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The Microfinance Revolution: An Overview

Rajdeep Sengupta and Craig P. Aubuchon

The Nobel Prize committee awarded the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize to Muhammad Yunus and the
Grameen Bank “for their efforts to create economic and social development from below.” The
microfinance revolution has come a long way since Yunus first provided financing to the poor in
Bangladesh. The committee has recognized microfinance as “an important liberating force” and
an “ever more important instrument in the struggle against poverty.” Although several authors
have provided comprehensive surveys of microfinance, our aim is somewhat more modest: This
article is intended as a non-technical overview on the growth and development of microcredit
and microfinance. (JEL I3, J41, N80)

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, January/February 2008, 90(1), pp. 9-30.

n 2006, the Grameen Bank and its founder In its broadest sense, microcredit includes
Muhammad Yunus were awarded the the act of providing loans of small amounts, often
Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to reduce $100 or less, to the poor and other borrowers that
poverty in Bangladesh. By providing small have been ignored by commercial banks; under
loans to the extremely poor, the Grameen Bank this definition, microcredit encompasses all
offers these recipients the chance to become lenders, including the formal participants (such
entrepreneurs and earn sufficiently high income as specialized credit cooperatives set up by the
to break themselves free from the cycle of poverty. government for the provision of rural credit)
Yunus’s pioneering efforts have brought renewed and those of a more informal variety (such as the
attention to the field of microfinance as a tool to village moneylender or even loan sharks). Yunus
eliminate poverty; and, since 1976 when he first (2007) argues that it is important to distinguish
lent $27 to 42 stool makers, the Grameen Bank microcredit in all its previous forms from the
has grown to include more than 5.5 million mem- specific form of credit adopted at the Grameen
bers with greater than $5.2 billion in dispersed Bank, which he calls “Grameencredit.” Yunus
loans. As microfinance institutions continue to argues that the “most distinctive feature of
grow and expand, in both the developing and Grameencredit is that it is not based on any col-
developed world, social activists and financial
lateral, or legally enforceable contracts. It is based
investors alike have begun to take notice. In this
on ‘trust,’ not on legal procedures and system.”
article we seek to explain the rise in microfinance
For the purposes of this article and unless men-
since its inception in the early 1980s and the
tioned otherwise, our use of the term microcredit
various mechanisms that make microfinance
an effective tool in reducing poverty.1 We also 1
Other, more technical surveys of microfinance include Ghatak and
address the current problems facing microfinance Guinnane (1999), Morduch (1999), and Armendáriz de Aghion
and areas for future growth. and Morduch (2005).

Rajdeep Sengupta is an economist and Craig P. Aubuchon is a research associate at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The authors thank
Subhayu Bandyopadhyay, Patrick Pintus, and George Fortier for helpful comments and suggestions.

© 2008, The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Articles may be reprinted, reproduced, published, distributed, displayed, and transmitted in
their entirety if copyright notice, author name(s), and full citation are included. Abstracts, synopses, and other derivative works may be made
only with prior written permission of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

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will, for the most part, follow Yunus’s character- Microfinance” section of this paper.) The next
ization of Grameencredit. section offers a brief history of the Grameen Bank
Although the terms microcredit and micro- and a discussion of its premier innovation of
finance are often used interchangeably, it is group lending contracts; the following sections
important to recognize the distinction between describe the current state of microfinance and
the two. As mentioned before, microcredit refers provide a review of some of the common percep-
to the act of providing the loan. Microfinance, tions on microfinance. The final section outlines
on the other hand, is the act of providing these the future of microfinance, particularly in the
same borrowers with financial services, such as context of global capital markets.
savings institutions and insurance policies. In
short, microfinance encompasses the field of
microcredit. Currently, it is estimated that any- A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE
where from 1,000 to 2,500 microfinance institu- GRAMEEN BANK
tions (MFIs) serve some 67.6 million clients in
over 100 different countries.2 The story of the Grameen Bank is a suitable
Many MFIs have a dual mandate to provide point to begin a discussion of microcredit and
financial as well as social services, such as health microfinance. After obtaining a PhD in economics
care and educational services for the underprivi- in 1969 and then teaching in the United States
leged. In this sense, they are not always perceived for a few years, Muhammad Yunus returned to
as profit-maximizing financial institutions. At Bangladesh in 1972. Following its independence
the same time, the remarkable accomplishment from Pakistan in 1971 and two years of flooding,
of microfinance lies in the fact that some of the Bangladesh found itself in the grips of a terrible
successful MFIs report high rates of repayment, famine. By 1974, over 80 percent of the popula-
sometimes above 95 percent. This rate demon- tion was living in abject poverty (Yunus, 2003).
strates that lending to underprivileged borrow- Yunus, then a professor of economics at
ers—those without credit histories or the assets Chittagong University in southeast Bangladesh,
to post collateral—can be a financially sustainable became disillusioned with economics: “Nothing
venture. in the economic theories I taught reflected the life
Not surprisingly, philanthropy is not a around me. How could I go on telling my students
requirement of microfinance—not all MFIs are make believe stories in the name of economics?”
non-profit organizations. While MFIs such as (See Yunus, 2003, p. viii.) He ventured into the
Banco Sol of Bolivia operate with the intent to nearby village of Jobra to learn from the poor what
return a profit, other MFIs like the Grameen Bank causes their poverty. Yunus soon realized that it
charge below-market rates to promote social was their lack of access to credit that held them
equity.3 As will be discussed below, this distinc- in poverty. Hence, the origins of “microfinance”
emerged from this experience when Yunus lent
tion is important: As the microfinance industry
$27 of his own money to 42 women involved in
continues to grow and MFIs serve a wider client
the manufacturing of bamboo stools.4
base, the commercial viability of an MFI is often
viewed as crucial for its access to more main- 4
Yunus (2003) describes his conversation with Sufiya, a stool maker.
stream sources of finance. (We will return to this She had no money to buy the bamboo for her stools. Instead, she
and related queries in the “The Evidence of was forced to buy the raw materials and sell her stools through the
same middleman. After extracting interest on the loan that Sufiya
used to buy the bamboo that morning, the moneylender left her
2 with a profit of only 2 cents for the day. Sufiya was poor not for
Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX) lists financial profiles
and data for 973 MFIs. The high estimate of 2,500 comes from a lack of work or skills, but because she lacked the necessary credit
survey conducted by the Microcredit Summit Campaign in 2002. to break free from a moneylender. With the help of a graduate stu-
dent, Yunus surveyed Jobra and found 41 other women just like
The social objectives of the Grameen Bank are summarized by the Sufiya. Disillusioned by the poverty around him and questioning
16 decisions in their mission statement. The statement is available what could be done, Yunus lent $27 dollars to these 42 women
at and asked that he be repaid whenever they could afford it.

10 J A N UA RY / F E B R UA RY 2008 F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F S T. LO U I S R E V I E W
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Figure 1
Grameen Bank Membership

Millions of Persons

1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001

Through a series of trials and errors, Yunus the poor access to credit. The Grameen Bank has
settled on a working model and by 1983, under a challenged decades of thinking and received
special charter from the Bangladesh government, wisdom on lending to the poor. It has success-
founded the Grameen Bank as a formal and inde- fully demonstrated this in two ways: First, it has
pendent financial institution. Grameen is derived shown that poor households can benefit from
from the Bengali word gram, which means village; greater access to credit and that the provision of
grameen literally means “of the village,” an appro- credit can be an effective tool for poverty allevia-
priate name for a lending institution that requires tion. Second, it has proven that institutions do
the cooperation of the villagers. The Grameen not necessarily suffer heavy losses from lending
Bank targets the poor, with the goal of lending to the poor. An obvious question, though, is how
primarily to women. Since its inception, the the Grameen Bank succeeded where so many oth-
Grameen Bank has experienced high growth rates ers have failed. The answer, according to most
and now has more than 5.5 million members economists, lies in its unique group lending
(see Figure 1), more than 95 percent of whom are contracts, which enabled the Grameen Bank to
women.5 ensure repayment without requiring collateral
Lending to poor villagers involves a signifi- from the poor.
cant credit risk because the poor are believed to
be uncreditworthy: That is, they lack the skills The Group Lending Innovation
or the expertise needed to put the borrowed
This Grameen Bank lending model can be
funds to their best possible use. Consequently,
described as follows: Borrowers organize them-
mainstream banks have for the most part denied
selves into a group of five and present themselves
to the Bank. After agreeing to the Bank rules, the
Grameen Bank, annual reports (various years). Data can be viewed
first two members of the group receive a loan. If
index.html. the first two successfully repay their loans, then

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four to six weeks later the next two are offered borrower. Market failure occurs because safe
loans; after another four to six weeks, the last per- borrowers (who are more likely to repay) have to
son is finally offered a loan. As long as all mem- subsidize risky borrowers (who are more likely
bers in the group repay their loans, the promise to default). Because the bank cannot tell a safe
of future credit is extended. If any member of the borrower from a risky one, it has to charge the
group defaults on a loan, then all members are same rate to all borrowers. The rate depends on
denied access to future credit. Furthermore, eight the mix of safe and risky borrowers in the popu-
groups of Grameen borrowers are organized into lation. When the proportion of risky borrowers
centers and repayment is collected during public is sufficiently large, the subsidy required (for the
meetings. While this ensures transparency, any lender to break even on all borrowers) is so high
borrower who defaults is visible to the entire that the lender has to charge all borrowers a sig-
village, which imposes a sense of shame. In rural nificantly high rate. If the rates are sufficiently
Bangladesh, this societal pressure is a strong dis- high, safe borrowers are unlikely to apply for a
incentive to default on the loan. Initial loans are loan, thereby adversely affecting the composition
small, generally less than $100, and require weekly of the borrower pool. In extreme cases, this could
repayments that amount to a rate of 10 percent lead to market failure—a situation in which
per annum.6 Weekly repayments give the borrow- lenders do not offer loans because only the risky
ers and lenders the added benefit of discovering types remain in the market!
problems early. Economic theory helps show how joint liabil-
Group lending—or the joint liability con- ity contracts mitigate adverse selection (Ghatak
tract—is the most celebrated lending innovation and Guinnane, 1999). Under group lending, bor-
by the Grameen Bank. Economies of scale moti- rowers choose their own groups. A direct way in
vated its first use, and Yunus later found that the which this might help is when a prospective
benefits of group lending were manifold. Under customer directly informs the bank about the
a joint liability contract, the members within the reliability of potential joiners. Perhaps a more
group (who are typically neighbors in the village) surprising result is that the lender can mitigate
can help mitigate the problems that an outside
the adverse selection problem even when cus-
lender would face. Outside lenders such as banks
tomers do not directly inform the bank but form
and government-sponsored agencies face what
themselves into like groups (peer selection). That
economists call agency costs. For example, they
is, given a joint liability clause, safe customers
cannot ensure that the borrowed money be put to
will more likely group together with other safe
its most productive use (moral hazard), cannot
verify success or failure of the proposed business customers, leaving the risky types to form groups
(costly state verification/auditing), and cannot by themselves. This “assortative matching” miti-
enforce repayment. It is not difficult to see how gates the adverse selection problem because now
peers within the group can help reduce these the risky borrowers are the ones who must bail out
costs, particularly in a situation where the prom- other risky borrowers, while the safe borrowers
ise of future credit depends on the timely repay- have to shoulder a lesser subsidy. Consequently,
ment of all members in the group. Joint liability all borrowers can be charged a lower rate, reduc-
lending thus transfers these agency costs from ing the likelihood of a market failure.
the bank onto the community of borrowers, who
can provide the same services more efficiently.
But perhaps the more difficult agency prob- CURRENT STATE OF
lem faced by lenders is that of adverse selection— MICROFINANCE
ascertaining the potential credit risk of the
Since the inception of the Grameen Bank,
See Other sources
microfinance has spread to cover five continents
put the annual rates charged by MFIs at around 30 to 60 percent. and numerous countries. The Grameen Bank has

12 J A N UA RY / F E B R UA RY 2008 F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F S T. LO U I S R E V I E W
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Figure 2
Savings by Region

953 MFIs Reporting, July 2007

61 Million Savers Africa, 8.4

S. Asia, 10.6

E. Asia Pacific, 32.6

Latin America, 6.8

Eastern Europe/C. Asia, 2.7

SOURCE: Microfinance Information Exchange Network;

been duplicated in Bolivia, Chile, China, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, which uses the idea that frequent
Honduras, India, Malaysia, Mali, the Philippines, small deposits will guard against the temptation
Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, the United States, of spending excess income. To keep the transac-
and Vietnam; the microfinance information tion costs of daily deposits low, SafeSave hires
exchange market (MIX) lists financial information poor workers from within the collection areas
for 973 MFIs in 105 different countries. Some (typically urban slums) to meet with clients on
MFIs have also begun to seek out public and a daily basis. By coming to the client, SafeSave
international financing, further increasing their makes it convenient for households to save; by
amount of working capital and expanding the hiring individuals from the given area, training
scope of their operations. As MFIs have become costs and wages are also kept low. With this effi-
more efficient and increased their client base, they cient model for both the bank and individuals,
have begun to expand their services through differ- SafeSave has accumulated over 7,000 clients in
ent product offerings such as micro-savings, flexi- six years.7 Not surprisingly, microfinance deposits
ble loan repayment, and insurance. We discuss (like microfinance loans) break from traditional
these three different product offerings below. commercial banking experiences. The example
At the time of their inception, many MFIs of Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) suggests that the
included a compulsory savings component that poor often value higher liquidity over higher inter-
limited a borrower’s access to deposited funds. est rates on deposit products. In 1986, after a year
This promoted long-term savings, but ignored of field experiments, they offered two deposit
the fact that many poor save for the short term to products: The TABANAS product offered a 12
smooth consumption during seasonal lows of pro- percent interest rate but restricted withdrawals
duction. Figure 2 provides a look at the distribu- to twice monthly, whereas the SIMPEDES prod-
tion of voluntary MFI savings by region. As MFIs uct offered an interest rate of zero but allowed
have become better versed in the microfinance unlimited withdrawals. The SIMPEDES program
market, they have applied their innovations in saw the largest gain in popularity and to this day
lending to the collection of deposits. One of the
leading examples is SafeSave, located in Dhaka, See

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still offers a lower interest rate but maintains more either extend the life of the loan or pay only the
accounts than the TABANAS program.8 principle for an extended period of time. As a
The original Grameen Bank was one of the penalty, the dynamic incentives of her loan are
first MFIs that incorporated a compulsory savings reset; she cannot access larger (additional)
requirement into their lending structure. Every amounts of credit until the original loan is repaid.
client was required to make a deposit worth 5 Because her default now poses no threat to the
percent of their given loan, which was placed group promise of future credit, each member is
into a group fund with strict withdrawal rules accountable only up to their individual liabilities.
(generally no withdrawals before three years). In The third offering is the addition of insurance
2001, the Grameen Bank reviewed both its lend- to microfinance loans. The most basic insurance
ing and savings policy and reinvented itself as is debt relief for the death of a borrower, offered
Grameen II. At the heart of this change were more by many MFIs, including Grameen. Other MFIs
savings options and more flexible loans, which have begun experimenting with health insurance
act as a form of insurance. New to Grameen II is and natural disaster insurance. As with lending,
a pension fund, which allows clients with loans agency problems present a dilemma for micro-
greater than 8,000 taka ($138) to contribute at least insurance. To this end, some groups such as
50 taka ($0.86) per month. The client receives 12 FINCA Uganda require life insurance of all bor-
percent per year in compound interest, earning a rowers, including “risky” and “healthy” alike and
187 percent return after the mandatory 10-year thus avoid the adverse selection problem. Other
wait. This scheme allows Grameen II to earn more ideas include providing rain insurance to guard
money in the present and expand services, while against catastrophes. This relies on the assumption
delaying payment in the near future. that crop yields (and much of the developing
economy) are tied to seasonal rain cycles. This
Grameen II serves as a good example of a sec-
innovation eliminates the problem of moral hazard
ond innovation in microfinance: flexible loan
associated with a crop loan. By tying performance
repayment. Group lending still exists and is an
to rain cycles, a farmer has no incentive to take
integral part of the process, but Grameen II intro-
crop insurance and then fail to adequately pro-
duced a flexi-loan that allows borrowers multi-
duce a crop during a season of adequate rainfall.
ple options to repay their loan on an individual
A more recent phenomenon in microfinance
basis. Yunus (2002) stated that “group solidarity
is the emergence of foreign investment in MFIs.
is used for forward-looking joint actions for
As more and more MFIs establish positive returns,
building things for the future, rather than for the
microfinance is being seen by many professional
unpleasant task of putting unfriendly pressure on
investors as a profitable investment opportunity.
a friend.” The flexi-loan is based on the assump-
One of the most important developments for the
tion that the poor will always pay back a loan and
MFIs was the June 2007 release of Standard &
thus allows the poor to reschedule their loan
Poor’s (S&P) report on the rating methodology
during difficult periods without defaulting. If
for MFIs. By applying a common methodology,
the borrower repays as promised, then the flexi-
S&P will be able to send a stronger signal to poten-
loan operates exactly like the basic loan, using
tial investors about the quality of MFI investments.
dynamic incentives9 to increase the size of the The process of debt offerings and securitization
loan after each period. If the borrower cannot in the microfinance sector will be covered in
make her payments, she is allowed to renegotiate greater detail below.
her loan contract rather than default. She can

The SIMPEDES program does also use a lottery system to give
rewards, often worth 0.7 percent of deposits. More details are
available at the BRI web page:
Dynamic incentives threaten to exclude defaulted borrowers from
As Yunus and the Grameen Bank began to
future loans. prove that microfinance is a viable method to

14 J A N UA RY / F E B R UA RY 2008 F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F S T. LO U I S R E V I E W
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Table 1
Characteristics of Select Microfinance Institutions
Grameen Bank, Banco Sol, Compartamos, Development Group,
Bangladesh Bolivia Mexico Washington, D.C.
Established 1983 1992 1990 1993
Membership 6,948,685 103,786 616,528 250
Average loan balance (US$) $69 $1,571 $440 $22,285**
Percent female 96.70% 46.40% 98.40% 30.00%
Group lending contracts? Yes Yes Yes No
Collateral required? No No No No
Portfolio at risk >30 days ratio 1.92% 2.91% 1.13% N/A
Return on equity 1.95%* 22.81% 57.35% N/A
Operational self-sufficiency 102.24%* 120.09% 181.22% 53%**

NOTE: *12/31/2005; **2004.

SOURCE: Data for this table come from the Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX) Network, which is a web-based platform: Information was provided for the Enterprise Development Group because it is the only U.S.-based MFI that
reports data on the MIX network. Some of the information for EDG was taken from their 2003/2004 annual report, available at Comparable information is not available for the Southern Good Faith Fund, as the scope of their mission has
changed and expanded to more training-based programs. A more comprehensive summary chart exists in Morduch (1999).

alleviate poverty, their methodology and program activities. By 1992, PRODEM serviced 17,000
began to spread around the world. It is difficult clients and disbursed funds totaling $4 million
to know exactly how many MFIs there currently dollars. Constrained by the legal and financial
are, but Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX) regulations governing an NGO, the board of
estimates range from 1,000 to 2,500 serving some directors decided to expand their services and
67.6 million clients. Of these 67 million, more PRODEM became the commercial bank, Banco
than half of them come from the bottom 50 per- Solidario, later that year. Currently, Banco Sol
cent of people living below the poverty line. has 48 branches in seven cities with over 110,000
That is, some 41.6 million of the poorest people clients and a loan portfolio of more than $172
in the world have been reached by MFIs. MFIs million. As of March 31, 2007, Banco Sol reported
have expanded their operations into five differ- a past-due loans level of only 1.78 percent. An
ent continents and penetrated both rural and important distinction between Grameen and
urban markets. They have achieved success with Banco Sol is the latter’s emphasis on returning a
a variety of credit products and collection mech- profit with poverty alleviation stated only as a
anisms. Table 1 provides a comparison of several secondary goal.
groups from around the world. Banco Sol offers credit, savings, and a variety
of insurance products. Their initial loan offering
Banco Solidario (Bolivia) was based on Grameen-style joint-liability lend-
Banco Solidario originally existed as the ing, offering a maximum of $3,000 per client to
Fundacion para Promocion y el Desarrollo de la groups of three or four individuals with at least
Microempresa (PRODEM), a non-governmental one year of experience in their proposed occupa-
organization (NGO) in the mid-to-late 1980s and tion. Using dynamic incentives, the size of the
provided small capital loans to groups of three loan is gradually increased based on good repay-
or more people dedicated to entrepreneurial ment history. Annual interest rates average

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between 12 and 24 percent and can be anywhere through the use of credit enhancements, allow-
from 1 to 60 months in length (120 months for a ing them to place the bond with institutional
housing loan).10 With these higher interest rates, investors. Their fifth issue to date was three times
Banco Sol does not rely on subsidies and, at the oversubscribed with 70 percent of the bond pur-
end of 2006, posted returns on equity of 22.8 chased by institutional investors. By accessing
percent. the commercial market, Compartamos has been
able to lower the cost of obtaining funds and, in
Compartamos (Mexico) turn, offer better services to their borrowers, such
as absorbing the costs of providing life insurance
Compartamos is the largest MFI in Mexico,
for all clients. Their efforts to improve operational
servicing some 630,000 clients with an active
efficiency have also created a self-sufficient MFI
loan portfolio of $285 million. Located in Mexico
that has existed without subsidies for over a
City, Compartamos is active in 26 Mexican states
throughout the country and services primarily
rural borrowers. Compartamos was founded in
Good Faith Fund (United States)
1990 and began by offering joint-liability loans
to female borrowers for income-generating activ- The Good Faith Fund was modeled after the
ities. Compartamos has only recently expanded Grameen Bank and was one of the first MFIs to
their services to allow men to borrow through be established in America. In 1986, while gover-
their solidarity group and their individual credit nor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton invited Muhammad
program; still, around 98 percent of their borrow- Yunus to visit and discuss microfinance. The
ers are female. In 1998, Compartamos formed a initial program was started as the Grameen Fund,
strategic alliance with Accion International and but the name was later changed to better reflect
transformed into a regulated financial institution, the fund’s commitment to providing loans to
called a Sociedad Financiera de Objeto Limitado micro-entrepreneurs. Loans weren’t securitized
(SFOL). In 2002, Compartamos took a unique step with collateral; rather, they were guaranteed on
for a MFI and became one of the first MFIs to issue “good faith” (Yunus, 2003, p.180).
public debt, listing themselves on the Mexican As the Good Faith Fund grew, practitioners
Stock Exchange. As an SFOL, Compartamos was and academics alike began to question the effec-
limited to only offering credit for working capital. tiveness of a pure Grameen-style program in the
In order to offer more services, such as savings United States. Much like the original Grameen
and insurance programs, Compartamos became a Bank, the Good Faith Fund has relied on innova-
commercial bank in 2006. tion and change to apply microlending to the
Compartamos was one of the first MFIs to rural economy of Arkansas. Taub (1998) argues
raise additional capital funds through the sale of that the Good Faith Fund is a successful poverty
domestic bond issuances. In 2002, Compartamos alleviation program, but that it is a poor eco-
was the first MFI in Mexico and one of the first nomic development program. In Taub’s words,
in Latin America to offer a bond sale. Because “the Good Faith Fund has never been able to
this was Standard and Poor’s first attempt at rat- deliver a meaningful volume of customers, pro-
ing a microfinance bond, they adapted their cur- vide substantial loan services to the really poor,
rent methodology and rated the bond using their or achieve anything close to institutional self-
Mexican scale and assumed local buyers. S&P was sufficiency.” He argues that important social dif-
impressed with the diversified portfolio of debt ferences arise because rural Arkansas is
and offered Compartamos an MXA+ (Mexican inherently different from rural Bangladesh and
AA) rating. Reddy and Rhyne (2006) report that that these social differences cause the group
their most recent bond was rated an MXAA lending model to fail.
Group lending failed for several reasons, but
Banco Sol, accessed July 27, 2007; foremost was the inability of potential borrowers
intro.html. to form a group. In Bangladesh, where poverty

16 J A N UA RY / F E B R UA RY 2008 F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F S T. LO U I S R E V I E W
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rates and population density are much higher quently, moneylenders are typically perceived
than the those in the United States, potential as being exploitative, taking advantage of poor
borrowers can more readily find other entrepre- villagers who have no other recourse to loans.
neurs. However, a close network of social ties Therefore, it is not surprising that microfinance
among the poor does not exist in rural Arkansas. has been welcomed by most as an alternative to
In response to this problem, Good Faith Fund the abusive practices of village moneylenders.
personnel established a mandatory six-week However, this common perception requires a
training program for individual new members more careful study: Why don’t mainstream banks
and then created groups from the training pro- lend to the poor? In the banks’ absence, do local
grams. These newly formed groups of relative moneylenders have monopoly power? More
strangers lacked the social cohesion to enforce importantly, are these high interest rates charged
contract payments, unlike group members in rural by moneylenders welfare reducing?
Bangladesh, who often live in the same village We begin by listing the difficulties that arise
and have family/community histories together. in lending to the poor. First, early studies believed
Consequently, group lending was slowly phased that poor people often lack the resources needed
out of the Good Faith Fund. Today, the Good Faith to invest their borrowings to the most productive
Fund focuses mainly on career training through use. In short, the poor borrow mostly to finance
their Business Development Center and Asset consumption needs (Bhaduri, 1977; Aleem, 1990).
Builders program. They have also found a niche Second, even if loans could be earmarked for
in loaning larger amounts of money to small- and investment purposes, commercial banks would
medium-sized enterprises that are underserved find it difficult to lend: Lack of credit histories
by the commercial banking center. These loans and documented records on small entrepreneurs
provide the same service, but at $100,000 or more, or farmers make it difficult for the bank to assess
they can hardly be considered “micro” credit. the creditworthiness of the borrower. Finally, there
is the inability of the poor to post collateral on
the loans. This reduces the bank’s recourse to a
THE EVIDENCE ON saleable asset once the borrower defaults on the
MICROFINANCE loan. Therefore, it is not difficult to see why com-
mercial banks have avoided lending to the poor.
In this section, we review some of the impor-
On the other hand, it is believed that local
tant questions on microfinance. Our assessment
moneylenders could mitigate the problems faced
is based on numerous studies, technical surveys,
by outside banks in lending to the poor. Local
and newspaper reports on microfinance. The
moneylenders are arguably better informed of
attempt here is to be illustrative rather than pro-
borrower quality and have more effective means
vide a comprehensive review of microfinance.
of monitoring and enforcing contracts than out-
side banks. In short, because of their social ties,
Is Microfinance a Desirable Alternative
information, and location advantage, these mon-
to Informal, Exploitative Sources of eylenders are in a unique position to lend to the
Finance? poor. Some observers argue that usurious interest
The spread of microfinance and the success rates in these markets can be explained by this
of MFIs in various countries around the world “monopoly” that the local moneylenders enjoy.
prompts a question: Who served the poor before Several researchers have studied the market
the microcredit revolution? It is well known that structure of rural credit markets in developing
conventional banks, which act as creditors to most countries. Some argue that rural credit markets
entrepreneurial activity in the modern world, have are more competitive than previously imagined
largely avoided lending to the poor. Instead, credit because there is free entry for local moneylend-
to the poor has been provided mostly by local ers if not outside banks. While there is no broad
moneylenders, often at usurious rates. Conse- consensus yet, most observers believe that despite

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free entry in these markets, moneylenders often charged by the moneylender will enter into these
enjoy some form of local monopoly power (in the contracts. Clearly, this situation can be improved
manner of monopolistic competition), at least in upon by offering lower rates: This would allow
the short run. more borrowers—i.e., those who expect to gener-
However, there are other reasons why money- ate a lower rate of return on their investment—to
lenders charge high interest rates. First, money- enter into loan contracts. However, this does not
lenders have to compensate for the high mean that a high interest rate per se reduces wel-
transaction costs of issuing and servicing a small fare. On the contrary, getting rid of moneylenders
loan. Second, some observers believe that these or preventing them from offering loans at these
funds have high “opportunity costs”—that is, high rates can be welfare reducing; in their
moneylenders can earn high returns by investing absence, entrepreneurs with the highest returns
in their own farms. Finally, and this is despite on their projects have no recourse to loans.
their local informational advantage, moneylenders In contrast, MFIs can often offer lower interest
face some of the same problems as commercial rates than local moneylenders because of their
banks in identifying risky borrowers and securing higher efficiency in screening and monitoring
collateral, particularly in poor rural areas. A borrowers, which results from both their economy
simple numerical example helps illustrate this of scale (serving more borrowers) and their use of
result11: Consider two lenders with the same cost joint liability lending mechanisms. This lowers
of funds. Suppose now that the first lender oper- the MFI’s cost of lending relative to that of the
ates in a prime market where borrowers faithfully local moneylender. To the extent that MFIs can
repay all of their loans at 10 percent, giving him provide loans at a lower rate than moneylenders,
an expected 10 percent return. However, the sec- enabling more and more borrowers to enter the
ond lender operates in a poor rural market where credit market, is an argument for both the effi-
borrowers arguably have a higher rate of default, ciency (because of the reduced cost of funds) and
say 50 percent.12 Consequently, her expected net welfare enhancement (because of an increase in
return is thus [共1 + interest rate兲 * 共1 – probability the borrower pool) of microfinance.
of default兲 – 1]. Therefore, for the second money-
lender to earn the same 10 percent return, she How High are the Repayment Rates
must charge an interest rate equal to 120 percent: for MFIs?
共1 + 120%兲 * 共1 – 50%兲 – 1 = 10%. This is not to
say that some moneylenders don’t engage in This is widely regarded as the greatest achieve-
price setting, but it does give a simple example ment of microfinance. Many MFIs report high
in which a moneylender can be competitive but rates of repayment, often greater than 90 percent.
still charge extremely high interest rates. These claims have driven considerable academic
Do moneylenders reduce welfare because interest in why and how microfinance works.
they charge high interest rates? To the extent that Furthermore, these repayment rates are widely
borrowers willingly accept these loan contracts, cited in popular media (Business Week, July 9
the answer is no.13 These loan contracts do gen- and 16, 2007; Wall Street Journal, September 23,
erate a positive surplus ex ante. That is, only those 2007) and have been one of the reasons for the
borrowers who expect to generate a rate of return recent interest generated by microfinance in finan-
from their investment that is higher than that cial markets worldwide. Although the theories of
joint liability contracts, progressive lending,14
This example in Armendáriz de Aghion and Morduch (2005) is frequent repayments, and flexible collateral ade-
drawn from the early work of Bottomley (1975). quately explain these high rates of repayment,
Of course, Yunus believes that this wrong assumption is the root Morduch (1999) raises the important issue of
of all the problems that the poor have in obtaining credit.
13 14
Bhaduri (1973) points to some degree of coercion in rural credit Progressive lending is a type of dynamic incentive in which
markets, particularly in situations where landlords double as access to larger amounts of credit becomes available after each
moneylenders. successfully repaid loan.

18 J A N UA RY / F E B R UA RY 2008 F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F S T. LO U I S R E V I E W
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validation. Because many of these repayment age interest rate on all products to 32 percent.
rates are self reported, it is important to under- Morduch is careful to point out that it is unknown
stand the methodology used to calculate these whether or not borrowers would defect, because
repayment rates. for most borrowers the alternative is either no
Morduch studies the repayment rates for the loan or an even higher interest rate on loans from
Grameen Bank for the 10-year period of 1985 to a moneylender.
1996. During this period, Grameen’s average loan Although there is an apparent disagreement
portfolio grew from $10 million to $271 million between Morduch’s adjusted rates of repayment
and membership expanded more than 12-fold to and the Grameen Bank’s self reported rates, this
include 2.06 million members in 1996. For this alone does not mean that Grameen is a financial
decade, Grameen reports an average overdue rate failure. In one case, the modest write-offs of bad
of only 1.6 percent.15 Morduch’s contention is loans offer proof of Yunus’s organizational com-
that the Grameen Bank does not follow conven- mitment to the poor and the belief that, given time,
tional accounting practices and calculates the they will repay a loan. The since-implemented
overdue rates as the value of loans overdue (for Grameen II Bank builds on this concept and
more than one year) divided by the current port- allows borrowers to restructure a loan into smaller
folio, instead of dividing by the size of the port- payments or to take a scheduled amount of time
folio when the overdue loans were issued. Because off, rather than default. Yunus describes the dif-
the size of the loan portfolio expanded 27-fold ference: “[The] overarching objective of the con-
during this 10-year period, the loan portfolio is ventional banks is to maximize profit. The
significantly larger at the end of any one year than Grameen Bank’s objective is to bring financial
at the beginning. Morduch finds the adjusted services to the poor, particularly women and the
average default rate to be 7.8 percent for the same poorest and to help them fight poverty, stay prof-
10-year period. He makes the point that “the rate itable and financially sound. It is a composite
is still impressive relative to the performance of objective, coming out of social and economic
government development banks, but it is high visions.” Given that the Grameen Bank’s focus is
enough to start creating financial difficulties” largely on social objectives and not profit maxi-
(Morduch, 1999, p. 1590). mization, some have argued that it is not obligated
As for these financial difficulties, Morduch to adopt standard accounting procedures. What
then focuses on reported profits, taking special is important is that Grameen is among the few
care to examine the provision of loan losses. He transparent microfinance organizations and
finds that the bank is slow to write off bad loans, researchers have been able to review and evaluate
dropping only a modest 3.5 percent of its portfolio their financial statements.
every year, again overstating the amount of profit. An important consideration here is that MFIs
are known to charge considerably higher rates
He calculates that instead of posting a total of
compared with similar loans from conventional
$1.5 million in profits, the bank would have
banks. In their celebrated work, Stiglitz and Weiss
instead lost a total of $18 million. The implica-
(1981) showed that the high interest rate that a
tions to Morduch’s findings are as follows: In the
lender charges may itself adversely affect repay-
early 1990s, to operate without subsidies, the
ment rates by either discouraging creditworthy
Grameen Bank would have had to raise interest
borrowers (adverse selection) or tempting the
rates on its general product from 20 percent to
borrowers to opt for riskier projects (moral hazard).
50 percent, and this would have raised the aver-
Consequently, the coexistence of high repayment
rates (around 95 percent) and higher interest rates
In comparison, nonperforming loans averaged between 1 and 1.5
percent for all U.S. commercial banks for the decade of 1995 to (a 30 to 60 percent interest rate is common) in
2005. (Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council.) microfinance has “puzzled” economists.
Braverman and Gausch (1986) found that government credit pro-
grams in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, South Asia, and
One explanation offered by some economists
Southeast Asia all had default rates between 40 and 95 percent. is that MFIs face an inelastic demand for loans.

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However, in a recent empirical study on the operate alongside group contracts. Practitioners
SafeSave program in Dhaka slums, Dehejia, and theorists alike have now realized that these
Montgomery, and Morduch (2005) show that the mechanisms can operate with individual contracts
elasticity of demand for microcredit may be sig- and in certain cases (e.g., in areas of low popula-
nificantly negative even though certain groups tion density) offer better repayment results than
of borrowers (particularly the wealthier ones) do group lending schemes.
not reduce their demand when faced with higher The mechanism of progressive lending guards
interest rates. However, Emran, Morshed, and against the borrower’s strategic default at the end
Stiglitz (2006) offer a more promising explanation of a loan cycle, because by definition she has little
for this puzzle. Departing from the traditional or no collateral to be seized in the event of default.
focus on credit markets in studies of microfinance, Instead, MFIs have offered small initial loans,
the authors examine the implications of missing with the promise of future credit for timely repay-
or imperfect labor markets for poor women in ment. The offer of future credit serves as a power-
developing countries (the typical customers of ful incentive for a micro-entrepreneur trying to
MFIs in Bangladesh). Emran, Morshed, and grow her business. In this scenario, a borrower
Stiglitz (2006, p. 4) demonstrate “the critical role will default only if her current income is greater
played by the structure of the labor market in than her future expected profits. With a small ini-
making the small-scale household-based invest- tial loan for a beginning entrepreneurial venture,
ment projects ‘credit worthy’ in the face of very this is unlikely. To further increase the likelihood
high interest rates, especially for the poor house- of repayment, MFIs use dynamic lending, in
holds with little or no collaterizable assets.” which the size of the loan is gradually increased
with each successive loan repayment. Now, the
Is There More to Microfinance than expected future profits are almost certainly
Group Lending or Joint Liability greater than current earned income because the
Contracts? size of the loan continues to grow.
Another mechanism used by MFIs is that of
The success of microfinance in generating frequent repayments, which often begin even the
high repayment rates led many economists to week after the loan is disbursed. By requiring
investigate the reasons behind this success. The small repayments before the business venture
mid-to-late 1990s witnessed a large increase in has reach maturity, MFIs are essentially requiring
the number of journal articles on group lending that borrowers have a second source of income
contracts, as economists sought to explain how and, hence, borrow against their current consump-
microfinance “succeeded” where traditional tion. This allows MFIs to screen against high-risk
forms of lending had failed. Joint liability con- borrowers from the beginning because borrowers
tracts were seen as the break from traditional will be able to repay the loan even if their venture
lending mechanisms and economic theory was fails. Indeed, weekly repayments give the borrow-
used to readily explain how these contracts ers and lenders the added benefit of discovering
helped to improve repayment rates. The growth problems early. Armendáriz de Aghion and
of the literature on group lending contracts in the Morduch (2005) also suggest that frequent repay-
mid-1990s offers the impression that all MFIs ments provide better customer service, contrary
operate as such, but the reality is that MFIs use a to the belief that more repayments raise the trans-
variety of lending techniques, such as dynamic action costs for the borrower by requiring more
and progressive loans, frequent repayment sched- travel to and from payment centers. Instead, fre-
ules, and nontraditional collateral to ensure high quent repayments help borrowers with savings
repayment rates among poor, underserved borrow- constraints such as seasonality of income, family
ers. These mechanisms were either introduced members dropping by to borrow funds, or discre-
independently or in conjunction with joint liabil- tionary spending by one or more of the family
ity programs such as Grameen’s and in many cases members. When coupled with dynamic incen-

20 J A N UA RY / F E B R UA RY 2008 F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F S T. LO U I S R E V I E W
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tives, frequent loan repayments begin to resemble this goal, several institutions have sought to make
savings deposits that will be paid with interest a distinction between the “marginally poor” and
(the graduated size of the next loan). This allows the “very poor.” The broadest definition distin-
families to break free of certain savings constraints guishing these two groups comes from the
(such as those noted above) because the loan is Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest (CGAP),
paid each week, before the money can be spent which defines the poor as individuals living
on anything else. below the poverty line and the poorest as the
The final mechanism is the requirement of bottom half of the poor. The World Bank estimates
nontraditional collateral, which was introduced that in 2001, some 1.1 billion people had con-
by banks such as Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI). sumption levels below $1 and another 2.7 billion
This feature breaks from the commercial practice lived on less than $2 per day.16 As microfinance
that collateral submitted must have a resale value continues to grow, questions have started to focus
equal to the loan. In a group lending contract, on who is the optimal client. Should microfinance
joint liability often serves as collateral, but BRI target the marginally poor or the extremely poor?
operates on the “notional value” of an item and Morduch (1999) tries to answer this question
allows collateral to be any item that is important by considering two representative microfinance
to the household, regardless of market value. This clients, one from each poverty group described
may include the family’s sole domestic animal, above. The first client belongs to a subsidized
such as a cow, or it may be land that is not secured microfinance program and her income is only 50
by title. Neither item could be sold for much of a percent of the poverty line. The second client
profit without significant transaction costs to the belongs to a financially sustainable program that
bank, but both items would be even more difficult accordingly charges higher interest rates. To
and costly for the family to do without. ensure repayment of the loan at the higher rate,
Armendáriz de Aghion and Morduch (2000) the second borrower is chosen to be marginally
offer evidence of the success of individual loans poor, that is, with an income of 90 percent of the
that use progressive/dynamic incentives, frequent poverty line. Using the widely used “squared
repayments, and nontraditional collateral to poverty gap” (Foster, Greer, and Thorbecke, 1984)
guarantee a loan. Using data from Eastern Europe measure of poverty, Morduch suggests that a
and Russia, they demonstrate that individual dollar increase in income for the very poor bor-
loans can generate repayment rates greater than rower has a five times greater impact than the
90 percent (and above 95 percent in Russia). In same dollar for the marginally poor borrower.
industrialized settings, borrowers are more likely This simple example would suggest that, in
to face more competition, making it more costly
terms of poverty alleviation, MFIs should focus
to form a borrowing group. In this scenario, loan
on the poorest borrowers first, but this is not
products will go to different entrepreneurs, with
always the case. As MFIs seek to become finan-
different expected payoffs—hence, necessitating
cially independent, they find themselves serving
different loan amounts. A group contract can be
only the marginally poor. This is an important
inefficient because it imposes a ceiling on the
distinction between Grameen and Banco Sol of
loan size equal to that given to the smallest mem-
Bolivia: The latter’s emphasis is on returning a
ber of any potential group. They conclude by
profit, and alleviating poverty is seen only as a
suggesting that in areas that are relatively indus-
secondary goal. Not surprisingly, Banco Sol
trialized, individual loan models may perform
charges higher interest rates,17 does not rely on
better than traditional group lending models.
World Bank, “Poverty Analysis”; data can be viewed at
Is Microfinance an Important Tool for
Poverty Alleviation? 17
Annual interest rates average between 12 and 24 percent and can
be anywhere from 1 to 60 months in length (120 months for a
Microfinance started as a method to fight housing loan). The data are from Banco Sol, accessed 7/27/07;
poverty, and although microfinance still fulfills

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subsidies, and at the end of 2006 posted returns MFIs return a profit and most still require the
on equity of 22.8 percent.18 help of donors and subsidies. A lack of financial
This apparent dichotomy between financial sustainability doesn’t necessarily indicate a failing
independence and poverty alleviation also gets MFI, but rather raises questions about the mission
to the heart of a different problem. At what point and direction of that particular MFI. Even with
does a successful MFI begin to look like a regular subsidies, many MFIs remain the most cost-
bank? If the MFI successfully serves poor clients, effective method to alleviate poverty; and, as we
then those clients should be able to use their loans argued previously, subsidies can help change the
to lift themselves out of poverty. Because of the profile of the targeted client from the poor to the
nature of progressive and dynamic loans, success- extremely poor.
ful borrowers earn access to larger loans, helping For an MFI to be sustainable can mean one of
them break free of poverty even faster. two things: The organization can be operationally
The Grameen Bank has found a way to make sustainable or it can be financially sustainable.
this dichotomy work for them and now uses their An MFI that is operationally sustainable raises
enough revenue to cover the cost of operating
economy of scale to create a financially independ-
the business—paying loan supervisors, opening
ent bank without raising interest rates. In 1995,
branch offices, etc. Subsidies might still be used
the Grameen Bank decided not to request any
to issue loans or cover defaulted loans. An insti-
more funds from donors and instead began to
tution that is financially sustainable does not
fund the bank from collected deposits. With more
require any subsidized inputs or outside funds
than two decades of successful borrowers behind
to operate. Instead, it raises money through its
them, Grameen has had a chance to build up sav-
lending operations. The MicroBanking Bulletin
ings deposits slowly, to the point that it is now (2003) surveyed 124 MFIs with a stated commit-
self-sustainable, based on the amount of funds ment to becoming financially sustainable. In their
provided by members. In a rough sense, it is now survey, the Bulletin found that only 66 operations
the more-successful poor that are subsidizing were sustainable, a rate just slightly above 50
new clients. This is a significant step, especially percent. As Armendáriz de Aghion and Morduch
considering that, from the decade of 1985 to 1996, (2005, p. 232) note, all 124 programs asked for
Armendáriz de Aghion and Morduch (2005) cal- help in managing their accounting standards and,
culate that Grameen accepted $175 million in hence, “in terms of financial management, [these
subsidies, including both direct donations and 124 programs] are thus skimmed from the cream
“soft” donations such as soft loans, implicit sub- of the crop.” Similar sustainability data do not
sidies through equity holdings, and delayed loan exist for the other 2,000+ MFIs; but, without simi-
loss provision. larly strong commitments to financial sustain-
ability, the percentage of sustainable operations
Is Microfinance Sustainable or Even is likely to be much lower than 50 percent.
Profitable? Subsidized credit is financed in a variety of
forms, some of which have been discussed briefly
With all of the positive publicity surrounding
with the Grameen Bank example. MFIs also secure
microfinance, it may be surprising to learn that
funds from donors, many of whom want to alle-
not all MFIs are sustainable or able to return a
viate poverty but have not seen strong returns in
profit. Despite their rapid growth and sound
the nongovernmental organization (NGO) or gov-
operations based on strong theoretical platforms
ernment sector. For many, donations and subsidies
(such as using group loans, dynamic incentives,
are intended as a method to get MFIs started. But
and frequent repayments), less than half of all
without any accountability or empirical research,
it is difficult for donors to decide at what point
MIX Market financial data are from BancoSol, accessed 8/2/07;
an MFI should forgo its dependence on outside
token=&ett=280. funds. Lacking in this debate is a clear under-

22 J A N UA RY / F E B R UA RY 2008 F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F S T. LO U I S R E V I E W
Sengupta and Aubuchon

standing of how subsidies affect the supply and still be the best per-dollar investment for alleviat-
demand of loans. Without subsidies, interest rates ing poverty. Further research is needed to show
may rise; and, as standard demand theory sug- whether financial sustainability is even a desired
gests, fewer loans will be requested. Moreover, objective, and future work could help understand
rising interest rates without subsidies may exclude how different subsidy mechanisms can best bal-
poorer projects, thus raising average returns. But, ance financial sustainability with the desired
they may also increase the moral hazard problem; social objectives.
at higher interest rates, only risky borrowers
apply for a loan, thus increasing the default rate Could Competition Among MFIs Lead
and lowering returns. Finally, it is unclear what to Better Results?
affect subsidized lenders have on the overall
credit supply. Do they segment the credit market At first glance, standard economic theory
while serving the very poor or do they squeeze suggests that competition should improve the
out other lenders, reducing overall efficiency for performance of MFIs and lead to better service
the market? and lower interest rates. With such a large poor
In some instances, government institutions population and high rates of growth, there is also
collaborate with local MFIs; but, more often than a large market to support more MFIs. Historically,
not, government organizations and MFIs are at though, competition has failed to increase services
odds with one another, despite the fact that both and often decreases the rate of repayment. When
share the stated goal of reducing poverty. A prime clients have access to alternative sources of credit,
example of the failure of government subsidized MFIs lose the leverage they gain from dynamic
initiatives in the market for microcredit is the incentives and progressive loans (i.e., future loans
Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP), are contingent on repayment).
which allocated credit based on social targets in During the late 1990s, Bolivia and Banco Sol
rural India, giving 30 percent of credit to socially experienced a microfinance crisis. As the success
excluded groups and 30 percent to women. of Banco Sol increased and commercial banks
Armendáriz de Aghion and Morduch (2005) began to see the profitability in an MFI model,
report that between 1979 and 1989 IRDP offered competition increased. General economic theory
over $6 billion in subsidized credit but generated suggests that competition is inherently good, but
loan repayment rates below 60 percent, with only for the early MFIs, competition reduced efficiency
11 percent of borrowers taking out a second loan. by weakening the incentives: As credit options
During the same decade, the Grameen Bank also increased for borrowers, the incentives inherent
accepted subsidies in a variety of forms, but did in a dynamic or progressive loan became weaker.
not change their lending model to include social This proved difficult for Banco Sol, whose model
targets. During this time, the Grameen Bank saw relies on group lending and dynamic incentives.
its membership grow to half a million members, The competition mainly came from Acceso FFP,
with repayment rates above 90 percent. The expe- a Chilean finance company that paid its employ-
rience of the Grameen Bank and IRDP during the ees on an incentive system. Within three years,
late 1970s and early 1980s is important because Acceso had 90,000 loans, and Banco Sol lost 11
of the similarities between regions. Both percent of its clients. Regulated MFIs in Bolivia
Bangladesh and India are densely populated, saw their loan overdue rates increase from 2.4
rural, agrarian economies with high rates of percent to 8.4 percent in just over two years.
poverty. Therefore, it is likely that the Grameen Because of the increased competition, Banco Sol
Bank's comparative success during this period is saw its return on equity fall by 20 percentage
indicative of a more efficient lending model rather points to only 9 percent in 1999 (Armendáriz de
than variances in their lending environment. Aghion and Morduch, 2005, p. 127).
In sum, even if many MFIs are not financially In their study of 2,875 households from 192
sustainable, the microfinance movement may villages in Thailand, Ahlin and Townsend (2007,

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p. F43) reach a similar conclusion. They note that, formation in terms of lower fertility rates and
with increased access to credit, borrowers do not higher literacy rates for women. Pitt and
respond to dynamic incentives. Moreover, strong Khandker (1998) show that loans to women have
social ties, such as the clustering of relatives in a a positive impact on outcomes such as children's
village, can also lower repayment rates in the same education, contraceptive use, and the value of
manner of competition. In their words, “this women's non-land assets. Khandker (2005) finds
result has not been seen in the previous empirical that borrowing by a woman has a greater impact
research, nor focused on in the theoretical models.” on per capita household expenditure on both
In the early years of competition in the micro- food and non-food items than borrowing by a
finance sector, MFIs struggled to maintain a credi- man. Among other things, this also improves
ble threat of denying future credit on default. In nutrition, health care, and educational opportu-
recent times, however, new regulation has helped nities for children in these households. Smith
to promote competition in Bolivia as lenders (2002) validates this assertion using empirical
started to share more information on borrowers. data from Ecuador and Honduras to compare
By law, Banco Sol and other regulated financial microfinance institutions that also offer health
intermediaries are now required to report the services with institutions that offer only credit.
name and national identification number of He notes that, “in both countries, health bank
delinquent borrowers to the Superintendent of
participation significantly raises subsequent
Banks and Financial Institutions. This informa-
health care over credit-only participation.” In
tion is available to all financial intermediaries
particular, he found that participation in MFIs
through both formal and informal agreements.
that offer health services reduces the tendency to
This agreement helped to strengthen the threat
switch to bottle feeding as incomes rise. He notes
of dynamic incentives, and, as a result, competi-
that breast-feeding children under age two is a
tion among lenders has led to an increase in their
key health-enhancing behavior.
client base.
A pro-female bias in lending works well for
the MFIs. Practitioners believe that women tend
Does Microfinance Have Any Social
to be more risk averse in their choice of invest-
Impact in Terms of Female
ment projects, more fearful of social sanctions,
Empowerment and Education?
and less mobile (and therefore easier to monitor)
Any review of microfinance is incomplete than men—making it easier for MFIs to ensure a
without a discussion of its impact on women. higher rate of repayment. Various studies from
The Microcredit Summit Campaign Report (2000) both Asia and Latin America have shown that
lists over a thousand programs in which 75 per- the repayment rates are significantly higher for
cent of the clients were women. Yunus (2003) female borrowers compared with their male
recounts the initial difficulties overcoming the counterparts.
social mores in rural Bangladesh and lending to However, critics have argued that microfi-
women in this predominantly Islamic nation. nance has done little to change the status of
However, his efforts were rewarded and 95 per- women within the household. A much-cited
cent of the Grameen Bank’s current clients are paper by Goetz and Gupta (1996) points to evi-
women. dence that it is mostly the men of the household
This focus on women follows largely from and not the women borrowers who actually exer-
Yunus’s conviction that lending to women has a cise control over the borrowings. Moreover, micro-
stronger impact on the welfare of the household finance does little to transform the status of
than lending to men. This has been confirmed women in terms of occupational choice, mobility,
by a large volume of research on microfinance. and social status within the family. Therefore,
In countries where microfinance is predominant, microfinance hardly “empowers” women in any
country-level data reveal signs of a social trans- meaningful sense. Although this may truly be

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the case, there is no denying the fact that micro- are more likely on average to include individuals
finance has provided heretofore unrealized work- that are highly skilled or better motivated to
ing opportunities for women with limited skills become entrepreneurs. In contrast, in the United
in traditional activities. States, where poverty is much less prevalent,
most individuals with the aforementioned char-
Can the Microfinance Experiment Be acteristics can find jobs. Furthermore, the amount
Successfully Replicated Anywhere in of small business regulation in the United States
the World? poses problems; a micro-entrepreneur must know
their proposed business but must also under-
Although the microfinance revolution has stand local and federal tax laws and regulations.
recorded success in most developing countries To compete with much larger national markets,
of the world, it has achieved little success in small business owners must further understand
some of the more developed nations. The most and excel at marketing their products in both
notable example here is the Good Faith Fund in local and larger markets. The lack of highly
Arkansas, where microfinance has failed to deliver skilled or better-motivated workers among the
the same rapid growth and poverty alleviation as poor in the United States, combined with the
it has in the developing world. This seems reason- higher entry costs for successful micro-enterprise,
able given the relatively smaller percentage of makes successful microfinance initiatives more
those living in poverty and the much larger safety difficult. Schreiner (1999) finds that, in absolute
net afforded the poor through welfare and unem- terms, only one person in a hundred was able to
ployment programs. As Yunus (2003, p. 189) move from unemployment to self-employment
states, “In the developed world, my greatest through micro-enterprise.
nemesis is the tenacity of the social welfare sys- Taub (1998) offers a slightly different expla-
tem…[M]any calculate the amount of welfare nation: He found that the markets for the borrow-
money and insurance coverage they would lose ers differed between regions. In Bangladesh, most
by becoming self-employed and conclude the small entrepreneurs engage in goods-producing
risk is not worth the effort.” Yunus correctly activities that, when combined with their small
addresses a motivating factor for the relatively local markets, offers an almost immediate stream
weak success of microfinance in the United of revenue. This feature allows the Grameen Bank
States, but studies have found other reasons why and others to require weekly repayments, which
microfinance has failed to deliver: e.g., a lack of is often cited as a primary reason for their high
entrepreneur opportunities for the poor, lack of repayment rates. In the United States, most entre-
group structure, and the multitude of options preneurs engage in service-producing activities
facing the U.S. poor. because it is difficult to compete against the
Why Did Microfinance Initiatives Fail in economies of scale in goods production and dis-
the United States? In their study of U.S. micro- tribution within the U.S. market. These service
finance, Edgcomb, Klein, and Clark (1996) find businesses provide a relatively unreliable source
that micro-enterprise accounts for only 8 to 20 of income, particularly in the early stages. This
percent of all jobs—because of the availability risk, combined with the safety net afforded to the
of wage jobs and public assistance. When com- poor through welfare, discourages many potential
pared with the 60 to 80 percent of jobs supplied entrepreneurs from starting a new venture. In
by micro-enterprise in the developing world, support of this point, Taub found that the likely
the pool of potential microfinance beneficiaries borrower comes from a family with at least one
in the United States is substantially smaller. source of steady income, so that their new ven-
Schreiner and Woller (2003) make the point that ture is unlikely to substantially hurt their family
the characteristics of the poor are different in resources.
the two regions. In the developing world, jobs In the late 1980s, the Good Faith Fund demon-
are relatively scarce and hence the unemployed strated the difficulty of forming a cohesive group

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structure to enforce joint liability loans. Schreiner microfinance market. Taub (1998) reports that
and Woller (2003) offer four basic failures of group from 1989 to 1992, the Good Faith Fund averaged
formation in the United States. First, they suggest only 18 new loan customers per year.19 In the
that the impersonal nature of U.S. market inter- following years, the average number of new loan
actions reduces the need for social reputations customers rose into the mid 20s, before a change
and hence the group loses the ability to punish in management and change in focus substantially
delinquent borrowers. Second, the U.S. poor are reduced those numbers. With small loans, aver-
diverse and hence it is difficult to find other poor aging just $1,600 per year for the first four years,
potential entrepreneurs to guarantee a group loan. it became impossible for the Good Faith Fund to
In U.S. markets, there is also a limit to the poten- even come close to matching the combined staff
tial number of small-business ideas. In developing salaries of $450,000.
countries, a group of borrowers may all enter the Due in part to these high-cost structures,
basket-making market with success because of the Bhatt, Tang, and Painter (2002) found direct evi-
much larger local economy. The group guarantees dence that nearly a third of MFIs started in
the loan but also offers advice to help succeed in California in 1996 had ceased to exist by 1998.
the market. In the United States, the demand for Instead of focusing on becoming self-sufficient,
micro-businesses is much smaller and diverse Schreiner (2002, p. 82) argues for more quantita-
groups of people must start diverse business ven- tive evaluation of MFIs. He claims that “the dirty
tures. There is little value to the group outside of secret in micro-enterprise is that few evaluations
a loan guarantee because group members don’t are really tests…[E]valuations were funded and
share the same risk to their businesses. Third, conducted by people who already believed that
defaults are often not enforced in group settings, micro-enterprise was worthwhile.” Schreiner
as found by Hung (2003). Finally, groups often thus concludes that a main goal in helping alle-
break down in the United States because the poor viate poverty should be to evaluate the efficiency
have access to other forms of credit. This credit of MFIs and, if need be, reallocate resources to
may be more attractive because it doesn’t require other training programs that specialize in poverty
the transaction costs of dealing with a group. alleviation, not economic development.
For the United States, pure Grameen-style
group lending schemes have failed to deliver sub-
stantial results, but that is not to say they have THE FUTURE OF MICROFINANCE
not benefited the poor. Rather, microfinance oper-
ations in the United States have often switched The number of MFIs has been growing
to individual lending operations that require steadily, and the top 100 MFIs are increasing
borrowers to attend mandatory small business their client base at a rate of 26 percent per year.20
training programs or offer loans to attend spe- To fund this spectacular growth, MFIs have turned
cialized schooling for particular professions. A to a variety of sources, many of which rely on
fundamental difference is that microfinance in funding from local sources to guard against for-
the United States helps place the poor into exist- eign currency risk. MFIs are currently moving
ing wage-earning jobs rather than create new jobs. into the international market and confronting
The additional training substantially raises costs challenges such as developing standard rating
to the point that many U.S. MFIs are not self- methods; guarding against foreign currency risk
sustaining, instead relying on grants and subsi- and country risk; and meeting the large volume
dies. Edgcomb, Klein, and Clark (1996) found
that the average cost to make and service a loan At the time of Taub’s study, population density in Bangladesh
was 814 per square kilometer, while the population densities of
was $1.47 per dollar lent, with a range of costs Arkansas counties served by the Good Faith Fund were only 36,
from $0.67 to $2.95. Without charging usurious 9, 8, 9.1, and 10.33 per square kilometer (Jefferson, Lincoln,
interest rates, it can be difficult to earn such a Desha, Chicot, and Ashley counties, respectively).
similarly high return, particularly with the smaller MIX Market analysis of top 100 MFIs;

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requirements for an international offering. But, generating activities. The transaction was struc-
according to Reddy (2007) of Accion International, tured by RSA Capital, CitiGroup, the Netherlands
“Many believe that savings mobilized from local Financing Company, and KfW Bank of Germany
depositors will ultimately be the largest source and has securitized $180 million in receivables
of capital for microfinance. Foreign capital pro- over a period of six years.
vides 22 percent of funding for the ‘Top 100’ MFIs, According to CitiGroup, 65 percent of the
but savings is the first source of capital, represent- loans are to the extremely poor, who borrow from
ing 41 percent of all assets in 2005.”21 Many MFIs $50 to $100. BRAC offers three loans, based pri-
have a mandatory or suggested savings rate; and, marily on the land holdings of the borrower. For
for larger loans, MFIs will often require borrowers those with less than one acre of land, borrowers
to deposit 5 percent of the loan back into a savings can obtain from $50 to $500 at a flat 15 percent
account. Some, but not all, have restrictions on rate, payable over one year through 46 weekly
when and how that money can be accessed. installments. The marginally poor, those who
Although not the main source of funding, own more than one acre of land and are involved
foreign capital still represents a significant por- in agricultural enterprise, can qualify for loans
tion of current funding for the top 100 MFIs. As between $166 and $833 with a flat 15 percent
Elizabeth Littlefield of CGAP found, U.S. invest- interest rate. This product must be repaid in equal
ment in foreign microfinance in 2006 was $4 bil- monthly installments, with a 12- or 18-month
lion, which is more than double the 2004 total of horizon. Finally, BRAC offers larger loans to entre-
$1.6 billion. This funding comes from two main preneurs to start their own business. These loans
sources: international financial institutions and are monthly products (12, 18, or 24 months) with
microfinance investment vehicles. To access this a 15 percent interest rate.22 BRAC employs a
foreign investment, MFIs are beginning to use new dynamic lending scheme, wherein timely repay-
vehicles of debt-structured finance, including ments guarantee future access to credit. This
collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and mechanism is similar to a joint lending liability,
securitization. except in this case borrowers are liable to their
To date, one of the most well-known interna- future selves.
tional debt issues was structured by Blue Orchard International Financing Review Asia honored
Finance in 2004. This deal, worth $40 million, the BRAC deal with the title of best securitiza-
tion in Asia Pacific for 2006 because “one of the
linked 90 investors with nine MFIs in Latin
most impressive aspects of the transaction is the
America, Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia.
way that it deals with the sheer complexity of a
The main innovation of the Blue Orchard deal
dynamic pool that will contain about 3.3 million
was the introduction of a tiering system (of five
short tenor loans for which the average outstand-
tranches) that allowed for different risk appetites
ing principal is around US$95.”23 The security
among investors. Microfinance is also beginning
was given an AAA rating from the local
to raise money in the equity market, through
Bangladesh markets, with CitiGroup and
organizations such as Accion Investments, which
Netherlands Financing Company each purchasing
has invested $12.4 million in five institutions
one-third of the certificates. The remaining one-
(Reddy and Rhyne, 2006).
third was split among CitiGroup Bangladesh and
In 2006, the first securitized microfinance
two local Bangladeshi banks.
receivables went on the market from the
This deal differs from the collateralized
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee
debt obligations that Blue Orchard Loans for
(BRAC). BRAC is an NGO that lends money to
the extremely poor, focusing mainly on offering 22
See BRAC’s economic development and microfinance information
women credit to develop their own income- at
CitiGroup: “Innovative BRAC Microcredit Securitization honored
Data taken from MIX Market analysis of the top 100 MFIs; in Bangladesh,” accessed 1/16/07; press/2007/070116b.htm.

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Development issued in April 2006, in which has been put to good use. At the end of the year,
funding for 21 MFIs from 12 countries was pack- providers can start the cycle anew or withdraw.
aged into a $99.1 million commercial investment. To date, 128,547 individuals have lent over $12
The main difference between a CDO and securi- million with a self-reported repayment rate greater
tization is that a CDO relies on the ability of the than 99 percent. Popular media outlets such as
MFI to repay the loan, unlike a securitized loan the Wall Street Journal (September 23, 2007,
that relies on the underlying borrowers to repay. August 21, 2007, October 21, 2006), New York
A CDO is another vehicle to bring mainstream Times (March 27, 2007, December 10, 2006),
investors to microfinance, but is still limited by National Public Radio (September 7, 2007,
the ability to rate the creditworthiness of differ- June 19, 2007, April 6, 2007), and others have
ing MFIs. To help with this issue, S&P released a given frequent and broad exposure, mak-
rating methodology for microfinance in June 2007. ing the microfinance movement as accessible to
By applying a common methodology, S&P will lenders as the Grameen Bank made microcredit
be able to send a stronger signal to potential accessible to borrowers.
investors about the quality of MFI investments.
It is unclear yet whether the 2007 subprime mort-
gage meltdown in the United States will have an CONCLUSION
effect on investors’ risk appetites for more collat-
eralized securities and whether microfinance With the recognition of the Nobel Peace Prize
securities will be viewed as “subprime” loans. in 2006, Muhammad Yunus’s vision of extending
Walter and Krauss (2006) argue that the credit to the poor has reached a global level.
opposite should be true—namely, that microfi- Microfinance is not a panacea for poverty allevi-
nance can reduce portfolio volatility—and their ation; but, with committed practitioners, a wealth
empirical tests show that microfinance institu- of theoretical work, and a surging demand for both
tions have a low correlation to general market international and individual investment, micro-
movements. They suggest that this phenomenon finance is a poverty-alleviation tool that has
is brought on by the continuous and diverse fund- proven to be both effective and adaptable. Through
ing through international donor agencies and innovations in group lending and dynamic incen-
because micro-entrepreneurs may be less inte- tives, MFIs have been able to successfully lend to
grated into the formal economy. When markets those traditionally ignored by commercial banks,
enter a downturn, micro-entrepreneurs may expe- because of their lack of collateral and credit scores.
rience a countercyclical effect, as consumers The poor have responded in kind, by repaying
shift their consumption downward to cheaper their loans with significant repayment rates. As
goods. MFIs have grown and reached new clients, they
Outside of international credit markets, have continued to innovate by offering individual
microfinance has continued to receive grassroots loans, savings options, and life insurance and
support and popular media coverage. Organiza- seeking new forms of capital in domestic and
tions such as serve as intermediaries international markets. Microfinance has spread
and connect individual donors with micro- to five continents and hundreds of countries, yet
entrepreneurs. allows individuals to its success in U.S. markets has been ill-defined,
choose a business, originate their own micro-loan, as lenders struggle with higher transaction costs
and in return receive electronic journal updates of offering loans and starting micro-enterprises.
and payments from their borrower. Most loans are As more and more MFIs become self-sufficient
small, between $50 and $100 and have repayment and continue to expand their client base, it will
terms from six months to a year, but the lender be the duty of all parties concerned with poverty
does not receive any interest on their loan. Rather, relief to look for other ways to innovate. For now,
journal updates and progress reports serve as microfinance remains a viable solution to eco-
interest, letting lenders know that their money nomic development and poverty alleviation, both

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microfinance toward Yunus’s goal of a poverty-
free world. Dehejia, Rajeev; Montgomery, Heather and Morduch,
Jonathan. “Do Interest Rates Matter? Credit Demand
in the Dhaka Slums.” Unpublished manuscript,
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