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Factors Game/Order of Operations Amy Stiff

Math - Unit 2: Understanding Numbers Sun. Nov 12, 2017 (Day A)

Lesson: Order of Operations

Purpose: Students will be introduced to the idea of order of operations

Building Connections/Processing New Content: Have students come in and get ready. First 5 students to list the
factors of 48 in their notebook move up to blue. Next explain the factors game on the board. In partners, the first
player will circle a number on the hundreds chart, their partner will then circle all the corresponding factors, then
switch. Students get points for the number of factors they were able to find that were not already circled. After ten
minutes switch to the next activity.
Write BEDMAS on the board. Have students guess what each letter means. Explain order of operations and provide
examples of how the answer will change based on the order. Do 4 questions together (page 72 1a-d). Have
students complete questions 1-3 on their own.

Summary/Assessment: questions 1-3 due tomorrow. formative assessment.


A9.: explain and apply the order of operations, excluding exponents, with and without technology (limited to whole
numbers) [CN, ME, PS, T]

A9.1.: demonstrate and explain with examples why there is a need to have a standardized order of operations

A9.2.: apply the order of operations to solve multi-step problems with or without technology (e.g., computer,

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