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/usr/bin/env python

import sys
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from Crypto.Cipher import DES, DES3

def str2bytes(data):
return bytes(data, 'utf-8')

def raw2str(raw_data):
Convert raw binary data to string representation, e.g.
b'\xdf\x12g\xee\xdc\xba\x98v'-> 'DF1267EEDCBA9876'
return hexlify(raw_data).decode('utf-8').upper()

def raw2B(raw_data):
Convert raw binary data to hex representation, e.g.
b'\xdf\x12g\xee\xdc\xba\x98v'-> b'DF1267EEDCBA9876'

return bytes(raw2str(raw_data), 'utf-8')

def B2raw(bin_data):
Convert hex representation to raw binary data, e.g. b'DF1267EEDCBA9876' ->
return unhexlify(bin_data)

def xor(block1, block2):

XOR two blocks of data. Each block must be a hex representation of binary data,
e.g. b'DF1267EEDCBA9876'
xored = ''.join(['{0:#0{1}x}'.format((i ^ j), 4)[2:] for i, j in
zip(B2raw(block1), B2raw(block2))])
return bytes(xored.upper(), 'utf-8')

def hexify(number):
Convert integer to hex string representation, e.g. 12 to '0C'
if( isinstance(number, int) == False ):
raise TypeError('hexify(): expected integer, not {}'.format(type(number)))

if number < 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid number to hexify - must be positive')

result = hex(int(number)).replace('0x', '').upper()

if divmod(len(result), 2)[1] == 1:
# Padding
result = '0{}'.format(result)
return result

def key_CV(key, kcv_length=6):

Get DES key check value. The key is binary hex e.g. b'DF1267EEDCBA9876'
cipher =, DES3.MODE_ECB)
encrypted = raw2B(cipher.encrypt(B2raw(b'00000000000000000000000000000000')))

return encrypted[:kcv_length]

def get_digits_from_string(cyphertext, length=4):

Extract PVV/CVV digits from the cyphertext (HEX-encoded string, e.g.
digits = ''

The algorigthm is used for PVV and CVV calculation.

1. The cyphertext is scanned from left to right. Decimal digits are

selected during the scan until the needed number of decimal digits is found.
Each selected digit is placed from left to right according to the order
of selection. If needed number of decimal digits is found (four in case of PVV,

three in case of CVV), those digits are the PVV or CVV.

for c in cyphertext:
if len(digits) >= length:
digits += c
except ValueError:

2. If, at the end of the first scan, less than four decimal digits
have been selected, a second scan is performed from left to right.
During the second scan, all decimal digits are skipped and only nondecimal
digits can be processed. Nondecimal digits are converted to decimal
digits by subtracting 10. The process proceeds until four digits of
PVV are found.
if len(digits) < length:
for c in cyphertext:
if len(digits) >= length:

if (int(c, 16) - 10) >= 0:

digits += str(int(c, 16) - 10)

return digits
def get_visa_pvv(account_number, key_index, pin, PVK):
The algorithm generates a 4-digit PIN verification value (PVV) based on the
transformed security parameter (TSP).

For VISA PVV algorithms, the leftmost 11 digits of the TSP are the personal
account number (PAN),
the leftmost 12th digit is a key table index to select the PVV generation key,
and the rightmost
4 digits are the PIN. The key table index should have a value between 1 and 6,
tsp = account_number[-12:-1] + key_index + pin
if len(PVK) != 32:
raise ValueError('Incorrect key length')

left_key_cypher =[:16], DES3.MODE_ECB)

right_key_cypher =[16:], DES3.MODE_ECB)

encrypted_tsp =
return bytes(get_digits_from_string(raw2str(encrypted_tsp)), 'utf-8')

def get_visa_cvv(account_number, exp_date, service_code, CVK):

if len(CVK) != 32:
raise ValueError('Incorrect key length')

tsp = exp_date + service_code + b'000000000'

des_cipher =[:16]),DES.MODE_ECB)
des3_cipher =, DES3.MODE_ECB)

block1 = xor(raw2B(des_cipher.encrypt(B2raw(account_number))), tsp)

block2 = des3_cipher.encrypt(B2raw(block1))

return get_digits_from_string(raw2str(block2), 3)

def get_clear_pin(pinblock, account_number):

Calculate the clear PIN from provided PIN block and account_number, which is
the 12 right-most digits of card account number, excluding check digit
raw_pinblock = bytes.fromhex(pinblock.decode('utf-8'))
raw_acct_num = bytes.fromhex((b'0000' + account_number).decode('utf-8'))

pin_str = xor(raw2B(raw_pinblock), raw2B(raw_acct_num)).decode('utf-8')

pin_length = int(pin_str[:2], 16)

if pin_length >= 4 and pin_length < 9:

pin = pin_str[2:2+pin_length]
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('PIN contains non-numeric characters')
return bytes(pin, 'utf-8')
raise ValueError('Incorrect PIN length: {}'.format(pin_length))

def get_pinblock(__PIN, __PAN):

PIN = str(__PIN)
PAN = str(__PAN)

if not PIN or not PAN:

return None

block1 = '0' + str(len(PIN)) + str(PIN)

while len(block1) < 16:
block1 += 'F'
block2 = '0000' + PAN[-13:-1]

raw_message = bytes.fromhex(block1)
raw_key = bytes.fromhex(block2)
except ValueError:
return ''

result = ''.join(["{0:#0{1}x}".format((i ^ j), 4)[2:] for i, j in

zip(raw_message, raw_key)])
return result

def parityOf(int_type):
Calculates the parity of an integer, returning 0 if there are an even number of
set bits, and -1 if there are an odd number.
parity = 0
while (int_type):
parity = ~parity
int_type = int_type & (int_type - 1)

def check_key_parity(key):
Perform the parity check for a given key.

Returns False if the key fails the parity check

Returns True if the key is fine
for byte in key:
if parityOf(int(byte)) == -1:
return False
return True

def modify_key_parity(key):
The prior use of the function is to return the parity-validated key.
The incoming key is expected to be hex data binary representation, e.g.
validated_key = b''
for byte in key:
if parityOf(int(byte)) == -1:
byte_candidate = int(byte) + 1
while parityOf(byte_candidate) == -1:
byte_candidate = divmod(byte_candidate + 1, 256)[1]
validated_key += bytes([byte_candidate])

validated_key += bytes([byte])
return validated_key

a =
print (a)

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