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Alumna: Jessica Magalia Tomal Chicaiza

Paralelo: B

1. What is the title of the movie?

If only
2. What are principal actors in the movie?
Samantha Andrews, Ian Wyndham
3. What are secondary actors in the movie?










Melinda Walters
4. Where is the place that occur the movie?


5. What is the gender of this movie?


6. Who are sleeping in the bed?

Samantha Andrews, Ian Wyndham
7. Who takes a shower in the morning?

Ian Wyndham
8. What happens to Samantha in the street?

Samantha collides with a man in the street

9. Does Samantha play the guitar at home?

10.What does Ian feel in the conference when he looks to Samantha?

Ian feels ashamed by the blame of Samantha

11.How many people are there in the bar?


12.What color is the taxi that appears at night?

It is a black taxi
13.What is the message that taxi driver gives to Ian?
The taxi driver's message is that he has to love Samantha, appreciate her
and everything she has.
14.Where do they eat the dinner?

In a very elegant restaurant

15.Is Samantha crying in the dinner?


16.What does Ian feel when he sees the accident?

Ian feels devastated to see the accident

17.Who dies in the hospital?

Samanta dies
18.Is Ian reading a magazine?
No Ian is reading Samantha's diary

19.What does Ian find in the notebook?

Ian finds the notebook a song that Samantha wrote

20.Is Samantha surprised to look Ian in the bed?

Samantha feels a bit confused so she only reacts calmly to see Ian.

21.Is Ian wearing a suit?

If Ian is wearing a brown suit

22.Does Ian break his watch in the office?

Do not break your clock on the street

23.Who is talking to Ian into the car?

With the taxi driver of his dream

24.Where is Samantha in the morning?

Samantha is in her friend's painting spicicion

25.Who is Oliver in the building?

Oliver is the building's concierge

26.How many tickets does Samantha buy in the station?

Samantha buys two tickets

27.Where do Samantha and Ian go?

Samantha and Ian go to see the place where Ian lived in his children

28.What is Ian thinking when he sees to Samantha?

Ian feels sad because he knows that something bad can happen to
Samantha at any time.
29.What is the question that Ian asks to Samantha?
That if for some reason you no longer have time in life that you would
do the last day.

30.Have they walked on the bridge?

If they walk over the bridge to a town where Ian lived.

31.Does Ian want to come back to London?

No Because something bad knows what will happen to Samantha

32.What does Samantha eat in the room?

Samantha like in the pizza room

33.How many copies Ian make?

Ian pulls out 75 copies of Samantha's song

34.Does Samantha sing in the concert?

Samantha if she sings at the concert

35.What is the song?
The song that she composed

36.Does Ian wear a suit in the concert?

No Ian is in normal clothes in the concert

37.Is Samantha happy there?

If Samantha is very happy with Ian and for having sung

38.What is the gift that Ian gives to Samantha?

Ian gives Samantha a bracelet

39.What does Ian say to Samantha before the accident?

Ian tells Samantha that thanks to her he learned to see the world
differently and with her he knew true love
40.What is your opinion about this movie?
The movie itself is very good because it helps us to see the meaning of
life that we just enjoy with the people we love as if it were the last day
of our lives.

41.Write 5 conclusions about the movie.

1. What is a history of love very entertaining.

2. The protagonists are very good with their characters.

3. The film helps us to understand that life has to be valued.

4. The protagonists do not teach the truthful sense of life.

5. That the drama that the actors project out of despair is very authentic.

42. Write 5 recommendations about the movie.

1. Create a more realistic environment in some scenes

2. Increase the dialogue with more characters in the movie

3. Increase the intrgas of the scenes a little more.
4. Create a more extensive drama environment.

5. Have more spontaneous scenes.

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