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Development and Psychopathology, 13 (2001), 1333

Copyright 2001 Cambridge University Press

Printed in the United States of America

Attachment stability and emotional and

behavioral regulation from infancy to
preschool age


University of Pittsburgh

Relations between attachment and child emotional and behavioral regulation were studied longitudinally in a sample
of 223 children from urban, low-income families. Attachment in the Strange Situation at 12 and 18 months was
scored using the infant classification system and at 24 months was scored using a preschool classification system.
Only modest stability was found in attachment whether within or across classification systems, with the percentage
of insecure attachments consistently increasing over time. Results indicated both concurrent and predictive
associations with indices of child regulation based on observer ratings or maternal report. However, only the 24-
month classification predicted maternal report of externalizing and internalizing behavior problems at age 3.5 years,
with additional variance accounted for by selected measures of child emotional and behavior regulation from the
same assessment. Attachment security (B) and atypical attachment classifications (D, A/C, and AD) appear to
provide the most consistently useful information about child functioning. Results are discussed in terms of continuity
and change from the perspective of developmental psychopathology.

Across the 2nd year of life, children undergo mands from caregivers, but also more overt
a number of key developmental transitions, efforts to regulate child behavior. Concomi-
including the acquisition of symbolic func- tantly, by the end of this period emotional and
tioning, the emergence of secondary or self- behavioral regulationthe management of
conscious emotions, new self-regulatory and emotional arousal and conscious control of
coping skills, increasing locomotion and ex- behaviorbegins what will be a very gradual
ploration of an expanded environment, and shift from adult control to increasing child
the start of the shift from sensorimotor to pre- self-control (Cicchetti, Ganiban, & Barnett,
operational thinking (Bates, 1979; Campos, 1991; Kopp, 1989). Differences in emotional
Caplovitz, Lamb, Goldsmith, & Stenberg, and behavioral regulation during this period
1983; Kopp, 1982, 1992). These expanding offer an early forecast of self-regulation dif-
abilities prompt higher expectations and de- ferencesincluding problems in emotional
and behavioral regulationapparent in the
preschool and early school years, and appear
Funding for this investigation was provided by the Na-
tional Institute of Mental Health, the Buhl Foundation,
to have their roots both in early-emerging
and by the Office of Child Development, Department of physiological differences (Gunnar, 1990; Ka-
Psychology in Education, Department of Psychology, and gan, 1994) and in the quality of interactions
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic of the University between child and important caregivers, per-
of Pittsburgh. haps best captured at present in measures of
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Joan
infant attachment (Cassidy, 1994; Thompson,
I. Vondra, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Psy-
chology in Education, 5C01 Forbes Quadrangle, Pitts- Flood, & Lundquist, 1995).
burgh, PA 15260-7478. Distinctions between emotional reactivity


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14 J. I. Vondra et al.

and emotional regulationthe experience of responsiveness in other cases to distress sig-

arousal versus efforts to manage itand be- nals unless they have been amplified or exag-
tween other aspects of child temperament gerated (resistant or ambivalent [C] attach-
(e.g., sociability, activity level) and behav- ments). As a result, theoretically, insecurely
ioral regulation or control are often obscure. attached children become less flexible in reg-
Actual strategies of self-management must of- ulating their emotional experiences, with un-
ten be inferred. To the extent that young chil- derregulation or overregulation of affect and
drens expression of emotion and patterns of behavior emerging over time (Sroufe, 1983).
behavior are, in part, a function of both their In the most extreme case, a key emotional
own and their caregivers control, they reflect scheme in the relationship may be the disturb-
evolving regulatory processes. It goes without ing experience of frightened or frightening be-
saying, however, that what is observed in havior on the part of the caregiver (disorga-
children is also an indicator of physiologically nized [D] attachments, referred to here as
based differences in emotional arousal, behav- atypical), undermining child efforts to self-
ioral style, and even cognitive skills and style. regulate in a coherent and flexible manner.
For the purpose of this study, different indices Correlational data on motherchild interac-
of emotional expression and behavioral style tion and attachment support these links to
will be grouped under the rubric of regula- emotional and behavioral regulation (see Cas-
tion, recognizing that observed emotion and sidy & Berlin, 1994; Cassidy & Kobak, 1988;
behavior are partly products of the childs bi- LyonsRuth, Bronfman, & Parsons, 1997).
ological disposition, his or her emerging strat- On the other hand, physiological, geneti-
egies of self-monitoring and self-manage- cally based differences in emotional reactiv-
ment, and caregiver style of support and ity, inhibition, sociability, and attentional pro-
control. cesses (DiLalla, Thompson, Plomin, Phillips,
Fagan, Haith, Cyphers, & Fulker, 1990;
Emde, Plomin, Robinson, Corley, DeFries,
Attachment and Emotional and
Fulker, Reznick, Campos, Kagan, & Zahn
Behavioral Regulation
Waxler, 1992; Robinson, Kagan, Reznick, &
Conceptual arguments for links between at- Corley, 1992; see also Calkins, 1994; Gold-
tachment and various indices of emotional smith, Bradshaw, & Rieser-Danner, 1986)
and behavioral regulation are persuasive: play a role both in the development of emo-
caregivers provide children with emotional tional and behavioral regulation and in the
schemes through modeling and interaction evolution of the attachment relationship. Pat-
that become the foundation of their relation- terns of attachment insecurity (although not
ship but that also socialize childrens emo- insecurity itself) have been linked to behav-
tional experience and expression (Cassidy, ioral differences in the newborn period
1994; Thompson, 1994). Securely attached (Grossmann, Grossmann, Spangler, Suess, &
children (B) are believed to experience a rela- Unzer, 1985; Waters, Vaughn, & Egeland,
tionship that is responsive to and supportive 1980) and infant emotionality across the 1st
of a wide range of emotional needs and sig- year (Belsky & Rovine, 1987; Frodi & Thomp-
nals. By having their anger, fear, and distress son, 1985). Differences in child temperament
ameliorated by their caregiver, negative affect no doubt elicit different styles of caregiving
does not become overwhelming and disregu- but also shape the childs experience of the
lating but can be regulated increasingly flexi- same quality and style of care (Goldsmith &
bly by the children themselves. Insecurely Alansky, 1987). At the same time, patterns of
attached children, on the other hand, are parental and child affect regulation probably
believed to experience a relationship that have genetic as well as experiential linkages
evolves around more selective responses to across generations (Plomin, 2000).
emotional needs and signals, with less toler- From both conceptual standpointsexpe-
ance in some cases for emotional distress and riential and biologicalthen, one would an-
neediness (avoidant [A] attachments) and less ticipate associations between attachment and

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Attachment and regulation 15

emotional and behavioral regulation, and as- ment (PAA). Crittenden (1992) described pre-
sociations have certainly been found (Cas- school attachment needs as revolving around
sidy, 1994; Fagot & Pears, 1996; Gunnar, the need to communicate rather than simply
Mangelsdorf, Larson, & Herstgaard, 1989; monitor, to have more control, and to be able
LyonsRuth, Alpern, & Repacholi, 1993; to negotiate and plan with their caregivers.
Thompson et al., 1995). However, relations The PAA relies on the Strange Situation to
are typically examined only within a single elicit attachment behavior, but Crittendens
time frame, usually concurrently or predict- classification criteria are in keeping with her
ively from a single attachment assessment. proposal that the preschool child is more so-
This is a limited developmental perspective, phisticated than the infant at evolving coping
since there is no opportunity to explore strategies and that these strategies will both
changes in attachment and whether these reflect a more complex interpretation of care-
changes are, themselves, associated with emo- giver behavior and will include a greater di-
tional and behavioral regulation. The present versity of attachment-related responses. Pre-
study considers attachment at three points in schoolers have at their disposal a greater
time across the transition from infancy to pre- range of behaviorsincluding inhibition of
school age12, 18, and 24 monthsand its and feigned affect and behaviorthat can be
relation to child regulation in the context of used to achieve a particular goal; therefore,
both stability and change in attachment classi- attachment coding must address and focus on
fication. the function of behaviors rather than the pres-
ence or absence of a specific behavior.
The PAA utilizes one Secure (B) category
Developmental Change in Attachment
and two integrated, insecure categories, De-
Crittenden (1992) argued that the transition fended (A) and Coercive (C). It also includes
from infancy to the preschool period involves three atypical classifications, Defended/Coer-
concomitant elaboration and differentiation of cive (AC), Anxious Depressed (AD), and Dis-
internal working models of attachment. organized (D). Children classified in the se-
Bowlby (1969) and Ainsworth (Ainsworth, cure category are open about their needs and
Blehar, Waters, & Wall, 1978) clearly enu- feelings and negotiate directly with their care-
merated age-related stages in the development giver about separation. They also share re-
of childmother attachment; the last phase, sponsibility with others for emotional regula-
called a goal-corrected partnership, con- tion. The coercive strategy represents an
notes a degree of shared responsibility in the effort to control caregiver behavior through
relationship that is beyond the capabilities of angry, threatening, or coy (feigned immaturity
an 18-month-old, whose cognitive, language, or fearfulness) behavior. The defended strat-
self regulatory, and motoric skills are too lim- egy represents an effort to maintain physical
ited for this more sophisticated level of inter- proximity to the caregiver without emotional
personal negotiation. intimacy through inhibition of negative affect
Especially relevant, developmentally based or false positive affect. Whereas some chil-
changes beginning around this time are (a) the dren classified as avoidant in infancy would
advent of more complex language, which expectably be coded as defended at 24 months
allows more varied attachment negotiations (i.e., motoric avoidance develops into psycho-
and richer, more direct communication about logical avoidance, inhibition of affect), other
needs and (b) perspective taking, which en- infants with avoidant attachments might ex-
ables children to take into account another hibit more coercive, threatening behaviors as
persons response and may encourage them to preschoolers, precisely because their larger
hide their true feelings or thoughts in the ser- behavioral repertoire and increasing interac-
vice of maintaining tolerable attachment rela- tive needs result in more diverse coping strat-
tionships. One system for coding attachment egies when their attachment needs are acti-
in children after 20 months of age is Critten- vated. Similarly, some securely attached
dens (1994) Preschool Assessment of Attach- infants may experiment with coy and coercive

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16 J. I. Vondra et al.

behavior as preschoolers and, depending on stability of security/insecurity was 68%; sta-

the responses of their caregiver, maintain a bility of classification was presumably lower.
more coercive relationship or shift back to Children at 21 months were also scored using
more flexible (i.e., secure) strategies. Critten- the Ainsworth/Main criteria, resulting in a de-
dens (1992) expectation is that, during the crease in the number of insecure children
preschool years, membership in the C cate- from 12 (62%) to 21 (48%) months. Based on
gory will increase to about one third, so that attachment stability and change, in conjunc-
each (integrated) classification is about tion with observations of maternal interaction
equally represented, with notably fewer in- at 3 and 12 months, the authors concluded
stances of unintegrated strategies (AC, AD, or that both the Ainsworth/Main and the Critten-
D) observed. den systems were valid (and more discrimi-
The AC strategy represents an effort to nating than the Ainsworth system [ABC]
cope with changing behavior on the part of alone) at 21 months.
the caregiver by using both coercive and de-
fended strategies as the situation demands,
Attachment Stability and Change
whereas the AD classification involves inhib-
ited affect, with sad or flat affect in the pres- Attachment theory and research suggest that
ence of an unresponsive caregiver and both stability and change in attachment pat-
extreme distress in the absence of that care- terns over time can be lawful processes asso-
giver. Finally, the rarely observed D classifi- ciated with relevant parentchild characteris-
cation is reserved for children who do not ap- tics and behavior (Egeland & Farber, 1984;
pear to use their behavior strategically either Fagot & Pears, 1996; Vondra, Shaw, & Hom-
to elicit or respond to caregiver behavior or to merding, 1999; Wartner, Grossmann, Fremmer
soothe themselves. When children are in Bombik, & Suess, 1995). Various studies
higher risk environments where greater inde- have found that stability of attachment classi-
pendence can be, literally, dangerous (e.g., fication, when measured at 12 and 18 months,
high-crime neighborhoods, unsafe housing, is positively related to socioeconomic status
highly stressed parents), Crittenden (1998, and negatively related to the presence of risk
personal communication) anticipates some- factors such as marital distress and dissolu-
what greater shifts to insecurity in the pre- tion, negative maternal personality attributes,
school years, particularly to the more extreme and child maltreatment (Barnett, Ganiban, &
classifications of insecurity, whether inte- Cicchetti, 1992; Egeland & Erickson, 1987;
grated (A3, A4, C3, C4) or not (AC, AD, D). Egeland & Farber, 1984; Thompson, Lamb, &
In a sample of almost 100 children from Estes, 1992; Vondra, Hommerding, & Shaw,
White, working- and middle-class families, 1992). Although much of the research sup-
Fagot and Pears (1996) found more children porting hypotheses about stability (and occa-
insecure at 30 months using the Crittenden sionally change) in attachment security has
classification system (60%) than at 18 months been based on samples of low-risk, middle-
using the Ainsworth system (49%, ABC class, motherchild dyads, a handful of stud-
only), with the only increase over time in the ies using low-income or high-risk populations
coercive (C) classification (36% at 30 indicate, as noted, that changes in attachment
months). Overall classification stability in that securityparticularly increases in disorga-
sample was 66%. A comparable sample of nized or atypical (D, A/C, Unclassifi-
German children, assessed at 12 and 21 able) attachmentsare more characteristic
months, showed similar but more extreme of disadvantaged, high-risk, or maltreating
patterns (Rauh, Ziegenhain, Muller, & Wijn- populations than they are of low-risk, middle-
roks, in press). Sixty-two percent were scored class populations (Egeland & Sroufe, 1981;
insecure at 12 months using the Ainsworth/ LyonsRuth, Repacholi, McLeod, & Silva,
Main classification systems (ABCD), whereas 1991; Spieker & Booth, 1985; Vaughn, Ege-
83% were scored insecure at 21 months using land, Sroufe, & Waters, 1979). In fact, more
the Crittenden system (40% were C). Overall recent longitudinal data indicate only moder-

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Attachment and regulation 17

ate stability (4655%) in infancy in general centage of insecure attachments over time.
(Belsky, Campbell, Cohn, & Moore, 1996), Change would be greater across scoring
suggesting that the attachment measureif systems than within scoring systems.
not the attachment relationshipis more sen-
2. Attachment classification would show con-
sitive to changing circumstances than attach-
current and predictive links to child emo-
ment theory has heretofore implied. Change
tional and behavioral regulation.
in motherchild attachment classification
clearly poses a challenge to the predictive 3. Patterns of attachment change from infancy
power of early versus later assessments of at- (12 and 18 months) to 24 months would
tachment, although it does not preclude a help differentiate children in terms of their
meaningful role for attachment history in emotional and behavioral regulation.
forecasting childrens subsequent functioning 4. Attachment at 12 and 18 months would
(Sroufe, Egeland, & Kreutzer, 1990). provide some predictive power to child reg-
It is much rarer to find change in attach- ulatory problems at age 3.5 over and above
ment pattern examined in relation to child attachment at 24 months.
emotional and behavioral regulation, due to
small samples or attachment assessments at
only one point in time. Egeland and Farber
(1984) found that a shift from secure (B) to
resistant (C) classification by 18 months was
predicted by ratings of newborn emotional Two birth cohorts of children and their moth-
and behavioral irregularity and observed tem- ers from a longitudinal study of vulnerability
peramental difficultness in feeding and play and resiliency in childhood (Shaw, Owens,
scenarios at 6 months. The opposite shift, Vondra, Keenan, & Winslow, 1996; Vondra,
from resistant to secure classification, was as- Shaw, & Kevenides, 1995) provided the data
sociated with higher developmental testing for the current investigation. Two hundred
scores at 9 months (which tend to correlate twenty-three urban, low-income mothers (Co-
highly with behavioral regulation during test- hort 1 n = 103; Cohort 2 n = 120) with infants
ing). The extent to which earlier attachment between the ages of 5 and 11 months were
provides predictive power above and beyond recruited from Pittsburgh offices of the
later attachment has essentially been unex- Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Supple-
plored. However, Sroufe, Egeland, and Kreut- mental Nutrition Program administered by the
zer (1990) offered preliminary data to support County Health Department. Inclusion in the
Bowlbys (1973, 1980) contention that devel- WIC Program requires low income (e.g., less
opmental history must contribute to adapta- than $22,385 for a family of four and less than
tion above and beyond contemporaneous cir- $14,837 for a single mother and child in 1989,
cumstances. the 1st year of recruitment). Women who
The present investigation examines conti- completed brief background questionnaires by
nuity and change in attachment across the 2nd phone or at the WIC office and took part in
year of life in relation to concurrent and sub- an initial lab visit with their infant at 12
sequent child emotional and behavioral regu- months were included in the longitudinal in-
lation. The population under investigation is vestigation.
children from urban, low-income families at At the time of the first laboratory visit at
varying degrees of familial risk. Based on the 12 months infant age, 45% of mothers re-
literature reviewed, it was expected that ported being married or living with a partner,
13% reported being separated or divorced,
1. Change in attachment would be more com- and 42% reported being single. Almost three
mon in this low-income, higher stress pop- quarters of the women (74%) reported having
ulation than in the White, middle-class pop- a high school education or less, 88% reported
ulation sampled in most longitudinal having a family income of less than $1,500
attachment studies, with an increasing per- per month, 39% were of minority race (almost

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18 J. I. Vondra et al.

exclusively African American), and 20% were distribution of attachment classifications were
teenagers at the time of their first childs found across cohorts). Each lab visit took ap-
birth. Maternal age at the time of recruitment proximately 2 hours to complete and was vid-
ranged from 16 to 39 years, with a mean of eotaped from a fixed camera on the wall or
25 years. Of the 223 infants, 54% were male, through a one-way mirror to facilitate behav-
45% were firstborn, and 13% were born more ioral coding.
than 2 weeks prematurely. The date of the as- Home visits began with a free-play period
sessments at 12 and 18 months were corrected and developmental assessment of the child.
for infant gestational age. Following this, mothers completed an inter-
view and questionnaires while a babysitter en-
tertained the child. Observations of mother
child interaction throughout the visit were
Mothers were asked to bring their child to the made. Examiners varied from visit to visit, al-
university for observations and assessments at though on occasion the same examiner con-
the child ages of 12, 18, and 24 months, and ducted more than one visit for a given family.
to schedule a home visit when their child was Across all pairs of lab and home visits, 87%
either 15 (Cohort 1) or 18 (Cohort 2) months (range 78100%) were conducted by different
old. Follow-up contact with mothers was examiners.
completed by telephone and by mail when
children were between 3 and 4 years old.
Of the 223 infants observed at 12 months, Measures
165 were rated by their mothers at approxi-
mately 3.5 years of age on a behavior problem Attachment. Attachment security was assessed
checklist. Indices of emotional and behavioral using the Strange Situation paradigm (Ains-
regulation collected between 12 and 24 worth & Wittig, 1969). At 12 and 18 months,
months were used to compare those infants attachment classification (A, Avoidant; B, Se-
with and without follow-up data. Of 17 mea- cure; C, Resistant; D, Disorganized) was
sures collected during infancy, only two coded using the Ainsworth (Ainsworth,
showed differences, neither of which reached Blehar, Waters, & Wall, 1978) and Main
formal statistical significance. Children with- (Main & Solomon, 1990) criteria. The first
out follow-up ratings scored somewhat lower author was trained to 100% reliability with A.
on activity/excitability during developmental Sroufe (5 cases), 85% reliability with M.
testing in the home between 15 and 18 Ward and B. Vaughn (20 cases), and 75%
months, t (199) = 1.80, p < .10, but were rated with D. Cicchetti (16 cases). Six graduate stu-
as somewhat more fussy/difficult by their dent raters, blind to other ratings of the
mothers at the 18-month lab visit, t (150) = mother and child, were trained to reliability
1.95, p < .10. by the first author and tested for interrater
Lab assessments began with a free-play pe- agreement using two different sets of attach-
riod for the child (when mothers completed ment assessments, one set from the lab of
questionnaires nearby with the examiner), fol- J. Belsky and a second set from the lab of
lowed by a series of interactive activities (ex- A. Sroufe. Interrater agreement on major clas-
aminer absent from the room), a rest/snack sifications ranged from 80 to 100% with a
period in another room, and the Strange Situa- mean of 83% for the test (nonstudy) assess-
tion. Mothers completed questionnaires with ments, and averaged 77% (20 cases) with the
the examiner after the Strange Situation, first author for a random set of study tapes.
while a babysitter entertained the child. The Tapes were scored by the first author or by
order of the Strange Situation and free-play at least two of the trained raters. In cases of
period was counterbalanced at 12 months disagreement, a third rater was used.
only (all Cohort 1 children had the Strange At 24 months, attachment classification
Situation last, all Cohort 2 children had the (A, Defended; B, Secure; C, Coercive; A/C
Strange Situation first; no differences in the or AD, Atypical) was coded using the PAA

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Attachment and regulation 19

(Crittenden, 1994). Four graduate student rat- tant to early coping efforts. The ECI consists
ers were trained by P. Crittenden to 85% re- of 48 items reflecting temperament, sensory
liability using her system. Two of these raters processing, motor control, and socioemotional
had rated a subset of the 12 or 18 month factors. Scores on the ECI differentiate young
tapes. To help ensure independence of ratings, children with mental or physical disabilities
24-month attachment was always scored ei- from nondisabled peers (Williamson, Zeit-
ther by two independent raters or by a single lin, & Szczepanski, 1989; Zeitlin & William-
rater blind to infant attachment classifications. son, 1990). A single trained rater, blind to at-
Average interrater agreement on major classi- tachment classification and other emotional
fications was 62% (27 cases) for a random set and behavioral regulation ratings, completed
of cases from the study. In cases of disagree- 36 of the 48 five-point behavior ratings on the
ment, a third rater was used. Thirty (15%) of basis of behavior throughout the 24-month
the 24-month attachments were scored by P. visit (excluded items concerned sensory and
Crittenden. motor handicaps not seen in the sample). Rat-
ings were factor analyzed to create internally
Child emotional and behavioral regulation. consistent global ratings of regulation.A four-
During each lab visit (12, 18, and 24 months), factor solution emerged, accounting for 52%
children were observed with their mothers of the variance in scores. The first factor,
during a series of four teaching tasks. Activi- termed assertive, consisted of eight items
ties were selected that were too difficult for and loaded heaviest on items Child expresses
children of that age to complete indepen- likes and dislikes, Child expresses a range
dently, and thus required maternal assistance of feelings, and Child has an energy level
(e.g., stack a set of plastic rings on a pole at that is forceful and vigorous. The second fac-
12 months, work a lockkey toy at 18 tor, termed adaptable, consisted of nine
months, complete a puzzle at 24 months). In items and loaded heaviest on items Child
each case, mothers were instructed to work on adapts to changes in environment, Child ac-
the task for 3 min and then, at a knock, to put cepts substitute people or objects when neces-
away the current task and start the next one. sary, Child finds a way of handling a new
Ratings of child positive and negative affect or difficult situation, and Child demon-
and task-oriented (attentive, effortful) behav- strates ability to self comfort. The third fac-
ior were completed by two trained raters at 12 tor, termed sociable, consisted of seven
and 24 months (blind to attachment classifica- items and loaded heaviest on items Child
tions), using simple three-point scales (0, gives warmth and affection to others, Child
none; 1, low; 2, high). Percent exact agree- accepts warmth and support from familiar
ment was 75% for positive affect, 86% for persons, and Child maintains visual atten-
negative affect, and 84% for task orientation tion to people and objects. The fourth and
using a random set of 32 cases from the study. final factor, termed competent exploration,
Because emotional and behavioral regulation consisted of seven items and loaded heaviest
in toddlerhood is still a joint function of child on items Child initiates exploration of own
and caregiver, child affect and persistence can body or objects using a variety of strategies,
be viewed as a reflection of how effectively Child demonstrates persistence during activi-
the dyadic system is regulating the child. ties, and Child completes self-initiated ac-
Global ratings of child emotional and be- tivity. On a random subset of 12 cases,
havior regulation were made from observa- agreement within 5 points on the summed
tions of the entire 24-month lab visit using the scales ranged from 83% to 100%, with corre-
Early Coping Inventory (ECI; Zeitlin, Wil- lations ranging from .78 to .92.
liamson, & Szczepanski, 1988). Designed for During the home visit, trained examiners
use with young children between the ages of administered the Bayley Scales of Infant De-
4 and 36 months, the inventory assesses the velopment and its accompanying Infant Be-
age- and situation-appropriate effectiveness of havior Record (IBR; Bayley, 1969). The IBR
a wide range of behaviors considered impor- consists of a series of 5- and 9-point rating

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20 J. I. Vondra et al.

scales (13 in all) evaluating social and object school age (Bates, Maslin, & Frankel, 1985),
orientation during standardized develop- and its selection reflected our interest in the
mental testing. Scale scores were entered into early expression and regulation of negative af-
a factor analysis to create internally consistent fect as an early indicator of developmental
global ratings of emotional and behavioral vulnerability.
regulation. A three-factor solution emerged, As part of the 3.5-year follow-up contact,
accounting for 99% of the variance. The first mothers completed the Child Behavior
factor, termed mastery motivated, consisted Checklist for Ages 2 to 3 (Achenbach, 1992)
of five items and loaded heaviest on items by mail. This 100-item questionnaire gener-
Persistence in goal-directed effort and ates two broadband factors, externalizing
Tendency to persist in attending to any one (problems with underregulating affect and be-
object, person, or activity. The second factor, havior) and internalizing behavior problems
termed active/reactive, consisted of three (problems with overregulating affect and be-
items and loaded heaviest on items Amount havior), for both boys and girls. Testretest
of gross bodily movement and The ease reliability is reported to be .87 by the author.
with which a child is stimulated to react in
general, excitability. The third and final fac-
tor, termed comfortable, consisted of four
items and loaded heaviest on items Tense-
Relations among indices of infant regulation
ness of body and Degree of happiness. In-
terrater reliability was assessed using a small As a preliminary step, patterns of association
number (N = 8) of pilot subjects at the end of were examined among the 16 indices of emo-
training, prior to data collection. Agreement tional and behavioral regulation that were col-
on scores based on these three factors varied lected in infancy. Within a particular task or
tremendously, with good to excellent reliabil- activity, correlations were generally moderate
ity on the mastery motivation (intraclass cor- (but highly significant), ranging from an aver-
relation: .72) and comfort (intraclass correla- age of .21 (ratings during 12-month teaching
tion: .92) scores, but no reliability on the tasks) to .55 (maternal ratings of difficultness
activity/reactivity score (intraclass correla- at 12, 18, and 24 months). Correlations across
tion: .06), due to extremely restricted vari- activities (and time) were notably less consis-
ability across pilot children on this factor. Ex- tent but present in piecemeal fashion. Factor
aminers making IBR ratings during the home analysis of the 16 scores indicated a three-fac-
visit were blind to attachment classifications tor solution, which accounted for 88% of the
and the other behavioral ratings described variance. Factor 1 consisted of all observa-
above. tional ratings at 24 months (on the ECI and
during the teaching tasks, rated by indepen-
Maternal ratings. At each lab visit, mothers dent observers). Factor 2 incorporated the
completed the Difficultness scale of the Infant three maternal ratings of difficultness (at 12,
Characteristics Questionnaire (ICQ; Bates, 18, and 24 months), and Factor 3 represented
Freeland, & Lounsbury, 1979). This scale had examiner ratings of behavior during develop-
the strongest psychometric characteristics in mental testing (at 15 or 18 months). The 12-
the validation study of the ICQ, with moder- month teaching task ratings did not load on
ate correlations between both maternal and any of these factors and also had the lowest
paternal report and observer ratings on the intercorrelations. Individual scores with the
same measure. Slightly different versions are most frequent correlations across measures
available for 13- (nine items) and 24-month were the mastery motivation (IBR) score
(seven items) infants (used at the 12- and 24- during developmental testing (the only ob-
month lab visits, respectively). At the 18- server rating associatednegativelywith
month visit, items from both versions were maternal ratings of difficultness) and the four
used. Scores from the measure have been coping scores from the ECI. Given that reg-
shown to predict behavior problems at pre- ulation indices were collected during different

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Attachment and regulation 21

Table 1. Distribution of attachment patterns across the 2nd year of life

12 Months 18 Months 24 Months

(Ainsworth Coding) (Ainsworth Coding) (Crittenden Coding)

Sample size 223 198 201

B 52% (117) 47% (93) 26% (52)
A1, A2 18% (40) 24% (47) 20% (41)
A3, A4 13% (26)
C1, C2 16% (35) 9% (18) 33% (67)
C3, C4 4% (8)
D or A/C 13% (28) 15% (29) 2% (3)
Depressed affect/AD 1% (3) 5% (11) 2% (4)

activities at different ages, these general re- from 12 to 18 months (45% stability) and
sults are not surprising. from 12/18 to 24 months (45% stability).
Seventy-four percent of the sample had the
same classification at two or more points in
Classification distributions time, with 24% showing stability in the infant
The distribution of attachment classifications system but a change to the preschool system.
at each age appears in Table 1. As predicted, Twenty-six percent of the sample changed
the percentage of secure (B) attachments con- classification at each of the three time points.
sistently declined and the percentage of inse- Stability of classification was more common
cure attachments increased both across time among B and D attachments from 12 to 18
(12, 18, 24 months) and classification system months but was more common (for those who
(Ainsworth to Crittenden). Within the inse- did not change at each assessment) among A
cure category, the percentage of A attach- and C attachments across classification sys-
ments consistently increased; the percentage tems from 12/18 to 24 months.
of children with C or atypical attachments
tended to be low at each age, and no consis- Differences among the stable groups
tent patterns were discernible. The change to
a different classification system at 24 months, Selected children (38% of the sample) with
however, was accompanied by an increase in stable A, stable B, or stable C attach-
the percentage of C attachments and a de- ments were compared by analysis of variance
crease in the percentage of atypical attach- (only two children had stable atypical attach-
ments. ments, too few to be included in analyses).
Attachment stability data appear in Tables Stable attachment, once again, indicates a
2 and 3. It should be noted that criteria for classification match between either 12 or 18
stability changed between infancy (12 to 18 months and 24 months. Cases designated as
months), when exact classification match was stable B with an A or D classification coded
used, and preschool age (12/18 to 24 months), at the second infant assessment were consid-
when at least one classification match was ered anomolous in their combination of secu-
used (a match between either 12 and 24 rity and insecurity and were excluded from
months or 18 and 24 months). Thus, the crite- analyses. Mean differences between the three
rion for a match across classification systems stable groupssubsequently tested using
was more liberal than that within the infant Bonferonni post hoc comparisonsappear in
classification system. Perfect matches across Table 4.
all three ages were quite rare: 20 BBB (10%
of the sample), 7 AAA (4%), 3 CCC (1.5%) Observers. No differences were found among
and 1 DD-Atypical (<1%). With this caveat, the groups on behavior during developmental
the overall rates of stability were identical testing in the home. Child behavioral regula-

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22 J. I. Vondra et al.

Table 2. Change in attachment patterns across the 2nd year of life

18 Months (Ainsworth Coding)

12 Months
(Ainsworth Coding) n B A C D

B 96 56 (29%) 19 9 12
A 36 16 12 (6%) 3 5
C 33 12 9 4 (2%) 8
D 30 8 6 1 15 (8%)
Total 195 92 46 17 40

24 Monthsa (Crittenden Coding)

12/18 Months
(Ainsworth Coding) n B A C A/C or AD

B 82 42 (22%) 16 24 0
A 34 2 28 (14%) 4 0
C 18 0 2 16 (8%) 0
D 11 3 0 6 2 (1%)
Total 145 47 46 50 2

Note: Stable classification was scored at 24 months if either 12- or 18-month classi-
fication matched the 24-month classification.
Excluded from table: 42 toddlers (26% of longitudinal sample) who changed classifi-
cation across all three assessments.

Table 3. Stability in attachment patterns across the

2nd year of life

1218 months 12/18 to 24 months

(Exact Match; (At Least One Matcha;
Classification N = 195) N = 145)

B 29% (58% of Bs) 22% (51% of Bs)

A 6% (33% of As) 14% (82% of As)
C 2% (12% of Cs) 8% (89% of Cs)
Atypical 8% (50% of Ds) 1% (18% of Ds)

Overall stability of
classifications 45% 45%

Note: Stable classification was scored at 24 months if either 12- or 18-

month classification matched the 24-month classification.
Excluded from table: 42 toddlers (26% of longitudinal sample) who
changed classification across all three assessments.

tion ratings during motherchild teaching and 24 months, F (2, 71) = 13.37, p < .001,
tasks, however, distinguished the children but not different in affect. Child behavioral
with stable C attachments from those with sta- and emotional regulation during the 24-month
ble B attachments. ANOVA results indicated lab visit showed differences on three of the
that the stable C group was rated as less task four (ECI) scores. The C group scored lower
oriented at both 12, F (2, 68) = 4.40, p < .05, than either of the other groups on adaptive be-

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Attachment and regulation 23

Table 4. Regulation differences among stable attachment groups

Stable Attachment Group


Teaching tasks: 12 months (n = 71)
Task orientation 6.38a 6.22a 5.07b 4.40*
Positive affect ns
Negative affect ns
Development testing: 15/18 months (n = 70)
Mastery motivation ns
Comfort ns
Activity/reactivity ns
Teaching tasks: 24 months (n = 74)
Task orientation 6.29a 5.74a 4.07b 13.37***
Positive affect ns
Negative affect ns
Overall regulation: 24 months (n = 73)
Adaptable 37.27a 38.07a 26.56b 19.88***
Assertive ns
Sociable 28.33a 25.78 24.31b 3.61*
Competent exploration 30.80a 28.31 25.44b 9.46***
Perceived difficultness
12 months (n = 75) 30.19 26.70a 35.31b 6.48**
18 months ns
24 months ns
Behavior problems: 3.5 years (n = 68)
Externalizing 43.6a 52.5b 53.0b 7.62**
Internalizing ns

Note: Row means with different superscripts are significantly different.

*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

havior, F (2, 70) = 19.88, p < .001, and the Differences associated with trajectories
B group scored higher than the C group on toward insecurity
sociability, F (2, 67) = 3.61, p < .05, and com-
petent exploration, F (2, 69) = 9.46, p < .001. Enough children changed from stable security
No differences were noted for assertiveness. in infancy to insecurity at 24 months (BBC or
BBA) to contrast children who showed a sta-
Mothers. Mothers reported differences in per- ble pattern across classification systems with
ceived difficultness among the three stable at- those who changed to insecurity with the pre-
tachment groups only at 12 months, F (2, 72) = school classification system at 24 months. Re-
6.48, p < .01. Children in the stable C group sults are reported for the B/C contrast and the
were rated as significantly more difficult than B/A contrast separately.
children in the stable A group. At age 3.5
years children with a stable secure attachment BBB versus BBC versus CCC.
history scored lower than either the stable A Observers. The three groups scored simi-
or stable C groups on mothers report of ex- larly on the Bayley Scales Mental Develop-
ternalizing behavior problems (B group T ment Index (MDI) during the home visit. Dur-
score mean: 43.6; A group: 52.5; C group: ing the motherchild teaching tasks at 12 and
53.0), F (2, 65) = 7.62, p < .01. No differ- 24 months, the BBC-attachment change group
ences emerged for internalizing behavior scored between the stable B and stable C
problems. groups. On task orientation at 24 months, all

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24 J. I. Vondra et al.

three groups were significantly different from groups only significantly different on compe-
one another, with the stable B group highest tent exploration, F (2, 72) = 4.72, p < .05, at
and the stable C group lowest, F (2, 66) = 24 months.
13.63, p < .001. Also during the 24-month lab Mothers. Mothers reported no differences
visit, the BBC-change group again scored be- among these three groups in terms of per-
tween the stable B and stable C groups on ceived difficultness, whether at 12, 18, or 24
overall behavioral and emotional regulation, months. At age 3.5 years, the children in the
with the stable C group lowest on adaptive stable B group scored significantly lower than
behavior, F (2, 68) = 12.27, p < .001; sociabil- both those in the stable A group and in the
ity, F (2, 65) = 4.25, p < .05; and competent BBA-change group on mothers report of ex-
exploration, F (2, 68) = 13.27, p < .001sig- ternalizing behavior problems (BBA-group T
nificantly lower than the BBC-change group score mean: 52.1) F (2, 64) = 8.42, p < .001.
on both adaptive behavior and competent ex- No differences emerged for internalizing be-
ploration. havior problems.
Mothers. Consistent differences emerged in
terms of mothers perceptions of child diffi- Other attachment change groups. Contrast
cultness, with the stable C group scoring analyses were run incorporating other, rela-
highest and the BBC-change group scoring tively small subsets of children with specific
lowest on perceived difficultness at 12, F (2, kinds of attachment change from 12 to 24
68) = 3.25, p < .05, 18 F (2, 45) = 5.72, p < months (e.g., A C, D C, C A). Few
.01, and to some extent 24 months, F (2, 67) = consistent patterns of differences emerged in
2.93, p < .10. In each case, the stable B group these contrasts, whether the result of power
scored in between and was not significantly problems, measurement error, or simply the
different from either of the extreme groups. absence of differences. The numbers of chil-
At age 3.5 years, the children in the stable B dren who changed from stable insecurity to
group scored significantly lower than those in security at 24 months were too small for sta-
the stable C group on mothers report of ex- tistical analysis (AAB: 2; CCB: 0; CAB: 2;
ternalizing behavior problems, with the BBC- DDB: 4).
change group scoring in between (BBC group
T score mean: 49.4) F (2, 57) = 6.03, p < .01.
Correlates of attachment type
No differences emerged for internalizing be-
havior problems. To gain a clearer picture of how attachment
classification from 12 to 24 months relates to
BBB versus BBA versus AAA. behavioral and emotional regulation, four
Observers. As was the case with the stable continuous scores were created representing
group comparison, few child behavior differ- frequency of each attachment classification,
ences emerged between B attachment groups A, B, C, and D/atypical. These scores repre-
and A attachment groups. Observers saw no sent the number of times, across three assess-
significant differences among any of the three ments (range 03), that a childs attachment
groups in behavior during developmental test- was scored in each classification. Thus, a
ing in the home or during the motherchild child whose attachment was scored a B at 12
teaching tasks at 12 or 24 months. However, and 24 months, and an A at 18 months, would
the BBA-attachment change group, x(14) = receive a 1 on the A score, a 2 on the B score,
110.2, scored significantly higher than the sta- and a 0 on the C and D scores. These scores
ble A group, x(30) = 101.0, on the Bayley were then correlated with each of the indices
MDI, F (2, 70) = 3.91, p < .05, with the stable of emotional and behavioral regulation used
B group scoring in between the two extremes, as dependent measures. Results appear in Ta-
x(29) = 107.5. During the 12- and 24-month ble 5.
lab visit, the BBA-change group generally In general, correlations were primarily
scored midway between the stable A and sta- found for the B and D scores. Frequency of B
ble B groups, with means for the two extreme classification from 12 to 24 months was mod-

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Attachment and regulation 25

Table 5. Relations between attachment and behavioral and emotional regulation

Frequency of Attachment Classification (03)


Teaching tasks: 12 months (n = 177) .26***
Task orientation
Positive affect .16*
Negative affect
Development testing: 15/18 months
(n = 169)
Mastery motivation
Comfort .23**
Mental development index (MDI) .18*
Teaching tasks: 24 months (n = 176)
Task orientation .20** .25**
Positive affect .16*
Negative affect
Overall regulation: 24 months (n = 176)
Adaptable .21** .39***
Assertive .18* .24**
Sociable .25*** .18*
Competent exploration .30*** .19* .24**
Perceived difficultness
12 months
18 months
24 months (n = 178) .15* .15*
Behavior problems: 3.5 years (n = 147)
Externalizing .29*** .21**

*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

estly associated with greater concurrent be- 3.5 years above and beyond 24-month attach-
havioral and emotional regulation and fewer ment, two regression analyses were con-
externalizing behavior problems at age 3.5 ducted. Externalizing and internalizing behav-
years. Frequency of D/atypical classification ior problems reported by mothers were each
was modestly associated with poorer regula- predicted in a hierarchical regression by
tion and more externalizing behavior prob- scores for 24-month attachment and for com-
lems. Frequency of C classification was asso- bined 12- and 18-month attachment. Results
ciated almost exclusively with poorer appear in Table 6. In both cases, the equation
regulation during the 24-month lab visit, and using 24-month scores only was significant
frequency of A classification was essentially and accounted for between 8 and 11% of the
unrelated to measures of behavioral and emo- variance in behavior problems (externalizing
tional regulation. T score: F (3, 161) = 6.86, p < .001, R2 = .11;
internalizing T score: F (3, 161) = 4.33, p <
.01, R2 = .08). Externalizing problems were
Infant (12/18 months) versus preschool
significantly predicted by codes for each inse-
(24 months) prediction
cure classification (A, C, atypical); internaliz-
To examine whether infant (1218 month) at- ing problems were predicted only by the atyp-
tachment classification provided any unique ical classification. Therefore, an atypical
predictive power to behavior problems at age attachment at 24 months was associated with

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26 J. I. Vondra et al.

Table 6. Regression analyses: Infant versus preschool prediction of age 3.5 year
behavior problems

Preschool Attachment Preschool and Infant Attachment

Predictor F Test Predictor F Test

Regressions for Externalizing Behavior Problems

24-month A score F (1, 161) = 8.59** 24-month A score F (1, 158) = 8.59**
24-month C score F (1, 161) = 7.06** 24-month C score F (1, 158) = 7.06**
24-month Atyp. score F (1, 161) = 4.93* 24-month Atyp. score F (1, 158) = 4.93*
12/18-month A score F (1, 158) = ns
12/18-month C score F (1, 158) = ns
12/18-month D score F (1, 158) = ns
Full equation F (3, 161) = 6.86*** Full equation F (6, 158) = 3.94**
R2 = .11 R2 = .13

Regressions for Internalizing Behavior Problems

24-month A score F (1, 161) = ns 24-month A score F (1, 158) = ns

24-month C score F (1, 161) = ns 24-month C score F (1, 158) = ns
24-month Atyp. score F (1, 161) = 12.86*** 24-month Atyp. score F (1, 158) = 12.86***
12/18-month A score F (1, 158) = ns
12/18-month C score F (1, 158) = ns
12/18-month D score F (1, 158) = ns
Full equation F (3, 161) = 4.33** Full equation F (6, 158) = 2.55*
R2 = .08 R2 = .09

*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

greater internalizing and externalizing prob- F (3, 161) = 6.86, p < .001; mean internaliz-
lems reported by mother at age 3.5 years, ing T scores: B = 48, A = 50, C = 50, Atypical
whereas a defended or coercive relationship = 60, F (3, 161) = 4.33, p < .01). Mean differ-
was associated only with higher reported ex- ences in later problems with regulating behav-
ternalizing problems. ior were related only to attachment as it was
Adding in 12- and 18-month attachment scored at 24 months, not scores at 12 or 18
classification gave no additional predictive months, supporting the findings of the regres-
power for behavior problems at 3.5 years. sion equation.
None of the insecurity codes in infancy con-
tributed significantly to the regression equa-
24-month regulation versus
tion once 24-month attachment was entered,
attachment prediction
resulting in an overall equation of less signifi-
cance. Thus, 24-month (Crittenden) attach- To examine whether 24-month child emo-
ment significantly predicted mothers report tional and behavioral regulation scores pro-
of both externalizing and internalizing behav- vided any unique predictive power to behav-
ior problems at 3.5 years, and infant (Ains- ior problems at age 3.5 years above and
worth) attachment historyoften different beyond 24-month attachment, two regression
did not predict above and beyond that. analyses were conducted. Externalizing and
Univariate ANOVAs using attachment classi- internalizing behavior problems reported by
fication at each assessment separately indi- mothers were each predicted in a hierarchical
cated that associations with behavior problem regression by scores for 24-month attachment
scores were confined exclusively to 24-month (dummy coded) and for 24-month regulation
classifications (mean externalizing T scores: scores. Zero-order correlations indicated that
B = 45, A = 53, C = 51, Atypical = 53, only two of the four regulation scoressocia-

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Attachment and regulation 27

Table 7. Regression analyses: Attachment versus regulation prediction of age 3.5 year
behavior problems

Preschool Attachment Preschool and Infant Attachment

Predictor F Test Predictor F Test

Regressions for Externalizing Behavior Problems

24-month A score F (1, 161) = 8.59** 24-month A score F (1, 146) = 8.07**
24-month C score F (1, 161) = 7.06** 24-month C score F (1, 146) = 5.88*
24-month Atyp. score F (1, 161) = 4.93* 24-month Atyp. score F (1, 146) = 5.13*
ECI sociability F (1, 146) = 9.03**
ECI comp. explore F (1, 146) = ns
Full equation F (3, 161) = 6.86*** Full equation F (5, 146) = 5.90***
R2 = .11 R2 = .17

Regressions for Internalizing Behavior Problems

24-month A score F (1, 161) = ns 24-month A score F (1, 146) = ns

24-month C score F (1, 161) = ns 24-month C score F (1, 146) = ns
24-month Atyp. score F (1, 161) = 12.86*** 24-month Atyp. score F (1, 146) = 10.91**
ECI sociability F (1, 146) = ns
ECI comp. explore F (1, 146) = 5.27*
Full equation F (3, 161) = 4.33** Full equation F (5, 146) = 3.45**
R2 = .08 R2 = .11

*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

ble, r (162) = .28, p < .001, and competent course of the same lab visit, but was not im-
exploration, r (164) = .19, p < .05signifi- proved by information about the childs prior
cantly correlated with externalizing problems attachment history. Insecure patterns of at-
at age 3.5 years. Only competent exploration tachment, as they were scored using a pre-
significantly correlated with internalizing school attachment system, predicted maternal
problems, r (164) = .17, p < .05. Therefore, report of child problems in behavioral regula-
only these two regulation scores were used in tion at age 3.5 years. Independently scored
the regressions. Results appear in Table 7. In indices of the childs overall effectiveness
both cases, adding in the two regulation in regulating him or herself during the same
scores improved prediction of later behavior visit provided complementary information,
problem ratings, with equations now account- whereas attachment in infancy did not.
ing for between 11 and 17% of the variance
(externalizing T score: F (5, 146) = 5.90, p <
.001, R2 = .17; internalizing T score: F (5,
146) = 3.45, p < .01, R2 = .11). Unique predic-
Attachment stability and change
tion to externalizing T scores was provided by
24-month A classification, C classification, D Results indicate modest stability in attach-
classification, and sociability. Unique predic- ment from 12 to 18 months and from 12/18
tion to internalizing T scores was provided by to 24 months, using a sample of children from
24-month D classification and competent ex- urban, low-income families at varying de-
ploration. grees of familial risk for developmental prob-
In summary, the predictive power of 24- lems and delays. Rates of 45% within the in-
month attachment was enhanced by adding fant coding system (exact matches from 12 to
information about the childs ratings on emo- 18 months) and 45% across coding systems
tional and behavioral regulation over the (at least one match from 12/18 to 24 months)

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28 J. I. Vondra et al.

are lower than those for smaller, primarily Although overall stability rates were
White, middle-class infant samples (75% on roughly comparable (given different stability
average; see Belsky et al., 1996), although at criteria) from 12 to 18 months and from 12/
least one larger and more recent investigation 18 to 24 months, patterns were somewhat dif-
documented rates of between 46 and 55% ferent. Consistent patterns over time were a
(Belsky et al., 1996). They are, however, decrease in the number of secure attachments,
more comparable with rates (3064%) found as expected, and an increase in the number
in higher risk or maltreating infant samples of A (Avoidant, Defended) attachments. As
(Barnett et al., 1992; Egeland & Farber, 1984; Crittenden (1992) predicted, however, ap-
LyonsRuth et al., 1991). Even higher rates proximately one third of the 24-month attach-
of stability from infancy to preschool ments were scored as secure (B = 26%), one
(Howes & Hamilton, 1992, 72%) and school third as defended (A = 33%), and one third as
age (Main & Cassidy, 1988, 84%; Wartner et coercive (C = 37%). An increase in the per-
al., 1995, 82%) in White, middle-class sam- centage of C attachments from infancy to the
ples are also balanced by lower rates in un- preschool period was predicted by Crittenden
published studies using infancy or preschool (1992), is reflected in her PAA scoring sys-
samples at medical risk (Beckwith & Rod- tem (1994) and has been found by other in-
ning, 1991, 42%; Goldberg, Washington, My- vestigators using the PAA (Fagot & Pears,
hal, Janus, Simmons, MacLusky, & Fowler, 1996; Rauh et al., in press; Teti, Gelfand,
1997, 42%), and by a study of White, primar- Messinger, & Isabella, 1995). Crittenden
ily middle-class children using the Ainsworth (1992) argued that the discovery by pre-
coding system at 18 months and the Critten- school-age children of coy behavior as a
den system at 30 months (Fagot & Pears, mechanism to handle angry feelings becomes
1996, 66%). Stability is, of course, higher integrated into the coercive strategy, particu-
(69% from 12/18 to 24 months) when secu- larly for children with resistant attachments
rity/insecurity is the focus, rather than classi- during infancy. But because it is explored to
fication. This rate almost exactly replicates a greater or lesser extent by all preschool chil-
the stability of security/insecurity (68%) in dren, the result is what might be considered
the Rauh et al. (in press) study examining at- an overrepresentation of coercive preschool
tachment change from 12 months, using the attachment classifications. In any case, the in-
Ainsworth/Main system, to 21 months, using crease in insecure attachment classifications
the Crittenden system, in a sample of middle- from 12 to 18 to 24 months is consistent with
class and lower middle-class infants in Ger- other data on attachment among samples at
many. Stability of attachment, in other words, developmental risk.
though discernible, is far from universal, par-
ticularly among samples of children at some
Relations to emotional and
developmental risk. Less stability and sup-
behavioral regulation
portiveness of family life and parental func-
tioning are hallmarks of developmental risk As predicted, attachment classification was
for children and have clearly been associated associated with both concurrent and subse-
with discontinuity in attachment classification quent ratings of child emotional and behav-
over time (see Lamb, Thompson, Gardner, & ioral regulation. This was most apparent for
Charnov, 1985). The change in coding sys- 24-month attachment classification (Critten-
tems from 12/18 to 24 months encompasses a den system) and for children with stable at-
change in emphasis and in criteria for making tachment classifications from 12/18 to 24
attachment classifications. It is important, months. In general, the strongest and most
then, to consider its contribution to the insta- frequent associations were related to the se-
bility found. At the same time, it is imortant cure and atypical classifications, although
to recognize that stability was not the norm each 24-month classification provided unique
for infants in this sample, even within a single information about mothers report of behavior
coding scheme. problemsproblems in regulationat age

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Attachment and regulation 29

3.5 years. Security across all assessments was also highlights the modest, or classification-
associated with better emotional and behav- specific, effect sizes of the group differences.
ioral regulation rated concurrently by observ- By age 3.5 years, infant (12/18 month) attach-
ers, and with fewer reported externalizing be- ment classification no longer provided addi-
havior problems at 3.5 years. The converse tional predictive information, at least to ma-
was true for atypicality (D at 12/18 months, ternally reported behavior problems. Any
AC or AD at 24 months). Type C classifica- insecure 24-month classification predicted ex-
tions, particularly at 24 months, were associ- ternalizing problems, and the atypical classifi-
ated with poorer regulation but almost exclu- cation significantly predicted internalizing
sively among the (concurrent) 24-month problems, but prior attachment history (12/18
measures. Interestingly, children with Type A months) added no predictive power and, in
attachments were generally indistinguishable fact, was not associated with maternal report
from the others, with the exception of behav- of behavior problems. In contrast, indepen-
ior problems at age 3.5 years, when 24-month dent observer ratings of overall child
A classification (as well as C and atypical emotional and behavior regulation (lower so-
classifications) predicted more externalizing ciability, less competent exploration) during
problems reported by mother, regardless of the 24-month lab visit provided unique pre-
prior (infant) attachment classification. dictive power, both to externalizing and inter-
Specific patterns of change provided less nalizing scores. Thus, knowing a childs at-
information about child emotional and behav- tachment at 24 monthsusing a preschool
ioral regulation than did information about attachment classificatory systemand know-
most frequently observed attachment classifi- ing a childs emotional and behavior regula-
cation, or even just 24-month attachment tion during the same assessment, indepen-
classification. Repetitive attachment themes dently and cumulatively predicted behavior
and most recent attachment classification of- problems 1 to 2 years later. Knowing a childs
fered the most insights about a childs effec- infant attachment history did not.
tiveness in regulating behavior and affect, in- Results contribute to the growing body of
cluding problems in their regulation. This literature on relations between attachment and
makes both methodological and develop- emotional and behavioral regulation. Al-
mental sense. On the one hand, patterns of be- though relations have been found for children
havior observed repeatedly across time are from all backgrounds, especially when regula-
probably measured with less error or capture tion is assessed during interactions with care-
more generalizable styles of functioning than givers and peers (Ainsworth et al., 1978;
those that are specific to a single point of as- Howes, Hamilton, & Matheson, 1994; Sroufe,
sessment. On the other hand, development is 1983; see Belsky & Isabella, 1988), predic-
change, so measures of comparable psycho- tion from infant attachment to behavior prob-
metric strength capturing behavior patterns lemsproblems in regulatory function-
later in development are likely to be more up ingin the preschool years has been less
to date about development and its ecology robust (Bates & Bayles, 1988; Fagot & Kava-
than those capturing patterns earlier in devel- nagh, 1990) and seems to be restricted some-
opment. what to samples already at familial or devel-
Generally speaking, children who changed opmental risk and to the disorganized infant
from a secure infant classification to an inse- attachment classification (LyonsRuth, East-
cure 24-month classification scored between erbrooks, & Cibelli, 1997; Shaw, Winslow,
the stable secure and stable insecure groups Owens, Vondra, Cohn, & Bell, 1998). More
but did not score significantly different from robust are associations between preschool and
either. This pattern supports the notion that early school age measures of attachment (the
attachment history does, in fact, provide controlling classification in the Cassidy,
meaningful information about child function- Marvin, & the MacArthur Working Group on
ing (Sroufe et al., 1990). But the relative lack Attachment, 1991, preschool scoring system
of significant differences for the change group and in the Main, Kaplan, & Cassidy, 1985,

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30 J. I. Vondra et al.

age 6 years scoring system) and concurrent There are theoretical and empirical connec-
externalizing behavior problems (Greenberg, tions between attachment disorganization in
Speltz, DeKleyn, & Endriga, 1991; Solomon, infancy and the controlling classification in
George, & DeJong, 1995). Thus, associations the preschool and school years (Main & Cas-
tend to be strongest when assessed concur- sidy, 1988; Wartner et al., 1995), but there are
rently or among samples at risk, using atypi- also arguments for maintaining distinctions
cal attachment classifications. among preschool-age children showing differ-
But prediction from early preschool age to ent patterns of controlling interactions with
later behavior problems has now been demon- their caregiver (Crittenden, 1992). It may be
strated in two very different samples of chil- that the infant disorganized and preschool
dren using the PAA (Crittenden, 1994). In the controlling classifications help identify chil-
present investigation, prediction from 24 dren who are, in general, at greater familial
months to externalizing problems reported by (and developmental) risk, but that a more
mothers at age 3.5 years was found for each fine-tuned understanding of interactional dy-
attachment classification, and prediction to in- namics and their relation to specific patterns
ternalizing problems was found for atypical of developmental psychopathology will re-
classifications, in a sample of urban, low-in- quire the kinds of distinctions Crittenden
come children. Using a sample of 90 mostly (1992, 1994) makes in her preschool classifi-
White, middle-class children at 30 months, cations. In this investigation, infant attach-
Fagot and Pears (1996) found concurrent rela- ment history, including the disorganized clas-
tions to maternal ratings of aggressive behav- sification, did not provide information about
ior and prediction to teacher ratings of both early reported behavior problems above and
internalizing and externalizing behavior prob- beyond 24-month (insecure) classification,
lems (T scores at or above 60) at age 7 years nor did it discriminate, as 24-month atypical
for the coercive classification. attachment did, between children with higher
Two common themes emerge from these versus lower internalizing scores.
findings. First, attachment classification is re- The fact that contemporaneous indices of
lated to affective and behavioral regulation in child coping strategiesmore specifically,
social contexts, with concurrent relations child social orientation (sociability) and com-
most easily attained. Second, prediction from petence in explorationdid provide unique
attachment to ratings of behavior problems re- prediction to maternal report of behavior
lies strongly on disorganized classifications in problems indicates, as one might expect, that
infancy and controlling, coercive, or atypical attachment does not, in and of itself, capture
classifications in the preschool period. A all the variance in child behavior and interac-
growing body of evidence relates these classi- tions relevant to problems in regulation at a
fications to familial risk: the disorganized (or later date. Indices of emotional and behavioral
A/C) classification in infancy (Carlson, Cic- regulation that are less specific to the attach-
chetti, Barnett, & Braunwald, 1989; Cic- ment relationship may reflect temperamental
chetti & Barnett, 1991; LyonsRuth et al., differences (e.g., sociability, inhibition, activ-
1991; OConnor, Sigman, & Brill, 1987; ity level) in concert with other interactional
Spieker & Booth, 1988; Teti et al., 1995) and and familial effects (e.g., parental scaffolding
the coercive and atypical (Crittenden, 1988; of task behavior, punitiveness, behavioral
RadkeYarrow, Cummings, Kuczynski, & monitoring) that additively or interactively
Chapman, 1985; Teti et al., 1995) classifica- foster more problem behavior in the preschool
tions during the preschool years. Whether or school period.
these attachment classifications are a mediator In summary, the data from this investiga-
between family risk and child behavior prob- tion suggest that attachment classification and
lems, or whether they are simply a marker for attachment history provide useful information
family risk associated with child behavior about child emotional and behavioral regula-
problems, remains to be examined (Green- tion. Generally, however, infant attachment
berg, Speltz, & DeKlyen, 1993). appears most useful in understanding contem-

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Attachment and regulation 31

poraneous patterns of regulation, with knowl- cernable supports theoretical work on the na-
edge about what are viewed as problems in ture of the attachment internal working
regulation best forecast by attachment that is model, on the importance of genetic endow-
assessed later in time or by a different classifi- ment or temperament, and on developmental
cation system. This makes inherent develop- psychopathology. The degree of discontinuity
mental sense, since change in family circum- that was present testifies to the importance of
stances and change in child capabilities understanding how changing circumstances
should be associated with alterations both in and capabilities are translated into individual
the attachment model, attachment behavior, and relationship functioning, both at a con-
and strategies for regulating emotion and ceptual and methodological level.
behavior. The fact that some continuity is dis-

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