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Prelude Organist’s Choice (No titles printed in bulletin) (Tim)

Words of Welcome

Sentences of Scripture Romans 6:3-5

Opening Prayer

*Opening Hymn Of the Father’s Love Begotten (Tim)

stanzas 1, 2, & 6 only

Scripture Reading (responsive) [Ann]

Musical Interlude
Choral Anthem Ave Verum Corpus (choir/ w Tim & Phillip)

Scripture Reading Colossians 1:15-19

“We’re Sorry, Dick, But…”

Rev. Mark Baridon
Rev. Ann Deibert
Rev. Dwain Lee
Dick was clear that he didn’t want a eulogy extolling his virtues, and that his memorial service
clearly stay focused on the love of God as shown in Christ Jesus. Today, we will bend his wishes
a slight bit, while still maintaining his intended focus on God’s love for us all, through our Lord
Jesus Christ.

*Hymn 726 Will You Come and Follow Me (The Summons) (Phillip)

Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer [Mark]

Musical Meditation

Solo- “The King of Love My Shepherd Is”- arr. John Ness Beck (Phillip & Stacy)


*Closing Hymn 326 For All the Saints (Tim)

stanzas 1, 3, & 5 only

*Charge & Benediction

Postlude “Wachet auf, ruft uns die stimme” BWV 645- J. S. Bach

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