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Java Programming:

var x = x += 4; for(var x =4; x<7; x++ ){ }

Defines/initials/creates Increasing variable x by 4 For loop, initial variable, condition, start


X++ is adding one

Var x=4 is initializing variable

if( x == 0 ) ellipse( ____, ___, ____, rect( ____, ____, ____, ____)
{ } ___)
Defines shape and size of rectangle
else Defines shape and size of
{ } ellipse; curved Creates rectangle
If statement Makes ovals
First 2 lines are bottom left corner
First 2 lines are the position
of the center of the circle

stroke ( ___, ___, ___)- mouseX draw=function(){ }

Color of stroke mouseY
fill ( ___, ___, ___) Used to repeat steps within draw function,
Color of fill, in shape Variable value based on allows for animations; interactions
mouse position
stroke= color of outline
fill= color of inside x= left right
y=up down

Unit 1: Hardware
Computer: an electronic device for storing and Inputs: a device that Outputs: a device that
processing data, stored in binary form, inputs data into a receives data from a
according to instructions given to it in a computer computer
variable program.
From a user or a Gives data to user or
computer to a device another computer

Ex: keyboard Ex:

Motherboard: CPU: central RAM: random access

A computer chip that connects the system processing unit. The memory
brain of the computer
a printed circuit board containing the principal Active Memory
components of a computer or other device, with
connectors into which other circuit boards can
be slotted.
Power Supply: Provides power for computer to Hard Disk Drive: Data Solid State Drive: large
run storage, magnetic, storage device, no
moving parts moving parts

Spinning disk Stores data

Faster but less space

Unit 2: Analog and Digital Data

Information Encoded as Transmitted as

Analog: is an Physical grooves (cassette) Physical

analogy VCR Tape Media/sound/light/electromagnetic

Digital: is Sampling: refers to a technique of Radio waves, sampled data

electronic taking a recorded passage from an
information held in already existing or recorded musical,
binary bits spoken or other work and then adding it
into a new recording
Real world to binary bits

Unit 3: Binary and Algorithms

Binary: Algorithm: Searching for information in
they store data and perform a process or set of machine order
calculations using only zeros readable instructions to be
and ones. ON/OFF why power followed to complete a task. Takes Random set of data
button looks like a 0 and a . Starts with first element
Search in order

Adding in Binary: Processing Time: Binary Search:

1 + 1 = 0 carry one is the amount of time for which Is a search algorithm that
1+0=1 a central processing unit (CPU) finds the position of a
0+0=0 used for processing target value within a
1 + 1 + 1 = 1 carry 1 instructions of a computer sorted array. Selects half
program or operating system. gets rid

Ordered set of data

How long a function takes to Check middle number
run / # of steps Eliminate half and check
middle number again

Bubble Sort: Merge Sort: Selection Sort:

an algorithm that repeatedly Split list into groups of 1, then Find the smallest number,
steps through the list to be compare with adjacent number, move to front
sorted, compares each pair of form into 2s. Compare leftmost
numbers and swaps them if number with leftmost in next Selects lowest element
they are in the wrong order. group. Put first ----> repeat

Compares two elements then


Insertion Sort: Quick Sort: Greedy Algorithm:

Make sorted set on left. Picks new Quick sort employs a divide- is an algorithmic strategy
number (first in unsorted list) finds and-conquer strategy. It starts that makes the best choice
where it belongs in left list. by picking an element from the at each small stage.
list to be the "pivot." It then Doesn’t look at future
Creates 2 lists reorders the list so that all consequences.
Sorted, unsorted elements with values less than
Places into sorted
the pivot come before the
pivot, and all elements with
values greater than it the pivot
come after it and then sub lists
are made.

Unit 4: The Web and HTML

Net Neutrality: HTML: Hypertext Markup CSS: Cascading Style
The principle that Internet service providers Language Sheets
should enable access to all content and
applications regardless of the source, and Language for building
without favoring or blocking particular websites Language for color /
products or websites. design style for website

No data online can be given

<style> <h1> and <h6> <strong> <em>

</style> Heading one (large text) Strong = bold
Section in HTML where you add color, font, Heading six (small text) Em = italics

Starts CSS

Storyboard: OSI <div>

a sequence of drawings, typically with some is reference model for . The <div> tag is
directions and dialogue. how applications can used to group block-
communicate over a elements of html to
ROUGH DRAFT/PLAN OF WEBSITE network. format them with
Open system
interconnection model Separates html code
as a block
How data is required to
be sent online

OSI Model Stages:

Application The data/information is packaged into smaller chunks, which can then be delivered to the

Breaks data into bite packages

Presentation Prepares packages. Gives control info which allows them to be read at upper stages. Makes
the data readable for the receiver and encrypts desired information

Session Starts the online session. Records/ log all information that is being transported, before
stuff is taken out.

Transport Removes dangerous information and lets the rest through. Acts as security/firewall.

Network The course route is planned. Determines how the information will reach the destination,
adds the IP address and destination

Data Link Prevents interference. Turns data into frames, makes sure nothing overlaps, and adds the
MAC address

Physical Sends the data off as bits to the receiver as electromagnetic waves

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