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by M AT T W O O D L E Y

“puffs up” (1 Cor. 8:1 NKJV).
In contrast, an encounter with
Following Jesus is
Jesus Christ leads to a growing
the ultimate learning
and life-giving love for God and IFELONG LEARNERS also emulate adventure, a quest
others (Matt. 22:35-40). Solomon, who not only prayed
for a discerning heart but also
that should provide
THE DELIGHT THAT LE ADS studied “plant life, from the us with endless curiosity
8 TO MORE DELIGHT cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop and spiritual growth 6

AS CHRIST-FOCUSED lifelong learn-

that grows out of walls” as well
as “animals and birds, reptiles
throughout this life.
ers, we can first and foremost and fish” (1 Kings 4:33 NIV). and all eternity.
make new discoveries about Like Solomon, we can begin an
the character and mystery of unending quest to know more
God. During my first pastor- about God through creation.
ate, in a tiny town of 460 people also clunky, complicated, and Consider this, for instance: second—which beats the space
OU CAN LEARN so many interesting in northern Minnesota, I once unrelated to my daily life. Yet Our planet is home to almost 10 shuttle’s impressive dive of 207
things from dead people. For dropped in to visit 82-year-old while I read the book, the mys- million living species. There are body lengths per second. Watch-
instance, in September 2016, retired dairy farmer Howard tery and aliveness of the Trinity 30,000 species of orchids (Fig. 3), ing hummingbirds led Sy Mont-
The New York Times ran an Ballou. Asleep in his favor- snuck up on me and pierced my over 60 species of eagles, and gomery, a naturalist, to declare

obituary titled “Joseph B. Keller, ite chair, Ballou had the Bible, heart. In Reeves’ words, “The approximately 350,000 kinds of that each is an “infinite mystery”
Mathematician With Whimsical open to Leviticus chapter 17, on triune God is the love behind beetles—a fact that inspired sci- that gives us a “connection to
Curiosity, Dies at 93.” Dr. Keller, his lap. When he awoke, I asked all love, the life behind all life, entist J. B. S. Haldane to dryly something great and mysteri-
a distinguished math professor about his Bible reading habits. the music behind all music, the note that God must have “an ous” (like God, maybe?).
at NYU and Stanford, studied Ballou chuckled and said, “Yeah, beauty behind all beauty, and the inordinate fondness for beetles.” Moving from tiny to vast,
how shock waves spread from you betcha I know the story. I’ve joy behind all joy. In other words, Or learn from tiny humming- astrophysics claims that dark
atomic explosions, what makes read it straight through more the triune God is a God we can birds. Their little wings beat energy and dark matter, the
a jogger’s ponytail swing from times than I can count. But I heartily enjoy.” At one point I about 60 times per second as stuff in the universe that we
side to side rather than bob up keep reading it because every put the book down, cupped my they hover, dart backward, or can’t quite pin down, compose
and down (Fig. 1), why teapots Fig. 1 time I find something new and head in my hands and told God, even fly upside down. These about 96 percent of the universe.
dribble (Fig. 2), and how earth- exciting about God.” “Even after trusting Jesus over miniature God-marvels can What this means is that only 4
worms (but not snakes) wriggle Apparently the 6th-century 40 years ago, I am just beginning dive at 385 body lengths per percent of the Continued on pg 46

on glass—among other fascinat- Christian thinker Gregory the to know You.”

ing topics. Great knew about a Ballou-like It was a sober and humbling
Personally, I’m not that inter- adventure, a quest that should God-driven curiosity. When we moment. I felt like a begin-
ested in joggers’ ponytails or provide us with endless curiosity meet God, Gregory said, we never ner—a spiritual baby, even.
dribbling teapots, but I was and spiritual growth throughout “cease yearning for more.” And it But then another thought hit Fig. 2
intrigued by the obit’s portrayal this life and all eternity. gets better. He also noted, “Every me: I also have the rest of my
of Keller’s “whimsical” and even Of course, there is something delight in God becomes kindling life and all of eternity to learn
“restless” curiosity. Keller was unique about the Christian’s for a still more ardent desire.” more about this God of love
what modern educators would quest. It centers on a relation- Over the past year I had a sim- behind all love and joy behind
call a “lifelong learner,” a per- ship with the personal and living ple experience of this unceas- all joy. No wonder the apostle
petual student and quester of God. As church historian Robert ing “yearning for more.” I was Paul could proclaim his driv-
more knowledge. At least in this Louis Wilken wrote, “The goal of reading a short, accessible book ing passion—“that I may know
sense, he serves as a model for human life is not to know some- titled Delighting in the Trinity, Him”—and his humble confes-
every Christian. After all, there’s thing about God, but to know by Michael Reeves. For me, the sion—“not that I have already
a reason why followers of Jesus God and be known by God, to Trinity had been a theoretical obtained it … but I press on”—in
are called disciples. Disciple sim- delight in the face of God.” As concept on par with my car’s a single breath (Phil. 3:10, 12).
ply means “a learner.” Follow- the Bible warns, mere learning engine block. Certainly, I believe That should be a model prayer
ing Jesus is the ultimate learning or knowledge for its own sake it exists and is important, but it’s for every Christian.

T H O U G H T F U L FA I T H . D E V O T E D L I V I N G . 44 45 INTOUCH.ORG

universe is visible, while the LESSONS FROM THE a scrap of paper and asked if he some point in the distant past, Study one subject that you
remaining 96 percent is hidden TRUE IMAGE BEARERS could teach us a “new poem.” “It’s he graduated from growing in know nothing about—the
from us. Thus everything we call one of the most beautiful things Jesus, he completed the course, history of denim, the short
“scientific knowledge” is really HEN IT COMES to lifelong learning, I’ve ever read,” George said. “I and he’s got his spiritual Ph.D. stories of Anton Chekov,
based on a trifle of what there is it’s appropriate to start with the just discovered it. It goes like to prove it. He might need a professional paintball, monarch
to know. And yet the Bible says God revealed in Scripture and this: ‘Amazing grace, how sweet refresher class—nah, actually, butterflies, the Soviet Gulags.
that “by [Christ] all things were in His own creation, but let’s the sound, that saved a wretch he’s moved past that as well.
7 8
8 created, both in the heavens and not skip over the summit of His like me; I once was lost but now The child knows better. There are over 10,000 distinct
 8
on earth, visible and invisible” creative genius—a human being am found, was blind but now I Scholars debate exactly what people groups in the world and
(Col. 1:16). The 4 percent we can made in His image. see.’” As tears of joy streamed Jesus meant when He said we 195 countries. Study one of
see and the 96 percent beyond Each person before you this down his face, I realized that the should become like little chil- them. See what God is doing
our understanding—all of it day or the next day—your familiar story of God’s grace had dren (Matt. 18:2-3), but there’s to reach one of them.
belongs to Jesus Christ. spouse, your best friend, that become stale and dull to me. It one thing we all know about
As the poet Gerard Manley has been made” (Rom. 1:20). I strange guy at church with tears was no longer new and “amaz- children: They aren’t grownups. Listen to people talk about their
Hopkins observed, “The world would imagine I still have over 9 in his eyes who practically bowls ing.” On that day, baby Christian They are becoming grownups but profession. What do they do?
is charged with the grandeur of million more species to explore, you over to get out the door, the George became my mentor in the aren’t there yet—and they know What do they like about it?
God / It will flame out, like shin- not to mention forests, stars, woman who cuts your deli meat theology of grace. it. Every day, life is an exciting
ing from shook foil.” And despite mountain ranges, oceans, and behind the glass counter, the And so it is for any follower of learning lab. Like the apostle Listen to people talk about their
our efforts to deface and degrade the beetles and sugar maples Muslim refugee family who just Jesus. If we stay open and humble Paul, the child keeps saying, “Not hobby. What do they do? What
God’s good creation, we can still in my backyard—all of which arrived from Somalia, the friend and expectant, almost any ragged that I have already obtained it … do they like about it?
learn about His “power and declare something about the who harbors hostility against image bearer of the living God can but I press on” (Phil. 3:12). And
divine nature … through what glory of God. what she calls our “sky daddy” be our teacher and professor in similar to the psalmist’s descrip- Get outside. Notice God’s good
Christian God—each one is fear- the lifelong learning classroom. tion of the righteous, children creation. Walk in it. Breathe it
fully and wonderfully made. And are like palm trees planted in the in. Study it. Be amazed.
because they are unique image THE CHILD OR THE FOOL house of the Lord, that keep flour-
bearers of the living God, every ishing even into old age, bearing If your kids are studying a
Fig. 3 person you meet will have some- down to this:
T R E A L LY C O M ES fruit as they stay fresh and green particular subject, study it with
thing to teach you about creativ- Will I approach life as a fool or and open and teachable. them. That’s how I learned
ity and goodness, but also sin, a child? Biblically, the fool does I’m intrigued by the psalm- about the Underground
brokenness, and our longing for not have low intelligence; he ist’s constant-growth approach Railroad, hip-hop music, metal
(or perhaps thwarting of) God’s has just stopped learning. You to life because I will turn 60 in manufacturing in Shanghai,
grace in Jesus. can’t really teach him anything, a few years—not exactly “old and medical missions in Papua
This thought hit me as my because he’s convinced that at age” but getting there. So I’m New Guinea.
friend George shared his journey starting to wonder about this
to Christ. We were sitting with a question: How will my children Listen to people’s spiritual
few other men in a dingy church and grandchildren describe me journeys—even if they don’t
basement, listening to George’s when they write my obituary? believe in Christ. What’s the
sordid descent into sin and its If we stay open and Although they won’t mention story behind what they
wreckage. After countless esca- humble and expectant, studies about ponytails and tea- believe?
pades in immorality, he hit bot- pots, I hope that, like Dr. Keller’s,
tom. His life unraveled, he lost almost any ragged my obit will allude to something Read one good book on
his job, his family disowned him, image bearer of the about my whimsical, restless, Christian theology or
and now his wife was leaving living God can be our or lifelong curiosity—not just Christian history.
him. But then like the Prodigal about random ideas, but about
Son, George finally had a “come teacher in the lifelong the marvels of God and people Study one book of the Bible.
to his senses” moment. As a learning classroom. made in His image. “You know,”
newcomer in the Father’s house, I hope they’ll say, “In one sense To make all of this possible, set
George had good news to tell. he was like a kid: He just never times to turn off your TV,
With hands shaking, he unrolled stopped learning.”  computer, and cellphone.

T H O U G H T F U L FA I T H . D E V O T E D L I V I N G . 46 47 INTOUCH.ORG

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