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Dec 3, 2017, at 12:48 PM, Thohahente Kim Weaver wrote:

Shé:kon! Skennen’kówa ken?

Thohahente yontiats. Kanièn'kehà:ka ní:'i nok wakenáthen. Tsi
Kenhteke nitiwaké:non.

I am writing to advise you as elected chief and the elected
councilors of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, that our family
does not support this program. It derogates from the Kaswentha
and from all treaties between the Crown and the Original Peoples,
the Onkwehon:we. The financial commitments of Ottawa will be
given to the provinces who will then hold the final say on
educational standards, what will be funded and what will be
curriculum. The essence of the program is very similar to the
FNFNEA that we also opposed.

We call on you as the representative in the hierarchical
settler-defined system for our community to deny the AFN and INAC
our community's approval to proceed with this program that is a
step towards the assimilation of our Peoples into the general
Canadian population. We are Onkwehon:we and we choose to remain
Onkwehon:we. We do not support any aspect of this program and do
not give our consent.

We also do not recognize the assumed right of the AFN to
negotiate with Canada on behalf of the Kanièn'kehà:ka. The AFN
is a lobby group, pure and simple. They do not and will never
carry the rights of Onkwehon:we communities to negotiate with
Canada on our behalf. They have overstepped their mandate in
this matter and several others including the MOU agreement with
Canada and the gift of an eagle staff to Canada. My interactions
with the AFN have shown they do not have the best interests of
the People at heart but rather their own self-aggrandizing

Ó:nen ki' wáhi

Thohahente Kim Weaver
Turtle Clan

"you have to quit crying on the shoulder of the guy that stole
your land" - Art Manuel”

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