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The magnification of an object on the stage  Watch from the side of the microscope to

depends on the power of magnification of the make sure that the lens does not hit the
objective lens and the eyepiece. bottom of the slide.
The total magnification of a microscope is the Step #4
magnification of the objective multiplied by the
 Looking through only the RIGHT
magnification of the eyepiece.
eyepiece, focus by lowering the stage
HOW TO USE, ADJUST AND MAINTAIN A away from the lens using the coarse
Step #1  Always remember when focusing to
adjust the stage AWAY from the
 Put the lowest power objective lens into objective lens.
place.  Never raise the stage while looking
 Notice that all the objective lenses turn through the microscope. You could
on a turret and that they click into place. smash the slide into the lens and ruin
 As a general rule always use the lowest them both.
power objective lens to find your  Now focus on your specimen with your
specimen. right eye.
 On the microscope in front of you, this is
Step # 5
the 4X lens and is the shortest.
 Turn this lens into place.  After finding the object with the coarse
adjustment knob, adjust the focus
Step #2
slightly with the fine adjustment knob
 Now place the specimen on the stage. until the specimen is sharp and clear.
 Notice that the slide is held in a clip on
Step # 6
the stage with the specimen side up.
 The clip is adjustable and holds the slide  Now you will adjust the binocularity, so
firmly in place. that you can use both eyes to view the
 Pull back the clip and slip the glass slide specimen. First move the eyepieces so
into place on the stage as shown in the that you can look through both eyes at
next slide. the same time.
 Make sure that the clip is not on top of Step # 7
the slide, but holds it firmly in place.
 Now you will adjust the focus of the
Step # 3
 Now that you have the lens in place and  Note that the right eyepiece is fixed, but
the specimen centered over the hole in that the left one has telescoping
the stage, gradually raise the stage using capability.
the coarse adjustment until you reach a  First cover your left eye. Looking through
stop. your right eye, once again bring the
object into focus by turning the fine a constant illumination across the entire
adjustment knob. field.
 Now cover your right eye. Focus the  Now that the light is adjusted, you might
specimen with your left eye by adjusting need to adjust the fine focus again to see
the telescoping knurled knob on the left the sharpest image possible.
eyepiece.  Most modern microscopes are par focal.
 The microscope should now be in focus This means that once the specimen is in
for you as an individual. focus with one objective lens, only a
slight turn of the fine focus knob is
Step # 8
required when changing to a higher
 In preparing to adjust the light on the power objective.
specimen, use the stage adjustment  It also means that when you change to a
knobs to move the stage forward, higher power lens, the lens should not hit
backward or sideways to get a better the slide. However, just to be sure,
view of the specimen. always look at the slide from the side
 Now you will be instructed on how to while you change from one objective lens
adjust the condenser and then the to another to make sure that the lens
diaphragm to get reasonably good, does not hit the slide or the stage.
consistent lighting.
Step # 12
Step # 9
 Change to the 10X lens by rotating the
 Close the diaphragm as far as possible by turret 90 degrees and feeling the click as
rotating the diaphragm ring. the objective comes into place.
 Notice that the light decreases but does  Do not move anything else when doing
not disappear. this.
 Do not adjust the coarse focus knob,
Step # 10
because the slide is now so close to the
 While looking through the microscope, lens that movement of the coarse focus
move the condenser up and down until knob could raise the stage enough to
you see a “pebbly” or “pearly” smash the objective lens.
appearance.  Now focus using the fine adjustment
 At this point the light from the lamp is knob.
focused on the plane of the specimen.  You might now have to re-center the
 Once you have found this pebbly specimen using the two stage adjustment
appearance, adjust the condenser knob knobs as you did in Step #8.
toward you slightly until this disappears  You might also need to open the
and the light appears constant. diaphragm a little more.
Step # 11  These are the only other adjustments
that you need to make when changing
 Once the condenser is adjusted, open the objective lenses.
diaphragm slightly, until the light reaches
 Remember that when you change hand lens to enlarge printed word. Merely
objective lenses: do not adjust the lamp magnifying an object without a simultaneous
do not adjust the condenser. increase in the amount of detail seen will not
 Do adjust if necessary: the fine focus the provide the viewer with a good image. The
diaphragm the mechanical stage. ability of a microscope (or eye) to see detail is a
 Now repeat Step #12 with the “high dry” function of its resolving power. Resolving power
40X objective. is defined as the minimum distance between
two objects at which the objects can just be
distinguished as separate and is a function of the
The last lens is the 100X oil immersion lens. This lens wavelength of light used and the quality of the
requires special care. It requires oil between the optics. In general, the shorter the wavelength of
slide and the lens, allowing more light to be the light source, the higher the resolution of the
gathered by the objective lens. microscope.
To apply oil, rotate the oil immersion lens about Working distance is the distance between the
halfway into place so that no lens is directly over the
objective lens and the specimen. At low
magnification the working distance is relatively
USING THE 100X OIL IMMERSION LENS long. As you increase the magnification the
working distance decreases dramatically. Oil
 Place a drop of immersion oil on the slide at
about the point centered over the stage and immersion lenses practically touch the
then carefully rotate the 100X oil objective specimen. Be aware of this change in working
into place with a click. distance with increasing magnification so as to
 From the side, you should notice a flash as prevent damage to your specimens.
the lens enters the oil. The resolving power of a microscope is the most
When you are ready to clean up, follow the steps important feature of the optical system and
described below. influences the ability to distinguish between fine
details of a particular specimen.
1. Put the low power objective lens in place.
2. Lower the stage all the way down with the The term “working distance” is important because it
coarse adjustment knob. is a measurement of the free area available to the
3. Using lens paper, carefully clean all the oil off viewer to work and manipulate the sample, from the
of the oil immersion lens using a rotating very bottom of the microscope to the top of the
motion as shown in the photo below. Be observed object on the microscope platform or
sure that ALL of the oil is removed! stage.
4. Remove the slide and clean the oil off of the The “working distance” of the different objectives
slide and the stage, using lens paper or a are:
Kimwipe. Never use Kimwipes on the
objective lenses! 16mm – LPO 4mm – HPO 1.8mm – OIO

MAGNIFICATION, RESOLUTION, AND WORKING Parfocal – it is in focus with one objective, once the
DISTANCE objective is rotated to shift to another objective it
will still remain in focus.
Magnification is simply a function of making an
Parcentered – objective in the center of view will
object appear bigger, such as when we use a
remain in the center when the objective is rotated.
Wet Mount and Hanging Drop Wet mounts can be made using several different
kinds of liquids. Water, immersion oil and glycerin
The hanging drop and wet mount techniques allow
(glycerol) can be used, with water probably being
for observation of living organisms. The wet mount
the most commonly used. The source of the water
tend to dry out quickly under the heat of the
is quite important, especially when observing living
microscope light; it is simpler to perform than the
specimens. If you use water with a wrong osmotic
wet mount, but it is useful for short-term
potential (ie. too much or too little salt and mineral
observation only. The hanging drop is a more
content), then there is the danger of damaging the
complex technique, but it allows for longer-term
specimen. A too high salt content can result in the
obervation and more reliable observation of
specimen to lose too much water. Too low a salt
content, and the specimen may swell and burst.
Brownian movement is a continuous vibrating
These techniques are usually performed without motion caused by invisible molecules striking the
the addition of any stains; therefore, the organisms bacteria. If the bacteria are truly motile, their
can be difficult to see. Reduce the illumination on movement will be over greater distances and will
your microscope as much as you can while still be multi-directional, not just back and forth.
allowing yourself enough light to observe the
Wet mount:
 Advantages: This method is the simplest
If you use these techniques to observe motility, be
and quickest way to determine motility. It is
sure you can tell the difference between motility
also useful for determining cellular shape
and brownian motion. Vibration of the cell is
and arrangement which is sometimes
caused by the cell colliding with water molecules.
destroyed during the staining process.
True motility allows the cell to move in different
 Disadvantages: This method is far too risky
directions and across larger areas.
to use with highly pathogenic organisms.
Hanging Drop Method
In a wet mount, the specimen is suspended in a
 Advantages: Like the wet mount, the
drop of liquid (usually water) located between slide
hanging drop method preserves cell shape
and cover glass. The water refractive index of the
and arrangement. The Vaseline-sealed
water improves the image quality and also
depression also slows down the drying-out
supports the specimen. In contrast to permanently
process, so the organisms can be observed
mounted slides, wet mounts cannot be stored over
for longer periods.
extended time periods, as the water evaporates.
For this reason, a wet mount is sometimes also  Disadvantages: The hanging drop method is
referred to as a “temporary mount” to contrast it also far too risky to use with highly
from the “permanent mounts”, which can be pathogenic organisms.
stored over longer times. The permanently True motility is movement in some consistent
mounted slides use a solidifying mounting medium, direction or path and they may be twisting and
which holds the cover glass in place. The naming turning. The cells exhibit independent movement
can be a bit problematic, because it is also possible over greater distances than in Brownian
to make wet mounts that can store over extended movement.
time periods. These are special cases, however.
Brownian motility is movement caused by the
Different types of wet mounts molecules in a liquid striking/hitting against the
particles of an object (eg. Microorganisms) leading
to shaking and vibratio , whereas True motility is
the preparation of a smear is required for many
the deliberate/ self-propelled movement of the
laboratory procedures, including the Gram-stain.
organism using its own features such as
The purpose of making a smear is to fix the bacteria
onto the slide and to prevent the sample from
The hanging drop technique is a well-established being lost during a staining procedure. A smear can
method for examining living, unstained, very small be prepared from a solid or broth medium.
organisms. The traditional procedure employs a
An accentuator is any chemical which facilitates
glass slide with a circular concavity in the centre
the staining process. Usually the purpose is to
into which a drop of fluid, containing the
intensify staining, and accentuation with this
'microorganisms', hangs from a coverslip.
meaning is obviously the derivation of the term.
The iodine stains the cells, especially the nuclei of However, it should be noted that inhibition of
the cells and makes them more visible. staining can also accentuate a structure in
comparison to the background staining. Inhibition
Aseptic technique is a method designed to prevent
and accentuation of staining are just two sides of a
contamination from microorganisms. It involves
coin, and will be discussed together.
applying the strictest rules and utilizing what is
known about infection prevention to minimize the Accentuators fall into three groups:– pH control,
risks that you'll experience an infection. salts and phenol.
Accentuators= Increase selectivity or stainability -
Does not become part of the dye complex
Why is a mordant used in Gram staining?
Before staining, the sample must be heat fixed.
This process accomplishes three things: The cell walls for Gram-positive microorganisms
have a higher peptidoglycan and lower lipid
• kills the bacteria
content than gram-negative bacteria. Bacteria cell
• firmly attaches the smear to the microscope walls are stained by the crystal violet. Iodine is
slide subsequently added as a mordant to form the
crystal violet-iodine complex so that the dye
• allows the sample to more readily take up
cannot be removed easily.
the stain
What is the role of crystal violet in Gram staining?
In order to heat fix a bacterial smear, it is necessary
to first let the bacterial sample air dry. Then either Conversely, the the outer membrane of Gram
place the slide in the slide holder of a negative bacteria is degraded and the thinner
microincinerator, or pass the dried slide through peptidoglycan layer of Gram negative cells is
the flame of a Bunsen burner 3 or 4 times, smear unable to retain the crystal violet-iodine complex
side facing up. Once the slide is heat fixed, it can and the color is lost. A counterstain, such as the
then be stained. weakly water soluble safranin, is added to the
sample, staining it red.

This heat fixation step denatures bacterial proteins

causing the cells to stick to the slide while also
killing the bacteria making them safe for the
following steps
How do you determine whether a stain is basic  It's clearer because only the background
or acidic? is stained
 If the chromophore is positive, it is basic; Why is the size more accurate in a negative stain
if the chromophore is negative, it is acidic than in a simple stain?
What is considered a simple stain?  The lack of heat fixing or strong chemicals
keeps from distorting the cell
 Staining procedures that use only one
stain Could any dye be used in place of nigrosin in a
negative stain?
Of what value is a simple stain?
 No
 Determining cell morphology, size, and
arrangement What type of dye is used for negative staining?
(Acidic or Basic)
In heat fixing, what would happen if too much
heat were applied?  Acidic
 It would damage the cell's structure What kind of stain is the gram stain? How does
is allow you to classify bacteria?
Bacteria can be seen without staining. Why then
was Koch's recommendation for fixing and  Differential; as either gram positive or
staining important for microbiology? gram negative
 It allows for later re-examination In a gram stain, what are bacteria called when
they are easily decolorized?
What does the negative stain technique stain?
 Gram negative
 Backgroud
In a gram stain, what are bacteria called when
Why doesnt a negative stain stain the bacteria?
they retain the primary stain?
 Ionic repulsion; the bacteria and acidic
 Gram positive
stain both have negative charges
Why do bacteria stain differently in a gram
In which procedure are no heat fixing or strong
chemicals used and why not?
 Chemical and physical differences in their
 Negative stain; to keep the bacteria from
cell walls
getting as distorted
In a gram stain, what type of cell does this
When is the negative stain technique especially
Crystal violet is picked up by the cell. Iodine
 When other staining techniques don't
reacts with the dye in the cytoplasm to form CV-
clearly show cell morphology or size
I. The decolorizing agent dissolves the outer
How does bacteria from a negative stain differ lipopolysaccharide layer, and the CV-I washes
from that of a simple stain? out through the thin layer of peptidoglycan.
 Gram negative  Gram positive-purple; Gram negative-
When is the gram stain most consistent?
What color does safranin turn each of the cells
 When done on cultures less than 24
in a gram stain?
hours old
 Gram positive-purple; Gram negative-red
List the steps of the gram stain technique.
Since you can't identify bacteria from a gram
 1-Cover smear with crystal violet for 30
stain, why might a physician perform a gram
seconds and rinse, 2-Cover smear with
stain on a sample before perscribing an
Gram's iodine for 10 seconds and rinse,
3-Decolorize with alcohol and rinse, 4-
Cover smear with safranin for 30 seconds  Because only certain antibiotics work
and rinse depending on if the bacteria is gram
positive or negative
Name some gram positive bacteria.
What type of antibiotics work on gram positive
 S. aeru, S. epi, S. pyogenes, B. sub, B, meg
Name some gram negative bacteria.
 Penicillin
 E. coli, P. vulg, Neisseria
What type of antibiotics work on gram negative
Why will old gram positive cells stain gram bacteria?
 Tetracycline
 They can't retain the primary stain
If you gram stained human cells, what would
because with time the lipid layer
degrades allowing the stain to reach the
peptidoglycan  Primary stain would wash away because
humans do not have cell walls
Can iodine be added before the primary stain in
a Gram stain? What type of stain is the acid-fast stain?
 No  Differential
What color does Crystal Violet turn each of the What is the value of the acid-fast stain?
cells in a gram stain?
 Allows diagnosing of Mycobacterium and
 Purple Nocardia, which do not decolorize with
acid alcohol
What color does Gram's iodine turn each of the
cells in a gram stain? The cell walls of acidfast organisms have a wax-
like lipid called mycolic acid, which does what?
 Purple
 Makes the cell wall impermeable to most
What color does ethyl alcohol turn each of the
cells in a gram stain?
Name an acid-fast negative bacteria
 E. coli  Both are gram positive
Name an acid-fast positive bacteria You can see endospores by simple staining. Why
not use this technique?
 M. phlei
 It would be more difficult to pick them
What is the decolorizing agent in the Gram
out because they would be transparent
stain? In the acid-fast stain?
What controls the amount of light reaching the
 Ethyl alcohol; Acid-alcohol
ocular lens?
What diseases are diagnosed using the acid-fast
 Diaphragm
staining technique?
Name two ways in which you can enhance the
 Tuberculosis and Leprosy
resolving power of a microscope.
Why are endospores called resting bodies?
 Decrease the wavelength of light and
 Because they do not metabolize and are increase the numerical aperture
resistant to many harsh conditions
What would occur if water were accidentally
When are endospores formed? used in place of immersion oil?
 When essential nutrients or water are  It would not be as clear because water
not available does not have the same refractive index
as glass
What happens to the cell when an endospore is
formed? What advantages does the low power objective
have over the oil immersion objective for
 It disintegrates
viewing fungi?
Because of a capsules nonionic nature, _____
 Fungi cells are large so you can see more
stains will not adhere to it.
of the cell
 Simple
How must a capsule be stained in order to view
it under a microscope?
 The background must be stained, leaving
the capsules unstained
These thin proteinaceous structures that
originate in the cytoplasm and project out from
the cell wall are the most common means of
motility in bacteria
 Flagella
What are the gram reactions of Clostridium and

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