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SECTION TWO Applied Clinical Sciences

Alterations in Cervical
Muscle Function in Neck Pain

The combination of the number of muscles acting on the
cervical spine together with its capacity for multiple degrees
of freedom1 makes the cervical muscle system highly
redundant (Chapter 3). That is, specific forces may be
produced by several combinations of muscle actions.2 Given
the complexity of the cervical spine, it is not surprising that
neck pain induces a major reorganization of motor control
Many techniques, such as electromyography (EMG),
magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography, muscle
biopsy, laser Doppler flowmetry, and cervical dynamometry,
have been used to expose a diverse range of neuromuscular
adaptations in people with neck pain.3–9 Studies utilizing
experimental neck pain models have also shed light on the
mechanisms underlying these changes.10 Knowledge gained
from cervical spine muscle research has underpinned our
specific approach to the assessment and rehabilitation of
cervical muscle function. This research has extended to the
development of therapeutic exercise regimes (Chapter 14)
that have shown positive therapeutic benefits when tested in
clinical trials.11–15
This chapter reviews evidence which describes alterations
cervical and axioscapular muscle function associated with
neck pain, explores the physiological mechanisms underlying
these observations, and provides the foundation for the
therapeutic exercise approach described in Chapter 14.
42 Whiplash, Headache, and Neck Pain

Changes in muscle strength muscles may be affected by pain. This

and endurance has prompted research in recent years to
focus on the identification of more specific
Traditionally, clinical studies have focused neuromuscular changes in people with neck
on mechanical measures of muscle function pain. As a result, there has been an explosive
such as a change in cervical muscle strength growth in our knowledge of motor control
and endurance in people with neck pain changes in the presence of neck pain.
using dynamometry devices. Deficits in
isometric strength and endurance have Alterations in cervical
been consistently and variously documented motor control
in the cervical flexors,16, 17 craniocervical
flexors,9, 18 and cervical extensor muscles,19, 20 There is an emerging body of research
in association with neck disorders, inclusive demonstrating changes in the amplitude
of cervicogenic headache and neck pain of and timing of cervical muscle activation
both an insidious and traumatic onset. associated with neck disorders.
Furthermore deficits in craniocervical flexor
endurance have been observed over a range
Spatial characteristics of muscle
of contraction intensities (maximal voluntary
contraction (MVC), 50% and 20% MVC).9, 18
This is consistent with the finding that the EMG studies have demonstrated that neck
neck flexors have reduced neuromuscular pain is associated with an inhibition of the
efficiency, particularly at lower contraction deep cervical flexor muscles,7 longus colli
levels (25% MVC).21 Interestingly, neck pain and longus capitis, key postural muscles
sufferers also exhibit a poorer steadiness which support the cervical joints and
of contraction at low load (20% MVC)9 lordosis.23–28 Reduced activation of the deep
compared to controls and this may reflect cervical flexors muscles has been observed
other muscle fatigue manifestations such directly7 and indirectly5, 15, 29–34 when patients
as muscle tremor.22 These low-intensity with neck pain perform a clinical test of
contractile deficits of the cervical flexors craniocervical flexion (for further description
observed in neck pain sufferers may be of this test, see Chapter 12). The observed
detrimental to the stability of the cervical reduction in deep cervical flexor muscle
spine, particularly during prolonged rela- activation is concomitant with increased
tively static tasks commonly required in activation of the superficial muscles – the
many occupations. sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalenes,
While mechanical measures may indicate indicating a reorganization of the motor
changes in muscle performance which strategy to perform the task7 (Figure 4.1).
need to be addressed in the rehabilitation Consistent with this observation, additional
process, there are limitations. The immediate studies have demonstrated increased activity
relevance of reductions in strength may not of superficial cervical flexor muscles in
always be readily obvious in a person with people with neck pain during isometric
neck pain as maximum strength of the neck cervical flexion contractions21 and during
muscles is infrequently utilized in everyday tasks involving dynamic movement of the
function of the cervical spine. In addition, upper limb.35, 36 Similarly, greater co-
while mechanical measures may provide a activation of the superficial cervical flexor
good general overview of the function of and extensor muscles has been observed
uniplanar muscle groups, they are less able in people with chronic headache during
to provide indications of how individual isometric contractions37 and in office workers
Alterations in Cervical Muscle Function in Neck Pain 43




/ $6(0*

5 $6(0*

/ 60(0*

5 60(0*




/ $6(0*

5 $6(0*

/ 60(0*

5 60(0*


Figure 4.1 Reorganization of cervical flexor muscle activity during craniocervical flexion: representative raw electromyogram (EMG) data
are shown for a control subject and person with neck pain during a task of staged craniocervical flexion. Data are shown for the deep
cervical flexors (DCF) and left (L) and right (R) anterior scalene (AS) and sternocleidomastoid (SM) muscles. Note the incremental increase
in EMG activity for all muscles with increasing craniocervical flexion (recorded as an increase in pressure in a pressure sensor under the
cervical spine) but with lesser activity in the deep cervical flexors and greater activity in the superficial muscles for the neck pain patient.
EMG calibration, 0.5 mV. (Reprinted from Falla et al.7 with permission.)

with neck pain during a typing task38 which muscle activity was observed during a
may also increase compressive loading on prolonged computer task.40 Moreover,
the spine. This may indicate a measurable significantly higher amplitude ratios of
compensation for poor passive or active upper trapezius/cervical extensor activity
segmental support.39 was identified for the patients complaining
A reorganization of cervical extensor and of the most discomfort throughout the task.
axioscapular muscle activity has also been Altered axioscapular muscle function is a
observed in persons with neck pain. common clinical observation in people with
Increased activity was found in the cervical cervical spine pain; however, its prevalence
extensors of office workers with neck pain in and role in the etiology of cervical spine
a 5-minute typing task.38 However, reduced disorders are not yet clearly understood.
activation of the cervical extensor muscles Alterations in scapular kinematics and
concomitant with increased upper trapezius axioscapular muscle activity have certainly
44 Whiplash, Headache, and Neck Pain

been demonstrated in individuals with Temporal characteristics of muscle

primary shoulder girdle disorders such as
impingement syndromes.41–44 However,
axioscapular muscle function is yet to receive A change in the timing of the cervical
the same scientific attention in cervical muscles has also been observed in people
spine disorders as it has for specific shoulder with neck pain, providing further evidence
girdle conditions. Notwithstanding, obser- for a change in motor control of the cervical
vations of altered scapular orientation and spine. For example, when a perturbation to
motion, apparent impairment of axioscapular the spine occurs, such as during a rapid arm
muscle function, and axioscapular muscle movement, the cervical muscles are co-
tenderness are common clinical findings. activated in a feedforward manner in
Changes in upper trapezius muscle activity painfree individuals.6, 57–59 That is, onset of
have also been observed in patients with the neck muscles occur within 50 ms of the
neck pain of both traumatic45 and non- deltoid, indicating that the response is too
traumatic origin35, 46 during repetitive fast to be mediated by a reflex. Instead these
movement of the upper limb. It is feasible responses are preplanned by the nervous
that altered axioscapular muscle function system prior to the onset of movement. In
and consequential alterations in the length– contrast, when people with neck pain
tension relationships within the axioscapular perform a rapid arm movement, onset of
muscle group may jeopardize cervical spine both the deep and superficial cervical
stability. This is particularly so for muscles muscles is delayed.6 The delay in onset
with attachments to the cervical spine such of the neck muscles exceeds the criteria
as the levator scapulae and trapezius muscles for feedforward contraction during move-
that induce motion47 and mechanically ments, which indicates a significant deficit
load48 cervical motion segments, potentially in the automatic feedforward control of
demanding greater amplitude of synergistic the cervical spine (Figure 4.2). In view of
neck muscle activity to stabilize the head the function of the deep cervical muscles
and neck.49 It is likely that changes in (Chapter 3), this is consistent with a
axioscapular muscle coordination will compromise in the control of the cervical
abnormally load cervical spine structures as spine which may leave the cervical spine
well as create fatigue within the axioscapular vulnerable to further strain.6 Accordingly,
muscles, thus perpetuating the painful a cervical spine model has shown regions
condition. of local segmental instability when large
In addition to changes in muscle activation, superficial muscles of the neck are simulated
people with neck pain demonstrate reduced to produce movement in the absence of
ability to relax the anterior scalene and deep muscle activation.28 A further
sternocleidomastoid muscles following observation in people with neck pain is that
activation,17, 35 and this may indicate a deficit activation of the deep cervical flexor muscles
in the sensory system or a change in the adopts a direction-specific response which
descending drive to the motor neuron pool.50 is in contrast to that observed in healthy
Upper trapezius also shows decreased individuals.6 This indicates that the change
ability to relax between51 and following35, 46 is not simply a delay that could be explained
repetitive arm movements, has reduced by factors such as decreased motor neuron
muscle rest periods during repetitive tasks,52, 53 excitability, but instead is consistent with
and is generally susceptible to increased the change in the strategy used by the
activity during tasks involving mental central nervous system to control the
demand.54–56 cervical spine.
Alterations in Cervical Muscle Function in Neck Pain 45

Control Neck pain







100 ms

Figure 4.2 Delayed activation of the cervical flexor muscles during a perturbation: representative raw electromyogram (EMG) data are
shown for the anterior deltoid (AD), deep cervical flexors (DCF), left (L) and right (R) sternocleidomastoid (SM) and the anterior scalene
(AS) muscles for a control subject and person with neck pain during rapid upper-limb flexion. Line indicates onset of the anterior deltoid;
filled triangle denotes onset of neck muscle activation. Note the delayed activation of the neck muscles for the neck pain patient.
(Reprinted from Falla et al.6 with permission.)

In summary, a consistent finding in Peripheral adaptations

people with neck pain is impaired activation of the cervical muscles
(both temporal and spatial domains) of the
deep cervical muscles, concomitant with In addition to the concept that pain has a
augmented superficial muscle activity, differential effect on motor control of the
which often persists even following deep and superficial muscles of the cervical
completion of a movement or muscle spine, there is complementary evidence
contraction. This has been predominantly from the investigation of the peripheral
observed during tasks of low biomechanical properties of the cervical muscles in people
load.7, 31, 35, 40 However, it must also be noted with neck pain which supports this
that there is considerable variability in hypothesis.
the change of muscle activity between Muscle biopsies on ventral
individuals, as demonstrated by the large (sternocleidomastoid, omohyoid, and
standard deviation of EMG data often longus colli) and dorsal neck muscles (rectus
reported for people with neck pain.35 There capitis posterior major, obliquus capitis
is some evidence that this may be related to inferior, splenius capitis) in individuals with
the magnitude of pain and disability35, 36, 38 neck pain have demonstrated a significant
and thus the individual variability of increase in the proportion of type IIC fibers
presentation. It is also in accordance with with respect to control subjects; this increase
the notion of redundancy in the cervical is unrelated to the patient diagnosis or
muscle system. presence of neurological symptoms.60 The
46 Whiplash, Headache, and Neck Pain

observation of increased type IIC transitional chronic whiplash showed larger CSAs of
fibers is consistent with a transformation of multifidus and variable reductions in the
slow-twitch oxidative type I fibers to fast- CSAs in semispinalis cervicis and capitis.
twitch glycolytic type IIB fibers. This would The CSAs mirrored the degree of fatty
suggest a diminution of the tonic contractile infiltrate, indicating that both measures
capacity of the cervical muscles and is need to be considered in defining muscle
consistent with reduced endurance of the changes in neck pain.66
cervical muscles in patients with neck Muscle biopsies and laser Doppler
pain,18, 20, 61 particularly the reduced endurance flowmetry have also shown specific
determined for low force contractions, as morphological and histological changes in
demonstrated in the craniocervical flexors.9 the upper trapezius muscle in people with
Atrophy and connective tissue infiltration trapezius myalgia, including morphological
of the deep suboccipital muscles have also signs of disturbed mitochondrial function
been documented in people with chronic (ragged red and cytochrome-c oxidase
neck pain.8, 62–64 In a recent study, fatty negative fibers),67, 68 reduced adenosine
infiltrate of both deep and superficial cervi- triphosphate content,3, 69 and increased CSA
cal extensor muscles was identified in of type I muscle fibers despite a lower
people with whiplash-associated disorders.8 capillary-to-fiber-area ratio.3, 67, 68 Such
Although fatty infiltrate was generally changes may be associated with overload of
higher in all muscles investigated for the low-threshold motor units70 that may explain
patient group, it was highest in the deeper pain development in individuals performing
muscles – the rectus capitis minor/major repetitive tasks at low forces.71, 72
and multifidi and in particular at the level of The observed greater proportion of type
the third cervical vertebrae (Figure 4.3). IIC fibers and lower capillary-to-fiber area
Consistent with this observation, reduced in the muscles of people with neck pain is
cross-sectional area (CSA) has also been also indirectly in agreement with the finding
demonstrated in the deep multifidus in of greater myoelectric manifestations of
chronic whiplash65 and in the intermediate cervical muscle fatigue during sustained
semispinalis capitis measured at the C2 contraction.73, 74 People with chronic neck
level in people with chronic cervicogenic pain were shown to have a greater decrease
headache.32 However, a recent magnetic of the mean frequency of EMG signal
resonance imaging study of persons with detected from the sternocleidomastoid and


Figure 4.3 Fatty tissue infiltration of the cervical multifidus: bilateral axial magnetic resonance images of the segmental cervical
multifidus muscle at the level of the third cervical vertebra in (A) a healthy control and (B) a person with whiplash-associated disorder.
(Reprinted from Elliott et al.8 with permission.)
Alterations in Cervical Muscle Function in Neck Pain 47

anterior scalene muscles during sustained limited and to some degree speculative.
isometric contractions.74 Moreover people That is, it is often difficult to differentiate
with chronic neck pain demonstrate a the potential physiological mechanisms
greater decrease of upper trapezius muscle which may contribute to a specific change
fiber conduction velocity during repetitive in cervical neuromuscular function.
shoulder elevation75 (Figure 4.4). Furthermore, given the spectrum of neck
In view of the observation that pain may pain disorders it would be naive to consider
result in motor control and peripheral that stimulation of peripheral nociceptors is
modifications of the cervical muscles, it is solely responsible for all the neuromuscular
necessary to consider the possible changes that have been observed in patients.
mechanisms for this effect. Rather, it is necessary to consider the inter-
action between biological, psychological, and
social elements of the pain experience and
Mechanisms underlying the effect that each factor may have on
neuromuscular adaptations neuromuscular function of the cervical spine.
in neck pain It is beyond the scope of this chapter to
address all aspects and therefore readers are
Despite our expanding knowledge of referred to Chapter 7 for a discussion of the
changes in muscle function in people with psychosocial aspects of neck pain disorders.
neck pain, interpretations of the mechanisms Rather, this section will consider the direct
underlying these observations have been effects that pain has on muscle function.


&9 PV



Figure 4.4 Subjective and objective measures of muscle fatigue during repetitive upper-limb elevation. (A) Area of fatigue reported
by control subjects (left) and neck pain patients (right) following performance of a repetitive upper-limb task performed for up to
5 minutes. Note the more widespread area of fatigue for the neck pain patient group. (B) Mean and standard error of the upper
trapezius muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) calculated across the duration of the repetitive upper-limb task. Note the higher initial
values and greater decrease of CV estimates across the duration of the task for the patient group. (Reprinted from Falla and
Farina75 with permission.)
48 Whiplash, Headache, and Neck Pain

Possible mechanisms underlying the coordination among synergist and/or

antagonist muscles. For example, during
changes in cervical motor control cervical flexion isometric contractions, pain-
There is continuous debate in the literature induced decreased sternocleidomastoid
as to whether pain changes motor control or EMG activity is associated with concomitant
whether motor control changes lead to pain. bilateral reduction of splenius capitis (Figure
For instance, it has been proposed that 4.5) and trapezius muscle activity.78 Reduced
deficits in motor control lead to poor control sternocleidomastoid muscle activity has also
of joint movement, repeated microtrauma, been reported during cervical rotation
and thus, eventually, to pain.76 Whilst this following hypertonic saline-evoked splenius
hypothesis cannot be ruled out entirely, capitis muscle pain85 and, during dynamic
some of the changes in motor control which contraction of the upper limb, hypertonic
have been identified in people with neck saline-evoked unilateral upper trapezius
pain are also observed following experi- muscle pain induces a bilateral reorganization
mental induction of pain in healthy subjects, in the coordinated activity of the three
suggesting that pain may provide the initial subdivisions of the trapezius.83
trigger for changes in motor control. In summary, experimental pain studies
The most frequently utilized method of demonstrate that muscle nociception induces
experimentally exciting cervical nociceptors an immediate reorganization of the motor
is intramuscular injection of hypertonic strategy which appears to be adaptive in
saline.77–79 Hypertonic saline induces a central order to minimize the use of the painful
inhibition within the muscle without muscle and minimize disruption to the task.
modification of the muscle fiber membrane Reorganization of cervical motor strategies
properties.80 Thus, experimental muscle pain has also been identified in people with
provides a method to assess the effect of pain clinical neck pain disorders.7, 40 Thus, there is
on cervical motor control in the absence of convincing evidence that pain leads to
altered muscle properties, such as those changes in motor control of the cervical
documented in clinical neck pain conditions.60 spine, even though in some cases pain may
From experimental pain studies it is come secondary to poor motor control.
known that neck muscle pain induces an Although it has not been established, it is
immediate inhibition of the cervical muscles likely that altered motor control would also
when acting as agonists.78, 81–83 For example, be evident following experimental induced
during cervical flexion contractions of pain in deeper structures such as the
linearly increasing force, sternocleidomastoid zygapophyseal joints.
muscle pain results in a force-dependent If pain induces a change in cervical motor
reduction of sternocleidomastoid EMG control, then what are the mechanisms for
amplitude ipsilateral to the side of pain78 this effect? Nociceptors project into spinal
(Figure 4.5). Similarly, splenius capitis motor neurons and into the sensorimotor
muscle pain results in a reduction in splenius cortex. Thus, it is evident that pain will
capitis EMG amplitude during isometric have a direct impact on motor neuron
cervical extension78 and upper trapezius output through altered synaptic input and
muscle pain reduces upper trapezius muscle on motor planning and muscle control at
activity in both isometric81, 82 and dynamic the cortical level.
upper-limb tasks.83, 84 The task-dependent nature of pain-induced
In addition to a change in the activation of reorganization of cervical muscle coordina-
the painful muscle, experimental neck muscle tion observed in experimental pain studies
pain induces a dynamic reorganization of supports the notion of a change in central
Alterations in Cervical Muscle Function in Neck Pain 49



% —9

& —9

' —9

( —9


Figure 4.5 Pain-induced reorganization of cervical muscle activity during isometric contraction: representative force and
electromyogram (EMG) data are presented from one subject performing a linearly increasing cervical flexion force contraction from
0 to 60% of the maximum voluntary contraction. Data are presented before (baseline) and during (pain) hypertonic saline-induced
sternocleidomastoid muscle pain. A, force; B, sternocleidomastoid EMG ipsilateral to the injection; C, sternocleidomastoid EMG
contralateral to the injection; D, splenius capitis EMG ipsilateral to the injection; E, splenius capitis contralateral to the injection. Note the
reduction in both sternocleidomastoid and splenius capitis EMG amplitude following sternocleidomastoid muscle pain. (Reprinted from
Falla et al.78 with permission.)

strategies78 rather than simply a change in in muscle activity are not just simply a
motor neuron excitability. Moreover, it has change in excitability or delayed
been observed that experimental excitation transmission of the motor command. As
of cervical nociceptors results in bilateral described previously, when people move
inhibition of the sternocleidomastoid muscle an arm rapidly, the onset of activation of
during cervical flexion, whereas during the deep cervical flexor muscles is
cervical extension, the agonist (splenius independent of the direction of the arm
capitis) demonstrated a unilateral inhibition.78 movement.6 If the delayed response
This finding further supports inhibitory observed during neck pain was a result of a
effects at the cortical level in response to change in excitability, it may be predicted
nociceptive input.86 that the response would remain consistent
In clinical neck pain conditions, there are between movement directions, although
also findings which suggest that alterations delayed when people have pain. However,
50 Whiplash, Headache, and Neck Pain

this is not the case and rather the direction- example, larger changes in upper trapezius
specific response observed in neck pain muscle fiber conduction velocity observed
suggests that there is a change in motor in neck pain patients during repetitive
planning. Consistent with this hypothesis, shoulder elevation75 cannot be reproduced
studies have reported that experimental in healthy subjects by experimental
pain changes the activity of regions of the stimulation of the nociceptors.83 Similarly,
brain involved in movement planning and larger myoelectric manifestations of fatigue
performance.87 observed in neck pain patients during
Modified cervical afferent input may also sustained cervical contractions74 cannot be
affect control of movement. Several studies reproduced in healthy subjects by
have reported decreased proprioceptive experimental neck pain.98 Thus, greater fatigue
acuity,88–90 disturbances of eye movement of the cervical muscles, which has been
control91, 92 and balance93–95 in people with observed in people with neck pain,74 is more
neck pain disorders which may reflect likely to reflect a chronic adaptation to pain,
abnormal input from cervical afferents i.e., changes in muscle composition.60, 67, 68 It
(Chapter 5). It has also been proposed that has also been proposed that vasoconstriction
neck muscle fatigue may affect mechanisms due to increased sympathetic outflow may
of postural control by producing abnormal explain the observed changes in muscle
sensory input to the central nervous system microcirculation in people with trapezius
and a lasting sense of instability.96 More- myalgia.97 In turn, an altered metabolite
over, psychological stress and anxiety with concentration in the intercellular muscle
consequent enhancement in sympathetic interstitium may activate chemosensitive
drive have the potential to affect the group III and IV muscle afferents that are
contractility of muscle fibers and to modulate known to exert complex reflex actions on
the proprioceptive information arising from spinal neurons, thus leading to altered motor
the muscle spindle receptors, thus affecting control strategies.97
motor control of the cervical muscles.97 Although fatty infiltration of the neck
This leads us to explore the mechanisms muscles may be the consequence of either
underlying changes in the peripheral a minor nerve injury or irritated and
properties of the cervical muscles and the subsequently demyelinated nerve tissue
link between muscular and neural changes resulting from an acute inflammatory
in people with neck pain. process,99 it may also be perpetuated by a
change in motor strategy. The observation
that connective tissue infiltration of the
Possible mechanisms underlying cervical extensor muscles is widespread and
not isolated suggests that the degeneration
changes in the peripheral
may be a consequence of generalized disuse.8
properties of cervical muscles It has been argued that atrophic changes in
In addition to the controversial cause– muscle are not uniform and are more likely
effect relationship between pain and to affect slow-twitch muscle fibers.100, 101 For
neuromuscular changes, the association example, rapid atrophy of type I fibers has
between motor control changes and been observed following injury to the knee100
modification of the peripheral properties of and painful stimulation of the sural nerve
the cervical muscles is also not fully results in selective inhibition of type I muscle
understood. Some data suggest that pain by fibers.102 Consistent with this hypothesis,
itself does not explain all electrophysiological greatest changes in people with neck pain
observations in patients with neck pain. For were identified for the deeper multifidus
Alterations in Cervical Muscle Function in Neck Pain 51

and suboccipital muscles.8 Likewise, the

smaller amounts of fatty infiltrate in the more Implications for
superficial muscles may reflect the larger rehabilitation of people
proportion of type II fibers,69 which have with neck pain
been shown to be more resistant to fiber
transformation in patients with cervical People with neck pain demonstrate an array of
spine dysfunction.60 complex changes in cervical neuromuscular
In summary, our current evidence function. These include changes in the deep
suggests that perpetuation of an altered cervical muscles which are vital for cervical
control strategy induced by pain may segment support,6–8, 31, 63, 64 changed motor
contribute to muscle overload or disuse and control strategies, which may result in poor
this induces additional adaptations at the support and potential overload on cervical
muscle level. Thus, although pain-induced structures,31, 35, 45 insufficiency in the
reorganization of motor control strategies preprogrammed activation of cervical
may be effective in the short term to muscles,6 greater fatigability,73–75 decreased
minimize use of the painful muscle and/or strength and endurance,9, 17, 18, 20, 32, 61 and
maintain motor output, in the long term this morphological and histological changes
may lead to additional adaptations at the within the cervical muscles.60, 68 This section
muscle level (Figure 4.6).103 Likewise, will outline some of the key principles for
modification of muscle properties may therapeutic exercise selection for the
further perpetuate altered motor control. rehabilitation of muscle function in people
This has implications for selection of with neck pain. The practical aspects of this
therapeutic exercise for the rehabilitation of rehabilitation program are detailed in
patients with neck pain. Chapter 14.





Figure 4.6 Interrelationships between pain, altered control strategies, and peripheral changes of the cervical muscles. (Reprinted from
Falla and Farina103 with permission.)
52 Whiplash, Headache, and Neck Pain

Selectivity and specificity preferential inhibition of the vastus medialis

muscle of the quadriceps group.106, 107 In the
of exercise
cervical spine, fatty infiltration of the rectus
Modifications of muscle activity in people capitis posterior minor and major muscles
with chronic neck pain are likely to be the and the multifidi were most obvious at
result of a combination of altered neural input particular segmental levels.8 Side specificity
to muscles and changed muscle properties.10 of neuromuscular changes has also been
Consequently, therapeutic exercise appro- demonstrated in patients with unilateral pain.
aches for the rehabilitation of people with For example, atrophy of the semispinalis
neck pain should address both peripheral and cervicis occurs ipsilateral to the side of head-
central neuromuscular adaptations which ache in cervicogenic headache sufferers32
have been identified in these patients. This and sternocleidomastoid muscle fatigue is
approach has been supported in a series of greater on the side of pain in people with
clinical trials which investigated the efficacy unilateral neck pain.108 An experimental pain
of specific therapeutic exercise interventions study has also shown that there may be
for the rehabilitation of cervical muscle reorganization of activity within the same
function.12–14 For example, a low-load exercise muscle in response to painful stimulation.81
regime which trains the deep craniocervical These studies demonstrate that exercise
flexors, longus colli and longus capitis,104 is should be selected based on careful and
effective at increasing the activation of the precise assessment of neuromuscular changes
deep cervical flexor muscles, enhancing the and thus be specific to the impairments of the
speed of their activation when challenged by presenting patient.
a postural perturbation,12 and improving the
ability to maintain an upright posture of the
cervical spine during prolonged sitting.14
Early rehabilitation
Similar benefits were not achieved following Changes in cervical motor control have been
6 weeks of higher-load strength and endurance documented soon after the onset of neck
training for the cervical muscles.12, 14 However, pain.109 Experimental pain studies also
provision of load to challenge the neck flexor indicate that pain induces an immediate yet
muscles is required to reduce the fatigability complex reorganization of muscle activity.78, 83
of the sternocleidomastoid and anterior Failure to rehabilitate altered motor control
scalene muscles in people with neck pain may result in further long-term changes in
(Figure 4.7).13 Likewise, higher-load strength cervical muscle properties, such as selective
training is required to improve the strength muscle fiber atrophy,60 which have been
of the cervical muscles,13 an outcome which documented in people with chronic neck
may not occur following lower-load muscle pain. This knowledge suggests the need
retraining. This observation is consistent with for early management of altered cervical
low-back pain literature, which indicates that neuromotor control.
low-level activation of the multifidus is not
sufficient to reverse multifidus atrophy in
people with chronic low-back pain.105
Painfree rehabilitation
The need for specificity in therapeutic Since pain induces a change in muscle
exercise selection is also highlighted by activity,78, 83 performing exercises which
studies demonstrating selective changes provoke neck pain is unlikely to be beneficial
within muscle groups and/or regions in for encouraging normal motor control of the
response to pain. For example, experiment- cervical spine. Therefore, the type, load, and
ally induced knee joint effusions result in a frequency of exercise should be tailored
Alterations in Cervical Muscle Function in Neck Pain 53

Control Patient

Normalized values

120 ARV
80 MNF


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (s) Time (s)

50% 25% 10%
1.0 * * * * * * * * * * * *
change (Hz/s)

MNF rate of

(L) SM (R) SM (L) AS (R) AS (L) SM (R) SM (L) AS (R) AS (L) SM (R) SM (L) AS (R) AS

Craniocervical flexion training

Endurance and strength training

Figure 4.7 Greater cervical muscle fatigability is reduced following specific exercise intervention. (A) Example of fatigue plots obtained
from the sternocleidomastoid muscle of a control subject and a neck pain patient contracting at 50% of maximum force. The data
represent the electromyogram (EMG) average rectified value (ARV), conduction velocity (CV), and mean frequency (MNF) normalized
with respect to the intercept of the regression line. Greater fatigue of the sternocleidomastoid muscle is evident for the neck pain patient,
as characterized by the faster rate of change of the MNF over time. (Reprinted from Falla et al.13 with permission) (B) Change in muscle
fatigue following exercise intervention: data (mean and sd) are shown for the change (pre- to postintervention) in MNF rate of change for
the left (L) and right (R) sternocleidomastoid (SM) and anterior scalene (AS) muscles contracting at 50%, 25%, and 10% of the maximum
voluntary contraction. Patients with chronic neck pain were randomized into two groups: endurance and strength training of the cervical
flexors or low-load craniocervical flexion retraining. Following 6 weeks of exercise intervention, a reduction in cervical muscle fatigue was
identified only for the patients who participated in the strength and endurance training program. *P < 0.05 between groups. (Reprinted
from Falla et al.74 with permission.)

towards the patient to ensure that this currently in remission of symptoms at the
criterion can be met. Other therapeutics time of testing.74 Furthermore, changes in
which assist in resolving pain will also play cervical muscle activation have been shown
an important role in the management of to persist in people who have had a whiplash
motor control dysfunction. injury, even if full recovery of symptoms is
reported.109, 110 Similar findings of continuous
muscle inhibition have been reported for
Rehabilitation for prevention
the multifidus muscle in low-back pain
of recurrence patients111 and the quadriceps muscle
The observed changes in motor control of following knee surgery112 despite recovery
the cervical spine in people with neck pain of symptoms and return to normal activity.
have often been detected in patients who are Although not confirmed, ongoing changes
54 Whiplash, Headache, and Neck Pain

in muscle function may explain the high has been documented in people with
recurrence rate of neck pain symptoms.113 neck pain. These include both modification
Moreover, actual pain may not necessarily of cervical motor control as well as
have to be present for motor control changes peripheral modifications, including atrophy
to be existent. Factors such as fear of of specific muscle fibers and changes in
pain may have similar effects and may muscle microcirculation. Our progressive
explain motor control changes in patients understanding of changes in cervical muscle
with musculoskeletal pain when they are function in the presence of neck pain has
in remission.50 Taken together, these directed rehabilitation programs to include
observations further emphasize the need more specific therapeutic exercise regimes as
for early and effective rehabilitation of a component of a multimodal intervention.
altered cervical muscle function. Moreover, clinical trials have demonstrated
that exercise programs should be tailored
Conclusion towards the impairments and thus based on a
detailed and specific assessment to detect
Pain induces an immediate change in cervical these changes. An evidence-based detailed
muscle function. Accordingly, a complex clinical assessment and rehabilitation approach
array of cervical neuromuscular adaptations are provided in Chapters 12 and 14.

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