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Clinical Chemistry 48:10

1703–1714 (2002) Drug Monitoring and


Duration of Detectable Methamphetamine and

Amphetamine Excretion in Urine after Controlled
Oral Administration of Methamphetamine to
Jonathan M. Oyler,1* Edward J. Cone,2 Robert E. Joseph, Jr.,3 Eric T. Moolchan,1 and
Marilyn A. Huestis1

Background: Confirmation of a workplace drug test eighth void (4 –13 h). Reducing the cutoff to 250/100 ␮g/L
requires urinary methamphetamine (MAMP) and am- extended terminal MAMP detection by up to 24 h,
phetamine (AMP) concentrations >500 and 200 ␮g/L, increased total detection time by up to 34 h, and in-
respectively, but cutoffs at half those values (250/100 creased the total number of positive specimens by 48%.
␮g/L) have been proposed. We determined the urinary Conclusions: At the lower cutoff, initial detection times
excretion of MAMP after oral ingestion and examined are earlier, detection windows are longer, and confirma-
the effect of using lower cutoffs on detection of expo- tion rates are increased. Elimination of the AMP re-
sure. quirement would increase detection rates and allow
Methods: Volunteers (n ⴝ 8) ingested four 10-mg doses earlier detection.
of MAMP 䡠 HCl daily over 7 days, and five of them © 2002 American Association for Clinical Chemistry
ingested four 20-mg doses 4 weeks later. After ingestion,
the volunteers collected all urine specimens for 2 weeks. According to the 1999 Drug Abuse Warning Network
After solid-phase extraction, MAMP and AMP were (DAWN) report, d-methamphetamine (MAMP)4 is among
measured by gas chromatography–positive chemical the five most common illicit drugs mentioned in emer-
ionization mass spectrometry with dual silyl derivatiza- gency department and medical examiner settings in the
tion. US (1 ). The popularity of illicit methylenedioxymetham-
Results: MAMP and AMP were generally detected in phetamine, other designer amphetamines, and MAMP as
the first or second void (0.7–11.3 h) collected after drug “club drugs” at dance club “raves” has grown. Most
administration, with concentrations of 82–1827 and 12– deaths associated with club drugs involved abuse of
180 ␮g/L, respectively. Peak MAMP concentrations MAMP in combination with heroin/morphine, cocaine,
(1871– 6004 ␮g/L) after single doses occurred within and/or ethanol. According to the Substance Abuse and
1.5– 60 h. MAMP >500 ␮g/L was first detected in the Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) (2 ),
first or second void (1–11 h) at 524-1871 ␮g/L. Lowering the lifetime rate of MAMP use among 12- to 17-year-olds
the MAMP cutoff to 250 ␮g/L changed the initial detec- also doubled between 1996 and 1997. Worldwide, traffick-
tion time little. AMP >200 ␮g/L was first detected in the ing of amphetamine-type stimulants increased more than
2nd–13th (7–20 h) post-administration voids. At a cutoff any other drug class during the 1990s, and seizures
of 100 ␮g/L, AMP was first confirmed in the second to quadrupled (3 ). Abuse of the stimulant MAMP is attrib-

1 4
Chemistry and Drug Metabolism Section, Intramural Research Program, Nonstandard abbreviations: MAMP, d-methamphetamine; SAMHSA,
National Institute on Drug Abuse, 5500 Nathan Shock Dr., Baltimore, MD Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration; AMP, d-am-
21224. phetamine; GC-MS, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry; BSTFA, N,O-
ConeChem Research, LLC, 441 Fairtree Dr., Severna Park, MD 21146. bis(trimethyl)trifluoroacetamide; TMCS, trimethylchlorosilane; MTBSTFA,
Amgen Inc., One Amgen Center Dr., Thousand Oaks, CA 91320. N-methyl-N-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide; TBDMCS, tert-butyl-
*Author for correspondence. Fax 410-550-2971; e-mail joyler@intra. dimethylchlorosilane; SPE, solid-phase extraction; PCI, positive chemical ion- ization; NIDA, National Institute on Drug Abuse; TMS, trimethylsilyl; TBDMS,
Received April 23, 2002; accepted May 24, 2002. tert-butyldimethylsilyl; and LOQ, limits of quantification.

1704 Oyler et al.: Detection Times of MAMP and AMP in Urine

utable to its potent dopaminergic and sympathomimetic acetamide (MTBSTFA) with 1% tert-butyldimethylchlo-
effects, including euphoria, improved cognitive and sen- rosilane (TBDMCS) were from Pierce Chemical. Solid-
sory performance, generalized improvement in mood, phase extraction (SPE) columns (Clean Screen DAU; 200
increased physical endurance, and appetite suppression mg of packing; 10-mL columns) were obtained from
(4 – 8 ). The drug’s strong reinforcing and addictive poten- United Chemical Technologies. Methanol, methylene
tial contributes to abuse, and tolerance to its psychotropic chloride, 2-propanol, and acetonitrile were HPLC-grade
effects leads to use of toxic doses (6, 9 –14 ). Negative chemicals. All other chemicals were reagent grade.
sequelae are generally attributable to exaggerated central
nervous system and cardiovascular effects instrumentation
(4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15–19 ) and include psychosis, paranoia, hy- Qualitative and quantitative analyses were performed on
perpyrexia, seizures, stroke, tachycardia, arrhythmias, a Hewlett-Packard 6890 gas chromatograph interfaced
pericarditis, myocardial ischemia, hypertension, aortic with a Hewlett-Packard 5973 mass selective detector. A
and cerebral aneurysm dissection, and myocardial infarc- split-splitless capillary inlet system operated in the split-
tion. less mode and a HP-1 [12 m ⫻ 0.2 mm (i.d.); 0.33-␮m film
MAMP is excreted primarily in urine, with little biliary thickness] or Phenomenex ZB-1 [15 m ⫻ 0.25 mm (i.d.);
excretion of the parent drug or metabolites (20 ). In normal 0.10-␮m film thickness] dimethylpolysiloxane fused-silica
urine (pH 6 – 8), 37–54% of a dose is excreted as parent capillary column were used for chromatographic isolation
drug and 4 –7% as d-amphetamine (AMP) (21–24 ). Each of analytes. The single quadrupole mass spectrometer was
unit increase or decrease in urinary pH produces a operated in positive chemical ionization (PCI) mode with
respective 7-h increase or decrease in the MAMP plasma methane as reactant gas as described previously (29 ).
half-life (21 ). Therefore, the percentage of the dose ex-
creted as parent drug can range from as low as 2% in human subjects
alkaline (pH ⱖ8.0) to 76% in acidic urine (pH ⱕ5.0). After This study was conducted at the Intramural Research
administration of AMP, urinary excretion of AMP is Program, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), in
similarly affected by urinary pH (1% and 74% excretion in Baltimore, MD as part of a broader study of the clinical
alkaline and acidic urine, respectively) (25 ). It has also pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of MAMP after
been reported that the renal clearance of MAMP exceeds oral administration. The NIDA Institutional Review
that of the average renal filtration rate, suggesting the Board approved the protocol. Participants were healthy
involvement of an active transport mechanism in the volunteers with a history of stimulant and opioid use.
excretion of MAMP (23 ). Participants were evaluated medically and psychologi-
Current SAMHSA requirements for a positive work- cally before admission to the clinical ward to establish
place urine test include an amphetamines screen ⱖ1000 their health. Volunteers provided informed consent and
␮g/L (or ng/mL) confirmed by a MAMP concentration resided on a closed research unit for ⬃10 weeks. Their
ⱖ500 ␮g/L and an AMP concentration ⱖ200 ␮g/L (500/ vital signs were monitored daily, and routine blood
200 cutoff) by gas chromatographic–mass spectometric testing (CHEM Profile 2) was performed on alternate
(GC-MS) analysis (26 ). AMP requirements were instituted weeks for medical evaluation throughout the study. Par-
because of the potential for false-positive analytical re- ticipants were not physically dependent on illicit drugs.
sults with specimens containing other sympathomimetic During the study, periodic urine specimens were tested to
amines (27 ). SAMHSA has recently proposed new work- ensure that there was no self-administration of drugs.
place screening cutoff concentrations of 500 ␮g/L and
confirmation cutoffs of 250 and 100 ␮g/L for MAMP and study protocol
AMP, respectively (250/100 cutoff) (28 ). The first 2 weeks of the study served as a clearance phase
The object of this study was to characterize the urinary for previously self-administered drugs. Morning urine
excretion of MAMP and its major active metabolite, AMP, specimens were collected during this time. Drug admin-
in humans after controlled oral administration. Urine istrations occurred in weeks 3 and 7. In week 3 (low-dose
concentration data were evaluated to determine detection week), participants (n ⫽ 8) received four daily oral
windows and confirmation rates based on current and administrations of MAMP 䡠 HCl (Desoxyn® Gradumet®;
proposed confirmation cutoffs and cutoffs based on 10 mg) at 1030 in the morning. As part of the pharmaco-
MAMP requirements alone. dynamic study, participants were administered placebo
MAMP capsules in week 6. Lactose was substituted for
Materials and Methods sustained-release MAMP to contrast physiologic and sub-
chemicals and reagents jective responses after active and placebo MAMP. During
Chemicals were obtained from the following sources: week 7 (high-dose week), participants (n ⫽ 5) received
MAMP, AMP, d,l-[2H11]MAMP, and d,l-[2H10]AMP were four 20-mg oral administrations of MAMP 䡠 HCl. Partici-
from Radian (now Cerilliant); N,O-bis(trimethyl)trifluoro- pants were scheduled to receive four consecutive daily
acetamide (BSTFA) with 1% trimethylchlorosilane administrations of the sustained-release formulation, the
(TMCS), N-methyl-N-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)trifluoro- only form of MAMP available for therapeutic administra-
Clinical Chemistry 48, No. 10, 2002 1705

tion at the time of this study. Abbott Laboratories discon- to acidic pH with 0.5 mol/L sodium acetate buffer (pH
tinued production of Desoxyn Gradumet in 1999; the 4.0). Analytes were isolated on preconditioned SPE col-
Desoxyn formulation is currently available. If physiologic umns and eluted with methylene chloride–2-propanol–
measures (i.e., heart rate, blood pressure, and tempera- ammonium hydroxide (80:20:2 by volume). After SPE,
ture) did not meet NIDA Intramural Research Program AMP analogs were stabilized by addition of 20 ␮L of
medical dosing criteria on the scheduled administration MTBSTFA ⫹ 1% TBDMCS to each tube. Samples were
day, drug administration was sometimes delayed by 24 h. evaporated under nitrogen in a water bath at 40 °C until
However, participants always received four doses once dry. A 500-␮L aliquot of acetonitrile was added, and tubes
daily within 7 days. We therefore have grouped the data were vortex-mixed to recover drug from centrifuge tube
into three categories: single, consecutive, and nonconsec- walls. After evaporation to dryness, 20 ␮L of acetonitrile
utive administration regimens (see section on data anal- was added, tubes were vortex-mixed and centrifuged,
ysis). The total base equivalent amounts of MAMP admin- and samples were transferred to autosampler vials. A
istered in the low- and high-dose regimens were 32.2 and 20-␮L aliquot of MTBSTFA ⫹ 1% TBDMCS was added to
64.3 mg, respectively. Three participants did not receive each vial. Vials were loosely capped and placed in a heat
the high-dose regimen because of personal choice, medi- block at 80 °C for 15–20 min. A 20-␮L aliquot of BSTFA ⫹
cal disqualification, or behavioral misconduct. All drug 1% TMCS was added, vials were crimp-capped, and
administrations were conducted under subject-blind con- samples were heated at 80 °C for 45 min. One microliter
ditions. Urine specimens were collected ad libitum after was injected for analysis under splitless GC/PCI-MS
initiation of the dosing regimen. Specimens were collected conditions.
in polypropylene bottles, and void volumes were re- This dual derivatization scheme was originally devel-
corded. Approximately 15 mL was aliquoted into oped as a method for the analysis of multiple basic
polypropylene cryotubes and stored at ⫺20 °C until anal- drug classes. Addition of MTBSTFA to samples after SPE
ysis. and before evaporation was found to greatly reduce
volatility losses of the amphetamines. tert-Butyldimethyl-
calibrators and controls silyl (TBDMS) derivatization of the primary amine of AMP
Calibrators and controls were prepared in urine that was proceeds readily. However, formation of the TBDMS
collected from laboratory volunteers and was demon- derivative of MAMP, a secondary amine, is sterically
strated to be negative for MAMP and AMP by GC-MS hindered, similar to the normetabolites of cocaine and the
analysis before use in the preparation of calibrators and opiates (31 ). Consequently, BSTFA was used in a second
controls. Two dynamic linear ranges were established for derivatization step to produce the trimethylsilyl (TMS)
the assay. Quantitative analysis was performed by use of derivative of MAMP. Under the derivatization conditions
split curves at concentration ranges of 2.5–100 and 100- described, there was selective formation of the TMS
1000 ␮g/L. Specimen samples were analyzed using the derivative of MAMP and the TBDMS derivative of AMP.
curve with the appropriate dynamic range. Specimens Time course experiments demonstrated that ⬎95% of
with concentrations ⬎1000 ␮g/L were diluted with 0.5 MAMP was converted to the TMS derivative and ⬎95% of
mol/L sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.0) and reanalyzed to AMP was converted to the TBDMS derivative.
bring them within the dynamic range of the assay.
[2H11]MAMP and [2H10]AMP were added as internal method specificity and sensitivity
standards to each sample (100 ng in 0.1 mL of H2O). Samples containing single analytes in acetonitrile were
MAMP and AMP curves were prepared in duplicate at derivatized and analyzed by GC/PCI-MS in full scan
drug concentrations ranging from 1.25 to 1000 ␮g/L. mode for spectral characterization. The ions chosen as
Calibrators and controls were prepared from different quantitative ions for MAMP, [2H11]MAMP, AMP, and
commercially available drug lots and by different ana- [2H10]AMP were m/z 130, 136, 158 and 162, respectively.
lysts. Duplicate controls at 10, 100, and 250 ␮g/L were Confirming ions, retention order, and derivatives are
prepared and analyzed at the beginning and end of each listed in Table 1. Urine specimen analyte concentrations
sample batch. Linear regression analysis of control sam- were determined in selected ion monitoring mode. Urine
ples containing 10 and 100 ng of drug were performed controls to which MAMP and AMP had been added were
using the 2.5–100 ␮g/L curves, and 250 ng controls were
analyzed using the 100-1000 ␮g/L curves. Quantitative
results for all controls across sample batches were within Table 1. MAMP and AMP derivatives, elution order, and
20% of their target concentrations. target and confirming ions.
Elution Target ion, Confirming ions,
Analyte Derivative order m/z m/z
mamp and amp isolation from urine
Calibrators, controls, and specimens were processed by MAMP-d11 TMS 1 136 217, 231, 261
SPE according to a previously published method (30 ). MAMP TMS 2 130 206, 220, 250
AMP-d10 TBDMS 3 162 244, 260, 202
Briefly, 1 mL of urine was aliquoted, 100 ng of each
AMP TBDMS 4 158 234, 250, 192
internal standard was added, and samples were adjusted
1706 Oyler et al.: Detection Times of MAMP and AMP in Urine

serially diluted (0.5–10 ␮g/L) and analyzed in quadrupli- administration schedules for several participants, the data
cate to determine the limits of quantification (LOQ). The were categorized by regimen into three subsets: four
following criteria were used to determine LOQ: (a) quan- consecutive administrations (n ⫽ 8), four nonconsecutive
tifying ion signal-to-noise ratio (determined by peak administrations within 7 days (n ⫽ 5), and single admin-
height) was ⬎3:1; (b) 75% of control replicates (n ⫽ 4) istrations (n ⫽ 5). All single-administration data were
calculated within ⫾25% of the target concentration; and collected after low-dose administrations. Administrations
(c) confirming ion ratios were within 20% of those ob- were considered single if specimens from five consecutive
served for a within-run 10 ␮g/L (167 pg on column) urine voids collected immediately before the next dosing
calibrator. LOQ for MAMP and AMP were 2.5 ␮g/L (42 were negative for both MAMP and AMP at their respec-
pg on column). Sensitivity and specificity criteria were tive LOQ. Nonconsecutive administrations had random 2-
met by both the HP-1 and Phenomenex ZB-1 dimethyl- to 4-day intervals between administrations.
polysiloxane GC capillary columns.
data analysis excretion pattern, loq detection times and
Data were analyzed using method LOQ, the 500/200 and rates, and amp-mamp ratios
250/100 cutoffs, and cutoffs requiring only 500 or 250 With the 2.5 ␮g/L LOQ, initial detection of MAMP
␮g/L MAMP. Initial and final detection times, peak generally occurred in the first urine void. Only two
concentrations, percentage detection rates, and AMP- participants had initial detection of MAMP later than the
MAMP percentage ratios were determined. The initial first void, and they were also the only participants from
detection time after first administration and final detec- whom specimens were collected ⬍0.5 h after drug admin-
tion time after last administration were defined as the first istration. After the first drug administration of each
and last specimens positive at or above respective cutoffs. regimen, measurable concentrations of both MAMP and
The percentage detection rate was determined by divid- AMP initially occurred in the first to fourth void collected,
ing the number of positive specimens collected over a and no dose– detection time or regimen– detection time
time period by the total number of specimens collected relationship was observed (Tables 2 and 3).
over the same time period and multiplying by 100. Mean MAMP was initially measured at concentrations rang-
detection rates were determined by averaging rates from ing from 82 to 1827 ␮g/L. Peak concentrations after initial
all participants over a collection period. Total detection low- and high-dose drug administration ranged from
rates were also determined by dividing the sum of all 1871 to 6004 ␮g/L and occurred in the 2nd to 15th void
positive specimens from all participants by the total collected at 1.5– 43.7 h after dosing. Peak MAMP concen-
number of specimens collected over a collection period. trations after single-administration regimens ranged from
AMP-MAMP concentration ratios were multiplied by 100 2310 to 14 660 (mean ⫾ SD, 4720 ⫾ 2302) ␮g/L, respec-
to determine percentage ratios. Individual, mean, and tively. Peak MAMP concentration ranges after consecu-
total 12-h detection rates were determined after single tive low- and high-dose regimens were 5317–7003 (5338 ⫾
doses. Ranges and means for final detection times and 1652) ␮g/L and 5092–13 824 (9466 ⫾ 3639) ␮g/L, respec-
void number, total urine specimens collected from first tively. Peak MAMP concentrations after nonconsecutive
drug administration to last positive specimen, total posi- low-dose regimens were 3598 –10 905 (6936 ⫾ 3005) ␮g/L,
tive specimens from initial dosing to last positive speci- and the peak MAMP concentration after one nonconsec-
men, and total detection rates across participants and utive high-dose regimen was 18 468 ␮g/L.
doses were also determined. AMP was initially detected in the first to fourth urine
Specimen volumes were multiplied by the respective specimen collected after single administrations of low and
MAMP and AMP concentrations to determine the total high doses at much lower concentrations (12–180 ␮g/L).
amount of MAMP and AMP excreted per void. These Peak AMP concentrations after single-administration reg-
products were then summed to determine the total base imens occurred in the 2nd to 29th void collected at
amounts of MAMP and AMP excreted after the low- or 12.0 –58.3 h and ranged from 264 to 660 ␮g/L. Peak AMP
high-dose regimens. The percentage of MAMP eliminated concentrations after consecutive low- and high-dose reg-
in urine after each administration regimen was deter- imens were 422-2872 and 1195– 4016 ␮g/L, respectively.
mined by dividing the total amount of MAMP excreted by Peak AMP concentrations after nonconsecutive low-dose
the total amount of base drug administered in the low- regimens were 370-1649 ␮g/L, and the peak AMP con-
and high-dose regimens (32.2 and 64.4 mg, respectively) centration after one nonconsecutive high-dose regimen
and multiplying the quotient by 100 (percentage of dose was 5992 ␮g/L.
excreted as MAMP). The percentage of AMP eliminated After consecutive daily administrations, successive
in urine was determined by dividing the moles of AMP trough MAMP and AMP concentrations increased, indi-
excreted by the total moles of MAMP administered and cating accumulation. Fig. 1 illustrates the within-regimen
multiplying the quotient by 100 (percent molar dose variability in MAMP and AMP excretion over the urinary
excreted as AMP). elimination time course for volunteer S after single, con-
Because of postponements that occurred in daily drug secutive, and nonconsecutive drug administrations.
Clinical Chemistry 48, No. 10, 2002 1707

Table 2. Initial MAMP detection times and initial detection voids at different cutoff concentrations after the first 10-mg
MAMP 䡠 HCl administration.
Initial detection time, h Initial detection void

Cutoff a
Regimen b
Volunteers, n Range Mean ⴞ SD Range Mean
LOQ Single 5 0.7–4.2 2.8 ⫾ 1.6 1–2 1.4
Nonconsecutive 4 1.4–11.3 4.6 ⫾ 4.5 1–2 1.5
Consecutive 4 4.0–9.1 5.6 ⫾ 2.3 1–4 1.8
Across regimensc 13 0.7–11.3 4.2 1–4 1.6
250 Single 5 0.5–4.2 2.0 ⫾ 1.4 1–2 1.2
Nonconsecutive 4 1.4–11.3 4.9 ⫾ 4.4 1–2 1.8
Consecutive 4 3.2–9.1 5.2 ⫾ 2.6 1–3 1.5
Across regimensc 13 0.5–11.3 3.9 1–3 1.5
250/100 Single 5 0.5–4.3 3.0 ⫾ 1.7 1–4 1.8
Nonconsecutive 4 4.3–17.2 10.3 ⫾ 5.4 1–9 4.5
Consecutive 4 6.6–10.1 8.5 ⫾ 1.9 2–5 3.3
Across regimensc 13 0.5–17.2 6.9 1–9 3.1
500 Single 5 1.4–4.3 3.0 ⫾ 1.3 1–2 1.8
Nonconsecutive 4 1.4–11.3 4.9 ⫾ 4.4 1–2 1.8
Consecutive 4 3.2–9.1 6.2 ⫾ 2.8 1–3 1.8
Across regimensc 13 1.4–11.3 4.6 1–4 1.8
500/200 Single 5 4.2–12.0 8.3 ⫾ 3.3 1–7 4.8
Nonconsecutive 4 9.3–17.2 15.0 ⫾ 4.1 2–9 6.5
Consecutive 4 11.4–19.6 12.7 ⫾ 5.2 3–8 4.5
Across regimensc 13 4.2–19.6 11.7 1–9 5.2
LOQ, concentrations of MAMP and AMP at 2.5 ␮g/L; 250, 250 ␮g/L MAMP; 250/100, 250 ␮g/L MAMP and 100 ␮g/L AMP; 500, 500 ␮g/L MAMP; 500/200,
500 ␮g/L MAMP and 200 ␮g/L AMP.
Consecutive, four consecutive daily administrations; Nonconsecutive, four nonconsecutive daily administrations within 7 days; Single, single administration
preceded by five or more specimens negative for MAMP and AMP at their respective LOQ.
Mean values are weighted.

The total amount of MAMP excreted over the LOQ ing 5–20% and 7–18% of the molar MAMP dose for the
detection window ranged from 8.9 to 29.5 mg and 16.1 to low and high doses, respectively.
27.2 mg, equivalent to 25–92% and 25– 43% of the low and Large intersubject variability in AMP-MAMP ratios
high doses, respectively. The total amount of AMP ex- were observed, whereas intrasubject ratios after consecu-
creted ranged from 1.2 to 4.8 and 3.2 to 8.6 mg, represent- tive administration consistently increased over time. Ini-

Table 3. Initial MAMP detection times and initial detection voids at different cutoff concentrations after the first 20-mg
MAMP 䡠 HCl administration.
Initial detection time, h Initial detection void

Cutoff Regimen Volunteers, n Range Mean ⴞ SD Range Mean

LOQ Nonconsecutive 1 6.1 6.1 1 1
Consecutive 4 1.2–8.8 4.6 ⫾ 3.2 1–4 1.9
Across regimensa 5 1.2–8.8 4.9 1–4 1.7
250 Nonconsecutive 1 3.3 3.3 1 1
Consecutive 4 1.2–8.8 4.0 ⫾ 3.3 1–4 1.8
Across regimensa 5 1.2–8.8 3.9 1–4 1.6
250/100 Nonconsecutive 1 3.3 3.3 1 1
Consecutive 4 8.8–13.1 10.5 ⫾ 1.8 1–12 5
Across regimensa 5 3.3–13.1 9.1 1–12 4.2
500 Nonconsecutive 1 3.3 3.3 1 1
Consecutive 4 1.2–8.8 4.6 ⫾ 3.2 1–4 2.0
Across regimensa 5 1.2–8.8 4.3 1–4 1.8
500/200 Nonconsecutive 1 7.9 7.9 2 2
Consecutive 4 12.0–19.6 15.7 ⫾ 3.8 2–13 7.5
Across regimensa 5 7.9–19.6 14.1 2–13 6.4
Mean values are weighted.
1708 Oyler et al.: Detection Times of MAMP and AMP in Urine

Fig. 1. Urinary excretion profiles for volunteer S after single (a) and four
nonconsecutive daily oral administrations of 10 mg (b) or four consec-
utive daily oral administrations of 20 mg (c) of sustained-release
Arrows indicate MAMP 䡠 HCl administration times. Fig. 2. AMP-MAMP ratios for volunteer BB after four consecutive
administrations of 10 (top) or 20 mg (bottom) of sustained-release
tial AMP-MAMP ratios ranged from 1% to 18%. AMP-
MAMP ratios increased throughout the elimination time correlation between regimen and detection rate was not
course after a single dose. With consecutive dosing, a observed. Of the 100 specimens collected within 12 h of
sharp decrease in AMP-MAMP ratios occurred immedi- initial MAMP administration, 87 were positive, for a total
ately after each successive MAMP dose, followed by a 12-h detection rate of 87%. Lack of AMP detection was
return to the pattern of gradual increase observed after responsible for most negative results early in the excretion
single dosing. In urine specimens containing peak MAMP of MAMP. With the MAMP and AMP LOQ, no significant
concentrations, AMP-MAMP ratios had increased to differences were observed in final detection times (range,
7– 42%, and in the last urine specimen positive for both 46 –169 h) between doses or after single, consecutive, or
analytes, AMP-MAMP ratios were 25–260%. Fig. 2 illus- nonconsecutive regimens (Tables 6 and 7). With the 2.5
trates the increase in AMP-MAMP ratios after a single ␮g/L cutoffs (LOQs) for MAMP and AMP, the mean final
dose and the immediate decrease observed after each detection time from the last drug administration was
successive dose in volunteer BB. This volunteer was the 110.7 h, and the total detection rate across doses and
only participant to receive consecutive administrations of regimens was 94% (Table 8).
the low and high doses, but these patterns were consistent
across participants. detection times based on 500/200 ␮g/L cutoff
Individual urinary 12-h detection rates after the first concentrations
administration were 67–100% (mean ⫾ SD, 91.2% ⫾ Initial detection voids and times after the first low and
10.0%) after low-dose regimens and 63–100% (87.6% ⫾ high MAMP administration are listed in Tables 2 and 3.
17.5%) after high-dose regimens (Tables 4 and 5). A Across doses and regimens with a 500/200 cutoff, MAMP
Clinical Chemistry 48, No. 10, 2002 1709

Table 4. Individual, mean, and total 12-h detection rates after the first administration of 10 mg of MAMP 䡠 HCl.
Specimens collected 12-h detection rate, %
after initial drug
Volunteer Regimen administration, n LOQ 250 cutoff 250/100 cutoff 500 cutoff 500/200 cutoff
S Single 8 88 88 25 88 25
S Single 7 86 86 43 72 28
Y Single 2 100 100 100 100 50
Z Single 7 100 100 14 86 14
AA Single 7 86 86 14 86 0
Mean ⫾ SD Single 6.2 92.0 ⫾ 7.3 92.0 ⫾ 7.3 39.2 ⫾ 36.0 86.4 ⫾ 9.9 23.4 ⫾ 18.5
S Nonconsecutive 8 88 88 25 88 25
Y Nonconsecutive 1 100 100 100 100 0
Z Nonconsecutive 6 83 83 17 83 0
AA Nonconsecutive 8 88 75 0 63 0
Mean ⫾ SD Nonconsecutive 5.8 89.8 ⫾ 7.2 86.5 ⫾ 10.5 35.5 ⫾ 44.2 83.5 ⫾ 15.4 6.3 ⫾ 12.5
V Consecutive 4 100 100 50 75 25
W Consecutive 2 100 100 100 100 50
X Consecutive 4 100 100 50 100 50
BB Consecutive 3 67 67 0 67 0
Mean ⫾ SD Consecutive 3.3 92.8 ⫾ 16.5 92.8 ⫾ 16.5 50.0 ⫾ 40.8 85.5 ⫾ 17.1 31.25 ⫾ 23.9
Meana Across regimens 5.1 91.2 ⫾ 10.0 90.2 ⫾ 11.0 41.4 ⫾ 37.1 85.2 ⫾ 12.9 20.5 ⫾ 20.1
Total Across regimens 67 89.6 86.6 26.9 82.1 19.4
Mean values are weighted.

and AMP were initially detected in specimens 1–13 that after nonconsecutive (39%) or single regimens (39%).
(mean, 5.6) collected 4.2–19.6 h (mean, 12.4 ⫾ 4.2 h) post Individual 12-h detection rates (Tables 4 and 5) ranged
drug administration. MAMP and AMP concentrations from 0% to 67% (20.2% ⫾ 23.8%). Sixteen of 100 total
were 1574 – 6004 (3344 ⫾ 1304) and 219-1556 (380 ⫾ 304) specimens collected from all participants within 12 h of
␮g/L, respectively. Initial AMP-MAMP ratios ranged initial drug administration were positive, for a total 12-h
from 7% to 26%. There were no significant differences detection rate of 16%. Of the 591 specimens collected from
observed in final detection times from last drug adminis- initial drug administration to last positive across partici-
tration across regimens or doses (Tables 6 and 7). The time pants, doses, and regimens, 292 were confirmed positive
to last positive from the last drug administration was by the 500/200 cutoff, for a total detection rate of 49%
22– 66 (42.7 ⫾ 22.8) h, 27–92 (53.3 ⫾ 20.6) h, and 46 –70 (Table 8). Detection rate also appeared to be correlated
(58.5 ⫾ 9.8) h after single, consecutive, and nonconsecu- with micturition interval. Generally, detection rate in-
tive administrations, respectively. Although individual creased with longer micturition intervals.
total detection rates varied substantially, as evidenced by The initial detection void and time means and ranges
the data shown for single nonconsecutive administration after low and high doses are listed by regimen in Tables 2
of the high dose (89%; Table 7), across all participants and and 3, with elimination of the 200 ␮g/L AMP require-
doses (Tables 6 and 7), the 500/200 total detection rate ment. Individual initial detection voids and times also
after consecutive administrations (59%) was higher than were determined across regimens and doses when the 200

Table 5. Individual, mean, and total 12-h detection rates after the first administration of 20 mg of MAMP 䡠 HCl.
12-h detection rate, %

Specimens collected
after initial drug
Volunteer Regimen administration, n LOQ 250 cutoff 250/100 cutoff 500 cutoff 500/200 cutoff
S Consecutive 9 100 100 22 78 0
Y Consecutive 1 100 100 100 100 0
AA Consecutive 12 75 67 8 58 0
BB Consecutive 8 63 100 25 75 12
Mean ⫾ SD Consecutive 7.5 84.5 ⫾ 18.6 91.8 ⫾ 16.5 38.8 ⫾ 41.5 77.8 ⫾ 17.3 3.0 ⫾ 6.0
W Nonconsecutive 3 100 100 100 100 67
Meana Across regimens 5.1 87.6 ⫾ 17.5 93.4 ⫾ 14.8 51.0 ⫾ 45.2 82.2 ⫾ 17.9 15.8 ⫾ 29.1
Total Across regimens 33 81.8 87.9 27.3 72.7 9.1
Mean values are weighted.
1710 Oyler et al.: Detection Times of MAMP and AMP in Urine

Table 6. Final detection times and total detection rates after administration of 10 mg of MAMP 䡠 HCl.
Specimens from initial
Final detection time from last administration to last
administration, h positive
Total detection
Cutoff Regimen Volunteers, n Range Mean ⴞ SD Total Positive rate, %
LOQ Single 5 46–144 87.2 ⫾ 51.0 138a 125a 91a
Nonconsecutive 4 71–169 123.0 ⫾ 49.3 247 232 94
Consecutive 4 102–142 125.7 ⫾ 19.2 277 253 91
Across regimens 13 46–169 110.2b 524 485 93
250 Single 5 31–87 55.6 ⫾ 27.9 88a 68a 77a
Nonconsecutive 4 59–71 65.8 ⫾ 5.9 254 182 72
Consecutive 4 44–73 58.2 ⫾ 14.2 171 160 93
Across regimens 13 31–87 59.5b 425 342 80
250/100 Single 5 25–77 51.6 ⫾ 26.3 83a 51a 61a
Nonconsecutive 4 34–71 55.3 ⫾ 15.6 245 123 50
Consecutive 4 44–73 58.2 ⫾ 14.2 169 137 81
Across regimens 13 25–77 54.8b 414 260 63
500 Single 5 25–77 48.4 ⫾ 23.8 80a 54a 68a
Nonconsecutive 4 34–59 52.1 ⫾ 12.3 242 142 59
Consecutive 4 31–55 43.7 ⫾ 10.4 158 138 87
Across regimens 13 25–77 48.1b 400 280 70
500/200 Single 5 22–66 42.7 ⫾ 22.8 72a 28a 39a
Nonconsecutive 4 46–65 54.2 ⫾ 9.5 236 77 33
Consecutive 4 27–55 40.4 ⫾ 13.5 152 87 57
Across regimens 13 22–66 42.7b 391 164 42
Contributes to total after nonconsecutive dosing regimen.
Mean values are weighted.

␮g/L AMP requirement was eliminated (data not shown) secutive administrations, respectively. Individual 12-h
and led to earlier detection of MAMP exposure [0 –17.2 detection rates across doses (Tables 4 and 5) were 58 –
(7.7 ⫾ 4.8) h or 0 –10 (3.8) voids]. Tables 6 (10-mg dose) 100% (84.0% ⫾ 14.0%). With elimination of the 200 ␮g/L
and 7 (20-mg dose) list the final detection times from the AMP requirement, the total 12-h detection rate across
last dose by regimen. Across doses, final detection times doses increased from 16% to 79%. In addition, the total
were 25–77 (48.4 ⫾ 23.8) h, 31–92 (55.0 ⫾ 18.7) h, and number of positive specimens collected from initial drug
34 –70 (61.2 ⫾ 6.0) h after single, consecutive, and noncon- administration to last positive across doses and regimens

Table 7. Final detection times and total detection rates after administration of 20 mg of MAMP 䡠 HCl.
Final detection time from Specimens from initial
last dose, h dosing to last positive, n
Volunteers, Total detection
Cutoff Regimen n Range Mean ⴞ SD Total Positive rate, %
LOQ Nonconsecutive 1 169 169 42 40 95
Consecutive 4 94–137 99.5 ⫾ 27.3 209 200 96
Across regimens 94–169 113.4a 251 240 96
250 Nonconsecutive 1 94.5 94.5 31 29 94
Consecutive 4 56–96 77.3 ⫾ 18.8 192 165 86
Across regimens 56–96 80.7a 223 194 87
250/100 Nonconsecutive 1 94.5 94.5 31 29 94
Consecutive 4 56–96 77.3 ⫾ 18.8 186 142 76
Across regimens 5 56–96 80.7a 217 171 79
500 Nonconsecutive 1 70 70 28 25 89
Consecutive 4 46–92 66.2 ⫾ 19.2 172 143 83
Across regimens 5 46–92 67.0a 200 168 84
500/200 Nonconsecutive 1 70 70 28 25 89
Consecutive 4 46–92 66.2 ⫾ 19.2 172 103 60
Across regimens 5 46–92 67.0a 200 128 64
Mean values are weighted.
Clinical Chemistry 48, No. 10, 2002 1711

Table 8. Final detection times and total detection rates
MAMP is abused for its euphoric and performance effects.
across MAMP doses and administration regimens.
Reports indicate that truck drivers, construction workers,
Final detection time Specimens from initial
from last dose, h dosing to last positive, n Total young professionals, and students commonly self-admin-
detection ister single doses of MAMP to improve performance and
Cutoff Range Mean Total Positive rate, %
to prevent or reverse somnolence (32 ). However, even
LOQ 46–169 110.7 775 725 94
low single doses (0.3 mg/kg) of MAMP can lead to
250 31–96 65.2 648 536 83
250/100 25–96 64.1 631 431 68
physiologic and behavioral changes (33 ). Rapid develop-
500 25–92 54.8 600 448 75 ment of tolerance to the “feel good” and “high” drug
500/200 22–92 51.7 591 292 49 effects after subchronic administration of low to moderate
Mean values are weighted.
doses has been demonstrated in humans (11, 22, 34 ) and
nonhuman primates (12, 13 ). Identification of both habit-
ual and occasional abusers is an important component of
medical, workplace, criminal justice, military, and foren-
increased from 292 to 448, and the total detection rate also
sic drug testing programs. Therefore, it is important to
increased, from 49% to 75% (Table 8), without the AMP
describe the urinary excretion of MAMP and AMP after
controlled administration of single and multiple doses of
MAMP and to evaluate the effects of cutoff changes on
detection times based on 250/100 cutoff detection times and rates after these regimens. Results
concentrations from these studies should help determine interindividual
Initial detection based on the 250/100 cutoff (Tables 2 and differences in metabolism and excretion of MAMP. Com-
3) occurred in the 1st to 12th (mean⫽3.7) post-drug pilation of MAMP excretion data after controlled admin-
administration specimens, collected at 1–17 (7.5 ⫾ 3.0) h. istration will also provide a scientific database for im-
Reducing the cutoff from 500/200 to 250/100 shifted proved interpretation of urine drug testing and will aid in
initial confirmation to the left by up to five voids or 11 h. the development of drug testing policy.
Lowering the AMP cutoff requirement was responsible MAMP is abused via the smoked, intravenous, and
for earlier MAMP detection in all cases. Individual 12-h oral routes of administration. The hydrochloride salt is
detection rates (Tables 4 and 5) ranged from 0% to 100% highly water soluble, and unlike cocaine, which must be
(44.1% ⫾ 38.4%); the total 12-h detection rate was 28%. converted from its salt to base form before smoking,
Final detection time from last drug administration was MAMP 䡠 HCl can be smoked, injected, or administered
25–77 (mean, 51.6) h, 44 –96 (67.8) h, and 34 –95 (70.5) h orally. AMP is a primary metabolite of MAMP in humans
after single, consecutive, and nonconsecutive administra- (35 ) as well as a commonly abused stimulant. It is also a
tions, respectively (Tables 6 and 7). Low MAMP and AMP pyrolytic product formed when MAMP is smoked (36 –
concentrations were equally likely to limit final detection. 38 ). MAMP 䡠 HCl is more prone to pyrolytic N-demeth-
In 9 of 18 sessions, the specimen collected immediately ylation than is MAMP base because of its protonated
after the last positive specimen had a MAMP concentra- nitrogen and nucleophilic chlorine (36 ).
tion ⬍250 ␮g/L with an AMP concentration ⬎100 ␮g/L. This study was part of a larger study on the pharma-
When we compared the 500/200 and the 250/100 cutoffs, cokinetics and disposition of MAMP in various biological
the number of positive specimens from initial drug ad- matrices. Because MAMP and AMP concentrations in
ministration to last positive specimen for eight partici- many of these matrices were expected to be low, we used
pants across doses and regimens increased from 292 to PCI-MS to achieve the required sensitivities. However,
431 and the total detection rate increased from 49% to 68% the impact of confirmation cutoffs on the interpretation of
(Table 8). data would be the same with any mass spectrometric
Elimination of the 100 ␮g/L AMP cutoff requirement method for which adequate sensitivity and specificity
(250 ␮g/L MAMP cutoff) shifted initial MAMP detection have been demonstrated.
by up to seven voids (Tables 2 and 3), occurring in voids In a report by Wu et al. (39 ), 83 urine specimens that
1– 4 (mean, 1.5), collected 0.5–11.3 (mean ⫾ SD, 3.9 ⫾ 2.7) had screened positive for MAMP by immunoassay were
h after drug administration. In three instances, final analyzed by GC/ion-trap MS to determine the effect of
detection time also increased by 6 –10 h. The mean indi- the 200 ␮g/L AMP cutoff requirement on MAMP confir-
vidual 12-h detection rate was 91% (range, 67–100%); the mation testing. The authors did not define the ionization
total 12-h detection rate was 88%. When we compared the technique used. The limits of detection and quantification
500/200 and 250 cutoffs across doses and participants, the of their assay were 50 and 100 ␮g/L, respectively. They
total number of positive specimens collected from initial found that 12 specimens contained AMP alone and 52 met
drug administration to last positive increased from 292 to the 500/200 cutoff requirements. However, two of the
536 and the total detection rate increased from 49% to 83% specimens, with MAMP concentrations of 1621 and 2169
(Table 8). ␮g/L, had AMP concentrations ⬍200 ␮g/L, and 17 of the
1712 Oyler et al.: Detection Times of MAMP and AMP in Urine

specimens, with MAMP concentrations of 714-5538 ␮g/L, administration on MAMP pharmacokinetics. Urinary ex-
contained no detectable AMP. cretion kinetics did not appear to change after subchronic
The initial 12-h urinary excretion profile of MAMP in dosing. Excretion rates for MAMP (in mg/h) were highest
naive humans has been reported after two single oral 3– 6 h after administration, consistent with the time to
administrations of 30 mg/70 kg MAMP 䡠 HCl separated peak plasma concentrations. Urinary MAMP concentra-
by 7 days to 10 volunteers (40 ). Using a LOQ of 27.5 ␮g/L, tions peaked in the first 3 h and remained increased
the authors reported that the time to the MAMP cmax was through 12–24 h. AMP-d3 excretion rates were greatest
4 – 6 h. Approximately 20% of a dose was recovered in the 6 –24 h after administration, and urine concentrations
urine as MAMP and 2% as AMP. AMP concentrations peaked during the same time period. All specimens
plateaued by 4 – 6 h, and contrary to reports after AMP collected ⬍72 h after drug administration were positive
administration (25 ), changes in urinary pH had no effect for MAMP-d3 and AMP-d3 at concentrations above the
on urinary excretion of the metabolite after this dose. In assay LOQ (2.3 ␮g/L). The percentage of the dose ex-
the initial 12 h after dosing, all study participants excreted creted as parent drug was 56 – 66% greater for the low
⬃2% of the dose as AMP, leading the authors to conclude dose compared with the high dose. Analysis of covariance
that N-demethylation of MAMP to AMP and/or the renal showed that renal clearance of MAMP-d3 was dependent
excretion of AMP were saturable processes. When speci- on urine pH, renal flow, and dose. In both studies, the
mens collected up to 12 h post drug administration were fraction of bioavailable MAMP excreted in urine de-
analyzed based on current SAMHSA cutoff concentra- creased with increasing dose.
tions, 90% of specimens with MAMP concentrations ⱖ500 In the present study, comparison of peak concentra-
␮g/L failed to confirm because of AMP concentrations tions, total MAMP and AMP excreted, and detection
below the SAMHSA required cutoff (200 ␮g/L). The times demonstrated that there was no significant intra- or
authors postulated that saturation of AMP excretion intersubject dose– urine concentration relationship. Addi-
mechanisms led to low early urine AMP concentrations tionally, although there was a trend toward higher
that were, in turn, responsible for postponing initial MAMP urine concentrations after multiple drug admin-
detection times and reducing 12-h detection rates. Low istrations, no administration regimen– concentration rela-
concentrations of MAMP were detected in some speci- tionship could be demonstrated for MAMP or AMP.
mens collected just before the second drug administra- MAMP reached peak or near-peak concentrations in the
tion, indicating that MAMP excretion could extend to 7 first or second void, but peak concentrations of AMP
days after this dose. generally occurred later. Consequently, low AMP concen-
The urinary excretion pharmacokinetics of MAMP trations were the main cause of low 12-h detection rates.
have also been determined and compared after adminis- AMP-MAMP ratios were also initially low, but slowly
tration of single smoked and intravenous doses to six increased over time. In approximately one-half of the
male volunteers who were experienced MAMP users (22 ). dosing sessions, AMP concentrations exceeded MAMP
For two volunteers, there was an initial lag time of 0.8 and concentrations in specimens collected late in the excretion
1.8 h for MAMP disposition in urine. Mean peak urine phase. For every participant, AMP-MAMP ratios did
concentrations occurred at 5–20 h (determined at the increase over time, supporting the proposal of Cook et al.
midpoint of each specimen collection interval) after both (22 ) that low AMP-MAMP ratios may be indicative of
smoking and intravenous administration. Over a 72-h recent MAMP exposure after controlled single doses.
collection period, 37– 45% of a dose was excreted as However, in the present study, high intra- and intersub-
MAMP and ⬃7% was excreted as AMP. Initial AMP- ject variability in initial and final AMP-MAMP ratios
MAMP ratios were ⬍5%, and there was a multiphasic precluded use of a single AMP-MAMP ratio as a measure
increase in the ratio of AMP to MAMP after both routes of of chronologic exposure across a population or even
administration, with AMP-MAMP ratios increasing to within an individual, as also suggested by Cook et al.
⬃10% by 10 h. Both analytes were still detectable at 60 h. These data also demonstrate that parent drug-metabolite
The authors postulated that after a single drug adminis- kinetics become more complicated when a drug is read-
tration to a single participant, a low ratio might be ministered before the total elimination of parent and
indicative of recent MAMP exposure. However, they metabolites, as was the case after both consecutive and
recognized that this relationship might not stand for nonconsecutive drug administrations. Given the variabil-
multiple-administration regimens given to a population. ity in dose and administration regimen of MAMP abusers
These data were also compared with previous urine data and the different routes of drug administration, establish-
collected after controlled subchronic oral MAMP admin- ing a correlation between analyte ratios and time of
istration. Single doses of oral MAMP-d3 were adminis- MAMP exposure would, therefore, be difficult to make
tered to eight human volunteers before and after 13 from a single urine AMP-MAMP ratio.
consecutive daily oral administrations of 0.125 or 0.25 Application of the current 500/200 SAMHSA cutoffs to
mg/kg sustained-release MAMP (23 ). Specimens were these urine excretion data produced a low total 12-h
collected after both MAMP-d3 doses, and data were detection rate (16%), similar to that reported by Valentine
compared to determine the effect of subchronic MAMP et al. (40 ) after single oral administrations (10%). In both
Clinical Chemistry 48, No. 10, 2002 1713

studies, low 12-h detection rates were attributable almost than 12 h after initial drug administration. However,
entirely to failure of specimens to meet the AMP require- MAMP confirmation within the first 12 h of administra-
ment. A dramatic example from the current study are the tion will be limited whenever confirmation of AMP is
data from volunteer S after initial administration of the required. In this study, elimination of AMP requirements
high dose, in which four of the first seven specimens produced dramatic improvements in initial detection
collected (2–22 h post drug administration), with MAMP times and early detection rates. These data indicate that
concentrations ranging from 566 to 2422 ␮g/L, had AMP use of a lower 250 ␮g/L MAMP cutoff with no AMP
concentrations ⬍100 ␮g/L. Additionally, across all par- requirement would substantially increase detection rates
ticipants, only 49% of the specimens collected from initial and lengthen detection windows provided that artifactual
dosing to last positive specimen could be confirmed by MAMP production and misidentification in the presence
use of current cutoffs. of over-the-counter amphetamine analogs is eliminated
In the present study, there were relatively large de- with adequately validated confirmation methods.
creases in initial detection times and increases in 12-h
detection rates when the AMP requirement was elimi-
nated. When we used the 500 ␮g/L MAMP requirement We acknowledge W. David Darwin, Dianna Lafko, Anne
only, MAMP was initially detected an average of four Basham, and Deborah Price for assistance in conducting
voids or ⬃9 h earlier; 12-h detection rates also increased this study.
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