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Managing behavioural and psychological

symptoms in dementia
Stephen Macfarlane
SUMMARY Head of Clinical Governance
Dementia Centre
Most patients with dementia have some behavioural and psychological symptoms. While Hammond Care
aggression and agitation are easily recognised, symptoms such as apathy may be overlooked. Sydney
Daniel O’Connor
Behavioural and psychological symptoms should be managed without drugs whenever possible. Emeritus professor
Although there is little evidence to support their use, antipsychotic drugs are often prescribed to Aged Mental Health
people with dementia. Research Unit
Monash University
Before prescribing it is important to exclude other causes of altered behaviour, such as pain or Melbourne
infection. Some symptoms may be artefacts of memory loss rather than psychosis.
Patients with dementia who are prescribed antipsychotic drugs have an increased risk of falls, Keywords
hospitalisation and death. They should be regularly monitored for adverse effects. Alzheimer’s disease,
antipsychotic drug therapy,
If the patient’s symptoms resolve with drug treatment, reduce the dose after two or three months. dementia
Stop the drug if the symptoms do not return.
Aust Prescr 2016;39:123–5
Introduction Management
Behavioural and psychological symptoms are A number of key principles should guide the austprescr.2016.052
perhaps the commonest complication of dementia management of behavioural and psychological
syndromes. About 90% of patients display at least symptoms of dementia. Drugs should only be used
one problematic behaviour.1 The various types of when behavioural interventions have failed. They are a
behaviour that can occur are shown in the Figure. treatment of last resort in most cases. Unfortunately,
Despite their frequency, certain symptoms are this advice does not seem to be mirrored by
under‑recognised, as their occurrence does not prescribing data in Australia. While only about 3%
necessarily impinge on the provision of care to the of mental health-related services subsidised by the
person with dementia. Behaviours that are likely Medicare Benefits Scheme were provided to those
to be missed by care staff are those within the aged 75 and above, over 30% of those within that age
depression cluster (see Fig.). This is because few if any group are prescribed psychotropic drugs subsidised
externalising behaviours result, despite the distress by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).2,3
experienced by the person with dementia. Behaviours
Non-drug interventions
that are harder to ignore are aggression, agitation
and psychosis. The evidence for the effectiveness of most structured
therapies for behavioural and psychological
General practitioners often find themselves under
symptoms of dementia is both limited and
immense pressure to prescribe. The majority of
inconsistent. Methodological difficulties of research
carers within residential aged-care facilities receive
in this area have the potential to confound most
minimal training (a Certificate III in Aged Care can
randomised controlled trials.
be completed in as little as two days per week over
13 weeks), have a significant and stressful workload, A recent meta-analysis failed to support the
and are paid at a level that is not commensurate with routine use of reminiscence therapy, simulated
the demands of their jobs. Talking to poorly paid and presence therapy, validation therapy, acupuncture,
poorly motivated staff about a complex behavioural aromatherapy or light therapy. There is limited
intervention that must be implemented consistently evidence that music therapy, pet therapy and hand
across three shifts of carers over the seven-day week massage or touch therapy may have beneficial effects
is often an exercise in frustration for all parties. Carers, in reducing agitation.4
when faced with a behaviour of concern, will often Structured therapies, however, form only a small
look to the treating doctor for a ‘quick fix’ that is too part of what might be considered non-drug
often reflected in pressure to prescribe. interventions for behavioural and psychological

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ARTICLE Managing behavioural and psychological symptoms in dementia

urinating inappropriately, shadowing staff or calling

Fig. B
 ehavioural and psychological symptom ‘clusters’
out. These are behaviours for which a specific
in dementia
history must be taken in order to elicit and address
contributing factors such as pain, infection, and local
irritation for which psychotropic drugs have little, if
any, role.
delusions depression
Even symptoms such as delusions, which might seem
hallucinations withdrawal
to be suited for drug therapy, can be misleading in
misidentifications adynamia
cases of dementia. It may be unproductive to think
perseverations amotivation
of certain ‘delusions’ as being truly psychotic in
bizarre behaviour anhedonia
nature. Instead it is better to view certain beliefs as
agitation and anxiety tearfulness
artefacts of poor memory. A prime example would
be the ‘delusions of theft’ reported in approximately
22% of patients with dementia.5 Other examples
aggression could include the failure to correctly identify carers,
(verbal/physical) family members, a spouse, or indeed a patient’s own
resistiveness reflection in the mirror.
wandering The general principles of prescribing for older
intrusiveness people also apply to patients with behavioural and
inappropriate urinating psychological problems in dementia:
sexualised behaviours •• Target the drug to the symptom. Hallucinations
disrobing and delusions are likely to be responsive to
shadowing antipsychotics. For agitation and anxiety the
calling out use of an anxiolytic is more appropriate, and
sleep disturbance persistent insomnia might indicate a short-term
role for a hypnotic.
•• Start low, go slow with doses.
•• Use one drug at a time, at the lowest effective
dose. The use of multiple psychotropic drugs
symptoms. Simple techniques such as distraction, should prompt prescribers to consider specialist
redirection, reassurance and reorientation form review or a residential care medication
the core of behavioural interventions that might be management review.
applicable in a nursing home setting, and require •• Review early, and often, for the emergence of
little other than staff time in order to implement. adverse effects. Older people have a greater
The choice of intervention should be individualised likelihood of developing extrapyramidal effects,
to the patient and the behaviours that they exhibit, which often emerge during treatment rather than
with particular attention being paid to the triggers when starting a drug.
for each behaviour (e.g. does the problem behaviour
Many different classes of drugs have been suggested
only occur at times of nursing intervention, or
as treatments for behavioural and psychological
at particular times of day?). In situations where
symptoms of dementia. There is limited evidence for
greater clarity about the role of behavioural
antipsychotics, antidepressants, benzodiazepines,
interventions might be required, consideration
anticonvulsants, hormonal treatments, cholinesterase
should be given to referral for assessment by
inhibitors and memantine. For the most part, this
local aged psychiatry services or, indeed, to the
evidence is weak and effect sizes for most drugs are
national Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory
small.6 In practice, choices are limited within the PBS.
Service (DBMAS).
Only risperidone, among the atypical antipsychotics,
Drug therapy is subsidised for the treatment of psychotic symptoms
The Figure shows the variety of symptoms that and aggression. As of July 2015, this approval has
might be encountered. While a drug might have a become restricted to patients with Alzheimer’s
PBS indication for treating behavioural disturbances, dementia, with the approved duration of treatment
this does not mean that all symptoms are likely being limited to 12 weeks.7
to respond equally well to that drug. There is no While the risks of cerebrovascular adverse events
drug that will stop people wandering, undressing, associated with antipsychotic drugs in patients

124 Full text free online at



with dementia are now well known, benzodiazepines Adverse effects

are not a ‘safe’ alternative. They pose additional risks Giving psychotropic drugs to patients with
from sedation and higher rates of falls, fractures dementia increases the risks of hospitalisation, falls,
and death. cerebrovascular adverse events and death. Nursing
All prescribers should be aware that placebo home patients with dementia who are prescribed
response rates are very high for any drug prescribed antipsychotics are 1.9–2.4 times as likely to have an
for behavioural and psychological symptoms of adverse event that requires hospitalisation, or to die,
dementia. This may reflect a component of ‘treating within 90 days of starting treatment. For patients
the staff’ by prescribing (anything) within a residential whose treatment begins in the community the risks QUESTIONS
aged-care facility in response to the emergence are elevated 3.2–3.8 times.8
True or false?
of a problematic behaviour. Alternatively, the high
3. Antipsychotic drugs
placebo response rate may reflect the useful aphorism Conclusion increase the risk of
that ‘all symptoms in dementia cure themselves death in patients with
with the passage of time’. The natural history is that dementia.
Drugs are an augmentation to behaviour
the symptoms wax and wane according to both 4. Drug treatment
management, not a replacement for it. Regardless for behavioural and
environmental factors and factors related to disease
of whether a decision to start pharmacotherapy psychological problems
progression. There should thus be no reluctance in dementia needs to be
has been made or not, behavioural management
about a trial of deprescribing within 2–3 months of the continued indefinitely.
strategies should be continued.
behaviour settling. If the symptoms do not re-emerge, Answers on page 143
stop the drug. Conflict of interest: none declared

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Guaita A. Behavioral and psychotic symptoms of dementia 1996;25:405-8.
(BPSD) improvements in a special care unit: a factor 6. Schneider LS, Dagerman K, Insel PS. Efficacy and adverse
analysis. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2007;44 Suppl 1:113-20. effects of atypical antipsychotics for dementia: meta- analysis of randomized, placebo-controlled trials. Am J
2. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 4329.0 - Characteristics Geriatr Psychiatry 2006;14:191-210.
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medication, 2011. MBS demographics. 7. Risperidone and risk of cerebrovascular adverse events
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Main%20Features~People%20accessing%20MBS%20 Canberra: Therapeutic Goods Administration; 2015.
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medication, 2011. PBS demographics. Melo M, et al. Antipsychotic therapy and short-
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Main%20Features~People%20accessing%20PBS%20 Arch Intern Med 2008;168:1090-6.
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4. O’Neil ME, Freeman M, Christensen V, Telerant R,
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non-pharmacological interventions for behavioral symptoms
of dementia. Washington DC: Department of Veterans
Affairs; 2011.

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