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1 Rizky ARBITEK ISSN : 2443- ANALISA maka batasan masalah Dari peninjauan Hasil 1. Analisa hidrologi
Franchitika 0404 Jurnal Teknik Sipil KEBUTUHAN AIR yang akan dibahas lapangan, tampak perhitungan Analisa hidrologi yang
& Arsitektur EISSN : IRIGASI D.I adalah Bagaimana bahwa kondisi daerah yang diperoleh dilakukan yaitu hanya
2443-0412 BATANG SINAMAR menghitung irigasi Batang Sinamar adalah sebagai mencakup perhitungan
LINTAU BUO kebutuhan air irigasi adalah berbukit-bukit berikut: hidrologi dengan
SUMATERA Daerah Irigasi Batang dan berupa hamparan Kebutuhan menggunakan data curah
BARAT Sinamar? sawah yang luas dengan pengambilan hujan tengah bulanan dan
pemanfaatan yang baik. golongan data klimatologi.
Sumber pengairan dengan jangka 2. Rencana Anggaran
mengandalkan Bendung waktu Biaya tidak dibahas.
Karet (Rubber Dam). penyiapan lahan 3. Debit banjir rencana
Irigasi eksisting yang 1 bulan adalah tidak dibahas.
besar yang berada di 1,338 dtk/Ha; 2.
daerah Lintau tersebut Kebutuhan
antara lain Daerah pengambilan 4
Irigasi Tampo, Daerah golongan
Irigasi Sangki I dan dengan jangka
Daerah Irigasi Sangki waktu
II. Selebihnya penyiapan lahan
merupakan daerah- 1 bulan adalah
daerah irigasi yang 1,220 l/dtk/Ha;
kecil- kecil yang 3. Kebutuhan
mengambil air dari pengambilan 5
sungai setempat. golongan
dengan jangka
penyiapan lahan
1 bulan adalah
1,117 l/dtk/Ha;
4. Kebutuhan
pengambilan 4
dengan jangka
penyiapan lahan
1,5 bulan adalah
1,337 l/dtk/Ha;
5. Kebutuhan
pengambilan 5
dengan jangka
penyiapan lahan
1,5 bulan adalah
1,164 l/dtk/Ha;
2 Anton Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan ANALISIS Permasalahan yang METODOLOGI Dalam mencari Analisis Menggunakan
Priyonugroho Lingkungan KEBUTUHAN AIR akan dibahas dalam PENELITIAN nilai Software CROPWAT
Vol.2.No.3,September IRIGASI (STUDI penelitian ini adalah Adapun data-data yang evapotranspirasi Version 8.0
2014 KASUS PADA untuk mengetahui didapat dan digunakan dihitung Tahap analisis pemakaian
DAERAH IRIGASI berapa besar dalam perhitungan menggunakan software CROPWAT
SUNGAI AIR kebutuhan air irigasi kebutuhan air irigasi rumus version 8.0 yaitu :
KEBAN DAERAH maksimum dan Daerah Irigasi perhitungan 1.Jalankan software
KABUPATEN minimum pada Sungai Air Keban evapotranspirasi CROPWAT version 8.0
EMPAT LAWANG) Daerah Irigasi Sungai Daerah Kabupaten potenial (ETo) 2. Klik icon climate/ETo
Air Keban dengan Empat Lawang dengan 3. Input data
cara : antara lain : menggunakan klimatologi
a. Perhitungan manual . Data curah hujan Metode Penman
(konsep KP-01) . Data Klimatologi Modifikasi
b. Perhitungan . Skema/Layout (Persamaan 13.)
menggunakan karena adanya
software CROPWAT data-data
Version 8.0. yang
3 Endang Andi ISSN : 2302-7312 Vol. ANALISIS 1. Para petani Daerah irigasi Irigasi Berdasarkan gerakan air ke bawah dari
Juhana1, 13 No. 1 2015 KEBUTUHAN AIR diharapkan untuk Bangbayang merupakan data-data curah zona tidak jenuh, yang
Sulwan IRIGASI PADA mengikuti rencana salah satu wilayah yang hujan yang terletak diantara
Permana2, Ida DAERAH IRIGASI dari Pemerintah ada di Kabupaten didapat dari permukaan tanah sampai
Farida3 BANGBAYANG setempat dengan cara Garut.yang dibatasi Dinas Sumber kepermukaan air tanah
UPTD SDAP LELES mengacu kepada oleh wilayah kerja Daya air dan (zona jenuh).
DINAS SUMBER rencana tanam yang irigasi cimarijaya. Pertambangan
DAYA AIR DAN terdiri dari tiga musim Adapun daerah-daerah (SDAP)
PERTAMBANGAN dan tidak yang merupakan kabupaten garut.
KABUPATEN memaksakan untuk wilayah Irigasi Berikut ini data-
GARUT menanam tanaman Bangbayang meliputi data curah hujan
yang bukan pada beberapa desa-desa stasiun yang
masanya, karena diamati yaitu
terbentur pada data curah hujan
ketersediaan air yang stasiun Leles
ada. dan stasiun
2. Untuk menanam Kadungora.
padi sebaiknya
menggunakan padi
varietas unggul
supaya selain waktu
tanam yang relatif
4 Akmal 1, Jurnal Teknik EFISIENSI IRIGASI maka perlu dilakukan Metode pendugaan Hasil dan Penelitian ini dilakukan
Masimin 2, Ella SipiVolume 3, No. 3, PADA PETAK penelitian terhadap adalah melakukan pembahasan ini di lahan persawahan
Meilianda 3 Agustus 2014 l TERSIER DI efisiensi irigasi pada estimasi terhadap nilai meliputi tanaman padi yang
DAERAH IRIGASI petak tersier sawah dugaan/taksiran suatu pengamatan dan menggunakan air sungai
LAWE BULAN untuk mengetahui parameter tertentu, pengukuran Lawe Bulan yang
KABUPATEN ACEH efisiensi irigasi karena pada umumnya lapangan, dialirkan melalui jaringan
TENGGARA sebenarnya sehingga nilai parameter suatu kebutuhan air di irigasi dengan luas areal
dapat diketahui faktor- distribusi tidak petak sawah, sawah 1.389 Ha dibangun
faktor yang diketahui. Metode ini efisiensi irigasi pada tahun 2000 di
mempengaruhi meliputi pengumpulan di petak sawah Kabupaten Aceh
kehilangan air selama data, metode serta evaluasi Tenggara
proses pemakaian air pengukuran langsung efisiensi irigasi.
pada petak tersier dilapangan dan analisa
sawah serta perkiraan data terhadap efisiensi
pemakaian air irigasi pada petak
dilapangan (pada tersier sawah pada saat
petak tersier) yang pengolahan tanah dan
sangat berpengaruh pertumbuhan tanaman
terhadap hasil padi.
produksi padi.
5 Abner Jurnal Ilmiah Mustek PEMENUHAN Merauke merupakan Penelitian ini Hasil penelitian Penelitian ini dilakukan
Doloksaribu, Anim Ha Vol.1 No. 3, KEBUTUHAN AIR daerah yang memiliki menggunakan dua jenis menunjukkan di Kampung Wasur
Dina Pasa Lolo Desember 2012 ISSN IRIGASI MELALUI bentuk permukaan metode, yaitu metode bahwa nilai Kabupaten Merauke dan
2089-6697 PEMBANGUNAN tanah yang cukup kualitatif dan metode Inflow sebesar direncanakan
LONG STORAGE datar (flat) dengan kuantitatif. Penelitian 12624 m3 dan berlangsung dari bulan
kemiringan/kelandaia kuantitatif didasarkan nilai Outflow Juli 2012 sampai dengan
n permukaan tanah pada perhitungan- sebesar 4152 bulan Oktober 2012.
yang sangat kecil perhitungan statistik m3/hr, maka
sehingga pergerakan sebagai dasar analisis, debit andalan
air secara gravitasi sedangkan penelitian (Qandalan)
juga hampir tidak ada. kualitatif menghasilkan dapat dihitung
data deskriptif sebagai berikut:
yangberupa kata-kata Qandalan =
tertulis atau tulisan dari Inflow –
orang-orang atau pelaku Outflow
yang diamati. = 12624 – 4152
= 8472
Jadi nilai debit
andalan (
Qandalan )
sebesar 8472
6 Purwanto dan Jurnal Ilmiah Semesta ANALISIS mengumpulkan data – Dalam analisis ini beberapa hasil Daerah irigasi Mrican
Jazaul Ikhsan Teknika, Vol. 9, No. 1, KEBUTUHAN AIR data klimatologi yang digunakan Metodologi alternatif debit terletak di Kabupaten
206: 83 – 93 IRIGASI PADA berasal dari stasiun Penman yang kebutuhan, Bantul, Provinsi Daerah
DAERAH IRIGASI klimatologi yang dimodifikasi. Metode terdapat nilai Istimewa Yogyakarta,
BENDUNG berada disekitar ini lebih memberikan debit kebutuhan luas Daerah Irigasi
MRICANI wilayah pertanian hasil yang memuaskan air maksimal Mrican adalah 161 Ha
yang akan dianalisis dibandingkan dengan yang terkecil dengan saluran induk
metode yang lainnya yaitu 0,254 sepanjang 1.075 m dan
tetapi lebih m3/dtk. Adapun saluran sekunder
membutuhkan data manfaat dari sepanjang 1.662 m.
yang lebih lengkap. debit kebutuhan Daerah yang
air maksimal mendapatkan suplai air
yang terkecil irigasi dari Bendung
yaitu sebesar Mrican meliputi 7 dusun
0,254 m3/dtk di Kabupaten Bantul
adalah berguna
sebagai bahan
acuan dalam
panjang dan
lebarnya serta
dimensi saluran
yang diperlukan
perencanaan dan
sistem jaringan
7 Ichsan Volume 1, No. 1, ANALISIS Perlu dilakukan studi, Untuk menganalisis Berdasarkan Berdasarkan analisis
Syahputra1, Cut Januari 2015 KETERSEDIAAN survey dan investigasi ketersediaan air dan hasil ketersediaan air pada
Rahmawati2 AIR PADA DAERAH lebih lanjut untuk besarnya kebutuhan air perhitungan dan daerah irigasi Blang
IRIGASI BLANG mencari dan irigasi, maka data- data analisis yang Karam diperoleh debit
KARAM mendeteksi semua yang diperlukan adalah telah dilakukan, pengambilan sebesar
KECAMATAN sumber air yang baru sebagai berikut : Perlu segera 2.312 ltr/det/ha pada
DARUSSALAM (misal di bawah 1) Data Curah hujan dilakukan studi alternatif pola tanam
KEBUPATEN ACEH permukaan harian minimal selama dan survey lebih dengan penyiapan lahan
BESAR 10 tahun; lanjut mengenai selama 30 hari dan
2) Data Iklim yang aspek kondisi kebutuhan pengambilan
terdiri dari suhu udara, topografi dan 0.925 m3/det dan 1.766
kelembaban, tekanan kondisi ltr/det/ha pada alternatif
udara, penyinaran hidrologi pola tanam dengan
matahari, penguapan, setempat untuk penyiapan lahan selama
dan kecepatan angin mengetahui 45 hari dan kebutuhan
lebih lanjut pengambilan 0.707
ketersediaan air m3/det.
di dalam DAS
8 Wilhelmus Dosen Jurusan Teknik ANALISIS Kehilangan air secara Data–data dalam hasil analisis, menganalisis besarnya
Bunganaen Sipil FST Undana EFISIENSI DAN keseluruhan pada penelitian ini berupa kehilangan air efisiensi dan kehilangan
KEHILANGAN AIR jaringan irigasi Air data primer dan data pada saluran air pada jaringan irigasi
PADA JARIRINGAN Sagu adalah 39.67%. sekunder. Data tersier 1 Air Sagu, yang terletak di
UTAMA DAERAH Kehilangan air yang primer antara lain permanen untuk Desa Noelbaki,
IRIGASI AIR SAGU terjadi akibat kecepatan aliran (V), waktu pagi, Kabupaten Kupang.
evaporasi sangat kecil, debit aliran air (Q), luas siang, dan sore Penelitian dilakukan pada
sehingga air yang penampang basah hari masing – saluran primer, sekunder,
hilang saluran (A), dan masing adalah dan saluran tersier.
lebih disebabkan oleh panjang saluran (L). 0.0027 m3/det,
faktor fisik saluran Data sekunder berupa 0.0027 m3/det,
dengan kehilangan skema jaringan dari dan 0.0024
yang banyak terjadi P3A m3/det dengan
pada saluran sekunder Usaha Bersama, rata – rata
1, sekunder 4, dan kehilangan air
saluran tersier tanah. sebesar 0.0026
Efisiensi rata –
rata yang terjadi
adalah 84.93%.
Sedangkan pada
saluran tanah
kehilangan air
masing –
masing adalah
0.0025 m3/det
(pagi), 0.0027
m3/det (siang),
0.0025 m3/det
(sore) dengan
efisiensi rata –
rata sebesar
9 Ludiana1 Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol. EVALUASI perbaikan pada Jaringan Irigasi bagian Pengukuran dan Daerah Irigasi
Wilhelmus IV, No. 1, April 2015 KINERJA saluran BT 1 yang kiri Bendungan Tilong perhitungan Fatukanutu terletak di
Bunganaen2 JARINGAN IRIGASI mengalami kerusakan, khususnya Daerah debit dilakukan desa Fatukanutu,
Tri M. W Sir3 BENDUNGAN pembuatan saluran Irigasi Fatukanutu terhadap semua Kecamatan Kupang
TILONG sekunder dan tersier dengan 8 sub bagian sub bagian Tengah, Kabupaten
KECAMATAN permanen, perlu yaitu dari Bangunan dengan cara Kupang. Daerah tersebut
KUPANG TENGAH adanya pintu bagi, Tilong (BT) 1 hingga melakukan secara titik geografis
KABUPATEN serta dilakukan Bangunan Fatukanutu pengukuran terletak pada koordinat
KUPANG pengujian kemampuan (BFK) 1-7. Yang pada posisi 10o 09’ LS dan 123o 44’
tanah menampung air ditinjau tingkat efisiensi inflow dan BT.
untuk lahan pertanian. penyaluran air Irigasi, outflow.
Pengukuran ini
kehilangan air
dari selisih dari
debit inflow –
outflow pada
suatu ruas
10 edy Febrianto Jurnal Teknik Pengairan, RENCANA Ketersediaan air Data-data yang Dari hasil Pengolahan lahan
Nadjamuddin1), Volume 5, Nomor 2, PENJADWALAN merupakan masalah diperlukan dapat perhitungan dilakukan bersamaan
Widandi Desember 2014, hlm PEMBAGIAN AIR utama yang digolongkan menjadi diperoleh bahwa dengan
Soetopo2), 158–165 IRIGASI DAERAH dipertimbangkan data primer dan data data hu- jan persemaian/pembibitan
Moh. IRIGASI dalam penentuan pola sekunder. Data primer pada ketiga selama 20-30 hari
Sholichin2) PAGUYAMAN tanam pada daerah merupakan data yang stasiun yang sebelum masa tanam
KANAN irigasi. Mengingat diperoleh dari hasil digunakan padi. Pekerjaan ini
KABUPATEN pentingnya kegiatan pengukuran atau cukup kon- dilakukan dalam 2 tahap
BOALEMO irigasi, pengamatan langsung, sisten dapat yaitu membajak dan
PROVINSI sedangkan data digunakan menggaru.
GORONTALO sekunder adalah data sepenuhnya.
yang diperoleh dari Dengan nilai Q/
mengutip berbagai n0.5 = 0,580
sumber yang dapat yang nilainya
dipertanggung lebih kecil dari
jawabkan kebe- probabilitas dari
narannya. tabel yaitu
1.060. dan
R/n0.5 = 0,921
yang lebih kecil
dari probabilitas
99% dari tabel 1
yaitu 1,424.
11 Hindawi Journal of Chemistry Potential of he experi-ments were he increased attention his work was
Publishing Volume 2015, Article ID Controlled Irrigation conducted in specially being paid to the loss of funded by Key Under CID conditions, a
Corporation 913470, 9 pages and Drainage for designed experimental nitrate via Program granted higher water depth is Reducing tanks at the Key agricultural drainage by the main-tained, resulting in
2015/913470 Nitrogen Emission Laboratory of Eicient has led many to call for National Nature an increase in soil
from Rice Paddies in Irrigation-Drainage signiicant & Science moisture, which was
Southern China and Agricultural Soil- changes in both Foundation of more conducive to
Water Environment in management of N China (nos. microbial denitriication
Southern China, fertilizer and manage- 51479063, [10 ]. Ammoni-acal N is
Ministry of Education ment of agricultural 51279059, and subject to ixation by
(Nanjing, latitude 31 drainage systems [ 17 ]. 41271236) and clays, loss by
E, and 144 m above supported by the volatilization
sea level), during the Overall, current Supporting leaching, runof, seepage,
rice growing agronomic guidelines, Program of the and nitriication followed
which are primarily “Outstanding by loss through
based on crop Young Creative denitriication. In looded
response, may Talents in Hohai paddy soils, ater trapped
inadequately protect the University,” molecular oxygen (O
water quality in 2
Southern China [ 18 ]. has been quickly
consumed, sequen-tial
reduction of the
following soil oxidants
progresses in
accordance with
thermodynamic theory:
nitrate (NO
and CO
[11 ]. Partly submergence
can result in the accumu-
lation of NH
-N, the instability of
-N, and a lowered
N requirement for
organic matter
12 Elena López- ISSN -63835746-36 Implications of the In Spain the hydraulic n Spain, as a semi-arid In public policy It has already been
Gunn modernization of paradigm permeates country, irrigation is analysis, often explained how the main
1 irrigation water-related decision important, where Spain as important as justification for
, Beatriz Mayor systems making and policy accounts for the evaluation of modernization plans was
1,2 frames. An expert almost a third of the the stated the expected water
& interviewee, the Ex- total irrigated area in objectives savings, among other
Aurélien Deputy Director for the whole of the are also the associated benefits.
Dumont irrigation, pointed out European Union and its unanticipated These water savings
that potential irrigated area consequences. would result in the
within this paradigm, is almost fully utilised. In the case of reduction of water
agriculture (together Irrigation is considered irrigation diversion from rivers and
with hydropower) has a strategically modernization, aquifers thanks to a
been – historically crucial sector since it Gleick et al . better conveyance and
for valid reasons – a consumes around 70% (2011) has application efficiency.
privileged user of total water resources raised the However, this approach
(Garrido & Llamas, and uses 50% of importance to is overlooking
2009). A hard the water kept in look beyond the fact that, often
economic crisis Spanish reservoirs in a basin efficiency surplus water applied in
in the end of the 19th regular year. Irrigation and new less efficient system,
century created is key to the agricultural water towards returns to the basin for
tension between a sector since it accounts basin a downstream use and is
growing bourgeois for 60% of the total productivity, not lost . In order to
society agricultural produce and so called co- assess the results of
amidst a largely rural (i.e. 13,000 M€ out benefits , and a modernization, this
and illiterate country. of an estimated 20,500 more section proposes a set of
Water thus became a M€ and 80% of total comprehensive indicators which includes
symbol of prosperity farmer exports). evaluation of all the main aspects (see
and modernity, and what sustainable Table 2).
irrigated agriculture The farming sector has water The first indicator,
was seen as pivotal for also experienced a management in
change in a rural dramatic agriculture
Spain (López-Gunn, transformation, with the means (Fereres
2009). Meanwhile in co-existence of &
the Spain of the 21st traditional farming Connor, 2004).
century irrigation is alongside a thriving and One positive
now center stage dynamic competitive unintended
because water has agri-food sector. Thus consequence (in
many productive uses, the sector has become this case co-
of which irrigation is sensitive to a public benefit) of
one. image as an old the
In an urban society, fashioned, modernization
the protection of wasteful and inefficient programme
natural or ecological user of water. identified by
values increasingly several
raises interviewees is
questions on the the reduction in
traditional dominant pollution due to
use by irrigated the onset of
agriculture. As Allan collective
(2010) fertirrigation,
identifies, the whereby farmers
challenge in many irrigate and
semi-arid countries apply nutrients
are decisions on the at the same time
allocation of in a more
the big water rather efficient
than small gains to be manner.
made on efficiencies
in the public supply
sector (see Chapter
13 Elias Fere res Journal of Experimental Deficit irrigation for In the humid and sub- When water supplies Deficit irrigation Harvestable yield of
1,2, Botany, Vol. 58, No. 2, reducing humid zones, are limiting, the for biomass annual crops is normally
* and Marı ´a pp. 147–159, 2007 agricultural water irrigation has been farmer’s goal should production a fraction of
Auxiliado ra Integrated Approaches to use used be to maximize net The close link the biomass produced
Sorian o Sustain and Improve for some time to income per unit water between (Evans, 1993). Water
2 Plant Production under supplement rainfall as used rather than biomass deficits, by
Drought Stress Special a tactical measure per land unit. Recently, production and affecting growth,
Issue during drought spells emphasis has been water use development, and carbon
to stabilize placed on the makes it assimilation,
production. This concept of water difficult to use reduce the yield of most
practice productivity (WP), DI when the annual crops (Hsiao and
has been called defined here either as objective is the Bradford,
supplemental the yield or net income pro-duction of 1983). The reduction in
irrigation per unit of water used total biomass. yield by water deficits is
(Cabelguenneet al. , in ET (Kijne Nevertheless, caused by
1995; Debaeke and et al., 2003). WP one major a decrease in biomass
Aboudrare, 2004) and, increases under DI, irrigated production and/or by a
although it uses relative to its value crop in the arid decrease in
limited amounts of under full irrigation, as zones that is the fraction of biomass
water due to the shown experimentally grown for its that is harvested, termed
relatively high rainfall for many biomass, alfalfa, the harvest
levels, the goal is to crops (Zwart and has been the index (HI). It should be
achieve maximum Bastiaansen, 2004; Fan subject of many noted that here reference
yields and to elim- et al., 2005). studies aimed at is only
inate yield reducing its made to above-ground
fluctuations caused by water biomass production. This
water deficits. consumption. is because,
Alfalfa WP is in most studies,
relatively low information on roots is
and its ET scant, given the
is quite high; in difficulties in quantifying
the western root biomass under field
states of the con-ditions. Past research
USA, ET has shown that the
normally response to water
ranges from 900 deficits very much
mm to 1200 depends on the pattern of
mm, but it can stress imposed
reach 1800 mm (Dorenboos and Kassam,
in desert areas 1979). In one pattern that
(Grismer, 2001). has
been frequently used,

14 Valipour, Irrigat Irrigation & The results show selection of an A reliable and Valipour M, Montazar
Drainage Sys Eng 2013, Drainage Systems that 54% of the appropriate method for suitable AA (2012) Optimize of
S9 Engineering world is suitable for irrigation irrigation (as all Effective Infiltration
DOI: 10.4172/2168- rainfed is more important surface or Parameters
9768.S9-e00 Necessity of agriculture whereas than other mentioned pressurized) can in Furrow Irrigation
Irrigated and 80% of agricultural cases. In some be improved Using Visual Basic and
Rainfed Agriculture production is form conditions, agricultural Genetic Algorithm
in the World rainfed deficit irrigation is production and Programming.
areas. Therefore, sufficient to achieve irrigation Australian Journal of
increasing irrigated to maximum of efficiency. Basic and Applied
agriculture is production. There Sciences 6: 132-137.
necessary. But, In other conditions, are many 6. Valipour M, Montazar
why tendency to notifying to all studies to AA (2012) Sensitive
irrigation is low? In effective factors (to increase and Analysis of Optimized
many areas of the choose manage Infiltration
world, water irrigation system) irrigation Parameters in SWDC
resources are limited include compatibility, efficiency [1- model. Advances in
and irrigation is not economics, 14]. Environmental Biology
economical. In topographical A large 6: 2574-2581.
pressurized characteristics, soils, number of 7. Valipour M (2012)
irrigation, although water supply, crops, considerations Comparison of Surface
irrigation efficiency is social influences, must be taken Irrigation Simulation
high but amount of external into account in Models: Full
required influences and the Hydrodynamic, Zero
water is lower than awareness of selection of an Inertia, Kinematic Wave.
surface irrigation but advantages and irrigation Journal of Agricultural
cost of pressurized disadvantages of system. These Science
method is different will vary from 4: 68-74.
very high. irrigation systems location to 8. Valipour M (2012)
Agricultural (Table 1) led to location, crop to Sprinkle and Trickle
integration is an maximizing efficiency crop, year to Irrigation System Design
affordable approach. and finally year, and farmer Using Tapered
Moreover, increasing tendency to to farmer. Table Pipes for Pressure Loss
increasing irrigation irrigated agriculture. 1 shows Adjusting. Journal of
efficiency led to use a list of Agricultural Science 4:
of surface irrigation in advantages and 125-133.
small disadvantages of 9. Valipour M (2012)
farms. However, irrigation Hydro-Module
selection of an methods. Determination For
appropriate method Figure 1 shows Vanaei Village In
for irrigation global Eslam
is more important precipitation Abad Gharb, Iran. ARPN
than other mentioned and the Journal of Agricultural
cases. In some Reference and Biological Science 7:
conditions, evapotranspirati 968-976.
deficit irrigation is on (ET 10. Valipour M,
sufficient to achieve 0 Montazar AA (2012)
to maximum of ) [15]. The An Evaluation of
production. values of ET SWDC and WinSRFR
In other conditions, 0 Models to Optimize of
notifying to all for the Infiltration Parameters in
effective factors (to Arabian Furrow Irrigation.
choose Peninsula, American
irrigation system) Sahara, Gobi Journal of Scientific
include compatibility, Desert, and the Research 69: 128-142.
economics, major areas in
topographical Australia range
characteristics, soils, up to three
water supply, meters per day.
At latitudes
greater than
40°S and 40°N,
amounts of one
meter and lower
values can be
15 T.S.K. Tya* ISSN 2350-1561 Effect of irrigation The experiment was oil samples were Soil samples Water use efficiency
1 water depth on conducted at the taken at incremental were taken at was determined as the
and tomato yield, water Geriyo Irrigation depth of 150 mm incremental ratio of the
M.K Othman charge and net Project of Upper down to a depth of depth of 150 amount of economic
2 returns at Geriyo Benue River Basin 600 mm using a soil mm crop yield to the
Irrigation Project, Development sampling auger at down to a amount of water
Yola, Authority, six locations depth of 600 required for growing
Nigeria Yola during the cool randomized within the mm below the the crops. In line with
dry season farming plot units and ensuring soil surface. A Majumdar
using check basin that each treatment minimum of (2004) it was determined
irrigation method. was represented within three to evaluate the benefit of
The site is located 2 each unit. The replications applied
km North of Jimeta samples were taken were made water through economic
metropolis, Yola just before and 2 during each of crop production
North Local days after irrigation the soil days in accordance with
Government Area, due to the light sampling which recommendation of
Adamawa nature of the soil. was Anonymous,
State, within the The soil moisture, randomized (1976) before being
Savannah Ecological were within the transplanted. In
Zone of Nigeria. determined using three accordance with FAO
The gravimetric method. plot units. The (2002) recommendation,
locations lie between irrigations. soil textural fertilizer (NPK 15-15-
12 °21' to 22°18' E Transplanting was class was 15) was
latitude and 9°16 done manually. determined applied as a basal
’ Irrigation using application at the rate
to 19°19' N. interval of 7 days mechanical of 250 Kg/ha to
longitude with was adopted for the analysis as the field before the
altitude range of crop after detailed by formation of the basins
150-180 m transplanting up to 13 Loveday (1974) commenced.
above the sea level. Irrigations. Manual as The basins were pre-
The area has two weeding was presented in irrigated to wet the soil
major seasons; rainy done two times. Table 1. down to a
and dry season. The days in accordance Table 1 showed considerable depth to
rainy season lasts with recommendation that the soil enhance rapid
from the beginning of Anonymous, textural
of May to the end (1976) before being classification of
of October with transplanted. In the
mean annual rainfall accordance with FAO experimental
of (2002) farm is
958.99mm, while the recommendation, predominantly
dry season lasts fertilizer (NPK 15-15- clayloam in
mainly from 15) was texture.
November to the applied as a basal
end of April. The application at the rate
hottest months, of 250 Kg/ha to
February and March the field before the
with mean formation of the
monthly maximum basins commenced.
The basins were pre-
irrigated to wet the
soil down to a
considerable depth to
enhance rapid
development of the
tomato root-system a
day before
transplanting up to 13
irrigations. T

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