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The Multicultural University



Firman Bebin Hidayat
I. Introduction
At this moment smartphone technology has been grown rapidly with many
kinds operating system and one of intrested by society is Android. Android is
operating system based on open source. Along with the development and needs
technology at this moment everything can made to be eficient and interisting in
the handphone based on android. One of them is in the education such as learning
application that useful to increase motivation studying the lesson by the students
such as English lesson. The application interactive English lesson in the form of
mobile is solution to answer disadvatages of an existing learning system. This
application has an advantage. It is English lesson with application based on
Android so that learning activity can be fleksible and hoped can interest the
students attention.
English is one of international language used to almost in all areas of global
life. English also has become world language dominate the ara of communication
to relate and transfer the science to the world. It can give assumted that English is
needs important for modern society at this moment because mastery of English
make it easy someone to expand his association in the international world.
One of institute is committed to give learning English is English institute and
professional education (LBPP) LIA Pekanbaru. This institute has some levels.
They are Level English For Child, English For Teens and English For Adult. One
of them, level English For Teens has 110 students. In this instituted is given the
lessons about English such as grammer, listening, writing, and speaking. It is just
the proccess of learning there are some obtacles encountered by the teacher and
students. Delivery of learning material less well conveyed so that there are some
students can’t understand about the material had been delivered. One of the
teacher (Rifli Ramli) said that the obstacles is the students less active in the
learning proccess. On the others, one of the problem is using gadget by the student
when distracting learning so that the teacher is difficult to get attention from the
students. There fore, it is needed a learning method can intrest attention from the
student such as giving interactive learning based on mobile what they can use.
Such as interactive learning English based on mobile. That will be addressed to
the students LBPP LIA Level English For Teens.
To make it easy to create an application interactive learning English based on
mobile that will be addressed to the students LBPP LIA Level English For Teens,
the writer use method RAPID APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT (RAD). The
reason of the writer use RAD in order to make the application can known
everything needs that must be there in the application and then what are things
don’t needed by the application.

II. Review Of Related Literature

A. Rapid Application Development (RAD)
Rapid Application Development (RAD) or rapid protopying is model
development proccess software that classified in the incremental technic.
RAD focused on short development cycle and fast. The short time is
limitations that important for this model. Rapid Aplication Development use
iteratif method to grow system where is working model system constructed at
the beginning of development stage with the purpose setting needs
requirement. Working model is used just occasionally as based on design and
implementation last system.
B. The phases of Android
Based on (Kendal & Kendal, 2010), there is three phases in the RAD
which involves the analyzer and user in the assessment phase, desagning, and
practicing. The three phases are requirements planning, RAD design
workshop, and implementation. There are the phases of application
development from every phases application development.
Picture 1. phases in the RAD
1. Requirement planning
In this phase, user and analyzer meet for identificate the purposes
application or system and to identificate terms of information generated
from the purposes. Orientation in this phase is to complete the factory
problems. Although information technology and system can direct some
of the purposed system. The focus will always remain on achieving the
company’s goal.
2. RAD Design Workshop
This phase is phase for designing and improving that can be described
as workshop. Analyzer and programmer can work to develop and show
visual design repretention and work pattern to user. This design workshop
can be doneform some days based on the size of the application to be
developed. For RAD Design Workshop, user respond to the existing
prototype and analyzer fix the modules are designed based on user
response. If a developer is developer or experinced user, Kenall assess that
this creative effort can encourage development up to the acceleration level.
3. Implementation
This implementation phase, analyzers work with users intensively
during workshop and plan bussiness aspects and don’t companies
tenhnique. As soon as after this aspects is approved and systems are
developed and filtered, new systems or part of systems are tested and then
introdced to organization.
C. Application
Application software is the program used by the user to do the spesific
tasks, for examples, to make a document, photo manipulation, or make a
financial report (Kadir dkk, 2003).
Application software is the program used by the user to do the spesific
task, such as typing document, photo manupulation, and designing a house.
Application software can be classified as :
1. Entertainment software
2. Education software
3. Work productivity software
4. Bussiness software
5. Software
D. Android
Android is an operating system Linux based mobile device that includes
the operating system, middleware and application. Android provides an open
platform for developers to make their application. At the first, Google Inc. Is
a newcomer who makes software for smartphonet. Then, to grow Android is
set up open handset alliance, consortium from 34 companies hardware,
software, and telemunication, Google, HTC, Intel, Motorolam Qualcomm, T-
Mobile, and Nvidia. (Safaat, 2012).
E. Media Learning
Media come from Latin language Latin and it is a plural from the word
medium that means intermediary or introduction. Media is intermediary or
introduction message from sender to receiver message. Many limitation are
given by the people about media. Association of Education and
Communication Technology (AECT) in America, limit the media as all forms
and channels is used by the people to transfer the message or information. In
sagne’s opinion is quoted by Sadiman dkk (2007), media is many kinds of
component in the students environment which can stimulate to study. Mean
while briggrs’s opinion is quoted by sadiman dkk (2007) said that media is all
physical tools which can presents the message and stimulate the students to
study. The book, film, cassette, frame film are their examples.
National Education Association (NEA) has different meaning. Media are
the forms of communication both printed and audio visual and the equipment.
Media should be manipulated, can be seen, be listened, and be read. What ever
limitations are given there is equation between that limitation. It is that media
is everything can be used to transfer the message form sender to receiver so
that it can stimulate the think, feeling, attention and interest and student
attention in such a way that the learning proccess takes place.

III. Research Methology

Picture 2. Flowchart Research Methology

IV. System and Design
A. System Analysis
System analysis includes about analyze the running procedure, analysis
the problem, application interactive learning English, needs analysis and user
analysis from system will be designed.
B. New analyze system
Judging from the analysis that has been running, so system is built an
application learning english base android as new method learning English
which is hoped can help the teachers and especially the students to study
English. Application installed on android smartphone just can access the
content of material and listening, writing, reading, and vocabullary exercises.
General description system from application learning English will be built
showed on picture 3.

Picture 3. System Architecture

Picture 3 explain that in the front application, user android device do

communication with database server use GPRS/EDGE/3G/HSDPA network.
All material data, task and vocabularies included by admin to the database in
the database server with intermedia ries such as website pages.
Communication Android application with database server such as update the
data from database server (MySQL) to local database (SQLite), and then result
the material, task, and vocabularies about learning English. Initial system data
managed by sistem administrator in the backend application and entered into
the database.
C. System Planning
1. Use Case Design

Picture 4. Use Case Design

2. Class Diagram Design

Picture 4. Class Diagram Design

D. The Design Of The Menu Structure

Picture 7. The Design Of The Menu Structure
A. Display Design
1. Interfaces design login page
This login is the students can login to the english learning application.

2. Main menu interfaces design

Main menu page contains what menus are available after the students do
login to the application.

3. The design of start learning interface start menu learning page shows the
levels in the application.

4. Main menu level 1-5 design

Menu page in the level 1-5 show the lesson 1-3 in the application

5. Main menu lesson 1-3 design

Menu page lesson in the lesson 1-3 show the material, tasks, and
vocabularies in the application.

6. Designing the page material interface. Material menu shows the material
in the application.
7. Interface design task
The task menu page show many kinds of task in the application.

1. Kendall,Kenneth E. & Kendall, Jullie E. “System Analysis and Design, fifth

2. Marakas, G.M. “System Analysis Design: an Active Approach”. New York:
Mc.Graw-Hill. 2006.
3. Mc.,Leod, R. Jr. “System Development: A Project Management Approach”.
New York: Leigh Publishing LLC. 2002
4. Whitten, J.L. & Bentley, L.D. “System Analysis & Design Methods: Sixth
Edition”. New York: Mc.Graw-Hill. 2004.
5. Setiawan, Ade dkk. Rapid Application Development. [Online] Available,

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