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0038-075X/04/16911-765–775 November 2004

Soil Science Vol. 169, No. 11
Copyright © 2004 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.


F. R. Rizzi1, S. Stoll2, N. Senesi1, and J. Buffle2

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image analysis has been ap-

plied to the evaluation of the fractal dimensions and aggregation mech-
anisms of soil and peat humic acids (HAs) in aqueous solutions at realis-
tically small concentrations and at various pH values and equilibration
times. TEM image analysis based on fractal concepts and the determina-
tion of fractal dimensions suggests a cluster-cluster aggregation mecha-
nism for HAs in any condition examined. At pH  3, HA clusters exhibit
relatively compact structures characterized by time-dependent values of
the fractal dimension, which are consistent with an underlying diffusion-
limited aggregation (DLA) mechanism controlled by the diffusion of ag-
gregates, which is predominant in any condition. At pH  6, the HA ag-
gregates are characterized for short times by open, elongated structures
that become larger and more compact with increases in the equilibration
time and feature fractal dimension values consistent with a reaction-
limited aggregation (RLA) mechanism. The aggregate chemical reactiv-
ity, which is controlled by the solution pH affecting the electrostatic
charge of HAs, plays an important role in this mechanism. (Soil Science

Key words: Soil, peat, humic acids, transmission electron microscopy,

fractal properties, aggregation processes.

is a complex physicochemi- is a central issue of colloidal science. Because of

cal process in which initially dispersed basic
units (atoms, particles, cells, etc.) stick together as
the complexity of aggregation mechanisms,
computational chemistry has been used as a pow-
a result of the action of attractive forces of vari- erful tool for the investigation and understanding
ous types and strengths to form aggregates whose of aggregation and flocculation processes in nat-
size increases with time ( Jullien and Botet, ural systems (Stoll and Buffle, 1995). Computer
1987). Aggregation processes can be studied by a simulation, combined with experimental verifi-
kinetic and/or a geometric approach. The ki- cation of data, often provides useful insights that
netic study provides the quantitative description are critical for the understanding of experimen-
of the time evolution of the mean size and size tal results.
distribution of colloidal aggregates, whereas the Witten and Sanders (1981) introduced an ag-
geometric approach provides quantitative infor- gregation model for the interpretation of growth
mation on aggregate structures. Understanding processes governed by Laplace equations in which
the morphology and how aggregates are formed aggregates are grown in an infinitely diluted sys-
tem by the addition of single particles to a grow-
1Dipartimento di Biologia e Chimica Agroforestale ed Ambientale, University of ing germ. Although a large number of applica-
Bari, Bari, Italy. Dr. Senesi is corresponding author. E-mail: tions (electrical breakdown, electrodeposition,
2Département de Chimie Minérale, Analytique et Appliquée, University of biological growth patterns, etc.) have been found
Geneva, Geneve, Switzerland for this model, attempts have been made to de-
Received April 16, 2004; July 30, 2004. velop more realistic aggregation models, in partic-
DOI: 10.1097/ ular for colloidal systems. Thus, the cluster-cluster

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aggregation (CCA) model was introduced by both the molecular and supramolecular level; (b)
Kolb et al. (1983) and Meakin (1983). At the ini- the wide variety of sizes and shapes assumed in
tial stage, according to this model, elementary par- the solid and colloidal states; (c) the occurrence of
ticles are distributed randomly in a periodic box. complex aggregation and dispersion phenomena
These particles are then chosen randomly and in aqueous media; and (d) the various degrees of
moved in all space directions in order to mimic irregularity and roughness of the exposed sur-
Brownian motion.When they come into a neigh- faces (Hayes et al., 1989a and b; Swift, 1989).
boring position, particles stick together to form These properties play an important role in deter-
clusters that are able to diffuse and stick together mining the physical, chemical, and biological re-
to form larger structures. An important result of activity of HS towards mineral surfaces, metal
the CCA model is that the aggregate morphology ions, organic chemicals, plant roots, and microor-
can be described using fractal geometry concepts. ganisms in soil (Senesi and Boddy, 2002).
Fractal geometry is able to describe an in- Fractal geometry represents a useful means for
credibly broad range of structures and processes achieving a quantitative description of the physical
occurring in nature (Mandelbrot, 1982). The ap- and chemical behavior and properties of natural
plication of fractal geometry has recently become HS, including soil HS (reviewed by Senesi, 1994,
popular and is now used successfully in the study 1996, 1999). The major contribution that fractal
of the influence of aggregation mechanisms on geometry can make to the understanding of the
the structures of resulting clusters. Not only sim- two main fractions of HS, humic acids (HAs) and
ulations or theoretical studies, but also numerous fulvic acids (FAs), is in a general, simple, and suc-
numerical and experimental studies, which have cinct representation of their complex structures
used techniques such as light scattering, small an- through the parameterization by a single number,
gle neutron scattering, and image analysis, have that is, the fractal dimension D (Österberg and
shown that the structure of the clusters formed Mortensen, 1992, 1994; Österberg et al., 1994;
by colloid aggregation can be characterized well Rice and Lin, 1993, 1994; Ren et al., 1996; Senesi
by fractal dimensions or scaling laws. The values et al., 1996, 1997; Tombácz et al., 1997).
of the fractal dimension, which describes the spa- Österberg and Mortensen (1992) first re-
tial mass distribution within an aggregate, have ported that small-angle neutron scattering from
been found to depend on whether the aggrega- HA solutions obeys a power law, revealing that
tion is controlled by the diffusion rate of the clus- these materials in solution may have a fractal
ters (diffusion limited aggregation, DLA) or by structure. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) data
their chemical reactivity (reaction limited aggre- obtained in a succeeding study (Ikai and Öster-
gation, RLA) (Family et al., 1985; Meakin et al., berg, 1996) were consistent with previous data in
1985). An important parameter related to the suggesting fractal formation and a CCA process
chemical reactivity of the different species to for HAs analyzed in similar conditions. Further,
form permanent bonds is the sticking probability these authors emphasized that caution should be
Po. The value of Po is equal to one for a DLA exercised before any final conclusion based on a
process and is between zero and one for a RLA study performed in the dry state might be drawn
process (Stoll and Buffle, 1995). When the prob- about the possible occurrence of cluster-cluster
ability of attachment approaches unity, very ten- interactions in HA solutions.
uous structures are formed, which are representa- Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has
tive of a DLA process. This morphology can be been used in the past to study soil HAs and FAs
explained by the rapid attachment of colloidal (e.g., Stevenson and Schnitzer, 1982; Chen and
particles either to other free colloidal particles, Schnitzer, 1989; Schnitzer, 1991), but high reso-
with which they collide, or to the aggregate sur- lution observations of colloidal sized HAs and
face; thus, they do not enter into the pre-existing FAs have been limited not only by the poor elec-
aggregates. When the sticking probability ap- tron density of HS, which makes visualization by
proaches zero (RLA process), colloidal particles TEM difficult, but also by the inadequacy of the
need to collide many times before sticking, which techniques used for sample preparation. The
allows them to enter into pre-existing aggregates preparation of samples for microscopic observa-
and thus increase their density and compactness. tion (Buffle and Leppard, 1995a and b) needs to
Humic substances (HS) are typical soil col- take several aspects into consideration. These in-
loids characterized by a physical and chemical clude: the preservation of HA conformation; the
heterogeneous nature that derives from (a) the absence of induced coagulation as a result of sam-
absence of a discrete structural organization at ple preparation; and the absence or limitation of
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microbial activity. Significant advances made in layer of amorphous carbon (5–10 nm thickness for
the preparation (Perret et al., 1991) and observa- a good transparency) was then deposited by evap-
tion (Perret et al., 1995;Wilkinson et al., 1995) by oration (Hayat, 1985). The carbon layer allows
TEM of environmental samples have brought good thermal and electrical conduction of elec-
about marked reduction in the potential for arti- trons under the beam of the microscope, whereas
fact production and have increased resolution by the collodion film serves as an optimal planar sup-
using hydrophilic resins and small concentrations port for the carbon film (Perret et al., 1991).
of ionic stains. In this work, the same preparation Four TEM copper (200 mesh, collodion, and
technique has been used to enable the non-per- carbon-coated) grids were placed on each ce-
turbing observation of HAs. An extended de- ramic plaque and covered with 5 L of a hy-
scription of the limitations resulting from the op- drophilic resin (nanoplast). Each plaque was then
erating principles of the TEM technique, sample inserted in a 4-mL ultracentrifuge tube. Succes-
preparation technique, precautions to minimize sively, each HA solution (2.5 mL) was prepared as
potential artifacts, and any possible pitfalls, are de- described above and added to each tube immedi-
scribed in Perret et al. (1991) and Wilkinson et al. ately before centrifugation (24 h, 124,000 g) onto
(1999) and are beyond the scope of this paper. the grids. This procedure allowed the embedding
The objective of this work is to combine of HA particles into the thin layer of resin. Fi-
TEM analysis, fractal geometry principles, and nally, the grids were air dried for 24 h before
cluster-cluster aggregation modeling concepts to TEM observation. The resin-embedded material
find new insights into the formation kinetics and was shown not to be modified during this step
structural characteristics of HA aggregates as a (Perret et al., 1991), because of the peculiar hy-
function of HA source, solution pH, and equili- drophilic properties of the nanoplast resin. Thus,
bration time. four grids for each of the eight HA solutions
(four HA samples at two pH values) were ana-
lyzed by TEM (quadruplicate experiment).
Although particles smaller than about 10 nm
Four HA samples were used in this work, are not collected by ultracentrifugation, this does
three of which were obtained from the HA Stan- not represent an important limitation for the de-
dard and Reference Collection established by the termination of fractal dimensions provided that
International Humic Substances Society (IHSS). these cover at least two orders of magnitude. This
These samples originated from a mollic horizon occurs for HA aggregates whose sizes range from
of the Elliot silt loam soil, Joliet, Illinois (IHSS 20 to 2000 nm, as can be seen in TEM im-
code, 1S 102H); the Summit Hill grassland soil, ages shown in Figs. 1 2, and 3 and discussed later.
New Zealand (IHSS code, 1R 106H); and the According to the procedure described by For-
Pahokee peat, Okachobee, Florida (IHSS code, rest and Witten (1979), TEM images were digi-
1S 103H). The fourth HA sample was isolated tized to obtain the numbers and coordinates of
from a typical alluvial soil. HA aggregates. At least eight TEM images taken
The HA samples were extracted and purified from the four grids were analyzed for each HA so-
according to the procedure designed specifically lution to permit statistical analysis of the results.An
by the IHSS for the preparation of the HA and appropriate processing software (MOCHATM)
FA standard and reference collection (Swift, was used to count the total number of pixels (M)
1996). The HA samples were obtained in ho- within each aggregate in each TEM image and to
mogenized, freeze-dried H form. The ash con- measure the length (l) corresponding to the major
tent was in all cases below 1.0%. Solutions of each distance between pixels belonging to the same ag-
HA were prepared in deionized distilled water at gregate (Weitz and Oliveria, 1984; Tence et al.,
a concentration of 1 mg L1, and the pH was ad- 1986). The following geometric scaling relation-
justed immediately to a value of 6 or 3 by adding ship (power law)
small amounts of HCl or NaOH. The HA solu-
tions were then equilibrated at 4 C for 4, 10, and M  lD (1)
28 h. After the equilibration time, the pH re-
mained constant in all cases. between the aggregate mass M and aggregate
High-resolution TEM observations were length l was used to calculate the mass fractal di-
made with a TEM-ZEISS EM 109 apparatus. The mension D of the aggregates, based on their TEM
TEM copper grids were first coated with a collo- pictures (Forrest and Witten, 1979; Weitz and
dion film (10–50 nm thickness), and a uniform Oliveria, 1984; Tence et al., 1986; Zhang and Buf-
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Fig. 1. TEM images of centrifuged Alluvial soil humic acid at pH 3 (a) and pH 6 (b) after 4 h equilibration, and cen-
trifuged Summit Hill soil humic acid at pH 3 (c) and pH 6 (d) after 10 h equilibration.

fle, 1996). The slope of the corresponding log-log relatively small number of large aggregates. In-
plot of M vs. l provides the value of the fractal di- deed, the latter method provides a good estimate
mension D. This method allows a good statistical of D only when the center of the aggregate can
estimate of D for the whole of aggregates that are be analyzed far away from the edges, and this is
present in the TEM pictures, i.e., for a large num- possible only for large aggregates and when a
ber of structures. cutoff function is used to interpret the resulting
An alternative method, which consists of curves.
choosing a given position in the central part of However, both methods encounter difficul-
each aggregate and then considering larger and ties when they are applied to aggregates having
larger circular areas centered on this position in fractal dimensions larger than two because the
order to determine the variation of the aggregate fractal dimension of their TEM projection is
mass as a function of the size of the circles, was bounded by two ( Jullien et al., 1994). Thus,
not attempted here because of the finite size and methods based on TEM image analysis are valid
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Fig. 2. TEM images of centrifuged peat humic acid at pH 3 (a) and pH 6 (b) after 10 h equilibration, and centrifuged
Elliot soil humic acid at pH 3 (c) and pH 6 (d) after 10 h equilibration.

only for aggregates with a fractal dimension tion model, where 2D projections of 3D aggre-
lower than the critical value of 2, in agreement gates were considered. It was demonstrated that
with current mathematics for which the dimen- the “scaling method”, which consists of integrat-
sion of a projected object is always limited to 2. ing the number of pixels of 2D projections into
It should be noted here that microscopy tech- the entire aggregate and in relating the obtained
niques yield a two-dimensional (2D) projection value to the measure of the size of the aggregate,
of the object under observation.Various methods provides fractal dimensions that are consistent
were proposed regarding how to extract the frac- with their counterparts in 3D. Thus, the projec-
tal dimension of aggregates by electron mi- tion of a 3D aggregate to 2 dimensions does not
croscopy and the sources of errors analyzed affect its fractal dimension value if calculated by
(Tence et al., 1986; Jullien et al., 1994; Vormoor, the scaling method used here for values of D
2001). These methods were compared with com- smaller than 2. For D values larger than 2, this
puter simulations of the cluster-cluster aggrega- method cannot provide more than an effective
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Fig. 3. TEM images of centrifuged Alluvial soil (a) and Elliot soil (b) humic acids at pH 6 after 28 h equilibration.

3D fractal dimension equal to 2. This method The TEM images obtained at pH 6 after 4
was also used successfully to investigate the frac- to 10 h equilibration (Figs. 1b, 1d, 2b, 2d) sug-
tal and projected structure properties of soot ag- gest a slow aggregation rate between HA parti-
gregates (Koylu et al., 1995). cles. This effect can be ascribed to a value of Po
lower than that hypothesized at pH 3, possibly
due to a greater number of deprotonated acidic
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION groups on HA particles with a predominance of
Some representative TEM images of HA solu- repulsive electrostatic forces over attractive
tions as a function of pH and equilibration times forces. If the thermal motion is not sufficient to
are presented in Figs. 1 to 3. Aggregates are appar- overcome the electrostatic repulsive barrier, HA
ent after an equilibration time of 4 h for the allu- particles are expected to bounce on each other
vial soil HA and after 10 h for the other three HAs. several times before sticking together, thus slow-
The aggregation process is more pronounced ing down the aggregation rate. In these condi-
at pH 3 than at pH 6, with a large number of tions the aggregation process would be of the
small, open aggregates present at pH 6 and a small reaction-limited (RLA) type, that is, mainly
number of large, compact aggregates at pH 3.Ac- controlled by the aggregate chemical reactivity.
cording to these observations, and as a first ap- A comparison of average aggregate sizes ob-
proximation, the sticking probability Po at pH 3 tained from TEM images at pH 6 for the alluvial
should be larger than at pH 6 and is possibly close soil HA after 4 h (Fig. 1b) and for the Elliot soil
to unity. This hypothesis is consistent with the HA after 10 h equilibration (Fig. 2d) with those
fact that at pH 3, protonation of most acidic obtained from the corresponding TEM images
groups of HA occurs with reduction of repulsive after 28 h equilibration (Fig. 3a, 3b) demonstrates
negative charges on HA macromolecules and, qualitatively that aggregation proceeds with in-
subsequently, induces an aggregation process be- crease in the equilibration time. These observa-
tween HA particles by weak, short-range attrac- tions are consistent with the presence of a slow
tive forces (Verwey and Overbeck, 1984). The aggregation process of the RLA type at pH 6
aggregation process would thus occur quickly ( Jullien and Botet, 1987).
and be of the diffusion-limited (DLA) type, that A similar conclusion was reached in previous
is, controlled only by diffusion processes and not studies (Österberg and Mortensen, 1992, 1994;
by chemical reactivity (Kolb et al., 1983; Stoll and Österberg et al., 1994) of soil HA solutions at pH
Buffle, 1995).  5 analyzed by small angle neutron scattering
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Fig. 4. Log-log plot of M vs l for Alluvial soil humic acid at pH 3 (a) and pH 6 (b) after 4 h equilibration and at pH 6
after 28 h equilibration (c), and for Summit Hill soil humic acid at pH 3 (d) and pH 6 (e) after 10 h equilibration.
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Fig. 5. Log-log plot of M vs l for peat humic acid at pH 3 (a) and pH 6 (b) after 10 h equilibration, and for Elliot soil
humic acid at pH 3 after 10 h equilibration (c) and pH 6 after 28 h equilibration (d).

(SANS) after 48 h at 4 C and 11 C, and after 60 M and its characteristic length l. These results im-
h at 22 C. ply that the HAs studied can be described as frac-
Quantitative TEM image analysis of the four tal objects in any condition used in this work and
HAs studied in any condition indicates the exis- that their fractal dimension D can be obtained di-
tence of a power law between the aggregate mass rectly from the slope of the experimental straight
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lines of log M vs. log l (Figs. 4 and 5 refer to one fect can be observed for the Elliot soil HA (Fig.
out of four replicates for each sample). Table 1 lists 3b vs. Fig. 2d).
the mean values  standard errors of D obtained The differences observed between experi-
at pH 3 and pH 6 after various equilibration times mental D values for alluvial soil HA, and espe-
for the four replicates of each HA solution. cially Elliot soil HA, at pH 6 after 28 h equilibra-
At pH 3, aggregates are characterized by frac- tion, and the theoretical D value for an RLA-type
tal dimensions that are very similar to the D value process may reflect a heterogeneous aggregation
of a DLA-type process (D  1.78) (Family et al., mechanism, e.g., flocculation involving the pres-
1985; Meakin et al., 1985). At pH 6, after 4 h ence of filamentous structures (often invisible by
equilibration for the alluvial soil HA (Fig. 1b) and TEM because of small electron density) between
10 h equilibration for the Summit Hill soil HA large clusters (Wilkinson et al., 1995). From a
(Fig. 1d) and peat HA (Fig. 2b), the aggregates structural point of view, the role of these fibrils
appearing in TEM images are characterized by would become predominant at pH 6. Since HAs
open, rather elongated structures that are consis- usually consist of semiflexible structures bearing
tent with the small fractal dimension values ob- significant amounts of ionizable groups, their
tained by image processing analysis (Table 1). In conformation may change dramatically with
regard to Elliot soil HA at pH 6 and after 10 h charge density, i.e., as a function of pH and/or
equilibration (Fig. 2d), the fractal dimension was ionic strength, passing from dense coil conforma-
not calculated because images were obtained in tions to extended conformations when pH in-
nonideal conditions, and, consequently, the im- creases (Swift, 1989). Furthermore the observed
age analysis software was not able to distinguish increase of the fractal dimension with time at pH
between dispersed and aggregated HA. 6 may be the result of the occurrence of simulta-
The experimental D values of the various neous aggregation and fragmentation processes
HAs at pH 6 after 4 h or 10 h equilibration are followed by internal restructuring, as shown by
smaller than the theoretical D value of RLA- and numerical models (Shih et al., 1987).
even DLA-type aggregates (D  2.09) (Family et
al., 1985; Meakin et al., 1985). However, the allu- CONCLUSIONS
vial soil HA at pH 6 after 28 h equilibration is
In this paper, application of quantitative TEM
characterized by a fractal dimension much larger
image analysis to environmental HA solutions at
than that measured after 4 h (Table 1) and is, thus,
realistically low concentration (1 mg L1) pro-
closer to the theoretical value of an RLA-type vides new information about the kinetics of ag-
process. This result is consistent with the presence gregation processes occurring for HA systems in
of aggregates larger and more compact (Fig. 3a) various conditions.
than those present after 4 h (Fig. 1b).A similar ef- TEM image analysis shows the existence of a
power law between the mass and the characteris-
tic length of HA aggregates measured at various
pH values and equilibration times, which implies
TABLE 1 an underlying fractal structure for HAs.
Mean values  standard errors of the fractal dimensions The fractal dimensions of HAs calculated in
of the humic acids (HAs) studied at various various conditions allows a quantitative descrip-
pH values and equilibration times tion of the HA aggregate structures. At pH 3 in
pH 3 pH 6
particular, HA clusters exhibit large and compact
Equilibration time structures that are, in any case, consistent with an
Alluvial soil HA underlying cluster-cluster DLA-type process. At
4h 1.77  0.05 1.52  0.08 pH 6, the HA aggregates at short times (about 10
28h † 1.95  0.09 h) are characterized by open, elongated struc-
Summit Hill soil HA tures, whose fractal dimension is smaller than that
10h 1.79  0.03 1.64  0.03 typical of an RLA-type process. However, with
Peat HA
an increase in the equilibration time, larger and
10h 1.79  0.05 1.55  0.07
Elliot soil HA
more compact structures are formed that are
10h 1.72  0.01 ‡ characterized by a D value close to that of RLA.
28h † 1.80  0.07 Large aggregates are likely not formed by addi-
†Not determined.
tions of single HA particles to existing aggregates
‡Image analysis not possible because the system is very but rather by collisions of HA aggregates. Aggre-
dispersed. gate attachment and collision efficiency are ap-
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