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11, NOVEMBER 1998

Managing Conflicts in Goal-Driven

Requirements Engineering
Axel van Lamsweerde, Member, IEEE, Robert Darimont, Member, IEEE,
and Emmanuel Letier

Abstract—A wide range of inconsistencies can arise during requirements engineering as goals and requirements are elicited from
multiple stakeholders. Resolving such inconsistencies sooner or later in the process is a necessary condition for successful
development of the software implementing those requirements. The paper first reviews the main types of inconsistency that can
arise during requirements elaboration, defining them in an integrated framework and exploring their interrelationships. It then
concentrates on the specific case of conflicting formulations of goals and requirements among different stakeholder viewpoints or
within a single viewpoint. A frequent, weaker form of conflict called divergence is introduced and studied in depth. Formal techniques
and heuristics are proposed for detecting conflicts and divergences from specifications of goals/ requirements and of domain
properties. Various techniques are then discussed for resolving conflicts and divergences systematically by introduction of new
goals or by transformation of specifications of goals/objects toward conflict-free versions. Numerous examples are given throughout
the paper to illustrate the practical relevance of the concepts and techniques presented. The latter are discussed in the framework of
the KAOS methodology for goal-driven requirements engineering.

Index Terms—Goal-driven requirements engineering, divergent requirements, conflict management, viewpoints, specification
transformation, lightweight formal methods.



R EQUIREMENTS engineering (RE) is concerned with the

elicitation of high-level goals to be achieved by the
envisioned system, the refinement of such goals and their
from multiple sources [51]. Such inconsistencies may be
desirable, for instance, to allow further elicitation of infor-
mation that would have been missed otherwise [23]. How-
operationalization into specifications of services and con- ever, their resolution at some stage or another of the process
straints, and the assignment of responsibilities for the re- is a necessary condition for successful development of the
sulting requirements to agents such as humans, devices, software implementing the requirements.
and software. Various approaches have been proposed to tackle the in-
Goals play a prominent role in the RE process; they drive consistency problem in requirements engineering.
the elaboration of requirements to support them [49], [8], Robinson has convincingly argued that many inconsisten-
[50]; they provide a completeness criterion for the require- cies originate from conflicting goals; inconsistency manage-
ments specification—the specification is complete if all stated ment should, therefore, proceed at the goal level [46]. Rea-
goals are met by the specification [55]; they are generally soning about potential inconsistencies requires techniques
more stable than the requirements to achieve them [3]; they for representing overlapping descriptions and inconsistency
provide a rationale for requirements—a requirement exists relationships. Beside goal refinement links, binary conflict
because of some underlying goal which provides a base for it links have been introduced in goal structures to capture
[8], [52]. In short, requirements “implement” goals much the situations where the satisfaction [8] or satisficing [46], [39] of
same way as programs implement design specifications. one goal may preclude the satisfaction/satisficing of another.
The elicitation of goals, their organization into a coherent Mechanisms have also been proposed for recording inde-
structure, and their operationalization into requirements to pendent descriptions into modular structures called view-
be assigned to the various agents is a critical part of re- points; such structures are linked by consistency rules and
quirements engineering. One significant problem require- associated with specific stakeholders involved in the elici-
ments engineers have to cope with is the management of tation process [13], [42].
various kinds of inconsistency resulting from the acquisi- Various inconsistency management techniques have
tion, specification, and evolution of goals/requirements been worked out using such representations. Much work
has been done on the qualitative reasoning side. For example,
the labeling procedure described in [39] can be used to de-
• A. van Lamsweerde and E. Letier are with the Département d’Ingénierie
Informatique, Université Catholique de Louvain, Place Sainte Barbe 2,
termine the degree to which a goal is satisficed/denied by
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. E-mail: {avl, eleteier} lower-level requirements; this is achieved by propagating
• R. Darimont is with CEDITI-UCL, Avenue Jean Mermoz 30, B-6041 such information along positive/negative support links in
Charleroi, Belgium. E-mail: the goal graph. Robinson [46] suggests a procedure for
Manuscript received 15 Sept. 1997; revised 13 Mar. 1998. identifying conflicts at requirements level and characteriz-
Recommended for acceptance by C. Ghezzi and B. Nuseibeh.
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to: ing them as differences at goal level; such differences are, and reference IEEECS Log Number 107210.

0098-5589/98/$10.00 © 1998 IEEE


resolved (e.g., through negotiation [47]) and then down 3) Presenting formal techniques and heuristics for con-
propagated to the requirements level. In the same vein, [4] flict resolution by specification transformation.
proposes an iterative process model in which: Special emphasis is put on a weak form of conflict which
1) all stakeholders involved are identified together with has received no attention so far in the literature although
their goals (called win conditions); frequently encountered in practice. Roughly speaking, a di-
2) conflicts between these goals are captured together vergence between goals or requirements corresponds to situa-
with their associated risks and uncertainties; tions where some particular combination of circumstances
3) goals are reconciled through negotiation to reach a can be found that makes the goals/requirements conflicting
mutually agreed set of goals, constraints, and alterna- (that is, logically inconsistent). Such a particular combination
tives for the next iteration. of circumstances will be called a boundary condition.
Some work has also been done more recently on the for- To give an example from a real situation, consider the
mal reasoning side. Spanoudakis and Finkelstein [53] pro- electronic reviewing process for a scientific journal, with the
pose a framework for defining and detecting conceptual following two security goals:
overlapping as a prerequisite to inconsistency. Hunter and 1) maintain reviewers’ anonymity;
Nuseibeh [23] discuss the benefits of reasoning in spite of 2) achieve review integrity.
inconsistency and suggest a paraconsistent variant of first- One can show that these goals are not logically inconsistent.
order logic to support this. A boundary condition to make them logically inconsistent
The various inconsistency management techniques would arise from a French reviewer notably known as be-
above refer to inconsistencies among goals or requirements. ing the only French expert in the area of the paper and who
Other forms of inconsistencies have been explored like de- makes typical French errors of English usage. One way to
viations of viewpoint-based specifications from process- resolve the divergence is to prevent this boundary condi-
level rules [42], or deviations of the running system from its tion from occurring (e.g., not asking a French reviewer if
specifications [15]; the latter may result from evolving as- she is the only French expert in the domain of the paper);
sumptions [16] or from unanticipated obstacles that ob- another way would be to weaken the divergent assertions
struct overideal goals, requirements or assumptions [45], (e.g., weakening the integrity requirement to allow cor-
[32]. (The term “deviation” is used here for a state transi- recting typical errors of English usage).
tion leading to inconsistent states [7].) A key principle is to manage conflicts at the goal level so that
The current state of the art in inconsistency management more freedom is left to find adequate ways to handle con-
for requirements engineering suffers from several problems. flicts—like, e.g., alternative goal refinements and operationali-
• The specific kind of inconsistency being considered is zations which may result in different system proposals.
not always clear. In fact, there is no common agree- The integration of conflict management into the RE pro-
ment on what a conflict between requirements does cess is detailed in the paper in the context of the KAOS re-
really mean. The lack of precise definition is a fre- quirements engineering methodology [9], [30], [10], [32],
quent source of confusion. Moreover, most techniques [33]. KAOS provides a multiparadigm specification lan-
consider binary conflicts only, that is, conflicts among guage and a goal-directed elaboration method. The language
pairs of requirements. As we will see, there may be combines semantic nets [5] for the conceptual modeling of
conflicts among three requirements, say, that are non- goals, requirements, assumptions, agents, objects, and op-
conflicting pairwise. erations in the system; temporal logic [34], [28] for the
• There is no systematic support for detecting conflicts specification of goals, requirements, assumptions, and ob-
among nonoperational specifications of goals or re- jects; and state-based specifications [43] for the specification
quirements—if one excepts theorem proving tech- of operations. Unlike most specification languages, KAOS
niques for logically inconsistent specifications. Current supports a strict separation of requirements from domain
conflict management techniques take it for granted that descriptions [24]. The method roughly consists of:
conflicts have been identified in some way or another. 1) eliciting and refining goals progressively until goals
• There is a lack of systematic techniques for resolving assignable to individual agents are obtained,
inconsistencies through goal/requirement transfor- 2) identifying objects and operations progressively from
mations—one notable exception is [48], which pro- goals,
poses a set of operators for restructuring objects in- 3) deriving requirements on the objects/operations to
volved in conflicting goals. meet the goals, and
The purpose of this paper is to tackle those three prob- 4) assigning the requirements and operations to the
lems in a formal reasoning setting by: agents.
1) Reviewing various types of inconsistency frequently An environment supporting the KAOS methodology is
encountered in requirements engineering, defining now available and has been used in various large-scale,
them in a common framework and studying their re- industrial projects [11].
lationships; The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2
2) Proposing formal techniques and heuristics for provides some background material on the KAOS method-
identifying n-ary conflicts from specifications of ology that will be used in the sequel. Section 3 reviews vari-
goals/requirements and from known properties ous kinds of inconsistency that can arise in requirements en-
about the domain; and

gineering, introduces some notational support for making cient condition for satisfying the goal. The goal re-
different viewpoints explicit, and defines the concepts of finement structure for a given system can be repre-
conflict and divergence precisely. Sections 4 and 5 then dis- sented by an AND/OR directed acyclic graph. Goals
cuss techniques for conflict/divergence detection and concern the objects they refer to.
resolution, respectively. • Requisite, requirement, and assumption: A requisite is a
goal that can be formulated in terms of states con-
trollable by some individual agent. Goals must be
2 GOAL-DRIVEN RE WITH KAOS eventually AND/OR refined into requisites assignable
The KAOS methodology is aimed at supporting the whole to individual agents. Requisites, in turn, are AND/OR
process of requirements elaboration—from the high-level operationalized by operations and objects through
goals to be achieved to the requirements, objects, and opera- strengthenings of their domain pre/postconditions
tions to be assigned to the various agents in the composite and invariants, respectively, and through trigger con-
system. (The term “composite system” is used to stress that ditions. Alternative ways of assigning responsible
the system is not only comprised of the software but also its agents to a requisite are captured through AND/OR
environment [14].) Thus, WHY, WHO, and WHEN questions responsibility links; the actual assignment of an agent
are addressed, in addition to the usual WHAT questions ad- to the operations that operationalize the requisite is
dressed by standard specification techniques. captured in the corresponding performance links. A
The methodology is comprised of a specification lan- requirement is a requisite assigned to a software agent;
guage, an elaboration method, and meta-level knowledge an assumption is a requisite assigned to an environ-
used for local guidance during method enactment. Hereafter, mental agent. Unlike requirements, assumptions can-
we introduce some of the features that will be used later in not be enforced in general [15], [32].
the paper; see [9], [30], [10] for details. • Scenario: A scenario is a domain-consistent composi-
tion of applications of operations by corresponding
2.1 The KAOS Language
agent instances; domain-consistency means that the
The specification language provides constructs for captur- operations are applied in states satisfying their do-
ing various types of concepts that appear during require- main precondition together with the various domain
ments elaboration. invariants attached to the corresponding objects, with
2.1.1 The Underlying Ontology resulting states satisfying their domain postcondition.
The composition modes include sequential, alterna-
The following types of concepts will be used in the sequel:
tive, and repetitive composition.
• Object: An object is a thing of interest in the composite
system whose instances may evolve from state to 2.1.2 Language Constructs
state. It is, in general, specified in a more specialized Each construct in the KAOS language has a two-level generic
way—as an entity, relationship, or event dependent on structure: an outer semantic net layer [5] for declaring a con-
whether the object is an autonomous, subordinate, or cept, its attributes, and its various links to other concepts; an
instantaneous object, respectively. Objects are charac- inner formal assertion layer for formally defining the concept.
terized by attributes and invariant assertions. Inheri- The declaration level is used for conceptual modeling
tance is, of course, supported. (through a concrete graphical syntax), requirements trace-
• Operation: An operation is an input-output relation ability (through semantic net navigation), and specification
over objects; operation applications define state transi- reuse (through queries) [11]. The assertion level is optional
tions. Operations are characterized by pre-, post-, and and used for formal reasoning [9], [10], [32], [33].
trigger conditions. A distinction is made between do- The generic structure of a KAOS construct is instantiated
main pre/postconditions, which capture the elemen- to specific types of links and assertion languages according
tary state transitions defined by operation applications to the specific type of the concept being specified. For ex-
in the domain, and required pre/postconditions, which ample, consider the following goal specification for a
capture additional strengthenings to ensure that the meeting scheduler system:
goals are met. Goal Achieve[ParticipantsConstraintsKnown]
• Agent: An agent is another kind of object which acts Concerns Meeting, Participant, Scheduler
as processor for some operations. An agent performs Refines MeetingPlanned
an operation if it is effectively allocated to it; the agent RefinedTo ConstraintsRequested, ConstraintsProvided
monitors/controls an object if the states of the object are InformalDef A meeting scheduler should know the
constraints of the various participants invited
observable/controllable by it. Agents can be humans,
to the meeting within some deadline d after
devices, programs, etc. invitation.
• Goal: A goal is an objective the composite system FormalDef " m: Meeting, p: Participant, s: Scheduler
should meet. AND-refinement links relate a goal to a Invited(p, m) Á Scheduling(s, m)
set of subgoals (called refinement); this means that Æ ◊≤d Knows(s, p.Constraints)
satisfying all subgoals in the refinement is a sufficient The declaration part of this specification introduces a concept
condition for satisfying the goal. OR-refinement links of type “goal,” named ParticipantsConstraintsKnown,
relate a goal to an alternative set of refinements; this stating a required property that should eventually hold
means that satisfying one of the refinements is a suffi- (“Achieve” verb), referring to objects such as Participant

or Scheduler, refining the parent goal MeetingPlanned, To define such operators, the temporal structure T is en-
refined into subgoals ConstraintsRequested and riched with a metric domain D and a temporal distance
ConstraintsProvided, and defined by some informal function dist: T œ T – D, which has all desired properties of
statement. (The semantic net layer is represented in textual a metrics [28]. A frequent choice is
form in this paper for reasons of space limitations; the
T: the set of naturals
reader may refer to [11] to see what the alternative graphi-
cal concrete syntax looks like.) D: { d : there exists a natural n such that d = n œ u},
The assertion defining this goal formally is written in a where u denotes some chosen time unit
real-time temporal logic inspired from [28]. In this paper,
dist(i, j): | j - i | œ u
we will use the following classical operators for temporal
referencing [34]: Multiple units can be used (e.g., second, day, week);
they are implicitly converted into some smallest unit.
o (in the next state) Ÿ (in the previous state)
The o-operator then yields the nearest subsequent time
◊ (some time in the future)  (some time in the past) position according to this smallest unit.
o (always in the future) n (always in the past) The semantics of the real-time operators is then defined
accordingly, e.g.,
: (always in the future unless) U (always in the future until)
(H, i) |= ◊≤d P iff (H, j) |= P for some j › i with dist(i, j) ≤ d
Formal assertions are interpreted over historical sequences of
states. Each assertion is in general satisfied by some se- (H, i) |= o<d P iff (H, j) |= P for all j › i such that dist(i, j) < d
quences and falsified by some other sequences. The notation
Back to the formal assertion of the goal Participants
(H, i) |= P ConstraintsKnown above, one may note that the scheduler
is used to express that assertion P is satisfied by history H at s in the current state when Invited(p,m) Á Schedul-
time position i (i ¶ T), where T denotes a linear temporal ing(s,m) holds should be the scheduler at the future
structure assumed to be discrete in this paper for sake of time within deadline d when Knows(s,p.Constraints)
simplicity. States are global; the state of the composite sys- will hold; this will be expressed in the formal assertion
tem at some time position i is the aggregation of the local capturing another subgoal required to achieve the parent
states of all its objects at that time position. The state of an goal MeetingPlanned, namely, the goal SameScheduler.
individual object instance ob at some time position is de- The conjunction of the formal assertions of subgoals
fined as a mapping from ob to the set of values of all ob’s SchedulerAppointed, ParticipantsConstraintsKnown,
attributes and links at that time position. In the context of ConvenientMeetingScheduled, and SameScheduler must
KAOS requirements, an historical sequence of states corre- entail the formal assertion of the parent goal Meeting-
sponds to a behavior or scenario. Planned they refine altogether. Every formal goal refinement
The semantics of the above temporal operators is then thus generates a corresponding proof obligation [10].
defined as usual [34], e.g., In the formal assertion of the goal ParticipantsCon-
straintsKnown, the predicate Invited(p,m) means that,
(H, i) |= o P iff (H, next(i)) |= P in the current state, an instance of the Invited relation-
(H, i) |= ◊ P iff (H, j) |= P for some j › i ship links variables p and m of sort Participant and
Meeting, respectively. The Invited relationship, Par-
(H, i) |= o P iff (H, j) |= P for all j › i
ticipant agent, and Meeting entity are defined in other
(H, i) |= PU Q iff there exists a j › i such that (H, j) |= Q sections of the specification, e.g.,
and for every k, i ≤ k < j, (H, k) |= P Agent Participant
(H, i) |= P:Q iff (H, i) |= PU Q or (H, i) |= o P CapableOf CommunicateConstraints, ...
Has Constraints:
Note that o P amounts to P: false. We will also use the Tuple [ExcludedDates: SetOf[TimeInterval],
PreferredDates: SetOf[TimeInterval]]
standard logical connectives Á (and), Â (or), ¬ (not),
– (implies), “ (equivalent), Æ (entails), à (congruent), with Relationship Invited
Links Participant {card 0:N}, Meeting {card 1:N}
P⇒Q iff o (P – Q) InformalDef A person is invited to a meeting iff
she appears in the list of expected participants
P⇔Q iff o (P “ Q) specified in the meeting initiator’s request.
There is thus an implicit outer o-operator in every entail- DomInvar "p: Participant, m: Meeting, i: Initiator
ment. Invited(p, m) Ã
To handle real requirements, we often need to introduce p ¶ Requesting[i,m].ParticipantsList
real-time restrictions. We therefore introduce bounded ver- In the declarations above, Constraints is declared as
sions of the above temporal operators in the style advo- an attribute of Participant (this attribute was used in the
cated by [28], such as formal definition of ParticipantsConstraintsKnown);
ParticipantsList is used as an attribute of the Re-
ײd (some time in the future within deadline d)
questing relationship that links initiators and meetings.
o≤d (always in the future up to deadline d)

As mentioned earlier, operations are specified formally by erations thereby identified and to identify agents that
pre- and postconditions in the state-based style [20], [43], e.g., could have those operations among their capabilities.
Operation DetermineSchedule • Operationalization: Derive strengthenings on operation
Input Requesting, Meeting {Arg m}; pre-/postconditions and on object invariants in order
Output Meeting {Res m} to ensure that all requisites are met. Formal derivation
DomPre ¬ Scheduled(m) rules are available to support the operationalization
Á ($ i: Initiator) Requesting(i, m)
process [9].
DomPost Feasible(m) Æ Scheduled(m)
Á ¬ Feasible(m) Æ DeadEnd(m) • Responsibility assignment: Identify alternative respon-
sibilities for requisites; make decisions among refine-
Note that the invariant defining Invited is not a require- ment, operationalization, and responsibility alterna-
ment, but a domain description in the sense of [24]; it speci- tives—with process-level objectives such as: reduce
fies what being invited to a meeting does precisely mean in costs, increase reliability, avoid overloading agents,
the domain. The pre- and postcondition of the operation resolve conflicts (see below); assign the operations to
DetermineSchedule above are domain descriptions as agents that can commit to guaranteeing the requisites
well; they capture corresponding elementary state transi- in the alternatives selected. The boundary between
tions in the domain, namely, from a state where the meeting the system and its environment is obtained as a result
is not scheduled to a state where the meeting is scheduled of this process, and the various requisites become re-
under some condition. quirements or assumptions.
The software requirements are found in the terminal goals
assigned to software agents (e.g., the goal Convenient The steps above are ordered by data dependencies; they
MeetingScheduled assigned to the Scheduler agent), may be running concurrently, with possible backtracking at
and in the additional pre-/postconditions that need to every step.
strengthen the corresponding domain pre- and postcondi- 2.3 Using Metalevel Knowledge
tion in order to ensure all such goals [9], [30], e.g.,
At each step of the goal-driven method, domain-
Operation DetermineSchedule independent knowledge can be used for local guidance and
validation in the elaboration process.
RequiredPost for ConvenientMeetingScheduled:
Scheduled(m) Æ Convenient(m) • A rich taxonomy of goals, objects and operations is
provided together with rules to be observed when
2.2 The Elaboration Method specifying concepts of the corresponding subtype. We
The following steps may be followed to systematically give a few examples of such taxonomies.
elaborate KAOS specifications from high-level goals:
– Goals are classified according to the pattern of
• Goal elaboration: Elaborate the goal AND/OR structure temporal behavior they require:
by defining goals and their refinement/conflict links
until assignable requisites are reached. The process of Achieve: P ⇒ ◊ Q or Cease: P ⇒ ◊ ¬ Q
identifying goals, defining them precisely, and relat- Maintain: P ⇒ Q : R or Avoid: P ⇒ ¬ Q : R
ing them through positive/negative contribution – Goals are also classified according to the category
links is, in general, a combination of top-down and of requirements they will drive with respect to the
bottom-up subprocesses; offspring goals are identi- agents concerned (e.g., SatisfactionGoals are
fied by asking HOW questions about goals already functional goals concerned with satisfying agent
identified, whereas parent goals are identified by requests; InformationGoals are goals concerned
asking WHY questions about goals and operational with keeping agents informed about object states;
requirements already identified. Goals can also be SecurityGoals are goals concerned with main-
identified in the first place from interviews and analy- taining secure access to objects by agents; other
sis of available documentation to find out problematic categories include SafetyGoals, Accuracy-
issues with the existing system, objectives that are ex- Goals, etc.).
plicitly stated about the envisioned one, operational Such taxonomies are associated with heuristic rules
choices whose rationale has to be elicited, etc. Other that may guide the elaboration process, e.g.,
techniques for goal identification may include obstacle
analysis [32], scenario-based elicitation [33], and – SafetyGoals are AvoidGoals to be refined in
analogical reuse of goal structures [36]. HardRequirements;
• Object capture: Identify the objects involved in goal – ConfidentialityGoals are AvoidGoals on
formulations, define their conceptual links, and de- Knows predicates. (Knows is a KAOS built-in
scribe their domain properties. predicate that was already used in the goal Par-
• Operation capture: Identify object state transitions that ticipantsConstraintsKnown above and will
are meaningful to the goals. Goal formulations refer still be used further in this paper; for an agent
to desired or forbidden states that are reachable by instance ag and an object instance ob , the
state transitions; the latter correspond to applications predicate Knows(ag,ob) means that the state of
of operations. The principle is to specify such state ob in ag’s local memory coincides with the actual
transitions as domain pre- and postconditions of op- state of ob.)

Similar rules will be presented for conflict detection

and resolution in Sections 4.3 and 5.1.6, respectively.
• Tactics capture heuristics for driving the elaboration
or for selecting among alternatives, e.g.,
– Refine goals so as to reduce the number of agents
involved in the achievement of each subgoal;
– Favor goal refinements that introduce fewer con-
flicts (see Section 5.1.5).
Goal verbs such as Achieve/Maintain and categories such
as Satisfaction/Information are language keywords
that allow users to specify more information at the declara-
tion level; for example, the declaration
allows specifiers to state in a lightweight way that the prop-
erty named ParticipantsConstraintsKnown should
eventually hold, without entering into the temporal logic
level. (We avoid the classical safety/liveness terminology
here to avoid confusions with SafetyGoals.)
To conclude this short overview of KAOS, we would like
to draw the reader’s attention on the complementarity be-
tween the outer semiformal layer and the inner formal layer.
At the semantic net level, the user builds her requirements
model in terms of concepts whose meaning is annotated in
InformalDef attributes; the latter are placeholders for the
designation of objects and operations [57] and for the infor-
mal formulation of goals, requirements, assumptions, and Fig. 1. The process, product, and instance levels.
domain descriptions. At the optional formal assertion level,
more advanced users may make such formulations more
precise, fixing problems inherent to informality [38], and avoid confusions between these two levels.) At the instance
apply various forms of formal reasoning, e.g., for goal re- level, operation instances are executed on object instances in
finement and exploration of alternatives [10], requirements the running system according to the requirements specified
derivation from goals [9], obstacle analysis [32], require- at the product level.
ments/assumptions monitoring [15], or conflict analysis as Consider a meeting scheduler system to help visualize
shown in this paper. Our experience so far with five indus- those levels. A MeetingOrganizer actor involved as
trial projects in which KAOS was used reveals that the stakeholder in the requirements engineering process may have
semiformal semantic net layer is easily accessible to indus- identified a product-level goal like Achieve[Participants
trial users; the formal assertion layer proved effective after ConstraintsKnown] whose satisfaction requires the coop-
the results of formal analysis by trained users were propa- eration of product-level agents such as Participant and
gated back to the semiformal semantic net layer. Scheduler; this goal has been produced at the process
level through the RefineGoal operator applied to the
Achieve[MeetingPlanned] artifact to meet the process-
3 INCONSISTENCIES IN GOAL-DRIVEN level objective Achieve[GoalsOperationalized].
REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING As will be seen in Section 3.3, inconsistencies can arise
This section introduces the scope of inconsistency man- between levels or within the same level.
agement in requirements engineering. Some linguistic sup-
port is then introduced for capturing multiple stakeholder
3.2 Capturing Multiple Views
views. Various types of inconsistency are then defined in The various activities at the process level involve multiple
this framework. actors—clients, users, domain specialists, requirements en-
gineers, software developers, and so forth. Different actors,
3.1 Scope of Inconsistency Management in general, have different concerns, perceptions, knowledge,
Fig. 1 introduces the various levels at which requirements- skills, and expression means. Requirements completeness
related inconsistencies can occur. and adequacy requires that all relevant viewpoints be ex-
At the product level, the requirements model is captured pressed and eventually integrated in a consistent way. (In
in terms of goals, agents, objects, operations, etc. These are
practice, viewpoints may be assigned different weights de-
artifacts elaborated according to the process model defined
pending on the actor’s status or system priorities; this as-
at the process level. The latter model is captured in terms of
pect is not considered further in the paper.) Inconsistency
process-level objectives, actors, artifacts, elaboration op-
erators, etc. (We use a different terminology for the same management thus partly relies on some mechanism for
abstractions at the product and process levels in order to capturing conflicting assertions from multiple viewpoints.

Support for multiple viewpoints has been advocated

since the early days of requirements engineering [49]. Pro-
posals for viewpoint-based acquisition, negotiation, and
cooperative modeling appeared only later [17], [46], [44],
[4], [40]. Two kinds of approaches have emerged. In the
multiparadigm approach, specifications for different view-
points can be written in different notations. Multiparadigm
viewpoints are analyzed in a centralized or distributed way.
Centralized viewpoints are translated into some logic-based
“assembly” language for global analysis; viewpoint combi-
nation then amounts to some form of conjunction [41], [56].
Distributed viewpoints have specific process-level rules
associated with them; checking the process-product con- Fig. 2. Modeling views.
sistency is made by evaluating the corresponding rules on
pairs of viewpoints [42]. In the single-paradigm approach,
the corresponding domain invariant on date exclusions.
specifications for different views are written in a single lan-
An actor’s view of a concept is defined by joining the fea-
guage; the same conceptual unit is manipulated from one
tures of the master concept and the features of the facet seen
view to another under different structures, different foci of
by the actor. For example, the view of the MeetingOrganizer
concern, etc. Consistency may then be prescribed explicitly
actor includes the features of the MeetingToBeScheduled
through inter-view invariants or implicitly through syn-
facet plus the declarations of the Date and Location at-
chronization of operations [25].
tributes of the master concept. A view thus imports all fea-
Our view construct is introduced to
tures from the corresponding master and facet concepts; the
1) restrict the visibility of conceptual features to specific master features belong to all views of the concept. A master
contexts associated with corresponding actors, and concept always has at least one feature, namely, the concept
2) allow product-level inconsistencies to be captured and identifier; this mechanism allows different local names (e.g.,
recorded for later resolution. MeetingToBeScheduled) to be associated with a unique
Views here are simpler than [42] in that they contain no master name (e.g., Meeting).
process-level information such as the workplan to be fol- Different views of a same concept overlap when their re-
lowed or the development history; they may also contain spective facets share a common attribute, link, or predicate
formal specifications; they may be explicitly related to each in their formal assertions. For example, the two following
other and factored out in case of conceptual overlap [53]. goals in a resource management system are overlapping as
A view is defined as a ternary relationship linking a they refer to a common predicate Using:
process-level actor, a master concept and a facet of it (see Goal Achieve[ResourceKeptAsLongAsNeeded]
Fig. 2; we use the generic term “concept” here to denote a FacetOf SatisfactoryAvailability SeenBy User
product-level artifact such as a goal, an object, an operation, FormalDef "u: User, r: Resource
an agent, etc.). A master concept may thereby be viewed Using(u,r) Æ o[Needs(u,r) – Using(u,r) ]
under different facets by different actors. Note that a single Goal Achieve[ResourceEventuallyAvailable]
concept facet can be shared among different actors (see the FacetOf SatisfactoryAvailability SeenBy Staff
cardinality constraints in Fig. 2). FormalDef "u: User, r: Resource
Using(u,r) Æ ◊≤d ¬ Using(u,r)
For example, one might introduce the master concept
Entity Meeting As we will see in Section 3.3.7, the formal assertions that
Has Date: Calendar; Location: String make them overlapping are in fact divergent. (In passing,
and the two following facets of it: note the use of implication rather than entailment in the
consequent of the first goal above; replacing the “–” con-
Entity MeetingToBeScheduled
FacetOf Meeting SeenBy MeetingOrganizer nective by “Æ” would be too strong as this would require
Has ExcludedDates: SetOf[Calendar] user u, once she has been using a resource, to get it in the
RequiredEquipment: SetOf[String] future as soon as she needs it again, see the definition of
DomInvar " m: Meeting these connectives in Section 2.1.2.)
m.Date not in m.ExcludedDates Views thus allow conceptual features to be structured
and into specific contexts associated with corresponding actors;
they also allow product-level inconsistencies to be captured
Entity MeetingToAttend and recorded for later resolution. Views associated with the
FacetOf Meeting SeenBy PotentialAttendant same actor can be grouped into collections associated with
Has MeetingPriority: {low, medium, high}
the actor to form so-called perspectives.
Master and facet concepts are characterized by features. A
feature corresponds to an attribute declaration, a link to 3.3 Classifying Inconsistencies
other concepts in the semantic net, or a formal assertion. A set of descriptions is inconsistent if there is no way to
For example, the MeetingToBeScheduled facet seen by satisfy those descriptions all together. Depending on what
the MeetingOrganizer actor has features such as the dec- such descriptions capture, one may identify various kinds
larations of ExcludedDates and RequiredEquipment and of inconsistency.

3.3.1 Process-Level Deviation tending part of meeting m only” in some other. A

A process-level deviation is a state transition in the RE process study of the London Ambulance System report [18] reveals
that results in an inconsistency between a process-level rule many inconsistencies of this type.
of the form
3.3.5 Structure Clash
(∀r: Requirement) R(r)
A structure clash occurs when a single real-world concept is
and a specific process state characterized by given different structures in the requirements specification.
¬ R(req) An example of this type of inconsistency within a single
view is analyzed in [38]; Goodenough and Gerhart’s infor-
for some requirement req at the product level. This is a par-
mal specification of Naur’s text formatting problem refers
ticular case of the notion of deviation in [7]. For example, as-
to a text as a sequence of characters at one point and as a se-
signing responsibility for the goal Achieve[Participants
quence of words (that is, a sequence of sequences of charac-
ConstraintsKnown] jointly to the Participant and
ters) at another. Back to the declaration of the Participant
Scheduler agent types would result in a violation of the pro-
agent in Section 2.1.2, a structure clash would occur if the
cess-level rule stating that responsibility must always be as-
ExcludedDates subattribute had been declared as SetOf
signed to single agents (see Section 2.1). Violations of inter-
[TimePoint] in another view instead of SetOf
viewpoint rules in [42] also illustrate this kind of inconsistency.
3.3.2 Instance-Level Deviation Resolving structure clashes can be done by application of
An instance-level deviation is a state transition in the running restructuring operators [12] or by addition of mapping in-
system that results in an inconsistency between a product- variants in the style advocated in [25]. The absence of
level requirement of the form structure clash is called type correctness in some consis-
tency checking tools [22].
("x: X) R(x)
The next types of inconsistency are defined in more
and a specific state of the running system characterized by technical terms as they will be studied throughout the rest
¬ R(a) of the paper. Let A1, ..., An be assertions, each of them for-
for some specific value a in X. Going back to our meeting malizing a goal, a requirement or an assumption. Let Dom
scheduler example, the participant instance Jeff failing to denote a set of domain descriptions [24] that captures the
provide his constraints for the Icse99-PC meeting pro- knowledge available about the domain.
duces an instance-level deviation resulting in a runtime 3.3.6 Conflict
inconsistency with the goal ConstraintsProvided. Tech-
A conflict between assertions A1, ..., An occurs within a do-
niques for detecting and resolving runtime deviations are
main Dom iff the following conditions hold:
discussed in [15].
The above types of inconsistency involve two levels from
Fig. 1. Intralevel inconsistencies correspond to inconsistent
1) { Dom,∧ ≤ ≤ A }|− false
1 i n i (logical inconsistency)
objectives and rules at the process level; inconsistent re- 2) for every i: { Dom,∧ ≠ A } |/
j i j − false (minimality)
quirements at the product level; or inconsistent states at the
instance level (like different values for Icse99-PC.Date in Condition 1 states that the assertions A1, ..., An are logically
Jeff’s agenda and the scheduler’s memory, respectively). inconsistent in the domain theory Dom or, equivalently, that
We now focus on inconsistent goals/requirements at the the negation of any of them can be inferred from the other
product level. assertions in this theory; Condition 2 states that removing
any of those assertions no longer results in a logical incon-
3.3.3 Terminology Clash sistency in that theory. We are indeed interested in focussing
A terminology clash occurs when a single real-world concept on minimal situations for conflicts to occur. To give a trivial
is given different syntactic names in the requirements speci- example, the three propositional assertions below are con-
fication. This type of inconsistency may often be found flicting, whereas they are not logically inconsistent pairwise:
among views owned by multiple stakeholders. For exam-
ple, a participant p attending some meeting m might be
formalized as Attends(p,m) in some specification frag- Thus, an n-ary conflict over a set S of n assertions cannot
ment and as Participates(p,m) in some other. be “contracted,” that is, it cannot be an m-ary conflict over a
proper subset of S involving m assertions (m < n); this di-
3.3.4 Designation Clash rectly follows from the minimality condition. Likewise, an
A designation clash occurs when a single syntactic name in n-ary conflict over a set S of assertions cannot be “ex-
the requirements specification designates different real- tended,” that is, it cannot be a p-ary conflict over a proper
world concepts. (As in [57], we use the term “designation” superset S Š of S (p > n), for if it was a conflict over S Š, it
for the notion of interpretation function in logic.) This type won’t be a conflict over the subset S of S Š by the minimality
of inconsistency again is typically found among views condition again. The minimality condition thus implies that
owned by multiple stakeholders who interpret a single the removal of any assertion from a conflicting set makes
name in different ways. For example, a predicate such as the resulting set no longer conflicting.
Attends(p,m) might be interpreted as “attending It is easy to see that binary conflicts give rise to an irre-
meeting m until the end” in some view and as “at- flexive, nontransitive, and symmetrical relation.

Let us give a simple example of conflicting assertions. In Note that a conflict is a particular case of divergence in
the context of specifying a device control system, require- which B = true. Also note that the minimality condition
ments that constrain the possible states of the Device precludes the trivial boundary condition B = false; it stipu-
agent are elicited from different stakeholders, each provid- lates, in particular, that the boundary condition must be
ing a fragmentary view as follows. consistent with the domain theory Dom.
The following variant of Condition 1 above will be used
View1: InOperation Æ Running
frequently in practice:
InOperation Æ Startup
∧ ≠ A } |– ¬ A
Startup Æ ¬ Running { Dom, B, j i j i
View3: o InOperation To give a first, simplified example, consider a resource man-
agement system and the goal SatisfactoryAvailability
(For simplicity, the perceived states of the device are for-
that appeared at the end of Section 3.2. In the user’s view,
malized by atomic propositional formulas.) In the first
the goal
view, the InOperation mode is required to be covered by
the Running state. The second view somewhat comple- "u: User, r: Resource
ments the first one by introducing the Startup state as an- Using (u, r) Æ o [ Needs (u, r) – Using (u, r)]
other state covering the InOperation mode, disjoint from states that if a user is using a resource then she will con-
the Running state. The third view requires the Device tinue to do so as long as she needs it, whereas in the staff’s
agent to be always in the InOperation mode. It is easy to view the goal
check that the four assertions from these three views are
conflicting; a first derivation using modus ponens once "u: User, r: Resource
yields Running, whereas a second derivation using modus Using (u, r) Æ ◊≤d¬ Using (u, r)
ponens twice yields ¬Running; removing any of those as- states that if a user is using a resource then within some
sertions makes it impossible to reach such contradictory deadline d she will no longer do so.
conclusions. These two goals are not conflicting. However, they are
The conflicting viewpoints in [13], in which a property divergent because there is an obvious boundary condition,
and its negation can both be derived when putting the namely,
viewpoints together, adhere to the definition above. Vio-
lation of the disjointness property in [22], which requires ◊ ($u’: User, r’: Resource) [ Using (u’, r’) Á o≤d Needs (u’, r’) ]
that, in a given state, each controlled variable, mode class, The latter is satisfied by some behavior in which, at some
and term in a SCR specification be defined uniquely, may time point, some user is using some resource and needs it
also be seen as a particular case of this kind of inconsis- for two weeks at least. This clearly makes the three asser-
tency; nondisjointness may result in a single output vari- tions conflicting altogether. (In Section 4.1, we will see how
able/term being prescribed different, incompatible values. such a condition can be derived formally.)
Another particular case is the inconsistency considered in Various subtypes of divergence can be identified accord-
[21], arising when the guarding condition on more than ing to the temporal evolution of the boundary condition B:
one transition in a finite state machine can be satisfied
simultaneously. occasional divergence: ◊B
It is our experience, however, that a weaker form of con- intermittent divergence: o◊B
flict, not studied before in the literature, occurs highly fre- persistent divergence: ◊ (BU C)
quently in practice. We define it now. permanent divergence: ◊oB
perpetual divergence: oB
3.3.7 Divergence
A divergence between assertions A1, ..., An occurs within a For example, the divergence on satisfactory availability
domain Dom iff there exists a boundary condition B such that above is likely to be intermittent and persistent. In the Lon-
the following conditions hold: don Ambulance system [18], the divergence between the
1) { Dom, B, ∧ ≤ ≤ A }|– false  (logical inconsistency) goal Achieve[NearestFreeAmbulanceDispatched] in
∧ ≠ A }| /− false
1 i n i
2) for every i: { Dom, B, (minimality)
the patient’s view and the goal Maintain[Ambulance
j i j
CloseToStation] in the driver’s view is intermittent and
3) there exists a scenario S and time position i such that
persistent as well because of the possibility of repeated ac-
(S, i) |= B (feasibility) cidents occurring far from the station with no other ambu-
The boundary condition captures a particular combina- lance being available.
tion of circumstances which makes assertions A1, ..., An con- Divergences can also be classified according to the category
flicting if conjoined to it (see Conditions 1 and 2). of the diverging goals. Examples of divergence categories in-
Condition 3 states that the boundary condition is satis- clude ResourceConflict divergences between Satisfaction
fiable through one behavior, at least, that is, there should be goals related to resource requests; ConflictOfInterest di-
at least one scenario that establishes the boundary condi- vergences between Optimize goals, in which one goal is
tion. Clearly, it makes no sense to reason about boundary concerned with maximizing some quantity whereas others
conditions that cannot occur through some feasible agent are concerned with minimizing that quantity. For example,
behavior. the goal Maximize[Profit] in a company’s view and the

goal Minimize[Costs] in the customer’s view result in a

ConflictOfInterest divergence; in the London Ambu-
lance system, a ConflictOfInterest divergence results
from the goal Maximize[NumberOfAmbulances] in a pa-
tient’s view, that refines Maximize[QualityOfService],
and the goal Minimize[CostOfService] in the manage-
ment’s view. As will be shown in Sections 4.3 and 5.1.6,
goal categories may be used for defining heuristics for di-
vergence detection and resolution, respectively.
We conclude this classification of inconsistencies with
two particular cases of divergence within a single view. Fig. 3. Conflict management in goal-driven RE.
3.3.8 Competition
A competition is a particular case of divergence within a sin- tion now states that the obstacle must be consistent with the
gle goal/requirement; it is characterized by the following domain.
conditions: For example, the goal Achieve[InformedParticipants
Attendance] formalized by
1) The goal assertion takes the form ("x: X) A [x]
2) ∧
{ Dom, B, i¶I A [xi]} |– false for some I
" m: Meeting, p: Participant

3) ∧ − false
{ Dom, B, i¶J A [xi]} |/ for any J ´ I
Invited(p,m) Á Informed(p,m) Á Convenient(m.Date,m,p)
Æ ◊ Participates(p,m)
4) There exists a scenario S and time position i such that may be obstructed by the obstacle LastMinuteImpediment
(S, i) |= B formalized by
A competition thus corresponds to the case where different ◊ $ m: Meeting, p: Participant
instantiations A[xi] of the same universally quantified Invited(p,m) Á Informed(p,m) Á Convenient(m.Date,m,p)
Á o (IsTakingPlace(m) – ¬ Convenient(m.Date,m,p))
goal/requirement "x: A [x] are divergent.
For example, there is a binary competition within the This obstacle captures scenarios in which a participant has
meeting scheduling goal been informed of a meeting whose date is convenient to her
" m: Meeting, i: Initiator, p: Participant
at that time position, but no longer at subsequent time po-
Requesting(i, m) Á Invited(p, m) sitions where the meeting is taking place.
Æ ◊ ($ d: Calendar) [ m.Date = d Á Convenient(d, m, p)], Divergence analysis and obstacle analysis have different
foci of concern. The former is aimed at coping with multiple
because of a possible boundary condition:
goals that diverge, whereas the latter is aimed at coping with
◊ $ m,m’: Meeting, p: Participant, i,i’: Initiator single goals that are overideal and/or unachievable. Obstacle
Requesting(i,m) Á Requesting(i’,m’) identification and resolution provide the basis for defensive
Á Invited(p,m) Á Invited(p,m’)
requirements engineering. Although there are generic simi-
Á o [($ d: Calendar) Convenient(d,m,p)
Á ($ d’: Calendar) Convenient(d’,m’,p) larities between some of the detection/resolution techniques,
Á ¬ ($ d,d’: Calendar) we will not discuss obstacle analysis any further here; the
Disjoint(d,d’) Á Convenient(d,m,p) interested reader may refer to [32].
Á Convenient(d’,m’,p)]
3.4 Integrating Conflict Management in the
This condition captures a situation of two requested meet- Requirements Elaboration Process
ings involving a common invited participant for which
The integration of conflict management in the goal-driven
convenient dates can be found in isolation but not jointly.
process outlined in Section 2.2 is suggested in Fig. 3.
As another example found in the London Ambulance sys-
The main difference is the right part of it. During elabora-
tem, two instantiations of the goal Achieve[NearestFree
tion of the goal graph by elicitation from multiple
AmbulanceDispatched] are competing because of a
stakeholders (asking WHY questions) and by refinement
boundary condition of the same ambulance being the near- (asking HOW questions), views are captured and diver-
est to two simultaneous accidents. gences are detected in goal specifications found in different
3.3.9 Obstruction views or within a single view. The divergences are resolved
when they are identified or later on in the process when op-
An obstruction is a borderline case of divergence in which
erational requisites have been derived from the divergent
only one assertion is involved; it is defined by taking n = 1 in
goals and responsibility assignment decisions are to be made.
the general characterization of divergence:
Resolution results in a goal structure updated with new goals
1) { Dom, B, A} |–false and/or transformed versions of existing ones (see Section
− false
2) { Dom, B } |/ 5.1). These goals in turn may refer to new objects/operations
3) There exists a scenario S and time position i such that and require specific operationalizations (see Section 5.2).
Some key questions arising here are: When exactly
(S, i) |= B should divergences be identified? When exactly should an
The boundary condition then amounts to an obstacle that identified divergence be resolved? A definitive answer to
obstructs the goal assertion [45], [32]; the minimality condi- these important questions is out of the scope of this paper;
we just make a few trade-offs explicit here.

Divergences should be identified as early as possible in (NG) ◊ $ u: User, r: Resource

the goal elaboration process as they encourage the explora- Using (u, r) Á o≤d Using (u, r)
tion of alternative OR-paths in the goal graph. However, the
more specific the goals are, the more specific the boundary (Remember that there is an implicit outer o-operator in
condition will be; divergence analysis will be much more every entailment; this causes the outer ◊-operator in (NG).)
accurate for lower-level, formalizable goals. For this specific user, the assertion in the first view reduces to
As will be seen in Section 5, various operators (in the (D) o [ Needs (u, r) – Using (u, r) ]
sense of Fig. 1) can be followed to resolve divergences.
by universal instantiation and modus ponens. To make sub-
Which operator to choose may depend on the tolerability of
formulas in (NG) and (D) unifiable, we rewrite them into the
the divergence and of its consequences, and on the likeli-
following logically equivalent form:
hood of occurrence of the boundary condition. When to
apply such an operator for resolution is an open question. (D’) o Needs (u, r) – o Using (u, r)
Too early resolution may prevent useful inferences and (NG’) ◊ $ u: User, r: Resource
derivations from being made [23]; too late resolution may Using (u, r) Á o<d o Using (u, r)
cause too costly backtracking to high-level goals.
(Remember that the o operator yields the nearest subse-
The techniques discussed below for divergence detection
quent time position according to the smallest unit consid-
and resolution make no assumptions about where the di-
ered in the specification, see Section 2.1.2.) The subformula
vergent assertions come from. They can be used for diver-
o Using(u,r) in (NG’) now unifies with the consequent in (D’);
gence analysis across multiple views or within one single
regressing (NG’) through (D’) then amounts to replacing in
view. Their presentation will therefore make no explicit use
(NG’) the matching consequent in (D’) by the corresponding
of the view mechanism presented in Section 3.2, even
antecedent. We obtain:
though many divergences arise from multiple views.
◊ $u: User, r: Resource
Using (u, r) Á o<d o Needs (u, r)
Two formal techniques are proposed in this section to de- that is,
tect divergences (with conflicts or competitions as particu- ◊ $u: User, r: Resource)
lar cases). The former derives boundary conditions by Using (u, r) Á o≤d Needs (u, r)
backward chaining; the latter relies on the use of diver- We have thereby formally derived the boundary condition
gence patterns. given in Section 3.3.7. (Note that no domain property was
used in this case.)
4.1 Regressing Negated Assertions
Assuming the goals and the domain descriptions all
The first technique is directly based on the common variant take the form of rules A Æ C, the general procedure is as
of the first condition characterizing divergence: follows [29].
{ Dom, B, ∧ ≠ A } |– ¬A
j i j i Initial step: take B := ¬ Ai
Given some goal assertion Ai, it consists of calculating precon-
Inductive step: let A Æ C be the rule selected,
ditions for deriving the negation ¬Ai backwards from the other with C matching some subformula L
assertions conjoined with the domain theory. Every precondi- in B;
tion obtained yields a boundary condition. Weakest boundary then m := mgu(L, C);
conditions may be worth considering as they cover the most B := B[L/A.m]
general combinations of circumstances to cause a conflict; (where mgu(F1,F2) denotes the most general unifier
however, they may sometimes be too general to find specific of F1 and F2, F.m denotes the result of applying the
substitutions from unifier m to F, and F[F1/F2] de-
ways to overcome them (see examples below). This backward
notes the result of replacing every occurrence of F1
chaining technique amounts to a form of goal regression [54], in formula F by F2).
which is the counterpart of Dijkstra’s precondition calculus
[20] for declarative representations. A variant of this technique Some aspects are left open in this general procedure.
can be used for obstacle derivation [32]. When several rules are applicable for the next regression,
Let us first illustrate the idea applied to the divergent one should first select goal assertions prior to domain de-
goals that appeared in Section 3.3.7, namely, scriptions; since divergence is being sought within the as-
sertion set, one should exploit the information from those
" u: User, r: Resource assertions as much as possible. In the initial step, one should
Using (u, r) Æ o [ Needs (u, r) – Using (u, r) ] (user’s view) obviously select an assertion ¬ Ai which contains unifiable
subformulas. At every step, the compatibility of the tempo-
and ral scopes of the matching subformulas L and C must be
"u: User, r: Resource checked; additional inferences and simplifications may be
Using (u, r) Æ ◊≤d ¬ Using (u, r) (staff’s view) required to make matching subformulas refer to the same
states [1]. Every iteration in the procedure above produces
The initialization step consists of taking the negation of potentially finer boundary conditions; it is up to the re-
one of these goals. Taking the staff’s view, we get quirements engineer to decide when to stop, depending on
whether the boundary condition obtained is meaningful

and precise enough to easily identify a scenario satisfying it predicate SignedBy(rep,r) means that report rep con-
and to see ways of overcoming it for divergence resolution. tains the signature of reviewer r; the predicate Ex-
In the example above, only one iteration was performed, pert(r,p) means that reviewer r is a well-known expert
through the other goal. The next example illustrates more in the domain of paper p.)
iterations and the regression through domain descriptions as The third conjunct in (NG1) above unifies with the conse-
well. We come back to the “French reviewer” example intro- quent in (D1); the regression yields, after corresponding
duced in Section 1, that is, an electronic reviewing process for substitutions of variables:
a scientific journal with the following two security goals: ◊ $ r:Reviewer, p:Paper, a:Author, rep:Report
1) reviewers’ anonymity; AuthorOf(a, p) Á Gets(a, rep, p, r)
Á Identifiable(r, rep)
2) review integrity.
(These goals could be found in different stakeholder per- The last subformula in this formula unifies with the conse-
pectives, or within a single one.) The goals are made precise quent in (D3); the regression yields
as follows: (B) ◊ $ r:Reviewer, p:Paper, a:Author, rep:Report
AuthorOf(a, p) Á Gets(a, rep, p, r)
Goal Maintain[ReviewerAnonymity] Á Reviews(r, p, rep)
FormalDef Á French(r) Á ¬ $ r’ ¡ r: Expert(r’, p) Á French(r’)
" r:Reviewer, p:Paper, a:Author, rep:Report
Reviews(r, p, rep) Á AuthorOf(a, p) We have thereby formally derived the boundary
Æ o ¬ Knows(a, Reviews[r,p,rep]) condition promised in Section 1, which makes the di-
Goal Maintain[ReviewIntegrity] vergent goals Maintain[ReviewerAnonymity] and
FormalDef Maintain[ReviewIntegrity] conflicting. It is satis-
" r:Reviewer, p:Paper, a:Author, rep,rep’:Report fied by the scenario of a report being produced by a French
AuthorOf(a,p) Á Gets(a,rep,p,r) reviewer who is the only well-known French expert in the
Æ Reviews(r,p,rep’) Á rep’ = rep
domain of the paper, and then sent unaltered to the author
(In the formalization above, Reviews[r,p,rep] desig- (as variable rep is the same in the Reviews and Gets
nates a ternary relationship capturing a reviewer r having predicates). We will come back to this example in Section 5
produced a referee report rep for paper p; the predicate to illustrate divergence resolution strategies.
Reviews(r,p,rep) expresses that an instance of this rela- Exploring the space of potential boundary conditions
tionship exists in the current state. The predicate that can be derived from the domain theory is achieved by
Gets(a,rep,p,r) expresses that author a has the report backtracking on each rule applied to select another applica-
rep by reviewer r for his paper p. The goal ReviewerA- ble one. After having selected rule (D3) in the example
nonymity makes use of the KAOS built-in predicate Knows above, one could select rule (D2) to derive another bound-
defined in Section 2.3.) ary condition:
Let’s take the goal Maintain[ReviewerAnonymity] for (B) ◊ $ r:Reviewer, p:Paper, a:Author, rep:Report
the initialization step. Its negation, say (NG), yields AuthorOf(a, p) Á Gets(a, rep, p, r)
Á Reviews(r, p, rep) Á SignedBy(rep, r)
◊ $ r:Reviewer, p:Paper, a:Author, rep:Report
Reviews(r,p,rep) Á AuthorOf(a,p) which captures the situation of an author receiving the
Á ◊ Knows(a, Reviews[r,p,rep]) same report as the one produced by the reviewer with sig-
nature information found in it.
Regressing (NG) through the ReviewIntegrity goal,
In practice, the domain theory does not necessarily need
whose consequent can be simplified to Reviews(r,p,rep)
to be very rich at the beginning. The requirements engineer
by term rewriting, yields (NG1): may incrementally elicit sufficient conditions for subformu-
◊ $ r:Reviewer, p:Paper, a:Author, rep:Report las that are candidates to replacement in the regression pro-
AuthorOf(a,p) Á Gets(a, rep, p, r) cess, by interaction with domain experts and clients (e.g.,
Á ◊ Knows(a, Reviews[r,p,rep]) “what are sufficient conditions for identifiability of the re-
Assume now that the domain theory contains the following viewer from the report received?”).
sufficient conditions for identifiability of reviewers (the
4.2 Using Divergence Patterns
outer universal quantifiers are left implicit for simplicity):
Besides iterative regression through goal specifications and
(D1) Gets(a, rep, p, r) Á Identifiable(r, rep)
domain descriptions, one can identify frequent divergence
Æ ◊ Knows(a, Reviews[r,p,rep])
patterns that can be formally established once and for all
(D2) Reviews(r, p, rep) Á SignedBy(rep, r) together with their associated boundary conditions. De-
Æ Identifiable(r, rep) tecting divergence between some given goals is then
(D3) Reviews(r, p, rep) Á French(r) achieved by selecting a matching generic pattern and by
Á ¬ $ r’ ¡ r: [Expert(r’, p) Á French(r’)] instantiating it accordingly. The requirements engineer is
Æ Identifiable(r, rep) thus relieved of the technical task of doing the formal deri-
(In the domain descriptions above, the predicate Identi- vations required in Section 4.1.
fiable(r,rep) means that the identity of reviewer r can This approach follows the spirit of goal refinement pat-
be determined from the content of report rep; rules (D2) terns [10] or obstacle identification patterns [32]. We give a
and (D3) provide explicit sufficient conditions for this. The few divergence patterns here to illustrate the approach;
more work is needed to reach a rich set of patterns compa-

Pairs of assertions of this form are again rather frequent.

Such assertions do not appear to be divergent at first sight,
although they are. They match the retraction pattern in
Fig. 4 from which one may directly infer a divergence with
boundary condition
◊ [ Critical ∧ (¬ Alarm U o ¬ Critical ) ].
(Recall that 8 and : denote the “until” and “unless” op-
erators, respectively.) The potential conflict between (A1)
and (A2) arises from the disappearing of the critical situa-
tion before the alarm is raised. Again this has been obtained
formally without any formal derivation.
Using the last pattern in Fig. 4 for a library system with
the following instantiations,
P: Borrowing (u, bc), u: User, bc: BookCopy, lib: Library
Q: HasPermission (u, bc) ,
R: Member (u, lib) ,
S: DueDate (u, bc) ,

we directly infer a rather subtle potential conflict presented

in [27]; the conflict arises because of a borrower losing library
membership before the due date for returning her bor-
rowed copies.
Fig. 4. Divergence patterns.
4.3 Divergence Identification Heuristics
Divergence identification heuristics are provided as rules of
rable to the one available for goal refinement [10]. The con- thumb in order to help users identify divergences without
flicts between the formulas in the various patterns in Fig. 4 necessarily having to go through formal techniques every
were proved formally using STeP [35]. time. Such heuristics are derived from formal patterns of
A first obvious pattern frequently encountered involves divergence or from past experience in identifying diver-
Achieve and Avoid goals (see Fig. 4). It is easy to derive gences. Goal classifications, as mentioned in Section 2.3, are
the predicate ◊ (P ∧ R) in the first pattern of Fig. 4 as a used to define these heuristics. We give a few examples of
boundary condition leading to a conflict between the upper them to illustrate the approach.
Achieve and Avoid goals conjoined with the upper right
• If there is a SatisfactionGoal and a SafetyGoal
domain description (remember again that there is an im-
concerning a same object, then the possibility of a diver-
plicit outer o-operator in every entailment).
gence between those two goals should be considered. For
As an example of reusing the Achieve-Avoid diver-
example, a divergence between the goals Achieve [Ar-
gence pattern in Fig. 4, consider the following two Satis-
rivalOnTime] and Avoid[TrainOnSameBlock] might
faction goals in a resource management system:
be thereby identified in a train control system.
Goal Achieve[RequestSatisfied]
FormalDef " u:User, r:Resource • If there is a ConfidentialityGoal and an Informa-
Requesting(u, r) Æ ◊ Using(u, r) tionGoal concerning a same object, then the possibility
of a divergence between those two goals should be con-
Goal Avoid[UnReliableResourceUsed]
FormalDef " u:User, r:Resource sidered. For example, a divergence between the goals
¬ Reliable(r) Æ o ¬ Using(u, r) Achieve[EditorialBoardInformed]
• and Maintain[ReviewerAnonymity] might be thereby
These two goals match the Achieve-Avoid divergence identified in an electronic journal management system
pattern in Fig. 4 with instantiations P: Requesting(u,r), because of the boundary condition of associate editors
Q: Using(u,r), R: ¬Reliable(r), S: Using(u,r); no submitting papers. The same rule may lead to the identi-
domain property is necessary here. Without any formal fication of a divergence between the goals
derivation one gets the boundary condition Achieve[ParticipantsConstraintsKnown]
◊ $ u:User, r:Resource and Maintain[ParticipantPrivacy] in a meet-
Requesting(u, r) Á ¬ Reliable(r) ing scheduler system; between the goals"
Achieve[PatientInformed] and Maintain[Medical
To illustrate the use of the Retraction pattern in Fig. 4,
Secret] in a hospital management system; etc.
consider a patient monitoring system with the following two
• If there are two Optimize goals interfering on a same
assertions (expressed in propositional terms for simplicity): object’s attribute, then the possibility of a Conflict
(A1) Critical ⇒ ◊ Alarm OfInterest divergence between those two goals
(A2) Alarm ⇒ Critical
should be considered. For example, a divergence be-
tween the goals Maxmize[NumberOfAmbulances] and

Minimize[CostOfService] might be thereby identi- Deriving an Avoid goal from this assertion will produce a
fied in the London Ambulance system. new goal:
• If there are several possible instantiations of the same
" r:Reviewer, p:Paper, a:Author, rep,rep’:Report
SatisfactionGoal goal among multiple agent in-
Reviews(r, p, rep) Á AuthorOf(a, p)
stances, then the possibility of a Competition diver-
Á Gets(a, rep’, p, r)
gence should be considered. (We use the notion of com-
⇒ (rep’ ¡ rep
petition here as it is defined in Section 3.3.8.) For exam- Â [ French(r) ⇒ $ r’¡ r: Expert(r’, p) Á French(r’)])
ple, a divergence between multiple instantiations of the
goal Achieve[MeetingScheduled] might be thereby That is, the referee report should be modified/corrected or
identified in a meeting scheduler system; between mul- there should be at least one other French expert in the do-
tiple instantiations of the goal: main of the paper. The first alternative will require the in-
Achieve[NearestFreeAmbulanceDispatched] tegrity goal to be weakened as discussed below.
in the London Ambulance system; etc. To take another real-world example, consider the two fol-
• If there is an Achieve goal with a target condition Q and lowing goals in a library system, named CopiesEventual-
an Avoid goal on a condition S with Q overlapping S (that lyAvailable and CopyKeptAsLongAsNeeded, respectively:
is, Q implying S), then the two goals are divergent if it is (G1) "m:Member, b:Book
possible for their respective preconditions P and R to hold Requests(m, b) Á InLib(b)
simultaneously (see the first pattern in Fig. 4). Æ ◊ ($bc:BookCpy)[Copy(bc,b) Á Available(bc)]
More specific goal subcategories on the same object (like (G2) "m:Member, b:Book, bc:BookCopy
Confidentiality or Integrity subcategories of Secu- Borrowing(m, bc) Á Copy(bc, b)
rityGoals [2]) will result in a more focussed search for Æ o [Needs(m, b) – Borrowing(m, bc)]
corresponding divergences and boundary conditions. Given domain properties such as
One may also identify divergences by analogy with di- [($m:Member)Borrowing(m,bc)] Æ ¬ Available(bc),
vergences in similar systems, using analogical reuse tech-
niques in the spirit of [36]. Requests(m, b) Æ
¬ ($bc)Borrowing(m,bc):($bc)Available(bc),
one can show that goals (G1) and (G2) are divergent as the
5 RESOLVING DIVERGENCES following boundary condition is derived by regression:
The divergences identified need to be resolved in some way ◊ $m:Member, b:Book
or another depending on the likelihood of occurrence of Requests(m, b) Á InLib(b)
boundary conditions and on the severity of the conflict con- Á "bc:BookCopy
sequences in such a case. Resolution should take place [Copy (bc, b) –
sooner or later depending on the potential for eliciting fur- ($m’:Member)(m’¡ m Á Borrowing(m’,bc)
ther information from divergent goals. The result of the Á o o Needs(m’,b))]
resolution process will be a transformed goal structure and, This boundary condition captures the possibility of a mem-
in some cases, transformed object structures (see Section ber requesting some book registered in the library whose
3.4); the latter transformations may need to be propagated copies are all borrowed by other members and in the sequel
to the corresponding domain descriptions in Dom (see Sec-
permanently needed by them.
tion 5.2 below).
Resolving the divergence by avoiding this boundary
Various strategies can be followed to resolve diver-
condition might be achieved by keeping some copies of
gences. Each of them corresponds to a specific class of reso-
every popular book always unborrowable to make them
lution operators (see the process level in Fig. 1).
available for direct use in the library (this strategy is often
5.1 Assertion Transformation implemented in university libraries).
Under this family, we group all operators which create, de- It may turn out, after checking with domain experts, that
lete, or modify goal assertions. the assertion P ⇒ o ¬ B introduced for divergence resolution
is not a goal/requirement but a domain property that was
5.1.1 Avoiding Boundary Conditions missing from the domain theory Dom, making it possible to
Since boundary conditions lead to conflicts, a first strategy infer the boundary condition B by regression. In such cases,
consists of preventing them from occurring. A new goal is the domain theory will be updated instead of the goal
therefore introduced which has the Avoid pattern: structure. For example, it might be the case in some specific
P ⇒ o ¬B, resource allocation system that no user can possibly need
where B denotes a boundary condition to be inhibited. any resource for more than the two-week limit. The diver-
AND/OR refinement and divergence analysis may then be gence detected in Section 4.1 would then be resolved by
applied to this new goal in turn. adding this property to the set of domain descriptions.
Coming back to our “French reviewer” example, we de-
rived by regression in Section 4.1 the following boundary 5.1.2 Goal Restoration
condition: Boundary conditions cannot always be avoided, especially
◊ $ r:Reviewer, p:Paper, a:Author, rep:Report when they involve agents in the external environment over
AuthorOf(a, p) Á Gets(a, rep, p, r) which the software has no control. An alternative strategy
Á Reviews(r, p, rep) consists of introducing a new goal stating that if the bound-
Á French(r) Á ¬ $ r’¡r: Expert(r’, p) Á French(r’)

ary condition B occurs then the divergent goal assertions Ai goals are obtained, their weakening needs to be propagated
become true again in some reasonably near future: in the goal graph to replace the older, divergent versions.
B ⇒ ◊≤d ∧ ≤ ≤ A
1 i n i
The weakening procedure is more precisely described as
For the library example above, this strategy would corre- 1) Weaken some goal formulations to obtain more liberal
spond to temporarily breaking goal (G2) by forcing some versions that cover the boundary conditions. Syntactic
member to return her copy even if she still needs it. generalization operators [20], [29] can be used here,
5.1.3 Conflict Anticipation such as adding a disjunct, removing a conjunct, or
adding a conjunct in the antecedent of an implication.
This strategy can be applied when some persistent condi-
2) For each weakened goal, propagate the predicate
tion P can be found such that, in some context C, one in-
changes in the goal AND-tree in which this goal is in-
evitably gets into a conflict after some time if the condition
volved, by replacing every occurrence of the old
P has persisted over a too long period:
∧ ≤≤ A
predicates by the new ones.
C ∧ o≤d P ⇔ ◊≤d ¬ 1 i n i
The decision on which goal to weaken will depend on the
In such a case, one may introduce the following new goal to priority and utility of the divergent goals. In the “French re-
avoid the conflict by anticipation: viewer” example, one will clearly weaken the goal Maintain
[ReviewIntegrity] to allow making English corrections,
C ∧ P ⇒ ◊≤d ¬ P
removing signature information, and so on. The alternative
An example for the particular case where n = 1 would be a weakening of the goal Maintain[ReviewerAnonymity]
patient monitoring system where C is instantiated to should not be considered.
“monitoring working,” P to “some monitor value exceed- Goal weakening often needs to be compensated by some
ing its threshold,” and A to “patient alive.” strengthening elsewhere in the specification, for example,
by addition of new goals (see the first example above). A
5.1.4 Goal Weakening new cycle of divergence analysis may then be required.
This is probably the most common strategy for resolving di-
Resolution patterns can also be identified to guide the
vergence. The principle is to weaken the formulation of one or
goal weakening process. Here are a few such patterns.
several among the divergent goals so as to make the diver-
gence disappear. Let us illustrate the technique on an example • Temporal relaxation:
first. Consider the goals Achieve[RequestSatisfied] and
weaken ײd A to ײc A (c > d)
Avoid[UnReliableResourceUsed]; these goals were seen
to be divergent in Section 4.2 by use of the first divergence weaken o≤d A to o≤c A (c < d)
pattern in Fig. 4. Their assertions were:
• Resolve the Achieve-Avoid divergence pattern
Requesting(u, r) Æ ◊ Using (u, r)
P ⇒ ◊ Q vs. R ⇒ o ¬ Q
¬ Reliable(r) Æ o ¬ Using(u, r) by
(Universal quantifiers are again left implicit.) The boundary – weakening the first assertion: P ∧ ¬ R ⇒ ◊ Q,
condition was:
– keeping the second assertion: R ⇒ o ¬ Q,
( ◊ $ u: User, r: Resource) [ Requesting (u, r) Á ¬ Reliable (r) ] – strengthening the specification by adding the
The divergence can be resolved by weakening the first goal new goal: P ⇒ ◊ ( P ∧ ¬ R)
to make it cover the boundary condition. This yields: This resolution pattern was used in the first example of
Requesting (u, r) ∧ Reliable (r) ⇒ ◊ Using (u, r) goal weakening above. An example of temporal relaxation
is the extension of the date range for scheduling meetings
It is easy to see that the boundary condition is now cov- when there is a conflict, or the extension of a paper submis-
ered by this weakening; converting the above assertion into sion deadline when there are competing conferences.
disjunctive form and using the tautology P ∨ Q ≡ P ∨ ¬ P ∧ Q An extreme case of goal weakening is sacrificing, that is,
we get: deleting one of the goals to eliminate the divergence. For
¬ Requesting (u, r) ∨ Requesting (u,r) ∧ ¬ Reliable (r) Â ◊ Using (u, r) example, there may be two divergent goals in an automatic
teller machine, namely,
The goal weakening needs to be compensated by the in-
1) Avoid[CardForgottenInATM] and
troduction of the new goal
2) Maintain[UserComfort].
Requesting (u, r) Æ ◊ ( Requesting (u, r) ∧ Reliable (r) )
The first goal is operationalized by asking users to get their
to make sure that the antecedent strengthening in the card back before taking cash, whereas the latter is opera-
weakened goal becomes true at some point so that the ini- tionalized by asking users to get their card back at the very
tial target condition can be established in spite of the ante- end of the session when no further operation is asked. In
cedent strengthening. some countries, the conflict is resolved by sacrificing Goal 1.
The principle is thus to make some goals more liberal so
that they cover the boundary conditions. Once more liberal

As another real-world example, consider the following • If there is a divergence between a ConfidentialityGoal
three goals in a conference management system: and an InformationGoal concerning the same object, then
Maintain[ConfidentialityOfSubmissions], a resolution by restricted goals involving specializations of
Achieve[AuthorsInformedOfReceipt], the Knowing agents should be considered.
Avoid[ProgramChairOverloaded]. The last two rules involve transformations of object struc-
One can show that these three goals are divergent when tures; we turn to this now.
taken together. The resolution that was recently chosen in 5.2 Object Transformation
some conference was to email all authors an acknowledge-
Under this family, we group all operators which create, de-
ment in which all email addresses of submittors appeared,
lete, or modify object types. We give a few such operators
thus sacrificing the confidentiality goal.
here which have proved helpful in practice. A rich set of
5.1.5 Alternative Goal Refinement object restructuring operators is proposed in [48].
In case of hard divergences that cannot be satisfactorily
5.2.1 Object Refinement
resolved through other strategies, one should investigate
alternative refinements of goals at a higher level than the The idea is to specialize an object type into disjoint subtypes
level at which the divergence occurred. The aim here is to and to restrict the divergent assertions to the corresponding
obtain alternative subgoals which are no longer divergent, subtypes. Consider, for example, the divergence between the
or whose divergence can be resolved by use of the other security goal Maintain[ReviewerAnonymity] and the in-
strategies. Alternative goal refinements may often result in formation goal Achieve[EditorialBoardInformed]; the
different system proposals in which more or less function- boundary condition captures the situation where members of
ality is automated and in which the interaction between the the editorial board are submitting papers. To prevent them
software and its environment may be quite different. from knowing the full submission status file (which contains
To illustrate this, consider the meeting scheduler system the names of the reviewers for each paper), the conflict is re-
again and the divergence between the goals: solved by specializing the PaperStatusFile object type into
two subtypes: the (complete) EIC-StatusFile accessible by
the editor-in-chief only, and the EdBoard-StatusFile which
contains no reviewer names. The corresponding goals are then
specialized accordingly. Note that the specialization may need
on one hand, and the goal: to be propagated to domain descriptions in Dom; e.g., descrip-
Minimize[Participant Interaction] tions that involved the PaperStatusFile object type now
need to refer to the specialized types introduced if they be-
on the other hand. One way to resolve such a conflict is to
come specific to them.
go up in the goal refinement graph and reconsider alterna-
Objects can also be “weakened” by extending the range
tive ways of refining the parent goal: of values for some of their attributes. For example, one can
Achieve[ParticipantsConstraintsKnown]. resolve conflicts between competing requests for meetings
An alternative design based on the scheduler accessing by extending the date range specified in the requests.
participant’s electronic agendas might then be explored to 5.2.2 Agent Refinement
resolve the divergence.
Divergent assertions that involve agents can sometimes be
5.1.6 Divergence Resolution Heuristics resolved by
Heuristics for specific divergence categories may be used as 1) specializing the corresponding agent types into dis-
a cheap alternative to formal techniques. We just give a few joint subtypes, and
examples of heuristic rules here to illustrate the principle; a 2) restricting the divergent assertions to the corre-
complete set of such rules is outside the scope of this paper. sponding subtypes.
• If there is a Competition divergence among multiple The principle is thus the same as above. Consider, for exam-
agent instances, then a resolution by introduction of an ple, the divergence between the goals Achieve[Patient
Arbitrator agent should be considered. Using this Informed] and Maintain[MedicalSecret] in a hospital
heuristic rule would lead to the introduction of an arbi- management system. One way to resolve the divergence is
trator to resolve the conflict between two instantiations of to let parents of the patient access some specific items of the
the goal Achieve[NearestFreeAmbulanceDispatched] patient’s file. (Note that this resolution integrates both ob-
in the London Ambulance system, in case of two simul- ject refinement and agent refinement.) Again, some domain
taneous accidents near each other. descriptions may need to be transformed accordingly.
• If there is a Competition divergence among multiple
agent instances, then a resolution by introduction of a
reservation policy on the object of competition should be
considered. Requirements engineers live in a world where inconsisten-
• If there is a divergence between a ConfidentialityGoal cies are the rule, not the exception. There are many different
and an InformationGoal concerning the same object, kinds of inconsistency; many of them originate from the
then a resolution by restricted goals concerning speciali- elicitation of goals and requirements from multiple
zations of the Known object should be considered. stakeholders, viewpoints, and independent documents. Tol-

erating such inconsistencies for a while is desirable as it proposed are general, systematic, and effective in identifying
increases the chances of getting more relevant information and resolving subtle divergences. Our plan is to integrate
and, in the end, more complete and adequate requirements. these techniques in the KAOS/GRAIL environment [11] so
However, detecting inconsistencies and resolving them at that large-scale experimentation on industrial projects from
some stage or another of the requirements engineering pro- our tech transfer institute can take place. In fact, several di-
cess is a necessary condition for successful development of vergences were recently detected in two real projects using
the software implementing the requirements. our techniques. The first project was the engineering of re-
This paper has proposed a formal framework for clari- quirements for a system to support the emergency service of
fying various types of inconsistency that can arise in the RE a major Belgian hospital. Examples of divergences that were
process; special attention has been given to one very general handled with our techniques included the divergence be-
kind of inconsistency that surprisingly has received no at- tween the goals Avoid[ServiceOvercrowding] and
tention so far in the literature. Divergence was seen to be a Achieve[PatientAccompanied]; and the divergence be-
frequently occurring generalization of the usual notion of tween the goals Achieve[PromptAction] and Achieve
conflict, with some interesting particular cases. Various for- [MaximalInformationAcquired]. The second project
mal and heuristic techniques were then proposed for detect- concerned the development of a complex software system
ing and resolving divergences among goals/requirements in to support goods delivery to retailers. An interesting case
a systematic fashion. The notion of boundary condition was detected using our technique was the divergence between
seen to play a prominent role in this context. the retailer’s goal of one-hour delivery for every order and
One key principle in the paper is to start thinking about the company’s goal of one delivery per day for every re-
divergences as early as possible in the requirements engi- tailer (the latter obviously refined a cost reduction goal).
neering process, that is, at the goal level. The earlier diver- The boundary condition found captured the situation of a
gence analysis is started, the more freedom is left for re- retailer making more than one order on the same day. The
solving the divergences. resolution that was chosen among those identified was to
Domain knowledge was seen to play an important role reward retailers that group all their orders for the same day
in some of these techniques. In fact, this knowledge delim- within one single batch to be submitted once a day.
its the space of boundary conditions that can be found.
However, as we pointed out, such knowledge can be elic-
ited stepwise during divergence analysis.
When to apply such-and-such technique may depend on The work reported herein was partially supported by the
the domain, on the specific application in this domain, on “Communauté Française de Belgique” (FRISCO project,
the kind of divergence, on the likelihood of occurrence of Actions de Recherche Concertées Nr. 95/00-187—Direction
boundary conditions, on the severity of the consequences of générale de la Recherche). Partial support was also pro-
the resulting conflict, and on the cost of divergence resolu- vided while the first author was on sabbatical at SRI Inter-
tion. Much work remains to be done to determine precisely national by the Advanced Research Projects Agency under
when it is appropriate to apply each technique. Air Force Research Laboratory contract number F30602-97-
A question that may arise is the extent to which diver- C-0040. Many thanks to the inconsistency management
gence among goal assertions could be detected using model groups at Imperial College, City University, and Politecnico
checking technology. The strength of model checking tech- di Milano for sharing (sometimes divergent) views on in-
niques is that they could, at low cost, generate scenarios consistency management. Christophe Ponsard made help-
satisfying the boundary conditions we are looking for; such ful comments on an earlier version of this paper. We greatly
scenarios would be produced as traces that refute the di- appreciate the detailed comments and constructive sugges-
vergent assertions conjoined with the domain theory. How- tions made by the reviewers.
ever, we currently envision two problems in applying ex-
isting model checking techniques directly for our purpose. REFERENCES
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Axel van Lamsweerde received the MS degree Robert Darimont received the MS and PhD
in mathematics from the Université Catholique degrees in applied sciences (computing science
de Louvain, Belgium, and the PhD degree in orientation) from the Université Catholique de
computing science from the University of Brus- Louvain, Belgium. He is the manager of the
sels. He is a full professor of computing science Software Engineering Group at CEDITI, the IT
at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Bel- transfer center of the University of Louvain. He
gium. From 1970 to 1980, he was a research works on the development of GRAIL, the tool
associate with the Philips Research Laboratory supporting the KAOS methodology for goal-
in Brussels, where he worked on proof methods oriented requirements engineering; leads in-
for parallel programs and knowledge-based dustrial projects using KAOS; and helps com-
approaches to automatic programming. He was panies to adopt up to date and precompetitive
then a professor of software engineering at the Universities of Namur software engineering technologies. Dr. Darimont is a member of the
and Brussels until he joined UCL in 1990. He is co-founder of the IEEE and the ACM and the information director of the ACM Transac-
CEDITI technology transfer institute, partially funded by the European tions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM).
Union. He has also been a visitor at the University of Oregon and the
Computer Science Laboratory of SRI International, Menlo Park.
Dr. van Lamsweerde’s professional interests are in lightweight for- Emmanuel Letier received the degree of engi-
mal methods and tools for assisting software engineers in knowledge- neer in applied mathematics in 1995 from the
intensive tasks. His current focus is on constructive, technical ap- Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. He
proaches to requirements engineering and, more generally, to formal is currently pursuing PhD research on formal
reasoning about software engineering products and processes. His reasoning about agents during requirements
recent papers can be found at elaboration at the Département d'Ingénierie
Dr. van Lamsweerde was program chair of the Third European Informatique of this university.
Software Engineering Conference (ESEC ’91), program co-chair of the
Seventh IEEE Workshop on Software Specification and Design
(IWSSD-7), and program co-chair of the ACM-IEEE 16th International
Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-16). He is a member of
the editorial boards of the Automated Software Engineering Journal
and the Requirements Engineering Journal. Since 1995, he has been
editor-in-chief of the ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and
Methodology (TOSEM). He is a member of the IEEE, ACM, and AAAI.

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