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Assessment Plan

The students in United States History II at X high school come from diverse backgrounds

including but not limited to gender, ethnicity, first language, and socioeconomic status. This

particular class is for 11th grade students. There are approximately 33 students in this class,

including 18 girls and 15 boys. Of the 33 students, 24 are general education students, one student

is in special-education, and eight students are English language learners (ELLs). The learning

needs of this class include high-energy levels that manifest as side-conversations and crowding

by the door before the dismissal bell rings. This class is also a bit disruptive; students tend to

zone out or use their cellphones during class.

As part of my formative assessment plan for this 11th grade US History II class, I will

implement interactive class discussions. Given that this is a high-energy and talkative class, I

expect to redirect students’ attention and engage students on the lesson topic of the day. To have

an interactive class discussion, I will prepare questions ahead of time to guide the class

discussion and have students focus on the lesson objectives. Another example of formative

assessment I plan to use in this class is an exit slip. Exit slips could be a way to keep students

seated and prevent them from crowding by the door/leaving class before the dismissal bell rings.

My plans for summative assessment include comprehensive finals at the end of each unit.

Students will be given the choice to present a comprehensive narrative in the format of their

choice including but not limited to writing, video, art, PowerPoint, or storytelling.

The kind of data that I am expecting to get from my formative assessments is immediate

feedback regarding student understanding and performance. I plan to use data from my

summative assessment to identify strengths and weaknesses of curriculum and instruction. As a

result, I will use data obtained from formative assessments to rethink instructional strategies,
activities, and content based on student understanding and performance. I will use the data

obtained from my summative assessment to make appropriate adjustments and changes during

upcoming lesson planning. To accommodate diversity in this class, I will differentiate lesson

plans (instruction and assessments), and I will utilize a non-Eurocentric approach. What the latter

means is that I plan to teach inclusive history, or “people’s history”. This type of history focusses

on the achievements and contributions made by “regular” people. This type of history includes

women, people of color, the LGBTQIA community, as well as differently-abled people.

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