Anda di halaman 1dari 30

'POPULAR. PRAKASHANPVT.LID. 3S-Ct Pt. ~.dan M(lhan Mdlvipi Mug Tardeo, Mtmlbai,~ 0,34.

First Peblished 2004

Firsil: R.eprint: January 2004

S - - ,-. d Pprint· A· 'pril ~AI

eoo.n _ ,;. ,'~ ---' , '~-'~,' c ~,,"V!!r1c'

.~ Reprin.t Jan.uary 200,5,



by AlcttP~ House Pvt. Ltd., 3216,. A~o Z Indmt:ri.-d, Esmte Gompattao Kadam, .Mug. l.owefPJrel •. Mwnb~, 400' 01.,3. and 'n.··b"':,-:h· d 'b

... ~<U.a sec .'11

Ramdas Bhatlal

for Popu~u PrakasharoPvt.ud.

35 .. C) P't. Mad~ MQhan,~¥ip; ~ Tudea" Mumbai-400 0.34.

Copyriphted materia'

Know Vour Moocmwave

B;:t!";ich'S IO'{ ]l.1~crn':\M~"I;re .i" '*' ",.tim "i" i."·.' i .. '·i.'·ii'i ".i .'.i .. ' i .. ; ; .. ; ; .. ';' ; ; .. ;,,; .. ; ; ; .. ; ; .. " ,.; ,. 12,

~uf!?ment fo.r 'the ~fiC[{)\lln\<"e~ Oven ;' ,., ...•.. "., " " ,,',.' .. ;' , ,,' ,." ..• ,,;' , , , 17,

F:re.g:umdy .AslkiedQuesil:i,on:!i ".".""" ,'.,,. ",,,.,, "', " .. " , "'" ",,,,,,,,,,.,,,, .•. ,,,,,,.,,,, ."""".' ' , 2.0

hfiG.rQ·wmrv,~ Tip!; ",i •• " •• " ;.ii' ••••• " •• 'i' •••• ; ••••••• ; ; •• " '." "' •••••• " " "' .. ""' .. ' •••• ""'" '" .""",. 23


~1.e$tT;on.c SOlup, •. , .• , .•. ,i •••• , '; ; "'''," " .. , , ••• " ••• ' •••••• ".' ' •• , ••.•• '.' ••• " ' ''',.'.' ''' ".' .. '. ,""" '1.1'

Gard.e:~ Vs:;.embles oo.d .,AlmOind Soup ,' i .. 'i.i .• i,"·i.i· .. i.iii,i, .. i i .•. ;;.i, ,i .. ·;.i.i,." .. , ",. 28

F~esh 'Ti()mafD Soup, " " .. " .. " "', "'"''''' " " ''" .. " ",,.,, " " ''' ,., .. ,., .. ,,, .. , .. , .. ,, 29

' K!uflg 'i"','''i'';''';,""i,i.i'' .. iii ";.i.i •• i.; .. i .,.i";,,,,,.;,,i,,,,, .•.. ii' ••. ·.,,, i i.; .•• ·., •• ,'; •....••. " '" " .• ,.,.; " ..• '.'. 30

CbDc~ben Shorl>a '" mn".' ,.......... • .• • .. Ii' • .. • 'H" .31

Sichuan Hut Soup " " '., ", , " " .. , , ", "', " , .. , ,,, .• , .. .32.

S:t3.rtet's And S,na,ckrs

'Nachos ., .... ", .......... ,." ...... m , .... " ..... -, "'-


P'~rerPmwns .i· .. i.;;i." i," .. ,. ",.,;; .. ,;.;;, ••• ""i " ...•..• " " " " "" " " " " .. " ,]'7

Kasun P~!n~ Tikkli! iti .. ; .. ; .. ; ;.i"." .. ' .. jj ; ;.i ., .. " ", .. ; ; ; .. ,; ,.; ;.;.,.; .. "'.; .. ,., .. " .. ; .. , "''' ,.,. 'T' 4!0

'Vegcttl,h.II~ Jd]i ',.· .• i .. i •. '" i ·i, .. i ,i, .. · .• i· .• i,"·., .. · .• " ;,i· ; ;, ,;; .•• ,;;" " " ; "" •. "; .. ",, " 4,1,

Pour Season$ ·Pizza. ,., .. , .. , ; .. ""'" ,,', ." .. ,., ' " ,,, ,. ",', ." ,. "'" ,,' "".".". ' .. , , .. ,,'. ,,'" 42

Three,'"'Ulu:,· 'Pop<lor::tiI •. ,",,'.i· .• i,"·i .... ,i .. i i· i· .• i, ,., .. ,i, .. ,i, .. · .. ,.,",i, .. , .. ,., .. ,i;, ... ; .......... ;,. ;;.;; ;; .... , .... , 45

u. 46

,C~'hicken RO\veI' 'O'Dlmpl:ings ""." .. "."" "."." " .. " ' " "." " ",.".,,47

TM - - -I_i :I{"a'ba'b, ~~u,.'r.;t'~'M r. t.~,.~I;t t.,U'U'i,U"t.+.. U·.'IiNi+.'U,i+;t'.+i·t;+.+;t·.+.i·U'~'r.;t·i"'~It.~ i'hrr.~,i·,,;ti~·t.;t'ii"'.'r."'i+;t .,u'i"';;;,h"i'U U'i'.,;t'.",i .'il;;; . .,"''''",,,,.,,,,,,,4,8

KboCDll·a TIkkj ·Kab:;Jib .. ", " , " , , "' ,.,.4,9

MIil~~, ~[akhmaU l{ibaOi.i""" ., .. "i," .•. · .. i, ,i "i, .. ,i.i .. ,i, ,;,i, ,.,;,.· .. " ,," .;, •. ; .. "" "." .. ";"''''i''''.5 €I.

Co·rf]. Cr[IDSltM ,ChicJken , " , , ,., ,', , , '1 , , .. ,.5,2,

Copyrighled materia


~c-I)" Com M:e(lley' ·i"!IIL~"J.+i.·i"I!II+''''iI''!I·i'''iI'~~·i+'''·r.'''.'.''·!II·~ •• ·r.i·.'''i·~~1.,r.~·r.or.~·Ii".Li~JiI.o;~\i"'iI·r."'i,r.~,i"'!I·r."'iI'.~·i·r.~ ."'~·iI"'i·r..o;i",;rilLr.~JiI,r."'i"'''-i'''.·r.'''i' 5·,5

:Sdr""ff~fetl ~eg<!Ulbles .,.' ,', , .. , ",., ,., .. , .. ,., .. ,., .. ' .•... , ' , '., ...•... ,., .. , ., .. .,., .. ,., .. ,., , , .. ,., .. ,., .. ,., .. ,5,6,

f:alulitlower ~a:nd ,Broccoli. in Sph:ed Mmo.ndi S~,l!lce ., , , ' .. , , .. , , 57

Sipicy'B,hinw, ,'" ., .. , .•. , .. ,., .. ' .•• , .. , .•. ' .. , ..•• , .. , ..... ,., ..... , ..... , .•... , ... ,., ..... ' ••. , .. , .•..•. ""'" "" ••. , •.•.. , .•..•... ,."." .. " .••••. , ••••• ",5,8,

'Ba-damj Baib1ycom Paaeer Masala 'I'+'U;t'!II, ... ,.,,,,n".'Ii!l'!+U+iI'Ii,,, .. · .. ;t·Ii+'H"'''·.'''Ii+iHifo!l'I'H+!I·.+,u"''''''J.+i''.+iH'~iI'li;t;iI'.+.'Ii'''Ii~+,."S'gl

,Ah]lO Anardlaon '"'" ", .. """",,",,,,"' .. ,,, ,,"'",,., .. ,, '".".u , •• ," •• , ••• ,." •• " "." •• , ••• ~"',"'." •••••••••• ,'.' •• ,.'." •••• ,,'t:)

D,ahJi ,Brungan ",',., .•... , .•... ,., .. , .•. , .. , .•..•. , .. ,,, , .. ,., .. , "., .. " •. , .. ,., .•. , .. , .•. , .•.•. , ' , "., " .•.. , .. ' .•. , .•. , .. , ,., ' '6'1

l\Iircru, Ka SiJ:an ." ,," "',, ",,,, .. ,,, "", .. """."""".,,,,, ...•... " "'" .. ',, ...•. , .• " .•.• "" .. ".",,, "" "',, .•. , .•.• "" .. ""., Ii 5

.. A~{K) Palak eBb_aji '"''Ii'''~+'~';;;;''''' ~+iI'Ii~'Ii+" .. +;;;·Ii~·;;;+.,., .. +,.·IIII+. .. ·Ii+..'Ii,.,.·Ii!l-Ii+.-Ii,..iI+.iI·i,..iI,.+..,Ii,.·i,..i·i"'iI-.,.J;;; .. ~·.+~,';t,~·.,~,.·r."'.·~~·~+i·i+ •• +'i'iI+i'i"'i'."'.'~+.'.'" 681

Vegellliblcs in Chilll ,M'ustard Sauce , .. ", .. " ."." ,,, .. ,,, ,,,.,,.,, .. " "." ", " ,,, ""." .. ""." .. " 6,"

,RecshmiK1ofta Curry .. , .. , .•... " , ,., , .. , .•.... , , .•... " .. " .. , .. " •. " ' .•. , , ..• ''' , .. ", .. " •.. ,'" ..• ,." 101

Sweet~ and Sour Vegc.:tabl]es uu,..~+~,.+.~·I+U~.,~~J.,.,.·i+.·U·~I.~·i,.,.'U.· .. ·i"'i· ••• 'Ui .. ~·."'i. h hr.\iI~li"'.i"'. i",. i~i'.~'i\~".~i;il!li ~~~I 7',2~

'Mur1;¢l Korma •. ,'",."', .. ,,' , '., .. ,., , ,., .. ,.,'",." ' , ' .. ,.".' .. ,.,.,,, ,,.,,,, .. ,,',., , " ..•... ", "., ",,4

Bu:tt.ef' Ch:k!k~,n """ .. ' , , .. ", .. "., .. " "".""." .. ' " .. ' .•.........•. ' " .. "., " ,.,.".,", ....•. , .. , .•. ,.,",., .. , ,",6,

Chicken and "~1;1U.'i;lu:()4)m In Hot TDmatf~) S~.u,G~ '., ' .. ' .•. , .•. ' .. ,., .. , .•. ' ,.' , , .•. '78



\'Vbole \'!i'heat VegetabLe Quiche •.....•.... ,,, ,, .. " ...•.. " " .. " ...•.. " , , .. , .•. 83


'f:a.~madnd Cl1.1Ilu:1!ey ., .... '" .,", ... , ....... ,., ..... , .. ,., .. ,., .. ,., .... , •.• ,., ..... "." .. "',, ..... ,.". "" .. ", .. ,.,,",,, .• , ••. ,.,, ..... " ..... " ..... " 8,5

ltaJrnah ,M"asala " .. ,," ...•. ' .. ,", " .. ",," ."., .. ,,, ".,." .•.. "., .. """" ."" .• " •... ",." .•...... " " ....• " .•.•• ~,,'. ""'"'''' .•. ,. ,87

Copyrighted rnmeria'

Daill:y D,aJi •••• , ••••••••• , ••.••••••••••••••.••• , ••.••• , ••••• , ••.••••• , •• ", .. " •••• ' " .• " ••.• ,.' •...•.••• , •..••. " ••. " ' ' •.•••••• ,8 8

~ :p[U~t 1000umq ,. ... ,.; •. "'.,0; •• .., •.••• ' •• ,."' •.•• ,.' •• '."'.'."'., •• ,.,1;.' .... ,;,.,.,.iril';;li;io';;'il~. iI';;,.,iloi,., •••• , ••• :., •• ' •• , ••• '. iI.'.'iloj!,~_.".,.," ..... :iloj!l.".'. '91

'Qwck Tomato Sa.uec:: " •.....• " .. " .•... , .•.... ,' " ....•. ' .. """ .. ,, " '., " ".".', .. "., .•.•. , '.'." . ." .•..•. ,'94

'8" ''''''''"'''d-s·· . 0_, ';D':""'" .,.~ __ -_ ".!l~

w. - .. ".~ .. .,..,.I.....,..-·.-_,-~_ .. ·.d~.IIB-;- ~.~ ·o,~

w JiI.uJ""""'II~ .~' .~~ '!!:!!il.~iiI!L!li!:~ .. oj!l!I~L! .. ~!~ ... ~oii'~ .. ~I~oiil~ ... II!'!I~IIII .. oii·~.IIII'~"!'""'.II! !!o!;lIII:!!"!'II!'!!"!:IIII'III~·IIII~IIII'IIII;!;"!'IIIII!'I111'~"! !""'IIIIO!,.LIIII'~IIIIO!, .. I111'''.,IIII .. IIII'III .. '''''.''''IIII+IIII'.'!:i'''' '+1111'~"!"'!''''''1111+'''~ ';j

Ba£(c P:iZ2a B,ccad,.n .••.•...• "'" .•.. , •.•...• "." .•. , ,, .e- " •••• , ,"' ••••• , " ,"", ••••••.•• , •••.••• , •• ,...., ,9,6,

Spinaciband ·Musbr.oo,m, :rusotllo '"''''''''''''''·'''''.'''''''''''H''''''''''' , ...... ". ''''''''''''.''''''''''''''''''",'''' "".",""'''' 98,

IQillll, Pan~ :g,tuffe,d 'C'wissa_n'ts ~1111+"".I111~"".'+I111+.""""!'I111''''!~IIII'!'IIII.IIII'''!IIIIIIII~IIII.IIII~ .. '~!:!~.,~;t;!.~~''''!+. "!+ •. ~;!."!+"!.Ii~ .e- U."!;t;;!.~'!!,~.u."!+~,~'!i"!-"!,.."!,I!+. 101,

St:eanled. :RJoe: ' .. ' , ... ,''"' ,." ' .. " .. "., , .. ', " ,., "'"''''''',"''' '"""""""""'.","""" ""'"""""'""","".,., •• ,103,

Sibz: lMryanri " , .. ,"" ', ,.,', .. ' .. ' ',., " ' , ', ...•.. ,." ,.,' .. ,., , ,". ""' .• , ''"',., J04,

'Cruck1:-n Puma-o !:"!"'!~"!'!!'!:"!'!!'!'''!~''!'!!'''! "!"'''!'!'''''!'''!!'!''!III',,!,!J''!+i!'''!~!'~~!III'''!!IIII!+~:I!!.''!"!'! "!!+!III.!'''!'''!~_''!~~'''!!~!III'~!:''!+~,''!+! .• ~L!III'!i''!.I!+!.~",I!+! 1i~'!'~~',,!J~""I!+!'I!~"! '~'I!'I!!I'I!;t;!:I!+~.l'06; .Acha~ ,lOl,ic:hm_. .... ·.+i~·~;t;~,I!!I, .... ~,I!;t;.·I!~,I!;t;;!,I!;t;.·Ii"'.,..~·.,...,Ij~i.,...i.,...,Ij.1.·~.,Ii+.,~+'.·~.·."'.·~+'~+i~·i+'~ r.;t;.,~ •. r.,~~ 1i,.,i·Ii~,i,~~·Ii,...·i",i,.iJIi,;;.,i;O'i,li.,i·Ii.·i..,~· 1'0"


Far.m .H:ouse .Frulit: Cake ., , " ,." .. " ' " .. " ,,,,,,,,,,,,," "." '''." .. , .. ,." ."', .. ", " ,,.' to'8,

Ga.liat H'dwa "., , .•.•..... ,"', , , , , " .. , , " .. ", " .. ", " ,." til Brownies , .. , .•.... , .•...•.••.•..•.....•.••. , .. , .....•.... , .•... , ....•. , , .•.... , , , ....•. , .. ,., ...•. , .. ,., .. ,., , ...• '1:13

Ch,ooonut. Fudge .' .• " .. '.' .. " •. ' .. ""., .. ," .. " "." ..•.. "." " " , .. ' .• " .• " •..•. ' .. '" ...•.. "" .. '.". ".,'."'"'' " "".,," '1.14-

Rice Kh.e-H',i",i,i+.i .. .,i,lji'i;t;i,i.,i,lji'i"'i,i.,i,,lili'i",ii';;i.lir.i:ii-i';;'i:i".i,.li-i"'i,i';;'i"li:i'~i-i';;'i'i.,i,ii·i"'i·ili,i';;'lii.r.i.",i,.Ii'Ii,~i'.,~Ii,ili,Ii,.Ii'i"'lii"'i'.Ii,.·~Ii,i';;'.· • ., I.ts

Ctdtne c:atam,el ' .• ," , ' .•.•. ' .•. ,", .•. ' .• " .•.•...• , '."', ' .•. ' .•. , ' .. '., .. ' .• '116

SOQji Au!' ,] HaJw:a ,.", .. , " , , ,.,"",.,',.,.",., ..... ',., , •... ',., "",,,,,," .. ,, ,,,.,,,,.,,,,,, "" ... ".". '117

Cabinet Pudding 'with E'.asy Straw~ Sauce . ., .. ,.".,,, .•...•. ,,, .•. ,, .. , .. ,.,,, ..•.. , .. ,,, .. ,, .. , .. ,, .... ,. 'llB


lris~h ICOffet:,Ii+..,Ii.IIi,lj~.i;t;ili,..., •• i ... i;t;.,r..,i,Ii.-Ii;t;i:ir.i,lji:i .. i,ii·i.,i,i;O'i·i.,i;r.i,i"'i,.liri,;;,~·i"'i,Ii;!li,;;,.i,r.i.,lji·r.liri,.i;i"'i,iliLi,.i:ili,i,i;O'i .. li,i,~Ii·i;O'i,~Ii,i, •• ,i"'i,.Ii,i, .. '1_23


·Veg;flt.a'ble' ,Swc'k ... ,..;! ... ,.."!.I!+ .. ,..~L.+.,.+ •. !III~.~+~.~+i •. ~+~+~.~+i~ ~"' .. 'Ii!l' .. +i~'Ii~' .. +.~· .. ,..!III'Ii~I .. +~, .. ,.'.·Ii,..i'!'Ii~· .. L~i'!·Ii"l'.f'~JIi+.·=+i.·~"I·~·Ii~'~'t~'Ii~·~'Ii;!'''!+~'Ii~'~'Ii~' .. +;!·IiI .. ~'1! '12·4 ICmc~cn St,ockJ .'Ii".,ljil·Ii"'.'!i"'.,Ij~ i;t;iI,Ii"ri·Ii.,Ii,lj.·Ii;o,i:."i"'i·i"i';;'i'."'i!'.~Ii,~i,io!ili .~Ii'ili,Ii"Ii'i",1i i",i,lili ~"'Ii'i.,i:.,"'i~".i"'i!'.Ii'i,.,~:Ii,~i·.~Ii,.i'.L!i1i ."'liLili,.,ili 1i,.,1i i 1:2.5

Whi,te: SaU;(;~ ••.••••••••.••• ", .. " ••. , •••• " .. ' ••• , •• " ••.••••• ", •• ,,', ••• ",." ••• "'''''''''' ." •• "', •• ".,".""' •• "" •• "",.,,. '"'''''''' ." ... """ ." •• '126

Sicihllan Sauce .".,.,.,' .. "., .. " " , ••..• , •. ,., .• " .. " •. ,.," •. , ,." .. ,.". ,., , .. ,.,., ".,.,., "'"."" ..•. " "',"'"'' "'" '127

Ftl!h Scock ,", ' .••.•. ' ., ..•. ' .,' .•. ' .•. ,,,, .•. ',,,.',,' .•. ',,, , ...•. , .. ,.' ' ,.' , ,'",., '.' .. ,.," .,', .. ']:28

Copyriphted materia'

·iYtihough microwaveovens JUI.VC been. around fur many year!;,.· still cmk:e; more' c::onCus:!()!:) ~h:lln confidence 1n no,vioe:s :asw~nasin e$.periencedchefs :md housewives, OnerulS toacoept thetac.! thatat mstgJancc It .lsnocan easUy unde:t:Stand:ible mede of ,cooking speciaHy when. we ~reooll'Ungfro:m ru closed. mliodsct of mnve;ru1.J)O_ru 'coo:king.redmiqucs. .Let~sgj:\'c yo\'.!. a fcwbasiic 'col])oepm :lind you willbeready ro exp]or;e tihe ullitread"d pseh and ,enjoy cooking speedlily ina .~e:ss m~ssy way~ while P[~g the inherent: .s,oQdness ,of the food.

A mJ.c:fmvQ.\fe OV'Cfl h1lisa magnetron VOiIC.llUm rube WIDell. convCtlS ,electrical c:nerol\' .~ntn Wcoi1i:o fft:(~uent"t.t mIDcrowgJ\fes. Oace prodeeed thc.:r.

-'I~I~ &.. l III r J'-

'm are I',dlb::ted by metal surf~ces~mer:cforemey are s:afely COlillMrned in me oven; ,Por the slime fJeaSoiOmer:al ve5iSelsafellot used for ho]ding~ food iOlbc mi.c,r'O~Vie oven;,

'i:! c'lIflp::liSS tllt!ot'gh a. sUb~tiinC(!\Vith()u:t changing .~t. It Callp3S$ tihroltgh matiC'~!!la~s like chin9iJ glass, pottery Of wood 'WiJttul1!lt hCii.t1ng them .. Thlis ex~

Plains ~Thv these d¢:nuscd. in. atni(:Iu,wa:V~ d.onotbecornc hot. Thi"V be<-

. I.' ~,J

come: ho~ .,mJ.y thKHlgh c~ondu~ti(lll .of heat from the fimdthcrein;.an.d

Q:!c~n be :.I:bso!llbed.They are ~absotbed by :motsrure in foods." t~.USJing me fOod moleculeetovibraee m! This 'vibmti_nflcawes friction between the food molecules and the result is latease hearwhieb ctlloiks the food. The food moil.eooles\llibt:allle at the tate {Jif muhl. :mIJUOiflis of rimes perseeoad aOOO!iln:ting~ot me speed of m:i.crOW3'!lCooolcing.

Comb i na.tiQ 1i'I.rn1 ~c ruw:av~ (love [J.~ CQ(J,:k_ U s.i v'c;: ctlcrgy and. con venrional oven heat slmultaneo!llsly;althorugh If desired they can he opcrnt.cdi by m~crowaV'e a~on.e or carrv"Cctiuo alone 0:[ iIl tandem. orin some eases 'Wit~ ;II .. ~1I. US~;ll1yW~MC. 'commnlatiio:n ovens {l£tier a mi!£I;lm~m oft'bree ,c~j(~king met1:;tOOs.

fEi'Microwavc only: Th~s mode: of coo:king can. ibe used _one in ,e:XolCtIJy d'H~ same: way as you would use a basic milcrowa-ve oven. This is e:ff~cti:veJJ used for cooking ~soups~st-eamcd. ~ fish dishes, 'IITegcmble$, £rmts.~ dce, pa:stil, pU~Se5j. :!>tt'a:rn,~d pud~in~ sa~()csaf!d ,eggs.

Copyriphted materia'

+I Convection anly:Th:is mode of c()okin.~~s the ~amea~ tb~u; 'iJ!~ed in :l. cortvmtiond OV,Cfl,. but it mar be fanassisted or turbo cba~d in some csses, It, is t' oont:~QHed usually from lOlJ~ C to 250c' C Us~ for baking small c~es~biscults, meringuesjchOlilx pastiics and. small crisp pastry i~c:ms,

I). Co.mbinatioll. o:~ lms is the mooe: whe,[C the nUc:mwa.~c and. eenvecrien syst,elns. operate together to .,ve fast cooking .resll][:s Udlh lrad.itiot:l:al

~~--,._;.' ; - .. ~."t _j ..... .,pii~U'_'J:,,-r. "~""".·""·~I.,..~ ".,~1ft ffi"!:' .m~·"'·.'!ii'''' f:n~r andr,e-

PIVW'TIlng :anQ o,.L."._ .••. -:ar .~·vUi>.U.uW v .. l!-Al .0'-'" _~~'- .. ·v"" .. _ .. ---~~~..i' ---~ ... ~ _

drcWating hoe air. from a coldstut. Themi(;lio~'ave energy p~oy.j.d!es l'iIpld (looking whetea:smeh.ot aiirgj.vt!S a haked'tbrow.nod.F1r roas;{:ecl, a!ppearn~ce, Used fm rooking smalland ~~; cum 'of mea{~. puultry and game; for Gooking .6sh either whole QI: in pieces; vcgc,tab~e gtatIDs:;, past!y p'les~ SVo1i6(;1: and saVOttty p~tty dlshcs; bot puddings; rues; b.rcads and. tea-breads;. brownedp:a~t:a dishes ikehsagne ere,

C()!m.bIt1i1:ti.oll.mkm---\\fai.\i'~ ovens do ~eod ro be more expensiv~ andr'~quire mor-e e,nqy wan. cconvenrionMrmcrowave ovens but lillley ~1\e able te hro'i,\i'[} ~and cnsp meats while. prcscning tbc~rjul.dness~ penni.~bakiing a~.d can speed up cOOking tiim.e \lib.ena number of dishes are to be coo~e..d.

CalUb~ olvf:nfim.c.t1ons in various: modes. You ,cruilI ju:st use !It ai:; Ml(:mwn"IJe with lOOOW OUqJut. Convection. ovenhssa :f:'O'lllge of 1000e to 25IJ°C, a. pre hea:t1ing f:lciiLity- bas enbe heater l~tOP. boUom, (,ear)' plus convection fan. Mostly Grill .mode 'cOomes in tbre:t;: lo,rms:. Gclll croP, also called hmwni:nggriU; Gr~n (BorrO~t) also called crispy grill and Grll!1 (TOP & :aOIToro..1)wso C\ll~ed dQ'"u~lc;gtiII. Use TOP fo.£ browning {limbabs}andmclriii_S: chc€~e~BOTrOM fb·rmaldn,g m~ cri:sp (p~zza base) and, TOP & BctrrOM for making fhm-Wi which :should. be crisp a:s weU 28 bwwt'l. on. rop(p:i'Z7A1i).

Then YOIll have CO'l\:fBlmOOe-. Used~era!!ly fo·£:

t Con.vection. +~lic~vc~

2 C.olWcction + GnU (BO'rl'()~I)I+ Microwaw • .1 Com~ection + O.riI1 (fO'&: DOT]'OM)t.

4. Grill (T-Op) + ~fi(:fQ~~'IC snd

5. GdU ,crop &: nOl".i.'Or...I), + ~l\iliaowa\·e:.

Select prope -r mode as. rw'"r the d~s.h. ltw:ln eome to vou with! c·:<.~cier!ce, Tbe

,,;. "" r' .... · ~ r,--'

pov;rer CO.llsi!Ut1pti.on in. Combi mede .goes upto 2800\v:

Dc~ndllig on Y(rlut cooli:mgnec:.:ds. aodii.vailaiblcspace,. choose anoven ',,,!ilih

Copyriphted materia'

an. appropriate swze. and :powet'~ :~t:k~n:mra(\!~s usuaU.yrangc &om :aoout 0 .. 41 cuibic feet totS enbic ke,t; and :&om. 500 ;to 11 OO\Wtts of .powtt. If the microwa:ve: will be used GI~y for hea:r.iing coffee~ making popc£im" de,ffostingfro.zen600d~ (I,l ~g .~e£tovetS", :II. smaUerunit :should suffice .• For more serious c,oo,Jciing oe mr a: large &mily~. you".H. pmMlhly need ~ .l~ cwen. .flighet·\V'9:tmge enabJes fastercookiing. .M~crowave recipes am U'Suall.ywri.tlcn for about 800 'watts or powet~. so }'UU C3ifl. cheek 'and see how ] I~ viii take:: to .make: }'Our fia¥Ourite foods. Large capa.dty butunder'"pow.cred ,mt;c:rowaycs can bC\1fC%i'Uusmli,ting to use ..

Most nUcfOWave ov>ens· offer abuil.t~.m tunlbl:'bJe. Note that tutnmbb::s .reduce ~hc av:ailaMcsJze for: me diah. fearore .isbeing- ablctotU/E:tllhe oottl.table onand off~oo, .Wge dishes am ~tiIDII. be ICOOkm •.. Anothet :so~.ution is the use of a. ~ti[lC:~ that .:redistributesthc mi<c~ve energy in t1!~c.ry ditedion~liCSu!1!ting in even heatin~

Tod~.y;. ~mmo8t all micrmv;aves use much pad coottolEi ins~l!ad of .1): ~fOU;t}' dtaL Thanks to tbe common use ·Oof mi:aocWpSt. manymicto,w.a;v,e ovens; ,can be peogrammed t:operf.urm mU!l:tipl.c: tasks. [or example to auto-start cookiQg at Q .. 1. c. -n ., ...... ,- -.t htl,-f;r 1 __ !lls_o.t:ill~' mullb:-ste- c- !kitL.

y~(};5C __ ~~!e. 5e_ r~w Cv~_,, ow p _00 g,

.MD~tmicwW:av·~hivl!'a clock ~h~:t: d~sp]a!ys ,eithar ~beact.w. time (1):[ the oooking time, Mdiltional teamressometi_mes .offered are aum~defros:t and auto~tebeat thata.;utQma;tJe:;ily setthe rin'le and powet 1~5 based '00 the .food wei_&ht ~d type~ c:xltr'a. lcii(icnenllmeil'J. oee .. toueh but:fJJlfisror POPCO!ttl. 0,£ drink'S,! aad 0'111(1- mQ<te·nMllte bnttOO. ih.uadds time but ~eaves oChers.erri!ng.; un~h~. Hlgh~ end units offer (lither COffv~.em built-in features. like tempemmreand m.OlsttlrJ:e sensoes Ithat: can preven~' Q",eooooikin__g;

H.ert''shoping tfultthis .\Vill. help you to use yom. ~ficrmw'l['(! oven to .lts maXimum potentia~~

Copyriphted materia'

Tb.~-n::QtOOlthl w~i, the q,uesci.on!: Ue:re·att ~'f~C81hatcgm,plW: the; mi~atw(: m.elliod or Q)OkWgwttbcoI!I.'V-cndonatmodcs


Mk:rov;rave is Dn.··.··oo


Qmy mrrdteating.

Ap,an from cookhtg all types of v:egetarian. and. no.n.~vege:tarian fbods,~ a, m,i.cmwa,v(: oven is alsocx.t.rcm,ety useful. for defroscing~ boiling, baking, :ro.hoatin,~ ete,

FOOd, does not taste as ,d.d.JJcious as compared to food cooikiedl Qonve~dona.Uy:.

.on thecQntrary~ food. is cooked 10 irs owajulces 'and as a~e;sub iris full of AA~ .~ ooJio,U[ :and t~mre.

The m.~cmwlllV'e OV(:;:I1. Ciil;O COQk and IL ~T ... '.. '1' .n., 'C" ... 1.'I'k·. .' 11' nQWW .. .ry out _fHlmn lQQU$~Le uut"

bifJtJni~kl)t'tr~ ,CUt'lV, kab.(lbandwha~·

_- .. -


!\Iic.tCiwave ovens emit .:radiatio.n wMch ~s harmful to hedw"

so much that it oollid muse: cancer;

M.~!c.[Owave ovens are non-ionising a,pplianc,es:, they do not: ,cbange rhe ph)~sical and chemical properties of food but they only heat the same. Mi.c.rowaves when. exposed ;tolthe food get com. ph~tel}' abs(u:be,d. 'nus helps inheating/coQking the food. 'The h,e;at bgener.atil':d by caudng ,fr.icdon between, the mlc:[OWaves and the food moleeules. The microwaves get completely coaverted inmhe~9it and there is no~hing left behind .~n the j)Qod.~fj(;row:;}:\,te~sue JUSt another form of energy md. are tQ~iIJy safe.

The IiLI'I:w.:ing: cost <Jf a mittowarve oven is expoosiv,e.

Though the ch~cn:i city t;aliff':U frets {rom place to place, it has been gel\oC;t:aUy obsesved that the CI(}S~; of ~ miCiI!OWllrVe oven o:n,3i~egular basis is 00 p::u' wJth~he cost of using: trad.i't~onal Cud Uke g~.s. Besides this, .mIcrowave ,cooking !l'c(Juires vcry little oil and spices compared to ,eonvefiil:i.onal cooldngt :5:·0, there Hi ev~d.e~ndy .somt'!co:st cUlling]

Micmw.av\C ovens att\!',ery complicated m use,

.A miCf'U\\Hli'V'C Hvt!n~s very easy ~(!i op,er:lue. An it[e::q]!,~s is, a little p,tr:acdc:c. It ,h>so 5lmpk~ that even children .. .dthe eMuly canco:mforbl1bly use it.

Copyr'ghted rneleria'

Ellulpmlelnt for Ithe Mlcralwav'leOven

Hc.t1!!s:.:a: Illtt o.fullmlUl tbatcan be: used fa« mic;:roo..vave OOQkmg.A:r:!d)'eI;~ i~ miigh~ no~ kad. ro!!UID~$~ $bopp~Sot¢ad,on. ..

A. mkrowav,e oveawosks becausethe microwaves pass th:ro~gh the food ('{IntUne!' and. into. tbefcod, .Microwaves can pass through many thiqgs but nOI: through mew. T.hJs includJesl'\Visttiest which C~l'llse ~'nci:og. They easily dn:o'l.lgh .,m~ISt ,_ldnds of p~asci.<:~papcrt g~!lss a~dany P?ttcty ()~ (:hiria, meta~ trim. 'p~U1t Qr glaze. The range ofequipment that can be used lO the microrv.rn:vt:' oven tsmore ,extensi.v~ m:;lin that can 'be used jn con.ven.tlio:rn:d oven cooking:

,. F'Of; short cooking optttlUi.o.nswhert:: tem.per3Wties 'are :m)t ,e;:iio~ssi,"~ly hl,gh. papet cookwarej, plastic ,cOQkw:are~ gteasepmo.fpapcr~. absorbent kJrl:chcn paper, paper M.d .. illi:ncn napkins andfine china can. be used.

'i) r'Ot .]ongeJ; a.mktng opemd.o:ns 'Where:lemperat,ur,es are hiig...h ltis worthwhi~e investing In a. good. c:omp'r,eihensh,~e range of heatpwof gffiassware or miCfOwav.e~ !Cookware Cerami!::: wares 'can also beused hut: make "sure t_h:11lt' ~hey dont~ have any me,mn~ic rim as they nlcay ,callsc;m;:jng. Fo-{':n:01. .11JC:trl.S con,~g'hi,gPpto'pot:tiQn. off:lu and SU~,f should not be cooked ~n glass !il.ttnsilc:: otherwise m.e,v.·.· can be used co.mmon11i .. \,

~~, J

il' Mjc[Qwave!l?O]yethylcncoo~ :and mic,rowave~sa:fc ding films atc a!!] so good

f'orgen.eml use but must be~hroilJllnawa:y afte.r use,


Do not usemelamlne In the m.i_Cl1o\\"av,e OVl!n '" it absorbs enough microwave energy to C;1,1L1,se ,cll:li[th~gG.r bllmi!n:g wb:ich .~5 .1ttev'crsiMc. P~.pcr' ~D'\\7els and catrlbtJaro. can ailliso be used pmvided they d!on~t .any staple pim'l in. them .. \~ood Items can be used in the miao~~V'e oven b..wt not: fur a lQng Ome.


Copyriphted materia'

","""""""""""1,, e,t..,-'l""-w-"v,·e- .. ,,,, .. I ", 'm- n ,,,r'"e ,,,.,,,,,:ik'"I[JIP fa- st - C' -'a·k .... , .. 1f.:"IC- k •• """",,,,_,,,,,, ",,,,,j riee '!i".I'~'""""""~~!! i!~tl:~aI._....., '.' . ..:,~~~_,~", dll!L'\i_ ,'Ij,.-J~'Io,.;,!' _, '0 ,1_'i_.!i!I',_;~;L.'~. __ ,. ~~I IIi;;i:li:1 ,_:_K~.I,iII", ,1'iI!,I,'?i!o"Cli,'_ ~~LU ,Ulli!.-_,

dishes, cook well inhl.rge bottomedvessels \\!'hi]c round. dishes are ideal for oc){)ldp_g v"Cgcf;a.bles., and curry dishes, J\ny foods, whkh :A~ed to be boiledIn the wlcn:rw;a,\'c-rui,kc jamsllrrud, :somesotl[)s cr easseroles, ShOiU~~d be,put inro ;), dish~w,i:lIic:h seems much too big for the qllandty, Th~s: a,][QWS (hemjx~u!_re ti~) !riSlf;: higlru on ~he s~de~s of' the rush. (ood it w,]I!!) '\\ii.thout spilling over: ~d messing up the ovc:n.


1'r_fcml glal,es arc not :alwaY5 olbr'!l'iQlJs,~fhne it ls e:sl;'8:)! to see gold lines ina PJiJt!jCnl, many metals are lngrediears inpoucry gla:21t:s t(l'glve diiff~rent colours, Includb]'fJ[~ds:, blaes, arcen:s: and bt-{)w'rns. USlI:allv the amomu of me:tal in. :a

MI ~ ~ l'::i I.'

,cokmred. gl<lzc.'lNill not-be enough to cause p'[cbl:t.-'1l':ls, but som.etiJm.e.~ tbccllay

i.csdf contains hi!;,tlri amOiLIl!lllS of iron, eSpeC];J;lly dark ,wbur~d. or :s:peck1ed clays, If youw~nr' eo seewhetber pots, or p]~tes you already haeeare sairahle for _mjC:1:'{)"i,tfi.llVe ov,~'n~ tt:JT thi~ simp']e WSf. FlU the empty d~sb in!to fhe miC-(Q~v-e Oil. HIGH tot( 60 seconds, lithe did)jbe-comesnociceabny w.arm Qrho~ it has 11: hlgb me;taJi COOtet1!t and, sbmd.<.l om be used iotl':t_e :m±~,n~, Do not leave the mictowave Qnro:r lo~ .th:m 60oocQ.nds witbou.t :any food Ol" w~ter .in.~L,The: w~ves: tben bounce 00ck m:ro tne~tto~ and ~ ev¢'ntwill.y bmn kout.

Metal skewers \Vith woodea handles eM be used in the m.:icro~'avepc_rovided the fOod ,is packed tigb£ID}f toged!" ~eavingno metal e'xposed.WQooen skewen are rutyday benee .

.As mJcwlWilvc: cooking is gaining popuk!1:1cy day by day, many manufacruters nowmake rnnges of special[ mkcOO'i\;-1,li!il'C cookware, They are; genetall)T made of ,oe~k; glJilSiS otEthc:stmopL:ultic. Bow. can IXl fi!]sed in dl.e (Qrl."Ii'c.ntional O'V-:cn too' dlclugh [hct::tn'oplastl'c cookware can beused only upto a c,e[ta~n m,od!.enue n!m.perntutc. Thcml'l~ of dhiihcs is expilnd~ng:foom. geuc.raJ cookingdisbcs :to' Spec1:f.i.c recipe nit itcm o.rienmcl ones like C3ilk.e mouIDds~ egg poo.cb~. steamers,. idli:'mnk(::[!, -ome]et~mak¢t~ m1!crDW3.\r,¢ 8i'lU¢ep:an$! It$ an. i:n.teit¢sting econJJJ.nk ~ense' to go in for :stl'Ch dj;she5w~jd.\wm ;i!!]sogt) in t_he free~e!r ile, you cook!,scr'li'e and store if!! the :same di~b~:


Few of the ncoow"a:\-"e fare available 10 the marker :are;

.D.ispt1lsabJe cooiav,are'! Plastic, p<llythcnc,. treated paper bo-ard~ greaseploof pa1per. mj(:rowave-f]~f'C CJ~flg f!llm eec,

Copyrighted rnmeria'

Browning dishes:. Made of gJass, (leramllc substance w~~h Iii spel!:Jal (;()'ilting~ which g:ttrlltts: and absorbs miicrowavlecne:fh~' Food in centact Mtn mrs will ~t mote heat: and browmng en'cctvrill ,show:

,Mi.c:rowave pressUfC~ cooker: .Rcd:u;c~s cooldng hm,€: upte ,35%., Itcooks food in mJcrowatl!fe: I.miter gendepresslill',e,.,sealing in moi.snl1::e and nuuj~n{s..

St~H baake«u :&pandlable to fit a good range (If dishes. Ele:va'lt:5 me food l~aOOv-:e thewatee f,Or srerunmgt

.Microwave splatter screen: It keeps, the splaeters o.i :soups, saucesere. in while allowing steam. ~Q'''''ent oot tihrol;!Jgh ;li.special1y desiYloo grid,

Miaowav1epotatobahet: A ,dc-vice wb,~e.hpos~ri.ons, pOtii.t;oe8~jj, a iing pitner.rlI ruld a!tan, an~e for maximum, and ev,en mlcm~ve absruptiolrn .

. Microwave (ooldng pouch hol~en It\; for hnldli_ng :!'iaf~].y the fro~erl!. eook-lnd:t~~~_g :r{~:!ldy 1l'I¢al!s dJOOfig tTtiGt~av~ coo:ki!ng< R.~mGmb¢r. to pi.r.::,r,l;C h(jlcson

the rop' of the P"D~ch. '

Microwa\!\e ladle, wWsk, spoon: 'They c:an he letlin OlrCillcavity dlllring 'COOlclfi~ Tak~ care mat: they do not restrictan,y tur.n;tiMe action. by c:u)cl1.iing; on. the ~1lnS or ccliI~ngJ

Microw:ave ,Slacking .rings and :s:beM" ()rgan.tzers:·fbcrm0'P~a5tk:dngs,;lnd sbelv~s used tosep:lfatc:plates {lor dlshes when cuoking: or f)eh'C:ii.d:il,f~ food res.ulting in. optiimu~ utllzarlon of oven, cavity.

'Now the mod,illdusttl{ ~sdev-x::lolPingspcciill microwi:l:vc packaging f(~r fm:t.e,ll or chiUed foods. Y(II;!!, can see de_pattmen1tnlsrores ~nd. yont'blffocery shop sllu;:!hlng special chips,plzu"popcoms and ba~ter~cOiate)d, ."uoductsfolt .mitt:O\\;'$::vt:"oruyheatirrug: ncy ha:voC: a. s<pccialp:ackagil1gthat :f1oovates Md. utiliz;cs mia~ve efletgy ~Q give a pacrdclmM heati~g df,ect.

Combma,uon ,lk Co:nvectino:

In coruM modie to use dishes m.eant~o[ mierowsve like glass,a;nd

"',"r"'m,·j: ,~, ""'bl'I,.." ·f""'" p. ~ - II-c ~"' .. - Ai'" 'm, "I"" ~ .. ;- ;-i.".,.".."l'" ,,,,,:-, n be --''', ed ~-'Cl·~JIk. .

... "'_ .. _"-"'-" .. ,.." j, .... ,~,~ , ,U,.,,",~,y ....... ,.'\! ,",''-''. U'.'. "., ........ 1 ... 00, .. """",.,,, ... al,,,, ".~ u",e , W".,IU


Copyriphted materia'

Freql'ule,nt~ly Allied I •. ~.··. rU.-I--.t·. ::'1- -'n-'-s-

_. _ • __ 8._

iiI ROod to a8kqul!"$tion~ bccaul!;e theyaf(!dU:'iUlswetatoWmoat;!l. Hem ~ iOn1eF~lueill!dy Allced Qucltiom mat·oould be t'~TroU!bJcs.hoota\&l


J4~()1l!d()' I ((tli;lIlrrle lbt ,rofJkit;g tim.'¢ f~4Ji'/~ 4dap.tir~~ aC()m"Ntlt~ilI¥ll.ftctip,~ Jor tin 'lIiml'lWlv.'fJ tJlm~?

As a t'1(nlgh gu~de most feeds wiD reqwre approlldlrul.tdy ;): q1!lart~r to one tihltd of the ·con,v~l:lit1o:na] cuokiillg time. ]f 'U!ns.!ttc~ aIDW'ays unde:t:estimfl:tem.c time needed, <:hli:."Ck the ,tcsult and continue C{>oking if needed. More the food, 1QofP[ the '(looking time. \).;i'hen d'QubUmg a recipe, increase me rooking time by h~~f anddledk the result,


JjiJulit tIJI¥ttflf1g ,f/iilk t.tJiul. ,(j, mir:m~I'Uti~ Ol~tt: If) Wl'tf or "fat if) toIirtff

COilO'er .fi'oods f'o,r(he,S'nm,e;fc::asonsa::; in (':onv~ndo,nal cooking; UJ' retain. mobu:a:r.e, s!pt~ up cooldng and t'(}1 hc~p tendcrl:se f'OOd:s .. u~ a ,re.rn.{~~f lld fQ[ fbods with ai. hi~h Uquld[jonte[jJ~~$uch as soupS~to allow stea:rn, lEO csc~pe :and. !pfCVcmthe, nq!;:!~d bgi~ng OW~[.¥(}Ui ~ It:.!;~e d.iing film tn, co'Y'er .. BnsUJre to pierce it all! ()ver~ CQve:ring food widl!il! sauce has the s~me ef(,ect as usi:og a lid, when coo:k~ng rmeat Oil' pouh:ry. Do not cmfCr food'S, llke ,cakes ~nd crumbJes~, on whillcn you d~sire a dryfirdsh ormr .~tern5 s.och as S!cmtnb~ed egg:sood -for foods which need frlequent: :s;tirri~ Iikesaueesandcusearda ..


1$ .ii: d tJJ!ist t();f.tir /&edlt jl.1Ji/~ ,waking?

Food :!];e-a~rest the sides of the dishcook:s faster than that at the centre~oo sti:tiiqg ",iU speed up its cookin,g time ev,c;n cookin~, .P:Itrti:cubtt'lysensirIlVe foods, such as scrambled ~a:nd sauces" need fi1equent stir.ring ,clillting cookin§


A"d;n~ll1.g food and tllt7Jil1gCJ!t!f .uibilt i~ isam.kittg Jt£miF to be fli€ Jeml ,0/ t1Jn~ ,rooking:

M,eJl {~ing. hea,ting 0([ coolcing~a:rge items, such as a. \\ilhQ]edllcken~smn

_ ee - ~ ".~ .. ...;... a",c.,_dl ",.....,:;.:I' ~~cc'"". T."...,. ,"~.' "",,_"A~l'·...,. c~-"..Ji,,-c~.- ~,.~ c ~.:~ IWl,·JC;,.

on 1h'1 ~'6 ·u,~ tuo;.JY '~Y!J'WU,. !,l,w.<.. • ......... , UiW \Vilf .u.,v~. tine , .. '"":I, ...... """'. ..

~·is .~ .• ~. me food at: die OOlU ~ Qf'tbemmmhie '01: dim ~ ~ more ~"O&'e~' tb:m that at die. c.enm;sop!'ac.e Iri.d:a-or ~.pcrtiom offbod. a;t the'~'" ~.i5.~.'Wjtl~ .KwJd, d~t:~. be ~ ~lCeil: ~ the IDod,·:md.,~ even ~.Mw.1! the· i-.lCld .. ttcHn the.<le11tre of the~ 10 tl:-!e. 00IlSide~ and. 'vice ~.


- '_.- '_ - - - ',_ - -' = - -, ' - - - .,,' -

I ,ha,t_" fHtI l{)tmj>wplt ,flflG'kro!Jlmlleu to .f:(jj.-'( li'!d~. Is it I})f ilf)J.le' tiling?

Stac:.king em be dnn~ wbe__n, m-heating; foods; in flliat-,tupped coneainers, pJiJlJt.OO ;. ~ swith rim(3 nlate ,- - •. rc··,·. - or p- hues ,-~mted bet."l"terin~ Fot even heatinil! m_.s .-~ -":CI"l".- 00'\\'_[[:5 - .- .. _- Si~,r-- -.--~} F~-·"b~ - - ..... ~ ~ .. -~"O

.a:mwgc the plates ot[' cont:Rinlc;rn 80 th~lt: thicker fOod!; such as ~Iacket POlla-toes are evenly diistribm:ed, in. the IStact~ eg. ~th tihe potato on. d1~ lQ'\VM pDate: {m: cQnmiue:r) Q~ me (It)®site side 00 the p·.omm on tib.e up;_(X:r p· .. l!ate (Qt oof'l,tm~et),

[",[" ."".-' L J "" L

Stack. m;)i more ~. NI'Q prates QF containers for bes~ results,


N()i ,(clIf)_ itl mt'etWWlJf ()J~n W'!!JS m ,fOol ftt:rltiT tlmn Ibflt !lltJdfJ f,~ditir)?Jt:r/tJ'· U?I1:? .A,u} Ix!,w ({1/tJ .. lPe il#llht~· tht diJj_~$:?'

PCJ(:lId clooked in. (h'e m~cr{)w~vc coels mere qJ1I1kkly t:han foodl eoeked co.nven.tio.nWly beeaase in cOD'~e.nti.onal cooking the conta.wer becomes hot andi::rans£e:rs heat to the food, whc«as m.!Diao'WaV'C roOk~n2t:he opposite is

'iVfL .' '"h .1 1.. .1' h .1) b Ik

true, W~l.fJ~. m~ct~Vlng tlIlnes are :5;; ert :anu the UIS:, uOe5nOf eeome noe,

fooo. will. cool very ~rrutk1y after the S{Mdii:ng dm~. 'I1Us is easily oeereome w'.i.m some i5jm'ple~ insUlJa:ling ideas i.e, ,placing m.c; djsh~na batiket: or q1!lj~ted casserele cr wrnpplog it b1 'colopdi:daapkinsaticr rni~wavkigt

FOD.JNGTImALUMINIUM COVER AlntttinilJflIpil /()' w~r disbtJ in tNiUCJ»Jf~' ()I~r;ll~ i.1' iaM Wlo'r'

Mlc:ro\\t1il.\I1cs can pa:ssUttnugp.mOlst ma.wcdais such as (::hJ:na~ ~a:ss" plastic and papc'r: 1h~y cannot pass :!hroughmctal They avet::¢n~ by it. It ~s ~het~ffir~ achisaMe not to 'Use fuiiI. ina. mlctowav,eas it ma.p cnllse spru:kingwhich may d~;We 'W'SiUs. of. the micrOiW:a\1"C..Foil can be extremely useful for lirioeping fOod, :hOt wh.en .~t ·~s out of: the mJ:cmWltvc:: but food ml,l~t ncver: ibetciturncd. to ':L' - , ......... 1 :II' C ... ::I 0 'I _'1'1 • r- C' ], hOi L 1",Ue: m1crowa\r~ 'W'rn.!Pl!""'''' or roVeJ.Iei.!l, tnlui:!,,_ny smiUt pomons 0.' mo<~~ W~"I.Cu

are .likely to be scorehec1 an be coveted \Vim foil fOr a brie:ftime.

Copyrighted rnmeria'


1~ .Ii It!Jfrl#(J!Ji' If) MJI ,a#twti.{llJ 1ft SMttrliug /iJrlf. !1ij,~1J; itt IlH .wafe1?

Yes. dbr5e~ry~ng sOUl_ding ~irncs 'can help Y{lU, 'c-Qoktx:;uci! After a food has reached. dJ~ end! of the f!!!qlliflOO ,(Jooking tim,e. (andldu~ {liven bas autom:atkaU)T ~w1tched, (l,ft}itVi'ill c;Q"'titw~e to ·("-,{Iok by d:l¢:cQ~d1!:!Qie~h~lt stiMi tra:ppedi in the food To ensure that a food. dues: mOl ()verc00k \Vim ithi.!! "il:ddl,llunali'i' energy ,ef6ecl!, a st3t'!:ding. time Qfa f~' mhul.1!!ei!l 8hQu~d be observed.Tn mOist eases t~ris. is only fW'() ®o three minutes but an. he upto fi(~Cienmlnu.t:c~ for ~Laq;re~ik(~ cakes.:illcl

'1', th f t..,: ~·"··b .-~ - d t:'-iJ'

eeases, . in me C:a'S(; ereoasrs frog, stanaUlg [lime Is nest ,car.n~ OUt un ~ er m~-.

Copyriphted materia'

• Ahm:ysr.em,o\i'~ the ,nidi 0,[ OOVC;[ tf"(1'm hot microwl:tv~ (nod by Hfung ~~ ftom. the end of the dishaw-ay!rom you to prev~n[ oon,g s(~ruded. by the steam.

11,'1 To dry herbs for storage place the rsprigsbetw,ee11! paperwwel::;: and mJ,~~'¥(: un~ the he~bs can be crum.b~,ed.

W' 'Ioibhmch a[mQfid~ bring one ,cup w1tter to s, boil fur abouttwo to three mllnutcs on. HIGH (1{)oaj6)~:add n:ui:s;, cook(luHIGH (lOlY'iG) for one rrunute Mid. dmin., The skins shoukl.sHp IOiff ,Wil}i.

1')1 TOrQa.sN)oconut it 1n 'an EV'{;n layer ona pillate and heatoill iMED.UJM (7«)€ilo) for one~miiiute! tossing tvric~ with a {ork. Lcaveil:o c:ool and :store in ruftightiars.

.' Ih roast nllltHs~ spread ttJie nues ().(I, a c(:(1I.mj,c plliuc:, add:ing saJh or any otli!,e.rm,;lsaJl:1i ~o ~a:sil:e if so des~rc:cl./rcqulrt':d. and. cook on HIGI~l ('UW(I/O) {orr.vo minutes, S,dr twlee whUe mlc:~owi!ving and. do not allow 1:0 hro\\c'Jl teo much, They wiTh] da:rken as they (!')o]. Serveabter five mlnut-es:.

• Toroas[ papam brushthem llighitIDY'lo'tith ,oU 011 both sides and cookliul fuitty. seconds on. HIGH rlOQO/~)..

'm To crlspbison.ts, ntit~, chips etc, pmace w.em on n p]~.te Q!t]d heat on HIGH O~/G) for. ofi(: .m.:l:n!.uteand d.GW it to stand f'Or fiv·(i mtnutes:..

Q) Tb warm and freshen b~ds. ro& (l:i;cakcswtaptfi.em in p3,per towels and heat 00. ,HIGH (lO(J%) ({;If' fifteen to twenty seeonds.

fJ) 'To warm dxJpaJiJ.~iliP ~hcm in a m in 0'1,1 papc!: oowcl andrnu~~lt: 'On HIGH (lOrrVo) for thirtyserond,$.

• 'Fb makebr:eadc.rumh!;, {mooppings, and cOi'oli:tlin~ (,lilt brle:ld~nCUlbc:sand n.ricro~ve (Of five rinutcs on HIGH (1 ~J'(!) •. Allow .~t to stitrnd. for fi'l't: mmU,f:t'::8.., Cooru and. cro~:ib in ;able;n:dc[ er a food prooe~so.ran:d. store,

'f.!) If you have fo~gouc:n to soak p'll]se5.,. 1~flti!5t b~:an~ G'I>Tcrnigbt, do not d.op.3lr~ uT'or-er them with wat:er in i. luge bowl and heat (In HIGH (l (:H'YVo) fo·r~abaut tenmineees to bring:to a, ooi~ ... AlIow the pulses to 'bolil for NQ mote mi:tlll!tEiS :and. then le.rve ~o stand, for one haur, The pl;d:~~5' \\I'.iU. c(!lQik; fast:e.t.

1'0 pe-eltQma~oes eas:ily p~ace me!'}]' w~th {UIC:CU., \\!'l~et:tl.uleovered, on F.HGH {l'OOOJ~)~o:r two to three mJinutes or tin boiling. Then 'place:: In. a bowl c.ontai:l:1Iing cold ';. i.mlO'V·l!'; the skin.

To cook 'pOt2itf~ pl'!ilicr.: them in a dii,sh ha]f ~fiUed with~rer~ Cover and cook on. area (100%) fOr around. n.vem.inutesmdthen dow smnding drne of five mimllt~s. D~n~ (1:)Q'] and. peel, If you omy needacoup~e of potatoes, you can. ceokthem withoutw:a:rer ;.1[:;10.

To l~tait circulate underneath. breads, cales and. pastry shells, pJ]:u:e them on.aQck or .i:n\i'ened. saucer. 'I'hisaUo'\,\-'S the b:'il:sel to cook. mOI:~e~'l:fily,.

Alw;avs .sUahd~ ... ·~:ndt!:rc~~k the dish a. ]~ttle bit since lood. (looked ~n.the

Ilf ~I J

microwave oven wl!l1 eook [· during istandling rime. :S~nding: rune .is

limn: period when the dish ~s kept covered t~)Eil1fsh tbe !l!:oo:Jdngpro<:ess :since itl;lses Illp the r'~g hen: ~o cool!;:

Food l1lkt: potatOe5 ood sallsages et<:.. should be pierced witbapuiuCicd. i!O;~ttum(!nt lik'e tblfk or tip (lIE kolfe' to Ol\t'Oi.d !bunting of"SteMl. build up.

E:l(!oess juicereleased from tood during coollcing can slow down. eooking process ,,81.( \V:ill. 3:W,act mi.c(()VXI,V~ 'CIi:I.e.rgy; Remove excess juk:-e: during ~QQkiog and t;eht~uoe l~tef ifreqUif¢d.

For ev,e.o. co()kio~~ u'mn_gtl ~t'em:s in. a ting p<luem sotha,t:theYfeC' f:qu:!'damoWlItS ·ot~ enelb1J •

. rf :itemsare of uneven s[zt': thiiker items shmi!l~ 'be pat'ldof!Jed!~t theouter edge '1,'),( the dish whieretih,ey will receive mere ,energy.

For even :resuh:s~o(l()k, as£ar as !p(J8~ible~ ~n (r.n:!:lld dishes.

Dense food. takes :m!u:c time to· cook.

Cooilicingtimc l~ related t.o il:he q~ti:ty of food to ibc ceoked, mare the food~ the ~ongct is the C£lOMng dme,

Bi,gh fait and. 5iugar .~t'Cmsw:ilm generally cook fa~tC[' wan me w.aiJ:t:-based products as fat ;wdsugat absorb 'micww:aveenc:tgy faster ..

W'bt~l.c: r&,ea.ting food, cover 'With a. lid toretrun. moisture.Plaee an absm:bent Mpkin fo.r dry items thli,t fUll We tiSk 'ofbecotning oog,gy; Let the rdlCi'littd. f~smndin m.e .mjCOO\\~\<-c fQ.r rometit:ne before re~ it..

Do net baH. egg In tbe m~ctowave oven. Do ncteeheat boned egg' in rnitrowave 'even- ~f itc$:hell isremQ\:'ed. !F{)tp(l~chin.g/Meam:ing/fj.yjng preparntiQ~~. breat. e~ pierce me. yolk aJJld the!] oook. -'.

\Vhcne;ve:r yuuu:;,e C.iombjna:tiI!on mode mwa}"S, reme~mbe:[thauthe oonwnclt: you 'liI!se\\oiU get: heiltoo. So~ keep o~en g1oves~la.ndy· '~

Copyr'ghted rneleria'


Copyriphted materia'

( .. , '..:.; •••• ~ _.. r _ ~ .... ':. : ~ "'.



Car,l)ot ']m.ed,ium 8i:z~d

·Il?Oi~I!:O "_ " ,, 1m(id:iwt.! sized

Z1!l!Otihim lmeruum sized

Gad:ic , 6~S. dO\!lcs

o.ruOI1 "" " ~. medium sized

Green peas (shel1erl) '" ......•. ij~ cup

ICe~:ery " .. """ .. "" ... ".",, ".""n. " •• " n." •• " :I. .lllch sn'll!k

]l.f;c;k ." ...•.......•.. , ,"' ,." Yl ~talJk

iF:rench. beans " " " " .. ,,' 3,-4

!F:[e~.h bssllleaves ...............] {l! •. ] 2

Tomarces " " " 4· rnoojYm s:i.z::ed

Oll , " 1·~ tbsps

\fegetab~e sttu::k~ 3 Cl:!p!i

Toma:~o pl1r'Oe " " ••• " •• "" •• " "."" V2 ICUP'

l\'la~ronm , , 2 ibsps

Salt .. " ""." " .. " " " " n." ••• " •• ""." ~!CI[i'lste

\'l/h:k!t;pt:ppe·f pow'd!f;f ,....I/i ISp'

Parmesan cheese (g,rated) ,., , '" ~h ,w,p


I. P:~d! wash and. eut 'carrot. potn:l;O and :~u:cchmi imo h~]f ~nth $jz.ed cubes, Peel.wash and chop ga:dic and onion, Wash greenpeas,

2,. '\vashand cut cder)" and 1eek ~nto half inch sized pieces, String,. wash and cut Fterll;;h be~!Il.$i:nt!(l, hal.f inch $]zed p](:ces.\':ijrnsh alnd mlllJghly chOlp half the basm. l,ea:v~:s"

3. GI¥c:t sup(!rficial eross-cut with a shaep knife on top of~e tomatoes" Blanch romatoe'S-[n su:fncient~lre, kla deepmLcro.wave bowl for two minutes on )ficxQwave HIGH (lOQlVI!I) and rnH1.s:f:er themhnn~edi;rrbeLy I~tcQ' a bo:w[ of iCo1d.\\l';Jiter:.BQeI theskin, cut: itUIO hal.f and eemoveseeds a.nd! 'CUt:flu:t:her .int:o half jnch s!.~ed. pIeces.

4,. Ilfia ~a~m:i(~orwave c~s~ero[e h.c~t oj] (pr~:J~ernb]y oHv.;:: oi.l) fQ,ttE1.lteerrllttl.utoC;:$, on. .~:[kmw,ave .lI.ffiDIUNI (7f)·Vo).R.emove~ t'liddg::.u:]i:c~ oeion, Cail::lUit, l(:l;!:k. and. oelery ~;O.d.cook. fo:t six: minutes OJ'l Mkwwave HIGH (1 OO%)~ slining oeeasionelly,

5. Add. Frendl. ibeM~s,. zuoch]ru~. pot~tQ.g;l'(;.'ien peas, tOilnamCl pl.!1:ree and. tomatoes • . Addr:ema:irtinghwfpf thc:fresb Ib~s~~ lea1i,fe~ broken byll:3.nd., vcgetab]e stock and cook fOIf eight .m1:rruutes on. ~1ilicrO\va\1'e H1GH OOIY%). Add me msesroni, 'sillta:.nd w~j1re pepper powder, o!l),ve~ Ml.d COQ·ko~ Mkro\wave HI(jH (1001)/0) fnrfiive: .mU1iIlJ!I)f:s.."

6. Garnish whh f~eSih hasU stdps and grated p®lrmesan 'clIDees~. Serve piping hot,

J '


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G',lIl:f'd,enl VeCJ1etalbllle,s ,re Allmlo1n,dS,o'up


Brooco.[i, " .. , ", .. , .. ,."'" ..... ,,,, ."",." 'Y+sm,aU si,zcd

'C':iI.rrOilb " ,', .•. " .• , .•• ,',',." •.• ,. ~ mediem sized

Spring cm.ons ." .. " .. ,',', " .. , " , .. " , ,,, .. ,, ... , .. 2

,F:rc~,h :m,u:sh~J!{):m~ "' " "' , ,,". ,5-6

'G:alil:lc """", ..• , •.• ", •. ,.,.,,,,.,,,,,., •. ,,,,,,.,"', ... ,,, 3 clo'V,es

,Com 'kiemC:}s, .. " •• ", ... ,,,.,, .... , ..... ,,, .. ,,,.,,',,.,,' V~, CIllP

fresh basIl, ".,,,.,,' .. ", .... ".,"""",.,.,,." 4- leave-s

j\~m().n-ds, .•.. ,'" .. ,,,.,, , , .. " " , ,,, , .2(h:25

,Oil .•.. , ... "'" ....... " ..... ,', .. " " , ,', ..• , ,, , '1 tbsp

\~~gc;;tabJIi; ~t{l'Ck· C' •..•.. ,.. ,..,..,..,,~ 4 ~p~

o o o {J


e Q (I

o o o o (I Q Q o (I (I o Q

e o o o

(I Q o o o e e o o a

. q

g ~o~r~h~~§@ ~

Thyrne ".,', .. , ... , •.. , .. ",'" , ",", .. """.lli pinch

Soy ..,3U~C, ••• ,' .. "' .. "' .. "' " "'''.,.''' ... '''' .. '''''. 1 tsp

'1.\~i'ashandcutrbe broccoli into medium sized flb'rels, Peel, wash andcut ,car.rot int.o· halIifich sized cubes..\Vash and d:u>p' >sp:['ing onion bulbs and fQlI!r~·€ grccns.Was_hand slice mu~hr:o()ms.,.W:ash and shred ~etmCie. Peel and chop g'Jiric. \'(i'ash corn kernels, Wash and. shred basil 1 eave s ,

2. P]accalmOl1ds. vrlth ;Sl]lffj.cicntW3l~ft ina deep' bowl and cook (m lvlictmv:avc H1GH (lOl:r/{l) fOf tfu_tee rninutes .. Dtrun. ped ~nd cut iflt-o slivers and keep it asi.d.c.

100 , Of)


• 0 ~~I

• 0 ~; .00


• 0 '~.' .0(1

'00 ooe- 100

.00 .00 -00 600

100 ~OO



I q~ '-

~ b"o 0 G ~) :.-) (. <) o .... } c. ) (1 C <) C () J 0 U 0 00 000 (J 000 0

~ 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 o o Q C 0 0 ,~'_i 0 o () 0 (I 0 0 0 0 0 00 a 0 0 0 0

3. ~;t (tlill~cat::rot~vcge.ra.b~,e st'OCkJ spEing onk)n~ ~rn~ eoee kemels, salt and almoadsliveeslea d.cepcas:SC11O]C and c:ookoo .~1ic:[owavc .HIGH (lOO'ljo) for SI!li'eJ:lJI minutes.

4. Add broccoli, mushf( __ ioms, spring Of)]O[1l. gr'~s~ thyme; basil, leuuee leaves,. soy :5.~iuce 2nd cookfurtiher onN[icIJowav;e HIGH (1,()!)9tm) fur five minutes,

s. .serVC! piping: hot.

- . - ..

"" .) ,-,

- .

(\C'~~. ~ .. ~.

• , I· jl'1 .. -


Ihma,to(l;s ., , , , , , 8, medium, sized

G:tilic .. , , , , , " , 6 cloves

Caffot ."' " .. """ "~ mOOili~ :s.i~d

Cclery " ~. :2 Inch ~:hlJk

'D'mon " '. U m~um si~~d

Pmlc:y' ~uil,..F.n·U:l,..liu·H:'!+E§~+.UHilH;uH!'!n iii te"f sprigs '~plJier:coms ,.,!~,~!;!!+.,§~+!:I+~.~·".,!"I·~I!~·~~~,.,~!~+Ii!,.·~!!I+.,!I 4-.,.6

'OU " " ". :YSi: '~bsp

'Bu:rter , , , , , , , , , .. , ,,' :~, '~bsp

'Bay l~~ ".,.""" ,." .. " ",.m' ," " .•• " '1

S!l;h " ,,,00' ~51Pe'

SugM " , , , , , 1 1i:!;1P'


t. Wash. md. w:tmm.Sitoos moo '['W'l1'1ers.Pecl.\VRsh. and chop ,~tlic.Pc::d~ ,\w:sh and cut carrots rum:ro roundels, Wash and chop 'cder:!'. Peel. wash and sioe ()iNQn,Wasb and d~,oppi'ttS~ey; Crush peppercorns.

2. Pll:t ,oii]~ buttet" io!ll1ion" '~orr~ celery" gmk; bayleafm a ~a~em:icl\o,~:v:ave bo'w~ andeeok rQlrfiv1'l minutes on. Il&icm~v,e HIGH (H)lmW~).

3,. Add !qi!l~n;dOOfiUi;tOes~ $~i;, !:!iilg,tr 'and three 'l;:UPS; of 'Wll~er and cook Cioveood on 1!1i~:ve HIGH (l00%)forftv.'e.nJty-mre: minutes<.

4", Letirtcoo[ in :9: blender tilJ] SI:]100dli., Add. erushed [peppefCOfn:(i and cooK. an. Ml:icrowaVie .HIGH (lOO%) ffi~ 6ve minnrt,'!:es.

S.. Sttt in c~m. an.d, ~r' v.rithchoppedJ.paIs!ey~ Serve piping hot wlth b~cl, (:l:'Ou()orns.

fl]:r~ingb~d Crol;li~()tlS, ~tl;\l,iU bread :s1J~s mm hrU f mdl ~,SII]llilre&. Putmli a J1'11.h:m!Ai"avc pllrt: ,aM ,oook on l\ilIW);w.lVC ]-:]lGH ~100"1'li) fo[ tell.mjm.!:tes.ll CM be griMed IlOO in ~. CO:l'nM OlTOO Eo!: the~me' dgmcl~

" .

• +

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,:~ .::.. ,) ('. (, - , :.: .::' Ga~ii_ir'9blt6l!l ~ei6) ~ o I,.~ 0 U (: r_:.. .: i .. : ,- o 0 0 0 0 o .

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·co toe

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• DC' IOC'

·on .oe tOP teo .00 .00 tOG

• 0 ~)

• 00


• 00

• 0 L~ .0(1

tOO '0(: • O~) 'G 0 • 0(:

.OC· lOa 100

• 0 0 ,6.. Stir in the 68h. saace, fed CU1l1r pMt~ and lemon llldce to m>lke the sOllp,sharrp

• 0 0 ood fanID~ Adijllstthe seasoning. CI

l g g '7. Ponr .into a st!Jving bm.~~.and g'llf;nish with greeo. 'CH~ fresh red dililli roundels :

tOo iM1_j]jth~wholelime; 1~\1'~. Serve piping; hOl'. .,

00 •

1'00 •

00 NOT!! •

• ~ 6 +Rdcrpllf.(l:' nil. X2 fm the rel;:ipc: nf ~d Curry ~te (pr,l.wn~ m Thai Red Curry Sa·..Icc:~. ;

.00 ~

l~ Off '- ~ •

; ''6 a a o " :,' -: ,:", ' .; '_' 'l ';' 0 a () 0 a 0 a a 0 0 0 a a a a a 0 a 00 a 0 0 ~

I 00 0 0 0 C (] 0 ':j o -: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 a 0 0 "rCghrgJ(l:IoG' . ~~ n n n n n n n n n ~ n n n n n. n. n n n n n n n n n n (1 n n n i1 O!""! 0·!"! n."I"II

.~fu;shro(,H.ns ., .,,, .. ,,,, 5·-{)

Fresb c~ri!li(!idcr leil!ves A :few' sprigs

'G:t:¢~nor ftt~h ~d ,:hmi~ ..

Sah , " " ,., ,."" W ~~1!C;

F:i:sh sta:ucc " :2 ~;biSP·S

Th· .ool 2' .

. Ail. n:tJ !C;urry pil~l:e:' ."~.~,, •. _._ ,,~_.~ ... ' W_P6.

r~mQn Jujc.~ ..... ,,,.,, ... ,,.,, ...... , ..... ,, "' .... 3, d;)~'p~.

2. CJeni:l~ wa:s:.b .andslk:e !tbe mushrooms, Clcan.\l;!il;Sh and ,eho.p me c:ociandex l~.!i,1'ci5. R.cmo'v·"Cst~ms and \WIsh <:hillies. ""Vash lemon grnssand lime lefiwCi,-S .

3. Place the he1ld andshells in ~. n1Iilclf}wa:vebe"rwl with four to fiv,e cup~, of wate.f~. Bruise Ie:m.ongrass sterns, tW(] lime ]eruv,es and t:\'!.t'U~~e:A (0;[ red) chimes In iii mom.t or tC'ai.t them w~~h hand and add to the pan, Add.sralt. cover and cook forfiJtee~n mi:nu~!es iQiI:!I~c:ro-V!;tave, HIGH (1.000/4)). Stmin.the steck,

is. In a b:rg~ rojCf'OWiiI,lI'C .c'<liSSer()~e add. the st(H:'k~ :~(;"d 1UlJSlit"C,UUt.Jl;S .

C(J"~r and cook (5lln.mcr) fin: ci_gl~t :m:iftUt~5 on MJcrowavc: MEDIUM (700to) ar UJull the prawns are pink 3i!ld CC)ol:!!ed.

0, 0-

'Clhicken Shorba

Chicken lboillcless) , '[00 gills

O:lliDill, , , .~ :l1'le[iJum si2iecl

Garlic: ·~5 cleves

.f~h. oonadlde[' !le3ves (C(pluoll:tl) ,2. tibs,p!!l

·P~.ppe-~otltsJ '!n~!~'!'!!,..~!!-I'n'l·,.!H!!'!"!n!~~ !!"!.~!!~!!~ 5 ··6

Oil.Ii.~.~~iI ... .,~~"~~ .. "'~ ..... lii~.Ii§,. ... i a +~~ ... Ii§~+;;;.~.~ii,..hi,.,~~ii"'''I'''1i 'l ~b1Sp C'u.m.ill seeds 'ii" "i"'~i;;'Ui" ~i~+ili+~i" ~iii'''ii'''''i'''Uii '~I ts,P

Cll:.ld::el1srcJock". __ ~ ~ ,4 CUplS

Sslt , tn Utl'lt:e

c .. ,~ItTI"." .•. ,.,.,." .. " ,", ,"""" .•• , , " i/4, cup


1.. cmenn~ 'wash nrnd cut ,cbicke[l into hruf to,eh s:i.zoo cubes. Peel, '\V:aslli ~d sUo!.! ,oni.o.n. Peel andchep g:.U'lic. Oe:afit wasb. 'ru::I.d chop coriaf.lde~ :le1I!V'eS. Crillsh pepperooms.

2.P'llt oil, eumln seeds ::Indi g<1:dic In aljjjf~ mjlC::fO\~ve eassereleand (;O(l(k 'on :I!.!nc.mwavt! HIGH (U)O%} for onemieese •. Add hot 'cmcL\i;~n. :!'~od.k~ chil;ken pi>e~~ crushed pepperloom:s~ :sal;t and 'OIlJO~ tove!!:',ed~fui!:'ther ,gillMi.cro~ve:

H1GH (U]O%),fort\Velve mmlutes.

3. Sdr :in.m.e cream. POUlt :inoo ini&ividrutl oops, ga~nffish widJi chopped oorj~oder leaves :and. serve bot~


'"'lU:b Pa.Il:C rm, '1:z5. rt~lf die ~pot: ~f ch~n ~


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Cihi.Ckcn (OOflc'h:::s;s) ."",." .. " 1 00 gm:s.

C!I!:[t'ot "~"'"." •.. """ .. " •.. ,, .. '[ s~ sized

C:;\bbagc .. .., , " .. " .. ,. y~ small siaed

D.ried bl1o:ld rnusnroo:ms, .. , " ",,, f

'PcppcrC(lm.1> " " , ,." .. ,', " 16~8

Cap:skum .," .. , " , , %, n:t~um ~w:d

P~ch ~!:l:!! ."'",·,." .. " ·." .... t ....... · ... "".·,, 4~S

Sp.ring onions; •.....• "." , " 2

COID~I;;l:ICh " .• " .• "' .. ".,,, ,, ,,'. J IJbsps

SaJ,t: , .. , , .. , , , , .. 1 tsp'

VLo.cgar,,, ,.,.,, , ,, ,,,.,,. 3,

Su~ •. , " , ; .. , .. , , ...•. " •.......... ,' :] t~p'

.Red ,chilli paste , , .. , "1 tbsp

Chi~kcn. sud" ~'n_'N" __ 'N_'~' n •• ". 3 'C:JUp$


I. CIOOll,wmih omd cut (;hicl,~o into v~ry :s~ pie;c-.e5.

2.Pe(';~~ washandgrate 'Oitrot.Wasn and shred ,cablbage. CI,~~ W'a"Sh.3;Dd, .chop m:ll~hl:'·(}oms. Cut.t:h~: Deancu:rit inw· o:necentimetr,C,';si1.oosqua_roes, Crush peppercorns.

3. Wash, de-seed and d10f capsicum .. \\7iSll,. string and. chop Frencihl beans. W~sh ~nd :6.nely chop sprin~ onion bulb snd three-four. gr~ns.

4. Dissolve the cornstarch ~n qUian.erclJip of water.:s;tit: in lia]t. vi[IJ~£~ sl,(Ig'U:. red 'ch~lLi pasreandpeppercerns,

5.PUiI: catwt;) Cllilbbage,sprmg onion bu]lb,mill'shmom~cap$icum~!Fref.t'Chberuts,.

Ic.rucken. and. chi.ckenstock. In a deep mllicrowav(: bowl. Cover and cook on lVI:iCf()waV~ .HIG.H. O.OO'!'!~)I foil' e:ightminut~

6. Addtbe coms~a:rch mbauvemdbeancuru and cook uncovered on Miaow~ve HIGH {l00~to} for t1\t"t; nunllces.

7. Check seasoniogand serve pjph],g hot gJmishe.d! 'wi!rh spring Orl~Q'n greens:.


"Rl! fer p~ge no. 125 for the recipe of .:hldten stock,



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Crisp com chips , .. , , rn.,6-2l0

P~ed dlc:e$iC (grn,t~d) ". ~/~ CUp

.Pot me :sd$:a i&ilfUoOO

T~,too$"' ,, '2 ]~: :~~OO.

Capsicum , , ,], medil1lJ1m sised

p.eppcrGu:r:ns 50··6-

DIY orc;~~o •. ,." " "' " " ...• :Iitt !;Sop

SW(le;t chilli sa.!.:ux·· __ ,_, , __ "_~:2 tbsps

$.aIt .,.,." ..• "." •.• " , .. , ..• " .• ", .. ""'"" •• ,,. ·~o tl.Stc


1.. Was:h~har~e~ de-seed and. fin,ely c:hop tnmatoes. Peel, ",~sh and chop OBl,CJitll.

Peelandcecsh g~fU.C. w::ash~ ha]xrc, de-seed and. chop C'3.p sicnm, Crush. peppercorns.

2. Co~b~ne these 'Ut:id:l~he rest: of the: 11ngt.ooi.ei:'n~ and. ]et the salsa sauce stand. at room tcmpetoilWtc fiat an hour before me,

3. Arran~ the com chips: on a mic['<Jrw~,"'e plaite. t1t)P it up wi:tb the salsa sauce and grated cheese. 'C0{Jk~ uncovered! on ~llicrowave FilCH (1 OO%)hl[ t~VQ



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Ca.p-skutt!. " "._ .,... 1 :me-d]llm sized

(:1:111:0[(1 , " '1 u.u::diiM.l sized

(),i~, ,~~~~~""~,!'''''~;!,~i!'~,~;H.~i!'~.~~~.!'~i!' .. ~!;H''';''';;~~ h~,"i~..,.i~-~ •• , 3. 'r:b,s,ps

Dry hctbs , -.,." ,'" .. ,,, , ~v~ t~p'

P-c:pPC[ powder _ ~v~ tsp

:S~h .. ,."., " ..... , .. , ... " ... · · ,."., .. ".""0 " ". eo ~::lis:~e

G 3:_clijc ,., .. " , "" " .. "" " 5-6 ,c].rt:v(:$

l\1:~~sll r.oenns .. , , "" ,." .. " .. " , ""."" .. "" .. s, 1 0

Ca,rrot . " .. ", .. , , ".. Im¢dit:lm ~i~.ed


I. 'Wtlshand. dry the pGtatoes andprlck dee~ly with a fork..

2.. Wash~, halv"!!! de- seed. and chop cap!.licum, \"(I~sh"peel and chop onion, Peel ga.rlic and crusbw~.1lli.\Va'sh and chop mushrooms. W'ashJ peel aad grntic CM[Qt

3.P]ace the pot:at{u;s f')H a P'<l:ru:~1' rewel and cook~ tUl!oovcred, onl'vficrorw:ave HIGH (lOOb/n) fornve nnnUles, Repos~tkm, andtum thepomroes ovctand continue coohllng fot moe minares un.ciill sofr,

4. Refi'iiQ,v,-e the pOItatnes <lind CU!~ in half, ~e1!lgthw~se and :scoop out the pulp.

M:ash the ptdp lightly with ~. LQrk.

s. Attun,gc thcpoW'to s:kinsin a shallow l'!l.JjC:!iOtV'J!.v,c di~hil'n:dpour: a Hul.c of the olil at:cJiu,ll.d t'h~ .inside::!. Beushsome 'Q~] OVC;t' If'!.e ol,ljt8~de: ~)f [he .skins :11];50. Cook~ uno)v'ered~ on l\ofi,€ HIGH (1 000/0) (mreig:htrniu!ilt~ or until tlH;': :skins Mtl ro.spv;

. ,{

6. ·Pl~.ce t1'lps.icum,. oaion~gadi.c~ nlushrooms". 'C<')r[Ot,. gr:a:tcd 11f!lI'.€'tf'aad. dqhe,ros ~n<l,U mk:flfw . ave bowl, ~nd ~c;;asun. to t'3,stc wl~h sal]~, peppe:r and ~hr: remalimng 011. Coverandcook on Mkrow,a,v<: H~GIi( (1000/0) fOf €i:v-em.iI1iu~e~ tmdl. soft.

'7" ,~nx the mashed potaaies with .the '\!',ege~ab]e mixt:Ul'c .. Smff the mi:UMlte inlO potato g,lcin&. Sprinll:;~~ the grated cheeseon ~op,

:8. Reheae, uncovered, 00 Mic:rolw:a':ve' HlG,H 000%) Cot: three .m.i,rlJutiGS. .AJt'en:ullt1,veJ:y griiU TOP for thr-ee: to five minures, Serve jmmediare1r.

_' (.' . ) ~~.

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