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Estrogen is required for many vital bodily functions.

Deficiency of this
hormone is considered to be a very serious concern and needs be treated by
natural foods or dietary supplements.

Other things that may cause Estrogen deficiency include:

In women:
 Eating disorders
 Excessive exercising
 Pituitary diseases
 Low body fat
 Menopause
 Thyroid disorders
 Genetic diseases.
In Men
 Low levels of aromatase
 Damage in testicles
 Disorder in testicles

Estrogen is one of the important kinds of female hormones that are necessary for various purposes.

Reduction in the amount of estrogen can hamper in various types of process. The level of estrogen

mainly reduces during menopause in women. The actual reduction of estrogen can also take place much

before menopause takes place. It can lead to disturbance in the menstrual cycle and which becomes the

cause for major types of problems in women.


Girls who haven’t reached puberty and women approaching menopause are most
likely to experience low estrogen. Still, women of all ages can develop low estrogen.

 Depression
 Anxiety
 Emotional instability
 Migraines
 Poor concentration
 Loss of memory
 Fatigue
 Insomnia
 Headaches/migraines
 Increased back and joint pain
 Hot flashes
 Night sweats
 Rapid heartbeat
 Dry eye, skin and vagina
 Low libido
 Vaginal or bladder infections
 Painful intercourse

You may also find that your bones fracture or break more easily. This may be due to a
decrease in bone density. Estrogen works in conjunction with calcium, vitamin D, and
other minerals to keep bones strong. If your estrogen levels are low, you may
experience decreased bone density.
If left untreated, low estrogen can lead to infertility in women.

Estrogen is a hormone. Although present in the body in small amounts, hormones

have big roles in maintaining your health.

Estrogen is commonly associated with the female body. Men also produce estrogen,
but women produce it in higher levels.

The hormone estrogen:

 is responsible for the sexual development of girls when they reach puberty
 controls the growth of the uterine lining during the menstrual cycle and at the
beginning of a pregnancy
 causes breast changes in teenagers and women who are pregnant
 is involved in bone and cholesterol metabolism
 regulates food intake, body weight, glucose metabolism, and insulin sensitivity

What causes low estrogen?

Estrogen is primarily produced in the ovaries. Anything that affects the ovaries will
end up affecting estrogen production.

Young women may experience low levels of estrogen due to:

 excessive exercise
 eating disorders, such as anorexia
 a low-functioning pituitary gland
 premature ovarian failure, which can result from genetic defects, toxins, or
an autoimmune condition
 Turner syndrome
 chronic kidney disease

In women over age 40, low estrogen can be a sign of approaching menopause. This
time of transition is called perimenopause.

During perimenopause your ovaries will still produce estrogen. Production will
continue to slow until you reach menopause. When you’re no longer producing
estrogen, you’ve reached menopause.
Risk factors for low estrogen
The most common risk factors for low estrogen levels include:

 age, since your ovaries produce less estrogen over time

 family history of hormonal issues, such as ovarian cysts
 eating disorders
 extreme dieting
 excessive exercising
 issues with your pituitary gland

How is low estrogen diagnosed?

A diagnosis of low estrogen followed by treatment can prevent many health issues.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of low estrogen, consult your doctor. They can
assess your symptoms and make a diagnosis if needed. Early diagnosis may help
prevent further complications.

During your appointment, your doctor will discuss your family health history and
assess your symptoms. They’ll also perform a physical exam. Blood tests will likely
be needed in order to measure your hormone levels.

Your estrone and estradiol levels may also be tested if you’re experiencing:

 hot flashes
 night sweats
 insomnia
 frequently missed periods (amenorrhea)

In some cases, your doctor may order a brain scan to check for any abnormalities that
may be affecting the endocrine system. DNA testing may also be used to assess any
issues with your endocrine system.

How is low estrogen treated?

Women who have low levels of estrogen may benefit from hormonal treatment.

Estrogen therapy

Women between the ages of 25 to 50 who are estrogen deficient are generally
prescribed a high dose of estrogen. This can reduce the risk of bone loss,
cardiovascular disease, and other hormonal imbalances.

The actual dose will depend on the severity of the condition and the method of
application. Estrogen can be administered:

 orally
 topically
 vaginally
 via injection

In some cases, long-term treatment may be needed even after your estrogen levels
return to normal. This may require lower doses of administered estrogen over time in
order to sustain your current level.

Estrogen therapy may also ease the severity of menopausal symptoms and reduce your
risk of fractures.
Long-term estrogen therapy is primarily recommended for women who are
approaching menopause and have also had a hysterectomy. In all other cases, estrogen
therapy is only recommended for one to two years. This is because estrogen therapy
may increase your risk of cancer.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

HRT is used to augment your body’s natural hormone levels. Your doctor may
recommend HRT if you’re approaching menopause. Menopause causes your estrogen
and progesterone levels to significantly decrease. HRT can help return these levels to

In this therapy, hormones can be administered:

 topically
 orally
 vaginally
 via injection

HRT treatments can be adjusted in dosage, length, and the combination of hormones.
For example, depending on the diagnosis, progesterone is often used in conjunction
with estrogen.

Women approaching menopause who undergo HRT may have an increased risk
of cardiovascular disease. The treatment has also been shown to increase your
risk of blood clotting, stroke, and breast cancer.
Low estrogen levels and weight gain:
Is there a connection?
Sex hormones, such as estrogen, influence the amount of fat in the body. Estrogen
regulates glucose and lipid metabolism. If your estrogen levels are low, it can result
in weight gain.

Research suggests that this may be why women approaching menopause are likely to
become overweight. Being overweight can increase your risk of obesity, diabetes, and
cardiovascular disease.

If your estrogen levels are low and it’s affecting your weight, consult your doctor.
They can assess your symptoms and advise you on next steps. It’s always a good idea
to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. Talk with your doctor about developing a
diet and exercise plan that’s right for you.

Hormones, such as estrogen, play a key role in your overall health. Genetic defects, a
family history of hormone imbalances, or certain diseases can cause your estrogen
levels to drop.

Low estrogen levels can interfere with sexual development and sexual functions. They
can also increase your risk of obesity, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease.

Treatments have evolved over the years and become more effective. Your individual
reason for low estrogen will determine your particular treatment, as well as the dosage
and duration.
Medically reviewed by Cassandra Ang, PhD, MSN, RN, CNE, COI

For futher questions,

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Symptoms Of Reduce Level Of Estrogen

Anxiety is a very major kind of symptom that can be seen in people who contain less level of
estrogen in their body. Excess levels of anxiety clearly indicate low level of estrogen.

Depression is one of the major symptoms that is caused due to reduce level of estrogen in the
body. People suffering from depression mainly contain low estrogen levels.
Low Concentration
The level of concentration starts degrading if the level of estrogen falls in the human body. The
actual level should be kept intact in order to concentrate in day to day life.
Migraines or otherwise termed as headaches are also symptom of low levels of estrogen in the
body. A person containing less estrogen can frequently suffer from migraine or headache
problem. Women mainly suffer from this problem during their menstruation cycle.
Sweating During Night Time
Sweating is generally experienced during wake up time. People suffering from low estrogen
levels undergo sweating during night time during sleeping.
Increase In Heartbeat Rate
The rate of heartbeat can also increase in case of low estrogen levels. Increase in the normal rate
of heartbeat can lead to severe types of complications in the body.
Stiffness In The Joints
Joint stiffness is very common due to reduction in the level of estrogen. This can also be the
reason due to which, women during later stage of their life suffer from joint pain and other
problems related to joints.
Reduce In The Level Of Libido
Women with less levels of estrogen in their body can suffer from low libido. Reduction in the
levels of libido can hamper their personal life to great extent.
Memory Loss
Memory loss problem also becomes common with people who are badly suffering from low
levels of estrogen in their body. A person starts forgetting things on regular basis.
Nervous System Issues
The reduce level of estrogen can also hamper the nervous system in human beings. The presence
of estrogen is very much mandatory to take care of the emotions. It will help to balance the
emotions in a very perfect manner.
Irregular Periods
Irregular periods can also become common with women who are suffering from low levels of
estrogen in their body. Thus proper care must be taken to maintain the actual levels.
Heart Diseases
The occurrence of heart disease becomes very normal for women who are having less level of
estrogen in their body. Thus, the actual level of estrogen should be maintained to keep the heart
Infection In The Urinary Tract
In case of lower levels of estrogen, women can suffer from infection in their urinary tract. This
has become a major issue with most of the women due to reduced levels of estrogen.
Treatment Regarding Deficiency Of Estrogen
There are various types of treatment that can be applied in order to meet the exact requirement of
estrogen in the body. Few of the treatments are as follows

Proper Medication
Proper type of medications should be taken under doctor guidance in order to increase the
amount of estrogen in the human body. A doctor can help to take the respective medicines or
tablets to increase the estrogen levels.
Consider Taking Supplements
Various types of supplements are available in the market that can help to meet the exact
requirement of estrogen in the body. These supplements should be used in perfect manner to get
the desired results.
Take Minerals And Vitamins
Increasing in the intake of minerals and vitamins on regular basis can help to meet the exact
amount of estrogen in the human body. Various food products that are rich source of minerals
and vitamins can be consumed in diet. The intake of estrogen should always be taken along with
progesterone to get the best results.

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