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The Palestinian Scenario to Be Adopted In Myanmar

Osama Al-Alfie
Mistaken are those who consider Myanmar’s Muslims reality a mere ethnic
conflict; for far away than that it goes. The situation there resembles the
systematic approach Zionists followed in Palestine when they usurped the land
and forced Palestinians to immigrate, so that they can seize the country’s
wealth all for themselves.
It all started in 1559, when Buddhist king, Baintwang, captured “Bago” and
banned Muslims from practicing halal slaughter of livestock. He also forced
them to listen to Buddhist ceremonies with the intention of converting them
by force. Back then, “Rakhin” was an independent state with 3 million Muslims
who descend from Arabic roots; their ancestors were Arab merchants who
lived in the Southeast Asia since 8th century A.D. In 1784, things exacerbated
for Rohingya’s Muslims due to their strict adherence to their Islamic identity,
bearing all the struggles for it, which encouraged so many Buddhists to convert
to Islam. Infuriated Buddhist fanatics, under British colonization’s cover,
tortured and deprived them in all sorts. The real tragedy began in 1948, the
same year of the Palestinian calamity, when British Colonization left, leaving in
charge those Buddhist extremists, who made “Rakhin” a part of Burma, calling
it “Myanmar”.
Communist government, led by General Ni wan, began its crackdown on
Burmese Muslims first in 1962 when it seized 90% of their acquisitions. Five
years later, it would denaturalize thousands of “Rakhin” Muslims, expelling
them to Bangladesh. In 1974, 300 hundred thousand Muslims were deprived of
their nationality, and only four years after that half a million of the “Rohingya”
Muslims were expelled to Bangladesh. A new law deepened such suppression
in 1982, depriving them of their nationality and labelling them as unwanted
Bengali emigrants. Since then, Rohingya Muslims were subjected to murder
and forced depopulation. Arson of mosques was conducted to obliterate any
Islamic spirit in “Rakhin”. It is strange what stirs the Burmese government and
its leader San Souci, the Noble peace prize laureate, who once opposed the
regime and defended liberty.
Various reasons actually led San Souci to utterly alter her principles. One thing
is that she wanted to secure the Buddhist majority’s support and also seize
Muslims’ lands with all its natural resources like the oil discovered in 2004 in
“Rakhin”, natural gas, and elements such as Platinum and others. Another
reason is the government’s disapproval of Islamic existence in such a rich
region, to not pave the way for building a strong Islamic country along its
borders. Egypt’s stance towards the case was significant both officially and
publicly, because what happens in Myanmar is a crime against humanity,
aiming to liquidate a nation and seize its land.

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