: I am of Puerto Rican dissent, on my mothers side, my grandfather had Russian

and German blood, my grandmother was of Spanish Castillian, and Creole blood, on my
father's side, my grandfather was Spanish and Taino Indian, while my grandmother was
Taino Indian and Spanish Gypsy. My eldest daughters mother is French and Irish, and my
granddaughter has southern black blood.)

Another difference in the boveda and la mesa blanca is that offerings to ones dead, such as
cakes, cigars, liquor and coffee, can be placed on the boveda, although some individuals do

In keeping with family tradition, I keep the Mesa Blanca, although I am fond of Bovedas.

Constructing the Mesa Blanca

Choose a table in the house, an old dresser or an old nigh stand or an end table, will work
fine. Make sure this table has been in your belonging for some time and has absorbed your
energy. A brand new purchased table has not had the contact it needs to absorb your
energy. If you find an old family table or dresser in your attic this will be perfect. Dust it
off and clean it down with a mixture of Florida water, holy water and a bit of household
cleaner and disinfectant. Dry off the table with a clean white cloth, and smudge it down
with an incense mixture of frankincense and myrrh, tobacco smoke or sage and lavender.
Never burn cedar, as the cedar tree is considered a sacred and powerful tree and known as
the Tree of Life. Cover the table with a brand new white table cloth.

Now get your goblets organized, purchase simple glass goblets, fish bowls wine glasses or
clear drinking glasses in pairs of two, four, six or eights, and one larger one. Make sure the
goblets are clear, thin with no designs or markings. I personally like to keep things simple
and have one large one and two smaller ones on each side. Wash the glasses with a mild
detergent and cold water. Then fill them with ice cold water and arrange them on the altar.
To each side of the smaller Fuente place a white 7 day candle and a vase of fresh white
flowers. Also arrange your incense burner and silver bell on the altar. In the beginning it is
important to keep the Mesa Blanca simple, more does not mean better

Many Mesa Blancas and Bovedas often keep three books on the shrine. La Fe en la
Oracion, the Bible, and Allen Kardec's book on selected prayers. These books are tools
mainly used for Veladas and Misas and should never be used as crutches when speaking to
ones dead and ancestors. Speak to them as you would speak to the living. Every morning
greet them and every night bid them a good night, or ask them to come along with you in
your dreams. Always talk to them with kind loving words. At first you might feel awkward
and not know what to say, but with persistence and time and as your confidence level
grows the words will flow through you. Tell them how your day went or ask them to
accompany you during the day.

If you are troubled or distressed, breath deeply and calm your nerves, never approach your
shrines with a heavy heart, or a mind full of troubles. Take a shower and cleanse and purify
yourself before approaching the altar, when calm go to the altar and ask the spirits to aid
you in finding peace or to help you find a solution or an answer to what you seek in your
dreams. (Ones dead always speak through dreams)

"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith the Lord. I will pour out my Spirit upon all
flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see
visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my
handmaidens I will pour out in those last days of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy." Acts
2: 17/18

Never approach your altars with anger, remorse, pride or petty gossip, keep the vibrations
of your altars clean.

Before one makes any offering of any kind, first present it to your forehead, then your
chest and lastly to your lips, By doing so you are demonstrating to your dead that your
thoughts are with them, your love is with them and you give them a bit of your essence of

Every seven days clean your altar, remove the water, buy throwing it around the outside of
your house for protection, or use it to simmer the petals of the flowers for a spiritual bath.
The candles are discarded and new ones are placed. The altar cloth is washed and a cleaner
one is placed, fresh flowers are placed and fresh incense is burned.



the mesa Blanca and boveda are never used for magical purposes, they are used as a focal
point for spirit. But one can send the spirits to work for a purpose by creating a code with
the fuentes. These four codes are the most popular.

When asking for protection from your spirits, place 8 of the glasses filled with ice water
and a bay Laurel leaf in each glass, surrounding the larger fuente, this is especially helpful
in court matters and protection in general.

When a novena, or velada is being done, one sends the spirits to work by creating a V
structure with the Fuentes. This is called Menguante, the largest fuente is placed in the
back while four on either side is arranged to make a V like structure. Menguante is done to
remove or banish spirits that cause obstacle in our lives.

Cressiente is the structure to bring forth positive and good spirits. The larger Fuente is
placed in the front, while the smaller ones create the V.

The Piramede, or the pyramid is used to send the spirits to work in helping a spirit of a
recently deceased individual go into the light and elevating their spirit. Used frequently
during the Novenas this is creating by placing three fuentes in a row, two on top, of the
three and one on top of the two. The larger fuente is placed in front of the pyramid, and a
white candle is placed on either side of the piramede.

Darle Hielo, is used to cool the bad temperament of a spirit. The Fuentes are filled with ice,
no water, the ice is left to melt naturally. This cools down the temperament of a stubborn
spirit with a bad temper. When the ice is melted into water, the water is thrown out and
away from the home.

Magic of the Psalms.

I am an avid believer in the power of prayers, I pray in the morning to give thanks for a
new day, and at night when my body is ready for rest and my soul is ready from its
freedom from the carnal flesh. I also often meditate and recite Catholic, Spiritist prayers
and Buddhist chants, "NAM-MYOHO-RENGD-KYO!"; in front of my spiritual altars as
well as in nature. I pray to ground myself, and give me strength before receiving a client
for a consultation, and for removing any negative vibrations I may pick up from a client's,
"causa." I meditate and pray before reading the cards, or performing los pases, or
santiguando. "LIMPIANDO, RECOJIENDO Y BOTANDO!" And prayers from a spiritist
book is always recited before and after every spiritual session or festivities. I recite prayers
from a book titled, La Fe en la Oracion, a selection of prayers to Saints, Angels, African
and indigenous spirits that every Brujo and espiritista owns. I speak to my angels,
protectores (protective) and cuadro espiritual, (spiritual frame) and Guia Principal my
muertos and ancestors from improvising and letting the words come from my very soul.

I have to admit I am addicted to praying, and prayer books and pamphlets, it is one of the
basic fundamentals of Puerto Rican Espiriritismo, Sance and Brujeria. If I am ever at a
local walmart or a botanica or bodega,and I see a book on prayers I do not own, I purchase

Three of the mostlly used prayer books on my altar are the one I mentioned above, La Fe
en la Oracion, as well as Coleccion de Oraciones Escojidas Espiritistas and the Holy Bible,
which are staples in every Puerto Rican Brujos, Espiritistas altar. The Colleccion de
Oraciones Escogidas is used for our Seances, Spiritual Masses, and Spiritual Festivities,
and I own the books both in Spanish and English, for both my hispanic and non spanish
speaking clients; and are used by every Brujos, Santerista, and espiritistas to invoke,
Saints, Misterrios, Orishas, Seres, and Muertos, during misas, fiestas espirituales, veladas
and all workings of La Obra Espiritual.

But the number one book I use to lift a clients causa, healing or protection is the Bible. The
book of the bible is known as Psalms, and the prayers, can be used in all travajos de la
obra, or magical / spiritual work.

Depending on the causa of a client, or under taking, when I recite a certain psalm, I use the
appropriate candle color oiled down with Olive oil and herbs, incense, a glass of holy
water, or bottle of alcojolado, eggs, and tobacco smoke. Other items are used but this all
depends on the travajo. Following is the complete list of how the psalms are used in Puerto
Rican, brujeria and espiritismo. May they bring your travajos much Fuerza y Luz.

1. Protection of Pregnancies, avoid miscarriages, and harmful associations, against attacks

from animals.

2. Conquer enemies, diminish the strength of an enemy, control rivals.

3. Remove a curse, or a hex, combat crossed conditions, remove the evil eye. Calm
headaches and backaches.

4. Spiritual Protection while asleep, against psychic attacks, envy, remove tension.

5. Stop gossip and slander, quiet a rival or enemy. Against false accusations.

6. To comfort sickness and illnesses. Aiding in blood disorders or diseases. Protection

while asleep.

7. Against black magic, sorcery, to uncross and remove hexes. To return black magic to its

8. For binding enemies, for better business, increase business affairs.

9. Against the power strength or hold an enemy has on you. Protection during court cases,
and against injustice.

10. Against witches, necromancers, enchanters, and sorcery. Against malignant forces and
evil spirits. Vanquish unclean, restless, and trickster false spirits.

11. Protection from violence, violence in the home, domestic violence, punish evil, combat
those that assault you.

12. Stop gossip, slander and dispel lies and false testimonies.

13. Protection from violence and bodily harm.

14. To quiet an enemy, to make other not believe false gossip about you, to be free from
slander and wagging mouths.

15. To find out the truth when you feel that someone is lying. Against all forms of lies.

16. Remove depression, calm mental disorders, change sorrow into joy.

17. So that others will believe the words from your mouth and not those of your enemies,
or those that lie about you.

18. For Spiritual strength, courage, and victory in an undertaking.

19. Spiritual Protection. For gambling, and luck in games of chance.

20. Freedom from coming danger.

21. Remove evil eye, or curse. Return negatives to sender.

22. Change bad luck to good, against misfortunes. Remove bad luck.

23. Cleansing and purification, help healing, especially chest pains, or diseases of
the lungs. Prayer for calmness during times of tribulations amd great stress, for peace of
mind, control conquer fear, against psychic attacks.

24. Protection from floods. Opening the door of opportunities and success.

25. Helping in breaking bad habits, against addictions.

26. To remove a negative companion, remove unloyal friends or companions. To make a

person realize how others treat them.

27. To be unnoticed or unseen, to be as if invisible to others.

28. To make a curse or black magic impotent, to weaken those who deal in the black arts,

29. Offering liberation of blessed water. To review the magical energies from the
wilderness and nature.

30. Spiritual and faith healing.

31. Escape slander, psychic protection. Help in relief from stress.

32. Spiritual purification, cleansing, using herbal bath, the smoke from sacred herbs.

33. For work, abundance in luck and labor. Against bone disease.

34. Against misfortune, to be received well and find favor by high officials and authorities.

35. To curse or hex an enemy, make someone move away, leave, against argumentative and
vengeful people.

36. Stop malicious gossip, against black magic.

37. Make enemies powers impotent to return evil to sender. Help in healing process of
broken limb. For people who suffer, diabetes, cancer, hiv, aids and other illnesses.

38. Exorcise evil from the home.

39. Against violent relationships, abusive relationships.

40. Against occult enemies.

41. Against gossip, slander, evil eye, evil intentions.

42. For spiritual prophecies, insight, visions, or premonition through dreams or meditation.

43. Spiritual help, assistance with difficult situations. Finding an answer to a problem.

44. Cast off, vanquish and remove demons.

45. Blessing of family unity.

46. Tame ill mannered family members, calm ill tempered siblings or disputes.

47. Influence authority in your favor.

48. Cleansing and purifying the home.

Against tension in the home.

49. To combat envy or jealousy. Against vain and people who brag about their material

50. Against theft and robbery. Combating ungrateful, unfair and injustice in people. For
court cases, and incarceration.
51. Cleansing and Purification.

52. Against incantations, enchantments, sorcery, and curses.

53. Combat black magic, occult enemies, and witchcraft.

54. Against betrayal or violence.

55. Revenge against enemies, or wrong doings.

56. Against those that plot against you.

57. Against the wrath of an x lover.

58. Court cases, domestic assault, influence a judge in your favor. Against trials, false
accusations, and false testimonies.

59. Against violence, protection from animals. Return evil to its source.

60. Protection or healing in all forms of injuries of the mortal flesh.

61. Bless and purify a new home, against robbery, or accidents or psychic attacks.

62. Spiritual refuge and defense.

63. To make an important decision.

64. To punish a deceitfullness, betrayal, strike down a person that wants to take what is

65. Protection while traveling over air, on.water or through land.

66. Calming nerves. Against mind control against mental abuse

67. Bless a union, lovers a marriage.

68. Vanquish and remove evil and malignant forces.

69. Protection from floods, drowning, fires, or natural disasters.

70. Weaken and confuse a rival or enemy. Remove a rival from your life and loved ones.
71. Against slander, gossip and vicious rumors.

72. Court battles, court cases, law in your favor.

73. Against envy, attract luck.

74. Defeat enemies

75. Fix problems with loved ones or friends caused by misunderstanding, bring peace to a
troubled household, bring peace to the home.

77. Safe travel, bring comfort, calm nerves, Against nerve problems.

78. Protection of children, family peace. Bring peace to a troubled child.

79. Make enemies pay for wrong doing. Bring karma back to wrong.

80. Keep enemies away, keep those you wish away from your life.

81. Thanksgiving when a request has been fulfilled.

82. Against necromancers, and troubled spirits.

83. Against a curse, a hex, cross condition, return evil to sender. Make a sorcerers or
witches magic impotent.

84. Bring peace, strength and courage to a troubled person

85. Calm anger, rage and wrath,

86. Victory in life, strength and courage.

87. Peaceful home, house cleansing.

88. Spiritual healing, bring a cure, faith healing. When feeling regret and remorse, so
others will forgive your trespasses.

89. Healing, against health problems caused by Karma.

90. Overcome depression.

91. Against evil spirits, and malignant forces. Against poltergeist and demons.

92. Protection of the home, from floods, fires, and natural disasters.

93. Protection from floods, storms and hurricanes.

94. Banish evil, defeat an enemy.

95. Thanksgiving after a special request has been fulfilled.

96. 97. General offerings, special requests.

98. Victory over battles.

99. For meditation, finding answers, special requests, see the truth in people, find the truth.

100. Giving thanks after a request has been fulfilled.

101. To see the wicked heart or true intentions of others, realization, against adversaries.

102. Against a psychological illness.

103. Asking mercy or forgiveness from those you have offended.

104. Protection while travel in boat, automobile, or air.

105. For those who suffer depression.

106. Against envy, Against the lies of earth bound or trickster spirits. Remove a ghost or a
haunting from the home.

107. Bring back a lost loved one. Find lost objects or material possessions.

108. Asking for strength or spiritual help in times of great distress.

109. Against gossip, slander, for revenge, and return wickedness.

110. Strength and control over enemies, having the upper hand in all situations.

111. For good memory, all that has to do with the mind, for an examination, school test,
wisdom and knowledge.

112. Against all phobias.

113. For pregnancies, motherhood, safe pregnancies, protection of child while in the
womb. Protection of a newborn.

114. Against a natural disaster, floods, hurricanes, car accidents.

115. Against Voodoo dolls, doll magic, make evil intentions impotent.

116. Protection from lies, an early death, protection from bodily harm, from weapons.

118. Strength and courage, when walking alone at night, against violence or attacks.
Against stab wounds or gun shots. Against rebellious acts towards you.

119. Against mental comfusion. Protection of family members when away.

Against lies. For a safe return home. Against robbery, or theft, nightly protection while
away from the home. Against all attacks while away from the home.

120. From lies and deceitful people, protection from work.colleagues, or a deceitful boss.
Protection from deceitful people, against slander.

121. Against dangerous situations, against attacks.

122. Peaceful home house blessing and purification.

123. To open ones eyes, recognize and accept a dead end situation, realization, calming a
headache, eye strain, or earache.

124. Escape persecution, and enemies.

125. Nightly protection, while asleep, against demons, incubus or sacubus that stir at night.

126. For prosperity, for strength and learning.after a trial or tribulation.

127 / 128. Finding work or employment, job.

129 / 130. Against troublesome employees, boss, or coworkers. Against troublesome

tenants, or neighbors.

131. Calming a troubled child or adolescent.

132. Against thieves or robbery of the home or belongings.

133. Ask for rain in times of drought, against fires.

134. Protection of home while away.

135. Against voodoo, sorcery, hexes, curses, crossed conditions.

136. For those over seas in combat, battles, or wars, safe return home.

137. Prayer and blessing for new borns, blessing a child.

138. Faith healing, healing using the energy of the universe through the hands, air travel.

139. Blessing a pregnancy, faith healing, to become pregnant.

140. Against black magic, violence, bodily harn, physical assaults, or attacks.

141. To keep away evil associations, protection from worldly harm, drug addiction, all
addictions of the flesh.

142. Against depression, diseases, mental illness.

143. Healing from an alcohol, drug or gambling addiction, against financial troubles.

144. Protection from gangs, gang members, hoodlums, violence or assault from a young

145. For general courage, help in speaking ones mind, control over an obsticles.

146. In times of ruin, or financial difficulties.

147. Peace of mind, stop anxieties, and panic attacks.

148. For the environment and nature. Protection of the earth, our home.

149. Receiving justice, asking for the help of a spiritual lawyer, help in court matters,
during incarceration.

150. Giving thanks and praise when ones wishes and desires have been granted.

May they bring you Light, Progress, illumination and prosperity.

Divine Rose of Jericho / Jericho Rose

Divine Rose of Jericho: By the Blessing that you received from Our Lord Jesus
Christ, by the grace and power that you have help me conquer the difficulties of life,
grant me health, strength, happiness, tranquility, and peace to make more money to
cover my needs and those of my household and my family.

Divine Rose of Jericho: All of this I ask through the power that you have in the love of
Jesus Christ and His great mercy. Amen.

En Espaol

Divina rosa de Jeric: Por la Bendicin que de Nuestro Seor Jesucristo recibiste, por
la virtud que tu encierras y por el poder concedido aydame a vencer las dificultades
de la vida, dame salud, fuerzas, felicidad, tranquilidad y paz para ganar ms dinero
con que cubrir mis necesidades y las de mi hogar y toda mi familia.

Divina Rosa De Jericho: Todo esto te lo pido por la virtud que t encierras en amor a
Cristo Jess y su grandiosa misericordia. AMEN

The Legend tells the tale of how when the Lord Jesus Christ went into the desert for
40 days to pray and Meditate, God sent the Spirits of the Four Winds to blow a
seemingly lifeless tumbleweed called theRose of Jericho to his feet; this sacred Rose
of Jericho followed Christ during his days within the desert. During the dawn the
Rose of Jericho would collect the moisture of the night's dew. Each morning Jesus
would put his fingers to the Rose of Jericho and collect the little water it had and
quench his thirst from the drops of water from the branches of the plant. After the 40
days with in the desert, Jesus blessed the plant as a magical talisman of resurrection
and sustaining life through hardship.

The Rose of Jericho also known as the Resurrection Plant or Anastatica

Hierochuntica, other names include Saint Mary's Flower, and Mary's Hand, within
Espiritismo and Sance is part of the Division of Plant Spirits which include the
Selaginella lepidophylla "Jericho Rose" known to Hispanics as La Siempre Viva or
La Flor de Piedra. The later being the one that is sold most frequently in Hispanic
Botanicas. The Rose of Jericho is by far the most widely known and sold of
tumbleweeds. Its magical properties as a talisman are undisputed and was used by
the Spanish Monks and Friars as a symbol of the Holy Trinity and imported the plant
to the Americas to demonstrate to the Native Americans the power of the Spanish
Christian God and the concept of rebirth. It is a staple plant within homes of
Curanderos, Espiritistas, Brujos, Sancistas and Santeros alike, and sold in every
Religious Botanica shop. The plant can be kept on an altar, a book shelf, or a table of
its own. The Rose of Jericho is not just a talisman but also a powerful Spirit which
bestows its owner with spiritual abundance.


In the delivery room under the bed in which the baby shall be born, place a glass
bowl with enough water so that the Rose of Jericho gets its roots wet. When the Rose
of Jericho opens, place a pair of scissors on top of the Rose and a miniature statue of
the baby Jesus, the kind used in a Nativity set, or a charm with Madonna and Child,
Saint Gerard Majella, or Saint Margaret. This will insure a safe delivery for both
mother and child. If it is impossible to place under the delivery bed, place this on the
altar or on a table besides the labor bed. The charm is given to the mother and the
Rose of Jericho is dried out and also given to the mother with the instructions to place
it in water for a week, during the child's birthdays.


Place the Rose of Jericho into a clear glass bowl of water, and within it place 5 coins.
Next to it light a green or gold candle to attract money, and pray for five consecutive
days. A charm to Our Lady of Charity can also be placed into the bowl and used as
a charm to attract money.


On a Tuesday or Friday at around 9:00 a.m. place the Rose of Jericho in a bowl of
water with a jet stone or Mano de Azabache on top of the Rose of Jericho. Light a
white candle and meditate and pray before it for 3 consecutive days. On the third
day, take the water and pour it into a spray bottle with 1 single drop of ammonia and
a half cup of beer. Spray the outside of the house, each door, entrance and window of
the house, praying to your spirit guide to help you remove any negative vibration,
envy or jealousy others may have for you.
"Divine Rose of Jericho: I ask all this through the strength that you lock yourself in
the love of Christ Jesus and his great mercy, Amen "


Enter the Rose of Jericho in a bowl with water. On a piece of parchment paper write
down your desires and wishes. If it is a certain job or position you wish take the
application or job resume and fold it in half with a loadstoneloadstone in the water
with the Rose of Jericho. Do this 3 to 7 days before you give the application or job



When you bring the Rose of Jericho into your home make sure to also purchase a
brand new shallow glass bowl for it. Take the shallow glass bowl and smudge it with
Tobacco smoke and clean it with Holy water. Then pour a little fresh water into the
bowl and with the right hand place the plant within the water, making sure that the
roots touch the water. As you are doing this recite these or any other words you wish
to say.

Yo te adopto Rosa de Jeric y te doy la bienvenida a mi humilde hogar para que

finalice tu errar por los desiertos y encuentres en este humilde lugar tu mansin
definitiva. Te doy el nombre de (N.N.) y prometo cuidarte y respetarte siempre. Te
ruego que protejas mi casa de todo mal, por la bendicin que de Jess recibiste y su
infinita misericordia. Amen.

I adopt you Divine Rose of Jericho and welcome you into my humble home, and put
an end to your wandering Spirit. Which wandered the desert until you made your
way into this humble mansion. I give you the name of (NN) and promise to take care
of you and honor you until the end of my days. I pray that you protect my house
from all evil. By the blessings and mercy given to you by our Lord Jesus. Amen.

The Rose of Jericho will begin to open slowly within the next few hours, until it is
completely opened. You can meditate in front of the Rose of pray your rosaries and
watch it unfold and open before your eyes or you can let it open in peace. It is
important to leave the Rose of Jericho undisturbed for the next following three days.
It is common that within the following three days the water may have a strong
unpleasant odor, do not let this distract you and leave it there for the remainder of the
three days. On the morning of the fourth day, carefully remove the Jericho Rose
from the water and rinse it clean in fresh water then place it on top of a clean fresh
white towel. Discard the water from the bowl and clean it. Then add fresh water and
place the Jericho Rose back into the bowl. During the next following three days you
will carefully remove the Jericho Rose from the water, discard the water, carefully
rinse the Jericho Rose in luke warm water and place it into the bowl with fresh

These seven days are very important because you are creating a spiritual link and
bond with the Rose of Jericho and giving it the lack of care or lack of fresh water that
it probably has not had for some time since it was removed from its natural habitat.
During these seven days it is a period of connecting and building a strong bond with
the plant, and should not be used for any magical purposes or petitions or requests
should not be made. Some times you may notice white spots growing on the plant. If
so remove from the water and gently clean it and gently pat it down with a clean
towel and place in fresh water. It usually is impossible to remove these white spots so
do not worry to much. A Rose of Jericho should have a light earthly aroma to it, as if
you where walking through the woods after a rain storm. If the aroma is to strong
this is an indication that you are drowning the Rose of Jericho. Remember it should
sit on a shallow bed of water and never completely submerged. The water should be
changed and discarded every 3 to 7 days, and you can lightly mist your Rose of
Jericho with a clean fresh spray bottle every other day. Never allow your plant to rest
or sit in fowl water, and never place it in direct sunlight.

I have seen individuals beautifully decorate the bowl in which the Rose of Jericho is
placed with semi precious stones, seashells, and dried flower petals. This in not
necessary but if you are careful, responsible and faithfully devoted to your Rose of
Jericho, you may do so, or you can just simply leave it alone in the glass bowl. What
is important is that the Rose of Jericho is allowed times to rest, regain strength and go
dormant for at least one or two weeks out of each month, or when not in use for any
magical or religious purposes.
A misconception a lot of religious fanatics and individuals have is that the Rose of
Jericho is not as powerful when dormant. This is false and incorrect. During the rest
period when the Rose is dry and closed it is just as powerful asleep as if it where
completely opened. Remember the Rose of Jericho is a dessert tumbleweed and
maintains it's lack of human co-existence closed and in a desert. When dried and
closed one can place charms, stones, bottles of oil, florida water or amulets beside it
and receive its beneficial blessings just as much as if it were opened. Some
individuals say to use only Holy water with your Rose of Jericho, I disagree as many
times Holy Water contains salt within it, which can be detrimental to the plant. Also I
always discard the water out of my house or down the sink, I never use the water for
any spiritual work. Just personal preference.

Spells and Prayers to

the Rose of Jericho


Take a gold lace ribbon and a red ribbon and bind them together making three knots
all the while concentrating on your desire and say these words.

Oh Divine Rose of Jericho, by the blessing, powers and virtues you received, by our
Lord Jesus Christ and His infinite mercy, I beg you to help me find my luck and bind
it tightly to my life. This I pray. Amen.


Divina Rosa de Jeric, por la bendicin que recibiste, la virtud que encierras y el
poder que se te concedi en el amor a Jess y su infinita misericordia, te ruego que
me ayudes a encontrar la suerte en mi camino y anudarla fuertemente a mi vida, para
que no me abandone jams. Amen.

Divine Rose of Jericho, for the blessing you received, enclosed with the virtues and
powers given to you by our Lord Jesus Christ and his infinite mercy, I beg you to help
me stay healthy and restore my health, so that I may deal with life with the strength
and power necessary to overcome every obstacle that presented itself in my path.


Divina Rosa de Jeric, por la bendicin que recibiste, la virtud que encierras y el
poder que se te concedi en el amor de Jess y su infinita misericordia, te ruego que
me ayudes a conservar la salud (a recuperar la salud, si se est enfermo), para
afrontar las vicisitudes de la vida con la fuerza necesaria y poder vencer cada uno de
los obstculos que se me presenten. Amen.

There are countless and limitless ways one can work with ones Rose of Jericho, as
long as the plant itself and the Spirit within it are treated carefully and with respect,
it will give you a long time of blessings and protection. Also the prayers can be
modified and changed to suite your purpose. If one uses coins or charms within the
water of the Rose of Jericho this can be used as items to fill Resguardos "charm
bags" or given to clients as a gift.

May your Rosa De Jericho bring you much blessings.

Hermano Brujo Luis



El EMBAJADOR Male LA EMBAJADORA, Female: An assistant medium who
will recite the prayers during the seance and make sure all runs smoothly and
safeguards the Casilla while under possession.
El BANCO or LA CASILLA. The bench or vessel, a medium who will transmit
messages received from the spirits or become possessed by a spirit to lift causas,
and give spiritual advice and consultations.
Los Participantes, El Publico. Those who attend a Sance, "Sesion Espiritual'. la
reunin espiritista

The Reunin, or Sesion Espiritual "Sance" is at the heart of Puerto Rican

Espiritismo, Santerismo, Sanse, and the Brujeria traditions. It is where we come to
gather in a small group to speak and get information from our Seres, Muertos,
Centinela, Santos, Cuadro Espiritual and Commissions. The sance is a private
gathering similar to the larger public Misa Espirualeits, Fiesta Espiritual, and

A reunin or sesion is done under faith hope and charity, meaning no one gets paid
for this service, not even the Mediums conducting the sance, but it is expected of all
attending and participating in the event to collaborate with the expenses in some
form and bring the necessary ofrendas to the sance. The oftendas are offerings to the
spirits and include items such as cigars, florida water, holy water, flowers, and incense
to name a few.

In Puerto Rico a Sance is never practiced with less than three people, and no more
than nine. More than nine would fall under a misa espiritual or velada. What I will
be describing here is how I personally do a sance and how it is practiced amongst the
Puerto Rican community. From this point on I will be using both the English word
Sance and Spanish words Sesion, or Reunin as they are often used interchangeably
within the Hispanic community.

The preparation call for the table that will be used for the Reunion, it should be
cleaned and wiped down before la sesion, with florida water and holy water, and the
table is always covered with a white table cloth. A large glass fuente is filled with cool
holy water and placed on the center of the table surrounded by white candles, usually
three, or nine.

Another table is set aside which will be the tableau espiritual, an altar for the
Centinela or Guardian Saint and other protective spirits guides of the Cuadro
Espiritual pertaining to the person whose house the sesion is to be held. This table
becomes a shrine to the protective spirits and the items and ofrendas used for the
Sance are kept there such as food, rum, coffee, cigars, flowers, a bell, florida water, a
gourd instrument such as a maraca, and a black cloth. A large fuente is also placed
on the tableau espiritual, this one will have a mixture of Holy Water, anil indigo
water, Florida Water, Bay rum, Kolonia 1800, Colonia Patchouli, Locion Pompeya,
and Agua de Sandalo. Within the fuente a metal soup ladle is placed and around it
enough fresh clean white face cloths for all attendants. Packets of wooden matches
and fresh cigars are also placed around the altar. Behind the fuente two white seven
day candles are lit.

The house where the sesion is to be held must be physically and spiritually cleaned
before the sance is to begin. Garbage is removed, dishes are washed and the house
must be neat and organized. The house should be fumigated with frankincense
sandalwood, and myrrh or with nag champa incense before the sesion begins, and
four clear glasses with ice water and camphor is placed within the four corners of the

The actual table where the sesion is to be held was traditionally a round dinner table,
if it is imposable to have a round table, this does not matter as the candles around the
fuente will create the spiritul circle.

Before the sesion it is imperative for the Embajador and the Banco to refrain from
having any form of sexual activities that day, and that they fast for 6 hours prior to
the Sanse. It is not that these things are bad for the Mediums, but that it causes the
mediums to become spiritually grounded and it also creates a spiritual barrier or
blockage. Food and sexual intercourse, grounds a person, and in order to receive
messages, the body should be as light and as clean as humanly possible. Both the
mediums prior to attending the Sance must relieve their bodies of bodily waist, and
cleanse themselves with a spiritual bath, prayers and fumigation. The bath is done at
home and prior to the sanse, it consists of taking a hand full of fresh sage and
mashing it into a gallon of cool holy water. The water will take on a green tint, to this
is added a large bottle of florida water and it is carefully strained and placed into a
large glass bowl. A white cloth is placed over the bowl and it is placed on the
mediums altar as candles are lit and the medium says prayers to his Cuadro
Espiritual. This is left on the altar until the candles are consumed, usually small tee
lites. (NEVER LEAVE CANDLES UNATTENDED) The mediums will take a bath
with this spiritual wash by pouring it over the head in a bathtub as prayers are
recited. Half of the spiritual bath is saved to cleanse oneself when returning home at
the end of the night. This is an Amparo ritual that must always be done prior to the
Seance. During the seance, both the Embajador and the Banco, should remove any
belts jewelry, and shoes. If the shoes are not removed then the laces must be untied.

The only thing kept on the table where the sesion is to be conducted is the fuente
espiritual with 3 or 9 white candles surrounding it, and Allen Kardec's book on
Selected Prayers, a few bottles of florida water and ash trays for the cigars.

Everyone participating in the Seance are asked to arrive at a certain time and always
as the sun begins to set, usually around seven in the evening. They are instructed not
to be late and that good personal hygiene is observed by all attendants.

At the entrance of the home a fuente is filled with a mixture of indigo, Rompe
zaraguey herb, florida water and holy water so that all who attend may bless and
protect themselves by making the sign of the cross when they arrive. Also a ritual
chalk made out of white egg shells is placed next to the bowl so participants can draw
protective crosses on their wrists and in the back of the neck. On either side of the
fuente is a lit seven day white candle.

During the sesion all participants must keep their legs uncrossed and their arms
should never be folded and during the actual sance both their hands palms down
are kept on the table at all times; unless they are flicking a cigar, this is called la
cadena espiritual. The Embajador should keep his/her head covered by wearing a
white head cloth or white bandana upon the head, this is a protective measure so that
he/she can control the Sance and not become possessed. Although Higher Spirits can
speak through the Embajador, and the Embajador can pass messages from the
spirits to the living, he must stay in control of the reunin at all times. Spirits will
often give messages to other attendants, if they feel a strong message, they will
politely wait until the Banco is quiet. Many Spirits want to come through during a
seance, and the Embajador must insure complete control and order and that respect
is observed at all times. Benevolent spirits are not the only ones who will want to
attend but los espiritus intranquilos will try and come. If an evil entity is present, or
takes over the body of the banco, it is the Embajador responsibility to remove it or
command it to go to leave. If the spirit or entity refuses, the black cloth is placed over
the bancos head, as a prayer of protection and banishment is said while wringing the
altar bell. Also Spirits might not ever posses the banco, they might let their presence
be known, by wrapping noises or moving objects.

The reason why it is important the Embajador should say the proper prayers and
invocations that will follow, is because it is the responsibility of the Embajador to
insure the safety of all present, that he calls on benevolent and protective spirits,only,
and to make sure an earth bound spirit or demon is not invited into the sesion, or that
negative spirits are not left loose to wonder this plain of existence.

The Sance should commence one hour after the sun sets. Everyone participating
should wear clean light colored clothing and come with a respectful attitude. All cell
phones are turned off and all forms of distractions. Once the reunin begins no one is
permitted to leave or come in during the sesion.

During the Sesion, the Centinela or one of the spirits from the commissions might
come down to consult of lift a causa. The spirit within the casilla often stays seated
but many times it will stand up and move around cleansing and purifying. If this
happens it is the Embajadors responsibility and job to ensure the safety of the casilla.
The Embajador stands behind the casilla and makes sure the material and physical
body of the possessed casilla is not harmed.

When the sesion begins all the candles are lit and electrical lights are turned of, and
everyone takes their seat. The Embajador begins to recites the prayers from Allen
Kardec^s prayer book, beggining withthe prayer of the Medium, at this time both
the Embajador and the banco takes a ladel of the blessed water from the fuente and
pours it on the clean face cloth and cleans his aura. Then the embajador begins to
recite the opening prayer, and counter clockwise one by one, the participants gets up,
salutes the spirits of the tableau altar and takes a ladle full of liquid from the fuente
and cleanses themselves. The embajador continues reading the opening prayer as
each individual salutes the altar and cleanses themselves and then again takes their
seat. Sometimes after the prayer and blessings, spiritual songs are sung as the
participants light cigars to entice the spirits to join the reunin. If songs are not sung,
then quiet espiritista music is played in the background.

When the sesion is over all the waters from the altars and the table are thrown out
the front door, Lights are turned on and all who attend enjoy a light meal, and talk
about the event or messages told during the sesion.

If the participants and mediums are up to it they can call friends over to dance as a
Fiesta Espiritual is underway and the spirits and commissions are invoked to dance
and trabajar las causas.

"For where two or three are gathered together in My Name,

there am I in the midst of them." Mathew, 18: 20


"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith the Lord. I will pour out my Spirit
upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men
shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on
my handmaidens I will pour out in those last days of My Spirit, and they shall
prophesy." Acts 2: 17/18

Almighty and Powerful God, allow the enlightened and benevolent spirits to come
and assist me in the communication that I seek. Protect me from being enveloped by
malevolent entities, and distance me from judging myself and from the pride of
egotistical thoughts that will deter me from the purpose of your spiritual mission,
which can cause conflict in my communication with other spiritualists and towards
other mediums. If I should fall into error, inspire others to advise me of my mistakes
and instill within me humbleness. And If I for any reason should fall into the
temptation of abusing the gift you have bestowed upon me, I pray that you aid me in
seeing the errors of my ways before it deters me from the purpose of using this gift
for greater good of mankind and my spiritual progression.


We pray to the Almighty Lord to send us good spirits to assist us, to keep away those
who could induce us in error, and to give us the necessary light to distinguish the
truth from the impostors. Also keep away evil, incarnate or dis incarnated spirits
that could attempt to place discord among us and deviate us from charity and love for
our fellow man. If any attempt to introduce itself here, prevent it from finding any
access to anyone of us. Good Spirits, that condescend to come here to instruct us,
make us gentle to your advises and deviate selfishness, pride, envy, and jealousy from
us. Inspire in us indulgence, and benevolence for our present and absent fellow men,
friends, and foes. In ending, make it that in our feelings of charity, humility, and
abnegation, we would feel in good spirits, and recognize your healthy influence.
To the Mediums who you will put in charge of transmitting your teachings to us, give
them knowledge of the holiness of the command that has been entrusted upon them
and the seriousness of the act they will accomplish, for the purpose that they would
have the necessary fervor and devotion. If there are persons in this reunion that have
been attracted by another feeling, different to good, open their eyes to the light and
may GOD forgive them if they come with bad intentions. We particularly pray to the
Spirits of (....), our Spirit Guide to help us and watch for us.

We ask the Divine Spirit and all our spirit guides and guardian spirits that are here
tonight to watch over our work. We ask that only good benevolent spirits be present
and that our spirit companions protect us from harm and mischief from any troubled
spirits whom may be attached, attracted, or sent to this place.


Lord with your Grace we invoke the Spirits of your Court, sweet emanation of the
Sublime, of all the great and all the infinite good, holy, and just. Elevated Spirits by
your virtues to such a high grade of perfection and joy, where the Almighty's mission
is directly received, so that the effects of his paternal love reach us; messengers of the
divine word; come closer to us by Charity, because we are calling you with all the
effusion of our souls, so that it vibrates in our hearts with the echo's soft emotion to
our entrapped spirit, and to our gross senses, which are used to be dis according
accents of our earthly lyres, and cannot conceive the beauty of our harmonies. Let us
glorify the Lord, whom by his mercy, we are beginning to enjoy in his dwelling of
exile from the light of the truth, the hope of its love and the incomparable embrace of
his paternal love, say that we wish the gift of suffering our tests with patience,
because his infinite love has made us understand his great knowledge and our healthy
mission in this world. Thank you for such great benefits! Guide us with Spirits sent
from God, clear our souls, enlighten us with your knowledge from the rugged path of
our lives, may the torch of truth shine in him, so that our souls would purify with
your beneficial influences, and when our deserved peregrination ends, you lead us as
simple doves to the foot of the throne of the King of Kings, to ask him for forgiveness
for the faults and sing with you his praises.

(Followed by the Our Father and Hail Mary.)



Sensible and benevolent spirits, messengers of God, whose mission is to assist men
and lead them through the good path, support me in the tests of this life, give me the
strength to suffer them without muttering, deviate from me bad thoughts and make
me not have access to any of the bad spirits that attempt to induce me to evil.
Enlighten my conscience so that I can see my defeats, lead away from me the eyes of
the veil of pride, which could enable me to see them and keep them to myself. You.
Above all. My Guardian Angel, who watches over me particularly, and you,
protecting spirits who take interest in me, make me worthy of your benevolence. You
know my needs; make it then, for me to receive the grace according to God's will.


Woe and Pity upon you Scribes and Pharisees, you who cleanses the outside of your
chalice and plate, but within you are full of after anger and filth.

Blind hypocrites, first cleanse the inside of the chalice and plate so that the outside
may become clean and pure. Pity upon you Scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites,
you that act clean and seam beautiful upon the eyes of men from the outside, but
within you are full of putrefaction and filth. As such on the outside you also show as
just in the eyes of men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and anxiety.

In the name of the omnipotent God, the All Powerful God, may the bad spirits turn
away from me and may the good spirits defend me from their influence.

Wicked Spirits, you who inspire confusion and bad thoughts within men. Deceiving
and lying Spirits, who delude men. Mocking Spirits, who amuse yourself with
mankind's incredulity. I repel you with all the strength within my soul, and close my
ears to your suggestions. I implore that God's mercy be upon you.

Benevolent Spirits you who undertake the task of accompanying me in this life, give
me the necessary strength and enlightenment to resist the influence of these
malevolent spirits. Benevolent Spirits, Safeguard me from pride and presumption.
In the holy name of God.


We give thanks to the benevolent spirits who have come to communicate with us. We
implore them to help us put into practice the instructions they have given and also
that upon leaving this ambient, they may help us to feel strengthened for the practice
of goodness and love towards our fellow man. We also desire that your teachings help
all those Spirits who are suffering, are ignorant or corrupt, who have participated in
our mission and for whom we implore God's mercy. Amen.


Most people who practice Sance, Santerismo, Brujeria or Espiritismo use La Baraja
Espaola, the traditional Spanish deck of cards as their main source of divination for
giving consultations to their clients. I personally prefer using a traditional Tarot
Deck, as for some reason the Baraja Espaola does not speak to me.

The deck, may it be a Tarot deck or la Baraja Espaola, as all ritual objects is a
sacred tool and viewed within Brujeria as a vessel in which a particular familiar
Spirit uses as a mouthpiece to communicate with the living.

My Tarot deck to me is not just a pile of cards, but as I have stated it is a vessel in
which a particular spirit speaks through.

Although I do perform many Sesiones and Misas to consult with clients or lift a
Causa, this usually takes place when the sun goes down or at night and on weekends,
in which the spirits use my body as a casilla to come through and give messages or
perform spiritual labour. But many clients come to me for personal private
consultations, and this is when I use either tobacco as a form of communicating with
the spirits for my clients or use my Tarot Deck. My deck has a particular "Pitonisa
Spirit" Pythoness: A female soothsayer that in life conjured spirits and for told
future with a deck of cards. that walks with me, and is a part of my Cuadro
Espiritual and speaks through the deck. The name of this spirit guide, is only known
to me, and I never reveal the name to anyone, in fact most clients that come to me
don't even notice that a spirit speaks through the deck, and to be honest, it is
something most people do not need to know. They come to me seeking spiritual
advice, and I seek it from this particular spirit guide, and in turn interpret what the
spirit is saying to me, for them through the deck of cards.

I keep my decks in what I call an atad, (caja de muertos) one is a wooden box, the
other is a leather box, with a red satin cloth lingering. Both the words atad and
caja de muertos means Casket, or Casket of the Dead.

1. Within a corner of a room in your Home that will not be disturbed or noticed by
outsiders, with cascarilla draw the outline of a circle on the floor. Place the Deck of
cards, directly within the middle of this circle.
2. If you so wish also draw protective symbols around the circle.
3. Light four white candles that have been anointed with a Blessing Oil, and with each
candle make the symbol of a circle in mid air, within the circle, make a cross.
4. Place one of the candles towards each of the four cardinal points.
5. On the West, place a Fuente with a Crucifix within it full of cool fresh water.
6. To the North, a small bowl of Cemetery or Burial Ground dirt. The dirt should not
come from any particular grave, but from the entrance to the cemetery ground. If
you do not feel comfortable with cemetery dirt, use a Rose of Jericho.
7. To the East, place an incense holder with incense or light a charcoal disk used to
burn incense and add fresh incense resins.
8. At northwest, place an offering cup of Black Coffee. Coffee is the element of both
Earth and Water, and it is the symbol that represents northwest.
9. At northeast, place the offering of a bowl of unsalted, white rice. This offering is the
Element of both Earth and Air, and it represents northeast.
At southeast, place a cigar and three unlit cigarettes and wooden matches into a clear
glass ashtray. This offering is the element of both air and fire. and it represents
11. At southeast place a clear glass of clear rum, or aguardiente. This offering is the
element of both fire and water, and it represents southeast.

Before placing the offerings, one at a time, you must present them to the Mysteries of
the Spiritual Realm as indicated below.

One by one, hold each offering in front of you with both hands, and arms extended.

"I Honor My Future.."

Then with your left hand, grab the offering, and carefully moving it to your back,
with elbows bent, ( do not strain yourself ) grab it with both hands .

" I Pay Homage to my Past."

Bring the offering back in front of you, with your right hand. Hold it again with both
hands, and present it to the Third Eye, upon the forehead, the chest, and the torso

"I Pay Homage to the Invisible Realm of the Dead, and I pay Homage to the
Visible Realm of the Living.."

Place the offering in the proper location, on the circle.

" I Pay Homage to my Present"

This is done with each offering that is presented to the circle..

Next, the Holy Child of Atocha who represents the Misterio Papa Legba is invoked, so
that he may, open the doors of the Spiritual Realm, and Guide the Spirit, towards
you. A statue of El Nio de Atocha can be placed within the center of the circle or a
cement statue of Eleggua, the Orisha spirit of the crossroads.

" May the Earth Bare witness, that in this place, I Salute the Mysteries and
Powers of Papa Legba With these gestures and this offering, I forge a link with
my Soul, in the present, with my dead and those who came before me, in the Past.
May Papa Legba, who knows the History of my Past; chart my Future, and my
Path. Oh Great Child of Atocha, I entrust you to knock down the barriers. Fill the
potholes, drive away the enemies, and any instability, envy, sickness, fear, pain,
and malice that blocks my road..". Oh Santa Clara, with your lantern, give light
and lead the spirit towards me.

Next to the circle place a black cup of Coffee, a Cigar, three Coins, and a Bowl of
Candies. The Firma, is to stay constructed for 9 days. The Ritual must take place,
after Sundown, but no Later than 12:00 Midnight. This Ritual, Must be Started and
Ended before that time. Every Night for the Next 9 days, return to the Firma, and
light the candles, and chant the prayers that are given here. You must perform this at
the exact time each night.

To the Mysteries of the south. I call upon the power of the Transforming Flame.
Transform, my mistakes, sorrows, fears, into Ashes, and carry them away."

"To the Mysteries of the West, I call upon the power of the Universal Cleansing
Waters. As I cleanse and wipe my head, and my Aura, help me to feel the Spiritual
Fluids and clean from me the sorrows I burned in the flame."

"To the Mysteries of the spirits of the north. I call upon the power of the
Productive Powers of Earth. With this bowl of grains, I will speak in prayer of
potential. Called for change, and I will make a commitment of growth."

"To the Mysteries of, east. I call upon the powers of the Cosmic Winds, that will
carry my messages and desires to their source, may they bring forth blessings
Four White Candle
Dish of Candies
Glass Fuente of Water
Dish of raw rice
Dirt from the entrance of a Cementery or a Jericho Rose
1 Cigar
3 Cigarettes
Intense resins, cones or sticks
3 Wooden Matches
2 cups of Coffee
Glass of white rum or aguardiente
3 pennies
1 Bottle of Florida Water or Kananga Water
A Metal Cross

Naming the Deck

On the Last Night of the Ritual sit in front of the circle and Meditate. Rub your
Hands, to create heat, and place them over the Deck. Do not Force a Name to Come,
the Spirit will Guide you. Next Pick up the Deck, and Shuffle them. Go through them
one at a time, until one particular card calls out to you. This Will be your Face card.
Look at the card, is it a Masculine card or a feminine card, what element does it
represent? Meditate and Concentrate upon the card, the Spirit will whisper the name
in your ear. When the Name has been heard, you will place the face card on top of the
deck, and dress it.
Dressing the Cards


Clip a bit of your finger nails, toe nails, and hair from your head, and pubic hair.
Place this in a small, clean, empty (oil tube) and cover it with the lid. (( Use a Glass
Jar, or natural fibers, Never Plastic. )) Place this on top of the deck. Now cover the
deck with a cloth that best represents the Element of the Spirit. Brown for earth, blue
for water, red for fire, or yellow for Air. Place this in a pouch, and then place it in a
dark area in the home, where it will not be disturbed for 9 days, or bury it within a
plastic zip lock bag in your back yard for 9 days. It is important that you do not
bother the deck within the following 9 days. After the 9th day. Place the Deck on the
Boveda, Mesa Blanca altar,. She / He will be ready for readings.

The ritual ceremony of birthing the Tarot Deck, and dedicating it to a specific spirit
should begin on the night of the Full Moon, for 9 days. The waning of the moon is
symbolic of the unknown, and although traditionally used to dispel or for ending and
removing, in this case it can be used for Change, as well as a symbol of the unseen
mysteries of the invisible realm, taking over that which is visible to the eye. (The
Spirits manifesting their essence into this plane. 9 days is the sacred number of the
Dead, and it is for this reason that 9 days is used.



Divinando desde la obscuridad, Voy Divinando hacia la Claridad.

Constantemente los Seres me dan la Facultad para poder ver el mas alla.
San Cipriano, Santo Patron de los Brujos. En el nombre de la Santisima
Trinidad. Yo (N.N.) purifico y cargo a esta Baraja detro de tu benditas manos.
Pueda ella servirme como un orclo; y con ellas podre ser capaz de ver el
pasado, el presente y el futuro. Deme las Facultades y el Don de adivinar para mi
Familia, mi Futuro y mi Fortuna.
Que esta Baraja nunca me fallen, ni hoy, ni manana ni en el futuro. Papa Legba,
espiritus de la Comision de las Gitanas, espiritus de la Comision de las Madamas.
Bendiga cada una de estas cartas dentro de esta baraja, con la Bendicion que
Dios ha concebido hacia ti.
San Cipriano, Santo Patron de los Hechizeros. En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo
y del Espiritu Santo. Bendiga y Purifica a esta Baraja dentro de tus benditas
manos. Amen.

Incantation and Conjure of the Deck

Divining for the Darkness, Divining into the Light. Constantly the Spirits bless
me with the Spiritual Faculties, so that I May see what is unknown.
Saint Cyprian, Patron Saint of the Witches, in the name of the Holy Trinity; I
(N.N) purify and charge this deck of cards within your blessed hands. May they
serve me as an Oracle tool, and with them may I be able to see the Past, Present
and Future. Bless me with thr faculties and spiritual gifts to divine for my family,
my future, my fate and my fortune.
May this deck of cards never give me false information, today, tomorow nor in the
future. Oh Papa Legba, Commission of the Gypsies, Commission of the
Madamas. Bless each and every card within this deck with the blessings given to
you by God.

Saint Cyprian, Patron Saint of the Sorcerer. In the Holy Name of the Father, the
Son and the Holy Ghost. Bless this deck of cards as an Oracle within your
blessed hands. Amen.

At the end all the offerings with the exception of the Jericho Rose, are to be placed
into a brown paper bag, rubbed all over the aura of the body and burried in the
ground with 9 coins. The Jericho Rose is kept near the Tarot deck.

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