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At the airport

Useful phrase Translation

Here is my ticket.
Here is my passport.
Here is my visa.
Here is my insurance policy for the time of the trip.

His bag is my hand luggage.

My luggage is missing.
The purpose of my visit is tourism.
I have nothing to declare.
What’s the boarding gates for the flight…?
Where is the information service of the airport?
Where can I receive my luggage?
Where is the indicator-board of departures?
May I get my luggage?
Word Transcription Translation
ticket ['tɪkɪt]
passport ['pɑ:spɔ:t]
passport control ['pɑ:spɔ:t kən'trəul]
luggage (BE) ['lʌgɪʤ]
baggage (AE) ['bægɪʤ]
luggage claim ['lʌgɪʤ kleɪm]
luggage ticket ['lʌgɪʤ 'tɪkɪt]
(label) ['leɪbəl]
bag [bæg]
suitcase ['sju:tkeɪs]
check the luggage [ʧek ðə 'lʌgɪʤ]
hand luggage [hænd 'lʌgɪʤ]
trolley ['trɔlɪ]
insurance policy [ɪn'ʃuərəns 'pɔləsɪ]
tax [tæks]
first name ['fɜ:st 'neɪm]
last name, surname ['lɑ:st 'neɪm], ['sɜ:neɪm]
full name [ful 'neɪm]
customs declaration ['kʌstəms deklə'reɪʃən]

declare [dɪ'kleə]
security [sɪ'kjuərətɪ]
information service [ɪnfə'meɪʃən 'sɜ:vɪs]
flight [flaɪt]
flight number [flaɪt 'nʌmbə]
departure [dɪ'pɑ:ʧə]

indicator-board of ['ɪndɪkeɪtə-bɔ:d əv dɪ'pɑ:ʧə]

gate [geɪt]
departure lounge [dɪ'pɑ:ʧə launʤ]
delay [dɪ'leɪ]
check in [ʧek ɪn]
check-in desk [ʧek-ɪn desk]
boarding ['bɔ:dɪŋ]
boarding pass ['bɔ:dɪŋ pɑ:s]
terminal ['tɜ:mɪnəl]

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