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Diagram explaining the process of classical conditioning

Pavlov established that any random external agent (or conditionedstimulus, CS) could be
paired with a normal or unconditioned stimulus (UCS) that would produce a normal
or unconditioned response (UCR); if done often enough, you would eventually get an unconditioned
response when you presented the conditioned stimulus, whereas before you only obtained a neutral
response (NS).

In Pavlov’s case, he would make dogs drool by giving them food at the same time as he rang
a bell; after repeating this process several times, the sound of the bell would produce salivation in
the dogs, even though there was no food for it to make any biological sense. The dogs had been
conditioned to the sound of the bell (he also used electric shocks, whistles, tuning forks,
metronomes and visual stimuli to create this conditioning).
ABC Model

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