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Oleh :
Sapitri, ST., MT

Program Studi Teknik Sipil

Universitas Islam Riau
Noun Clause adalah dependent clause yang berfungsi sebagai noun (kata
benda). Klausa kata benda ini dapat berfungsi sebagai subject maupun object di dalam
suatu clause atau phrase lain. Karena berfungsi sebagai kata benda, noun clause
dapat digantikan dengan pronoun “it“.

Contoh Noun, Pronoun, dan Noun Clause:

I forgot the fact.
(Saya melupakan fakta tersebut.)
I forgot it.
(Saya melupakan itu.)
I forgot that the fact was very important.
Noun Clause
(Saya melupakan bahwa fakta tersebut sangat penting.)
Rumus Noun Clause
Noun clause dapat diawali oleh noun clause markers berupa question word, if atau
whether, dan that. Adapun contoh noun clause pada clause lain beserta detail marker-
nya dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut.
Noun clause merupakan subordinate clause yang berfungsi sebagai noun (kata
benda). Klausa ini dimulai dengan question word (antara lain: what, who, whose,
whom, which, where, when, dan how), if/whether, atau that.

Marker Contoh Kalimat Noun Clause

Question word The class listened to what the teacher said.
Antara lain: (Seluruh kelas mendengarkan apa yang guru katakan.)
 what(ever)
The kitten followed wherever the woman went.
 what (time, kind, day, etc)
(Anak kucing mengikuti kemanapun wanita itu pergi.)
 who(ever)
 whose
 whom(ever)
Many people imagine how many times the man was
 which(ever)
failed before success.
 where(ever)
(Banyak orang membayangkan berapa kali pria itu
 when(ever)
gagal sebelum sukses.)
 how (long, far, many times,
old, etc)
Where does Andy live?
(Dimana Andy tinggal?)
I wonder if he lives in West Jakarta.
(Saya pikir dia tinggal di Jakarta Barat.)
If atau Whether
Does Andy live on Dewi Sartika Street?
Biasanya if atau
(Apakah Andy tinggal di jalan Dewi Sartika?)
whether digunakan untuk kalimat
I don’t know if he lives on Dewi Sartika Street or not.
jawaban dari pertanyaan yes-no
question atau bentuk reported
I don’t know whether or not he lives on Dewi Sartika
speech dari pertanyaan tersebut
(Saya tidak tahu jika dia tinggal di jalan Sartika atau tidak.)

She wanted to know if he lived on Dewi Sartika street.

[indirect speech dari yes-no question]

That I think that the group will arrive in an hour.

Biasanya that-clause untuk (Saya pikir rombongan itu akan tiba dalam satu jam.)
mental activity. Berikut daftar
verb pada main clause yang
biasanya diikuti that-clause: Many people proved that the man was a big liar.
assume, believe, discover, dream, (Banyak orang membuktikan bahwa pria itu pembohong
guess, hear, hope, know, learn, besar.)
notice, predict, prove, realize,
suppose, suspect, think
Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Noun Clause
Fungsi Contoh Kalimat Noun Clause
What she cooked was delicious.
(Apa yang dia masak lezat.)
Subject of Verb
That today is his birthday is not right.
(Bahwa hari ini ulang tahunnya tidak benar.)
The fact is that she is smart and dilligent.
(Faktanya dia cerdas dan rajin.)
Subject Complement
A teacher must be whoever allows students to ask.
(Seorang guru harus yang membiarkan siswa untuk bertanya.)
Diana believes that her life will be happier.
(Diana percaya hidupnya akan lebih bahagia.)
Object of Verb
I want to know how Einstein thought.
(Saya ingin tahu bagaimana Einstein berpikir.)

The girl comes from where many people there live in poverty.
(Anak berasal dari tempat dimana orang-orang hidup dalam kemiskinan.)
Object of preposition
He will attend the party with whichever fits to his body.
(Dia akan menghadiri pesta tsb dengan apapun yang cocok dibadannya.)
We were worried that she couldn’t recover from divorce.
Adjective Complement
(Kita khawatir dia tidak dapat membaik dari perceraian.)
Practice Test
1. She wanted to know … 6. The teacher asked me …
a. if I had applied for the scholarship a. who Niels Bohr was
b. if had I applied for the scholarship
b. who was Niels Bohr
2. … is unacceptable.
a. What do they always do in the 7. I don’t know …
classroom or lab a. how much does he make a month
b. What they always do in the b. how much he makes a month
classroom or lab 8. The worker is afraid …
3. I predict …
a. that will he get fired
a. that will she be able to make
decisions in an emergency situation b. that he will get fired
b. that she will be able to make 9. … is awesome.
decisions in an emergency situation a. That the girl can speak English
4. Astri talks about her early life experiences fluently
with … b. That can the girl speak English
a. whoever will listen fluently
b. will whoever listen
10. The reality is …
5. We wonder …
a. if does he work at Philadelphia a. that does everybody need
General Hospital somebody sometimes
b. if he works at Philadelphia General b. that everybody needs somebody
Hospital sometimes

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