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M. Ianis1, K. Tsekova1, S. Vasileva2
Institute of Microbiology, Department of Microbial Ecology, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria1
Institute of Control and Systems Research, Department of Knowledge-Based Control
Systems, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria2

Equilibrium and modelling study on copper biosorption by live cells of Penicillium cy-
clopium using fuzzy knowledge-based system was performed. Heavy metal uptake was
found to be high, rapid and strongly dependent on both biomass and copper ion concen-
trations in the solutions. Most of total copper ions taken up by Penicillium cyclopium (up
to 75%) were deposited in the cell surface during the first 5 min. The rest 25 % were
bound to the cells during the next 50 min. of the process. The largest amount of the heavy
metal was removed from the solution with initial pH of the solution about 4.5. It is as-
sumed that the copper biosorption by Penicillium cyclopium involves physico-chemical
interaction between the metal ions and the functional groups present on the cell surface as
well as the electrostatic attraction between groups plays an important role in this process.

Introduction by mathematical relationships between the

Many industrial facilities face wastewater concentration of the heavy metal in liquid
treatment demand to prevent the anthropo- and soiled phases, respectively in equilib-
genic release of heavy metals into local rium conditions at constant temperature
waterways. Regulatory agencies set efflu- and pH (4, 7, 8). Although many experi-
ents permit limits that can be difficult to mental results have been published on
meet for wastewater facilities receiving metal ion biosorption much more effort
metal containing industrial wastes (1). should be addressed to the development of
Many studies have been performed on modelling procedures able to produce reli-
metal uptake by microorganisms, both li- able experimental data in order to predict
ving and nonliving (2, 3). Heavy metal’s and explain metal ion biosorption in com-
biosorption is a potential and interesting parable conditions.
alternative to conventional processes for In this study a fuzzy knowledge-based
removal of metals, such as ion exchange system (KBS) was used to investigate cop-
processes (4, 5). per biosorption by nonmetabolizing live
Metal sorption performance depends on biomass of Penicillium cyclopium and ad-
some external factors such as pH, concen- sorption models of copper removal and
tration of biomass, concentration of the uptake were determined. We have chosen
metal ions, temperature, other ions in solu- this fungus due to its good adsorption
tion, which may be in competition etc. (6). properties expressed in term of heavy metal
Different empirical or physical models in uptake. Moreover heavy metal biosorption
general represent experimental sorption by live cells of Penicillium cyclopium has
data. Heavy metal adsorption is described not yet been reported. Copper was selected

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in the biosorpion study because it is Envi- At the end of the process the content of the
ronmental Protection Agency regulated flasks was separated by filtration, using a
heavy metal that is often used as anti-corro- Whatman №1 filter paper. The concentra-
sion and decorative coating on metal alloys tion of the metal ions in the filtrates was
(9). Copper at excessive concentrations is determined using an atomic absorption
toxic to a variety of living organisms from spectrophotometer with an air/acetylene
humans to bacteria, especially fish. Low flame (model 2380; Perkin Elmer, Uber-
exposures can impact respiration and affect linger, Germany). Blank samples were also
cell walls of microorganisms. considered to evaluate the eventual metal
hydroxide precipitation.
Materials and Methods The evaluation of the specific metal up-
Biomass cultivation take q (mg/g dry weight of biomass) is ob-
The fungus used in this study, Penicillium tained by using mass balances of metal and
cyclopium, is deposited at the Collection of biomass in the system:
the Institute of Microbiology at the Bul-
(C −Cf ),
garian Academy of Sciences. Spores of 6-7 q=

days old culture incubated on potato-glu- m

cose agar slants at 30 ºC were used for in- where Co is initial Cu(II) concentration
oculation (concentration of spore suspen- (mg/l), Cf – residual Cu(II) concentration
sion 1x106/ml). The growth medium con- (mg/l), m – biomass concentration as dry
tained (g/l): glucose - 20; NaNO3 - 2; weight (g/l).
K2HPO4 - 1; MgSO4 .7H2O – 0.5; KCl – All experiments were carried out in du-
0.5; FeSO4 – 0.01; yeast extract – 1. The plicate. Values used in calculations were
pH was adjusted to 5.0 before sterilization. mostly the arithmetic average of the ex-
The cultivation of Penicillium cyclopium perimental data
was carried out in 500ml Erlenmeyer flasks Other methods
with 100ml-growth medium on a rotary Dry weights were obtained by means of
shaker at 30 ºC. After 24h cultivation the tarred aluminium foil cups dried at 85 ºC
mycelium was centrifuged (3000xg, 15 for at least 48 h.
min.), washed with bidistiled water and Modelling study
used as a biosorbent. Introduction of new technologies in wide
Biosorption tests industrial area requires lot of experiments
Classically biosorption experiments were and training. Usually scientific research
carried out in batches as follow: 1-4 g wet and preliminary investigations of complex,
mass biosorbent was added to 100 ml metal multivariable and nonlinear processes as
ions solution, containing 50-250 mg/l cop- well as biosorption processes are expensive
per (II) ions (as CuSO4. 5H2O) in bidistiled because of great time, power and financial
water in Erlenmeyer flasks. The pH was consumptions. Often the obtained experi-
adjusted to the desired values 3.5-5.5 by mental data are uncertain and incomplete,
adding the required amount of appropri- mutual relationships among the in-
ately concentrated HCl or NaOH at the put/output variables are unstudied, the
beginning of the experiment and then not structure of any mathematical model is not
further controlled. The variations in final known.
pH values were less than 0.5 pH units, but The main objective of our mathematical
this did not affect uptake values signifi- investigation was to create a modelling
cantly. The content of the flasks then was system which implementation reduces re-
agitated at 220 rpm on a rotary shaker until search expenses, gives simulation results
no more metal was removed from solution. with a high accuracy without a prior

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0,9915 g/l
70 3,9660 g/l
Cf [mg/l]

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
time [min]

Fig. 1. Typical time course of copper (II) removal by Penicillium cyclopium under various cell concentrations:
initial copper (II) concentration, 100 mg/l; initial pH of the solution 4.0.

knowledge of biosorption mechanism and min. there was a steep decrease in Cu (II)
shows the optimal technological conditions content of the solution, due to a rapid up-
for the studied process. take by the fresh biomass. Within the next
A fuzzy knowledge-based system (KBS) 25 min. the rate of copper uptake gradually
was developed, which creation passed decreased. However, small amounts of the
through five main stages: selection of the metal were sequestered even during the
modelling approach, crisp data base deve- entire experimental observation period – 60
lopment, fuzzification of crisp data (lin- min.. It could be assumed that true sorption
guistic presentation by fuzzy membership equilibrium was not really established al-
functions), inference engine selection, rule though the metal uptake rate was almost
base development, and adjustment of rules. negligible, since there was no metaboliza-
ble substrate in the solution. The cells were
Results and Discussion starved and the metal uptake could not
The search for new technologies involving have been metabolically mediated. Resi-
the removal of toxic metals from wastewa- dual enzymatic activity however, could not
ters has directed attention to biosorption, be entirely excluded.
based on metal binding capacities of vari- The results obtained, showed that fungal
ous biological materials. The species of biomass of Penicillium cyclopium is capa-
genus Penicillium are well known as pro- ble to remove copper ions from aqueous
ducers of many biological active sub- solutions and the process is represented by
stances (10), but Penicillium cyclopium has two phases: (Fig. 1) The first step of this
not been investigated yet as a heavy metal mechanism was very fast, metabolism –
biosorbent. That is why this microorganism independent and presumably represents
has been chosen as a model in this study. cation binding to the cell surface. This was
Fig. 1 represents the purification of followed by slowly uptake of relatively
Cu(II) solution (100 mg/l) at two different small amounts of the cations. The second
biosorbent concentrations. The resulting step can not be clearly labeled as metabo-
curves share the same common characte- lism – dependent or – independent. Most of
ristics of the process. Within the first 5 the total copper ions taken up by Penicil-

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a b

Fig. 2. 3-D optimal surfaces presenting q dependence on pH, m and Co(CuII): 2a) q dependence on m and pH
2b) q dependence on Co(CuII) and m; 2c) q dependence on Co(CuII) and pH.

lium cyclopium (up to 75%) were deposited the interaction between the metal and the
in the cell surface during the first phase and active groups. This type of biosorption is
up to 25 % were bound to the cells during relatively rapid and can be reversible.
the next 50 min of the process. Suh et al The Cu (II)-uptake (q) at different values
(11) reported similar results on the pene- of m, pH and initial Cu (II)-concentrations
tration time of Pb(II) accumulation in Sac- are shown in Fig. 2. These experiments
charomyces cerevisiae associated with the showed that copper uptake decreases when
intracellular region (2h) that was quite dif- the biomass concentration rises and initial
ferent from the one in the extracellular re- pH value of the solution decreases. Maxi-
gion (3min). Probably, the metal uptake by mal values of the uptake (qmax.) were ob-
Penicillium cyclopium is a physico– tained at pH about 4.5 when biosorbent
chemical interaction between the metal and concentration (m) was almost 1 g/l. (Fig.
the functional groups present on the 2a). In Fig. 2b maximal values of the up-
microbial cell surface. Microbial cell walls take were obtained at 150 mg/l Cu (II) -
mainly composed of polysaccharide, ions and biomass concentrations among 1-
proteins and lipids have abundant metal 1.5 g/l. In opposite, at higher values of
binding groups such as carboxyl, sulphate, biomass and higher copper concentrations,
phosphate and amino groups (12, 13, 14). the observed values of uptake decreased
The metal removal from solution may take significantly. Copper uptake dependence
place by ion-exchange mechanism and/or on Co and pH is shown in Fig. 2c. Maxi-
complex formation on the cell surface after mal uptake values are observed when pH is

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about 4.5 at Cu (II) concentration about gal cell wall of different species of
150 mg/l. Better biosorption was achieved Rhizopus, Mucor, Penicillium and Tricho-
at pH 4.5 ≈ 4 > 3.5 > 3 (Fig. 2a, 2c) and derma contributed from 30 to 70% to the
hardly any was apparent at pH 2 (not total heavy metal binding at the fungal
shown). Minimal uptake values occur when wall, depending on the species.
the initial copper concentration increases Biomass concentration in solution seems
higher than 160 mg/l , biomass concentra- to influence the specific uptake: for lower
tions rises more than 2.5 g/l and pH is bet- values of biomass concentrations, there is
ween 3-3.5 ( Fig. 2a, 2b). an increase in the copper uptake by
Results obtained for dependence of q on Pen.cyclopium (Fig. 2a). The reduction of
pH of the solutions (Fig. 2a, 2c,) indicated the uptake with raising the biomass con-
that the mechanism of adsorption includes centration more than 2 g/l is attributed to
participation of functional groups of the electrostatic interaction between functional
biomass which could be weakly acidic groups of the cell surface. This suggestion
protonated at pH 2.0. However, at higher about interference between the binding
pH values the coordinating ligand may be sites may be a significant factor in the bio-
deprotonated and available to bind posi- mass dependence of metal adsorption at
tively charged ions such as Cu (II). Since copper concentration higher than 140-150
carboxylic groups generally have pKa va- mg/l also (Fig. 2b). Reduction in biomass
lues about 4, they are most likely responsi- concentration in the suspension at a given
ble for the Cu(II) adsorption by Penicillium metal concentration enhances the
cyclopium, as previously found for Cu(II) metal/biosorbent ratio, and thus increases
binding by the other kind of biomass (15). metal uptake per gram of biosorbent as
The effects of varying of pH solution have long as the latter is not saturated. Illustra-
indicated that the heavy metals accumula- tion of this behaviour is given in the inves-
tion by the biomass is occurring through tigation of Fourest and Roux (18) showing
surface functional groups via ion-exchange Zn(II) sorption by R. arrhizus. Hence, this
type process and most likely involves car- factor needs to be taken into consideration
boxyl groups. The experimental data re- in any application of microbial biomass as
lated to heavy metal biosorption by S. biosorbent. Therefore it is not useful to
natans showed that the cell wall seems to increased the biomass concentration be-
have two or more main functional groups yond 2.25 – 2.5 g/l to purify 100 – 110
responsible for heavy metal uptake (16). mg/l copper solutions at pH near to 4.5
Esposito et al. (13) have shown that the (Fig. 3a, 3b)
biomass cell wall is characterized by two Fig. 3 represents the purification of Cu
main kinds of weakly acidic groups with (II) solutions at both different biosorbent
pKa=4.9 and pKa=7.8. According to the concentrations and pH of the solutions.
chemical composition of a bacterial cell These experiments show that residual cop-
wall, these two sites could be a carboxylic per concentrations (Cf) in solutions gene-
and a phosphate group respectively (14, rally decrease, when pH is about 4,5 and m
17). The pH optimum value obtained in our is near to 2,5 g/l or more, but the copper
study was found to be about 4.5 for Cu (II) concentrations must be about 100 mg/l
accumulation by Pen. cyclopium at all ex- (Fig. 3a, 3b). At these conditions, copper
perimental conditions (Fig. 2a, 2c,). This removal from the solutions seems to be
indicated that the binding sites in successful.
Pen.cyclopium could involve carboxylic The influence of the initial copper con-
groups. Fourest et al. (12) also reported centration on copper uptake (Fig. 2b, 2c) at
that carboxylic groups present on the fun- different values of m and pH suggests that

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a b
Fig. 3. 3-D optimal surfaces presenting Cf dependence on pH, m and Co(CuII):
3a) Cf dependence on Co(CuII) and m; 3b) Cf dependence on Co(CuII) and pH.

adsorption of Cu (II) ions by no metabo- cal, chemical, biological, etc.), for solving
lizing live cells of Penicillium cyclopium is tasks of inferential measurement and pro-
a process that follows a chemical, equili- cess optimization without requiring a big
brated and saturable mechanism on the cell amount of precise experimental data, with-
surface. The copper uptake values increase out knowing the structure of the mathe-
with increasing the copper concentrations matical model, which looks up for the de-
until reaching saturation of the biomass. tailed recognition of process mechanisms.
The reduction in Cu (II) uptake by higher
free cell concentrations was attributable to Acknowledgement
electrostatic interaction between free cells This work was supported by the Grants I-
as previously reported (3, 19). This causes 1406/2004 and 1407/2004 allocated by the
the three dimensional structure of the cell National Fond for Scientific Research to
wall, thus reducing Cu (II) diffusion the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and
through the structure and the accessibility Science.
of the binding sites for adsorption (20).
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tion, pH and biomass concentration in the 571-578.
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