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Cataract Extraction – The Procedure, And Why Is It Done

Cataract Extraction is an ophthalmic surgical procedure performed to remove a lens in the
eye affected by cataract, a condition which causes the lens to become cloudy, affecting vision in
that eye. Normally, the lens in the eye is clear and transparent, but as protein deposits build up on
the lens, it becomes unclear, creating a cataract. The cataract is a painless, cloudy area in the eye.
The eye lens is enclosed in a lining called a lens capsule. When the extraction surgery is
performed, the cataract is separated from the lens capsule, and the lens is replaced with an
intraocular lens implant (IOL).

The Procedure
During the extraction surgery, this is how things proceed:
 A local or topical anaesthetic is used to deaden nerves in the eye to prevent blinking or
eye movement during surgery.
 Two small incisions are made in the eye where the clear front covering (cornea) meets
the white of the eye (sclera).
 A circular opening is then created on the lens surface (the capsule).
 A small instrument known as a phaco probe is inserted into the eye.
 Sound waves, or sometimes a laser is used to break the cataract into smaller pieces. These
along with the lens pieces are then removed using suction.
 The IOL is then used placed inside the lens capsule.
 The incisions seal themselves without stitches.
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Why Is It Done?
Cataract extraction is based upon some factors. Eye surgeons will perform the procedure if:
 The patient’s work or lifestyle are getting affected by vision problems caused by the
 Glare caused by bright lights is a problem.
 The patient cannot pass a vision test required for a driver's license.
 Patient experiences double vision.
 There’s a big difference in vision when you compare one eye to the other.
 The patient has another vision-threatening eye disease, such as diabetic retinopathy or
macular degeneration.
You can find some of the best eye specialist hospitals in Gurgaon and Delhi NCR. These
hospitals in Gurgaon and Delhi NCR are multi-facility, super-specialty hospitals and top of the
line when it comes to ophthalmology treatment. The hospitals are home to the best eye
surgeon in Delhi and Gurgaon.

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