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Appendicitis is a medical emergency that is characterized by the inflammation of the appendix.

If it is left untreated the appendix can burst, and spill infectious substances into the abdominal
cavity. Appendicitis is caused when the appendix is blocked due to pieces of feces, a foreign
body, or cancer. In response to this, the appendix swells creating this blockage. The symptoms
are pair near the navel or upper abdominal. This pain increases as it moves toward the lower
right abdominal. The symptoms that follow are loss of appetite, nausea/vomiting, abdominal
swelling, fever of 99-102 degrees fahrenheit, or the inability to pass gas. Some other symptoms
include pains near the upper or lower abdomen or rectum, painful urination, severe cramps, and
constipation or diarrhea. To treat appendicitis, surgery is usually performed which is is called an
appendectomy. This is because it has been proven that person can live without their appendix.

Hi Marissa,

Appendicitis and peptic ulcers are related, because they both occur near the small intestine.
The appendix is actually connected to both the small and large intestines. Both of these
conditions are caused by bacteria and have similar symptoms including nausea, loss of
appetite, and pain near the stomach área. The treatments do differ however, since for
appendicitis people usually have surgery to remove their appendix, while for peptic ulcers they
take medication. They both are serious issues are require medical attention.


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