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Appendix I A

SPE ~omenclature
and Units*

Standard letter symbols for reservoir engineering Gas volume

and electric logging have been defined by the AIME cubic foot) measured at 1 atmosphere
(Society of Petroleum Engineers). Some non- cubic metre) and 60°F
standard terms, subscripts and nomenclature are still MCF = thousands of cubic feet
in use and may be encountered. MMCF = millions of cubic feet
No effective standardization or metrication of (The billion is the American billion = lo9;
units has yet occurred, and the industry uses the trillion is the American trillion = 1012.)
American mixed units to a large extent, although
some metric units mixed with American still may be Pressure
encountered. A n application of the SI metric system pounds force per square in (psi)
is found in the Journal of Petroleum Engineerinng atmosphere
(1985) in the issues for August (p. 1415) and October bar
degrees Fahrenheit "F
degrees Rankine O R = 460 "F
degrees Kelvin K
acre-foot for large volumes Length
barrel pipelines - miles, feet, kilometres
cubic ft well depths - feet or metres
cubic metre Diameters
tubular diameters generally inches or centimetres
Liquid volume feetimetres
barrel = 5.615 cubic ft
cubic metre = (35.31) ft3 Viscosity
(Unless otherwise specified, an oil volume will be centipoise
tank oil measured at 1 atmosphere and 60°F.)
lb mass per cubic foot
* Reprinted from Journal of Petroleum Technology, 1984, kg mass per cubic metre
pp. 2278-2323 by permission. SPE-AIME, 1984. g per cubic centimetre

Specific gravity Oil densities

liquids relative to water (62.4 Ibift') API gravity
gases relative to air (0.0765 1b/ft3)
AYI scale for tank oil

Gas-uil ratio
standard cubic feet of gas per stock t a l k barrel of oil SG = specific gravity of water = 1.0
cubic metrcs of gas (s.c.) per cubic metre tank oil
Recornnlendatiorl for rnetricatiorl and appropriate
Flow rate conver~ionCactnrs for units are glven:
liquids - barrel per day (bid)
cubic metre? per day (m'id)
gases - qtandard cubic I t per day SCFid, MCFid
cubic lnctres per clay (mild) MSCFDid

Recommended units: conversions

Quantity S I unit Industry SPEpreferred Conversion
unit unit factor
(industry -;preferred)
Length m mile km 1.609344
metre m 1.O
foot m 0.3048
inch mm 25.4
Area m2 sq. mile km2 2.589988
acre km2 4.046873 x 1o3
sq. ft m2 0.0920304
sq. inch mm2 6.4516 x 1o2
Volume m3 m3 m3 1.O
acre foot m3 1.233482 x 1o3
barrel r13 1.589873 x 10-'
ft3 m3 2.831685 x 1 0 . ~
US gallon m3 3.785412 x 1
Capacityilength m3/m barrelslit m3/m 5.2161 19 x 10.'
it3/ft m3/m 9.02903404 x 1o - ~
US gall.ift m3/m 1.241933 x 1 0 . ~
Mass kg Ib mass kg 4.535924 x lo-'
short ton Mg 0.9071847
Temperature gradient Kim O ~ /t f Kim 1.822689
Pressure Pa atmosphere kPa 1.013250 x 1o2
bar kPa 1 . 0 l~o 2
kgfisq. cm kPa 9.806650 x 10'
Ibfisq. in. kPa 6.894757
dynelsq. cm Pa 1 x 10"
Pressure gradient Palm lbfisq. in./ft kPa/m 2.262059 x 10'
Density kgim3 Ibm/ft3 kg/m3 1.601846 x lo-'
Ibm/US gall. kgim3 1.198264~10'
Volume rate m3is bld m3/d 1.589873 x 10.'
US gall.imin m3/hr 0.2271247
Viscosity Pa.s cP Pa. s I.O 1o - ~
Permeability m2 Darcy pm2 9.869233 x 10.'
rnilliDarcy ~ m * 9.869233 x 1o - ~

SPE SYMBOLS STANDARD original standards were published in 1956 following

five years of intensive development. Additions
Preface resulted from requests from members and from
Objectives editorial reviews of the numerous papers submitted
to SPE for publication.
The primary objectives of the 1984 Symbols Stan-
dards are to combine prior standards and supple- Principles of symbols selection
ments into one publication so as to provide (1)
consistency of usage and maximum ease of under- Once the original reservoir Symbols Standard was
standing of mathematical equations for the readers established in 1956, the pAnciples employed in the
of technical papers, and (2) to codify symbols lists, selection of additional symbols have been as follows:
rules and guides for the writers of technical papers. A . (1) Use single letters only for the main letter
symbols. This is the universal practice of the
Structure of lists American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
The 1984 Symbol Standards are a consolidation of the International Organization for Standardiza-
the 1956 Standard and all later supplements. Some tion (ISO) and the International Union of Pure
of the cross-grouping and obsolete quantities have and Applied Physics (IUPAP) in more than 20
been eliminated. The complete symbols list is given formal Standards adopted by them for letter
in four different forms as follows: symbols employed in mathematical equations.
(2) Make available single and multiple sub-
A . Symbols alphabetized by physical quantity, scripts to the main letter symbols to the extent
B. Subscripts alphabetized by physical quantity, necessary for clarity.
Multiple letters such as abbreviations are
C. Symbols alphabetized by symbols, prohibited for use as the main symbol (kernel)
D . Subscripts alphabetized by symbols. for a quantity. A few exceptions are some
traditional mathematical symbols such as log, In
The names or labels for the quantities are for and lim. Thus quantities that are sometimes
identification only and are not intended as defini- represented by abbreviations in textual mate-
tions. Defining equations are given in a few cases rial, tables or graphs are required in the SPE
where further identifications may be needed. For the Symbols Standards to have single-letter kernels.
present, the specification of units and conditions of Examples are: gas-oil ratio (GOR), bottom-
measurement is left to the user. hole pressure (BHP), spontaneous potential
For convenience in dimensional checking of equa- (SP), static SP (SSP), which, respectively, have
tions, a column has been included giving the
dimensions of each quantity in terms of mass, - -
the following SPE Standard symbols: R,pbh,
~ S P ~, S S P .
length, time. temperature and electrical charge (m, B. Adopt the letter symbols of original or prior
L, t, T, q). The term various also appears in this author usage, where not in conflict with princi-
column for several symbols. This terminology per- ples C and D below.
mits maximum flexibility for quantities that may C. Adopt letter symbols consistent or parallel with
require different dimensions in different problems. the existing SPE Standard. minimizing conflicts
Examples are symbols: (1) m for slope of a line (two with that Standard.
variables of any dimensions can be related); (2) C D. Where pertinent, adopt the symbols already
for concentration (dimensions might be mi^^, standardized by such authorities as ANSI, ISO,
dimensionless or other); (3) F (factor) when it or IUPAP (see A); minimize conflicts with
represents ratio (dimensions might be ~ ~ l m m, , these Standards.
dimensionless or other). This flexibility in dimen- E . Limit the list principally to basic quantities,
sions permits desirable shortening of the symbols avoiding symbols and subscripts for combina-
list. tions, reciprocals, special conditions, etc.
F. Use initial letters of materials. phase. processes,
Additional standard symbols etc., for symbols and subscripts, as being
The extraordinary growth in all phases of petroleum suggestive and easily remembered.
and computer technology has necessitated the adop- G . Choose symbols that can be readily handwrit-
tion of additional standard symbols, since the ten, typed, and printed.

Principles of letter symbol standardization nelit part of a complex mathematical f o r n ~ ~ ~ l a

A. Requirements for Pl~blishedQuantity. - for example, as an exponent of a given
Each published letter syrnbol should be: basc. Instead, one may introduce locally, a
1. Stundard, where possible. In the use of single non-conflicting letter to stand for such
pirblishcd symbols, authors of technical a complicated component. An explanatory
works (including textbooks) are urged to definition should then appear in the immedi-
adopt the symbols in this and other current ate context.
standard lists and to conform to the princi- B. Secondary symbols. Subscripts and superscripts
ples stated here. An author should give a are widely used and for a variety of convcntion-
table of the symbols used ancl their respec- al purposcs. For exalnplc, a subscript may
tive interpretations, or else refer to a stan- indicate: (I ) the place of a term in a sequence or
dard list as a source for symbols used but not matrix; (2) a designated state, point, part, 01-
explained. For work in a specialized or tirnc, or systern of units; (3) the constancy of
developing field, an author may need syni- one independent physical quantity among
bols in addition to those already contained in others on which a given quantity depends for its
standard lists. In such a case the author value; (4) a variable with respect to which the
should be careful to select simple suggestive givcn quantity is a derivative. Like~/isc.for
sylnbols that avoid conflict in the given field example, a superscript may indicate: ( I ) the
and in other closely related special fields. exponent for a power, (2) a distinguishing label,
Except in this situation, the author should (3) a unit, or (4) a tensor index. The intended
not introduce new syrnbols or depart from sense must be clear i n each case. Several
currently accepted notation. subscripts or superscripts sometimes separated
2. Clear in reference. One should not assign to a by colllnias may be attached to a single lettcr. A
given symbol different meanings in such a symbol with a superscript such as pl-ime (') or
manner as to make its interpretation in a second ("), or a tensor index, shoi~ldbe e11-
given context anlbiguous. Conflicts must be closed in parentheses, braces or brackets before
avoided. Often a listed alternative symbol or an exponent is attached. So far as logical clarity
a modifying subscript is available and should permits, one should avoid attaching subscripts
he adopted. Except in brief reports, any and superscripts to subscripts and superscripts.
symbol not familiar to the reading public Abbreviations. themselves standarclized, may
should have its meaning defined in the tcxt. appear among subscripts. A conventional sign,
The units should be indicated whenever or abbreviation. indicating the adopted unit
necessary. rnay be attached to a letter syrnbol, or corres-
3. Easily ident@~d. Because of the many ~mndingnu~ncral. Reference marks, such as
numerals, letters and signs that are similar in n~lnlbersin distinctive type, rnay be attached to
appearance, a writer should be careful in words and abbreviations. hut not to letter
calling for separate symbols that in published symbols.
form might be confuscd by the reader. For
C. Multiple subscript-position order. The wide
example. many lettcrs in the Greek alphabet
variety ancl complexity of suhject matter co-
(lower case and capital) are practically indis-
vered in the petroleum literature nlakc it
tinguishable from English letters; the zero is
impossible to avoid use of multiple subscripts
easily mistaken for a capital 0.
with many syrnbols. To make such usage less
4. Econonzicul in publicatiorz. One should try to
confusing, the following guidcs were employed
keep at a minimum the cost of publishing
for the order of appearance o f the indiviclual
symbols. I11 particular: (1) Notations which
letters in multiple subscripts in the syrnlx)ls list.
call for handsetting of movable type should
Use of the same rules is reconirnendcd when it
be rejected in favour o f forms adapted to
becomes necessary t o establish a multiple sub-
inodcrn mechanical methods of composition.
(2) No one work should use a great variety o f script notation that has not ~ C C I Iincluded in this
types and special characters. (3) Handwrit-
ing of inserted symbols, in copy largely 1. When the subscript r for 'relative' is used, it
typewritten and to be reproduced in facsi- should appear first in subscdpt order. Ex-
mile, should not be excessive. (4) Often :I amples: K,,,; K,,.
complicated expressioll appears as a cornpo- 2. When the sulxcript i for 'injection' or

'injected' or 'irreducible' is used, it should few distinct letters used from other alphabets, if
appear first in subscript order (but after r for carefully made, should be self-explanatory. It is
'relative'). Examples: Big, formation important to select a type face that has italic
volume factor of injected gas; c,, compress- forms, and clearly distinguished upper case,
ibility of injected gas. lower case and small capitals. Only type faces
3. Except for Cases 1 and 2 above (and with serifs are recommended.
symbols Kh and L,), phase, composition and E. Remarks. Quantity symbols may be used in
system subscripts should generally appear mathematical expressions in any way consistent
first in subscript order. Examples: B,,, with good mathematic51 usage. The product of
initial or original gas formation volume two quantities is indicated by writing ab. The
factor; B,,, initial or original oil formation quotient may be indicated by writing
volume factor; Co2,, initial or original ox-
ygen concentration; B,,, initial or original a
total system formation volume factor; P s ~ ,
-. alb or ab-I
density of solid particles making up ex-
perimental pack; also F a , GLp,G,, GFI. If more than one solidus is used in any
4. Abbreviation subscripts (such as 'ext , 'lim', algebraic term, parentheses must be inserted to
'max', 'min'), when applied to a symbol remove any ambiguity. Thus: one may write
already subscripted, should appear last in (a/b)lc,or albc, but not alblc.
subscript order and require that the basic
symbol and its initial subscript(s) be first F. Special notes. Observe the following:
enclosed in parentheses. Examples: (i,), 1. When the mobilities involved are on oppo-
(Shr)mln. site sides of an interface, the mobility ratio
5. Except for Case 4 above. numerical sub- will be defined as the ratio of the displacing
scripts should appear last in subscript order. phase mobility to the displaced phase mobil-
Examples: qoD3, dimensionless oil produc- ity, or the ratio of the upstream mobility to
tion rate during time period 3; p ~ 2reservoir
, the downstream mobility.
pressure at time 2; (iUl),,,, maximum air 2. Abbreviated chemical formulas are used as
injection rate during time period 1. subscripts for paraffin hydrocarbons: C1 for
6. Except for Cases 4 and 5 above, subscript D methane, C2 for ethane, Cg for propane . . .
for 'dimensionless' should usually appear Cn for CnH2n+2.
last in subscript order. Examples: p , ~ q; , ~ ; 3. Complete chemical formulas are used as
(qoD3)max subscripts for other materials: C 0 2 for
7. E x c e ~ tfor Cases 4. 5 and 6 above, the carbon dioxide, C O for carbon monoxide.
folloking subscripts should usually appear O2 for oxygen, N2 for nitrogen. etc.
last in subscript order: regions such as bank, 4. The letter R is retained for electrical resistiv-
burned. depleted, front, swept, unburned ity in well logging usage. The symbol p is to
(b, b, d, f,s, u); separation, differential and be used in all other cases and is that
flash (d, fl; individual component identifica- preferred by ASA.
tion (i orQl other). Examples: EDb;Rsf,npf 5. The letter C is retained for conductivity in
D. Typography. Letter symbols for physical quan- well logging usage. The symbol a is to be
tities, and other subscripts and superscripts, used in all other cases and is that preferred
whether upper case. lower case. or in small by ASA.
capitals, when appearing as light-face letters of 6. Dimensions: L = length, m = mass, q =
the English alphabet, are printed in italic electrical charge, t = time, and T = temper-
(sloping) type. Arabic numerals, and letters or ature.
other alphabets used in mathematical express- 7. Dimensionless numbers are criteria for
ions, are normally printed in vertical type. geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarity
When a special alphabet is required. boldface between two systems. They are derived by
type is to be preferred to German, Gothic, or one of three procedures used in methods of
script type. In material to be reproduced in similarity: integral, differentiaI, or dimen-
facsimile, from copy largely typewritten. letters sional. Examples of dimensionless numbers
that would be boldface in print may be indicated are Reynolds number (NRe) and Prandtl
to be such by special underscoring, while the number (Np,). For a discussion of methods

of similarity and dinlensionless numbcrs, sce abbreviation. All three character positions
"Methods of Similarity", by R.B. Schilson, must be employeci.
J. Pet. Tech. (August, 1964) 877. Fixed characters are utilized in this part of
8. The quantity x can be modified to indicate
- the notation when hcat quantities, indcxcs
an average or mean value by an overbar, x. and exponents are being assigned computer
symbols. When a heat quantity is dcnotetl,
Principles of computer symbol H appears in the first character positio~i,as
standardization exc~nplifiedby thermal conductivity HCN.
A. Symbol Structure. The computer symbols are Indexes such as resistivity index are denoted
structured ti-om four possible parts rcprcscllting by X in the third character position. Expo-
rcspectivcly arith~nctic mode, mathematical nents are characterized by XP in the second
operators, basic cluantitics and subscripts, ex- and thil-d positions, such as porosity expo-
clusive of time and space designations. Each of nent MXP.
these parts has a dcfincd number of characters 4. The fourth part of the notation (subscript
and, when ail are used in a single symbol, the field) is sect to represent the subscripts of
total length may he ten characters. Example the inatheinatical letter symbol and normal-
ten-character notations are: ly consists of one of the three character
positions. Computer symbol subscripts are
XDELPRSTQQ, XDELC'MPPRD nornlally designated by using thc mathema-
When any of the four parts are not uscd, the tical letter subscripts of the SPE Syrnbols
remaining characters are to be right- or left- Standard.
justified to form a string of characters without Though usually not rccluired. more char-
blank positions. acters may be used when necessary for
In practice. the combined notatiolis will not designation of multiple mathematical lcttcr
usually cxceed six characters. In those cases subscripts. For example, dilncnsionless
where the complete colnpuier symhol does average I-eservoir pressure would be de-
cxceecl six characters, and the computer lan- noted by PRSAVQ.
guage being used will not allow more than six, a The computer subscript designation is
shortened notation must be employed. The part placed irn~ncdiately to the right of the
of the notation representing the Insic mathcma- quantity symbol ficld with no intervening
tical quantity (letter) symbol should be retained space.
and the other parts of the notation shortcncd. Dimensionless numbers al-c denoted by Q
Shortened symbols are no longer standard, and in thc last required subscript position. Aver-
therefore must be defined in the text or appen- age, maximum. minimum, extrapolated or
dix as is appropriate. limiting valucs of a quantity are denoted
respectively by AV, MX, MN, XT, of LM in
1. The first part of tllc notation consists of one the first two subscript positions; additional
character position to define the arithmetic subscripting occurs immediately to the right
inode of the complete computer symbol. It of thcsc defined notations. Other than in
is suggested that X be uscd for floating point these cases, the order of subscripting should
variables and I for integers. This notation follow the rules given in the 'Multiple
position should be used only if absolutely Subscripts - Position Order'.
necessary, the preferred approach being the 5. No binding rule is made for the notation of
use of a declaration within the program. space and time subscripts, sincc the method
2. The second part of the notation (operator of subscripting is oftcn dictated by the
field) consists of three characters and is ~ ~ s e d characteristics of a particular computer.
for mathematical operators. The notation However, the vital importance of these
should suggest the operation. subscripts makes it necessary to establish a
3. The third part of thc notation (clu~tntity standard and require an author to define
symbol ficld) consisting of threc charactcrs, any deviations. The system outlined below
is uscd to represent the basic inathematical should be used when the subscripts are not
quantity (letter) symbol. Thc three letter implied by an array location or an index
notation rn~lcn~onically denotes the quantity specified by the program logic.
name as closely as possible. This part of the The following sketch indicates the coor-
computer notation is thus of the naturc of ~un dinate system used to denote special posi-

tion in multi-dimensional arrays. measure. Authors are urged to familiarize them-

I (I = 1,2,3,. . . , NX) selves with the SI System of units and use them as
much as practical. The choice of units (Trans.
AIME 263 (1977) 1685) and their designation is,
however, left to the author.
C. Restriction to computer programs. Use of the
computer symbols is restricted to the description
of programming for computers. As a consequ-
ence, the computer symbols must not be used in
works of portions of papers where programming
This convention was adopted so that the is not discussed or as abbreviations in text or
page position of printed output obtained in graphical material.
a normal I. J, K sequence would correspond D. Character set. The computer symbols must be
to position as viewed on maps as normally constructed from the 26 English letters and 10
used in petroleum engineering. Similarly, I. Arabic numerical characters. Each complete
K or J , K sequences would correspond to computer symbol must begin with a letter and
cross-sections as normally used. not a numeral.
The space and time subscripts are con- The computer symbols are always represented
structed by placing a letter code (I. J, K, T) by vertical type in printed text. English capital
before the following symbols: letters and Arabic numerals are used in hand or
typewritten material.
Machine E. Nonstandard symbols. The rules for establishing
Symbol Definition the computer symbols contained in this standard
P2 present location plus 2 are such that quantities not covered can, in most
P3H present location plus 312 instances, be given a notation that is compatible
P1 present location plus 1 with it. Such additional computer symbols are,
P1H present location plus 112 by definition, nonstandard.
M1H present location minus 112 Duplication of computer symbols for quanti-
MI present location minus 1 ties that can occur simultaneously in an equation
M3H present location minus 312
M2 present location minus 2 or computer program must be avoided. Elimina-
tion of a duplication may lead to a computer
Hence, the subscript for the present time t symbol that is at variance with the standard; i.e.,
would be T , and that for subscript t-2 would be a notation that is nonstandard.
TM2. When nonstandard computer symbols occur in
If an array contains information correspond- a technical work, they should be clearly defined
ing to points halfway between the normally in the text or appendix, as is appropriate, and in
indexed points, then the convention is to shift the program.
the plus-direction elements to the node being F. Special notes. No computer symbols have been
indexed. defined here for numerical quantities, functions,
In the following example, the permeability and arithmetic, relational, or logical operators.
at the i-l/2 point would be referenced as When employed in programs, their usage should
PRMIPlH(1 - I), and that for the i+l/2 point be fully explained by comments in the program
would be referenced as PRMIPlH(1). See text. Some of these special cases are noted
sketch below. below:
1. No computer symbols to designate common
or natural logarithms have been estab-
lished. Rather, these functions should be
designated by the notations compatible with
the computer system being employed. The
B. Units. Each complete computer symbol repre-
sents a mathematical letter symbol and its associ- notation used should be defined in the
ated subscripts. The mathematical letter symbol
2. The computer symbol for dimensionless
in turn designates a physical quantity. Neither
numbers in general (unnamed dimension-
the complete computer symbol nor the mathema-
less numbers) is NUMQ. Named dimen-
tical letter symbol implies any specific units of

sionless numbers have the mnemonic title designation in Computer Symbols Subscript
designation in the field representing the List. (Only changes in the basic subscripts
quantity and a Q in the last subscript are shown. Combination subscripts that
position employed. Thus, Reynolds number contain these items are also changed accor-
is designated as REYQ. Similarly, Prandtl dingly .)
number could be designated as PRDQ, 2. Quantities represented by single symbol in
Grashof number as GRSQ, Graetz number SPE Letter Symbols Standard but by
as GRTQ. Any dimensionless ilirmber not symbol-subscript combination in Computer
contained in this standard should be defined Sy~nbolsList.
in the paper.
3. No computer subscript notations corres-
ponding to these mathematical letter sub-
scripts are established. See section G. SPE letter Quantity
4. No mathematical letter subscripts corres- symbol title
pond to these computer subscripts. See total inital gas in
section G . place in reservoir
MOLL moles of licli~idphase
6. Permissible format changes. 111 prcparing the NUMQ climensionless number
computer symbols it becail~cnecessary to modify in gcocral
the format of certain of the basic letter symbols, OlLTl initial oil in place
subscripts or symbol-subscript combinations. in reservoir
These changes are in accord with the Gencral VELV volumetric vclocity
(flow rate or flux,
Principles of Computer Symbol Standardization. per unit area)
They do not imply that changes in the form of the MOLV moles of vapour phase
economics, well logging and formation evalua- WTRTl initial water in place
tion, reservoir engineering, or natural gas en- in reservoir
gineering letter symbols as contained elsewhere MFRL mole fraction of
in this SPE Standard are authorized. Rather component in liq uicl
these changes are shown as a matter of record to phase
prevent confusion and to prescnt examples of MFRV molc fraction o f
permissible format changes in the computcr component in vapour
symbols that may be followed when it bccomes phase
MFRM mole fraction of
iecessary to construct a computer notation not component in
included in the list. mixturc
1. Basic symbolic subscripts of SPE Lettcr
Symbols Standard represented by different
3. Quantities represented by symbol-subscript
SPE letter Computer combination in SPE Letter Symbol\ Stan-
subscript s.ynibol Subscript title dard but by a Conlputer Sy~nbolNotation
CP capillary only.
Q dime~~sionless quantity
QM dimensionless quantity
at condilion m
6 EX experiment SPE letter
ext XT cxtrapolated symbol-
F FU fuel subscript Computer
lirn LM limiting value co~nbi~lation syn~bol Quantity title
m FU fucl (mass ol)
rnux MX maximunl kh HCN thermal conductiv~ty
MN minimum
P PAV Incan or average
pressure 4. Symbol-subscript combinations of SPE Let-
PRD pseudo-reduced ter Symbols Standard represented by Com-
RD reduccd
puter Symbol-Subscript Notation wherein
TQ din~ensionlesstimc
subscript notations are not the same.

place of the full name of a quantity, unit, o r other

SPE letter
symbol- entity. Abbreviations are not acceptable in mathe-
subscript Computer Quantity matical equations. SPE provides a list of prefer-
combination symbol title red abbreviations in its 'Style Guide' for authors.
GL N G LT l initial condensate B. Computer Symbols - (for use in computer prog-
liquids in place rams) - a computer symbol is a letter or group of
in reservoir letters and numerals used to represent a specific
G~~ N G LP cumulative condensate physical or mathematic~lquantity in the writing
liquids produced and execution of computer programs. One com-
fie REYQ Reynolds number puter symbol may be employed to represent a
number) group of quantities, properly defined. Computer
symbols are not acceptable as substitutes for letter
RTW GWRS gas solubility in water
symbols in the required mathematical ( e ~ u a t i o n -
al) developmentsAleadingup to comp;te'r prog-
5. subscripts of SPE Letter Symbols Standard rams. At the present time, all SPE computer
not assigned Computer Subscript Notations symbols employ capital letters and numerals.
as a result of actions noted in 4. C. Dimensions - dimensions identifv the vhvsical L ,

nature of or the general components making up a

specific physical quantity; SPE employs the five
SPE letter basic dimensions of mass, length, time, tempera-
subscript Subscript title ture, and electrical charge (m, L, t. T , q)."
L~ liquid produced, cumulative D. Letter symbols - (for use in mathematical equa-
(usually with condensate, tions) - a letter symbol is a single letter, modified
GLP) when appropriate by one or more subscripts or
Re Reynolds (used with Reynolds superscripts, used to represent a specific physical
number only, ATRe)
or mathematical quantity in a mathematical
sw solution in water (usually with
gas solubility in water, R,,) equation. A single letter may be employed to
represent a group of quantities, properly de-
fined. The same letter symbol should be used
6. Letter operator-symbol combination of consistently for the same generic quantity, or
SPE Letter Symbols Standard represented special values, being indicated by subscripts or
by Computer Symbol Notation only. superscripts.
E. Reserve symbols - a reserve symbol is a single
SPE letter Computer letter, modified when appropriate by one or
symbol symbol quantity Title more subscripts or superscripts, which can be
used as an alternate when two quantities (occur-
t TA C interval transit time ring in some specialized works) have the same
standard letter symbol. These conflicts may
Distinctions between, and descriptions of, result f r o q use of standard SPE symbols or
abbreviations, computer symbols, dimensions, subscript designations that are the same for two
letter symbols, reserve symbols, unit different quantities, or use of SPE symbols that
abbreviations and units conflict with firmly established, commonlv used
Confusion often arises as to the proper distinctions notations and signs from the fields of maihema-
tics, physics, and chemistry.
between abbreviations, computer symbols, dimen-
To avoid conflicting designations in these
sions, letter symbols, reserve symbols, unit abbre-
viations and units used in science and engineering. cases, use of reserve symbols, reserve subscripts,
The Society of Petroleum Engineers has adhered to and reserve symbol-reserve subscript combina-
tions is permitted, but only in of Jymbols
the following descriptions:
conflict. Author preference for the reserve svm-
A. Abbreviations - (for use in textual matter, tables, bols and subscripis does not justify their use. '
figures, and oral discussions) - an abbreviation is In making the choice as to which of two
a letter or group of letters that may be used in quantities should be given a reserve designation,
* Electrical charge is current times time, I S 0 uses: Mass (M), Length (L), Time (T), Temperature ( 0 ) , Electric current (I), Amount of
substance (N) and Luminous intensity (J).
an attempt should be made to retain the standard (fSO) and many other national and international
SPE symbol for the quantity appearing more bodies concerned with standardization empha-
frequently in the paper; otherwise, the standard size the special character of these designations
SPE symbol should be retained for the more and rigidly prescribe the manner in which the
basic item (temperature, pressure, porosity, per- unit abbreviations shall be developed and
meability, etc.). treated.
Once a resel-ve designation for a quantity is G. Units - units express the system of measurement
employed, it must be used consistently through- used to quantify a specific physical quantity. In
out a paper. Use of an unsubscripted reserve SPE usage, units havc 'abbrcviations' but do not
symbol for a quantity requires use of the satne have 'letter symbols'. Up to this time, SPE has
reserve symbol designation when subscripting is not standardized a general systc~iiof units, nor
rccluired. Reversion to the standard SPE symbol units for irldiviclual quantities; it has signified
or subscript is not permitted within a paper. For willingness, however, to join in a future natiol~al
larger works, such as books, consistency within a . effort to convert from the English to a metric
chapter or section must be maintained. system of units.
The symbol nomenclature, which is a required SPE's practices showing the above distinctions
part of each work, must contain each reserve are illustrated in the table of example quantities.
notation that is used together with its definition. Authors can materially aid themselves, editors,
F. Unit Abbreviations - a unit abbreviation is a and readers by keeping the distinctions in mind
letter or group of letters (for example, cm for when prcparing papers for SPE review. Manu-
centimeter), or in a few cases a special sign, that scripts submitted to SPE are subjcct to review on
may be used in place of the name of a unit. The these aspects before being accepted for publica-
International Organization for Standardization tion.
Letter Reserve
Abbrev. symbol symbol
for text, for used only in Computer
tables, mathe- case of symbol Unit
figures, matical symbols for Dimen- abbrev.
Quantity oral use equations conflict programs sions and units *
gas-oil ratio, producing GOR R none GOR none cu ft/BBL
gas-oil ratio, initial Rs; none GORSl none cu ft/BBL
solution, initial solution GOR
productivity index PI J J
PDX L4t/m bldlpsi
productivity index, SPI JS IS PDXS ~ ~ t / m b/d/psi/ft
* Examples only; SPE has not standardized units.
Contrasting symbol usage
petroleum production. These ASA symbol stan-
SPE and certain American Standards Association. dards are published by the Arncrican Society of
American National Standards Institute and Interna- Mechanical Engineers, United Engineering Center,
tional Organization for Standardization symbols lists 345 East 47th Strcct, New York, N Y 10017.
do not use the same letter synibols to represent The Society Board of Directors has approved the
identical quantities. The variations in notations SPE 1984 Symbols Standards, and recommends
result from the application of the SPE guidcs in them to the metnbership and to the industry. All
choosing symbols as detailed herein, the lack of authors must include Nomenclatures in any manu-
agreement between various ASA standards, the script submitted to SPE for publication.
ASA's policy of aliowing several sy~nbolsto repre-
sent the same quantity in any list and the large Acknowledgement
number of quantities assigned sylnbols by the SPE.
It is to be emphasized that the symbols contained in The work done in sorting and combining the various
the SPE list are standard for use in petroleum standard lists by Schlumberger Well Scrvices
engineering, but the symbols of other disciplines as Engineering personnel in Houston, Texas and
sanctioned by the American Standards Association Schlumberger-Doll Research Ccntcr personnel in
should be used when working outside the area of Ridgefield, Connecticut is gratefully acknowledged.

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