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Towards a Walkable Heritage Landscape

Developing tourist-oriented pedestrian connectivity that contributes to the wellbeing

of the local community within the heritage district of Irbid City Centre in Jordan.

Name: Fahed Abujaber

Approaches and Principles
Instructor: Dr. Jill Grant Framing approaches help define a set of
Advisor: Ramzi Kawar principles to establish a good tourism pedes-
trian system in a heritage area. The following
lists the explored topics:
The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities of
- Urban heritage tourism
Jordan proposes regenerating Irbid City Center
- Pedestrian Tourism Issues
and revitalizing selected heritage buildings
- Heritage Tourism and Socio-Economic
within the urban core of the city. The study
aims to produce a portion of the larger
- The ‘Urban Heritage Management’ Approach
proposed project by incorporating a tourist-
oriented pedestrian network in Irbid City Identifying the Principles
Centre. A set of principles are developed to direct the
outcomes of the development plan. The
Heritage Tourism Potentials in Irbid principles require allocating routes and
Irbid City Centre is a heritage rich site. Heritage
pathways for tourist-oriented pedestrian use
components include physical and cultural
that satisfy a set of criteria, including access to
assets. Tal Irbid (the Hill of Irbid) is the
destinations, significant sites, and pleasant
dominant land feature. It is the town’s historic
sights, satisfy safety and security measures,
core that transformed to house institutional
connect to sites of respite, and address some
uses and vacant open spaces. The southern part
cultural concerns. The principles also require
of the site is a heavily urbanized mix of
providing proper way-finding and orientation
residential and commercial uses. Reviving the
tools, introducing public open spaces,
fragmented heritage spirit within the site is
conserving heritage features through rehabili-
necessary for successful outcomes.
tating and reusing heritage properties, and
The client requires considering three heritage
recommending conservation policies and
building and two public spaces for rehabilitation
regulations. Principles of community devel-
and reuse to contribute to the tourists’
opment require reinforcing the cultural heritage
experience and demonstrate pilot projects for
of Irbid’s society, providing job opportunities,
heritage conservation and community
and avoiding gentrification or displacement of
residents and local businesses.
Project Objectives
Understanding Irbid
Three objectives to successfully transform Irbid
Site analysis of the natural and build envi-
City Centre into a touristic heritage landscape
ronments identify the site’s physical assets. The
are suggested:
Tal is determined suitable for landscaping.
- Introducing a tourist-oriented pedestrian
Components of the heritage landscape are
network within the site.
identified, including heritage buildings and
- Conserving heritage assets and reusing selected
spaces, and traditional commercial activities.
heritage buildings as tourist attractions and
Functional and infrastructural challenges are
community development venues.
identified. The socio-economic analysis
- Initiating community development and avoiding
contributes to understanding local economic,
social, and cultural concerns.
Analysis community’s socio-economic development. The
The analysis connects the study of plan proposes introducing pedestrian routes
approaches to the site analysis and case and upgrading pedestrian infrastructure. It
studies to frame specific solutions within the suggests a tourist trail that elevates the tourists’
site. Some of the key findings of the analysis experience. The plan introduces green
are: landscapes and public open spaces to serve the
- Identifying three districts: cultural, residential, local community and enhance tourism
and commercial. pedestrian connectivity.
- Locating places of interest including heritage The development plan also proposes renova-
clusters, buildings, views, and activities. tions and new uses for selected heritage
- Exploring possible uses of renovated heritage buildings in the site to serve tourism and initiate
buildings. community development. Suggested policies
- Resolving cultural limitation issues. and regulations address a variety of issues, such
- Identifying potential pedestrian routes and as conserving the heritage assets and character
open spaces. of the site, and facilitating accessibility and
connectivity to support economic prosperity
The Development Proposal and avoid commercial and residential
The development proposal presents a plan that gentrification.
satisfies the project objectives. Proposed A set of recommendations addresses policy
solutions address the set of principles to estab- reviews, community development initiatives,
lish a tourism pedestrian system within a and topics that require further research.
conserved heritage site, and facilitate the local

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