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Combined Particles

First of all, the patterns of combination are already defined. You will learn just
two patterns here. By following the rule, you can make a natural sentence.

Focus Particle は and も

For the sake of explanation, let us call は and も a “Focus Particle.” This is
because は and も have a special function (You will see it in the advanced topic).
The first pattern is to attach は or も to other particles. Let’s check some

わたし かあ てがみ か か
[ 私 は / が] お 母 さんには 手 紙 を 書 く / 書 きます

[Topic / Subject] Target & Contrast Direct Object Verb

[I will] write a letter to my mother.

*Implies that he/she won’t write a letter to other people.

わたし かあ てがみ か か
[ 私 は / が] お 母 さんにも 手 紙 を 書 く / 書 きます

[Topic / Subject] Target & Inclusion Direct Object Verb

[I will] write a letter to my mother, too.

*Implies that he/she will write a letter to other people, too.

That’s easy, isn’t? Please focus on the functions that each particle has. Here are
more examples.

わたし がっこう い い
[ 私 は / が] 学校 には 行 く / 行 きます
[Topic / Subject] Destination & Contrast Verb

[I will] go to school.
*Implies that he/she won’t to go other places.

わたし がっこう い い
[ 私 は / が] 学校 にも 行 く / 行 きます

[Topic / Subject] Destination & Inclusion Verb

[I will] go to school, too.

*Implies that he/she will go other places, too.

わたし ケンとは あくしゅ

[ 私 は / が] 握手 する / します

[Topic / Subject] Partner & Contrast Verb

[I will] shake hands with Ken.

*Implies that he/she won’t shake hands with other people.

わたし ケンとも あくしゅ

[ 私 は / が] 握手 する / します

[Topic / Subject] Partner & Inclusion Verb

[I will] shake hands with Ken, too.

*Implies that he/she will shake hands with other people, too.

わたし プールでは およ およ
[ 私 は / が] 泳 ぐ / 泳 ぎます

[Topic / Subject] Location of Action & Contrast Verb

[I will] swim in the pool.

*Implies that he/she won’t swim in other place.
わたし プールでも およ およ
[ 私 は / が] 泳 ぐ / 泳 ぎます

[Topic / Subject] Location of Action & Inclusion Verb

[I will] swim in the pool, too.

*Implies that he/she will swim in other place, too.

Note: You CANNOT combine は and も with the particle が and を. If you’d like to
express contrast or inclusion in が and を parts, you have to replace them.
=> Wrong!

Apples are also delicious.

た た
リンゴをも食 べる / 食 べます。
=> Wrong!

た た
リンゴも食 べる / 食 べます。
[I will] eat apples, too.

Noun + Particle + Particle の + Noun

The basic function of the particle の is to make a noun phrase by connecting two
にほんご せんせい にほんご せんせい
nouns like 日 本 語の 先生 . You can consider 日 本 語の 先生 as a single noun.
In practice, other particles sometimes appear before の, which forms the sentence
pattern: Noun + Particle + Particle の + Noun. This is another pattern of combined
Reword a Sentence with a Noun Phrase

としょかん べんきょう
図 書館 で 勉 強 (する / します)。
[I will] study in the library.

としょかん べんきょう
図 書館 での 勉 強
Studying in the library

The above examples essentially have the same meaning. If you use only the particle
としょかん べんきょう
の, the phrase “図 書館 の 勉 強 ” would mean “studying about libraries.”
By placing the particle で, which indicates locations of action, you can reword the
としょかん べんきょう こうかてき
図 書館 での 勉 強 は 効 果 的 (だ / です)

Location of Action
Modified Noun
& Explanation

Noun Phrase: Topic / Subject Predicate

Studying in the library is effective.

This expression can be utilized like the above. The role of the noun phrase is
determined by the particle placed after that, which is は in this example. Here are
more examples.

おおさか りょこう
大阪 へ 旅行 (する / します)。
[I will] travel to Osaka.

おおさか りょこう
大阪 への 旅行
Travel to Osaka
かのじょ けっこん
彼女 と 結婚 (する / します)。
[I will] get marry to my girlfriend.

かのじょ けっこん
彼女 との 結婚
Marriage to my girlfriend

かあ てがみ
お 母 さんから手 紙 を(もらう / もらいます)。
[I will] receive a letter from my mother.

かあ てがみ
お 母 さんからの手 紙
Letter from my mother

ごじ しごと
5時 まで仕 事 を(する / します)。
[I will] work until 5 o’clock.

ごじ しごと
5時 までの仕 事
Working until 5 o’clock

Note: You CANNOT combine the particle の with the particle に, は, も, が and を.
Regarding the particle に, if it indicates “destination” or “direction,” you can
express the same meaning by using the particle へ like the second example.

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