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Medieval Ages

Dan Vanderveen, Dale Stark and Jeanie Gaston

1. What are the significant leisure beliefs, values and attitudes as reflected in the art (includes
sculpture, photography, architecture, gardens, parks, painting, etc.), music, literature (prose,
poetry, recorded dialogs, etc.) and dance of your time period? (12 pts)

Overall art was seen as another way to show devotion to the church. During the dark ages,
there was no single government unifying the people, instead prominent leaders like kings and
queens derived their power from alliances with the Church. People who disagreed with the
church’s teachings they could be physically punished or even killed. Painters strived for realism,
depicting biblical scenes in mostly muted, dull colors. Architecture in cathedrals became a form
of art, with extravagant stained glass windows. Traveling was mostly done solely to visit shrines,
such as Canterbury Cathedral.

Literature: The Medieval Era saw a rebirth of written texts, specifically in the Dark Ages. Until
then, most stories and poems were passed down by mouth and song. Once the time of the
Christians came in the Dark Ages, monks began hand-copying what texts they had onto vellum
made from the calf’s skin and parchment made from lambskin. Stories were heavily religiously
based, as well as epic tales of past triumphant kings. Stories of courtly love were incredibly
popular as well. Due to high illiteracy rates among most people, most of the Medieval literature
was exclusively for monks and those in the upper class.

Art: The art of the Medieval ages was at first created mainly by monks. Using muted colors and
a heavy religious influence, the monks created paintings that told the story of a significant event.
Sculptures and stained glasses mosaics were also heavily produced. The practice of decorating
texts and tomes with gold and jewels was also popular among monks. As materials became
more accessible towards the middle and end of the Medieval Ages, great works of art began
being created by middle class artists. With the greater number of artists came new perspectives
and influences. The Medieval Ages saw many advances in artistic style because of this.

Music: The music of the Medieval Ages laid the foundation for the rise of Classical music by
introducing music notation. Music was classified as “Secular” and “Religious”. Medieval secular
music consisted of songs sang and played by traveling musicians. These musicians used a
variety of instruments, ranging from flutes, mandolins and bagpipes. The song’s themes
consisted of love/romance and brave, victorious knights. Many of the songs sang by these
“Troubadours” (travelling musicians) would be copied down by hand and recorded in the
literature of the Middle Ages. Religious music was sang/chanted by monks without musical

Dance: Accounts of dancing in the Medieval Ages are limited and found mainly in works of art
created in the era. Dancing in the Medieval Ages was nearly completely scripted, set to specific
patterns and movements. Secular folk music was danced to exclusively; religious music was
very solemn. Dancing was mainly done in courts, weddings and festivals. Dancers would rarely
touch, but remain close to one another throughout the dance.

2. Who were the Significant People of art, music, literature and dance in your time period and
What were their primary or most notable works? (12 pts.)

Donatello - 1386-1466
Most well known for the Statue of David and St. George
Robin Hood - Major person of literature, story and Legend
Vlad Dracula - 1431-1476
A real person, not something only of books and movies. He had over 40000 people
impaled in just 2 years while he lived in Transylvania
Bram Stoker wrote about Dracula as a person with a “thirst for blood”
Leif Ericson - 970-1020
Generally the person who is credited for finding North America (500 years before
William the Conqueror - 1028-1087
Lead the Battle of Hastings
Eleanor of Aquitane - 1122-1204
Mother of Richard the Lionheart and King John
Richard the Lionheart - 1157-1195
Became King of England
Leonardo DaVinci - 1452-1519
Lived between Middle Ages and Renaissance period
Geoffrey Chaucer- 1343-1400
Widely revered as the the greatest english poet of the middle ages
-Wrote the Canterbury tales

3. What was the contribution/significance/impact of their work and how did it Reflect or effect
leisure beliefs, values, policies, and social movements during this time period? (8 pts.)

During the time of most of these famous people, it was mostly war filled. While reading
about these people and famous figures, there were always military struggles and conflict. It was
a great time of spreading and conquering as much land as you could have. There was never
enough land for one person to own. With people always fighting and going under new rule, there
also came reform. New languages were adopted as their official language, new religions were
Writers usually had to be backed by the church to publish their writings, the lack of non-
religious writings influenced people's beliefs in christianity (Manuscripts). Ch
4. Provide an outline of your workshop. Include the content to be covered in the workshop,
timeframe, roles/responsibilities of each group member, and how you will engage the class in
your workshop. (5 pts.)

● Introduction/Overview (10mins)
-We will give a brief overview of famous people, arts, literature and music of Medieval
❖ Jeanie: Introduction on shift from the fall of the Roman empire to the dark
ages, and lifestyles during the time, also discusses art in the time.
❖ Dan- Music/literature/dance in the time
❖ Dale- Famous People in the time

● Folk Music and Dance (10mins)

○ 2 dances danced at Court
-Participants will be led through a traditional Medieval song and dance

● Reading and Re-Enactment from Robin Hood (20mins)

-Participants will each be assigned roles in the reenactment
❖ Jeanie introduces the role of plays and who Robin Hood was
➢ It’s thought that Robin Hood was a commoner who lived mainly in
the sherwood forest with his crew, stealing from the rich to give to
the poor. Forms of leisure included writing and singing ballads
about the adventures of Robin (Wright).

● Conclusion/Debrief (5mins)

5. Cite and list all the sources for all the resources, literature, etc. that were used to develop
your Research Summary and Workshop. (5 pts.)

“Famous Medieval People.” Famous Medieval People,


“Robin Hood.” Robin Hood, Jan. 2017,


Disney, Walt. Robin Hood. Film script. 1973.,_full_size.PDF

Wright, Allen. “Robin Hood- Bold outlaw”. 1997.

“Dracula.” Dracula, Jan. 2017,

“Donatello.” Donatello, Feb. 2017,

“Medieval Life” 2000

“Medieval Music” Sept. 2001

“Medieval Life and Times” Siteseen Ltd. Jan. 2017

Manuscripts. 2014.

6. Submit your research summary via EduCat on the Assignment page as a document by the
assigned deadline. Your Research Summaries can be submitted in the form of papers,
mind/concept maps, PPT.docx, Prezi, webpage links, or other method of communicating your
summary. Include the full names of all students in your group (3 pts.)

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