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Log rules:
a. Log(x) + log(y) = log(xy)
b. Log (x) – log(y) = log(x/y)
c. Log (xy) = y log(x)
2. Check for extraneous solutions!
3. Substitute variables to simplify
4. Limit and derivative are different
5. If x vs. y is linear, then x and y are related by a linear function.
6. If x vs. log y is linear, then x and y are related by an exponential function.
7. If log x vs. log y is linear, then x and y are related by a power function.
8. Summation notation: watch number of terms very closely
9. Arithmetic partial sum:

10. Geometric partial sum:

11. Geometric infinite sum—−1 < 𝑟 < 1

12. Derivative—for all points, general. Limit just for one.

a. Derivative: f’(x) = = IROC

13. Be very careful w/derivatives and graphs
14. sin2 q +cos2 q =1
15. tan2 q +1= sec2 q
16. 1+cot2q =csc2q

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