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Classroom Management Plan

General Procedures:

● When students enter and exit the classroom, they will come in/leave through the

corresponding doors to minimize congestion and students bumping into each other.

Students will enter in the door on the left side of the classroom and will exit through the

door on the right side of the classroom.

● Materials will be distributed by table, as the students desks are arranged in groups with

four or five desks to a group. When the teacher gives out materials, he/she will hand them

out table by table. In the case that students are to get up from their seats to retrieve

necessary materials, students will wait in their seats until the teacher calls their table to

retrieve items.

● Students shall store personal items that are not being used either in their desks or under

their chairs (in the case that the desks do not have storage). Items such as backpacks, cell

phones, mp3 players and large coats should be stored in the student’s locker unless given

permission by teacher or administrator.

● Students shall raise their hand and ask the teacher for permission to go to the restroom,

water fountain, nurse, etc. Once granted permission, the student should sign out on the

clipboard near the exit door, placing their name, destination and the time in which they

are leaving before they exit the classroom. Upon return, the students should immediately

fill in the time that they returned on the clipboard before returning to their desk.
● It shall be an expectation of the students to work silently or whisper when an

announcement comes on through the class intercom so the teacher and all students can

fully hear the information.

● If a student is tardy to class, they should have an official note from another teacher or

administrator with an explanation. If the student does not have a note, the student shall

sign in on the “tardy” clipboard (next to the restroom/water fountain/etc. clipboard)

before sitting at their desk so the teacher can keep track of the number of tardies each

student has. If a student is continuously late to class without an official note, the teacher

may have to privately discuss potential consequences with the student.

● If a student must be dismissed from class early, the student should have an official note

from another teacher or administrator and must give the note to the teacher at the

beginning of class.

● Students are allowed to consume drinks and/or foods during class with the expectation

that any trash is properly disposed and the food/drinks do not cause a distraction during

class. If so, the teacher has the right to tell the student to put the food/drink away for the

remainder of class. If the consumption of foods/drinks become a distraction or mess on a

continual basis, the teacher reserves the right to remove the privilege of consuming

food/drinks other than water in the class. Note: If there is a particular allergy among a

student in the class (i.e. nuts), the teacher will make an announcement at the beginning of

the school year that no foods/drinks containing the allergy are permitted in the classroom.

● If students forget basic materials including pencil, highlighter or paper, the student may

borrow from the teacher for the class period. If a student forgets their notebook or folder
for the first or second time in their locker, the student will be granted permission from the

teacher to retrieve their materials from their locker. After the second time, the student

will no longer be allowed to go to their locker to retrieve the forgotten materials. It is the

student’s responsibility to bring all necessary materials to class ahead of time. If

circumstances arise where a student has difficulties remembering or keeping track of their

notebook for the class, it is up to the teacher’s discretion to potentially provide a location

in the classroom for that student to keep their necessary materials.

● If students need to attend to personal activities during class (such as throwing away trash,

sharpening pencil, etc), it is the expectation that students complete these activities during

a break or switch in activities - not in the middle of directions, taking notes etc. If a

student’s pencil needs to be sharpened during notes, the student may quietly go to the

back of the classroom to sharpen their pencil. Students do not need to ask permission to

use/throw away tissues during class.

Academic Expectations:

● Students will be expected to turn in homework at the beginning of each class. Either the

students will be informed to turn in their homework in their class homework “inbox” or

the teacher will come around and check for completeness while the students are working

on the warm-up drill.

● Dependent on schoolwide policy, students who turn in late or missing work without an

approved excuse will have 10% deduction off of their grade for each day it is late. After

five days, the assignment will not be accepted anymore and the assignment grade will

result in a zero. If a student has an approved excuse (i.e. sick, death in family, etc.), then
the student will have up to three days to turn in the assignment for full credit. After the

third day, the assignment will begin to lose 10% each day for following five days until

the assignment is not accepted anymore and grade results in a zero.

● To encourage student participation in classroom discussions, students will be expected to

share at least one answer, thought, opinion, etc. per class if time permits - dependent on

activities planned for that day. If students are reluctant to participate, I will speak

privately to the student and ask why they are not participating, rather than calling them

out in class.

● If students need extra help on work that they are completing in class, it is the expectation

that the student will raise their hand and ask the teacher questions that they need clarified.

If the student is significantly struggling, the teacher will offer extra one-hour after school

sessions with prior written parental permission or sessions during lunch time if the

teacher and student have the same lunch period.

● If a student is not showing success or improvement on grades, the teacher will speak to

the student privately to check in on the reason. If the reason is due to not understanding

the concept(s), the teacher will encourage the student to seek extra help (see above). If

the reason is due to lack of motivation, home issues, etc., the teacher will ask the student

if there is anything they can do to help the student to improve.

Student Behavior:

● If students engage in minor disruptions (i.e. talking, calling out), the teacher will politely

ask the student to pay attention and wait to be called on. If the student continues to
disrupt, causing conflicts with classmates, the teacher will have the right to move the

student to a different location within the classroom.

● Expectations for student behavior:

○ Be prepared for class each day!

○ Listen to others speaking and when prompted, respond in a polite, respectful


○ Use positive, appropriate language!

● Consequences for not following expectations:

○ 1st time - Casual verbal or hand gesture warning

○ 2nd time - Strict verbal warning

○ 3rd time - Private discussion with teacher

○ 4th time - Loss of privilege / Parental contact

○ 5th time - Office Referral

■ Note: While the teacher should follow this general order of of

consequence procedure, if the situation demands a more immediate,

harsher punishment (i.e. a student blantly punches another student), the

teacher has the right to move to whichever consequence is deemed

appropriate for the situation.

Teacher Behavior:

● The teacher should strive to plan and implement lesson activities that are engaging and

genuinely interest the students. The teacher will learn what interests his/her students over

time as they build a positive relationship with each individual student.

● To build mutual respect and positive relationships with the students, the teacher should be

open minded and respect every students’ opinion. The teacher should not belittle or

shame any student, especially not in front of the entire class. If a teacher must reprimand

a student, it should be done appropriately in privacy, away from the student’s peers (i.e.

the hallway or after class).

● To avoid escalating student behaviors in the classroom, the teacher should always remain

calm and composed in every situation. The teacher will speak to the students in a polite

but serious manner and never yell at the students, as that could lead to loss of student

respect for the teacher.

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