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A Teacher’s Prayer


I stand at the threshold of another school year in need of You. Teaching is my joy as well as my

calling, but the weight of the responsibility is daunting…

From experience, I know that I will have in my classroom at least one student whose life

circumstances are, from a human perspective, hopeless. Father, meet the needs of this child,

spirit, soul, and body. I pray for resources to be made accessible so that help, hope, and faith can


For the student whose behavior will distract others from learning, Father, grant me grace. Please

give me your perspective and give me an understanding heart. I pray that my words of

encouragement would be the underpinning that this student will need to feel safe in my

classroom. Please give me patience and all the Fruit of the Spirit.

Give me a strong sense of humor to laugh when I want to scream.

Lord, I will no doubt be facing difficult conversations with parents. Give me favor, and transform

my heart. Give me self-awareness and search me deeply, rooting out insecurity, fear of man, and

pride. Help me to approach each parent with humility.

I won’t always see eye to eye with my administration. Give our whole staff a unifying vision and a

genuine love and concern for each other. Help us not to fight each other but to fight for each


There are days I will feel overwhelmed and worn out. May your joy be my strength. Give me

strong friendships with my colleagues and genuine joy-filled bonds with my students.

Set a guard over my tongue so I will not speak words that would undermine your grace in my


Look me in the eye every morning, Lord, and affirm your love for me so I can look each student

in the eye and affirm them.

Lord, I trust you to navigate and lead me through each challenge I will face. I can’t do this

without you, but “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

In His Name, I pray in faith believing! Amen!

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